The Signal, 1907-6-6, Page 62 Tut•aet.ey, June 6, 1907
�h - -- a�n �onferenee.
Sessions Voncluded on Yue.jdaq .>ffterneon after
a Zusq'Week-•-A Jnmmarq of the
.9roceedings. I
The general )etl on of the lamdun sl, ilal. were quits satisfactory. A
Conference uprruad on Thuridwy atter- *=411=141 view WAN expreSAI'd by Rev, A.
I 2D0 CuxlS �f Tea
j L. RuN"rll, Ur. U.uliel +41141 other
rk ; J. }'. ltryclYlft, 1\'hrntle)' ; ported x of :p ih attend
Rohm 'rxlYNam Calgary since. • wbirh evil% Irit.i del
The election of the president and
secretary Was one of the moot Ill,-
latvio,who are rectp(nized "s authlari-
ties an Methodist ductriie. "I don't
All from One pound Of the
pwrLAnt ite'IN of husinesN during the
Rev. \V. J. For(", of (filen•
think their answers would x11 hxve
i.ev,I AcCe ted "ohne year" nK,o.' maid
Blue Label. The Tea
Coe. N til
eoe, Is the new president, on the
I)r. Daoief ,,halt they to :P what must
first ballot hr obtained 11t4'votes, 114
losing necessary for election. Rev. A.
men ht•IievN today end they .nit like.",
Ur. Brigg",
be as strong as you will
H. Going, of Exeter. receivei 49 role*,
On the ,N•cond ballot Mr. Fuld oh•
7pftev. of the Meth,atist
t!blishing Hostile, plY•Nruted his Iv-
putt. etxtiug flat
. -
want it -and it has that
tAined 161) vatev. The new pawaiding
wits intnxlucel by the n+tiring
thin you' ilia drpnrl-
l,lPnt land IN -ell aIle to h;u1d aver $I. -),-
sails ill the Naperannllaiinu f,uul.
rich, fIaVOC
ppresident, Rev. David Rogers, xult
INIgI•st seems, in Its history. '1'h,•le h.,d
thanked t e clanferruu for the trust
t@[roned i° hints.
Rev. George
Iseen *()lite decrease in the circulsli"i
of The Christian Ottxrdinn, hilt they,
for which Red Rose �►
Long, of Highgate, was
elected amocretxl•y I.f, the (),,nfelwmw.
had been sen inct'Nnse in the, circulation
of the Slinday school
Tea is noted. `
Rev. T. \V, Bh1 ehGrrvl, of Hip`ley, solid
Rev. W. H. (irahail, of stinderich,
were elected wNNi"tant
Rev. E. it. Beau, of ('rrditlan, 1411d•
Rev. A. 1). lii"chler, of Z'Irich, clerK)'-
Prove It by ordering
ObAneellur B'rwseh, of Victoria
University, addreteed the
I ulen of the Evangelical Association.
were IolrNlucet ,.I Ibe ('illfrPrlir,•.
package from your grocer.
Aftsl• the elertilalla. PeViewing the
Air. 114 -an exp,.•."I Ihr ,.pillila, lll,.t
t he denllll inati ,w We,llld %„ml IN. „u.•
„f Briasel%, and Rev. A. BailieWilton' Book.
year'! wank of V toriA FailYer'*Ily;
which. Ile stated, had IaPe the roost
111 IlNllle, ail Ihry wrrw Rl p1YrbYllt 111
purpx,"r% and pl il,riple+,
--- --
in its h.ludy, }'lair hull-
doer And thirty-six %1l a to WYIw ell-
rolled, 141f tieing in theology. He Iv-
Tbil wwulf,s,iii Nervier fur uo 11 "'I'm
of the lrlll(1•IYIIL'N WIIU IuI,I pµYNe•ll'
awa du 1
_ ___ _
"little n poet flar A higher standard in luestitiatr, rcp,atel for hi- work and
rhllrl'h IIIUA/C IIrI/i iplY/tetllNll '1 7 111"t it h 1 '
Fldnnelettei in Ends Saople ends of Flxnnrlettes are tore things to get Just now, owing
to It gest advance in prices and scatreity ca stock. It will pay you to
IIeN three N11 -a- - ate regi snaps. ,010th and patterns are good.
Vesting*._*AIS IAM 140 Eiods ' Vextngs and Waintings In short ends, from 2i to 16 or e
yards in a piece. Mrd we are going to clear them out at prices
wgin--,. of -They Itra jot what you tstl►y require and the prices are tempting. -- -
DrMS Goods Ends Thirty W 40 short ends -if cream and colored Dress Stuffs, li to 4i yards Gr
- ----an end. Come and get them At halt price or under.
------------ - ------- ------------ _ .-- - -
9-4 A. Corsets are the fleet vAlue in Canada for the prices asked, 35c to =1.110. Drab and
white. Ask for thein.
Hosiery Be xnre and get some of those we are showing. 15c each, 2 paha for 25c; boys' heavy cot-
---= tun rib hoer, fart black, all sizes (rum 5i to 10 Inches.
y ung t te) Pur was „1 Ino item• K }} rK t , tells mining of ,It least two
feted to the excellent quality of sive event. Pfire ',nurse w'rr,' Ir• the UN. geN•ral a%r of (ios,wl hy,►tns echulxr%bipx e,f =I il)each, which would - -
young melwhnwwwIntrainingfurthe otte=r : Rrv. Jlahst Iw.o'o'd, la/°duu; chick wereuril4 e' good music, ,Ned peers=[ gruduxlra oC the institute to ruudl otter the match was over. The
ministry, but *Uttei that the church Rev. C. Like, Wioglialu :l R. -v. \Vol, a�„niK,lini�„Iwod lhtraeel�tGisias a 41111=* � aiulfvfng's LeArn rs, a dd nano Ii them tailgates of the .day and the furnace• w�
area that ec from a "rriostn t(ackr of Higgins, tlunia : Rrv. I. R. Aylev- he'llighie, 'rill "t Ihr el.'s+e of hi" std• hod ving.0.' ou departmental1 { la who like heat of the sun had token must of �-__
'Ifmen GhxL ne:r;"itatwl the bringing in worth, Chat11a.0 : Rev. 1. I. Nublt, I exalllin- the Starch out ea us --if 1 111Av he D .^■ A
has Illtlll fr.m file told collntl .V. Two St. 1'hillnw. it %%•a" Nxi,l of Rev, Mo.. ,11 Pea Ile wits c.a11pl1ule"tel Ilpe,n all, ethane at Strtthro IW1 TatNNelI high, allowed Stich till expression. Our let• UP-TO-DATE
D /..w
hundlovl and fifty l,,rn would Ire Hi bend% ileo' his eplrndi41 0.Ku,'t• I Comparing Mole than (wvurably with Inas wrrr thoroughly done lip, and It li!! • >.TE
RKii1% that hr hod nrt'rr re,'rived a }•allowing the le vUuw, the Theoln r i while Impels. petaled thin year, last fur the- North• higher salary`thau 1{51,11, yet hr wan K 1 1 was pathetic to "tel w»ue of thein At
went old 1111 to fill the needs of E+wl- able to live rolufurt?tbly x41(1 to Ise- cal futon u,rt xud elected Hev. E. F. I Mrs. Gor(ion Wright. of Lmdon, night sitting almost nuked at an open
ern Cltna(hk. ('hwncrllnr Burw+tsh yuexth 7jils) to the Ruperannuatho NtnKrrrnfit K LI o�tuo'tAsnsatrrtxryIx[f'rnrn m on the.
[nslhe \the larlrf'lweh t+`I,,inM;n,inhale A mouthful
made f pre fix the notes geinrnl use Cued. treatsterer. Rrt. Gouge 91. Hwu•n, lit w+ui'a Missionary SI,lcirl ,old urged x of i 1 d havingg n c )prui" FURNITURE
of IorAl preachrrw, giving young men In Ibr evening the 'North street 5 g 1 I ly of ice water Ix side them to
definite work &tilt et affording them ,tlof
rhurrh lite ening a the dao,, R G,de'ich, wase named ail IPFturer for greater support of this wocit by the all&)• R thirst that would oat Ise dr•
definite training. alxciul Service bring held felt• the re- next yrur: ministers. nir,l. Wilb the sun raging at Ib dP-
A resolution ul, by Ret•. i•'. K CePtion ref the candidalr" fo"'Ihe min• "1'NDAY. I Rev. J. A. Ayealet, Provincial in- green in the shade, and I Irong-drawn• L' HAVE Without doul)t the best assorted
Alxlott, Chatham, And Rev, Jin geristry. W. A. Gifford, John F. \Knight Confriencr S=unday t* the great ilay NP*'i ra Jaw !at the howl enforcement tidistrithe Ixrn hex (.f fully three hours, we had stock Of Furniture Ill this d19t11Ct and Our
\'ilson, Lrouuingto" WHO nnxninl-rill W A. \\'alder. Alr. \�Aldrn of the annual merfil,g, And li=ege P ten In l,mre seuaa" than our.
()only appmvel, expi14m,fttg the Conn -wan unable to ise pteewit ,on it"ottlrt IlutllhrM (If people came in from the• s'ldren"ed, the (lonfrrence. He said Had the shades of evening hronght lllCrea9e(1 88189 this SprlDb 9110W that the
dance of the iversity m ill the work illness. Mears. Gifford and Knight ellrt"undiug country to juin With ; that the Provincial Govvrnmr,nt wrrr corilneea it would have been refresh- people appreciate a �;ooll thing W11eII the
Uf YlCtirla l °ivernity and ,/i-mlll*Illg relltt,Yl the"story Ill tleil• Hiatt,
Itu&I theme Irl ,town Ili Attendance pat (tor luxkirg an honest effort to enforce the Ing; b11t thPCP WRs A Rstltrinene Pven y see it.
to support its work ht every possible growth and tall to the mini"try in it services. The ordination service took Ii•else law' 'Ind lie believed there w•aa in the night air that made yon fever -
wetWR never were In a better position t0 furnish
simple way that moved tilt• mndience, place at JSurth attest church, which far more illegal liquor selling in fish, end you were prone Ut Iwy your
the Conference passed x 1-lution Thr r.•solution flat- their reception into) was crowded. Torr. sermon wits Iirensted places than in local option self down upwu your lad without auto your whole house or a single room.
of sympathy with Rev. Ur. Potts, file rol,felwnCt• wxN moved by Hev. J. t•exrhed by the retiring pplwnidPnt, ; district". s f do pretence of blanket of t leer over
einev.J. l secretary, in his illness, ass E. Ford and Neeundel by Her. 11. 1, f v. 1)&rid Rogers, of TliorndAlr, Rev. Dr. Withrow, of To onto, re- you. This "tate of wattery writ the
Rev. J. W. Graham, the new atles//ci• Pearson, In
of whom silloke title '!' whirl) eight young users were• Pot -t -i x a illsl,tntial increase in the We have a fine range of odd pieces suitable for
sG'socrPWry of education, delivered length, giving lid to the inn, 'x41 finer to the mini%Uy of Ihr Mrth- circulation Ire Souday school periodi-
an earnest and forceful addtetl* uuthei, dAtr" I.e 1' h ,u til' cal
Ing the new joint plan fur missionary.
and educ'Itional work which hills [wets
M,tIY lug t e work evhu•h til • , ,set church. They were : W. A. N.
would he called upon to du and Ili* (iiffu SIU•,stford; 3. F. Knight, The Nnnday xchllol cnmlyyittee re.
difficulties with (%rinbr dt.crr'Ise
entered opo' by the wission and trio-
which they were
likely UI tle•t.
rk ; J. }'. ltryclYlft, 1\'hrntle)' ; ported x of :p ih attend
Rohm 'rxlYNam Calgary since. • wbirh evil% Irit.i del
cation boards. Mr. Grithaut ulasole
stirring appeal for greater support fur
a Rev. Ili'. ('flown; xw'r•tary of tell,.
: H. J. nil due to
(%ute=ri \\ I�on : Ihrt•id Hicks, Mid. , fnaccuraev (If "r•crr:tlerie" ,old the Ixrg�
the eleven edlicettiunal inalito inn% err
px•rsencr and mural reform. addressed
the Confee-P in
nrY : (len •Tprarling. Alberta. and I "gel` ria' of Ontario W)ple to the
\V• J. 1\rl ..
the church with their 3,lati students.
A resolution wits iukxwll in-
the 'u>lting. He
ret•ie•we•d the prola•reN made during
I;n, TorunGr. \le%srx. {
Person and parling wereordaineil N^r'th *Deet chulrh was again
creaetd support of the rducntiun+J
rhe {%rat flora nor e,nd of t'anud,l
U, the other. KegntYliig th0. flows-
tit the IYvlu„.1 ,rl the• Allkrtx ('4141- (crowded in the evening for the wia-
frrencr +41141 will IYH:tlNII [Erre at once. "11°xrr) +iI'niversary. the addresses Ire•
Rev. Jawre Allen, eupserinteulPnt
fifths rlAun,• tlf t11P. IIN'at uptiuu law, he
had the inlprrANinn Lh,lt the Gover'•
The leanonse ser 'e res, by 1)r. Ling- I ing g=uru by lire. '1'. F. E. .Short- of
fo,Yl, of bUY1t(alol, 1'"".nu, ns"nCiatY
of home misni()n work, xpeakr lar Ire•
bxlf of the tirpNtrtnu•nt of whiodi he
mint felt that if they were tit repeal
std Ur: Gundy, of wipninnwry a/cre-
tit, Thum,w, atter which elle urn. f'a•Y• ,slid C. B. Keenleyside, of Lm-
the head. Mr. Allen enlphiairxd tilt.
f or croute Tel would nwerp
the Provincv from
olidxtan, repsrated f sir olYlinuLfnn (loll'
great present nerd of men to carr.)• on
the work which ort„ now (opening uP
end to end and lay
-ich w M-rsiL•Ylell on the machinery of
the late
rows. The simple lay g on of handle rlbncludede s paaes.l
toy tit president, Rey,,W. J. Non",
to all the
in Caeruix, and ePpUP
IhWt it would 11e 11 xkNihle 10
with tilt- %-lark
and the pre%ent.rtion of ai Bible foesch • THE BRITISH BOWLERS.
tnini"trrx w raise up teen for tilt.
great harvest Held.
of en e,rcrment
HP Licur I the npfalinrnirnt of R
rnnple tel til« nervier..
`e'Kerr, I
In the• afternoon a "pwciillonsad
a. In the evening Kurth street church
Isis 'for the• whul0. Province
M'h,N,l et•anion wits, held, Their Visit to Goderleh, as Recorded in
was crowded to the dish for the kers
on in Nasksl rano, taking the license
„f Briasel%, and Rev. A. BailieWilton' Book.
cation rally, at which the npx•akrl%
were }rev, If.
away fraol the petty
cal in
heal iuHorncr. thnL are now rxrtcisrrt
giving AddreNnes. In the a rninp; 13ai1i0. \\'=1141x, lane laf the palet) of
Iter I, \lamling, sf Wir
.\\'. IsNkr, laf Kin•
coudine, And Rev. J. W. Graham, of
in cunnrrtiun with Ulr granting of
IicenNrn. He star Id that
PlYwchwl w scholarly Nernu•n. he H,tiois11 roarer" who viriUd l'xnadA
choir wits assisted during I
Lmdon, recently nppxrintel axil«•=ate
mielob •rs ,i(
Lhr rhtlrh shoo I exert their iuf111-
the day v tst AngstNt, ha" pu hlished A, rectml tlf
flet. W. 4;. Millnl,n, Koume)'.
eecretar) of mission". Mr. GrNhnl,l'"
s h was a magnificent effort and at
e1rP in polit=e" f' the edvance•uumt
of moral reforms.
at ;u/ the olaul fir, an attractive look. Sle•v-
Krv. H. U. Alayrr, of i(ing%ville. In',rral pr43PN ere devntel to
t Ii nen hr mused hili audience to a high
pitch of PnthuNhteil. Hi%
Fire, T. AIIN•rl M, rP iuldr- N"er,F the
evening ,t settle, %+;t o given by Mia the doing" of
Thomson, of St. Marys. Ly in Gtxlerich, which ,Iry
Nublect wan
education cw a national u+xet and by
Conference un the wl k at the l,ord'"
1►wy Alliance. ripNakl
Alenillrrs of the Conference promc-hed d It* follows :
(luring the
clew'rut xrgmnenUn he showed how
the progreAmive 'Ittioos of Itchy
g laf the tY•ernt
decision ut Judge Alurs n in the •Jun-
day ill runny ul the pal•rty omg on to GtNlrrirh
pits ill lawn and ori hlorin Rthat
K K elites"•' rived in
ante Choler in which ,xduutliun i* en•
dtiy N,`Ilm,l (axe, hr sea=d at no other
jud r in Ontario
Itrt. K ouch the exult.hio
erour e•,L
ACt rmioielerixl NrN"iun Thnri,ley
would hxve given
Nuc a decision. The dr - rat, he seA,I
nurrnin ' lid Hev. HtIi1H nilGm,th(I�INuidasPi�lprrnl, per%litchrll
K Waiting end
London, in the evening prem,ched lit l playing 1 into the town,
morning the secretary wall instructed
to send t •1
no eHtxt .... 'do. the of
the county of York, and if IN iiigh
which was
Vu Unix ntrYrt. Itev. Jit%, hiving-idrenr,ItP11 .,if,;,"h0. rxcneiun. The
stone. orf Lmdon, occupied the wl 't t
tiee our assortment of
We also carry a nice range of
TcStore. 1; g Beckett �,. '. 1.:
He • 1'or. \,Tor,
ItoxiduNY; 1711I Mason
All calls receive prompt attention. t'amnrix ltd.
-. ----
rule• and not the exception, and it is
hosurprisingwellnd a still how )cP *had it TO •--C ONS UPT I V ES
so) well, and were able to '(xrr the e
music" sea we did. We had one lir
two laid Aside for it day lir No occasion. The undeeigrsrd having been Ie
ell), but they soon rallied +u a rillr, *Died to health byxirnple weans, after
and were in the thick of the- rrA tit "altering fur sevw al years with w sl,� -
Y Pre ling affection, and that drend
the rerliest possible muluent again. ,(,,,P11„P GesNwINNa, is xoxinus t0 make
a 1 eglaul of ,corndolenct to 1 f'o'rt sst%t;lined Joe, • MnrNu 'x• i P, I own, nil nl y stated. Is nicely laid Sunday, s,lth August. known 411 his fellow rials to
Rev. W. A. .Indlh, of Lucknow, 1Niuu legislation would IN• ;take for to 'If Knox church in the luurni• fit, and out, with Hn • wide streets radiating - the
whose child died since. the opening of ctnPl• the• pin. Teo.t c he Rev. ng. At li,nptixtof lrhuirh Ili
ltry j whirl. the to nkhxlhef( pokes It''w vx.\ILLY A rl(rvttle, it- hP f core. rf there who desire
I K turn=° - This wall w very quiet day with the it, he will cheerfully ,Pnd 1ftwP ,.f
the Uunfrrwncu• pointer out, had Irrwl launchrti U text y •iAIWn, rr( Charing Cruse, prenchrd I "hub," "urmunde by the puhlie jxirk, t a mast of 41x, 1'he Lar ie, it wow too lint charge) w cap)' of the plr"cription
A rWe"01W - of fling the corse of lhr, right ,it file. to=ro,+y" Ur run U us in the morning. hr move alxtut touch, unlr*s in e'mle 'aid, whi,•h they will find & sure rum
S. Y. \\'esGlwxy. of luudnn, that nu an hiluday. The enployeex were 'n I which ase nicely w 1"41. _ tf ,Netto( conveyance
for Caswwpriles, AM
action tie taken. wall carried by a Nvmpwth) with the 311vuAv The principal I", i' and autos \ r� yancr. home kept thele . G4rA, SrYes•
PIYs"ecutio 1 of thein looked plett, heir dreorA- ^ .f nose the whole lay. othrrlernt (lir chills and all throat. and honk MalsNes.
standing rote. Thr ntawasn it) C d@- 'Thr r„i1wAyyN never ,Ilse.y• the Ino Thr rcpurt of the setntiRlirap room. a drive. "lime went to church, and He hopes," till NuffereM will try Is
aired to sem( Mr. \Vrxtxway to (`li=on limes" they IInvP tat,^ rx ilainel Rev, ilitte• ehuwed x toU11 ulrmFn•lvhip in I tilarsN---"Fr around this rilo•Ir, snrh no; Nome for n axil u itetn,,I)'. ws it ss invaluable. T6ose
to take charge of x printing oRlee Mr. Moor•. p hr anlfetrnce of :d 1,{fMi, an increx,or of hotel", public nfFlcero, and the lily. + 1 ism til@ lake. it is in de•N1l,n the
there but had w leave biro ens in LtkP Huron, w high i%slily abut hail mnnectiuu with these Isettrr flint the K plY•Rcrifetion, which will
s.t rl nn.vv. 1. i over lass[ Heat. There nrY• nlso�A ro=le floor the centre lit the cjtclr, l \ Alove headline "aggexta iterlL crit them nothing, and may prove a
some conference sex lI Probationer. is, 1, g cxtrrhnnler.n not inrinded in 1\ 1 \ , Total Charlton, one of our pNuty, blessing. will Please Address
London C(mfereucedr, lined ►udu this, The i,a)'men s As",x•i*tion held if/! the , Hgilwx. 1'he report .d canoe:- nffrin grand tacilitie" for INrating and ;, j
w the young mon 1=,411 not u,ahicu• annus" muting in \'=cruris xtr01% tuna unda rhowrd il,crcrtsrs in each, fl"hing. hence Goderiell in se fAvorite �'I ]! t ugh not one of the tear° prupx•1•,1 Rev. EDWARDIL wll,$ON, Brooklyn, rated. church on YwtlrsYlNy. A tessellation Pxcep in the case of the contingent resort for everk•rnd, rs." (Candled«t an IN ..,•I r N.Y
David (licks, of Hoolney. ons err• %'"" Planned urgil,g upon thellcongrega. and N, tentxtiun fund" antl intileOor de"lihatiun w•a. the •'Iie(ford
omnlended for special o"Yfinnt.ion, he linen A tuner genel•al ,ntPretot in xulo()nt ,allied by tilt. \\'om.tll'N JIiN. HuLrl." A farge And eolmmndinun ew- e
being a ulatried nan anti having done i royer and chINA Illleliog" and also ex. Nioixry M -irty. 'rhe III•t 111('I't'aw• 1111 tnhlinhrllrtlt, tvlo"r pr•nprirtor•, MI•.
excellent work on that rircuft during fussing regret rt the pacing awny of cunno•xi, tul,d" N"a t3{,fll{. Thr U"cis (olio I,_., the h. ,4 it
W) of the i ' �1 --DETROIT �s
the past. year. A *=s=lur IPI•nunurn• the now of hrrAl prrarh,•rr. whirr1� wail Utal raps n' ' ores of the cunfere111m i AlAynr of Milchrlll• iA one of that moa $ 00 EX�ROlr
dation was nlnde with re•g,trd U1 H. J. regxreled ae a grave wenkneaNr. It.was tar circuit prnA,11 and ndniNlrrfn, f ^trliginM and courteous of hosts. If.. l�
Currie. of (i,Nlerieh disUi• t• alssr ptupx"el lhnI 11 Llyuu tt'" lolut,ca•, support dm•ill Ihr vent erre >sI41,INf• tonsil
film goo 1 r lad were! untiring
g In. There's p
The committee lar ronference,rela• should Ise held in L nldnl,, prollably ill a de,•rwtsP I)( III Wit. Something
tilntx r"CUnllllelld,%1 duff Permanent July. UI M ing I lir mrn111PtY, u/ure These Are:i:i'l y• l,ug IN•nlllr'N sail i,•. and our baggage dilep,sed of in udu' -
rlraely to I Ibrr. Stlann+ of tholsP aril• 1 i.•%, erilh a b.lAl sol •mb •i-*Iripat la,rcSl. "rv,•1:,1,.
euixis I
•Ie nnuatilan hr rrov, re, lte•cA, }t, g' �• { About the Candy, Confectionery
Ulrinrnt. J. S. 1'unA re,v. ih'. ffannon ent expre-meld Ihr npµ'lnion that till) N drrrenxN of Iii. The dreli•at1, 11. There w•ow no civic fnnct.ion here. and Bon -bins made at
and I)r. hAnR(urtl, nn,1 that ltrt'. (i, little attention tans pI(j,( b) the Involves largely doe t^ the I nceui it W Ll1#1 In many e,( the either place" visited,
A. Gifford, Ili-. A. l'. Coilltire end At the nonual ronferenr. and crit=- Norrbevr"! nod=s int t'eeed ,Is nlat•ile for which tt'P ern• very thankful, nil The i
Dr. Griffith lir• granted one yei'e r'ized the ,u•lion laf I hr miniAierial del- ing• ,IN the 1111""1"lla )' I 141 I' .t the it xllutvrd i" an hoar ar two to till,••
on xrxnnuntion, egatese in that 1 rid. A resulutiot Aocirtirr show xo hlrrrn r of ,Aces. It will li=ly Inrn nolicrll that
ruir, ministers front other churches war PaNxtd "PYAN1119 the hope flint An invilxtiou e)ctendw by Riav, A. in•r'tieIy every other
he fol e
who Applied for arimirdnn to lhr Coll- the runfer,•ncr 11uU1„1''tlra wuuW tak0. H. Going, u( };awe. to rest lie• tt mtenure were favorably II'PPrr)rte" un Ir)• '"'tioninthe•"aaM r. year in .Irtllles NLrret churell Exeter, hoard n% for gboamibyll vP and thKt01y pial=Mzw�lm'
it special ax't littee. Thry Wrap,: OfHrrrn !,•err 0.lertrd Ae follow,=: wAN,tecepUed by the.Conteen •e. "cert ()f thin,( has IN'el, very tiring. 1 _ THE BiG STEF1• �-
Rev". J. E. Cook and A. I ). Whale%- 11 Jim W. .1. I•',tlt•1•Yti, BI•Iranrlr : It.•\'. 1), N• A t -Coll III". n( (,I tIWPI, Hrn• N'P ►nIy@ tillle (lir a y111Pt NI rill.' N A s T E A M E R GREYHOUND
of the M. };. Chuloh:.(. 11. 11unti , n( '. `P•PIY'eh sof• %%% H• Kerr, Its"N"rl" : 11"W01 that at the next I;onler ice,„ look eronnd. INuI x little time for rr
the ('allied Brethren, Head Hugh \�'at- "e'o'I'e hir. Fr. S. Hint, L,uulseth : ex- pat"t,lral roofers nrr should In, ,11.- H(-Ctiu), Is•fore engaging in our match MONDAY, JANE 17th, 840 a m, les
sen, of the Haptirtchorch. '+,'otivr• fuhn H. Chaplu,en and I% H. nul,ted fear, wL wbirh the rlliNis r' in the nfternfon. Cafe
MONDATUESDA,JUNE lath a30., wDgt6,�".KrenlYvsidr. ()f lanuhm; UI. HrirtlPtt, fust d .IIW,I" Nome of 111 1I nrsUtr sThe Manse wan limed to commenrP no_ ksteC�dtm,h IsstDoesseemL
re,itinY, + lit 3 p. el,.. and w,tx hrtwrell thro-e THURSDAY. JUNE20Hk140
of N ChuwnN. and \1'w. \ValYl, of p,rininhlK ill thrnlsehrse."The Pru rinknuf (ioNlrllot ,utl] one of Wing• p m-les.el]staeittaGedslid•
A very u11e1r"ting A/•NNIOn of Ihr Uri rat. F7uDAY. JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m, lens GodesaN
Ulmfen•nre wow that ,on Friday when ie Hi"titical S,wirty, whdch H1A11 Joetswil"ilwas
Pilrr'regmi1C ,i with Cxcol" and him :land, Prom t x41 usual, we were - \ lot DrsessL
two cendidnl," for rhe ninistr. .1, P. te t latl Shlturdn)•, rle•Iel itr•v. E. %%'. The Nahlsath oIN•,•rvAor•r emnmitlel• a Nres of (t'lliltr evident W I NG HA M
Knight. At. A., of Crienbr,ok. tend \V. lwanlN,'1'11edluld, nil plrxidrilo. and vononeodel the work of the InrYl a error. 1Vr. fnun,l the tnM' n hit Aoft, n That you can't help liking. ft's the and STRATFORD
A. Gifford, It. A., of KU•ntfulYl, ',,lips.• rev, F. \V. �b,lnll. e,f 1' K y h tt ing reel goodncaN of them, that's as _
hatharn, n" Ilay AllinncrAud the ",id's Ihty Act ithr iPp,1rrcrle.Chi" tie imadentheagrr•rrt Spetil4Tltiales u� W It1t6 640s,,n.,Ww�,r6igvw'
went sen exhaustive ex,11111nNfle,rl i Nw•rclxry. At tltiN nu•e•tinfl- Ite•t. K. 104"."11 Jay the Donini„n oovernii•rlt• hark "h, but it w;1N nun,• lhr IsIIPr Try some. f asoee to God -.V
the (1(xteine laf the .1 v,plh. Thr I. - W. Edev,u'd% gave' A 11"Per lit "The Itrgn•t ttnN expresessd Ihwl it w'nse - - f m's •,�ti�llWay St.,d "o God w�
amination aC the own coling 1,,,.11 in lieniu% of Jlethalisn." lim Dr. %'illlit, ilio px)wc•r (of the Province" t„ ,rf that, ex th0.r1• had $tit kern little to WE SERVE EVERYTHING THAT , ~'p`ck"""d"'r'ra's 6-Wad••.sadSasTommallas
lesi L
Open (onfelwuce marked the veto"•' of Gundy "nggrlelr.d the formation e,f a rv.ede lhile hwv• , tall it operly : indeed, the green -
an old cu"tuw• Tose t,•%1" In Mire Ir- hnrrnu whey till iofuruolt,m n•Inting Tilt- action of the YmvmriYl Ise i%lt- ke epe• m s ithAy rallil,g it ws we caller eeall�t Excursions, s p, m, jams, 17ef,,:F� ells
cont yCwrA have In -ell left ton ApN•riul In the hi"tory of th0.Meth,Nlist ehulcIs tl'Y• with reg,iYl In thr Port Arthur -_ ----
comuliftrelitConferwncr. bo) n•1or•I" might lieprseved. K Pionthess'(' lir•ahsfw•e islet with n WHITE $TAR LINE
that this Helot's randidaUA /t ir•dio;t• After pmirn'te41 Ills,'IINNInn lhl• l'un• *Ir"riwlrt raliN'1inK looked onpontfaa ,Ic al,. pwrfref. uvxtle,n. :\ few preliminary STANLEY & ATHAS H AY�,`'ww�
tion, And Mi. Knight. in awrtlrul+u, fPlwllo•1• Yallyd dotYn n i-rxohifion to tinct gain in the mattei- of t.hmevN Argun rpnvinced urthat hire we,
hod I hard not to crwrk, nit the turf waR
pox"eA"et views in acco rtlarart .1•ffh eliirinatr• x,wdemir 41eitre'•s from the nllxrt•t-xncr• within the ler of .4 b On• Ir --------
epnngy, eprillgy, and etslly indented -
cumNionthe• nrty theology" preripitatrd n lis- rerun"• of the rhurt'h• Many ores- tauiu. The ulini"terN wrrc urged to lis- tl:wt intrrfe•IYIi with the lsmonth roll- --- -
Wedne in the s=in=es dal w•"Nino on bees thought 1110. drgl.l nlnde in- rtrio- T Sunday erservereialso. And if eau' . hr0.1 mxrkA Ind other imPte"sionx BUYING
Wednesday. noir }y ilhty'N public ex• vidinux dinlinr•tions. e,thers claiming directed that rat tie•n of the cununittPe s eh,lke lit the heart And Partially xo is L UY I NG A
ing of the bola. panel an nl,linoi%00L BUGGY
w ieingnn w•els L11P (at a rat". that, whirr they wrrr of no value, re orf xhonld �N• forwanlel to flit preAlsrd e•xpreAslnn I/t di"g11A1 IVAR in -W
Tieing snrtlrwhet cif x kern dehatri-, they imd n tight U/ 1N+ recognized, Dominion and Ontario Gafed lit) the
(Itilged Ili, 'and only on our rglolt a Bill
Mr. Knight nnxwered lY•adill. all Ili,• U'y(Ir0.n will in furore iN• included it, When the IriNrrt of the nuxtrntvttiters 19 just )like ltllying an thin else
to th C but i1/ SAO in"tanre" nut flit•Itlph"I"'ticxllint of nlinixtern, tend hand evnN Presented, ,vmsidrrwblr for the• feeling" laf ail gentlenlnnpy y Holl W$llt t0 got
to the conPletn s.ttiafnctilan of the the lint of statinnls. `1'he• dfncunsinn rritivissn wit& made of the continued p/ the beat y011 Can for the money.
older ministerial member•@ of Conffr- waw hentrd At i'it.1valN• o Pollentlerentrained '" from sayinK Benmillet RQQ11e,Q gills this difference Y Aere iR Just
a�ytdiration yrur after yen" b certain till we• felt. __ _ : You eX 0Ct $ htlgkj3t t0 last 901110
sore. Mr. 11night'A v=esus ssruled Hev. U1. It..(, \\'ni-ne•of Allow Col- c real tie t.11• sells(. •1'141• circuit of p
actY (ioNlerich . Mil hod donor their 1N•Rf years, and should therefore be careful in making
mthPr to tin Inure t long
with those lege, SII. Thorniest, , nrsd Rrv. Ili•. K MerePA catld•fi for ApPrinl atU ntiun• woe 1`i erhlllylep no riatPrl their eRorts KIVP 11the hixhert can g
given i in older for in, prepared t to buy your selection.
o the ruse ref" nut Inng frrnn rollPgo•. ('. NG•phrnwm, Toronto, %e•cretnsy of Although in glood standing, it applied to 1) lip. us. \`'e Joint by thfrte`n Wool, Not)] washer and unwashed '
The ques41on and answer flint evriked the Fur'wAid Me,yelllent, addrrxseed the for• lute) Aid. Rrv, James Livingstion,, "hila• and wt•n• thnakftd the dfltNr• K h Price for
the dlro� ''d i""ussion wAA I•PsoPecting hi" Cunre•e vel. and Rev. ,1, Chapple of of London. moved that IhP or 011 cannot make A
view Af the atonement, which wax the Nlat'th Miint'"ala ('allf,l-vrlCe• wife lilad •, bot.thAt file Circuit slliollalill iN• g,NNi "11 thr'u1glt liter. tTile lay the will Pxrhange fir lily manufactured
that it wow the infinitrnr•sN it Chrint's intrexlieeh rare• arils lint. grente•., Thr phl•v oils
in"trolrlr•Il 11, t•ecrivr it, with IYait articles. mistake Ill buying a
life and ita'diencw. (darer Plbr Bur- Thr 0wo,11 of rx"nlin,•Ia'"I"'"I"rtwi Ahrunefareinws, The general opinion Yeo. will Hnd a fine An"nrtment of
w'aQt of \'icte>riA Cullrge, 1'mm�fi, ,aa (nllnwx r- K trirkinern of the green, and the (irxlP- M
Itev. A. K. Hii ktl. Seo,- Aermr•d t^ be flint giflr 1 II IIIIIiM•1• n( rich pN•nplr rejoiced greatly over the tweeds of vwrinita up•to-date PAtfernn ••,CLAUGH L N
wall gitrn eA his "uthori i}n rt y ex. firth; Itrt. (i. 1. Inez. n. Gcxder"11 : circuit" hnel I"•en foal with the N xor' °=They, sox t,iii hal A right to do. ��
fnrrl, d illi I:(infe a and at Is' ily, 0.x• Fic•v �J. Widxr'rL Le,nuitlglin ; Raw. .1. long enough. I The 1'lintpnn purl)' hod quite nil alarn w g,xx1 "opply it Ix•11 blxnkrts, BUGGY
p cefeam to (c/nfrrenrr that he did not Philp, Avlmer: H.•1'. A. it. Going• Thr ro,rrU•xy And attention of Rrv. Po ,i Ily rwrll ti trrRtrlli nda� ttendewere hirae blankets, and yarn" of various
of t esti a knew all eloh. the doctrine Exeter ; 1trv, \1'. ,I. Fare, (I 11-11,0v : W. It. (irah"nt, of (iosl0.rirh, who colors. " t is al)90111te1y the best
of til@Mathorlist chirch. TAPrr. were RAv. A. h. Hi".,•IL Fingal, and Hev, sorted n% pu"lmantPr dutinK the inn- file Nosone mere flftefll In Vas
Kboom,nlrle there rMrsoiteli in R\ Irle" of This mason 1 have had maele up a YAllle t0 bg hg(], (�11
some thing" which were A great my"- Ur. (tnnd6. Mr. Tllnrrul' • (enure, evnN Auilahly renlrmis•twl til,• dn)'x ploy. Thi" tevu mit second tory In hie', Anrl he hopPrf yet M hove 1Q,4 Al r. frust= will rr,lrr"enr fhP th=ing Ihe• nflrrnron, when he was defeat, and wait the. I:ML defeat Chet nomher of t'YPM mita from cloth and let riff R110W y(,,,
the light "hid. The "xarninatinn was Iwrndnn Chn�•rcorr nn the IN•Ilnl if rwlhd to Lhe hoot and prrseenlerl by falls fo1N rrYorriel, tlfre,tlaw, aPhad nUnding prirrhwssr" tatinpNet them. )j;J
Wfnorcted RomA of the handsome
Wiconducted. by Rev. Dr. Gundy. of Ahna College. Mi. Thoilx N. Kenneth 1A•Atnn with x ntrNr.
A large eodirnrr nn SIdtloday even. A tretrhltion of thanks wwA PaasP,l Ibeat the ndivioinwllrriinnkka; bate ue w stood hen, wad MI t'eP that they are of ,",am wool THE MIKADO styles in which it is made.
No Public announcement wail made, Ing HNtened Ii a brilliant Iec�hre by U) F. F. l.Awi-enlr, the G. T. n agent favor bmosisy a d Am oriim sea the
halt wt the close Dr. Gundy nfntrd that Rev. }:. F. AlnallnnR, 1,f h;thpi, rM fur his ll"Ifo •m c0111, , gra IfiR xwtixfwrtinn. rY , LLIAM KNOX
"^ far w" he wan concerned their "Religion Anti Mltxir." The Itr:terre'r Rry. K. T. GrorgP, of the hluncry n)rWe were flnot Inclined to room about JESSE GLEDHILL
At"lit for McLaughlin CarriaRPs
llewgafa 2L, Go" ich
1� .