HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-30, Page 6"A, 1!d' A'?j s q. ''1. •• �."n.`R°ter 8 ,eoait aq dsC':r
• A „ .L11 r As ;,; iYvl't:��; "ami."7iA41F '41."
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9 : TRaaUAY, May s0, 1907 I '� THE SIGNAL: GODERICHI ONTAR19
Iwield it yourself, the little girl omilfg t
_. --- _
' Isi'Mr leave an site wants.
I 1
to, and If you need It site will unions I
am mistaken In my udgment of br.
The Making of a I But you ran't treat a wumse'S IUtdlg
Keep the Liwlight Burning,
1 out „riliu r all this now because 1
a )
r }� +; Aa' tfi ,
objoa-tinnatllp ew ovew llkshlp
wont to keep you front settllug (town
r � , _t +
ee %� x
Nei Tm[SF TRE {;
Successful husband `'
I, ~"pti#
I In the all tuts customary way atter
your n•turn from your wedding tell).
1U11 mill Ilan v1,• l0 n•rlllne Ill! ('llIIre
iA , cal+I I, �r . 1,
, 0 ai 1
s� w w�
aro prMrfkfy s+see rinmorrrsas abs loot
his piroon ht the graven d Arcadia We
.11 a
pr'(teeminr(d them Mew. ■nd In ,be loop
after dollars, and you'll hate to sprint
a little. fnater than Ix/ore, but that
t 1,l y ,e A. ., at h, 1,
11,, " �°� �* �l� 11 11
develop the hnln we can't Alter Itc
3l)' y s , K
vaearl seal for tlsp now rr(w -4 Ties-
won't Justify guts in putting the little
Irl oil) mat a shelf like a Ido of waht•
.' ..
.1. '' ;.,., til
A Cbapor on Thal Doleela►!•
able brie a -brae nor In shoving her
. ``, .:>
. „. �,;, ' •+
SBalr►elatewial ioOwnta, 1,b• Benny-
back Into the kitchen to become your
cook. She is neither a goddess to be
.. .
moon Do hof Permit M to Come
worshiped from afar Igor a mental to
i• • S
Speedy Lcld, has Cherish Itbe
bossed at cions range. She Is Just
I 1,S ', `1. 4:",
and Prolong It Indefra.atsly. .A
I a delightful bundle of flesh and blood
a{y « V1, e
86.70; paes1.4, ala. to Kos; pet. $6.ns
to $6.76.
and nerves, designed for everyday"ta
3 y
You can't run n home ma you uvnkt o
wear and uUnlntuic her highest happl-
` _.-
la'oprnaht, Iran, by C 8. Yost] )artory.
less In luring sod helping you.
:' •e'"I "f, t,
INtAH ROY- )bur mother In that way. Dictation, opposlUon,
ilu all you can, therefore, to keep
h� _
MY Auld 1 have just rettnrrted cure, ora 9 jet results, but It will toe at
Hut locellght burning brightly, for If
'' v z x° "
from the wedding it which the expense n[ happiness. You can't
you are the right
f t I��y'�c. R . o-
you we". to us, the most In-
run a home as you would a factory.
Foulso... Port your own
'1,a ; -+•
L : ,
ferreting It bot the most rotteyintom Your wife is not a servant or your
bappine" will
,11 F
figure. It was a great wedding; never I
Inferior In uuvthlug but physical
saw anything quite so pretty in my etreugtA. Besides, she fa s woman
k Ile bard upon
a ori Tor' hers. Love her
c 4,
t�tI ifs
lite. Everything was In good taste, and ltd as such Ir entitled to the fullest
always and let
+ „°�;vi. i
q I , a" A
you went
alma your part like •little of that chivalric courtesy
man. I was almost
' `i ' her know, let
a� & � a+
as prod of you whichIon
which every gentleman owes to the
And the bride! M
My boy. I believe
Jter know, let her
other sex. That she is your wife In.
►now that you
:: a r`
you've discovered something that's bet creases your obligation In this respect
✓ ,love her. That
ter than a mine. Unless m
tTdd 7 Jtrllg- I have heard of women who doubted
Is the fatal wig
(laiden ttxdp chropest at WoRs61.1�
meat b mlghtlly at holt, ebe'r ell thele bualm0ds' love if they neglected
i tyke of ru coag 1
* i +ma r
,'SI 3;:,
right Your mother 1s
gh just as oral the Irrkallcrl heating but 1 never saw
keeping theft
( t
pleased u I am, and that's saying n Innv of that chore, and 1 doubt their a:-
... lace 1,0 them -1.
' .. " _ + Ve ,
greet deal for her, for she never could f+t( n, r. No; tine only wa3' to correct a 1
Rrlves as 1,f It
" i an
are any girl quite good enough for you. ,acorn's fault. If It really uceels cv,r-
Puulnq the lialf girt were something
': a�a..li
� li
You know she doeJm't hesitate to gay rection, la by n pressure wt genal she'
:.r c(l)aw the ahtl/. to W shamed
� , r '4} `
whom she likes a dlafikes and ante Accts ILv existence, npplled
never sur
of, until continual suppression extln•yk.I
=.,°f' +arms
usually wattles the point on sight, so I with the patient persistence that Is in
gufsh" It entirely. Exercise is as nee•
t o *A a. S.v
orfs ver? uneasy, a no doubt 7� all things irresistible. )tots know that
warp to bee as It Ir to allatlribaterof
s°. (', JI:�"•
were, about the sty Mrs, John Junior grinding til alone for n great
itl the i
Ilfe, P4vrical,mewtal orapirftual. Tbld L
�vrh �- _ c yL
°t•, �
strike Ise-. Bat she took to iter teled(•oPe the final work Is dont with ,
not then", but fact, which has been
. . . ; , 0
it i<.
new d1, tlgtsEer fnaaw like a dock to an , the palm of the here hand. If you
proved over and over again since the
1 l a i t
orphan chick, and I attach more ira- Mend a twig ahxrply, It will break, but
world began, and my own experience
, lipi LLLLLL t*
Dortanee to that than 1 do to my own if you bend It gently and secure It In
Hoene not differ from that of countless
judgment. ; Its new position yotican by constant
thousands of others who beer testi-_
Why, she's 00 tickled that she per- repetition of the process mold 1t to our
moray to its truth.
AL N D_RRTORRIE, H. A., Evangelist
sista in wal[1n>: me up in the middle torr, you denim. :to the Ideal bushand
of the night Just to have an audiencetime
and wife consctously and unconscious-
Your mother reminds we that It is
for me to be 1n Aad, oro I must
It, c Alexant). r i' ,rl it. a lit hold evangelistlr Atvvlces in the BA tixt church
while she oils-
►firing this PpfrtlP to a couse•. With love I
fm- t%%,- weeks, l,eginntng next S ndat•. The Torrey -Alexander Hymn+I will
PON" of a stock I ly mold each oilers dlspoRltlon. Ike
to the 1dra.
lie used and the ..ung tiervice will I e 1;-d by a choir otgnuixed especially for
nnestle happiness, my sun, Is the high-
new Sneed -God bless her
thi+ title.
of adjectives , est form tit bit." attainable on earth,
-1 remain your affectionate father,
Wherever Mt. 1%,rise ham held two vices bit, efforts have twen wonderfully
that would as- and It In worth all the trouble It gener•
l.lrhsed ; and the Riloti.t church here consider themselves fortunate in being
tonight a h'mncb- ally takes to secure It.
able to went* him hu s(tan atter their dedication services
Iran. You little
know, m Do A Perpetual Honeymoon.
English Pronunciation.
-- - - .-- - _--__-- . - - _-- _ _ . _ -. -__-_- --
Dow much she The popular Lasa of the honeymoon
Ther! Ie a village 1n north Devon
1,t out of tae wetter. 1 THE MARKETS.
has allowed you 1 Is a yrriaxl of a few weeks Immediate-
which the signposts call WoltartlL
Leave your napkin unfolded o0 the
since you went I ly following the wedding during which
wormy, but wbk•h we have heard pro-
table; leave your chair where you push- Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
out to wrestle W I the couple skylark around over the
ak4nq ewe up In the D
nounced )Very likely,
,d it as you arose. Lot the waiter het D Close Highest Live Stock Markets
with fortune on nw.Wlt of the night. country, waking spectacles of them-
however, If you went there and pro
you with your coat and hand you your I _The Latest Quotations.
your own book, and you can hardly i set%" for Ulr awusement of anybody
nounced It so you would be reproved
for the contraction.
furs. Ile takes pride In doing the cos
Monday Evening. May 2'1 -
■ppreciate what a concession It Is for ' who happens to lie themhing
TDis was what happened to tis at
and earning his tip. And Liverpool wheat twt,lrs closed to -day Id
her to look with favor upon this young Iv a feral of tmn•.{trained billinc and
Chiencester. Flowing through that town
don't, pray, bele yourselt to a tooth• sirber then 8■turday. and corn futures
id lower.
c,aln;t be the end of which they An•
woman who has taken poaneasfon of I y
to have I,evrome and
we we" solemnly coerce tied for calling
Ick at the table and use It as you leave
D a At 4'nlcago. Jul )• wh"t ekredAde 111r11•r
the I than
you. Atter awDlle you will udder• supparecl satiated
It 'Closter." O¢ tits other hand, when
place. 8aturdxy. July cors %c blotter, and
July cots fir hl9hd r.
stand• but out now, I return home to settle down to n prac-
New• the ,bon(" are that after you
Angola Without Wings. 'tical, everyday life Its which loge lila
we In Norfolk and drawing
blies left the unaccustomed festa&-. I Winnipeg Options
� Ian contained manih•slations are not ex-
I suppose you are pretty well along I
nigh to a Place which wax marked on
the map "fLppfabargh," we totted
rant or even Pnrlier yon will realize Following were the ,"Ins quotation.
to -day on hI furless
with pectwl to figure to any great extent. i
your honeymoon by tDlr time,
course quite unintelligible because
rxlpPP : Waren-slay
Rome blunder that cots have made. m_• r bbl. Jul n4%r old. (1,.-t rte,
-Se y %c fib'
and anises sincerely haute you will not take that
your lot Is different from
wt- did not pronounce ft "Hasebro.^
Well, don't IPt It trouble you. Tots many Uats-flay 4,.• told, Joy 42Xc ■•ted.
t•lew of It. The honevmoxxt should oat
that of other mortals you have mode
Even in 1s'njl/sh the difference be ,
blips shown more of homespun and less LeadingWheat N-rk•ts.
Ie sabjp(t 1,O limitx tfonR of place or of
some discoveries. You have found, I
It he
tween sight and sound is confined to I
of social experience than year rt%rtau- Mar J°1,r IMPt ,
N,•w Vork
time. A. a mere outing Phouori
don't doubt, that the wings you sup I made brief; u a sPntimeetal conal•
a small minority of wods, though
rant neighbors; but, after all, you can ......... tie.L, lbs,{ tM%y
Urum[t ............... 1o:L Illn Im
posed edged haven't even
were full fI
Rome people seem to be of the ams
Probably glye them paints on Romt 7•„led.. Lon,{ 101 I(uX
........................• u
sprouted. That is the amazing dig- I �,r,;*'t"•1
opinion as a young HamvKlan lady of
thing much more Important than the w. Inuls ............. atX !res >N
dinner. 1'111"til ....
cove n new married won ••'`�,AS�`.
n every 4
our acquaintance who naively remark-
proper way of ordering a .,,,,...... ,. .- .,,,
Mi"nespolls f02>r ]a2X IM_y
makes, and the gnieker he tutakrm It'
ed: "You English do
g pronounce so
Torome Grain Markets
sod becomes reconciled the bettor it I+
strangely! There in your greet au-
To Clan a Muff.
Grain -•
I 1=1
for his ftrtvure wt•Harr. c
(Dor. You spell Alm IIlr1,r-0 s, and
All tura before Delo g put away for aaPet. rprlaz. bseh....>>e ttz to rf....
AngeY are all weH enough to plc•
you pronounce him Bos" -Londa¢
Ilse summer should be thoroughly Wbest 14❑ bosh.,•.,, 0 M
cleansed. One o[ the fleet methods Is w•hrxt, rona,, Imes..... a 75
tuns, but they would certainly grate
wheat. red, bush....... o go ....
on our nerves If we had to associate
Pear, bush ............ O 76 ....
with them. Nor is perfection to be de- ✓
Why They W;shad to Prolong Lifer
Rarity 1m■e. ....,.-. ., o s1,
list■, boob ....
0 4a o so
sired l6 a genuine flesh and blood we-
it ts tsniw% to note the Inadequacy
deq y
t_i,....,,nl Gr";n Snot P--a„r.
mag. Thin would be a mfgs(y tire-
of the objects for which men would
I. IVF.It I'a Nal., May _'7.-{eTest-Rp,m
some world If W of us did exwUy as
seem to wish W prolong their days.
firm; Nn. 2 rovl western winter, 1,Y lie; S,►
we ought It In mainly our faults std
Collinjwood, an him epitaph Informs
' „,`.. i4Calif.. ase Id. Ytttwes steady; Rept. 7s
the faults of others that furnish Int the ire
us. "a pious, just and exemplary man,”
_ Cnrn-ltpnt firm; Anse can mired new,
diversion that makes life worth while.
woukl have liked to have bald soother
- 4% Inurd: Amerlrsn mired, 01,1. .A, 2d, ril-
Tbat isn't etrietly ortDodoz, but It's i row art no reason trhy L%e return to
blow at the French. Lord PetKtwe�
~' furca quill; JIrIY M Illyel, KPyr v lOSyd.
true, and 1 believe It will continue to earth should cause an enldn chawgc
cough. Pope's contemporary, desired to
�;�`- '�\ I Now Perk Dairy Margret_
be true as long as bumandty retains
tion, modified by the activities sod
Hve In order "to give that moral (Sidi-
. NF, w' V(RRK. May 27.-Ruttrr_Ptrm; re -
r•ipta. ••'10. Street
that innate cussedness which domi-
ndreealtles that demand bread and but.
op Barnet) the lie In halt his history" I
pri(": thus (tewm-
cry, 24ayc to :rk% Official torkwo : Cream.
tatee It
Don't Infer, however, that I comorder ter at regular intervals, It sbouM con•
-an expiration of which he groped
the sincerity by carrying with him the
,tea . collo to pxrn, lPa to qr: mute
e(wnnlon to extra. lac o Jae;
Iuntil death breaks the ta=d. 1
and lta�s to In-
have been married thirty years and
volarnse., carefully marked, when, a}
,-Fit rnnminn to extra. Iec to rJc: west_
ern f:rn.ry. cnmmtn to nnns..1M to 21r;
crease In carons
LR'taae to torreeponding Hilo A LtUe
corattresponding ra
am still in the midst of my bony-
ready llelieved in bed ing, he went to
1 w -tern Initiation creamery, seats, 21e to
alt le n to make our food
necessary y (noon, and I hope to see this moot[ In
Lisbon. And Bentley, making up his
ChepP Vapy; recNpta, tow; lamgnal:
palatable, but a very little more w1[i Its meridian for nine ears to come.
y y
minnd to reach the age. of eighty sad no �
state. toil[ ,•reem, colorm. anmit, hest, 124yr;
spoil It A fauttless wile is likely to
I.oil %hould over cesae to Ise lovers.
further, observed that "it was an n
, white, 12,Ar; d., lame, ratiorvd, best.
a', to 121.c; abs. whittle. ll%e to 12r; ere.,
be insipid, and good, beatthy fmpev or-
for I .•an Ree no reason why the return to
long enowgh to read everything worth
IPrzP and mntall: fair to a•,c4, laXc eo
to do., tntrrkm,
tions should rather be ea=se re
earth should ca0me an entire change of
reading." --London Standard.
41: 7 c to
't u 5>X,r % sale; gklms, le
Juicing than lamest Ser, ea boy, relations. Siome people seem to think
when you find one ta your dear little
Teo Bad.
, 1`41M. ---Steady; M,.4pa 10.42; "'.
to beat the fnr piece with small rattail 1', rtnarlw"la and lira rfiy, fine(7, no lerlM.
that the tender little attentions which
bride, don't have a conniption flt, lot
There Is a swept girl in Washington
atickm until Peery particle of dant 1s ' white. Lae; (fiolpP, far to IaKr; bre..l awe
make a note of !t. and when you get mark the Period of rourt.hip end that
with n most saintly
3 pntlencr, but even
place In beet muslin I ani=ell• extra, IAP•: Mtn to extra firsts. 17c
removed then 1 Y to I;ayc; western arets. Id M lar; so
an fellow the wedding arc
an oDD�nn117 analyze It tamderty.
.IIP covil not resist the temptation re-
bags which have been soaked 1n tor• a'I/11 maw, Inc rn Legge; sr!tesaa, file to
They mal ko•pr Ton pretty busy Incompatible with the Ptnnggle for t
(rntlr to M•1, fly a little at•trJw. He was
plentlne. ter; combo . Yx• to ler.
living; that the kiss, the caress, tbp lit-
awhlle, but when you get them all
daaslfl(d you wall have that 11tlt3mabR ale compliments, are not only unneces,
ntxxK nineteen, but weary, oh, very
weary. iiP had m:ulp a call of perhaps
Fireplace Mentees.
acquaintance which Is • 4s nary, hilt even foolish. If ,r on desire
segs bsolatdy
two hours, and Rhe also was beginning
There was once n man who Aad the Cable Uncha a(1,
need Hogs OesP
selfish to dayoestic Dappinpse. A lo0g happiness as nearly absolute. as poo-
M feel some slight tmtlgnv.
following motto carved over bis tin Chicago Market
whlle aro moavebo� Raid, "Men know %II,Ip here below, don't make that mla-
"i nPyer get nrpr n thlfig, you know,"
pages: "I have had maby tJ'oablee 1n rrOtUlhN May '7,-uvPrpocN sew
at Io
thyself^' and I wound paraphrase that take.
beRalf] sadly. "i really never expect to
my lite, and most of them never Asp don cables are Ilrns at Ilya• M fir per
goat, I believe, imposes It by Isaytnlr, Lev Is Not All
rare for a woman ngatn. I made a fool
pend•^ It wait certainly a motto to Its., 6 emia witem: erfelga sten beet w
quoted s1, 1,)e to orotic per Ib.
"Man, know thy w1feP' ira trrvurh Love alone is not sufficient for t
or myself over one once."
set people thinking.
�" '
AwpNs ore all vett ewowgh los Viak es.
more Important. On the other hand, It
M Just as neretsary that the wife know
the husband, but i don't care to dls-
rum that Ride of the Quentbn. I doo't
feel competent.
Reform van Faults, Not Hen.
Ten may wonder that I don't snggent
I ortudy of your wife's rht»Pe. Lord
bless poo, my boy. you don't need to
study them. Thpy wilt fall upon you
abs envelop yon and permeate you,
and all you have to d o in to appre-
ciate them and give fr gmmt evidence
of year appn+rhtion. Virtue" melddonn
near dornestir trouble unions they ars
allowed M ttpromi, aggrrsmively active,
slid then, as a rude, they erase to Ile
ail . Jtsmt enerllnp your atberttlnn M
ber fanlbl. if thaw are little 000n, he
t%enkfnl and let thorn Mrino. it any
shnel t Innk to top Reforms, dd>h1t try to
rerrort" Mem with an rix. You are
IlkAY in oeprsln year ala and doll the
tool. Trust them with tarn and Pa.
woman. She hungers for Its outward
and visible mnnifeatatlon, and It In a
hunger that ran never be fully al)
peared. A man can rest content in the
confidence, of his wife's affectiotl and
doevn't worry If able neglects to ex-
prean It In wonls or actions, but she is
of different fiber. She want% to bear
you pay '•i love you" once In awhile,
to feel your arin steal around Iwr and
your lip% prompted to hero. KDe never
grown weary of these things, and rhe
never grown too oil to appreciate
them. Their neglect is the beginning
of indlffprenep, and Indifference Is
lore's deadliest far.
Without love marriage docenerntes
first to a mere convenience and then to
a condition of bondogr in which Iron
chains trollop the place of comes. chnins
whirls the divorce courtm are ton often
called upon to sever. If you du not
give your wlfe• frequent erldrure of
your affection, you will have only jour-
WIf to blame If %Ile turns to Rome one
else for that which her nnturP de-
mandv, tin: you cannot poaedhly nttseh
ton much Imlartmnee to theme *Oemiug-
ly Iomlanlfieent thingp. They lire the
spry foundation% of donleptic happi
news. Sou may provide a comfortable
hnnae nod every material dewire of her
heart, yol may, trent her with rourtasy
nod khAnesx, vnu many give Irr high
modal pawltion, but If file loven yon all
these Arp a% nothing It tins ecnmpsnled
by the purely mentlawntal expresolonl
of your own nffe tion for her. With
vlalble love Rho will live happily In the
humblest coltngr
X(Ifn1P people wank! smile at this.
px~ wonid call it an old fseblon«I
Idea that Ins no place in the advance(!
(ir111sation of tooter. The mountains
and the hill., file InkM and it)* rivers,
Rep old famhionpri and Cher lire no
tir"ev and leve, and In the pours• of
tiRe. mrtsays a loam time. len can, so
more Immutable fila¢ buunsu nature.
W1. ��=:-!-t
randNy thein that they will lowers, vu►
of w1Neh Irmo IP the highest expre"%ion.
'r `} !
'l�+� �'•"' x
objoa-tinnatllp ew ovew llkshlp
in spite of All of our culture, men find
wotnn, under tie renper, Are Jomt the
t'}f r*a
+� ,'
All t1rM, htmdrvwr, prPgptwsM,a entries
aftpmbron to yaomr sora fatltrryp. whtrll
wamP max they were when I'%n playa%1
'" `
}, �, f
aro prMrfkfy s+see rinmorrrsas abs loot
his piroon ht the graven d Arcadia We
4 F ,+ - ,,
pr'(teeminr(d them Mew. ■nd In ,be loop
Are 'in 'kA "'-do n%, Rnd while, wt. MAY
M 1 + ^I•...
olf a meet lyse aro testes rhrwrrrfaorm
develop the hnln we can't Alter Itc
vaearl seal for tlsp now rr(w -4 Ties-
evwnpoettlen. new "n we Prmdi.•sM the
r ` r; t
*`' t
lggt../Beiklr,lllttrraawoL K`7xar t�'t
IMw Issue as ftoe A wnmas'a bagel. No
�'i�:.:"'.(.,.[kRB�' �r8�rle.•,.wafi..
4-r r.,... ,,,. A r , ' 1.. ,,. -L,
c,. a
�M 'r�°a w,.n^
i�C� .r J .r:h'k°a'ti:Ti', av ..
hamma y -. - I— 1,111640--
"And yon never get over nnything?
Ton hod"' she PAM xymPatbetleally.
.and he smoked a whole box of Oga-
r•ttes thinking It over afterward.
The Way to Order Mala at R•etau-
rants and Hotels.
Thewoman who dines at hotels and
restaurants bat Infrequently is some-
times a little bewildered and perplexed
as to jupt bow nffalrs should be man-
aged. Therefore the article In the De-
lineator quoted below Is of mulch
in ordering a Is carte you are expect -
n1 to write down on the wafters pad
the orders for the whole meal except
I-rhalw desnert, which It In hard to
make lip one's mind about at the very
beginning of (]Inner. Or you may tell
the waiter what you wish as yon con -
atilt the card, and he will write It
down for you. It you do not under -
offend what the article in from its name
-the makeup of a salad wedded to a
foreign title, for inntminre-simply ask
the waiter what that dish 1s.
When you have quite finl•:•ed may to
the waiter, "Will you bring my check.
plenty?" and Henry will bring 1t with
n Plight increase M has devotion of
Innnner, whk•h always grows more
marked a the time for the tip ap-
proaches. rive him the money for the
1,111. Do not pay at the desk on the
way out except at a tow priced risatan
rant, where the busy weibp plmehes
n printed check for you and {hasps on
to the next rumfornor. When Henry
enmex Mork with the change. Ane you
on n mllver "Iver, return a mentionable
nmotint of change to the tray as a
lip for him. The tip varies sccnrdlng
to your expenditvrre, 10 per rent of
your hill bring conxMersad a fair fee.
in this cvinntry it in not i.xbmory M
give leas then 10 cents an R tip Dn't
Mwirp the tip and don't withhold 11,
Count In yonr tip an a legitimate Part
of flip. dinner ptrpoom Rnd If yon m-
s►nt the tipping emrtnun writs in the
paper* sMnt 1t or pat".....- t Pay
at the desk Imool ursat. but dam't tally
[`coat,• Lfis3, at'"d rs` �gi
over the fireplace In )lark Twaln's
home In C,onnectkat Is this Inscrip-
tion: 'The ornament of a house Is the
guests who frequent It."
A certain you0g couple checked many
a garrulonp tongue by putting above
thPlr living room fireplace the words,
"in this room speak III of none."
Hem lire n few other matter%, which
will serve for hall, library or chimney
"A man's house Is bl% castle."
••East or went• home's beat.+'
"Old wood to barn, obs friends to
trust, old ixmk% to read."
Another good motto for (lie fireplace
Is, "Sit ye here and rest awhile."
Japanese Rice.
A Jmpane"e conk, frictions for the
light, Pnowy appearance of his rice.
w•nohpn the uncooked grmins through
several watern until not n trace of
mllkinpits is seen !n the wntpr.
To two cupfila of the rice. he allows
a quart of lalling water, cooking slott•-
ly for an hour without otlrring. From
time to Unit, lap Plaskett the kettle. CP
ping It trona Aldo to slide.
When flip water Is all absorbed he
IptR It PMnd for awhile on flip back of
the Move to Rteam and Plump.
The Dressmaker.
To press a hem, plalts or a large
pinln Parfacp, take an old plea, of rot -
ton material to pillowenxe would dol
and after placing the material to Ion
premord with the right aide down thor
toughly wet the mnsilin find wring It
out. piece It smoothly over the neat
tprial and Iron until dry. if thlA is dnne
to one pnrt of n dremm, nit parts moot
be trenteil In the same way- lir It will
be noticeable when It has been press
If n conn dnP" mnVthin io thly
world that i. great his wile worrip•
proelf Pick wondering if she ineytired
"rhpre i. w thnp for All thingQ�{". It
ora% A wisp twit who P119VPPtPel, "If
Toil Arp going fn do a Rood thing, do
it now . If a mean thing. wait until to
t''ilt'�k�I'llr $�_�et`i
evente Junction Lis Ment.
Rowipts of live stock at the Union
$tock Yards were ties carioade, coint-
Posed of 1784 [•cattle, 14 hogs, 86 sheer,
27 calves wad 4 horse([.
Prices Mcleod from 6.5.20 to WW. and
liror two extra prime lots honest -r M
Inc per cwt. more. 7Or bulk of Phapping
cattle sold at about $:-,..Io to 4%.40; expert
finita sold at $4 to 94.50 per ewt.
,.Fiat, plckM Intl) nl,l at 8612% to s5.25;
hoods of mond at H.40 to $5.10; medlem,
94 70 to S4.RS: ronsl,. mixed, 64,40 to K4D;
enwo, $3 50 to 64 .-A); ,anter•, 62,r0 to $ot.
Milch Coves.
A limited rletml,er M mllk oral and ttprinr-
Prs were offered, and quoted at BNS to Las
Vaal Caboose.
VMI calves %"a gnoted at $3 M 65 per
Sheep and Lantos
Export .hr T w "unt.d at LS to II .:A
for .we.. and N to 1,4.:0 for roma; owe r
Iattrl,a an worth from $3.30 to $7 e■eb.
Ilogm were Bombs at $7 per cwt. for
Detects and 9&r fnr Ilshts and fats,
Drorero rPpnrted ronntry pole ep at many
pnlnts no ulna 86.7- tQ tar rar=er, or
$A !X), to.h. rsn, at re'4ry Patnb.
Ent 13URSIO Cattle Market.
IFAXt Rnffaln. May 27.--CattM- 4to"l Pts,
a41n brad; active and strong M tor, ►Ir11er;
rffi • Atprrv. 9:..110 to Ser; ■b4%0 . RS.In
I. R-. 7:.; hutch',11114A5to SS. bS; fi n,
94 X. to S.S..xl: cows, *,I.trs to 911,: balls,.
IL1 70 to 115; otorken and f too , H to $A;
1--k hNn rx. S.'1, to H; frwae rows and
, ' lower. M M 564.
Veal, Rerrtpta. 241X1 bond; metive and
^1St hllrher, 9a to $'1.25.
line. Itev.lpta, 21 am head: fairly me-
tiv. *nd V— to 25r Inwpr: heavy. 96.2:5 to
111.45; mlxM. On 4:.: ymbeo , 86.4% to W;
Piro. on V1, to M 4r; rnoatts. Woo to SI1,4111.
Nlteahp and (wmM.- n1, 4PIA. 12.[0X1 11"01;
"rJIvP; Immhm and wethrn 25r Matter;
I.mho, K :0 to $111.50: yparfgura, $7.25 to
97 :n: th
weer.:O M
. Is.to . 715; ewes. giZ
to 9:..7A; .h_T "A. -I. 63 to S6.
Now Vert LM '.Ihpek.
,Ir Ni rt ..'If�../ •
, 1 r r1
1 R O IV
The Signal's
1907 ''' 11. I
_ _
�� ,
The Signal . . $I 00
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald . i o0
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Weekly Globe .
The Si rnal, "'eekly Herald and Toronto
Daily Globe . .
Si nal and Montreal Family Herald and
ekly Star.
Every subscriber to The Family Herald
and Weekly Star will receive the pre-
mium picture, "A Tug of War."
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Sun
(Toronto) ..
The Weekly Sun is a paper that should be
read by every farmer.
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Farmer's
Advocate .
We recommend our readers to subscribe to
The Farmer'sAdvocate and Home Mag-
azine, the best agricultural journal In
America. The above offer includes
a copy of The Advocate's Christmas
Number for I906.
The Signals Weekly Herald and Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire
Subscribers to The Weekly Mail and Em -
:it h
4 50
I 50
I 76
2 3D
I l)0
plre wl receive t e premium Picture
offered by that paper.
4177; ae4410 one afkwn 10 N 1101, higher a I
W1. ��=:-!-t
Rallied supp+t ; hogs, and esws lam to tee
3 25
to , ; Wells to ;
hishor; Gloom {a Mbats.
44 t!, ,•ea., 62• to N.
C•Nm--Anretpta, 740; Res. a aged pIO."
2 30
vat roe; steady b Ilse mer: voata, 86 u
Kia; fen•ral mhos, 17,75 t q Ts: calls. 43
to 05.86; beltmnl(ke. $3 to 56.76
Ransil and Iastnha-JiLeaslp(a, IOJal: nMop
2 35
firs; lamb& lac k1,ssher; sprt� bwAs ern;
114.50 Ila,
elpprd sharp. to Id al owes; I
H; clipped lamobs, 87 to e6•aO; cook. Ks0.
atpAing lambs. S6.T6 band.
111esa--R a boom, t.%• gl$n 7 t lge �. 1� I
lower, atate top. S6.70 to tis. n.
Royal Crown"
Chicago LM itsdt-
2 90
Cl1ICA(ill, klal II.-AMIn---ieaatplle,
aboat 2a,o00; market moody to We Itarwn;
=seats= Deals= to good &tsars. H QD to $6.
baltelra, $3 to e6.as. °°'a..N.35 to 06;
"l'" i1T6to Ktl6; aknliare and resow'L,
Toil t
,$fi to M Samllow
-taralpm abort 10,(010" whoravtsteady to ar lower:bender vre�sa4, 1,0TDe
le �e.IS; mrd Loma to eAolc�� r�
to Will; 1114K to
r --q y
86.70; paes1.4, ala. to Kos; pet. $6.ns
to $6.76.
�rm-perk,tion in making
veep Slid tAmbe--sommists, Moot No:
aaartet mifoag to Ioc \lobar; ,resp, js.tle
suo(►in kealin Ir
rlbl-62e1— g• fir
to x6.60; Iambs. 44.10 to 116.00; yoartl.p.
freahtng, beautl:l'In•
Soto 67.
3 50
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
A perfect compirrun a,af ,
Victory Over Rvesians Started Un
a perfect toile' soap, loco e
rest In India.
cel ) cakes teem
Lahore, British India, May M.--
Those who have been attributing the
At brglisu Eterywttre.
unrest in If its, to the victory of the
Japanese over the Russians Qnd car
firmation ip their belief in docurnsentm
^1 `" ,fro,, N'+a; 'i�; ?`'a".;v.`. "• a S I', '+
found in the possession of a Hinder
lawyer and a companion, costed
hero to connectionRawalpindi. with the recent
riot at Rawslpindl.
The documents show that the men
taken into custody were on their way
The undelaigned having hren ,r
to Tokio to solicit intervention in be-
stored to health by Plunple ulemna, after
half of a native revolt against British
alRering fur severml with w ■m.
eve hmit affection, nod that drrad
disease Caesupll". i. anxious in utnkr
(laiden ttxdp chropest at WoRs61.1�
known to his fellow .offerers the
Wholeswle Hardware.
means of rulr. To thoee who dexiu•
"Golf inapthe a vri v aninsing
it, he will cheerfully wnd (free tot
game." "Well," aahwerrd the young
charge) A copy tof the presrripti• n
novice. "It. llMll t ((lade Ile laugh yet,
I'". whll'h the%• Will flud it murr ,'"a,
ally Caddie appeNl'p In gel x gta,d
for Cewsa■ lea. Asthma, Catarrk. Orion.
deal of quirt run out of it."
ckltle and rill Iboost and lung alalsdlts
You can buy glasses Anywhere And
lie IH)Iwm all moffeterm will tri' I,..
Ite illy, Am it ih igvaluable. Th.—
Fat experience, lout dealing with Dr. I
droiring tine lwe ription, which (t ill
Harvey l rini.- eAtimfwrlioll. Hr will
be wt ifuniber's Jrwellrry atom Tues-
,nosh thrlu nothing, and tlmy ytvotr
dory wnil %VMnerdar. June 4th androt
111rssing, will pleppr toddies.hpnt
110 to Ins. 3 In or toy,
The Signal's
1907 ''' 11. I
_ _
�� ,
The Signal . . $I 00
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald . i o0
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Weekly Globe .
The Si rnal, "'eekly Herald and Toronto
Daily Globe . .
Si nal and Montreal Family Herald and
ekly Star.
Every subscriber to The Family Herald
and Weekly Star will receive the pre-
mium picture, "A Tug of War."
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Sun
(Toronto) ..
The Weekly Sun is a paper that should be
read by every farmer.
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Farmer's
Advocate .
We recommend our readers to subscribe to
The Farmer'sAdvocate and Home Mag-
azine, the best agricultural journal In
America. The above offer includes
a copy of The Advocate's Christmas
Number for I906.
The Signals Weekly Herald and Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire
Subscribers to The Weekly Mail and Em -
:it h
4 50
I 50
I 76
2 3D
I l)0
plre wl receive t e premium Picture
offered by that paper.
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily World . ,
3 25
'rhe Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily
Star . .
2 30
'rhe Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily News . .
2 35
The Signal, Weekly Herald and London Daily
Advertiser .
2 35
The Signal, Weekly Herald and London
Weekly Advertiser .
The Signal, Weekly Herald and London Daily
Free Press, Morning edition . . .
3 50
Evening edition . - "'.
2 90
The Signal, Weekly' Herald and London
Weekly Free Press .
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Presbyterian
2 25
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster
2 25
The Signal, Weekly Herald, Presbyterian
and Westminster . .
3 25
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Farming
World (Toronto) .
I 30
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
Daily Witness .
3 50
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
Weekly Witness , .
'The Signal, Weekly Herald and World Wide
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Saturday Night .
2 65
�Iare1�B►- -�
Send all subscription -S to
^1 `" ,fro,, N'+a; 'i�; ?`'a".;v.`. "• a S I', '+
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