The Signal, 1907-6-13, Page 5�—rr a� 1-1 _,raw . d • .
- - - - - -- - - __ _ -
' , , c a.c.,iifaS
' u x lis,1 y[m r 5 t �c aa,.a� ar.p r..,.s, I �a 1.+iRs.ta !gNIC.mWr u dse. u�^.r"a„0rnaIM"I,�w Ri9.t, da,an �.�wr,�@ A,'^ ,JSlitr r
P:f,tr.,,THE SIGNQI,.: GODFRI(H. ONTARIO r1UKNUAY, Ju•e.1J, i)lr !t p, ;
�Ii f SaVeceig� THE TOWN COUNCIL. r���
I:P ;.ED 1SE EA„.}I C 11 sf,sir
Money Orders, Sterling ,, i �� ` C 'l'a'd' " � � '
�( DiRarent fJr anizatlons Want to Use :tie � •� : STRENGTH t) II I a IS If ERE ; %Pith It -coni,_% the desire to cast of those
of t, g r V! ,^ fl.: t lit+�,('� r
//+'���1'-�� (�n.N Agricultural Park -- A BoulevardIli 4; Ts ; it tw
Wlledions, Savior Depart- Alongthe River Bank Proposed- ,);;; ti+Y( i; garments N•illcll llave done 11UO(I service battling the
Dog Tax coin Well This Year The savory strength m the cup, obtained by r, l ,�j N'lllter s[tnl'llil;, �Y11U11 yUll still (Illi' slIc1W111� of dainty
trent, General Banking _Ter. hone Bylaw Passed. "441- { �princ footwear, you will want a pair' of shoes to
p r blending Indian and Ceylon Teas, is the secret of
&nth —'-- 't' Red Rose Tea's succesa. .� , ,: brirllten you and make you feel snore iii harmony with
I __id 4 timm The town council met on Friday , r
�'�"' evening, with His Worship the Mayer I. ' The nffoof is in the dt`ft—iLa_1-- taste It for ourself. (_-- the fresh Spring day:•
{,�_ _� �+ �- i. ##,Edi-"-'S'wrl OK t b A .GCp •� 1 l
ll Ort 'a M) in the chair and Deputy Reeve F,I- { .<r ('YJ 1 x" yak° sS.:. nfl , �t
I liott and Councillor* Reid, Muuninge, ,I; a �
A, POHTICK atattaser U,derich braawh Ouldtho�w Bet kelt and Macklin at Asst mw Ciacco to send you a PadMe t04- -
thele au p - ,- Models in Footwear
11 LiTTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN. The wudditur statement of nth receipts
and expenditures for the month u( ` rP i
I -- Y Mav was read and sent to the finance k i , t�
' H7Yosai U �G•Cteedr7bjas WutOa eutmnitter, A sumtnAry of the state- ` J a:klllim9�
n,emt is as fn
: - / �, �`, ,WF I A I \ T V, nea' , ..lid by far surpass anything in
call the outfit inhaler
the Little Pocket T.xsa ...... the It, '�1'e hacu a well selected stock from the best
I HT•o uta call the inhaler that have been ed bys Ratanoe (rose' April ura"Prw I... H28it1s
. .. , .. MAMA - - — -- - -' - - - --- — - - -- -- Inanuftteturer., and aro in a position to show you the
phymtcian as It is w) small the; it can Taxes, non-nosidout iindr......... 8.11
[� taxer .................. etee board, said the had nothili to do nnutter•e of this Province to receive m(aue rovers. They will iurlude the '
be carried in the prx ket or purse. M.&I'd lioenee ..... :.. ,.; rano+ Y K ,
There is really no excuse whatever lector. T.fena) with the water and light rated, and honorary degrees. following :' �I.��Irh alltl IjI,� 1 111 Footwear.
for anyone having catarrh now that rilm ...... /.at they referred the matter back to the Thr hiatury of education in •Oatariu Au annotated tittle table, printed on r r taw �_ ,
H to. I la w reads obtainable. It L1iO°�OeOYi .U. � ''.' i•25 commissioners. h+w reached a stage when we are al- handmade Anti+{ue paper. euhimeed fr;:,t l;t,: t �
Y' Y 5l&Ill" cemetery . . trLoo 1
ou have why doubt about its value, A cou,tuunicution from 'Thor. H. nt(wt compelled to realize what hap with a merits of i last rations in culorr, , , , `
Sas, wilsnn will let you have u com• 1114 aaTa Weir, of Stratford, "king if it was Iwen done in the past. A suceess has painted by the Primima Print proo•eitto.
plrtk outfit, with the undristandin • xsexaorreaaa. the intention of the eouueil to take up I tern achieved that c,tq Iw painted on- Chis time table will give t he uano•s of
that unless It cures catarrh It will not 86"r,�"..'.',. •.:::::.::.:•.. - � � the question of street nante signs and l ly in glowing rotors : and thin spec+a- Terry stxliun passed, with descrlptiye• WM.
cost you a cent. In:orsnce.... .... Max, hour sundering, w,as rent to the tion,tl retrumpect of splendid. unrlring Hafts regarding ihr interesting tent; S N
The cumpletr H\ oanei outfit oon- F',redopar—at.. ................ ... 1.78 special Committee. effort we owe almost wholly to the I ores,•n route, the time of the It
.lets of the Little Pocket Physielan" {,,s„•,er, 7•& The h •law granting a flVe veAttt rx- mchoohuArt•rn of Ontuit). Our els- each station. the• :altitude alx)f a :a•x ,
('bomb ... - )) h
a,9t0.0D elusive franchistyto t - Be11'.eepllon - catiou has barn C,amadian, loyal, im-, level at each point, {xopulxRion and
and A bottle of H7 -o mei and casts Interest loonpop .t ::::'.::::::::::.;::. t.At\us
only $I.(A making it the must eco- Intetest(Hsnk).,... vtT01 Co. wailread three tithes and passed. spiring, prAetical, patient, believing distance frown Montreal. The whole
nomicAl nr will ti the only gastro- Prrkw _. . ..., . pale The Cure{uttly pays the town 81 ;(t x and lhurvugh. It has been a creat" will Iw onclose.l in x handsome crim-
FioarKl of hoold .................. :xe•. Can&10 year. n•e. het• tele hones sur the work. not n continuation of pant work I sou French smooth calf cover, richly - - • - ----- - - -- ------ - -- „i,
t wri treatment for the cure of ca- Huhlic mchoaW /l•pli setts Y F P fi,
tarrh. Renlemtter that llyro mei xewmr. ;.N pv 1100 town hall and Agrewm not to arise its which had already dimctwered what engrummed in gold, with a handsn)e pang is tluted for doing thinlrs, dear." replied Tout, .leepily. "They '
Iii-anollthic wslke �,'Z,. two rates in t4)wn the felon of the uu t tb les. Theme ricrlum,i qualities title iuchuhn the coat-of-arron of Mr. H. R. ('hat tau will im• the of- wouldn't date to strike a woman.
cures catarrh without stomach doming, Ml.oeilaneoat. pit;r. (hiring 11h ( 4 K � "
applying the medication and healing Public works "i r r'it•?"° `. as)y, franchise. Extensions of its line+ in ,are due to hundrdm of self-denying Japan and theworvl ••R eleoma lit Jap- Ilcial represent.Ativ ,)f the (;land _ __
where the diw'a.e erne Are resent. Ilalance on hand-...:ar!�'•4 w'r town are to III, matte under the super- men, of whom Dr. MacMtnrhv 'and rusts ch,uarlrrs. The inside of Urtr Trunk who will accompany the ler ��%
K P f';. t.Yaapr 11e 1lined ---eon it, ♦ ♦ N 1,
virion of the council. Ili'. Strang %hll•e )t Toa Ixlsa,.r n,)t (((c watetied silk, and lit( de u.ckrf s\•'oar Ix•rinl pwu ty while on it, lins•s.
- - - - - - — tla,aB Tr r� p A T D l
Councillor Reid asked u) have his have barn
Collector Camplwll reported it fill--
thea collection of 19(1Q taxes, making
vote recorded against the passing "f
the h •law. He (ts"tioned the wisdom
wealth, nor (mine, but for the love ,If
letrnin fur the sake of thousands of
t+unutg ;a map of the (.geld 1 ruck
R+tilwa S stem and n mail of the
Hl-cruiting Sergeant iso smart — 4�# n ;�'
the total collected *311,(W.60. He had
of printing a five years' franchise At
Cmnndiaan I -)--d And girls, and for the
(;rand Trunk Pacific Railway, both
vmath while walking through +a rash; flit: fl F�+"f Malt 1•N 11'L PAID FOR eC♦ZtAP 9� •^!.
nautble thoroughfarl-, '-Want to join I 5,,,,`,
allot) collected *13;, on Account of 1:19
all, Anti he al.o tx)k exce )tion to the
ideal that the set Iwfure them when
uiuunted ,)n milk and hound in full
the army, uutn :'" Youth IHUN, rut.\xx, t.t.At). Bring all you
doll licenses issued.
mvirion i\in the l'uu)Ian x)wer
p g K Company {
they hrrauleyte her es. True, the
aS Y
1lurucrorocerm, with ihr titles rutted
I i ''
\1'hf Is the rulonel de:ul ?" have to µr i,'.
The Mayor commended the dili-
to trim the Lees along its lines.
have had moderate malAries, .ray
in gold on o•mch,
�I�e4ce of the chief of police in looking
Councillor Macklin gave notice that
nioderate soute of them, and the re-
Another I%x,k will Ia• the history
ivh ispere•d the good wonian 16E 6f16E11$ IVIG. ITE r Y'
in the tired 'three burg- CO.,r
w7ter the unlicensed d s. A con-
dos had Iwen
he would move at next meeting to
Nix•rt of the community. But )herr
of the old Victoria 1'nhular pjridgl-,
interesting descriptive informs-
of night, are f c,,'
Lars in the house." ••lo and see, mY rZ
siderable numlwr of
destmved, which, said the Mayor,
Amend file re,00lutionr granting the
use of the Agricultural grounds to the
line ubt an adelluate realimtiron
of the value of their services ; and the
tion reg,tr•din;t same, xm well,tx a story
Old Foundry, Fast St. l
,) tllr ,'r.
waw af)out as good as getting -taxes
lamelrall Aud lacromse clubm.
Uuive•siti• has dune worthily when it
of the Viut-,HA Jubilee Bridge, to-
- - - -- - - - - - ------ -- ---- - t 11
for them.
The finance committee recum-
It" )narked its ow•n infinite ohliga-
gather with prints it) halt -tines of
The sexton of Maitland cemetery
mended payment of A number of Ac-
tier[, xudourm, to thebecuudary school-
Ontario. They have
both bridges, direct fmiujlhotographs.
This is a handsome our,
�ott•��t��tt>•����� I6I
reported seven -five of
adults and two of infants -during
counts and also that the G. tit G. hail-
way looser uuotfly transferreol (Tine
Ile Standard
unnatels of pre-
pared year after year grex[h-increx,ang
fur the 1'ni•
Imnutdinii(wl1(11%Ma leather.
Another soncrnir of the torr will
:T i rr � P ;> § t M i ?ry '
Toronto placed with the
nuntlwrm of matriculants
`s=f `''°�j(•'""' e J,'',e, -" ' ti
7%e First of July celebration com.
1,,,xn Co., O(mierich, lit the rmtem
veri,ity, and have been content to
mittee requested the cuntrul of the
Agricultural for the day, but
offered therefor, namely • Molar per
if it
know' that the store eonspicuuos edu-
houur•s, , never
halls and vicinity. Iwxutifull) gotten
in Jalmllv*v style, hr text living
t)tll' styles with Ilse styles about town — simply it
a difficult resented itself in the fact
cent. on call: Ij per cent. re-
tnxion one year, ar,d 5 er cent. if it
cxtional which v(iuld
have. been xssible without their ser-
a•u,tel on duubll- itgem uu s tial
COIIip1r(`. �hllo rest we leave to your judgment i i'
that the entlncil had already granted
the use of the irmonds W the bacrosw
rernainn two ,years. The relxo•t was
vice, were shown to the world with-
out any particularrecognition of their
paper. the illustratittrie le-
ing half -tones from photographs in-
_ i
and haselrtll clubs for their mAtehes.
The worke committee reerni-
val,)ableco-operation. To the people
tersper•sed with the reading ruatter,
44 .
p > l . t 'I (;- • r p? $a °'
� fir
and these cluls intended to play on
mended that the petition of Father
of the f Province gemermlly they have
tipped inn nt their proper pla em. The
h r .
T1,,, s >. ?,.,'d t . ,w`.,r.t Come i n G'ttf 'r r'll^`-) , ^' ,ku
July let. :ticR+ae and others for it sidewalk on proved hofs men can work hard for Imwk im 10411111141 ill ouzr-calf, Roycm(-
Couocnlor Macklin thought the Caledonia Terrace Ire referred Isck if) something which t•nnnut I,e valued by ter style, the title (wing in gold, and let us show 011 the new fal)I'ICS 8190 011r lino Of
privilege granted to these two clubs the petiLionet-m to endeavor to have s, much per annum, how they finny_ tee Still another I.x)k will contain n ' y '
We Are •'•'•_. " , did ,not cover special occasions like the walk extended the whole length of content to walk slowly in the paths of handsxaue Series of half -tune prints, swell furnishiuos.
Dominion Day, and he moved to give the street if possible: that the mewer learning, M) that others may learn to reproduced direct from photographs .�t..;
Overstocked the celehrsttion committee complete on lihlxanm street petitioned fur by walk without stumbling, +utd• how of scenem slung the line "f the t:r,tud ti
control of the grounds on that day. Mr. Proudtoot and others lie the first they may subordinate lwtxoual'Ambi• Trunk Wilway Symt•un. Thim Nook �' r FRANK H MA_RTl N a t
in these lines.
Councillor Reid and the Deputy proceeded with when sewer work is tion to the immediate and parting will contain sixl\�out Iwautiful a11 ,Ma • i tt°'
Ufa er," Reeve moved in amendment that A undertxkrn; that the contract of g(m)d of the community. scenem, giving the Prince an iden of ) ,14, + wi t'
committee of the council meet the John Hammell, with George Babel me Ur. MacAfirchy and Dr. Strang the leauty simts that are to Ill- fouml Tailor and Furnisher I'Lt
` ll
celehratio n committee And the la- surety, be accepter! for sidewalk work have been for many years at the very in F.,tstern Canada. This Ixxtk is
20 Rods of No. crosse and baseball clubs to Adjust the as per tender: Fhxt the clerk write at heel of their PPmfessiun. With the Ix)mnd in a setrltt nwroccu, title Lt tt�t��la_�I�m�sf•Ir_�� ni
ay to put genium of the me (m)l-master in contra- long*- loving slanged Irl gold, with till- ,
and ieputy Reeve Elliott and Coun• the hariw)r hill road in paper condi- nit•, they have [with almost touched .�apanese root-of-xrlum, the (:rand ,'t
rillor•s Mannings And Beckett were tion.xt once; that Picton street in the haft-centuriem of service. They are in Trunk trade. mark and the \sold i
PEER LESS named am the committee. neighlwrh(x.d ,of Wellington .treat Ix• exch came nuthut•m of iulpm)rt-Ant text ••Vistas." - t
Andrew Porter And W. A. McKim put in repair at once. The relx)rt was Im,uks ; and Ihey have Iwen leAdet+e in Everything that will tend to tl)nke
appaared on behalf of the relehrxlion Adopted. the organiz,ationm and de•lileratiaons (of the torr nf-.•r pile (hand Trunk Hail -
committee with a request for A money A n, aolutinn was paaawd ngnin draw- ( tnadian Il-,tchrre. Nr, .. I ,,,g is of why tiymte•w m tleasxnt one• has Iwen Ij
j 3 ei grant to aasia1 in carrying out the ing the Attention nt the sate' and un emger, inalnll"ive, S.-If-gi,'ing tl-mp- dual-. :unl will 1m• cnrrird out in the
,t;'M11 WIRE a,° Dominion Doty program. They xpked light emmusisaion to the council'm re- l-r,uuenl, H.• Isms lemt"wed oo i,liwrs I
adnsiiahic w,ty (.it which the (;,,ar ` l'� •
`,; for the usnAI grant of gl'Li and in Ad- guests regmMing th,• draining of the tcith Im)th luunls, .'td to thrut[rrnu)st l
ditinn A guarantee up to $lei in the park fountains and the reo)uval of of his m mv. Ili, mapils Are Im,und to - ---- -
FENCING event of anv failure on account of lad wires from the town tre•m. him with strong ti -s. and know that ��__ - Y _y,___ 1`____ r ,
weather. The matter was referred to iL was proani-ed that the l,vliiw re- s,lcll mervie• is art with btu one• in x
the finance committer. lotting to the sewer myatenl should Iw lifetime. lie ill lhl- type of a mebool- ` i
Letten from E. I. Dickinson, town ready for the next meeting. n)s.ter wh(w.e hl -art lovlongs wholly, to S l 1I 1I I". I it <n� • .
a".,i4 atoliritor, regarding the }lowers Mfg. Councillor Goldthim ut•ge1 noir hislx)vs and gists. Dr. Mmu\limli)\m Z• •
., in all sizes Co. Iran, and enclosing w mortgage in Action in reference to the uuukrt and wutk im inseper,tbly arvurneeed with ` , F�n�s�efAY f
ti' �,r cnnection with same, were referred Vouoclllor Beckett thought the pro• the Ir[e of Toronto ,old nt Ihr Unwin -rte Inti �� t [ I ( )O I ,
,r" ✓ to the public works contmittel. posed changes in the lite department. ion. sch"ul m asters should Lr dc- P.
I 400 Yards of The Ainvor reported that he had mhuuld receive intnlediate Attention. vutd, learned and :able, And Dr. MAc- \'„�, L��""�� "� I!qftl
' been unwble to float the debentures After urme;dierussion its to the lAtter Afurchv is all theme thin e. Hill, the 1 (w =t'"' — s,t'.aK'(i -A x '
a' which the town was offering for ssle. suggestion the council adjourned. inestinmtble possession isg character, 1 \ Flo o rs i r�+ol
Poultry is ` He had got out circulars and sent -----_ _- -- and in thin resprrt his eyuul will be as i,tl r, t w •or inslru,•tioo (5
them to firms dealing in defx•nt,res fe meldona found in the history of the 41111 in hQy and August for
O''I i and had not received a )single offer. t'I° DOCTOR OF LAWS. at. t•On,ut y. Him {renins weep for ,•om- Public ti�)o„1 Tr,t( ht r•m. Made to ,'1
1. ilk Netting Itis\Vnnhipchnrarterizeed this"a'ner• ---- unmic,ating ihr ability to put forth, - /
,* O iotn.tnte. of affairs." - Degree Conferred Upon Mr. Strang by individuAl shrngU). '1'him is w•Idoo Enter,an� tin,P. t � ':j /
d A r•ejueott fmm the policemen for University of Toronto. seen, and fa•hrn k is•mrl-n is sehho'Ia iudividumli net ` i'fiu)}i4u,. // alAr �o/i
,a the usual week'aholldayawan referred tindersGx)d. lint Ili-. MmcM(ttcby's ”' ,;j r
BARBWIRE to the spacial committee with power At the commencement of the Uni- pupils will understand what 'we mean ''j >; d, a'i;
it to art. vermity of Toronto nn Friday last the when we may that he gave passer to 111 '.:_.' --- '4+ s ; _
lo BLACK WIRE A r•opuent from the Union of Cann• honormy degree of doctor of haw's thole, who bud it. and those wit,) , The Sherwin - WilliamsTModemjMet/wd
tlimon Municipalities for the payment was conferred upon H. L Strang, If. •(armed to have it not he nought for r
WEAVING WIRE of $1L rhe memberphip fee of thin A. Two others were presented for some incentive ,rake the sIeeping; `V A LK 1,1Z'1'0 � Floor Finishes are made first, of all i to walk
�� town in the I'Mon for iSW. wan filed. the same degree, Ili-. Silas Wier gift of nature with a pntiew-e whirlt ; r \
, No. g A citrnlar from the.amp Iwodv, an- Mitchell, of l'biladelphia, ono of the was proverbial• His service care of 1317 61 N ia,SS on—to stand hard foot wear and look well for
",' noonring the annual convention to be, itm-I di.tinguimbed physicianm of the ( love and grew' lay it. When lhim In
CLEVELAND !ttntem. and ,tlmn an n,)rhor of tumid. ,ill has Iw rot said : for, with the longest time.They are made fOT flniahing ars) AOOt,•
t. held in the twin cities of Fort. Wil- United
liarn and Port Arthur Angrrst 13th tit em4-, and Archllald MmcNurrhy, M. teachers, Am with everyone else, toff ,••tl° ,.' C, O 1 / 1,LVf �J old or new—in any style desired. You Can select an one of
y* WIRE 1(kh, tand inviting representation from A.. of Toront i. for many years prize- leer is to r•enx•utlter +ted to under•• them and by following our instructions obtain _the beet looking and
"' this town, was sent to the special cipal of Jarvis. %feet ('olleglattP In- Shand. (:F;(►. til OTI'O\, I'rinripal best we.arin finish it's lble to et,
#%'� at .�Z.s%r► per hundred. eonunittee, •titers in F,wch of thine (vain The academic distinction to Ili, has g �� g
I A petition for a granolithic. walk on intr(xluced by a o)entier of the f,u:ul- come to these t\fo hendinlnsters is hoot `� _—"`�� ,--^r— '
We make. lowest pricers the northerly side of Caledonia Ter• ty of the Univer•pit\•, still in presenting the sign of an +ipprohat inn fa high ham Painted and varnished floor~ are rapidly taking the pace t>d dusty,
I . . . - germ collecting carped, They look better, are easier to keep clean
rare and Gloucester Terrace. Iwtween Mr. Strung President Hnthm tumid : nor Leon eapprmsl-)1 oRen parr Ila [I.-, bot .._ -r r ,
for fast selling. wAcerinn street and Cambria road, "Some men we honor less who cbsim w'hll-h its nv\eithel••mm. Sten'r`I 1'.. --- '-' aro more healthful and Prrort uo►soarica/: For these reasons finished
I fire feet wide, signed by Alex. Tnvinr. that notice, and uthrtr wehnnnr erne thrut, and to the hunornhlr, .IY den)•- SUMMER SESSION gk►OD are in general use in all classes of Mmes.
M, D„ AnRnn Mnrri.nn, Donald who world willingly Iwo forgott.en. ing pr•ufesminu which they rl-prrsr'tl” The Sherwin-Williams 9 Graham and J. T. Goldthnrpa, wear Someuu•n will not let lufo•RPtthem-- the rotmhy owes n debt of ••Lllkntl,.n DURING JULY AND AUGUST. lllialns ModerA Method FIOOr Finishes iMat>dOt
WORSELLS presented. Thepatitionemdemirethat. such was Cicero ; other. who do not nod ,)f atlim•hnlent. such riprnl-ss ur nr t'.lr.a:,• .1 , Por P•i•t s Pwah-Dsside Rloon-TN[ d -W. /[s(0[ f(t>0[ rA/NLl
1�, the walk Iw'builttwenty-five feet out se•ktolieknuwuasnuuchamthevnsight achievement nmk,•m life (\rear n lutpp'f ELLIOTT 11
WHOLESALE from the street line and arrange- mechosenforhiwher honor. (►(thel,tt. cotnntennnce, #told brings to the owiu- porch Fbor•-rN[ 8-W. PORON ftAOR Pow.
I1 HARDWARE Menta he made to plant nut, several ter clnmm was Mr. Strang. whoa) he cry \Voldsw,cth's praime of Dotty iu �� Psr VaHibY•aPld.b--Natural-MAR-NOr,'a durable floor vatlisb.
row. of treed to make» shaded walk. than compared with Cierto to ihr dim- his Ode : itaia•d-fL00RL1a6 dai4 and tarflish asmbiesd
(NOT IN THE COMBINE.) Dr. Taylor .poke in support coli the advantage of Ilia latter•. and no one Nor lnow we en) Wins ma fmir W14- Par Waged
patitinn, And Iwing invited to make A war inner aur a isrd at much a com- a• l• the wr^t1e cumin. tars :Fpw•b-TNf S.W. fL001 IrAlx
t I T080NT0r OPT.
'' gift to thr town ort
the lots nlong the )Arimun than Mr. Sit himself, .who ♦m).) I„ nn,,., h Par Ustall bUY Cnebal0Old Plsiws__rN[ S.W. CRAOC-ANOiIAMFKUR.
Theo dont preserve Ilia %tAd from wrn,K : K rm.r ,'.,stn«' ',.
'�1 river bank he retorted that thews lora Lad gnidel meverml genenationm of And the tuamt AnrMnt Heaven%, Guonath use caul) t ,L'. "I.1 , I. 11 excellent liar In � wo-y
�4 erre now practically a podalic putrk mchuol lsoym through the pwgee of Thee, arefter•anu,l,Itont. m'•t .-I. I ,s,a,t, I•rer"i- line pMitMw- l�j ku rt- j/ M. �4M
--- — - --- And were used much more by the poll)- Uicri.a. Some o these a iis, like h'8 --- - - - -- ,,:11, i . a'o. s,r, „nd s m , noose,. our riots.
i p p I , all .11. ,.,.„r, 11'.4 fm aft I.•. : ihr int
P f •J l' Il 1 l d
tic than by himself. Arcked it he in. f lenti, rot esmot . n wrt.on. )a Prince Fushime s Tour Through 11.11-111-1. K „• Im.l. • 1.1 1e .111.cnl. rr t r IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE
tended to build nn these, Intl if the risen to positions of di.tinction in x•'ning P•„•,Ilwn ne.lrr, ••mucro • Isms• i .,. i a
Canada. mle;forrt h) ,dl eudn,gour.eloml, taher. e. a r-- df tf�
walk were ronatructed. the h(wtor clasidenl ntndiem. Mr. Strang, sAid have. \yul)(io ! \trite fur mtdgpue. we carr also a full lino of tt r
said he would not build for w long Profeest)r Hutton, was pre•eininently All arrangements for the tour of W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, y
while vet. The idea in to have a the rural d(aninie of this county, the Oencral H. I. H. Prince F'umhimi
hmdrvoird of twenty-five feet All along old
like the aortal minded
the of the throcom" th E,antrrn l'+u)nda hMvr loses Cor. Yonee and Alexander qt.• Shelf and Heavy Hardware
tha river bank for w distance of half•A• old country, "who minded their Basi- egmpletwd by the OrAnd Trunk Rall•
mile (or no, and it was pointed out that new and taught Lwtin." way Hymietn, who will convey the par- ___
the width of the •test would easilyre- The cnment was held in the ty over their linen thrvngh lion of — 7R4m Stoves and Tinware til t�.
permit of this. The mutter ewe re- new Convocation addedyhe which hes just, end ourney , with the exception of r p —,� as it net
(erred to the public works committee.' been added to the nohle group of the journey iwfwcen Levis and Mon- THE FIRST STEP
S. Morningstar addressed the conn• htdldirgs on the University grounds treml, which will be made over the in- • •
ell in regard to the poor drainage in And which was formally opened on terrolonial Railway. Tlse Imperi,t„ HEATING, PLUMBING ELECTRIC
hi part of this town. Every spring the previous day. train will becanpwsed of A Iaggoige r•al
Ana tell, hlawid,heend his neighltors On Friday evening Air. Strang was dining car, two sleeping car•" Anti twit eaten)neonsmo much. It hes WIRING AND TINSMITH1NGp
hall w little lake upon their land. A guest of the hoard of governors, sen• privwte cars. The,,party will leave yoxin t people
nn to thousand» of
Ho young people who wrote for our ' (: a
Rome of the councillors Admitted that Ate end faculty of the University at nwventue mention, Montreal. Mon. ):�:. �jlVeri special attelltt011.
the people in that part of the town the annuwl banquet to the graduating day morning, .lune 10th, at Ill r. clock, l'atalogne• At the flrat sae) tot -
ward A good salaried position.
had a grievance, and the pnhlic worbo class. And will visit, Ottawa. Next day the Take the ntep totbay, Addrema
committer wan instruct to report at A graceful ^ppreciation of Mr. journey will be continued to W(x•k- t'entroll Bnninenn College, :111:, ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED.
once in the matter. Stranj s lifework in given in The Tor- ville, at which paint steamer will he Ynnge Rt.. Toronto.
Gen. Bissett, mail collectm, wrote onto News in the following editorial taken for the trip through the Thou- f ��� � 4�� * o ,- trr ,,,
that the letter bnxels attached to elec- Article unser the heading 'Tile He. stand islands to Kingston, where train W. H. SHAW, Prin. j ai, a n 1 x e
b.. '. ��. tai P ..:* A a hes k Il'1l '7. ,,rY v
talc light pnitee were sometimes no wards of ll�erit :" will lie waiting to convey the din• . j:i• iia
rhwrged with elPetricity An to be "Blow Your own trumpet and the tingtdahel arty t,) Niagara ..-.-. �� �� Mt i� liuj e'l
dwngtorn e• The town 1n responsible world will bring out orchestra" wan the After span( Ing A few hours at the 1 L,IHIF: `iT(NI (►1 ) .dr .,f
for the prsts and the street Inspector witty summing-up of Chet abstracter of great cataract, sightaeeini , the pally
was instrictod to have proper pnntn popular favor spoken by Acting•Pre• will leave fnr Toronto, Arriving them NATIONAL CEMENT Placed At note s0 that the boxes may 'aldeut Hotton on convocation dsty, wt 'l:A!( p. in., Jane I7fh ; remAlnlnR in CENTRAL
Ile removed from the electric light when he presented D r. Strvanpp of Tornnt) until the following morning .
posit. Ooderich, for his well-earned iA..D. At 11 oichck, when the journey to the P;,FALIVAYR KMPI, ()N HAND.
A n'gneat form the treaters of Alex- it is just Aa true that the world is Pacific coast will Ile continnel over ) I "
whdrw hetwpltal for remission of saute never nn well pleased an when merit the northern division of the Orand GTRATFORD, OPT. r, k s o„ + K j ).
and light rates wan referred to that. has not proclaimed Itself rain Trnnk vie North Bay. ti l ?"'}tl%l# grist ay i,�'', 4t:
the council from the water and the housetops now ward then rerxives The prinripAl stations Along the line wn„sstahli.hrd twisty rear. Alin ens by �+ a ^iri l,s l �� e1v:, (� 1, 1p rV
light cexhmlesfoet. The Mayor ar recognition. The npewker knew that will be pmMaaly decorated, the Im- Iwmn Mmngh work And t)nnnrmble dow1,111,g+ , .. Oaf a. ,r>°s
pnit.". tons Imp,'"", atm of 11..• •i . .}
plainnd that th1l, commission wall he had given the final proof of snits- prrirl colors - PrArlet And white pre• Ia, fsAt Arwl amt nfnetr known a a...iner , :i LEE ^
not making wny Ihtemptiona---evPr7- hllity when he added that thin year dominating, And 13dtish and Japwne.e = t'Allnrre• In the I'm„inks Thr drnosnd ,1"• `'3
hod www hMty( charged rein wester the rlcipilnta wete rttln who had not flags in pmfnninn. in connection spam nm (m e.anrnrrr;nl I.Actow” seal Hare 6 i'
T ssslmlwnfs RreAtlr rx..mslm the supply. w'r {CH
And light trrtled - twit the com- the art of aPlt•wdvertleameilL rho with this Important Into'- the Orand ....i.t. ■rA.l„Asn, to lnowos w(twtrni. AS.
�•minaioners thought the crninc:il might University has Acted with A trills pet•- Trunk will pnwnnt His, Imperflo High• aree.teringtw,h wt:e tl tAuh„fttr%ttwf i
make w grant to cover the amount ception of services which have inn• nrws and suite with it art 4 edition de
charged against that he+spital. dome qurstiewlahly earned wrAdemic dintine• Inxe Prntvenir Iwwrk i drscrftot.ive of the ELLibTT a McLACHLAN, r ►
of the txnintillors, while syymro"ainR tion when it selected two rel"senta•
rail end crrtmtry I,h,n, 'hlch P,t,.-lpw4 store Phone 22 House Phone 1 Z
with Use t•egtasst of the heispiW flues of the eeoo•dat y ecbd bead• I be wll� pests, richly boned to bated- I
a�i:•i ♦.. ,L� u.. .y,,:..,..P''” ,`.�• '� a, _ ..o. w ..a JY+tis._stiRr.e" LThz`,+s . it,r ,,. r Yti.a':9...,.,.r 'A' .. ,. -