The Signal, 1907-5-16, Page 3TME SIGNAL : GODERI(JH. ONTrmio eil1Salms � f the"Sistriet, lobo K. Mclonald, ex•\[. I . 1 ., vel •Turouto, fur price. if fluxes fur $2.30. Civil CotN•ts, ill unr eat I he rrtrran Cxts- Ifurou, township, has decides( G) leave aadianm who can say, -Doold'N Kidney lay, of \Vij IPrg. The fseerral Look ECZEMA AGAIN I I pdAne in 1 lett Loowttrhip un yAuur- xftrtllut,n. OVERCOME. the farm. He. h,aN bought it r-sidenee Pills mads• fur ftwl like at Young man." - ------ - - -- -- - Wiagham Boys is Trouble I -'-r in Ripley, where he will spend the re, air. Wor■len givek4 the followilig ex- dut.t front off his feet And ytiit that Utx,n IL culuplaint living nuilde four Charier Durwood. of ChiaaRRll. tor- nearly of Exeter, was r"ceutly rode* -I rio d in lit. Moorys to Mrs. Rellalma l, of that town. )O41og IN)ym w( -re Nulnlnoned to ap{aur Iwlaaw I'. M. Davie at 1Vin�haul In ZAM-BUK CURES A CASE WHICH H`we, While Maying frxltball last week, LanrunPetty, Pieter. fracturtid Answer t i a charge -of "rang foul FOR TWO YEAi S HAD DEFIED the One of'VERY REMEDY TRIED. J air his collartaimt, lnugunge upon streets. the lays skipped out of town and the Evelf")eone Run Down n Mrr, McLean, of Riverside, Tucker- Wear - utb'•t•m wete.arlsalgnel latfoav His \Year• with heedetl,e., itldiscatD coax with he, rcch... w attrt «wJu d led. stuith• was prtwtrated last week by an ship Friday last. They all pleaded A Farn+ers U►ateful Testimony. and after receiving x good lee- e 1r1ooJ o �a istpr Y••d> attack of paralysis. Mr. and MIs. Geer. Haus, of guilty tore hull hill they were Irt go ots iNed Teck kdr.w. oil doe i.oe Isom the blood and -onto forth, left this watek for Tot vuto, Ntlrpendud Iaeutttuce. One. fit lite Iaiyr, by the Iwule vel Colc`thou", who Nu care of e,(:xeuu►, bkill dihe"ve. or love. 16p suis%. hoes. ►Nlrsyt .al bwal.. shute the will rwmeide in tamers I Y hall Iwen up Iwfore lived had been Out Cdoel'ation, should la• dert)itired of flu - Pero. •e1e. pilettow, wute)oe the todieisl 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Huainan of $:x- � ola 16,wEorilele,ll rrutenee, w&16 rent dawn ti{ %.aln-Huk team liven npplied. The vfwee of curstrie herbs wkach •A all a aural I titer, left (fast week for Regina, w'her'e to the rlduatri al W'hocol fur A term of cab,- of Mr. Francis RI unit, of St. ,fa.e.et a the yaea. P.... $1 . bottle -61« they will make their home iu flat "IV' live years. Auue's (Mail.). is a powerful illustrit. I). At drys #.(-- or bolo l lit, (}Kama: Ce. Lamt week alt•Ai. John Shitle, of Lrea- Death d Fordltlrieh Residenttine. of 'Lean -Buk'b efticney. He ways . d C.efade (&.teal, tLmikai- 7o,o.ro. fortli, had the misfortune to trip on a ••{ suffered from eezeuuailotwo seats, nya,.reaprrarrr,...r-a,.e%r plowk on the sidewalk. and. failing. On Saturday, MAY 4th, tine Hugel 41f and tried] a t trenuuuliwi of rrnndiea. • fractured sulue of bar rile• death llnameal over that village of Ford- Nuns of than, however, JePenlad to dal : dremons which fall fill' Nhort (if nems blocks air to he built, ln•nided A --Gives Quick Relief.. the reality : visioun of that feature hxndstune new hoiue for the Canadian Manyl peoople who have a,dirretd which, however glowing And fervid, The death tA•Cm•rwl in Morrill, on with, and ruwnlunad W the Oelet.tial into play R..at. Thr oilmen( was Thursday. the 2nd itself., of Robert V. Camp bell, who fur uvea• taventy yeala•s City one of the oldest ,old trawtlll,lrtly in my legs. Haid both thesta ehtt-entrd citizens, in Ilie persue of were Actually 1•:aw rrbm the kneve , tea aAwa ataisraau. � � 1 head beau a resident of that luwnrhip, Charles 144-I,14eghlin. ueer-txl• who dowu. A small aalople box of 'Zo ul- On Tuesday, the jth inst., Henry wits Inrn to the Pin etaald Isle eighty- fink watts given lea ole, find even wl thrrr years Ago, cion+ to I:nnxdu with .1x11 x yuantit y as that did me x little Victoria Sunday. the :rth i"at., at the age of diheAw• with fill- local reuretll 10 e air the Hol S alit Hy- anti who by tile d o twenty-niue years. He in 16urviveal by I ulei, which is berathed through ,t irat have pleaded tile- Saviour's aLomrua•nt Hada., an old and itwl w Uxl resident eat lltephen, IwmNe.I away to the groat his µatenLs when u child. In Itis he goa.1. 1 Iherl ublHinwl A pill war w am Inarria«I w his low drrxtahwd wife .apply, and by iter lime 1 had u.w� a his waluw (nue I'outte, of Winghiunlkat inhaler sit that its he•xling a, c•ontldete Kalisfection for• theirsite-, IUML11 aur? ILIf beyond. at the age eat beventy•niue years. and thter seats later cams to H,wvirk. few boxes I waw completely m"red. Me-. Me- dilfrrs fent( 111f�111 D\Jl Dr. atsd I1tth. Goon, of Clinton, Clintoworithi Alm.weoj where he hold.ince remided. /,Ali-lluk ordinary lJoughlin was A aunt, of hLerling quAli-'salver And asaublvtatiunr in coltta 11- • s Mays evil roe a ►wt, Lies, And land• until incapacitated b)• illg io ,alliuual oil ear Nt. It, is cone ISur•o{)saa trip which will incluQe Yuma artd trlfetrut its of Breus Paris the iitifrmitle. of gat,* In•ru Hn Active po,ouded foul rich, healing, herlsal idl•,al r worker fat thea lirshytersan church. usaence•1+, nod is tan n,Uurnl roar He is survived by six wins and filter hiniation of power and purity. It {m t ' f 1 • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hoo n th. who daughters. highly AntisellLiC. Hud iuol,ttitly kills l "- % nave possessing the larg- for ever uairty yearn have been - Ia.•Jill and ditIONSP gPettut. which set- - , -- - est amount of sur - jII estatellllsi renidvnla of N'inghaul, left FELT YOUNG AGAiN. ding on to wounds old skin dis.•a,tem e r e last week for their new butte in mei, up frrte•ring, blood pa)iw)n, etc. - T ---- face In proportion to the Toronto. --- For cut@, burns, bruises. ulcers. �l i O the top OE the One of the features of the.. Victoria Wonderful Work Dodds Kidney Palls aI)e,crsnrK, pimples. Io/ils, skin erup- fire pot. It possesses all Uay CelebrAtion At Clinton %vifl Ito It Did for D/r: G. J. We. den. tioti-, scalp -Aires, spreading sures, the advantages of a re - '•Ma111,010ll 1.11C1•," fIVIII Clin Lo)In Lo) Huhuenville and return, A distselace of children's sl, ail tr•.IIII114•m. chafing sorek. Wickham, N. H., May 1:11Lh.- etc., %ani -Hak is onepuall.•d. It Also The perpetual charm beveol net" fall -Mr. (i. J. Woldeu• the told luui Lures pilbs. All drugsistm and stinvia CC_ h d , , rwapected Conunis-ialnrr of Wiekhau" at.541L. A I.Ix,, all- felon, 'L,►eu-Huk Cu., o res ness an ens nese p -of daintiness and deli- lobo K. Mclonald, ex•\[. I . 1 ., vel •Turouto, fur price. if fluxes fur $2.30. Civil CotN•ts, ill unr eat I he rrtrran Cxts- Ifurou, township, has decides( G) leave aadianm who can say, -Doold'N Kidney the farm. He. h,aN bought it r-sidenee Pills mads• fur ftwl like at Young man." - ------ - - -- -- - clousness — is in every in Ripley, where he will spend the re, air. Wor■len givek4 the followilig ex- dut.t front off his feet And ytiit that box of matnder or him days. pairirn(-r mlltuky gofer of the city, and to tette u G. H. Gladb, organist and choir •'I wam nfllieted with kidury trouble hie txlrnLo in other ways. Irader in Knox church, Terswnler, is fur over tweutv11ve yeaty. 1 suffered r lilt pt•rh,alo, the (-&Hill- building Mooney's leavingQ fur New York to purrorlr his will, patina in usy lark And loinsea the 11141st noinguine ISM Th. m 1111 l„„I. unernna initis: .111144 Itsludits ,bis intention living to it was with gavel Jitflrun a"1 Could ear- Rights all the iul.lgiuxtiou in when .r,., .. the n, 1-,_t Perfection taketell pipes -organ work• ivaU•. DOCtttro fndelil to help ate. kind two, having plighlcd their troth, Irak ( m,•r.ri. fel, her Un 'Thuraday, the Lith lit.. MAli oloo-ration brought late no wynian- forward with glad nulicipariun to the yr"els. 411, Cream Fdith #till, daog.tar of Mr. dual Mt -b. rut relief. I time ►►hru h ted in heed (tees will go "An Iwl to art• I W,..hoMon mother Thfrtnew Hill, td Lower Wiughato, xdvnrtittrulrnt las• down the tree. nl' lift lugrlbrr, IeaL h•r t.ehw oo Sodas wen married At Bruce Miers toll. 1'. I IH.Id'K Kidney 1111116, And 1 Nrvely Ito- I tlharing its oyy, and nnut11nlly fis• Ed w1warlm, of Lake linden, Ni( -h, lirve by the glace of (mini they h&ye'tuinging its morrows ; still as they balk , Parnell is On Saturday, the 4th ium 'iArah done All fur Ins that is rlailalwl fall' I forward down tin• long, narrowing 1 Pur• Nome -Made —held captive h the P y M. Wilson, Iwtoytd wife of Alfrol j thein, for it eawmecl to 11149 wen to new vista of Bele they .wt•o iudulgr in And uran suede out of au old l Bread air -tight, moisture roof g P Hutton. of the 7th line ear Morrie, and I ycung "s•a•eriea And articipau.iuo tf kiH . lion. daughter of Joules 1ii11hun, of fir•usrnls, n"a'•" of joy, ,foal of xlonnlJiug iw pineal ( rt nwBd. en„«tri .harprn. feint( rt. Vy ) Packages. There is a I _----._ - lase( away At the age of thirty-one' which Khali endure land continually i CATARRH CAN BE CURED. aug cent until theit• stain of life is wte lauon t.,r .,_or .m..h,wd. i� p or. DEA N Desi to everything. In D S MONEY'$. Biscuits, It () yrxrm. I Wingham will enjoy x building ern el. Kill the Germs by Breathing in the IN)(1111 tlnln tllllt ilial'. Three Ile N' Intake- I; Hy o-enei Hut there ale other castle" - 1 voUR POPULAR uRticeR, Aat IVT •, Me : dremons which fall fill' Nhort (if nems blocks air to he built, ln•nided A --Gives Quick Relief.. the reality : visioun of that feature hxndstune new hoiue for the Canadian Manyl peoople who have a,dirretd which, however glowing And fervid, Beak of Con tierce, and about twenty- with catarrh for years naturally think however atiately find sublime, yet five new residences. � hey cannot la• curd. And iwCaluu' uveal Ito uttrl,ly trifling and insigniH• ------ -- ----- -_ - ---— -- - ----- - � � 1 Attrr n few days' iUnemea, \\'m. Y discouraged. cfi11L (-o1{11or it, axilla Cur Ipyae•ur. 5ha)weax, a [avast• well-known Itsi- The le;ason they hive tailed of cute realilY. For it, the I:ruAt Hrreatlrr. THE RECORD dent of Winghniu. diel In lAnitiou• un is becausa• they hnve not tre;ttel the fair those who leave, Barret their God I Victoria Sunday. the :rth i"at., at the age of diheAw• with fill- local reuretll 10 e air the Hol S alit Hy- anti who by tile d o twenty-niue years. He in 16urviveal by I ulei, which is berathed through ,t irat have pleaded tile- Saviour's aLomrua•nt his waluw (nue I'outte, of Winghiunlkat inhaler sit that its he•xling a, c•ontldete Kalisfection for• theirsite-, ,a"MRAL nd .)elle child. Indl;'atfi d Ail' reaches the lno%t 11'Inotr are Iveuu•vtd joys Autl pleasures which he marriage took place in \Vin- air-celln, MIN all calarell gerurs still the finite attain( of man is Altogether I FURNACEni Day I w On the 'Lith lilt., ear aline Mary restores the uew:ous ineinbralle of the ullitblt• to Conceive. fiat Alar! there I Culwill, formerly of Centralia, and note, lhrtlat And lungs to at health)- ,r•e• rh.me What, Coll tiniaally putting it I MAY 24th tht"ghter of Mr. find Mrs. JohnVulwil{, condition. off until A 111nre runvenient' filar, i fills the demand for a fur - o[ xeter, to John Wylie, or Win- Catarrh tK really it It)eall disease and which newer Comes, will hear the SINGLE FAKE FOR ROUND TRiIt ade•m otteranl•e, t -The hArvesL is nipwp. Mr. And Mrs. }vvlie will tel- to cur: it it Iola b- frratwl by A Reel' "- % nave possessing the larg- mide in the Western city. retlle•tiv whi^h reaches every a m)t In leftist, the ell(tittler IN ended.alnel they U[lose. ise And throat where the I�nownew saved!" I - , -- - est amount of sur - jII w - I,etw•11 all ntAtl.mK 111 Ti1P citIZeful of SeAfala'fareare;h no wen Are In)t grate Canada Pedal(/► : also ic I., with the reaulLal (if the gerl/N 1(xlge' Hy al -lei dtws this Alld t paving 1 gives lelirf ft•om tI1P Ntwl ldl►y't araC. - T ---- face In proportion to the floor- Pt. Huron, Mich., filar- talo, Fiagwrw Fall" and Of Slain suet•t Lha►L ter)- err sansei. Ing the, wfwk to Goelerich street, the A c4anplete Hy -o -mei outfit costs Th- Boys Rebuke. K �l i O the top OE the Mur lin an Brill e, N.Y, I lyf g hear $1.1p1 and Jail. Walston gives ,t Prof.iameter leading residential atre•et of the town. K I /tiLour walk nccuai"g woolen of . 1'he work is expensive, but the pave- g'uarantw• with every package (A, lal.barisul. **And bile in not (only blur• I fire pot. It possesses all GOOD GOING ull-nt is It teal, a•rnranent, ub and refund the ruoney unit&.- it cutwa. lonrous--she is ills owl and iucunsia- g 1 j ig ' the advantages of a re - Thur•allav and Friday. make. A splendid street. -- - - ----- - tent," he rxCIAveted. w 'Sit. On Monday, the Nth inst., one of the Castles in the Air. ••1 wall walking in thn country fine a turn flue construction. Ma �hd Heal May 3 iunerlw of Hume townshi in the tiny with n worltnn. in n grove we p p• ally a n,anker.l _ -•- n VALID RETURNING wt-N)n of Annie McDonald, wire , cxuur upxrn x IN)t kilarut h) shin up a p I lcdalrly tl:r %choir fir the hunuu, tore. There was n neat in the tree, „ -� i The Admiral has until Mondav ally 27th of Donald McKay, of Ripley, for' rale front tion- to lime. indulge in the merl • of lot 'Lt, concession b, Huron And Ryan a certain angle it was pia,- -cnatles the largest ash pit of any paamtinle air buildingin the ailolr to mere• in it threw r townmhip, passaid away at the ad- KK air"; Use privAty anldicr, for Instance. ••}'tat wicked IN)v," said w its) - furnace on the market, - -- -- For tlrkerfw armt fell infnnnarbm coil m� ,litter yanced age of seventy-four earn. e The intenurnt took place at Ripley. f r going will i to hintrrlf fhl- tine when hr companion, -are von wive • tell thrt•49 will wield alar Ht•Irl•uanrahxl'a laiton• - . thus the free re - F. F. LAWRENCE, F. to rete that neat !' ie Holmes. daughter of .11 Lents H 1 les, Ric which curry prirnlr auldle' Im nnp- ••1 t►It,,•• the INoy replied. •• permitting . � Town AFruL Mt•. and Mrs. S. T. Halide., of ?dew pe)sed to carr3., itlina►gination, in his "flow CAIS you a ale elirlainatd. I .oval of ashes. base( hours-ai.J'Naw. tu9p,,,, athutte forth, recently grA/hlxtel in the New knapits the clerk, who dlramr "Think how thai another will. grieve I Wood or coal may he burn- Kn IAnl hospital. with high- a K P iR that lie will M the beau( of the great over the In-, all her Y t. 8TRAITON, est honors. Looking 14111 per cent. 41n burinem wherein he in- employed : or •• 'Oh. she wool t carr.' Kati•' the- fay• ate - ed In the Admiral furnace. I)ri.ot Ttckot Alam• ra'eiUj, paper except utter oil which rhe I the young deacon, who conjures up n ;ghe'to up l lute fn your hnL " I J. D. IttcibwwlA. ilierMt Pt«. &Rant outlined ninety -tout. Miss Holmrs vision of hie enthronement As arch -Competition.- YuuLh'r Write for Catalogue"_M2 has accepter the {Niaitinn of .Pad bishop, in the nidal of magnificent 7omnto. nurse in the Jeanie institution. surroundings. And habited it, gorge(rhr On '35th Data. Jane Van- "nitre and cape. How Perfectly Grand I # THE RECORD FOUNDRY MACHINE CO - the ulL. one o[ the pioneer And these thaptaodles of the inlagin- the r..mcd oval .renttKt sisal- nfi Piinl , tounar," .,t MONCTON. N B C. MONTREAL. PO �- - _--� -- of Morumn is. dead, where %hili -t, eco• whi. o/ Mort•ts, dr ted thin life at her Alien vxly Accnrling to the idlasyn• Im•ri,.a irar' crash's of the iodividtial. One, ,-the To wind. Ihnl linlrered ere they .ped 'r11ar1/Iq MIC... VICTORIA fialtilr in c�u�tLY, •• Sinai( wonder that Mallleta said beat( fur instance, ear an inl{lortar.t -How N•rteclty erarld t" wlrilian she family with o. Ile-ook. 1�W.R al• Ue- tared /•IIIIIIP"L h11M1 Iain( who tensft (trail)' FINDER nine eAt'aa and ate er111w \ (fele nal)' sans• rAaubllnt'br. }} Il0 "hnf.hirs" whxtrvrr, who in toterg C. eaglitrd, Sallie vet, Godefrich •1••ensed'eson,ger. DAY of w lort a pop tenth rule stat K .ry : l ap)w•r, Mlr'fi., I1H% the IilanitlCLnts Ill n11dKt of the granilPmt natural scenery \Cil. raprolc. ,. 0ch .he vonhl not little. twin tht• first white child Dorn in "''a nothing which paa'ticulsorly In )Intlldn .natrhrd +r nq and cried: -- ------ ----- --•---------- R How iierfrrt h' Rnued tPte%fN hilt(. and WhIMe whalle a/1111 MIiM'lal. And are c The Kan, About to ad lAr Lett. rwhi1.h him i , • • _• • 1 est, jo a On Sunday. May 5th, the angel alf nPsn --the ger&teat joy which this one with trinity bM zoneKl all the wast. -th one Matildanianced Return Tickets tit -nth relieved from hair ntifferinPACIFILg can picture to Mosel( i% Lor go fell from eat it. then.hr �I lam .Tell (lie Qoance, dill hter' of lira. s(((ate to r1uccPKm, And then to lir, if ! Turned trial n and uemarkeel ui mel : K Hew "' ' I C. J. HARPER , hetwrrn all ,Loaf male LN. I,erfrrllY Brand E. Llunn/w, fir Exeter. IlrceAsed, din he Invest, in harnmK. :\nutters, I _ in (&nada r•Aat fir Pt. Atthut, dal Swift YtP. who Maui Ia9'll anb P{ t tel nPlirll1 Tat- ailnilr'ly KiLIaALH(I. blit wttn A , rrrri• : she as we htrnlNo 4 walked A�ns J p I she hemmed a lair fir uwRlirue .mer illness since childhood. final the beautiful, who is • , Ark Brand Paint • Marie. Mich., ih•troit, Mich and to tacks of fates thrilled Tharvylunfn'Itmm'-urwaul'twK-nnnucr- her in "It' • • , Ningarm FHnK Hilts;(lo. N. V. been confined in room Au un- through and thrnrgh with rapt emo-' -.t elarti»R.'-heesclnbn.d. "ft's I,erfa:lh• ttrAlld •" The IIn11111 tki1:1 Ill 'e'1'- alf tilt•Ne' pN,l lits Il,l\'.• and conscious mU%te for four w•IMkv. She tion when surrounded with Ilit• glu H'Ies' i U leaves. beAdesp her mother, three of nature, whether "nidal the icy-KtonAto City Tanta, just completed it V00,1111111 plant At TorontoI ON' MALE A1' eietetsU,mournherdatmise. glntelan Heal {toron�{td ,Itinction, which is itself n gl,nrantrl- n- SINGLE FARE higherAd Death of Je"" Ballentyne, Kincardine. plAtraltx o[ the higher AIpK+ i Or1K1 lhP Thr old housekeeper ilei that nlaAtait rockhnu nd shore when the Inighty rat the dneor alit his arrival honut. ••If. trthc,pnalitie,•I/fh(-Aikllraud,Ifplaint. PLUMBING John Hallenlyne, a resident of Kin- ocetien rollers thunder in the NKsnrs vote please• sit •" mile said, "t le cat h, a HEATING GOOD THURSDAY AND rsraline for upwards of ten Years• and ravines cleft fit that rocket lir their had chicken.:" "Noo.enme•, Marv.' EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRIC WIRING FRIDAY died on Thuray last in the neven- continuous onslaughts r• u sd thlghontthe laughed he: ••von tuetau killP41m. ("Pit* GOING tieth year all hit. age. The deceanel ; or nuidat the thousand other don't have c(dekena." ••\\'nm them REPAIRING OF ALL KiNDS May 23rd and May 24th rem slag versa of Huron U)wnhhipfor Alnnr remwith which the lavish chickens fir killains as yon hrnugpnt • at Lowest Prices. • Return limit. \londny, May 27th a sexes. He was n eldair Pre, ,i- the Pr- hand om f hounteounature ban so rich- house brat night:" Aaked Lhe old byterian church, it Literal in politics, Iv heantinei this eatrth -- this one's woulan. *Wlly. they avers ' 1OO per cent. Durability. I C, J.HARPER ' Tickets awd anIle- d wits held in high estimation. e• fdid, having Attained An ample. of coulee." "Just sell, air,v trplli-(i Ile leaavcit r/lliafore.tlonrrnm Rowel. Tlraat A�etlt. oar'neh. %ifletil lire. Hnllertlyne. line competence. it) eavethe careKt/f 111%1• Mary, with It twinkle. "Weil. the Rev. •_ • .�__• Jon. or write e•. lis VIAT9K. n. l'. A., C. P. a., Taaetu daughter. the wife of Mr. Fin- nems til him mllcce•sso m. to stroke the, rat's lead'e•all :e" K . cnegna.b,am-hip APAN ndl Jvice on the I c. Sic AND fast malern .leamor•. Regular ""ilius• fro t CHINA°rIef aenl you tato. and full info(-. motion. Free honkletA. RAILWAY SHORT LINE eurwF-EN Toronto, Muskoka A"' Parry Sound SPRING SERVICE in effect May Sell to June 11th, Iso;. \,IRT11M11 nw 1'rnrrnto .k 1.;a.m...a. ItiILI, )harry floRrltt.. ..7:111 p•ni• In;t/ pall.. wll-rumewlsu 1'farrl tioanA a nn a.m. ...121:1'4 p.m. Toroob .. .. , . Yt:W P m... ....nX, P. In. Olelly (kkumpt Sander. �jnft�ir11nt1tul till %M etNw. Y yn.stTMe (Mims Kat fall .1 Nags al USED PSYCHINE ZO T=ARS Alio. "Vear%.ago 1 was almost a`physicalwreck. And was +uflrringwith lung trohhle. Friends REATEST OF TON'ICS And ne.ghhor- thought I would never Ret artier 1 he an to d I (rein Those who use it get well. A certain cure for all run down conditiotis and asting Highly recommended for Insomnia. THE PROOF. The faeewlse to a i amele of Mnn..Ad. of tesumeeled to alto wcnderfeal mfartu of rsyM, HR In the nett etmenit eases. eee- t•re we like bint rSTCKfHa In their rl.sf slate tae roost /.usfaetery wuus. "Several yearK act, oily wife wee Me Mori eusly, d1 d being trnu- fale as for et etwoolhe in be unahte to We&. at which time a noted physician told ware that the nett draw that i world hnv for bar would be a shrosd. Shwa Used PSYCHINE and is sew reasonably well. Rev. C. 9. Btnarl-1, irerat. A0CI I,KEEN For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE. For Cstarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINFL. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy take PSYCHINE. g de an R faith in my phymcnin, 1 procured Another orae who recommended the use of PSYCHiNrs. it was %urpri, ng beyond descript:ow the p� effect it had. I teemed to Rain with ever) diseases• dose. Inside of two weeks i was able to attend to my hnu iew(lrk again. There seri no symptoms of consumption about me now. "MRS. HF:Ni)ERSON, St.jolm,N.B." For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For Run -Down System take PSYCHINE. To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINH. An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles. For e.fe at .11 drug lots, Boc- end 41.00, or Dr. T. A. tilocurra, A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet. Lirrtltesd, 178 (ting GL W.. Toronto TnupsoAT, DIA► 36, MJ 3 HOUSE CLEANING IS NOW ON. WE HAVE EVERY REQUISITE U) tstake the house-cleaning process thorough And AI the eAwe, time As light it ta* as possible. EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES pure and fres. STURDY & CO. The Sauare - 'Phone qt TO CONSUMPTIVES, The urdet'signed having lWen rel stored to health by simple i neans, after suffering for 16evrt'al years with A tlev- rIr lung affection, land that dread disease Cessapllse. is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the inearem of core. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully bend (free of charge; it copy of the prew:ription used, which they will Hud it sure cure fall, Ceessmptloe, Asthma. Catarrh, Bree- ckllls and all throat. and lung Malsdles. He- bolas all mufterer'a will try hie Hrundy, as it is invaluable. those desiring the prescription, which will ,,list them nothing• and natty prove it blessing• will pleAlte addl'enme Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Irnklm N.T H. B. BECKETT EMBALMER AND (FUNERAL DIRECTOR F era(((s ane I'ndcrlAkll.K.w'Mlc•tvow.y N'e.t aide Square. 'PHONES: Store 416 Uoderich Hattan, I", of ]iahl nalla: At rrmldence. rot. (brrtbria road and NehNAn Street. FLBROPHEY & SON ,n8 LEADING---_ e Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders mortally fattened to fat all (ween. nlRat for day THE BON -TON t 11 I Livery and Hack Stables EAST STREET FINEST SERVICE iN TOWN. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE. The finest turnouts in town are supplied at k1le8e well-known stables. Carriages for. every re- liuirement and good horses furnished at rests• onable rates of If i re. Careful drivers furuishad when required. All call, promptly al.tended lo. Walker & Augustine. 'Phone St. East street Livery. (3UNllRY BROS. Livery, Hack 'Bus Stables r � GOOD HORSES CARRiAOEti PHA RTONII R T C. A T— APARoiYABLE +w 1 Well-arepni'nf rel Haarkm and re li- Able drivers in charge of the 'oasis, which will meet all train a 'and steamboats ALL CALi:i ATTiiNDFD TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTRi,m ANi1 PRIVATE; HOUKNf't (SUNDRY BROS. NOUTH NTIIKKT PHbNM: ItIVT