The Signal, 1907-6-6, Page 7I
C. N. R. Southern Conrtsetion.
I]O� �/LeQ 'Q �C u.
••I bellede that the lrurieradminletra•
- -- ----� --�
lurtoh Hel'Ia►d.
[1 LiRGa7 1n7 1(jG 1�(/N•
tion ie the Iwst adininhiflrutiun the
floor fol• R nnanent. It IV IN granp,el,
the inters:upt3r
\Park has been started ion the
on the land. The Hrmt town-
Dominion of Canada ever hod.(Hear,
Iand its mprr a Kith
obvious evidence of cat '"teranuw x itt-
dlsopproval and condemnation of ill ship
branch line of the U. P. H. trawl Mt.
hell'). 1 say it without fear oC cullMarys
unfair and illegal means of "(•cut ing othen•m
one at it thus, at intervAlA of a
to Embro. This line will, in
t"adietion, and 1 repeat it, that lair
North Battletor•d in the largest wad
tier, likely be extended Exeter and
Wilfrid Laturier ih worthy of the rut)-
•. _ ,
A Woman xrrmye( with lahnrious
tlew Hzeter to either Maruia ot5 Goxin-
port of the last eleinent of the Ikru-
Dorn -
inion Camula," He
"Prune party groins by blackening the ated
reputati nn Of honorable, rapahle and katchewan,
Many people ire (;,Nferich, both nen
amt Women, who believe lhem@elvrs
rich, If Hzeter, and Hayfield
rueful men. Am instanced in the cases old
of Mexmrs. Hyman and Hmmeraon. side.
Of quoted figurrs
to be in perfect. health are often in
the greatemt danger.
Then acrosm the intervening optice
When nominations fol• the caddie vice
date for the House of Common" were the
would unite and make a move au the
naxtter the company might be induced
A Unanimous and Hearty Nomination
of trade cat the Dominion to show
the prusper•it u( the counts #laid Lite
Y )'
called for, AV. Pmudloot, K.C., moved communieation
ulilem and
is mainly by terry
in indigestion, with it myriad of " m 1•
tom" anch am headache. "IeepleA"nrAs,
to extend the line at once to Goderich.
at the Hands of a Convent;on
marvellous expansiva of its trade till - Iwfnre the eyem, pains in the
St. Marys vutel '111,(1011 tOWIL1Ylb the
pct)ject, and the towns and townships
Representing All Parts of the Rid•
der the Liberal Administration, which
he claimed was to A large extent Ie.
Literally the Truth.
himself at Ottawa and during his re- until
prementation of the riding he had Ah(wt
through which the railway would filter
Ing West Huron to be Brought
"puusible foot- the prosperuuo c(inditiou
arid business plareA with excel-
stocks. and is starting this
nn its way w G(xterich would un-
Back to the L beral Fold.
of afiaikw. Though the Liberal Govern.
on w rinse of mnnarigAl ail•
practice included many patient« out..
side the city Ifnlits, and these he vise
doubtedly vote substantial II(Mi kltl
that would stAggP many
talent hod afx•ut i nilfiuuo and millions
iced in him b(iggY•
mervices; that this a'much
(leen unfortunate for the riding and has
larger inunfeipality. Work the
joint been commenced nn a new
digestive org,uns mo that lain fewOne
daym the
in public work" it had actually coal
rtonaac h is in much ahnp(•
it taker) roue itm,•If of nil the field
plemisetl until
he dl"c"wered (hat the ,ulim,al 11:14, An
Thom. M-Millim, Reeve of fli llett, in
contract price that
lxrl21r. Waterworks, light mind
III eotten without poll, or distr,ms.
JA". Wilson give" an ahmofute
It wss it splendid gathering of Lih:
eiderYtbly reduced the public debt, land
the Uunservatives did not object to) the
plants are listed fir an ontlAy ynali
trip hnndrwl t.hnuman4, this yeRr.
Hod gnarnntee that TyynuV money I
will le refundesf ,1111(•Xa Mi•n nit clitem.
ct sera "Ill'' �a
AM. ,IL this (N•I'irrda It w111 neremmaary
Onlled effort (of the Liberals of the Then
riding Went }Tarin could Ile re- Bre
provision of a renet,-ry, further
priAection, elo.. will bringK the renedv
erals that stet in Lite Temperance Hall
on Mond la Every part of the west
expenditures ort public work" except.
fn general terut@.
Ont.lwys cap to the tieighbr: • If."
not mint you a penny it
it con•" vont. �l
of Kidney Trouble
ridingof Hunan was represented, ftuua
U. (i. Cameron, AI. I'. P., ruxdaile s
nuc think it nec(•mmnr•)' to mention
the animals
Ile wan heartily all lau(i
ded an he row the
"talion hleen mm,ured for w
A wmmno's pPasnn may he no ream(,n
tint wan fest
to re
honest ntiapreaent him,. amt, After
dt PractiuUy no ExpeflaW
alah to the eastern Iwrtiou of
Hullett, and froul underich tuwnrhip
eloquent ruldrebb, referring with (eel-
ing to the death of two liberal' still -
its unanimity. No matter when glimpse•
the election rams nn he would
Of three tram" t.@wring tip the
for the
The roan who) insimtA in Occupying A
hwal paper:
carr tsar k. Th'
dine 1.q 1 he turf rinh. ne"idem I
just a few boxes of •'ba -J u," and
will be well. Simply take --9`11-r-
W Wmghaul. It was the aun�ldt
meeting of the. West Huron Liberal
grurts, in the fer•wlna of Tlinw. Ander-
tion, d( Dungannon, and John H. Mulh-
public imprAverknentw a lar th
a ha. -k sent at churrhhf when h' w
The a,b r@nmon kit ,•elite,[ Im he
-V -0 cape owner o ohs feed tove ar
follow the directions, and you will be
till y
Association and alto the cernventioll
for the bio of a candidate fur
'the of and then pxhbiug lain
free of this terrible d . Sit• •
box. At druggists, or by mail direct
from The Claf[1lin Chemical
use of
the House of Connote. Although
there in no iuuuediste prospect of au
to the. discussion of local conditions in
Lhr jrolitical Held.
\V, H. Kerr, Liberal
Co., Limi-
ted Windsor, Ont.
election, the serail. of battle is in Lhr
eat in ole
nominee, for that
L(tcal Horae bur Mast Huron, war
ole And the ha o of Wert
have chosen theiriostandard-bearer for
called on for tin mid reab and ivsp(mnded
the contest whenever it only cornea 1111•
No other 111111143 than that of Robert
with it speech that was received with
,inch appreciation.
The Sunshine is a good, "all dampers prevent the escape of the
Huhner, of Clinton, sew presented for
The meeting chamod with hearty
choers� for Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon.
round" furnace. Burns, with equal hot air up the chimney—compels
uoulination. Although defeated lust
(gen. 1'. Graham And Robert Holnrtes.
facility, either coal or wood. Coke, it to come out through the registers.
election, utter representingR the coin-
stitueuryy faithfully and xl ly tot- six
too, if you prefer it. You pay for heating the inside—
tin inside—
And so perfect is the combustion
years. Hohues still retains the
confidence of the Liberals of W •
not the outside your
of the Sunshine that it extracts when ou lou the Sunshine
every unit of heat from the furl. y y
Huron and lir t forgot in behalf of What's left in the ash- is not If your local dealer does not
the riding are not forgotten. \Vfib x W. C. Goode Writes About This West- P�
WAKI cause, it popular candidate and 'ern City in Embryo. worth sifting. handle this most economical
An enthusiastic and united party, Sunshine consumes less fuel, too. furnace write direct to us for
Wemt Huron will Im• redeemed to Lih- North Ball Iefurd. Na.k' FRRH BOOKLET.
ralirm. Ma,• rah, limy,. Because Its perfect system of
To the F litot' of 'ILc stinal.
Thr meeting olwned At 11 o'clock. SIR,—Perhaptn your leaders clay not
1.116 shortly after adjourned to allow cab ecu to x little sun,
Of the completion cat We list of dele- f K+,snip utxrut
aces. At 1:8U p. ,I. the business Of the West. If m, r, herr it is.
bate in April I terminated any ea-
t t annual meeting was commenced, gageulent in Prince Albert and set out
with the president of the Abbociation, with the expectation of vibitiug the
Jam"a Young, in the chair. leading settlements at least AN far as
The election of officers resulted as Edmonton, but i shall he concet tied in LONDON. TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. VANCOUVER. ST. JOHN, N.B.
follows, most of the officers being re- real estate here for x time.
electedes . g, The first town of much importance E s Pe PA U L I N 1 Local Agent
1'IraidrOt—JRWra Yuun Auburn. south of Prince Albert is 1{u.thrt•n.
Firbt vice-president—H. J. Mot -rim, An "old-timer" told nip that 'f wenty
l.c.ynl• five yews ago r, didn'j believe the
Mrcund vice-prwidenfr--\Vero. B"ilie, loud around yxek _(Von and Rosthern amount of gegeral building is Ileing THE BRITISH BOWLERS.
Dungannon. would ever Ile. x11 good—it wouldn't undrrttake,, though thele is sums
Thud vice-president—John Styles, grow ulnything." I this wits o o there dela g y
Kintail. has certainly ler n unarvrlln,re y through scarcity of material. u'ontlnurA from Imago t.l
Treasurer—Joseph Bell, Carlow. change iq that titu for now this rush"
residences, which are being
Sec retary-- ;hAs. (farrow• Goderich. town is one of the grxi crnLrrs of the rushcvl cap iu great uuullrers, s(nne of hail* from s ,ow-heleal"wt Nurthum-
Auditor—W. J. P"ioley, Clintm. West, to which faux a s bstantiol the thein of x very g(xxl tyle, motile excel. berland. {ie is tidly six feet in height
Chairmen of townships:— of elevators near the tr•x k lta-Ars teh- tent buoinrss blceks ate (icing erected. +►aid built in proportion, IreiRg quite
On Kin silrf stone, ( ollrurne J►lex. Young. Carlow. tiulony. They even snake he astonish- K h, of a eat hotel, three ern st kit" le weight. '1'I is not
Ashfield --('hits. Stewart. Kintxil. ing clxun that more brcxl grain was stories high, u[ cement blocks and only, lruuu•knblr for his fines)•-prufror-
West Wawauush -John McNabb, received tat the re "le' rainelev' i" brick, is going up. It will have a toned figure, loot alae for thefx,t [heat
lluogan11ot• Ixrit yeas thin at any ,the etatp o frontage of fill feet on King and 70 on Ili, Iasnally goes alNult havehended, with
Goderich township — John leen, west of Winnipeg. First avenue and will be first-rhisw in +t large, well -seas 11"I chiy pare in his
peg. The wn 1r every tespm:t. On MAin mtreet J. H. uulnth. Well, floor thought to would
Holmesville• bright and prosperous but wit nit Ile Chishol,n is ere^ting x fine block of enjoy it "ail on the lake, ind so' he•
Hallett—Thu", JlcJlflhtn. Meaforth. a railway centre, or x city of an size, ototem, three s6ut•iem high, rf red-f,ue I (lid. The sail was all -I lit though
Fast Wawxnoah — B. H. Taylor, tieing about midway between rince content blocks. and 1. A. (gregory is .it cramped him leg" x little; mo on his
Marnoch. Albert in nn
t her putting up an up-to-date, office hnild. return to the landing "tugs he "prong
Blyth—Wm. Campbell. Warman is i wnothenpoint of an r- Ing which will Ire orenpiei by himorlf. +whorl• to stretch himself, and the bet-
Witglkam—Richard Cle1(g. rbc. It ala Int fourteen wiles north if MoAt of the btildingX pr•evillumly ter to ii nprxwe circulttiu, gave a lex`)
Clinton—Dr J. W. Shaw. Saskatoon and in the iulint where t • erected aur frame. tyy is difficult LAI in the itir and landed right thnwgh
We Are G(iler'ich—W. L. Horton. l :anaidian Northern main line croase realize that All thin is fhe lestllt of one of the rotten planks which furan
Chairmen of polling oub-diviniuns tiro Regina -Prince Albert line. The short A tante. There is no time one Lite ao-called yon)• into the lake, •drop-
Overstoeked were chosen — follows . town is under two yearn oto and con• all experience that feeling so much ping about ten air twelve feet into the
AN1rP16t d.—No. 1, H. M. Duff. Ilan• "ant" of x await station—ridicdlnuslyin• when taking a view of the town water land sinking four car five feet br-
ggAnllou : No. 2. A. Finlay Mafeking ; ade(u"tr for the business done --a t lo' the webs or southwest. If au) fore he forint' the bottom. A cry of
in these lines. No, a .las. Hackett, Belfast ; No. couple of hotels and a string of stores• horror and consternation burst from
Jos. Crawford, Port Albert; No. I. rebturrant(, barber "hops, implement of your rex(lerA feel intne11te11, Illy
Tho". hullivan, Kin .hridbackground, rail (it Dr. Malee's office and he all who Saw the catastrophe, while a
((ffpp R lie : No. 8 yards, etc., with x of a will ow,'u sPrie� of "snap.+' which howl, like the roar of an angry lion,
20116 Rods of No. 9 D. McLean. Lucknow, ; No. 7, John
few residences beattered around the wit' g vo x t:ur idea of what al. is laky. bnr•st fl -on, 'lom hinnelf. A snob site
Jamieson, Laurier, ieen P. Occ,uaunal at ansaeetupts have, q y, @tion that will immediately utade to render service; but Tom,
filler NIRN .—_'-�i11o. 1, Win. Hill, Ben- teen [tare Ut lx -eat c xrwan and vara• arise In he mantis of Fastern people is: mh aking himself like x large New-
PEERLESSsitter ; No. }(, Murcia, Mxltford ; oum n•pirrta great concerns to locate ••Is all L 's 01, it aim mud xn• x11 tlN/me foundland dog emerging from the
No. :3 John J. };nlrPrrorrn, Auburn ; herr have INw n cin u1Rt,l. It is tau glrxt 00(\hmt
tlHnhh• 7" i anawrr w'xte•r, at•pfeel xshule, tvith a Inuk
Nn. t, Jsmrs ('harhohu, llunlu r. near, however, to that wonderfu lly ••1'rs, 1 bol" lAml Mali+bury Ill'rt-e -11 anger [hallof fear upim hi"
Fares WAWA -4 mid. --No. 1, }. Du- Advertised place, Mitmknl(Nm, to hate once (+arilhP British fear of Luc''• :11n1 ole rverla"ting clay pipehie, Anturn ; Nu. 's Juhn lfOwlrr, for mush. lo' fact, thea latter town is Run, i wam hamrd ill t Atndy Hr 11;; preN+cal in his uuurh. \loch
W��E Mlarmirh ; Nu. 1 John l�ftiell, Wfng• Auer Lo Ire one of the blbt railway of "ulmll It must leasimilak• r ,;ort, Wwrel%i• xud "yymathy were ex.
Lham; No. 4, John Gillespie• White- centres of the• middle \Vet. Its in• (.;link, that(ea honer criticsof lensed by till 1.I ta*i ers, but Tim's
church. trr@tVi are tiring wr11 Irwketl +after atlId the Westfart is that nut only mol• concern meered to le about his
\VktmT 1VAw,a rcitN.—No. 1. $. J. ata futore as nAsnre'ihall nearlr Liens whish have "1ia''''v." nail this conretr found ex -
Crawford, Uuuvur t ::No.'s, Donald Turning west from WANUnll along cily'pretentaaons uttairteghat buandxt Pression in the rather characteristic
McKenzie, Auburn : No. 3, D. If. the C. N. If. initial line Lite towns are but many more cities will Ix, nrces-; exrlauuttion. **Hong the blousing
Nurrx). St. Helens : No. 1, Alex. all small and very new- ,all two ye, stry to handle the country's business, thing: I've wet iny' lonevy„'
Mtrtvxlt. Mt. Helens; No. u, John car less in •age•. One descrillinin xn• Beton with Regina turd consialer his Mtrip4mY1 of his dripping clothes, and
Mherriff, Lucknow. swots for nearly All --x big 'fran a hotel to Lha north the n43nreot town w ing (Irxlx d cat auntie sailor's overalls, Tum
in all sizes. HUI.LR79'.—Nn. 1. (gen, Stephenson, or, two, an elevator, rest urmtits. city claims as Meanest t n match "(11111 fluurni has %%-lay to his hotel, ,herr
Constance : No. $ JAua, Watt, jr., Han livery and kale stables, with a few ;away. North or S,askattmo t e next- doubt)ehmune of his Hrst carry would
lock ; No. :3, Andrew Flynn, Clinton . etorem and houses, cnulpriw the onlflt• est ab Prince Albert, nearly ne bun- lie to take einue means cat drying has
I,400 Yards of No. {, John Kirkconnrll, lundeebwm; (Inc thing that everywhere ourprimeo dyed nails farther on, ane imrth of "hitt-PY•”
No, v, John Vlldden, Londea}ron/': No, rine from the Fast is the itnne11me these places hays•:. reasona a founda- The incident. though amusing in
Poultry (i, H. Moell. Londeshoro ; No. 7, John gqnnntitie" of agricultural implements tion for their boils": Turning west. ViOlcd: (if its respects. ww% not without
Finglland, Auburn. displayed an these towns, dealers 119. ward, Our little city Im albmart one +a considerably ele,kent of danger; for
GOnBRI('H rllwvmHIP.--Nn. 1, J. T. unity haying a large lot covered with hrndred mills from sit et• of the let in dropping wlrle ten car twelve feet he
Salkeld, Grlderich ; No. 'L. Walter thenar besides what they have housed, two and about two hu dte(1 and fitly fell Among x int of old piles. which
Hick Goderich aid rich • n Tor- q
Netting e N it John f m Yet they tell one that their #as they
iniles (rook F,dunlntt% ' that it is had Supported x furuler lauding stage,
Wing, Porter's Hill ; No. S, Thos. trouble as to get theta as fast its they Igtfc to stay that :all eros. places have u1d which were still i, the Witter.
Wi¢ginton, Clinton ; No. i, }{y, can sell thecal. At every station along plenty Of room to develop. Indeed, Had he struck any of thew, in ha" dem.
Teubutt, Hohneeville ; No. H, Wesley here we saw evidence" of the inrush. there is plenty of, r(xwl fur cat least went, the result might have been sir•
BARB WIRE Mxn}tis, }{amewville. Cart, of effects were in process of tin- acne inure city between here land Ell. ioum. However, ••all's well that ends
BLYTH.—No. 1. Nicholas Cumming; loading on the sidings, pile" of turn'- 11), . Of corribr• it is Lite trans• well," mu we all rejoiced al 1'unl'tl
No. Alford Carr. tum, implements• etc., lav in heaps portation facilities—the railways— escape Several of carr art haul x
The following resolutions were pre- near the tracks, bunches of cattle and quiet strnil it the even n down to
WEAVING WIRE @e rated andltdoPted: hor"euwerebeing tethered or heeded that will decftilr, in this regpect I g
Moved by \V. Proudfrxot, seconded on the prairie, and ohrn a "cure lair North Hattlefor.l is likely to tie well the Idulf that rvI•rlookA the little hill--
Dr. J. W. Shaw, that wee, the more of tenth car rough-Immil d ""hacks' served. It as already x (livisional tits. The off rice" to s height of
NO. point. The V. N. H. is now contino- fully one h ndred feet and giv(w a flop
9 iAherals of West Hurrin in-onvention appetir as the teunpirrxry hnn,eV of ting iLs Uxuphin lin,• to this point An4, view of t1. little landlocked he t fl of
CLEVELANDaawPmblei, hereby exprcAs our nn- tawilirawhilr. the turn are aavxy to this road is charte•redtocontinneon flake Ht •on. The wide exp cat
hounded confidence in the (:cavern• locate x homewlead. i Hn(l that mint to Calgary. Another road in char- water as refremhing to the rye; the
WIRE 'ni,nt of the Hight Honnrahlr Mir I O( t1./air Whtr ):(Bile (IYIIII t11P. MtAtPtl are tered from herr to the Petaee River ,'oidia I eeyA' that rattle wafting
\Vilfrid Iwurier. The country in at prnvideif with tents for this purpose ; country rand the (g. T. P mun•evnrs ticrtn" hr- "carcPly ruffled: surface of
at 2.70 per hundred. I the present time prosperous. due in a indeed, they are match rise(] in the heave been looking over the dish•iet the kr. waA refreshing to the feel -
great extent to the wise legislation West, for in these growing Western for x propawrll branch. North B,utlr- ing , 'k Lhe rest and reaeefnlnre@ of
and progretslive pxdicy cat the Laurier trans the "apply of houselt as far t1. scene ►efur• its nloole the hour (le -
We make IOWPSt r1C('S foal hRs therefore excellent pair Rattle.
P (government. We are pleased to short of the demand and :t tent or a f,ir continued growth citywAttlm. An• h fill, and diatllned the mind oam
for fust selling. mer that our honored leader has aback i" the substitute. There ,ue ,ether advantage herr, iA that IeAl em- I %ell an the, lardy to rest and peA(•e.
,m•cupied much A prominent position in probably one hundred of these frail tate is very nuxlenat in price and Lhr F, 1, Sllrwly retracing our steps
the recent conference of Colonial residences in use in North Btutlefuld we art- son❑ ill t hi, mnt•lusinn rf caw'
WORSE/ cC Premien. and trust that he only be nqw, and Irnt n sntRll ptopxrrt)On of town in conmesple•nee quite cunup;trty
—. LLJ' thoagh course there Is likely to h,, r,N,um again arranging fur a n nitro)•
1 lo11g spared to guide the destinies of them by homesteaders ; many of the considerable a dvanre this year. "tort.
Ott fear Dominion. shackm were occupied all winter. The spring how leen very backward,
WHOLESALEMoved by Wait. Bailie, seconded by The beat town between Warman although there seems to have leen A lJseful Faith
H. J. Morrie, that we heartily endorse and North Battlefrfd is i.anghaut• ore snowfall in May in Onttrio than
HARDWARE the Action of the Liberals of the IAegis- Near thin town lien one of those Isere. At tiune of writing we are have The other day n group of hrsiness
latae in selecting the Hnn. Geo. P. Donkhobiu settlements which have men were dincus"ing the recent con-
ing heart summer weedier, the
(NOT iN THE COMBINE.) Graham am )racier of the Lateral party tr@rn thrown open to homesteading t.ruveray it Lhr ningxr.inem rabnit
grilfn is mostly in and nonle of at ar,
in the Legislature. During his "hart through the refumal of theme peculiar "aid good crops ,use considered n•oll• Christian Science. Ow? uuui said Lt
titre as leader• with his little hand of penple to declare allegiance or com- Able I Jaitl wifo Im•Innge+el Lux well—known
followers he ha" shown that the Iib• plete the mettleut cat (lattice. Thai"e If tiny of your eitizon" come West w rman'm clnh. l'hey hold x full meet-
erals in the Ltocal House nor 'wide- who secure one of theme "clusrters" g And au un pottunt dimcnmsiun was
— — awake and gored results 'flay tie ex- will he ver fortul t rt' this Year they wall 4,n well to drip off o f I
pected in the near future. land,
g a
y lm e. Kr. Ing gas rel
with x settled neighlsrrh(xxl x11
fir a torn at Nnrih Itittlefonl, where
LaIgnry%%illI"'Aure to
n, It t I( anoint of it one woman
auove tin(] otskld the privilege of the,
Moved b%• H. Macphee, seconded by around
H. B. Elliott, that the Liberals of
--the homestead snap of the
West. i hear Many mivatterm
haw"rin ty
floor fol• R nnanent. It IV IN granp,el,
the inters:upt3r
West Horton express their umyualifleof already
on the land. The Hrmt town-
}hstavimhee. \\'v:rRItC,CaIUR.
Iand its mprr a Kith
obvious evidence of cat '"teranuw x itt-
dlsopproval and condemnation of ill ship
%will Ie Open Ili Jnne '2nd and the
{ { tion, the gcnerxi curiumity wits Ihuch
unfair and illegal means of "(•cut ing othen•m
one at it thus, at intervAlA of a
heightenid when. in a voice otrmi,ed
success in -political elerti•ms. We fewliR}'m.
further rondemn in unmensnred terns"
North Battletor•d in the largest wad
Iwith enlution, she Amid: '•Is thee,
x Christian Mrientist
the mean's employed b aoule of our most
rapidly growing town between
pew People Are Really u Well u T M7
A Woman xrrmye( with lahnrious
political oppmmentm m efforts to
Warnan and Edmonton. It in siyu•
-Cause and Remedy.
magnillcence arome on the Other @tile
"Prune party groins by blackening the ated
reputati nn Of honorable, rapahle and katchewan,
on the north bank of the Mas-
about three n1i1rS from
Many people ire (;,Nferich, both nen
amt Women, who believe lhem@elvrs
Of the roo,1, and in a mutely tone of
kindness said: - "I not A Uhtimtian
rueful men. Am instanced in the cases old
of Mexmrs. Hyman and Hmmeraon. side.
Hattleforl, which fa on the mouth
The old town halt railway Vier-
to be in perfect. health are often in
the greatemt danger.
Then acrosm the intervening optice
When nominations fol• the caddie vice
date for the House of Common" were the
by x switch line f•onn here, but
distance by rail is fifteen
Tile edict conlnlon canme of ill health
the first Woman's sweet force said-:
called for, AV. Pmudloot, K.C., moved communieation
ulilem and
is mainly by terry
in indigestion, with it myriad of " m 1•
tom" anch am headache. "IeepleA"nrAs,
yon mind changing meats
with me ? 1 auk sitting in a drAft."
that Robert Holmes, of Clinton, le This
the randidate. Mr. Ptbtldfoot said little
North Battleford is at wonderful
town. Barely two old• for Iwfnre the eyem, pains in the
that Mr. Holmen hall made a name for the
flrmt building wit" not completed
back and Ride, distrems after eating,
Literally the Truth.
himself at Ottawa and during his re- until
prementation of the riding he had Ah(wt
August, Milli), it posream rt now
1,iilsl people, with churchPA,'
in the last fir years the success of
physicians everywhere with Mi-o•nm
Two or tide(! generationm Ago Dr,
Samuel Recd was one of the
Ahow'n that he wool the fight inan in schools
the right place. A nmylwr of circum- lent
arid business plareA with excel-
stocks. and is starting this
mtninnch tablets )tits oracle thein
ent physicians of Bouton. HrA largo
XLan had combined at the last wear
clinn to deprive the him
on w rinse of mnnarigAl ail•
known for And will,- as the wcknowl-
edged tpecifle for the treatment Of
practice included many patient« out..
side the city Ifnlits, and these he vise
riding of prnvementa
he believed had
that would stAggP many
Ntonimeh disease". They strengthen
iced in him b(iggY•
mervices; that this a'much
(leen unfortunate for the riding and has
larger inunfeipality. Work the
joint been commenced nn a new
digestive org,uns mo that lain fewOne
daym the
day he bought a new hnrme,
with which he %%';mnmch
that the elector" would repair their school,
ndatake At, thr first opportrinit 1 . Prectrd
on the main@ design as One thin
in Regina ; the
rtonaac h is in much ahnp(•
it taker) roue itm,•If of nil the field
plemisetl until
he dl"c"wered (hat the ,ulim,al 11:14, An
Thom. M-Millim, Reeve of fli llett, in
contract price that
lxrl21r. Waterworks, light mind
III eotten without poll, or distr,ms.
JA". Wilson give" an ahmofute
11'si(t u°ornlablr. otrjer'linn to I,l i4,geA
'of 'II kindn' triad could not Ile Illnle to
"ecmldPd the nnrnination of Mr. sewer
Ilolmisl. 11(1 believed that by the of
plants are listed fir an ontlAy ynali
trip hnndrwl t.hnuman4, this yeRr.
Hod gnarnntee that TyynuV money I
will le refundesf ,1111(•Xa Mi•n nit clitem.
ct sera "Ill'' �a
AM. ,IL this (N•I'irrda It w111 neremmaary
Onlled effort (of the Liberals of the Then
riding Went }Tarin could Ile re- Bre
provision of a renet,-ry, further
priAection, elo.. will bringK the renedv
He take" the while risk and the
to cross mouse bridge" In order to Irlich
dermed. MOW
Ont.lwys cap to the tieighbr: • If."
not mint you a penny it
it con•" vont. �l
rygor decided the e
Not other name was ppresented. The hemi
prewidrnt called upon Mr. Holmes And thin.
of =1Ql,eeel this year. Bemidem till
w beautiful hilltop mouthmemt of
nuc think it nec(•mmnr•)' to mention
the animals
Ile wan heartily all lau(i
ded an he row the
"talion hleen mm,ured for w
A wmmno's pPasnn may he no ream(,n
tint wan fest
to re
honest ntiapreaent him,. amt, After
Io apewk. Visit! ApprOCiAtPrf the public
honor elf the nominittinn, r-it"wially track,
park, fair gr•nunda Allot rare wt.
and from lily window 1 rateh A nian
,all, hilt. It is It waste of time for. :t
to wrgne AgMnat it.
Mi1nP thought. priminred the folbnwulg
AdvrrlfaenlPnt which hr inserted in
its unanimity. No matter when glimpse•
the election rams nn he would
Of three tram" t.@wring tip the
for the
The roan who) insimtA in Occupying A
hwal paper:
not ropers himArlf in the rnntPmt. As 1@b1g
carr tsar k. Th'
dine 1.q 1 he turf rinh. ne"idem I
l'n" mp Lx. A Mak 1.m r, wmrnaMed moaril
nnA k1+,A
to the (government of the day he "aid : the
public imprAverknentw a lar th
a ha. -k sent at churrhhf when h' w
The a,b r@nmon kit ,•elite,[ Im he
-V -0 cape owner o ohs feed tove ar
Ore.1111 -. All.
Ttlua9DAY, June 6, 1901 a A
Iti II1;lt>✓ ; with it conies. the ()(:sire to cast off those
riar►nellts which have done good service battling; the
winter storms. Whorl you see our showing; of dainty
-Sprint Footwear, you will want a pair of shoes to
hri"Itteu you and snake yotl feel more in harmony with
the fresh Spring days.
Models itj Footwear
ALM DAINTY, lu:,::, slid by far surpass anyj:hing in
tho past. Wo have n \yell -selected stock from the best
nmanufactui-ers, and aro • in `a position to show you the
NEWEST and BEST ill 1"ootwear.
Provocation Enough. catch what you any," the old gentle.
1 deaf oto genllene11l •dined with n Juan persisted. •
fAloily where grace wits alvavo said. A low rippple of laughter• went round
W hen the guests were sr tte,i the bust the table. The hoot, his face crimson
I"'W"d him head and began to ielwat with embarrassment, raised his voice
the accustomed verse in a mublued, and repeated the verse. The deaf
[reverent tune. gentleman did his beet to hear, but
"Fah i' What •s that?" demanded the tailed. He placed one hand upon his
deaf old gentlemen, who eau beside host's arm.
hint. ..What did you say?" he demanded
Thee host smiled Patiently and begun irascibly.
Again, in a louder, more. deprecatory The host cast him an angry glance.
vo'i'ce. '•D --n it. I'm saying grace," he
"Speak at little lquder. i don't I snapped.--Lippincott'b.
our styles with the styles about town — simply
compare. The rest we leave to your judgment.
Come in
and let us show you the new fabrics, also our lino of
swell furnishings.
Tailor and Furnisher
o t,
A_�it '
•Lis k
C�41 S1..
DO,q Fjl'/fyff
The Sherwin-Williams - Modern Method
Floor Finishes are made first of all to walk
on—to stand hard foot wear and look well for
the longest, time. They are made for finishing any floor,
old or new—in any style desired. You can select any one of
them and by following our instructions obtain the best looking and
best wearing finish it's possible to get.
Painted and varnished floors are rapidly taking the pace of dusty,
germ collecting carpets. They look better, are easier to keep clean,
are more healthful and more economical. For these reasons finished
floors are in general use in all classes of homes.
The Soerwin-Williams Modern Method Floor Finishes include:
For Painted Finish—inside Floors—rNe S -W. INSIDr FtoOR PAINIF.
Porch Floors—roye S- W. PORCH FL00R PAINV
For Varnished Finish --Natural--NAR.nor, a durable Annr varnish.
Stained—ftooRL,IC, stain and varnish combined
Por Waxed Finish— TNr 8e W. Room WAX.
For Unsightly Cracks In Old Floors--Tmr 8-W. C4409 AN08irstr FILLER.
let cat tel!/ you more ahoat them. E N'
we (•arty iilso t fall lint! 4Shelfand Heavy Hardware
Stoves and Tinware
given special itttention.
it LAI((ib: MTOOK (l1.
C. LF.F.
Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112