The Signal, 1907-5-16, Page 2Z THUwDAY, May 16, 1807
;Terme •r Wbacnptlon :
il.trn per annual to aarwnel•.
should lie ptocalmdoed against under the
An Olarldonal lopportunity to meet,
Into power in no single ,ince,
OWLsi�)_I� f
'1044" (+'�"^l
criminal law. A few decay
this will ulxkr the railway
their illrlrindN durin; Ibr IN,wling
l"M have the revenues decivab ld, but 1
have always iuctraNl+d ' You Owe
more careful.
_- -
llSoScra Id:nirtg.
until tb« U,IA1
irovrnurs have i�fir(twu Inns 1657,+h31,77t1 ■
in INIXL7 to 1{[LI1 I.M.-VIO in 1fMki-tl. A 't t0
May 18th and 20th
T. ii • l!mther,, w St. '1'htmlas
lawyer, whu war chairman of the
"Who. du you explrct to Im•gin work-
Ing the ulinP?"
°u'rt clwlltablu and wltisfartuty cis-
Situ Cday
Nch/Nal hook clmlulission tinted
As abs -r' :4s we get thltmgh with
Taction Reduced. YOUI''se�f
Tellgkowa:anNo, 3& 1'
a b
the Ontario (;over" h
the Puhlic."
It 11:48 beell falsely aIle td�4xt the
in immediate demand. Some of these items will show
;Terme •r Wbacnptlon :
il.trn per annual to aarwnel•.
men., itset Inaut,ng
snurwhat of a RPnswtion by returning
the cbtspuP fur ='.,11111) him b}•
code o It tak. I,Ill,lemisailso halve taxite lot
whereas that fact it that Ihr r11tr lot
i'..t..rlFo,ru' Itecir w. taxation has Been
1111.4119 the Past decade France',
Rad« Jim- inctv,lswl 21 Iwr cent., 1 he
l'nitel Kingdon, �n pet,( -rut.. Argrn'
tine Hellublie :0 per (.cut., Itml• '2I
two' "'nt., United Stilts 47 per cent ,
('NPe C(duniem 43 per rrni„ .ixpxn
07 per cent. And („xlla(lx itsl per ""to'
The iunnelse! expansion of the
tnlde of J,lpan during lilt, past tell
)'rare has limn an example fat. As it
has Iwcq tle wonder of. the natiOna,
and yet Canada has nnrpawlrt Japan
in Ihr h,alue period of till'.,
Tuiff Chan es.
Nr. Fielding, w•heu pre.e•nting his
a I t I'lidget speech, nnuh• some at.
ION pqs I'r the twrilT change. that had
(peed #,,Alit• And were 110 m,
1 I 0hi IIP
said: -Just how far tO•ilfl'.Kiehrtiun
hits :t wiring "n till. growlh of the
euuutr•v Always has Iwl.n. and Always
will Int, .ubj(r.t fur tljlTe. note u(
roptniogi. lit s, tar N" vcp may admit
that a tn'i policy of ,1 count')• nlny
have Any- r t nn iia progrv,w ,old
pnmcperity, I ink all will frankly
Ac•knowll it t t the tnrio of Our
hxa Iawn x most uccrsrful one. Our
idea,' said Mr. Fd ding, '•1111. leen to
Irneouragot, it litpg, drglte. of twrily
atAllililc, nota slxv{ 1 ndherenct• to
every item in the tar' , blit vve hmv.•
hewn demiroum that if • impression
ehuuld Ko Alit it that he Govern-
"'Pr's vvrrr not willin to mak(-
changes h,wtily, that 1 ey weer,,
rather "ION' t0 do wnvthin in that
liar, and only when a emmP IN• title of
extrnlr lit geney would a,I, "rat rtake
to rnikP changes." fu the w•co i 1@-
Monday Bargains
month., ab : three Moa[hr, Ske.
Bub. riper. who fail 1,1
cent the
lo,vend. In I.”
Just think what A future Prof. geld- the laloliP acne �
A man can't, t In
r,s•eh'e Tule "toad,
regularly by Also will ronfer r facer byline.
vValatlns us at the fact
in return for hid gprvices,
�lr. (1"a hen raid he
will Snaith %%weld have if he would !! sesr3.41rr'4:32, i°
11)117 It uU'j
(trtly Ira honor of Ih(t"r bA4mrlu411 i1:3f11),1culi
a justice even to hlm-
May 18th and 20th
al a+ eariy a dale a.
whennaha ofj
wmr auMeienlly
repaid in the honor of the Flippo ing-
wrttrt� veru spitball inelAAae, leplela•ulatd by
pi ". l
trim up his Englimh N little. A. q,x 1e
nnglips in Rd-
diton the hest evidence
}:vervthing that a paternal govein-
old ant tl c new addnlr. e0wuld be 11rNv.
IIIPnt. �Ilw i11P IIrN'r11N}wl'm Nle di,,
Ildifutt•ogca capital while
the dpht pit
Unprofltasional Conduct. }wr rapirA la ImlKrly dr-
y o on spending
g P g
Two clearing days at sacrifice rices of the
Advertising Rab.
Willing about whether Mr. Crotherm
I.abdon emo,"l. fu Ism it Wait lKWMIl per
Papua, now it im
for passing fancies
in immediate demand. Some of these items will show
l.r lead other .imilar :Wveru,enoenl., vote
per 1 Ile for nowt t11•a.rlkm u,d k race Ilse for
dhotlld have declined the cheque.
.Mr. T' W. Crotheiv, the 8t. 1'huu,,,s y $10.31, look the
lawyer whip was table •how►: -
as much money as
the greatest bargains we have ever offered for
•aea aahew,nrnt inw•rtlon. ?h+wura+A by a
' Onp,7, reale. twelve Knr. loan
Motu@ of thelll hold Iflat it is a rrflrc.
,t inelnher of the Oil•
Imt'lo tut'rt'OInr01'm Id(•hIN'1 INNIk rogil. T� Debt It Fseh Fiscal Year End,
would 1 n s u r e un-
days. Reason s our over -stock of
YeB�rudnlwrcard.ot.i: IhN>w res3 colder, !j<5 per
"poll other couuujrsiuners whu
have pockettNl the elicitors tendeml
uldnsiOn, tar returned his i•',aX► few. Net and Per Capita.
worried comfort and
goods and the
backward season. Your opportunity.
Adverliweweuta of Inn:, Pound, N(lwyl•d, Nil-
(talion. Caeant, situation. tvanled, Hou-e„for
thelll for similar services, while other,
wlyi°K that he was wttinfled with the Per
honor of fit,. filing. 'suis in ,re_ I'•1t+nbOlson V''t I4•1.1 1•npit„
{ lttltu...... .5. :W) llt•M't,lr{.tt!7 Ideitl.117
contentment In his
Linoleums Dress Goods
Sale or to Kent, Perm. for vale or 10 Rant,
Artk:lee for Acle, err., not exceedins cytht
Sep in the actioli- a cheerful sign of
releul which ntegilher" of the legal 1tXX3._.. . .5. 107.1118 CSS,,IR7.432 i0,tl1
profession will not consider binding.
advanced years.
1.51111 NIAt-dmScotchlinuleunlm in
Irate,,. Sir each Insolert ion : XI for flat mon[h..SAm•
for eachaub,ImQueni mouth. Larserwvortipe-
nlan111e prerierllort.
that disinterested public spirit which
is not at all too common. Tfie Whit•
1N67 - • �R1tlY, l_1 •: t31.:aM.:,ItN
Where Is the Canadian "tan Maclaren") It411i - 1.',21(t,t,60 �Itii.ft-wt,atM trll,tltt
You need Only stop
all ."tylrs of patterns. r, 3, 4 yards (11X1 yards light Anti illi dle.
vials, rr}etrlat• 46c anq 3Uc, weight tweeds for �
nnougco t.
men In Dull nary nr%dins ly{•e ten
Dent+ {ot 1 No h•.. Than
I1Py G(tVPI•n lllrgC hNe Iwrn ct•ittcired
1141H.. 5, 2. Lit! _h113,y1a,441i Al1,u1)
Toronto Trle,irrm' i'XXl 5,IWd15 llti4l13.?0X1 4ym
to think uietl about
dl•rss«r alibi
N[ pmq' mlplletre y,atd....... .. 51C rllltr. ISeNlltds L'llthr, flue wp td
'. p,,
Any gteclNl nofi,r, tbenlrrerl of which I. the
. tile hi
peouniary benefit of any indivlAntll or a. sIci
alien, to bs con.lder"d
fill- the multi li
1 ICRtioll Of coIIIIIIIm•1o11•
for this• that and the other thing, And
greatness, ut Lm \Iaclu•rn weer Ip►1 -... :7,41$,:5711 �is.4hi1.4Nti 46,3U
in his power to ere gloryp in the apW/I'• 13X1,2.. . :,,;,:17,11 N) 2i 1,M:lLISW 6.1X5
this to admit that It
t and x11 thio wramOn'm, nPiit chtie•ks
Carpets And stripes, 4'2 turtles wide, Isgulxr
an wveru,rment and,
ied aoaorllratrly.
to h Ito,
}ta,•s for dl.•plwy anA tnn,rwrt W%crti,w-
the result of Mr. Crnthe,i actio may
ently comlllOtnplA4'e Ii4rN that sur• IL KL. ,i,711,:34'S , 40.08
rounded him ill the Scotch village he 1U1N -
would be better to go
:H)C a
40M) yards English tapeet'> )'xnl quality, on wile
Saturfity And Monday..... 25C
v rprt, '27 inch(-" wide, in
"tett. will be Idven on application.
le a considerthlob saving to the Prov-
.5-WI.677 !"1.W7,718 44.:41
immortalized. CanAdA i." full Of 11111A....., 6,(XX1,3:J0 ''J11},:.,4,ltltl 4.9.74
°lute, inglorious" Dnuntchtym,
in for a systematic
r guest
range u[ pi , regular value
Addrew all eanmunloatlou. to
ince by estAblishing H precedent for
the nun- ps eluent of rouumt"RiunerN,
1 )
but I ill _, ., 6,3dll,(1111) •'r17,1µ2.077 4l Li
Canada is not full of tan Maclaren,• 16117.... 6,44•x- •,•
investment Such
We. il&- mail 7tk•, at per 5UC Dress Muslins
Npuxre yxld .......:......
.,•,Al ra11,01K)AXIllest•40.111
The nobility wild weanneam, oho L,taKh-
1'Ra tlloau
- 11:N.•fleD'IIii4
For the plert,tl t. lit any 1'Rtt•. 111',
Ler and [PNM, the mrlHah urns and sac- TOW Trade Dene.
our Reserve Dividend
(") ywniN of yard -wide, le,'YI'- .31111 yll l'd" 11rR11ndV dIY*N
. ,
CrOthorrl Id a marked 1"an.
r'IHCrm Of Itfei 111 tole hiMAw04111A Vll• CallNdx's tHde hits i:wrp,t.ed in pre•
ImKPs of Ontario erre rich materials Imlrtinn t1
Policies provide.
tdhle. heavy union carpet to redo. lilts In Ilett spray or tw'i
browns, (i(N'd
SSofar it- the recent changes in the
«n extent. grentrr than that
Awaaiting contact with genium. The of Arty (trhrr coryutiv. Thedevel(ip•
}p leer of an iRA Alaclnren
greens. pntlrins, and rxytimito' effects, fluy,t}ILmtt islift
IpKllhtr:.'5c,tIn and 30e culurn, pinks, blurs, greenh, I ^I.
- —
Iwgulsliunm plrrolit the inclvurr
of the circulation lit British Peti(Nti-
could have "lent of financial mud material re.
roused the splehdorm of romance fnnu aln e-cees has mlade 1•Apid-It miner
the mlle•Ilrem of life in Canada. But ifie I.ilm•rrals
policies eom-
Prise a Life Rate
at let• yml,i etc., regular 15c, 'Ak aqd dcic yuxli -
full, on ma,*
140 rage, in siltrs:5x3 3x3'., 3x4• 14aturdne
cats ill Canada they constitute a wool.
cauls into ,art•. 'ren•
the g: nlum dill not (-(title, foltuwilIK tiou1C rtA(jst11Y will 111 ire_
G ^ d ow m e n t, a '20-
am ile
} yards, im y !(outlay. 9C
� x+ $5 t„ $30
- --
Toronto Globe.
Cnllle reform. What is Ohjec!rd til•
and .rightly Objected to, in our
Sir Wilfrid Having a Good Time. R 1tal �,r this :- ,
18{X1 - Tutiil ratan is
payment L Ito e Rate
prlcea (rolll .....
In yelled, Hrllrst•IN, wool, (Apes- Raincoats and
Liberals In several constituencies
have already nominated their Candi.
opinion is the Attempt to shut out the
1 P
United Z Nhes publications which Ca.
Montreal vt'ttner. (IAOada ......... ..l.It113,iwijo,)
Sir Wilfrid IAurirr fins keen CAryRht Tod! Total exports of
scorching in Kegrut's Park•
Payment 25 -Year
try• clewing rat front 10 tit '2•i per
cent. discount.
� Spring Coats
dates for loth the House of C(munory•
nxdialns wish tit lewd. It is all very
or, rathrl•. Calum i. ............. ... il1QlXM1il11N1
his chaulrrur, anxiuns, nu doubt. up do 11!X3 -Total imports
Endowment ,and a 1 6-
Curtains YJ
eget the Legislative Assembly, prepare
story to the
will t, may That the Canadian Pleat•
..... . 11A.ust,4X111
the grand thing for the great ' Colon- Today - Total iul Atm ..... L'1►4,IMMI,UlN1
lal",,VNm xrMNllYl tape going at nine. 1-Dgtle•nrnllepcted.....
a m e n t 2 O -Year
p y
only ladles' idle ell 1',tigiCnRt N.
:X111 airs Notldngbxm curtains, ;',#- 1.t ii inches long. rnhlwr-lined
:" y:od.IonR,SUtutlll
3eK di
next elections. whenever
office Department was being' unfairly
town utiles An hour. Sir Wilfrid in not +
Endowment covering
s g
it Iden
-long to to Itichret wtdr•. andLucst,suat Nf\Ir, 1'Pg111N1' 64.:11
they may lie held. The practice of
early nomination is
treated under the Ohl w tra•tlrn(
RIIIIIH ,anon the collected... 4tkuuu,IX111
K givat in this ron- AllX11—filoodsenterd (lot. .lull-
den'nathm. Sonne
every possible re-
,,I'll. wwrked for 4:atulday
at per parr ................. 95C and ,Inndny..... ��
a g'xx1 one, and
other cogstituencin would d 11
with the at Washington: :
this aril Pb t
years ago the rhar• dtuyrtjort••••• _ 1111,IXX),IM111
iute•r of the King wan brought lefore T 1
we to e I a is very lafge•ly A ... Agistrate fur it like fault. The °I r')-(rtxmis entered ter' Butterick Patterns for Jane now all in
follow the example thns ret. The discounted by the filet that nlwgiaf rale fulluwed in that cx,w the ci°mol�lgotion ... '2fX1tIIIX),O(X)
Total ti,ide'bf Canada..... .iiS,IMX),IXN) stock. Delineator on Sale.
dntPe ut the Domiqion aqd Provincial the xrtiun rat the Department was legal maxim Out the King ran on nn i
Elections will Ile in no way, nftect-ti by
the tact that Pwndlinex c.t•e in the
field, but, as the unexpected often
happens, it is just as well to tit• ready
for any emergency that way, wri"e.
Conventions are more likely to
lect good standwld-bearers when the
�_toicsvb is made leisurely than they are
when it is made in the storm end errs-
.. sure of a political campaign. It is
' -Only just W the electors that they
should have time to ilecome somewhat
acquainted with those who aspire to
represent them in PArliAment. It is
decidedly ulvantageoua to x candidate
to he able to avail himself of occasions
as they may arise for appearing on
the public platform, or even to
arrAnge for A series of meetings at
which public questions may Int dis-
cussed more rationally And temperately
LhAis Ible in the hent of ,
1'o" gen•
oral election.
It in needle,.; to. remind Liberals
that in a canlpaigh very much de•
pends on the personality of the emondi-
dates. If the members of a conven-
tion Gil to nominate their strongest
availal'le man they have do r•nsryu to
complain if they (ail to elect their
nominee. The tour of PRrljMnentary
life, ne8rr too high, is often fir ,text
I d h ales j
taken ,at lite urging Mainly of certain
Toronto n waw U iced stat
I e tit
their deall'l• to .hut out United state..
Publiewtions mo far as Imissible. It
more than hint(41 that ,,,Ins of ill~
Pnblimhpim were lorokiug tO their own
interests in Ihr wwttrr; but, putting
Ihis Aside, Ihegiound that the choose•
for their ji stiflcwtion, that they wished
1•• protect Canada front the influx Of
United 3tnlrm litrratnr-cannot tw
held except on the premnmption that
Canadian” An' not t, Int trusted to
select their own reading matter.
Such nn AI tempt rat censorshipca. 'not
hot low rearmed And• w•p doubt
if the change in the regulation. will
have n nlnch greater effect than the
exasperation of the Mwdin ublic and
the placing of rumpiciun upon those
publishers who were chiefly reRpwn-
sihle for the Governnleflts action.
The MOntreAl SGIr discnsse: again
the question of Ministerial mRharies
And memf,eri indemnities, tightly
drawings, sharp distinction helween
the two a inents. The Migisten
P' y
give their time to the country And in
return therefor receive eAlmries which
ere not ousel Int
Y large. Dut the c11NP u(
the member of Parliament is entirely
different H
wrong, In this ease the Magistrate
thought it a rase for the Colonial pie•
. that Si. It was, however, line iAt"xt
that Sir Wilfridas. would , tinderately
is emigrate Go Canada.
_ __
The Country s Finances Placed on
Sound Basis Reduction of the Per
Capita Debt Immense Increase .n
Country's Trade --Justice Done to
All Parts of the Dominion.
- ---
Ottawa, JLay 1:5. The Position of
the Lilwrnl Government Of Canada til-
'iwv' is An rnlinently satisfactory one.
find the ars l of the uisma
had for yv111y lace" sir mianhwn-
Aged by tilt- CunBervative Gov
ernrnent that nllmwPma was ,at x
standstill,inunigrationhad practical-
ly reamed, and the popultlton, trots,
"tical' cause never hwti,farturily ex•
PI°inel• was remaining ahoont 11,A.
tionnry. the Liberals were called ups
on to conduct the national businesm.
HogestAdminiseratioa FJfalctive
Pervious to itXX3 w nlginler Of mean-
dalOus transaction" hod INwn un-
earthed and rxpN,tµrl to light It haul
1111.4119 the Past decade France',
Rad« Jim- inctv,lswl 21 Iwr cent., 1 he
l'nitel Kingdon, �n pet,( -rut.. Argrn'
tine Hellublie :0 per (.cut., Itml• '2I
two' "'nt., United Stilts 47 per cent ,
('NPe C(duniem 43 per rrni„ .ixpxn
07 per cent. And („xlla(lx itsl per ""to'
The iunnelse! expansion of the
tnlde of J,lpan during lilt, past tell
)'rare has limn an example fat. As it
has Iwcq tle wonder of. the natiOna,
and yet Canada has nnrpawlrt Japan
in Ihr h,alue period of till'.,
Tuiff Chan es.
Nr. Fielding, w•heu pre.e•nting his
a I t I'lidget speech, nnuh• some at.
ION pqs I'r the twrilT change. that had
(peed #,,Alit• And were 110 m,
1 I 0hi IIP
said: -Just how far tO•ilfl'.Kiehrtiun
hits :t wiring "n till. growlh of the
euuutr•v Always has Iwl.n. and Always
will Int, .ubj(r.t fur tljlTe. note u(
roptniogi. lit s, tar N" vcp may admit
that a tn'i policy of ,1 count')• nlny
have Any- r t nn iia progrv,w ,old
pnmcperity, I ink all will frankly
Ac•knowll it t t the tnrio of Our
hxa Iawn x most uccrsrful one. Our
idea,' said Mr. Fd ding, '•1111. leen to
Irneouragot, it litpg, drglte. of twrily
atAllililc, nota slxv{ 1 ndherenct• to
every item in the tar' , blit vve hmv.•
hewn demiroum that if • impression
ehuuld Ko Alit it that he Govern-
"'Pr's vvrrr not willin to mak(-
changes h,wtily, that 1 ey weer,,
rather "ION' t0 do wnvthin in that
liar, and only when a emmP IN• title of
extrnlr lit geney would a,I, "rat rtake
to rnikP changes." fu the w•co i 1@-
�� � �
insurance Csompany,
London, asfltdte
vv'. H. ROBINAVN, Uo"N roil Anent.
ern lhon"nnd dollar Inrn does th"
ws ACHESON � SO ' v
tegrity of character, Inay le trusted Id•tyr will int apparent. The thing►
to deal honestly with, the affAin en- ,done now will hear fnlit in the future,
trusted to thelll, and in the hands of end for that reason the Lilwrxl (int'.
touch men has the Premier collunitted ,ernment, strong in the possession of
the Affails Of the peiople. the people'" confided e, will continue
to Administer public affairs uitwbl
ruture u Provisioning. I 1 ley y
wisely wild, must importagt of ell.
Canada is yet in her infancy. in honestly, following rpm the record of
7ewre to come the result of wise w1• the pelt eleven yewrr, the hest l'wnwdw
tninistration during these growing! ever knew.
--- _.___ �-`
IN`Pn to do j laticP G1 all parts of tilt-
IMminiup. '1'hia premrurm tu,lny per-
Plezing problems, All of which toilet
Ile sol from day to day.
Right Men in Charge.
Kir Wilfrid IAurier is fortunate in
having in his council tilt- Twat inen
that Canada hits produced. Every
Kieat. Ikpwtrhurut is in l.hxry;r of r
1°wra who hits the confidence of the
Province from which hr c(tmes, end
all Are Pxpirrirnresl iu drppmrtmentNl
affa"';• ►fen of probity, of kn,nvn in-
o�o�� ����t•ei•slm�Es��M
A M e K I M
rnn onlay hr "ccnunted for by intplli-
Spring Jacket Samples at one-third off
If i,-oti lla%-e il(It (,rat y(liir jacket yet YUII Can now
get the very latest 11O Logen just the ache ---at a big
If yam NtOp tit think And
%visit to ,ave motley, you will
`''sit out. Nall Pxlwr I)rppNrt-
nu«rat. You will of ours olrwrve
"ill• Pm rat til entirely different
fl+tin t iorm clxnmonly shown.
an t e t of a ( e to r Ia not supposed to Int v INlon Of the tariff Its stallility la" having that striking, stylish and
raid a "etas w Y g lain found that public money had kept in mind.
elevate it is to nominate a, candidates ( Y t ,ill. He ulrrel ets been milu,ander d without Hdeltate des costing EFFECT,
men of character an well as ability. on Allowance to indemnify him for the return. Men in power bad nowt their inducement to Foreign Nations. IN-Ridra coating nib mon• than
As the Ministry ref the day is virtually time which he is compelled to tnkr office And inthipnee in dire•ctionmrAl. 'rhe inter•uleliate tariff hail been two ienlinary
a standing executive ronmuittee (t( front his ownLueiness while -possum- cul°ted to bring Advantage to tbro,- 111"'"'I9ed unit if it foreign nnliun OUT -QF -DATE STYLES.
,e1vPlt, and in their public traname. w'ishe`m to t•a,'e with Canada, ruin is
Parliament, it in absolutely necesmwry` wkly-lritnameting the nation's husi• tions had not conmultel the welfare of Willi ngR to reduce itit dtities on certain PRICES
that the Liberal leader of the day APRs At Ottawa. In referring tit the thispeople. Public inten•mts hod horn Canalllin articles in return fust like mums front :c'np.
figure ,It which this Allowance mhuupd arendxlu"mly neRlPctld, and evei the r'Oneeamion from (,,&nAda fur it, geNNls. We hake a Apecialty
should have ample uuaterial front Conservative Cabinet was all divided the inters t•clixte tariff will enable this ,If 11np,rted Paper,
which to select him colleagues, And for Int placed The ISler }rat a on to say : ngainat itself that the lewder Of the t" re Ire"('Rho About for w felon of r,ulKing grow 13c to
this he moat depend almost enI . its do not went to make Pnrlia• then (iovernment described him own YPAaIx It Is Aimply An inducement Lt111per Rinllr roll.
on the delegates who meet in conven- rnentxrY life Hnau t-inlh• aUractlle and coil RIIPR NN R •'nett of trxitol•R." coupled with "Il invitAti•.n G' Other I TR A aT)t IITLY CANN.
ear KAp}iPr G. it n lot of needpolitic. 1'n(]rr these cirrumsUinces there °Atlins, that, if they deshr U, enter in -
tion to nonlimtte Liberal candidates. irons. We simply upaire to* make it could Int hilt OAP remelt, end that dim- to - Is:atlOn with C!xmldw they may _ _- - -_
pereutih1Pvor n scull pan own tu'olop)' tinctly'unfavurnhle and to the pre. seculr the Ndv,ultnge , '1f the'inter-
the call 1'7 hen fellow•ritixPnn th it place judice of the people genetially, meliatt' till:tf by giving Coulpenmating
EDITORIAL NOTES. n Pxrhmnµ•nt if hr Rtats Ane. If N ,advwnGtgpa.
pawn has pl ant if wealth ur• "lie.
Ohl I to Liberals Assumed Control.
"I'M A big salan•, we tilt not prop,nee t0 After the clean sweep nixde in 1)Xk; T of Good Adminstration.
An An exchange remarks, houtie• Indemnify him ndepuately, for hie by the Lilerxlm under the distill• While Ihe'evenues have inereamed
cleaning is the (dinforler of the dap. tittle. That is, tut• exauuple, we do Kuiahrd Ipademilip of that gtrwt Cao_ the respxmmibilitil.a of the Government
Mot attentpr tO indeu,nify a HlHke or A mdian Sir Wilfrid Laurier, conditions have loven enlarged. With greater I -e -
Dollar wheat and the failure of fall "Sir Donald Snaith" for the time tile,. changed its if by magic. He called to vennem e,une grPAta'r harrdena, ineep:lr-
ppend in Pailimulplit. We pay thein his councils the Iwat given the country *1110 front a fast growing country.
wheat in Ontario is not w particularly the indemnirI, Fort ,,;,Fill fur }anile inen Pt.NItrP(1, mud front that UtnP Gr the The (irrlPl'nhlrnt I311X not Ixwn try•
cheering combination for our farmers. asp am to make nu ini•idiOn.diatinrtiona, Present Progwl ity hu+ reigned whrre mindful of lhim filet.
but we err quite runs•ions that they distress previously attxouuded, deflejtw in order that CAruldinna relay reap
The weather cannot change any IerRr mraley nn the, trnsme,,on And we were turned into m irplumem, the humi- the greatest Ienefit from the material
more quickly than can the People do not 6e•1 INmuld to inake it ill,, nests of the country Iwcnine vitmli7P41. Adv"ucement And pl•(repelity of the
who grumble one day thnt it is'" That, Icing a,,, when nn indemnity it'll' ,"trial Affairs pmvidel work for- cnnntl•y At large. "rad Avail themselves
cold and the next that it in tali warm.
rises ilbovp what in necenmaiv to iii_ the at•timein and laborer. rend peace And Of their nratural advantRges and oppwr.
dellilltfv a citizen who crhlld nut Other- c,IntPfltlllent succPe(led dissatisfaction ttlnitie", I lir Gnvernluent line entered
wise Hfford to serve in Parliament. it And unrest. upon creat public works in the gen-
Fire is x dreadful visitation, end the has risen too high. :how•, in most. Bi S prat interemi. Hilihvmvm have iwpn
people of our sister town of Clinton raeors,if we e,lrubtie that the indemnityg Each You. "
"si-te. wharves built, canal" deep -
are The Li1wrRls during their Arcot year enol, harbne• drool r
are Go Ire A twich grol nplm thrix ea- Of"houldthe equal a qunif er of the income Of Office succeeded to a Oinwrvative K d, public build (tom a notch reatpr, conflH ra• Of the Alan indeuLniflrsl, we will nlN/ut Pram erected, ell if Ihenl for the gen,
Pe R R All this
of 13. hAnite Int hjl next year Pral ❑dvuntltge of the People And to
Lion than they had. Tile conditions hit it. He in nlmN•nt tom him home all shim hoc] Phangel, and (luso IA{X3 Gh � 1
Iu,ore than a gnarter of hini line, hilt dale the.. Literal ,administration „f inept the re(luireluents of expanding
nn Monday were j11mC Hotel tole the lit nllaille"N 11!,IINny tutee not entirely pllblir affairs 11x,+ remlllfrl ill the fed- trade.
rapid spread of fire, and gleet work scop while hr is Hw•ay. Thum ion in. "wing substantial mnrPinmes : - ' Far -ageing Policy.
must have lawn dune to ohock• it. deiunity of il,:/M) rnec•tm the• just dr- 1�� 8 The Gnvernnlent wilt All its menu
sand of Aviv Man not getting more ' • • • • • • • • • • • •: 1,7.12,71.2 mblrnls in the older liar[ of Canada
Those tilt ra-loyal people who want than Eft,1MN)A yenr: while a man who IAI.BII......................... I.R47.746 rm not unmindful Of till• West. The
Rets lotirr, than 411),(11111 a year in not art 13MN) 161X)...,..........:........ A•tliit,7li ,ldtninimtrlltinnrrnlizrmthmt the erupts
Great Britain to p(x hers I[ for for peer that hp tro}th•em the ,till prxprrr Illf"I ........ ............... 5,01414,:{;7' or the West, having been invited to
heneflt rat the( rare not pleased people of this country to Int faxed in 111114••2......................... 7,2111,:404 "pule in and cultivate that ilnpxrrhult
with Mir Wilfrid Loturier'a coureeat railer to pay him ,noir than the $I,- IlAr2-:3........................ 14,313.1(11 territory. ane entitled to Gcilitien
the Colonial conference. Hilt the IfXKiA4. • • ' • • • • • • ' • •• .. • . • • • . • • I:i,(k111,ISI w•herehy rally
3(X1 Yet. win And ' r'11P kilo lin this J,494-5 .... . . . . ........... . . . . 7.101,(s4) eceemm to at
majority of Cwnw(lixns mer not spook- 'woman. wine And graft" Parlbuu* rat n11A"o t} 1' tl{X4,710 port Inoly IN• aerured, wlth(tt oping
deliberntel• somal its own indemnity l con►pelled U) mormfider an undue tell-
ing favors At the expense of the 161Xb7........ ........ 13ci1MI,01M1 P --- ---
1. �Y,3(II)- -a mnnl which w(tuld Indent. wort ion of the• result" ref their indu+try ,
h d
I only black silk three-quarter coat, well nude and nicely
trimmed .. $Is so for $
I only black silk short jacket ,o 00 11 7 tw
I only three-quarter black broadcloth jacket, worth 18.00 11 12 .50
I only three-quarter length black broadcloth jacket, worth 1o.00 - ;• 5n
IOnlc three-quarter fancy tweed jacket, worth.... 15.00 " 1o.00
only short fancy tweed jacket, worth .... I 40.50 8.00
1 only short fancy tweed jacket, worth 9 ., 7 e0
I only short navy broadcloth jacket, worth to.o0
20 short jackets, regular 7 -SO
Q $voo to $10.00, to clear at 3.50 to 7.50
We have now the largest ns-'
lent of NEW BATS ever
11 by us at this Beason.
are new because we
11001d ones left. These are
IMEIi, goods. The styles are
fewest, the assortmentis th
st, the price is the small'
��a w��riritiI
mot er colntly, wra "3 r Iltrid has
rightly represented their mentimentn
mh• n ilea" whoop regular dnc/nnr was
1111d,01111 1 r Annnnl. \ow, how uuuly
Totat .................:FIli,21A,1604
in payment Of rxorltitant freight I
by refusing to join in the denand for
ern lhon"nnd dollar Inrn does th"
Thim nxtimfactory condition of ntfair•s
T,, this end t he building of flip Grand
w preference.
present 1 nrlinment contain?
rnn onlay hr "ccnunted for by intplli-
Trunk Pacific is lacing pushed to coua-
_ . .
Thin in A qur•mtion that will hp N.kpd
gent and honest management Of the
country'" businesm. It
ppI tion with All possible spaced.
A contemporary asks what is the
Ix Y
w gloat mnnj timnPa when the men11N•rs
nnglips in Rd-
diton the hest evidence
}:vervthing that a paternal govein-
matter with the Cwnadiwn-hiphnild-
Ro hack to their constituents for rr•
4wsmible of the
pMxgwrous condition of tilt, colunivi-
mint could do Go further the ente•r-
prime boon horn done in I-emptnhme to the
ing industry that it should show a
continual decline. If
election. ri•11
aIfairm of the IMrninion.
mandate of the people, pxprrN"pd in
our contemp r.
__ _-_
Increase in Revenue. the
general election of 1(104.
Ary really wants to get down to the
The Mirada of Spring.
if material advanrenlent nmly Ito
The Guver•nnlrnt. rpallwoo flint the
bottcRn of the matter, it (-night ponder
toy the revenue, thin advantiogrm
gained through the efforts
the fwctthat free trade Great Britain
I krmw out how, In Mhrr Inndm, i1Pn1
A Airit . ut
in the eennomic nli,itTr of this
the Immigration Department, with
is lmlllding Whips fur• the whole world.
Tile IhanifinK"en.onmroil"•and go:
Al' hilt
DiAlliniondemervesatienlion•showing i
heir accounpanyingvnstexfiend itiltrof
-pleodor. full rnr "Irhtn smnd., am
it olowm he tnrruenN« i:eerww mine*.
money, "nowt not mmle nugatory
Protection is the, blight which has
"-holt 11111`1110 light- on Alpine .now! the
Lilwrx a n wnmel Ohlin the i'y
Uulurt lit pnocjdc lrana4x,rtation
dwarfed the shiphoilding induntry of
Nor how rho mm p of .unN.r wraga
IMM- I the revenue wan Vip,A711,- Llcllltiem.
Canada And of the United Ytalea
IM Veale.. ill her wnter Kate'; 0'Li
under a Conservative t;overq-
*port lar Northwest,
A Arrant ,dente In me I• Arno'. vole t
f It f 11 t fll8 ' X► h
well. rat n ' P n SNf3 q4 n lA{t(i 8• it i, a p inrlple of pnnllcgl Pcnnntny _
_ — And fit- Alhnmbrnl ball. nn• hilt a Inarelter'a Also under a (:oruPrvative Govern- that the legitimate dertlxnrls of cunt �-- .
A railway cundnrtor At Guelph ha. late' intent. What. happened since the Liar. merce for An ontlel ,at the point of NO�
1'rr he whu eall,Y,swAnil"_6111., un. evlla,n,ammel control in IMIR P Front least trsistanre cannot he IIF alp- I
lbert sentenced In three yrwrm in the No mom of lrm11ty. irabnn ,ell. that date lit the ppres`nt the revenue Inyel,Rnd nrvr•rnitinualply /ruatratpd.
penitentiary for allowing a cullimion of Than he who from hl" doorway .esa u( ('n nada was n" frdluwm : 1/ thl. pnNl"rta of the West can In• + • OOQO TIME to enter tM wtl fin ren
him train with Another through Ito- TIt' miretrle of fiewrr-and one., 13Xs}. Igf7,A26,7'iA hrotaRlnt LINK) miles newer A Faro ,eqn
-w•hlltlrr. . .. 1T�
attrntinn to nrdel•e. Thr para was I)Xq-A. ..................... Ni,:ri.i.2:4t nlnrkrt cin Hndsm 15'ry, then that,
made in defence, that the condnrtl•r -____-..___- 11611111611-9. .... .......... I...... 401,741,210 point Iwront•n de facto the naturnl
wan overworked And fell rWee•p, fail FROM OUMR^CONTEMPORANIES. IMO.1910).................... A.1r20,01µ 'nutlet. The r:overunent is giving 01
11 Ir"M-1 .................... $2,.111,701 fxvorahle consideration to this plan judge refusal to ovmmidpr thi76 to
n in )fXll 2 .............s......., 1A,(AAl,i3X1 and more will he hPwnl of it next s•n-
ext«pnxfinn of the offence, holding Reciprocal Esteem. 10x2-s...............i........ fVI.(Kt7.IMii aion. TORONTO. Corr. 4�"
I %v Ana. Ilan tJu%i,x 1-a_Nrncl%I, ,"n
that the rondnctnr had nn right It, , Itoreit Free, 1•letr. 111074 .................... _.. 711, ni.810 Canada's Diversified Needs. AII,mT„%"11 y, An 1_ our KraA11att•. Net,
1 render i,am ier in mighty proud of 1f1µ-il............... ........ 71AK2.772 TTI,, Donfluiun in ill .twnv+-wweN.tnt TD'All, ••II t�NlrtlnK
rxrntinup working during the hotTM fhto rinrntry• w•hirli hied flip good eenme l i 105A ............. . I ...... A )X'41,:3111) ,,,,d the neilm front vari groat
uwlxpintb are ,-roll p" ,nen to ,ter and old excel n
'.e,.n1mb.. The pupil. who Itrarluale from
when he ,hrnd have rrmf At the fn conks 117411 its 1'rrndpr. What }elope or more rnnvincingg divprmiflel. Til solve the various proh- ur a•hool Fort In rhe mouser Act Ann
same time, the judge staid (hat the I( Hubby' Bowls, So Will Wdey. nrgnmpnt of RtNNI glover eonld Ipnim prementet Arad meet the demlMn Nrssr TAI, vaq ,, PINF.m nrr. Nn
IN• pnAwsood than thin P It. will iN• ,f the,wOple fruui the Atlantic to the %aealion". ( ,1Aun..nre now. I alaunsue
offlc{ala teaponsihlr for the over-
InnA,1n A4rsrtl.r-r. , Aur.
working of the
prisoner had in him m*wn that the rPvenuPm ncUlwlly r1r- I *rifle In the oh},,ct. of the present W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal,
R P Sclifnrth ladies hRve nrR"nixP(1 w etrame•d tinder it Conservative Admin- Govenm,,nt. The controlling idea of Car. Yol„e abed AlexanAer sit.
opinion committed It great wrong And Inwo Ism Thug club, and will Flow get filtrations but since the 1.11erals calve the Liberal (iuv-ernment has Always
—a� `a,
jird Off
' ••%.&Vidal i A lowc in
\7 --
ODD LINES e bound to accumulate unless
extra precaution i, taken. We find in our
stock about thik,Ysuits of these "odd lines," so
1have decided to clear the"at a saving to the purchaser
of :13 per cent There are any Rood suits in the lot
and it will pay shrewd buys to take a look at these
1ilies. A straight discount of . ' per cent.
The Borsalino Hat
11"Ibi ,
iA the best hat in this country. The fac that opposi-
tior, houseR claim to have `'something just good" is
in itself an ad►nisoion that the Bomalino is the ideal
hat. We have theni in all tho leading' sha s and
Andes, and the 1u•f11ilty of it is they retain their shape
and don't fad/+, W(1111fIt1't you like to havct a hat you
can depend on to keep it'sshape and color ? Try the
Borsalino fiat.
Walter C. Pridham ,\\
Sole Agent for King and Dorsalino Hats.
w� omeI♦►4i t(1i�tttirfa m