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TuxoDAY, MAy :Zile.
Ur. Henson Hamilton, of H •Igrieve,
visited the old house here la»t week.
Robt. Bean is stsutit the frame.
work of his new l,aro. Oliver Clark,
of Auburn, has the contract. ,
'there is a good allowing of plums in
this "eightNtrhewd, and cherries also
Plvm.le a gexxJ crop, so far as present
indications go.
Rev J. McKinnon, of Pinkerton,
reached in Mmithb Hill church last,
Sahb"ath tend will occupy the pulpit
again next Sabbath.
Much interest is being taken in tike
trial of the Ivers caw at the wlriaeu
this week and A large nuurhier filum
around here were in the county town
today to hear the case.
The frost last night has apparently
not done much damage here. Old In
s s -
hAbitantay that yerte•rdAy'1i weather
was about the wows they ever knew
for so late a date as the ;.title of Mlay.
Two creaurery . risen, one fnnu
Luodeshori and one fr oil ppare the»ugh the evil Age on their
roan and there is quite a walry Ise-
twern theses. We would p�fer to we
nor own factory using the eun front
this disc tet and hope that nc n t year
it will be in operation.
ADA-AL•HCHN AOEve•Y, Open Tu"-
day.. Thuneday" and Saturday+, A gonerrtyil1
hank lnic hnaint"., tneniom: .Marina. Hank
dcparuaent arrtlpls drpoaita of 1111 and III,
want.. In[m•.: at a lar wnl• per wnnune, Iry-
able, carry thaw uadoth,. I• Winner. .alo note•
pts" It
.ucaable rata+.. A.G.OAMHLY
ACting yh
'frsan.vv, Mbw 'J'+tb.
Edward Mule, of seaforth, visited
his parents here over Sunday.
James Raithhy is "taking lerepsera.
tion. for building a new house in the
v i llage.
1). E. Munro attended ameeting of
fit,- NV"aL Wawantsh concil bast
Rev. A. E. Jones is in Goderich thin
week attending the annual meeting of
the Methodist conference.
Ralph Gravintein, who is'learninq
the limerlev trade in Win haul, alx•nt
the- Twenty-fourth uneb•r the parental
The sacrau,ent of the Lorel's Supppeer
will be dispensed in the Preshvte•rinn
church next Sabltath. Rev, J. Mc.
Kinnon will officiate.
The racial (ant Fridayy evening at
the residence of John Fingland win
quite a success. The auto remelitwd was
$:N.3), which is to iw applied to the
shed-Mrilding fund of the church.
Mr. acid Mrs. Paterson, of Galt, vis.
ited the former'+ brother, William, id
this villa
gge iast Werk. ,They were
mccomps, by their sister -in -14w,
Mrs. PALevson, who is a sister of Mrm.
Fingland, of the Mill concession of
TrtfnuAY. %Jay 2tth.
Mian (:hu it spent the holidays At her
hnurr in tit. Helens.
Miss liclva Campbell, of the G. C. 1.,
war home for the holidays.
Misses Mary and Annie Chalnney
are confined to the house with un.ips
this week.
Miss Grace Hoover, of Morris, vis-
ited her consists, the Missiles Mildred
and Della McLarty, last week.
Nin. .1. N. Campbell left this morn••
ing an an extended visit to her daugh-
ter, Mrs. N. G. Ainslie, of Tilbury.
Frank McPherson and Miss Carr, of
Blyth, visited at the home of the
former's cousin, W. H. Campbell, on
Sunday last.
If IUM' is like a Iumlfer"wagon, we
wonder what Appearance it will take
next. Judgtn from the weather (itMonday, it Itx)ka a" if it were going to
be all tlrinter and not "roomer.
As next MtlndAv is rnnferenre timt
day and Rev, A. E. Junes yyur•liolwo
attending be will the as fmm the
circuit in him absence Will Taylor
will take the Wemtfirld service find
Ernest Robertson, of Auburn, the
Donnybrook service.
TuwcpAY, May 28th.
John McCabe wan on a busiuems trip
to Owen Mound last week.
.fink McConnell, of Crewe, spent
MundAy with Gus McGuire.
Mr. and Mrs. ixmbetertus, of Gole.
rich, spent Monday jet John NValsh's.
Pat Kearney and his daughter, 21o1i"n
Olive, took a trip U) Toronto Inst.
Peter Kinney, of Holyrootl, "bent
Sunday with friend" near SL August-
ine. Call again, Pete.
Mise Kate McGuire, who has been
in Goderich for some time, spent bun -
day at her home herese,
Those. Begley, of Dungannon,has
moved his portable toil( up to cut Inin-
tier for Albert Johnston.
Miss Hetav McAllister, of Goderich,
celebrated the 24th at the home Of her
parents, Hillcremt Farm.
This must be alxnit the twenty-first
time the frogs have tworn •'"hut up" Ivy
the cold weather this spring.
We are pleased W he that .Nim
Craig, who has been sullrering with
,,band poisoning in him hand, im getting
,letter, '
Mr. and Mrs. Thoh. Cummins went
to London on Fridav to mre Mr. Cum-
mins' mister, Mrs. Bernard Boyle, who
ham heen very ill for some time.
Barney Doyle, an oldtime resident
of this township, hoc returned to visit
friends and "niskintancen after an nb-
"ence of about fifteen yeah in Mich-
We are pleased W learn that John
Leddy, who ham leen sufferhig front
blood positioning the pant week, In get-
ting better, also that his wife, who ha"
bosetn Ailing, for ixlane time, in improv.
TUHaDAY, May 2M.
i ORiK-BRAD140('K NtY TLVIA. ---- An
interemoting event took pplace at the
home of Mrs. Bradnock, Eamt Wawa -
nosh, on Wednesday evening the
15th trial., when her dean liter Maggie
wait wedded to Was. J. Dobie, of this
townmhip. Rev. J. L. IRmfill, R.A., of
Blyth, performed the cetenxony and
the wadding march was played by
Mies ik)ttMCswan, of Blyth, conmin
cif the bride. Only the horn@ )diate
relatives of the yonngK couple were
present. Tho Ieida poked lovely in it
drease Of cream crepe-de-chene trimmer)
With white satin and lam. The Firm -
rate, wets n)Imerms and utaefi 1.
After a very enjoyable evening the
young couple drove to their new
THE SIGNAL: GODER1CU. ONTARIO - Tnumu.v, May 30, 1907 q
News of the District.
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house• on the 3rd concession of Fast I MAFEKINU. by cmli'
l y n•f thever IK -.t ver given
WI,Aauosh, at Nile. Miss Hark, ehwtilioniat, if
\lovnvY. Nfay 17th. Draytoo, delighted tlie atudience with
- - - Wedding Imps fire ringing• l hot• out' herm and w:ta 1•r(10,04,411y ell -
BELFAST. I ' Elliott Brown way Out from Goele- rured. Muricnl hclections were gi%un
MONDAY, Mny •3'11 h. 'rich on FcW,tY• byy Mi.. McDnunld. of Aubof , 1111111
Misr Mullin r(eflt Tueirdxy in the \Vurlhy Killuttrick, of the lis C'. L, 'Cyndall lrolhurs, of Uarluw•. Till, %ile
circular town. war Is '"I Sundov. ohcir also glove several nuntherm which
Jack used Hughie McCnostle spent I A if, ell took in the tea -meeting I were lunch t•m}oyyrd, Short wldremaaw
the holiday with friends in 1Vinghnm• at Nile ton the Tweuly-fourth. were ;Iive,i by Rev. Ntraar". Joile» of
JasK Ia. Walker, who hall leen visiting I I. W. Kilpatrick. of Victoria l'uL Alain un, if. P. Corrie• of l.ondeslmn•ti
d J. It. ctu'rie of \\'niton. 'Che his xiater, Mra. Crossley, bar gs.ne to lege, Toronto, is borne use hisvltontion' asepro-
ceed* of lisp evening amounted to
Goderte•h. NL•, and Mrs. NV.' Lynn and eon, of about $95.
A goodly number e.ttended the (ioderich, spent Sunday with friends A.-mic1uR/N Girivix--
ntia»ionary meeting held in Lucknow herr. The \Lt51ra. list. honker of Mr_ itugh
un Tuesday. Mi"m Ida and Jan" Wrlsetpr- of Girvin, was the west of a very pied)•
Allan Bowles. who has loteon at-, Lurknuw, viailed relativeb herr oil wedding use \Vebke•mtLey eevunlseg of
tending Victoria University, Toronto, Yunday InrL week when her danabler Nlihs
}, Arta
Made -toe
is home for the suumner vacation. .1. C. stutl(er•s attended the teach- Huth, wait wed(lel to Fred Anuersun, The dose or Ayer's Pills is small, only your-
rra: coo.vention at Exeter two days or near Lneknmv. Novelly the bride, one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative doses
LUCKNOW. lamt week. leaning oto the arpu of lier uoch•, are betterthancathartic doses. For con- measure,
Baroid Treleaven, of Wingham Uhall. tiirvin, left her girlhnthd hoo p, stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick-
TCItsDAY, May 29th. fiuhinrms Coilege, Milt -tit Vicluria Day ')n_I, crossing its*- Lawn, %total onde• of headaches, they cannot be excelled. !
Tut LATK MRS. MURINN H. Theis'(- Its hie hour herr. beautiful arch (if eve•grtwus, whi ft.• Ask your doctor about this. Semi -Ready,
died on the 10th iaht., at the remidencr the eeremou was ierfornkel by bre -N debytheJ.c.AywCo..IAPWU.K"..-
The potstfuastrrahip of Mafeking, in f I •" �"
of her son-in-law, W. A. Macklin, Ashfield. wade wtt•aut by the rvwisin a• i'4»Lor, Rev. J. C. Heid, in I.hr pit... or
Aginenw•l, An told resident of thla I tion of Mr. Treleaven, will he Illlel by /•mer of nearly "eve•nty goehth. The ---
lo•xlityy to the person of Mrs. Nine•. the upl»eiutwrnt of .). A. Finlay. Wins, no, bride was daintily attired in UAYFIELU.
garvt AI urdoch. delict of the late Wil. , A Imnutifnl princess gown of creat, Ready -to -
haul Murdoch. The deceamel %% "I
4.1-de-chene. with triuunings of tVYI)VUSDAY. Mayttnh.
born in Irelftnd on. May 17th. ]Kill, Intl Lare, riblon and c•hitTon. After con. 1. A- Stinson SIN -lit' it few danyN in
when »hr was finite young, her father CREWE. Ifr,ttuldtiun» and good eights, h•arl Toronto) last week. g, wear
having dial, her mother moved fo her MosrDAY. Mtav 3ilh. Im•pit offered U) .Mir. and \II%. Asides-' lir. Nct... art. and fautily are in their --
old home in Ayrshire, Scotland. In W. .1. Morrow. of fitede•ich. walk to von, the conslsiny returned to Ilet• ' suuuner quarte ya. • < 1.:
IVAU the deeemew l wits marritml to her transient vi»iter help on May "Itis. llouat•, where they seat down sty to It. IliggArl, of Qinson, sIN•nt it fr•,v' ` Newest and
late husband naJ sours five yen•d later I Ir, in snowing at time• of writing; 1")untrnuNly iaNlrn txlyle•, flood erre JAY" Willa hi» Iu•otherauhn last, week.
they came t) Canada, settling first in which is ver unuhu.el .et ilei» ►icor, of w':lite•d on by a utknsber or the bride's I
W.itrrlta) count In lwtll they ) intimate girl friends prettily :ttlired Mustiu•ei k Mtmm are drawing lura it .te l s most popular
Y• Y the yes. R 1 imp lto \VittNds. sear Clinton.fur bis`' C P P
set tied on the, I It If concession of Ash- in white, The pie•N,•uts were• a hand English
We ore ple:awd to ht•nr that J:tr, lAu•n.
Held, where they resided nearly Corby steal« collection, the gram's gift Is
Piero, who hluo Imen sick with pie°' Ur. llkinaoi. Gunih•, (iI►rUoit, '
e�ar». Her surviving children are : the bride (ming n s[rdiuK silver w:mi-
yy ,notion, is Improving. have• taken aa) Worsteds
Mr». Andrew Dtydrn, Mt. Agathe : tore met, and to her Aisles• .I1sA ( lhrir mueuseer cottage
.Mrs. Free]. Baynes, Warrhan, Mals. ; Mfrs. Thos. Shackletun, who was M,ayaoe, the staid of honor, a gold un IIlII trrIntee,.
Mrs. W. A. Macklin• Agincourt. Ont.: sick last week with rr)►ilelxs in the ch:un. The bride's going -away gown The council met on Monday and
Nlilliosm. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.: Y44 -i» improving cicely. wasser Alice -blue bodies~ cloth, with dealt with the appeals against the
Robert, Sault Ate. Marie, Ont.: Alex- Mr. and Mrs. JauRetiCulleit spent It trimmings of White brtmtdcloth field aa»esament roll. Newest Novelties and Nobbiest Notions for Men
ander•, Dauphin, Man. ; Lovell, Cal- couple of days Ia»r week visiting gold braid. Mrs. (Rev.) .lobo McNeil inns visit
glory, ,Alta. ; John and \Valtev, Luck- friend. in Kinloss township. - -- ing at her v.) Jr huulr in ilwa tram Everything for Men and Boys
now. the remains were interred here MiNm L)tlie Pil•IYr ds visiting Mies LEEbURN. tar during the past week.
on Maturday. the 18th inat. Elizfalmth Parka, who has been "ick 11ovn.vv, Ma n�h. Mrs. Carter and sun Herlmrt and A ,IInCy FOih
for "urns time neer Dungannon. y L daughter, of Cawbttrn, l'ornw ill esus Tr
� ��t
Mitf Winnie Mhaw w:as up hher �CL[�l l VI0VMS`
LOTHIAN. Walter Mtrrle, Who hnm kept the Su•atl'urd for �'1('t/)f1A Day orcein her ly, h:nKl+and. Curr wiling Nlr•s. l':u•tcr'N
MheppNarlLon"lure for thelastcoupleuf )+trent,, K cos"in. .i. lV. 'tippet. They mpetit
TU1taUAY. Mayilh. I •� •�
veins. bar cone' bock to his farm sons• souse with friends xr Nlxrine ���,/
Miss Nora Hogan visited xt leer In•r• tend ave fire leased to welconie Several famines from here were• fit laity. Nlichp a aL[iiL YfJ L/Ll Nei Vif�f`O
pleased R Sl::Mrs.C'hxrlemFarman.
bonke for x fe days, him find his fancily Miningst a again. the tea-ueeeting held in connection t) f Marine City, alsL) is visiting let J.
Nlisr Lily M irgnr, Kintxil, is the with the n reninI� of the new Haptist 11•, Ti
Feed Culbert had a nartvw ape church in Goder ch use Friday of ,last PiN'CN•
Kue•at of Moe. Its . C auspbell thin week. Ia»t week. While let- wake driving a week.
Mix. Andrew eKKy, Port I'Igin, ].fill roller one of the trace" catlike The Literals (if Mouth Huron will Bros., pent the Twent fourthwithNit». ha)sr end let' the inn ser of the culla -%at ,rd no of Loyale who was at Mdears hold n rte le iMackenzie. R u senors at 'chin -Ell it Fri-
inln the rsnd, Itftfn the roller :old Rrvnttcrd as x drleRfue f)•tan the M\'.R K day• Jsena• 1tth, at 11 ticlo•k a. ns., flet•
hulashtn x ortiom of it and sritin U. S. heir, gave all interest seg fhe nnr(a)se• of Weele•cting n candidate
A number from re took in the R K
the hormes �rtre. Hit) my Fred arse ' aunt of the era»inn heM th.-ts• •t!
picnic At Point Olxrk on Friday and + 1 far ► u• Hlns"e of ('ommm�». Hsu. A. Clothiers Art -"Tailors Furnishers Hatters.
report it splendid time expel unhnt : after wing dragged It th westing last MVednewlay. H. Aylrmworth, Minister- of Jumtice,'i, ' ' '
We are hart to kne w that Mea. short distance he managed to stop the lh/4•t•ARY. -We regret to have t ezpectel to la• prownt find try iye '+O,
Y R Court House Square, - dODERICH, ONT.
Robert McKrith wast en suddenly 1)yrit•"' - chrouialr Chia week the• death of John ,addree" in the •afternoon. y
III on Tuesday. We ho cram to Foley, v irb occurred nn Fridav, the --- -
UUNUANNUN. 2nth inst. The drea•x ed took a stroke• Read every pltg of The Signal this
hear of her recovery on the Tot av ptwcitac" feed did not week. - A. %- . CON, DENTiMT, LC('Kr rurover cocas' arsness. He wait forty-
LAURIER. �7f �e w' n d Tn --- - --
MONDAY. May th.
Did you get wet Sunday It
satidy Grant spent the Tw ty-
fourth in Kintail.
W..1.eeeon, of Kingarf, spent 8 -
day with Ken. McGregor,
Wake Fanny McKenzie was the
guest of Mie Belle McKenzie on Sun.
,lame" McLennan and Gen. Mse-
Grel�nr, if Lucknow, were horse for
the :Nth of Maj..
Nfimr Margaret A. McIntyre, our
popular school teacher, attended the
tenches' convection last week.
Mr. Hanna• of Toronto, and Mism
Madge Boyd. bf Goderich, silent Sun-
day the guests of Miss Annie Met.en.
Chas. McGregor and Miss Jean
Johnston, of the G. C. L. returned to
town Monday after hpending a few
days at their rrhpective homes.
Quite fi number celebrated the
Twenty-fourth up at Point Clark
1 iKhthous• .and relort. a pleasant
time, considering the rtol weather.
WEDNENDAY. May 20th.
Jos. (.riflin has returned to Cobalt.
Kenneth McLean it indisposed this
Mine Lily McGregor in visiting in
Dune. and Murdoch McDonald
leave today for the Wast.
John Cameron has commenced work
on Rod McKenzie's new house.
Mimm Florence McLean, of the G.
C. 1., wave home for the holidaya.
James McKenzie, of Port Albert, is
working with his uncle, Rod Me -
Miss Angie Harris, of Ripley, spent
Sunday with friends oil the 10th con-
Mrs. Henderson find Mrs. McInnes
of Lothian, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Mrs. Will Allin and child, of Cam-
lochie, spent the holidays at the old
home herr.
F. Bakynr. of Detroit, who hits been
in Kincardine attending him mother's
funeral, also visited at A. Intyre's.
Mrs. Hxiir%-. of Heirrimmen. Mich., im
visiting her mother, Mr". J.. MofMn-
ald, int•.. whom she had not seen for
twenty-three yearns
The following teachers attended the
convention at Exeter : Misses Mc-
Intyre, of iAnrier : Cunningham, of
Lanes ; McLod, of Hemlock City,
and Clark. of Kintnil. .
While Mrs. J. T. O'Reilly was drive
ing to church on Sunday part of the
harness broke, costuming the horse G)
rein away. Mrs. 0'1?pilly was thrown
from the huKgy and mustatined A'
sprained wrimt.
on iur+mdny night a pleasant time
wammpentwith Mgrs. Pheohe McKay.
all the friends and neighbors Nein g
invited to spend the last night in the
old house with her. Operations will
begin at once for the erection of a new
TITRNDAY, May 19th.
A number of Ashfield p.•ople speh
the 24th at Point Clark.
Miss Bridget Hogan. of Goderich, is
visiting Kingmbmidge friends.
Miss Sadie Griffin, of Detroit, In
vinitinR At her battle near KintAil.
MIM Lizzie Martin, who has been ill
for the pellet few weeks, in recovering.
Mimeem Vera Dalton And Marie Suill.
van, of GtNlet Ich Colh Itiate, spent the
holiday with friends here.
irempeetor .f. F. Power, of London,
visited the separate mchaol at Kingm-
hridge on Thutwday of Iamt week.
rhr (:anadfan Order of Foresters
have completed a.. ggeement i with
the G.T.R. furan excutia(on to Niagara
nn June 11 and 14. Far rite", Mc„
see' hills ; also Ad, on pages 7 of that
I .- Ai onae)ery aytxcevt un•
fowl.. \c)v remetll•turexowni le
four efirsofa and w•,w the rl(lest
lid bridge work
farm 1, bet ltlrthwn �M. ('n)wn and htidgn work
at". filo ntllelca lalwa a
con of Matthea•'k�olr but from early
ch ildhond hjtd lived ill»
state vi) �wo
N. It. 1'ua can always hnve your work tooth
Ixtler done in the dental office- more time,
with onele,
Theo. Kelly. Ht• �w Wryer• married.
Wetter M,•llltie. fordoing the work• more cum-
The remains were tots trel in Colborne
fur table fur the nal lent.
In Ilan noon for The Sytnrl i. wt the Post
cemetery on Smldfiy.
TU A�aTll I•'11:1,1r erF
r.r, �.. "sv. �n MI th--LAro 1.,
.oa.,•d,�.,,wa• wrh�r.ssV.7'RNlloy'EU
ie- n.. t•,r.,a ,..,,r.�n .•I u�.y1
kx - '-"•'•.• h.'h•..M11•.., �,M
lkalk Stationery More.
L.►nuR.-t\'r Irarn that t o Itrv. A.
i".r o,. ,hr,•. r.n.,-c.a senaorder,
and wh<re
win bt•rnived for titw rip I,Wn,i, ad�
I:. Nelldy, who in his aladese days was
11" .didyll�r baaavertlains
and Pub work. and mvvikll. will tar
pastor fora time here•, hall left�liorning I
given for atnounte pakl for the .ague.
Mill 1 1 1' 1. 1
ant gone to t Ir. xis nes n -
DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ANDF,R- trry to undertake K charge there.A. sox's paint., %and -hr- and -nein- will Previoom in severing ILS conneei>ii,n
rwlo�r� Wal' In soaking thin}r- 1, it bright with Burning Mills Kid his other (inn
d ohserf. about the house. fro it ewe'with your ,:r 1irmnhert lend yon will hi plew,a•d rh,argeh, hr :life[ his Wile wYt•e pre.
with tis ney.ult. , sentetl with a purse and 1.11 c,amv chair
N'EW P,ITTERNv- IN' WALL va ch as x r.•nler..branec or their w.ri•k
yl• relnng., homer+. rd., its the Unn- there. NIrA. Ncilh• arts fornse•t•h• Miss
ganiz t u,M••e, Mane
k, statiory, wall Kate MahaHy, of Pettit Allm•r`i, and
etpot naa1 ;Y soai• store. ('all and .ec was married in October, herb.
is• Hfru-. � k and get erica,. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Neilly
��lF: ARE• EXPECTING WARM was ordained rt, a charge near Torun•
11'' watt to red we, p expect the flim try,
aha. w t you screen donrn and window
srreen. titled on n r bio randy. If In n,sd of
anyt.herw In lit 1. It you tan sol it at ANnsit DUNLOP.'
sum A hardware. \f
WEn\ DAY, May 2)th.
R. E. Willis splen a few sl- ys in our
Norman Cooper speatit the Twenty-
fourth in Brantford.
t\ ill McEwan. of tic erfch, visited
friends here on the Twe y -fourth.
Mase Bruder, of New kainburg, is
the guest of Mrs. Benninliter at pres-
Mrs. McMni-eby, of Go deri b, and
her win. David, spent Sunday' n One
Benson Case.. R. Rutherford J.
Roberts returned W the G. C. 1. on
E. Mallough, of the Mallon'
House, spent it few days last week I
Miss Frank McLean, of Lucknow,
spent the Twenty-fourth under the'
parental roof.
1Ve regret having to state that Mr".
John McLean has been maun•what
indisposed the p,wt few days.
N. F. avid Miss! Ida Whysird at -
traded the wedding of Miss Huth
Girvin at ?file on Werinesday Lust.
Mr. find Mrm. Whyard and Moister
Herbie retorntml yesterday after a
few (lava' vimit to friends in 1Valker-
N. F. Why.ird attended the football
match in Meaforth on the Twenty-
fourth letwtem Senforth and the I'an-
American football team. Of course
there inay have leen other vt0•ac•
Rev. J. W. Robinmon is -attending
Conference in Gtxlerich this wrek.
He ix it member of the stationing com-
mittee, which ufet on Monday of this
week, On account of him fth"x•tice
there will 1)t. no mervices in the Mctho-
dist church on Sunday next.
TU68DAY, May 2Mth.
Mesa Ruby Robinson attended the
teachers' convention at Exeter last
We are glad Let report that MiAm Liz-
zie Tiffin in ranch insproved after her
recent, illness.
Rev. J. C. Reid and John D nitow are
attending the Methttdist conferenct•'
in Goderich this week.
Miss Marjorie Kilpatrick returned
to Dakota last week after spending
several manthil with her parents )it
'Xieft Josie Young, who has Imen viK-
'n Rlli� st Kippers for name time, was re -
old acepiainGtaces at Nile Lust
The reitular services fn Nile church
next Mahftath will he withdrawn, in
order tolive evetynne An opportunity
to Attend the conference mervicem at.
A GHMAT Ativercam..--The tea-mot•t-
ing given fit. Nile church on the even
ing ief the 'LCI h wam a decided mnrcest,
in Avery way. Hupper •end hnrh
A mapper Its only - the Nile ladit•s
know how to plrpaiv was nerved
in the hseeniont from 6 to M:all.
by which tittle the auditorium was
crowded to the dorrl•m and mtwnding
rootn was at a premium. The pro-
gram obich followed w'ae conmklernl
s.DA\, Mfiy 3-4111.
Mie» la)relua• Young, of Aylen,
141-111, the Twent v -fourth at hour.
Mrs. R. H. MacDonald enjoyed the
V,ctoria Day holiday by a vinic W her
of 1 home near Preston.
We hope the wintry w"•ather of
Monday of this week will INe the. fare-
well of winter for this season.
Our former townsman John i.+tw.
eon, who is now a resident of flat.
Ambitious City. wetm up fol• a(Jay of
Ali during the week. Since lie lens
been in Hamilton 'he has had the
leisure of nieting the Rev. Mr.lack, who was palitew for a time at
I,eebnrn, Tilt• venerable gentl••nuan is
pttst the righty -sixth milestone in his
life• ,nd tin still hale and hearty to fill
only yet reach the century. Be had
uany wordsof epgndry about the
olflies he visited while here.
SL George's
Baking Powder
is best for Biscuits -beat fo.
Cakes -hest fnr Pies-l+cot for
everything you hake that requires
Baking Powder."
..One can to try, will always
Intake, you buy St. George's."
nave you a copy of Lair new Cook
taeokt sent free if you write
Natnofisl ants a chrmiciet Co, of
Canada, Limited, Mestr ekl,
Convalescents need a large amount of nourish-
metkt in easily digested form.
_�Fott'.r Emril.rion is powerful nourish -
mod -highly concentrated.
It makes bone, blood and muscle without
putting a tax on the digestion.
ALL UCCISTS: 60c. AND ?•1 00,
Agricultural Implements
and Buggies
1 have taken the agency for
Theso represent the leading manufactivers ill these
linea and are the beat goo(ls on the maTj-et. 'fhr)se
thinking of purc4asing farm machinery► (►any kind
should give me a call and get some punite on the
latf st and most eflicient machines pr(►Iluced fpr farni-
s are well known throoghont. 1 munbv u" file lest vehicle"
)field*•. They combine cotufort, rlrganeA and file ilily,.fitld
rhr pricer air ill right, trot. 1'nll,at Ihr av:utehore"e, iinik.
iltnn ,trent, and ]•t in,• show you w11:11 r r:n1 do for yon.
'there are a lot of people on the Jobber's List
now, but don't forget that louder the Cash System we
are enabled to give you ,just five per cent, better th$n
these jobber's prices: For instance : On a purchase of
:+111.00, -'Pbr cent. cash diseuunt would be 50 cents. It'
you pail( for the goods at the end of two months you
would have pail( interest at the rate of 30 per cent. per
annum. If pail( for at the end of four months, 15 per
cent. I)er annum. .lust ask yourself the question, Is
it protitable to pay this high rate'of interest!
Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire
at $2.90 per ioo
We have ,just received a large import order of
Cleveland Wire, which we offer at these prices while
It lasts.
Gasoline Stoves
As simple a� lighting a ;:as ,jet. Ilave a look at
thoitp before they go ; front $3.90 to X121.00.
Celt rated Brockville
Lawn Mowers
I'here ar€b others, but not just quite so good as the
Itrockville. h ur blades, four braces, s in. wheel,
from $:;.7.) to r O. A great variety to choose from.
Refrigerators, Screen Doors, Screen Windows,
Hammocks, Wire Fencing, Gates, Elephant
Pure Paints ; in fact, we are loaded with
seasonable goods of endless variety.
Hardware. •, R,•mldrnre. 177
Getting Married
You young men and girls who are getting
married in -I tine or any other month, we would like
to.whisper to yotl that we can supply you witha good
stove, furniture, cutlery, lamps, wash hoards, tubs,
washing machines, wringer, sewing machines and
many other things needed about the house and
farm. Our prices will be in your favor.
• Anderson's Hardware,
Vr .