The Signal, 1907-6-6, Page 8E) Ter'umuAl. �IIi r. I"u. ' ZAM-BUK " is Mature s own w healing essences gathered from all over the world, scientifically urifted, concen- trated, combined and handed to you "tn ready for use. That's alll No magic) No trickery I Apure natural healer of skin disease and injur�r Make inquiry. a _AUB IT w„I A FARMER'S TESTIMONY Mr Francis Renolt, of St. Anne's (Que.), says: -'•I suffered from eczema for twoyean, and tried a great number of remedies in vain The ailment was most)r in my legs, and both these were actually raw from the knees down. I obcnlnid some Zan, Buk, and by the limo I had ti -I a few Isar., am glad to say 1 w,u aanpletely cured. " ('urea skin Injuries and diseases, piles, chafed plu•ea, irim-et, stings, sore feet, prairie itch, ulcers, festering sores, etc. e)f all at -me and druggists, 50,. A fs,r, orJ•am H.. III Co., 7' rust fine, I f r price. (C. E. Pullord, .,mdrd ) s y°yl r near • "Royal Crown" Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap (IOdIv,G,ul .c:rl At the Chateau Frontcnsc-a, Place V {ger I luccl, .Montreal -at RanIF -Royal AkEan,?n, Winnipeg -on their Pullmans and orean liners -guests and paiwitgers are provided with -Royal Crownr'witth:Haul. (Ys • me+Ilt�tM rrrp, and ■ In'ief soap i•, awe for tat yrhe.f 'Sole tee. a sake. a V rat cakrs lot sic rglst on hnvffrg "Royal Crtrwart Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap, , "T can take you to a hundred homes, right around my acnes, in which St. George" b used.'- " ased •," You Can ark those, who do the biking, what they think of St. George's Baking Pov rdff "And eve, emee>t4bahis„dred will tell you third straw _ that St. f %eorRe'a at; .da e•iry teat and never lose A its strength.” wooer%r p. R -0 -fseer set A.o& Nada, al Ij �raa a cbemitwl Co, d Canada, IJ dies 01trntreal. on 2!'1.1111 ltjCTIVE INTERESTING 1"Obvect English, How to use it." A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH.. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Editor. PARTIAL OONTSIrrS• Course in Grammar, How to increwse One's Vocwbulxry. The Art of Convetwation. Shwll and Will: Should and Would - bow to use them. Pronunciation•(lvntnrp Dictionary). (In rrect Rnglish in the Home. Cot rect YAtgliah in the Aehool. What to Ray and Whwt Not to tiny. CoG1•se in iAtter Writing and Pnnrt- nation. Twenty Dally i elilm. I9usinekm Rn Ilsh for the HUAineast MAD. Cornrund Wards I How to Write Them. Rtudles In English I.iteratuire. Agents Wanted. $LN a Year. Seal N flea's for sample copy. CORRCLT tNMLISM, P,•amaten, 111. '1'111; `I(;NAL- (;(►I)FAN('11. ONTARIO ' worse. No matter what your Indivld gently but fureibly e;evt,•11 ++'ith u Us[ tastes fogy be, you can't satisfy urgent request to reek the pleasur+•r �— The Making of a your der+rto for U you can ludurr the that sweet domicile ous Il which ui _Iendlady W ruVDIS Yoa with opecial farad his unmelodluus Ilbatluus. Sawi W �idishes you will tocur the jealousy and would intender down the straight awl( vOOD VALUE AND LO ♦ ♦ PRICES Successful Husband Ill will of other legs favored boarders, narrow path which led to his cottaly. WEAR who will make your existence a un- sd'I ought and I �� L A D[ ES' pleasant as iru•sible In the many little Sol houtenteHug ways so well known to habitual board- ''v xwc srwwt.rn the house or try sy cAtl•All s POST. ere' 4ItA ing to e°cer- Every desirable quality Is found in the garments we offer. If atter In this delectable atmosphere your he to better wife will be left alone au day, with -would go you have taken home and they do not meet with your satisfaction, The r L"Ismt Qaouse of lowed- nothing to do. She will for avenue noosed to the return and we will refund our mons in full. We have every con - gamble N A•.piwg g.eee g•we•er take breakfast with your teat will anon wood abed, y y gambletb.li•tiww;wa of A sofas find lying In tied become* amore and where, In a fidence in our merchandise. more pleasant method of killing time, comfortable cor. k Is soa.,Ti.a are Nees Anrsc- and you will leave the house wltLeut ver, he would Aloney Saved by Shopping With Us. love aewseliwg saw". sv j. waking her. When the pangs of hun- sleep peacefully ger compel her, she will rise, mince a and happily On Some Prices are: little breakfast• do a little fancy wort til sunrise. Sam, I White Wear [�wrvttat, 1971, ler G el Tlsl] read a little book, Indulge in a little however, was an M T DiSAU JOHN -1 Infer from Accordion Pleated and Sun Ray Skirts at $4 95 I Corset Covers from ase to j1 00. your letter ust reeel gossip with the other women boarders. You /avow to ttsurr n exception. It I ant jS.Su. l re4 make a few n Night ow from 5a to .So. which is more distinguished 11s. perhaps, and by the +wasA ori As tlaws. thought you had Black Cloth and Fancy Tweed Skirts at 4r.98. i ' tingt1lucid- Draw Gowns, 5c to 1. time you come to dinner will be sat- developed any ld losyncnales of that $3 98 and 43 50. Drawers from ase to Ili 7.1� by Its brevity than Its IlrrJd- ficfently bored to make even a family sort. I wouldn't write letter. to you. I'd Shirt Waists at 5oc, 98c, 41 25, $1 5o and upwards. Ity, that you are undecided as to quarrel seem diverting. A woman call on you personally, andi'dearrywlth Neckwear at 5r, roc, 15c, 25c, Soc. and upwards. whether you shall board or keep hoasti doesn't differ much from a man. She Belts At roc, 25c, 35c, 5�, and upwards. You see evidently trying to argue your. me s )But to studded with tan aver- ; Underwear at c, roc, 15c, a c, and u wads Lace Curtains volt tato the Delle[ that boarding fe cannot develop unless life has a par- nails. But I look upon you u an over- Hose at ro , 15 5 5 g pose, and In the demoralising surround- a ma ■std home Is the only place In Sc, aoc, 25c, and upwards. TI One of our specialties at pan, 25c, 3yc the Ideal life, while way tduwn In your In g n Y Gloves at 15C, Sc,235c, Vic, and upwards. II Sx, 75c. 41.10, $1 50, s oo and upwards. Innards L a longing for a home that of a boarding house she shrivels which the average utan and the aver - you can't get rid of. up bleakly and d finds worunless age woman can become [the a qu and JOHN STEAD There Is something favorable to be sloe breaks out and Anda a wort ora Intimately which acqualntial o t acevelnt- mimslon for herself. Ordinary boarding once whlcb Is essential to the develop - said of either proposition. If there bouser life 1s absolute stagnation, and It merit of domestic happiness. were nolhtng to Is one of nature's Inexorable Inwa that Ladies'Wear and Specialty Store. West St., Goderich him W" consider bat Use Gomething to Liv For. of cost ata rwopn breeds death. I know there S — _ ERs± questionare people who will rise ■Dove ad- � a home each of you has Somethlue -that L to any. to live for, Something that is a part of the direct tageertts r and Inseparable from each other. There peme-Ithe fixed Ty n ..s tie. sr in something about the atmosphere that chargee as the ryAM + Ileveriope mutual amblUl� to which the over ng water and Deat In gf*du- hon - railroad moa ' a " �� surroundings of a boarding house are ally one cup sweet wine.SUr ♦Igor e I //p��, a would ' ,•la and Yoa teal ar red to up old fuel to L1P P 1 N V 0 TT s ' put It -I , t yo p y prevent the butter N you to ad v!• t t and your r c udris broaden to uphold from the rest of the Iagnd11anants, a' rn e r i a 1 ' you to board. It them. Your minel expands under the used to be a same Infitience. You feel that you arc It Tastes Just the Same. MONTHLY MAGAZINE Y popular idea, and - I a citizen, a factor In the affairs of the 1 I A FAMILY LIs11ARY may be yet for _ word. Nobody else will notice It, per. "Y''u's7 )'fu were in thrRalx)n at � DOSI r �,,,,,w I time of the ,emnult referred to in Cafe and Quick Lunch; ' ` �w�.. aught I [naw, to '?je. I haps, but you can afford to loot[ with the c tue of the waked the lawyer. la I1YIlii111 utomfil o the contrary, supreme Indifference upon the lack of -- -- 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY � that i< was At the 4,Dee you ears Jorwd to Tweet a attention of other people. "I Sow. sir." - -- -- t bows kod rr"Ca"-ewrc lot of yeopie. -Did von takw en¢nizance of the ICE CREAM DELIVERED TO ALL MANY SHC.iT STORIES AND •,cheaper for a A man and his wife should be all barkerjoerar tit*- time?" PAPERS ON TILIELY TOPICS young efuplo to yerwe couditious wherever they may be 7 occupy a "i don't Lnuw what lie c,tllt•rl it, but PARIS OF THL TOWN. keep house. I have [1kIDp to each other. The had Some perwonal experience, and I plut-W, but 1 have as yet seen no ren- little world to themselves. What met. 1 t,slk what the rest did." -Lie fir- $2.80 PCR TEA.': 28 CTs. A COPY know a great marry other people who "on to count you among them. At any tees It what goes on outside? The rest ,'„ti's• 1 p DINING -ROOM UPSTAIRS. 'NO CONTINUED STORIES, have arrived at years of discretion rate, It is a serious risk, and I earnest- of humanity constitutes a Source of -cvcwr NuraxR 00INI LETS IN ITSELF atter sundry wreatlea with the same.ly hope you will not take IL supply for bread and butter and some PHONE moo. Immortal comndram, every one or Mon+• Is • a•usooL other dealnble things, and for this res- Can"* -- whom has fou So und, I hare, that it On the other hand, a home is nature-, n If Do other It should be treated Can't carts more to keep up a Home, bow• t pining school for the making of gen- with consideration, but otherwise It Is /g modest than 1t does torbtxr�wttlf albs men and women. I'll admit that not essential to domestic ha lDess. 1 the same relative earroundings. nature doesn't always turn out a Ant '•finch too often It Is the cause of do - ever Ea` Now Proceed [Slowly. class Job, but that's the fault of the me•tle failure. Go Inside your little The All this talk about the economy'of material. 1 know some persons who fort, close the doom and let the world 9 Enou€hSignal's home life ls�tommyrot ma It regam wear trousers who couldn't be turned wag as It will. You can't do that 1n a Pnurely to indlrect result& and It leads Into mea by any process, natural or ar• boarding house; you have to take the « to wrong conclusions and many mts- tificlal. I would not be So ungallant world In with you. Of course you have a of takes on the Part of young married as to apply the same statement to heard the saving that a wagging world }oath la told that two can hove flans ID wagging g Clubbing St people. 2Le De pettkonts whom I on the outside Is better than a wR iulive a.tbeaply na op!`ano4Ler old and have met, Dut [ am afraid their tra»i- tongue on flea lualde, end 1n Powe_y dangerous detasloo--and proceeds to formation Into women with hearts and cases, I regret to say, It Iv true. but ?J minds and souls, all fa active open- the men who suffer from a woman's figure that his tmr9ma.wU1 answer -very ' well for two on that baso. Iie gets lion, would be a task too great for any tongue are generally themselves to married, rents him a flat or a little Agency. However, thars a dlveoiou. blame. The fair sex has been known house and settles downtto save money If you want to grow in every way, on occasions to resort to rolllug phis 1907 and be happy. Ile caa.eaaily do. both mentally, morally, spiritually; if you and datlronw, but Its natural weals,u For If be lues about It In the right way, «ant to be happy, get you a few rooms L the tongue, and. es the Irishman y bot he moat learns that two cmnot that you can call home. it doesn't would may, it Is quite effective In capa- llre as cheaply am one-nuiess be,wa' matter whether It Is a three room fiat ble bands. It has rim sting, however. Appetite comes with eating ane a "Itrays ut before ussyyy or a j1(),OW apartment, Just so the where love rules and where the wife Is aR age and.dea and each square of crisp de- The Signal .eerately ecoDomlcad afterward-Andrent In 1D proper proportion to your shown the tcourtesy she 1s entitled to. li^.iousMsx seems but to make $I 00 ,hat keeping froom. I h+come. I don't mean to say that a At any rate, wbete%er differences of ° Soaps te than any advance c•,yephtionp. Tbhe onR. mhome makes happiness any more than opinion may artme between an and room for more. "The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald ttatisricians of domesUL-ee000mymake things look flour mattes cake, but it's a mighty wife, they can be more satisfactorily DtxemarY Ingredient, and fro the discussed within the natural , Mooney s Perfection 'Che Signal, Weekly Herald Toronto mythty•pretty,on paper, if `me ome precincts you bare to start It of a home. Whatever troubles Cream Sodas and or them were to beibel yo<' with given at may `' The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto Weekly Globe could keep hkoune fond getZ fatl"rod. Your Cigar once the foundation, the environment arise, they no tx better borne and and thea easier dls of at home than In are diflermt from any other , The r Weekly 'and m money. n- their enticing then- rtes re essential to a vt•ma. 1 am that boording house. cracker. Nothing heavy o r Herald Toronto won't work out to rk practice. aware I am mlztng my ng my paper. wily:il, Globe measure or dllamggofntme•nt Is the 1n• . metsDally [ non a little, but I Sonat to press Cheaper After All. doughy about them but so light ' variable reeulaM the attempt, and In the point Into you Until you holier Now i want to get bark for a few ar,d crap ,frac they are trans- rhe }r,eal and Montreal Family Herald and the discovery ;to the bextnvings of many n n'ma� lam` that home and happiness begin with motnmts to aordld considerations. 1 the same letter and etsrt at the Dams have said that the direct expense of parent. Moon¢y's biscuits will -S�i Weekl Star . I want yon b, go Into ihle business Mare• � keeping house is be a regular dish Ort your tablC 1:Fern' subscriber to The Family Herald with your e]ptlope L I would like very You never were much of a band to greaterthan that Youlm Pat. if you will try them. and Weekly Star will receive the pre - CalImagine accept dogmatic statements, and I can of boarding, but , a"""er "t von taking the Aber aide of in the long run Say "Mooney's” to your grocer. mium picture, "A Tug of War." Ign'�ratas '' •0110•° the gnestiou just for the sake of argu- the home is real- r ment, I'll humor The Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Sun and styles. The Signal, Weekly Herald and London -, vMMw-na..w so you with some rea- I rhea 7 y per. The �• for (Tomato) househnkl of starr•M•d and uniformed In natmnl hifttory can be more remark work my belief in the theory welch Perk of rpet- ` worked mo well ID practice in my cacti tion and thhee pet- +. The Weekly Sun is a paper that should be Screen Decors am you certainly know, and 1a the ex. ty mbeial rivalry your colon. .Rove R Ringle day a she progresses Whatever faults you may have --and i from curt paper% to evening gownm."- read by every, farmer. Free Press Morningedition + tler;ence of many of my friends. of the boarding )letter Chawos For Acquairrtmice, noun lead toex- ' •„e' Seasonable The Signal, Weekly Herald and Farmer's them -will stick out. If these failings j an so I think I have told you something travagances In a The Signal, Weekly Herald and London Advocate `ti r • it Iitdo A s aMuf the necessity of Intimate ac. the way of quaintatice between man and amassment .fid Wares We recommend our readers to subscribe to _ ' 1�'~ Solis. that would The Farmer'sAdvocate and Hoc Mag- Horne i need to know a man town In the i ander with one pint of v strong town where I was rallied «haw habit glvgrr fan, a generous cup o ,nutter, It � be nntbought of The Signal,' Weekly Herald, Presbyterian i ,• lttr ho"satey to rhe•vear of the aakActe cmd trot in front mrich I to we you be we a home of your .own 1for reaalvs trbtch I stall give YOU. • but I dmtt wa.at you to have any WAS notions about. Its coot. If the final 1611111 end Is your only Considers - lines , by all Intone fret you a respecta- ble boarding plaM where you will hay n a comfortable room and eatable fo ud at reasonslble rstris, if mvrh a com- y,naUou exists. Your wul rover the eat - I sfaction of knowing just hon► much you will have to pay for your meals and lodging and laundry, and there will be few extras. As a purely fiman. Chid proposition it lervery, simple. hdut- and I can't place too much emphasis on that but -marriage Is not prop-rly a financial propoaltkn. I know very well that 1t to In a groat many cares, and the tmderw•y to mabR It so seems 11D be rr'owing, but it isn't right. Morley is an Important factor in ,do- ntesuc life, but bPJond the nereasitiee Of exl•tewv It Is not an essential. Properly usr< it will help to rm*e bapptnew. but at Its bftt It Is a metro auxlllary. Put It in single harness olid depend upon it alone to draw you iv Was, and you wall find that It wt q ht,. 21y bolt at the first fork of the road and either upset the wagon or carry You fariber and farther away from your goal. At Is much better to bitch It to the rear end at the vehirle, where it can Jog along romfortably and dodWy and his on hand when you event It lie more, 'however, to tie it good and fast, for I wben you want It YOU want It had. But • Ternpeew y Expedient I.et me get back to, where i jumped the trnck The direct cost -mind you. the dlrrct coat of A tarding In lean than the rest of keeptla g house, "Pry - thing being equal 'f%iat is the one thing that roil is, mall in Its favor when It Is being tea tskdensl by two hP-' lty, rWA mindfs l }mmg marrind, twaS)N who love or ttmm91 nuom7 Is hand to bwr a little 6sltme, retst a Rfo*n flat and lay is ►a cast t n yeowl- slrwn. The bn-nllng `in a may be &I- ""W" se"W" as a trrnpnra 4 exyadlaaR but am s perasarwr►t at Me it won't da, utast, trues de naimit a lira is impossible lrwft k. You saw r (same d, as a rdo to ■ afgye toxon, In g!R trmwlilmgs of whIch ^)n havo os r!j a ONL&WW In - At the tahb, . ytma ass fetsesd to "'Pet a ratar•etlane, sag tet of paeakA snore, of wfirrm yo' a •sa sidn't tare to knew If yefa bad lase eIhll - Yom Meet arrrMlt this 1 hall got is Olsetad twftew via-siod It Issk ala/rt- It is ttaa I if you were keep. I-- s•�d'r'f- ingloose. The CinestAe dn,rsand tet az ne, the st agricultural journal In America. - The above offer includes dncentfre to the tecta tong. a copy of The Advocate's Christmas thrift and economy is lacking. That Number for 1gQ6, ambition for better things which Is the peculiar product of home fife will find The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto You at the end of the year with more money In your pocket than If you had Weekly Mail and Empire y p kpent an arribms twelve months In a Subscribers to Tho Weekly Mail and -Em - pension. (;o_ get thee to a real estate agent,offered mS boy, and rent w castle, If It Aire will receive the premium picture by that even has but three roomis and an of them t' paper. dark. You'll encounter ditfirultl but The Sijrnal, Weekly Herald and Toronto You'll learn to overcome them; you'll 9 Daily World - a J have annoyances, but they'll make life sweeter by contrast; you'll have trou- NAOODYALT AND The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily g + Y I know some peram"whotsesysvOUMVt bleu, but troubles bravely borne will Star Y -u most know rote another, and In t make a letter than of you and a better bnarding house you can't pomib#y get woman of her. Your affectionate fa- MAXWELL , The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto more than a superficial knowledge. ther, JOHN SNEED. Lawn Mowers Daily News You are more or less In public all the time, And ymtr manners are mere or Evolution. The Signal, Weekly I Jerald and London Daily lest[ nrtlficiai. you can't be yourself. `T)dp't yon Delleve in evofutlonr' A targe range of sizes Advertiser If yon have any regard for your nope- asked the scientific man. talion, yon have to wear a mask all the • Vertsknly," answered Miss Cayenne. and styles. The Signal, Weekly Herald and London time. At home, Unleas you have a "No ebanAr that Centuries bring nbout Weekly Advertiser househnkl of starr•M•d and uniformed In natmnl hifttory can be more remark servants, you are free to be natnnl. able than thAt which a woman under Y01111 show yourself in true In Screen Decors The Signal, \Veekly Herald and London Daily your colon. .Rove R Ringle day a she progresses Whatever faults you may have --and i from curt paper% to evening gownm."- Free Press Morningedition + reckon you're pretty well loaded with Waahingtnn Star. and Evening edition them -will stick out. If these failings j an so The Signal, Weekly Herald and London pronounced that they Induce I gwro•t Potato Pie Without Eggs, YOU to go to bed with your clothes on, Thin to the lialtlmo way of mak- `ti r • it Iitdo A s Weekly Free Press You need the restraints of a boarding ing sweet potato pie, an very good It hoose. home was never Intended for The Signal, Weekly Herald and Presbyterian I U: Peel and rut In quart Inch slices such cattle• a quart of sweet potatoes. Dot until The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster i need to know a man town In the i ander with one pint of v strong town where I was rallied «haw habit glvgrr fan, a generous cup o ,nutter, It L�Wn Hose, The Signal,' Weekly Herald, Presbyterian was to get plemasntdy loaded every 1 three cups of sugar and plentyn tem- and Westminster Saturday night. About 1 o, I wk of n on peel. Blew gently, so that the cea Randay morning he would reach n will not break. Line n deep plc III, is point wiles It became SprayersetC . The Sinal, Weekly g Herald and Farming necessary for with a rather thick cruet, fill with It him to llfr up him voice In song, and the their World (Toronto) ' putstons and sirup to within an only, Song he knew was Home, Sweet Inde of the top, then cover with a home." lie Hamm' cks The Sinal, Weekly Iferald and Montreal would warble this over crust with a erns tut In the renter. and over until the barkeepeen DailyWitness patlencc Turn back each corner of the crust wrap exhanRtrd when he would M and bake with a moderate tiwti until Sold Cheapest at ?`Ire Signal, Weekly Iferald and Montreal jthe pastry Is dome. Ten minutes tie- WCekl 1 tog am me ur th h y Witness '4!.1. of Ohio. City of Tolydn. 1 Im,r Il,n nly. 1.a Frank !. I ht,-- "'A Ps,wth that he L srnl•t ideri"N ,f the Rrm o' V .I. ('honey k 1 o., ning ho -me.. h, the ray of T,,IM,,. ronnt� ,tad Rl.tc whrlr.e{.1• %I'd Ihnt .nld Artn will pay the "fon of I:NK ill Nt,It Kll Ih ILLAID4 for CA ch end P, Pry eAsc of Pwtarrh thnt cI,n not Is, eared by the use fir Il a II'. VA o, rrh C,,re, FRANK J. e'HKNKy. RtI R-Irm In M(•nrr me and snh-rIW in my plrsence. Ihi- Mh Awt of Ir—nilw•r. A. I). I IRaatl A. W OLKAPRrN Notwry 141illle. ILIII's re Iirrh 1 ern l • taken 11 -t -1-411T. anA act. dimetly nn the hl -d and n.. r ,I..nrfwcss ,,f Ihr .y.t,m. Rend -tot Ir.tlnlnflls l+ ITP, F. J. ('llkNy.Y `+nM hT skit druagtete. ;.'.. fake Hall'. Family mile fee o"tipatioe. g l>o rougA t e hole In 1 the tap a wine saucemeds by cream- II The Signal, Weekly Herald and World Wide to Ing together onsp butter• two cups sugarorsells anA the Jules of a lelmon beaten II The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto in a little at A time. Set the mixturei__ Saturday Night Wholesale Hardware (Not in the combine.) I co I 30 4 50 I 50 176 2 30 I 70 3 25 2 30 2 35 2 35 I 6o 3 50 2 90 185 2 25 2 25 3 25 I 30 3 50' 185 2.20 2 65 Send all tiubsc:riptions to VANATTER & ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT.