HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-9, Page 80 P 1111111111 r + t e Tnt•101DA\, May s, 1901 TIM, SIGNAL : 0,0131IMUCH, .M'I',11t1(► . THE WATER INTAKE. in w� ter t., \I r. [.ceps' pole, of niking LOCAL TOPICS. ���� for -inch piles Sad lily r osl lit uwkinK I -- �����s�- Engioeer d Lighet Co Report to water elect 11- fight gritult-cf. 1 *53. The Tln• THE SOVERE16N BANK OF CANADA a w•rvietw Nvr• grnulyd. Appli.1-a'- 11'uulluutvlfrudlµyluLl and Light Claraauaaion. lion frons Mrs. Hingham and others s Ie.tinel Ottawa arrived Alkwl. 1 ). an. u" , 1 11 F ,11•.1' un' S\'i Iwai rfail- 1 r aro 1 1 the #taklll Water- 1 al lhul a, . L1 t ) I t u1c1N1 ulu ) ;uuloil.. , 1 Kq I+df Intron a t le W t" al 1.1 T . 1-a A tile t 1 til light Nw "n%. 11 1'• , ail' , . K tiitlurJ,1 •. The tit: N' all' he wort, ,. a h• �L1 N 1 l 1 uu•1 1 [ ) 1 ll. MIN NI lbs rate of a g N'ot•ktl rxlrltbitill wow lnute,l, ilr li w tl IN•N real. Ir ) less uuuum ,n IM• .. rh.,l Pula IIIhtN10I1 NNx hl•Iti 1/t1 Multtlay K ( 1 I Ilurtlan then aab,.kld together all ,1..'k of tbi, iMuk. ba* Lru deelAn,l. nod [but tits wuu• Nltl I", r:l),Ibl••'.,t 11!1- l: •da lu Iw '3 -inch. Ali application IlicatiAtn frulu 1 111Kh1, at which M1'. Mn1-1 ileglal's n•• i 11 Ittlpl•1looll and sholily aflt•1. 7 U rlak'k )Ahcr rod nl Ili,- bl:wrh,'- •a. nail uflur Thurrlu)'• lite Istb d.n of `lit 14. m,rt uu the eaLeasjon of the water- Rev. Benj %'olI fur water to hi+ prop- 'fhr nxn•fer I"N'k, la111 Ile eltsr,l fnnu Ihr I.t lu Ili. LAI. of \Ira'. I.,IJI d,l) 1 the Hero N'ns K,al alt the mhtat. .� fu.hlsh,-. Works intake li re war )resente•d. His 1•rty un Bruce kll, rt \vatl Ierela e,l G/ I fly Order of Ili. )""d, 1 1 w•c .,1 message had Iwen .4.111 it) lila 1-e rust \\'x14 Ile nN•s the rnginrrr W rrpx)rt :ons stns l'. Ir. ♦I. x'1'F:\\-ral .% { E. Ilal fur hou" Iwrvice lax %%',)lie Iteul .l.Wrecking t sent ly :unit the I 1'o.nnlx. dlrro6:txl,, sur,. u.,..ml ♦tau„c,•1-. Thr l'uululiaaiuurt•s of \1',urr and ate+uui•s- ti:U•(Di#t N•#ts w•ul up, but did 1� Light, Goderich, Out. 8teet was grahted #till[ :L Iequt-sl ffOul , K lite lk)Wlitl 1-1x1) fur fete Winer As °i 1!1 11 'iW�lttnlil tl)w Ilrly was li wl- k -, 111.l¢MK\ - In tt•,.mh of your K instructions cl4ntitined Ili thelminute. heret"fibl" wata rrI"'Ri' , J. l;, 1Lac of 11areliug held ori 'LInd lilt., 1 llete- Gregol's bill for. eatinattes, ria•.. Six Willi subutit plans and pnitile fur a A''' was ptusw,l, as Al.ab were it nululw UalInch intake :pipes as 1ecounneuded, otutheracc•ouut. Itw•am decide,[ to the sizR of 14 Iwjng ne\'iuudiv dt-- Iwk fur lender, for 2,441feet tint tet t I the s+UI J)1t`jun 'r lbs and 1.(11111 feet Inch pipw alio fitting coufiuiasionel•a. In order that .the for wuue. . hest situation jt the lied of the laky LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. aholdd Iw w•cul,d for ,ff Imrge piplNe liar, 1 found it nlcrrwu'y to take wNl(Ddin s tiff two cu•lnrra. The lint IF. c1- you o l loin,irod your esu vs -t nit yet K 'Hes Nur[her Is romhaa suuw Ne,•1 d:U' sl" sharked "4" till plan wa. pro-jected *off lout .tilt don't )'uu furap•t 11. (pet 1-.,..1)' b with the view of ltwot ting Tile lisle it- i Id. -Huff Il,u t,rl„'t thins now At 1'ridbaut ll, tailor'.. . neat' Ihr ik rail ion u( Ihr ewwuti illlek`• It, It. mAlloN. I..,na n olon-fnsr hi, ural,, - as Nlssiblr, but xx IL Is rs..rntiul that { a iew•Irklnx Ned .ail' lar urn u! tuwu \vl,lnr the new })ijw Ile IAid jai a p elfeetIV dry nfelbeh wtvia from Mry t, -, a4eplcu.1N, straight line 1 four it lit lceoo,al•y L r ''Ai. I'hr.tn to wit'. Irowe%.-r. Iw uIA•n aa, u,ua rot \vwfna•,dn). 61flow life course tu:,.. it l "li", avoi,l- 1'j'nytrn1.hr curets exit anngwd aa.Nd .a I tug 1111- ubmL1-11ctullr t'auw,l b)' Ihr \1•f o et (sgdth',. Fau.y work Hud At -ups.11, piling Alf the old Is,)rth and month it N'lliner'iiulthk, (%'I ... lo.-l,.i,.,. nwtn `nrto. If the line unrke,l "A" were to imsl,ter4n, houftnrn. of,-. At Wdwer lluith'• 1)r followed the old piling would be Go to Wilm,-t rsmitb'.. encountered al two jxeints, aIle two S• E. Hick uu)v(ml into bia�new houw crlasings of the existing piles line. "u Elgin avenne yeat allay. Considering tilt- cost lit teuwving the \S a very much t„grtl to learn that ulistrucotions, and the favorable natule Geo. Plus.". is again Laid up %%fill hi of the held of the lake ion line ••B", I Idd /,)filpl"int. concluded that the. conunissianers olives• u., igg Wits flnwl (111 M01)(1 t) would $adopt the line '•H" without by the pmdice u,Agistrate fur assaultiu h"itation, and have accordingly pie• lits brotllpl..in-law. labored plans and estinntte of cost on A gang ,of soiue, forty ItAlienl this basis. The pmwition of the intake attired tl*lilln \InntMill yl.aenLiy It on line "B," it will Iw ulux•rve({, is work oil the railw+ay. farther trout tilt- paith of navigation. ;laid front iufpurities from vessels and A rase• of keeping :t vicious deg was other drainage dept-wited in the Ii,pml..t,l of by Ilie owner's sending the h+tl•laot•, without placing it in Shallow dug out of town this week. . or mule turbulent Nater to the wroth. Assistant Flectrician "'ant of lilt. Sample•m of water taken at different town plans has-sevref-d his connection lNljnts front 1,(011) to 3,111111 fret he%kind with tilt- mmlicipad w•rvire tab little fhr Ihr ple.tent intake indicate unifor'enity position of ellginter at the elevator. of quality, as far its it jai pxrssible to .S full attend.tiwe of flit- lurmlwl-s lit' uiscover this frouh a•liatle inapectiun of lire flurtit-ohnniI tilicia•ty is rrllnested ruler and rate of tK-diurentatiun. It is lit at l oeling l,a Ik• lo -141 next t'hu's-. desirtlble, however, that -the intake d:tv evrning,.May Uith,'at Ap. 1n., in should Ire placed in Nater deepenuugh the secretary's uftice. to 1)1- undisturbed by wave action +rod The G. C. I. Ik)a11 ha. givril Ihr I., tae• entirety balunerge,l. '1'11 accout• Planing Mill. ('ti. tilt. voutraa•t for Ihr ,dish this 1 have designl,l ,I conerete a,•plat•ing (If flit' 1-aillt'll Woollen sup- mtake acree•n chainber calaable of lhwts t) which the iron coping uu tilt• Iwing lowered frail lw•At IN1r•ges in the w-hlmd Pomo( is atfachwl. same• manner as the pit"- I. Icovene1. tihl.riH IlAtssir, of Perth enunt), Hy uu•aus of the pedestals with cut- sliexl on sliturlaty lust :t hi, Lonnt• Irl ling edge ou the tars. Atli flit- inlake "-ittfonl. When hr N'x. a abuu the structure N'ill take its final plsi- )'Ailing final lau the gravelly loottnln itlnlost aA nuIfl \1l.. Ilossie werrkpd fur several r este as luwrrt,l. vta,.a in a %label• At HavNrld. 1 Iuxy, hereby. .tilt*. that 1 be'tieve 'tilt, l.xcitVn,ti,a11 for tin• new office that the action of tilt. waves on the building Ila Ile built for she Doly Ell - crib lit the present intake is respmal• Otte Wo1'ks i.. living 111.1.1.•. Thi' foun- sible jai some natAxure for the tt11.1)id dation is in for Ihr sl 'It-houm. and condition (of the waiter during a mlor11l, fill- moulding shop is esti ronin way. The construction Atf the new Intake j.• A toppling of the mt•u11k•rs of the such its to permit of its (wing Imavt•d gulf club will Im• held till M,cidxy aft.•,.= at run)• tilt*- tit Koine utlwr point jai tilt- noon at 4 p.'Iu. ill if e I nv till$ill•)• lit lake, and, if the collonission4-,.m should flip court huuw• fool., till. election of decide upoll having n wdinientiltion ofl,cunland Nur translctiou of other Ialmin jai conjunction %% fill the ext•n- h11sinptls. - aiun of tiff- intake piiw line, 1 would The store ion We't hireet loping recon 11uend that the intwke hr plavotl flit,,, up f or..lohn Slea41, who pnrlm)s. s rot A Point about 1,0101 feet, tiryond I lit• op ening out a ,tIK•k Atf 1. lies wear, j.. present inttke in 114 flet sof water, lie.al.ing ,•olopletion. lie t'xlwa•Is to thus rttecling a wtving lit $` 5101 to he have )lit :lnnonn.einent fall. tead••1a of pplatcf-d to tit*- cost of thesedinlentttion The .signal next week. 1)141,1x. :'ill. Young has Iwe•n a r wointud a 1\ ith pipe l to tilt• protection tit alitectur of Lbe• Exeter Ileese''vin and the tel• pipes lion in tile 1x,1 of Ihr K lake• frau operations lir c asualiti••s of ('Awning Co.. I,ItI., (wing a large stock. 114,1414-1. iri 'I the nn urn l \ . The factory navigation, 1 f l tun• t 1 tl ri 1 know c[ 0 1• Ka n m t hems within leasonxblr limits lit 1;xp.•u,1• Is loping rapidly 1.0-4he�et to eongdrtiuih to the commissioners, except tilt- Ill... '1141 will IN. in mhaapw tot handle cabnsid- ing of a hum' ,Ifi ill-- intake and ""it bb• 1. I., till% year. rrgn4-sliug file Department of Alarhoe• Juan• :I,1 11.1-4 bl-en fixed IL, the Alma - and FiAw ium to have Militia. indiva spot .if the alilm 11 vxeur,i,,n iron, We,I . 1111 theirchaits. This is prnlallily all Hnrnn t„ the 11,114.11.11 i:xpx•riulent I the protre tion llNtt \silt rrf-I. IN netew- Farm. Till, j, just tilt- d.1y after iht- Wu)•: blit in the event of tilt- pipe re, oru of lilt- Greyhound eicul'viun to (wing caught 1)y a dragging anchor Detroit. which leas leer June Itilh (not allow likely wilh the lorpakivate•r Itr141 ret►CnN abn the 3kIIf. to the norfhwuht' the da niage to A Al. A. `j'igott, eontnu•t)l• on the Hangt,l pipes with flexible joints will (;ut-lph A (,.Nit., ,,,I, Il:ljlw•ay, I. ivade nut extend over mart- than A few drfrud:unt in an action entered at . lengths.1f pit% -;Intl van 111• r•aaldv 1'1-• ONglm"le Hall aag:tiu,l him by lijot:ui pmite,l• LiL ,N\In. The Ill,"" tiff A,ks IiII,1N11 The site must suitable for x w•di• datnusge•s. lit s.da is the Italian who mNNtatjun INlsjlt see""' (n I"• `I"`" tai load his It -g I/t,akr11 un the w'.1rk it the pump house, par•ticulaily As lllr short final. ago. rtwrvuir wilt have to i e cover„1 .over The Doty Entljna• Works load4al an and under the control of the• pnrnP rugine on tiff- Ntr:uol r ilidland ljueen attendant. This struetln•r, Alf wlii.h tin 11ond ay night for `�+hi 14x1 lit to a gl.nes'it drawing Ins NilUwn• has lit 1'abrt :lttbu1- her the at xhilal Tooting drsignrl.l with aG'jrt regard to *-run- ;Ind Wrecking Co. 'I'bi• is L11gl.st (Duly mild efllcieney, and as flip result pllgjnr ever built it, i. is Ith h. 1'he ,t structure (of reinfolee,t cunrrete .11gi-1 111-41 shggwd x fiau'it)1 . Tilt wiVillv ll Iw ne•crsxar. Till. 1,•senan,' is tit I%rlpr'Imu,ough )f-sll.tl[ay Infaruing. f 414,igneol amt as to permit 11.1- etiunm being nest interinittently. an inlloort- Thr annnuuct went of the 41,•x(11 of t ant feature in hauillS of "1114111 size•. Calherina• Mnri1. Ileaton, widow of Each sectiorl i,provide,l with n sepi�.• the bate• Hev. If. E. Heaton• or illas 1 Rate t-Muctitchninher with Rlaalt valves lit•i'lalu, Drnblghshiie•, North Wak's. to px•t•luit lir A cuntinuola, ,oppl, or mother (Df Erne,t Heition air 'Toronto, clear w•Atet front flit. KuLt.•e of tite Is "eceived Nilh synapatthetic interest re,-wrvoir. From A clost. study of the• hrl.l.. Milo. lleatton'a death em•c1u•1ed I particlvs 114.141 in •sumpwnmios in the• 'on May Ith. ,it tit. Am:lph, North Mitrnples of writer pnk•ilniel, i have Wales. INN'- Able to fix the 'Ale .1f arciitoenta. Tames A tion, manufacturing lip• Linn for a bamin of 11 feet deep, lit foil,. ticians :and eyf-might S weialimts lir Tila•- hours (lit• fit,. precipit.a11ion „f Ihr• 'onto: will Im• Nr L tall opi" drug -torr large particles, and eight hours for ' 11 M-111l[ny, •Tuewlay atrial Wednexlla) ' • tht• eo lu -Ie settlements of the fine ,as i y 1'301. ) fill :uxl, ISth. If there is clAyoy sellinlent which gives tit*' anj thing tvb"t4•ver wrong with your , .at -1* a utility appearance. I nn , a-ve,ight, do not s1.Klert shim ,,IIII , My, htiwl.cer, that the w'ntcl. takl.n Ulnity of having your, eyes paopm'rlr front th1. ptese•nt intalke retains this attesdl.d to, t I• milk)• apprarant-r indefinitely. ,Ifni In 111"I"tof Ihi- )pnl*""pt'iM-lilinnrr 'I u� ulwe•r•vati.rns were cosHne,l ,it vietn,.ia p-nivrtsify, Toronto. ,ve 1• •1 :-1pall• to the samples taken from ate plens al to nlati.l. the• tafile of A. I:. S n erjilt 1,4001 And o NOR ft. I"'oull Ihr Alli n, AI m, of this tot\:14 Who won t hr Sh,.p• h }ere lit intake. It uuhy Iw reuun•{sp41. ,1x1 psi%e fall. p,orutjon. �Ir. A91in i< ,on pr, that the rats of nevi lint- taking F' 1 K:t cab11nNp it ptrpar'+ttilsn for tile tion til' Ihr the particle., n view 4' Jh'th4"lixt n,i"WIN. land is At. pl,•vf-nl t alike in all the wufipl1.N. In view of pngage,l in Epworf h t,e•ague or•gafiira- rt these facts, it will INv t-Vident to the tion wl)t'it cams, of Ill onlo. cotnnissiostm that. to derive tile. The polive ofnr•r1-s often have (o go n , lw-%t Ixnetlt \from A mreliln elation lout of Ihrir wily to get h.ald nfuf ell- prrleeim,d11n..111ulsin of s11rllriput c", de•r�s against tiff- flown IIlatus, blit xcjty to store\one-thiel .1t the t ' ) P Lulu I n tt , a 1 n1 again m 11*•• a conxlimption wil� Iw fIWP"arll't'. Thi• K ) have n devld \ cost u[ tiff- rt'nctplr of lite• cl"As cinch. Such was tilt- f-Asr yestf-1,Irly 1' shown will Iw Ap1*4ximately $10.1(1 Wer- (Ken whin oi ronplr ,if illitm rk Al •fall* each 1,1 11 we r*• (*totaling4-i down till! e xhjr StIkm ern d pp(iI,Ilohp otKto,.ngf-19l Nntlh ala,•rl toan1-d. •Ihr Sgnue•, n•jty. H,ra•wjfli la ""101 witted It dt-- The chief of policy ha rollened "Iab1)g 11 t llerl r,lin,tl t)f Ihe• Tapp,.oxin1,4I" I,lat nt Ihr opporfnnp Ins In.1ppmn'Iunf-O M cl of furnishing And laying on Land monwnt, Nita Ihr result, that Ihr• of- And in water Ihr d11•inch in'Lnkr, pits•- f1.ndprx m:ult- x rnnlpulanty cnntribu- The oat of the suluulnp(Dus` w"'k ix tion to Ihr nnnlicipal exchi,plpr, and I-.'1 n w•vrrnl t-xanlgdew of ialmjtnr tilt- joke of it is Ill t tint- of Ihe• la w- w•o,.k , end)• on ... (r I Am sl n ,114 tln,/kers is one of ab,rr eslerun,l nldpl.• the conn fijllNjoners Are• preparn4 t1-' own, pl,tweed Will ' this work, ..r tiny.,- 't thereof. 1 II Iw Ixepiu„1 t1- fill CHURCH NOTES. mpxriflcati( I of " "nn (till" of fiaa- terial, uimm hich tendf-r" unn Iw 'I'lu• Bishop of Hin,on ndmillitltea„1 Hanged for the uuvialt'Iu l of the flit- fill. of ronfirtoatom to A c11"N of flanged neat and wcf s anal [ht- roan• sixtt"-Ii at Atlnun daring him visit to pacts c(Dnmtruetiut of she N•otk to Iw Ihim clfunty last week. carried out. Your, rnsiwrtfnll), aJ., (iu.%.-M.%4(;nFxlolt. Rev. iohn McNeil. fmtsta• of Ihl. "Ivil Engineer. Bayfield i'IpaI)vtpli,lt" cohgrgtAtion. r The roue v ieff-eled tit xx ntmt'ked ham IIPo•n Lp m)intl,l to A fleltl in 1114 '•H" im to the s(Doth of tit oiling of she I't,`vinee of . Kskiatrhewnn. ofd {{)irrm. SI. GvI)Pge's A. 1'. P. A. will hold a Th*- petition fill, winter orksi ex• literary evening next ,I,Iwsd,ay in the tpnmjon on !south steel aadQj' ,.Anll,I rchlh I nrtno. An vxeeI -lit 11a•argro11s p'liN' .11111 xllpplll•N to Ill• 1/1,1(•ted ,It l l l)I'ouliN*,i and lilt. Ills t/'lore invited. once. The eni�jneer Reported t l. en. A( mission Nov. gtgenle"t of S\', H. ritlL11d am m*.(•ait.'l Thpre was it cplebrllion of the holo• engineer. Itwaridecidcd to mrctltdle communion shim morning lot Mi. 1711.0001 tonal of thin vein Yong�loglien)' t;,•an.ga; m ,.11ul,,•h $trial ilervie,e IN Irving elral front F. H. Holmes on INuRp hf-l.1 this,'\rt,ifig lit i::*t o'clock. to. J Glover, at X.ri5 delive•nd at. tiff. ,Inv loving Acing $fp.11ay. wbt•rworks, daily paid, Iwing Ihn•e•.I quarter 11111,) I"•low de,•k. An appli- Hey. M. '1'ulal6ull, nrt.1r of SI. •atom from If. 1'. Mo nlingm fill- woat•r I;f-abrgp•N rhnl•h. re',Id n pnpn•n•,,t the service t1- a hnnm,• on Trlfmlgar st,wt Anglican sulu srh,mol convpn- waM laid over and a similar rplpnemt for tion "fill tori-dl.c,11nd nlepeing lipid w•rvive on Hrile" lell'Iet w•m" arranted. 'tit Ill'II"el" nn •Tl nAsllly AMI \Yldup". It was derideol to notify x11 the ,Ili% fir this week. plunlbe" not to Un'n gin wNlel' a'fh- (loving to fllnesm 11t•v, 1111. Iljll, ..f I out notice to the eou nit"slun. �1e Inn lon, iva, unahlp In I"' 11trmrnI as engineer reported the coat of Inttting expecte al AI %t, te,tlp•'a rhnrch last MAI. Ihr })tl,tw':L left during tilt 1-i � MMM * night auel tits a:uuia till Sunday. mr-rAIKING. harge pausing duan the ,allies- side of I• Ufi lltih(Iny loorning lilt- Midland , 11uep11, %%itll 140,0110 bu,htl. .1r wheat � Housecleaning Time ' --* I I h for Ihe• elevatl,al*. ulrived, and, steer- • ' , ingst'aight by the la nge.. made the entrance without fhr It•ast truuddr, ;end t\'e ha\'e some of the things tO hells \',)ft -� � though %ht• Was Imult,l its a Live w1- ,)Ill .ii,. l make it run sln,luthl\�, such a. : dinught than the Ifl-Ill. draN'iog toll -. • �/ Isfeer, tvhilethe Ilei) drew s'verml , inche. Ie•stl. 1Seluu.1inga ,.f the chiol- KANDO SILVER POLISH z� for largee box, ` ELECTRO -SILICON SILVER POLISH ,r§c per boil Mr.,111.1 .Alio. .till\ lift 1.1,1 aar,.l, na 1. f n1, la'he•1,•Ih•')' ".Ill lir. N'ilh All-. ion" . net 111141 Ikvu n1Adr A few days Iw• REXALL HOUSEHOLD CLEANER 4pound box, Ipc' J:IK• 111411Iiltlrll. Atr (ilxle•1il•11, wits 111-4-%- -lit lit the loeting Y [.ere the vesselsarrive,land x depth til' HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA Itac and 15c bottles Ill feet N:a% found. The Hero and the MOTH HALLS Ifor furs and flannllsi PERSONAL MENTION. r llutrn started unloading till Monday BELL'S MOTH -PROOF )JAGS 14 or 5 sizes' - (arolye Fl. N1.4'r-kne). 31. e.. ....•I \: ll. , Lu ev "I'll- ,,.,norm at Ili. 6,an. „' � � Morning. BUFFALO BUG DESTROYER 'large bottle, zjr r Tilt tug Onaould, owned b)• Mr. \Ic I (paw, of Kincardine, lu•tive,l in plots CHEAP WHISKS, SPONGES, CHAMOIS SKINS. etc. , , till Saturday. Thr Onwaud was look- . ing fur another fishing lug, owned Iw _ ' S. r. HICK, - Central Urt,rg Store I ' I Mr. Moltjso11. w fish had driftt•al 1' If [1401,1•:;;- if. f,....-� a\I \I;lu :o .:.I1. Infxl.. 1.o(1:mita,. Il 11,.!. , ,Ill.Vvi,tl-ri r. 1•.:1.4;n Ili.. ' N\\'N)'. her rnddt-r bA1'inK brabkdln. •�tit>• �e�a�- V"twwrear Newest Fashions - - --a1---- = OUR NEW OXFORDS AND GIBSON TIES thi„ra.tiu hold she lead in ala alit :toll 4.aut y (of da -sign. We have the tidiest, nattiest, most wearable line of shoes to be found. EVERYONE CAN BE PLEASED I Ill bk.iwtal 61.1.•. Fit .... A.lrgan1-e. .on! I .•I l..lh"l, iii alu ,Ir„1-l;; plaint, in ,Ito' favor. .VI tit,• nett ] 111I. -J, nod the Iale,( ,I) It-, in eve•r)'ihing. TENNIS, LACROSSE; AND HOWLING SHOES ARE NOW IN STOCK. , ,rhe missing Ulg N•aK pirke,l .1p h)• a % K r � MMM * Rev. S1'nl. Nh11'lin. abs E xrtl.l.. wits ple"teol out Kletalo"of till- IIIembyt•rian mr-rAIKING. harge pausing duan the ,allies- side of - -'- - +-+-- could we but one. That means there is a greater variety clia that annualeetilag he week. .41. Antl-ew' at n...h. 1.411 It1st a limitable' week. til. Aoll Ilie lake ,Ind N•IL%tllw•(,l til :,11•Itna, And uu IeleivinK wol,l Ili thn1 lilt Onwinil -�� - d.lthl.l l.ft•r •IN•nd,,:f ,a6na A Ne,•k At I..... a111.1r1 elolopel, I",l.Laol 111v -� � a J � nix O ■ Il � �� /� r Downing Vicai 11 h'rt Ile ti11„,illy :lttrl'111N11L aa..ta,Nl 1:,•Ifn_ pr.'li..al ln,fe:a fnla cb.tri�.d N.N L. -. • �/ l'lle r(l•Illll 6N1'gl• IhIII/I It.1141 IIII' raI'gl• 1 We are making Mr.,111.1 .Alio. .till\ lift 1.1,1 aar,.l, na 1. f n1, la'he•1,•Ih•')' ".Ill lir. N'ilh All-. ion" . \1n'tll .i1ht let sIln;u't'. (�ltltl':li'll'I1. IL -%unit P. (ir'ovl•1• !LI't'Ived 1111 Monday uha•niug, the latter with J:IK• 111411Iiltlrll. Atr (ilxle•1il•11, wits 111-4-%- -lit lit the loeting ♦It'-• An* 11.4 InN d•.id.d IN 111:11..11,1 1.• lit.1.1•1.1 lr,id,gAte Ih.n% bill Nill I.• are here. The values are here. The new patterns are here. Every car- i., l,W,t a )1'.11'. :14...11 i PERSONAL MENTION. it 1'tll glI lis 1-I 14:11 f,1 -f' F. 13. H1/11111', And t hr fornaur on her way to invar Big Reduciions in - (arolye Fl. N1.4'r-kne). 31. e.. ....•I \: ll. , Lu ev "I'll- ,,.,norm at Ili. 6,an. „' � � -- I dint a•il h.r,)ai. The IAalta srt•we,l to Iw .,.tat. Nt•. 11:1•v. 111.1 \I.•I..,,... ..N I:,.' I1wirIt n1..1iS. o..o.b,-.v - - ---- snaking staiglot fair flit entrance Iwttver11 .... ..ill. ti. Q.. Pmli..1,e.11N1) ,.'„i:rn 0 I,N:.. f/ Z% l the pins Nnd tvitt•n this Was all, Iles d.N•k the w'histea +It Our Read :o .:.I1. Infxl.. 1.o(1:mita,. Il 11,.!. , ,Ill.Vvi,tl-ri r. 1•.:1.4;n Ili.. I T WISy, PEOPLE ' II file town t)1- 111,\vn iq/q'rrhnUsr :and lite ing V"twwrear 1..1,; N,•, )I r. \1'inr.r (,A ).Alar; 111111 "All lin ruuM .til "A ry M111,\\'t•1'1• Id.1wll Ahn .w•Allrjlag l0 she Imalts to stop, but Ills .1 vial wits $flat { K J / NIIIIIh.lnr,.""""""a.11.i1.9 flit, .,1un•r)' hi• hll,Ie•. R. ,INt.• 11"'t 4'..1„1.IA 1, uflr..-tln,; wa.hanen:nn.i.11l„xldl, i :!�)):i\', n11de1,t4wm1. l 141.1. Crnigie am, w11ne `.� Clothes . 1^•"1 week. %.N It,ar.l. f:llik, t•\,'I'\ I,•, .ii,le prel:alltion .11 til lel'K started allll 111 HI's 1.,'% g./,Id 111 e• • Af 1•l;ninn 11 r. ItAlsat 'MrLw1n, of e-i,s1,•rl,•1:, 1 il;Itlla' 1, (lt I1_' I,\' 1110t IIS. 11 �1"'', � ' ' t{Khin !Must total were Int K t in time to prrvpnt the Hand ruonifig lau Ihr sub- 11I: nion nn ♦bo.nl.n' ••llarainif'1 I...'..:, , Ili-exte/l•il,--Ilk 'k,w'retiw., ,,. II ', '.1I 1, Ila•11 t�111111 ^r I a\%a\ \[)lir flirt, :111,1 auv'gt%I 1•rihwurk sof Ihr reomins elf -- - h.ne n.d. Run, a sayable n, ,. 'n.,1-m.ur))ear-,ls..r-moil,-.,:,-. \\ Aller k1er111111" 11W,.►IllcNI'll-(1•Il'll I1L)th the ,Intel- breakt)'at•1•. Whe•In she .., L1 waahl IN, sebrvely fat Iq Ili, Lu ,,.• -nirfo,l I•u '1-r > i,.A ' t , . 11 t ,,;I I I\" It11IIII 1'+11111' Ill !1 IIII/, IIII• (tl'1l\'1'1'. Iw.enn.k.r ,., ., nail 11IN N,, 0•.11/.YI. , which walk blrhe•d :Sale silte. still !. Koi11g un will) its Ins.1IlPlll 11111. Iail'e :1 �,'t.r \bill gi%-e r 1•llll ill Kne.lot.l, art Lt') J. again, as - u, ,�, 1141, , � .lay , I,i. wNy IN1.k Ia 1�.1, t II p I�ZO111 Bags- QC. to 1-c• M t9 5 7.7 Moth Balls 2oc. 16. 11.111. out of the Itand's bulwarks. 'fhr lug Holton Nrul out to pull the -cal lsl , .' I" lu• 0111 tonna, :If sin•.ol. I1, ' .-,ells li(mi,x,ln'I'1,.S1"u..1.1nd e.,.1 II 11 Lilac Flakes, 15c. a package. ! off its sooll as ste:1111 w#ts up and bed I"Id "oot prove .1111• m u., , i..- ,i , , NAtlanta Ally h.-,1.. „. ' nor nnu'h difilculty in doing sol. Thr steamers tcottial Hen, liloll Fancy Tweeds and Blue .,1. d mo'l area Alnog 111,1, I - 11 ilwk. f .;. Kint.o .nn,. ,,, a ,11aLg,Ir.nflal.t..,t H. C. DUNLOP, N LO P \IjdLuul 1111r1•n rte+lrwl yl.atrell") i , luurning. Thr 'Turret Court is ex• pwct4,1 tools) ajth a marglo, for Ihr p R ►t/t)�Sluds and alai - VI .ant, %till I..,l 1„1 'I: DRU¢GI5"! i Bedfu:,, block, � GODERICH elevittor and flit- Midland Q11aell I -e' • 111'141 .I, 1,,.1,6.•1, In I ., I. ! , = - - - turum Ilele wish Ip•1' next Vatn•g.l. Till. I - levatabr Is bu,t' ,hipping gratin flat- lilt . dooleslit- 111:11'ket. I at, \%t' hatie decidt-4 tit �t,,p I ��s Thr ..,NI I"n'ge Hand left las-ne.- i --- - - - - -� (lay morning fat• Kiucarline, and ht-' handling, ready -111;1(1('x. r clausl,?l, the Groover. is Iwing unlAtaded I ,fes -'s, . 11rte. COURT HOUSE K") � ,e/ Buoys nit- IA•in4 Ill:, rd to m:u k lL1• ��. i eI)r pq� Itocation lit the so6nk I 1 outside i! IC 4 ,T J�,r J ii 1 F''• i SQUARE. ,C a.a. 'ism 1C I c✓�Y tL %-41- r I weak N'atU•r. 1 • J�¢ (1111' Illll'xel•liell )IIIc lit I .01pez 'T /MY.•RTLIr.i ,_ Sunday (u preach uti,siAt11ary w'rulon The Aseensiontida• :appenl'N'MI iv,ld I •" --"'-- and collections fur .1,'Ineslic missi,nl, F:lncV ests will lip ?finite next Sundmv. I A �j Presbyterian K4116tt11 school in. • A ` r hnvm, cynduetl.d h)• Her. J. l'. Hol rt• 11.111 ;11'rl%'O till+ \I't•1't:. sen, general se•crelatry of Sal will s4•hol4s. and Hev, 11. T. 1. Ste - rndl I 1;lCt' .U�e1'l' OUl ft►1' I lll'ti(• EX'i'RA �1�)10I) salobutt sr•hool Ponvrnrl•4If If Pn•s. I E"F bvtery ,at Maitland. will Iw held at i tino • •, S x c I. ro b "' c lit: Ivan ,u,li11rs Sen '1'ul.s- I Bt:- Me Ila%e �1'tr �ORn. da)., M"y :Nil%: Lucknow Prrwhy. terian 4.1111111. on Wpolurwl:ly. May •.9►th: tis. Andrew's cLnt•ch; S\•ing- III 11x111• on '1'hurwiav, May :01-111 and Slei- I'iil,'il Nil �T�OCK 31st rhn1-th, Ba•nsse•IN, .1la 1••riday, Ohl)• 31st. ''I Our Carpet Stock,this year is EX TRA good any way like Rev. S1'nl. Nh11'lin. abs E xrtl.l.. wits ple"teol out Kletalo"of till- IIIembyt•rian Reg. Black you to take it. Having two stores enables us to show- jus: double the number of a � patterns. we had st rll"t I)1- and alt tiff- lar could we but one. That means there is a greater variety clia that annualeetilag he week. .41. Antl-ew' at n...h. 1.411 It1st a limitable' week. til. Aoll THE TAILOR. � HERE -than in any store hercaboutS. "t hen we buy direct from the -is t- neh. filHuy Ilxe,l upas as tit '• fiueting-place -� � makers in En land and .Canada, and only from those whose products can g In fipxt \•par, and a1- the• Ijlm• lir Imetng in'•leinr.1el nlsw•r\'1-a Lal, P f1- be depended upon to hold their color and give 'satisfactory wear. From -. 1.4.11 found it) Ins• illou'lu'ellirnt fill fanny Ire `hl• r•1`g tits `Iia• thein we have gathered together arstr,ck That far excells the best we ever annual gathering has 6rt•n cla:ulge,l ell l;k tothe List 1t,.mla\ in Marell. Ht-\•• = laid before our customers. .The variety i�•here. The qualities that wear 11 J:IK• 111411Iiltlrll. Atr (ilxle•1il•11, wits 111-4-%- -lit lit the loeting are here. The values are here. The new patterns are here. Every car- pet over coc per.yard is cut, made. and laid without extra) charge. We PERSONAL MENTION. % know how to do it right, too. Let us fi ure•on the next cat-p?t you want. ?fro. F:11r,N.t I,.o lila ]l.l.dn) fnl;'fnrontn, Mt••Swift h.t,¢rn,-tol,nndouto n•-ide in - .� _ _. �•' 11,'' We will Save yclu a lot of bother, and perhaps some money as well. utn d �, Frti tflit.k T. F:In•nl•r. of norm tent, Na, in1. { Nr,.d tit Iinnill.l lett thi• ar1.k to ,pd, h.1- '- , _ Brussels Carpets ulshand at 1-% i 1- 1 W C. hr,,auarh It -ft ,larain ml \Iorxlx3•. nftei ('b"irp it. w.1.,i: til jai Ili, : I _li-I. I:� lwndinlf+nuedn), in 1UNn, ..I, rarlA•t,, ill ,1, Rant• .p.. .I... !, ,1 Iferiwrt McKeown. til Torvraln. i, A-.l,tinfr el(C."'nl w. n1-. 'llo•m i, n•,l L11 L' 1 ,_,.,,,.I " lit. Malwe'. dent+ll um.e fur tor..unrrn. r. • I Hari), O. Sklen.a• I,.. left for loAnkndvn, nmol t Hr11•sel• rall"•n f„1- a 1. ,Til 111.11 H' :.. ., •;.till "_. There's a • ,iml ttr 1•,t 1, t eo..,1m 11,• 11. 1 til,• 1 fy, alt[ ,•I , a.• N'J. %v -M fnnuerTrie 'W. ill%I hfu' •N..•. Something n I „ li6n,: MMJ. N', JL.1Ian. of T.minlo. iuq,rrtor of IrK:d1 � In ,I nrk. N/aft' pr+Ufr•1 n+ nhll , nl•n '.,u.1.i' :Il join. ti--. w:N in town y,+terd:q onom.ial hn.i_ I suited•• fon' :telt Inuu,.•jn.,,,% .1esi;:fi, lu •,I.rt n''- About the Candy, Confectionery faun, Jlxnar.rF„blit• of floe etaullonyolm•.wtinirtIn. and Ba-i•b)n: made at 90c, $ �(� 'gamer lk,xlieh llero wit- M toN'n.1nring the 1 .( , $11. 1 7 a nd $ 1.25 N'M'k. , 11. L 1 ht.ncr'of 1'nnklt..k Ilial ha. Ixkr rhe The line Ill ,e a 1)l. 15 i., c �ccial value. 1 Ix v of amjlMn 1' I 1 t.. 1 alit' h, Ile. IlNydi•n • dental • • m1-,•. Hillml o H ht., his. Koss to Item yn. p. In Tapestry Carpets Nk'• Ihr' (NMif fl/11 of per„4' vn IIN: 1'. I'. ft. tell nrr Alsterrn. 1'.11 li,l K 1 1'14, ,est i t' 1 : ,-I, 1 n 1fin . n'f.'I Lt. al 01Ilf .I. P. for mry, f- ihr n rl 11 l [..d Ir - ! ia j A,v,•a IIIIt• .t stet At ry ft yrN n n of 16,• o. ,l I•:n_L-I+ fi�.Ik,!•. •rdnv fair. Int fn ,d .I r.. I a,'.,, ,x, 1."1x)' W Vee i ��-� Afi i•xrt-pl jemlllt' Lll'g.' 1:1 I1':. .4 I,ntt.rh. ,uitn Ll,• 'MI-.Ork n a Ithymf stir trip. ��� fill. i I Itil,nl.. N.1I. a I•'..,1 .- -I-,1. in Ili' 1.,, MI- and d1i,•,.IraN h*da••rer Mi... flu%I•natoscl,..l front. C.db - ,.fill 411:,11i.- III, - -it their chat to for fornu•r'a).dxnxht•r. Sit., he,l. u'uu•r. at Frnnk. Alli.. .v ,'7 Wellington Ialn-awrennd fandlyhnvernmetl I 40c, 50c.'65c, 70c.. ♦ c .I yard -,id elt.ri'•h flim, Ilrn elan mad have taken lip Caie 5•ltd deriail A.l"' lit"'llaimt. Me-..%felt.I fir),Inl. who In„ Iwen vi.irfngl __ The line -it 05C exceptional value er another dnNax flit. lml.t r ,,plc of n.anth.• . taitted to Toronto till. wt•ek. I- That you rant help liking. It's the Wool Carpets„ Fmd ItnI;e rt. lin. *rricr,l frrxn Fort KNc to in pro it,, fan•.mNl•hipnf the lllwh•riclo.Iclnt„r.' real goodness of them. that's all Oilr%%".,I '•11 p.•1,,.1I ......!.•:,a Ii.. L, A .,1; I.,I Ir. holx•n. flinty N'fll ara'irr Init.r• Try some. lllill Its Camobl. Lav'? \ a a1- ll j, ; 11 ,I illi -d Ill,., Rea. Dr. ♦Ieldr„a *tiff Mr,. Mehtr,l", u( Soul, nn,llyddY t,1- •,..1..• i'Y lint' levelan.1, It.ve fw-n fu f o.v n fair N few d.)•, - - 1, kin.! i•, an:lkr ,f. wei•k. Dr. AI.Idri n prrarht next sun. 1114-111 alopear hf-nt in Ill an Ito '% .':ail)• ,til.. N..111 ny fn Inlakr•„•hnr.h, Tonn.to. i WE SERVE EVERYTIiiNG THAT mK in x single pi.,.' 6111 Ilfnl'a1,;,,1 ,."111.,1 :tn.l Mr.'J.It. Tilmltrrtnrnr.lInIn" nhad Nt.ek IS GOOD TO EAT. "14,311 N'.I.I 1.01'.1, til,.,i,llav 1x,1. T%%" ;nail 1.railla) of «•1.rn1 noontl'. in the n•..1-. Ihrrr 1.•l(. \fen)' 1..•14 .1."jGu. h. ,.1 Tfv. n.. rare Oem1 -d to 1t•ao' Ilex torr health h,., -- ria nnleh M•n,-nntsl by thc,hanxc' 1 STANLEY & ATFIAS 75c, 90c, $1.(101 lie vord Stuart Marna' I, -ft on Nanday far Ithllar - III I The line at 9Uc is extra \aluc GODERICH... DETROIT $1.00 EXCURSION F BIG STE T"STEAMFFR GREYHOUND MONDAY, JUNE. 17th, IALM A. m., leave Detnnt for (,.d, j,h. TUF_SDAY. JUNE IAth, 8030 a m., leaveGadench for Detroit. THURSDAY, .It1NF. 20th•1:00 p, m., leave 1?erroit for Goderich• FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m., leave Godench for Detrea. WINGHAM and STRATFORD `ls•, til 1 rue bavn S•lallald„luae 1 Ath, 6:40 a..n., Wlachaoi 6:40 2. In . st.p""I at all Way Staronas to cow;P110. RA. -s. . ,,.nal K..n .•dl 1- (ibach'w ­.I'of Mar.. n,*.&r ,Mame. IA ( L....lid 1-a., 1-.I- t., Wanj6m .ltd tih.d,,rd Goderich Rand Moonlight Excursion, 8 P.M.. June l7th, 25 cts. WHITE STAR LINE E H. AY ER, Ei n Alrowt. 0 Wool Squares Out -stock ,or x11 w'nol• +ons .nai"ll-'I'vil" i, very large. WI. show Owen in it %% IIal I"I11, m"I ,olor rlynbinal inns pritir,.ly'ILIt.r.nl I'll,,,, I lin,. , f frost ael000n". .111 ,InlnInt.1 si%1-v :,IN'av, in -I,,. k. .4I14•6a11% Pf fN•utpal oil %..I.%. short nol ire. 11 Union Carpets ' h, o -,P, I - .lir t,...1,. liv ill.- -ol e• (till , 1. 'I'll"I"",,411,1191: 1 -1t.10 stock in ' 1„ \., .tall I, -I 11..1( I,.Iv flu• price )'goal •' I' III, qw.1 lv. :nod the ,•alter• :lit 1. . , ,i ,-I 1 ..n. Ion Ili.,.• aoill, dy....II thelia , , II I1,. . . 30c,,37,,c, 45c and 50c a yard rhe line at SOc is extra special Rugs Rn::•• lo'. ,;,..Nin_ '„( p., p'll,l /"1- jilt". 1 a k.o1'I a,l. temp. %%. 6.'14. nuln,rt•d djl, ' 1. .I., I It,- iwikl-i,:nl , xi I.. I.n,�.,l,,, I, in Tap*-st). 1:1.1,.1.1, Wll!.,;1-• :11111 A'I'.11"I„1. 'then• all. - ,,,,. \1-l)' I..nl,1, 111. dr,,,;n- in :111 file Its) jmlar .,.Loring.. Ali,1' n,tu,'k,•Indnpx•cia,. 1.1,..x1,.11-"fi,61,t1 ""tile. It � 11 :Ire looking for I nq, w,• , afi iral'•r.,l 1,,n. Linoleums The 1.,.1..11-1 it v . 1 lillnle11fil fill* floortovl•riI1K jn.l'l•a-., , ..Ir I Illare u( I ' I. x14• K , ' ,h I II n 1 II tor• tin:.. 'I L'.,.ata• ,.'ll .lir ell hi96 glade. 1?t•rry v.o.1 i, 11a.j."rl'.1 .111.,1 ll' -to flat- English and '-„d,'11 in"L'•1-.. Till, ,..I,.n1, jlnportaljians have 1'••, u''""Tt"Nn111)' I:og.•. rin.1 dile ,lock Np show "-I'.%. 1.. , it., ,.4111411 outside flit- Inrge vilir". . l:1 .. k.A1•f',.'1 til• tilt' patlef els in 0.1:4,ing soler com- Inn.,IY,rI,. • . • 2, 3 rind 4 yards, wide, At 37',c, 45c, '50c; 60c per sq. yard Japan Mattings tiIf-I IV o':.t1jug. fl•nul 4116, Im'sl ,hupanrsp hulk - I L-. 1\. 11,.1 Io ander• 1./11.1• Inst Fa to Iw Nt,.e '" c' Itil 111.10, 111'11 in inne. All sulfate front kli,61.,L:n,, t.'.11 '11-aiv, that will mtnnd tonsil 11...1. 111'.1-11 lir I1%.I11)' 111•w• Ig11.1e1•IIm. . At 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c -�.* zz-­---_ =- - - Art Embroidery Department 1. We have retiongtlliil•II lilll• ort t1('el11.•%1.1,1',: ;11141 fundi roods d(lp-,lrtuent. (Inl� entire seeti(m \%•ill Ire, ,ivt'n ,,p t(1 tlti., 1i11', \\ Ili(.,,\\•ill 1)e in Charge of Miss Carter, who is;til cxl)erL HI lu'L nitl,(lll'%%•nri( ;114 ern) ,rOillerinr; of all kivids. Miss tarter "%%'as loll. suim' y('ar4 wit If ill-, lit'. m.11, the %yell-lcuo%Yn act neeflle- %yorkant) fancy /sods ll(;Iler, 1'rd::;(' Irl'( t, hirontl).' Shc will dovoto her entire time to Illia (Irl1t1•,nt'.,nr. WJ: 1;,''it i;I ('0411 tl llCh with the inarketA, alld ire really at 1111 1;I114 ; Ito ext)!ain to 1'11n titv I Ite.,t ideas in art needlework. We u -ill ke(l) a comlllt•ie stock flf ;u't Ilf-ilh-, I % "nliplies, and ,if-(,ln'el)ared to Ito stalnlnn„ enibroidi-i\, etc. pi -01111,111. -a.-.--_� 0 1