The Signal, 1907-5-16, Page 5� to un which ton new building Thr fraunework was erected Preol -Por. Hut 1t hits Igen held that thim statutory provi.iuu dors not kit)- x roust by his clothes." Mr.. Wine_ "I don't Fin judging him by his going kit miles nn hour anti the -Mor- ASHFIF.LD'S of us m.y have thin yetsoorl rotation- ri N11 )' See Wilkinson v. Hill, 3 Ring- ham, 50N. In the came of x monthly - ship with God. and can may with a lands. ----- - - -.-_ - .- ____ ' PATERSON S NEW CHURCH. David, My God, my bliepberd. What is it draws hearts In I ed safely, how•e•ver, At Sarnia, kit 6 Mat onlay horning. The a , '`" that out way Gas place ? Thera Is no slut on to cl d fur a'balrver '•r amut(es' tJlrea•[ ag earth that cannot bis of interest to a Il fithanks OPENING iaRVICEi HELD iY person Of Intelligence; but what mattes one spot the eeutn of real de- w lu Hnturdxt, the ' Mnrristnn' having to N•port here. "'Ili. Morrison: PREUYTERIAN& I light and affection? It is the prow Iw gop,ation."-Alford v. Vickery. 13l The landlord cannot rtiime the h ecce there of those whom we love. It Ir - is, not the splendor of the home ; re "Bi)gley ie certainly A self-macdc Tits New Church a Handsome and sone mansions there are that have Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of 7oM-It ; Rev, t the (Inv looking fill' her and then 1 Well-appointed B u i I d I n g - - Rw• not s ray pf sunshine of the right kind; some of the happiest homes are i "Hr i"," agreed IwarKe ; "and from James Murray, of Toronto, the poorest, ••Be it a er so humble, M the experience 1 ))^it when i Asked to Preaches the Opening Sermons-- there's no place like home." It is be- M Iliretion (tf the• curivnt nmarth, nr tli nt A irlef History of the Ashfield cause the loved ones are there, those Bt a great of little on his febt."- Harter'a Weekly. - Ptwbytsrlan Congregation. to whow we cars look fit• sympathy and affection, that makes home the co _ dearest place of all. And s0 David th Xta(e of Ubin, (7ty of Tnlel�e, 1 Lneaa (tnmry. I ss ,, loved the house of Good, because it con- 1 While there they received m Lltst Sabbath, the 12th last., was tainel Him in whom he most de• from Kincardine that the' had landed it proper nuticr to quit, Anti, having (tome sit, liv emu the opening dry of the new church lighted, of whom he said, "Whom He __ __ which has beets erected by the Ash. have I fn heaven but Thee P and there is none upon earth that I desire i e- th un s that they first tried to make field Presbyterian congregation, and side" Then." So you nay come, not a Overholding Tenants' Act." Where w tenant refuges to pay rent, the oocsriom was one of deep Interest becamse of the preacher or the choir, vi 'PHONE aoo. to the community. A Ikutifol but because you lour God, and w, ev e way of Assistance. They did eel. church moos stands in the center of coating this bourn will tie to you the {,lace of joy unit peace and comfort en Ot tits order directing than. ^ writ shall in• issued to the bcuttLb settlement In the north. is communion with the Lord. th artadiniclJy nn the byrd and sawootr.onrions,o am past of Arbfiold, an indrx of Ilse There it also the value to the nation wl "BLUE DEVILS" ` faith Implanted in that district by the of the house Of (led. Not only does it wi road hits never Veen uncal on account. God -tearing pioneers of sixty years stand lot- faith in the existence of God, but for those.. principles of right- for epi rap a p i � sae mosim" itt— ago and preserved In Its simplicity eoosnsma, kind truth, &pit integrity, it . and integrity by their deettendants. and virtue that are founded upon re - I 1:ropi�m , The aectfon of the new church waw legion. The greatest Asset Of tiny na- re ill the prescription known As w n h nit t iota h tablets; was uta ' P P In commenced in July of last year, on tion, the greatest influence in the by 1xr f(trlll alg It safe and effectiye i • the sits on which the old church stood, MakingAnd mouldingof a nation's till for nick headache, indigestion mtummch trouhlem, the "blue on the lath concession of Ashfield, The Molding is of white hrick, on a life, u Its purr And undefiled religion. Not spun itsmines f ggold and silver old pr• g" made everything look dark, cement foundation. The main dime- . kind twit tar great wheat l its And depreming, siuns ars 30 by SX feet, with an alcove forest wealth -eat upon such thinr�r it bin' m A few days' r use Mi•0-ns the eight feet deep at Lite rear, and at the the strength, the ell y, file i dizzy feeling, drowat- li Fsael fasts in the woof diM1*es northwest corner it a tower 12 by 12 per the permanence of our national life un life scat eAting-moi theme symptoms of a fret. The stained glass windows are l'wnad,t, IHrt a{o/M the religion of its ztr, stomach- will disappear, and Of pleasing design, and the church People. Thrxr material resource MAY "t perfect digestion there will Ile a preesataextwrlallyahandsomexppolar• prove the very dertrnction of our Me I wage. The interior is of sally appearance, everything being national life unlrwwr have samethinq ,'atter And higher to bind us together, ( „ Mc 'iPleasing chosen in good tarts wad with a view and that is the virtue of our people in vent pocket and cost :AI cents. Wilson has seen go many euren to comfort and Pulatantiality. The public AnJ in private life, Some by Mi-o•nastomach tablets that vets ti KtlarAntre with every lox sertinQ capacity 181:0). although with . (iple there Are who snake light Of re - legion and of the churches; the money will Ile refunded if the complied will they call tiring tin me - tion in fill., High" Cnnrt of the rill of benches in the ulsles prob• and of tulle to give rsatinfwctinl• .lustier against the• man who has pot up the ably floe people were seated tit each this, cedes o[ people it may he _- wire fell(.(.. of therervice"ontheopeningday. The noticed that they take care not lighting is by acetylene gas and the to m Liteearn tori far away from thshadow hestip Icy a large Wingham furnace g inion it °f x ('hrintiau church. They know, while they will not acknowledge, that C diousone The imminent d it a commodious oft+ end war used during theircoufurt and security and lisp- wit a Kflxt part of the winter for the Sah- pineen depend upon the influence (t w HP bath services while the auditorium the church in keeping dowA those above was yet unfinished. The cost of things that would make for the s[oliaa• Irlo hire the building wits over $7,0110, and the- Is fully tion of life. It im not the {olice farce, lout belief in the principles of troth ir'•• amount subscribed, the con- I gregaLion being unwilling to have any and righteousness, upon which per- Hie Pitt upn their church. s,,tAl nrrurit and security of ro1' Y c P { lac we 1 The contractors were Matheson k 1 Robertson, of Ripley, and the buildingfur erty rest$. The haus of oral r4amlP urdrr and stability, and in asset- Ing building have done flue arri committee is arm of John Cowa p. M (chairman), F. D. Mrlrnndn (scare- this you tetter for the comfort of holy and the• ulla ry-treasurer), John Mr -Charles. John pyo c, ,f mind of the paslplr of this "t McKenzie, Roderick % 117tr, rlamm�nitp than in engtiging d dozen its Put ordoeh C. - Kenz!r And Dan \Ie• constables. The dividends of the (h,irch nl)t in but in the nwId. They have dune their work 11, and they and the congregation are nlunra. moral$. Their in invofeistency to Tile to he congratulated upon the aur- neglecting the furnishing of the ticl c fol issue of the worthy enterprinr Lord's holes,- while the people dwell in paliltiml residences. The Temple thl'i whjjch has engaged [herr Attention of is the was a magnificent creation, of "R past year. 3pmiag Services. ins ieraw cost and contajuin great treasure in gold and silver and other it to Off Fo�Tire the opening day thr aeervices of pecioup uswteri^M. What awh11 ex- gad ', Rev. ' #trues Murray. B. A.. I3. I I., of trxvAgw le", sorsa would iwy. flow imq. ` Krski a Prrsbt•terian chure'h, Turon U:wil nr Slilonum would have scorned IIDP nec,lr(d, Mr. Murray is a t0, wabe ouch a charge! Our peril dowse not lir 41PR fnrcef, her, of the Penn rlirAl in that direction ; we air liable not min to tx• and to tt type, d his aerrnan$ were Htting to (ouch guilty of extravxgatire an and P ocion which narked, Its it were, of meannesm. No money to all spent tI',f1 A fresh beginningg in the life of the that is spent to the worship of Gird or congregation. Iv. M r. Miller, in providing the means therefor. twos ,castor of the church, Alwo took part Yon hkive done well, but not to well, I is" n the services. There wan a barge in the building of this house. You no attendwncr, many coming from bo•- Ilwyrs AVt biters ext'avA Ant, Int 11U K Y Cap pond the i,ounds of the rnngregotion have done well. File th,rt you have nn n i to join in the first. service in the new set your Affection" first upon Gal and An church, which was crowded to the then they will not gra astray ; and if land doom. The opening plains was Old yon roar herr irecmuar y'su love God noel est Hundred, and the united voice of the and love Ilia house and Elis We yon PuM congregation swelled grandly in the great rallying hymn of Presbyterian- will find thin the very hollow of Gid and the Kate of Heaven to vow• 80111, thin the rem. The church was a ri filled At the q tgrmt O All people that on earth do dwell, evening service, and iiey. 41 r•. �fOrr+ly fail 13/eng w the Lord with cheerful veins. ave d etirrinq, Mart-mearchinn ,td tach I Him serve with mlrtlo. H4 praise torch tell a On Monday evening [herr was sioll . tome r before Him and rejoice, again w gdcnd service in the church. the For why I the Lord our flat to good, Ne=t Saadaj s Services. open His makers, ke forever cure: Next 4^blath the opening serviceti "toe God HM truth at all times firmly stood. will Ile continued, did Rev. A. H. her. And .lull from age to age endure. Winchester, of Knox church, Toren• Rev. Mr. Murray's Sermon. tri, will preach At 12 n'clo'k noon and me. 'Ifo The subject of Mr. Murrny's std- tit X o'clock p. in. On Monday eve- ping following Mr. will iia. " dress wait appropriately taken from ,Winchester give an address on "China," it bubjee,t Df hon the history of the preparations for the a poi which he is especially competent I Ili �building of the Temple, with a ial to epedk. ploil Kid reference to the words l)f DAviv in 1. 11 I Cbroniclew 283- "Because i have set History of the Ashfield Congregation. keep my Affection to the house of my The history of this congregation is W wog God," • To no man doers the the history of the Scottish settlement cog c church of Gni in Anhfield. The first settlers were til owe mon.• than to David the Psalmist. Kenneth McGregor and Donald Me- For who has given to the church, and to the world, those wings which line, who cattle in in nCfil. These in 1X42' by Ing r gn well were followed Colin and exn express the workings of the inner life Alexander McKenzie„ two brothers, and the attempts 0t the "(till to fire whose fArme at Kintxil Are now held itself from theiinfluence of the tempter toy their song. Theme were joined in and to climb to God and Heaven. To David, the'surreding years by others from toxo, we owe our idea" of wor• the Highear m of Heotland, who Get aIr. I ship more than to Any other writer of brought with them the deep religious 4 a ' ' the Old or NPw Testament. David taught that God sense which is one- of the- rdhrited F.v f. on is a spirit and they that worship Him characteristics of the Scottish palple. It lefore to th must worship waw several years the con. Him In spirit. and in troth. greg#ttiOn WAS organized. and for some tion. 42 -i 1' It is interesting to notice how the time religidus nret i . were held Un '" Psalmistdeclares dK again Isis win and w house 1 at the hum nt Murdoch Mo- �1 i -r} \�_` 1',, . . Affection and desire for r t 1 n til h r ire f sial Kin it and afterwa Don to ads in IoP u ;1 . I the 1.0x1. da 'A in toy courts 'g y r I l0 house the Kinttil rich Ill also in the core better than m ho t nit. Chad sr odd r•Ather Ile o hnnse of Malcolm McRae.►.ouch n wl h and devil w doorkeeper In the house of my and afterwards in the Iwachdlah school i God, than to dwell in the tents of house, Keuneth Campbell wait Ap- gino It , wickedness." '•1 wase grind when they pointed the first catechist. about ItIiA), Af e b ;. re �` mild unto nip. Let rte go into the house and used t0 hold meetings at Kintail mick a',j '' of the Lord." Why it,David love nnd.lachaleh and in Huron township. nP,el, the house of God? The answer to The first settled lilasionary wits Rev. miter' awl •' • this question is the answer to the Mr. Orr, of the PremM•tery of i.undon, *IHM, weak i f why we should love the who carne about. and who with , } k 1 hqueotion Ouse of God. •'The house of my God." DAvidthun preached booth in Ashfield And in Hur• on. Following him came Rev. Mr. jloynt , I I- lared his belief in Goal; and no McLean, from Quebec. only $''; ev choral set apart for w0r"hip loss The first elders elector) were John for t Jan -;F,,; �� eclwextion of our (relief in God. I)aiglam did IbnAld McLean, who . - "'''' The building you have erected and wee• installed in office by Rev. Mr. Intuit, t ttida dedicate to the worship of JP- Framer, of Thamesfold. Hfterwards of he gi t x� C hova. R a declaration to the world Kincardine. Thim caws about the Year that that y( believe in God; It in the 1850. The elders next elected were Frill n ! 1 . Apostles Creed in brick And mortar: David Htewmrt and afterwards Donald It __ - i __ _ , raw " a - -9py •'or ,c..t' y:. j'tE , cl A�a� ? art. ii �`+. Tt ,e 12.i,. - THE SIGNAL: GODERICH' ONTARIO RIO .1` Tuuusu.tt', May ler li*T 185K the next year it was oil' (solid and floored and windows and lore were put in. and its the follow - ng years the ldtilding and furnishings ere improved. and its tirnr the build - g was bricked up. The fivit trlletl•e lard was cnorploeed of Ihm ald Me- ityre. lAsrhals (chxirinati And scar.I tary•trearureeh ; Alex. McKenzie, Lochalsh ; Alex. McKenzie, Kintatl ; Dunkild McDonald, Kintail; Archi- lwld McLeod, 11th concession ; Dougal atheism. 12th cuntveaeisn ; Alex. cLeunan. Lschadsh, and Donald lyd, Aullerley. lit the -early days Gaelic was, of urse, the common tongur, but. &l- ough the community has retained G distinctive character as one coon posell almost entirely of Highland oltish people and their deacendrnts, a old settlers are pawing away, til thaw+ will) rase the ancient spa•, i re becoming vertr few. A Garlic ser- ve is still held Ia the church. blow- er. every Mabhalh, and in greatly joyed by the worthy old people. heir changes, ton, have, corny with e axing vears. The rude horucw lick the fa there carved out of the i Idernesm have given place to coin - table residence" to the mulct of undid larrus, and a well -to -do -and. must Ire added, x well dobng- people succeed the struggling pion- s who laid the foundatione of Prom- i te•ianimnl in the township. But old faith still flourishes and the I forms of warship are still largely 1 rsPrved in this congregation. Thr present trustees or tire chureh i 1 re. Donald McLonn, Kenneth Me- .ewn and John N. McKonzie. The cion it contrasted of Cham. McKe•n- I Archibald McIntyre, John Arun, , Ing. 1). N. MrGregor, Mordorh C. i Kenzie, Alex. McLean. Joh n wan. Donald Mrlhrnald #tail F. D. Lennart. , , I j SPRING tk r ! i ': ti i --1 ___ — IS HERE; with it Comes .the desire to cast. off those garments which have (lone good service battling the winter storm:;. When you see our showing of dainty -SPIFootwear, you will want a pair of shoes to brighten you and make you feel more in harmony with the fresh -Spring clays, Models in Footwear ARE DAINTI', neat, and by far surpass anything in the past. 1Ve havo a well -selected stock from the best manufacturers, and are in a position to show you the NE1'1 EST and BEST in Footwear, WM. SHAR1*1AN No Snap. - - 'Hee hard Ila nails -put uP the tcwgh- ---- - -- _-- �• -� ..�., �,� Weary Walker - "Dev axes int est fight of the whole ship s crew." 1) I grows on it -Pon in the troperral K i n g Lucullun Molomogamboo : ADRIFT ON LAKE HURON. rountMra. Wouldn't fat into r ens 'tAm't worry, chef. I know he'll - — E. P. PA U LI N - Local Agent for les Y' Tired 'Patters-- ••Oh, I dun come to table like spring lamb. the ns. Does de trees bar t' lie (.1holwd %•• I Poet revs : 'The bravest are the ten- Krneardine lien Have a Trying Ezpieri- deresL"' once. -- - - --- ---- - ----------- --- Klrt/•rrAine Itevlew, May % - Legal Notes. Poetic License. g .. Grouchy. It is mighty hart! for r man to seem apt. Jack Morrison had a finis (Mau and Fmpirci load i. I"eemug,'srs,et.. Tlt,• Roval took : "Hurely your wise to Ilia wife when his boy begins h ht" tug • Gwil U. Morrison.,sooitbawl G. R., Clinton.- (u, -JIy niouth1v Moths- w•rublAng tl,xin, ` Mmjesly won't dine off this fellow ! Tasking hien questions. wok ilial hr will not wan fi,rgrL . -,"ter',orxkinRuplhef"rd, warted out ^loot t liclo•k Frill^ tenant. after ro-elving A (till month's Jim is twtintinadtoe. - - - y kcer - -- --- rninq to lift his arta. He had with notice to giv• up possession, rrfu.e•r• riondr'e¢n,ucM•. + to du so. Can I ruler 1 be rvht so aa. And mai a ,,lWis to kill. r I George Calder, Thornna McGaw. For all the fatemy's eating ��-�-�-_- - Pyke, of Moi hampton, Jahes, to courlel hien to leave % arta window sill' chair, Russell Fisher, Murdoch Bal- 1'11 Is it lawful for #t landlord In r HAVE t rte and flax oh B. Beyer. They taloa the rest of a lunse tcuteti by the �% E g"7 e � �i , i• > [ Y nsunlh by giving the tenant" x Love Goes. 1111 111 [ , LI i re fonnJ for Ila writ cart, forty- Ilnuitll s notice that Lite rent in to Ix• "Oh. mother, Jack do enn't love ole i miles out to lift net«, 'They ruined , sty uuirP!" \\'het nulkra nu think viol there about X o'clock in the UNDERWEAR TIES -ring and had lifted only one Ixix i3) What pro•eediogs should 1 take so. Inv deal!':," ••He ran out of nns•i SHIRTSI if when the rudder• jumped out of to gat n tenant out of Inv house who I lage, and he wanted to borrow sorer ofHOSIERY' shoeing ^till could nut i e repaired, d/es not pay his rent % How much I that p•p-pudding nxorr I bade too y.' CAPS COLLARS ting on steam after that nneant would the procedingm rust tile'? HATS1. t the tug went round in A circle. I Ans.- There is a certain legal way Yes Indeed. WHITE VESTS drifted about hal mesal' until X in which a landlord can raise his tell- i ImuCA rent, liv a statute pnxsrd in the Daughter "Parka. in time of trial SUSPENDERS ock at night. Several loaf limit P pixrtsed them but paid nu attention to fuurlll ywxr l)t l;rurgr 11., it is pas- whit do you suppose hrhgs the most ' A' C��� �� r whistles, until the stearin large . yitled IfiAt ill rase aoiv tenet for ••A comfort to x man ` N f ERWHING FOR MEN ep11blic' rattle along sod gave them 1-1-111 of life Or yeaua' Ahall w'ilfolly I spa -'•An ail uitt.al, 1 should w. They were then ,t few milia I hold over lands. It:iwokentA, etc., after think. Hisntxrk �ribune. Txwats, Mich., with a pIwUY stili the determination ,If his Iran, ,and I �i e blowing Anti flurries of snow full. Jrusalnd wade nuti notice in writing Jud to FRANK H MARTIN given, -for deliverilig up posaeesmiorl judging by the Better Half. • At 3 O'clock in the morning, the thereof, torn the leuxnt shell. Ix liable I -\Vise foe's vary wealthy." Mn. " broke and the give thein nothad to ill tiny to the, landlord whotu lir has Wise. - • Tailor and Furnisber w around and Kivr thew annthrr i ,•salt ^nal very stingy, and stronger line. The trip down' kept out (if ponse•ssisn at the .-mwof mean.•' \Time- 0111ir, new, you re. ' dsuhle the )'Pauly value" of the not sine of that. You mustn't judge-�1m��1mt11esat��t��msl� he river was even more exciting dangerous than rolling in thr gel. the "Replrblic" Ive n ick On ed ed swage life rme terns. Rid my Aft Is -n-MA hr ego Miller Preol -Por. Hut 1t hits Igen held that thim statutory provi.iuu dors not kit)- x roust by his clothes." Mr.. Wine_ "I don't Fin judging him by his going kit miles nn hour anti the -Mor- I Iy to is monthly a• tiunrterly len- wife's clothes." n" zigzagging After with n lint, and igza N11 )' See Wilkinson v. Hill, 3 Ring- ham, 50N. In the came of x monthly - •bt to Rtend)' her mosso, Mill-r•1Pt 111 stool kit the low with xe real)' to rut till- line ahoold or wrrklp traancY, a herr the t•I holda over after the expiration ----- - - -.-_ - .- ____ ' PATERSON S action Ix• nw•e•gaxry. They were .if him len^ney. or after his lenanry minister in charge of the con IL. ed safely, how•e•ver, At Sarnia, kit 6 Mat onlay horning. The h,u) Men pit an snit m hY a proper niotirP t. 1 sit. hr Will le linhb• COOOH D1ROPi {rie" did not atop t(t charge any. An fur a'balrver '•r amut(es' tJlrea•[ ag for her work or even to securenla) of Capt. Morrison and his awnnl againstilial. ilia liatotl ity will not Ile less thAn the rent hr fithanks t crew. has been accustomed rheretlftre t/'"�IS pay, and mraY Ile nnnch more, TheOV� H i t WILL C II Z s Hnturdxt, the ' Mnrristnn' having to N•port here. "'Ili. Morrison: claim in l oualiv made for ••nae and oc- -- - er of ('apt. Morrimon, commis• the tug "Onward" to search for gop,ation."-Alford v. Vickery. 13l The landlord cannot rtiime the - . Missing tug. The "Onward" rent by meely giving notice that the David's words also i iceted his bp- were Rev, John How, of Brncefleld ; "Bi)gley ie certainly A self-macdc lief that Goal came will to men. Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of 7oM-It ; Rev, t the (Inv looking fill' her and then Fent will iie increased after the ex- There care those wh think of Imperial "Hr i"," agreed IwarKe ; "and from God As w far-off apitit o dons not mentioned) ; Rev. Mr. McMillan, of the experience 1 ))^it when i Asked to - ' � concern himself with til ordinar mw1 is li/derir•h to see if Lhe Iliretion (tf the• curivnt nmarth, nr tli nt I affairs of men ; hitt not I)rvie� The Infinite and eternal One incl be shut up in walla of mottos : ' the drum. (if Embro ; Bev. Mr. F'ergnson. of Knox ('011Pge : HPv. \t r. McKay, of Culross : Rev. D. McColl, and a great of little on his febt."- Harter'a Weekly. - �, " heaven, the heaven h Rev. John htewart, of Kinexrdlne , erich lasts hell seen anything of I it Will be inCII•Aswl after It")- other date. Xta(e of Ubin, (7ty of Tnlel�e, 1 Lneaa (tnmry. I ss ,, ,diem come down to dwell in our ea illy moderator of mea"ion mind acted until While there they received m I The laudlor•d most first put an end to the tenancy by temples. Y tem And not only did David . from Kincardine that the' had landed it proper nuticr to quit, Anti, having (tome sit, liv emu a PP ate and Quick Lunch rrison" safely at Sar- then agree With hi. tenant fill. A con- __ __ urdoch Ballantvne, who came 4i by train on Saturday night. re. tinminee ,if till- tenancy at nn in - creAsed rental. _ _ ICE CREAM DELIVERED TO ALL s that they first tried to make (3) You ran take proceedings under "The PARTS OF THE TOWN. towing the Hail loxes to the tuff n none to the wind, but it Overholding Tenants' Act." Where w tenant refuges to pay rent, DINING -ROOM UPSTAIRS= no go. 'They could nee boats pans- up and down on tilt, American or where the tenancy has been put An end to by It proper notive tot uit, and 1 'PHONE aoo. And decided to put themselves a dt,m and in writing has lowers niade KcDonald, front 11sIe to ltr<n, e way of Assistance. They did eel. upon the tenant to give nes prmmessi(tn, the count%- judge can snake — ---- a while they Were in danger of be- tits order directing than. ^ writ shall in• issued to un into, kis they hal only two dim the sheriff commanding him to pillou,ft.,-e artadiniclJy nn the byrd and sawootr.onrions,o r the landlord in possession of Lite prem- I e a + "BLUE DEVILS" ` igen' W. S. K., Winghman. --Qu. A side- II -__ road hits never Veen uncal on account. ' of Indigestion and Things Will of no hridge being built across the rap a p i � sae mosim" itt— Look Bright and Joyous, river: but it has leen ferrel off on lend . erything hxikg Rloomy And dart indigo$- ins• pin last tial)' gears, been ^nit Fees ugwd as ^ caste Privilege,I I 1:ropi�m , e person suffering with by the neighlor•hood for gettiuK water for threshing, ill the prescription known As w n h nit t iota h tablets; was uta ' P P In wamhing "beep. Pte. Now, one of the adjoining faring ha. IePrl calci AMI the l)WMPr Illi" closed tit) ,!ecnHP•• .ch re 'o bdr_ate 1xr f(trlll alg It safe and effectiye thin gide-Ind with a wily feuv, in the \t t „t, Ito 1 A 1.., t'(.0 A x,ut for nick headache, indigestion mtummch trouhlem, the "blue The people interested live in a .differ-' thein' Ido•,.. f ole 1"•.1 „I t at Lt'.1 a g" made everything look dark, ent. township. Will that n^ke tiny diKerrneein bringing An m -tion? -the 1ic'iem ,;rasing toll -rue lu And depreming, Ans.--Any person cast bring an nr . this i',uv•nes. A few days' r use Mi•0-ns the tion against R pe•aton who closes illi \L'Ir.e u» fit f ,a information i dizzy feeling, drowat- li Fsael fasts in the woof diM1*es or obstructs n ••public highwmy." first it is about crt,; ., .lunula anti special eAting-moi theme symptoms of a p•roliarl• the duty of tis• town- ship (•anvil to compel lfle IPmoval of railroad :slaw, , stomach- will disappear, and obstr•uctinns from the highwit)m, ,roll �zl repremeutative wanted in perfect digestion there will Ile a ser to it that the game are kept. in a each county. in and leuutifu) rotbrnk• "tololacn tethlet" are mold in wife and passable condition. Those who are int•r•mted in havtng the rowl Telfer & Osgood x neat metal box convenient kept olm•n and free froth WAtrut-tion vent pocket and cost :AI cents. Wilson has seen go many euren ahonld notify the council. Arid should request, that the �,rtrga Scilla j 1 Agents by Mi-o•nastomach tablets that vets ti KtlarAntre with every lox olatructiun sholdd le rrnlot•ed If their demand in not. 246 CORISTINE BUILDING the money will Ile refunded if the complied will they call tiring tin me - tion in fill., High" Cnnrt of tulle to give rsatinfwctinl• .lustier against the• man who has pot up the I J MONTREAL _- wire fell(.(.. to an sic no ledgment before men of a Roderick McKenzie, Donald Mathe- Economical In Headgear. I r moral Hill to whom we are respon. non And "Big' Donald McKenzie, anti —--- - - -._- slbie. An more than ever now ,it n still later d^te Dunc^n Ro Me ma A' n omght to le economical' - ---- - --' -- kwhen th P wo d is dangling its golden Rae, Finlay McLennan, John John- You bee that host ? love had it awn palace iefrm en and women, when ston anti Andrew ('mrriek. i yawl* and it links all right "till. i've earthly things re taking so much tit- Before the. Appointment of x "I I. only bad It reblocked a couple of thnen ioY htitmake' tegtion, we n"eti the Iriwnn that there minister in charge of the con IL. w and once i PxchwmKed care higher thin s than money and pion, ministers would come fro, In other it in x re•glaurmnt for one that wits err tirely !"--Flfegende Blaetter. pleasure and fa Ar the Temple parts of the rnontry to preach for two new was to be the inde of David's faith. or three $ahhathm, and some of theme , so Is this bililding he Pign of your who thus in the early days of Ashfield Knew Their Use. , faith. delivered the Word to the pionerrs David's words also i iceted his bp- were Rev, John How, of Brncefleld ; "Bi)gley ie certainly A self-macdc lief that Goal came will to men. Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of 7oM-It ; Rev, man,' remwtked losing, 4 There care those wh think of Mr. F'raaiir•, of Thameeford (already "Hr i"," agreed IwarKe ; "and from God As w far-off apitit o dons not mentioned) ; Rev. Mr. McMillan, of the experience 1 ))^it when i Asked to - ' � concern himself with til ordinar Dhmwich (or Loilo) ; Rev. Mr. Mel• mart y his daught r I judge he sp nt dPAI I affairs of men ; hitt not I)rvie� The Infinite and eternal One incl be shut up in walla of mottos : ' the drum. (if Embro ; Bev. Mr. F'ergnson. of Knox ('011Pge : HPv. \t r. McKay, of Culross : Rev. D. McColl, and a great of little on his febt."- Harter'a Weekly. - �, " heaven, the heaven h Rev. John htewart, of Kinexrdlne , even of vent, cannot contain Thee;" but God The Inst-nw11rel was In 1P(f0► Appointers Xta(e of Ubin, (7ty of Tnlel�e, 1 Lneaa (tnmry. I ss ,, ,diem come down to dwell in our ea illy moderator of mea"ion mind acted until F'rankJ.l honeymake.oathThal halosenlor prartoer the arm of F. J. (•henSy R too„ temples. Y tem And not only did David . 11410, when Rev. Alexander Orant he. -1 AMeg hndlnedm In ohm ails tit Tn1eNn, t +r k. ;, • t Ikve that God came down to man, h t �• Y hew M Good" --God im wile," mine the fl r m t settled minister of thr run r ottinn. Mr. Grant K (roonf� And sial., afarroAld and 11tat aid r1rm w111 par the sem of mt! III'�Intkl) IHIIJ,AMS or egirh weal avert rage or ret"rrh that. ren u1 ll have w personal and an imdividuwl ro- preached hie first sermon In this nor. be cur..i by the rme of ilwll'a Ufttarrh ('nn. " lationship to men. That is mdn'm gal parity on Febnrwry let, ISM, rRAVK J. ('H KNtty. Aww" to bef(tfs tae And r which occupiers most of him thong of which he thinks moat. With Aima A 1 d continued in rhwrgP notal was imicerrded by Rev, 1\idv. mads rtbrd In my {crew 're' tAsi mal' day at lneonmber, A, U. lilrochw k their hod, with some KcDonald, front 11sIe to ltr<n, IlrAA1) A. Cv.OLF:AN(,� Mammon ; some think wed of wine ahn Rose, from 1X82 to IW, Rev. Miller, MAIN faMrrs loan M taken Internally. I end worn* of mind silver. David's Glx{ iar Alexander artadiniclJy nn the byrd and sawootr.onrions,o r wait Jehovah, because he thrntKht tt minister, wan inducted. I et tine aye skid serienumonrrl" free, J•(HRNRYa a)•, Tolero, mans of God and loved God more than t chnrch, w retrilctarr Lo. Shit sI asything or aoyoue ese. Bach one. aa was built on the rap a p i � sae mosim" itt— BUYING A BUGGY isjust like buying anything else —you want to get the best you cliff for the money. Thero is; just this difference : Yotl expect a buggy to last some years, and should therefore be careful in. making your sele2tion. . i THE MiKADO �'}} WILLIAM Agent for licLaaghlin Carriages 1'011 cannot make a mistak(i in buying a McLA UGH L I N BUGGY It is absolutely the hest Value to be had. Call and let us show you some of the handsomo styles in which it is mado KNOX Newgate St., Gederich idome Advantaged " 1�i , , - d the'dash �uAtem The Cash Business is the only business. This is the remark OUT numerous customers make every day, awl further they say they do not understand Why it is lint generally adopted by all merchants and trades throughout the country. From our three week' experience we are more than satisfied that it is the only way to run any business. Below are a few of the numerous advantages gained by the cus- tomer by the adoption of the Yash System. Refrigerators I"- "`a"I I Garden Hose Enarnel lined. were $82.1,1, i ('Able brand at 8o per foot for $311.10 ; Rp{alvnnizel lined, i Leader ••10C , were $15.101, floe' 111113.01; were King •• Isc I $1.1.M. for $10.10).\Vire bound 15c • r )ie.. , I Gasoline and screen Doors Coal Oil Stoves and Windows s, thous front 7:H: to S*2.5o. from 7rw to $:r).(01 I Windows from 2W to 5W. 1 ti Wire Fencing It;II Wasng Machines All No. Awovenwlrt, fenrtn , 11ngic Witwhrr - 44,60 K I New Century 7,f30 with slays, ',1J1 its. or 24 in. apart. it Knoll Washer For extsuple• takP w 0 wire fend•, Two -in -one ,,maher/-- I 8.50nt Ix per real :1101 rode<$4:1,(x1,8.60av• ' (ole -minute Rashenth o"• Ir r • 0.ent n OilR cal1 sola x1mxving of 8'1.•lFi. Rhin gxinm by ` �he Cash Mystem '?- i White Lead � - Genuine pure IP^d At 88.26 Clothes Mangles ails I''f for. nal Ilia, : Nn. 1 {sure white i ictal, $6.26 for 1(01 IIHr, No, 1 ")'(No ; Vic(tll' Mangle, 81X.tsl ,l1 [wire. white lead is An adulterated I lend and doer hot tear the Gov. Coiled Wire Prisoners', label. DO not buy it for -the beat Juice lend. A rnrlutiti or No. to cieveeand Coilrti Wirr jool nrrived.twbich Lawn Mowers has 1"•,.n lomght for (.;t..h And \V/o/d)'AttHttir, DaiRr. iini- we are -telling for cash kit. $2.101. I veranl, Knip"- Mazwe l and Who gains herr ? Why, you do, i1 others, front $i.5t) to 810,110, I am putting in a complete line of I ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES and will Ile in a position to do your wiring on short notice and all work done according to the demands of the Ilndt3rwriters, PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING given prompt attention and all work fully guaranteed, 11 large stock of 1 NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT e i manufactured at Durham i f always on hand. " 1 CHAS, C. LEE' Store 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 Is q i .i I it 'I , A j Y f 11 i E`11 I 6 EE F f�li .. P 1. . t, P, ii 6,a t 1 .i. %tS m t( I k., . '' s� i 01 I/ % i , , ,,.," I�, I, �1II 1e. �I,I1I1�;I�1I . P:' t 11 1 ' ,, 1 , o "', 4 3 , b i , 1 P. t >r�f + F, at l». Y l ' 1>. :f,.