HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-23, Page 2i
warm weather of the butter part of throe at Hrwt ; but u Iron AA it Is (N,u"ttihute the 1)omiu__ end Provin-
-lurch cleated( off the soma, but Ihr kuuwn Ihnt. the (UI' wet'Ation nutit
revenue b direct
1 Y Prymant the
awn fowls
of the Interior De
hxvr Ptucerdrd ruyouthly, and no
of the succe+cding Mouth ties ale ill earnest nil g000l citizens�Aoa"Iao/lr they
11 now ruutriFluty their
scandal has attached to the Minister
wore down the exptleext plants to such will uutle to rat nits the eufurte. tnuulvipwd reveauer, there would lie
an ext�ht that ill
u pW K lid lity dintJriwel'ce In like comitry
a or any luau/ler of his staff, Evei•y-
thing In conducted on A fair, twsineas-
s+rwe creed one-fifth l',rnl of rep bloom which aIr IIM:eY• bretKUl'r many mouth"•
like Ywr lmuligrxtiun
of t}lo crop ought W Ile plowed up. wiry fur theptelervxtiun of order and A Pr (.aper°IL
has inore+taod
W auirvrlluus extent, and W weal
However, here is still n chance of public safety. -
the demands of the home -seekers Mr.
Telephone Call %a Sd,
the crop's picking tip ; land in an •--�-,r-- -- - If It ubeerrer. '
P r g i Y The
Oliver has arras y
Kest for the surae of
;r•r,w• or s.,b.cri non :
editor i
event farmers prefer t, drill in I.^ it The New fork 1uu asks : "1Vh Jo dT The Cliffuni Express
Y Y lilts Iwrchased a pig tend the edilur's
111,OlIO,INN1 xrr'rr of agricultural Ixud is
the Northwest to
111 tar annum in artvana•,
or (wits oil Imre sputa rather than plow the publh' sch(o[ children of New all over this western rection ere won-
mer;, the growing
uecesvities of the
Si: moil hm, ,xk• ; three rnuuthm. 2.h•.
To United Stated sub%crilron, ii.•5,ya year
up fall wheat, owing to its letng York speak field write such wretched tiering where uu earth he raised
fs!;A Ur In ad1'altoe,
!ul)dcrtbers who fail to r%+eive Tns SIGNAL
y money lie go lie wa extensi\'e► iota/
seewlewl with Kress. F,glish ," 11 answera toy raying L tet y
I �, liar stuck.
Prompt Ac T
pt t;oa lakes. '
regularly by uulll will ouster r favur by sc.
to sainting u. of the tact al a,e early a date w
Clover, like the limweeling crop, also l'lany of the instructors ill the u•
suffered frons the trying title ill lie • uI the Je utrtnlent Not a Place for Parsimony.
) Ke(. ,end P ) d
Hon. Mr. Lemieux, Minister of
Ialor, lila ncHSHew1 the 'tun nis trrneu
when a change of addnwdladesired,boththe
I oft ucatiun .
lunch heaving is rrplrleei. But it iof are thrwrrlveY grossly ignorint of the rfplQegaoW 1:lla.we ItepubbcwN
at Montreal that they must return to
work {ending xu Invoatigatimn of
slid the new addrc %hould beatt,en.
lbw e.u'ly tl hang out signals lit dire first principles of emu" ovition ,old I'nderpiviug teachers is a short-
their differences with the of
1 eltlts,
policyflit• national eHlcieucy
boats regarding the hay crop, laud x cun•leNp in their use• lit words." it de•- drlwmir ill it, gnat Il,emsllle oil the
depends great
'feel'. The conciliation hill was in -
landau( br torr( just
and ottier miuulsr ,Nt, cru ements, for
per Ilse for and iu.rriion and 1, per line h.r
wonderful recovery is lwiesible within dares that "duzrnr if not scorns of quality of the itimtet ctiurl given• and
sorb w case Ar
this. Pending investigation men can-
meal tib"4aeot indt•rtiMl. �Ica+urled by a
Ilse" to an
roapwrell sewro
it id folly K
the next six weeks. teachers have sent to this Pn{Ker dost•- y to relive, mtto,ng teaching tet
SP[ing the pt' col of day (aloe.
not he diechargrtl or locked -out, laud
Ructu,wAm eanlmot din lino, and under, >K her
of 61x under,
rmtwding has guns un alNtce, uumic+ations which a properly ill -
neither can they by concerted action
leave their
Ad veribeernent. of Lod:, Found. Btrnyt%t. sat
and a mellow sear( -lied has lawn the mtructed child of ten would blush to A Rout for John A. Cooper.
work. With its record of
fair dealing it, cases of this kind.
Ila'iOnoo \'roaot, Snusuon. Wanted, If...I a. 1"r
hale lir to (tent. Fiertn. tar SAI(- or to Rent.
}lamllton tlnex•lalw.
rule, although there are semue cool- own. The letters of this description
The Canadian
there is ilei treason to believe but that
Ankle. for Sale, etc., ,out nxcemedblg a `ht
plaints of sticky soils. Growth ie have leen sol nuuler(ns Am t, make ala ('qurter, edited by
Jl"- Cooper, who is move
the prrsuut difficulty in Muatteal will
tic each iurntion ; t!1 far Ant month. 7fr
for nth, lwrtteradAcrtiso-
res ohrible
tN.�kwArd, but (.tike(melee the outlook I wul'tlei' if tilt- majority of teachers, fur the new presttl rrgulfitioU" thou
be amicably settled.
menta ill prop,rtion.
type LOO
Annonnliiw. td III okv
ie quite. Gwo•Ahlr fur spring grxina, men and woolen, regard the Accepted any other afetal, mueers fit the ••little
Casada's Northern Riches.
less bAo,lk,
o>eAn ts+r line. Vi oath.• tell thou ..L•.
- Frlit tree" have ('(.file through h the : n•Ide•s of em 'ftalizattioll lllld I)tmcttla• news wr pulollalll•1•(s' \\'lit)d„ Il,t like
K 1
There as x settlement at Fort Vel'•
Any mparfwl nothr, the oblmt of which id the
pecuniary Im•nent of Any indirid,yyu or
e his ill i •work, and sayn :
-wIm[Pr without any injury \aurLh rt-- � tion .and Krtnm'ft. ICH1 construction Nm ' IC
million oil the Peace River, seven been -
at,on, to M ,%en.idereA an adverllr+menl and
t, b•
for atplooy. earl .
Hates for di.+play
Is tile) often the•w•ay. When it
Ixn'ting, and with rllln+l)-. rpt7lying l 0111/1't•tlalaP• l(. Iw Iraietrd J►t :illy (•oYt." lonchem trllr own lwrke►a, 'lVe 1'I►1,(e a
there should Ie +t situ meant of mons Mala huller,' Putriotimrll
dared miles north of Fdnumton, This
is the nowt n(.t•therly point in Canada
es ami contract silvan leo-
menu w111 fro Rtcen a, application.
It news wr editor shares The
K Y Y tNlp 1
IN A splendid
ruwle by Human farmers from this , San's perplexity. The dchoo I tete 11(rt thing /or political spa aches, high
at \which agriculture is pursued Ile a
regulAr ,eetlplNteiri. This fort in the
Addraw all colnmunicat"atm to
Behind debates al',( nevo-spapor edifier-
stolrce of rikeaue. I doing their duly ill the teaching of ials but
dist•ibutil'g point for flat Arra pf six
1'Ira tl"aNA4
; wheat it gets down tt,o lei
'Liar stack generally is in a fair ran- Fnglieh.' I la few "Polls for the. eneral welfare,
huudnell mil^a in length hp two
hundred miler in
tla.erich. NIG
_ -�_
--_ _ _
- - --
dition. Cattle are rather thin, hilt tuomt of us hesitate."
healthy. The Iiate spring- there was Settle People do not like Wiest( ,A' -.Lt lit %Pt very long mine@ Air. Ckweper
width. The region
is very fertile ; harvests of wheat,
oats, +lull either cereals are constant
hardly I Churchill, the Under Herretary f(ir Was wt king '•pntl•tutisur" fur all it
y »bite of Tor mGml unci) a the Colonies peas Iq )rth fur his
tad goN1. They wt- N+aiJ to ew nal in
- —_ _
has in the British Oil own lwrteulmr
few days ago -hos told urw,n farm �" benpfl,. Month
quality Hied quantity the harvests per
nfl(-r month hr
talent, hat it uulst lie udwitted that clnmurell for Canndian patronage on
supplies, find Reef stork will not get
his candor fend his riagerue•ss fight the
acre of Mfinitobla lir SxxkxtchPwrn.
The w•ami current- front the Pacific
Off IA) Ne god a atAIrt. its ustal. to gmund of lentlitetiaul. It was the
for his duty
erose the mountain and find their way
The Colonial conference of- UNIT is
peiuciplew afford a refreshing of Canadians t(. pay Z tents fur
Tu mum up, he tit-amm is late, but w his one-horse magazine 1weause it wits
I contrast to the. "log -rolling" t►ctira of
gewxi warn• Nnnunrr, with +a fair rain- ;
duan the mountain Passes and initia
twin a fairly even teUrpe entum. The
over, and in Lakin Ntock of the re-
suite of the meeting #a variety of
roads in Can 'a. •tad creme paying fru
fall, elan rwlrew the situation. In the arerage Politician lie+ seen in this rents Patch fur better nutgazines made
district is laid tl be rich in winpewl,
o, f
but see fur the pursuits have leen
Those who Are
any event• the pmsprct is as goal AN country. The difference in miulp[y in the United 8tette It was the Inde
that between the pian who is tight- "f pwlriotiem---tn others -hat touched
the average of the last ten years ,for
That thin territory has been op@lled
inopinions b y o set- statue
in a burry to ser femur prlpwhlr organ-
ing for what he thinks is tight noel lr. Cn)op(yr.r',1 pockets. and c/aumed his
the ural' who knows [low to du things holler. HP
tip and inade av,tilal+le to the. settler is
i tion representing the who( British
Empire• with defined dutle"
was all right personally' ;
for mon who cares only to Attain 11, he. was watriotic e•nou h to accept the
on it farm, a9 prices promise to be I K
the direct result of Government inves-
ligation Lind advertising. A few
powers, are disappointed. No anion
grnml far farm Prexluce ilia year. to Any in power. Uhitrehill's Latest 15 vents hr demanded I'V11 ,old above
I deliverance is to the effect that tier ageurluua Price for his magazine.
.ensu ago) and Peace River war re -
wits taken lo)king to such an A)rg,iniz•
anon ; the silken• alu/(.st invisible,
__ — --- --- -- British Government hits "not only ---- ---with
EDITORIAL NOTES. I leanged the dear against Imp•rinl tax• NEWS FROM OTTAWA
girded as A inrogbito," but
accurate information came A
letter understanding of eliu,atic con -
tie of A common inte,est tend scow-
=— - anon of flood, but has hocked, blared
latus*, with the result that this ruag-
niticent Area has liven #added to the
mon sovereign remetins still its all Ilist
The New Ontario people want the and Iw>Ited it. lard will out give a
many larspts CAnulx yet possesses ill
binds together the vartone port Iona of
Ppovir-cial Guverumeut to lie more farthing preference nn A single per, AFFAIRS THAT INTEREST THE
what was iKKnorofntly drscribed ae "the
the Empire. indeed• is all that lawr•al. Yet they elected Uonserv. CANADIAN PEOPLE.
percor11 The Liberal
great lone land."
is necessary ant( all that in AdviAablP. ati\•e representatives to the Legis- stood like x "(Wk between like hurl•
wen t e hard.
Some Political Gossip.
for the present at least : the future la6ure..
working uo►"ses laud all who would Proposal 'Colonial
A few months ago one heard mfil'v
will bring its own conditions and its
own result.•. There are those who lie
at the Conference
There wtea great Anxiety in the Nla" exploit their food supply to l"jueeze for an Imperial
perial Fast Mail Service
stAteluents• supposed to he laved up -
On gout authority. that the Uonserv-
gara district this week, owing to the some %han,eful profit out of the scanty Canada to Be the Highway of the
not Iwtisfltw{ with for growth Of the r 6 Y
attars were tlitil+lnt AI theprospect
(.f An early
Imperial plant; they. want tet lurk it thrr+atening
Pe P P report
pittAnre of the weak poor. There
of frost, but the buttal PO1 Empire's Trade Georgian Bay
front 'would lee another battle. lint
general election. Such
things tare efinl no more. The Con -
the fruit•gruwen is-- all he Canal and Hudson Bay Railway
up by the Yenta to wee if it. is alive; tir\rr tumchell 11M." NN Id ane, "Client- 1'Hnt is the way Schemes.
servatives know that an apFwal la the
cuunhv would Is• x decisive verdict
they have ser little faith in its citxlily
- - -- for x mall to talk. If a principle is ___ _
favorable to the Lilerxl party, and
that they cannot believe it is groveling
The Jap General- Kuroki withstood I worth Anything ft is worth fighting ,
they are not anxioae for a trial of
Utt; May alt -Use ei[ the pro•
unless they are conunuxlly pr,aldint; the hardships of the w',u• with Huwite, I for ;and it is not bad twlitica, either,
The time to change a Gted
prue+/lx IerOre the l'uleinial ronfrrenc,.
sand poking at it. Thi• service of rurh hest the perils of the dinner table have for the people liken man who mays',et I.nndon, which till" jnat Iwen
le t
ermnent is when it has mixonductexl
people to the development of the Irl• leen too Much for him during his visit I what he !n)eans and weana what. he eluded, is one in which Canada hum ,t
— --- -
perlahst Idea es x douhtfid one. They
to New 1 ark. He las had to demandI
secs. The "clever" p,litician who h-ge ,"ensure of interest. it is the
do not understand the true iuuoi t oP
British Im{erixlisw in its Ix *t meow
x reRt
w'helue the e►tablishnient of it new
bilks x11 around x pnopxiNition tut felar fast mail and freight service Ire•tween
a voluntary community of i ide{m•nd-
UP G) date the diriRctgrn of ht.
I of antxgoniztng some voters nye ,one- 111*land, Australia :u,cl New Le.hind,
ent stated, eat -le conducting ill. ,mit
Toronto Fxhihition hAtre not asked
Barrister Crothers of tit.` Thomas t
ing to tike. print might take A IesRom via ('xaedit.
, from the brilliant success of the plain" The prolosaj is divided into two
NAtticular affairs and till uniting fur
allow hinieelf tie Iw-exhibited atthe
spoken Churchill. parts, One affecting the Atlantic
title find the other the Pacific Ocean.
the furtherance of rourmon inters+l•.
fall abow its the u"xn who Infused A
Un the Atlantic Mille the service will
A central
avv #I for t l t•
chrolue front the Government.
The Toronto Grits are working tip equal the existing service to tiew
re would
whole Empire would have x \Any pt,
'*enthusiasm" for the cmuing (-ler• York. Thid would save two days be-
carious existence, and would #Almost
The Georgian Bay conal may III, ,I
tween England field Cannata. Four
liana, and we are treated to the old
certainly brad to jeAlousiep and in-
giNml l,cheme. I,�t it call afTutd to ..'oil
days wt ern, four days across CAn,aJx.
Mtory ihat there is really a Rood pros- Eight days to the pacific const fou,
trigues ; AN fit prevent constituted the
te few yeast. he building of the
Pect of the election of title or more England. On the Pacific side the of. -
Empire, with a unity- that is purely
Grand Trunk Pacific will take x lot of
I Liberals from the city this time. We just is to eretablish At least nn eighl,en-
voluntary, rests upon the strongest
money, and the rountry's futurt•
service to Australia -- which
i1C there is, but we don't take much
h`� would faring the Antipeles
fourxlwti(.n that has yet Item discov-
should not Iw too heavily mortgaged,
1 stock in the prophecy all the s»rce. deovs of England, and gurntly
Bred for empire -building, namely, the
- -
The subscription,, to (he Toronto
The trouble with the Toronto Liberals lessen" the time to the Orient.
greatest possible degree of fre•eeigtn
for each of its component parts.
/food Al. the education of Longboat,
The ronroters of this
is that they seem to believe the run- P Pronew
ning Ilse, in which L terd Strat lconA has
the Indian runner, ornamented to)
of election camplaignV is the
whole tr) take a best%-)• flllnllcial
who1R thing. Just before w general Interest, have
The question of tariff preference
IIifNI'2S' This will holy fi gold
received assurAncem
election they ran get up any amount frame he BritiAh, Canadian, Australian
was that which cls.imed the greatemt
enough wile»tlilrl for a T "mntonimi,
(if hurrah, and bustle big speeches, but and New 7ealand Governments of are
degree of attention in connection with
unless he w•x11tti to put on intellectual
when the voteis rousted the other annual subsidy of 1fsi,11110")lee�•annu,"
the conference. Conservative jour-
for ten years.
fellows hove it. What Toronto needs Carola the Highway.
halm Great Britain and in Canada
It in intere<•ing to learn from the
in edilrxtiOt) Along political lines. The completion of this Gat line
Mame the British Liliertl party and
official r•portm that during the last
The majority., of Toronto's inhabitants pollee of Canada the highway for it
the Liberal Premier of Canada for the
tour yens over 1511,01X► People have
are brought 11p as Tnries, and they fau'ge proportion of the trade which
lack of advancement in thin direction,
come from the United 8itletes into
will continne te),tote Tory• until they now rexchet, Australia find New Lex -
hired frons
Bat neither the Btitixh Government
Sir Wilfrid
Canada. Of theme 13,0110 have leen
flop mother Land by w•xy of
urn cot"verterl �) Liherxlimm by the tilt• -Suez Cnnxl. The impetus
nor Laurier need offer any
+U+tnadinns coming back to their own
preaching od good. sound .Aheral dor- tip the burineloo of the Dominion by
apology for heir attitude. The
trine. Instead of attempting this the inereased traffic dose the continent
Briti*h people should not Ile asked to
Pre Bend left the Colonial
Toronto (frits put up candidates ii -ho IeY(nd romplitation. A feature ,If
wreck he l system which they
tested and found Ge Ile an won.
or in ,t hull lecullor he. Imperial
this Gtat line it) the Antip tlPN, and
t y to nlxkl themllelves 1(ok las touch retries M7cps% to the Orient will hr thehave
like Con•fervati•es Am pwossible in the opening
(iet•fully successful. in order to try w
authorities would not gtAnt the lie.
mfindA of tirwf it d
tip (If new trade channelm ins
hope that they will qct enough Goo. possible under present cond[lionw.
Saturday and Monday
Stock Reducing Prices
Our price reductions here advertised are worthy
of remark. They are occasioned by our necessity to
reduce our over -stock to a fixed amount. Read our
partial list of Saturday and Monday bargains.
Table Linens
Special sale of table linen
"Second•" fl+wl Ireland. About
All) cloths in all sizes. 1x3, 3x31), 'lx3
panda. They are slightly imperfect
brut not enough to affect the wear
at all. Clearing atea disc(lunt of
40 per cent. off regular price.
1•x) yxlds wide reversible union
rltrpot Ili ret( And brown pwttl"rnm,
regular Sit- a vard. Katur-
day end Monday.......... Z2C
'01 yards extra heavy anion
carpet ht A variety of patterns and
good coletriugr, +tlsrr perfectly rw-
Versihle, regular new 45r Intl 51k
yard .., +at par 35c anJ 40c
flied ......
511 wool, nation And velvet rugs
Opened in stock this w'e•rk•, sizem
3x3, :iz3&, 3x( yards.
Tapestry Carpets
dal weds of t-7 inches wide.
heavy pills tapestry carpet in colurw
browns, greens, reds; patterns mutt.
Hill(- for Any loom or hatil And new ,•
regular %o stud 70c A y,►rd, 55c
at per yard......... L"
Brown Holland Ends
I,ollu yetr•is of nlAnufActu,.• .
Pnde of brown Hullnmd ,)r iinru,
ends of front '_ yard% to 6 varda .
Iwxutiful pure linen of '_'7 inches ,o
:111 inches wide veld worth front _ie
to 2Sc a yard, clearing on one
yardcounen #a. per 12c to 15c
ford "rum.....
Spring Coats
ladies• cohort tweed conte, in :I
variety (ef moths ; velvet roller end
lealltifully mode In lox or p,l v
•tyles, 1't•gulxrsti.ltl,and $3.75
' $7.101, SnOirday price
ipptself, proved false to pre-election to indicate that public confidence has
it' .til affairsd it ) It the couhle of ntry to he sminister- , tituencywithdrawn
of wNorth Bruce. the
advantage of the citizens. Huch Conservative, returned a Lifraral e
charged cAnnut be inside again*t the few months ago At a bye•election. At
I.ilerid Govermuent. A man is Three Rivers, when Hoo. JAso ues
known by his works, ,ao is Agovern• Bureau was appointed 8olieit(x f�Pn•
meet. A long period of conimer,jal oral, he was returned by acclamation
prosperity prover that the Ioliti(-mmachrlthotigh this ars the former strong-
smoothory. B the counts is sensing hold of Bir Hector Langevin, ACon-
smuothlp. $ye•electint' have fxileel dervative Minister.
to>liah experiment in Imperial tariff- (fuuR An , it. would servative votes to elect. thel'n. This rhe benefits will extend far ievoind —
have beet, a piucky thing fur Premier those which rnure by sedan lit the - - _ -- -- I
make :end in refusing to lie a party not only does themselves no good. Mit transient freight. (,In.lfi will lir (the
W *uc a demand upon the Maher Ilrrnd to rlo if ht had not nlrexdy (leen it exercises nn injurious effect npn tet known and her gouts will find
Country eCanndfan Premier acted amsurrwiot the cordial sympathy :")(1 the Literal party throughout the their way tie the utternorat partsof Clinton Business College I
muppn't of Fdwarol Norman Lewis, M. Province. The city dailies fire widely the eArth. If Sir Wilfrid Laurier ac- Ia. i.\miiAtc.1 with w•iroahnm B.('.i
with his ft- al goal to*te and good p ron"pliahesl nothing more than this At r
atone, 1ft he Ioniev( were prepared tend. and the chalk-and•\vater brand the conference, he succeeded in lad- mI- i- tndicid wAl ins suer ion.
GI abolish enti • their customs tariff ifere's a tip for Prnmirr Whitney. of politics premented by the Toronto vancing the material interests of till” Z \v rue for fror-Wotnle.
figaintot British grkxla there would at The talk of secession in New Ontario Liberals gyres leffi a the country PP')Plc to it degree which cal"not lee n,t -'-
]Past at this time. >- OEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
]Past be a IoAai* for gequti#alien with O11tY le cussing lin► a little itnxiety, (1Metlr who are thirsting fur he true <
the British Go\Prnm t for an fait- bot if he can get the people up there milk of Libernliem and provides any- Georgian Say Canal.
rit I
i 1 - 'ff talk• 1 1'I • 1 'I i' f
s!•tTill��sii��s!•ItlMtllltliittfa �o
are the hest roc. ' Sr
Our Stock is Large.
The Season is Backward.
Handsome bargains on the very most stylish I
Waists in the market. I Pure SiHc Waists Pure Japanese
The kind that will not rut. Silk Waists
-Mottle plain, with he•ru stitchtrl
tuck and pleats or fancy trimomed Snell aiye•+, $2.51t t„r jl.s,
with fine lace in either white for $:I.1N) for $I. ss,
bLeck, extra value at ....... ljg.00
Very Heavy Black White, Sky and Pink
Tafetta Waist Waists
to clear. iwrcply moist( with
Very heavy Mark tAf(•ttww•Aist very fine embmidety trimming.
six•cia ................. ;41,00 i!~U16 for ts,s5
LAWN WAISTS. siviish, up-to-date, tAAEmruIIv made ,end
trimmed 11•ith Laces, insertions, tucks, etc., "tc. Prices starting
at .Ilk'.
Women's Shirt Waist Suits.
Goal wmah goods, well ullulp-ten much nicer than w wrapper.
Prices. $I.Xi, $1.6n and E200.
New Parasols, New Millinery
I- w r Agwmmt fore, n countrie". ng a oat what place is to le the thing but a satisfactory (het. If the GroI nu (InK o x camel from the - ._ I McKI M'
long, however, an C Ada anti cnpit,al ref tie new Provimre they will grit candidates in Toronto were all rginn flay to the Ottawa River �rariri�tlllltiriwri S BUSY STORE•
has leen A vexed roliticxl question foe
Australia and the otherColunttes train• ",Note Ie quarrelling among then"selves (frow'ned lax sown nm the • were for fly year*. The ilteral Government
Vain duties on imports fm the --find A divided force IN (•nsily de- the party tbreugho at the I'mvince hue Iw'n-syNtrmatically making sur- a THE FIRST STEP E IMti��ti�tati 4i mg os—_� _
Mother Country ito utterly useleM feated. would tee tenrHLte•ei. It world not veva, #al'(1 acquiring infurmAtion
- --- — it6ich would tell, to a final Volution Often means mol touch. It hits
have Go __ - - - -- ---- --
LO expert Any clear-headed Brit�ln It is n long while Vince W t H pander Gr he sentiment of of All the d I
rs Iron pr o P")m prrttenGd ill it int ant aucceM to f hou*Andm of
Minister to waste time over the did- Ilan had much it prolonged Political the cit)-, and could make an l'ntram- scheme bf much magnitude its ' the young people who wrote for our
cuesion of it preference. r melled fight for its principles in the building of thin canal. The report of Catalogue as the first std Go- �`M��t�
I AC am "I" e•xi`o1Pd since earl in must x i
-- Y c(untrydlrtricts. the t:eonginn Buy Canal console K(NNI IuJArip(I pxom"tuon, s
Ifs► 1'he calling of a (.iters( nomim lie oa will le plrtwnted to the Houma I '1'xke the eG.p today, Addre•mot I ; A Nice Girl
It id to tike. Lilerxl Ministry of sting convention is flit Indication Of -- urxt eealeion. It will contain fail[ tie. c'e'ntral Mistiness College, aer) I
— - ----
(irext Britain that credit is due for apPruAc in"
Imaltle, but there may Ile Rule Oriteennia. tailed fearticulwrm law to the completed ' Tonga St„ Toronto.
the most notxblI, /l"ature of the con- a long wa yet (afore the w is -horns when l)ritAin fln,t at Reaves'. couun%nA n b ngthtit �e (.Neat Iyt1/1NMI,INNi hitivde tt I lwPPil" W H. SHAW, Prlr. goes
� �+ ' 1
Potence --the Premiparemener
therein n (len• are enllA ala , The present Provin- Acome front out wt- nzurc main, expended in ww •ting for the first � ����� � O � e `� W 1 t ��
dent lllrthia. Premier ofthrTrxnevAAl, cls) IA'gtslatu will pmbmbly sit for Thi"w'Nstile charter ofherinod. tiler till[and nccurate data with re-
w ulrm and A Muntry with whom six only rent, name salon, but the Do. And guardiAn antlekm Oar too mtratn : A�)ect to the rout of the great project. - - - --- -- -_
I every ZOth
yeah ago the His pire wits fat war. In minion Parli,unen will have two link Nrltoinuia! Britannia rule the w'avr.! 'I lit- total cost of t:le enol(, it IN Pali- ���
Brltammnever @halltoo mtaveA, lusted, will reach $10iilN10,facto The
granting nt•If•guvPrnwent to the aPamionN yet if the whole Hee-yens deport will droll not only with the 1134 CENTRAL Century
Transvaal the British Government G•rn i4 lived out. Tier nAUona not roble t as biker elotin,Attsl cfe,(t, lint will explain the
hAm given the only possible ju*tiHcA. • ___ Mu.t In their flim to tyntletm tall. engineering problwus t0 lie encoun-
whilst thou +halt flourish armt lend free. ,
tion of that wits-, it desire for the ex. Tie derision of the Irish Nationalist The dread afxl envy of them AIL tenni in it" couatrurti(u. Ae Hgnres Brand Suit
tPnsinn of trrewlam and equal rights. party tie opple the British (•(.aero- cover x mute from the Georgian Bay •TRATVOwD. ONT.
xtlll mora ulAlr+tie shAh thea rlmc, In Jionlrexl, vin the French River, un. r+tahll•hrd twenty trade eg n 'furl by
The spectaclr of the vanquished Gen" nrent's laill for A pwu•t iml settlement of More dreadful front each fnn'IRn +trokc; Lake Nipiming And the Ottaw,j River,. - is thorough tv..rk And lionotwhlr d. all by `'
dell sitting lin conference with the the Irish e1811114 will disappoint many Am the Innd bin.t that tomer tl,c •,klms The re ort will *flow th,ft the plus with Its pntrnnm, hnA borelnlr note of tr el e O I' O V e I w
true friends of Irehuul. The hill wn* i Herr -tint to roof thy is t,.l fP"siIlll+. The only mt tl Iarxest and most. widely known ('Mnmer-
Ministers of the victt)rious Empire has 11 Ix cial Prelleire. in the I'm Ince. Thadentaod
given to the world one of the greatest intended only ,a an instalment, And Thee hnuRhty tyrmnts oder mhmll feline ; le decided in as to whether the ex- neon nm fru c xnmemial tetarhen and omrw
All thele nttefnpfm ro Ixmol u,,, .;o..-tt fwet.twl Ie*aha will jn*tify Aurh wn Px• �tmtwna�I'd1Inv exceed.. the mnpply. we CQat
examples of British magnanimity, Of failure- men*Iowa might have (leen ex- awdme Irwltllllte+ to IRWuens. xtlxlenf.
t1'fllhill arMlsotil le ted that
of public money. It its ex. k
British 'faith In the e•Hlc#a(y (.f deer• Pester( to 'Irak« tike. FAtun,is of free- v Reand thy
blame• perte(I thfit the (.•Anal will have w run• tire entering mach wet ('ntalogud free.
And work their woo and thy rotrown.
dom," of British fair fel ; and the 1111(1( wider Yet.- With the Irish i"g til s depth of twenty-one feet dor- ELLIOTT ift McLACHLAN,
To thrn M•bnR"the rural mllrn : ing tike. peri,xl (.f navigation. YOU et the Suit or
lea",on half not been loaf opts the nn- mpu,lerA oppw/Ntr1 to the brill• the Gov- I Thr dtie+shall with rrxalmeme shine : Hudson Bey Railway, I'rtndpals, g
tions. Aa A French Piper had maid, ernnlerlt wllt'likel• drop it, Hind the All thine shall b.the.nitlecrnlain. Overcoat here and the
"It is it great honor for England td' mettleunrnt of the vexed que*tion of And ereryshe" Ncimies thine! The Government hien taken stetes to
test the reamibilily of a railway retro I -- girl afterwards if you
have, kept lits word *rt- boldly." The Irn1And'd government will IN- nppAr- I Thr Mn+r+. +all with ►I\Vdntn found, I SxAkatchew'nn to Fort Charchlll ten ,
Lilx•ral party of Gt'eat Britain, tlrt•n, ently As far off as ever. I Shan to thy happ,o•st rerair : Hudson BNy. An Pit {4torsatic het* dont It is not the fault
lee•rl solute of the entie•p r'fItP, And I NOW ��
lids n0 need to make any rxcu*eti re- - Meet late, with mntehle-hen 1ty •rnwn'd, of the clothes, because t
garding its rontribnlion to Fail o, '- The newslwlpera have been Acell.Plf Ind rumnly hrarfs to ef-rd the fair:- I information necured *hawing flint 1. a tippy TIME to.mter the well knewn1 1' 4 t ,
1 (.f IeinK umre rPA,ly to can*ore than hole Britannia' NHtwnnla tote til" weirs' -such a. railway would not he a very they've done all that " ,
building. Cnder its Bidding hand the Hriwn+nrver.hall ler "Inve,! ear nvive nndertnking, mol that at J;
British Fmpirn will continue Gr Ha"r• 1i Plxi r, mod with thf* in mind we J. I'hM,t-on. a111AII cp*t the harMr ti( (hnrchill ' Zt)(.�iiOTT clothes can d0 t0 make ,
ish as the greatest iaHuenrr for shocdd like to way ,t word in approv+ll - cAn IM kept open all the year. The ", I
__ __ _ you a winner.
of the way in which the police force of Oovprnment haw AlrnAdv e•xpirr:wti }f , }
human frremdom under heaven. the town Is attending to business FROM OUR OONTEMPORAi(IES. the opinion that much a railway would
Along apvrrAl (•stem which heretofore
- relieve the conge*ted condition Of TORONTO. OXT.
It Wold Opts Their Eyes. tr#afflc in the Northwest. and has Also I AV in.'s'Otto (;RAIIe I AMxaa,lA, A.,, SOLE AGENT FOR
THE CRO_ 1N HURON. were nPKlecfrNl. It eased to Ix• that favorably received these Nnow�rAmn 4(tomoem. Ther rsduatm an. Y
tlo,aferth Nxtxrltor. gg(wttlon* or atmwy .,1 e,.fnl. fMtlr.woe•IAr trwtnlnR King and Borealis(. Hats
-- bylaw. We'll' pamaed h\• the contivi[ if tike. rwatMna tirflPa wery *wept NorthwP*L nirmlets to wase*I pnch ten rnwhlem them to RAt and nM e^fni nt
The past mint pr was not nnfavtir- lute] that wall Ihr lamt heard of flip"); out of existence And the nPr/•r*Ar undertaking. i-iunnm. The pwldl. who Brad d,ta derma t
alit# t0 fall wheat, but the month of tut the plrsent, loolive oH1rer" Nepal, to Y -it, -hoof aro in the nmuemer AAI. A►sT �/
M�Pn11P Its the 1•nllnl.ry rNl(led he Hon. Mr. Oliver Gone West VV%y. TRAI\et, rl,w AI'ar!reM Ie1yK NII rf;°
April made he ,,resp submit, to w gruel. be inelined to enforce the 11,04n * 'ifrort tiaxwtian it wotld'le money In Tile Minimfer of the Interior ham %mAtim"• ('ommenee now. 11,_If _
LhP kette of ever lax ,ayrr in ile fir., Walter C. Pridhalll ` .Z
ling that GIM greatly wgwint its without fpAl.. favor o nffw tion, IHR y 1 gone West Intr��thP int.rPsrs of tike. I W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinelpel,
cban,Pa for future wwrceAw. The Then rosy' IN a little friction here And wtfferry If he. pet-ifind only dle or Canada hadte. tAir-exters lto .`Since Mr. latepat Olivier'nfiaAnule( rrplrnse1Ihv.
RR1I l'or. \'loge anvil AM:etNAsr tgta.