HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-30, Page 5- 1
The London Conference.
Official Program ---List of Conference Mem-
bers and Where They Are Billeted.
tar' 1111
The twenty-fourth session of the Iwmdem Uunfertsuce of the
Methodist Church is IretnR held in the North Street Church,
(ioderich, commencing on Thursday, May 80th, at 2 it. u1-.
Devotional services during Conference, under direction of
Rev. J. H. Gundy, U.U. Music under the direction of Rev.
W. F. Wilson. A short sermou or Bible reading each morning.
not exceeding twenty minutes in length.
Thursday, May 3oth.
p. m. -General mention opens. 8 it. m, -Educational An-
niversary; addr+sw•s by Revs. H. W. 1,ocke and J. W. Graham,
B. A„ Associate Secretary of Education.
Friday, May 3111t.
Y a m. --Bev. W. A. Findlay. 9:45 a. m. -General Session of
Conference. 8 p. m. -Women's Missionary SorietT, Temperance
and other delegations. 4 p. un. -Memorial service. 8 Is. it&--
Receptlon servicb : the retailution to be tuoved by Rev. J. E.
Fond and seconded by Rev. M. I« Pearson.
Satrrday, Jane tat.
9 A. m. -Rev. A. W. Barkee, H.U. 9AS a.m.--Ueneral
Sed" Ian. 10a. m. -Election of Examining Herald. 1:811 p. in.-
Annual Meeting of LayHren's Association fu Vicloria Street
Ch urch ; Mr, J. H. Chapman, Ili—evident; election of uflicert ;
discussion of IAymen's Missionar.y Movement and ('hunh
Union. 3 p. u1.-Hh.turlc Safely so I *-ct, •'11he Gentum
,if Methodkin." raokon by Rev. 1. 1V. FAlwards. $.A., H.U.
8 P.
til 'theological Uuiou ; "Religisvl and Music," t:sken by
Rev. F. F. Armstrong, B.D.
Sunday, Jame and.
9:3) it. on. -Conference. Iewe-teapot, conduced by Hey. A. L
Russell. H.D. 11 s, m. --Ordination sermon, by Rev, D. Rogers,
Presldent of Conference; ordination of young men by Prrsident-
elect. 8 P. u1 -.-Sunday School ; addresers by Mr. W. H. Kerr
and Rev. A. J. Thompson. M.A. 7 p. u1. --Rev. T. Manning, B.A.
will preach, followed by Vonference Sacramental service,
conducted by Rev, J. W. Holmes. i
Victoria Street Church --11 a. m. -Rev. M. L. Toll, B.A..
B.U. ; 7 p. in. -Rev. K B. lxnceley ; :3 p. nu.. Sunday 14chool
addresses by All. John Kerr and Rev. R. S. Raker, ALA.
Presbyterian Church -11 a. in. -Rev. J. Livingstone. 7
p. m. -Rev. A. Brown.
Baptist Church --11 a. tis.-Hrv. S. Salton. 7 p. til. -Hee.
W. G. Howson.
8eeforth-Rev. R. J. McCormick, B.A.
Clinton I Wedley)-Hrv. C. J. Moorhouse.
Clintao (Ontario Strut) -Rev. T E. Sawyer.
Blyth -Rev. J. W. Hibbert.
HolturavUle-7 p. eat. Rry J. Hunner.
1"burn- 11 s. m. Rev. T. W. Costello.
Union -•1:801`. m.-ltev. A. Mc•Kihbin, H.A.
Monday, June 3rd.
9 a. m. - Rev. T. W. Casens. 9:4.1 a. m. --General Session.
8 P. m. --Missionary Anoiversarv: Rev. tie`,. Jackson, Chair-
inau ; addresser by Mr. C. B. Ii4nlryelde, B.A.. and Rev. T. F.
E. Shure, M.A., B.U.• AAm-c•inte Mourrtary of MInvitins.
Tuesday, June 4th.
9 A in —Rev. W. A. Smith, B.U. 9:15 a. m,—General
Ministers. kosts.
Agnew, John A. .........R. Mclean, Hunan Road
Allin. S. James ........... Walter 4illib. Gloucester Terrace
Anderson, Selborne A .... It. J. MegAw, Waterloo St.
Andrews, limo. \V. ...... Ur. J. B. Whitety, Waterloo St.
Andrews, John %V. Dr. J. H. Whitely, Waterloo ant.
Armstnrn{[• Egerton F. Edward Armstrong, Brock St.
Ash tots. fain. J ... ...... Geo. Thomson, North St.
Ayearst, J. A.............
Baird, Jno. W. .. .... Parxrnage. North St.
Baker. Christopher W .... Misses Allin• Trafalgar Mt.
Baker, George. ..........A. Davidson, Colborne St.
Baker, R. Smith .......... John Oke, Brock 4t.
Hall, John ................ E. Downing. St. Patrick's St.
Barker, Arthur W ........ W. K Johnston, Elgin Are.
Harltrop, Charles .
Harnby, Rohl. H .......... Mrs. George Cos, Britannia Rd.
Bartlett, 1.eonard..:......Mrd. TrethewAy, Britannia Rd.
Knigh,'Williatp ..........John Wallis, East St.
Beaton. Kenneth J. .....John Martinis
Beer. Wm. C .............
Birks. Alex. K ........,...Thom. Gundry. South St.
Hlatchforl, T. W.........Rev. B. Nott
Mind, Stephen ... ......Gen. Acheson, North St.
Hristol, Rose iawrence, Montreal St.
Brown, Alfred ............ A. T. Fminertion, M.U., 8t. David'il
Brown. George.... .....
Brown, Asa, I ..........J. H. Tiggort, Wellesley St.
Brown, Allan H... ...... W..1. Atorrow, Waterloo St.
Buggin. Gorge... .......A. Davidson. Colborne SL
Burton, Refit. ('. .... Mrs. McGillivray. Palmerston St.
Borwamh, Nathaniel M....
Butt. William H..... ....St. Lawrence
Clarke: Chas. F.......... Mrs. James Strongh, mast St., guest of
Mn. F. Smeeth
Clement, Benj ............ Rev. B. Clement, Stanley St.
Conway. Win...... ,.....Joe. Mallough. Warren St.
Cook, Jot. 8.............. A. Farrow. Waterloo 8t.
Cooper, Wm. H.......... Mrs. J. Wilton, Elgin Ave.
Cosens, T. Wraleyy .... Rev. James Hamilton, East St.
Coulter. Charles W......
(Joupland. Thos. B ........ J. HAltsteul. ant. David's St.
Courtice, A. C ...........
Cousins, Chas. C .......... Mrs. C. Illakr, St. Patrick's Mt.
Creighton. Win. B........
Crichton. Charles....:....
Crossley, Hugh T.........
rrie, enry
Currie, J{ hn............ R. Andrews! Havileld Mi.
Cook. J. 9 .. .............. J. J. Fdwm-(I, Square.
Daniel, George... H. W. McKenzie. St. Vincent SL
Deacon. Joeepb...........
Down, Chas W ........... Mrs. Murney. Huron told.
Dose, Arthur F..........
Edmunds, Molomon C.....Georgp Green, Picton St.
Edwards, Edwin W ....... Huron Hotel
F:Ifnrd, James. ........... Lakeview, Elgin Ave.
Fair, Hugh J.............Mrs. Geo. Cox, Britannia Rd.
Fansher, W'alter..........
Fear. Ezra A ............. W. J. Morrow, Waterloo 9t.
F'essant, Edwin........... Wm. Campbell, Quebec at.
Findlay, Wellington A....Hslfwy Park, El in Ave.
Fisher, John M............ A. Cooper, Hamilton 8t.
Ford, James 9............ Mrs. MclAchlan, Colborne St.
Fond. Wm. 3 ..............H. F. Hodgenol, Lighthoosse, St.
Freeman, J. Bidwell ...... Rev. B. Clement, StAnley St.
Fydell, Thom. R. .........Mrs. C. Blake, 4t. Patrick's St.
Garbutt, Reuben J ....... IAkevdew House, guest of H. B.
George., T. Treavathen .... W. T. Murney, Brilannie Road
Gifford. GorhA+n A.......
Gifford, Wm. A ........... F. TAbh, UambridRe St.
Godwin. William ......... J. Whitelyp Mouth St. -
Going, Arthur H ......... J. Stewd, dant ant.
Graham. Humphrey A....ParRonage, Victoria St. 1
Graham, John W ......... Gen. Acheson, North Mt.
Graharn, Wm. H ......... Parsonage , Victoria Mt. 1
Greene, Josias ...... ..... Parsonage, Victoria St. 1
Griffith, Thomam.......... St. Lawrence
Gundy, Jos. R........... L E. Dancey, Mt. Vincent St. I
Graham, W. C ........... Parsonage, Victoria St. i
Nall, Theophilum .......... 1
Hamilton, Inch. D ........ James Yates, Went St. 1
Hannon, Jamem........... A. Farrow. Waterloo St. 1
Harris, Alex. 0...........M. W. Howell, Bruce Mt. 1
Harris, Will. H.... ...... 1
Hart, John......... ...H. Hak. Park 8t. 1
Haynes, Andrew C.......J. H. Worsell 1
Haytmk, J. Joseph....... H. Hale, Park St. 1
Hazen. GRo. N ............ Parsonage. North Mt. 1
Hazlewood.- ...... . ......John Marquis 1
Henderson, John.......... J. C. Litbwalte, Elgin St. '
Hibhprt, Joseph AN ....... James Fritalloy, Fast 8t. 1
HIcks, Robert ............Park Housm, Went FIL ]
Hiles. W 1111am L.......... John Thompson, Huron Rd. 1
Holmes, Edwin........... 1
HAITI m. Jas. E........... At. iwwtonre, Montreal Mt. ]
Holmes, John..............4. Ahartrlown. MI.. Andrew's 1
Holmes, J. W. .. .....H. R. Hodgenm, Lighthouse Mt. 1
Husking. Robert I ........ SL IAwrrnce, Montreal Mt. 1
Howacil, Win, G... ...... rL B. Danc.ey. At. Vincent At. 1
Hunter. John F...........
Hunter, .lames F..
Rename. James............ William Phillipa, St. David's St.
Hutton, Be•nja `lin 1..,,,...M.
NV. Howells Bruce St.
Irwin, R. Fultuu..........
Mi -s. George Cox. Britannia Hod.
Jackson. George..........
E. Downing. Mt. Patrick'* St.
Thomas .........G.
A. Robertkon, Waterloo Mt.
Jewett, George.......
...lAkeview, Elgin Ave.
Jolliffe, Well. J ...........
T. Lawson, Quebec St.
George H.......
A. S. Jane, Trafalgar Sl.
Johnston, John W...,
... H. Watson, Warren St.
Jones, Albert R ...........
Park House, West 81.
Kahle, Christopher C
....Huron Hotel, Square
Kelliugtun, Herbert E....
Livingstone. James.......Mrs.
Kellum, Archibald R.....
MrK. McGillivray, Palmerston St.
Kennedy, Janie& .....
.. '
Kennedy, John............Misses
Allin, Trafalgar St.
Kennedy, Jalue•n B...
...Geo. Green. Picton. St.
Kennedy, Harvey F ......
Kenner, John
Lakeview, FI in Ave.
Kerr, Wesley F: ............
W. Treble. Gloucester Teri -step
Jillilem 4loeirmo, Cambria ltd.
where the Conference is being held.
Kerr, George J, .. , ....... R. J. Megaw, Waterloo St.
Kettlewell, %Vtu..........
S. E, Dick, Elgin Ave.
Kilpatrick, I. Walter J._
I rtin, Daniel E.........
Kirkland. John H ........
T. W. Nicholson, Albert St.
Knight, John F............1.
1.. Aitken, Huron Rd.
Knowles, Rich. AV ........
H. Watson. Warren St.
Lanceley, Ebenezer H....
George Acheson, NorthSt.
Langford, Albert J.......
Mrs. M. -Cox, mt. Patr•iek'•, 4t.
Langford, Alex.... .......Geon}ta
Acheaanl. North St.
Frank If .......
Jan. IMoggarth. Huron Rel.
f anRRfond, Frederick W.
St. i.nwrrurc, Montreal St.
Leecb, Webster W .......
IcKelvi% Irving A. .....John
Livingstone. James.......Mrs.
S. Cox, Mt. Patrick's St.
Lloyd, Alfred F: ...........
Thos. Ausebrook, Church St.
Locke, Hugh W ..........
Alex. (uope•r, Hamilton St.
.ogan, Clark F... .........
John Marquis
Long, George 11 ..........Mrs.
Melewhlan, Colborne lit.
LAwrence, John ..........
Mandforl Stoke", F:emt St.
Wadden, Norley I)........
Alm. Leslie Mo rrinon
Kahan. John ...............
St.- Lawrence .
whore the sessions of the Stationing Committee are being held
IAlott, F. E ..............
Huron Hotel, Square
Tanning, Thom............
Mrs. A. J. Moore, Montreal At,
I rtin, Daniel E.........
It. Robinson, Wate%lon til.
Isson, Thomas...........
S. Jaue. Trafalgar St.
McAllister, W. George H.Pa"mage,
North Mt.
ICCallllle, David N .......
4, F. Iliok, F:Igin Ave.
leCormiek, R. Johnalon.R.
Mclean, Horon Mi.
ICCalloch, Andrew M ....
J. C. Leithwaite, Elgin Ave.
IcCutcheon, Thos. L.....
..!.I'it rk House. Weat St.
teDonaQlt, Wm.. . ...
R. \V. McKenzie, ant. Vincent Mt.
fc0onaljd, Nathaniel.....
A. 'T. Einuivr•ou, M. D., St. David'" St.
IcKelvi% Irving A. .....John
Newell, AVON At.
icKemile, Charles W.....
rrKlhbon, Archibald....
Rev. .Jim. Hamilton, EAmt St.
feArullen, Writ...........
....Geot'ge Andlew'n, Hayfield fid.
frRohrerts, Lorne C....
Prang, Victoria St.
fcTAvish, Hector W'.....
William Phillips, ,it. DAvid's St.
leVitt yy,MAmurl R.......AV.
T. Murney, ilritinim Rd,
fetid, EmAnllel...........
St. I.awrenre, Montreal St.
fiddleton, Eli.............
PentLuuf. Simon V. R....
fldford, W. Bertram. ..
Peters, John It ............
foorhoutoo, Clayton .1....
Huron Hotel, Sgnnrr
foorhouse, Anson F:....
Huron Hotel, S(ioare
filler, Robert A........ .1).
Fergumon, Lighthouse At•.
fillet, Wm ................
Pomeroy, W'm. M ........
101son, Walter R .......
J. 1'. Brown, Church Mt.
I'll yarrl, 1Iteuben .........
Win. Holland. TrwfAlRAr St.
1114sord, J. Fdwln I......Perk
House, West mt.
forrison, John .......
H. Robinson, Waterloo Mt..
4ortimorio, Win. J.......
Redmond, Richard ....
lona. Wm. H ............
Writ. Pratfall. Wolfe 14L
11 Moyer. Harveyy U...
J. P. Brown, Uhurch kit.
Musworthy, SAmurlLawrence.
Montreal St.
Myers, Peter .............A.
S. Jaue. Trafalgar St.
Matthews, 1. E..........
John Thompson, Huron Road
Mitchell, R. F ......
Mls. J. Yule
Nethercott, Jas. C.. ,
,... Mrs. Flamer, Combos Read
Newcolulle, ylenr•y A .....
Rev. N. Nott
Oaten, FreilerickJ....
..!.I'it rk House. Weat St.
Oliv:ru.. Folw:url .........
E. Milehrll, Britimnia Road
Oliver. Jomeph 11..........
A. 'T. Einuivr•ou, M. D., St. David'" St.
Orme, James 11. .....
... Mrs. J. 4tr-mgh, Eaet St (guemt of AIi ii.
F. Mulerth)
0141`01-1141,, IV. Huy....
....Geot'ge Andlew'n, Hayfield fid.
0swrhout, John H........John
Prang, Victoria St.
Parsons, Robt.0..........
E. Gast
Patterpion, %VIo...........
Mls. M. (fox• .
Pearson, Mari ntduke L.. Alto. Al. C. Caeuerou
Penl,all• Win ..
....J. W. Vanatter. Waterloo St.
PentLuuf. Simon V. R....
Mrw. J. Brydges. Fant St.
Peters, John It ............
John Newell, Wells mt.
Phillips. John R..........
Philp, Joseph.............J.
H. Colborne, St. Patrick'a Sl.
Pickard, Mahlon..........
Pomeroy, W'm. M ........
T. Hawkin
Pomeroy, J. C ............
C. A. Will. St. David's St.
Powell, Fsra 0. ..........James
Fritzley, Fast St.
Pring, Joeeph W.........Mrs.
(:rtnnuletl, Anglewa St.
Quance• William . .......
The Grand Trunk Railway S •-
Sys -
Redmond, Richard ....
. Will. Campliell, Quels ee St.
Reid, Leslie W'... ......
Thrid. Liddle
Reid, John Calvin ...
. Halsev Park, Elgin Ave.
Rigsby, Walter ....:......
Rev. it. ('lenient, Stanley Mt.
Rive`'", G. W. Wesley...
J. J. Edwards. the mguute
Rohinmro, Hurtun H......
I. E ,I ...lreon
Robinson, John W... ....St. Iwwrem•e• Montreal St.
Rogers, David ............. Won. Holland, Trafalgar St.
Russell, A. L ............. J. 11. Collaorne, St. Pati iek's St.
Russell. John .............
No others reported.
Rutledge, 1\'u1-. L.....
....Mrs. Al. ('e Cameron
Ryan, David............
1, If. Mef.rntl
Reycraft, J. F'............ E. P. Pullin, Hrule St.
Salton, G. F ...............
Henry Erskine
Milton. Sau,ue•I. ....C.
G. Newlon. North St.
Maudeison. Phos. ('.......J.
Hittite.. Ht tit- St.
Mawyer, Thomas. E.......
N u.. Hollatid, TrnBalgar St.
4how. Edward A .........
Win. Blake. Trafalgar St.
Mhaw•, William 11....
4lnclair, Jas. J.. .
. s[coao-c LAss aOUND•TAI•
Simpson. Edward K ....Geo.
Thomson. North St.
Smith• Findlay M........
A. R. Mcikonald
M ith, George............
I. F. Hatch
Smith, W'illiwu A ........
Thos. Aum•hrok, Church St.
Snell, Byron .............
Mrs. Siraigh• Fart St.
-Snell, Jas. A ........:.....11.
l'! F'ildiNgrr
Snowdon. Then. 3. .......John
Halstead. St. David's St. '
9penceley, Jas. A. ........
IF. P. i'aulin. Bruce Mt.
Steadman. Thos. A......
John WAllia, Fast Ht.
E. Rarrlwt
Mutcliffe. J. Fletcher......
Lakrvirw•, Elgin Ave.
Switnn, F'ranvis ...........C.
Washington, East St.
Sparling. l:eorge .........
F. Tabb. Cambridge St.
Taylor•deWill. H ..... ..
Rilalau, Alexander
... HC. Filsinger
Thouonm, Anson J .........
Miles Andrews
R. Huggarth. Cnulhridge At.
Thotuioson, George H....
H. 01111111111111. N41wgnte St.
Thorulwon, Robert .......
R. Sharman, tit. David's St.
Thrnusnn. Albert E. M. Get-. Thomson, North mt.
Tiffin. Allier! C...........
H. K. Sallowo, Chorch At.
Toll, S. L .. ...........St.
iAw•renre, Montreal St.
Tyler, Henry D ....... ......
St. Lawrence. Montreal St..
Uren, Herbert J..........
Mis. (deo. Morris. Cambria ltbmd.
Vance, Will. H ....... ....
W. Flitzley, Glotic'ester Terrace.
Vemle, John ... ....
Rev. B. Nott, Newgate St.
Vollick, Chi.. W.....
... Park House.
Walden. William A ......
T. W. Nicholson, Albert St.
Wallwin, 1. Barket........
Mm S. Cox
Warner, Robert I.........
Par-ionage, North St.
Wells, Charles 11 .........
John Prang, Victoria St.
Whitehall. Arthur 8.....J.
H. W-ormell
Wickett, Lewitt W........
was Able to hake tip once again his old
Willens, Harold.........
duties on his large tarn, And to per-
Williams, William .......
form them with comparative case and
Willinrott, Vi'm...... r...
comfort. Thou improvement was iti•r•
Willson: Jasper...........
W. R. Robertson, Newgate St.
WilsonMartin J ..
.Mrs. Grummett, Angleaen Mt.
Willson. Rufus L..,.. ,,,.Mea.
J. Wilson, Elgin Ave.
Wren, David..............J.
L. Aitken, Huron Road.
Yrlland, John G..........
Following in a list of the laymen who have been reported as
elected to the conference:
Tal111181,AY, Alay 30, 1907 5
MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 8:00 a. m., leave Deeait for Godelia.
TUESDAY, JU L'ti. 8:30 a. m., leave Godes" fill Distal.
THURSDAY, JL . oth,1:00 p. m., law Detroit for Godsdck.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m, leave Godench kis Dowaiu
Spe,ial Trac haves Stradurd, .lune 18th, 6:40 a. m., Wing6a 6.-40 s.a..
displsr•i . . Way Stetwm to Goderich.
ti.wappose, a .preset loon ,.JI 6— Calms, m .sent d aeelr Ttewdq
e.�,y hr Ckeea• sed seer +.1- s. w W aj,eo .ad 91a1f�.
Goderish Band Moonlight Eacureiao, 8 P. m.. June 17th. 28 chop,
London District.
J. H. Chapman
Frank Parker
J. E. Boomer
J. Hawkins
F. McCann
Geo. Lew•im
Ueo. MCBrom
(leu. Wooml
C. J. Beale
E. Nicholson
W, H. Wortmah
Thomas Lane
A. McDertuaid
Thoruam Patitt
James Crockett
Geo. Jackson
Andrew Venning
A. M. Hunt
R. M. Piper
J. H. Vanstone
Albert Jones
Alex. Burneati
John Kaiser
W. Wyatt
F. S. Hunt
J. H. Madden
Anson Kilburn
J. B. Little
E. Gast
James Arthur
Peter Elson, M. 11.
H. Pocock
W. Kesile
W. D. Yeo
0. F. Brittenden
W. C. Myers
A. Kernohan
Robert Green
W. 1.. Keyes
Tal111181,AY, Alay 30, 1907 5
MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 8:00 a. m., leave Deeait for Godelia.
TUESDAY, JU L'ti. 8:30 a. m., leave Godes" fill Distal.
THURSDAY, JL . oth,1:00 p. m., law Detroit for Godsdck.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m, leave Godench kis Dowaiu
Spe,ial Trac haves Stradurd, .lune 18th, 6:40 a. m., Wing6a 6.-40 s.a..
displsr•i . . Way Stetwm to Goderich.
ti.wappose, a .preset loon ,.JI 6— Calms, m .sent d aeelr Ttewdq
e.�,y hr Ckeea• sed seer +.1- s. w W aj,eo .ad 91a1f�.
Goderish Band Moonlight Eacureiao, 8 P. m.. June 17th. 28 chop,
Stratford District.
John Waird
E. L. Robinson
Geo. Spence
Denzel Pricey
W. W. Saddler
T. B. Brown
Ur. W'. M. Bruce
Hugh Kennedy-
H. It. Oreenwaxl
M. It. Rothwell
{ •
u r I St
Nu others repoorted.
Wingham District.
U. `. I`tcinK
«rill. Willi-;
.I,n. Illus
.Antes Tatylot
„ In,w. otl and a chance to travel
No Iothers reported.
i" offered to tbose whospeud the
Goderich District.
(:. Acheson
W. Jackman
R. W. McKenzie
.i. Mallough
J. H. Millian
.I. Uuatow
It. Ilolmes
ino. Young
Jan. McMath
J. J. WamhinRlon
A. Hooper
W. HAckwell
las. Beattie
F. McVlttic
B. H. Union, M. 11.
Thaw. dotter
It. Y. Cox
J. W'ilfod
W. 1.. Keyes
Exeter District.
No official returnm.
Str'athroy District
No official returns+.
Sarnia Dimict.
A. Xiiniemtn
Ernest lien l}'
No others reported.
The Grand Trunk Railway S •-
Sys -
Windsor DistricL
H. Brown
Everitt Sinipmon
Thrid. Liddle
J. W. Kennelly
you of the aborts
No others repeirt•d.
- - -- -
Chatham District.
.1. NV. liomphrey
A. L. Webster
I. E ,I ...lreon
Wm. Wart
tinued until 1 had used ab out $15
Town Agent.
No others reported.
UI ti• houM-A:w am. to 9 p.
Ridgetown District.
\'. NV. Mitton
1, If. Mef.rntl
1. W. It.tycraft
It. C. Twists
Henry Erskine
J. E. Hurst
George Braddon
J. W. Waterworth
Norris Malloy
G. E. Cornell
D. W. Newcoinh
A. Tobias
F. Fitunher
W. T. Street
E. Jtilla
\V. U. McKellar
. s[coao-c LAss aOUND•TAI•
St. Tballoae Distract.
F. H. Henson
0. L Westover
A. R. Mcikonald
Thom. Ford
I. F. Hatch
G. Evans
S, Chant.
U. A. Cattanach
\V. H. May
T. H. Wood
Dr. Bartlett
J. L Brown
F. i pamon
John Colter
T. HAnrluond
P. W. Miller
T. Addison
Will. Morrie
H. i rallherty
W. W. Page
E. Rarrlwt
W. ohnston
A.Jackson J.
H. Huntley
W. W. Brown
Tal111181,AY, Alay 30, 1907 5
MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 8:00 a. m., leave Deeait for Godelia.
TUESDAY, JU L'ti. 8:30 a. m., leave Godes" fill Distal.
THURSDAY, JL . oth,1:00 p. m., law Detroit for Godsdck.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m, leave Godench kis Dowaiu
Spe,ial Trac haves Stradurd, .lune 18th, 6:40 a. m., Wing6a 6.-40 s.a..
displsr•i . . Way Stetwm to Goderich.
ti.wappose, a .preset loon ,.JI 6— Calms, m .sent d aeelr Ttewdq
e.�,y hr Ckeea• sed seer +.1- s. w W aj,eo .ad 91a1f�.
Goderish Band Moonlight Eacureiao, 8 P. m.. June 17th. 28 chop,
it you made mistakes yesterday, for-
[ s t
Remarkable Experience of Well-known
get them. No strength wool ever built
Forest Citizen Vouched for by
Baptist Munster and Local Druggist.
lea, ForestFive I'm -1
{ •
u r I St
Forest. May :had, lYltI.- The follow-
ing facto;, vouched for by Rev. C. E.
Burrell, Baptist ministei, and Ralph
X. Scott, the well-known localdrug-
gist, is unconLrovertible evidence that
even when physiciansbnvr abandoned
„ In,w. otl and a chance to travel
hope there is still a way whereby the
i" offered to tbose whospeud the
grave clay be cheated ofitd prey.
urost part of the year on the
(arta. .,r in small settlements.a1-ofthe
John A. Gall,raith is a well-to-do
No State m• hem more
farwer, living m I'lynaphm to%wushilOe
111,140611,five lusted titian Forest. Hers
intere.-ting redortd (haul Ontario.
five feet nine inches in height, and
about Io, 1)- jx years of age. lie en-
joyed good healNa until eariy in lUtR1,
when he had #4 severe attack of pleuro-
puruwouim, which apparently broke
up his whole rysteru. In speaking of
the case Lo The Forest Free Preva, he
said :
"1 did not seem able to gain any
strength after the attack of pneu-
militia_ One doctor said that tuber-
calosis had developed, that 1 would
not recover. and advised nue to settle
nil my affairs all quickly as possible.
'Thin wits the condition 1 wa h in when
The Grand Trunk Railway S •-
Sys -
,toy pAstor. ]rev. C. E. Bozell. of the
arm and connections can give
Baptist church, advisee` rate, to try
you a coconn
journey (o
le jos
1 nychine, and procured for me a Lrial
you of the aborts
bottle. This was in May, 19110, and at
- - -- -
that tuna• 1 wan reduced in weight to
For tickets and full information call ora
120 pounds. The Pdychine neer nd to
do good from the start, and 1 con-
tinued until 1 had used ab out $15
Town Agent.
worth front ScoLt'sdrttg store, Forest.
UI ti• houM-A:w am. to 9 p.
1 gained in weight at the rate of half a
pound it dist until I went up to 150Depot
Ticket Agent.
potiods, stea lily regaining my weight
J• U. %tcI)onald. In+trict Pre.. Anent.
end feeling better. I actually had to
have my clothes enlarged, not
through tiny corpulency, but owing to
it putting ora of goxi solid flesh all
---- -
have 1 •have leeward any work and
have gone through this revere and
sickly winter with nothing worse than
an attack of grip, which my myate'u,
. s[coao-c LAss aOUND•TAI•
was able tar throw off without tiny
Xpiloting r•eiulte.
"I give this statement for the par
pose of showing how I'sychine ban
prhably solved my life, and in the
that others may be. likewise
toenefiled by its time.
DATES Ereureann.leave T—ostn Tuesda yer
."Mr.J.A.Galbraith isaprominent
June 4, lei July 2,ts,00{Alfons
member of my church, trusted by his
+a, 21-1 seppt. t an. ZU r,cketr
Good to return within sixty day from Zaino
neighbors and very highly respected
Lhroughout the entire community.
His cahad aUracted very consider•-
RATES Are the"some from all r,dnl. in Ontann
tr„m tate ro
able attention, His was a pitiable
r.nains n.und-trip if
W,ngxt ", S4.1r -Al %ml -trip to Ed
Cade indeed i in the brittle of life and
menton. Twu o
l,rIu all p,nta .n th•Nertb-resat
with the brightest. o proepectpo to Ire
TOURIST SLEEPERS'A hm.t«l nnmb•r M
sudden) stricken down in the midat of
1 „uoat '3peepins Can
sell no role a red
It NII. Visiting him after Itis phyRi-
errur"i"n, full, ,•rlmppe.l "'th tpo.ddma*ate.
pians had pronmmced his come hope-
•ns.rl porter ,n rharre liertea mu.t be • esur•II
hese (and, indeed, set the date tit
end pm.l rear thr"ua1, 1-1 1 a.ent at hese, ua days
leder err ureon lean ee.
which he would likely passaway), and
olse.rving pretty closely his condition,
Intor cher.. ■.
COLONIST SLEEPERS ext r a chane tea.
it occurred to me that Psychine,
harrbe. pa.wo.en
which i hiul umeJ in my own family
s'ppi, n` their own bedding, .0 be aawt u far
with wonderful results, might benefit
ae p"e"able m Alar• tit "rdinary .—hose
him. 1 strongly` recommended it to
Rates and full Information contern•d In fres
hint, and he he nn Itm one. TIII• le-
Homeeeekers' pamphlet Ask nea►eat O.►,R
aZ•nt for a co: V. or write to
stilt wan truly wonderful. Almon;
he Iwgan to improve turd
4 a FOliER, DltUlet Pass.fist, ftNL Tom*immediately
soon was able to toe out again. He al-
parently regained his old health and
was Able to hake tip once again his old
duties on his large tarn, And to per-
form them with comparative case and
comfort. Thou improvement was iti•r•
insolent.- and hr im tntlay apparently
just, -aa well ss ever. ile given all the
credit for his recovery, under Goal, to
'•l•. F. BURRRLL,
"BaptiRt Pa-stor."
'ei have. read the sLat41rnentm made
by Mr. J. A. Galbraith and Rey. C.
K Harrell regarding the results of fill-
timeof PRychine. 1 know tooth gentle-
men personally and can heartily en-
dorse All that they have %aid. Mr'
Toronto Muskoka
Ualbraith obtained him Aupply of
PRychine at m%y drug store, sayingAMO
from time to time that it haud doin.
parry Sound
him gad. i took an interest. in him
clue, and notal a ateuly improve-
Sent. AIUog�thI'myccr i hinmorisld hhi
g16.iN1 worth. reavsainbogtAl j1
in effect May 5th to June 14th, 1907.
Mg ren here, and mo far atm 1 know in (
nlwayartimed with beneficl remult4.
Toronto . ...... m:t3 lLon.... CA, p.m.
"RALP11 F Se•orrr.
Parrr Sound .......Jdrapm. .....,
"Forest, May May lot, Iitire."
finer rumocsn
A Hint About Bilk.
When milk is slinlmy. its body may be
reutrosed In large mcasune by Rponging
with water 1n which an old kid glove
has been broiled.
faded millets should be sponged with
warm wfttrr and snap, taking care not
to Apply the Witter too hot. then rub
with • clean• dry- cloth. Iron on a flat]
board len the inside, thin paper being
spread over -to prevent glazing.
Parrr Snund........11de1 s.r11....... L'eS6 1'. in.
orent. . 1.....1121a p.111....... ...10135 paw
ihilly execpit snlxlay.
Information, ti, -krt... etc., City Ticket Office,nor. KIall�[ sold Toronto tltx., Maln SIT%. Toronto,
iand all Agent.. ^
y _ t:eR•iFi:LCie v,
Let Yesterday Alone.
it you made mistakes yesterday, for-
get them. No strength wool ever built
upon continued r•egmt. Today is the re
salt of y str-dny', lout It is more lid.
portant to ret-ternber that tomorrow 1s
the reanit of today. The result of the
Before deci,ling w•Lrre to locate
orbons of today we ran determine, but
In the West, let us tell }oro .l—it
0o amount of dwelling npeln yester•
these lands. The twat v heat `.tills
day's regret will reshape today.
-the richest Snooping laud -are in
If we fell yesterday, there Is nothing
this Province.
to do but to pick ourselvrA up, shake
Write no for full informati�,rl
oQ the dust and start afnuh. ILIsR
above yesterday. it la hard work to
about crops, climate sisal special
hold up the head and It" down a black
railroad rates, etc.
yaltterdty, but the blacker thfe ypatrr !
Local representative wanted iu
say On creator the need of tiring
each county.
above It, the higher the Mead Scut let+
hold. I
Telfer let Osgood
Ymd day.bu passed. Stet It fr'at In !
peace. lren't kMP dragging it not nn
�ttttttl Se11101 Altttl
partde. Do not wast" patio.rgy on what
aiene9'taa uudeep. Let yoabmrds y s lone. 20 OO R I ST I N E BUILDING
The in the mom too light- '
hesolfid Isla he has high notion%. I