The Signal, 1907-6-13, Page 4!l
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I '_. F .,.r.1.S,'J ',' IVB' fe a'4r1. T`: .1,t.1 'iv) .f ° ,.913% ,..1`i ,
.The. County Council.
Matters Dealt With at 'Concluding
Days of the Session.i •
The dune session of the count (
council concluded at a late hctu5
munsend that he to granted tilt- "um
t,f i100 un his retirement thiol his
rl nularnco to connecuon w,au ..o ••u,w•.....— , . .
-!1 Because the Sunshine is fitted- with :_
•.` y.;
on Friday o ht last. Thr In
=tithe and that the said Jeff) to
., a dust flue (slt!e illustration) r' , r
new not. rvport In our last issue iA
blade on the order of the chairman eel
"` When you rock down the , l "' .'fir
1' ' " ' ti'
as follows:
this committee and the ins .toe. of
hers* Mia wag
-:'c O t•'
;.:?:, ashen (no hack-Uroakin law -, -' across
8 s- '
On hut,alay afternoon F. MetcAlf
a1ldlws.ael the (r,unril in Iwferelse tO w
the of refuge.
Ad 1,
shaking with the Sun- ,`p ' j-' " the fire -Pot to
grant w aw i.t in m+akmg un exhibit
T ediscestion cuulmitt.ew learns
to the.
shine) what dust . t the smoke -pipe,
under brit. wide be Assumed by the
according to bylaw, of dlrcrm•
of our horticultural poo lorts at the
ni,ended : In reference appeal
{ arises is drawn vs AS shown in illustra-
b. -r, HW, and that the municipal clerk
Pnivincial exhibition fu Toeon-u this
fall, and it was moved by Mra"rs.
of If. It. H,ston and otbrr ratrlavers
=,f S. R, No. 1, Rtrphrn, aKainet x b) Ina
,;.= s, 9
i from the ash- • lion, where it immediately
:`.. u the , FJ - ascends to the outer air.
Bailie and Mc(lrrmald that the saint,laeA+d
by the council of the townmhip
dusj-kue, ' , (lnh to
ter of A grant too reported on by the
of Stephen dividing Ihr said election
.;, ileo things frrrremher
;; ;
expcutive c+nuulllipe,
and establishing of new s.e•tion avid
then ,M1'. in connection with this operation :--
u' '
The rad Arett bridge emuudtlee
Asking for the appointment of arbitra•
pcn both the dust gild direct draft
1 Y
recommendfxl that the ,uteri w«etru tontocunsidt+rthe aAmr,tJust the IrA"
bridge west of Black CIrak to Hll+d ser of the pwLltion lie nut granted, as
.. dampers.
up, the county W assume the Iwrpon.
the matter in quratiun hate been thor•
it lite* lawn
^• Sunshine is just the cleanest, situ-
Y labor
sibility it it does not {omve sathotme-
but we would like to hear the
oughly considered, And am
maths W appsexr before the e.uutiiittpe
F.:' plest• easiest managed, greatest
a 3 savinS furnace that Uuy
: Os
opinion ,if the whole council. We
that none of the appi•IlanW will Ilse in.
' Ic
l you can
If local dealer does
Want recommend that It he filled up
{s, that the dirt
convenirnced m• plot w. a+iditiunAt sex•
I tt+'r nu arcouut ,If raid divisor.
DUSAsite your not
handle the "Sunshine " write 4 .%
rs too, As plt»sihle,
Whereas it will Iw ,1 yrl' ►IlalrrlNl
ole I befurp tilt- art weather Y
1 aM t %t.
may reit eco
nrHt and ron\wnirner W a Mtge
to us•for
comes." Thr committer Idtto Irroti,, 11w
mended that the Taylor bridge Iw n•• nlomber Of lieoldr of this overtime; that
R Li"rowel'
7.y'; .. ,, v •!., •. Frce Bookies
.• •el :: `' t ',:! ,•
built use replainel d our enginerr
thinks it low ors of v The ,ext chw"r
itis Arrounta a the Parkhill. .
And Harriwton high "cho lu for Huron
,. :'t.'%, ., . ., -.
}.- a• .f 1 I- ,
.,o ., :•r a .w ,w,.•••.•••. "°i -
White Waisting Bargains
About 250 Yards of White Waistings Offering at the Following Bargain Prices:
35c for 20c 25c for ISe 30C for I3c 20c for I0c 121c for Be
22c for 121'c 20c for 121c I5c for 10c I7c for 10c 50c for 25c
These w'aistingm ale perfect in every wry but we have Lea, mxuv of them.
Ef di Thirtyr to W short ends fit cream and colored Dreses Stuffs, 1 j to 44 Yash* to
Dress OO(lflf
an sod. Come and get them At halt price or under.
D. do A. Corsets are the beat value In Canada for the prbss aaksd, Use to S1.110. Drab mold
--whlte. Ask for them.
Hosiery Be sure and got some of those we are showing. Ibc eaele. 2 pairs for 3k i bolos' heavy dolt•
- —.--_ Gm rib hoar, famt blAck, all ,#tries frau tij to 10 inches.
%hite 5WIss' 5pot Mas/Ins The largest range of White Swiss Spot Muslins we ever car.
tr*d. Direct importstiotes, andpriess an 12je, 11ic,,Ibc, Ytk, Mc,
:b5candSk. 7%amsauaiins are wod yotft Nttentioss if at need
Skiffs ^ One down Ladies' Dew Ski" Instills to Order from our own goods. $hello to $&50. Thew
Skirts an tailor-made, New York designs a" mostly teinstook exaWionally cheap at prices
"yo -S. —
P86 a JsBoof COLBORNEGoderiSqcuh.are,
otirunty a nils attendui thr*r "Ch.o6s • t • •'- • e• 1•a'' •• ..a
of the re -port wAs ns follows : iifl Hap- P 1 K ' :e • .. ....
son brad r we rerlmmend if tile IP Iw trLrivrd :Ind that the Amount• r`? mss- ----- -- ___ _--
Rincer thinks a St -ft. bridge it Iw:
quired, that it to built by the county,
but it he dues to think, that it Iw
which the rhuk and uratelner rhwll
find tobelegallyate Iepafd (the
nnlussnlA I•laiwel ore An follow":
° "'
y . /:-
•.` y.;
- , .- •
SI m1clarys
any previous month during the Htty-
ohs e,u,e the ranal has been in opera.
y P+'
a+onmed by the township; and we
Harriaton, $71111.:.4; P&rkltill, SW4. ..
-lose. The cl=nwst approach I.) this
&two recommend that all either' Nllndl
I,i*towel, 1.1ki1; with referencetuthr
motiunA Aa"king xddilional Krwgtte of
,} .''
'.•, Laebs, Toraolo. Montreal, W.«nips 1, VaooamAlf,
new record %watt made in July last
year, when 7,7.r4771 tons elf freight
bridges that are not rctvrnrl by fhr
bylaw b e not considered. This clause
i'JIII each to the Iirtimsrlm find Nxater
"' abs _ St. Jokes H.,mJco. C dare
prenr/i through the cwnwbt.
was struck out its council and th o fol-
lowing aulmstitutele: That no hrid rte
public srheols un account of eontin-
nation Blas* work. that no additional
be made this ,, tin account
Epp ULI N Local Agent
Capt. McDougal Dead.
under brit. wide be Assumed by the
according to bylaw, of dlrcrm•
Rraota ?,e
(/et tbeeztrusdinarily argrrxpendilure.
a e
Owen S.nuld, Jlont- 0.- Capt. Geo.
b. -r, HW, and that the municipal clerk
tan bridge. and Other neweam,a ry ties-
McDougal, who had captained the C.
of each municipality where suoalter
pr .venleuts, but that the waive grnnls
+I" Ixttt you• he made W all A1•hado in
Ot fhr VIII "Yrteiti of IlNylflg the C011nl'11
Y. it sunnier Athalstscx t=ool Owen
found U/ Fort William for about
bridges have horn lutlpserto ,assuuAetl
by the county he notified to thin
the county doing continlultiun t•baaa
consist Of fhr erre * ,wd depul y
rrvrutee a years, Bird of cancer of The
elTect. Re Hol ld bridge the runs-
work; that the ,joss of $7.1 Additional
r•evem of the minnt• nuonicipalitIf,.
Thursday N' :I r it r it
stomach at his home in Owen bound
mittee recommrtldrrl that the nwtd
Iw grantMd to Winglwm high school.
making the Klan_ VMS. being An
Curries father was lotrsebt and was
at It)(; cfllrk this morning. Sine last
nuttiness hr had been confined to hie
and bridge Lonlfnittee togetherwith
Ili tilt council
epliv ent illthe Ixgieflostive grant to
healed with great interest as hr Ad'
hopse suffering front the mahadr les
any other nlenlhew
with the engineer visit the Hayfield
bridge and give stome definite inforetim•
the school. Tilt- report wan Adopted.
The count) noperty volumitla• Ir••
fireweed file council, contrasting the
condition of slTAirs•when he first Io-
which he succunitoed. He was alNxlt
HftyHve years of age• and bold spent
to dour with it.
".tissuleuded : a teal shed to
castle a nwltiller (If the orsuncil with
net" of his life on the akea. Before
tion an to what ahould
The romluitter recommended nu
built fit the jail, diu/ensionm Nse111t
the preownt. Mr. Carrie alcupied it
spat tit the council board for about
incoming -a stain of the Athalstoca
he tinitull B1n iIw the
action with reference to Port Allier
bridge, cwt the Arcaded to Ko
13xlfi; that the work tet the rpgimtr)•
.office lie pr(we-o ent with at Once (the
twenty yearn and in the only ruI•t•Iv- ;
exiled the I p and
out and ser the brldgf•. '1'hP cuunssit-
ruginrrr lad not plreafrel plansand
"pve ificatit mm list- the addition to the
Ing nlruiler of the old council ••f the - ` •
united eoontir" of Huron and Bruce. L RI `
tee recuuuueudel that the enginet'l
examine Or#&hnul'm bridge And leave it
Iwgisuv ofli e, A" hr r,nridrnd Ihr
It it full• rwrnty voters since Mr.
Corrie lett him "w,u al Live- couvicil bet
relailed if need ed. They Irronlr
;flat the tenders= of I1111 k (',I..
work ro sld Iodoneluors*xtisfartorily
toy days' work) : elf the present
lie *till pos,"-low- a bona kable vigor
Mitchell, for the supe•retrucbur• of the
,•lometp le reuurvr.l in ac'rnlrlaure With
the towel bylaw ; chat w,ssr rhelvf•s
of ,and And ieety tend Xpr.wmrd hiol-
melt witls great cleverness And energy.
WinKhau, and Grand lien,[ bridges,
rlthoto h very high in price, I"•
itself drawers he put in D. Mcllonald's
_- . -- - -- ----_-
xcceptrd (Win ham bridge• flittloti:
Grand Brod bridge ibtAi): that Ilse
"ice at fhr. court hfotiw; that fhr
e,aveatro i hie lire Lhr court hour. to
tender of D. Wethersleezn, Ails,.
resiled, and the cellsir dtor, and
- --
Craig, for the concrete work for
grand jury room lie repaired with
pia"ter• tela that the main hall down•
Oa Goderieh Public Schools—Music and
(brand Bend and St. Jtme}}rh bridges ►w
aoeeeted ((brand Bend, !i3 Cr c,lhic
Weirs lie either papered or k,altoomined
and that a new carpet toe put on the
Ksndergartes Work Recommended. WILLIAM BAILIE, '
Reeve Weld Wawslo"
it Rheumatssmo(theback_
The cause is Uric Acid
ys•rd ; 8t. JOWph I go. :.4 t Iw -
•that the tour of the
The following is illxpre!or Tome's nn- of
in the blood. If the id -
cubic aid and Toe. for ezrxwxLing) :
lotit jury stand;
+"'tiKr'oom he raised and the mom
nual report lin the condition of the
the The
neva did their work there
that the tender (It C. Barliler, Wing
ham, be accepted our Lha concrete-
"1e1 with midtahie chairs • that
ate encs a
puldie ,schools. subnlfttp1l At hotel Times publisng.h
the meeting of the board on MoOdm) hale Times we ere enabled to publish
would be no Uric Arid and
work for the bridge oil
l'ounelllur R. McLran, Clerk La"O'
-hie pe,rtrwit of the pw ettlar Beevr. of
bight inert : Wear WAwten,rh,
no Lumbago. Make the
ardfin S
>N: per cssflic yard and illtl for tilling
+Ind Registrar Clain ►e w committee
to attend to thr said works •that no
lir. William H,tille.
To the l•tairel"n and Member. of ties cede. lir. I'lailie in serving him "proved veins
kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive and only
and adopheren•L ter Amrndnl
fencing. lm
.eccotints ntAftp by our crwnty OMcixla
rich Public arA..ol Huard in this cnpercity, having hprn ser-
Ks have the hlo11Ur GI pbrct.rl by lAmt
cure for Lumbapfo u
The reed. Of the finance routi,ontee
awe It n•oouuu.•ndt•d y,heel
"+ Id wltdlUU[ NULhell'lIy u[ the
e'sunty council ;that Lite rine gull dial
.(I NMlmllu11itm ,%ew
submit for vonr ctln"ideratinn any re• Yefrr • Atter a AUremeehtl =oro am of
1 y
of A e0m•r of accou-e includl,K
and hands of the chock on the court
I"'ore 1't- painted And gilded. The ser-
Port oil tilt- condition Of the U.Nlerich the Imselition during Life year lfllI Hy
public wh ol". rirlur of the rexnt than ge• in the
iIl3.3t if mintetelaw of six chit•
dren committed to the Children's Aid
port was adopted with the exception
J. A[r'nMXOt)aT1oY, consim,mltion Of the county totincil, lir
of the churNels marked •.
The rrLr•m-
The tiveacce
iv fill". a metn1wr of that lately. Hie
The Control !11 liar.—Thr rove sI ion• ahilit v need pfoblic•apiritelcte,.m haveKidney
Three tenders for cAiil ern• pn•.
And 1Pferrrd to tilt- eXtrllClwl•
executive cununitlre
n, fhr i' bene of the to llb•.
F. H. Holmes for "'fin
proovrments haver addr l greatly W the bnnlght him tO the (rout in ochre int-aeflUrl
aVleNranl'e .If bbl" (e"1 toy. It I" e,lteent til has; h
'1'Held were lions Meth",
of rtal at *
In- letter
now an xttrncthn An( sulwlNnti.Il f„r, a/•vrnal yr,u* the rnrrKrlir mea
l ven,trioue ne iii NI I:i''N'Nn .11/1 H1,IIIIPA. NII at the
1". INI F.w
sante prier, it{ tMl per tt q
that nu ,action taken on the
elf Lite manager Of the hterlir.g Hark
bNlildiflK. rl/Mr•!,Nflll ttl'1•"Idrnl 11f t1eP Apblfirllf
The ClNre•re1111r Asset balls nstniiw Went WiLwanosh
frim the. Huron County
waW the cctunt♦ funds. Ades te[I,
The rm/t xnll Irridge comutlos+ re•
and Hranch .lgricssl.
improving (filling the souni llel' yNCN• tNtNI Howirty. and wcr•tnry of Ihr
” 1. (
I.r&Kue fur a glwut was neat G,
the executivecofntilittee,
I'"'feel : Thrroad,old bridge. coul.ft•
rte, together
tion. "" fhr twin runlifog through Lhr
remit boom diafl tired the ceiling. And Nest Humn F'anrnrrri InstiWtr: he it
w %ire•prepidevit of the Wool Heron
Muvel by llr.rf>r. Kellerman and
Wilbert that the engineer examine AN
with our engineer And
a uuudor ct! Life nlrndwrn of the conn-
walls of the r "onus The rrll• Lilernl AAvmrixlion, and an ufplcbil
Ingo of till- Hest +nir legs have Meru
to the adviamhility and nect-salty for
til, went to Hayfield on June flth stud
exteminrd the seliutneents of ,he
,Irnller of N{Ir l(rthtolittt church.
shabby for moms time. In the Canadian Order of Forrlters lir
the Priection of a bridge over theIhrid
t3wuhle river, one mile and w quarter
r Tler rroAd and bridge row-
Thr water frons the. drinking-too'm has f.prn pre,minent as a member of
"patters over opens the Hazes and w ll
north of thrl"stith levindary lot Humn,
titittiliu recouugeudm that the Inter
rzamim• fhr ubuuurnt un the8l"nith
the High Court. He is also -% justice
anoto spoil them, unless n sink I" „f the Ioncr Nud A notary• public. Mr.
tl?r 1.
0o the bite.dar retest-, the (ronnties
of Humn And Laughton, and report to
side and aloin the contra xbtrtutent and
PIlarc[1 joint under the brute to cutch 13elilie was Iwo n in West Wnwttnesh,
the waste water.
this council at the December neamfon.
if hefinds that they are on midid best-
tum that hr have [hr earth abnUnent
on the fou m Adjoining
i R Lhat on which
Thr urinAl trough In the rope' rbmgt lou I",%%- livee, fi little over fifty years
giving height find probable cost of
said bridge. Sent to rad find bridge
to irrd li txkin down w pot of
iva Y K 1
should lie divided into mtallm les ,lake age, and uony lark forward to many
it priratet. Keys ocmm loser their
the northwest vorner stud rebuild And
resort carte of activity
natural modesty under Vmditiolla ) y and usefulness.
Mored by MMmra. ltrkiP and Conte.
refnfu":e ft with iron mdp and "#IVP
much as now exist. -- ----- .. -
Ion that in future all aCrltints moat
the Nppreweli of the pouth ahuto".11L
writ drained, and it he find* after n
W. Andrew's, Ward School -Th" or three times each da y; and when.
_- --
the hands of the cls h not later
i+P t-test examination that they err not
cOrnrrp of the foundation Nlt ,ring ,•vet• -hl- children Iectnup restless or
than Mnndooy preceding fhr mretinga'
of this council, otherwise the will
"'ifs to put fhr alopoerstructure on we
that hp call the road
dI«+uoyMl by the water from the ren• inattrntfvP,
doctor- ijea rennin clown the ntone•
p•I R At first, it othpuld consislo of role.
irvt+I`rt : r•
a . 1
not be rmleider.[t ur pasiml till next
reconlmpnd and
bridge couurlitte• together, Aod wt-
work. he venter should la• rnrriesl ,"m kinds arten and t
Ra — rl- Pm rhotic.
meeting of the anmcll, and that nn
mMionaorxp dicntinnpfnrgtxntrshNll
believe if we have to oaks new f hut-
uorutoo we mzald lie strongly in favor
fiwtey fmm fhr walla.
1'hP strpoA at fhr, pont eAt•nnrr xis
M am notation nhossld he¢in in the
wnior IL rlapmrm :and In the Iii. and
be reL•eived Thur,mlmv at nam of
such merlin and thtit mi delr ationa
of buildivig the new bridge fon lire sold
bn,krn and tioaerre
Thr uurolh lot lfip h drAnt it twitetetl,
It•• clxepem proo!ewl to the more form al
shall Ie hranl in Olsen re,unril after
nnsirrel that
Thlyinch n[on<ti
site. Hut if he Hud. that Ihr rout-
ments tele in Kemal shape exceptinpf the
crit k LI lice mooth, anuhue•nt Were.
CA umiug the Witter to run over till.
ground instl.te/) of into fhr drrin•
prenentnition of Live subject, and to the
rec11 nition in their minted ftorms (if
R 1
imltlerpiun. of pitch find rhythm sec.
There's Something
t11ay i.ludr boainrma err nfrr[I t., ,
b Kt
The ntovrn And i e•m should lir kept,
P 1 p'
+luired in Lice earlier stages.
before ectnenitteea of the council, and
that this to made a ride of thin eleven•
coouuend that he call our tenders for
"':11'W "trlll'tillw neer have it rlertof Ise•
til Irup os, condition.
'IIhP window in the teachers' elooet
I believe this work ran he done by
the Irl tithe
About the Caad Confectionery
cit, Carried,
tole the mitring fn•sloets, N'r alpu rt-•
cunuuend that fhr he low 14 -foot
is pniAsheel.
men of with Irmo tiie-
,erten nnrut of the other work Of tilt-
and - fie at
TIIP ethautivr nntoe t len oil
mended that no Action boo taken oil
floor, %y, enough fur
The rind is for the ri%n en Air pais
and nhtiuld be mat{r pf•iynte And cum•
cloorxem than b engaging a special
teacher. ) gNR g Pce I
Jailer Griffin's requret for an inctww"r
of Seal) In salary : that a gp(rant of t7.i
We reC fplancontent
floor, bolt wr ns ommrn(1 that fi plank
fieerr Ins• put nn for the protester. Re•
(„Mable. A ppmlwr d#&cc• fur fhr
,.IIa"rt+ will ire lin ofishe the collard call
It pprtns to me that to start should
he nnPle to the Huron Count • blip
scanting lir. Hemphill A claim tet
N'mxelrr bridge Nr Ir'(srrnmrnd that
made next term in kindergarten
Applicnli"n ; work, We can introduce the prncti•
Amsocbatinn t[n• w prise (>111Mi Wta
asked tor); that the application of ilia
Ibr cuynl• mod Mr. Itrtiiphill Ie part.
Hl. h#&vid•r t,Yanl Scbcol. -- This
wrSt. liaise is in a He 1. -- io s cal side in four primary flvriris ms ham
i a
Fruit lilowrtr Aswo ixtion for n grant
of gi(1 fir and fruit,
urea it► Inlblding 39 teat lot {wall ander
the mill, and unit our ensinner end
done in Rxeter during the past
The tfeaacherm cnrriplain Ilf the rteNlea eat. Tilt regulfrr teachers there
seeing in winter. it le save
lark plwpmuw rte.,
and pay rzpzenles of IrNnrperrGitinu
Mr. Fera"t•r uuake ,a srlUuorout with
Mr. Hemphill if possible; tw wotion
P 1
roll "honld t+tlheu pmper•folding m#&tnveav•
lhnrnuKhly repairer and melt- curl- inR, color work '(crayons, etc., with
ns). e , with
and fhr prize" wt t6- rzhildtion in
Torouto ho NOvenolort next let-
"f Memoirs. Ke•llrrm m ^net IN -rt,
fors ele during the Nppr swlting vacs• , marked success. The
tion. 1
granted: th"t nn glwnt .If iai11, an pro-
that /IIID f•11 celery ,attend to It #&till
rrpm-L lot )w•ruolor ufrpting, the
Tile Croner* neMl "I1111C changing And mhnldd provide (IIs tllalf•r1x1" regldrY{I
les doing kindergarten work.
C{ptvoolsWrit be. Inside 1O repair the Blyth
ku that the rant of i'JII 'to the
p' K
euglntwra Of I,anfhton find 1liddle•
rr etlrfng to ,lake theen muitalple.
I1• hp frecra well gmunitr aur unafitls•
The loxlrl mAy Iw willing to engage
Henmaall hors fair Ise Inatle, provided
the exhibition Cottrell .within the
arx to lir notified : thnt having vimitMl
the Mort Albert bridge, nu action Ie
[act ryy
I1 1lurinK ilie ourr•nt (prm w num•
w Tully gtrooliHMe kindergxrlrn teacher
who will take a rerid... corer in arnne
That you can't ilei liking. It's the
y P
Government rt- olAtiono end that
it im entitled v, r r•!+{P lisp (iov•
IAkrn, cart thnt the cfonhty rt+tnd by
the agreement that the previotim ronel
her sof bewkm were central place and A mo assist the prion-
p,rchnsel ill Ivo wt- teachers fn intr olucin 1
,oleo by the iii ils for ah r lenlentwr r R the orae-
real goodness of them, that's all
ertrnlent grant Thr fippllt-ntiulo for
avid fridge committee made with the
township of A.hfield' that care ahorlld
1+,\ding. Tliptw »hnuld hr numb M
ileal work in their (should
All the teachers should give mon
Try some.
--_ _
i x grant to the "inion hospital was Ie• take•, t-, *ser that rile nerrmaxr {sI cMI in each morn elf all toter "shoals attention to naUu•a study work. •it /
Withlrlawn. Y fon fhr ear of fhr p.l iia. Theme Mm/ka is ver 1 Wit SERVE EVERYTHING THAT
agreement- lire mignel Hied chMlur+, p Y important that . nor pnpila ,
In ronlmittPe the rlxump ranking „ r tainMl tintil Ihr rnntlxclm fits mil now) to intfluch anfed At the beginning mllOold r,rognize intelligently oily IS GOOD TO EAT.
grant to for Ilumn R(Nr i,nligur ens 4 of the term. N'e ahoOld "trive tel beantiea est nature Which should amsnded to the effect that a dl-taileel completed by oat' engineer. The it-. ,.Mair in rash ptipil a lova for reading -
atxtetssent Of its ex ndltne, be r•• coat was wlopled. eveAppry GI the eyes. Parr and heart o[ STANLEY lSc ATHAS
pe WVole inter hl mph h ve for bre the everyone. In t-"1
formed to the council ; theft the r=oll he Mlllaliralion (if the NNa evolusent" nine Of the (PNC}Ipl' t(I have every R 1t+1 "chs place
of t1b11 to rgmir the Hlyth lockR ire of the various municipalities in -the cMr Hans% With him the reNtl• Atitdy ehnelld have w place on the
count was left the. 1•N rue as last cwt- pupil ) tiule-table of each form.
made:' that the grunt to the lien Y year Ing habit w" the meat pleviou" gift Ot i am, r
cell horse show he made independent And a bylaw, palamPd levying a cretin the echarl system. ('hildirn who gentlemen,
rate Of over, #&fill a half mills. Your obedient servant,
of Government grant. The report wa form w Guttp for wood I1,Wtal,rp fret
Adopted.Tfie [ollowin i" the ttstwsurer" J. 1 u+lr Tnx,
amended tow" K I•eafrnnahly ante fe/ty intellectuwlly
A n, lementdry reVirt of the statement of Pollinated receipts and and morally. inspector of Pudic Sellouts,
house of refuge commit(" was am fol• expl-ndittires stir the Tear lo1)i. lir: The dinrlplirlp, rias"ifiratlon Oodericb, June Ila iW7, , W 0 0 L
lows: in reference to the applicw- ►:xlrfsafrPrra lived malialrrnn•nl of the P-H—e" Are — - •,
tions for the pIveitionm of keeper, Adteiniormilolnofin my . srl,ala %renes Illy "Ali,fmrlory. Noun+ popilm ,
matron, and Assistant nMtrun, we Jana.,•ov,t Y,:tn a=t- skill not In Itenth.11ding "shad ptitt Together. Benmller Woollen Mills
lrlci•Ienl t•m,rr iary{und. fill
1'lf7Ummetfd the Appxilntfgwnt;of Rnh- :' w•hn "h ,ul,l IN• At tirhoN,l every dry. The prOmpmrity n[ n town IN not
ort Butch nil kee AfI arhesnl, omen Mf
per, re. Robert Nchool "jo," ep-1 rnr .. „' s,am The Trn,uu v Art should IN• rnhnr.rl R=mr(1 by fhr wraltA of It" Inhebi• As u"ufil i "hall he Ire
Mutch An matron And Mrs. W. H. Mi..rllanemt.gratn loan when pMrvOttt fleglert, after rwrPivlog tants, i"It by the uniformity with 1 pared to buy
8lfnpson, the present mwtroh, as am- Mnaeelnal Irrlvrreema"t e,u • .i'lowl aro ser ,-,tire. to •end their child"•n tO which the rndl to Med a the highest ca,.h price for
Watim"ry.peI nun1e «I T+,.,,i t ' • Llee, 1 1 Y together when an ins• '(
mMtant matron. at the awlArkN for anwUn ar"lCharltle+ tyle,, ., • wt- w hnol kn rnlnired I,y Uir 1'ubiir portant linlaertlking is to he oucco l . w(Nz, loth wla,IhMl and unwa"hwl, or
which they applied. -W fol• keeper, Int -we■= + mr: ,sn Hrh,N,l. Art. vlishet. A plan with w thousand dol.
•ZVI for matron and Ill:>ri for assistant ('Inset ro(rst"+erre 'r ? 9. _1,1101 Ti,,. wtviAmure hIm leen irrn nb+r 1Ats lot Ilia r lob nand And a love, w 1 exchange for my manniAc Lural
,Mo. ,•alTe n«nn• ^I ia9rp' + lou g file his ,eticlps.
nlxtrnn : that the krrler and mwtrnve lnd«.tri.l ho«Ir A * "' This tri=o on avrotlnt, of an epidptuic toovo in him ho -Alt can do elect"- for the
Alrllonie their ilutles wit lit n two weeks n,",A..ast inwr•;- Agri* "1 , %%vltst; ,.f utensil-- and ,mops. Thim ha" in. uphuillling of it than the millionaI You will And a fine ,aamortment of
I. from this date And that the h law a=riline flet -'-in-* .r 4"'^' W . vu terf• led with Ili.• m, ren" of rill- clA"s• Nhn hicks Il lila ew owl #&sed "low is tweeds Of various a to-do a Patterns.
Y +'nrrrnry A'Itc.j nor . n ;,ew ( K" n M 1*, n 1 n
fonfinming their apl)•nta pro- ye,,, -'- lv,Ak. lingerie at homepntgrrm/Ilowi
Wide that. the keeper er I%• rre uir to alAo w gtotid "apply oft T>dtt Ill&nkrtm,
i , 1 I r3,1•slrt The tru•teties wti•ni to depire that -_ .
gyp wt leapt three nitotthe' notirt• In f1piareru-r+ more Attention "hould Ins• given L., hnr•*P Manketm, And yMlnm of various
,- 1,1, n-, n111rr i LIlo, ge0 Record !lr
the event of hi" intention W resign hi" Lorna•+ I,tel Ringing in all tilt- divininnm of Orr rolnlr..
,,r, prlaitieen send that pitch iiotirr in. NarfAn. INN A,";nrA •rhOOln. Thin may be Attained by tit,- 14anae•k, Well.. •linit.h- Thin mention I have had evade %,I% a
f'Io.rr t. hyt,w I. ,tier InIN1. ap
given to the-rouncil or the chairman ahoant. ewe, Isald reyuemting that n.aic Ins• +sanding the trtuthle r ire nal»icer Of tweed "obis front r1OU1
i " f/f -him committee. The committer tnugto h) Lhr teficherm via specified in Heldm tin Iwke Stipprior and the rn-
dewire on blphalf of this aNlncil tO cx- OP.:M;a the Itegubatioup -,f Ihr FAoirwtinn lie l"•anionable snownwrtiix throe rnnpef rd n'A'oofact urnd ,it the ,rill And invltr
k 1peeam their &p IAU In of the InnK. t't=• '+'•I" pwrbmrnl all rrwft to ,M k nhrltrr, fhr l.ramr +Ist''Ad+nR r==r'llm,.Prs to inspect three.
o,T' prwttF[renrlll h send
leartHlfrd ithe 1 vniitinn -ain(A ovoid
'stet-,,, nMniwls la alit' pch Mosaic
r IN joint Pop nein ait prr rt Of tit lair ni nlllthi roams TmAt Revisit
mt .Marl a gna"mtw• that, they Mr Of retire wad
ti' -f pe #&sed will give m+dipho•LiOn.
of krrrr r Pr miner the mAtxhn"hment Rr,op phot-, tAk.•n, which mill have a It should In- twkrn tip in all the fOrnom, Thr vr"wlm Locked thnsugh Carew w K {
of the OUaP of R[III.r, &net a" a tallg- hi"tmv- vnine an living A Inetlllr of I "it ly the regidar trpch•1- `tinging 14)tml of I111Wa m elf 7,mon,Iirl not tont. JESSE QLE Dl11 LL
ible recounitkal Of t. P Ione we n•, - the• first r•omit-il after the- "•adnplbm ah id lie taken ter a few minutes IIt.,I of freight, exrvvung the meltmurn o►
f, I
t • is ,. t g r I l pll v)^:!i j 's• '1`+ 1.
t z y « 1 i 1 v La ne, . ie } 4• rq e.' , . , 4G t•
,"+,! v`Yi!" dee i 14W w ".J ..- .4'i - Ij+- ''F15C't3ia '•' ' i.r' i'i11yt" a'"7ii".i6,. +;rife ,
i i
, . — Jf A.:
E HAVE without doubt the best assorted
stock of Furniture in this district and our
lneteased salol this spring show that the
people appreciate a good thing when they see it.
More never were in a better position to furnish
your whole house or a single room.
We have a fine range of odor pieces suitable for
.,ee our assortment of
We also carry a nice range of
Telepha,e": He Br Beckett Cot.theita'roo
Cot. \el"on
Lfti,e, em All calls receive prompt attention. I l'smbria ltd.
fia s
Uotario, stegnosis of the Sxruia line. pick and shovel instead off writing
He leaves A wife and grownup fanuly. I poetry, my son.
cosssiating of two boy, and two girl"• Visit4 — Do they treat you well
ring at Owen Hound. Other relit here? Prisoner--Urnerlally they does,
I live at Collingwoud. only they hurts we feelln s by their
lack of confidence. They won't let
Rich Aunt — '•roti only visit me• me have fi latch key.
I you want uonory.- Spendthrift When se man's conscienr•e beginm to
—••Well, i couldn't come, much of- get hent it becomes so faster than
enet, could 1 anything in nature. it Is like the
Willie—Father. why du they call Isoiling of an an; It fs very clear at
hem "minor poets "' Father lir. first, but as soon as it Rets cloudy, one
C4 they ought to be working with ,t minute more and you may cut it with
a knife.
TIEIsle sTi
S, TEAMER h R E Y H O U ND .+:``s
MONDAY, JUNE 17th. at00 a. at, le m Densest few Gather.
TUESDAY. JUNE i &tit. at30 a. mill leave Ge loath k,r Deposit.
TMRSDAY, JUNE 2011h.1,00 ,,. m„ loses De vent less Gsdslii`
FRIDAY. JUNE 21st, 8130 is. ss. {sew Goodsontee Dtls
ci idt.
Soseai Troia 6* m Sttaieed, Jess i ani, 6:,0 a. a.. Wigks 6r40 &.M
repp. of all Way -*40o s to Gvedsiek.
RA=eiaa . ,oral a.. a k,... C..i.ri.i m eawwl
v,wa L. t?.r ."d ..r +-sir t. w j„ - ..
t.edssiei Wad Moaelitht Effewsless, 8 P M Jae 17th Za tate
WH ITE STAR LINE L H. AYEiI;, Eaes Aaeaa ,
The "Cinderella"
Custom Grade Shoe
for Women Il, rc,t'tx `
statds out from among the commonplace.
They may aptly he natned "Works of •
Art. Until you have seen them, or still 4 1
better, enjoyed the comfort of wearing
one of these models, you cannot realize+ '
what progress has been made in the art
of shoo to};gery. You will find them not .
only smart in style and full of beauty,
but the comfort you have peen looking
for. _ — _ 4
Downing W MacVicar
North side of .'i(piaree, QODERX11.