HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-23, Page 7ARM
News ftheDistrict- Without
The o ..
EAST WAWANOSH. I UUNUANNUN. + I DUNLOP. and dispatched either by the nursery A Strong Tonic Without Alcohol
MONDAY, May 811th. l / t A. NEWTON, DENTIST; LIJC; -I Toftsu.{Y, May'llet. tennis or by express, the scene wit -
Patrick Gibbons, who was accident- T. NQN'.--AthoweeverydayeueptThun cle7 Illus M. Qnxid it fu G(vderich visit- nessNl in thrpNa t ill hoinv is to liver, ,
dare. NewremenytureriractlsatoethR'.nano-7 ane, ar the wot•k in connpcl.iuq wit t A Body t3uilder Without Alcohol
ally iu))m d at harry Chamopy's Ifoorday,. etb` fru�(.ales xtrac end brtdgr nuns ing het• sister, Mch. V oumau' the handling of thtiusauda of trees,
ltArn•nlaitlK, hr, we are plessoxl to way, lens Ala anus plain mmrbre,akNbicl. Quite it number from here attended A Blood i'urifler Without Alcohol
again rblu to ►m around. N. U.- 1ou,•..,1 .ulnar nate aur •..•,k mu,•h ler tuurr,al of ter Ixte lefts. •i. C. Mar- Ishrubs xn<1 vines has to Ili, put through
A number of the texchrrw in this better done ba the dental otl{ue -ansa Ibl.r, its a very short space of tine. Just
Getter fxrtllue.. for duln.r the .vuh, uwnv cin.. lin, tit Gextet•irh, ti� '1'liwsduy of last naw the gglYwnhuiiheN prweeut & seen(- A Great Alterative Without Alcohol
district purpose attending the Assoei- furtxble for the Iwtteut. week. I of t opiCAl Imauly with the great num-
atiun nleetiog in Exeter on Tureday *T0'ticE. TILE LOCAL AGENCY 'Phis week our teacher will attend ber and the many varieties of flt,vers A Doctor's Medicine WitboutAicobol
and Wednesday of thin week. PI to uwi a....ul, for Tile Signal Ism thu fro+t- the teachers convention in Fxeter. in Notion, along with showy bedding
William Murton received the bad "slat book book and Stationery Stores noon, With Empires Daily cunninA this week I+ulty and hanging baskets, ready for I A er's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol
orders will be ro"1%et for mub-,•rlptlon•, Sol- Y P
news of the death of his roil, Dr. J. C. vorti.fnee and job work. alai teculpta wtB be- thete will Ise nu rrha,l after Tuesday. c elivety, and the pruprietotw invite
]Marna, eln Saturday last. Before rh•eo (or ariuuut, Va1d for the saute. _ 1 intending pttrchaaer•s lend the public
studying medicine, thin young man I A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ANDER• I to pay thein it visit at this seaw/u. aj W. publish Q„r ro..,.i..
taught school at St. lielene for Some A SONS LEEFlURN, W. s....a .lush.,
paint_.. wrnbht+sand .t•in.wm GI.9I)II1LI:N \\immi cs Atmt_ The hos sur�.uata•s
Move , Lot of hofs he had beret practl.- moa Sour waY in uwking thhyr, lack bright TUESDAY, 11ay 'Slat. w• ora. nor <o
in in the Wert, t cheerfue stout the house. feel It glow with Bemuiller woollen mill still holds a
8 Jacob Maser is home from too ft teputxtiuu ILI tee ers •�moioe.ar
rear hotn.ncicnufng and You will kt VleracdWen•Piai•Iletl
- _ with the result. Huron' faruring community for the excel-
Tu"DAY. May 216t.
Min. (;•.,rune Iaaliencleau npent Nun•
day in Winghanl,
Mrs. W. Thompson in visiting her
sister, Mk!. A. Clark.
Mrw. Jahn N ester, tit tit. Frank
is visiting her sister, Mow. Frank Ilrv-
N paper%, alfilnip,, bewderot. etc., at the Due'-
gannuu p,e-wm•.u, book. rtauouory. eau
niter Nod row•) rusts sere. Gall Nod •en
�li.r I(ysu'.•.twk anal gut prices.
lease Mountain made it Intaillegr
trip tel Toronti last week.
Mr. and Mr•le. Corwin nil• yihiting
friend. at Stratford at present.
The Farmers' Institut+ had it very
Kexxl 111 ting un Wednesday if hast
JAIII t�aklxtrr, es (-Wer of ten•
Ptwrhytertmen rhury bele, attended
the meeting of the Huron Prembytery
at Clintbn tin Tuenclay of Islet week.
le'uR THK BluTtmH �IABKP.'T.—Ulla
former Gownsman James Foley,m%•
fence of its luanufactulwu. The outfit
of manufactured goods nlalle herr
shown a steady increase ever yunr,
The proprir.Gn, Jens. (ilelhill, d/N`m
not make any pretence at nlauuf ac-
telling IUIy of the finer Rexxlr Aar the
retail tr•,a e, for the coni -se wool of our
native hhor dotes not adulit tit it, bel
for g/od, honest, pure -wool Romain tilt,,
Ayer's Pills ore liver pills. They act
directly on the liver, make more bile
secreted. This is why they are so valu-
able in constipation, biliousness, of
Pe sial sick -headache. Ask yourdoctor
if he knolls a better laxative pill.
� eJruaea.c.yreC Laws".Seass.—
_ _ - - _ ____ __--
Woo" pleated to barn that 1111sa
Gait. l;olllnsn, wife and child, t(
to( 1 Kingsbridge, passed through herr
un :1luucbay with a drove of xixt%••six
ebtabli%huueut bas Int enviable re lite•
lino. '191. !ie•nmiller bLankrlb nor
.Alalthn V�allace, who hag lie -en ver Y
Kiutlail, visited friends herr Suudia)'
c:attlr, which hu had wintered and
known Gtr lmyelllil (he 111111tH of life
Gathering of Methodist Church Repre
ill for Borne hoop, ii ituproving.
fattened for the buyers. The animals
county " and orders lire coustanti
seata6va at Clinton.
J,wrph and Augustine Leddy have
H, It- Lost • ,
ti cul Slier ft,lwrts are
were weighed tit Dnttlup land par-
cawing in hniu f,u••uff Manirolta from
• ceo
returned Lou WalfoM, Algonha, after
atteodipg tea• teachers' voovention
chased by Robert McLean. tit Godes
fltl•Int•r reredelits naw wttld there.
The May meeting of the Methodimt
spending several weeks visiting their
'it Exeter,
etch, for a fair price. MI.. Mcl,eall
The season will action Ile on for, takiRg churches
in the Goderich dimu•ia was
Parente and friends here.
T. E. Dmr•nio has ptnrch,tsel \\rill.
will chip then) over W England. 'stirs
in the new clip of woetl and It Ingy held
Ito Wesley church. Clinton, on
Andrew's prul,erky on Main stmt.
is not the first ehipwent of cattle that
safely be Well that the hulk of the Thursday
front chairman,
last. Rev. A. K. Birks,
The price paid was $7511.
Me-. Foley has sold for the markets of
wool our native sheep Ands its
presided. minister
Mfrs Frank (t
dal les returned ed tel
the old counts Y•
way eventually to this mill, either writ,
)assent vet the morning messiotl,
MONDAY. 21 Ith
h last week xfte spending aTIIK
atS lKLT HK. -The fire in
taken IrzchnuRr rhiliR ht foire ash.and
iis following
laymene-u reported ACGxeri
weddings are on thePro-
Ream leer neighhonhnoxl for the
maple of west s with hirttda herr.
Clinton was x theme of general C1nt
Acc,ndinK to xtyicea front the whole_ tilt'
""to bel J.
the prices of lvhi thin
afternoon :-R. `\. McKenzie andSeveal
It. Militate, Goxde•ich : It. Holmes,
tlrzG few week".
Thos. Elliott's youngest Som, x child
six montlls old, oaraed awn Natur-
versattun in Tuesday of hint week and
then cattle the burning of Dietrich'g I
leuaxeln luny nut !m quits so high xr (;linton
: It. lush, Seafnrth ; R Ache•
J. H. McClinton returned hotue last
holo Regina
P Y on
day loaf Thr n Place on
mill on Thursday returning last. Rest -,flet
your, lrui so feu' tlRleln• is nu Arica Join.
fixed. Short) washing will Leon is. I
a J. WiHutd, Blvth ;
H. lllnlluu •h, R
h Dun anridn . John
week %vhrte he �ird been
with a load of hurrrs, t - >
Monday afternoon. \II. and Mih,
. 11%
Lllitt hive
drnta tit sur vee ighlorbeNNd are much
by the btltning of t e
general with our farmers Nod already Duston,
Nile :stabil Yuutl 13e•nulil-
Roy Slackholase, won of �\ m. Noack•
the rympw[hy of the caw•
Inanit • in their bereavement.
utill, as yutte a uumlerr got their
1Wo tells tit ilcw w'tol have Vieille ill I ler
, H,ackwell,
from farmers nein Porter, liiI G1xir-•
. J. J. Warhingtun. Auburn : W.
Walton . E.. McVitie.
house, hag gtvrn n far and have
chopping done tern•, sand snnr had
itch township. Ltondemlori
It. H. cols. liorter's
gone to Brantfunsen
l for the pret.
take, grieved lel the mto ill h• chopped
: W. L. Ko•ym, Varna.
Misr Annie Ctlamne and l►lisr F •
after repairs hid been made to the
Iter •� 11 B •1 • •t ed
e r-
4T►rstn visited at Miss ergns,n's heonle
en IVinghanl tin Saturday and Sun-
Mrs. John Pickett and family' left
Inst week for Maple Creek. Sank.• to
join Mr. Pickett, who went West
about two months ago.
Win. Ntackboure has wild the south
hundred acres of his farm to A. W.
n• *4,f
an t i sail
Phis consid-
is a r rnniel-
e•abe v
u I Advance upon px n the price At
which this (arta was sold three or tour
years ago.
11 ADA—ACRCKN AOKN('T. Open Tura
Aar, Th•tsday and maturdaY, general
Mnkins bnal ilia. trate,wctet 86' Ing. Bank
department aerept., dtpta.lta of $1 sad up
ward.. inter t at J per cent- per annum, pay.
Nble every three mouth,. Fannerw' .ate note.
purv•ha,.ed At rraeonable rate, A. 6.UAMBLE.
AcllI.g ]tanager.
Wri)xmn.tY, May '32nd.
JamesJo/hnston moved into the vil-
lage last week.
Miss Thompson, of BIy tb. a former
teacher here, visited at O. E. Erratt'x
last Sunday.
Rev. Mr. MrKinnein. of Pinkerton,
will pmnch in the Presbyterian church
nest Sabbath.
Mrs. Wallace, who has tersest visiting
her move her, Mrs. R. Sprung, left last
Wednesday morning to join her hus.
!nand in the Northwest
The Ladiels' Aid of the Presbyterian
con Lion intend having a Social at
tb(.refits of John Fingland next Fri.
day evening; the 211h. The proceeds
are to toe applied to the rebuilding of
the sheds.
Robert Jledd is little), putting up A
new house. The walls are to lie et(
crnlent blocks. The workmen are
busy making the blocks at present.
Samuel (hoer hie. the contract for the
cement work and C. Schultz builds
the cellar, which is to he of atone.
EZTBNDINo .% CALL.-The,Preshy-
terian congregation here in Ptcercising
its prer)gativil of selecting a wtnister'
at present The rumor is current that
nn official stated that this wan would
not accept a call, while othera express!
An aversion to that line. it wnuld
astroni-h even aclergyman to see him-
s•if reflected ill the nairtor of public
oPinion. The Pre"byterian a And the
M ithodista are ahout ready to join in
the giving -&-call question.
Methodist circnit has enjoyed A pt•ox-
perous year. Pastor and prople aavet
wexktd harmoniously together. An
inctr eoinq Interest is being taken' in
All lines of church work. Sixty i nem.
lien have been taken into the church
during the year. An inc!-ease of Vie)
hits Iaeen given to ministerial 'support
and of $IW) to missions, raisin the
missionary givings to $5'27.555 enol t
in the c r
ircrit float lace in the dis-
trict, while all other place
circuit interests have been loyally sus-
Jlo�n•%Y, May Afth.
Jos. Jones has sold him farm to Mr.
Mrs. Wriethnooke, of Gotderich,
visited friends at Nile on Sunday.
Jose. Jones, who has advertised the
We of his farm stock and imppIPinnentm,
has ploteemed the Rale irdeflnttelrv.
The Irate on which it will too held wit,
Ile announced later.
IV re t to t -port this week the
denthtof Throm• R9hott or., which took
place on Saturday morning last. lie -
reamed had been Ill for some titter and
death was not unexpected. The
fnneral took place ren Monday to Men-
gannon cemetery. Rev. J. O. Reid
conducted the servdc
MONDAY, Ay 20th.
}Inward Dtn•nin lett horn i. morn:
Ing for the West.
Orville and Orton Durnitt were
home from the G. C. 1. on Nesturdtay.
John Griffiths. of Kinlons; wait ke:
newing tilt mr,limintanves here on
Sunday. jt
Mr. McMurrhy, storekeeper, of Kin -
tail, Lass.. t hough here on Mondays
with his stoic waggon.
Mrs. 'rho., ShacklPiton In ill at prem-
Pint with eryrtpptrcI&@ in the face. We
wish her a .ptPPdy recovery.
Marvin Durnin And his misters,
Fera and Florence, of Dungannon•
were Crewe viniton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong And
Minim Sadie, their daughter, of Port
Albert, were visiting friends here on
Richard Constrain bar "Wrael
home Atter npending a week with his
son, Namoel (mngram, in Kinitxw
A� are ding iR through here farmers
Ara Many Rettinq in the root i end
rolling the grain fields. Wewthpt
still continues cold and the growth is
*cry Clow+.
MCVDAY, May •211th.
The mid -week pro,yet[-westing hits
cunnuenced to over berg for the aune-
Ernest Nherw,od occupied the pul.
oit of Crewe church on quarterly Sale -
lath evening.
Bible solely at Hackett's church
will be held every Sabbath evening
throughout the sumruer counuencing
tet eight o'clock.
Mrs. Jeeneph Smeltiferreturnel home
last week from Behnore, where she
had been for the past two we•ks *!-
Lending the dea If o b
R t! ,rad f her rother'e
wife, lire. John Fitch.
Tip coolness of the past couple of
weeks has insole the spring work
move along rapidly. Most of the farnr
ers have finiahel seeding, including
the root and potato cnip.
Walter Hackett, who has theishod
one year's course in medicide tit To-
ronto, returned home on Saturday
hart for s couple of days, prior to his
Icaving•for Detroit, where he intends
staying for some timr.
TUMDAY, May 21st.
Sandy George is improving, we arc
glad to know.
R. Holmes and sun were guests of
A. McLean over Sunday.
Misses Henderson. Boyd and Lyons
were guests of Misli McLean last week.
D. H. and Mrs. McIntosh were
guests of Mrs. McKenzie on Sunday.
Peter McKenzie, M. P., an Miss
Mackenzie called On friends he • this
R. Grant hill set ped A genal mu ply
of watts- for Jas. &d nby at a depth of
lett) feet.
Miss Beasie MacKenzie. of Kinloss,
was the guest of Mise H. Mackenzie
fur a few days last week.
TuVWDAY. May 21st.
A11OHT HAve HKKN Mons SKRious.
- What might have been k serinute ner-
rident occurrtid Saturday on the farm
of Alex. Gollan, 2nd concession of
Kinloss, when n young nine, he had
working for him wan driving A land
roller. It seams the tongue of the
mller was too short, and, dropping
down, stuck in the ground. The jolt
threw the young man off ill front of
the reviler between the hor•eer.
The animals ,w,er• running at the
time still atoned on x gallop. The
lout had the presence of mind to cling
to the hat evens, thus preventing him-
self from toeing rim over by the roller.
The hones, when they reached the
gate, juniped over it, And the roller
mailing in contact with one of the
side post" was stopped. It was to
narrow esca .
A FATAL Accil)KNT.--The need and
madden death of Jantem Torrance,
which occurred on the farm of his
father, PeterTorrance, tat coneession,
Kinlons, last Friday, ham cast A gloom
neer the entire neighborhood. Youngg
Torrance undertook to drive a span n(
colts on the land roller. No one but
his father had handled thein before to
Any extent, And Me-. Torrance ad-
virtd his son not to undertake the
task, but at last W hitch up one of
the older hones with one of the colts.
rhe young town thought he could
manage them RH right And started to
roll a firld tit the rear of the farm,
across the railway. Mr. Torrance,
after seeing him son get well started,
went Neck to the learn, but a feeling
that something would happen int•
r111ed him to gel )lack to the flrld. On
him arrival he toond him .son lying in
the field and the team, aeveml V.
Away, walking Aloof •the field. He
tricked the voting often up and carried
fiitn to the nide of the fence. He tilos
ronRcious ani in answer to a questinn
%aid hp was badly hurt. His father,
after bracing him in it mittinq posture
Against the fence, started for the
hoose, abut half a mile distant,
Hailing s young ninn who was pleas-
ing on the fiend he- asked hint Leel n
for Dr. Elliott:, then hitching up the
hn,u went back to His son, whore he
N. Atanding uie ngainnt the fence.
e ynung man was conscious most of
the %witYy to the house And spoke to
his fA er several titres. but It i.
thought he wan not Able to recognize
his mother. When he got hint to the
house Dr. Elliott end arrived, but
Found Ihr+ young tnan waa past alp
help and he expired n few mnnlents
%iter being placed nn the 1x.1. Dr.
Elliott afterwards undertook to catch
the colts, which had become restless,'.
hat Mr. Torranr•e finally got, them
inder control• The funprAl was held'
Nonday, and wan cone of the most
argaly attended In this npighb orho•td
'or Rinne time. The myrNpathy of the
entire community in extended to the
'wr•eaved patents and the rpnnAining
Wire 111 per rrnt, cheAppr at
WORmiti.rw' Whol~le Hardware,
M achinery, and Inst their grain in the COLBORNE. town wits a ale c P t n-
eral secretary.
lire, seear that, s thmighr. lie i dot•. Uthe o is DICATH.--An old resident of Col. I The circuit scheduler were read, the
the largest lirser, be it not the only Ixweep died illi luesdav, .lay 7th, sat following fact,, being Nuuumarir-el
P F Cromwell, Mich., to thee
pmon of therefroul:-
tr"INO IN THE tit NDATtoN. — David liner. At thea a of nevem)nine
Last week Samuel Putter #tied his years. Decesed resident on theMait-
cement mixer and staff returned from land concession fol• Many years, prior
the progressive village of Saltfold, to his removal to Michigan, it Cert- he
where they bad been working for John had la•en living for nearly twenty
Walt(-rs for some days, putting to it ,•eat•., and carried on it successfml
crnentwall under ab,u n which uhw s
b •s '
Ixrk mlthin business. 'r
u nines. Hl death
forowi ly" the hott•1 stahlb and was was Ill
lexp ec �d by ix relatives herr,
recently moyexl ton new stir• in the who haat no intiena4lon of his having
rear of the old brick hotel built by the been ill. He w is twice married, his
hate C. Shannon nearly half a century second wife being a sister of W. H.
SRU. Jit•. Potter will 'now llixlt 1,44h01, Goderich township ; n family
at once putting in the foundation for of three children was the result of the
Mr. Chisbolni s new barn, and Cohen second Rlarriage. The children of
Smile is through tea timbers will Ile the first family are Ed. And Will, at
Inst ingpther And a birxisi11 clay Ile \Vingham ; Nathaniel. (in the Mail- •
soloist for. Deering t Ir week gravel- land ; Frank, at London, -and Wesley
drawing been have loo -en held, bring- 1\e-., vet Victoria, H, C. Deceased was
ing up the gravel from the lake for :t inember of the -Methodist church.
the cement work.
WKnNENDAY. May 22nd.
J. H. Simpson has tekrnri
of the store And p enowflice here. We
wish him every ency-sr.
The Lente for the services aft the
Mrthlslist church herr has losim
[changed trout the afte•rnaon tI. the
A naunher of tramps have berm
giving ahemt this neighlorho ud lately.
c,ruxlilgann"AllCe to uuany rasidentb.
We nndeintand ane drew it revolver
bf-CA11W it iadc rcfuaed his requeett to
sign her na•ue and address un ,t earl.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steele and
family have gone hack to their farm
at Cedar Valley. They have carried
on business here (of- abut three years.
And were Orap erteel very uftich. The
children will toe missed from the
school, whet•tt they had many little
sale of hat.` for the next two week.- at
MIUB HARRla', Kintoil. (route early and Rel
a Roel choice.
1' ('LASH cgnipment for UummithinR.
eavekstrotrehin`. twang, etc., and orders for
nnrthino in thlr Ione will receive prompt et
lcntion. Newlt"M nnatly and rhe.sply Inns•.
A trial solicitorl. McINtNALh a: AP
MUR('HY. General Merchant,, Kintail.
TuMDAY. May 21st.
DuIc. Munro, of Ripley, spent Sun-
day in the village.
Miles Lizzie Martin, of Kingsbridge,
is indisposed this Werk.
Dan. McDonald shipped a carload of
cattle to Toronto today.
Alex. Mclhtnald, of Brussels, spent
Sunday at the old hutne.
Mines \fund Harris, nrillider, of
Ripley, is supplying for hiss HArvim
for a few days here.
Air. and Airs. James Rayne lend
family. of Kineardint-, spent Sundny
with Nr. find Mrs. John Cowan.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Dan. McMurch), of
G1x�prich, (troy(- out to nttentl the
op ening service at the new chmrch nn
TumvenAy, May 1401.
Finvie Snyder ham hepn very sick of
F. Kuncho•nmki is away front home
at Preentdoin some masr
rb work.
At. Schwartz has engageet •.he ser-
vices of Me-. Honking for the snntm(-r.
John Schwartz mowed setup ni angels
last week. This is quite early, but the
ptement, waffle weather wHl ,lion
sprout them. I'p-to-datp farwene are
auutewhAt Acarce, but we can may we
have a few in this virinity.
TuRADAY, Mav 21st.
Ward Gledhill, who has Imes suffer
ing with a light attack if fever, is
much hetter and we hope soon to mee
Win again at his usual post At the far
George Newell is the hnppirlet won
in alp Benmiller, and that happy stat,,
of things in attrilnitable rel the arrival
of the little lady � who h,ia Instill, her
arKeetr once Am (se youngest membri
c f it+ household.
PROnf•KI•Tm. ---Thin mornings rather
severe frost may have the effect r.f
cutting nff the peaches, apricotta and
similar Parly blo cerning fruits, but the
apples, Twan, plums and rherripn are.
Apparently nil right, for they have nit,
opened out in bloom. The allow of
buds in ,Iit,,PIY • Innmense nn all wart-
eties of fruity And if they become ter•
tilized during the critical period of
bloom there is every in". poet that the
present year will loo a re -cord one for
our orcharlista.
spring diellvery of t•iwm from the well.
known Hennillpr Nurspries is just
eomploeted and the propriptors report
abig Advance upon last yPar's sa1M.
At thin appmeM, when flit- mi,wk fir all
the orders booked during the ypar by
the assns ban to roe dug up, I&Inelled
%movn."Y, MaY Wth.
Mr. and Mrs; Jas. W. Bell spent
Sunday to Clinton. -
Miss Helen Dry Aide will attend the
teachers' convention to be held in
Exeter this week.
The nearly friends of Miss Mamie
Yuill will bp pleased to learn that she
is recovering front her recent illness.
The auxili,ary of the Wuulpu'm For-
eign Missionary Society of the Union
Presbyterian c h u r c h held their
monthly ineeting at the home of Mrs.
Johnston Mcllwain, Bayfield road, on
Friday of last week.
The fine new bairn At (;has. Middle -
ton's w&" raised it few days ago. The
dimensions of the building are 14) by
:dl, with 1R ft. pants. The frame is it
complete• structure of gettitl timber amt
Kexxl workmanmhip, and everything
went together in Hrst-class cotyle.
WKnNsmnAY, May '=11d.
T'Ki ng has pat a newH,x,r in. his
bake .hop.
The rustic verandah ill front of H.
Penhsle'n hut, -her shop is very at-
J. W. Tippmtt is giving him store
and herame a hash coat tf paint, which
toddle greatly to itb appearance.
T. H. Brownlee, principal of our
nch(x)l, isattending the meeting of the
West Helton Teachers' Association, if
which he is President.
AwyniKR PHATIL-We are marry to
have to report another death, that of
Mrs. Hugh AIcl.eeid, who had been
,tiling for some month». The remains
were inter ed in Bayfield cemetety on
Wednesday, the mervicea being con-
diected try Rev. John MCNPil.
Customer - "The inan who killel
this chicken env &soft heart." Waiter
"Why, vu, mir ?" Costumer - "He
Invest hive »pent three or tynr years
hesitating before he wrung its neck.'
Under an act palmed recently, it
township cottncil in Ontario may now
Piton a bylaw tinder which A farmer
may, on making application and row.
VVing %with tilt- necessary conditiunm,
Pxempted from taxatron ml ten
ner(-s of reasonably think, unpa's -t-d
woodland for every hundred arses in
his fett•tn, providing only that the
11rpA mil exempted shall not rxreer,l
twenty -fly#• w -res under as mingle ow'n-
enhiP_ — —.---- ---
Total s u s s . ...... .. ..inti 372111 SUM
Where the inemliership is .narked
With LL slat•, It indicates an increase•,
which occurs 111 a nmlority of places
on the district, the net inerrant. being
I.M. Contributions to the educational
frond show an increase tit $dal, anti to
this missionary fubd an increase of
$7K1 over last vea r. The rrpurto were
considermt very satisfactory and en-
Hrpreseutat ive elected to the stx-
tiuning conimittee, Rev. J. W. Melvin -
won. of Dungannon; alternate, Rev. \Y.
H(;rt(h&nl. The Is)- representative.
t4. the coming conference at Gtxlerich
are ,lrssrs. Achewm. McKenzie and
Millian, Gexlerich. Hohnes, McMath
and Hooper, Clinton : Beattie and
Gunn, Senfurth : T It u m. Potter.
Holmeaville ; .1, Wilford and W. Jack-
son. Blyth: J. if. Maliuugh, 1l ingan-
non : J . I htntow, Nile; John Young,
"t,ford :.Join• Washington, Auburn;
1V. H&rkwl•ll, W&Itust: I— McVittie.
LnndealwaW; R. J. ('ox, 1'nrter's Hill :
W. L. Keys, Varna. Alternates :
(:. M. Elliott, GiArrich : Jan. Jenkins,
Saltfund : H. E. Manning, Dungannon;
it. Acheson. Hohuemville.
It was decided tel hold the next Mav
district effecting in Sea►forth.
The fallowing resolution was c,ar-
ried ttnaninmosly by the district meet-
ing : Resolved --That we, tier alcoe-
ber•s of the Goxderich district meeting
of tel• iwmdon Methodist conference.
ass•neb,leel to Clinton to May, vefq,
wish tai Place upon record our utter
ahhurrence of Chit licensed liquor Leaf -
flu, and deeply deFFthwe the indiffer-
Price which ptevaila concerning it
even on the part of niany uunnitera of
nine church. AVe heartily ipjuice to
the slcresm with which the local option
movement is meeting• and also rx-
press otli' great disappointment at,
and over emphatic disapprobation elf,
the course pursued by the Govern=
went in the unfair and unreasonable
three-fifths hmndicap placed upon it ;
Yet wt- are sincerely hulling for its
speedy rculieval. We ,gars wisll to
Pl.o•e uptou to-vord lint• ronviclinn of
what %vp consider As a mi•ri,ols derelic•-
tinn if al••ty "InIA-1011 lost the Part of
the commissioner" of West Huron in
the grautinpprr of n license to Carlow
hotel in Cullorne township, Particu-
larly in vipw of the fact that we large
a section of the community were
� es bit awns e•aAr. th.,ara ta,rT .n
AAYYY•• n.lk7o,a.- u+AI uM. n.ro
nll•f ler •ls►b•ia mush•. roM... A
j mO�sri•1.t Ian of .II t1wAa (k_.. T.lir thea
•l- 1ax4 eomna klMYf�. rnAawdy"ll A t
t.11mr lie's
Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones
are not forming rapidly enough.
Lack of nourishment is the cause.
Scott',. Emulsion nourishes baby's
entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly what baby needs.
All DRUGGISTS: see. AND $1.00
Helpless from Rheumatisn
When Rhruniatimn p;rifn y,ot—when ynu call
erutches—when every movement meant agony -
T&KV Gin Pill
They Cure
Itis wonderful—the way sin rillstake away
the pain —glirngfhere and heAl the kidnevR—
and cure Phrumatism, Sciatica and Lnmloago
to stay cured.
Try Gin Pills on otnr guaranter that th••v
cure or rnnney hack. Jnr. a ixcx-6 f,w 12.',^.
At druK;tRimt. nr by mail, 0e-
'1+IivtteDAY, May 23, 1807 'j'
r and
First in the Hearts
of Union Men.
V Agenln• F
There are a lot of people ou the .Jobber's List
now, but don't forget that under the Cash System we
are enabled to give you just five per cent, better than
these jobber's prices. For instance : on a purchase of
$10.00, a per cent, cash discount would be 50 cents. If
you paid for the goods at the end of two months you
woul(1 have paid interest at the rate of 30 per cent. per
annum. If paid for at the end. of four months, 1e-; per
alFent, per annum. .Just ask yourself the question, Is
it profitable to pay this high rate of interest ?
Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire
at $2.90 per i oo
We have just received.
Cleveland Wire, which we
it IaaIts,
Gasoline Stoves
it large import order of
offer at these prices while
As simple as ligliting a gas ,jet. Have a look at
them before they bo ; from $:t.110 to $21.00.
Celebrated Brockville
Lawn Mowers
There are others, but not just quite so -good as the
Brockville. Four blades, four braces, loi in. wheel
from $3.75 to $11.00. A great variety to' hoose from
Refrigerators, Screen Doors, Screen Windows,
Hammocks, Wire Fencing, Gates, Elephant
Pure Paints; in fact, we are loaded with
seasonable goods of enclless variety.
Hardware. 57 Residence, 177
oPpxtRed to it, lend protvivoteci against it vection with it. And hen will
)v n large and Infileentinl de•Pntaton. • look after the interests of the W&N,arce.
And We trgacoll the- ae•rrh►r•y tti call httt•K ill- finet ory. One- rep -mon for
.lit- atte •e
norm of the Government Ur the rhangr i, mail( to lei.te
• r unultim•
he- nut[itr• • factory woty in which Qr•nn,•1's wpm
----- � tree
teal Ixnt f
W. all As MR -11m the- ship-
(ieleft who has lx en Yoking uieut of the -ii Ime•ts.
offer the interemtm if the Herlio sugar
ant toettery,in tilt" section for the I Illi -) Iter cent. Ptlr� )e -&into, sold only
act two) yearn, hila severed him evil" at WoNeKLI•a" Wholesale H&rdwar•r.
We sell Sherwin-Williams and Robertson's
Heady -mixed I'aillts, Oils, -Varnishes and Staind,
also White lead and hey Colors.
Peerless aid Dillon Woven Fencing at 30c,
:33c, Sac, ')See 40c, 45c, and 50c per rod. We
are selling a lot of the :3.54; anti 40c fence, as it
makes it good general field'fence.
Coil and hart► wire is q(> ng out Iii -St these
flays, alt?o iron gates are in demand.
Four different makes of Washing Machines
I to chooso from. Does not a Washing Machine
save clothes anti strength '? Our prices are all
�----- --
Godetich, North �Ir•cl
Iialerich• Vlruoria St ..
/'lin un w . .. .suss..(n
l'tu. nn• 1/
t nlxtiu .. ..
• ceo
W 4orihel
... . ...........
. .IUs
Blyth . .
. . .................
hwtrannoo suss...............'•Ga;
.......... ..........
11 Bentnllier
l Auburn..... suss........
I \{'xlwn.............
' •IRs
hondr>•bore.... .._...
f±aYAcM suss suss. .......-...
;Verna suss suss.. suss.. suss.
Total s u s s . ...... .. ..inti 372111 SUM
Where the inemliership is .narked
With LL slat•, It indicates an increase•,
which occurs 111 a nmlority of places
on the district, the net inerrant. being
I.M. Contributions to the educational
frond show an increase tit $dal, anti to
this missionary fubd an increase of
$7K1 over last vea r. The rrpurto were
considermt very satisfactory and en-
Hrpreseutat ive elected to the stx-
tiuning conimittee, Rev. J. W. Melvin -
won. of Dungannon; alternate, Rev. \Y.
H(;rt(h&nl. The Is)- representative.
t4. the coming conference at Gtxlerich
are ,lrssrs. Achewm. McKenzie and
Millian, Gexlerich. Hohnes, McMath
and Hooper, Clinton : Beattie and
Gunn, Senfurth : T It u m. Potter.
Holmeaville ; .1, Wilford and W. Jack-
son. Blyth: J. if. Maliuugh, 1l ingan-
non : J . I htntow, Nile; John Young,
"t,ford :.Join• Washington, Auburn;
1V. H&rkwl•ll, W&Itust: I— McVittie.
LnndealwaW; R. J. ('ox, 1'nrter's Hill :
W. L. Keys, Varna. Alternates :
(:. M. Elliott, GiArrich : Jan. Jenkins,
Saltfund : H. E. Manning, Dungannon;
it. Acheson. Hohuemville.
It was decided tel hold the next Mav
district effecting in Sea►forth.
The fallowing resolution was c,ar-
ried ttnaninmosly by the district meet-
ing : Resolved --That we, tier alcoe-
ber•s of the Goxderich district meeting
of tel• iwmdon Methodist conference.
ass•neb,leel to Clinton to May, vefq,
wish tai Place upon record our utter
ahhurrence of Chit licensed liquor Leaf -
flu, and deeply deFFthwe the indiffer-
Price which ptevaila concerning it
even on the part of niany uunnitera of
nine church. AVe heartily ipjuice to
the slcresm with which the local option
movement is meeting• and also rx-
press otli' great disappointment at,
and over emphatic disapprobation elf,
the course pursued by the Govern=
went in the unfair and unreasonable
three-fifths hmndicap placed upon it ;
Yet wt- are sincerely hulling for its
speedy rculieval. We ,gars wisll to
Pl.o•e uptou to-vord lint• ronviclinn of
what %vp consider As a mi•ri,ols derelic•-
tinn if al••ty "InIA-1011 lost the Part of
the commissioner" of West Huron in
the grautinpprr of n license to Carlow
hotel in Cullorne township, Particu-
larly in vipw of the fact that we large
a section of the community were
� es bit awns e•aAr. th.,ara ta,rT .n
AAYYY•• n.lk7o,a.- u+AI uM. n.ro
nll•f ler •ls►b•ia mush•. roM... A
j mO�sri•1.t Ian of .II t1wAa (k_.. T.lir thea
•l- 1ax4 eomna klMYf�. rnAawdy"ll A t
t.11mr lie's
Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones
are not forming rapidly enough.
Lack of nourishment is the cause.
Scott',. Emulsion nourishes baby's
entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly what baby needs.
All DRUGGISTS: see. AND $1.00
Helpless from Rheumatisn
When Rhruniatimn p;rifn y,ot—when ynu call
erutches—when every movement meant agony -
T&KV Gin Pill
They Cure
Itis wonderful—the way sin rillstake away
the pain —glirngfhere and heAl the kidnevR—
and cure Phrumatism, Sciatica and Lnmloago
to stay cured.
Try Gin Pills on otnr guaranter that th••v
cure or rnnney hack. Jnr. a ixcx-6 f,w 12.',^.
At druK;tRimt. nr by mail, 0e-
'1+IivtteDAY, May 23, 1807 'j'
r and
First in the Hearts
of Union Men.
V Agenln• F
There are a lot of people ou the .Jobber's List
now, but don't forget that under the Cash System we
are enabled to give you just five per cent, better than
these jobber's prices. For instance : on a purchase of
$10.00, a per cent, cash discount would be 50 cents. If
you paid for the goods at the end of two months you
woul(1 have paid interest at the rate of 30 per cent. per
annum. If paid for at the end. of four months, 1e-; per
alFent, per annum. .Just ask yourself the question, Is
it profitable to pay this high rate of interest ?
Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire
at $2.90 per i oo
We have just received.
Cleveland Wire, which we
it IaaIts,
Gasoline Stoves
it large import order of
offer at these prices while
As simple as ligliting a gas ,jet. Have a look at
them before they bo ; from $:t.110 to $21.00.
Celebrated Brockville
Lawn Mowers
There are others, but not just quite so -good as the
Brockville. Four blades, four braces, loi in. wheel
from $3.75 to $11.00. A great variety to' hoose from
Refrigerators, Screen Doors, Screen Windows,
Hammocks, Wire Fencing, Gates, Elephant
Pure Paints; in fact, we are loaded with
seasonable goods of enclless variety.
Hardware. 57 Residence, 177
oPpxtRed to it, lend protvivoteci against it vection with it. And hen will
)v n large and Infileentinl de•Pntaton. • look after the interests of the W&N,arce.
And We trgacoll the- ae•rrh►r•y tti call httt•K ill- finet ory. One- rep -mon for
.lit- atte •e
norm of the Government Ur the rhangr i, mail( to lei.te
• r unultim•
he- nut[itr• • factory woty in which Qr•nn,•1's wpm
----- � tree
teal Ixnt f
W. all As MR -11m the- ship-
(ieleft who has lx en Yoking uieut of the -ii Ime•ts.
offer the interemtm if the Herlio sugar
ant toettery,in tilt" section for the I Illi -) Iter cent. Ptlr� )e -&into, sold only
act two) yearn, hila severed him evil" at WoNeKLI•a" Wholesale H&rdwar•r.
We sell Sherwin-Williams and Robertson's
Heady -mixed I'aillts, Oils, -Varnishes and Staind,
also White lead and hey Colors.
Peerless aid Dillon Woven Fencing at 30c,
:33c, Sac, ')See 40c, 45c, and 50c per rod. We
are selling a lot of the :3.54; anti 40c fence, as it
makes it good general field'fence.
Coil and hart► wire is q(> ng out Iii -St these
flays, alt?o iron gates are in demand.
Four different makes of Washing Machines
I to chooso from. Does not a Washing Machine
save clothes anti strength '? Our prices are all
�----- --