HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-23, Page 1When your business announcement is placed in The Signal it is read by the best people in West Huron 11 A ---- - _ ---- SIXTIETH YKAR-Na 3114 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA MAY 2a, 19117 Financial- GODERICH MARKETS. ---- _ Tiuv IWnAT May Urd Fall wheat, per bush, now . 00 73 to i 0 73 Spring wheat, per bush, new .. o T9 to 073 Kyr, par btuh ... ........ U 46 to 0 4a Ruck whurt. per burp U !S to U 13 ()fit,, ler bush., new .......... U el) to U 111 {'res• per bush .. .. . 0 To to t1 77 Hart*),, per bush ................ 0 N+ tc II Y) Scroeninga per ton.. ........., dour. fauuily, per cwt .......... 16 OU to 9 SO to is.. St) FMur, patent, per cwt ......... 289 to J 9, limn• per ton .................... 16 In to 190111 Shm'G% per ton ..... .. .. fin IlU to ria U, HaY, tw,r tun ..................... 10 W to 11 W WaoA, per cord.................. S (q to tl W Butter, per Ili ................ ... 11 la to U Is Clecese, per Ili ... ........... 0 15 to 1) IS .. F;ga, huh, per des ............ U IS to U In Potatoes . ... . Il Sl to 0 33 Cattle, ordln'y W good, per cwt. ('^ttle export 3 110 to / So to t W 5 (n per cwt.......... HTH live we h . lR t, pct• cwt...:' in tl to 6 a, Spring LAmba. ................. 1 SO) to 5 fin S eep, per cwt .................. a 3U to I all }Ione, per Ib ...... . .. .. .. O Itl to U is Facou, per Ib ................... 0 IS to 0 W [Arlt. pet' Be ........ ............ 13 LO IS Tallow, per Ib .................. 0 fM to n Al Hider, yyees cwt ... . . .... . idle.p .. 6 So to ' iso Skins ........... .......... ('hlcken... 73 to I W ........ ..... Turkeys ...... . ..... . .... In to 11 W In H IUuiside utarketm on page al 11Etenesetung Mineral Water ArohitlFot,IlEto. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS F _- _ ICHE OODERiCH MINERAL WA - 1 TER CO.. utsnufacturom of "Meuesr Copy of change Of runninpl advertise- sung," itre pretend to lettere to any {earl of NOTICE, * t ments must be left at tilts office by then town Be fl a.t UlnRer.Ale !n pint. and O ,i I C 1: Monday noon to ensure insertion •nowrts, alae Minnral \\'terse in thrna• slew in issue of same week. 'q,tita. pints and quartm), ekitaer Witter and you doubt tartetu Vlating houble Sixia. These good. aro insure frou, prfntt f bt view of thn _ - natural udnerrl water. anJ aro tbnrot^ro treo w tit bAck-arid Iun.Ixr from ell ImVuMth». P. I. \1'ALTU.N, Mwrmakh,g EARLY('ONWanted ager; Phone Pot. -_to flousult L URNiNHED RWM WANTED.- - J. LEWIS THOMAS. C.E. I' Hy June 1st, without board, Ceraml TO Kent iorautyY preferred. Apply by letter to V. M. _ - Aecheitect. London, that. ROBERTS. Goderich. . tf. - - -- Hi cher o. designs and attention to _ TO LET' -THE NEW HOUSE RE• dleotw will eo^tpwe favorably with LONGINU to U. F. McPhee on Napier any In llmlaMa He will wall m you _ .'or Gale .tract. opposite the old Uaweron re.i fence. _ _ All modern comealunces, orad a thoroughly for Instruction. free of charge. - - - a•ondun table and a Wdata ro.IAenee. nor fur- L\OR SALE.. -LADY'S BICYCLE, Iher particular-ap apply at The efgnal. &,I -u 1' Gond make. ht r relent Impair ; s bargain. - - ----- -- -_ . _- --- --- ApplYatTHlaUrr ll_.- (110 HENT.-Ft'RNiSHRD ONE, iune ---_ HORSES FOR 3:• ILL 1 and w -I ny time h Fur mese twin. Ft-ellna- .IoDI Rlvun any time. Furniture fu float -airs. 6------ _-_--'---- 7lwr.emand uuns, condition. ApplYtoTHKSIUNAL t1. A. BOY ADAMR {ter farm work. --- BOY I K HENT. -A [[WELLING ON 'saccate u1. Pfaxu 7 honaf+ms d man•.- Rood for terve work.:•ltl 1 ' Kea s stt•cet. to:T1• A dwells ng Ifurn i.bed or note, near take (tent; Sledto In lank of Monteel Bloa'k. •'Jt horses and maters. 975 to SIV% 310+•modern c•omeuienars. . hon. and uxere., rt$ to 617:% - -- -- - -- '9 lama -and mem-. 73 to 1n. met; on -Two new Data kion street; Anglesey * . tl dri%em. $136 ILL All, street: u^c dwelling on Wrtou street; stale nw"7 - ]t. A. PIUl)11' i CCD.. Ualerrh. [Mf. bttlWbK tela leu Elgin xrenar, };asrx sttent. Cedar -, met and little street. ` W.t Tru. --A few' furni-hod houses or roan. C. S. BALE, L.D.S., D.D.B. LUM UMBER FOR SALE.-HFMLOCK, near the aloe. to rent for the s^htmer rt.aon. U L rim and Inside lumber fur stale from atrs,k. fkitf YUUNU R KUBK%(TSUN: \\bst Street or. run Ire cui to order. Fa further tartieulaR (Next U. P. R deice.) apply to ROBERT KLIA(laTT. Ooderich. it -.--- . - - Nedoe to CiNdit m. - Medical Seal zirtate !et- sale. - .--- _ -_ --_ - -- NOTICE FOR CREDITORS. 9 ERHON A TURNBULL WR BALI:. -A COSY SEVEN. NOTICE house: hard anti soft water In .Notice i, herby given to all ppaer.ava hoeing lfil . AA. T.LLNURAaor, M D. kitchen : near CollaRlsete Institute. Apply ta claire- aKaiu-t the estate of ('haMe-+ Atstiup•.S. TrAnRt•u. if. B., Mm. George Ciss, B itannia read. Hunker• late of the town of Underich, In the dwon Stow.. Phone IUs- oonntyof Plumes. Police Magistrate. deceased. ili. Kmmrrtto(ts re -Mertes. apt. (htvid'• »treat. / IORNFR IAT 1, TH F. OLI) OAR- to stud Cha: wIne, duly verified, 'tri Maitland Opposite Victoria -treat church. 'pilaw itla l ; HUW Alexander Humber. Goderich PartoWce, sd- i,ropert'for sale.- }'rooting on F:I ,uioi,air.t.r of the estato of the .said decraacd. Dr. Tutnbull'r roaWmwe, Walser .acct site wrcnne and . arkrt Street_ Sewer and on u1. before taw loth do33 .f June, 1!a6 : after Next Shaw•- store. pb.nw ISI. town w^ter. F'or {Mrtcular-. ripply to J. P. whk•h Awte Ibu said elu.lnttmlor will proceed BROWN. todioibute the said..talcannu lhr 71R. A. H. MACKLIN.:N. H. R to the 1J entitled thereto, luav'nR oeRarti only In the PHT61C1AV AND SI'RUEUN Olt SALE Olt HENT. NEW calmsof -'Girl. noviry -hall then have Ixen Asserted entles $6 Eye, Nor. Not+ and j` house on Bruce treat all modern con receivCA: 'tial Ili -it the s.dd adndni-(ratter Threat. OM44, meld wrl n(V, old laokof Mon- ,elnences. Apply H. W. THOMS)N It Drug will not be IiwWu for the peraads of the wt..te *real. le Pertadee, .04 A-, Uodench. Store. so dlstribnt«1 to an porion of -whose Claims P=Pok Ile. lois notMn shall nod have anen received. WR BALE. -AU ACKE.%t E'XCEI,_ Darod.; Caturlch till• fish dayof May, ll6. LENT Imifl for utarket garden, with soled i'. MEAGER e`al .uiklinits and fence.; two mllw fico (lode- Solicitor for the amtid Adndnlatmtor. rich ; ere acres In orchard of apples, pear, It -Olt % IAM$RON a .....•KiLLORA N. BAH- plupu, cherries, peaches. smile. a,xl rasp- -- - -- -- lJ HigTElitj.edleltMN. netwrfea. ate. (/IIIre. 6erriea. a;RPricO end terns fw roderio .1ppl>'isle Court of Revision SL. d trotnig are,Uderl,h, 'OC.NU t ROBERTSON. (loderfob 1.ORAN a LAIIICR°°c .. K. C. J. L Kill *1OR BALE. -THE BRICK COT. 1 tagnesstdtheknhtln` hettoorryy on Ea„t (IOLBOKNE TOWNSHIP. P- ROUDFOOT, HA S BLAIR, mason. Thedweilhtir is .wnventently located -- tarrlatia". wdldUwa. peM sod ,n in Rood missile, There alao a fertile Take notice that the ('curt of [tendon for toeefa theMsrltleq Ceae1, ar 1ee. rvtslCe stable a. lhr lot. Apply to H. KEKNAN, on the towoshipof 1'oihnrne will hull li et+l sit state, text door C. A. N rocery. Prt the premise.. 3wtf IhtR st lalow, in til. townsip hath m, +stun Sg day. the filth tiny ofMay, A. D. 196, ronmtem. vote 1.0 ted.tolend at lewsw of interest. Ging wt Ili o'clock a. in., fm the purpose of hear - W. PHUUDr(xYr, IL I% R. 4'. HAYS. G. F (j0I'9E AND LOT FOR BALE.-- inx and rectifying all roml+iwdnt. against or dLAIR. R That +vxtdorfwMe rr.•ldence on Bruce errots in the assessment 1.o I of the portent treat (pQear Victoria. fonnerly known as the year. Ail parties interested are rsinasird to 1CKINSON ilk (iARROVI'. BAR- Dr. MelAmn property and wt yre. ent owned attend. NiNTRIt9, attrwneyw eowitora. site.. send .coupled by the urxlen,IRned. I have , ery F. W. MrDONAGH• Mone ttt Nand -, toast r,at ts.: }:, touch improved this peor,ertp ins: I pus ('lerk of the wail Munlein ily. LLD fX90N. (THAN[.[: -1 flA1tItU\ ', LLIt, 'hr. d it and it Is tadsy splendidly equippers• Uarlo-. May 1Rh. [Yr,, I:L:'t 1 expect to be leaving sun shortly ,.led'life to di -pore of same before doing .o. Thla 1- n - jasasumaoe, good opportunity I. tar r,anywo want, . Anctoneering, lrOaIlse eta'. Rood home that i (n(.trnvnt. 1. ch ur:he,,, schools. bmdneas section. pm•lom.e and ------ ---- stwtian. Roan t. build t wo more h.0 w.s, R. I YOUNG A KOBERT40, REAL have considerably more than a lot. M, THOMAS OUNUHY, LIVE; STOCK Restate and Insumnr Agentm. Neal HOWELL and general auctioneer. ()flloss on South tateformalecer to let. Properties handled is Street, where Ire will b- fo:md at all lime, say part of the town am onunty. Fire and OUSE FOR SALE. A NIwhen not prying sides. Terms reas)nablO and lie Innunx, y to learn etc. - NINE al remotley co every effort. ed to ad% you Asisfacuon Xloaned frenro dwelling. having n good Phone.ln. • 41irlon, on Keays strert. Stare foundation _. - - NJVl . CRAi01E, LIFE. FiRE ter( summer kitchen. Rp,d stable. Will he -old eJ and srrident lnsumnne. Agent few leading rea,00aldy. For further particulam apply to mntl d and tuck compwndas. Irs.es" Ina ll %UW. WM• McCAUGHAN, It i)arlcs save., llntm, effected leo bent plans and at loweat ate•,, Toronto. IDtf (,all M. once, corner Wesnd t street aRquar•, or address J. W. CRAIGIX, Uoterich. Vat. L ARM FOR BALE. -ON :ltd CON. fele .hone tl 1' c«.siorl of Colt+ome township, conrsidoinq CKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN. I(1.; ef.3 d mile from school, t mile irons church, :n alk. iron, Auburn Patl. Omer, •Li M A U H A N U E C 0, 11"arm and 1.oWitd odit-s from C.P.IL station, t1 miles from Lon - town propertyInttun+d. Omlue of property in , demborough, M mtice frrsn (' intoe. There are anro.l up to an 19.6, over KOIA(*Nk. () ears on the premises, two tarn., one toxwl with and dltectora.IT a T. Fraser, ACIDIC stabler underneath. the other :Mxm in Woe -pees ; Jas. Constantly. G.• lain.' Mr. l'h.s- Vinod n+pedr; w RaPA atone houmc with a good rally, .1 K'wt t., Jae. grans, J. G. GMe+'e, J. Nenne- furnsro, and a (ns kIL, hen, woodmhad and wets, directors - T. F Hays. Seaforth.-ccn•lary- drivinR.hed. Hyd nlic fon•hng N•nier tet barn treasurer • laapeet',a nearest. direeter W I-sta, mail kitchen, Rood nK water. IA arren fall J. W. Yen, Holme.vllle, a hent for West wheat. list acres ta 'Inns -tate of rnitiva- Huron. Policy holder- canywy a.setrmtenG tion. tan fruit. trace beginning to bear, weed and Ret their Cards reaolpinl at Mr. Cnmtw', aInwll fruit, •lel Acres of gamed bosh, cedar• rlinton or At McLean HruDc' Pal►oe (lothing Wuiock, basswood. elm, maple. Possession Stare dohs ! ran he given At, once, leant. to .lilt the put _ chaser. F'or farther informA,tion apply on the "-- pretninom or address JOHN }rA t.tl)AY, Uod- 7aarriage L1censtes erlrh, flnt. ALTER X. KYLLY, GODERICH, ONT. e Watchmaker. Jewriler and Opwlcian. Truer of Marriage Linensem. WLANE, ISSUER OF MARRi- . AGE Ilaenaea. Goderich. Ont -------,- THE 1 Went Huron Liberal Aanorlation will be held at the Tenipemnee all, Godrri,h. nn Monday. June Std, fear at 11 o'clock a, m. A. Important, hnmle vw will be tmnaacted full STERLING BANK OF CANADA HarD OrrfCR I ToaoxTo AUTIIDrrraen CAP1TA6, 01,r)Ie.len INC'ORPORATKD BY SPFA'iAL At, r OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TG Rat(' RI V K D Kl r )SITS To seemmmodittea the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FA RMAR. BALK NOTVA ninmuigTRD. HAViNGA BANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of $1.110 interest at:i"/, compound- ed gnwrterly. 7 yDl•.1tiCH BRANUII A. G. GAMBLE. Manager. FRM FOR SALE. - it. CHOICE tarn[ for sale, adopted for inixed farming or a.t tire. Ir, acre" cleaned, Io acrei! good orch. w 1.5 acres good umher. :+lett a black clay loam. flood tomo house, 1.m barn and .table,% good driving shed. Soba and 34, Conic inion 1. Goderich I"""ship. Ap3I to PHOUDF'OOT HAYS a BLAIIt.r t. IgHAS. J. WALLIS.Ofilntan. YS FullHALE. - ll STORY HOU 1. on Aniclesee street, li story bottom d(I\ Napier sirrel, li story house on Napier street, near Catholic chinch. li »tory' house on Elgin mvenne. 1 story house nu Keay. tree(, 1 story house on Victoria stmt. 1 ,t(,ory brick house fn Saltford, ^ bargain. brick Twtd In ('olbornc, near lienmlller, a splendid Inrsonent for a town with small eApltAl. F'nrms for awls In nnyy tar of Huron oountya YOUNG a It(1HKHT- Sf IN Goderich (hit AN EXCELLENT FARM FOR AA LL -Yin arses to We -t Wawanoah. two Pollen from Auburn; soil A clay ion ai, shout flat earsm. under Cultivation and .In to to acres drifter. A well and Iwo prings of water, w how hantpdwellin , a gewxl barn, stable and drlvin shed. App y to VI PUNG a ROHKRT- SON odmi----.-- A 81'MMF:R >f FAR/O.N [.tJwac4.I.ouuner hold tel the HMtl.h AmeMrnn Hn-ince ollege. Toronto, florin .ani red AnRnxt. idrnt. may enroll wt any till i with equal dewntagr. Write for ratmlewni and mtc of [Id. oltiw.t end ba•,dhool. T. M. \l' kr.)K, HOME STUDY APPLIED to one or more of the .&tmlid covrsr given by the Shww ( orreaynndence Rehool. Toronto. will help you to better thing•• In Any walk of Ilte. Iwo tax send yen Par ticulares. Weare helping hundred. of .tndentw t lla3'• May we not aid well l Cup outs sign native and mail it.. Name.............. . ................ AdAm+.. U.S. ORGE BECKETT• GENERAL , Gmwuctiotamt, few n 11^llta, street, llodericfi P. G. box lila All ,,alas will receive Pipectmi attention. I will buy your ent.im tock of j household grails for cash, and will soil Sou atovem, f.rnlOur, mettmsses, .psi nen, ." cheap. fall and .see whM wee can do for you in this lino. GEORGE BIWKKTT, Curtain) Shop. Goderich __-Pnblic Notice TAKE) WARNIN(><. NOTIC4 TO DOG OWNERS. Take notice that owners of dogs not complying with the town bylAw as to tagging will le prosecuted. Thim means business., JOHN HANDS. I Chief of Police. SIE TORONTO GENERAL' TNI.9TR (•7tfPf1RAT7(IN, a. executor t her I.ate.f .[AMM CLARK. late of the. 1n n of (Ioferl•h. In the County of Hnn.n. ggre. letnwn, deeoamed, offerat for web the follow. I.,g «•ks sod shores its. airs Western Coined^ Floor Mille Co., {Mr va a $11x. 91.he A. Booth a (b., prdernml -1 it, par vol. g14i, Im hie Goderich Organ ( o.. Ltd., par Value Jlnl. 14 shares 0andiarich Knitting Co.. par value stns to shares U -rich Elevator a Transit Ca. value $IUU. S.harsm, Cerncrh. RMCk Uo., par v^lae iter 1 share Stand& lean ('a., par value la), 10 sham.. Gsedcrk,h Skating litnit Ca, par ,-nine opo each. • IU.hnros steps•. -tett ^.ter n}nth inrera.t In the Goderlch I'llmber 'n. and all Infer. w1 in «aMAlre III I ills of the Goderich Lumber ('o. certain of thee^ shores which are, 'held as collateral afer.rity will he lit -uhirCI to the consent and Approval Of t e hnldrr. IM -i, ,stay be InAde to either of the ndcrsiRDO [hated till" L7th day of Mwrvh, A. ft-. 196. THF: TORON V UKNERAI. {t1 STR UOR [RATION, FxecutotwofK-tateofJean (.1^ ,lar-em.wml. Dtt'KIN9r1NAGAR )W, .o elie tam for K tete". Pi TRIAL TRIP The Signal for the balance of I9o7 to new subscribers for : cents. VRYATTKIJa RVBKRTSON, Posuetuaam' LOCAL TOPICS. Ixmy pr,nni w to otake a goxxi chow• hotel renfetery• 1 r. Martin was NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 23rd Ing of suuwrt voting fellows ibis Year•• thirty Year.' of age. le was A grant I Thr pfiy it, ln+ttpr thein it uti d Gr Iw. favorite• atnoug I ter, uxlr- • w". and °' Itself. Addit.loual Local '1'upi,'. oil page 1. and the ramping conditions are better his untimely deaUI a and I., , t iing Hoene for MM Ueorge Ciez _. I than they were sums )ears Agu, short fed so ptowiring a life tu+• keenly Victoria Uay-Y/. Kidd, C, P. R. Ticket Agent :I tland boneert On the Twenty-fourth. There are still a nutu ere of vacaticles I rvgrettwl to hie old c it , matev find Meeting of Huron ('otm;y Council W. lata I The &W regiment hand will play in the company, and tiny young own others will) new ;I ,,.I ,is .oiled him. New Poet t' -rill Album. -ileo. Porter the following prograin auu the Hqunre wishing to enlist should preserit hint- The New U P. R. Offices Every ManC fle Itedu -ed-D. Millar o..... a Friday evening, May '11th, weather self At once to A11 . one of for recruit- A Nice Girl Uoes- Walter ('. Prldbam..- .. . permitting : ing oflleert, Lit -tits. Donl1op Arid C. P. H. Tick* -t. Agvot o,, 0i Kidd bat unfair and Monday Stock Reducing Psi.e. 1. Man:h....Auross the Pucl6c_C. J. Rockwell Surely And Sergi. Rrydges. is as rand tits a pram ck li., r ,.aye -W. Acheson a amt ......... .• 8 March ... ...... Enpim City .. J. U. Houhnre levet• is handoonie tie griatreers. They Fit Where Uther% rail -Downing t :1. Overturn .....Fire. of UlWiy1 .C. J. Rockwell Harbor Notes. 'I which he dear rilx +tea the lest -Hoed Ste \'la sr 1. March..... ...lhss,peetor.... .G. K. Holmes W ' I......... s .). W'dta......Uafiulre W'are......J. Irwnorfcf The eatenmer• Scottibh Her, arrnvvl' office on the myrtrnt. Thr oltire• still W'e>iro Itewdy-John rltoad.............. .... r et Maren.... -The Annihilator. F. W. clement on Sal.urxLty last fila) It I p. us. with it requires 140111P Hnishing lot •hes but is Aunoura•einent -reed Lewis.:.... ... . 1 7. Two Step.....Irta.h Iloarts........ K. J. Kv•un,, car o of wheat #tied feats. 2o.oIfo certainly very haridmexur• he drskx Expert Piano Tuner -o" W. ThmursA a Il. SeLeotion..Keminlsuettwsufthe doulh.F'rnd• crick Notation - buts els of wheat was unloaded at the and woudwoek +rte fef Attie m fit,aner• ;ton .. .......... I I Uod Save the Kitts mill and lilt- temAiuder of the cargo at cut. oak thrxillghont ; the a tic fix. [lewder - M. U. Tugendhaft •. . • • •. I The Essay Competition. - the elevator. The oats are fur Tilton- tu)es rue of gun metal, ; e. lower Money Found -Nur. J. A. Aisdertes. .. i burg. The Hen) left ou Monday orlioi of thea walls is coy 1.111 with A Ahirt wait Event -'W, A. McKiw...... The rrsxy (x,nipetie D ughters rd night. )urlap and the upper port nmshtal in A Corset Rpoa•ial - Hodgen. Bra:..... _. + the time Ago b the Daughters of The svaclit Otonalxe of lite Public buff color, shading to the o 1 library Reader --U r. Fun.lcr:. .. . I the ire is fur cutupl se ool p rhe j\'orki;tDii -Cysto Tuewliill ort f morning, tint of the ceiling; And the tbelxuu•d Bicycle for Sale This u61ce_......... I Empire' is open -A all shout ise a t, Y R of the counter will lie of marl dr, while The King of Trantpe-Victurlw Opera House ef at ,.Msel: s ([)I-. Maci inys should to teat looted bouth front the (Ieorgian Bay, the floor is covered with cur A Pont) Itoadct+ -Worsens' Wholesale Hardware . I Go .Mrs IUs.) Macklin, t`V4•mt mUwet, where Hhe: wintered. of this C. Y. R. system ort til COonter Annual Meeting-wn,t Huron Liberal Asaw- Ooderich, not . litter than June lilt. The btrpis down the bank front the covered with a plate tit gilt bhuuld ciauon ..... .. ...... . . .............. 1 Nato esmostnot Ile signed totheessitys, harlxn )ark have disappeared, twin prove it convenient Acta Aonounaenront-A J. Couperi. 1 but the lontretn li shouldlm, enclose in park PI7efi K (lo,r ile the a.Ain euti )^e in A rvant \\'anted Mrs. ltow Price. . .. t ... the envelope x slip of p:alwr stating to the C. i . H. work. .... his or her name, age and school. Several tenors are at work grading very handwune one and cept the tidy Hreaderw -Dr. Harvey ..................... 1•m that Part of the C. 1'. It. track jut.t little rum of SM for thp' I door. (•no Wanted Sriumer Hotel .............. 1 Remember the Dote. , this side of the bridge fit•mss the O. When.the telegraph w rea. hich Am Meet-Uoterich Liberals ........ ...... I The annued iiieetinp( elf the Oddi- T. H. tracks. tip as far am Sharpe'll,creek, to nom- -. rich Musical Kx:iet • will he held on pie" to tioderieh DU•. Kidd will hay > Nott -jury Assizes. w three -wire service and will ave eon. Doyle, who Pxpressenl the wp reciw- I'uexdayy ravening, the YJlth insts, fit The nou•jury bitlings of the Ifigh nection by which he will be Irk• to w. tion of thA Audience xud tit the i)wugh- 8 uI to It in the grand jury renin At Court fur thin count open next Tars- terve of the •Empire to the Colonel in the. wort house. Every ritiaxn who Y Pe' part til Clore tit arrival of r haine. day at the court house lice* before Hun. givirrlk the addr•em for the benefit of is interesteall in the work of the -Sit- W. R. Meredith. Three cast -e hati Farewell to Tom Nairn. lila hospital entirely fire of charge. Society And the inaintemxner of x leen entet•rtl yesterday for trial ,tied (Fns of the Ie+.t-kuywu tuft: uruet ('lel. Hcgler's address w•ap prefaced by town hand is reopurbtrd Gr toe present „tee ter two snore fin+ likely to Ix- lwpupar eaf the your nsen , wild vocal selections. given in excellent And u1. take part in the meeting. The voice, il election o[ officers for the next rxr I fLLrrefl. One case its the coif brought Is Ir#tviug U)is weH k or ter (vltmtues, q Miss Keturah Btow n and J. by the widow tit She [Ate \\1l). Ivory in the eiwn of Theta. \V. 'oleo. Mr. F. '1'hotuwn, A. Sutherlxhd seting as will take place anti other butsiuetsb will agxitest the townshi tet Cullxnnr [u1. \Alen ,tit sero Loaf :iatt for, many acconpaniet. come Ixfure the meeting. 1110,0111 damnges owing to the death of )rates with his hrolhe Chat A. The Greyhound Excursion. the plesintiff'b huslutnli ; A second im An Nairn, in the gr, e" b siness here, "The Making of a Successful Hus. E. H. Ayer, of Detroit. theevergenial action brought by the widow (if the and he is goinf to Walk ville to ell' band.' ezeur•aionagento(the White Star Lifer, litle Will- Cantplx•ll, of ILLY, And Kagt- in A sI ,if sr ilusines on hits own Everybody will want to lead the Arrived in town Turemlay atternoo„ executor of his estate. to recover account. Mr. Nairn as identified series of letters commenced'in this and has romnenced arranging fur $Llrg,50 Alleged to have leen paid to himself. with many' ( f the town's week's Signal on "The Making of A what he hopes will Ix- the largent Mr. Tise'ale•;privitte hanker at ('fire- activities, and he wit Ie greatly Succewetu Husband" -- the hoys for . turnout yet of the people on tilt- tun, in settlement of roma ',enols 'tnhrsed by the "'toys." the wand advice contained therein ; steamer Greylhoemd'salenuitl trip trout bury odes, while the third is the suit On Monday avenin after tilt- re• the girls to find out what the men are Goder'ich to Detroit to her run this "I` 4tixid et al. V. HAVIlilton• fin action guhtr u)eeting of Ht rule Lxige, No. talking ettiont, and the married men year on '1'urelmy. June 18th. 11'1. over 6 borne. which wits adjourned (1'w 1. O. U. F., an r J I 'Ile it WAN and wornen to -see if John Se'ed's ex- Hulice that. the weather hos becunte ft -oil) Leat bitting of the Court, made to the hang. t hall, where Ile- Heriences come anywhere in touch Hon)rwh+ut solider since DL. A `rr'x :u- tween forty find tiff of the members with their own. The letters tire, writ- Death of Wm. Morris. oat down to lune eon, lin). F. E': ten in an eats rived. find if his pretsence here will Aid y styli, and• re they hmy eld On Mo,1duv I:amtfoccurr•r(1 the dexlft irtw•tence occu i in keeping up the teniperature we pq g• t chair. Dlr• oft story -book, "the interest fi held of one of ('ullsa nr'a w II•kiow n Peri• [,mwtence rt-fer to the 1.i se,1ta- until the last rho ter." The first of ..ripper eiN silty will flea Prolonged fu- P chap tier." dents• in the px•iaon tit Villiaten Nom, tion to himself un he occasion of the the series mill'H found on page H of Norris, after a lengthy illnew. file runt ban gnet s the Bedforl of a The- Signal this week. Death of Ex -Mayor Tilt's Mother. funereal took place. yesterday After- Pent Grand's je el• and said he find Tliedenth oocurted #tf Blair, Ont., nomn to Colborne cemetery, the ser- not been able ) thank the nfemlers Dredging Contracts Awarded. on the 10th Inst. of Mere. Williau) Tilt, vices loving conducted by Rev. -M• of the Ifxlge a he wished to do and OttxwA, May 18. -Contracts fur mother of ex -Ma 'or'rilt, of Ooderirh, 'Turnbull, ret. -Lor of Sl. Oeorgr'e would try to ave now. He then 1.r- Y y church. The all-te,troh-s were tier,. dredging as provided for this year in .t the Advanced Age tit ninety pesut. P farted to Bn).;- Nairn in terror u( high tilt- Public 'otkr ewtllha6rs have been In January of this year the deceased Symonds, Hogh Thurlow, Herb. cosufn dxtio And the f(at.hering Awarded no follows :-Toronto harbor, celebrated the completion of her nine- Morris #tud three sone of the dectwxed, broke flet, t o churns "He s a J,.Ily to ManleyMcAullff ; Thames River tieth year, find the ai.niversan. wan William, John and Alonzo Morris. Good Fellow, Part Gradtt Nairn was Tine de1•rasrd leaves, leside his widow", ()Well So Edward, Manley McAuI'R ; the (wc,aelinn of a niemornhlr family w Ltr a fawil :firs. Govt. Sy itoleda, then nook+ ;the recipient of x hand- Owru Stood. Prnetangttishene and gathering. Mrs. Tilt was Writ in g y : T some gold watch charm and in ex. Wiserton, A. F. Bowman, ex -M. P. P. ; Hampshire. England.1rind life family of Saltfori ; Mrs. WetfkP4. of oronto ; pressing his thanks amid lie lud Al. Midland. R'e(idell k Co., of Trenton c,uie to Cansula in JIM settling in a Married , daughter at Sault Ste. ways tried to he .L faithful Od fellow. MArie ; '.Hiss Maude, in Tomato: the Horton ; And Kincardine. n, L. the vicinity of Ytwxtrnn. In 1K31 the He loved the Order and he hoped he Horton ; Co'iou r• eluceamed was aanied to the late Wil- Mimres }iemsie, Pearl +41141 Irlsie, tet would never disgrace the Oddfrllows 1.R ted Hamilton, )a liArn Tilt• and in iK(9 moved V Blair, home; John, of Sarnia, fortnerly in jewel he had just loee•n prement.ed with. F. N_(it. et Welhand; Trenton harbor, Jhen called Carlisle, where she had re• the plAuileg [Hill busiuem hen+ ; Orsead Chief Patriarch Powley, of the Bt. 17[wrenes k Great Lakes Dredging sided ever sister. Mr. Tilt Neale wt Alonzo, of Joliette, Mich., And N if- KingaKon lodge, who wan present, lelat(le Corispany, of Monte eai. Blair during the Inst few days of his [item, At holue, a • in fippropriates►ddresm, referri11g to the A Boon to Humanity. mother's life. Victoria Da Recital. Riving of pimenta An A demirahlc fext- y len in recognizing the utsefulnrfe of Dl, D. Tugendhatt's improved patent The London Camp. The following program will ix given members of fraternal o anization,. ear drum ns meeting with great ap) The 33rd Huron Ke went leen into fit the recital ill the Baptist church ,at r"v wherever he hex drnronetratfd, Ri K He had wontrthinR to tray7n IAndwtifn P caro at London un Tuesday, June 8 P• let, on the evening ttf Victor•i01 of and he finds it nrcrasar • W remain P of the Unser an its I)nautiful ritual ) 4th, and will remain there until Satur- DAY : and practical work, and said thosee only A limited time in each locality. d•ty. the 15th. The annual camp is I tat The. lioh -inian Uf.1 INalre who were just Feroming nirmterm In the short time he has to meet in. Ibe Aflcrtrned. looked upon by ,tawny young nten tis a TIi. Hlw•k-tone Ureliedra now would Had themselves growing to dividuals through the country, Mr. goral holiday outing, ae well tis Pon _ Twwa% yiime " . .. ycndl think route and more of the Drier as Tugendhaft wantb all puoplP to call opportunity for the gaining of mill. Miss Raymond V. the yearw passed. Bherlff Iteynoldr on him who have lost their sense of :{ "Cantique D' \noir' .. .... Li et hearing. Do t11atLPr how racy instruction find of wnne ezpx:ri' Yir. K L. aright gave fi solo, -The Tale•of the Casso• g. poor they once ini mnilittu'y life. and No. I cont- I Vocal bolo wiect«t wary," in his usuAl god style ; H. V. may 1)t-. And he will do what he can to r- .1 Reading... JI r.Ii.' .It"o '.....'.. S,ksud Kill Add Chas. Hunter matte Ap- restore thein to the happinow they Lost or Foltlnd Me, 1). L R ( . propriute addresses ; tine 9heriR gave yearn for. At hill he(idquatters, 6i ___ 6 (al '•O, Flown' of all the Id" soother selection, x r•ec;tion, -The King btnK•t Went, HamiltoD,, Out., he fade F'do f e IIIghlAndrr'a Prayer," and thea other• im d:tit\• besieged for particular as to jj, 10UNU. - A B('M OF MONEY: 1b) "iiroirii,4!-. .... . CMndnnde g 1' Own -r Pox • have same b tri "llatfudlls A'HlowhKrs. tlorman ing broke up with the slit In of -hen Hae experts toe ak In diRereot y pv,vinK pmi,• K R owns and cities. Owing to the t 'artand layineenim.lwlvertis-tluent. Apply Mr.'s His Aiameal •'Auld Lauig Syne." gree to E\'. J. A. ANUF:ItyUN. the Mmnsc. 7. Iw1 "Venetian LOYo t otig" i \Quin (►n Vt•,l nPNday night, the Menere- reputation this grntlanran has made the Unrstnlfer'r wnll" s Cwt Caee ('tub ave lit. Nairn an tar himself as ,in eye specialist. lib - --- Mr. 1), 1. W- [Jet K R Situations Vacant L gathering name im it uaranlee for marit in his 6 \'«til Nolo.......... ate enthu+imeticmend-off, And the atherin R Mr. R. N. 4teotd atm also mode the ocr01mion of x res- new .liscovery, the famous invisibleear 9 [lending .... Selr:lelf, p drum, and hundreds throughout the 1000 GENERAL SERVANT Mrs. lis L N'rl ht rntttiun M lir: C. E. Sale in n•rogni- R G' wnnt«1 tet once. Housecleaning done, in "A Ito•e is Heaven".... . . Trolem tion of hie recent mArriAgP. AIH,nt. country have Already hroeflteld ally two In the family. Apply to 31 ICS. R .US MI.. Raynwnd ti4rnty mefulwris of the ('1111, suet at through hie e•ffortm. He sure to see 1'1LICE. Gast Salve the Klieg. tht innperial ('afe And after a fast". hilly : it fumy lie the only chance of w IV Cook. -- A GOOD WOMAN Death of W. F. Luxton. lunylmm the prominent, Dr. W. 4, lifetime. Mr. Tugendhaft will give A cook, dishw,asherx, walLmsses and chain. \V. F. Luxton. fur inany years a Tornbtrq, intnxduceit a program free demonstration of his wonderful lermaid-. A ply SCMMKIt HOTEL. Wed. prominent. newels4 K•r niau in Winni- of tomentIal ape•:hes and txmo. A e•tr druni at the British Exchange newlay. May -Ah. Seg, diem in the Vemtern nitetrofx)lim neat Addrlrlin by Joe. M. Pigtott Hotel on Tuesday. May 29th - one on Monday Ia6t;'alt the age of sixty ),•faced the prwrentatiun Go Nr. clay only. OY VANTEI)saefl LEARNTHE eight ears. Mr. lnaztOn war for A INAirn of a trldsoine o at.vo .ted hardwtaro b11.1DIHA A my to R Y R,Id locket ANNOUNCEMENTS. 'p(ISKI.I.y \\'HOLK9ALK HAItD \'Altic, short time, over thirty venter ago, a And • to Dr. Halle of a silver rex - -- - - ---- re•mident of Goderichease%ying the mervice, Troth 1 g muntabl\• en - WANTED. --AT ONCE, A GOOD publication here of still tily [seiner, w Rrnved. The recipie A returned tht,it- Anfomobife gasoline, oils, Plc., at seneowl servant. Apply to MRN. If)FLt thanks, +and other ntiaerm of tllP 1VI HISICLLS' Whole•ewie Hardware. TLR.'a7MULL Nelson atrrri. Highest wages venture which wito not sl)(-cemmful. Fred. A. [w,Wiw, pi "no _ _ Previous to this hr had Iw,•n for a Chmh followed with exprwstunH of re- p ono tuner, expeectx `VANTED.-HY 15TH OF Jl'Nh;, lime the nlitor of Thr St -aim th IN. Krrt at tilt- departure of Mr. NAit•re to hP in Ooderichat Hotel'Redford in positor, and,oftee leaving llm,lerirlt he ,find felicitfitinnm upxm Ur. rite's 1.r- June. competent girl to do general lout ork, rent. Nte ). Mit'Nfilrsl hAm,fxK•n a ttz HERO C,srH N. - All the veep [eat \\'eytoe $12.0111 per month. Apply to MRS. Wy1, went to Winnipeg, where he. started 1 ('OATS, Nelson strcr±t. •' /:tYt The Free Pieate And aft•rw^n1m The fatigable treimtrer of the Dfene. tun varieties• ,It Crxn•Klt'A wxn,houter, WANTED.-APPHENTiCE OIIH4 Nor, weeter•, which letter• because The hil) And a most active worker i a Hamilton mtreel. to learn dre-snutking, at once. Apply Telegram. Latterly hP had (occupied its undertakings• and lhr 1uys,\r"'I"11-.1. (Kittle Ir our. Buffalo Bug to MISS UVUSINS, corner of North strert and a position tender ,the ProvincsAl (Jov. cOfoluou with the rest of the tAm'tic. Iver• bottle. Sure kill. square. a u'tr el•nme-tet of M anitolmt. (ileo. W, Eltople, wish hiss the lIcAt of mucrl-s6yp(rMV,,%is Drug Store. IV DINING -1100M GRIL I Outmost, of town, waw well Ac- hlxnewlovatiou. WANTRU:'-fifty thousand 11' ani chamin.rnmid Nt oocc. .\ sly' to tluninted with Air. Luxton, Troth of Mr. Nnh•n,u)d hiewinter, 'Nli1m .li f won! wanted, for which the Mlt)s. S\+a'A1tTR liriG.h Fachwngc Hotel. tht-oil when vo ng tneu facing remi- nie, leave thin afternoon for• \b',tlkMarket Ice WHI Ire: raid. , A. dents ofStrathrov, villi. Miro 'Nancy Nairn will follow ,1. 1NM• 1 (a00D 9h:WEltS \VANTEII. in x week or two. X We want at once two apprentices anti TO Nominate a Candidate. a Nu tau npnee sure alike, Mit several aood wwen In our dnesso; king dr The annual mtvting of the R'ret My Friend Pat." }iarvey'N prealeriptinnN Ht the(auturaat 1 \ tartrueni. Stead))• work to cnp.dde p,utic., liufun LilerAl Asex•iation will lie Tllere was a Gtir audieure fit tilt• conforming to,,the wrarex•'m distinct Apply wtorim. H(rlm1KNS HHI)S. hospital held on Mondn•y, .lune art, in the 1 •Gil Ix•ne•Ht entertainment in the individonlity. 120Y WANTED. --TO LKAIiN THF Temperance Hall, Golet•ich, opening court holes(• on Friday evening Inst• the Dr. Forster, of . atforl, mpe el dl t " barber ttwdo. AprliftoJASe FRIT%LKY at I1 o'clock A. n). Theexerutivecoin• roa)t)i feitigC,Dildurtsblyfilled. 01,141 the in :dime,tmen of rye• r• none and utittH, of the Ame)Ciation met in eonmtant ripple of Ltughter showed t.hront, will lie at the ford on Mftn• 11 1 (l` G([derich on Saturday to make are that the runny huniornuw anrc41oter ,p„y Jlay d7th, linin Il a. to t p• ni. I 0 rmngernents fear tilt• meeting, anti de. told by the entertainer of the evening, y. So ILL 2t-• What IIat. Ay abnor. . .1l j T [ tided that the cMonmiug of a candidate Lt. -Col. fL•glt-r, Were not boat oei the ,,,til condition tit might, wntnrlt Lit-. l\• WA \T i 1.l' Sot the next election to the Houle• fe( audirnrr. CoL Heglei'm hlen,ot•ous R ' / nano to n Harvey at Hunnlx a' -I jeweller ore, Commons should 'x rine of the mat• Kra• ivan t Account d ' of friend ices Iny and WedneRday. JYme 4th term to be brought before the convert- Pat" and w•m an xrrnunt of the ups asnd:ith. jl:zppeerie•nred, examen wanted for tion. E,wh trolling eulxiivision ix en- and doivn6 in the life of sun im#tginary Granite Point, It. C. Wages llla.:dl per titled to mend three delegates and rharActer who left the old mfxl to meek Sf1)YKY SAI'NnF:Rx, expert tunt•r, day.For further three 'alternates : and am the mfwt• his fortune in this continent, the liar- voicer and regulator for Bell Piano pM1CtIr111N1'N apply restive being irwil an a connecting link ('o., will Ix, in town next week. to ing will le #t11 im wrtxut one every to In (Inle•rw for tonin \ division in the rile ing should send n give* co Pslon to A wt ring of antic• R lett at Geo. W YOUNG til. ROBERTSON delegatinn. Theineetingof the Lib- dotem. Of course, ,Intel#. of the Thonvmrm:R %onantusic store willies. OODE RI('ll erisla of the town of Ooderich to Colonel'm eatoriem were ato•k jfAl-s, but al tendrl to. _ _ choose delegates for the convention I've" thews were told in x xvwy to will Ise held on Thuremday, May .loth, bring pa•ker•n Around tile mouth of Watch your children's 4 -Yell. Don't __--_-Notica At S O'clock pp. m., in the room over the nowt mntur•nine. Adde,l to the haiy A pair of Rhtete4m you think will 1)irkinsfn k O01tTOw'w IAw pRlorn in iimg for of him stories there was the• fit ; go to Dr. Hnrvey And have the NOTICE.--fI .MEnof Go OF THE the Norton block. Ever IJleral in hururan intere,st in fine viciamitudesof (-hild prgerly examined. 1.IIromM of Iter tows, of (ItdrrlCh will Ir Y held In the noon, ohove hicklnseen a Unrrow's town im invitwl to attend. PAt'rf life to hold the Attention. And -_-'-- ---- - ' low Omer... North street. an ThutwlAy evening the ent•rttfum. wan li.tened to with AUCTION SALES. May :Inch. at 6 n'loek, far the purptno of Death of Dr. J. C. Martin. • the dotN•st ,ttl#.ntirnt fhmn hoed. , •htmof the dWest cs to extend the Annunl n.eol- g ` Tler m%I)Ay, Ma fah. - Auction male of (nlr of lila West Huron Idheml A-ws•IwIMn. The coati nYws, was received on SAC.- touch of just little alto 01ddw1 to til#. not- y \\. H. HollruTml)N, W. L. NORTON, urdity' Ad tilt death of .Sohn Crawford dr•wa, Rs tilt. rwrrntenr deoictrl I.hr Is.. ' -hold furnihlre. prupery.of Mn. Tru(1- ' 1 genii. Hayfield and, commencing wI ,seven Hectetary. Uhalrman. Martina M. D., of Qu'Appelle. Nark. et -(-sit+ in I ,It'x home on the eve of him nclork fn the r,mina. Tuh,a iUl-xnew. 1)r. Martin wan w student of Gotrrich departure for the new world, and ans-tinteer. HE ANNUAL MEETING 0E" 'HF' - 1.i -1 1 Went Huron Liberal Aanorlation will be held at the Tenipemnee all, Godrri,h. nn Monday. June Std, fear at 11 o'clock a, m. A. Important, hnmle vw will be tmnaacted full (^)Ilegiate institute w few earm xgu, flim home being In Eatwt \ ',twanrah, near Whit•chureb. He' aft.erwltr(16 Pat'n genleine grxxlnmm of bcArt wall DIED. whown in the story of him 01tlenlionte to a nick child on the (x•ru►n voyalge. 1Y)A KH. -At earth McAllister. Indican Ter. ^ry' l'. zln Por May YstA, Joseph a attlendmlxe Is mqueated. JAMER 1'ol-NG, took a medical cour,Ie and haul cone- Hamilton The young Iriwhman'm wmnderin )' R gm af- F'tylcr, Agd.10 yawn and to PnlddenL CRA4.OARROw,Amretary, menced pmetiep at Qu'Appelle. month, Ire- tet leaving New York brought hills to remsed ww^aa former resident of i" l•h 11' BLiC NOTICE listed Ihla Mh day d May. IW. Alxx,t three weeks ago he. Contracted the fertile township ofAtehflPld, find town -MI. s hereby Riven t.het, by order of t he Minister EETiNO OF 'THE HURON the •' gel ," And k developeK' into pp P neunonia, reteultin fAtrll on Fri- him doingg At Mike DAIt)n'a acts of -- -- NG. --In Hallett, 1.m Ma lath, Mew John tiprong, aged 7x yeam and A Patent h.. IIItP1Y•xt.. N Marina- and F'kaherlea, the Previsions of the ('anada Shipping Art.. chapter tea of the Be- eked Rtmtute. of CanAd t. m,.poetint the 13)VNTT(I PUNCIF. \ ..._.. 'file roam, 11 of-ht-.Draty M Hmmn wolf Hog K y day last. Ilia father, Will. Martin, and his aunt went front Whitechurch mpx•cial t ppll FnII'Wi11 the atnvutl MUHIHH'R.^ Suddenly, at Thursday morn to the Yukon, l at atrnck it rirh, 1.P- Jr.I_e,Ma 16ih, wt lila hon,eof herAw.ghter. \ • ,shipping and "It 1.I arer^ M seamen on nlmmi an and lotinna In t •ounrll PhArn } In the town of Gode to attend him, but were not in Lime to turned to Ireland. find with hive ter- M^• •\. Macklin. A{In(egry, Mn.. lov North , rlp,rel Murdoch. In sr 77th rd watmN must after next, be at -Nett). nb.•rrved. The mater meal Mve a rich,aX3u'slak on Teoaday, the Ith day of JsnA nor,. see hint alive. His, alifter, Mrs, ferry stn tell toted to thin year. aR R Intm•mentat Luvitnow. COn 11.1 t to aagaaiat in the dev lopmrnt MARTIN, rlRne(m agreement a with evCr)' sranun whrwtu Ira, aarMw am erose orf hl. If Tr r. eI.I by law. F. GOo 1.M All mreoenme Against IM front) rexpulrtng -eltle.narnt mnsl hr lard with the rusk test for ahs nay Andrew.., n( Winnipwg, was with him at-, the end. Thr remains were At (fn'A 1 M pMIM, !+,t.k., .n FHdar. (,t the new world. AL the colic uainri w)• 17th• John a mwtonl Martin. M.tl„ of the Colo,1el'm addrean the thankm 14141 T yeeAt+a, 4 month. .A . f)epnty Minister M a.f rine atsl Flahrrle.. OUawa, IIRL April, sur,. of mewling. W. LANG, Clark. 1Jaua hlrty tloLk,1y67, brought to him tather'm residence And I g Iating intertetl of .aid l3 days. the fiudirnre were tendetred to the MONItIS. In Colborne. on Monday, May JH h. Wllllam N'orrls rue today in the Wing- Mo -els, agarf ml yearn and 11 le(aurer, on the ttBrLiou tit Judge I reonthm, f Of p; r U