HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-23, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO [ the "element roll of the Wwnabip of Orry for 19Uf : Actual value of real pp,olIT- erty excluslre of buildings. $111167,470.1 0% 09istriet • value of handing+. $M3,S111 ; burinew at 611 cents it box or from the 7oarn- assesrmeuh 1113JILW ; iucouw arres.t- Buk CO., Tordnto, for price, 0 boxes xetl meat, t; ; total The death oyccuned in ben on �P inst., IWbert Ridley, pital, when he will under o an opera- g p° tion. twe"asoenmlive add Nlfltl190 ; children between flue add chit Sunday, 12th of twenty-one • years, W7 ; children a reeprrled resititmt of that township. Mrs. Stewsrt Keymour, of Clinton, between five and sixteen years, 117N ; Last week Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of left latest wtwk to join her husband in tualr pa•raons from Iwent y-unr to sixty Wingghaw, celebrated the forty- Walkerville, where they will reside in future. years, 7118 ; food population. 3,UU4. The is thinly aevell Iran eigbth Anniversary of their wedding. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS FFnopulnliun Dr. A. J. Irwin, dental surgeon, of On Monday, the Oth inst., Mrs. than in 1114111. NVinghsm, is ill in the Winghaw hos- Wilkin departed this life at the home Death Mrs. Sprung, Hallett of her sun -in-law, Will. Run, New- of John "- bridge, Stephen. lin MAndn •, the title fist., one of file Eve11e,7rone Run Down I Ou'1'ueselay. May 7th, Misr Anns F:. F)iuntlerve of �lullelt, futile persutt of (%atharine Pot -lei-, wife of John the foible" of English society life, is Brennan, only daughter of Thin. and brr handling, ane willhP quite cum- ,d d.ple.od-wide he.d.rle 's•a°O rens; w- Brennan, of Dublin, Iwesed away lit Sprung, was twmoved froto the viceovi illness tits, "la. rumour~ •odd. w aha rewdt. of the age of nineteen years. lit lite sitter• a few w"Its' vuh- impase biwd- nus 6d q-tdy eeleel m heirs The death of Matthew FArrish, of '"i to a paralytic stroke. De. Bill"Tlak. k drew. our d• enn Isom the U -d sad Po' which texek place ua Purr• lea/'ell, who was a (soman of excep- intelligence, ratex•wed by all scan up aoae.tjt. h.eu, ks.iory. lid bow.lw day of Iwo weak, nwuved a well- ayLocof l known citizen of that town. her atquxintaoces, was an active. her pia., nl. y.lwbk sats a uln msl5ca.1 tflo rn110l/fen worker fu the :Methodist chnreh, Of yirw.•s of cv.bvs herbs whwh set is a saurell Dr. \V. J. Milne, Reeve of BItil, which since her early Kirlhos"1 pile her Inaaaer w de. .yawl. Poi..., 31 a -body --6 col hal invested it)no autnmuhile. This had been a a»emher. She is $5. At okoa-awn-w foam The Clee.it.' Co. makes the second machine owned in her nAnd, three survived byy ha d Clads, Levert d, Ha -&l Tomma. the village, Isaac Brown owning the daughtrt list. 011nnima11.1 ln, 1)rue- B..w.so, s flew.. ,+r .,1/s other. sells, Mrs. R. Uovier, and Mrs. S. Cox, and Tmmnto mwiety now 1111 not out In • The death occurred in New Lir- Hullett--and one tion, Fitzallan, of 4 kearl, lint., on Mondsy, the 13th M.ucitolsi, nut., Of Bt•Utrice, daughter of Mr. and 1fts. Will. Lindsay, formerly of Con- Death of Thomas Cudinors, Exetta. a"ol "AAs K4111Tt114e. stance. }Alsi lie. portsom of Thomas Otidmore. Miss Ida llt•ywwd, O( Clinton, wfi.o drluarted Chip life on Saturday, -- -- leaivas shortly for Winnipeg, tvhet•e ;flay fill,. death hits ..woed one,,r she will be nian led to Alfred Butt, of Fxet.er's ttust respocird citizens. nud that city, lain -if U. Butt, of the Iwaa one of Ualsa'm• townnhili h forlller line, Hullett. well-known Lamers, noted for bis un - Packed at the On Moodily, the ffth Inst., Herbert swerving integrity and aterlingg qual- Ant, son{ of Mr. and Mn. F. Axt, of ities. DereaAed, who "T"ut Oven'✓•Mouth Zurich, was married in I.otlduu u/ twit yenrs of age, ,was a motive of View Janie, daughter of Mrs. P. Men- i —on. England, and enncr to Ccolada We do tftings right at der, of that city. in ,1857, settling oritr Kipllen. Lnler test Mooney bakery. AVord wait received in Seaforth last he went is 17olootiov. where he con- week of the drath fu Toronto of John tiuued ll. iwride until snout flee ,years :risclikss are P� l Wgun. Of that (,fly. who for many sign. when he retired froyi active life hot frcrn the ovens. The years war extensively engaged in Ihr .net took up his residence in Exeter. and produce business in Mr. Cudmole wits twice married and moilittlareuvivAntile, '� Yeafurth. is survived by hip second wife, two cur -tight tins retain aD thew In l:nwnuel Church. AVinniloeK, nn ens and three daughters. fyeeshrism and Ute, no WMne.tay, the Nth in•t., Mrs. Louie A Grey Pioneer Deceased. >filter, formerly of AVinghnul, and sinter of MI's. 1lsnrsliQlr of that town, On Sunday, 1Lty 12th, one of the 0 Q was united fn uuarriuge to A. English, worthy vitro of Orey fit lit N'im)iprg, 11ee la -mu r( NVul. H hiilwun An Interesting event. took Mace at was pndue.oned to that country from tilt re - iKEvangelical then earsonla Zolich, on 1 gtl, .sr e.erne no tbtraveller locus. Uresuads who w'Ma Isrru in iiVednoetalay, the 15th fort.• when Ilev. Knglsnd right ythrpr ren" Selin• rillo'. A. D. Gi"chler• unllel ill the 1p,nds of to Crawls with his wife in 1N511 A fl�'f tjSil• I ' Iuntrin on oovo\N leo, t,! ne.or Y Jb d fY\\' 'i Yal1'h Ret1.1' 111• p11IYi1N!MYI It IIIIYII 1 UAshwoaed, and Misr Annie llumuiel, lot un the with com:rpainn of Grey. „( 7wrrich• %% hi, 11 with iudo•f:Ui ab11• Winslow he On Monday of hast week. Thouinll transforulel into the rxowllent farm 0*Hrien. a well-known resident of stain which hereridel until the denth cltatta where or when 1'uckersmith, departed this life at his of his wile ten yenrs ago. Since then tlonle on the 2nd concetwion of that he had n1Ade his house with hip daogh- Y� ba+Y them. Wwnehip at the logo of fifty-six years. terse. Mrs. Cameron. of Morris, +old He is survived by his wife, four son* 111x. Hnycruft. of Brus"Is, tit who rti soe to Yourts- send two daughters. hoose he pasisel away. Mr. Ifute'bin- bee just as inviting and de- Joseph E. C voinhes, principal of the noon, it ho was at uoan of high Christi:ue 6:iCK.0 h South Qu'AppeIIv school. Sited..• bas character• w•a" seta Illld Itv all wilt) as thOU 8 Y Ott ate rnouq) tel her college course end re. knew hills. Ho• is nurvived by lhrv, tfsern at the ovens in the :rived the degree. of B. A. Hr is a s+sup and three o;nughtrlA. bakery. At all in won of Me-. and MIs. Joseph Cosomhim The Hetnsall Local Option Bylaw. grocers of Janleltown, and n former htndent air -tight packages, of Goderich Collegiate Institute.. We insivretand, stye the Seaforth The death of Rich,ud Adams, a Expositor, that prOove}ia;frl have Ia•en well•koown sesideut of Stephen, oyc. I•lken to,111:11.11 the L•enl opli-/n 11vblw cured at hi* home un the 17th con- IvlpArd btbl• (a a{ofr lit- Hen> null in yry — cession of that township on Monday, J•rnuxIxet•' which moue into fore, Pith Inst. I)e!ceaewd, aero war in her ..Is thtt list of May. One Of the main main ' 'fife-sixth ds flyto her rend lite be lir bylaw i" that it wren rend the first and second limo before 11CCONo-cuss ROUND -Tali Noun two lard wife, cher roma sial two daughters. An a token o! appreciation of the services of !heir retiring organist, and the town council ties bylaw Nes irl for 11Mlfs and it was read a child time and uevaslowe ro the regret that is frit sit he rrumval finally puus•ed no bylaw No. I of HAM Buth statements tire-, literally, rurrwet, MANITOBA flow their mid -1, the ulemherr of the Methoidi"tchurh, Bayfield. {root week as the I,vhtly .ve+ II:IANYI else flrat Alld SASKATCHEWAN p eoeuted Mia Kvot \Vallih with x sos,snd title.. ill I:Ma,l,ul the thiel time 4'tr � ALBERTA lwouti(ul au•I ria accompanied h I't's. g p' Y in ItMli. It i• roll ,411).00. dao it rbuuld baso• Ia•rn �nally palwvl as it. an adder was originally intrxdor•el. Whether F,.nroc+n. fesTnrnnm vYawda DATES oyes 4, /a; dlrly 2, 1 so; AY avA A quiet wedding was celebrated at or mot Thi+ content ion i•• rotr,s t will la, 271 so to sed 2.. T.ck•ts the manse. Henslall. on Wednendwyy 1w;leterouiuesl fly Ile- rmml. Ties- rasr Se.d to rot.c. .IU%W§IXtV saw frau'ttNnt the Nth inst., when Rev. F. Me I. Id hr heard At 'cannon no -the 'Lird. al• Smith tied the nuptdll knelt between It L ere'tl ollf."Ilub fit,- Ill-Iteal Ir ell.. RiITEB (re the asasefrim all p inena nnt•ris Mfsn Elizabeth Clerk, dxnKhler Of I."."I nold lh• e:ylil N' llll,hhe'.L ill YlY\V rle q It., 1 1.'AlnD nneed-env u \, mn.pra to N2 a .,•unA•enp of FA• Jounes Clark, of Hensaall, and Arthur Anderson, farmer m( Ile 1.ecl.aed Iwlfry u! Ihtl GWui•n• montm Tacksu in all punt. 1n theNurth•welsk. TOURIST SLEEPERS A 1I 10,I eeuo� b4C it prosperous young of near Kippen' ment the action of the court will not avail. The defects in the Ieylaw are 7„wot laMpsae Care On Monday. May- 13th. Mrr. AVID. purrly technienl end the Government w,a b. run ns a” •:eurn•,n. tole, x, ntpMd w.Ih b.+i.ne. is, 1>� tones, an ofd and res ted resident A%. decLlred it m their slit}, enol 1 •,nen {..,,err u, rho-- aerth. must be e,•e, U( Clinton, passed pratwfully AWRY sit hAve Acted on Ihfs relic not W issue ,.,Inasi f,.r Ihmugh Deal Well at Isaaleadays her home in that town. DeceAAed, license" fn Any ulllniripa where a but.,*e,.rar..•�, le.r.. who was horn in England sixty-three Heal option bylaw has been adopted I .rkiek users urn COLONIST SLEEPERS foe veer" an, came fn IS742 with her hits- K and where it inn been set aside un terh- .sora Charge b.rtk•. p••r••so"e hand to Clinton, where they had nical griunofs. In View- ofthis de- t.,ld.at, will be used he fn sipphmt that, nae. since resided. The interment Look nent, cision ort the part of the Goverm ., pne,..bl. i. pial ,( ordZ Iris... place at Goderich, the localoptionists of Hen 11 have nit« .ed run ntfsrtwtlen Contained M leve Meesls. Edge K Gutteridge, of Spot- not much to tear no inatter what the Maet.•s.et.n' pempitllrt. Ass aenrost C.►,R have- xR forth, hAin been xwxrdld puree decision of the courts mnv ill. seem for a W w or sures M large contracts by I've t%, P. K. rn- L R 1M1% Alii less. W W4V 111" park Y.They ars to build a general pastation, and also It stunner still- ( A MAGISTRATE INVESTIGATES tion At Bala. Munkoka ; stations ZAM-BUK. and other buildings on the new line between Byng Inlet And Parry bound, And the tAnks and pumping stations between Durham and Walkerton. On Friday, the loth Inst., the home of John Fitch, of Howick, near Bel. More, was visited with r, and bereave. aunt in the death of Mrs. Witch. Ie. ceased, who was thirty-seven years of xKeWy, w.1n a daughter of Mrs. Jan. iie, of ro rnberry, and was es- teemed and beloved by n large circle of amiuwintaoces. hhe leaves, besides her husband, there children to mourn her detniee. Dr. Eddie Bryans, formerly of the Jnlnestewn locality, who has been t•eiiding fu AVinnipeg for some time, Is now practising physician And surgeon for one division o)f the (band Trtnk Pacific Railway, with head. ,1luarters at Killaly,Sank. He ha" eight railway camps to look After, with the probable addition of others. These camps extend over sixty miles of district and the round drive each week makes the Doctor travel 120 mile". On Salunhty, the 11th inst.. Mrs. Samuel Brokenrbire, who for the past fifty yestrs had kern An exteemed resi- dent of Stephen, entered into her rest at the age of neventy-flue years. She leaves to mourn her dect•as" six noon' And six daoghterit--John and Emily, at home ; Edward And Mark, of Diskette - wood ; Silas and William, of Stephen; Frank, of Elgin ; Mrs. it. Adams and Mrs. J. Nims, of Stephen ; Me". J. W. Morl ck, of Michigan ; Mrs, Luke Says is a Wonderful Healer and Does More Than is Claimed for It. Probably uo household remedy in existence has wan such glowing tributes from people in high places re has 7.am-Auk. Mr. Roger F. Perry, Justice of the Peare for British Colior.- hist., recently tested this famoug halin, and this it what he says of it : t "The Pavilion. ••Goldfields, B. C. -To the 7.anrBuk Cu. "Gentlemen, - After a very fair trial 1 have proved 7Atn-Buk eminlnt- r • o •. 1 m cane it mond x I satisfne h rt fit Y akin rush of five yearn' standing which no doctor had been able to do any good file. "•I would certainly enrourage any �person to keep 7.au)-Buk in their nme. It trulyFdors more than you claim for it. ur tole own part i would not. now Ice without it in the i house. fours very truly, (iiigned) ••hatgeer V Pprrv, Jusetice iof the Pr:acc fur B. C." 7Ain-Buk differs from Ordinary aalvee and cut br ocations, for while these mostly contain animal oils and fat /.am-Buk is purply herbal. it cloven and beetle cute, festering mores, ulcers, eruptions, boils, eczema, chaf- ing sores, etc. in the household it in the handiest possible remedy for htrna, mcaldes, children's injuries. It instantly cleanses any wound to which it is applied : prevents fester- ing, inflammation or bind p olson. I -_ Luau, and Mrs. CYntA Lucas, of Flom. f o cures ppries, VAricose ulceM wn flstmlA. A11 druggistx and store" sell Robert Miller, a former well-known at 611 cents it box or from the 7oarn- resident of Wroxeter, and ex -Warden Buk CO., Tordnto, for price, 0 boxes xetl of the county of Huron, has taken ♦ for IiPl esti. odbfe position with the C. P. R. respm His dirties are W visit the various localities and inspect the old ties The Toronto Press Club's Production. HEATING tAken out an that Any worth replacing the track Are to be marked and Visitors to Toronto during the sec• RAILWAY on listed on straight pieces of roadway or The of timber, ties, etc., and week of the race" will have the opportunity of witneaaing the Prean REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS sidings. care t71nh'awnAuwllheAtricAl performance At ----- by the foremen of the various sections the Princess Theatre. Thin year 'The SHORT Li NE is alar to Iw r•eporteNd cm. The work will extend from 'lmith'a Falls to Intportince of Being EArnes41" its being by "Oringolre Windsor : fmm Toronto to Teeswitter, produced, preceded tt)e Ballad-twonger." The former is an B[T WLEN Owen Sound, Grrdprich, Parry Sound intensely satirical crlmedy, leaned on Toronto, Muskoka and St. Thom". Mr. Miller in An old experienced hAod at railway tllil. the foible" of English society life, is and brr handling, ane willhP quite cum- while the curtAin-rniAer a skit on event" connect(d with the life of Awo Parry Sound ps tent 10 handle the new work. He iA uis \ 1 . of France. Dougina A. will have a very buy their in coveting Patterson, who had It long experience BPR/N0 SERV/tDE hill large territory. on the American stage with Henry May TownririP Assessment. Miller, fit dirpeting the prodnetion And in effect May 5th to Jens 14th, 1907. 'Phe total nssprAment of : ne town. the chief part" are takpn by Robert tflo rn110l/fen ship rd Hwy for the year 111117 I 82' -Stuart Pigott, wlsn An Actor of inter. national repute. The lending female T•�mmnf, ......:. .a•tya.m. 4:1% p.m. P•m smtrwt..?..."i OA p.rs...........tooP.,• 3ty7,9fM1. lAnd in vsilued nt 11111,433,R70; buildings at gfLifi,IM: the illness pArt has been assigned to Miss Bernice foot-rdR UP(D tax ot*mwament is S'Li,(ra and income Parker and the nphvr mlrA Are elnally well filled. Thep olurtionsoftho past 'arTy. tq,ttttd .: .. ....Itsn a. m.. ..... .last p.m. n:asp.to. iAx aw+sanent, •l,fiion. The pnpulA_ Linn in :1,176, a .leaseelse of fro since w two years haus given the 1'rpAa ('hih w in oTonte. ...141np.m . ... high atnnding thewln-going rireles rMily arePpt, ftnroday. Year ago. and Tmmnto mwiety now 1111 not out In IA(Ornutln", IMkrfw. At, , ('fl Ticket 011110. vol. Rory eu,A Teeerloaa. Main iIIR TsissOA Grey Township Statistics. flollowlnx is a Ilynopads at the Ron- full force for the show. The dates are May Ion and 81 tad Jane 1. sold A11 AR""rA. HZ'S QUITE SURE That Dodd's Kidney Pins and Nothing Elm Cared His Gravel. Briatol, Que., May 2lkh.-48pecial.) --Mi. Reuben DrA ler, of this place, has the proof right with him that Doedd's Kidney Pills cure completely and permanently the much dreaded gravel. The proof conalrts of two Nixon. one the size of a •Mall hewn and the other as big as it grain of barley. He prsstod these stones and was tviieved of the terrihIe Twins they csuaM after using Dodds Kidney Pills for a short time. Mr. Dtwpsr is confident iAdd's Kid- ney Pills and nothing else brought About Ilia rule, its he hold tried two doovtors without getting rein, woof was fast getting weak and despondent when he stopped all other tteatwents and storied to takc Dodd Kidney Pills THE DEAF AND DUMB An Appeal for Information from the Provincial Institute at Belleville. The Canadian Mute, it wla•r pub- lished im conne; tion with the Provin- cial Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Belleville, urxker the follow- ing nleporal in its latest issue: \\ a have r•ea,tou l0 believe that there. is :t considerable masher of deaf children in titin Province of seboOl age will. are not attending our Insti- tution, but who should be doing no. \Ve lee desirous of obtaining the names and addresses of the parents of all such children• and we varnently appa•al to (Ile readern of these lines to assist its in srctlt•ing this information. Clergymen of all denuu)inations, pit) -- s f c I it Sim. Assessors. inspt+ctors of schools And public w•Ixal teachers wee in an exp ecinlly f+Jvornbke position to ,insist it. ill this direction, and by so doing th.•y would he conferring an iu- estinlable boon to these Alent tnetu- Isrrs of ti a enniumuity. Our desire is to enter into correspondence with the pearentsofall delf children with Idle luope of inducing tlWni to send then) to our• ach.al At B4—lit—Ville, whrre they ought receive surh training need In- struction as will fit them to la -come useful. •rlr•nupptlrting and it.pected citizens. It is it lamentable thing Ihat soy deaf Ian• or girl should he deprive) of the advantages Of such toil elurAtil.r, w-hec it is freely provided for thein I,y Me people of the Prov- ioce. NN'.• earnestly hope the new*. lapse" thrvmghnut Ontario will cal) attention to this inatter au eulphat- iradlj` At possible and thus aid in thin goa"1 uork.' e The Canadian Handicrafts Guild. Many people who, during thrir leisure hours, doe fancy work, either in the w:ty of embroidery. faces carpels, carving, or metol work. ufteu wonder whether they could not divivow of their work, and thus add to their in- come. The Cohntidian Handicrafts Build, SWtSt. Catherinestr•rt, West, Montreal. ore alwayn willing to re. .rive suitlble work unit di -post -of it. to the la• -t aelvuutage, shopiv charg- ing a small percentage, for the se• - vire rt•nderA. Those- of _our readers who, snot further information (on the subject ran olrtaiu it by itddreesing the se retary. Thr Guild, sit the re- qurst oftHrr Exrellency the Countess Grey, is collecting a representative' exhibit of Canadian women's work to send to the exhibition of womefe's work its lee held nt Mrltmtrrtle, Australia, next (Aanlwr. At the ex- hibition of C.iinnodian hlandit-rafts held in the Art. Asnociation, Montreal, in March, Her Rxcelleri j• inade a large selection ,of work. Further exhibits are invited, such an specimens of: Fine neisilework, embroidery, face, crochet, knitting. etc. Wood -carving, leather work, enamels, metal work, hook-hinding, rir. Pottery and china painting. Fine weaving, artistically' woven and hOe ked rl The Guild add Riau (on title Ovens= Ilion Foe willfI In forward with its, ex- hibit e pain ings fu nil And wnter colors, pelst•Ip. rginiAUars. etchings, drawings in black and white, artistic photography ;tied nch,00rexhihits. All work must in• nddrersed to the Cnnrt- dian ilsndicrnfts Guild, 6118 St. Cath- erine Shut. West, Montreal, marked **For .Australian Exhibition," and toe re mived not later than June 155th. Entry toric enn lop (obtained file the asking and should be applied for im- mediated•. The Farmers' Creed. *'We relive in small facing and thorough cultivation. "We Relieve that soil loves to eat, as well As its owner, and ought there. fore to he liberally feed. •'We believe fu hlrge cups, which leave the land (letter than they found it -making the farmer And the farm both flnel at once. , NA a believe in going to the Volcano of things, and, therefore, In deep plow - Ing And enough of it -all Ire• better with It AulrAlil-plow•. "We believe that every farm shoulti own it giaod farurer. • %N a believe thalik the bei► feetilizer for an'ysoil is A spirit of Indust, v, en= te•priae And intelligence. Without this, Ihne and gypsuul, bones and C7_ manure, marl anal RUAnu, will hP of little use. "We beliear in good fences, good horns, good farmhouses, good "tick, good orchnrdn, and children enough to gather the fruit. ' "We believe in a clean kitchen, a neat wife in it. A spinning wlseel, a clean conscience. "We ficinly diahelipve in frinnerm who will not improve; in faring which grow poorer every year : In starving cattle ; in. farmers' boys turning into elerka and nlerchantst : in fanners Ashamed ret their vocation, or who drink whiskey until honest people are nmhnmed of them." - Henry NVArI i3ee•cher. CATARRH CAN BE CURED Kill the Germs by Breathing Hy-o-mri --Gives Quick Relief. Many people who have suffered with catarrh for yeAt•v natnrtlly think they cannot, hp rnrel, And lccotnc d ievrou rA ged. The reAeOn they 1►nve failed to ell" in teernune they have not treated the disease with the Loral "weedy, Hy• o -mei, which in hrewthwlthrough n rimtpocket,Inhaler, set tilt its hPAi Ing melicntel air renchph the roast re mote air•cells, kills all entarrh gertm and rentorem the mucous membrane o1 the nose, throat and lungs to A healthy condition. Cataarrh is really w local disease anal to eure it, it, muni be trentel It A recto edy whirh metchea every spot in the nosy and throat where the disease R,rmn lodge. Hy -o -mel do" this ani given relief from the first day'n use. A complete Hy -o -mei outfit coe{I hilt $1.401 and Jf,& Wilson Kivet e get llf,ev •r with Pvery ItAKe tore fund thin money unless f cures, D. MILLAR CO. Regarding Mantles ALTHOUGH the peason has I►een rather back- -1 our sales it the mantle section have been far ahead of last season's, but now that the stock in broken and the variety comparatively small, we have decided to make a great sacrifice on bole last few anti Iflow is your golden opportunity, as not one will we allow to remain over if price will help it. I Ladies' Lawn Waists Never before have we cold no many ]awn waints as thin season. T4 reason why our witist deuartnteut is so papular is btcauss wee have the beat iumK)o tuent and all moderately priced. White bit"oll• xists, in lou or short sleeves, to button At back or at front. Fibut $t.00 Ge *,,.So Pitch. Fvery our is perfect fn make, fit and finish, sad ve•ptvsentne best possible value for the price linked. Children's Pinafores and Dresses I We have it nice ahsortment, of rhildren's pinafores end Holland lessees nud sill sew Marked at prices that make them even cheaper than you call mike au bottle. See theta and lie conyinrel. Children's school calls in large variety. I THE LEAQING L�DIES' STORE 'Phone I%, MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 M WS Pernoll's Bread 1 Made by ,acklaery. satellites til. -.it u la-s•a if. -pace -cuss - too h.,. -pe,w sad as wb,A— brood, wa - out any of the, tri,ukls .sof wary baking day occ.- siossder hst law. ill It Oaa sts lest That is llake. P . T. DEAN YOUR POPULAR GROCER. AGENT a THE RECORD belle eta, vw mrior� Nor IW W. R. P I N D E R, Stelling Agent, Goderich ' C. J. HARPER ' Ark Brand Paints WV a The [Ilanufar•hlrerl of these paints have joint rompletel a Xill•11IMlpinnt at Toronto Junction• which is itself It gu ArAntPV As to thequnlities of the Ark Brand of point. PLUMBING HEATING EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRIC WIRING REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS . at Lowest Prices. . ' 100 per cent. Durability. C. J. HARPER 1 00101 014-0 BUYING A BUGGY is just like buying anything else— you want to get the best you can for the money. There i9 just this difference : You expect a buggy to last some years, and should therefore be careful in making your sele2tion. Vou cannotinake a mistake in buying a McLAUGH L I N BUGGY It js absolutely the hest value to hu haul. Call a11d let us show Voll some of the handsome styles i11 which it is made. THF MiKADO WILLIAM KNOX Agent fnr McLaughlin Carriages New Rafe St., Goderich THE SIGNAL DOES GOOD JOB PRINTING Tau1f11wAT, May 'is, 1907 a "Beware. my son, of loose methods. Do you know how they generally end f" 'No, sir ; how Y" "[n tight places." HOUSE CLEANING IS NOW ON. WE HAVE EVERY REQUISITE to make the houtle-cleaning paxeps thorough and it the i+tnle time as light It, tA.sk as poeeible. EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES pure and fresh. STURDY & CO. The Square 'Phone 91 I SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any e,en numbered aeetion of hutnhtion IJlods to Manitoba. Kaskatchew.n and Alberta. ecce{{ainK x anA :et not reperved, neay be horns, orad, -A by any Iserron who I. the sole )lend of a family• or any male over IA year. of 11"x% to the i extent of one-quarter rection of IMU acme, taoty or dew. Entry) mull be mule personally at tAe local , fiend ofllde for the district in which the land is lit nate. The homeAeader I. required to pertonn file - couditiorr. oonmx:ted therewith under one of the following plans: I IU At leapt rix monthsresidence upon and cult Ivatlon of the land ill ea,•k year for lhna year.. In If the father for mother. If the father isdc oesesedl of the homesteader resido.. urge a trona in the vicinity of the land entered for the re- lulmotmeolm as to residence may be satisaal by such person reridint with the father or mot her.; (11 if the settler has his permanent n+ridence upon farming land owned by him in the vicin- ity of his honn+„tea,L the nslulrements An to rosldence loosely be •stymied by mAdenoe upon I he ••aid Isnot. six monlhr' notice in writltlg should ole Iran to the Conuntasfoner of 0omtnlon It at I fanwa of intention LO apply for patent. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. It. 1'c alit hortred publication of this ad vert s nrnl wilt eel be toned for. H. B. BECKETT EMBALMER AND iFUNERAL DIRECTOR Furniture and t'ndertisking:warcroouls• Nest aide square. 'PlI0N F:a: Nf ro Br. Goderich House• 178 Night calls: At residence. cor. Cambria nud and Nell a/ street. r OPHEY & SON -IKE LBADINe— eral Directors Embalmers rtully att.naed to a dl an• alight lir day 'PHONE 15 OR 24 (at /(ort Went` When yyou went 1 and Yierds l 1 street and 1 THE R};41, at hock \Mquare OOAL* ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND, alA11 Co"I weighed al the market soalase "'hero yon get, .A lbw for a loo. WM. LEE. (order+left at C. C. 16=8 Hardware Etas r,1st std, ttquare, promntiv attended to GUNllRY BROS. Livery, hack 'Bus Stables GOOD HORSSS- CARRIAORS PHARTON>, —RTC . A T-- RBA8.0 ABLR —R A .,S e— +• r Weil -appoint ed ((nicks rend rt -li- able drivers in r•harges of the 'Burns, which will meet all train s And At"nnaboats ALL CALLM ATTENDED 7" PROMf Y FROM HOTHI9 AND PR VAT$ HOUESS (SUNDRY BROS. FA)UTH eMURT PHONE :TFT