HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-6-27, Page 3e r golden weutting. ter W01, . wmelly miss A Good Work.
Dr. Orme, elf Centralia, was mairri'141 Minilie Mee. (if tile 11th coove"itan of Those whose, lieni-ts hav#� beell
fit Crediton, on weeltiondity, tile luth Ilowick. Decensied,whow"'Illarried Novelties for the Holiday
th"t too tier flow mork-owing fitualaanif about moved lay tile revent terrible dit,tress
illbt.' to Miss Beulah Beaver' elf eighteen 111011018 4994), kajeclUlle Ill eariv ill Chilla tvill lit- Kliul to lealarn that tile SEE our special Jules Ili Ladies' What-! Walusts
it, Ile 1. and since then she ha�l Chillft fitillill" fund Inonevie vithit'd fly at 95c up to $5 oo. We have Waust$ to sult
Dr. Ceell Ross, I)( Hyde Park, has gtivuml� vown weaker until death Tilt,, Montreal lok itneses i4allocillLed in almost every analteridual taste.
urchased tit" well-known Bell flour re �w r spirit. Tilt- reinatino were All Io 11110,0LOlk, inooks, of which wies
111111 1. Kippen, and Ili rnovhig it to lorunKill, bi)llje flat. inte'ritient itself Were CILI)lPildilling the I�taal twit weeket elf Novelties in Belts and Neckwear
Londolin. follewed to their 1 1, testing place by tile fund.
Steverld roside"(!" In Nettforth were It large voncourii"e , of sympathizing Thehe gifts were ret-ei%t4I fronk till
Leletl by but'911LIV Mt* tly Hud Vllri- fl-it'll(IN. , ever tile Dominion, 111KI a good inally
Illo!.4f Witness remderl Were preparinot SCOTCH
,;"a plialls of Inotley and onther v.111ablen Brussels Hotel Changes- Hands. tit renlit when thev learned that the STORE STORE
Were stolen. SCOTCH
When 11 sweets L. G. has The Central hutel, firuseeels, bitt; fund Witt, cloome"11. FOR FOR
The WiLlIesaii has Awavq It
ditipa)" of his I,,& , ing givillems it) been isnrchatied EnslKh. furial- - -lit knell ALL A I.
lose the' Mr. Davis. elf Ayttin. and will P erly fir the Sage I )Lei, wijltull. mild it) thk work of Pt'CciVing land forward- THAT'S
fr sweetness-- shortly to Uncle. Stakill'b dolumillml v (Jordon McDonald. of tit(- atatine village, ing 0411VA-riptions flit %v4.1 -thy enuse., TH..
and "substantials," J. McCallum, uf Fthel. whose fitoil. for tin- sunt at( rbp netv ),.a,- joint vast nuons halve. in -en callect"41 by NEW NEW
Ily is quarantined, owing to local prietoroi will take posmesition it, it (in- such fenrikeise-s I he
-let Armenian relief fund,$ attelount-
lever. ivam stricken with paralysis last Augualt.
their charm-therc are wileek and jai in it precarious condiLican. ing to over S15,M1. Tilt- ninount, of %%'a- :are. Allowing Militia, a.xvi-1-41ingly
iA Ilkiie,� Hot.1 for Clinton. work I experlse involved in reveiv- ilk. leather pilot[ linen. wt. %vil"ll lit -it in , a. I.,1,
always MOONEY'S Oil Tuesday. June 18th, Ifev- F- Joe Hatterobilry, (if Clinkon. put,- ing. said forwarding tatlattly P11110roidered ;total Ilas pead bu.-kies.
MeL. Stelith. elf Ifentiall, tied the Isomes' buildinto: -a large threae-ntor these million elf linaliplo is very inuch
itiptial 'knot between Miss Jet) i y Ladies' Witsh, Ntwkwear Ili ill[ flit- latest I;L41- ilk.) fanclese. A
Me filitel to take tile place (or thiL I?ALLtell- 911114ter thall till weller I InIblic (.lilt at I'ry hirge maisort Inent at 27n. eltuh.
PERFECTJON 'Piawle aud Nelson Hlatchford, Imoth bury Hoube lilt rated down oil May till realize, )nil , I : lie Wi'tAlketo; ham dow, lAtties' Avecardimi I'li-atett Skirts in ;Ili tit,- latem v,,lor-4 lit W).511.
of ellilmll. l3th. It iS Mr. 11111t0libill-lo"M intei;- it gloully and ungrudgingly, inaking $6.511, till to S.S..'Ar. in lul,tre,411)(I Panama 41,411. Tht-.4. art; very
CREAM SODAS to A false report, has been circulated tion to rina tilt- holet fill- 'Alsomit, live 110 Clitt"94' willitevel' fear services ill. fol bpecial.
itutt )-blikilled elf the death front years Witt) a view to &6tabliolling it new8plipel. loplic." noted.
coax back MOod-lattiouning of Mises Tattian, of again as I, lealling house fair coul- 1.adit-m* Whitvwear in grent, varit-ty.
Myth. Th:sall-wing lady in enjoying 'llercial ('01wet Cove", Ll;x-. :tit-. 4(1c, Ali- anal ase..
o Vhauht Will Be Higher. w 51l, 111) too
the appetitc. excelle t 11 tit. lk� I Ladialn' Skirtal, 7 -, IIII.till, IIII..
Howard Bertram Holines, of St. Clinton Bylaw Carried. Mr. .4. A. MeG.Ltv, president and Vel-rin's Olollies in 1 lot t bit, 1,isle, Silk and Kid, in'lidt shade-, �izes
Wake The twovu or Clint unit lengths.
Catharines, forliserly of Clinton. on no, Monday liked vneral "Iskilaget-4 tit- We"tern Can -
Do YOU inarried in that city. OR Weduebtlay. voted Ili favor of the bylaw to- guar- m1a Flont. Mills Company. who "Isent
the both ilint.. tit Miss Ifelen Is 04. antee the Imands elf the Clinton Inest intenth looking thro�ogll tile West,
Rees aleolool'St a- -1 : 1 y ThreatherCo. to theausount of")INX). declares hiot beliet that tilt, acleave (if 11 Miallar's Scotch Store
Know now It tar goes.
Tilt- Conip-sny*s buildingh suffered ev�leat its flit- Western Provinces %Vill
In St- (4111111111o.111, 011 Wc(Illt-stlity. Inst in.nith miltl it Awtv no deervaleat- thiq veal..
good they tile 191,1k inst.. Miss Annie R. Carlin, �"crely in tit#. Hre
1111lighter Of Jitilleg (artill, of that, vil- on I" tended W erect 4arger and bt-t t. -r ILAT"mKV fit ('08raiV grains Will show h:
lknildings and to tit thrin with the it decided ineremSe. lie predieti; it
arc ? lmge, Wall United ilk InklerriAge to Most Intedern catnilinient. The Vote oltPaily ri�e 1 11 tile valite tar Wheat. how -
105 'rhumms J. Itorkett, elf Detroit. st4mail 141) tit.) in Inavol. elf tilt- bylaw. ever. housing thin (ill %%.,trial condition..
Dr. Melvin UrAIIIIIII, d Brucefleld lit- thinlit, Home m- will deniand I o -,
Death of Bright Clinton Girl. I . it It
whore-o-ently gritaluitted froin Tier' If America thim as tile
oult, Medinal left last week fair 011 Friday. tile I Ith inst.. Lite ikilgi-I I'llited SlAtes wiff have lems to sell
tile went, v` hel... he will ente-1. on Isis of deal It IN art- 14) 1 he- Celp"t ud City tile Calla4la will get tile hent -lit of tile ill. C. .1. HARPER
T It IMLI-tiali Is 'ad inn. Spirit car filith, Ymangetat daughter if eretimed demand. As Mt-. Mc(iaw I,,
A. F. J,.heis, "till of elt-Moky'n. and Mrs. .1. It. litia.ver. tot Illoyet (if Va. hent. 'till a ast-lier. his prc-
NORTHER14 lin"I'llitille- 1041d, V )rtke.' recently ('1411,1111. will, y ft -r dit-ti011 moo to tile higher loriven like ly Ark Brand Paint 0
V Q ain't it a at
gi udisaivil ith at.1 inction front week'n illne. Slit- wits in her to) (-Ill#' it; if' tit(' milt mon must betaken
tanding 111.1, in I,jh Added Ile thi, testinically, The
AT I G H eleventh vear. ;%till was it bright, will- setionsly. 0
mank Q%Abv 0. -If III—.. lyaiws have
C 0. chosen kind winning the gold inedal. it, chifel. t fit- ideal air ties. home. ;it'll Prenliva. W)Iflill may.: "I me" willing just completed a $50.1"Uplant it 1,411 -onto
The niarriage of Miles Agues ' It. glPet, GtVuritt- Witli Joel- Voting, 141 go Oil VI'VOT(I ill* Z-AVilIg thatt %%,treat Junction, which it, itself It glutrAntre its
Inith. out. (if Se4oltll's almost Ijo�,ulau frit'lld", six (If WhOul Isere her ViLliket. %%'at* lit've" seeded it, .1ov- 1,,1 11 Canlool" tothequalitiv, -if tilt- Ark BrAnd Of Paint.
FULL SUMMER SERVICE 11 11414'r More fit V1 W3 Ill,- I it jon,,. " it
LAKE SUPERIOR DIVISION. -So, g bodies, it) A. R. Orit,,,i, elf %'in- A Hollyrood Wedding. liai,kma. it tile W--imists (if tile E'"t PLUMBING
- ount Likke. Indiana, took pl.wv in Flint
Irea Sjo. 3.30 p- M-dek,. W,,dn d.y .11 ic h., ' Ali inleresting event, look lolave it 1111141 I'Vitil-P 111 -for.- tilt- whirlwilld HEATING
ill$ Wednesday. tile 12th just. if I i",at , 41ptilkii.111 -it (lie Went. Tho�e what EAVESTROUGHING
not Fr,Jov. for Seattle Sir M--. P.,t A,thur. (11Y11-041. (111 TIMOR). the Pool
Foft Wilhoone, and Duluth 1'r,dely stestioner lit Exetel, also Weduemlat,, the 19th when Mi,. No.,, ie Hairline daughter of havelm-en predictinga.rulmiler wheat ELECTRIC WIRING
it.,no thr-gle t,, Duluth in.t.. Itev. A. If. Going united on 111811- (Veo. J.'. Hatcrio. elf JIlmt Village, wan I I., )p till$ year will IN -ow lie nib-liced ral'. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS
GEORGIAN SAY & KACKINAC DIV.- I blare Mile% Raise 11AVIA4111. a of i"Keler, ullitll'in marriage to Witt. Mellher- till -Tile CILIIA'_ at Lowest Prices.
Sl-- leone, Colkngd I..V Owle. and Janies Lutton. of 'Winghnin. Hill, elf D&WHoll i7it).. tov. it. 1,. 1100 pe, ce"(. um.-!).hty.
Sound 11.3U p. %It-. and Mrs. 1.11tottan will RV91414. i", DuncAll, Of Whit el -1111 44116104-41. C. J. HARPER
Tunsd.y.. Thut-loolays -it A Visitor's Impress
Sse.,d for Sleal, St.. Mar,. sad ..y ports. Shortly after the cetetnonY Mr. tend i..
NORTH SHORE DrV.-F., P., S -ad, At tilt- it -cent exitillinatioils at Tol- Mrs. McPherson * left alit it th """ Tilt- t4lit0c ofThe kelifortil J."xisop
li,nal lnk-t land f-6 R,-. to-- 1,,'m ()Ili,) UtliVermiLy, H. F. Johnston. soIn months' vveddieIg jimll-lipy tio, British t"'. Wits in tA)Wn rev i-
(',1J.nklwd 10.30 p.n,. Wrldelys jand Fridays. of W. If. Johnston. of Kipix-to. wits Colulishia "lid Cidift'l oliai�, en t IV. and ilk his,
PARRY SOUND & PENETANIG DIV - fitNt jai first-class honoree in inathe. p.tIk-r has tile follow inK iO HAY of Lite
Statakee, I.si; P�Iakjag dolly 2.45 p,n. -for niattirs #anti physics. winning tile A. E-perianienting in, i�orooksfry;', -ighin Ile Itw :
P C__ I i I IV L, I -A.1 , I : I I The ininienseanif costl v works hei nor
an way ports. . It oil 10 Arm 1 1) 0 MINLAY. Thelon. It. Ba-uneit, or th'. north perforined by tilt- C. 1'.* It. lit tiodr-
Ticb"s &ad iM$Wlm0i" Illness all reallisay The inarringe of Miss Edith Wer. I botindary elf (;rcy , will, is interesta-d ri,h for tilt- ilurpose -if --a-curing tile 4-n- THE RECORD
daughter of %It-. ;and 5free. .)joint-. Beer. 1 Ili forent'ry, this ew"o" planted 44111110 trainee to the harimn- there ;art- it onar-
of Exeter. to George A. Yonng, (.I white pin;ae. test the giowingof VVI to any -me wilt) -4-es thein. - A reg-
lAnulon, took lattice at tilt- tesideiwe linal".1. silitable fair A-Ilce Issoteii, he intent elf Inen are will employed and .&
of tilt- I)ride',- parents on Weldnesday. planted 1,101) hijack heaviest steps. sind inint of alone) Ijm% alre.ttly I;oero m1will "MRAL
�L t Ile 12th inst. Itev. F. A. Fe�r file- it feature v, indbreak Into spruce land tend the work'stwiu% still It genial III% -
look) Manito
Ktarted It !�%, onat : den have IN -ell t4tice from completion. and 111.1"I FURNACE
Phone .90
11 itle.slutv the Jith ionot., into
live 11- Bent;ett, at( Cleveland , 7for-
Titukall)AY, June 27, 1907 3'
pe-ople think it will he ne"I 1%. tentunill
lit tht- eArlie.4t; before trA1,11.1, mile, 1-1111-
XeW43 of the Stistrict,
their adding tokur Mr. and Mrs. Me
Fwan will rveside tin that gr000p's ex-
c0lent farin Ili Turnberry.
thaL the druggista will milk the (toy-
ernillent tit tit) )intend � tile Pheall-Illow,o
Act an to nectallopliall thin end. Th't
the Lilillier 811111)[V all hi% fill-ili.
ning into (Joillerich. And the (itede.
When it men in guided wholl
his "Ifty
PiLot, he reason around in a circle
The sad intelligence wits recelvet in
Fordwich last
text 111teeting will let- held ut owell
N01111d in June, 1111114.
rich lhllla� need total long fear that
'" ONE
i A tell trying to find out whom to go
10 following its wt.
week of the death in
eighty-nixtis year. #it the residence of
his *()it Wendel Smith, of the Goodsen
CiAld and lov,jr-kiners will lie withdrawii
On Of last week Mr. and
Mrs. Thoinds Jewett, of Bluevale,
1 cel,l)-f-I .� :
110wholloo. N. D., oil tile 15th just., of
M rn All . jai . 1. 1
elf Tnekertakinith. niet. with it very paill.
fall mt;,ident Wbilp 111, i
Sao jig over what
frun, the- town and the- outtlow if,
nioney will fmil off it itimn thon-
Mre. Johnston, of Neepaswit. Man.
the Grand Ti-mik Rail-
lt,,bert StrIshen4on. Goollsen li 0,
e r golden weutting. ter W01, . wmelly miss A Good Work.
Dr. Orme, elf Centralia, was mairri'141 Minilie Mee. (if tile 11th coove"itan of Those whose, lieni-ts hav#� beell
fit Crediton, on weeltiondity, tile luth Ilowick. Decensied,whow"'Illarried Novelties for the Holiday
th"t too tier flow mork-owing fitualaanif about moved lay tile revent terrible dit,tress
illbt.' to Miss Beulah Beaver' elf eighteen 111011018 4994), kajeclUlle Ill eariv ill Chilla tvill lit- Kliul to lealarn that tile SEE our special Jules Ili Ladies' What-! Walusts
it, Ile 1. and since then she ha�l Chillft fitillill" fund Inonevie vithit'd fly at 95c up to $5 oo. We have Waust$ to sult
Dr. Ceell Ross, I)( Hyde Park, has gtivuml� vown weaker until death Tilt,, Montreal lok itneses i4allocillLed in almost every analteridual taste.
urchased tit" well-known Bell flour re �w r spirit. Tilt- reinatino were All Io 11110,0LOlk, inooks, of which wies
111111 1. Kippen, and Ili rnovhig it to lorunKill, bi)llje flat. inte'ritient itself Were CILI)lPildilling the I�taal twit weeket elf Novelties in Belts and Neckwear
Londolin. follewed to their 1 1, testing place by tile fund.
Steverld roside"(!" In Nettforth were It large voncourii"e , of sympathizing Thehe gifts were ret-ei%t4I fronk till
Leletl by but'911LIV Mt* tly Hud Vllri- fl-it'll(IN. , ever tile Dominion, 111KI a good inally
Illo!.4f Witness remderl Were preparinot SCOTCH
,;"a plialls of Inotley and onther v.111ablen Brussels Hotel Changes- Hands. tit renlit when thev learned that the STORE STORE
Were stolen. SCOTCH
When 11 sweets L. G. has The Central hutel, firuseeels, bitt; fund Witt, cloome"11. FOR FOR
The WiLlIesaii has Awavq It
ditipa)" of his I,,& , ing givillems it) been isnrchatied EnslKh. furial- - -lit knell ALL A I.
lose the' Mr. Davis. elf Ayttin. and will P erly fir the Sage I )Lei, wijltull. mild it) thk work of Pt'CciVing land forward- THAT'S
fr sweetness-- shortly to Uncle. Stakill'b dolumillml v (Jordon McDonald. of tit(- atatine village, ing 0411VA-riptions flit %v4.1 -thy enuse., TH..
and "substantials," J. McCallum, uf Fthel. whose fitoil. for tin- sunt at( rbp netv ),.a,- joint vast nuons halve. in -en callect"41 by NEW NEW
Ily is quarantined, owing to local prietoroi will take posmesition it, it (in- such fenrikeise-s I he
-let Armenian relief fund,$ attelount-
lever. ivam stricken with paralysis last Augualt.
their charm-therc are wileek and jai in it precarious condiLican. ing to over S15,M1. Tilt- ninount, of %%'a- :are. Allowing Militia, a.xvi-1-41ingly
iA Ilkiie,� Hot.1 for Clinton. work I experlse involved in reveiv- ilk. leather pilot[ linen. wt. %vil"ll lit -it in , a. I.,1,
always MOONEY'S Oil Tuesday. June 18th, Ifev- F- Joe Hatterobilry, (if Clinkon. put,- ing. said forwarding tatlattly P11110roidered ;total Ilas pead bu.-kies.
MeL. Stelith. elf Ifentiall, tied the Isomes' buildinto: -a large threae-ntor these million elf linaliplo is very inuch
itiptial 'knot between Miss Jet) i y Ladies' Witsh, Ntwkwear Ili ill[ flit- latest I;L41- ilk.) fanclese. A
Me filitel to take tile place (or thiL I?ALLtell- 911114ter thall till weller I InIblic (.lilt at I'ry hirge maisort Inent at 27n. eltuh.
PERFECTJON 'Piawle aud Nelson Hlatchford, Imoth bury Hoube lilt rated down oil May till realize, )nil , I : lie Wi'tAlketo; ham dow, lAtties' Avecardimi I'li-atett Skirts in ;Ili tit,- latem v,,lor-4 lit W).511.
of ellilmll. l3th. It iS Mr. 11111t0libill-lo"M intei;- it gloully and ungrudgingly, inaking $6.511, till to S.S..'Ar. in lul,tre,411)(I Panama 41,411. Tht-.4. art; very
CREAM SODAS to A false report, has been circulated tion to rina tilt- holet fill- 'Alsomit, live 110 Clitt"94' willitevel' fear services ill. fol bpecial.
itutt )-blikilled elf the death front years Witt) a view to &6tabliolling it new8plipel. loplic." noted.
coax back MOod-lattiouning of Mises Tattian, of again as I, lealling house fair coul- 1.adit-m* Whitvwear in grent, varit-ty.
Myth. Th:sall-wing lady in enjoying 'llercial ('01wet Cove", Ll;x-. :tit-. 4(1c, Ali- anal ase..
o Vhauht Will Be Higher. w 51l, 111) too
the appetitc. excelle t 11 tit. lk� I Ladialn' Skirtal, 7 -, IIII.till, IIII..
Howard Bertram Holines, of St. Clinton Bylaw Carried. Mr. .4. A. MeG.Ltv, president and Vel-rin's Olollies in 1 lot t bit, 1,isle, Silk and Kid, in'lidt shade-, �izes
Wake The twovu or Clint unit lengths.
Catharines, forliserly of Clinton. on no, Monday liked vneral "Iskilaget-4 tit- We"tern Can -
Do YOU inarried in that city. OR Weduebtlay. voted Ili favor of the bylaw to- guar- m1a Flont. Mills Company. who "Isent
the both ilint.. tit Miss Ifelen Is 04. antee the Imands elf the Clinton Inest intenth looking thro�ogll tile West,
Rees aleolool'St a- -1 : 1 y ThreatherCo. to theausount of")INX). declares hiot beliet that tilt, acleave (if 11 Miallar's Scotch Store
Know now It tar goes.
Tilt- Conip-sny*s buildingh suffered ev�leat its flit- Western Provinces %Vill
In St- (4111111111o.111, 011 Wc(Illt-stlity. Inst in.nith miltl it Awtv no deervaleat- thiq veal..
good they tile 191,1k inst.. Miss Annie R. Carlin, �"crely in tit#. Hre
1111lighter Of Jitilleg (artill, of that, vil- on I" tended W erect 4arger and bt-t t. -r ILAT"mKV fit ('08raiV grains Will show h:
lknildings and to tit thrin with the it decided ineremSe. lie predieti; it
arc ? lmge, Wall United ilk InklerriAge to Most Intedern catnilinient. The Vote oltPaily ri�e 1 11 tile valite tar Wheat. how -
105 'rhumms J. Itorkett, elf Detroit. st4mail 141) tit.) in Inavol. elf tilt- bylaw. ever. housing thin (ill %%.,trial condition..
Dr. Melvin UrAIIIIIII, d Brucefleld lit- thinlit, Home m- will deniand I o -,
Death of Bright Clinton Girl. I . it It
whore-o-ently gritaluitted froin Tier' If America thim as tile
oult, Medinal left last week fair 011 Friday. tile I Ith inst.. Lite ikilgi-I I'llited SlAtes wiff have lems to sell
tile went, v` hel... he will ente-1. on Isis of deal It IN art- 14) 1 he- Celp"t ud City tile Calla4la will get tile hent -lit of tile ill. C. .1. HARPER
T It IMLI-tiali Is 'ad inn. Spirit car filith, Ymangetat daughter if eretimed demand. As Mt-. Mc(iaw I,,
A. F. J,.heis, "till of elt-Moky'n. and Mrs. .1. It. litia.ver. tot Illoyet (if Va. hent. 'till a ast-lier. his prc-
NORTHER14 lin"I'llitille- 1041d, V )rtke.' recently ('1411,1111. will, y ft -r dit-ti011 moo to tile higher loriven like ly Ark Brand Paint 0
V Q ain't it a at
gi udisaivil ith at.1 inction front week'n illne. Slit- wits in her to) (-Ill#' it; if' tit(' milt mon must betaken
tanding 111.1, in I,jh Added Ile thi, testinically, The
AT I G H eleventh vear. ;%till was it bright, will- setionsly. 0
mank Q%Abv 0. -If III—.. lyaiws have
C 0. chosen kind winning the gold inedal. it, chifel. t fit- ideal air ties. home. ;it'll Prenliva. W)Iflill may.: "I me" willing just completed a $50.1"Uplant it 1,411 -onto
The niarriage of Miles Agues ' It. glPet, GtVuritt- Witli Joel- Voting, 141 go Oil VI'VOT(I ill* Z-AVilIg thatt %%,treat Junction, which it, itself It glutrAntre its
Inith. out. (if Se4oltll's almost Ijo�,ulau frit'lld", six (If WhOul Isere her ViLliket. %%'at* lit've" seeded it, .1ov- 1,,1 11 Canlool" tothequalitiv, -if tilt- Ark BrAnd Of Paint.
FULL SUMMER SERVICE 11 11414'r More fit V1 W3 Ill,- I it jon,,. " it
LAKE SUPERIOR DIVISION. -So, g bodies, it) A. R. Orit,,,i, elf %'in- A Hollyrood Wedding. liai,kma. it tile W--imists (if tile E'"t PLUMBING
- ount Likke. Indiana, took pl.wv in Flint
Irea Sjo. 3.30 p- M-dek,. W,,dn d.y .11 ic h., ' Ali inleresting event, look lolave it 1111141 I'Vitil-P 111 -for.- tilt- whirlwilld HEATING
ill$ Wednesday. tile 12th just. if I i",at , 41ptilkii.111 -it (lie Went. Tho�e what EAVESTROUGHING
not Fr,Jov. for Seattle Sir M--. P.,t A,thur. (11Y11-041. (111 TIMOR). the Pool
Foft Wilhoone, and Duluth 1'r,dely stestioner lit Exetel, also Weduemlat,, the 19th when Mi,. No.,, ie Hairline daughter of havelm-en predictinga.rulmiler wheat ELECTRIC WIRING
it.,no thr-gle t,, Duluth in.t.. Itev. A. If. Going united on 111811- (Veo. J.'. Hatcrio. elf JIlmt Village, wan I I., )p till$ year will IN -ow lie nib-liced ral'. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS
GEORGIAN SAY & KACKINAC DIV.- I blare Mile% Raise 11AVIA4111. a of i"Keler, ullitll'in marriage to Witt. Mellher- till -Tile CILIIA'_ at Lowest Prices.
Sl-- leone, Colkngd I..V Owle. and Janies Lutton. of 'Winghnin. Hill, elf D&WHoll i7it).. tov. it. 1,. 1100 pe, ce"(. um.-!).hty.
Sound 11.3U p. %It-. and Mrs. 1.11tottan will RV91414. i", DuncAll, Of Whit el -1111 44116104-41. C. J. HARPER
Tunsd.y.. Thut-loolays -it A Visitor's Impress
Sse.,d for Sleal, St.. Mar,. sad ..y ports. Shortly after the cetetnonY Mr. tend i..
NORTH SHORE DrV.-F., P., S -ad, At tilt- it -cent exitillinatioils at Tol- Mrs. McPherson * left alit it th """ Tilt- t4lit0c ofThe kelifortil J."xisop
li,nal lnk-t land f-6 R,-. to-- 1,,'m ()Ili,) UtliVermiLy, H. F. Johnston. soIn months' vveddieIg jimll-lipy tio, British t"'. Wits in tA)Wn rev i-
(',1J.nklwd 10.30 p.n,. Wrldelys jand Fridays. of W. If. Johnston. of Kipix-to. wits Colulishia "lid Cidift'l oliai�, en t IV. and ilk his,
PARRY SOUND & PENETANIG DIV - fitNt jai first-class honoree in inathe. p.tIk-r has tile follow inK iO HAY of Lite
Statakee, I.si; P�Iakjag dolly 2.45 p,n. -for niattirs #anti physics. winning tile A. E-perianienting in, i�orooksfry;', -ighin Ile Itw :
P C__ I i I IV L, I -A.1 , I : I I The ininienseanif costl v works hei nor
an way ports. . It oil 10 Arm 1 1) 0 MINLAY. Thelon. It. Ba-uneit, or th'. north perforined by tilt- C. 1'.* It. lit tiodr-
Ticb"s &ad iM$Wlm0i" Illness all reallisay The inarringe of Miss Edith Wer. I botindary elf (;rcy , will, is interesta-d ri,h for tilt- ilurpose -if --a-curing tile 4-n- THE RECORD
daughter of %It-. ;and 5free. .)joint-. Beer. 1 Ili forent'ry, this ew"o" planted 44111110 trainee to the harimn- there ;art- it onar-
of Exeter. to George A. Yonng, (.I white pin;ae. test the giowingof VVI to any -me wilt) -4-es thein. - A reg-
lAnulon, took lattice at tilt- tesideiwe linal".1. silitable fair A-Ilce Issoteii, he intent elf Inen are will employed and .&
of tilt- I)ride',- parents on Weldnesday. planted 1,101) hijack heaviest steps. sind inint of alone) Ijm% alre.ttly I;oero m1will "MRAL
�L t Ile 12th inst. Itev. F. A. Fe�r file- it feature v, indbreak Into spruce land tend the work'stwiu% still It genial III% -
look) Manito
Ktarted It !�%, onat : den have IN -ell t4tice from completion. and 111.1"I FURNACE
Phone .90
fills the demand for a fur-
nace possessing the larg-
est amount of grate sur -
A face in pro rhon to the
dia rthe top of the
fire pot. It possesses all
the advantages of a re-
turn flue construct on.
The "Admiral " his
the largest ash pit of any
furnace on the market,
thus permitting the free re-
moval of ashes.
Wood or coal may be burn-
ed in the "Admiral" furnace.
Write for Catalojue 10,,
e5 at 1`10HICTON, N.B f- MONTREAL. PICO.
.11exico, notes been mpjx)iitt*-d to the ran. 1) ey Wits L IPSCene 0 tin interesting 11, V sAvers, )ill( till%
41tonsible position elf vxpert telephone- event oil Tnesdity. the ISth in -it.. yvar mrp more. attrm,tive thall ever.
CANADIAN -__ � Kineer by the Mexican-0overnment. when the focipultelor voting incumbent of Increased tt.mnif, has ineant It 1111-gott-W- R. PINDER
ell �1 lie : a . 9 Selling Agent, Goderich
Single I -are
11 itle.slutv the Jith ionot., into
live 11- Bent;ett, at( Cleveland , 7for-
am expet leaves, 1-1 succe"S.
fill Mr. Bennett will largely inerente
pe-ople think it will he ne"I 1%. tentunill
lit tht- eArlie.4t; before trA1,11.1, mile, 1-1111-
atigel elf desit I sunjosioned to his I '
inerly I)( Myth, woos iniorried in Cli, ,,.
the Lilillier 811111)[V all hi% fill-ili.
ning into (Joillerich. And the (itede.
elect, respeett-A resident of Howjck.
looked ill Chnal. 31. Haiti, mill of Rev.
Bridge Way.
rich lhllla� need total long fear that
Round trip Second class excursions
Dominion Day,1
110111101120 flall, of 1-41#tnd Point, Vt.
Mrs. Hmll will 'I'm -till that sts"11-
On W"In.-oalety (of last yeeL., J.ill.e%
Carnitchan, 4 he-
event. flit. as nation It$ theme Works, at -*-
Clillifille-ted tit illinn-olKe (of ()ill -
eighty-nixtis year. #it the residence of
his *()it Wendel Smith, of the Goodsen
jai Muskoka.
ir.. 1 2nd concessions
CiAld and lov,jr-kiners will lie withdrawii
Between all stationg oil
The annutil reunion (if the .4tephrn-
�,)Il family wits held lit the holow of
elf Tnekertakinith. niet. with it very paill.
fall mt;,ident Wbilp 111, i
Sao jig over what
frun, the- town and the- outtlow if,
nioney will fmil off it itimn thon-
Mre. Johnston, of Neepaswit. Man.
the Grand Ti-mik Rail-
lt,,bert StrIshen4on. Goollsen li 0,
its known an MvI -miss bridge. Lite
sitoidoo of it wet. . (;qmterich time
)nZin-RdAy. the ISth inott., Miss
slanlry, (in Wealsoresillay, the- 12th
bridge givilig %v;iy In tile eplitir mill] tile
'nut'le Vastly more out of the. onstrur-
Thr Annnal dioetrict, inepting of thp
druggimto; of Homan rpv And Bruce
way Systolu ill
just. Sixty-eight Inelubjerk. f the
, idea' falling Ili tell hini. As a result of
Liam of this' railrolail thmn it is likely ill
Going dates from Toronto
"rian" were preakent, and it veai! y -n-
the atecident %fr. Ill'.irrofeclutn's ci,flar-
house wits Itn4k,te, ;told lie wits badly
make ont, air it Its at going colle-01-11.
Tile prett y real brick ,tatimi tilt.
JUNE 18. JULY 2, 0, 3o;
concession (of (;rcY, P&A"(0 nw"T at
wyalole thue was lopent.
clot about the head. Ise-Aidon b-ing.-cor;-
-.1 'IV bruined. He is
harbor and the- freight bonne. erected
AUGUST 13, 27; SEPT. to and 24.
Tickets good goinrJune 28. 29.
41tairt inatriononiii event took
tile honoo- 31m. It. Newell.
now Ill,)-
. f.tv(,rLl)lv.
herGutteridge &- E.dge. (It this town.
Tickets good for sixty days.
Return fares fr om
women and was belOVC41 by 11`314�y ae-
iltuelivitAnces. Th interment t(ook
plowe ;it (of
re nearly vompleted itil,l t -An IN.
3o and July ist. 1907. Valid retur-
ChiseltanrKt. (oil lovednesday. the- little
A Peculiar Accident.
;-i-ioly fill- ;,cropancy lit, oil)%- tilli". beat
I% innirmor lli'r2,101 setrlPiu-ir &*LV,
ning from deStInAtIOn on or before
just., when her alsought.-r. Miss M00%%
A illinifeter was,# nesigned to at laniall
lie- embankinewn, Islidges, piling.
Xl_�,- S-loolittor,to
111riandoll 'TI. I 'H to- A I heart
Tuesday, July 3nd.
becaine tilt- life partnei of Angult III*
Katy, blackninith,'ablea (if Chisellau"t
Florr""" ditughter If Bent-%
ter KAHL WmWitilood1l,
still retaining Wallis Which tire, featine.
Nfoolsomin., North
A mola .... 31 ill M,oclood PL; to
I. who was It nicamt, estimable
hown in Meattland. PiKIAY-asne
mgo. #tit(] citone to Canada in
i:ron his mrriVAI folind him np%V fleld
Pffort aboo,,,I ILI] thmt be
ofthe Undertaking elf thn-wing
..... .....
I`; -t,.= o XV11) 1" .10
Vorlit I
-#w perr nit
I fit. ewinony %% -a, .(I fly Itev.
W. MAitim, of Exeter,
eight years. Inet. Ivirth it Iteculia mud
distremsing accident recently. While
Lite railway clean acrooa4 the- wid, mn.(
elect, chasn, or the'. Maitland
'M on 42"'o
For Ucket- tend fill] intimmation rall oil
W. F. Steeniart. who for (ever nine.
engagpol lit the creates oacpo;rjtt,.r �IIC
lute in till a 11101"I'llentad lindertaking.
cm p.m.
leen yearto hato likeen a well-known resi
-had occasion On st,,cop forn. pail, %vin-ok
McCormick Binder Twine Perrin Plows
p.", .11
so 1
&at T111101 11,
Town Agew.
dent, of Brivoqelm. h" dis of the
Hatune of tier curl cmught Ili the separ-
litor reign, not fhe 1114chine continued
Homeaskeekers' Excursion.
Offire hn.i�� 4:101 a.m. t,- is i,.n,.
ro)[Jer Hour n,i,r)ts.1,M...r..
Pryne. of that town, and will remove
its inotio ". Iter father, hearing her
If you think of intaking as. trip to
fArtner of Ttirnbrury T P rairenican quiPatican
0, y (if mincing thas tet'll, of
wits by- I?Pv. A. C. Wiqh-
tvith MrS.Stewart, to Guelph, where
wrenoni4, ran to herai,l. beat not until
Mittlitol-A, or the -grent, Northwest
xoi the linionprit lie roo.'
I)cI.l TI,kel Aort'l-I.
J. 1). Mcloaknoold.
It#- holes pin-chw-ed net extensive flone
a' ,
,X,rti,)n tit her hair head been torn
a her head, leaving bare
Provinces thi% sninnier. %,oil talloadd
IhAtrict P^.-. Axiant.
fe I anti seed business.
it mpot
about threv inches stanni.e.
intake at point elf securing'. frons the
nPill-est C. P. it. UE
Won. 11. little. son elf M". Horatio
agent. a !req. copy of
liale, o Clinton. who) recenth.- ip-
bigned the inAnagership elf tilt- %lexi-
Cupid's Victory tit Ripley.
that railroad's lmooklet giving infornia- Foundri
'fit)" mix"It till- peopular hoineseekers'
one #trial Telegraph Co..
Tilt- pretty little Anglican -hin-eh lit
we I e
exciii-stions. Tin.m. exi-ill-sions rare
well-lonvilivro lilt) - I
fills the demand for a fur-
nace possessing the larg-
est amount of grate sur -
A face in pro rhon to the
dia rthe top of the
fire pot. It possesses all
the advantages of a re-
turn flue construct on.
The "Admiral " his
the largest ash pit of any
furnace on the market,
thus permitting the free re-
moval of ashes.
Wood or coal may be burn-
ed in the "Admiral" furnace.
Write for Catalojue 10,,
e5 at 1`10HICTON, N.B f- MONTREAL. PICO.
.11exico, notes been mpjx)iitt*-d to the ran. 1) ey Wits L IPSCene 0 tin interesting 11, V sAvers, )ill( till%
41tonsible position elf vxpert telephone- event oil Tnesdity. the ISth in -it.. yvar mrp more. attrm,tive thall ever.
CANADIAN -__ � Kineer by the Mexican-0overnment. when the focipultelor voting incumbent of Increased tt.mnif, has ineant It 1111-gott-W- R. PINDER
ell �1 lie : a . 9 Selling Agent, Goderich
with #a considerable increft".or nalarv.
Oil Saturdar, the 15th inst.. tile
swretals. tit(, Rev. J. 31. Horton,
wit" unitalialat Hvinen's Affair to on if
I r. " lit- 1) 1 level thin season, of
Whit -it. at the- title(- of writing, seven
Free copies of Homeseekers' pamphlet
rates to and
atigel elf desit I sunjosioned to his I '
Itjpb.v,s f^il."t datighte.p. Ili t e (
he per -
Pon 4 Miss Dunedin MitcCri:n;non.
have still to run, leaving Toronto July
2, 10 30. August 13. '27: September Ib
FTing other points,
elect, respeett-A resident of Howjck.
Witt-([ tin aged -%nil respected resident
(if Ifay township. in the petsion (if
danxisiter (if Dr. 1). A. Mae( ' ri no non.
;trial 24. Silecial trairrot tire tined,
FMI l.f.m.tim "_
Jet.. R APont, Q~dIs,
Round trip Second class excursions
�daan Sinith, who passed away in him
of "Boveraig House.*' The. Clerellion),
w,tq perforin(41 hy Rev. c. 'Alil". of
carrying rolonitaf and tonritat. taleeltern,
herthoo in the lattey tit small additional
-the C. wirtiorrout, 1). r.A.. 111wellooft
eighty-nixtis year. #it the residence of
his *()it Wendel Smith, of the Goodsen
I he Church (if *the Messiah. Kill.
charwv. Tirkeis live. issued rp(nu all
I, t.. rise intei-onent, took p1mc,
lz1,:1'rjcIl. lot,
carline. Tile bride. who wits IM -Anti-
fully nottired. wan attentled lay ist.l. min-
Ontnrio %tntions lit re-inarkmbly b)TV
rmt,,oj. ranging front v2. reallild-trill I,"
Mre. Johnston, of Neepaswit. Man.
ter. Miss K. MacCrinnimn, while tile
Willn pex Ili 112.50 round-trip to) Kd-
)nZin-RdAy. the ISth inott., Miss
Bev. F. if. IIllgbk_,e, tar 1,11ed(ord, its.
"IlInton. final "to britt-i"K At it'll'ortallt,
,hn F. Brown, of Fxrter, tin Turn:
(levy. the IMth inoet.. when their almilgh.
Thr Annnal dioetrict, inepting of thp
druggimto; of Homan rpv And Bruce
(!,ath-rine dwaighter of fair.
sitatoed'thegroatin. 14hortly after the
points Ili the N"ortIiwe%t. Tit*-)- air* -
tPr, Miss Enlinat, laccelarne the bride if
Percy Humble,
Going dates from Toronto
and Mrs. Lituchlin MeNvil of the 14th
�rereinonv the happy milole left for
g1)Od to) rctorn within sixty day",
of 4arnin. Rev. F. If.
Bean, pastor of the Evesingelicni
JUNE 18. JULY 2, 0, 3o;
concession (of (;rcY, P&A"(0 nw"T at
thi- Xast*on their wasolding trip.
mlogwerto permitted. Ask ow-livest C.
chisre-Ii, tied the nnistial lannot. M r.
and Mm Hunable will reside in falsorni'L.
AUGUST 13, 27; SEPT. to and 24.
the joge of forty-ma-ven years. De-
cepped wits tin I'StilluLhir V4 "ling
Death. of Wingissal Resident.
"Af -11 1 1 fair partlenials, )I- apply
to; C. -'oster, District ilassengep
The Homan Catholic chni-ch, St. I tarin College Mot Pharmacy. T1111e*
i ,,owning session Ivan toliken '
Tickets good for sixty days.
Return fares fr om
women and was belOVC41 by 11`314�y ae-
iltuelivitAnces. Th interment t(ook
In the irt-on of Thoinitak S., Crnik-
Agent, Toronto
8 1
hase Was In Arrears.
place ott Croinbrtmir.
On Thno-oloolay. the- :01i himt., Mrs.
a thiet life- oil Tanis -
(lay, t 11 inlet.. deleath has claimed
one of Winghmasn't;
IIIIII Wits a Good dooster.
you, cannot do
bettet than hily a Gray.
4 4_�
I% innirmor lli'r2,101 setrlPiu-ir &*LV,
.1cehitio, Irwin, (if Clinton, Imitated
intent respectA41
citj%elln. $tied one elf Morrill town.Rhip's
A illinifeter was,# nesigned to at laniall
Xl_�,- S-loolittor,to
111riandoll 'TI. I 'H to- A I heart
polencefidW a-wermy ;it how hoine in thilt
ter a lingering illness. De.
former pionwer foirmers. I)vcpmc4I
New England tc)wn not long ago und
net,, 1) neerPtary. 34,11. Fox.
entered tilt- hVinverie,il stair. the happy i .
lei Idegioont 1 -mg lla6 i, -k Rabond. (;f I (of "Hat it vPrY ititersisting
Nfoolsomin., North
A mola .... 31 ill M,oclood PL; to
I. who was It nicamt, estimable
hown in Meattland. PiKIAY-asne
mgo. #tit(] citone to Canada in
i:ron his mrriVAI folind him np%V fleld
Pffort aboo,,,I ILI] thmt be
of - Thi,,
fliggialt, has it sheep Ion the (!farm, tonal
hip, Pxrellent Ininin"A
..... .....
I`; -t,.= o XV11) 1" .10
Vorlit I
W0111011111. WPM A shelter of Janies Miller. I
(if Clinton, and Will. Miller, Hill.
, f,
Wlea. Tit )II(owi year It(- took I Is
. conld
w imbed. with oil,, exception, thin ex.
'M on 42"'o
lett. Her hushand, one Pon and one
lend in tile wi le rnemm (it Morris,
which with onflagging Indnoltry he
crption being old Hill 1ohnson. old
Bill wm4 vPrV 'unch laddicted if) look.
McCormick Implements. MelcIlle Sepilliralciral
Ang ter mourn her deinitile. trainteforined inito the- execliently call. ing tlpon the wine When it. wits I.td.
Comfortable berths in tourist sleepers at The death occurred tit hi% hotn� in Lives. ell farin 1111on which he . -'l -1 'Laid the- new minister lot o-
9177t!>1 Parnell's
Illeade by anas,hialso,y, w.bl,.
th. nooder. ho.sawif. to,
h.,. j.ri ..d .
.h,4~- lors.d, ..IS-
--Y of that Izolible lond
.-,y bk;.g d.),
_W_ iotead her ..th,,.
&ad It Calatesell.kess Then to Bake.
i=3 - r. jD m -A ij
moilereate rates.
res t t
11"I"ReVILin. Man., on Thtirsdav, tilt. untii IWO. when, irn-Vitritatetl by the
ICV 81111-
nounced hiq inil'"tion if, laring Isfin to)
Free copies of Homeseekers' pamphlet
rates to and
fill] intat, of Oeorge Arnisttong, . #I for-
infirinities of otge, lip retired frol - it air.
84-P the erron- of him wstym.
FTing other points,
elect, respeett-A resident of Howjck.
Live. fire anti if-inoved to) WinwhAnt.
(if we, know, yon
FMI l.f.m.tim "_
Jet.. R APont, Q~dIs,
11'. i to olurvived by him widow, nine
children, twobrotherle, Willians tin(]
Deceased wits I). inan of sterling in-
tegrity mod %va.4 f��tveln ed by
nivall right, lmro,on, (one of the eldvroo
"' till. Plowly %treaking hia white beterd,
-the C. wirtiorrout, 1). r.A.. 111wellooft
EdwArd, of Howick, and two sisteree
till who
knew him. Ilis willow, five no -knot #%nil
""'It it would ighty had thi
hc 11 "1
Nfroo. Robt. Weir, of Tnrroberry. tin( i
four doeughterg are left to mourn his
for tile town if old Bill was to (Illij
Mre. Johnston, of Neepaswit. Man.
A pretty June wedding wits rele- Annual Meetin
Ili led at the hotne ill Mr. land M 9 Of Druggists.'
1) "Why. what at') you, invan,
rother ?" the Inizzip(l minister asked.
TTIF In"nillfacturers Of Gray Buggies can
,hn F. Brown, of Fxrter, tin Turn:
(levy. the IMth inoet.. when their almilgh.
Thr Annnal dioetrict, inepting of thp
druggimto; of Homan rpv And Bruce
lutrwm, it's like tW," tile
P )I
bler ex lained. --There aill,t as "sor"
ronvincIn' toolker
gIVO p011itters to all confers in the
tPr, Miss Enlinat, laccelarne the bride if
Percy Humble,
wits field In the C. 6. F.. hall Ving.
nowhere than laid,
Bill. #In' every tirne he droink
bililditig of an easy- running, handsome and
of 4arnin. Rev. F. If.
Bean, pastor of the Evesingelicni
on Thursoulay, Jnnp 13ihN Tile
niepting wax ralle;l to order by F. R.
goltse and
mashers tile he stete, --ons"Itildv to sign
durable rig. It iS Worth while to see
chisre-Ii, tied the nnistial lannot. M r.
and Mm Hunable will reside in falsorni'L.
Wigle, of Wifirto" It(, repreoia-iit,;
thist,dirtriet. oil the 'I w
)roalrd of the 0
the pledge wiot life,, III, t'll, othijor
fellow pretty Ileh, IY #always kelan.pos it.,'
of' their latest models, and
The Homan Catholic chni-ch, St. I tarin College Mot Pharmacy. T1111e*
i ,,owning session Ivan toliken '
Harpser's Wpekly.
if you want to buy I
Cralumban, w. filled On its iltarnnot ith
� the roll call, reading and con
empoicity on Tnewiloov. the Ilth Inst.. "grZing
8 1
hase Was In Arrears.
whpn one of the trannit charming young of tolinntall" of Inlet regular toleeting,
(if a
�Luileosj of McKillop. in the person of said election 11TIN'rl'. The election
��A novt-i, ski vi it ic was ar-ingrat lil;tting
1114`11140 011 tit (Act that his
you, cannot do
bettet than hily a Gray.
4 4_�
Toronto, Muskoka
Miss Winnift-pai MeGrath. danghter (if, retuilted In F. R. Wigle being r-
p -laid
rai" next
notation "YeA. " hmid it)#.
1111"ident. - x. M
I'later Me-Ortith, of the .')tit roncealtion, , At@ cKin-
f Tiverton.
nottil't- "I lit" it 9(yoxi
call supply you With
Parry Sound
net,, 1) neerPtary. 34,11. Fox.
entered tilt- hVinverie,il stair. the happy i .
lei Idegioont 1 -mg lla6 i, -k Rabond. (;f I (of "Hat it vPrY ititersisting
I can inake It I'sarKAL111. I tell like the
drugglon, th,.v #.If Of In Itonle.
ally stvle. I
. pApPe. fin "Advertising for I)rllg.
Nm-th Mehilb-It. The epreniony Wt%^
rollowell 1-�- ph-jetateent feittlivitifin ;%Ir tilt. gi"Le." "Iolr. McKinnon, of Tivoirton,
of - Thi,,
fliggialt, has it sheep Ion the (!farm, tonal
hip, Pxrellent Ininin"A
110file Of tile lolide'at PArP111A. , read ^ wood paiiallor on -Too M1111Y PILL -
methods stre
making hirm rich. (One aft.-rimon
In effect May Sth to June 1411, 1907.
Nolurnit"I 1,:
- the 19t h inst.,A ties
1 - On Wednemadm3,
ents." A I diternliption took
e" I y 'if selling car.
Ices on Is
I p f", nzm it
body. rptnirning.frotra the Muria), got
out of her colarrus", almored
McCormick Implements. MelcIlle Sepilliralciral
cm p.m.
rimonued Alliance wq.q conjunnniate
-it ' 'A y1e.", the relimidence of James
Ill, ,I I-, . dil, t
I Pot oloolution, in
few elf so inteany miteetakeot lieling
the- shop
Find hL Of the druggimit a braLtle if
McCormick Binder Twine Perrin Plows
p.", .11
so 1
&at T111101 11,
'ok .4,
mind roarhan, (if JAIMPlItOW111,
when I heir ditaighter, Miss Lhizie NJ.,
by the, pi,14if. ji, handling this poison.
it wa, finsolly rosecalved halt the drng-
" 'It Ivill ht� tilkhty-fivola centetinli,-
Brantford Windrnill% Fleury Plow%
R ...... I at in. 7.15 p.n
.4" kas p.n:.
T an :10 P.1".
Wits united'in t P haindit of wedlock to gistit - 11
, he morn, strict n having thr
Ppter 4. MrFitoran, it pra)"rMum young Placnalm or thr mri(i rpizilatooreal.
?Alai the itiati 'aterventy-flyal, f,,r the
lininient a Id tell fear the bottle.' Th,
noldis, aterept SmAny.
fArtner of Ttirnbrury T P rairenican quiPatican
0, y (if mincing thas tet'll, of
wits by- I?Pv. A. C. Wiqh-
Intiv fr,)Wn A. '1111W Amid 11
a P I poild
not-hing felt- I he licAll" the , *
best tillit. I
Robt. Wilson,
Information. ti,kot.. etc.., Tf,lolt oors_.
n.pprentirpothi Is tit thi-ce
Ott I A.. Brtimpla.
xoi the linionprit lie roo.'
-w, Kln=an4 Tamale mt... A1711. Toorrientat,
land ILI tal�
of sad wass of- I for few I h all
I the
Io;;@d by plassassint feativitless. All, gi.t. Is. nt. The. rosult
In that ramp.' said Of is frn
it will be nin".ty-five rentes, In I
, ".AV
ref SOAP,
to onitlie the house-clearking
processes thorough and at.
that saine lioness light to,
lank an possible.
pmv kmi fit -,IN.
The Sinners - 'Phone 91
7-_ - -
AN 0 .
F urniture and Untirrialkireartramranjuis,
W-I Ade 84uarr.
Sto-111. Goderich
ltcau�. 179
Night mil.: At r-id -or. Counbrim
nand and No,houss Street.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Ordlers a,earfully attolnesif to lat all
. beturee, n1solat or day
'PHONE 150R24
'A Lmhou G VV t
Wh"n 3 1,& 7" (.,ad Y.rd'.
TOM IWA-1 At Doc quaref
94rAli Isal ieohed oil the market cakikr,
h. I met 2,1.N, IL,, to, at tou.
I ardor, 1,411 31 ", C, LF1,11 H -"I are, .11o,
S.In"n'. promutiv Attended to.
very, Hack
'Bus Stables
6001) HORSES
P H A F T 0 N 8
-MT C., A T-
--R A TX S-
well-ai�po I nk ell
Harken anti reli.
able drivers in
rharge of Fthe
'Huses, which will
tneet all train x
Pand Fitearnhatiam
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any, even nunalee.reat ",,tlool r
1,011-11- It, Mokult-Imi. Set-lamocholwan kind AlhertA
-21,11 reff X land IN, not rnl�crvtwl. ruay he home:
.. to bvai,Ylx-rmon%-hointhow,lphemdo(A
flunily. tar any rautl� over 114 veoeirs of wal, to the
elitrut 'If on"ItILTter tfaon of taste wren, "Walk,
ill k_.
'Asull.t tool nisde mrals"sally RL the loom
lAnd at cc fear fill- di,ltrict lei whii-h the Isaint in
The hrama�toijllrr k rim
t4lilre4i to perform the
rnendition- cmirm,tmf rewith tutater one of
the follatesinfor Pitons:
Ili At lsat six month. riftfalence upon and
cull I Of the Oared In rwh year toe the"
hit It the father Inr norkther. If the rather 1.dp
reetaftil of the hmew,tnadalt urm a tourre,
to the vieltally of tile loom -101.�rao I or the re
giliMments a- to relaidaintram ra,PV is, _1tj.r1,d
Y match lwiw)n re,lding esuh toloo fouler M
11) If th- lalttler It" his r�rja,aanew
upon totrming Listed owned y him it, t h,, vice,,
Itlell't 111- holffljo,trotd. the r"u1m"jq."rA ,s an
re.1doneemly Iso snalifled by ",Adence upkin
I he. aid tould.
SIX 111101`011� jt-tt,o In isilting,hollid
to) 1111" Itfoll"'Aioater of Dn,lnlon IA
tellkwd, 0 inWnl Ion to apply tot pou,,"t.
"' VV. a "It N,
I`)OPlItY of the Mint.ter of the Int4.kayr.
,*a lithearix,1publicallon of thi,lS4
artiolooment will not Paid for