HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-2, Page 88 TeunaUAY, May 2, 1907 THE SIGNAL:, GODERICH, ONTARIO al gugeel i I the flshiup Mtsinees, died PERSONAL MENTION. I LOCAL TOPICS. last Thut•sda;' at the house: of reltme, _ __-_ xt Clinton. rbe body was brought pi wMr sad ]lbs• Honors am in T•rouN this Glde•rich for interment, thr funeral nounos a beoetlt poecert to he given It. J. tcbc«on and Mlw lila Achroe aro sbgrtty, ie aid of Alexandra Hospital. twklnK phlew (rola Brophrv'r under• vbsilwe in Toronto. Tye oeocunrl will consist of humorous taking rWtum. Rev. Jas. A. Ander M,, and Mi,tl. Genese Aubeson aro vi.ttgr. to ` monologue and Irish melodies, Lieut- son conducteel the olewr iit•s. The de- tlw was•u City this %wk. it W. Howler, of Ingersoll, having aratawi was that (atlas o( 1V m. AlcDotl Mr ?irssgt•r irlurn,d from Totinta I^st � kindly eoosnnted.to lend his eel'V. 119 Aid who (tied a short tilts• ago at i be stake aaurslwanlod by her nlwe, Mli.s FAWlna, Y Glderich hex+ dtal its the resoult of a (arr. tree. Mir i�sgler is well known as x t E. N. l ewk M. 1'., arrived bane or Monday ! js tit of hiccoughs. talented art t and his Irish mono- from Oflown the Parliamentary ee.sion rogue, entitled "My Friend Pat." gives rsoie mancient tint, to rend the an- havinr lx udQed. t THE, SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA NOTI(•E is ba ruby 1st, rn that a dtvkfend ofoou goad lN,e-half per ant. o 1-3:) for the curr•ut tarter, beb"I al the nl� of .tx per rent. M 1 yer sail) . on lM owplW ••tuck ut this Nark, hgoa Dron deoLn+1, and it1 t the,stns will he wattle at the head otscewnd at the brw aches on and attior Thumday, the tlkh day of wattle The transfer book, will be closed from the tilt to thu With of Mal, loth days fuclen.,lre• By order of the Board. Toronto, karcb 30th. AIM. 1i• M. STEWART. Ue lorwl manager, Him cod scope or his talents. The gg Woodstock Sentinel -Review has thin noun, a menta of aur tuer'hants and others in Iht« weet'aRi nal. 1'beuu,,, R Ibur li n+e loft for the Newt 4.t week. Y Iwo trema to Edmonton for the present, Isis --- - - --. __ _. _ -- - -- ` - - - -J-- to say of Mr. Hegler: "Expectation, realisation and w►tisfaction wade a tvho dose nut care whothrm Its haw air Y trade ut• not .hits no announcement in fri.•nd. here w'I,h him I he 10 1 of .uc+•ew Vl- ahaa-, who haw boon empluyed with H.dgen. esu•., ha. left to lake , �o+ Won fn ��� • • Housecleaning Time --1 Happy taveht when Lieut^til, + a ams. You utrx ray W y(tun WI I . a, tor. Mf.. au.e e'owltn, ut ltiytb. ha,g prizes being awarded. The showing - I astyes department, which, while unt s hit Hegler iVe ilia hUUlnr(tUr and pALh, fellt a self Ills[ yell iN'e not IUL,reatt,d to Julu„! ►l.xigr,nw Ilru..'rtalf. klla�illg •well Old Resident o1 Kincardine Dead. ,tic iris monologue in the tows hall what lam •Paris Br,s. may alxmlt their t`• Y Mrs. J.' V. f,ew!tt and Mies Thbraa I,ewltt heft nn SaturdNy for andp h, whew they will c• �111d We have scout QI the things t0 help you out and of J. Y. 1'ukster »nes nn • w'ituess to }tire• evidence in nebuttal,('aptain E. laat Tuesday night, The pathetic •tete Of dume•tic sorrow in Pat's (arox[s, of nn what . W. I.r+tthvraules Is missP ing this week, or wont Me,sts, vwt fora few weeks before prooeeding to Arnpriur to win Mr. i.ewitt. make It rules smoothly, such as Lntct'a Supper. The pastor will Humble Irish cabin, when he dabs[- mined to leave home and crown the Hammer. Nail & Saw can sti , d oil { { Y )' with in their line, or In the advertise- Mr. and yin.. \f. J. [taker have returned fr000 their w.mlding trip and have taken up [bels ro.binuru We lington treat. Mm. t KANDO SILVER POLISH I for tar a Oo: a ills t"' ) a 1 ELECTRO -SILICON yILV R POL[�H subrantew satisfaction, mean W heetter his condition in far-off stents of IAmgh, Baker & Cu., John I•i`'rrytuan, r, G. & T. Met'chitnt, S. & ua Raker win be at hoots"rherMar Ig h. (t5c per pp=► p �F qVi REXALL HOUSEHOLD CLEANER (pound antes g st` �` Americo tcxs depicted in x manner that would have done credit d, a much !i• Hatfelt, m any of the ,o[heuro who Y M,. sties M m. a„). Harland end their dough- ,arc) HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA oboe and tottles) ( ti Sc� ounce pretentious orator, while th.• are Anxious- to get your trade. but interested- interested tar, ;l- Ida, wlt, baro been ewteenaerl r•., dent. „f town. have left to make their fuoim htoe Nvitli •Ille, t' MOTH BALLS [tor tun end dannelsi � ac, BELL'S MOTH -PROOF BAGS i4or5sisp) hnmurous stnecdote«, sparkling willi• dams and smiling jokes that he told Of )'ou'11 get i. -illy -if (lu will but toad over the nn- Y ,.t Mich_ Their auderich Itwnd^ ar: avrry to low thietu. ,. BUFFALO BUG DESTROYER (lar a bottle `` 2se1 Pat in his own inimitable style, arses noun+emente of salt sur hteinessprople Vor the second year in aucressbon Ituswett CHEAP WHISKS, SPONGES, CHAMOIS SKINS, etc. 1 with x etch Irish brogue, kept the in Chia eek. %yeek. -_ 1 ilio i rth bas won the Ivor k. It4wt diver up in the snuuml oratorical routs[ of the Melbodi.t I S. E. y/CK - Centra/ audience life of laughter. It war a ►aTr; YoungMun's As„uriutfon of Toren w r -.-..--r+-_ Drug Store charminP descriptive utonologue, CHURCH NOTES. to The Wan man Is a sou of Itev. R. J. yy Trrleavin, of Ilnud'ton, funumiy or I G411wIt It H. - ONTARIO hi�bly Appreciated by a largo and in- tdligent audience." — The collection in Knox cliulrh on .4,hfinlA. Tills Qtr's cantos[ took pphaco no Tuewlay night �w m Hr,aadwq Twbvrnacto Tom,itl, *BOOM behalf of the huuine strii.•.ke�n sufferers and the whiner'. subject was ••Opportunity." LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. e• In China amounted it, a,..lf.•2t), The autuuot teas forwarded at once. .1. J. Wright niside a trip hi^t week to----- Niaggora F-14. where he met fila brother. John likely lu be utuvoJ to that part if the - - - -- -- I The ninving n[ the slxtion W the The proof of tba puddles L to the eating and the test is in Rev.. Jahp'�'nnng, M.:\., Of Hxw' \fright, of iterkeley. California. who aur en mute to kurtlo with a family party tuwu, It tr the OpiuiOil of tunny of obit' townsix•tlple that coflnrct ion Is to wtnth end n the town would greatly I hell, that section of clothing tine wearing. Uar- that fit well, look well. keep their shape Ilton, wilj prrtu•h in Knox church next morning and evening, and for a trip of sc,'eial wont w. Mr. Wright, After R eumesful busiuus. c ir•er, hes be Ill,,de flans W inshntn to BI tit, Y of the Wwu and the tai road to build the rt>rid front Wing - g to to the Iawt and wear well, aro what you want,da.lxx•c.t The place to got them Is YMdham the tailor's, :,t.inday. ht'effecttIothecongregation the en• of his budne. at Berkeley and in tura[, now to take a holiday, which we trust _ _ - _ haw to Blyth S' h would give Ur COnnlC- Actors and goctrersw aro among the const w'ment achetue of Q,ieen's College, will be it longrnd plpo.tot one. Ne wilt prob. liar( with Guelph and Gtxlerich. We Newest She ,,,' Fashions OUR NEW OXFORDSr`%t7 AND GIBSON TIE5 � this rewsem hold the lead in yuallty • '"' ""'i+jy'" dmH.,+- tTitt:-➢" and beauty of design. "t We have the tidiest, nattiest most wearable line of shoes to be )bound. frequently phohaving o pt,ip i and probably the reason that having owe. lasso M 'KityK•Wn. \ext ably vbtit tioeerieh on his return from urn o some month. hence. I I would like ver much In far [bis work rxrritrl l., cou�letton, butnothing thin dr- I -�-� se popaLr Im [het "all the world's w stage waA world's R re the men goad women merely actors. I. wt ro•atugot tallow: audio• Sunda morning file t uar- )' K 1 testy wu•ruurntxl srrt•irrs in cone('- tion North Methodist r. -_,.-,. -apt. Dunn Vindicated. •. n e are g Huite Carl yet la• repented. prizes being awarded. The showing - I astyes department, which, while unt "Nan u born he trwiseouble as; the e a ho of upward," but btu the ones ave tot of with stre•e•t chwcli will be held. 'rhe love feast II Windsor. A r it '1,;.- � Il the alleeure p - ) klla�illg •well Old Resident o1 Kincardine Dead. of bulls was extra good classes being filled, and the quality extra One. I large, was of gourd quality and will no, I doubt grow to be a popular depar a [costo, u houmsolegonbns time by getun the ning t trumMaofpicturte,upholsterinttusfuentlure. tluing o! window shadea, renewing ,tt lot n. in.. preaching at x. fit.. fultuw;td by the wur:uurnt ut the of J. Y. 1'ukster »nes nn • w'ituess to }tire• evidence in nebuttal,('aptain E. � ' Big Redactions Kincardine, April -30. -The death of William Wakeham Ibavey, aged A new department this year war the went. of tont- ta•mem etc.. done by Wilmer Bmilh. who Lntct'a Supper. The pastor will I)umt scnnd it practical vindication of i �n et-Khty-eight years, tic la •nnl this .. _ e —'- - �— `--- --- - --- --- '-- -- - - -' - subrantew satisfaction, preach booth morning and evening. the charges preferred against hint by utorning. U4c•tuteed was an old reyi The stewn shovel on the north hank The May meeting of the Oodericl tilt, limiter officer- of the Uotniniuu I dent Of thi+town, having at one tinle i of the river has resumed operations. district. of the Methodi,t church is to Go Ver•uuent cruiser Vigilant. The in- + been a neember of the town council. W Acheson it haul In, held in We•aley chun•h Clinton. on veetigation was held at the council Our Readyatoewear He wits highly respected. His death I At having excavations May lith. The district Woman's chanrix•r, Walkerville, on Thun.day wits due to advanced age. The Best Is None J made for two houses on Cantbriaroad• Missionary Society u,t,etiuK will to uuornirlK, Captain Damn denied all The steleft n Turret Chief and Tur• held ut the waw, tier in Untxrio the chargt•d watlt, by Inkaten The Clothes Spring Show at Bruufield. TOO Good For V ret Cape left on Monday for Furl \Yin• buil t t churcg will h h, and it,hrld in Wesley -ve-1 ll tt'um ass adjuurutd in- • W s it , I C Y gf L�ticefleli3, A ail :lH.-The annual liam. pp s ( F. F. Lawrence has sold twelve church an,l will Ire addr"Ked by bliss Walkerville, April 27. -Captain Ed- xr,i ,,; Rpring show under the auspices of the Toronto hone show excursion tickets Fivstun, returntd missionary to ward Dunn tot the cruiser Vigilant t y' w Routh Huron Agricultural S(rciet The makers of lIcLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES act of the flat 4S y " aw••m�>l' 1 here balx so tar. Japan, goad Rev. J. C. Arid, of Nile. LhreatenK plrtserrding« Ng»mat his wxa heli y. There was w' prifn turner first wxtr, J. S. Inkster, un• fairly gcxxi crowd, and it fine turn -out f Canadians want the [test to be had, and everybody knows that tis The •Souther Azov clewed f millter- A large number n[ persons c •lent n less Inkster makes it public tetracti„i, tf Clydetditle atallinns ; also it oed tory rep keight of perfection in day for Sarah Bay with w Arad of mill ver\ enJ.n•alele [suis at the social given P We \VIII n'iCL; You At g products or their mammoth lac seas([ the supplies. un Slondiiy evening by the Epworth Of the charges which he made, but a showing of roncipters and entringe l carriage -building. I have an up-to-date hoe of failed to substantiate al the invew- lune”, hour dollars W" given for Thos. Elliott has resigned his s si des ague nC Victoria slt.Y'G Methodist Cost t Rn i ligation. •xY q ) gr each lures mhown in the sin tion as secretary of the Goderich church. A good progrnul wets ern• K ---------- .- - r.n`f"I1t g. no • • Organ Co, deoed /luring the evening, .after which -- - -- - ---__ McLaughlin Buggies Life worth Living. Fancy Tweeds and Blue • An overhead tract is being put in r•fieahutenttc were seared, At the in- g R p lerv,elro during the prograul, the past. (:surge- \\'all, lite is worth living, e r a 1 from the steam cowl hoist W Holmes for. Mr. tiraham, who urled as chair- after ,all." and invite a .9 from an coal sheds. elan, read letters front former Legg- Jack— What's happe•ued'r' I yore who is interested. The Istat in rubber - G. A. Pipp1eeen. of Wingbatu, has been iters now at distant points. which George-'•( went to a railway ata- and Black �UfSfCdS l bred rigs. The new automobi a seat is handsome and comfortable. xppnloted tiailiH of til, \Yinghum proved of intteh interest to those pass• tion to see lily sister off, and by sone I Let me quote jou prjoa of your new rig for 19o7 -•but remember, Livision Court. ent. The progrian includt!il the bub chance Harry Hanslmi was [herr to vmhty remains loft after price is forgotten." Mia Jennie Preudfont has taken w lowing: Hoff', o, Hidney Belcher; quare see his sister off, and in file rush card AS We have decided t0 stop Cafeand Quick lunch I yosition in the postoce, the vacancy tette, by M i"Ps Bell Nod Hoggarth and noise and confusion we got mixed, and 01 �C being caused by Mia Nwiro's resignw- 3desoir•e. Belcher and Shaw; recita• i hngged his sister and he' hugger) handling read inade3. i - - William Knox Lion. [inns toy \Liss Edna Straiton and Aline mine." � ICE CREA DELIVERED TO ALL Next Saturday Jago rBrindlry, who Aixir, of Turorto, hath the latter toe- PART OF THu TOWN. ; I AGENT FOR McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES guilty u bigamy, inK heartily encored. Jti-s Hale and The first txtat to leave Montreal Citi „�,sa q s( i . DINING -ROOM UPSTAIRS. t was found f tri am •, comes .+ :�' m•`�; i NEWGATE <T., - - pppERICN, before the judge to receive hid sen- :loses Flel1 octal] AS accompanists. the Canada to France route will he � way v,., •w..��, tense, the Allan liner Sardinian, which .its t I PHONE „_• anlx•eo sent ` The Western Canada Flour Milia SUMMER SPORTS. goo. May Kth. The date^ of sailings on the same route will Ate not Our unexcelled ll]le of in was among the loses a the Ore I follows - Alar IKth, Jane l,t, 15th and ----- in Toronto this week. The damage The ,'sole[ .vin .horur [,lox. I ---- — - ---- -- was given egos jIU,OW. The crocus Gtt his cup. 51th, Jn1y Lath and lith, August loth (� ,) And bn the,,.Ides the hemp will grow ' and '24th. September 7th and 21st. Oc- r' j� nC`/ Vests Wright Martin, Poultry man, re- To string the umpire tips j Po tober 5th and 10th and Novemirer porta that for the mouth of April, front Mitchell Advocate : "The Gntle- 2nd. The Memnon, of the Eller - 213 hens, he obtained :3,7:Nsaggt, an rich lacrosse team has fallen in line Dempster line, axils fill- Smith Africa will arrive cilli; week.average of over fifteen eggs each, for 11Mr, organizing ore Monday last. May With. turd subsequent sailings w, Da Sale is moving his dental offiee The R+tilor's line-ap will be even lar announcer) are June :b) and July Have all eye out for t hest. to the roosts above the new C. P. It. stronger than last year, and no dotiht l,;t office and Dr. Mabee expects to move will plot tip a stiff Rrgnnient fur their - -- W rooms above the Sovereign Bank. adver•eariv-. We will look forward to in the course of it debate on \Yat 11Ws NC llar0 Elrcr slNlwn. Go boder was used to break up their playing with interest, Its ]list Secretary Haldane's army scheme, the year they furnished Mitchell with the Major Seely, wh(lcnnunand*ed assyuad. ded Balt when the excavation 1 for the sola went of the Ken"in only newt Kaute. \Vingham will pi`o ron of the imperial Yeouuanry dor- i s age g be represented in the intermediate in jt Lon furniture factory is being mode. K the Sot African wear, s id that l# p,- t series, which I•roniiare at Ir:amt it four- it 'A'as the general experience I herr i % " It is reported that fully 11L,OlM) team district.' claims have been Hied in tbp liquida- that the married men were more cout- tion of the York Lawn Compost The The executive Committer of the thlilttts than the uarAlt fill one". xnd Reg Black which will likely come before the Canadian Laer(tmw+ aCswx•ixtiun wet tb,{t tke .,►me chnntrteriatir was nes- C in Toronto out Friday to rearrange the inittedly developer) Burin¢ the RU -wiry - courts in w hew days groups in the junior goad Illlt•l'r11et11Nlf•Jxnuicye wRr.. No explanation for A. G. Gamble, manager of the Ster- aerie-, Rome of the elutes having thlls au eri(lr rnurage Ain the part of THE TAILOR. " ling Bank, announces that the Anburn dropped (list. Gal,rich is now in in. marries filen was given, ►rut it MAY branch will hereafter his open On terint•tliate group No, ' which Com. havearisen fronts the fact Vint niaup Saturdays from 7 to U o'eloclr irl the prises five clubs, its follows : Heavel-s of them had fought. a hard fight lwfur- evening, instead of from 11 aim. to if Reaforth, flumina of (icxlerich, goin to Sonth Africa and probably - 1 P.M. Winghnm, Clinton, Excelmiors of didn�t rate nearly as- utuc•h what bc- - The benefit concert tip be given by Alit, hr11. W, J. Thotuprmm. convener; ranee of them as the single inept diderYljr "' T, •� the hawball cloth will take place in the ineet at Alitchell. A i nee•ting of cloth Exchange. g • i o Victoria Opera House on Friday. May representatives will he held next week -- 10th. The program will consist (If to arrange the achedule for the season. local talent and should he ons of the The lvielxall chih, encon,aKed lv NEWS OF DISTRICT. best beet of the season. Fleet• posters for IaRt year's ,nece•,r., is'nowgettingin- particulate, to good shape for (hies year. It has tyY EAST WAWANOSH. The Bell Telephone linemen have ordered R nice new set of Knit, and MONDAY. A .ail Intl. �• been busy around town the past week will make a startling appeatance in Alt. and Mrs. Won. M '121) re - putting up cables and have been the first game rtl the Reason in Clinton noticeable for their cat -like agility in on May 310. It will Rhortly pot on a yoiee Over the birth of a sun. climbing poles. Under the infiuenrp bonpfii concert, roe be given by lo,al Mr. and Afro. 'Pavid Titillate, of of a sudden downpour of rain some talent and W le held in the Opera Wingharn, visited their friends at Rt. , splendid exhibitions of the ••facilts Holistic. It is _holed that the public Auguntine on Sunday las-t. descensus" to terra firma were given. will reaslily rempond when naked tee fid. Robinmon, of Winghany high Taube & flan, rQanufacturing npti- lay tickets, ar the Girth his deb -ill -A out seh(m)l, spent R»turdav and Monday at ge► clans find and eyesight specialists, of Tnr- this way of raising money In prefer- his home nn the ninth line. onto, will he at Duniop 's drag ^Loin Price to a s u{ascription list. Service was held in the church its An executive iner•tin of the ncxle- Donn bicxlk on Snndav inornin Inst. Oro Monday. Tuesday anti \\'ertncotday, g Y K rich hasel„tll ehlb i, called for Friday s May 18th, 14th goad I:ith. If pleas is QaitP an iloryeruveruent Inns leen inndP � evening at K o'clock, in the town conn- in the interior of the church b have anything whatever wrong with vont Y cit chxnulerR. �1 eyesight, do not neglect this oppnr- ing it pointed. tunity of having yiour eyes properly G. C. I. Sports May 23rd. Mr. Weathrooke, with him portable A t� s-. attended to. On .'Wednewlav afternoon the stol- sawmill and C. Rinuntl'd engine. cutin- Jt sT As Angelo Bnornotsuoto and an nssori• dents of the (i. (', i. elected the ft)1low• nre•nced la -t week t, prepare the thn- FRESH ac oto have renter) the store next loH. inK eoicinfit.tee to take charge Of the ber fur the new barn which Harry SWEET Kemp's horelogi,•al shop on Hamiilon annaotl apart+ in cunnt,rtion with the Chillttney expects to have ruised in o street and intend conducting there thin ePa trait Instit.utr :--Pleri•1,•nt, G. A. itotwrt- few wt•ek^. PURE AND tr. 0000season.These Italian "1111 ; seer•tiar•y, W. J. Taylor; lepra- Allay Maly Mason. who for mnirlp Ali Tlth fruiterers camp froin Rtrptford and sentat4ves front the different forms, tintehnnleenintht•Winghafiihnmpitil, take the place of Nabucn Alfonso, who W. J. Tsylnr,, Donald Clark. Greg.,r was, we Are pleas -ed to hear, able to be C A ND / E S wM making Arrangements tO (•(title RLtuart, Frank Poster. Charles 31,0re- removed to her hone nn Satilrlav dere some weeks ago Mut chwnKed his dor, Ernest Coil(n ne. It was decided last. She hits been snifering with mind. i(n hold the "ports un Thotralhty, May throat trotible.t A somewhat rare s Mill, nsld also to mmk the businrsp shell MtAI1F: IN THE, KITCHEN OF specimen of the The trrelpPs of fie R. No. 13 have loon family was -anaht, h Herbert Of the town for donNtions to the prize recently, at the inn Y ppcto's resµueet, 4r• The Medd and Alex. Sillil, of She lint. pp»On W. O. B. A. Tournament. cide,l to purchase a library with the ton, on Monday last, and is now nn munpy that was rained for that aur - exhibition at George Si)lni roe Anglemea The annual tournament or the res big a concert held in the. ac�aad pLa street. The bird ban it white breast. Wesl.et•n Ontario) Lown howling Pfnte Christmas. gpotted hark and head and lips a ARMxaation will bn held in lamdnrt \V m, M'rnwic•k, who [(tr n ntAntter of 01 ym To ring nround its neck. Alex. during tho• week cnrntilencing .)trly 15. years r•exided in Fart W^wanomh on 11th intends to have the specinelc The date wait fixed at At meeting of the the p1ACP recently purchased by stuffed. executive, whirl also) decided on a Ramuel %Valsh, died offs his home in Owing to the death of the late John very inlritAnt rhange in the. pro. Blyth on Saturday. He- had hewn 1 S. " Vole the Cwnoodiari General Flectrir. g[ant . 1if•retofute there have In -en fering for Romp time tri:h anaeuria. Cafe Company, of Toronto, have mppn lnted three rink matches the trophy, _ the firm of J. H. Wor•sell k Nun it^-,eiatino and conrm,lntion-in adcii• - u'4!1u. their representatives in Goferich. A tion to the mingles and donhlem. This Winghain Times: Rnrveyorp for the complete stork nl electrical salpplirs ye.Ar the ^inKl(•m ,and (joshes will le Canadian 11Rcifle Railway ere In will bre On hand shortly, andthe 'emitted, tul(1 in their ritpnd will be in. town fill. it few days Inst workwlbroking HAVE YOU TR/LD THEM ? Meson. Worrell will le prepared h, '*,used primary and secondary Rcotch nvpr the ground at the Roitth end Of it NOT. M'nt' ITA\'It MtBf+F e handle all work entrusted to there doubles, with four prises in eat h fteeephine stn+el end thin revived the. A Itli AI. TRKAT. �ouiptl and care(odl h tour teat march. fn the ofd singles twenty ane rumor that the C. P. R. rotation wait Y y y pe ALL ItfN08 AT LOW rR/OR8 1p, pdntd wxn generally game, while in Five costo were on the list for the the dnublelr eighteen ends .were in• l MARY sittings sittings of the Division Court but only one was tried. This wait the case of Mr. and Mn. 'Thal. Foster, wbo for a couple of ninnthm were gooks at the Bedford. The action wens for wages end the. jndgment was in favor of the plaintiffs foe tl'1.ttnand coats. G. F. Blair acted for thepplAin- U fa and R. U Dickinson for thp deten- dent. A donee was given at the Oddfrilowse Hall last evening by friends of R. 1t, Cerr•Harris as a farewell to him prior to His departure for Chita. About twenty-five couples were present and a moat enjoyable evening web spent. 760 music was by the Doty orchestra. TLe bell was wpp-Ifild tdy decorated with Chinese lanterns, and the gather. 1 tlring a number of songs In honor uf� Patting attest. Angle McDonald. a former Oode- 14th reeldeaL wbo while Hees wren• V variably played. If. the Scotch dmiltles each (ompetitor [uar usefour how•ip instead of two, 'rldrty ends will lee player) in the primary and eleven end! In the second innlch. The plRying of two uuatchert lot Wotrh doubler cony take longer than the singles and doublets nt the past, but the execpttive were of the opinion that the change will Ire appreciated by the 411t) bxrwkt's who ([cone to tile. tour- Inametft. The ettewtitive also decid,'d to put an end to boys (-ompeling in the rink matchea, and in the coming tottrnamAptnt the, rink events will he open only to trams composed of adultm: A trntRt it epitaph (lar most of the men who tall won (w+: ••He lost his nerve." it is not the "many [nen with many minds" tart the many wen of one I mind that nlwke An enterprha cf.. 0 a46p" , COURT SQU 'PHONE NO 2s• ,,,;,' Four - Curtai"n pecials I From This Store's Best Stock t ' myat.i Four extra specials from a splendid Curtain stock. The stock is good, every pair bought direct from two of the best makers In England, either in popular priced lines, or higher classed goods. We t never had as good assortments or as good patterns to show you. There are dozens of designs shown this season for the first time. and we are satisfied to have you match the values against any you will get anywhere. If you have curtain buying to do, see this stock. it will be well worth your while. Here are the four specials. a At $z.00 Per Pair -.. At $2.00 Per Pair e e.eLatrI Nottingham lace Curtainm, three or tour 27) xis Nottingham Lace Curtains, four handmiaue designs, eve: y pair rordoll nage, full 31 splendid patterns to sriect from. Very Hoc and yards Iona uuale front strong nets by the best mtrtong net" that will give satisfactory wear.maker. in N:nglAnd. K,xx1 width, 40 W :At inch,• l).m Kns copied from Iwtter goods, lock stitch wide, eurtains that would be god value At $1.50 edges, :3S yards long, would tint lie out of the laur pair. We buy them direct and in twit store way at $2,5U, another special at r j�(� ot". and our special price i" per 47 M pan per $2.� pair ... At $z.5o Per Pair "' At $3.0o;Per Pair Very One quality Nottingham Intce (jurtains. Fifty aiof NottioghAur Ia►ce Curtains, choice demignm in Pet and florapatterns, suitable imisorttd Kr" y ourselves direct from the maker, for any colon, hwk stitch edges, full 31 yard" long. handsome dp-&-date design« in mtrong net, corded We could mark there morn non and still get o edle, full 3J you -do lung and gat $� •eN 90(Avahre, but make yon aI-1neK width, another special at per Lair.... JV special at per pair ...............:. $3.00 tori Cheaper Curtains fe , t tI P r 5�r 75c and qoc �„ f Ott Better Curtains, $350, $4.50, $5.00 ,00 and �1 "^�" All really good value. $7 ' 2oc Nainsook i5e a Yd. There was a mistake somewhere about this Nainsook. We ordered it from an English maker, and he sent Its two or throe times more than Ile should have. Of course we paid the duty before we got it, and cannot very well send it back. There is more of it than we can sell in a long, long time in the usual way, so we put it on sale Saturday marked at 15c per yard, because ire must sell out the surplus quantity. It is extra' nice quality, suitable . f'or children's wear or any use you can pelt title cotton or nainsook to, New Silk WaistsL $3.85 Each, Regular45• New Silk Waists at a strmjght saving of $1.15 on each garment. All fresh from the maker this week. Made from soft, pliable tafetta silk that will ndt easily cut. Several styles to St ]OU from. All new and all good. Black or very pale cream �nly. All sizes, regular Iles gar- ments if we had to buy them in the Itsnal way. This lot on sale Satur- day at each................$3.85 Tons of Linoleum "w , ,- �' New Raincoats We have tons of Linoleum in stock today. By far the lest II More new Raincoats in this week, stock that ever was in the store. Every y'" §C diuect I cornet stylea�L' s in J. itall len1ttil front the lifgllwh and FMsitch Mallon.tluwlities that Are thur- gwrn►ents, new mtat/llals too, dif• onghly sainioned, and will stand no end tit hard wear. Block nr foots t from those° shat have been patterns to select from. pile patterns, ec taro for any room, and two dt•wn or mote I worn so hong. Ntot many garnrstlts deny one style, and of the bast a, 9 ofd 1° "` yards wiM, l II only one or two. VI'0 �41-VhVfi 37k, get 6a, the sgaane yardt- tri ? hl 1 r+ia iS•M w ;taw. 7th i,