The Signal, 1907-6-6, Page 3THE SIGNAL: (,()I)FIt1cII, ONT.aRIO R. Pickard afro. The hall -rack auol THE MARKETS. Xews of the .9istriet levers drawer the niout, III- ;6ne rittlog-stem i the and n the dtwt0ea ORlee were thorwlghly ransacked, the Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures thieves securing $a 111 each, which Close Lower -Live Stock Markets Alex. RtrMtnaon, late of the Rattan- I week of Mn. Jamas Marshall, [laugh• seeured Lot be what they were tuainly -'The Latest Quotations. bury House, Clinton, has bought the for of the lane W. T. Grieve, a former to ind a ill. In the sideboard they Mtfutu [heals d June 3 found edibles, std Gaking w lilwral IJwerpool whet tuturrr Glared to-day1A Commercial hotel at Bayfield. resident of Heaforth' supply lit thow they made tbvir elft lower than aaturdar, slid coru futures The dewth occurred in Dakota last The death occurred to Belmore, on through the kitchen, Rud cuully wit higher' htu. down on the verandah, where the At Satuada Jwy yowl closed sic tower Wednesday, the Sand ult., of U Adauty, an esteemed and well-known cruor aturdy: July cora vie higher u,d e, satisfied their looser. '1'hry confined July vets turn■aged. resident of that village. their depredations W the aawustAin Winnipeg Options. g The marriage of Miss Jessie Ander- apartments entirely, and evidentlyFouowtug ars -he closing quotation. "a SOI) and (ieorge Munn, !Loth of McKil-(hard not the professional bIIrglara Wlndper grain luoucn fu -day: Wheat -luny Wok place In Lsadbury un dark lantern, for they left 'burut Write wd, July Ji$oic bid. Oct. 92%c hid AZ Mdnraday, the 22nd ult. n,ntchew strewn behind thole• rt' every. ()ata-Juoe 4:c bid, July iia bid, Oct. W4 t Goo. A. Heid, of Ottawa, son of whure. They entered *r. Stewas asked. ;Adaut Reid, of Wingbam, was re- house by x duwnstrirvw-indnw also, The Visible supply. HO I FOR NIAGARA Gently electedppresident of the Royal and here secured some small change During the week wbeat'derreased 1,aft. Uanardian Acadeuiy of Arts. xud it watch belonging to Mr. 000 bushel,, corn Increased IC,7p00 buskels, -Stewart's sun, Wilfrid. In N1 r. and oats decreased 435.000 boaticla. Q.T.R. EXCU RSI ON IThe nata+payerr of Clinton will vote Walters' the June 24th on a propusition W guar- Y got about 113 in money, Leading Wheat Markets. 1'r antes b.•ndr of the Ulintun Threrhet• suite valuable old coins• and a valu- July. Sept. Dec. nHe gold watch iwlunging to Milos Now Yak • • • • •. • • • •1.04 1.044x. I.ui N I A Q A R A FALLS W the amount of i20,ulw. Walteirs• at tads ........ . 04% oast o8 V, The death of Herman Quant, an old Hanot... • •. • •. • • • • 1.00% I.o0,1(, ON and respected rewident ff Hay, oc- CURED HIS DIABETES. ••' Ysb 08% vel' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY curved at his home on the 14th concea Toronto Grain Markets. Sion of that Wwuship, on Monday, the -- Grain— JUNE 114th and Isth, 1907t27th ult. That's What Dodd's Kidney Fills Did wbest, to for Thos. Harrison, of St Mar wheat fall. bushy .... •900 $•.� Mr. and Mn. Ralph Hodgson, who 7'e Under the auspices of the Canadian � R what; goose, bssn •..... a 75 ;... Order of Foresters for many years have been respected Ferry, N. B. Wheat red bush ,,, 000 citizen" of �Vingham, left I+urt week I as btrh ............. 0 7fi fill' Calgary. Alta., where they will sir- St. Mary's Ferry, York Cu., N. $., Barley bosh ........... 031 June 3rd (Special). -That Doold's Kid- Oats, kaeb .......... O 60 The above ')ides has completed arrange tlidr in the future. -•-• menti with the (yraimd Trunk rerun an Kxcur. ars Pilar will core diabetes has been Toronto Dai Market. .Ion to Nialip ra FAI6. Oyu, un th•datea owned On Tuesday, the 98th alt., soother, t•uvetl b • Mr. Thos. HNrrisnn, of this Dairy above. Inclndins all Lotions between Oodertch I of the worth pioneers of Stauley, m P R°[ter• dairy. Ib. roll` • • 0 21 O >B Y P pl►ce. r. HRrrinon spears of lair Mutter, tiro• ..... 0 2J 021 and Stratford, at the following rates-- the person lit Chflrli s Logan, o the cure a! Iowa: Barrer, rn•nmery, Ib. radio, 023 024 Parr line, joined the silent majority, ••1 Nuffere I with severe ruins stave butter, ereamaey, rose•, o •rA 0 :a Station Time of leaving Parc at thea a of seven[ -rix ears. 1 ,tinter, Bakers' tub ...... 0 17 0 18 OODRICH e u »sin. ars R Y years. the rrgiuu of lbs kidurys When 1 HOL RAViLLIt 7.r•1 ara. 111.1 The electrical storm on Sunday of lily dolt's It WAR Wrture to et a ehge, n•Wye, l d„ee ... 0 18 �5 CLINTON 7.1,1 a.m. Y.as 1 K P Cn.•e•e, Ire e. Ila ......... 0 lij(� .... last week wrought cuuaiderablo t alts- again- 1 grew weaker and nr a Co twins, ID SKAYORTH 7.13 am. till Y P- 11 e'••e. 14a. ...... 0 lig .... ST. COLUMBAN 7 U a.m. VAS age in the county. A workingmore petite failed. I doctored with several y. e0 -lb. Una ....... 0 12 .... Hoary, 10 -lb. Una ....... 0 12 Dl'HWN 7.46 am. 9.0d and two cults ltLionging to Richard worse ors jiltit but it war l I use. 1 grew Heroes dozen socnow ... 2 eu 2 Ta 11Y'H Ll, i.M am. >Lr) Irwin, of Exel Wxwanosh, were killed 1 w•ultte all the lime, till I Iwg:en to de- 80Il1111uViLLK A.,e am. I lot by the li htnin s stroke. • it of lir lire. Shortly after this i Li-.rncol Grain and Orodoce. ITRATFORD au a.m. I Ps K R' to Y y Children under 12 roety of Age at half price, The population of I,ucknow, accord- began W urinate doc,d, and I knew I LIVERPOOL, June s. wheat spot No. Tlc[ets mwy bo procured from the G.mnd inK to the ass,asor's returns for this was in the grip of that terrible dis•rod! weattra slater. strmu:, to 7d; No. I Ca llfuru for.,. Item, 7a Id; futures study; Trunk aaynt.., year. is 1,1178. Thin is an in,epase of east, diabetes. Jul). 7a I%d; Sept.. 7s 311%d; Me. Dow- :N "ver last year's figures. The prep- "At this thus A friend pvrAunded me ]u,rl. Cora, not. steady, 4e Ud; old firm, A Special Train rich at s- rrty valuation thio ru is i fln,d61, to try IJtsld'n Kidney Pills. After a. 2,1; futur"a, quiet; July, 4A II%d;'&•yt., 4r by4 d. Maa•urr Cumlxrinnd Gear, on lutes lith. end »ort. at Nlwgwca Faur u ver conlloated with s' ,6112 last year, the use elf ane bol I was much ixAter 5:1.. lard prime' wwten,, 11.13 sun. end return ore .wine day, leaving Three boxes cured me completely. '.'• quiet, 4es 3A; Niagara �'wlls at x rich.,k P.M. an inen•raxe of 1114, 1. [ ) All-erlcan, reflnwl, steady. 46a tid. Tallow. On Wednesday, the 22nd tilt., a `-- - - prime city, fires, :tea. Flour, winter ps- Tickets g rel gyrus only t. S,x ..., s teats firm, 27•. Hope, 1n Loe an 1Padde JAnr Itelr. »nA rel�tn,lug ,•n pleasant sura[ took piece at Nullify �ING NECKWEAR. asses[, quiet. L'S 16a tr, t3 .-,s. r'heese, Car,.,. Spt •Irl the some nlgbt, r my sirsulwr scala filolsir farm, Hawick, the home,)( Jf r' Alna, fluent white, new quirt 111s; candies June INS. Do,drrdr,, Ilekel. gurN1 mturniva and Mm. Bennett Hattan, when their nowt tmor ed are, yule[, ttLi. June lith. Special [cern ,urunt re m, o^ W ,last •h New 11tyle. Easily Copied by the Clever twiner ymcMorl, en order to en s {draw• daughter, Jlitw Lucy was unite! nl New York Dairy Market, not and omnfo his bout, This w sig ill afrurd w '.Veedlew m Hymen a altar W NiIWn Smith, x l o an. NEW, PORK. June A. -flutter, sfrsdy; -pie apron Inns to view are of NAtmc'_ well-known reaideut of Bluevxle. It the prevailing styles In neckwear rceelpta, ern. Street price extra creamery. o,tAer+, and at rhe .,mo elm» wee the �l(rrc«wt works r„an plated b)' inan fur the tmn-m is,rfoo On Monday, the 27th ult., John had been expressly designed for the 24iyc to 2;,c; official Prices, creamery, c 111 - of electric, power to all torte of the Pru%faces;. n.o'r to extra IN, to 2te; enUe dalrr ram Knducte it u for thirtyy flus years Lenetlt of tete woman who makes these mon to fanrr, 1W to 24c; reuovato, rem. The wonderfully rued srcne wl-st the conducted a Gtilorin buoineoN in mon to extra, W. •o L'I%e; westeru'ract•-r Oorgc Mouse I. Alone well worth the trio It g small frlvolltlea for herself they could y yoA ve not ret %Imtted the calls• now Ir your Wepxeter, de(aarted this lite at hiN not have salted her better. The season '"""°"n to arses, lac to 21c; western Imba oleante, end If you [lave meen [Lem ts•fore leu P. In Freeport, Waterloo CrrUDty, Goa en•eurery, ants, 21e to 21%r. soother ,I -It will only -r%. to ,,,site their whither he moved some five years ago. chows a marked preference for some Char,• -Irregular: recrlpts„ ism: new grandeur mon Impreri%e. ottiveall)• t fill. binations over a single form of trim. state, fill[ cmam, white nod colorol. Lug,• The interment calk lata at Wruxe- Inaaom of the Year when e%eryt Ing In \,run• P end small beat. ]_Cyr; fair til ga,d, 104le buns beat. tome u,d enjoy a dwy', oyunt�. �'• ming used exclusively, and ti. -rt, is to I I'yc; Intrrlora, 7%e to 'Jyjr; skims, le Don't for the Date, June 114111- On Haturday. the 18th inat., th, hardly an end of lace or embroldary to 9140. ['!= JCKv -Steady: re,•.•ipr., 17 Ir- State grim reaper laid low one of the s[rvrnq left over from n dress, a shirt waist Pennsylvania and i,oarby fans eple('ud. !! T. HoLNgA. C.R. if. SraARr. Ree, Sere. men of Stephen, in the pereIn of or even a fine bit of lingerie that will white tor; choice• lac to 18%re, brown find Angus McInnes, who passed `,way at not come into play In skillful finger, wised extra. Ise; first to extra first, IT,- to age 1 Y K while fine hand work eniWilkbes eve 17e c; western firsts, toe to 16%1 liofirlal the rot fort • care after a inn •k battle with the ravagea of consump- erything Price, lec to 16%c); seconds, 13%c to 16411,•. • 4 • lion. A wife and child are left to ' mourn his demise. !Oven the sUff brim collar show hand CATTLE MARKETS. The home of Mrs. A. McMichael. ar., embroidery. Even the cobwebby lares HERE'S A it Wroxeter, was the scene of an ih- which are lavished on the dreseler Cables Steady -Cattle Firmer at Buf to -resting event un Wednesday, the forms of neckwear are embroidered. fato and Chicago. MONEY SAVER '?And ull., when her daughter, Miss A charming stock that admirably II- dm vD ON. June ar it coal and I,n- Lrlate, wo@ united in the bands of wed- lustrates the prevailing trend In fancy 54c to lar tar Ifck to OPur c Paulio, of the sums neck 11• • dressed weight; refrlgrrslor b,•cf u K garnitures la built on a founda- quoted at ve to j*c per Ib. village. Iter. J. H. Osterhuut per- floe of tucked chiRou. it is cut with Toronto Junction Live stock. dONESECKER'S (I formed the ceremony' a long tab that hangs down quite over On Wednesday, the 24th alt., the TORONTO JUNCTION, June' 3.— EXCURSIONS the [mat of the bodice and b decorat- Receipts of live stock at the Union Mxmter's call Gator U, flier Mary Ma - t0 tills, daughter of Mr. and Jls, W with pieces of lace shirred on down Stock Yards were 89 car loads, com- Tratdale Whitfield. of the 13th row. the center, with a lace medallion to pf,ed of 1996 cattle, 60 hogs, 59 sheep, MANITOBA. cession of Grey. Deceased, who was cover the shlrrings. The stock Itself 172 calves. twenty years of age• was an active is boned and 1s finished off with turn- Exporters. SASKATCHEWAN Prices ranged from $3.441 $7v%. and a,•e ALBERTA worker to the• HruAxPlm Methodist avers of chiffon. At each point In lot of 14 extra rbohe wen finished et $,I; church flood e," dearly lieloved by a placed a small lace medallion. tb,• bulk sold at V,,,o to 1-5.70. Ltport bulla large circle of arquaintances. Fine valenclennes lace, eyelet work a•"dd at $4Jo to $4.f z. ipso, Round Trip to Winnipeg. A quiet matrimouial event took and French embroidery combine to Butchers. $4N.5Oe Round Trip to Edmonton. place in Exeter, 41n Thursday, the Prime picked lou sold at $:.$) to i3od alt., when Mie. [,Kura Fnink- hake a linen collar a work of Art, and and ndo of got Of S od $S. extra25 it, Rhuo o m„atart. Esso Hates to other pointh in pro- ireiner, of that town, war united in It lllostratee capitally the passion for $3...f: common rallied lots, $4.75 to $4.00; portion. Tickets good for dl otarriw,te to Illi lAwoon. of Crediton. comblanUon. TbIR collar has n tab of (ows, $3.83 to $4.s5 per est. days. Iq the anitmer Mr. and Mrs. Lawson finely plalted Persian lawn, the center Milch Cows. H e c o n d - r I a s n fares, the wi go to tile re e West, whom the former of which Is embellished with embrold- A sew milkers and sprbrgen ,41d at N4) same from all stations in On- line It lerge (arra. but in the mean- Ped leaver and eyelets• while the out- to $Q.30 each. Veal Calves. tario. time they will rerlide in Crediton. er edge Is finished off with a row of A Jingled number of veal catres .,old After a few weeks illness, James the finest val. The edge of the collar from $4 to $6 30 per cwt. (.rave August 1 June 18.0, JOly Krys, of the Parr line, Stanley. proper Is buttonholed in tiny scallops. sheep and Lambs. '2- aft, 311, August 13. 17, Sept.. 111, F.tport ahcep• shorn, $4.31) to Sr-,: "nshnrn, 2� en>rtwel ana Great i)ivide on 'thorn- Collar of this description are worn $S.roo to $a.7.: cams. K to S459-; •q,risg day, the 23rd tilt. D cease-tl, who was mostly with tallor made blouse[[. Some Iambs, 14 to 1+6.',o -•nob. SUMMER CHANGE OF TIME a loan (if sterttog qualities, war hero of them emphasise Ude note of tailored Hoge. on the Babylon line forty-five years n. P. K,onedy quoted the market IN EFFECT JUNE 16. I!, ante d p. -.d all his life in the town- severity by having the lawn of which at $7.10 for se1116-art and1116-artfor it" ahlp in which he wax no widely lin "'" they aro built made up into a little and tau. And respected. A wife and five chil- bow, with just the ends trimmer! with Montreal Live Steck. For Uckouwed fall informaVou call on dren are left W mourn his demise. val edging. MONTREAL June i.-/Aprrlal.,—At the r Montreal stork yards, west end ,nark"[ F. F. LAWRENCE, As for the '•dewy stocks, they are Town Agent. Ou Re(-Ineadav of last week L4)n- the We pull of Uwe ~it for the week tical. sr Dearly all made either of mousseline lug Juoe 1 were 3782 rattle 11,11 .bce ard H. It. Anderson, youngest eon p end Office bours-&Wam.tusP•en' of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ander- de sole or chiffon. Chiffon Is without In MAW 4ea hog. And L•. -n air". 'h,b• eke orerlags for local corona ormlou t .a m"rA- J. STRATTON, son, of Wingham, was summoned Ing wpm los, wrue, ,Q sheep m,A lata a, Depot TI,'ket Agent. to the laetter land. Deceased, who Slag ling• and IN) cares. The strong uu_ was [went -three ears of age, had dertone w-huch bag prpvaueol ,n the market J. U. McDonald. row..et 1'w. Agent. Y 7 Ke for rattle dnrtog the ps.t titre.• w..rk, still Toront".� fern living in Ortroit far satyr m -n hues to iK the main feature of ,hp time past. A few days previous •Itdaton An,l prieM thin n,nrnew arore•I to his death be returned home in a another W.nu.r of %r` to tic per Ib. :,1,4 _ critical ormiditios and town. that the IrMleetors at prvweat are that the• time life gradually ebbed Away. Mr. will go still nhrher In the near rotor,. Th, HONIESEEKER►S hlgb e. hs arc d the a rarity o g short 9 Anderson was a bright young man � blab ps herr and the n eeg of good re and wu held in high esteem by all chore stock. who knew him. Chace heemm sold today nt #%%r to Amite; s[00R0-CLA68 ROUND-TRIP ` J good, at 5%l' to "e; fair, at Svc to .1%. Fir at Hensall. 1 mllkmpn's strippers id veer s,, [xWRi ION` TO '/ lover's gcadea ALM ll fo a4 fir• Pert lh� MANITOBA Nearly last it Henwil scorning the The•rp no feather rban" In the her,[ ljnren'm hotel at HenrAll was found Ir, t r .It"atlon. SnpPUpa were large, with orpr SASKATCHEWAN Iw "blaze. The building ison a corner _reser on the mArkrt, tout a numnimr of fixs- nnd detached. The light wind wms h�I Aepn rrint"'I' rt for by pactocris lio ALBERTA blowin the sparks over the G. 1'. R. i 8,111- of W"ted lots were maile R (>r fr"ply at s7. -,n, _ra,sev DATESF.r-eerslm,.IrvaT mmnto Trseede yard, no that it was not w hart task to Ik c,lpf. of mhseP asp rommrnrinit to In Jen, sea JuI 'J, t an 1 Aua save the barn Arid shed. T. Murdock'A ''*ease- Peine to -day were le tier ❑,. h-wpv. is, a7) sept to ami 2.s. Tickets livery on the other nide of the ntreet U,4n A Week nro. Wpm for px),ort nrrn,rnt stied to return within slag• days hear awtwg was not tdalllat!(I, though he had all wrrp mad. ■t 445c to ;r per 4r. The ,h•. date. man,: for Rprlrrg IAmbx Im goal At $4 to $" Arothenm.f—ioll pmritrin O"eari" lair rite out. Lnewl May L. went in L17Ble COLLAS erre rawlt TAB. esrh, and an ■efive trade rontlnn"s In RATES ranging boor 112oo round-trip u f'tfco at HPDaaII on May 1, and Mr. doubt the most pertAbnble of all mate `�%� at tram $2 to $e cacti. H ,n wis to $42 An r ,mA-rrin to FA Hire, who had a lease of the hotel till rials for such u East Buffalo Cattle Market. oontnn i,ckeu to all p'h$U ,n lM N,xak-vert November, 19118, hard a sale and moved uce purpose, but ft fe b y EA9r BUFFALO, fun,. 3.-Grtltilte. TOURIST SLEEPERS far the prettiest, bes6les being such s A tiTmi"' ermbw M not. Hhtcw that time the place land (WPtw 300n head; acral, and g"mrerallyr :ter Tarrant sloep,Aa Can not been occupied. soft, pliable fabric that one r•an do all higb,r; star -kern and revders slow slid lose will M nm n" sack manner of things with It. to Mw lower; prime atecra, ski to te1.70; hip - Nil, arr"r.,•,n. Nil, n,nrped with bedd,ng. err., Death of John Steel. Egnicadville. y pretty, effect le fro• n uern$3.75 to $a; butebsa•, V, re $:,&-,: emnrt i„,.,rr ,s rbarre Bartho must be epees An extreme) $4 Ln to $3.75: r•owA, .nd P-1 t.,. ,hw,g■h mesal aasnt aglrataadap After w few weeks' illnemm of heart ducted where the chiffon le tied I❑ balr $a.5a t" I $4 to $3 LO; *lockers and fre lers, $:t.-,5 bAfore errors„n .e.. ttf•uble John Streit Of Eymnndville. bow and two ends, one of which should to 9&); n few, Won: stock bo lfedr, $3 m COLONIST IHEM113 In whfrh there le res meNd peat -fully away at him home he much longer than the other. The $s.a,, fnwli sim a and spit germ, slow. 112 • x t r a ebwors Its jM g to R1 Iew.r, iia to 11152. In that village on Friday, the 'ttth berlk s, want fee 1eR etude are trlmmeod with Insertion and Vewlm- ft""llitm, 2rA) beard; ectlrr and eupplvie� their awn be -Nina. will M xaMi v fee Ulf.., at the age of fifty year”. I)P- drAdy $5 to $R.7JS. as pnrrb a In place of ordinary coaekr. refined, who was the vim of the late faro to match, then pressed into tiny n Rat" and fu0 tMSMutls" elk in" M Ave John Steet, of R mondville, had pialts. The upright part of the collar shade hiorhorr;ptl;;e 14•� so to $6.Cee and a R vy, tr1.40 $ 410 t; WTO Mamaaaskan' pamphtat. Aa• ear•ae 0•F•11 'petit almost all Sia lade in his native Is very simple, with net a row o[ lees and Yorkers. ie.au; DIgM, $".Or to [40.70: agent ser • aq; r. K wrlta a village. Mr. Ste r, wam widely at top and bottom. rNngha. R5.4rr t,i itt.rlS; mtage, $4.Z sin V, Sheep Mild lamahe-iterelpts, 140,1 head; L L f0$ M MOM Pus W LNC. TO"* known and esteemed in Yenfurth, Exceedingly dnlnty, tow, Is a collar "etfrc ane] hlgh.r; tAau,A IG.30 to $1; , np where for tawny years he had been the and cuff set made of two different wN� "4 of ,fancy, $0.26: y,Miltngs. $7.ib fo :N;. - - genial salesman in the E. McFaul es- laces joined with fagoting. The collar, eg1•D� $a'23 to $7; "wea. $6.+.) to vi: tnhlhmhrnpnt. He in Rurvived h hie mdxA. (.7 to $8.26. made on s Ilan bond of lawn, hes six mother, fuer brothers and one s @ter• i aintm--twro on the hack and two on Now York Live stock. Mrs. f. V. Fear, of Heaforth. NEW\YORK, Jrure 3.—R,ewea_D4reI Dt$. each side of the front 3130; ;tela;. arm to IOc hdgber; bags and Death off Mn. Robert Faison, Seaftllth. - _ rows is to tar h)ghrr: steers. >5.2o to On Friday, May Lith. Mn. Robertfle•10; Do ftelce Rteera her.; Wis. $3.76 to HAVE YOU CATARRH 1, $4.00; cow i'. to $4.110. 4P Fannon, a well-known resident of Hew- Calvm--lAw-elpta, 7047; veal. Itronlr to forth, died muddenly at, the home of — 2l' b4sber; Im-tterm0lix silently, Ywl•, $o RAILWAY Paul Madge, Ushot ne, where she had Breathe Hyomei and Relief and Cure to Mete; few\ is of old 'en. $v.erl [leen visitingfor some time in the Will Be Guaranteed. en 9, 35 to ra50; buttermilks, $$ to S7..75; mixer) elliveA, $6.M to $6.75. -_- - hope that the change might prove if yan have ratm-rh, with offrnaivc Rbeep and Idmh►-Ue,•r•lptr. 7187, ghe.p beneficial to, her health. Dereamed steady; yearnria, an', lards, steady to S H O R T LINE breath• horning pains in the throsat, 91"g: Rh—P. s4,An to Won. Cliff., la6tr wam seventy-six year" of ate and "''As difficulty in breathing, raising of y,•arung. (h",,fdvp gnntM w ► $w wa rwic Ksif twirl' married, her first husband being Illticnus, discharge from the none, [.irk- re $eso; tMmhn ,lretetofbee n lAmha farneo Hherhrx)kr, of Exeter. Mrm. rR quoted as spAng Fan mon wast a most aAemplary wo- lint or dropping from the back of the - Toronto, Muskoka man end wlthrnrgh A retiring throat, ruuthina mpasrns, PLC., Iwgin Awe dinposition had many wAr a and the one of H1yfmPi at, nneP. Not Much Demand for Them. Parry Sound H n -mei .wade from naturrm mincers friends. The lw+t.aJnn were Amort the mixhapm of a cfmmerclal taken W Exeter to ire intRrml he- son[ ing oils and belaamA, and ron- career reralled by d retired merchant Aide [.hose n/ her life pnrtrter of earlier [sine the germ -killing propertied of in this. "in the ND's, when the mous- SPRING SERVIOE the pine woods. dot+ ttedicAtion is yasrs. tache caps ,em Af (opUlwr that they In effect May Still to Jane 14th, t9o7. Burglary at Riveter. taken in with the air voO breathe, so werp uxed in the hhghrmt. rirelem, d that it reaches the mrwt remote part ordlered from German n great num- NORTNRnt ro A nPwr dewpateh from Kief er last of the respiratory organs• killing all her of gift goods for the Chri"tmlot Toronto8:6..5 .in. 4:11 p.m. week $Aid ! Excitement -Am rip IA) catarrhal gerrna and monthinR ,any t"Aft. There were children's mila Parry Rotund _"29111111P.N,. 10.rs ILIA. concert pitch In Fxeter Wednesday irritation there may be In the murous telt clips. r•ofTee cups, mouminclx cups, Mm.tTienta"AD over a most, audacions piece of hdrg- membrane. and so on, And i had them lell.ere(I In Ivry gond &M am. it JA P.m. Iary committed some time lNtnday The complete Hy -.}mei o ittit twits told with 'Inscriptions : •1b Father,' Tneento ..Ir.1ap.r. .. AoiAP.m. night fir Wednesday morning. The butSIAx); And Jam. Wilson gives hill o Hrnthpr.' To Mother.' -TO Hinter, Dally exempt Sunday. homes of (lir. Action. A. Hillwart and personal guarantee with Parh liackago. When the rnnRI iment arrived. 1. Walters, on Andrew ntreeet, were that money will he rafund utiles wrntld yon bellPve that i had on my tafrwDwort. tk kers per.. City Tar kms 4)tirp. entenA anA rxnameked And a fin this trvwtmAnt dura All that is claimed I handA flue hnndr"rl mrntrttn An LPltps ser. R1es anA '7'owoare new. Main AS7A Torr,te, iii knelled •To Motor, r' and all or off , sletwt mode to peter the home r f Nn. •tor it. H ' , •1 THuain.%Y,'Juns 6, 1907 F MILLAR'5 MILLAR'S 111ILLAR'S THERE is no better place than The "Scotch Store" to buy Ladies' Wlgjsts: I We do not claim to have the lowest -priced that are to be had, but w* Claim to have the best assortment and the daottiest waists that are to be found to any store, and at moderate prices. Y• Ladies' Lawn Waists in neat+aid dainty etiectN „f euehruidery an+1inrerli,ut��.W in four different designs, either lung or shot sleeves, a; TMJ i.adiea Lawn Waists, at 111JO, 111.25, $1.541, St 112.00. 412' 23. 112.50, 193.00, W.S. 111.00 and...... �fh • l Silk Waists For the Indies who prefer silk waist., wt+ hive just ns coluplete an Assortment. and ct,.t Curet the dt•roands fit the ,no,t exacting shoppers in extra qunlities of J opall and '1'affvtA Milksnn in black And white at 8..85. 119.511, up to ................ $5.11t, J ' Children's Headwear HATS, (;APS, BONNETS AND TAMS. A b•autirul colic cti„w of Infant,' Healw•rnr, which- mother will [ltd A plifasl be ii1 s•lowting from. We would advlw+ tuttherm to call and see then• ar sen ar (oesihle, an elle variety cannot Inst lung stud these are goods which cannot he duplicteted. Traveller's Samples of Dresses l'hP'1'rxvrllrr'N HAmpIrN of ChiWrett's Wash Urerxes +lir living quickly picked up, lent still there are plenty for fimt-cutlers G, choose front. Millar's Scotch Phone 56, Store •o®o ���o�o�oo• Ark Brand Paint ; la w. . The nutnufactur•n+ of them, puintN have just completed a S:A).laa)pLOlt "t Toronto Junclimi, which IN itself it guarantee its to t he -1 o;oitit•N or the AI'k Brand of li kilt. PLUMBING HEATING EAVESTROUGHiNG ELECTRIC WIRING REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS at Lowest Prices. . 100 per cent. Durability:' — C. J. HARPER �o�o�• oo We R. PINDER, Selling Agent. Goderich w Parnell's Breed xvery see who has tried it w111 h.vs eo other. Bu a nutty palatable, whole wheat flavor 1 ,his peculiarly its en. 1 Our name is labelled on rt every loaf. It is the seryl• Price an the Infector Kind. P. T. DEAN VOUR POPULAR 0401.1:11• Af ENT Agricultural Implements and Buggies is I plass• taken the agency for McCORMICK MACHINES 'and BIN- DER TWI"rE GRAY BUGGIES BRANTFORD WINDMILLS PERRIN and FLEURY PLOWS MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS These represent the leading Inatillfacttlrery in theso linee anal are, tho best goods on t iLe market. Thrice thinking of purchasing; farm machinery of any kind should jive mea call and get, some pointers oil the latest and most efficient machines produced for farm- ers, Ilse. , GRAY 13UGGIES nre well known throughout Canada nes the heat vehicles mAdr. They Combine comfort, elegance and durnhilit.v, and fhe prirrm Are all right, tae. Call fit the wnreho"r•, •IIAm- iltou "Ll-cet, and let me shove sun what I can do for yon. ROBT. WILSON HAMILTON ST. GODERICH It alwo) , piciou in it wK� pects a scolding from alb wlt. . fails to deliver the goods. t HOUSE CLEANING IS NOW ON. WE HAVE EVERY REQUISITE to snake the house-cleaning procese thorough and or the Mille time&@ light a Iiu k as Ioasible. EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES pure and fresh. STURDY & CO. The Square - 'Phone qt H. B. BECKETT EMBALMER AND (FUNERAL DIRECTOR M urniture and Undetak inR waopeoon- w' • t dde Square. '1"iIr)NE,y: stn R@. Oo derich flu su. 17a Night call-: At ddence cor. Cambria r,Ad and Nelson Street. F ROPHEY SON -- 7H8 LEADING— Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carally etteuo.d to at all horn. Aght w day _j 'PHONE 15 QR 24 /wwrchuu+e\ /(cr. Vt-aat\ \\ nen van wont 1 enA Y,Lrds 1 1 tnel and 1 T Ilk. IIKS'l' at Dock/ \8quare/ OOAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 94rAll Coal wel�hert on the market „ea1•s, - her❑ you gut 'Lir + lbs. for a ton. WM. LEE. Ordq,••, left at t'. C. LkE':+ Ilanlwnre Ston -• e.t rido Square, promptly attended W. UU\URY ARDS. Livery, Hack 'Bus Stables GOOD HORSES CARRIAGES PHAETONS —R T C., A T— REASONABLE —R. A':.E 13— Weil -appointed IfackR std veli. able drivers in charge of the 'Hunt's, which will meet all trains and etewmnoats Al.i. CAIAA ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTi IA AND PRIVATE HOUSES aUNDRY BROS. sSOUTH STRFKT PHONE F FT' SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. An� ev44n numbered aection of Dominion LRno IA INAullmha Smpk"t.rhewan And Alberta. e., o is @ And lit, not reserved. may be hone. t _ :'-rlrA f�y Any IAtrron %he im the role Mead of a 6uAlly, nr Any male over Ix yearn of Mv% to the ex,ant Of one -q uwrter meet ion of IM Acres, met" u laser. f:ntr) must Jim, mod, petmonally At the Incest[ I.nd 0Tce for the district In which the land I. .ff owte. The homesteader I. "it red to Perforin the mc nditionm inmr, d therewith tinder one of the followinT plane: ro At least .ix month.residents neem nd ri lovationaf the land In nsch year for rosea ymm 421 if the fwth,r for mother. If the father9mde- rrneedf of the hmne«folder romldrm nq,n a farm In ,;,o vicinity of the land nnterd for the rc- e"Ircnlents A. to rrmldoenr" mar be mpol.f e,f by wh petn ro,+iding Oil III the father or Ir l"r hva her., 03e If the .etti,r h" M.Permanent nsMence upon farming land owned Ay him In the leon Itrof hl. hoar -toed, the requi,enienta m to re.Mence may be Antl"asd by re.tArnr+w npoor the mald land. MIT month+' not.lee in writing •hn"Id tw[gl1von M the I011,1"1r 10"er of homtnlr"t lnndA at (KtAws of intention to Apply for parent. 11-1111311 of the Mlnl.tnr of rhe /"teeter. N.B. V Anthorlroirl Pyhliratlom of Lids AA verUsem*ht will not be paid for. . I I i V III