HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-9, Page 69
••1 . .
8 TBr>taDAr, Ilday 9, 1907
. I
Easily Made Swiss
stun*• but have found nothing better
caused by anything not clean or It any King's name.
A Charming and
have ins through the hips and
yon pa
picion of Infection exists, of course the ; running, and Mr. Browne fired three
shots v d. This failed to
his hes
is the scall of the beck -don't hesitate
rill. e
Embroldlered Ilogerte, especially car
Fresh Air In Lungs and Exercise
met coven, appeal to all, women. but
. Rmosamessded by a Well-koseww
Keynote of Health. !
the- I hely few can rices h buy
them at the exorbitant price, charged
Toronto Doctor. Whose Leve
tomes dally. Don't be girls of
tor. luudworlc to t11e shops. Weu if
Midnight Attack M a Bald Storehouse
for Humanity If Greater than
.us can do the work. herself, not all
-Attempt to Bribe Watchman -
His Prejudice Against Pre-
]Lbeuuaktism and Kidney Trouble.
yoArr druggist will not supply vut with
women can give the time necessary to
Police Prepare an Ambush and Lay
prtetary Medicines.
deme you can buy. It means good
the completion of the orditlary type of
embroidered corset cover, with Its fine
( Wait• -Burglars Rounded Up and
he following very valuable pre
Aoquirs the Habit of Deep Breathing. ,satin
It is Mtge Than the MediaiRe
stitch and eyelet work.
Fight Desperately- Deadly Revel -
IY - Y
sorption, by an eminent and success-
You Can Buy -Don't Be Afraid of
Aver dnluty gild attractive under -
vs, • Fire -Fugitive Shot Down.
fol physician, will be appreciated by
many who are suffering from Is gnppe,
Overdoing It. !
waist, however, can be mads, with com-
paratively little' work from dotted
lar. Gerald Browne, son of "Rolf
Bold, cough, pneumonia, or any throat,
if a wollu°• NT • DDyvcal culture
swills, with certain of Its covered
Boldrewood," the author of "Robbery
Under Arms," of the actors
lure or stomach trouble, or run-down
stem, as it is a certain cure, and
specialist, wants perfect arms or a
with mercerised cottons.
Choose n solo with large Coln dote
was one
in a recent sensational attempt to
will as re maai • doctor's bill. It i6
almost a curtain preventive as well:-
man well developed ones, care must
be gives, to the triceps a6 well u the '
and cut It so that the comet cover
loot the tnoure-room of the Tower
Hill Gold Nine, West Australia.
"When you fed that ,you are taking,
biceps. Hero 1s what I do, I place`
either opens to the back or else Is,
round In front, with pointed pieces In
According to the details which ar-
11 rived by mail recently, the watchman
cold or have chilly feeling or aching
in any art of the body or head, or
two chain side by aide and grasp the ,
A►dge of the bottoms with my (lands.
the back thnt told In a surplice effect
of the mine was approached with a
feel weak tired, dessy, unfit for work,
'Then I mise myself as far from the
and are brought around to the front of
view to his in" with per-
sons who intended to commit the rob -
pgin in the head or back of the neck,
Boor as I can and lower myself until
the waist, when they are fastened un•
agreed. but
r role
do not neglect thew dangerous symp.
toms, but send immediately to our
my knees touch the Boor. I always
practice thhi dip at least fifteen times
der a small bow.
Fmbroider the dots so they forma
Rave information atlapparently
on manager, who
apprised the police. Only tour oBi-
druggist sod got a bottle of Psyching
(pronounced 6i -keen), and prepare y
every morning. When you get expert
pointed effect• broad at the shoulders
roes were available, and, further as -
at this, try using tfle back of the
and ending in In
6 point a little below• the
sistanoe holing required, the manager
"rsychins, 2 teaspoonfuls.
chain, These three exerrlsrs for the
bust line. This will probably require
roar linea of dots to be
got Mr. G. Browne, who happened to
be a visitor in the small town, and
"Shsrr whisk or water, 2 •
' y441,I.441,I.441,I.N
arms have developedth m slid
about covlredl.
Use the dots of the material as a find-
' who is a dead shot with rifle and n-
spoonfuls .
"Choics of the latter can be made
after." the saying go•+.
Next comes the development of the
ding and work over thein In satin
I volver, to help.
according to the judgment and pre.
lungs. You know as well as 1 that this
stitch, running the threads In the op-
i Secreted Themselves.
A sergeant and a constable secreted
ference of the patient.
"Mix thoroughly and tell.
is the key to the whole. *without well
posits, direction. Use,a mercerized cot-
I themselves in the part of the mine
before each meal and at bedtime."
developed lungs you are going to tail
os, the others. i have tried many
If one cares for color to her under-
buildings `where the smelted gold is
This prescription has boon used in
and filled .with all kinds of vegetables i
wear, these dots are very attractive
stored; another constable, with the
thousands of eases and has been so
universally sue"LAful that a number.
of leading physicians regularly pre-
arribe Psychlno in their practice for
any of the above troubles, or any run-
down, wasting or constitution�I di1E-
eulty. It is the most reliable and
valuable home remedy. it tones rep
the entire system, giving- s feeling of
yolithfulness and vignr, adding many
years to the life of those who use it.
-'Tears aero i wait almost a phyiaal wrack and
wag s„nennll with Itmg troubles. prlends and
seythhna thmtrht i wmlld never ret better. I
began to despair mywif. Insing faith In my
physician I prta•ured snother one who rrelaet-
isenAetit6useof"YCI11NE. ttwasourpeling
buy." deepripttaa the Moet It bad. I saamd to
SSlitwith every daps. Inidp of tem weela I was
lit to attend b my Itnasrwork aaala There
areso symptome rel co wetir about me na►."
MItD. Hli\D=aaON,
N John, N.D.
••I had bees wAring from L tarippe, >ry
lays were weak ass I had • eoagb, bat Oa =
sued me."
I chapide. Doc.
Psychins, eau be .prmared from say
druggist at li0c. and $1.00. It is a Tor=
Of GSrltb i*JB Will Get Tse
mine manager, took up a poor on
done In pole pink• blue or lavender, but ' outside; while Mr. Browne and the
they ere equally good and wash better fourth officer placed themselves where
In all white. I they could cut off the retreat of the
Finish the edge of the corset cover In j robbers into the bash
n narrow lace beading and an edging Punctually at the time arranged
of half Inch wide valenciennes lace. with the watchman -midnight two
Run baby ribbon to 'match the dots men, afterwards identified ns W. F.
through the beading and bare a broad- Hansen and F. Marley. noiselessly
fir ribbon of the same shade Rt the cycled up. and, taking off their boots,
approached the lonely mine build-
w•aist to draw In the fullness. ings. Hansen forcer( an entrance and
These little comet coven ere both was making his way to the treasure -
pretty and have very, little work In room when he was pounced upon by
comparison with their real effective- , the waiting policemen.
nese. The burglar, who was a most power-
--- - ,1 ,. i ful young man and a locally notorious
desperado, violently foug
MINOR INJURIES`�' ht to get his
>' . '' hand to one of his pockets, which
contained a loaded revolver. In the
The Proper Way to Treat Cuts and coarse of the struggle the sergeant
Bruises, had his face almost smashed in with
There are no external applications, I a kick, but finally Hansen wag knnck-
such as ointment, linlmente.or lotions. I •d down with a blow from the butt -
that will or can "heal" n wound. Na. end of a revolver and handcuffed.
ture alone does this, and she can do It I Took to His Heels.
In the least posslble time when ter I The other man. Marley, yho tied
methods are not retarded. i remained ontaide to watch, took to
if a ctrl or Incerntion Is made with his heels on hear.'ugthe sounds of
the conflict inside, and was making
clean Instrument. It Is best to dress the I 4ee thw h„eh wh.o Mr Ttmwn. stood
wound wflmtrut even washing off the I up from where he was ambushed and
aasaclss Iron DRTW,oPYo TL= r,00koa exuding blagl. If the Injury was called u
7 Pon him to surrender in the
If you are suffering agonies with
1Riettmattsm. sciatica or Neuralgia-
stun*• but have found nothing better
caused by anything not clean or It any King's name.
if the Kidneys are so affected that
than the ordinary breathing exercise--
foreign matter Li present and n sus- ' The fugitive. however, continued
have ins through the hips and
yon pa
breathing In slowly fresh air to the full
picion of Infection exists, of course the ; running, and Mr. Browne fired three
shots v d. This failed to
his hes
is the scall of the beck -don't hesitate
capacity of the longe, with ahoulden
injured surface should be thdroughly over
a moment in speeding Soc for a large
thrown back and bead erect, then ex-
bun him to a standstill, so a fourth
cleansed. In the abaeucc of aft anti• g
was fires by Mr Browne. The
box of Ba-ju, the Gentle Kidney Pill.
haling slowly
septic solution plain lint water may be ball the man's back below the
Yon will get south relief from the first
few doses that nothing could peci oade
Make a practice of doing this many
used and the articles dirt or grit I lder-enterbd
and ht tell the
t g I groulder-nd
you to discontinue until cured. 13a -Ju
tomes dally. Don't be girls of
removed with n mew needle or wooden ground and was subsequently remov-
w re
tot only saves you endless suffering-
doing It. Whenever you feel dull gild ,
toothpick, says Mother's Magazine. i ed to the hospital.- It was there found
it completely removes every lace Of
sleepy at your work get Into the open
air a minute or two andtrythis deep
The beating of wound@ Is often ma- i that his spinal column had been sev-
terinlly Interferer) by the appli- ered. The mat] is paralyzed, and there
]Lbeuuaktism and Kidney Trouble.
yoArr druggist will not supply vut with
breathing. It's better than all the med- i
cation of useless or Injurious "rem(` is no chance of his ultimate recovery.
When the mail left another man
Bn-jn, send retail price to Tile Claflin
deme you can buy. It means good
dies- nod ocerattentlon In the dlaturl.
I had been at Kalgoorlie for
Chemical Co., Limited, Windsor, Out, 56
lungs, and for the woman It means de-
ance or changing of dretisings. If a 'in the
complicity in the affair.
velopment of the bust. Did you ever ,
wound is perfectly Glenn and the edges '
ibro y Hansen, the man who was captured
hear of the old saying that an one
7 7
correctly brought together, lite only in the mine buildings, was associated
who can hold his breath one minute
way nature ran be assisted In by keep- with a charppp of rattle stealing in
�3„ a;
after a lull Inhalation need not fear
ing It so. However, It is sometimes ' connection with which three men
t 4 ' ► PA
consumption? It's a pretty sure test.
not only ndvl,ahle, but uectimary, to made a remarkable escape from Kal-
i 70
F'or abdominal treatment 1 come
make nn npplle•ntion of some kind to goorlie Gsol on Christmas Day of 1904.
ll receive- the premium picture
ilk` '' offerecllby that
back to my chair. i lay my full weight
relieve severe pain, particularly In chll-
my stomach. The exercise strength-
dren and nerrous subjects. nod n mpleu- Sowton Fifty Years.
Daily World . .
ens and hardens the muscles In a way
(fit] prepnrntion for this purpose Is pre- -•i'm rpndf and willing when the
that most gymnnstic exerclaee will
pared by rubbing together equal part.+ fimo enures,' were almost the last
'rhe Signal, Weekly li crald and Toronto
not de,
or pure carbolic neld cry, stals and gum worda uttered b the venerable sex-
sf ►I 4 Tn
I take toy same old chair for back
tem of the quaint West Lancashire
camphor till an oily liquid is former 1. q
church o[ Hoole, Mr. Thomas fleas-
Advertiser .
treatment. i grasp it from behind and
after whleh twice the quantity of sweet thee, mortal remains now lie (
tend backward ss far as possible. I
Oil is added. The mixture In uortrri• so
the consecrkted ground he loved so
Bohm where to locate
do this twenty to thirty times. Try It.
tatlog, nntleeptic and Is goal for any well,
is the West, let ten tell you about
If you need a doctor for kidney trou• I
Injury, burns and scalds Included. that Deeenated, who was in his Mh year,
figs 1@Dds. The bent wheat fields
bks, you will noon find it out -Brook -in
liable to happen In a family. ' was widely known and respected. For
-410 sl0badgmxlmg land -are in
Ile I{agle. I
it should be kept in a tightly corked a period of over half century he
t>kislawli•oa• 6
For a High To11 I a.
bottle and Is always ready for use.
and Westminster .. .
Wells us fear fall Wccmation
about coops, comate and special
When n menu is limited to three ar-
ticles and it b for an afternoon affair, I
' i i `', TOILET HINTS. -. � ,'-0(�' 1
116 1. ,o •.rt,., J
1t should Include one substantial ar• i
A tiny sere at the corner of the lips
'rhe Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
Legal repel teUve : wanted in
ticle. one sweet and sandwiches. A
salad like green peppers scooped out I
should be nt price well powdered with
each county
and filled .with all kinds of vegetables i
bdracle acid powder and kept corered
)' ,:' r a t i (O
i ,I, ,,"oro"" c'h>t..:'fit4ui o IBISBr1�r Ir 'Tr»i t I. "
cut up and dressed with mayonnaise I
with it until it disappears.
benefited by both-
I 4
, rt. I a , Y, ....
Io; popular, and with this sardinesand•
A red noacis much
Qua Sift .PM
wichee; all a owp et, fruit jelly with
Ing In really pint water night and morn-
�ai YM
whipped cream.
Ing. Dry very thoroughly afterward
A pretty Idea for this jelly is to use
more especially Ili the morning If the
orange, apple and banana skins and
serve the jelly In these, having the
dish when passed look like a dish of
weather Is cold.
A -little olive oil. if gently' rubbed on
any Irrittpting allot, will generally alloy
fruit have the whipped cream sauce
the Irritation. Eczemn $pots, which
passed with the jelly.
sometimes appear In cold wentha. soon
It you do not wish the salad, you
disappear If treated with It.
^ /%�
15 v R 24
could hate a hot dish, like scalloped
cub or lobster, served 1n individual
For n corn n vinegar bread poultice
soon effects a cure. Steep a little bread
dishes, or you could bare jellied chick•
in vinegar for two or three honra, make
(.. : ;
Wnnhntre ( rr. W t
When;; t want fi and Yore.) (plm•t. and)
en ked Nndwichea. The chtcten 1s
tt poultice, bled on the cora et night
THx lig i1' a 1 Iia o e k S q It a r d•
pretty if made to Individual molds,
and keep on till the morning.
using hard bolted eggs l0 the ]holds
@o that the slices of egg are on top
is tarots
one or two nights' feel tmertl the rnrn
will drop out
MR. TYOrteS fig ARrLns.
}sithlnlly fulfilled hu duties, during
which .time had seeat the
den the mold out.
After doing dirty work not at over in the
i interment of rover persons
once wash the hands In water. First i precincts of the church famous for its
Newest Note Paper.
rub,n little grenae well Into the skho. i then with Jeremiah Horrocks,
A compromise between a postal card
more especially the dirty pare. klut• i who, when curate there in 1619, pre -
and letter paper are the cartes lettres
of the French, which are finding favor
ton fat Is excellent. Then wash In the I dieted and observed the transit of
usual way. Tho grease loosens the Venus across the sum's dine.
- '
for short not". They are shaped like
dirt, and hands treated - in this way Sharples was of a most amiable tlie-
RWAII Cnal weighed nn the market .cAlem,
an envelope, the letter part being writ•
will n!y!f blCOm! Ingrained with dirt position had a very retentive mem-
where from gnu. 2.ern Ill-. fm a ?,)n.
too on the inside, with a little gam
and was fond of recalling stories
his days in which the
around the edges for sealing purposes.
A Bowing Lesson. of youthful
doings of highwaymen figured prom-
Ome" left at C. ( . T.F.V4 hardware Ht are
These come In all styles and varieties,
Dome of them opening out long and
To apply Insertions by machine baste inently.
baa side Mitre, pmmn:ty attdaubd to.
the lace on the material; then run a
His quaint manneroms and enter -
-- -- -- ----
others containing extra sheets inside•
row or machine ditching no close to
t,aining gossip made him an ideal
while $till others told only no mach as
the edge as is possible. Cut the good@q�uids
b the numbers of tourists viait-
a postal card. At the less fashionable
from under the Insertion. Waving slit-
'. the church, whose• memorial win -
places where utility stationery to
ficlent edge to turn back , and sew
dows to the memory. of Horrocks aro
found a tablet can be found in cartes
greatly admired.
letters form In cheap paper, the whole
Bloomer trousers may be finished
Deg Oyes Electioneering.apaper
costing. at some stores an little as 83
without the rubber at the knee, to
Canadian Northwest
which many mothers object on sec
A dog elothexl in a pa r suit, upon
which were the words in large type:
When the Stepper *ticks.
count of its Interfering with the circa-
"Vote for Kirk," was sent about, the
Homestead Regulations.
lobe quickest way of removing a glass
latfon. As a substitute a narrow, frondI
olif"t@ of fit. Austell. Cornwall, in
- -
stopper Is to poor a small quantity of
tray be used as a finish, and Into Its
short fitted lining and the full bloomer
support of his master's candidature
at the Urban Council election.
Any even namMeerl sMtlnn ret Ikrminlon
Lwml• In Manliolra, Ra.katrhvwan send Alberta,
nlcobol around It and on the mooch of
the bottle. Touch n match to make a
should be stitched.
°_ ;
vit",p1tin,t m and wt. not ro •er%mt. atAy M• home•
aN•Med by any lien, who, Ie tbe+role brAd of a
flame. When It In done burningFor
children from two to four years
. w
, *. P::
family. or any male oyer Im yrnr. of age, to the
extent of one quarter wlrtlon of IN, arum, nine,
oat the stopper. This is the easiest
of age the animal plaRhes make Derr•
lreahle'nd warm winter coats. Per
or le...
Rntr • must he made loomnally at the Ineal
and quickest way It bottloo okra large,
but somewhat dun
gredie It they con.
hnpa the most popular of these mate• I
Liverpool What Futuna Clews Low-
land oAte for the district in whlrh the Land is
tale combustible logredlents
rials Is the bearskin, which con]N in a
i cumber of different colors.
or. -Chicago Higher -Live
Markets -Tho Latest Quotation*.
The homesteader to rewdrart lir perform the
eoaditines connected therewith nnder one of
the following pktes, :
per the CNaffw/ Dish.
I - 1r ° Monday Svealae, Hp @,
IU At taut six moloraW reaMence npnn and
nhiyntion of the land In eorh year for three
TOmatore and Nub. -Stow for halt
no boar two capitals of canned taken.
.,, y t1 n
I ""- I
' She Know Better.
Llrrr". wheat futnreo cloas,l 10.401
than bAturdq, and corn fstnree
years.(2,i -
m If the father lam
ft 4/ the father.
tOe♦ with one Cupful of chicken nt0lt
Herald ---I wM afraid you would of-
fer to be a sister to me.
At Chlenta lfny wheat ekrmetl lair bleb.
er than Raturdnr: tiny rare %c Wooer and
is;h, l ,lf the h r tholeand -n edea o a Mem
IR the r{r1n10y of thw Tann-ntervlel � the re�
or v
gravy tbickeaed with a little stags.
This coq be COOrld beforehand said
�Tbldine--lliet.n don't get engn$r
11A1 oriss xtd• tower.
4 rement„ rut to ntaidener may be miloned
M •och Pointon residing with the father or
I gd7toad okM left Ofitll needed. WltsO
of rings.
Winnloes Optleno.
ql It Ueo asttMr Iran his permanent reAhe
, •treated eebent in the chafing dish, add.
pug halt a 1/ngMsh
1 To Clean Wall Paper. 1
roliowina, were the elndnt nntrtnbino.
tn:nRy sen W*nlpra tnrntv.: wreak --M • .
()rtM h
Rt%, 11x1, Jnly R{7f,r k
wp of %to iniot hornland owners!the "lm m dee ride-
1 off h4 trornepteaA, the npolremente Aw to
..vial of CitOppad
walnut mel ts, pepper. halt, a Iltlye Dat-
I An ICngpeh method of cleaning wall
I.IA, t ((,c .
ool.- 11ny ;Nc bid, to to 211%c bid.
r r be twtlafiml by resident* upon
tier gad dee Deafen epi. Let slmmae
MIS Is con well worth knowing, for
The Visible Bv�h-
r pals
srestltA' Rottee In wrlting.brwtrt to street
for me minute, then poor it over slices
it It/ nlmple and better than any dust.
Ing. Makb by four
Mor a. 'fir, >t y T• m
whost At !lieu (tm "% 13 nv1
ts, IrM c Mrlw' et Ilonvinlem Lando u
of braap Illfghtly toanted and pineo
a pant* mixing
('urn ,,,�„a4ao„ A. IO; O(p1 '1111 a sr
(;taws K Inbf 10 Apply fur patent.
W. W. f MtY.
.141avea of .IattYea Oa separate p1ntA.
Ot fOmIOOn wheat
OATH . -.. in, 0-unin 14.nal noin
i TtM pre tlposatnl at whipped etteam,
need title
two pinta of cost water. 1Cacedl Huls
All ring the work wA•Af derreA«•,1 7711.0511
tt.B-Vteptstl�«te. rs,h�trattw N sea ad
I DB/f11tg aoklbd, la the M$W et So &
I .into A rpt dough Sod form 1010 two ,
hr-hr,s, ,4*n 4rerva,wod 2.mn bushels. and ,
vtntMalwa sdK A ..
u� some.. .
Or three balls. oats InenaANo,=.Ow beeNM.
..&kca," rx-0,.'..a,Yahre'.tati6 "14IB ��:
���R A
•- -stfl0 . Mtwf.:��$' s""'TrUdFXar;,.....__-
N fiyi `a 1r Fp 11
D RO-S - ,�� h, �•
1 aa/ ` * �l
, , ai c !f 1''''I
yl ; 1 -
"' ` The Expert Tea Taster1"t`-"' :el
- a
is the one who knows the real value of Red Rae Tea 1,
and uses it as a standard to judge other Teas by. `` b
Wouldn't you like to judge It for yourself ) It ^` 7 tet! °f
is the Tea that has that rich, fruity Savor
just what pleases the expert Tea taster. \ @ t
Ask your Grocer to send you a package. e +
Loading Wheat Markets.
Hay. July. Rept.Z�sy a":m•
New Yak .......... 03 std( aaYf 1§ `! Oa nommen ts.oeo the aentlasoas
Detroit . . , .. ...... Rt% 637(1 oT ti wife okays an nn to booed seed tel lacks
Toledo .... . m7� Re% NT% ` , to Joao ter pip under costlowal pfea-
St. trolls ........ SSSS So {S 82% 84% Darn d your borow fir sat" And ono
Duluth ....... eta MN, 90( they d0, the tap wlrn. soon fenowei by
Mlaneapoils .. ...... 88% 86% Sol/,
Toronto Grain Markets. those mow' Will gas gad s
Oram- eAel Nothing
tet year leacw
wheat. *pet 39 bud ... $0 T2 to $• .. • Nsthiag iat (bat Qua boggles, of oar
Wheat. Rouse, boob .... 0 67 0 M suff rd @le fay, Tena. The abort.
trbeat, tall, bash ..... 074 0 n 6vR hood stNl win V 6wrbllyestay6
\vbest. red. bush ......
074 .... cannot bead when the island wine aro
Peas, bush ...SSSS . • • • • 073 ... weighted down. *wine to tbdr ban es,
Barley, bad ...... , ... 000 .... deet and Jointed d each strand wlrs.
Rye ' bbosh osh .. '' .. ' '.. 005 1Presure at s base on the top �+ grease" the 'I
hlnaas' la the stays loco atttack
New York Dairy Market. sad Pwva•v tb� from bouding„and whine nraopf>•+L ra111lMevved W tesoe apetat. kook
tato Pisa uaagwwl1n. Hurd steel and {toned to vNo few
NRW YORK, May 6. -Butler, firm, re- Thela,ml wins ere H1eh•carboa
ealpts. 4--T4. Stmt price. efts creamery. eettansloa sod ooau%cU n by beat and aid. and aro uLa.�psd a� w rw meson
=c to 27%c. Official prices, crea miry, of tLs s4ys gad strands to prevent thio ofa7e h® d/ppto6
cculmon to extra, 21c to 27e; held, rein- �• Re.oa lti"ewla of shoe/.' Tw1oe as good an
mon to seats, :10c to 23c' state dairy, cmu• Ba the d)tllan H1eer•SW
son to fancy, 30e to 26c; renovated, conn- tsvostssea� tJstal4sae Q+a
run to extra. I& to M%c; western fsc- The Otwg $sod pUe Falling Co., UNNK OWN 89-4 Od-
tory, common to tints, 19C to 2$4; western
imitation. Ch ele. seamen, el tae. Tae: firs*, Y2e ��7� r
t4 M.
Checae, steady; red a*, 632. Bute, full %XGf��c�
fir. am, smell colored sod white. Heptrm-
ber hncy, 15c; do. Oct. boat. 14r to 144r:
Good to prime lie to 13%e; do. dK winter ST-ODDAK F & MCKINNON, Agents. _
made, average best, 12 c• da, la o fle rt.
toacy. Ise; do.. October blot, 14r to 14 SSC;
do., Good to prime, 12%c to 13%c: 1.terlart.
ll%c to 12%e; abets, 1%c to 1041lic.
Eggs-1Mrm; receipts, 21,51$1. state.
I,nnsylrAnla and nearby fancy selected
white, 21•: do., choice, 30r: brown and
mixed, extra, ID%c to 20e; firs* to extra i `.
sato far t1 Itt%e• wl rice 17%ct park- 1 �Signal'sl
ler, An*. 1St (of%c; peltt IkSSc Io 1St,:
seconds, 17c to ITSSc; Kentucky and len- >'
mseee•, IS 1St to 17%e. ` ;
" ""
Cables Steady -Hoye Are Lower at
LONDON. May B.r.IJverpeol and London
rnbl(% are saner at 11%c to 12%e per Ib.
drserd w'eldit; refrigerator lover Is quoted
at be per Ib.
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
ceiptf of live stock at the 1 -won Stock
Yash, were 70 car loadh, composed of
1544 cattle, 15 sheep and 52 calves.
11r1rea n■re,l frost $5 h, $3.441, The balk
sr:lntg eromid K,. 15 to 40.21. t4florl bulls
soli at $1 to $431 for best qu-01T. and
sa.•:; to VI.M for light.
Thr treat gnallty of butchers- rattle s.44
at $4.1111 to 0.:.'la: medlnm, $4.75 In N 1loo;
light, mints. ■a,l mmou. $1.410 to $4.67,;
cc."., $3.W In $4.IL per eat.
Much Cows.
A few mllcl, rows gold At n wide r,•s.e
$iC to $710, but only one brought the latt:r
lab o.
. Sheep t r.d Lambs.
Export ewe. are wroth fr..m � to Rr. re:
mins, ii to $:•.;tl; yrttrling lam'w, AT t"
$8 [wt ewl.; sprint Inu,hs, $4 to Si ••rel.
V►el Calves.
1`riees anrhsuzed ,It $3 to 86.:„0 per cwt.
H. P. Kennedy reports Sa.-O Ise cwt. f•+r
eebrts. and Nt. for lith*.
Orion Rr.w., IJmlred. re{o.t 141:.0 fur
seeds and 64"M for IlRhts.
Montreal Live Stock.
M0NT1tF.AI,, ]lay 6.-(Rpecfal.)-At :he
Mrsttnal `stork Yards* weal end market In..
recv:pia of live stork fur the week eudinc
May 4 %pre 2;at1 cattle'141 sheep, ;A4';
boas silt!silt!.;btu calves• whlle the o3erin,+
for Inr,al :ssumptian toi,&y %-ere 111y1
rattle, •'i sheep slid lambs, 2128 lints, and
3113 elves Then- waa no. Impnriayrt
change lu the condition of the market fur
eattle, prises being well maintaine.l. :.a
euplyuea were not hit
Sit exeas of legnretsenie
and the average quality of the stock w.w
geo.•rmlly 'good. A features of the trade
was the Improved •demrs,
and from exporte.
nw-inx in the fact that cable advicra front
IA%erpool on Haturday were stronger sed
both a further adrance In prime ret %,-
iceper Ib., its mmparrd with ■ week l.gu. In
nor q11"ce Meal shippers showed urore
dla{o►Ition to operate and tb" paid 5%,-
%rto 0%c per Ib. for a few good to abolop
Ionto. Another feaWre of tie market was
the demand from Quebec butchers for bolls
and they brought three Inside at prices raaa-
Ing teem 4%e to 4%e per M. In addMon
to the above•tbinle was a large atteodonee
of local boyen nod as they all wanted
sump bort an arrive trade was done.
Cliok+ stork said at 5%c to 5%c, rood at
k to 5%c, fair At 4%e to 4%c, and lower
$rodeo at 2% %
c to 4r per lb. Altho cattle
■drtcra ea Saturday from some of ,be
Iwd:nit foreym mane* an Canadian hsre=
wore stranger and notrd an sdy'lset. In
f rhea of 1a to 2s per ewi.. as eomlyared
with aweek ago, yet title feet has po In_
fiuenc•e on the Ineal bog altnatkwt, a@ sap.
plies were fairly large, but there was n
Rood demand from (oral dealers and park_
e•n and an •wive trade was dome. with
soles of opivrted lot■ at $7 to 6715 ppb
cwt., weighed off the earn. Reerlp* •+f
0iteep and Iseritw are forresing some, int
not eaMelvnt to affect prices any. a they
we're well malntalned nnder s rn,A ,Uon4
for oil offerinra. Shown sold at 514. to M. I
and laho at 1114e to Te per In. whlle aprMR
lambs bronrht $4 to $6 rArb, The devnaml
for salves was briak and an aetlrr tct.h
►eanlled at Priem renting from $2 to re
each, as to else and anality.
E•st Bullalo Cattle McAist.
17AST TtVrFAT.A, May A.-rittle - R,
•"Jpts, 4705 bead: minor and I,sroIr .tet,lr
prime st"rs. 9I.6i to 96; obipplag. $5.:3
to 113-6); bntrhers'. 1141/ to 65:10: betters,
14 to 95.25; rows, $.1.:/r to $4.(D: 1••111.
113.:A In K: ste,ekers and festers, 11173 t-
$4.IC,: stork heifers. R1 to V%13: he•h -w,nn,l apringera, stendy to $2 blotter; $'-'0 to
t'r•olt-Iterelpts, :0110 bead; active and
stendy. $5 to #8.75.
lugs-I1pre4pts. 17.11M head; Retire Req
5c to loc lower; heavy, gam to 1111.140; mi,
pit slid vorken, 04rn: pigs. $4.80 to MSS,;;
Iwuths• $3.7.5 to $4: stage. $1.60 to on.
Fheep Awl I.nmha. fterrlpm M.nnn h^Ra;
slow and lower: Iamhoar to IR.a6: yes-_
41nra, n4.T5 to 84.t<i; w, 5tethpra, $6 to gn.,n
or ep, $3 to $5,6n: shrep, mlxed. K: to ai 75
Chka/e Live Stock.
rIIICAGO. ill" 6. -rattle -IG•relpt.
nbrad 23,n05; otmna to one to 1.:c higher;
6n,rum, to prime sten, $4 to $11.40: row•.
,_; rn K; helfers, $3 to $6.ra1: bells• $3.4'1
ro N1m
.i; e0res 02T% to 11 w•
7.73; ■tke.,t
nus fredera, $s to s.t.2{.
Ileu�ts--Reeelpts. 42!1.1: :M lower: ch vire
to pHme hat,.r. 111.4.7 to "p4A,%: mMinm to
growl treaty, $6 M lo 54.42%• hnteb►r!
wrlah U, p1.421,; to 11647%: Rrood In prim.-
IN 1'.4. .tot to 1104?ij: pAcklet, $a.21) to
pa.42%; plg•, s:..e1t to 40; bulk of pulps,
116.41% to an.471S.
1•h"J" Itp .etpl., '41,1 IT: away; W, -p
114.25 in sn ►:;;t-15118
earllego. M to Ila.bt;
Iambs. AS S1t to y8T5---
Clubbing List
D . r,s.,.I
r„ {
A or
t =i F
_S* .k
fi 4
itl 11
t¢ - ��
s 1.i r -.1
The Signal '. .` ; , . ` , . $I oo
'I'he Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald .
I 00
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Weekly Globe •
'Che Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily Globe . •
4 50
•The Signal end Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star . •
0, Ev, ry suhscriher to 'I'he Family Herald
:uld Xveekij- Star will receive the pec
, ,
. mi um picture, A Tug of War."
1 he Signal. Weekly Herald and Weekly Sun
.K y'
(Toronto) .
t 'rhe Wcekly titin is a paper that should be
0 re -id bt' every farmer.
'rbc Signa', Wcckly- Herald and Farmer's
a: �.' o,
„ Advocate .
2 30
l We recommend otrr readers to subscribe to
151. The Farmer'sAdvocate�nd Home Mag;`,"
: azine, tile best agricultural jouri a) ill
;" America. , 'I'h'e above offer includes
Vo 6 a copy of Th s Advocate's Christmas
�3„ a;
, Number for Igt)6.
'I'he Signal, Weekly .elerald - and Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire . .
i 70
g) Subscribers to The Weekly Mail and Em
ll receive- the premium picture
ilk` '' offerecllby that
1, 14
p Ter,
'i'he Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily World . .
3 25
'rhe Signal, Weekly herald and Toronto Daily
Star . .
2 30
'rhe Signal, Weekly li crald and Toronto
Daily News . .
2 35
The Signal, Weekly Herald and London Daily
Advertiser .
2 35
The Signal, Weekly Herald and London
Weekly Adveriiser .
The Signal, \Veekly Herald and I.ondon Daily
Free Press, 1lornirlg edition . .
3 50
Even'ng edition `' „``. `-
2 90
'I'he Signal, Weekly Herald and London
Weekly Free Pre --s .
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Presbyterian
2 25
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster
2 25
'rhe Signal, Weekly Herald, P."esbyterian
and Westminster .. .
3 25
The Signal, Weekly F lerald and Farming
World (Toronto)
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
Daily Witness .
3 50
'rhe Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
Weekly Witnerls . .
Tile Signal, Weekly Herald and WO'rld Wide
'rhe Signal, Week-ly Herald and Toronto
Saturday NigM
2, 65
)' ,:' r a t i (O
i ,I, ,,"oro"" c'h>t..:'fit4ui o IBISBr1�r Ir 'Tr»i t I. "
Send all suhsc fiptions' to ' '
x: a1h k
#'til„ 4, , VAN.ATTP R & RO BERTSON, (i'
4ti.� "�_, 11.. THE SIGNAL,
, rt. I a , Y, ....