HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-6-20, Page 24 7'HL'liaDAY, June 20, 1901 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO We AOHESON d SON stock {•sentinel -Review Approves the yb plan of holding Political referring" 1 ��eKii LhrouKhuut file. country during the 001cER1('H.ONTARIO. Pat lilt utenlary mvv%a, ire order that PUBLISHED HVXRY TIIUHBDAY the rlt.clOrm and their repseae•ntative. lly should 111"t and learn sash other'n oAN R HORLHTMON vim's on the yuPations of til" Jay. N, Tsapkalat 'allNali •••Phe reprew-utstives ithoilld have the Terms of.ubacriatlaw : Privilege As oftru•ms pllmdible of giving till n per account Yeaws+. X InantM, 31V ; three nla,lA., 7<1r, ,tit account Of their stewardship and { T. 1'nitwt Ktwte. "ub.crllw+r.. SI.:A, a year of cun"ulting the wishes of their cru• Fel vier l) in aA tau„•, 8ulra4ferer+. who tall to rolol,ive Trllt SIGNAL "tit/rnls ; the VIMLOsxn should hnvr the. ,egnlwrty by marl will M,Ifer a favor by me• 44aintina us of the tart wt, as early a date as a;tllll+ ll ivile a 11 cmllaldel-Ill and t K ( K ea>~Ible• tv reef . Ov.p. •d addrew„ k dewdroA, boll. the pns„iug in the work of their leper. oldnn:llhc revs addres,•.hould be given. feentnl h-rs. '4'he lwmt tiler file this i., Adrartlaiea Raba: natill•Alty during lilt- Parliamentary I rl and ofbor similar advort.wnent,•, err, Iecrwx. Thl' least watisfaclory Iiutr-i+i {"+(.line In. Ant u-se,rlleln wad 4, l4•r Ifo„ (or e,t•h .rebs., nrnl Inr,n dote. Mmi•urt,1 by a during of oil the rte of an rlrrlinn I-ontwndl.,wle. tsar's Iln,r town b,cb. Hadnc�. rant" of six lines and under, per cany4lign," year. In n ferret mrtirle in tM•Iw cuhumt+ .4lreell+•.•nanlw of Int;, Found, Sinlyed, KIl• 444J,MM t'wewnt, sfn"Ilt"1. tt Nl,l t'(1. HuuN for it was Indictednllt ItNlt teal large N Kate W In .tet. Farnec foilKull, 4r t4 Hent. pnitNmtWn ll( file p ulitic I"dltiral dlr- Arti(-le.• for Kate, rte., not r,,ee,dina right liuwq Yin cwt h Insertion :tis ter ur.l worth. ,sit, cul4,tfeU is Ir1t W Ute tint( innOelialel)' ter ww•h "nMwln„rel month. lArgerwdveruso- manly in pmlw.rilon. preceding an election, 1hp,t3entlnrl• An men.Kenen.• lit ordinary roading tyle len rent. per Ihr• VN 1A,oce 1 tha 24• Review.mphasizen this point. We AOHESON d SON SATURDAY AND MONDAY UNPARALL&LED DAYS JUNE (5th AND i7th. Two Days Stock Reducing Sale. Read thus lively send-off in prices. 2000 yards Dress Ooods I Bed Spreads for big .saving 40 Only for t•►aturdAy and Aron. Beau fully flrllrhed pure wool ((�� 'Iw)}•, Aturrfcan 4 -ply crochet cothm \Vhite Qui)tA, h1w range Dregst, it, to% and Sutt.nga, aorf3id aright, in ell coheres. plain or fan• pattern. And Inrge„t double bed size, torim(�. cis”, 48 to 54 inchr4 wide, one large fully flulahe•tl And mild), fur. $ use, worth rw•h 81.511, fo,• counter full. friers, rwgitlAr frons , 61k! to IIIANt a yard. 'Pre•„ days Dress Skirts melhup ret Per yard......... 35C .. 24 ons ladies' Dress Shirts, black Carpet Bargains not I navy little, nil w,+,,, I d/anhufci cliff[', new. `oerfectly nnid+• cited finished, 36 iuchrw wide, Cevemible;Union Car ret, x110 var•ds. Its •- stylish and well ill I ling regular 8i.6e, at each $3.50 ul.tr 31X- yuality, At lar yaed LOC .... .............. 51M1 yards yard -wide reversible, It Corsets ratan htwvy onion Carpet, lido !n Protectionist Germany. kept and 61X- quality. At per AOC I lA) ("sire of Summer Cmnm•ta in --- — --- yard ........................ lolli supe for maroon waist, 50C Any era, Iwi reap Ire. Ire obiter nrif 'hi;•h 1. the During the heat of dote .•It.cl inn rote• —�� s+ superior quality, special . txrrniaryJim M+nr111 of any lndi%idnal or ameoei- test is not the lent time for delilera. Ntitt w :time has suffered folic invl•Ntig- 1 la rep,h'lel that in dh•1-lin 'L.81N1 INakPr• do, There nhouhi hr unity and drier- Tapestry Carpets al lee, to nt rny ddr m an wdt'erl.l"etnnllt snit tlllre. '1'11111. 1., Ihr t iters (+a' ell'gaoixl shoe, The expent ret ralleo d 1,erf I Inn Illi Ntlllt t1UW11 Iw•l'm llwl! the IIIPn officiation ant. a r1W 111 awhile of Ileal Y Linoieums to be rl,wrgeA wthwrdinsl wl( 1 9110 ands, 37 inches wide, extra hates for dh,ph.r "o,] rnntrw•t adverti"t and w'rking : f ht.re sbuuld also la• n alone flom the United gushes ban have ulaell' n pere"gltory demand for jeAlnusiew, 1 1 R bear lila Fa hsh Tx esu• Car wt, 1tMM1 AnIN o! Scotch Lin0leumN, otlittue no portion of On y 1 K t Y i .1 r , Y Inert. will Mailer on n tion. to titer for i elm t hiuking Nod frank 8x75 a week t(►r dx d•tys of lift more lxrio can inrremPe without all other patterns mild deMigns suitable for ,i-. and 4-4 yards wide, ill n AdArsuall MmmunlralfeNlw to speaking. It is clear that if nal• par fallen felt burn 811,+aMI,INIII ill i1M19 W than twelve hours rarh. And lir,- INu•tr of the erea", m sharia l other Y g Inv 7:ic and twat ran a of I g nn r,x/m or hall. re f g K bitterns, at lu•v v.thAfTEH rk HUHStamm , Ilmint-11 't .' nyxtrm IN In even rep- 81.irtMl,IMp for-_ fl+rml year I M17. ttlany i. a ills[' protea tion cnuutr_v. in Sotos degree. AQ; qualhy, now st Iwr hoc i ),),fare yard. Sic. 4oc and Rn Tont tiwwAl, Prtoau•h the i rnl of Iwlpul+u• Rw:rrn- '- - - - lQlr. yard........... llll JlI t:...erlrll. fora "lent the rlrclorls gcnt•rally Infest take It ill worth noting that of tilt. Hre, I` C - - + I West Huron in the Liberal Cxltunh: - --- BUTTERICK PATTERNS ALL 1N STOCK. ten Intelligent tnle-al in 4dilical west• leading manufacturing industrie•g u/ 0011111KRWH. THURSDAY. JUNIC P. Itzr,• (ea,. • llry must have their po itival Canada, as shown by the cen"11'n( w inaham Timew. ntet-tiowhere Ihr) will )lave the The Tilers w•As pleatseil to tee out W. ACHE SON SON pos PREMATURE REJOICING. oP14orf"llreit), 'f ['raring their rrnrr. Crn+ulien mxnufwturem taken by tilelfriend Ali.. Holmes receive this uuani., _ - _ su entatives and of speaking their DGovernment.ent. filter It re b.Government. "lot's nontluat-, tion and wcall heartily New v Thr Icionrt of the Conservative PreeceJ'uinds ail[' (reef -A freedow. Tile)- industries which Are entirely native "1 endorse, hire. 'Him living in the Hrld I stunt nenouir the IuJ,it ut discussing cornua that \Gest. Huron sour 1"• post Card that the WhitneyGovernment limn their origin. Thr ulnnutmdtrre ret Y in It u,rnwures and leen with perfect P w p,tmluaa heard+, with 81tv.„f+t,lhlll to c0untel in the Li1N•ral roluwn nfler aehirvel a great triuwph in its t'h(Nd frankness. They "nr.t Ili prepared to the feat election. Aft. Ho{cors is rel book policy it lit kart premntorr ; tiring tht.ir Judgrurnt to Iwai• un Ihr its rieditl; then fluor and grist mill Well worker and a good Often for the Alb=s 1 ��� �,yt g land there is notice reason to relieve Arta And wanly of their• Iel),Z"ta. products, 8,i9,74KI,L,•pl ; clothing, Pwwitiou. Daring his short time in deed Ndii SPRING lives, to rriiirit• fr,•ly 1•nt fairly. to e;„i-4.,{; hlltter And elleexe, ja! _ I rPnrliamrnt he sun x phlce in (hr I thK[ the advantage to the Prlvincr in conmu reit or condrum mi the ocerodOo front rank end it. wens very nntortn- tbe change Of publishing conditions ftlay woett"ret, and to present their 344,513; slaughtering And meat pack- ate that he war defeated. Air. HU'rr rA tilreciAl value in full - - will not. turn out to tw Anything like own needs and wishes in it wmv that ing• �'7• J1,191. With the exception will have the heart)• support And hest cloth -bound poict card the Immense boon which hits been then- will Iw no excuw• for uliattking. of clothing, none of these industriem wishes of the Lilerals of this district. I Albnulm, ragging in prier IS III'•KE ; with It Conies the desire to Cast Ofd those Unriug the rxcilrrurnr of an election neelm nay tariff coddling for its A Huron Girl's Opinion. As follows bet forth as the result of the new contest is not the tittle when fill this garments which have done good service battling the departure. Iran Iw mat isfaclorily dune." anco eyeful existence. The protection Toronto News, One of the ulenlber•r of the t-hooll The tiwntiuel-Revirw "(•gem x fPer prdi"Y .nay keep it few weaklings %Jim Agnes C. 1 -tilt has been itad - 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c and 9a, winter storms. When you see our showing of dainty bark commission, 'PpoinW by the 114"of tilt' party gatherings force, full alive, but that is the lwat that can Iw 'ng the. wale PONaihilities of the 'Hurl- Spring Footwear, you Will warit a pair Of shoes to present Government, whore repori And frank disrilwmlutl of public 1 UPS- "'till fur it. sten Bay n"rre, anti in the courser of { i --- an article in The American Review of rias was followed try the n,nkinK of A new tions by the delegates, instead total. The Liberals of South Huron, have Reviews pointe, out that the tstmiw brighten you and make you feel more in harmony with contract tar tilt- publishing of school ('win the"1 to le, A” the tow otter K ' M• Y. McLean, the editor Ito' dAn { TRA SPECIAL LINES p K R y in chosen Keotea owin • to the currents the fresh Spring days. rex41Pre wax Jahn A. CntOia,r, now arra pntrly foruuol affmin at which n of The Sit.nforth Rxbwifor, a" their Ind till". At Insist once Hudadln lie (nttt}"tuy1s slid,ten { h y at l.00, ;t.s5 �1.0o and jz.5o editor of The Canadian t4ourie•r, will, few rut-a"drlri(d re"olulitttnw are in. candidate for the House or Cun)mnns, Ile•n wrecked. Yet, despite this in may ter 1411PINwe1 to Nyulpathiu• in a u,tolute11 And mcceple;l Intl the• red- shold stand by him W a Iran : and if Iveoill• :Hiss Lint believe" that the t W ;77 our stoelf of mon than ordinary de gr,(• with the Jlwwt" gicru Are npprals to party they do they elm sleet him by A genal Hudn,m Ihty Wrote im coming. If the N W CK COIItBS Models Footwear effort" of the Government to pnNltere l a)'nit) rather than til ' intelhgetwe majority. Ss,iurin Intron in An » ririll• St"its ,ire nut let for• navigation they Il, plpulnr Schad (Nook Igdicy. AI r. lull rola juJgnlrnl. Ire lhr"o• days Y RM will lw uende Ht, a". Peter the Great rsltgiogfn ('tq apo Lural constituent And AIr. Mc ,ran uuwlr `{t. Y'rtrtsMnfit, felt• the capital()Doper writ" in the Jarrett nu"'Iwr ret w'ht.0IhrKreittqur"tions of pnblie ha"KIw'tY% '$bowl) it syngmithetie in- ofbirokingdom. Aador course there __The Courier : I4di('y ore dreidrd in tilt' wlfVenueux will le w1•a•ka. Othe Nlrls have it - -- [ARE DAINTY, neat, and by far Surpass anything ill te,•st in the• farnlrr'm culling as t xfTectel by legislation and will ex,ert tell yr nae%gr,f steaks thin nix et the pltst. We have swell -selected stock from the best Sk,tur ",•wsl4yers through Ili. "141 19ulianlenl is ['.sing rifure :Ind eg' eountry have live•,, mr(.rpting with,,,!, ,ho„• the, charhe•te• of a delibrrative rel' )r1us. 1111 (hely )-sir,+ the ,ander Geo. Porter manufacturers, and are in a position to show oil the reserve tilt' statenielt that the int an influence in P14rlinrnrnt in drlyaosi- /ur•-INm,t of Uhle,rhtll will Moil with pp y povm yuality And '"ducal price u1 ''aog'wbly,. tilt- People inflect Inure then Go nleamures diwrriluinaling ten• hNvnfotie•wand ntrainship rend t•Ir �jl;Wj;�Z' Alid REST In I''OOtWCar. the (JnUariu mh,md IwMlk. will In. N• +trirlly Ih,ut ever de"muld bf their fairly against agricultutw. Hv the graph wil•em. Difl9cultiesand w,•e•ks Telephone No. too. goad as the distr•ilhltion of 811NI,IselI rrpr•eewntativr" the reasons for their way, Mr. McLean is the third journal- there will w e pave}• ire for wreck+ Court House Square, - Gndench. Per ancient, Aunn the families of this J mer the toll we prey rte the wi•aa. (( = K vurrs in the tropate• and tilt' explarla- felt uuw in nomination in this cunuty L instilled . The wtttteurnt is Ae,ur•rh tion of their conduct in n• ani t., ti,. for Parliamentary honor", The Lilt. A Bit of Ethnology, )Iwtiflel by the fArtx. K p "In Cite Heat place there, is roll"ider 'I" wattee•" ill general. The theory in ergo candidate for the Cunitnonx In The cauwtiAl. a juriel. nearyue+attonAw to whether for n.•a. that linder atm nyalrnl of governrurn• \ alt Hun•n and the. LPlieral nwuiner A Toronto teacher ban lately. raven -- WM* SHARnAN readent will Iw ilupneor nut. krj. LqPlNerpll'rule: hot the people do not for the Le�irLtture in Fast llurnn ore nwtrurtiugthede;r- little ones under ALMA Education Department h ban uuI oaks, her eharK" in the subject of the roue (� p the pubtic into it. coolbdron.,, An, """'if Ill" Only part they play is td new"tNrper neer, and with %11.. Sfc• division" of hmux"ity. In answer t, uplEsl given an outline of tilt. inlpr'•„l b,mogr lelwrrn twit sets of policies Lean they Intake a very remprrtable A yleestiorl reganling Ihr flee nil (•PN prolNNa41. The” ' evil' profess 1' know either of whir•[' they lune a blind in trial. We expect to ser thrift ;ill and their go4wraprhiral distribotiun it COLLEBE Mein to thitek that the IN,nkN will IN bright pupil recent['• nOule• this state- -- --- --- .- - Illely "hgalti\' a'lN'1'Ifel' 111 yfe.,lll1 to the making ;ofd Iwte•e•,•n two cn"didntrN elrctel, too. r resent "F.urolN•xns in F:nglxnd. Asia. YT. THO■A8 - -- - -- -- old. They claim that, as for rontrtd•t evil,".,• views 'n puldir affaires are set - tics in Ching, North Anserieno ('lied+• was wade with the foruoe• publimhrr" Iwfon• Ih,•w in anything tart the full Tilt' Stratford Beacon very lnolwrly (inns in ('Anauim, S►uuth Amrricxna in ONT. of the MN,ks and At x low price, reflect, degree of 4-14114101• and frankness that takes exception to the upinton ex- Brazil, And Africans in Kgypt." It in las.■rr, Music Fk.s art. flecwttaa, caws COMPARE iulprovemrnt cannot lie exiert,l. +['fold chiu'xete ill the relations IIP- pretax) by Turouto Saturday Night cheering to oloserve that this youth, fMMeal Callas, lie erink sa.,,ce. 8seond W In the Norwood IrJxre. the total aver• that A public former emtlnot survive the while ignorant of the "object tender O""'e "mataaer wad ►horourwntr. writs !ef age prier raid each twewn A exlnxtiUuency, slid it re ire- consideration, IN lawwn"l of a sturdy awlwlosus. yens for all the { cinulatiton of scandal 11 reports pxtriutiatnwhich induces bin to in. our styles with the styles about town simply readers, ocohl in Ontario ip, Only W.filf i seotative, agltiust his honor. rcen thong[' he cntri NII North Aulruiean Christians A Year. The prier has lwen tedorwl - compare. The rest we leave to your judgment from 81.15Ayear to 4W h re +� r. This --- - - miry prove the twport" to IN. un- within theIwaundarirNu! our rade Do. Means A reduction of fth out S'Si,1MN► n EDfTOR1AL NOTES, folended. This ix placing altogether minion. He would acorn to admit Year. which in m Jong dlltaprr from lou great A pmmlum on slander. He. that Chicago ur• Sae, Frahcimco might 81(NI,IMMI. �'rw is the winter of torr discontent contain A few Ot this crowning race. "Further•, thin reduction in price 1ONde glorious sunfiner, (erring to the case of Mr. h'ndmenam, But eurtioua clasmillca, tions are not eoo- I"Nie only one and a half }envie Whist Tne ueacon asks why, if he succeeds fined to the school-r"out, OnP of the will happen then is A matter• of roll tiuder'ich has pit on her Nuwrner in vindicating himself, he should he ""'at unusual statements of this kind jecture. The pprollahility is that if a clotiiex. She looks mighty sweet and delearred front pubtic life. was nmde sector yeah ago by All new set of "eiders tit prepared aril tie.* tidy in them, tel, anlxtrur pn•acher in \\ emtern Ontario, paper still hindin(( night l) _ "It is generally adinitted that he who informal his hearers that there iodate. the price will Ro Work to thehits leen it capn ble and honorable ad- are form kinds of life : "animal, vege- old figure• it not higher. 7 he me"Ond Duma fins been distllvel ulinistrator of one of the nest frnpor- t4thle, rui"eral'and eternal." "This explanation tw not given to h)' the Czar, As it .fatted to Ilow xub- Cant departments 0f, government, no lemten the credit which should cume`te, inlanivPly tie ilii• Imperial will. The charge of w'fongdoing having ever The Industrial Conatct n a Ion the win. tioen Department for its new Czar is not the Hr"t 11 'Opean moo• p bliuoncaree•r. against hould tithe ini 1 scan hal- President Itlslir�tatldeowvrlt hits h� axil on Tlaryfxin, lint in the general interest Of slrh who has wtubbornl vel the mon the publisher" ,old tilt- public. The Y PA ger lw rmitted to accomplish the he set 1. Come in and let us show you the new fabrics, also our line of , swell furnishings, FRANK He MARTIN Tailor and Furnisher pr �---'----•—�.�ttll�aaail ilia downtxlI i ten a tulvisea the farnirt•A latter would le nowise to fancy that any to ilia own dentnrction. 1)• the plying of his lying to combine mulling theroselves act the -"- good books ran Iw Infer ht in the --_. newels? Not in Candida we hul(ax• This bent means of PI-utcrting their In. - -- - _ ���� - - n+gtlller way for sic sing Tha l'ttited SltitM naval authorities 1"otrnal stands As firmly ler ohiom nay dustry againmt tile,, highly organized y h'prttes n- want to have another training ship on iournal in the Dominion in denitnd• interests which srn•mund them on (fif- now tem th in Ontario. The cirrus R I mg cleanliness in the private live" of ferent aides. We should 1pe tetter �/ �1 fr npom there Nm exceptional and the Great Lnkrm. Well, Int tile", its public men, bolt it is not playing without any rrrgxnizod ,OtPrlMts, SUMMER �Oth Irmcit foo . and lhr total saving will have it. It these training ships into the hands of the evil-nniudei who which At heat savor of c{AKN comhinK- �vf i� \ entury I tw out mute til+til IfS4i,IMltlit Year. R pl ever ((��((''�� t get troublem"ne (:Apt. Dunn can run seek their own ittivmneenlent by decry- tion against the cum mon wealth ; end SCH001, 111tJ1 [ them down vrilh his little rnlierer. "'K iltherr+. Ifi Mr. Ernml'nron ire too that stats of things it is to ter } CANADA'S MANUFACTURES. proven guilty of the charges e, ins ['erred the world will thus day irdlrn, j Bran4ClothingLend Uundonmld has rreignel from numslify preferred apninmt him, and Hot the rxigencira of the present NitThe cense" of manufactun•s recently the army, the British military autthor•which liettdeernlies, Sir Wilfrid I.Aur'ier cation nmnt be met. Thr, unorgan• i+suOd Pone Ottawa deals with Nonce itiew hAvin Y pen to relieve his of ized interests, that is to axe•, the A spettAl rnur-se of instructim, g given biro nothing tt do his portfolio, but we du not lelleve he whole of the middle clams, not rhe doting Jnly and August for interesting figures. jhrl'ing the five since fila dimpute with the Canadlimh will Part with a vahlPd YlnPngne Iwr farms„ Alone, bat all tradesmen, and PUhlic School Teachers. Made t0 Order year" lfM11--1i10fl the vahfe of ('nn•ufian Goverr,nlent It few• earn cil'ime hr ban been slandered by mean- those in genrrAl employ lents, are in , Y +►Rte' kg(Nal rhllmungrtw." danger of �eingcrnwhel between the F%ntPrany time. manufartute(1 pnrductw iii• IrltmPd (rout soldier w•am nlxtdel when Lord Dun- 84XIA5o,3Tb to $712,i0W,XAfire increatle dunald triol to iw a Politician. ----- alliance of capitalimt.s on one side and (flat of the trade nttionists on the- hid'vidnal inmtruclion, of almost flay per cent, Q rovio in Slumber Song. other. it leaks its though tociet.y Ills is a de art - the greatemt wandscturing Province. MI'• FoAter hKm again hewn nnmin- Now ilio gol.lrn dor a ending. might at Inst be redneed W h content, with Quebec second. Montreal\is the olid try till' ('onmeryhtit•em of North ` tle Ihequiet nllihl de'•oending, or lwrhaps A cfembinatfon. hrtwe•en men of our Usi- Itvuiing manufacturing city, ` with Toronto, He was talked of am then Ktraling..tonung all the 1-010", all the rn.cs these two powers. That tire, wnrl(1 �/ r r r�T)► IICs4 that is jX1V- Toronto n dare second. The figures 1 P from the west. will find h way out of much oppression, 1 [� 1 J i\ it[ 1 L l O jt- arnentof the• \finisher of Jnmtice in Kate ill home eachbinll+keeping ntay Ire assnmat, Not the ing great satisfaction for the principal centres in thin count) K(mlh Yuck, IAit 11 r. Foster hem " war, 11 nee oast end eMWrrn slrrning. generally,' nut the farmerm alone, j ITS I i\t ('u`� 4 t0 OIIr C U 8 t O fn e r 8. Art- : pretty long head and realizes that die rimnnring lender dream+of ,no.hule..bx lNnp neexim At pn•"trnt to lie rpm iia gums d' r tto 0I ](tell ifelelt crrt.iurrim the railer port of yahoo', waren. t(e-fee p iN too, I. Oa4.rio Leads. COLLEGE x;,.., % people want to Goderich . Vb(II,a14 82, 1t h5, KI Sleep, then, steep, illy Ilttl„ dnnghter, get measured for their Winghxm .. ... 4117,Z►tl l,ifl,;dfl ,Tile most att•a t-tive feature of Ulr 4h4•p to wound ur rnuning swat.l. London For Plerso, i. getclothing.I (%linton .... ..:ittl,!i5 aWi,R1K tloniring,.Ing1/1gu1r,ingh ilia twmgbr, slnQi„l, Lieot.•Guvrruor Clark. in bin red• GBG. t3POTPON, Principal For these SlPaforth.. .....:INK,'LI7 at7,:4A11 "'A et- Power -electric railway prmlms,i- ❑ilk• uli„g, tt, rel t. •tress Iefot•P the Canadian Club of. the YOth Ce .fry Brand Exet•r.......... 14':,411 ?4K,IMd11 tion i” I hilt its rrialivAtion would toeing Itown twide the river flowing, London At the me Morien yesterday, de- ` ^ r'`-- -..-y -� " the " a 8 el»red, "'There in no (1 pec 1 iKBde l'unsertAtivem attempt to extraet tiexler h Nnd the more"ending town- ),),'lisp• the bl,em and Mx etc grow•hrg. 1 ,ration nbwnrt it, corn from the glwat development 1 " »e closely der touch wish ant. Ludo burros whl" the. Province of OntArin todm y' t0 -Order Department. in('xniflianmxnnfiutun•Nby dance{['- soother. A "yleteu fe[ electric rail- And lkrtbells ofly lKlOnienlh,g, itreiteapnArknhleovince �lnihomghtithe haat �- shi w per gently, N" night'" wurolr y in the nh Hill. I SUMMER SESSION / In getting a cult made, ing it an a twsolt of the ('.,11aert•atirr ways sou neako n woOdetf"I t nu• ['(coaly throng[' the shwlnw+ stenling, Is, Nia Honor xeaued W nurprlAe lits i •� 20th Century Brand, tatiR prlicy Wi11Ch they (tdNlnl IIKA ['score pmvemehti lois county, Tinkling• tinkling. thmngn the twilight conics A°ditoi,(. Tht.y pr,.hahty slid not DURING JULY AND AUGUST. M> contenlal by iht' Littered Government. the sound of enure I"•u.. riunbt the speaker. Ouly they held (1t t.xT.l,'],: TIM, j ),011 get the 4tyle and A Chrixtimn 'hin.oce stfldent at nn sl" I'• then. .leen, n.y urttc daughter, not thought of it. The tifele in oppor- I work which compare They do not t'ncixy to reconcile tl w tune for the Ewople of thiA most (gag• j ZaLIOTT Quite coIIPge hits been turned back ret t stile bolt.. and 4 {reit, and cantor, nitleenti en0owell c,athtr 6V% A fRVOrah rRuMent with their fendxpmitinn fn tl$e �1 Weeiving, wrnr ing rhnin" of nhrmber, rn.t Y' y to take ly with the first ttw Literal tAriff poli(.), which they have t e Canadian border rex he was un about Iher ItrP uilNnd'..Swllti full Account of the place it "tight to. '• Class city tallprg/ while CtetviatP.ntly Karailed as a nArriflce of his way to attend It V. M. C. A. con. Mary H. Poynter. flit in the destinies of the Raspier, And I the Canadian IletPllYtN to those of the ferelce in this Pro» in it wndit 14• to seize txddly ulnen the opportlnittrs TORONTO. ��: price is Only a worth something to kr w• what th,• for development that offer open every \tr\t• roll wIII t4 throlwh ynnr MIInP I,, fraction Of what their United States. The tariff lids not FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. hand. The Western Provinces of the, early fall, which t Nn em-ellent tle a to leen Altered, As radically Chinese think nil the Irragd of Chris- _ __ Canada Are tttractirnlly, the only part got Pu Iloymem. Prelsnre for tlnsh.ln,. get, +sit wAm Px tianity diAplayel .in our irhmlgr%tfm, Has Brought Porth Bad Fruit. "t the Dominion that in brought to the ! r"trlllg+cis two. MI and sic a month. Our pectetl rotten tilt' Liberals took office, attention of for n ronnhP R roll^g" 1"u, I,nP%MI1M �MIKt{M ' the at We have hundreds but there has IrP(elY K core bgtan tial rt-• ]awe. Ilmlullron Hl,rctntor. R es, and the' tendanee grow" wrrater : conn, ,tldent. tv t enormous wheat firldx utthe Went coir g+rtinr rete lthn,.. ir.wlre. ' anr(rs+" Iubl. Of samples t0 Cl)Oose duction from the old N. P, schedules, The, Mayor told the. meetin Inst Thews one Orchard in thin Wurlel worthy of w•mr•Idwide Attention. But "tr%torn by em„ndln1t our wrhool, rtthe,. R that <Irmervw to fe well parts-Kree"ed, not tit A degree that. mhould give it h.ce. twill your WHte for eataloerne, from in Fine Se ego and the result show” that Cnurulian Fridley night that nithough he hold W. J. EI,LIOTT, Principal, manufacturing interrato, Nre not a Getting Alarmed. hack most to Ontario, Wh~Agrieul-(,heVlOiA, Fancy or- ppose(] the power- "Theme In til tilt%' wealth R1o11P, AN Hi Honor i'or. 1'onae and Alexander St+ 8 t e de and 'Scotch wn tectf nista wonle have nN IwI1Pve. what I force' t it would Iw to o(Ni (aerie Vrw'.• twlinwh out, it slants• than that ret saAmo 3 p with a high tariff, An council last year he had since r•ealiz . IN hc^omAfter the American fnrmem all reed• the whole of the-entele t t, that rs p e- Rrwtt' to Canada who wilt title the together. The census founasu Porter Tweeds. Try a 20th Under a lower tariff the prosperity of rich. That reminder ns of Ssand Mc- Jmrn + i tl 1' y - Centllry R1-alld It i R the Whole conhtn yrs wnndedully Advance(]. And the tnannfactnmrn Y PherMem'm ubjPMlun to attending A 1. n le nited Mtaten •' day Then There's Our Reverend Mayor. thatOntarlo issued n bulletin which shown I'A"Ofermh ulows hersimter coneie Op.ra production on Sstuo,IAy have shared in the good titues, It In l'yenih R--"iP ePP. 1 micht ]anrh on Provincem Toronto star. fmrtnted in ruanufActorea, her room. pruibictsin 1lMltf re trtmtin reasonable reasonable to suppose that A "till the Skawhath."1 11nP 4-1erKyman having I1Pen rep- tlettPr President. of To ,1 K than one-half of the total out- further relief tArifr talydenx Urcir Port nit),, And An/the• One, Iwing hnrxehed Are of the whole of the D ominil,n, 1 a gr wdntld benefit the great nraesPll nJ the The life innurAnr.. ro.npaniem have l sit 1111sim,,N ms goverhor of Toronto Jail. wP give more in file pa'Pie of Ontario liking due; of theme things, andtheyare people, And what wnnld benefit, the considernhlr dnrinK 1hP posit year am the mar unyNa]ifie d Adhesion to thr dor. psrnd trine that fflPre in Pre -: to maintain the 1 of + cmmtry Aa a whole world lee to qiP aavantnRe of all emir legitimate indlen- rt -„ell of the rrernt invest{ wtinn intra them ntPUerxla n( R no Pierre herr or this heretfter that ,t P"c"'On ,'annot nom• evidence PnlOtnrP t There in happily that the pre) rPNaivr spirit T.� tris.. conducting hit"ines.... in long. 11Pte•ntly nil,g Abroad. It nPMm, however, - ----- the bun. of course, the rPmnit will Iw IwnP- !n Protectionist Germany. kept Im be,1 well in mind. The Government; REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT. flcMl all amend in KPt1inl( tilt• Inner- , I dl'000d~k >ew.... I lie few. ",ll.. it develop he arlive In policies rmlcolated to to the, full -11, dPRre•e I.he in-' In w thoughtful article The Wood— ance huslhowt nil x ['vitae (Wolin The canned meat f•At1P of I is not con h %fonder that Get- dumtriml, tin r ng Field for Sit wealth Agrirnitlrwl and mineral i the United rishictsmand otheffloolm P><lu+ riimenter•n. litlesf themselves have sowork to 11( e -to -order for your next suit. PRICES, $15 TO $22 SOLE AGENT FOR KING AND BORSALINO HATS sihcsC"teM IT.+1.1 t N WALTER Car PRIDnAM The Right Place to bay CldkhifW and Furn..JoN. cit r.