HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-6-20, Page 1When your business announcement is placed in The Signal it is read by the best people in West Huron -sIXTIETH YEAR -Na illi HM ' 0 "I 4 KW� T_ RIAL I 11 nl ..... os w. _ __.­­­­ ..- �_ _ -. __ IT��___-- _ ' .w GODEMCH, ONTARIO. CANADA: J t N E 20, 1907 TRIAL TRIP The Signal for the balance Of 1907 to new subscribers for 50; cents. .4 VAN- 'TTXR a ROBERTSON, PuseJazzaC Financial - tl f LOCAL TOPICS a Meeting of the Board of Trade. {F-I eTo pay for the $1,(1110 incurred ny Inst year's council fur the new Irlvct -ic generator and street lights: fur extensions of Lit" waternutium kill(] rnbN-; tua. Pengelly, of Sat, found thn anti arrested him. At flrht he denied nd, but that he was the Fwrotm wate Inter he adwitte,l thatas lie wthe --- ---- - - ---- (ee Greig, Mr. 1411-1 \II`. H. S. Hay", NEW ADVERTISEMENT3-Juno 401(1----- Mr. and Mrw W. U. -McLean. used _-- Afri.. 1'A"ruore, of Henfu••th : The lfissew Watwm, of .Nora,, t,'. r 1•,i„ : No Holldsl xy" Central Hunese College, Tore ---' - T/ A general ineeling of the board of electric light system this year, and for man and that he Nut stolen it gold Maw. A. W, \little, of Ell 1'x. ; louri O ltryf.Iun Town of i-odurich..:.» i \ ti w DO YOU WA�i 1 SOMETHING GOOD? trate is called for next Monday even- ing Pet the town bail for' improving the water suit lly ,ucor•tling ('o the plans made ley �:nginUrr Jlc. ebaial, te razor uud $S, but denied steed- ing tt,r \v+ttrll. 1'hrle well,►ea, he H.r. teseti 11r.. Il,tuliltun, of \\1•uzetrr, ; .A tlorhfn ttrlr- N'. wA. McKim460 ....::: s \f r.:md Mlw. �lcleau, :,f 1.ncknow: Mll.lin" �i. Millar co at8oclock g, general buriuess and the consideration I;regur. Thaw provide for putting in handed over to Chief Pengelly, who. ............ a Miss Hulluottt, of Il olilton, and Mr. '"'I"" omrNwly J1hnStood ........... s llfr \1'rntad If so, why not open a deposit account with 1-a and I of Lite Maitland River Power Goll!- N neW intake pipe of dol inches ill wired Deteetive Phalen, of Ooder•ich, A. N, JI 'er . and at•h. (1. N. DIN,, of New York. 1 (Sinlrle Fare for ih,lldll� or Day -o. T. It ..:.. 7 the Polly bylaw. Everyone is invited to diameter, extending out into the hake LSW feet from thAt he haul secured Thompson. De- Telegrams of vougratulation were te- Summer (load, -IteR. Black ...... .... .... i tlalU"t4Y the L,.t avoid care and anxiety of guarding your own attend. - the water's edge and tective Phelan went down to Sarnia, ceived front Cornwall, H. , ,. -Ile, IAay Hoflgen. tar«. ... i Fullt+nmmer Serrioe_ Northern money ? Band Concert.12-incht 44111 fret on land. The present Intake lhr to bring the man bank here for trial, but l'uhrtu, Ottawa, Olpw d l al •+u I CO Nevlgstioo o b Y. ............................ i The band ton pipe, anti proprosed one will supply than it wits found tient be Irul pN•krttrl belonging lionaderm in Munteal, Toronto +old Regina +1-,J As111q"I Ito{(Ort-(joYl•rebm Bank ........... 8 1 Anioil Meeting \\•"at ' We a Z per Cent. interest on deposits pay 1 will play the following program, P Krau4 on U,e Square op Frill�(► mote enough Water to k"t both the ion obi at the non o P 1 I pump- two razors ,t/r the hoose where he stayed, and he among 1 he very huge• culltiction of -_ Huron Farulen' 1 lu,stltute .... .. e+i( uisiie ore,.e••tt" N'birh filled the .MIs 1 y evening. June 21st, weather ingstationgoing. was brought before County Judge 1 I Nou for Nile MrrY Veru woe .:.: ': 1 drtwblg 1.0011, were x mobstantialIUlutranret•d Motualre love,txletlt .. and you can withdraw your money at any time. f perdslt ung : .i-, Mttcwatt+ttSarnba. un the charges The rheglit• fraln all's. Horton. -a decd Tru.l+mndl:unr"ntoi,SO., Ltd Phil. Horton Prosented, . ......... x wens„t wovited Me,. F. Jordan.... 1. }larch, Acron.lhc 1'aciHr .......R,ockwell ” Adventurer T11a Hnx:kVlDtl TIIIII•m of Ixat '1'hltra• of the Goderich theft and the theft of ( to stile valuable propserl)• in Gude- lawn WwL,I L,dita.• Ald tl00bCy. North THE �TANDAD,D LOAN - ( 031PANY .... .....Ramsdell :;: lteminiwvnty oft he South. ..... ..Solown t day ma '": uite infurnutlly talo x ) Y one of the razors m SarnIN lie was sentenced to twelve month+ iutprison= rich 'fr, 1111 (Ile bride's {Ntr•e nts; and StrWt Metbodi.t l'hurch. ................. I +t purse of fro:11 the 1. -March, Treaty of Portsmouth.. I(oontOw p pleasing presentation tool[ place sit mentInce•ntralPrison the sentences K,olrl R_'... s. a4• -__ _ ecx•intem iia k \I .,. ro.vp,etor ... Holme, u, o- n o ontreal, K \\"Alta. Npanl,h Silhouette... �.. Holllm,on the Hank of Montreal when Philip to run concurrently. Oil the other BrLwkville. while handso, presents I ,.. Goderich Office, Corner North Street and S uare. 7, Fireooralwry 41vert,Irw .........,IlaUshell Horton, the courcPon" ,tied efficient charge sentence wam x,lxpenoted. on- euro• from ithnost all Durr Lht• con• DOMINION DAY 1a, Q a March, t•nned Enlpire. .. . teller, was made tilt- revi{lent of x stable Phelwn rl•c ir".:o to town un tinent. I (:at -save t he King. • � � ruse , d (P ' GODERICH. 1 W. L. HORTON MANAGER. - - I 1 K Id fttnn the mrrrlber" of I r Friday. A pretty i ye which will be teras -a Women's Institute. the st ff, with whin he is justly pep- ulyd in atter vs..ua by air. and ales. The 'Goth rich branch of lite \Vest ul41•. .Ali-. Travers, the senulx er, loathe Redcoats are Home. Nirtety-first H' )tlaad RsRimmt, of R }lurtn,, is n bride's h.wok, i1- which plows Huron Wunlen'e Institut• in havingx the presentation on behalf of the atxtf, Ties. (:udrrich and ihulRaunon euro• London, nrf licit end P ale lilt•. marriage cerlifieate, the auto- _. — .- demonstration un SntwTl:l afterncN,n, t•xpr•ssing the Ir,tsure it afforded )whirs 1-L the :itid regiment arrived bugle bawd. , --- - Y P graphs of the guests, nod of the bridal - - -- -- June 'Ind, in Ute Temperance Hxll. thew tip tendertheir hrnrtirstcungrap row IAuuhrn ramp by Aptcixl tre(1n iuH2)•, • {xortt•xila (Pf the bride and Cabthumpian and trades Notice, GODERICH MARKETS. S ifter" And Rub•ectm are Co,follows : Mations un the eve of his approaching rroachin about Il ti t•Itwk on S,ttltday evening, proeea' �� J{ { R roonf. and blanks for o1 tier intereat• as . - - - rift li. (irmyy, Toronto, •'Tote Key to marriage. Mr. Horton replied.iu brief after IorinK un the train since lU Pool" delteils ell the Im-easi"n. , 1[,'F, rHE CNDERAIGNhD, HAYF, Tuusrnar. June 19th. Life's YoNNillilitiew." ••The Hc:ience,of but suitable tprBite. ole leave" tonight o'clock in the, to oeninK• The Cooks' Puede," by the KJ - 1/ tendered all our weomenl•. All of AFparll wheat, per bush, new...... 4o 7J to U s During the second week of caun r Goderich Wheel Rigs, Limited. .hes. aims. unpaid after Jnly Iso, lar,, w111 be H (rig wheat. Peg bosh, new_ a 77 to i 0 73 Honle•sewking," "1'tw•ntirth Century for (:,(Nlrrich, Out., whel•r ilia un,rr•iaKr K 1 B the cues Wee favored with ideal handed In for collection. Ne .u.tahlel a ye, per bush a Li to u (.. Living : " Mrs. 11. J. Shannon, Toros - taken plan -e un Lhe 19th Inst. He +old Art•angementm for ties. ruusowitc''• Children's games in the morning. heavy la. alit sow ll"Giro all our none . Buckwheat. per bush . o.l.; to 01-1 telt •'Honing a Fowl." This Meeting his bri a are expa•Letl to return t) Wealber, which Added much to the en. nieGl (Pf active o eratiuus tothe Attend to your, In Uma. N. D,LTRIVII (Mix. per bush.. new ,......... UNI to U v, uyuirot of the outing. Y SON. talc (Mas. per Hush 0 7e, to le 77 i should Ior o[ special interest. t^ all Brockville about Juh• IAL snot Will J K• tut x sutgle (loderich Wheel lugs, Limited, art - Barley, Adult sports at Agricultural Park per bush 0 is to o L:, worsen. No chrrge--all welcome,- rxcupy .1. re, %putill's pretty river ''ase -of kfckne.s was reported from tilt- losing ptsherl nhearl, and this week S. in the afternoon. se+r«nb,gw, per ton ::....::.::.. D e0 to i l a, Hour 2a(1 p. w. front eottxge on Fiartlry �ttr-et." Xint regiment during tilt• whole catnip. A. H-uhitcher and (iter a Currie. both Jr'or Sale Floor. fait,1ty, per cwt .... , 9 Jn to YI tlthough ,t very unfortunate arridf•n{ rR Baseball London Goderich. Flour, paWnc, Per cwt, ..... '$ sob to J.11 Wedded in Clinton.of Berlin, fire in town�on bumineetet in Hmn, per ton .. .... Is e0 to ss m Presentation to Charles E. Young cecurrrl Juriug til,• (amt sleek. It Lacrosse Clinton v. Goderich. j]OK9F.A FOR BALE Short.,, , cunnrcti^n with [hs. company'i prn- ll per two sn ro to 90 w 1'ht• wedding of John ("Jock") On Sntunix x[trrn«m the employ. +a-s'tll" that 1 lr. ah l'hlwkpv wan cone - 111& Hwy, e ton 11 trs W Hun Y P Y "ni r is intended acstock to utter "even err Tug-of-war i onAa.Rod rflare, twin wort. ty 1° ••;••• Cxmph1e11`xnJ Mira Marjorie }iNll was rpt roc the Western l'anwlot Floor uhf( "lit of his lent i1- A Inure when hr cent. preference Rfock OL the cumpAily g Pureejaol, open to all. i,, to +wL per curd 6,01 to 6 m F Band concert in the evening, by 7 rase. and sated Rood for bri work. tip Gutter. per In s Is to o is quietly crlebratf+el lair Friday ryrninR Mflla l o. plesrntrl (hnf lea F. Young tri olrrJ over our of rhe goy ro{x•s autlb in a limited amount. and Afeiets. liru- to i7.t theeae, per In o Is to 1113 in Clinton, Rev. C. R. (-unite, rector with a handoome gold Itwket and fel , bonding nn x it• ,' Peg and hreltk- botcher and Cftrvie ate intevestiti a bands of the gut Highlanders P horse and mere. x75 wit is. tie;g., trd,h, per doe ............ Ut.iw ole of S(. Paul's rhsr•h, performing the ing his urn, ,tbt-ve tilt• e►INIw. lie K g w n'a Land muse •tYti w r,: Po1R""" L. 0 e1 to o w, 11e ' R chain, tier. rx c,tsiun being Lille dr{utrt• number of our citizens ill the invest- and 33rd Regiment, rhonem ati! . tl7sw n. 1'-111-. ordin'y togood, peorewt. s to" w t In ceremom•. The event was unen- ate of Mr. Young from Goderich. He s ut lite r,•ufxindrr of the crimp in trent. The uione • mo raised, we 1-u- tattle•.:port, lerowt. _.. . 4 .Y+ to s 411 nuuneed, but as hath bride and (fNet ) Military calisthenic exercises. A dr(t'Prs,less ts A w 11 live welght, r cwt Rr( m., had been an employs• Of the Big lilt hospital ,1-,d let- Dun hums• with drlstxnd, ix to Ire timed in extendin n M. w PI t (j, Under". Out. re etre w sw, xtr rn ulAr yuan N•^ ole thrix wxnv 11111 for the sat flue pits wad the his coutpany iH Ibr Dungannon K N ,grin` twmb■ ........ t So to sur ) P K people p y K Life operations of the company, and it Tableau -"Gathering Rotund the - - friends unity in wivhi Cam Fires." Ll1MHER FOR AALE.-HEMIAOCK, S�«p, ter cwt ...... a to w t b1 ng them un- ctunpxny ix lasing one of its twat field I'lly). \1'r err gl:ul w sty he is pt u- wfll let• steer, theceftn t that theinvest- P , \ Ham. per Ib .......... 0 Is to o Is alloved happiness. Thr bride is the intent. exprrienc•ed workmen. All the gtes"ulg fitvural'Ij'' ors h, this "tock will help t) increase elm and maple lumber for aide frnru mreck. Haoon, ter Ib ... 0 Is to 0 ;rI V^all PNC daughter On \Vrdue,o(Mv evellin the annual or van be rut to order. For further twrticutao• I i�rd, per Ib .. is to Is R ght•r of alt•. and Mrs. H. employers of the still were gathered I" the town's industrial activities Its well THE BIGGEST DAY's UN ..W1 to RlMXRT XLUoT`r. Goderich. it Tallow, per Ib ....... . o tit w 0 h6 W. Bill( tend the grooul iN x telt or de elhpr on S,ttulffiAy, afternoon 4o 'Nports wets hs.( i +old almita L, four thou- �( K us ' make ,t profitable use of them. YET. \ Hleep ptoeercwt a 51 to 7 O, Kobt. ('ampborll. IighlhunNr k( -epee. bid him farewell. Jahr ri,tlluNs mak- wind pw,plr were plr»t•nt cu enjoy tier • Shee Sklrw_. - � 73 to 1401 1 money. We understutd that Me"xtw. _ Chickenin the n'f'Ri�ntatitln, with itfew well- slsm•t. Adjudanc (.until-%- roile- his Currie and Hrulmeher are, meeting c Baal 1:aLte !O! a,ale.- TUrko)+w.. .. It to ii Commission Aska for ti27,838. (.ln ern wulrin of regret. At his trioval. to"t runner ••Paddy" in Ilii iixlf•Inilr With DUH HALF. -THE HOUSE AND (Uualdernrrket«oopegeKr AL Lhr lritt•eting of the water and run and sou e,sih b x couoleld Kr+►tihinR auccrsmin their call- Handal morning, •tfttr lightening, 1 tut on Hlmko street At ('hs. recipient of the IN•untiful gift S i rani. h K 3 g N isles throe h The Signal to thank Iloglh%. abthmlgI1 oiited xgaingt senor with t r balance of leer c,a.rgo for ytxsenr iecmpiwel light coolmiaNum on Mnndx • evening by the underwlerned. ,ttor),nud-a hnif hour, - . it Www decided to r4 nest the town K Very fits[ hour -n. II'he (Poll other wr• The Late Joseph T. Salkeld. Kingstrn. The Doric of the Northern I@ past repair. Over IWRarrc of Rrom,Nl and TO J!l----L council o provide Nip co^,ulihsion Itis frlluw•wurkmru for theft kfnJsesw ",oll)frum (-rxlrrich Shu ruter[vl sun The nese ofp he oten(h o[ Jusr )h T. Navigation Co. had it cxrga of I11►, geed Orchard of apple., peen., plant.. 'herMe.,_- - -- - - -- - ft) hllll 7tt IIIN JPpxrtnrr. Sir. Young 1 bushel". She was formerly known off, AppIl at. promlaeo ter addition MRs. K ItF\T.--THAT ELEOAti'T offil with $:I,FK11d cot• the following par- Ieft on TuemiLty on the 4tPanler (icer- Worthy Kilpatrick, whet got second Salkeld, which oc'rurivid on Weduees- the T+udouRac before c61n n owners. MARY VANffn Goderich. ItFtte new hour on NewRale street Occupied by hrtutid fur Ik Licit, whirr bin wife will i1- the hurtles. `, day. morning of Iltet week wt his hrnue gi R ,ori,. I lis:. TIP,- house W Attaa soil far- ort the Ba\ flrld read, (iretlerich town- The steamer Ionic arrived OFT UESIRABLK PROPERTY VOR none. Iw[hroou,, ch.ct anti elect He light. Pa (loin Ilius later. The Morton- Acheson Nupt Is THF ANNUAi. AtEFTiNG OF THF: day night with 63,111111 bushels of wheat NAL. with r ,od hod between Nilnaro ,orlon tea M• lad ImmwdlatrlT, AvpDty w Seldom has A wedding in rderich "hip, was hexyl with deep regret Ily for the elevntrr. wad lake, with hood house and a11Mr. Fir f(F:\'. HF:NJAMIN NOTT• I7 fr I.Zl Nnron 1. Dunga' non.In-titute wiltel be The Huron Old tloys' Excursion. hi" friend" in town and county air. pslt8tI apply ,x, pramiw. MWF. -it - held In h,far. Hall. UuCk p. no., for Thesdor ct•r,tfr•d rush a fluttbeen los of excitement con- Y• Tilt- passenger steamer Greyhound XL. St. fahict's tltnet. t;.ttit June Yilh• iviv at t o�lork p. nl., ror til- tn,r A circular from Lhr Huron ds }itoyy and int<•t•rst,'ur leen we orrttily\ Pun- SxlkPld haul Irrett ill fur +tlN,ut mix t trotIII About she paxrive(t s from Do. _____ -_ SHFO HUUHK Tn RENT tlo-e of i•e.el,-Ing the Dicer.' rclN,ru for tile ANxucixtion or Toronto reminds 1-r of sum41ottwl, ai sats the mxrria r yes- weeks, ties. result of fi ruW which Ixtrt• Jr for the s1- nv" months ytmd brick house, year, the el tfnn at nmrcn Rnd Re neral (It K Y Lrolt when Rhe arrlvl (1 on M011da L1UR SALE. -A ('UtSY SEVEN- �I m,dfrn fon.cnlenf,•.,, electric lighted, nww.. R M. 1'^t'NU. F'n.,ident. H. J. Multi the spar x )pnrxcdt 1-r the annual excur- trrd,ty of one of (-INtc•t' l'ot's Rucinl tlect•lu{Nrl into pleurisy, with othrt• 7 r rotemed bewo; hand and Pat water In nine non... 11.10Mn I.. -.t.1 on Waterloo HIN, vioP soon fnmi h'urunLo t) the huu,e count t evening, proMchl}• the Ixrgest number yro,fdcnt. \\ M. ItA1LIE, tlecnmary. y. colo dic+Uious, init nhnuat lentil tilt• kite near Collegiate in.tione. A 'twvot•ite", in the PE•rson ,1-f Misr Fva t she has yet brought up fmm the city Ion. (horse l'o:, tenets toad. VD(y io ata , 1t4�o T uF.n. 9111 } rt J ��t Md1wr vii': -----------�---- _ Thi" eve in to t"kp place on Static- atAy Acheson, dxu htrr: ^f al f. and Inst tt watR px)N•cted thtlt he would pail y ` d,ty. July lith, when two train" will R of Lhr. Straits, On the Musical A nRlas•ra street. UoArtHch. :'t SlttnatiOna VaeanL Nes. \Villixm Achewm, and Philip through all right. Those who knew Societ 's "moonlight" ezcucwio Moa• `'tORNEit LUT IN THE OLD UAIi- _ I(-ntvetlieUnionStation,Tor•untI,,at7:3) Holt Horton, teller of the Hank of 'title a few week- ago its n strung, Y 6 Vv day night there were about 1,A1)p on HUN' proven for wale. FtonUeg ew EI- U KK!71'.-A F'['HN ISHF.D ROUM; r ,t. m., nor for (:oaf( -rich ,old hs utiles 1[orbtteal. BrvN kvillr, Hud anti est healthy elan can hardly realize thnL stn aTenae and Motet street Hewer and T hedroom or parlor : or A cottACre. tented I :\NTEU.--A (1001) GENERAL (or \Vinghxul. Thp (:exlr•ru 11 wain ) K death ban cluiut(rl him. Mr. Salkeld board, about 4H0 of these coming up www _eater. For pet7leoWw ay�ly to J. P. la•aUoa. A4e, ror MIP, four Ire of Y•enerlan servant. AlyDly w MILS. F. JORDAN. non of Mos. Florac•e• Horton, town• on the Cnecent Club's excursion from BHON'N• blind.. Apply to THE SIGN.,, 0r F ItF1 will "Wp at. Mitchell, Srafurth and y took )lace lit high noon was horn fiftythiw years ago in the Stratford and intermediate Into, ('lint(Pn, Arrivin in ttmlerich At 12 Therorth ,4 `` I..If. ANTFD.-A[i1KF.TO UU L{(iHT K At North +elect airthalbt church. town of Go tler'ich, being the eldest sem po LaUR SALE. OR RN:N - NEW I � bourkPPpinR. Apply w A. N. M YF;It, ti PIuPk. '1 he ticket" will la,• gi"NI fin re• of the Into Ix,uir rialkrlri. A few AlNrut 8(11) lett on Tuesday un the trip I house on Broome trent all anodern fan �11) KF,NT. - FURNIYHFU O%K-ylcwrtRwtwel. Ret. Ur. Daniel, of iAmdon, conduct. ye'aro (,o Detroit. )eaten,,... A ►red-•-haB" turn mt wry regmhu't,tinatp to Mond,t.y later the f,tsuily ufoved tr Goderich Apply H. W. 'fHIIMSON7( hrng tory h Fur near Irks. 1t claw ing tier i. past r, n. -f til l b}• i{rv, (i, N. steep. stun tfv-n Rni' time. Furniture In tlrst-flw 1 WI) GF\ h:KAI. % F K Y A ;� 'I' night un Ibr itrr•rial exetuvion Lewin Itnz.•s, pastor of the church. 'fhe C"tvnshfp, while the cIPPPasrd had A Big Four box car was knocked off ,v,Id Uon. Aptly LOTH& SIUNAI_ 1leaving G'I derich H P. m AL)"Jay. b since resided, AINatt Lwent flvP the. trucks on Saturday evening tut _ _ CrT wanted. .tvtsY to __ - - !t. -sMIT11. Altar of 1 he church and the glu•Rt Iwwx Y- at the duck, the buffet At the end at 6�OH MALE. -24 A('KI:4 FXl`IKL- - -- - - _ Juh• 11th. Thr (MfP (col' the- rY,nnot trip were c'fTrPtivel" decorated with ahnx rears Ago hr was Mxrrial to Miss 1 I.KNT land for market ewrden, with SOH HF;NT.-A VWFLLINO ON ANT F U. \VA I T K F S t1 11%, to (ioderich in a1.Ki ; children, 9.5w. Y P \fahala (freer, daughter the track catching the. trucks and At. f�opopdd [� Kw. Fns•r. and huge bunches (if white lilacs ti A K ter of Ueorge lowing the car to and*- over it. rich . fie ►not fPin or two ud{e. plum tear%, 1' WANT .m 4)T boy., .\PpIY al til( (;filled ln"r Ise q.N•urwl fn walvwncral (ire•er. former( of Goderieb township, The schooner Kolfx a owned rich. d)'w erre. in orchard of apples, pecan. ldwfl�InR rtnrn iwhr•d or not 1. u,xr Oke front; ODUF.ItII'If tll'MMM:H BuTF.1. � with iatln IieN•", y yp�an�, cherrie,, pm,be.•, sn,{{lea aril nts{r modern comcideneer. _ _-_-_- Lhr (: r,uu) \'run ticket off sem in the I)uc•fng the arrival of the gusts, the now u[ \Vl•et Wxwtenuah. ThP widow R by the heeriew. Price amt fent. fav r1v.. Apody to FirmSAI.x.-Two now dwelling,, on Amok'— iVNFRALSFRVANT WANTED. city or /min membera of the Old &eye' Organist of Lhr (•hotel, A. Roy )tad two Isms and two daughters, all \Concludedon pacesot YOUNG a Rt)HKHTW)N. Orderlch. street: one dwelling on Picton Irxl; Rlro K _ building lot., on Kl[fin wvenew. F:w,e•T "tenet, Avvly to MHN. H. \\'. THUM:a)N•,ore)er AnoWiation.. The tworele of Ootlerich Adwnls, ((phtvtd WIftly on the organ, at hotel'•, are left to mourn the death Of Interest to Ladle. OI'SB FOR SALE. A NINE tsdar,areP1 an 19ne tttre•a. VlaoHaand Rt. IMvid'. ,trace,. ho!o• to have n large numlorr nt t i"iter" ;old its the bridal Dort rnU•toot the ^f xn +tftectionxle hustettnd and Lather. H roomed fwrrt. dwelling. NA TTx+I. A few fm rni-he,l houses or nxans party fig. havIrW a Road over the Lake, to rent for thee •wnn,er aw"wm. frnru Lhr ljiurtn Pity un thin excursion. ch It tilt, ushs.rm tetkin the H ht The decer�,etl in Rurvivtrt whir b his The visit of Prot Dorenwend IAc ��ANTFI).-H1' MRS. l'. ('. MOH- K K Y oderich on Wednesda ,June 99th anowuumoat Kenya atttiet. Stone Ill he 1►af \'1-C N(: L• HUHKK'rSON.I w w1 mother, wit brothers and tour LJ and .umrnmr kitchen. arable. N'lll he serld RISON. at the raw) hon.+•; +L Ow rwe, -illy - Hogan. aisle ,tad the bride soot her xLtrnJwntR � y mood "C""fn1." Pwnably M1)Ok who own Irrinx stood tile- Ieft, Mts. F'rtrl Screalon, of (won- "t"Lrrs: John \V. itself Imtuur, of the will aHonl the ladies of tills town AMa reawN,Rbll. Fix fart) -ler p.nlctdar. wDWr to ---- ---------------- I roten,noe.. \v feral u1,N,ut. F:nR, Pn1.nt At 1l�il o clock ycstpl•ilay morning &tyNeld mteJ ; alta. John Silo snrronndin coustr an o rtunit MRS. W. . W-CACUHAN, II IMcie, sue., weer q don. 'man in beautiful vinic 'Thr PIAnd, Toronto. 2Atf . Public Novice - , t0 error.-no,e Jure Lth. AAdrP�. INrX S. wai telrbrattrl Ih,• II1N171w{tPof AI IRR g t of .'Vuf•th %xxnf<:'t, H. C.; Sts. K• K. ^[ conanit Og himyregardingppo r -..-_—_ -- U,drrirh l4 O. al a Bridget fl ln• ,litu Rrid,tl Hymn" from "Ixohen'rin. • their K 'Kt K{►trr of :Hes. Pat- Miller and Mr-. \V. E. Gordon, of St. hair, itN need" find their uiremente FARM FOR AAL(: -ON 31ri l'UN• N THE SURROGATE, COURT OF rick Ho wn, ,41411 John Kelly, a ems• Thr nshprs were Herb London, of �1 OY WANTED. --To LEARN THF. K } .Helens, and Mine Mar Salkeld, of the in Ail stylet[ of hair oodx. Prof. Dor- 1" 'castox of Colborne township, mntalnlnR I Iho county of Homn. permi- farmer au W,uerville, Inwn• for. St ntl6r'cry ; R. Acheion• brother of Y gg Ila arrest, I mut• frown scare and VHoIaro I.F, H.. A My u, Bit debt ru,ul, enwend carries witif him ala a and Churbid. u ,title frons - ORNXLI,!+ t\'HOLtS.\LF: HAfill- A - i:. rnelly of AvhHrld. Gnind high mass the bride, and J. L. hilloran, of town ; Y al r. Salkeld wxR a n,det'n, x muss from As, 4 Il- tole-, 11 1a, THB MITTEN OF THF: F;.•K OF : 1-F _. K member ^f the Church of England and moat vwrfed xseortment of illy famous nolo" fnmi l'.1'.lt. a,auo., (+ miles fna,a Lam - _ - - - was celebrated toy Rrt'. Father 11cft+u•, "not J. C. Ureig, i,t Spntot•lh. ('laude K deati o1- Im TOWNSHIP Mt'tttHlw(rN. VLD. of THK j ANTED.-APPRF;NTICF 0110A Piste, of Toronto• was the hent town,' 1O politfcN w,t" A staunch supporter of conceptions in switches, bangs, m. sir, s miles front l'finwn. There ala TU\\'NSHIP OF ASHFIFLD. IN 7;HK 1•� xRmintrd by Fxthrr O'Neil. of Inndo°• AJOsrs, war mt the rwml"va two barrio. nee Worse, with ('OI \Tl' 'IF' HURON. F.\HMEH. for to 1«rn dr rnsiking, at once. Apply Irl the ter& client- first little Miss Lihert principles. He wita +t tntatee P Y frontsand sign. The Io SIAM Cul'SINS, corner or North .treet And "e"'rettry pro tem. to the Hishup, and et ual of these hi tttonr ,t bM. urpdwrncath. the Mhnr :r;Ton In ('Fate('• Furl n Greig, Hirer of the bride. wR +Fad the aecretarv•treasurer or xchrN,l L Rh- atural hair ari,d n+prlr, a (coot awns. I,Ogwe Kltn " raN1 Notice b hereby given Punuant m It. S n. `"o I P• Ito Rev. Father MrCornfick. Rev. Harty yr G ; glen Lhr• oil thebridesbrill Misa section No, l,• Utoderich township. 1)i'trduetiuns cannot pr�red from crn.,rr. Rnd w rwnur kitchen, w.maf•nnf and I+N7, fnRppter 1"!r, .ecuori 1K, Ih.t Rn psrwrn. -- Father O'Neil i4 m cousin of the r"all, , iticorrs he had Holed for many ears. "°Y hair '(lade dealer id.. Amerism dnving .leaf. Hydnulle foroing water at barn Aavl Nalvw eealmN the a-tbitr of the •nM ,' (IY WANTED.- LEARN TILE � Alice nutilton, Of Rroxet.er, cousin and kit,hrn. Rax( spHnR water. 1 wen tart nR 2 and \\'illianl O'Neil, of Kings or,,gr• y Prof. horenwend has the distinction wheal lie Ar god fl rat g, w. erste of „dtf all IMnwld Mun•hhscn. who tited o t 1-r wl.,ur The J Mlrher trade. Aprfy to JAS. FRIT%LFa' of tlir bride; and the mwh•un of honor, ttr wits x "Yct•r"Rtul [armor soot pOn. wh day of No4 wnwr, Ilan. Art- required eat or' tubo was hest nlan, is also a cousin. Comosed the respect and confidence of ^f b'r'ing the largest manufacturer add tion. Inc craft trees trvRinntnlf to tswr. and eN•foro chr 9nth dayy of Jane, lin;, tA, send by ----- -- ------ Mina Hnnnw Horten, of lh•l.mtt, sfeter Mrs. Fdgar if. Cook, of roronto' { the most noted R small fruit, xl) acro•, of Rood Lush. cedar, t peefodd or deliver to Maw,n+. 1'ainemn X. Wanted of the hridr, W bridesmaid. For the inttntdixtely preordinit the bride, all who knew hint, and the Ix a at- p(xlAlfet in, hese hemlock. Ms -wood. elm, snoplr. 1'..„ loo lH(msn, Ooderich Ontario. wrliciwrs for I _ - " N'ho was bri to tilt- sitarb • her father. tendance at the funeral on large Rosa"• Private apartments are the ran be given at once tetras to 01111, the par• Hugh McPhee, of 4sideHeh. Ont.arlo, gentle. - past fourteen years the bride had VN•en h afternoon Attreterl the wide esteern in convenience of All who avail thein• ,hatter, For further lnfwmetlo npp1dy on the man, and John Mr•Oarry. of Lnrknow, Ontario/ the faithful houeekeP r ett the resi• Ts. bride'" dream was of rich Ivory prerla,ws or address JOHN HAL.,. ,.A\'. God � I `111K \VII,\. PAY CASH FOR AL1, IN' whicle� he wns held. The interment selves of calling at the Hotel Hedford hot (keeper, the resoculm, of the IR.t will Anrr your old 1nm ; er C It w the Found denr•p of .)1-dgqe Holt anti WAn given "',tilt trinnued with extlnimite roe Crich. Unl• addamPnt of the sold dt•odtoetd ,tele nbime., ar„d MTandAAlwm•nr+Qroet. RWeH9MANY away by flip Honor. After the Kerr• Point ince &)Pont. the bertha and wax Made in Maitland cemetery. on the otwy of his visit. eddreww;. and Atr,eHDtlon. and „hal Lata I I-VAUTt'RING l'oMl ANY. Knot Street. 43•tf sleeves, and the skirt had the Raine Rev. M. Turnbull• rector of St. - Fj,`ARM FOR SALE. - A CHOICK went of particular. of their clAim. bind the —_ nl^"y the party drive to the residence Iwnutifsl Isco i1- lentis s (trot' f s church, conducted the ser- ANNOUNCEMENT$. farm for Sale, adapted for mixed farxd/q nature of the soogdty tlf Any\ held by (hers. nr the brldr'R mother•, where the wed. P K fLbout the g or pa,.tore, go rnow cleared, IO Acre. gaol orch IIs y certlA,-A. Notice LT'iedt0:� Jing breakfast N•a4 partaken of. Thr been. A full court train fell from the vices'#It house and grave, and the poll. -- aM t. -„false .tnd nmteen k hereby further RR -en that after ItPxrers were John Hunter, of Col. Try a bottle nt our BuRwlo Bug gr)ro1 timber. Soil w Rowe, black tem' +,Std dwle the +slot rxerntory stn ,rrrca,.d to _— - - -_ happy couple left-+tt ai o'clock for x shoulders with w horsl•nhoe of Ince and Arne township. Arthur Huneimss Killer at 'Lie. Pel• bottle. Sure kill. I. late. Uood frame roger, frame ower and 1 _ Pi )' I �rRltlwz Rand driving .hod. Lot. D and da,. diotHMulr (ne ,(sesta Of til,' Arrrewd en,Ong OTiCE TO CREDITORS. -ALL visit t(P roronto and other points be- orange b1OR"ome on the end. The P H. W. TfIUMRON'tl Drug • �•Qnoe,.,lon l U,ilerlch mwnohl A ty• to I the part if” entitled thereto• h.vintt t•n+rnrt only l bridal veil• of tulle, wits worn over te And Frank Halkeld• of 4tratford ; g Store. p' 1'p 1n the r1Aln,s of which Loco' X. 1 t ace hwro 1 pelsono having Account. Again -t the lots. fore )nxeredinK en (heir new hnmP in coronet of nrwngp hlnasoins, The K 1'ItOI'l)FY)OT, HAl'aa HLAIHor to VtiAM. norlrr. N'm. Narrow., .tr41 merchenr. Oixlrrlfh. Rro Westerville. Thr helots wits w'txithfid George Andrea's, Robt. Andrews And BALL(NIN AsscRNgrON,—on Sato day J. WALL18, ('Ifetw,, 'LNf IMled,hexth Any of.lnnm. INr. lln er htv J Meleet then, n dutwhirified. no mrmltrr Or St. Peter's congregation Ilible'n letmulnrt was of runes need fern 11. L. S\flkeld, of (loderdch township. evening, by Prof. Caseell0, w profess tAMEItON k KIMA)RAN• fronds. The matron of honor wore it tl I "conal aeronaut, near South street, for ��OR SALK. - - 1; STORY HOUSF 47.3t Solicitor. for the -tit Execlltor,, accounte will be rcro,fmxed by the estate. And was cone Of the .pronnoters of the yaw to be Voted on July 16th. nn Angle•"ea Meseta 1t ,tory bonne on THOS. HI'1LIjO%% 1 Lex Ile of the Sacred Heart and wait 'Minty semi-eMpire Frown ter pale none a silver collection (weather permlt- \.pler "irm, 11 story bottom on Napier street. --- - - - 47 Zt )t. t. MCNNIN'US / Kxxutnl,•. K silk mull over white silk m- andle. wf- A slecciAl nit-t•,ing of the t)wn coup- ting). If unfavorable, will take place near l'atholic church. l} "tory hour on F:Ixin „-y- - _ - - closely identified with other nrgxn"a- R ril a,-.1. hebl Inst night to consider x moot the entire bodice 4winef of choly Monday evening Or fleet favorable canoe, 1 story house nu Keays Mlyt't. l ,tory � - ------ Lions fn connection with the church. - new I,yL•,w hl .•omntxtion with the h,, w on Vletorhtotteet. 1 .tory brick hou,c h. 7BRITISII AMERICAN Court of $eviaion lace with ruffles elf valenelennes. She MaiUanot Rivet• \'ower C%Ompxny erne -evening at 7::i(► ri clock. SnitforA,w Imgteln. brick yard In ('olb,rne. KSA CULLF:OF ---- Dickinson-Corbould. worm large pink evin hat trimmed L.\N•N Hlm'IAL.-The Ladiei Aid o"itiOn, incotpul;tting &the changesrear Ibnudllet. w Irr,Aid Inre.twurnt fora . NnIldInR. Toronto OWN OF "OODF.KtCH, COIIRT if hxpp is Lhr helots the sun alines with hnnJson1-e pluules to tluttrh and front the former bylaw asked Scxaety of North street Methodist man with small capital. F'Rrn,s fwr style in "ny ThP wnrrcl that sIrea the be.t nnstnw.a And T 1 t,Rn of Huron County. F NU a ROHKIt of E(eAl,lon. Tnkr not1CP tient the conn nn, lhr tv'I, of n Inc a circle of terror rxrritri n Rhowpr INmy 41st of dnk romrR Y +ts d cote ey church,will hold a lawn Racial at the .hurthand tnlning. Spd•IRI rate for the of HAvlNlori of the town of Grderit•h will hold !; I Mr, ; —ex, as a--miditon of his flnc AoN Goderich ant Nunnner Term. Privileges of 1'. M. C. A. frie6doe will hr fulfillal in Lhe case or tied with pink tulle. The brldrstnxid'N home of Mr. and Alm. F(coht. McLean, _ Its Ar4l.lttbyrrh the town holt, 6odetioh, for ing tie capful firm the scheme. There. cmc to nor ,lud uta Drop emfd fair cote the pnt•ptte of hearing a,peal. nRalnat t e last Tueidxy afternoon's helots, for the ROtrn was similar. being Of pale illus.• wers. ) Huron road, Tuesday evening, ,1 N EXCELLENT F A R Jf FOR twRue. �. M. AVA"O.C. t'eieetpal h And her hat w+s of picture lust 10 1 I't'se nt III,. Mayor. the Reeve, Y R. June A SALK Vio acres In Nest Wetwanoah, two h a e menL roll of the town or the Y -sr ltsi , on rlwy wns simply n perfect unr for such 1 the Deputy Reeve, wad Councillor R Lith. Admission l:i cents, including �uewe y. the Lith dayof June, 199 at It oclock e I miles from Auburn : o u a clay latra, •bell, Its, NN xq nccaaion. The bride wary �f int ('on- math, 'with lung blur and white refs•"holents. ice cream And candies n the nftcrnam. o. JOHN>3TON, Town Macklin, do n tie pe, Beckett and gr'a'd, under well An dtlau seal ge to p, erre. (•leek, RtRn('e Uurie, daughter of �L•4, ('1-r- pinmen. Site carried an nru,fill of MunuinRN. on motion - it Councillor will Lets served on the 'mends. Con. timber. A wen Rnd two flog" Of wwU•r• w June I:Uh, 1NG. � . IN,IIItI, FxAt street, Nnll the rN1II1 wife IllargllPl'iIPR, and Imrth the hridr"npaiot Vf•)'wnMN Will IPAVQ the rlellrch At 7:�1) nrwrramedwellin w barn. "table and K Macklin Itnd DeFAIty Reeve Fllio(t it 1� •F:dtvin LinJRwy Uickinnun. o[ the tvs.p. wad nitron of Lunar wore dxint gnlel ,vas decided to submit the bylaw to and 1U cents will Ile charged for those drITls shed. A 0- w 'OCNG a HUHF,.ItT- ----- y wrN �odWch - - known Hrn, of Dickinson k (iarrow, necklets with pearl pendants, the. gifts � wishing to ride out and return. 1 1 t i 1 1 t l Intrr•isters. Tilt- ceremony tN)k hiPee bf the groom. The flower girl varrietl the vote of the electors, Reeve pT.e,tn -- - HOME STUDY ISHINGLRSANDPO8T� b nnkAndwhiteesweet' vottio NRA Co the motion, and nn l I fit 1 ri chock in Sl. (ieorgr'N church, the 1 {et+trnnd Err flet k ming of timt theoro Beckett ail AUCTION SALES. rector; Rev. Ai. Turnbull tiein the w•tea w botnn of white mint d es r tit afunningmit was decided tetrr uare the -�- AI'1'LisD w ime or more of the -- ' K with runlet of Nhit satin III -IN: (rib• ( F'Nlf)At. Jame Yost..-Ametlo■ sale of live T H K plendldrour+.eRghen by the Shaw knot, in the premence of the inonediatr We have A large quantity of eoutpnny to ay the cost of evil roe'k and ins femenfm, ,m rt of Jaw h (brreappienndence schad, Toronto, K 1 Y frifhuls of the happy couple. 'rhe IN)Il, and mite wore a ntt$utir holt � R S t to" y P wHl lel{, on to better thine" In Any Posts and No. 'l 4hinglea for bride worn a t.,tilor-matle costnn•r, of w re athed in inargueriten. ' During the it. Councillor (irrldthor{eta did not Jones, at lot 2, concession n, wo-twrn dlvimlon, STERLING BANK walk of life. Lot es end Yat Dar. Vote ot1 Stn the motions. rhe (Osborne. commencing at I o'clock "harp. 1 ormlwr.. N'e aro Ad IHR hendrod. sole at Our (.'owl and Woad crennl chiRop bromicloth, Anti x cream signing of the, re-gimtFr afro+. Screaton Y THesc, Ol'NUKY. aqd loneor. n(,I,wlentx loAeY• aw nY we not aid holt with PI11111em, Rtld Pa,'PINI a nhn N'er Rxn'� liuy d'HArdPlol'a "IIPrn11RP." b�rve 't. its tint the matter lett left, OF CANADA yen i ('lip out. miRn name and Tuan yards. Anyone wfintinReither txnl( net of bridal nines. The brideh. She wore'a handmonle gown of Pink over for . week• but failed, to 'pt. A BORN. not. of theae should get his order in matin en p •• Acconder. Ile wee in favor of the I R were \limn 1[ArTplerite CorlNnt{({, I unc:rsn And whirr mor hat iRVINU.-in Dalt. 00 Jm„u Nth. to Mr. And llsan rJr ylce Toworm Name ..... .................. ...... at once. lie they will not Inst Ranter of the bride. and Miss Kathleen with white plumes. .V bouquet, of Ir)'Inw N Roing to the people but Mro. A. W. Ir'inR, a daughter. AUTHICIAL an oAriTAi, �L(rrj1Y' Addrts.. long. Lowe, of London. Ther tvolr otrrxN,•v pink carnations was preAented to her. t°i1'ted it to go in the 1a, -"t shape pos- THUMI'SON.-in Onderich. nn N-Mnrvrlay, - Nihle and thought there was no sped Jo . ISLt , Mr. and Mr-. IMtid Thum, ................ (;. S. of pale illus don..a with valedre-s es pi that happy cause %#-n out fmm t' tN((1RPORATEDHYSPKCIAIAtI is lit PETER MtFWAN ESTATE. insertion and pale blue chip hats or Iti•u"h. Ile oh'PctMi ntrunRly U, ,on.\'IdoHa.rneet,nson. the rhulrch and entered the cab Lhr-v tier town's Iwing +sjied to liar $7,(411) a BOYD. Iri Procter H. on Friday. Jnnw OF DOMINION PAKLIAMKNT trimmed with plumps, and their were showered with lilac blossOlun lith, the wife of Joan. ItoyA (roc Mattuom, A , TO RECXIV K Ds1'OSITS _-- - T- - bouquet were of pihk carnations with +tad theirg,athwAy wits strewn with )Par Gov prrwer for the municipal by inn. streamers. The Rlte•iPe front rat o{ the s+uue ower, and mtrierl to. amend the Irvlxw by MARRIED. TO accommodate the Farmers 1 t)Nn were ,e-,. Walker Plod Mins After the- church ceremony x rece p. nutkin the amount ilk("), htIt again ('AMPHF:Ld,-RAI,I,.--At St. Paul'. rector , TRI CANADI BANK OF COMMERCE I 1„ul life eeomler, the rest of the coun- Hinton, on Friday, Jane fifth, by Iter. Ave have opened Branches 1n the I 1 \Val ker, of Toi „-wo ; Mimh \\'inslow j ride'vait held at ill- residenre of the, ail laking the view that, As fin change H. ognnv, MarJJnrle, uriRr-( dnnghter e/ and F. P. R'inarnc, of 'Toronto, anti itarrnes, which war lavishly y K tb. and Mn. H. a,'.1, ro John. third won rill tges of HEAD OFFiCL`` TORON40. 1867 Hr". Lloyd, of Paris. Tilt- bride xrwn decorated with ronlrnA• N'hit(- Ii1ACN and wam objrertfd t^ by Mr. Mopes, the by. ear Mr, And Mr.. Robert temptrell, troth d T '\` _- IVPs AWNy by ilei' rrpl141 n, F;. 1'. 1\'inA- lily 'of till• \'AHPy. 'rhe hr'idP allot law world have to IN. Rnbulltted In that OiNlerleh. DUNGANrON, g free,, xud fakit whatever tate i( M, I.AItT\' LAWIJrR. _ (NI Wodneida low• of the Hunk uf,Mnntrpnl.'Toronto, �rpO1u 11-1-ived ITtlexlh A hiI a bell of r. H. F. WALKER. loresldent. Pald-U Ce itAl, i1�,000,0O0 Mr. and ales. I rirkinmeon Is.ft on Ibr received at the, hatt(In of the v(PLPrA, Jmne 11111, oil til.• hone• of the bHdei S A white lilac. witch wns fit e(t with rmw, .Ambnrn, by Rev. A. F:. ]tare., ilea AUBURN, �dat p- . p - b OOf) 000 '1:80 p.m. train tom x trip down the mt. ronfetti, and••ttm life riblionot were ('Ounoillor fir•r•kptt wonted to itn,11V bwth, dangnter of Mr. and Mn. eats ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager. , r hwwrencr. and un their return to drawn the detiuge Ot confpt.ti fulling whether thl• oth-•r townn mentione4l Lwwlor, to Nel.on Melwrty,at Henml; VARNA and A. H. IRELAND, Au"rinttbdent Total Aetlate' - 113000 000 town Nill ttkr up Ir"fdenre in Nes. AloOtlt them made w f rr n xti f a ng in tile- ilydt•n•Plectric rnutrni"hion'a 14Y1TKR OAs.-At. '/.Ion ('Ity IIL. on Jens \ of HM°Chea. _ + + Y report n" to In• aprvptl with PlpPtriP tt. Alfred Potter, formerly U li rter-m *tin, BAYFIELD. - rJnya R house nn etson sheet. The (hs. aonclusicon of the wfddYng break• rA ML. Minnie (hoe• v power fmm the Maitland could roar grxom'm gilt to the bride nam A gold fast the bride cut her ctrk(- and the 4"OX�•-yOt'NU. In Clinton, on Juno IY by filsele solicit the Patronage of the Hranch"s throughout Canada, t►fN) it1 the United Scalers And F;nKbtnd• watch and chain nrn1 to the brides. toast to Lhr Irridr and"groom. pro. P'I the congNtnv to "nPply such power Itev. Dr. Stewett Pony' A. ('ook w iltlas Maid" ppwrl pendants. ppAetl by }{Pv. Dr. 1Mtniel in a neat end what would hwPfen in til" event DD H. 1'ounR, liN)1 of ualelimh. FARMUFt e, R •h, w+1- received with three of ths.n• sol. IN•ing aufflcient power 14TXVCV14 JXNKINN. At IM ronomenre of A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 1RASSACTFD' Caught at Sarnia. � devcb^ped t^ supply til" 911111) h.p. the the bride'. father. Ualerich townsh�p ori c "pr and A tiger.' Jone 19th, by ReT. w. J. JWII11rrme, T,, On RAI,h NUTIia ntM'OUNTXD. h law requires to Ile suppll"d In Gode• rld,.1 do W Star of Holend JenklnR, to CoitMtM'tAd, Awn rAlgtsM' PAPs;R Dta(•otTNTsI),� Tnesdxy wrninR of hs t. tw•(;k the TF,e hridp'N trowelling dress waw Of N'r.ley J. tlirvans• RII of nd Jonh tow„ theft of,t gold r•hAin, A Aum of money, navy bill(- chinein broadcloth, trimnipd rich, if needed, as well ns the outside yAVIN(iA RANK A(1('0[?NT -- a pair (of mlAwkings wtldArazorfr(iin in tkn. witthy blue and tan hat to itefit wnd. Councillor Goldlhol1w p•)Kb�f hFtKLD-('o11F:-A(thelwldenceef opened by deposit of $l.lt) SAVINGS B A N k ll 1-; P A It T M F. 1\i 7 boarders Plt Mrs. Hdake'A Immi-ding match. ►tTibe station Mr. And Mrs. "tatrll that Goderich WAN to half" wll M brkle's ttarwnt. mytth, O"Juno lift, by the power there would la,• a dernand v. W. Herticy, `/wale,, dwnxhmr M Trhe,e. LntA+tr.Lata(compound- hn1,Re was di.a•ovelfrl. A young Horton tvFte "howpn4l with Hower•" forhvrPu)1^2[11N)h. The 1R Code,toAlf•xnnderi-ortetA"ki.clfrkofIrA.i Cast quarterly. Deposits Of $I and IipWAr(Is i0001Ved ; interost allowed Fngli4hman n,tlned ,1AR. ' homp"on, and confetti and the I.rain pulled out b p' Wnw.m.h. who %%,it at in At the ho,ine, wn. Amid the cAnnoni ling of torledtNa, (ruhllmhfrl elAewhere in thin issue. DIED. at CHrI'ent 1'atOS AMI pfll( (IllattACly. The, depositor is subject R he voting in t^ toe on July loth. CCltltlF. In firNlrrlrh sown.hlP, nn ]nom ;til. slatected of t r theft. He hail left. the MmtvinKK of floweret and the. way. to n0 dela whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any in the afternoon for Sarnia tunnel. in of fond iArewells. Harbor Notes. ( Atnwrtne r'antelon, rflhA of the lees i 1{ 111,itiCH RRANI'H y lA'nrrwnts wire 1-t out for hit ,u'rI g liCtint, tnrrio. ARr.I x1 ranee and a month._ portion of the deposit. K The out-of-town gueata were Mrs. 7110 ateamers Ne•ehinR and Doric are itcl)(IN tI,It. In GedlArich, on Tuesmda . Jens A. O. OAMRt,e. Manager• -- And the chief Of Police At 4arnis wits I Fred ho-reaton, of London; Mfa" Him- rival on 4und#I evening with N•hext I"tn,..RR,nn Jmmm., Intent wen M Alin end R. S. WILLIAMS. Manner Oodprich Branch. wired. After nermn trouble Clete([ ken, of New York; Mr. and ales J. I for the elevator. The Neeehing left on aMot,nd �xa:yM,tbawll. aged I year, I fne"oa Ej Q A.