HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-30, Page 2t
rj THuUDAY, May 30, 1907
tho A4 milia
Telephone call No, 3a
;Torn* of sabetcriytion :
JLOO per annum in aevana•. -
Ix months, Site; three iuouthm, W.
To United Seats..ub,-ribcm. sl. ll a year
(strictly be advance:
4ud" 61,, -rt- who fail W races,v Tor SIGNAL
regularly by mall 'ill safer a favor by ac•
4caiutiug us of the tact at as early a date as
ee•heu a change of address b dashed, broth the
Did and the Crow addre,w mhuuld be given.
Advertising Rates:
ed that lit,(lerich clrime ails fills q(,
"the piettiewt land healthiest town in
A fall of all inches of snow of Mon•
day beat in reported front Michlgau.
Being in the Iranaua telt, Utederieh
had only s little flurry.
It is to Ire hoped that the Depart-
meitt of iSelucatiou will ❑tit be int
ntent upon securitig che+eper scliut,l
ttxyka that there wall be a suerldee of
The Hon. George P. (,rahaw cull -
tint -s lite advocacy of free nwhtol
Ixx)kb as an article of Literal policy.
to the uw,(ls of country life in thin
apopect. 'Trunk lines Meust Ile, couuuon
profert,o% 'rhe people in the Country
wfloat. tient. utore• than others uwaub
Money oust not Iw Erevind"ot froul
the time of this wtxern invention.
A's"' give- due credit to lho"e who ill
spite of I iAtrnitie" alar ptishitig bx•al
lilies 111 \ at'n IU+d1I'rl,'I lull+. 'rile)• is ",'It
The aided, out hindered, In this work.
Plant Trees.
thiel"-' TcloRrsph.
How Intel l,V d our forcers would
also largely Judd to the appearance. and
\'clue tit their properties toy pianliug
utore trees 4411 thrill. 'There is$Nothing
more unsightly, dreary and dernwm.-
Ing than Isere farmhouses anti build.
ings. (;rowing teem ulout till. Yan1,
e doubt very touch 1f the Liberal the lawn or ,u rows the Germ front,
1 al and other .Waller wiverliwaentr, Her with A few acnLlel•ed groves over the
per I tie tot al%t au.eetlun +Mad 4c per line for pArtY of Ontario IN preixtr•d to IeU• land as bhrltrt for bhp #•,tUlr, during
wok sutm.e,itx•nt twillelve on.
Mea-used by • doree his stand on this question, the upprwmsing Nuuuuer heals, not
paeetl scale• twelve lime to sn inch. onl • 1'elieve til" desert•like nakedness
HuNlnos. crap. of .lx lines Siad under, ails per )
year. Sir Wilfred Laurier is still over in of Ute Luidscats•. tent reran a very
AdverU.a•nu•at+nf Lnwl, Foaweu. Hwi Nil- 1$uru x,. much higher price when lite owner
artlon. ysrxnl, 41n4xtion. w'nutrd. HuuHv.tu+ I It liUdek'It•h joesrple Iwaagtllr
Salo or to Item. Fane, for We ar to Itept, they see hill. walking around the conleu Ill veld. And when the city
Art lrlem, for s,ele, etc., not exc4,edi w eight res-itlent seeks it blast to am Mlner' ilk
Iron., tan each bu.ert ion ; it for nmt lit pot h, A* vtt'erts of our town this week, they are with bus f;unily, his pt•eferI'VICC is ILI-
for each soteoqurnt mouth. Larger advertlae- t
Inent.. in prpp„rtiat. ukistaken. That i" Rev. James uuonl inv,ublblY given to tilt- co Liv• nage
11- per line. o u..rl. ary]I-- readingtypetea in stone, a prominent u)1vnber of the eondxlwerp-I in foliage, even at the
Oen4 perline. Nona ire bleo than x%,. yg P expense of a much higher rental.
Any .p,(roiwl notice the obin•t ( '1 9 I 1
Goer Theilgs Easily Made to Eat and
Hero L a good recipe for fruit puuell,
the quaatlty being for twelve persons
You can multiply it, using a lemon for
each person: Juice of twelve lemons
and six oranges, one plat unfermented
grape Juice, three bananas sliced, one
pint can of pineapple or fresh plus -
apple cut in dlce, one quart bottle of
maraschino cherries. Sweeten and thin
with water to taste. Serve In p®eb
bowl with solid block of tee to center.
Love Cake --Mex two and a halt
level teaspoonfuls of baking powder
o w u, , s the
Pao ulliwaqry beuefil of any io"o
divid mal or smc1-
At ion. to b- consideraml nn aA%erlisenlenl and
rtht,(hst l oufer•ence.
_ -- ------ -
$plCalltlen N Western Linda.
W be charged amoidingly
Rate" for display and onstiorL
A sultscriber suggests that everyone
Uanadlau ('uurier. 1
� sift cream one and a half cupfuls
tylenl« will be given oil applloatlon.
who has been hit by the increased
It looks Its if s eeulstiun ill vestern
I of
powdered sugar, then add half a
postage rates on papers anti magazines
front lbs United States write• to the
hued" is likely tie become bras pi,pulal
this year. Fill' five years it has been
lunar, profitable. ILIA the Fn-n-tst have)
Ca ful Of sweet milk and the dour;
fold In the sUlsy beaten whites of two
eggs the last thing
Tax Slox.l.
Postmaster -General, Ottawa, ,teed p14,
in m:uly ('N1aNN g/111P liea'ullll
and add one tea -
Leal against file ileal. regulations. If
all reason.
latud in Edntc,uttill is soiling higher)
s[tootlful of vanilla and heli a tea-
spoonful of violet extract; bake in
car•ieml outthis plan uei9ht have a
than in Tomnlo. 1'hv forwet• has 1l,•
(NN) inhabitants; the Lister :,,1),1100, A
Loa[ there foartha of an hoar; when
f — ---
g:SN) effect. We recuumt•u'1 it lis Our
leressiou is tine. The fstuks will ar-
COW cover with white Icing Savored
We believe that public opinion will
In lend
rest file proglem by r•fnsilly� Na
ally lucre• nuinev. and tilt. \Vent as
with valet With a cord crease around
the sides of the cake to represent the
There is a tendency today, in solar
atlp{klrt tale town co1111Cd 111 Carrying
never ss shOrt tit capital, in comp i i.
stn to its bleed", as It Ist„Ilav, 1,11h•ss
]gals of music and add small red candy
hearts to represent the notes, or these
quarters, to decry the pulpit and the
out it wt11-phoned m•heme for the ll.-
all signs -tail, Wearers' lauds will. -he
Cheaper in
can be cut from candied cherries. ji,
Clergy. to assert that their • has
organization of the Ilse dep artueenl.
nearly cabtw two yeite•s
frons todav than at the
I row On top of tiny Icing rosettes are
PAN". their strength decayeml
fire -fighting
pressed throughTilt- • tate, and several
: yet.
where the ministers of ails Gospel are
most important of our uluniciiui
Arent. young ruall went up to it
i s
crystallized violets are benched in the
CP°set of top,
divinely called Ur their work, it wil
institutions, lend for wnue years It has
not h.ad the attention it should have
Western town rerently and mP
"'lying turd st•Iliug bots, dealing Only
with erystalltaed mint
Ieaves radiating from these. A row
be noticed that there is no les%euin R,
with teal r"gale AgellrN. lie wandertml
of hearts completes the cake.
rather an increasing, of'thrir power,
baekwa id and forw,trl aniong thein,
(rullers.TThe essential difference be -
which is, however, exercised in a
If +lily of these day�you ,.•,•:t hr-
selling A pot here•, lo"Vin one there.
Like the v e.'hr ala:(eX tit saner•
R' p" g
,ween a cruller and a do tit liar in
the absence '
manner eomeavhat different from that
wildertsi eatlenllan, of clerical cu
13 4
thing In ••toot." 'In .a few weeks he
o[ all shortening-
ff - the
dough lvwembllng a sponge cake mix.
of former days:
in the neighhorhuosl of the
eleanell up ten ,thouwusd dollars and
tare -and the cutting or shaping with
There was x time in the infancy of
~lu+ere And making no he:ulw,ty, take
headed back In the t•;ash Hr played
the knife oniv. (food,
our civilization when the church
him kindlin hand
y and direct him
with the fire, hest illatinged to ger
rick• sweet
withstood the power of the throne in
whitherwoever he would go. He will
away before he was burned.
'Not that the Wt -.,t will atop its
matters temporal. As civilization
Ire A stranger attending the Methodlnt
progress, of cumene -duly speculation I
mand their respect, and in addition
_ -
fond glTen.l
We continue for thea week our special two days' sacrifice seihag on ,pet
lines. Here are a few of the samples -two days' prices. a
Tweed Dress Goods
N 1 yrrd. English Wilton ,'el.
vet Carpet in
The Community Should
The Benefit.
12 to 44 inches wide. in'light
and dark colorings and
oolor•s, brown,,
9rerers, of exquisite new
You Cink 1 feel more happy tlani be f
effertr. 4(NI
yardsn ustyle, regular Vile.
54k, and flak, at per yard 25e
ells very hrlavy pllr, \vw%rttwrns
I ranted . regular price N1
comlLoas. But even in quiteruexl•
ern tiMles the clergy of the latah-
lie n.any it, condone tile section Ile-
111.1N1, ILL For yard ....... $1.20
If you die will your family
b� provided for? No thought
mo yards •3H to;il6inCh Flannel-
1 33 pairs Nottingham Lace Cur-
Wins, Sf filcher
fol man can let that question
rah•" ill a gee rt t fin of roloMngs,
"a'il's"' Teta rt our til•
will.., 31 yanis 10119,
I ill bcroll and floral Hearns, I',.9
minds and runacipncra the xuthorjt •
rrguLu• No•, al per yard... .
p .. ... C
ulrr =1.541, at per pan• $1.00
remain unanswered. You
Dress Muslins
........ ....... I.......
owe them the protection that
TAN) pieces of English I)reea
I IY dozen men's real M'rrnct
life assurance gives.
in organdies, Persian
lawna, dilnityw, ell'•, alar in plain
colors And whim #tied black. lrtrgt
Balbriggan Underwear. sizer ;ll t„
1 44. shirts and drawers IlUely
finished, 50C
The new Reserve Dividend
and hanm
dsoent showing we have
at per gitl'tlenL
aver ivade. Valenciennes lace" in
Policies of the
hundreds of tlretty {mtlernx suit.
ublefortrirumiuga. Muslinaranging
NO) yards, 2, a ais 4' An1N \vide
in 12 PAtterns, reguldl- 4y5a:
w ,t' de .nu -hive an de ,sadder oilskin' ring
an,un' hee�. head.
from, loll. )ald lis
........... 9C 40C
I Alk. at per square yet
, even
diminished. They have tmly to adapt
No wonder 3l'sieu Itobin wide low.
:k5c, lac and...... .......
Insurance Company,
London, Canada,
furnish Endowments at Liffe
Rates. The guaranteed Cash
Surrender Values and Paid-
up Values are ezce tionall
p y
liberal, in keeping with the
other terms of the p OII(:Ieti.
effect r great saving to those re- lain the fullest and most complete in-
quiring glsswrs or uptical help, formation of the events transpiring
in ell parts of Lisp world. Phrticul:ir
afxei.l Offs. attention will pie given to cable amt
The`Weekly \fail and Empire and Provincial news.
The 4ignal mailed to any address, The ItgriF•ulturwl section will he 1•,•.
V1"tage paid, in Canada or Great plrte with information for the geu-
ritain until January let, 19M, for Aral advaneemeot of aggricultural
#"'Beth publielltious for seven months, IKiNI1Cr, t)Oeminvitt i to tilts s rtlilit
will Ie mere emint•nt in till■ inlplurt+net
`I'p let1i� mentioned, 'gat regular indent -
riatos, would cost $1.15. By accept. The magazine Section will else) Is.
ing thin offer new subscribers save mine of information upon subject,
13 rent". I which :tee at pre -taut attracting pul,1w
The Weekly Mail and F:ulpire due- attention. Many of the articles will
Ing the summer months will unque+s• : tome brightened by illustrations.
it "suably Ise one of the ttreateat weekly I Altogether the twenty-four luagr.
ps'blicationoentering Canadian homes. wt♦ch comprise The AV"Isly Mat] and
All the new•m published in it ill care. ; Hillpin' Are A library ill thernsel\•ea,
fully w4ected W meet the varied the regular price for which is one dol.
tastes of the readers lar a ear
advanced• this power pleased graduall3 L Inference who hits lost himself in will Ie hampered. genuine expan- 1�I'► �y •-^ Write to Usabout these new The general never section will req• I Mend osier Go pMee of The Signal.
the nulzes of tile'•s Eder -well.•• aton and development will prireed its
Into the hands of the nobility and P crone I TI h' 1
and letter, by slow degrees,
Somebody lure down the United
l . le Ig 1 plaices of hahty
"fill pl • u•an that the future in being
Important Costumes,
scholarship were quite the equa ,
fond glTen.l
The very purpose or s protective
As the people 1weame more Con-heavi�a
States Com)1ll's Hag at witinlpeg Elle
tariff is to fulce people to buy frtnn
the home manufacturer. it is Always
to select for the graduation exercises
of ruled t° Ie rust more than etioa/gh
to enable biro to till tusinrmS, No that,
W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent.
lightened, into the h:uids of the
ol.hsatrrdxy, end we suppose Ihrre will
The Community Should
The Benefit.
coarse the last week in June. white,
matters of life and conduct, and even
You Cink 1 feel more happy tlani be f
ubje r the rut IN. dues not go to the
�overmnentat ill , but fn the NMbn;idiz-
------ ---- ----
comlLoas. But even in quiteruexl•
ern tiMles the clergy of the latah-
lie n.any it, condone tile section Ile-
Montreal Witncw+,
There are thousands of tafople• milk-
Dr. Harvey's imprrtApt discoveries
liaheyd Church in En hand exercised
of equals Ixori+h conduct
towanla the British H,tg in
Ing great f4(rtun(m by apxanlating in
minds and runacipncra the xuthorjt •
Elle mrirnre tit optics ,end bhp col-
4wris roonec•ted with e-nablp hien
magisterirl power In man of their=-
the States.
the increme in tale value of laud
to get what is most becoming one;
But if the rlrrgy no longer exercise
- -
fifth, :s tenth. oz's ter ' •t h, ACrotcd•
parishes. The loss of temporal power
was, however•, A gain try the clergy.
As it decreased their attention was
,given more to spiritual things, and
their Authority in that realty was for
a Icing time unchallenged, in edued•
tion and intellectual training the nine-
ister was long the superior of all. or at
least of the vast 1114jority of hi+ con.
gregation, And coujintuded, fly hi,
greater knowledge and higher Quin•
lair, the respect and reverence of his
poria m. Au education lecaute
more and m—,widespread. and illit-
eracy almost disc red, it cattle to
he that in every posit. Pre were
CanladlanS should be above Such exhi-
hitions of Inti manners. Leet the
Yankees have a monopoly of that wort
of thing.
The Calgary News (D. 'Mcoilli-
caddy's paper) says about the recent
postal changes :
"'There t" certainly room fur con-
,(iderable "'Wifleation in the new
regulations, and when Hon. Rodolphe
I,enaie•s'x, the Poatuaster-General, can
•eke a day off to think the tilatter
out, it is Gy lie hoped he %will give it
the attention which it deserves. To
remedy x wnongful act is Always an
evidence of good senor and ripe jodg•
nest." �--- ----
which acorueh from the growth of the
community, quite apart film xnv-
ill' t19 they lheulsel•ee dor W earn the
money. They have won from the.,
community what the comunulity as is
whole confertod and what the Coln-
inunity as it whole has as right to,
and they very fngiiently refuse
to sell their property for such
usesas it might lie put to, re-
ferring to have it go on edting
wine that it d,oex not earn. A tax on
land would turre'111es• teople hr let
their land goo forthwith into its Lest
title, and so world tend not to re-
stron but grealiv, to accelerate
the pivgress of the community.
The whole of the nnrrley so assesm•d
would Ice into the public treasury
which is very far indeed fon► wh>.t
can be said in the caste of a cus-
nova CA>Q
cream IS used, taking one tablespoon -
fill to each well beaten egg; also one
trblexpoonful lot) granulated sugar to
an egg, adding a small halt teaspoon-
ful of soda (dissolved), a IltUe grated
nutmeg and salt Mix very tender with
dour; roll thin as cookies, cutting off I
small oblong pieces and then cutting I
each piece part way with knife Into I)
two or three Slashes. Fry very care.
fully to keep the color of a lady Hager.
What Material • to Select For These
men who in point of Lrsfut and
Califf, especially a protective one.
Important Costumes,
scholarship were quite the equa ,
fond glTen.l
The very purpose or s protective
What materials and styles of gown,
sometiruex the superior, o/ the min•
Iii +olc ins ole blind uotter for fifty dollar
tariff is to fulce people to buy frtnn
the home manufacturer. it is Always
to select for the graduation exercises
inter, and as men began to prix ted
more on the judgment of their own
(lr win do prix on lottede,
of ruled t° Ie rust more than etioa/gh
to enable biro to till tusinrmS, No that,
problems that are already perplex
Ing high school girls who finish their 91
minds the ,authority of the clergy in
if Duce Rood tF(en'- n' Ice ma one.' house
on 4t-_ Eustache.
in: ms far as the tariff succeeds in its
coarse the last week in June. white,
matters of life and conduct, and even
You Cink 1 feel more happy tlani be f
ubje r the rut IN. dues not go to the
�overmnentat ill , but fn the NMbn;idiz-
naturally is the popular color that all
are a Reed upon, but as to the kind of
in mattet-4 1)( theology, because lees,
No• air, An' 1 call tole you, if you newer
Lng of production on which that much
materials to choose and the models tc
and if the preacher's vvorla do not
money i" being lost. Thu*, while in
use for the frocks there are no such
now commend themselves to Men's
%% y tie kettle on de „love mak'-tech a fns,
1,60 -rale of the 1'►nd tax the govern-
definite rules to follow, and escb file
minds and runacipncra the xuthorjt •
e% y do robin stop heem siugin'an' cmne peekin-
meat 9 the whole of what the
L left to satisfy her own deafest. and
of the preacher is nothing.
17+xo d"door
For learn about de nice r'ing's come to I
loev)ple Lree, a Cnse of pl.rteetiofi
the government only it half, x
to get what is most becoming one;
But if the rlrrgy no longer exercise
fifth, :s tenth. oz's ter ' •t h, ACrotcd•
within the limits of her spendingimou
politicnl power, if they no loo ter
e'en he "ex do baby lyfn' dere neon ole bell
I.nklcetle son of 31:u'y on de ole lain Ionic
ing as the protection is s •em"ful.
tower head and ehoolders iutellec•tu
rent IN lost.
ally above their hearers, their slower
is not npreasxr i13' departed nor
w ,t' de .nu -hive an de ,sadder oilskin' ring
an,un' hee�. head.
Changing Brards of Tobacco.
, even
diminished. They have tmly to adapt
No wonder 3l'sieu Itobin wide low.
"In tobacco used for pipes It Is quite
themselves to altered renditions. and
A n' we rani help fuclin' I(lad loo, so we cell
a Usual thing for Smoke» to change
thplr brand every two
they will And that they err molar than
da,nc :
An' hr, nesse ci y, pat Anby, wen he';
years or So,"
said a dealer In such thio
things. "though,
ever nerded fn the world, and that the
,en toy de prie.%
on the other hand, there are Some meet
scope of their influence i+ wide and
Ali de name I bet you dollnr heli waken tip
who never change. This changing is in
-ane day,
many eases simply a habit, but one
The nllnlater of today most have
An' Se hada. kale lay IMteese.
which bas been amilred In a curious
education and training which will
et.-• H.Drurum
way. j
"tar men who make su es
hold the confidence of his people. up-
- _ - ---
Acrlare they have Simply got Dred
rightness of character which will (•cul•
the old brand, whereas, as a matter of
mand their respect, and in addition
fact, it Is often a case where the brand
must have a clearness of judgment
An Exception.
has deteriorated In quality. it used to
end depth of Sympathy which will
be A common thing for some manufac-
make him a leiuder And guide in the
4t. Thonlxit hits defpated a bonus um by-
Curers to put out a new brand of smok--
etA he life.
Law Thin will confound the Cynic
In tobacco so Rtytxl that It could not be
ge id
A geherwl in battle SGtndo out Side of
who ar.ya that to seisms a Irouun IN con•
tt.trystn the genius of out• institutions,
sold at a profit at the price asked. This
speedily boomed the brand to phenoin-
and Almove the Scene of strife, not
enal popularity,:
Sud Eben slowly, ell
• '£ e,
e' s.• ��? h,
alcxyf from hiS'vlen, not out of ttrticlt
Slowly that ft would not be uotlttml for
with them, lent where him view is fill,
a long tlme, the manufacturer would
obscured by the mutoke of loattle, nor
General :Manager 4tewart of the
Hover•rign Bank ha" Iesigned. Mr.
Proceed to get his money back by using
I '
his judgment warped by him seeing
Stewart will long IN. rxen,en,bet•ed Its
stock In the brand,
"Fortunes were made In this
n' e..
only a small Npetion of the• field. He
Stands where hp eau Overdo
the elan who iti I'lleb•d warmth And
coriinlity to the molar circle" in which
"°d nosy a inns who finally gave up
d r, ?.•,' r.
ik seal
rlirert all, where he can control the
high finance moven.
ills favorite brand never knew an y-
thing rxeept that he had grown tired
j •
reckless, cheer the dineourn9pd, mend
Another illusion ShatterA.
of It Many men who changed otter
o>sAnIIATTox coast.
help where it in aorely needed, and
Minneapolis Journal,
for this cause, however, now make It a
eye Rfnee soft, clinging materials are
earnest. warning where him risen tare fn
"A cork teg," maid tilt• dealer.
point to change regularly.."-Phlladel-
favorites this Season young girls will m
danger of being entrappeel. 4o the
"Why, man, It cork leg would crumble
Pbla Record.
And that In buying veils, tulle or net
minister of the Gospel roust inland
under yon Ifkp a leg of bread. You
for their dreasem they ore not only se- LU
spart fmmand Abwive the• din of battle,
don't. want is cork leg, but an elm or
willow one."
Why One Should Laugh.
A good laugb Is the beet medicine in
enrlltg sheer weaves that ore best Suit-
ell to their age", but
not aloof from him people in beast or
•'i thought till- twat once were cork
the world
are also gptting
those that are most worn now. -
In Sympathy, but where hes- enn see
-the lightest, you knew ?"
"No, indeed, A leg
If we laughed more we should all be
The style of a commencement gown
cleverly and direct wisely. He Insist lye
%vies never made
of cork Since tilt• world's beltinnin
happier and healthier.
Should be In keeping with the went"'*
In close connection with the Com-
a R•
But nosy mon think aS you o, and
are n boss and ti very prat•
t the of helydreSS and •
mander-in-chief, and mumt be in bar-
ill tell 3'4)11 how the falh►ay origRin-
Usti People, and most o[ tea probably
with her ego, all that the model Sits
, so that
mono with plena. He most be in
atpd. The inventor of the modern
more In thin life to bring the
each young woman.
a w
position where him view it
artillciAl -the 1
MR tyfS instead nt the
frown than the smile, teat at the same
According to the individual taste, a
g ,
obecured by the clonds of worldliness
etlek-was .lohn Cork. Cork's Iwggm,
cork legs, were fmino m around 1"1,1,
tine It is a Plty that we do not laugh
more --that we do not bring onraelves I long
frock may be exceedingly simple, wine
or thre"narter length "trues t
nor his judgment warped by Selfish or
And whenever a Hurn makes your
mintvake he
to The laugh, 1f nerd be.
high neck, or It may be quite dernra•
class considerations. Him it is to am
, Pis- an unconscious
tribute to Corks skill."
Physicians have said that no other five,
provided the trimmings are girl -
the danger clearly, to know fully and
fencing works an much good to the em ish
and are made of rlbbone, sheer Incl,
rely upon the truces At his command,
The Telephone in the Country,
tire human body as that of merriment pompons
or delicate Rowers, such as
to encourage his
R people, s, t0
Th.- Farntng w'orl,l,
As a digestive it in nnexepf)ed; am n
wild troves in light pink, lilies of the
f lf-11 a
ween end to Aid. Men of sorb etwntp
The h•L•nh„ill• ,+ mpw Inlly ada ted
means of expanding the Inn tbera ft. Tall
117 valley
or forltetmenota.
are needed today in the world anA A
work is thrice to
'° ''”' nary life. 1t dinrounts distance
and b, inp3s people m lee apart In dltrrt
nothing better.
it keep" the heart and faro young•
His D ,rt-.
perform which the
•n9ris might envy.
ronunurttrs(1'ni with eo•h I ther. The
it 1S the Isswt Of All toners to the
A patient 1n a hospital was ordered
doct,r, the h4lteI'A 1- t lila rnerehant, and
s heart of othrrm valwl", reached In x
orpirltS• by
it IS, ton, the rollout enjoyable of all Madeira.
the doctor a diet of chlelcen and old
When spiked bow he liked
is"''tiliunh•s ,lull the wants of the
t:Mmernlasie known. It adds to the
ne"Retttnns• that
— -
rpglmen, he repllPrl:
�leaanle of Iffe on the faun and is test
ro+figiat Photographs. wen
wottlA be all right it the rhlrken
the Inge of the wine
Thp minietece may think thin is a
a rural uwepnsity. it it, un-
fortunate for the development of the
A ptroEngraphe•r in Iortdarl U takfn R that
and the wine
Of the chicken.•' -Il Mondo
Firstly dull town—belt just wait till
telPphone tumiuen" in this cenmtry that
Portraits in a new way. He poem his Ridem.
they get away.
one company mhonld have Such w f#x,f-
hold all over the Band
je�ts aftuntt b9 the Are and repro-
dotes file (swat. wft off thin ream
The trwfldervl citizen on Monday become
,4, fn practically
a munopol3'. it, in "till worse, .of
a d»wing foean to antmmn hetero
ae&t tiful Star, Iw
"Yam SPI' the sGr of the eveotng, npwl
last didn't know whether It was the I"
And them, unlP m e•ottipelled by it,, the
so -la h r li>;fia axe RwitrW on. ktlas
Rrhm Mt." sss)
end of Isar winter (rt- the longing
beginning of nereSeitfes
linea, unwilling to nlept the
of the locality, either in of
The phoQ+RrRDM srrensify, hat a hill
snelething Illen $30 a down dear
"inAevdt Too ere t]►R first who has nr"i
scat. rates
or "ervir". Bnt. if not. they dismay
must be coin{{oe11141 to ren Me
not fDM
the wnmsvi with aduNtma ortgl_
me In',
"In that cans, a" the discoverer of a
Orr ministerial viSltorw are remind• Aside.
or Ntand aaHty
flier ipgiNlxhor" must wake up
arA has • lemLpQaa.ag anlst� now
Mar, i am enUflM to gates it my
ViII your sceapt life,
Post (intra
tipecial vahle in . fill]
cloth-ts,ond post carol
Albums• ranging in prw,•
as follow+ ;
25c. 3Sc, Soc. 65c -and qac.
% FFiw'
at $1 00, $1.25, $2.00 and j2.5o
.\,tC t" .,•,• nor ,[nr{� nt ,
ranging in price from 25c to $6.00 I
Geo. Porter
Telephone No too.
LCourt Rouve Square, Goderich.
14Y "NTYielmn Tile:
New Millinery
Another lot of flit.w-ow-
Iest fiats to Hand. NIany who
have not Of a new ll8t are In 4
luck, as we have the finest ,y
assortment of the latest we
have ever shown at the kind
of lirico you like to pay.
Sunshades '
Our stock is flow eotnPlpte. It must tai new, as we
did not carry any over. The styles an prices are I
fight, as we get them direct from the mer, in fact
matte to our order.
Silk Shirt Waists, starting at $1.25 I
Cambric and Muslin Waists, starting at 50C '
Bargains in Short Coats
Cqw )'nn "Ill Imo Ihmugh yonr roar c In Th
tt seely fall, whish .hen ee ternt lime to T`al'e i
cl em doyrneur. I•ll $711 for pmm,ILWn+ '
xy Ings j.7,, >Mn auA tF;n n month. #stir
mlllrae INw wnexecil(A rnedit le'w ' 11,0 nt Specials :+
-till nwx
neer; mom.IlMrnl+an• ,specials
rltlnR tss•Itlon+. IM•nr, ".nett.. " Filo A/
,le:for It by xttellding our Wilms. otloci-
ave. Willson? N'i itc (or cnlaloRt4e. a
W. J. ELLIOTT, Princip4kl,
('or. Yongcand AlesntiderSt.,
--- - - - Fancy
Linton Business College ;
4; :Afifli:de,l with winothamltt'.i Suits
i- Individual In,•tntetion. n, -
lite f., for fmr alalgrye.
z 61:0. SPOTTON, Principal. • I at
..:._ -$0450
r THE FIRST STEP i WE are "flowing three
Often means No nnlrb. It has lines 111 fancy wor-
Want sucreetato thouslndoe of sted "lllts it $13,50 that
young it,•nple who wrote- for our are great winners ; In fact J.
autlwiip elm the fllwt step Gr- ail O t
W:InI A good sahtri,rd pylti tion. y' n e contemplating .Jr 1j
Take the step today, Addr•eNS I buying a spring "blit owes tj
rntral Buailyp4m 0,11toge, :itl.i It LO himself to in.
�nge 4t., Toronto.
W. H. SHAW, Prbn. "Peet these offerings. aur
er�atb�ll�tbilf� You don't need to spend 11:.'0.00 to $25.00 to be
well di'eAsed• Anyone wearing ono of our $13.50 suits
CENTRAL is well dressed anal fit for any society. Don't fail to see
those fancy worPted suits It $13.:,0.
e.twl,ll.hed twenty years' ago ntM by KING AND BORSALINO HATS
horlugh work and honorable rlrnlio{e.
h Its palm.• has tw"»me one of the P,vr+t.w'1 ITat.t.%v
rgrrt anA mon w1drly known ('rtmowt
11o111w. 1n 1hr I'mt inrr. Thedrmnnd
n n„ tot enrnnwrrial twneleerr end efilee _
tuna Rrrwty nr"wl+ rhe supply la"e
t note. to m]atlloeas. "freers WALTER C P R I D Ii A M
rnt ertn rash wev�. 1'atwleg»e+, fen•.
rrinrlpal.. The ilight Plate to buy Clothing and Furnishings.