The Signal, 1907-6-6, Page 5) D. V,s R. Southern Voinnaetion. Zurich Herald. Work has been started tin Lt branch line of the C. P. R. front H Mary* to Ewbro. This line will, i title, likely is extended to Exeter an films Exeter to either Sarnia or Oab rich. If Exeter, Zurich and BAyflel would unite uud wake it move in th matter the company might to Induce to extend the line At once to Ooderiel St. Mary* voted 111110AX) towards th �mrjeet, and the towns and townshib hruugh which the railway *,)laid pat on its way fo Ooderich would cat do"btedly vote substantial INmust Cure Yourself of Kidney Trouble at Practically no Expenm just a tam tx,xes of --Su Ju," and Jyao1 will be well. Simply take ••Stn-Jq' follow the tit rections, and you will d free of this terrible disease, Soca A broil- At druggists, or by mail direr from TheCla it )C6eminl Co., Limn ted WinMsor, Obt. s A (hood -fitting Well -tailored Suit or Overcoat Made it) your order from new- .stclothe in inedium and light. weights, At DUNLOP'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, WEST STREE•r. **41 We Are Overstocked in these lines. 2000 Rods of No. ll PEERLE S WIR • HONG in all. sizes. 1,400 Yards of oultry Netting BARB WIRE BLACK WIRE WEAVING WIRE No. 9 CLEVELAND WIRE at $2.70 per hundred. I NVe make lowest prices for fast selling. - - I WORSEL LS' WHOLESALE HARDWARE ; 11 (NOT iN THE COMBINE.) - t lead the mlrliet in their Illins. Absolutely Fireproof No Tar No Paper Prices right 0n yonr roof 01, in the 1.011. All l.irltls lin hand at. W. R. Pinder's Also P UAi13iN(r, TINSMI.T111NG, Etc.t promptly attended to. Those iSS. I HOLMES IS THE MAN, it WILL AGAIN CARRY STANDARD OF d WEST HURON LIBERALS. I- d -- e l A Unanimous and Hearty Nomination at the Hands of a Convent.on e Representing All Parts of the Rid. " ing -West Huron to be Brought r Back to the Liberal Fold. Jo t .THE SIGNAL: GODERICH' -ONTARIO "I belleve that the lrturieradministra- .• ` thin it, the hest adwiniJoU'Olio" 1110 - lh,wirlion of CAoadm ever head. (Hr+i•, bear). I say it without frau• of run• _ tradt•tiou, and I repeat it, that Kir - Wilfrid Laurier it worthy of the sup_ ri lNort of the last element of the IXIII,• - •X• i Inion of Canada." He quoted figures fl. of the trade of the D uriutril to John," 't tilt, prosperity of the country land the -- uaa•vellou* expah,liva of its trade un• r der the Liberal Ali ulialist tat for , whirl) } he claimed was to it, large exteut re- xpuurihle file- the•pro"peruuls voudition ofattairs. Though the Liberal (:cavern• s want bud spent millions Aud millions I I• THURSDAY, June 6, 1907 R'. r SPRING IS HERE'; %vith it Comes the desire to east off those garbnents which. helve done mood service battling the Winter sWrins. ' IVhon you see our' showing of dainty --- 11 pu 1 to w lith it hal actually coo i 1 r Nrul�, dot weal•, you will want a air of shoes to sidetubly reduced the public debt, )and I I p It ens x splendid gathering of Lib• tbrCun��te•rvxtivt•adid nut object lathe I bri"I1N'll' yriu (till InakO y0ll feet more I!1 harmony with cant" that uirG in thr'Cemprrxnce Hall expuditllre* un public works except on Muudi . very part of the west in general tet•mN. II E 10 ft'esh Spring day3. riding of Huron Sar represented, front M. 0. Cameron` M, P. P., ►ua le An IA)ehalrh to Lhe extern p,t•tiop oI Planlent address, feferriug with feel- Hullett, and from Goderich township ing to the death of two I.ileral still- in to Wulghath IC t the annual wn. of n ng nno ,air ld-jtjew. Ander-oa�P„jS Footwear I meeting of hili West Huron Litleral run, of Dungannon, nud•.lul�n E. 8ullr ' Ut4SHIN I Association and Also the convention van, of AJohll0d, sill ,than passing in tot the use of tiog of a candidate for to the diafeur"ion (if IucA{ conditions it, ruRNACE , the House of Cumwon*. Although lhr}oi,titicxl flrW, cal there it no immediate prospattlaiNin of all \\,H,Kse Literal,. Huron, it, :ALM DAIN11, ll�.::,.111d by fat' stirpass anything In election,- the rcrnt of tNttUs is in for focal House for East. Huron, ,"A: i Air And the Lilergls of West Huron cnlle•d on for an aldrems #Laid responded BURNS COAL O R WOOD t he last. Wo have, it well -selected stock froil tho best have chosen their standard -tearer• for with It speech that wx received with the content whenever it ""uy cove ou, much appreciation. The Sunshine is a good, "all dampers pr<•vrnt the escape of the inantifi1Ctlil-t-1'8, and arc in a, position to show you the No other undue than that of Kolert The nuetiug clu,.•d with hearty round" furnace. Bums, with equal hot air up the chunney-colnl Acis Holmes, of Clinton, was presented fur cheers fon• Sir \Vilf•id-Laturier, Hutai n(l MST in Footwear. nomination. Although defeated last Ute, Y. Uraham and Ru1N•rt Hubner. facility, either coal or wood. Coke, it to come out throuhh the register, election, utter representing thecon- too, if you prefer it., you pay for he tinK the inside "titurucy faithfully And ably fur "ix And so perfect is the combustion not the outside -ot your hulls, years, Mr. lioltues still retains til,• NORTH BATTLEFORD, SASK. of the Sunshine that it extracts when you buy the Sunshine. confidence of the Liberals of Rest every unit of heat from the furl. ther id and fir t forgot in behalf of SHARnAN the riding are nut fotgottrq. %Nihil x W, C. Geode Writes About ThiWest- \'\'hat', left in the ash -pan is not If your local dealer docs nut good cause. A popular candidate "aid era Ci is Em worth sifting. handle this most ecutio mica) WMe an enthusiastic Arid united party, h moo' Sunshine consumes lessfuel,too. furnace write direct to us for Went Huron will Ile redeemed to IAII- North lintilcn,rd SA•k. Faalt BOOKLET. erali.m. aldy i til. to ,. Because Its perfect system of To the Filitor nr ll,e Signal. Thr meeting ofened At 11 o'clock. SIR, --Perhaps your lenders i n.ty out taut shortly after Adjourned to )allow ub,ject to x little sun• gossip tit"rot -- uf the completionAI:S . cat the list cat drlof the West. If Ne,, here it is.mcci Provocation Enough. etch what you say," the old gentle - with a At I e p, ui, the hostiles of Late in April I ter'tlivated my ell- \deaf old )tenClenuen dined with. n wan persisted. the annual meeting war Abso inti( l• Kxgeulent in Prince _\llert And ,Not out family where Krxre %has fined Jo th,saiit A low rippple of laughter went round with the president u( the At>mn ixtioat, with the expectation of vi"iting the \\ fru the guests were me- ltesl the heel the table. Thr hurt, his tact crimson Jx he Yard, in the eerie. leading settlements at least No fill, Nr 114)w•ed his heart land leg;ul to re-fN•a with eillbarrAn„nlletlt. raised his voice The rllsctiun n[ utllrrtw resulted lar Edmonton• but 1 shall hr runeellid in LONDON. TORONTO. MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOLNER, ST. JOHN, N.B. } and repeated the verse. The deaf follow", most of the oft1L•ers brio re-- the +eceustomrd verve in +t sulduedi pe elected: K real estate here [car a thole' reverent tone. KentemaN did his (rest to hear, hot The of town of much impftcorpuur Local Agent M'Itf What's demanded the failed. lie placed one hand upon his President,-J,wlrs Young, Auburn. south l)f Prince Albert is 1{usthl-rn, P. PA U LI N, res de•gf old gentlenuii, will) au beside host's aril. First vice -president -H. J. Morris, An "old•tiwer" told tie that "twenty- t htnl. "WhAt did you say P" he demanded I.;Ynl• live years ago are didn't believe the Tile host smile el pxairntly And began itariribly. Second vice -president. --Wan. H»ilie• laud around Saskatoon and It,wthern Dunga"Dun. would ever IN- Now good --it wouldn't +lin°nit of general building is lacing THE BRITISH BOWLERS. ,igNfn• fn a louder, u",re deprl-catoly The hoot cast hie til angry glance. Third vice- resident -John ~tyles, ulide•rtakeu• though there is suer voliee• D --n it. I'm s»ging genre," he P grow certainly ly If his wu,, n,, there do -IN K y ' — "tate)ak a little louder, 1 don't' anappetd.--Lippinrott's. Kintxil. has crrtxinly leen Y them h scarcity of nuablia. a Illar'Yrno"s Il'Onlinued frau, Im,Ye 1.1 Ti'eaiurer-Joseph Hutt; Carlow. rhxngi• in that tier, fur 'caw this Betide" rrsideuces, which are being See retary -Chas. (ijttrow, Gudrrich. Yea n is unr of the grain centers of I he rusher) ail) fu haMa ---- - { great numbx•rx, snnu• cat trona soulrwhl-rexl14ntt,Nortlnun- --- -- -- -- Auditor-W. ,I, P+e ley, Clinton. \Vest, to nhirh fact a substantial row then' of A very good tyle, Not,,,. eicel- herland'. 1106 is fully nix feet. in height Chairmen of fowl hi of elevators near the tack IN•al INN. brut business Id,ockm ire behig Pterted. And built in pro{wrtiui, bring your � p': On King street a tlne• hotel• three sixteen stings fn Wright. Tout is riot Colborne -Alex. 'anal ,Carlow. timony. They even coke the astonish. MtoriK high, u[ cit 11 flick" And only temalkabb+ fur his tingly-ptupur- A"hfirld-Chxs.. teacart. Ktnt)ail. ing cleiw lhxt more lacal grain au" brick, is going up. IL will hxvu '! ticafurl fignle, tint Also for tbrfa t that COMPARE West Wawaiosh John Mc\ahb, lw•eived at the Rostbet•n elevxtorm drink, a cat 7111 tett on Kin hP nsialle .. but foot- te•,eded, with Dungannon. IAast year thin tit any offer station K g and io an K• (irxderich wa ship - John Pero, west of Winnipeg. The town i" 1'itral nvrnue and will tar fir"t•cLess in +t large, ar•IISslytsonwl clay pi�ot, in his Holmesvil1'. bright and pru"lettlus but will out lie every respect. On Main stnet J. It. uupsth. -Well, d'mis thought le would 0111' Styles with the styles about town - simply ('himhohu iN ere^thn A tlnr• block of Pfij"Y al whit nn the Inky, and so he Hullett- o". McMtll:►n, Sexba•lh. a rAilaxc center, car A city cat Any NirA,, R did. '1'he' "ail wear all airlift ht, thou h CUI11parC. The rest we leave to your judgment. M:awt W wanush - B. H. Taylor, being Afx)ut "aidway hetween Prince "tole•"• there stonier high. of red-faced K g Marntwh - reuaent Works, and ,1. A. Gregory is it craulfxrl his legs A little: Milan his At1. an isiant her flitting up an uf> pi ibllr ufBcr build- return to the balding "cage hr sprang Blyth Wm. C hsardCl. Warman is another point of inter. Ing which will Ile oeru nett b himself. +lmhnre to stretch hiuuse lf. and till- tet- o m e 1 n Win m -Richard Clegg. est. It is but fourteen miles north of I ter to iw 1 Obi nn-I)r J. W. Shaw. Saskatoon and in the point whin• the il'l.,t of the I alildings 11ueviously 1 torr vircnlAtiorl gave » Igap Uc erich-\<'. [« Horton. Cnnalinn Northern main line cgoJo"es-re are frame. It i, oltfflcult p, it, Ou• Air And landed right through and let us SNOW 011 1118 new fabrics, a180 011e- hilt, Of Airman of p1aailing sub -divisions the Re•ginx-Prince Albert ifnr. Tho realize that all thin is the tit No Iesult rine of the rotten planks which form y w chosen ar fit lows, town -is umlrr tau yr»ne uld.nnd euro Wharf A time, There is no time one the sl) -called qulay InL(1 the fake-, drop- , swell furnishings. 1 ANHFIRLD --No. 1, H. M. Dufi, Roil• tMANow of » andel twosuillion-t•io1d anus) ln• will experience that feeling so tnueh ping about tell or twelve fret into the Y an when taking it view of the town water and striking four air five feet be- A nnnrna ; No. Y A. Finlay. Mxfl-king : +idwtuate our the husiness done a from the west cal• southwest. If sn)• fore he found the IN,1tom. A cry or FRANK N "a .No.:k ,las. Hackett• Belfast ; No. {{, cnnple of hotels And x sLI•iug of stoles• horror and run"lrrnaatiau blurt front l 1 e MARTIN _RTI N Jas. Crawford. Port Aft : Nu, S, rertauu•antN, Istrbler sholP,, impleme"t °t your readers teal inp•iemteml, let them calf tit Dr. Miler'. office Auld hr All who "lac the catastro, Thus. Lean. L4 Ktngsbrid . ; No. 8, )•iIY1N, etc., with a background of » p he, while a w ill show ,t series of '•snip..%' w•hieh has 1, like the mai• of an angrylion Tailor and Furnisher a McLean. [rrer. "w ; No. 1, John few residences scattered around the hairs? from Tons himwlf. A rush Soar Jamirwm, Laurier. rntirie. Occxrional a teul obs have will gives fair idea of Shat ft is like. 4 I A question that will imuledixtely made v/ render service; but Tum, _—_� CnLtwnexrt -No. 1, \\'til. Hill, Brn• Nen made to INNNu Will Joan And vai•i- elixkin r arive i n the mind" o ', hinim• f miller • •r t Tarte N• e•' 1 like , Nil. H.. Murrim, :i)aItton! : nus report" ,d great concerns it locate Eastern { opt Is. R l dirge NPw- No. :t, John J. Rolertsrm• Auburn ; here hAVP Ieen Vir•ulated. It is ton Is all this optivai"nl :old art. all til, :m. foundland dog emerging from the No. 1. Janie" Chisholm. Dunlo 1, near, bowevvr, to that wondl-rfully great oallayn justif bale Y' I renewer, water. "tepfled ,)shute. with a look FAarr WAWAvo mii.. No. 1. �V. I)-,- Advertised ,lare, SimkntlNu, to, I Nr Ye+, 1 think No." Lord binlisbirV mora tit wgi•r pilau of fear aero his tail-. Auburn; No. p , { 0"Ve maid that the• Rritimh fr;tr of face, :old rho everhooling clay pill(, Y, Joplin tir/wler, fill unu il. ll) Earl, this I:►ttee own is nussia fn Asi %van Imsed ma a4tnd final;: pre—A in film gaouth. Much MNrm,eh : Nil. 3. John Nhielf. Wing- sure In lir ,nn• of the IN•st Iailwav ) rc,;ler, «n Ina And sym rathy were ex - ham . No. J, John liillyrpia•, \dile• reuttes of Ihr middle West. ' Its in• tit ""all rrulps. It 'lust W. a siulilar f USE cause• that influeuees su"le• milia•" of pleased by the bystanders. but 'foal's church. to l-sts are Iwing well l a)k*A aftrl bud the West. The Litt. ill that not only ""le- runrern "reme•/1 to Ire Ia1N1ut hNAP \%'6rrT \%'A w.t?iMIH.-Nu. 1, H. J. its future is al-ored, will Ile,41.1v all the lawns which hAVe "h'.u•ey." and this runrern found pea- e 1 ' •, rswfn d t Dungannon n \ n n o. Donald nxld R Turning wast fro in ire til \%':t.. to along city prrU•nmions uttnin that Ninud)aril pression in the rather c'hantrteriatie 11r Kenzie, Auhurn No. a, U. H. the It. N. It. uuein liar tin• 1na•n14 nae but nnfirw Slew cities will be neP ol. exelnuultiorl, ••hang the bloinring \lurra)•, Yl. Helens : No. 1. Alex. All small and Very now all two years m,uv to hnndlr Ihr country's huminrn", thing: I've w•et illy 'h avvy,' Stewart, tit. Helens : No. o• John or less in •egg. One description an. Befiin with Itrginx and consider that `it ipprrel uY ills dripping rlothrs, land tiherrilt. LOCktlow, mN'leta for Ill-#L1'l)' )alh -» hug ttAnle hotel to, the north the Nearest town making 111•,1{ed ill 8111111• 14111,1•'" overall". Tun, Hcl.t.tst-r.-No. 1, (ileo. Stephenson, or two, an elevator• restau malts• ritY claim" is Saskatoon 11f0 utiles "oast found his way ti his hotel, where Constance ; No, •l, Jots. %%'lift• jr., Har- livery And sale "tables• with a taw ,tway. North of YAsk:tooti the ne•nr- doubtleNmone of hi.m first mars would • • reek ; No. :1. Andrew Flvnn, Clinton : etores and houses, comprisP the uu alit. est it I"Ance Allaert, neArly one hurt- h e k„ take smile means of drying his VF� n ZS�J eda. J, John Kirkeonnell: I.ondesloori; One thing that everywhere surprises dyed miles farther (in, And booth Jolt '•hnvrY•' 1, 3, John I odd ah Lund Nil. 7,': No, one from the Frust is the inunl-"ae ttu•se places have a rv;vmnahle founda- The incident. thouglr amnsin¢ ill b, H. �1ie11. Iwmdesbx,ni Nn, i, John qivantities of Agricultural hoplemrnts soon,. cat its les ' Floors Fingland, Auburn. diNpla)-ed in these towns• dealers lls. tion Yue their hopes. Turning wast- petro wits nut without tiuuxrtcit row -No, 1, J. T. wally having A large lot covered with wood, nits little city i. uMNlt our :t cunsiJ••lable rlrnrrnt of datlgur; for 4alkeld• Goderich ; 3 hundred miles front either of the Inst in dropping mrelle tenor twelve fret hp 1\Vo, . Walter them, beside" whAK they h:tire honM•d- two And aloo,ut two hundi-Pal And fifty fell :uta'alg it lilt of old piles, which t Rick. Goderich ; No. 3. John Tor- Yet they tell we- that their greatest hied supported g g Made ` o ince. Porter's Hill : No. 4. Thos. trouble i" to get them Na fast its they nitres (coal Edmonton, M, that it is 1 I rted n [Dani t lauding JoGa e, - kVi¢ginton, Clinton ; No. i, Illy. axil Sall then). At every station »lung "Aft to slay that all these place" have tlpl which wire still fn the water. / plenty of truing to (IPvelup. Indeed, Had tit- sit -tick any car three in Ill% des- / �,�T 1'eulrutt, rlolmesville ; No. (I, Wesley here we &La' evidences of the inrush• there in plenty „f rcNu, for lit least ''elft• the result might have been "et•• -Walk alk _ 0n klart is, Hoamemvillr. ('ears of effects were in prrx•Paa of an- ane mor• city hut ween herr laid F,d. ion". However, •-aWN well that ends BLYTH.-No. 1, Nichols Cumming; loading oil the ridings, piles of furni- nuonton. Of coor.,,., it in lila henna- well." "a we all rrjuicl-il at Tune-'" Vn. !n Alfred Carr, turn, implements• etc.• Isv fn heaps prrLation fa•ilitirs-the railw;,va-- 1 Several of our rt • haul at Carl M The following reserlutiono, were fire- near the tracks• bunches of cattle and in "anted and filo tett : that will decide. in this rrsp,ef 4niet•ntnr,l ill the evrnulK down te' The Sherwin - Williams - Modern Method horses Warr being tethered herded the 1,11111 that overlooks the little hill. "ri eh BaItPfor.i i+ likely to is well her The bluff riser to a height of Floor Finishes are made first of all t0 Mayall by Nov. Pmudfrrnt. seconded on that prairie• Anal often ,t score or served. It is nlrexdy x divi"i(onlal walk ry hr. .1. W. Shaw, that we-, the more of tesla car rough-INo,uA •sharks" pooh. Thr ('. N. H. is now runtinll. folly one hundred Cert And givrJo a Hne its ails car \\'int Hurnn in rnnvrntfon Appear It" the temp nary ho",em of Ing its Dauphin line to this print noel victor'If the little lAndl l-kod harbor alon—to stand hard foot wear and look well for t"senlbled, hereby exprims our tin- families while the wen are; away to till- rca,ul in rhartrrl-d to cuntinu, on brake Hiroo. The wide rxpxn.se of sounded rnnfldpmrP in the Oovrrn- locate x hl)me14tl-ad. i find that mast to Calgary. Another road in char.. water was refreshing to till- rye ; the the longest time. They are made for finishing any floor, 'tent of 'tie Hight H000r)able SirI of those who come from fife Slate" are tPr•11 trout here Ii the Peal -e itivei• Pooling Ilre•eze. that rinle wafting old or new—in any style desired. You can select an one of IVilfrid lrturier. The country is tit provided with tents for this pt rpo"e ; country mncl the li. T„l' murveyorm aeri"sN the aeareely ruttf(sl. surface of them and by following our instructions obtain the best lookingand he present time prospemns, ofue in a indi4A they are math used in the have teen looking over the di+trier the hake wits refreshing to the feel. best wearingfinish it's possible to et. treat extent to the wise legiplation Went, for it these growing. )V' ,,tern for a pro plsell lwntprh. North Il;tltlr•- ings: and the rest and tcarefulness, of g till protlengrest. a ppNrdicy of hili• Laurier pawns the Soleil air houses it Lu' t„ryt has therefore pxrellpnt pirospects the erPOP iN•fnr nm mala the hour dr- Painted and varnished floors are rapidly a Ir,yernment.. \Ve are plea"e•d to short of the demand and n tent or a fair continued gr,rwth citywAnp". Ali- lightfnl• ,aid distloored the initial its germ collecting carpets, The look p y t ktng the pace of duchy, ee that our honored IeadFr has shack is the "utr"titute. There Aloe well At the. INody to net end ,e)aer- y better, are easier to keep clean, N•rupied much a prominent position in probably one hundred of these frail either nrlvantsge ll, r,• is that rent e•m- I are more healthful and most tronnmlral. For these reasons finished he recant conference of Colonial residences in use in North ButtlPfcard lair im very nmder ile in prier and the foluesm. Mlnwly (fullxcing arta steps 'renders, and trust that he may 1s now. And bat 1 small prapurtion of town in cnnseyurw a quite rump;ert• we are• sons in till Neclosinn cat ,Abu floors are in general use in all classes of homes. ting Slated to guide the destinies of them It holuepteatder” : many of the til'mgh of rnilvit there s likely to be e,a"Rain arranging for au early The Sherwin-Williams \lodern Methal Floor Finishes include: car fair Dominion. shackm %were (occupied till winter. roneidernble aR,ur a thin year! start. Moved by Wait. Bailie, seconded by The beat plan between \)'larnuln Tae spring has Im•Po very Istrkwitt•rl, - --- For Painted Flnlsh-inside Floors-rNE S.W. fRSMr FCOOR PA/R►. although there "erin• to IINve Been A Useful Faith. 1. J. Mortis, that ave heartily endorse and North Battleford is i-anghAuu• Porch Floors -TRE 3-W. PORCH ftooR Pers► more snowfall in Mnv ill Ontario than hr, action of the [.hherals of the Legis• Near this town lies enc of those The other dlav A group of hrlsiness For Varnlahed Finish Natural -MAR-r"07. a durable fl,slr varnish. Tile At time of writing we ary hat” mire in aelectinK the Hnn. tea :P. DrukholNlr sl-tUenientla which have• nteu were dl"Cllarlllg the recent ruu- irnhant ata leader of the Lilleral party been thrown open to homesteading ing beautiful nnuuner weather, t.lre y Shined—FLOORCAC. staiq and varnish combined Lroverm iu the IIIi1glaY.ItIPm ,lout n the Legislature. During his short through the refunal of there Joe other grain i" mostly it, :end soma or it unr, Por Waxed Finbsh_tN[ &W. FiooR Wer. t told good recap" ilei• rnnsidpred til) r- Christian Yrience. Ono il,ua said UtaL title as leader, with his little h,utd of people Lo declare Alleginnep or ram- able, 1 his wife ►elonged to n well-knuwu (roe Unsightly Cracks In Old Floors- Alowers he has shown that the Lih- plete the rib tleul •tit /l Ilii'". Thome worn an'N club. )'hey lnld A full slept_ %NC 3'W. ORACR ARO BfAAI F/LCLR. rale in the i.ncal House nae wide- who Secure cane of Uteri 'quarter,+ If nnY of your ritiaMm angor \Vest, Ing atm1 no inrporirnt discinaiun ens this year Lhry will do well to drop til( on. In the midmt of it one wonultl mossissir Le,- at Ie!l you more aeon,• ,-hear. `- wake, and a near results may iw ex- will hp eery t(ortunatP. grating good tar a ilrn lar Nortl, liattlpfotd, where I K Movlecteded d by H. Macphee, ludo d -h a hole(ttled nrtghl"uhrxxl all �t)aYarlilegnyy win b"'allre to rxtA,nd l„ro"',Ind x-ke11 the nivtle P of the IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE Moved by H. M,arphee, apronrlyd by annmd--the hnmemle+ul .snap of the flol(rr for a ruoiapnt. It w+a rated, L B. F.Ifiitt• that the. 1,1111.1•»Im Of %Vent. i hemr Initial, mquatte Atte thorn a heArt • wel,•ome, And Aa flat- interrupter "pope with Veal Huron a•xprees their unqualiflPd 8heady nn the Land. The Hart town- beet wishl-m. 11'.tl.rrtt U. (iarutt, �,rlrviuun l-vidrncp of mymte•linun ngipt- We Carry also ;l full lin?: cat i.sapprnvit and ra mdemnntion of All ship will he open un `Jane 2nd and the tion, the gcner,ll curiosity was tyucb nflait and illegal nleanN of M•cutinK others me at it time, tit intervals Lr a THE MASK OF HEALTH. ' heightcued when, fn it voice Ntrhiued ncceam in plliticx( elections. We few days. with rntutfon, she said: --IN there Shelf and Heavy Hardware irther condemn in unitleasured terms North Battleford is the largrat and pew People Are Really as Well as They'll ChristiAn Scientist perent i" nPnleanp opponyedents ht einue of our meat ansa y growing town betweensitu- a Warman arrayed with lafirrfuus Stoves and Tinware nlitical opponents m their elforta to \Vxrnuan And Fsdm/Naton. It tm situ- Look -Cause and Remedy. �nlxgnificencr Nnnte on the othtyr kill- •rure party gains by blackening the r►ted on the north hank of the Sala. Jlally I,M,ple in (i,derich, Irnlh men of the root", ,end in a stately tontoof are ,potation of honorable, rap+thle and kafA hewan, nlxout three miles ftorn and women, lbho believe themselves kindness said: "I and A Christian sefail men, am instanced in the cases old Hattleforl, which is on the mouth to Il in per'fec' health are often in Scientist." K P HEATING PLUMBING ELECTRIC f, es"r". Hy,i and Emmerson. side. The ofd town has railway "Pr- the rPnteNtdell era Then Across the inLervenitin ace b ) C RIC %\ en n an ons for the condi- vice by n switch line from herr, but rile most r•omnum cnnse of ill health idle• first woman's swee4 voice said : WIRING AND TI NSM ITH I N me r the Ilpuse of Common" were the distance fay rail is fifteen guiles And is indigestion, with n nayrial cat symp- WY 1111 yo,n mind r nnginK Nrlats G J fled r, \\'. Pmudfoot K.('., moved communication is mainly try ferry. toms such as he,ulw-he, eleeplewon,•as, with me P 'till Aftting in a drAft." fat it rt Holmes, of Clinton, Ire This North Rattlefnrf is a wonderful "peck" before till• eyes, pains in the _ give" slle('I;tl attention. le rand ate. Mr. l roudloot said little town. Barely two years old• for (tack And mid(,, distrpsa after Pitting, I Uterally the Truth. int Mr. H Ine" hal ntrtdr a name for the first building was not corripleted err. ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. impel( At O wit and during his re- until August, 111th, it pnsrea"es now in the last few year" the AlrecPse of Two car three generation" ago Ihr, tesentation t the riding he had about loi0l people, with churches, physicians everywhere with Mi-o•nn ya11111cl Reed wits one ofthe p oinin- town that he am the right man in schools said huainess place" with pitcel. mtolnach tablet" land made them ent physician" nt llamtbn. ILN large fe fight pbep. \A nunller of circuut- lent stacks. And f" stArting out this known (At- and Wille An the ncknoa-l• practice included funny patient« nut- Anc,:m had romil/ined sit the lust year on x rourme of municipoil fail. edged •,p•riflc fill, the trtntownt of mile thr city limits. ,laid theme he vIr- ection ti deprive the riding of his provpmental that would stagger I k% stnnmlrh dialea"e". The • "t ren then ited in him baggy, k y R \ t„\It(iF tdi'(xlK OF rvicea: he irelieverl that this head n'murh Ilargpr municipality. \Vor the dhgeptive organs w, that, fn n. fora One day he brought a new horse, ren unfortunate for the riding "aid ilea jnmt been eonlmenred tin N. "Pw days the NtoNmr•h i•, in such mhnfn• l with which he wan much plP,tsPd until tat the edeclar” would repoir their srhnol, on the, ",one design as tine flint it, taken rare itself of all the tared hr• disr•oversl Ihal the ariiotrtl hA,1 sn NATIONAL CEMENT IafAke at the first nppint'tllflit%. erected ill Upginla : 1he rotltiart priee that, in e,•tPn without plain air diatr"Am. I III"rll'1llollhil�ip obje ctioll to ),ridges Th1s. McMillan, lieevr of tfollett, is If t2�)tl, Wsteirwnrk14, light, and lap. %Vilmon give" nil'ahlsolnlp uN- e'If all kineia and could not I"•ah;ade to milled the noulinnt.ion „( Nil. mpwerpbntAan+ listed for tin outlay iiuxlifitd gn»rxntee that voul• money clam""Ile•. AI-WAi's NVI'1. ().v IfA\1), olme-A. Bp Iwheved thmf by the ,t one hundred l.hrhurand this Year. will he r•fnndwl tailless Miro•na rrirPs. 1'"Z. tit this p•rirNl. it wAm neremsnry Ethel effort of the literal•, (of the Then provisinn of x retool rry, further He tekPx the whole risk ,►aid the po crrraa souse tirulgem fn oivfe•t to re•arh ding West Hmmn could Is re- flap prutertinn, eLc., will fain Ihr rpmeely will not cant you n fenny ton. Zany one of the surrounding towns, tyle empd. capital nutlsym lip to the ilei hFx,;• drN•por decided to sell the (rvrwe•. (Ip P R less it rur•m you. No other name wag pprespnted. The hood of Sifln.1101i thea year. Heaidea All dM grit Think it "Pre"snly ho attention esident called upon Mr. Holnips and this, a beautiful hilltop enuthwemt of -"'_' -` ` the snInaxl m f1(•rulilrity, Iso w,� 1•m1 W ag hexrt.i1 alr,Iaudwl ns a hP alae the stAtion has n s hbMpeuread for a A woman'"7Mrrn remay o y he nrtrtson hoto ne"t mimlrprrapnt himnd , a• after "teak. Hp acid e opprecilatnaf the public perk, fair gmunda and race At All, but it is a wnste lot Limp fair ,t. Mune thought, prrmluerd the following CHAS. vnor of the nominatinn, rmlrecisilly track• and from lily window I catch ags man to argil ,tt inmt it, sadvertfaeutenwhirhe rtls ina•d in ,l e unanimity. No mtter when glimpea• of three trAma tearing ap the The man who Inaistw in nrcupping a local paper: le election came in ho would prairie for the rare track. Thim i" front "eat, eat, a burlvMluP show )aIw•A s I'•nw SALR. A bmy bm•+r. w-Arranfa,d "n,,M it mplr• hilnaelf in the rontrst. As Ing done by the turf Huh. Ileaide" I twkew aINtrk "eat at chunrh -when his and Maloof. t,ew rb',�lorhl"ss'"' Gil •e•luns 1. be. Storc ' 1)horie 22 the Government of the day he "aid : the public imprryamentA, a large there. iced to leave Hoalno. HOU3e 'Phone F l 2 -Uppin«No's. M 0 l