HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-23, Page 4- ' 4' TwuNfilAr, May 23, 1907 ..�.■� laaasettme!srir71on i, , . 1a 1 41 'mal'; , THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO j�/��]J� it -- -- - - -- - --- _—_�--t A JrLW "MUM M VVEJM�IIa. contractor fur • the cement walk on I Isar Ro. weir teaching. a leaned wages [odes w ----- — - r Albert street be Irked tri- put the of exawla4. amara ever M great factor In fess Mr- eg,tlw .7t/iaif�/ of Same-rremy. . valise in reioair. -- The heelttrwt for the n(, I s Als,it a larry%( •rWtr .^,,V... n Mn+A. And as ri,u lest. r u+.and ynrlwlut.d. huloh, we �> granting waggle consideration lag 7rr. F. 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT REORGANIZA- " 'tl'k You to a.�aw"t thl. token of our erleea. and I tettrt that it m■Y .mtleuc to roudrd Y„u W rhe - The one thins to be avoided Is a cluL jhr ItKht rttmmissioners Wedne shay, Mlav ward season this mpring, Lighthouse. KIh• IArt winter cxurr up mKNlll in ld►r lN•rtt your new hone. we made, your. I Fit name, 11 Mar• aro wad aA'esaiNl mase ii';i," ,' and nearly all plain goods. Il rt' 0 .hill* lit x petition el Ile1 by x 1x1• a g g e mtl(YC. 1,11 IN'1411f of the l'INA c . More Petitions for Cement Sidewalks number ref cItleseno. Thr Illutter mama KrioKi. HoMiANT14. from 10c to •Inc. """'''t refearred W the finsence committer. --Another Talk About the Coal Cuuudllor held wits xuthorilled to MAY th r•. Uod arises. May 19th, IIUT. gomrter livvey, mud the isilanee aux orlerwI had arrived the previnuy evening with Hoist - - John Rummell Awarded „uake arrAugeueents with a man who The %atilt, evening 1 he nient cors of r j LM (Jontrnet for Sidewalks to Be wants o pasture his horse on thn the Lulirli Aid pn•.rnted Slrr. Ravi a Built Th;s Year. Agricultural (around” in consideration Iron after church service with a berry 4 f of his takingcare of the rounds, �rmaa'45.es"+0'ailvu, [ "Ixon and the following raddrews : a Ti" ■ Tee. r 7a,.6 1 , +°� --- fencer, etc. To Mme. A. H. DAv raow. #$ j The council then adjourned. 1 All the members of the town clam- ""N •q I DICAH MNm. DA%]Wlr, At wits with aincero tearer that man Iuanlad of your dreMloA W sev.r, I Yuur eounu•Uun wltes us. ■aid rrwove ylz • - d r i a� ` •; i d;. si,�, H61$ oil were resent xt Ihtl tvgu lar meet G ing on Friday evening. His Worship Lp��, TOPICS• frog uur contntwlit give maggot bot f at. w'e aro lodur one of uur roast wituien �o u■ l - h, , D t r ,. rl° = ,I the Mayor pwridel. nsem6elm and also one of most faithful workers. N's know that your place aao-tem lath inat. Rev. B. Nott's application the project. The meow, however, did A statement w•as received from the us wall be hard to all, either at+ sag executive 9 You could slot tame a coat meals Bank of Montreal, stating the ltalance Horticultural society. *Meer or %m AIhoushtftd advaarr or earnest yo J. M1', l'rmigie's applicati011 for Mr. Birmingham contacor for the breakwater, it telt credit Of the town alt fhP At the weelin of the Galarich K r.'hnstian. while mar madly feel the vacwtc) made to our cudd by Ute remoYd of arch a t C t for the short man, in Type E. loo` lith of May to lie al'�t11.30 Horticultural Society lora Thuerday A taamuiticialiOn trout Fled \t•, fwnilym+your*, lel w'earu ure that there im • ,lent of work await tote ra la your pm- well on the latter man, 1n T F. y1Ka night the ttlmkfug of x county exhibit Doty, in regard to the proposed er- � at the Provincial Horticultural h:x- rpot•t�re home, and leaero your labor» will your I.umly est• A,'revirttwt. Thus the parting i. t inches �t There may he a difference of six Inches tahhrhment of it new industry hrry Ilibition was dimcusmel and viewed for the builAin,Ig of biwarttrrs And lbs favorabl •. A rouuuittee, cnnsivtitt uiade a little li%liter, beeaume we tealiae that , our lo-„ is anal hvr'+Rain. We,a+tt tsadle.'AIA in his height, and there should he • manufacUuw of i,oilers and steel ) R of Mitchell. Hays and lisp Society, a -k you to aerept this "null ran not for value, blit as a to natoljy difference of moveral inches in the length k.wirr. marine structural work, war referred ryock, way appointed o ssvait nn lisp Pox l ocet io eft y itmattl lb d*. " You or happy ease, friends. "Tile Lord blew .adenaki thea special cOWluittlee. 1� county C,auncll lag nal for a gt'Alet lag- A communication from Cm t. ��'lll. old mad old then nod and karp thee; the Inn1 nuke hl. faa•e ahlce upon t Of the coat. Th! wort OI the /bort wAfda lige making of sprat tin exhibit. B014, calling attention to t e condo• The ptvitiurlml rxhehitiun will he held Iher wed be 1rm,•lou" unto lhoe: the Lord lift up himcounienaove upon yroa and RIYe user coat would /et up near fife mhoulden Von of the harlNn hill road writ of , at Torino, November l: to 16. the railway bridge• which he amid was peace." Nunluen s: Yi ep tllRnwt un he of the Ladies' AIA.. of the tall man. not safe after nightfall, was referred Presentation to Mrs. McGillicuddy. slits. (a. M ELLron, Prem, MmA. H. HAi.r- elm-sem•. tem. Several of the councillors Px- to the public works committer. P The lowing Citizen of May let had �txr. It F. H&U. Tree.. Goderich. May I.Rh near. 9 The Semi -ready. Zhysiqut Tom. A communication from Kev, l''Ather the following paragraph which will Iry McRae and meml.er+ of St. Peter's of interest to reader. uf'rhe.Signal : � I On Monday evening Mr. Dnvimon S"•s:em,•with it/ seven distinct types. church masked for x cement cro""iug "The high estrenr fill' Mrs. U. Uc. over North street at the northerly end Cillict rid it 1 1 • • th • ThoI t )teas pr•aeutel with a gold -herded uutbrella by C. C Lee and the salt- - its 35 variations, and 15 sizes of each Cut,, lee *14 a it, 1 of the street, there bean at present fail Circle of King's Daughters, was ploI•aes of his atal,lishnient, with venation -tales tato account height no rt•nasiuR north of Nelson ettwrt. denrunstratevt in x very tangible man• which Al r. i>xvtwrn had hien run- = - -' - --- -- --- -- - Tbis war referred U, the public works tier on ruesday night when the eight- lie tr(I for %little time, and weight, and also the width and gratuitous advice. -Do you know, Committer. een invoilx•r% of the circle Ili t &Ates) Slr. and ML's. Davi.on left on Tues- ortor," %aid his questioner, "1 know A petition fair a fl -foot cement side- her with a lwautiful hroot It art with dmy of Iasi week for Bittern I.{ke, the shape of every man. it rhino who suflrtr so terribly with in. r. walk on the ewuth side of t Alest of aulet . w and ,raves. Slue. a e(ii tit- Altx digs%lion that lac times he can do no- Quality,n t QuantityTerrace for one hundred fart carat of ruddy, svho lima Iain the Irxdrr tot A Mrg••i it ansa . Kai.Wro r.00ro thin but howl with pain. What OAt Victoria Upera House Saturday. pr.,e■t et $18 to i -'O .■J 325. B.tw + North street (nlongsidr the separate over two years, left cosier for her new woo d you do in that cwseY' ' 1 � a^bool) was rent to the same commit- home in Calgary, whew hec hushand Mnny new and novel featutws Are tadtlrd 16.0 say ra.Inn, tetlor a■ "Well. 1 sup{+taie r aspurlded the d i tee. liar tin interest in the aur, r, The promised in the Yankee hrxxlle goa.aly aro it i■ hi, back slop. utedical ntmn, '•i should bowl with F,' An application from the Ifttran Daily Nrws, teCa•ggtl) atxrtrrl in that t'iuitrdy Thr King u[ Trtm " which ' t 1 pain, ter,." lacrosse Flub fur the time of the Agri- the tolvn. Ser". Donaldson nttule will Ire at Victoria Openx uttsa Sat- , }, .•r*-�'', ,y !�, ' cultural lirouggds for rag tier% mrd the remrntmlion on Behalf of NIA. utday. .May 'Li. Che comedy is r �t <(-"I'.r"'" Quality, not quantity, should always be the aim match" Burin the coming ePaae.n �IcGillirutitiy'h co-workers. Land in headed Ly lhr wrll•kncawti cnnrerlian 1 ,� Defined. war granted. R ,1„ing so exprelwed full), the regret supported y R' '� )” 1 in buying house furnishings. This store never was [)live Darden, who is sag o xn [e1 b a +;. What FlArt of a ttwch im lies f' I The public works committee to our- that the King's Daughters felt in cast of wrll•kucawn playrra, inclOdinR k'• pt>�g Amkeel w me o(I teacher of a dale of in a better position to serve you than at the present mended the i►ccept+{nrr of John Haim- 11uu ting with sag rstlntxhle n worker, the little singer and ti,near, (13 -de iY; 'f s(, little girls the Other day.time. Our stocks are much larger than usual. "If'* tender for cement walks at ti but referred grave•fully to the tinct Lung, who hes been especially en- it., so.. ,( s.,m '141 "A amjunetion," replied one of the g ,W- , -b: cents per square time. And that Mtint- that Calgary would IN- much Irene• ItAged to introduce his Iateat And small pupils. l ' P'. aslm street east of Cambria rakad lie fitted by the presence of this lx)pudar• mostnovelmpecialty, "The Scarecrow," u Wrong," amid the teacher, severely. See our fine line of ¢" „' ed and the sitiewalks levelled. worker. The reel ient was ,ouch "o familiar to the little folks who have rn j���7o p �y "Next - Riad P `tel C J tU [Fa- (M . Rill." *i Councillor Goldthorpe Asked if mov- overcome h• thin kindneem shown re+ul of the wonderful :tdventures of u� •'A noon," said a demure little BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTaQ thing was tri lie done about for akittg her, ,end thanked her friends in a fele the 'Tin Woodman" and ••Thr Scare-' � ���II®(P� maidrn, T the stones in the new gravel on the wvr/d, Among those present welw craw" in the hrautiful envy book of ; C �U+ u� µ hat kind of noun i" she was The)- are right up-to-date and at moderate prices. ''i BAyfleld road; it was boadly needed. Mrs. MieGilliruddy's two daughters, ,,Tile Wizard of Oz." -The Scare- .. Councitlor Reid replied that the job who will remain at Ottawa and will crow n.ner" ms done by Me.. Lying is . - - _ - - _ - - OUR MATTRESS DEPARTMENT t fl ,._%-A rt. attend th • i 1' ' (' II 1 1. pronoonred by pteear and ublic me INrl FIN BROS 6oderlch wage no lit% y The finance com.nittee reomom- mended that the inatt.er of arrearmart•s A i i I' t ,r rm a .+u lea n egg-, mm or P sister, Misy Ca"widay, the well•knowu being in A class by itself. friend of the pemtr and needy." At the Harbor. More New Spdng Dress Stuffs �a rO `- - - _ _ _ - _ - - qans 'iylag t"ail yt�l�, ' f ao,­�,,,f 11 water and Light Commission. R Aprop,m tit tomorrow's bring Tha A new shipment of Panama cloths just in, 46 inches wide, t' N with instructions to take pr•,wording, black, brown, green, navy, cream and maroon, 60c, good value for The one thins to be avoided Is a cluL a r'15 73a These are a chance lot bought at a bargain. , 1 ��t ItKht rttmmissioners Wedne shay, Mlav ward season this mpring, Lighthouse. KIh• ,ire rag Some Dress Goods ends still left. Prices about half regular 1e„,, town, and that the Mayor iw• nutho,. ii';i," ,' and nearly all plain goods. Il rt' 0 and boxes on the shaves and tables, a Vii. A big stock of colored Muslins, colored Persian Lawns, col 4th Delaines. ,, , it was decided to accept tier lender of fourth, per,taps tiiitty ye'ne•s ago. the Fairmount Coal Co. for three- I when there wit., foot the .,. T�, ored Just what is needed for the coming season. Prices t Mfg Cu. debentures at caner. from 10c to •Inc. """'''t �, t tack of clothes hon slip to dry. HOSIERY Be suer and get some of those we are showing, a tech, 9 palte for Ilse; bore' heavy, . - = aottan rib hires, fast black, all Ases from 5j to 19 ibchss. gomrter livvey, mud the isilanee aux orlerwI had arrived the previnuy evening with r#LOV E$ Long silk in black and white ;long lisle In black and whits . prices Iw to 96 cents. of improvements at ;ark - - -- ___ - ---— — - LAWN WAISTS Choice makes• half and long sleeves, open either back or front ; we to _ 01.25, extra value. 149 c with constant polishing and the in e --— ------.. _--- -,---_____ ----------... D. & A. CORSETS are the best value in Canada for the priors asked, Ilio to 111.8, oral, and white. Ask for them. . airuoouot lit a•L7a. a of and rhe cuutiact for gnlvuggized iron pipe ,{lid others had a rrauged for ton ex• rpN J. H. COLBORNEO.d..kh. lie asked remove cables from trees in Harbor Pmrk • ,laid valves walk awarded to l'. J. curaion party to go up Alit the tmtr•ge maculate. The nickel colleacts ugly and Cut,, lee *14 a it, 1 of the street, there bean at present fail Circle of King's Daughters, was ploI•aes of his atal,lishnient, with venation -tales tato account height no rt•nasiuR north of Nelson ettwrt. denrunstratevt in x very tangible man• which Al r. i>xvtwrn had hien run- = - -' - --- -- --- -- - Tbis war referred U, the public works tier on ruesday night when the eight- lie tr(I for %little time, and weight, and also the width and gratuitous advice. -Do you know, Committer. een invoilx•r% of the circle Ili t &Ates) Slr. and ML's. Davi.on left on Tues- ortor," %aid his questioner, "1 know A petition fair a fl -foot cement side- her with a lwautiful hroot It art with dmy of Iasi week for Bittern I.{ke, the shape of every man. it rhino who suflrtr so terribly with in. r. walk on the ewuth side of t Alest of aulet . w and ,raves. Slue. a e(ii tit- Altx digs%lion that lac times he can do no- Quality,n t QuantityTerrace for one hundred fart carat of ruddy, svho lima Iain the Irxdrr tot A Mrg••i it ansa . Kai.Wro r.00ro thin but howl with pain. What OAt Victoria Upera House Saturday. pr.,e■t et $18 to i -'O .■J 325. B.tw + North street (nlongsidr the separate over two years, left cosier for her new woo d you do in that cwseY' ' 1 � a^bool) was rent to the same commit- home in Calgary, whew hec hushand Mnny new and novel featutws Are tadtlrd 16.0 say ra.Inn, tetlor a■ "Well. 1 sup{+taie r aspurlded the d i tee. liar tin interest in the aur, r, The promised in the Yankee hrxxlle goa.aly aro it i■ hi, back slop. utedical ntmn, '•i should bowl with F,' An application from the Ifttran Daily Nrws, teCa•ggtl) atxrtrrl in that t'iuitrdy Thr King u[ Trtm " which ' t 1 pain, ter,." lacrosse Flub fur the time of the Agri- the tolvn. Ser". Donaldson nttule will Ire at Victoria Openx uttsa Sat- , }, .•r*-�'', ,y !�, ' cultural lirouggds for rag tier% mrd the remrntmlion on Behalf of NIA. utday. .May 'Li. Che comedy is r �t <(-"I'.r"'" Quality, not quantity, should always be the aim match" Burin the coming ePaae.n �IcGillirutitiy'h co-workers. Land in headed Ly lhr wrll•kncawti cnnrerlian 1 ,� Defined. war granted. R ,1„ing so exprelwed full), the regret supported y R' '� )” 1 in buying house furnishings. This store never was [)live Darden, who is sag o xn [e1 b a +;. What FlArt of a ttwch im lies f' I The public works committee to our- that the King's Daughters felt in cast of wrll•kucawn playrra, inclOdinR k'• pt>�g Amkeel w me o(I teacher of a dale of in a better position to serve you than at the present mended the i►ccept+{nrr of John Haim- 11uu ting with sag rstlntxhle n worker, the little singer and ti,near, (13 -de iY; 'f s(, little girls the Other day.time. Our stocks are much larger than usual. "If'* tender for cement walks at ti but referred grave•fully to the tinct Lung, who hes been especially en- it., so.. ,( s.,m '141 "A amjunetion," replied one of the g ,W- , -b: cents per square time. And that Mtint- that Calgary would IN- much Irene• ItAged to introduce his Iateat And small pupils. l ' P'. aslm street east of Cambria rakad lie fitted by the presence of this lx)pudar• mostnovelmpecialty, "The Scarecrow," u Wrong," amid the teacher, severely. See our fine line of ¢" „' ed and the sitiewalks levelled. worker. The reel ient was ,ouch "o familiar to the little folks who have rn j���7o p �y "Next - Riad P `tel C J tU [Fa- (M . Rill." *i Councillor Goldthorpe Asked if mov- overcome h• thin kindneem shown re+ul of the wonderful :tdventures of u� •'A noon," said a demure little BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTaQ thing was tri lie done about for akittg her, ,end thanked her friends in a fele the 'Tin Woodman" and ••Thr Scare-' � ���II®(P� maidrn, T the stones in the new gravel on the wvr/d, Among those present welw craw" in the hrautiful envy book of ; C �U+ u� µ hat kind of noun i" she was The)- are right up-to-date and at moderate prices. ''i BAyfleld road; it was boadly needed. Mrs. MieGilliruddy's two daughters, ,,Tile Wizard of Oz." -The Scare- .. Councitlor Reid replied that the job who will remain at Ottawa and will crow n.ner" ms done by Me.. Lying is . - - _ - - _ - - OUR MATTRESS DEPARTMENT t fl ,._%-A rt. attend th • i 1' ' (' II 1 1. pronoonred by pteear and ublic me INrl FIN BROS 6oderlch wage no lit% y The finance com.nittee reomom- mended that the inatt.er of arrearmart•s A i i I' t ,r rm a .+u lea n egg-, mm or P sister, Misy Ca"widay, the well•knowu being in A class by itself. friend of the pemtr and needy." At the Harbor. ., `- - - _ _ _ - _ - - in connection with the it t e ov hotel he plated in the hxrl(la (it the aulieitoi water and Light Commission. R Aprop,m tit tomorrow's bring Tha In the Bothroem. with instructions to take pr•,wording, At it oweling of the water and 21th of 11,ty and of the black. The one thins to be avoided Is a cluL at once to collect all money. title II„ ItKht rttmmissioners Wedne shay, Mlav ward season this mpring, Lighthouse. KIh• ter of small things -too many bottles town, and that the Mayor iw• nutho,. tenders fear Boal wet received anti keeper CampbelI aecalls it Twelitj- and boxes on the shaves and tables, a filed to sell the sidrwialk nod Jack,,m, it was decided to accept tier lender of fourth, per,taps tiiitty ye'ne•s ago. the Fairmount Coal Co. for three- I when there wit., foot the number of -MPI@d towel and, above Mfg Cu. debentures at caner. m of snow un lump, hailf for iuuuediate de-- I level. The barge Mary Rnbaertsemickel �, t tack of clothes hon slip to dry. The ppnnrkm con nailter reeousnreaterl Harle.l gomrter livvey, mud the isilanee aux orlerwI had arrived the previnuy evening with 9° ah ,tats should kept slight. of improvements at ;ark rite Co. tendered load Ittnitxv Mlt•. Campii.11 149 c with constant polishing and the in e Park ; that M. A. Pigott k Co. Ix+ to their wire• nn•i airuoouot lit a•L7a. a of and rhe cuutiact for gnlvuggized iron pipe ,{lid others had a rrauged for ton ex• white por'cela>4 tiles and enamel Im- asked remove cables from trees in Harbor Pmrk • ,laid valves walk awarded to l'. J. curaion party to go up Alit the tmtr•ge maculate. The nickel colleacts ugly and that the water And light connnism„o, Hati,i as the lowest tenderer. Thr the next morning to Kincardine to at- �tiT [rem oxide and the white he asked to remove all wit” on to%% 1, ,liner trnderem were J. H. Wor•sell A tend the opening of the race track, euemel a peeatlar ytenow, own If dt trenge, and that the )eater and had inn, C. C. I" And W. H. Pinder. but the wintry aspect of nAtur• on leeted. Any ass who fru t commission lee asked to rontplvt.• I h, The comurissimiers suet ,again on the that Twenty-fourth put a dawlier ori ewtvct the (molts of this neglect In drain from the bark- foientai-a lath inat. Rev. B. Nott's application the project. The meow, however, did either co" bas round her teat a dlm- Ado )ted. for water service was gr,lntel, and al- I not renimin mote than a few days. Colt mb and It the neglect has The Mayor said he hold 1 --ii in sun yo J. M1', l'rmigie's applicati011 for Mr. Birmingham contacor for the breakwater, con- doled too long almost an Impossible nomication with it wool"•r ,.( liumit•i.., men in regard t4o the d13,tMAt of deben. water mervice un Britannia rani. The otitmidP for as in town the 4pplicaLiou of the Guelph k Go derich for*- part of the week. Railway fair hs,ltt for Thr. Mitotic Works Department has �• with daily are, soap and water. eamaned with vigorous Lurrs to lir mend, but the prospects electric rate eta- scrubbing and were not very bright for getting the tion and sheds was referred to the.en- placed a light wt the southwest end of rubbing, we eluate s�cJtwt A gritty price the council wanted. toneer to report. An application of the submerged uutAidP breakwater. soap should not be used on either the A motion hooking to the placing of H. Dunlop rnr relalte owing -to cutting I The light was lighted fur the fir t. Isie�el or the enamel. -II=spars Hater' sanitary arrangements in the rorpor• 'on it service wait referred to the en- time last Yatntdoey night. ation dwelling house hack of the Kineer to report. Thr folluwinf aC- I Dan Wiggins fell into the learitor .adenaki town hall, in order to conform to the counts were goaeard : The Star, a:..511 ; last Thorwiav after snore but was For Imalida 72wttnlned nurse method of bedmak- toylal to acme into effect JnnP amt, lei O. V- face, a1.1ri ; Rogers ML Co., quickly Welled out h Dave McPhrr- R R• ( )' 1 y fes' -1s ole which mispt well be to r long diAcun%ion regudinK the re• jl.:M) ; Canadian (ienerul Electric Co., atm and James Johnston with w pile studied arrangement of the fire brigfaule sys- [94 . The engineer wms einli owered to pole. -- "— — c tvftfly by all bedmakers. There is tat tem. Several of the councillors Px- :eek for tendet•a for the old electric „•,, real reason why only invalids should pressed the opinion that it was not machines• and mcrap fair malt. B. C. be comfortable. The undersheret Is worth while aittin n.och Px nae on t R Menning� application for water air- A New Devil Fee Weary Looks. tnefaed In arefnll a T and Uh at both the houAr, Anti the suggeixtion that it vire to house on Trafml x R r crest mama ,� M,d� wavy locks without ries Il wits decided 4u fur elide• On the sides at each corner It te co be pilled down and removed alto- wether seemed to mewl with a good granted. ask traders for unloading the coni now sort to a heating -phaeton there 1s a folded back carefully in T the same way deal of favor. This fire hall could then under order frortt the Fairmount foal little device which scams deelighttullT fit PEW wrappings are folded at this Ili- enlareird, end a man placed there C,,. Application" from I). Hav mod simple and has a very slmtlar effect Borneo of a package. Then the sides permanently, with A team of horses A. Cantelon for water service on to that of marcel waving. It Is light are tucked 1°• The other sheet, the alwas randy for fire calls, am tie. Lighthouse street %vete refewed to the in weight. though of metal, with a blanket and the spread are tacked in mantled day the Fire t nderwritere' '2111. engineer to report. It worm dreidel to patented fastening to prevent ellppleg. irchasr 1&el feet more 2 -inch alvan- at the react In the same way and drawn is well stocked with the cheaper grades, �4iia ' , also all wool felt and the Celebrated Ostermoor. IN SPRINGS E,M x ,tl1, .. ; lti l "i; we have the Hercules, also the Lloyd lt't 7 ,,j Thompson Wire Co. Springs. Abso- „,: et lli.t, t+' lute]), },guaranteed to give satisfaction or ;,, ,.a- I ts..:.• money refunded. See our Window Shades and Room Moundings Tekpberip: I ft8Be Beckett iCorld"" ¢ • � l'or. \ellen store,, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER and Residence. t, 1 All calls receive prompt affection. <'amtwlw I:.i. a-: Asked. last rites, and long and earnest)yy did Well, miss, it ie both common and Michael look at his friend. Fiaall hr proper," answered the shy girl. And blurted out sorrowfully : "Well, Pat, Abe wags placed xt the head of the 1 always knew ye were I there, clary,.-Harper's Weekly. but 1 didn't think they�d make ye '114 bring yer own coal." -Morley owl. Taking His Own Coal. server. __ Two Irishmen wire etoeaxing the By her first large gift. Mn. Boge in- a•esn. On the wily over Patrick riled. dicates nonhellrt in the theory that Presparations were made for the r"tt•ial one who can afford to give must re- i mt ern, treat the lead weights custom• strain the generous impulse unless Arily naed in such cAArs were loon peophs who cannot afford to Rive Chunks of coal were suhstitnt 'd- donate an equal amount,-Phlletde I- Everything was finally ready for the i phis, Led r vNtc at ort. PrP was no coot, un pi 1' attend after ehatd d Yale V aught v�y tlgbty Hader the sieges. I Re ' against the present flew brigade, but tatd aro° papa• Gast tato deep nndatatiou In these lit- the councillors who spoke along this West Huron Women's Institute. U• sated devices, makl ut hors•. - " - - — -- — -- _ -- line. believed that the time had come ng a lapse rat - when A more up -tag -date system The annuml meeting of Weest�ai nated wave without say of the burned, A well-known Landon physician at ---- a Women's institute stager held At the �y appearance apt to a in time m dinner party tine evening wits touch iliac wage Iie work"nsll inaugurated. dec mittee that the the pflre home on h'1 itinp or Mrs. W. Miryul7th) Theree. whom bat irons are used. Afterf a shampoo the haft V very slse+eptible worrier by one who was seeking r 1 v tj i$�` , t r { t, ti committee sbndd meet together end was s, Roal nttrnd,►ncr, nal the to such means of wevfn[. and If fess t; iT, l':;, r i41 O R S E L L S jP�: ' 4.tt e , rinse u w report nn LhP mmtter, giv- br•tnchta of the district being well rP- a nties,a are salt 'a iMahl,.1?1%4T3 nkr $ P,ped la while 1t b .Hai # -, I� .r km ing the cost of the proposed changes. (!resented. After the opening rxrr- damp and allowed to remain till the A numl r of p•titionm for cement •ir`Pm, the pre-ident. Mlre. Jenkins, lir I SELL CHEAPER HARDWARE, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH - walks w•aA resented, Ab follow*: On 11ohnesville, gave her relNort of the halt at cavy, deep, decided waves wall the ucarth side of Newgate street, from work done in the district during the Ds the resort, and these should not Albert atwet to Hamilton Alre•t, five ve'ol'• Thr ielkt is of the different loosen for at least two days under or- ES, TIN AND GRANiTEWARE, fart wide: on the north aide• of Ntl%on tormichem %•e'P fawn given, which were denary cooditlow. �Carl f11s�s'�Ci ye•IFk :�k i'%a "<d�) fa�1�FYg�e{1415y,,:+>,1�ti" F ,}r" street. between Waterlri,o street and a very encouraging, .111)1 fl( A deeidetl AND DO ppooint Atinul seventy feet went of inctwmae in tt,ene,er•"ni1) And intere"t colored Linea Popular. Maitland %mad, five feet wider: on the• among the ine/rhrllm. The distliet. Prdlctbmx Inmate that more color- ELECTRIC WIRING, ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING, PLUMBING, 0 northwemt side or Arthur street and me•ctetniv.ire,t-lirrr then K.rar her I -P•' d lissehsa than ever are to hold sway,HEATING AND REPAIRING the north side of St. Patrick street lie• gP.rt, which .hlrwwd that there have is Rheaaatismcafthefsca yl sr sod Indeed the prophecy bas every- It hr s 1* ,, a. r �' 1 pt twrras Waterloo mild Wellington IN•Pu fol ty regular muting, heid (Ilia-- Uric Acid left in the blood # l , o a y,,' 1 w Fjir I" f d; I a t "ttwets, tour fart wide•; tin the wrml ing the pl"t year: total nttrndnu.-e•, thins In Its favor for tb ultimate ma- disardlrod ` d l+i, al BECAUSE VA knt,v; J, a ; 1 ix htinlret,and nryenty-vinative. terisllxadon, for some of the smart- kMt�'e '"q :a }S ` r tt.a � �• f 1 ; t 4p t side of St. Andrew's street, Ix tweett est linen dteeses that have been de- motes aloe[ tares THEY ARE IN NO RING OR COMBINE Y'%t " ; ' Nelson street And Hamilton street, tier of paper. said addresmes,, Kien, which �� frem � a' •, tai' s ! i HIP feet wide. fifty-two. The financial st,rrrnee•ni sassed this season eters In soft cobra Rev. Benj. Nott mans heard in ref- Rives lwcripts, flly/(.5tt: expendioirea, made on simple Iles• will no trim• eye over the foreha4and ,. THEY ARE ON THE JOBBERS LIST and buy from to to 2� per e er•rncr to that petition for the l�rw- attl.:,l3 ; IravinK a h,lllancw on hand of mans ages a few etttcbed straps and across the cheek to the gestas street walk. The petitioners, he aYt.W) ill tit*- bra�+chvv,. Thr di"t"ict, duties of stand embmeideely done with side of the nese. The cent. below regular wholesale prices. They have no large expenses, said, wanted the wa Inside the teem. Also I lrtue•m the y u• with a e Vditanle coarse whtte linen tht.ad A such as big store rent, expensive clerks etc. to They have two ik RecA tans• is the mems as in all d And naked that It lie cnntinuoum Iwlniwc in the teatsury. Thee was I t Pay many of these little frocks are made through nit. the whole length of the mu ilitel'PslitiK'lisclrm"ilil tlu ••How toAbeamatiges}-disorderod StOfCS, an buy In much larger quantities and get lower pfICCS. These Make ,rnr S(eetin s Attractive and so with separate guimpes or ell mboa tesa are some reasons Wh clic sell cheaper.Atrert mrd of the flame width as the KKidneys. TMcar•blik�wAlk on the month nide of the street. %%'in New MlenelN•rm." ArrangeenteiltA with blouse and skirt attaeied by�'-.i',, wise the maeelr- y yi A motion tti rant the petition was were naso mule to adverti"e the m1we- me•.ans of a fitted girdle. w, ;ZZ ,., 4 .1 rel c ri TTid' at_7,W.-";('M!,t t 11 R 4� ro Fi e r A ItNk i I,a„Red, iAl meetings to fie held it JImP, SPP �Q w. esti , ., �i tt k ,. „{., j � l t, a � Bylaw No. Il, to nilthoriu the pi large bills for particularm. After the 711• Jeveele/ BtlFdges. Dodd's r ly=` No. q Cleveland Coiled Wire chlor• of lands Ma am to complete general boniness w•aa over the direr- ' Together with several otbw attrve. Solne dealers give;-) per cent. off $3.00 wire and sell it at $2.90. Our Regent striker to connect with Pins ors retired to app,int tile- officer" tot- • ' �If tate f.ahiene that have bees r+e.l.ed � , etrvet, was pasted. The northerly the rnaeing )','n', which remoltrd Am from those of our 'I' Kidne ,;ice is $3.00 with 10 per cent. Off..........$2.70 per hundred Pounds dxty Aix feet Of Int 11, Concession A. 6�motherio day t' fnllowa : I'rPsidrnt. Mars. W. Jenkins, t 1 PO Holnu•mville; I"t vice, Moa. Y. Cl It' L that of wearing a band of black �•�� }� Im to he prrchxmed from A. Stat• ) , velvet amend the neck. +�/++�+�;Q Martin-Senour's loo per cent. Pure Paint11 '-'f� I. Iknlgall for Chia pnrprtee. (i,Nlrrich ; lid vire. Mgr". �� . Id ilea The council then adjourned to Sat. Win ham ; siscretaty-tlwitatlrear, Mfrs. As uatsl, however, we -go our grind- P urday night. in carder to deal with F. W. Watts, ('limon. The meeting mothers lyse better, and the deoomlag R f • Other people know how to make paint. lust as good as Martin-Senour'8 arnnP blAiness that wait, lint ready for thin sansei, After whk•h a erre ex band d velvet iA trade satin moss reteil- tr f.F lOn percent. Pure Paint b t Friday bight cg-llrnt Inttrh tea" served, which wvm Ins by the addition of • Jeweled dads. -- -"--_ - pe , but they don't doit. They use substitutes for use u Saturday Night. much enjoyed by all. A hearty vote 7bees slides are of varlous aha tom' OnAdjournedo11[tlelingt (hi YahlydAy night bylAwm Nom. N, of, (hanks was tendered Mrs. Murnes to the use off her hotter. also to thi• tJrs tier shown In the Irluetratloe Dern[ 10 and I I, authorizing the issuing of (halerich• nae hers fa r their kind en. one of the simpler designs. in time debentures tie) cover the cost of cement terwimue lit. MI. 1. 1V.%TT14, Yecre• the ceeaaiNecea are curved. wW* otb- Aidewalks add last year, for which the money was borrowed temporarily Lary -%ream firer. t` ff:`: fr,m the Bank, were read three timem Presentation to Mr, and Mrs. Davison. <, f `'1ill%tr.,.. Peerless and Frost All No. q Fences are the best. 0Iliii' '�o `r , and passed. BYIAw No. 11 refers to the The 12th inat, twing Mir-. and MM. A. 9l'q 0 S F, I2 I 11 Ol porton of the costr to lye met by the 11. i)avimm's last Ynnday in 00derich, A, k Im � 1, AD WHOLESALE HARDWARE ��� lv property -owners, No. ito covers the Mr. 1►aviaxm's t(undmy mrhold clam lie - K%GODERiCH portion of the cost o he paid by the Waged him after the lesson hour o aaj town, and No. I1 comwdidatPw the two, give expir""ion to their feelings and the total amount being a11,3ii,i. The presented him with it locket and the - amount t, he regal 411 yearly to meet following address: theAe debientutvem i1 I/RTl.R(. The Mayor stated that Mr. Lee h+d To MA. A. It. ilAvmiv• Ilxvm TKA. non, %%'illi tese manifold j are are so elaborately act with dla- R gain complained to ham about the coem, of our %Iowinor tuns. and Immen• mllld/ that they look qpm [b the one coal hoist at the wharf, which he Awed 'h'mtte, It a mdy to1.•,%{.•.ted thill Irony of I the lava ofthere wr know -honkl -rely to taken time popelir sunburst. W" an oba tr)ction to traffic. After hold of rho.. L,reur nprotllmirlen Which am wltY the single stele lo the Centlr, [I a no mbter of Anggretlons as to how the lianrrwny op•nlnx io rnr Indodrlal life; bot n 11.• either a ,serf or a diamond. #be eT0/a matter should bre ,adjusted, the discus- by ('rn[ncillor (cold. 1. none test a Recant -nrlaw ton. In Nr•t An ,-At ban ami frameo a le-%e•her And aide In team itavenlww?•- pieems of the slide are t>ddit act with inion was closed he troth, of the Holz `+rrilootm. yon N/asematert rare inlelw.l in tiny tROlea. so that fess aaftfu[ is thorpe.'m giving notice that wmtld one general well 1rinR, and In ib,, mld.l of .a very bns, And seafreiT viable, and the •Rest b dolts I'Pment A motion on the soh ect at the P j .t"1.110e- Iry kept In I"n,b wlilt the Indl stunning. next meeting. A reference was made fn the court vldoni. of ahs i,.•-, wldM AMpwrinor the mnMa of ift. .all la•rtnwil niarh tines weld R tr some d fess eMdea Pave tiKM- of revision In the minuet of the hmek the lots Wellington tient labor nn the-imt-end leachiiae of the 1F'Amee tender your RM,Iwme the Itlble lose bra- for ��[ the tdYOol at the Deet f file reek Tbfa taxes on am street deeded by the t0 armee menr inhere-llrlR In own) of w and taken A d. -r and. we sihevrwly t hoist- CaY1Ma Of a sIngk town so yeah wRo caltellat.TDP IntAhateI rust, w "in" A. IngR 1+n,nnmerminA. anA herrrtA. wnA ymrrt�fie,In�1 straight bar the saw dim me That of the hospital btttwtd, and erwm,'n= Alwwr- het mot t„ Illandnate land onforeo roar te.ehlnc. %%adeeply rfl-I mar Aa salebT Tet the am" are foals batt only to tme aser wants to herr the ate-lackofmie"tlonAndApparentwant g:;51 M ImrrrN tarso eleal'ed 41 in the els o at fling hill man venturr to thank ' Ml.d °1cet expgages jawalrT, u rie fasllnn instructions were given, that the thou Lton will no, ...om frnilfnl field int labor Nas the Sunday ' is toe Mw l ort ftReles to be"obese aeYo wtise•vor re• duml&M se ew -&- -- -- # IKIII.W�7'')v 17%f'7y,-''1 � e g&, .a).v Al wa .1 Me ..,+r. lessee �'j lead, zinc, linseed oil, and turpentine, because they are cheaper. I They ,V is 11 claim secret processes, etc., make their palnta just an good as ours. Martin - °°'t Senotlr 100 per cent. Pure Paint is not made of secrets ; it is pure lead, lin- " 4 ,f need oil turpentine and coloring matter correctly put together. No mystery U'4 about it, it Is ,lust 100 per cent. pure paint. We are sole agents. Iu ,y t I ( t',i.y 14� ",'"t+tv ,r. ,) 1 Our prices on screen doors and windows, washing machines, t` ff:`: 'ii, churns, wringers, lawn mowers, lawn hose and garden tools are l<�; �r' �i the lowest. Ji <, f `'1ill%tr.,.. Peerless and Frost All No. q Fences are the best. 0Iliii' '�o `r , w+lt j - -- . - - ._�-- - --------_---.- 9l'q 0 S F, I2 I 11 Ol .R A, k � 1, AD WHOLESALE HARDWARE ��� lv � &t=_a ..._ a: ..: AND K%GODERiCH th. aaj Al wa .1 Me ..,+r. lessee