The Signal, 1907-5-2, Page 5SMALLPDX IN HURON. PEN AND SCMRS. ,1 • _ _ Reports of Its Outbreak is South of County Exaggerated. het 'r A tilde loge. a utila• e trt. f t A soft Institution. a •udene dream "The people in the south of this And ate Y etry Y sievert dart county are somewhat excited over the tit fresher than a Wountaw stream. exaggerated reports of the outbreak 1" do simple is lie been of nine, ofsmal163x In the vicinity of Dash ;,:,s °n a s raw for Dow hope and joy. wood. One later dim atch says : -It' 1 r T. thousand Yvan sines it Daae. b still vows touch doubted that the disease is emelt itare ►s(t It younger than •boy. pox. There have Ix en 1 r no deaths from tho disease, which Most believe to lie it form of itch and nothing more. The dilaaaae leaves ou James Wilson, United Htateo Hoare- utarks and those affected are ill for it tar of Agriculture, was discussing a short trate only. One dents ucenrred, a rather antiquated kind of farming. but it is claimed that, nithough the "it Ir about All profitable and logs- patient, a Man, had the allegel itch, D cal," hie said. "as the weather reading Ito did not succumb to the diselaw+, but of a Connecticut tarn[ hand i used to to spinal trouble, coupled with x know, severe chill, which he suffered through l --This farm hand clouted that he going tl, work to a div, -h. could read the weather infallibly. On "That the itch, or smallpox•, which- could walk with one one afternoon, x • frog ever it may Ino, is of n contagious croaked, laud he mid: character is illustrated by the fact -We will have clear weather for that there have been a very large Ttwenty-four hours. When A frog ninober of cases since it first aippeAred, croaks in the afternoon, you may lir some throw mailable ago. Uutil within 'a'. sure of twenty-four hours of sun- the last week or two there has been no shin,.' effort to quarantine the patties --We walked one, and In twenty min- afflicted, but now some three or four utas or so a heavy *bower came up, houses are under surveillance Road vig- and we were loth drenched to the orous Measures are being adopted. to ° skin. stamp out the. trouble. *You are a fine weather prophet,' "One reason given for the fact that c..I said I, an we hurried homeward there has been little attention paid to t through the downpour. 'You ought the disease is that among those i to be submitted of yourself.' afflicted has been a larrgqe pensntetgts a ,' •Oh, well,' maid thef farm hand, Its goexl-livin people wlw believe in E.3 'the frog lied. lis to blame, not me. taitu cure. '1'bey have exercised their i}I Am i terpamuibles fur the morals of faith, and point W the fact t`ot they that particular frogF have withnot exception r'>reovered as u{ " idence of the efficacy of their faith. •.The people of Dashwoaxl feel B;, n aggrieved at the fact that the village ' 1i Here Is another weather indicator. has hwvn practically isolated Pince the An exchange says : "Un.ightly tele news wont xbt/oad flat throw was graph wires and poles can lie con. smallpox in the place. An effort woos # verted into a weather prophet if made GI cut tiff -taKo connection, halt rightly understood. Everylxody is this did out succeed. However, the ex farmer 1 tamlllar with the huniwinK noisy s beer corn doing their boar• which these wires looks on certain nes" elsewhere, and till- DAnhwo/d i° days. The telegraph wires running liusiness people auspevt that the ° north and south never haul At the runirs tegmding conditions in she vil- 1{ same lune with the wires that run lags have Ix+en spread by persons not Peat and west. When the wires run- disintrrtxet d. 1 1`111119 east and west hunt it iudicatrs Htiwevrr, it ib expected that there that there will lie afall Ili temperatinP. will Ili- it,, further trouble. The But the whew that ratio north and health authorities having placed those wealth indicate that there is to Ile a Affected in- • lunrantine, it is Ile. �i rise in the temprratuae. They lie in lieved that touHdence will nt oner be F i to hum ten hotmrs oar More beta re the rtntm -,I... change in temperature.'• Try at The Exeter Times last week hall the i following couuuvnt to s f, "One irport tram the Provincial i li fie ' bnealth drpxrrnrnt ail 'rurtintel sxytl + nprlalr Is cinch for the poet Ik,11'."rile Provincial authorities la."I'Ll e• itlyd•dn1, 1 rIP1'i. sal-Illciotl.Iast Week And bring able to yr i` Vlow xf; 111111, Ake w1n1, a from �, i -•,.' xr«rYtAu11. 1 wal %ourcem -wait Provincial Inailee•lor As you may-ee, gen. to %how It I Or. 13e11 up to inv.-tigite., tiu1•h w.L, m spring to a Cinch for the poet ; lion. ol was the finit rlait the l:1tb1'. IIP. McCue, X11/•, aif ('rl•dltmll, lin platay.' 1., , elle to diagllone lilt rase s ,W � AOlgll Ns tllllxlllmot, and make•d that the- Prov. ('inch, be ))• aurin) health an-pector lie called ire. sun' and bow wtli hte 4" know It ,However, the cases are not nearly S. aper.. V • cinch for the post •o alarming as pictured, neither ere ra..hYp there As inmiv its Irported. lis Dash - p o e uth'aftt.oa t'E s I wtxxl. Rct•taxiieK to Dr. McBride, what va a ra Oiddap 't`,'N F + # ales, diagnosed tit*- rnsrs m- snoallpox, r fro', 00 I1 old Pea . I. it t <` I rinere sin• ai111y five air six otew... Ilona, i f; r?tt l k 7" of which need rAu.e abtrru. Thereate three limier.. ender quarantine still is a this will lie lifted in R few days. The ri( A correspondent bonds the fellow- I hotel was under quarantine for R 1+A tingo 1 ten and Scissors : ca,I - of days, Lot the patients wer.• After A atoiny passage Armes the {1,ovl-d to anolbei building. the Jeune Atlantic, a beautifully dressed womandisiofrctl-ll and the cxrl taken down., 01 remarked In her husband a% they I i)r, McBride- says there u- no fuetlwi loader! at New York. „ Isn't it good danger of mere uutbrenks, every case n Ge sot f.) at i►gein on terra-cottA';' Iwing w•atchrd, rK 1 "lir. Nt urns• informs os there is only ,uta 9 4 lonehollme in CrPtliton •irides• gvaran- t c lei e.Ytil "t` r tine, and that the cases Are of it mild form. In the matter of the voting HYD lesam. • spinning. I ..ked of the run rnxn Neeb, w hu died, it an ntxted that. >; it hearer Aad any to •Pars. hr land a slight altjwk and continued c "torts once.- ke replied. "t a runny I %pun, I to work Ill a ditrh, rootructe•d a cold, Amf l Etre them to Petrgy fur hair." whirl proyasl fatal. 1 s.ked of the sky It hisatars were all right. "in the township nutside of C li- •,. air if be bad over-.uppltee. �d He solid: "1 hart two which were tether too ton and Dashwc then- Rile several case-, heat not of a malignant form. tb I save them to Pasgy for eyes " i ••IL was reported in E:etre last 1 asked of some fay% who were cutting out week that there was a case in town, r. dowe r- If they bad anyremnantaor.rnpa bet the report was Without founds. They -aid : '•w s had er-raps of the -e poppies tion. It was only a cane of hives." •�" of our., But we lave them W Poetry for lips.- a -- - --- - t: 1 sald to the lin. "What becomes of the RIGHT BREATHING That Yoe may not have nssd when it olean r' I CURES CATARRH. He mid. At then areany left when It stop.. - 171 gave them to Peg1y tier man." Simple Way to Kill Catarrhal Germs in I artfully coaxed him to .pill theta all out 1, ted scatter teem over the miles. - - Nose, Throat and Lungs. t Aad that M the reason. I hat ent a doubt. That PCs'. always dhuplwx wiW »andi The only natural still common sense method known for the cern of cea- a tirrhal troubles. is Ily-u•uiei. it is T bn•nthe•d throughock an ingmaio is let W ' hat to do with the+ lxoys has al- inhaler, sea that its nedicented nit - f ways been a connodrunnamong reaches that most, [-mote • air -cells of grown-up people, and Pen And the nose-, thrust :and lungs, killing +ill Sci*eore offers the following crentribu- cateurhal germs, weething the irri- tion towards the di*cusnion of the nib• toed mucous membrane, And restor. ject' ing a healthy condition. Boy* are not greatly int-rexted in Hy -o -ilei Knws right to the spot ethics or manners, hnL are trying to where the catarrhal ge•rtils Rte present have a good time. It the average Troy in the nose• throat and lunKol #anti le- is shown how he can have A really strove the genus we that perfect good time without teeing A nuisance health is soon tesLor d. to older people, and without foster- A complete liy-o-mei outfit with in - Ing evil habits in himself, he will haler rosin halt $1.01 and is sold by mleablyy be quite ready to acrPpt Jas. Wilwm under guarantee to re - such direction. He dtlewn't reedyy fond the money unless the remedy want ti he ttiouble*ome air to he Feel, gives rentisfAction. but he Sues want fen. A ley ran µs scarcely Ile expected to sit down rales A Cultured Community. ly and ask himself whether his fun ture is h'' {Ir�Bing to he a means of disc-euifort to The auto from "Circle -lar" ranch ala elders. !f he did stop le think listened with apath�• to the rNew Fnq- he couldn't always se, unaided, just btnder'�'Account o till- rhoire crater - where the hnrtn lie* in any Kiven line tainments tr be enjoyed in his native of Action. The duty of helping hiui to city. Ptse the evil in certain kinds of tun, -:We have everything that's really- and eallyand of tralning hien to find the great- worth money out rnr• way, 1 guess," Pat pleasure in the Treat kinds, lips with he said indiffen•uth•. -Why, on Jan - his gulardiann who have hwi experi- oary 111h the hold the world-renowned Price In loth youth and n ittlirity• hell ringrrs ; January 11)1h• Hal Thus, if the boyo ere nn -lily. the fault i3rown, the KKr•ateml. rnrnetist in the lira with the parents or guardians w wid, and .laniary 314t, grand pro - who permit them to spend hours on duction of tvillinm Mhakespeare's She soviets, with no responsible per- •Ia•w•itl, the Crosto l:yr,' i tell you son to check or advise them. It Ihat wait great! " might not he a bad plan to take the "What did Yoasn say was the name '' names of Boys who are unruly on the of the play ked the New Hog - streets or in public meetings, and im• lander. Pose a Ane on the. parents who are --Here, we for yourself," said the neglecting the training of their off- man front the ranch, land he passed spring. out it program headed, "Grand Poo - al action oo-duction of Louis X L" "While it is, of course, a latitude il' to say that a wine teacher learns by t` OPINION Oh A J. M. - Instructing others," recently observed -- an instructor in a ppreparatory school Calixte Richard Foods a New Lease of In Hnmklyu, ,it is permissible to re- Life id Dodd's Kidney Pills. mark that he frequently picks up some curious InfornAtion in thin way. Acndia !•tiding, Kent Co., N, B., "1 once asked a boy to expinin, it he, Ap. 111th 04pecial).-Calixto RirhArd, could, the difference Inetwe•en animal J. it., well known land highly re - instinct and human intelligence. It nperted hen•. has given to the public was it pretty hard question, but the bin re•areons for his faith in Doold's Kid. lied was equal to It. ney kills an a rentraly for kidney tile - It we had instinct,' he sald, 'we ease, Mr. Richard sa s : - thould know everything we needed to ••I teas troubled with kidney disease know without learning it : hilt we've for forty years and found myself a got reason, and so we have to study worn-out man at witenter-twn. Rut ourselves 'most Mind, or he A fool.' " after using two ixixes of f kedd'n Kid- ney Pills 1 find All my pains gone and p i can employ all Illy days with the best results." of the crewas 4t heard in the seer, Dodd's Kidner Pills are the friend iMkwlMan fonnMgtobabble: of old solkt. They make them tee) T1�e tells es rabble on every hand, young agadn. r as,IDarrow le eparrlttg for tneAle. 71qsawt M armedrg sad no.tn1 .read 7lie warm from ars warm bed is worm) The heart is easily convinced by the TA} ii1loan all te1111nor with musical Ne" eloquence of living love. Ile seaward tkayav merrily squirm Ins. Tis blYwar an making s bluff on the trap •My wisp snot t nt of A mit in anther esw are p�nuret r1 ag— to an advertisement of a sere method Ib wtikA aad tM ilbft Poeapy1 d my of getting rid of Auparflnonls fat." knew us" uleapeleugM aepriegtag. --And did she got the information she I wantodr' "Hurts; she got a repel The Its on aat oaa of time Is to spend tailing her to sell It to the soap man. It owmadolli IM foloptese ,-mystk, then., Tlmaa. THF. SIGNAL: C.OD .1tl('1!• (►N rA lO MONEY IN HOGS. Brooding of Pigs a Profitable Espert- ment if Worked Properly. At present there is money in hogs. sometimes we get snore money into them than we know how to get out. I The ratting of hogs, like every other industry, requires brains -not in the hog, for that isn't necessary, but uu the man. Of coarse there are educat- ed hap. We often Seo them in the railway can occupying two full estate, while other people are crowded two in a seat. There is often money in this kind of pork, but the only way you could get it would be to steal it. You cannot expect to make money �n hop it you 'start into the business every time hop get scarce and pork high sand drop out when hogs are C and pork down. Everybody knows this without being told, but the trouble is to know just when to sop, sod we all flop at once. The con- segneaes is, the packers buy, our hor- when pork is down and when we g, out of business and the price of pork goes up they sell it to us for a big praoe. Then we get mad and go to raising more hop. The hog buyer knows when there an plenty of pork- ers really to slaughter and down drop the price. When Hop Are Cheap. Yes, there is money in hog rfisfng. even now, tar the man who gets into the business when hop are cheap and who late up a little when they get cheap again and who has hogs to sell when prices are high; but there ought t) be mpney in raising hogs at any time, and it ought r et to require a Prophet to tell when the time comes W buy or to sell anything, except that it should be sold just as soon as it is ready. If the farmers were organised just as the manufacturers are there would be no guess work about it. We could know just how many hogs there were at any time anti, could regulate our herd accordingly. We ought not to overstock the market one year and run short the next, because we lose money by an doing and the consumer is taxed a half more on account of it by the middle men who buy for specu- lation. Get Good Ones. If you. are going to raise hop; flet good once. it does not cost as much to teed the best As it does to feed the pcs)reet, and the best will pay yew dol - len where the poor one will pay dimes -but in order to make hien pay bast you must feed him well. He will Pat a heap of stuff that would other- wise go to waste, beat don't limit him I-) that. He likes pie, but if you are going to feed him on piesryou must bake a big batch of them. A pig was put up for an eating machine anti should be run at full eapacity until he is a hog, and,then killed before he, has time to stop growing. Don't get the growing pig too fat, though, or he will not grow so fnat. Give him all the food he will eat bat of the kind that will not fatten him. SOME SHEEP POINTERS. Practical Hints For the Guidance of Shepherds. If the ewe's udder is caked, foment it with hot water containing s slight infusion of opium. There's nothing like mother's milk for the lamb, but when the mother is short the milk of a "fresh" cow is the next best thing. Save some of the best ewe lambs for your own flock. Those from good, twin bearing stock are best. Keep the sheep pens dry with plen- ty of litter. Put in fresh. clean straw A GOOD TYrs or WGTRDOws. often. Keep the pens level. Bake them over if they become tramped and unevenly packed. Do not allow the wool to becomes damp. It takes a long time, to dry and may cause colds and pneumonia The success with the early lambs depends upon the capacity of the mothers to supply milk. To insure , this they must be fed on the prow varlet, of food. Tfie only Bate place for neer-born lambe is where the cold cannot chill them. After they are a few days old they will endure almost as mach as the old sheep. It is wonderful how fast they grow sturdy and able to resist the cold. Quietness is best for the ewe that has just lambed. The most profitable flock is one where no ewes are kept that ass over six years old unless there any be some wonderfully prolific ewes and some that are extra good. A very common fault with a large number of sheep berme in poor ar- rangement both for the animals and feeding, writes a breeder in National stockman and Fanner. The barri should be so arranged as to afford the most possible spade for the floc[ sad at the name tirme supply easy facilities for feeding. Stationary racks, unless built against the Riding, are inconvenient and (abstractive. Arrange the sheep barn to facilitate early cleaning and rellUering. Eliminate narrow sharp corners and poorly n .fed placer, sR watch are do- Iawrious to the best interest of the flock. Now As a Loving Cup. The msec belonging to the ancient borough of Marlborough wan sent for renovation recently, and when the top was unscrswed it wan found that it fanned a lowing amp, which contained a document wfth the names of theses who had drunk from it. Marwrwy Up-to-Oaes. A amorrompetandisarat of the Tablet, wrW Ing from Seyvill, my* at Aetuit•. a iii lie while ago a German Lady was II mach pleased at having secured for a eextsidenble sum the mummy of a MOOS eat. She vas dslighland with her bargain, and the Arab dealer was quille astfsaed 'with the ams he re - ends . "Bat with abs aoricafly inherited frau can first pear melht' sella the , , I F rI I an '•>be b eget to a2 - amine hear m®my. tike betel at it sm -TbML imot>:ageI byxPla" she Mata. arks paaDaga I b rip ft open. isMW wee this t7itf"•"`til�viA TnU1NDAY, May , 2. 1907 !j GNI I,AtiI SPRINU t• Rt;tt 1 p "'A IS IIEKE ; with it Cony's the desire to cast. o8 those ieuts which have Clone {food service battling the winter 3tornis. When you see our showing of dainty Sprit." Foutweae, you will want a pair of shoes to hri-llten Nall and ulako you feel more in harmony with tho fresh Sprinn- dity3. p q¢¢ .µV!!7 fwd r , g) � p'• Ir i � l t E if g t a+`"c `� i'r•. ". i err,' H1�n• L. .�ifi. t:':e Models in Footwear .11 i iN I N T1", neat, anti by far surpass anything ill the lilast. We have a well -selected stock froul the best nlnliuftchu'ers, and are in a position to show you the N EINVEST and BEST in Footwear. f WM. are cheaper trees which may eventual- I xavar v otrTssss. -- -- -- I i d What the Ailment Was. When Se•nlator Hoar learned that ' t friend who they thought had ltppen dicitis was in reality suffering from acute indigemdon he sealed genially. it" IIv," said he, "that's goad news. 1 ts•juicr sur lily friend that the treatable lies in the [Able of contents ` rather than in the appendix." --May ift Lippi scut L's. "It's simply astonishing the way St George's Baking Powder has taken hold of my customers." '•Tbasy'it makes lighter, tastier, finer•gnined Biscuits and Cakes than any other they .ver used!" Send for our new Cook -Book - free. i vatinmal Dmor k Cher-iml Ca, ra air canesda, r,ientm. Moolreat. to re mote . Tile white- pine is very accommodat- 1 ual sad firing exert' , and then "fall ��a�ms��mam�tsa>•�p� MO L.lim���creme AS4f ' ouae, n res motions added a fourth cheer on its own se- L' n ...ra•r �. Y count. _ _ This was sin rean the London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B. Prince's twohorse carriage moved of! towards Wasteninater Bridge. E P PA U L i N, Local Agent Gib to England. • • - The statue of William TT[. of k Orange, which the German Emperor is about to present to King Edward, Were ral)-tA wfren his Royal HihKrnesa WHITE PINE. "`-u- drove up in Naval uniform. Within as a bronze figure nine feet in height. it will be shipped to England in June, -- the gates wag a hull guard of -honor when an exact duplicate will be erect. Undoubtedly the Best Tree For Plant. complaseed of officers and men from ed on the terrace of the royal palace Nos. I and 2 companies, under Lieut. ing In Ontario. Wildey. in Berlin. According to Herr Heinrich Baurke, White pine is undoubtedly the tree Commander Guinness, introlured to the sculptor who is making both the to be preferred aliewe all other; fur the Prince, one by one, the officers . tigllfw. thlp Emperor decided to send planting in Ontario. It is a wood so under his command. the statue to England after seeing the generally useful and :-o acceptable to Having been inspected by til,• 6colptnt'+ rough sketch. "What a woodworkers of ahaiot•t all kinds that prince the diva -ion went thrnit0i rune• I eapital present that would make for a ready market will always be ae bur- England "' he exclaimed. Pal for it. � v��,�� I Has Majesty's onginal intention was Unfortunately wham pine trees suit- to send a miniature statue as a private able for forest planting tire not yet �� I present to King Edward, but the idea grown in large quuntitu•b by nursery- ` oras given tip to favor of a full-sized men in this country. This is largely " I figure, which, according to the words due to the high pnoe of Beed, which I y ,. nt the Kaiser's written instructions. is at present bells at two to tuo and a I intended "for the English nation." half dollars per Ixeuml, And is otter. ♦ Herr Baticke relates that the Em - more expensive. Li many cases, in- - peror spent three-quarters of an hour deed, it has been found cheaper chea r Dr n in his studio on but first visit of in - import the eecdGngs directly from � � r,prctinn criticising the details of the Germany than to grow them here. historical dress given to the figura. Two year old white pine seedling. Hie Majesty seized a pa r and pen - are found very satisfactory for plant- ar" cal. drew an outline of the pose rep. idly Ing v filled an each detail and explain. Five feet spart encu way is the chs- ed the points with his usual vivacity. tance at whch thev are most often He wan careful, however, to collect placed; i. e., five feet apart Ili the the pieces of paper on which he had rows. and the rows live feet apart. i made hie sketches and carry them Four feet apart curb way might 110 � r away with bind when _bee 4eparted. Peen Ix•tter, but would require over, ` ;,re per eclat. more trees. Often the And Thin He Wondered. white, pine cPtMlli!lga are. put only Gerald --Don't ret feel safer with a y' every other tree; the other places are dog in the house? finest with hard rgoodnple, on good aril. GeraldiuP- YPP: glad you came ._____ _, -, , •-� , I'm - or with red onk nn poorer soil Both raixcs or wales 'an NG res ROYAL are cheaper trees which may eventual- I xavar v otrTssss. -- -- -- I i d What the Ailment Was. When Se•nlator Hoar learned that ' t friend who they thought had ltppen dicitis was in reality suffering from acute indigemdon he sealed genially. it" IIv," said he, "that's goad news. 1 ts•juicr sur lily friend that the treatable lies in the [Able of contents ` rather than in the appendix." --May ift Lippi scut L's. "It's simply astonishing the way St George's Baking Powder has taken hold of my customers." '•Tbasy'it makes lighter, tastier, finer•gnined Biscuits and Cakes than any other they .ver used!" Send for our new Cook -Book - free. i vatinmal Dmor k Cher-iml Ca, ra air canesda, r,ientm. Moolreat. to re mote . Tile white- pine is very accommodat- 1 ual sad firing exert' , and then "fall ��a�ms��mam�tsa>•�p� ing in regard to soils; it will grow on I in for drilla" was pi sticky clays or on sand barrens or Many of the drilla to of a spec - on soils intermediate between these. I tacular nature, and out with Nniural1v h, and o It 1S a Well-known Fact h it is hest developed on good remarkable precision, ngticulturnl soil. Under very favor- I unity, The thamembenng of eld guns nblP rsmdUimnP, in plantations, it I and their equipment, and lift g them k tray, from its eighth year till about' piece by piece through a "hole in the Ili, fift--mith or : ixteenth year grow wail" was at once a good sho item three feet per year. In the forest a and a test of efficiancy. that particular men men who want smart clothes yearly growth of twelve to fifteorn an- : The Pence watched every mo swish character leave their measures herr ro a a with professional Ye, an chca in bright maybe reckoned on. I Ment P From forty to fifty yPnia is the lea t asked many question of the office time thnt r•In he allowed white pine on points of detail. The drilla cam- eneral assembly" was trees alt the 'gm WE WILL 61VE YOU CLOTHES THAT Wil -L PLEASE 'YOU oriler to enable thern Lo at- pleted, t.sin n g -A i7.P; and, in order to give sounded• and as soon as all the corn - them a chance to do their best, twenty Paltuee had fallen in his Royal High - years more should be allowed them. nem addressed them a few congratu- On average forest anal the whale pine laOry w(a.�. will make, on the avcragr, nnP cord of The nest order from the command- "Prepareto fl �1 d� FRANK H e MARTIN "' Ing o�oer was, stand by wend per year: on gout agriculttral gt"t' soil rants and a half rords or more will to give three cheers." Then: "Three + Tailor and 1=urnisher "' I be produced annually. cheers for his Royal Highness ih•• Prince of Walea! Hip, hip, hurrah!'.' SEED CORN TEST. it`s` ` Important Point In Securing a Good Stand In the Field. For testing enrn take a tight wood - #'n box eighteen inches square and I _ four to six inches deep Ina- of enme �C, CIIZYa p convenient dimensionR), pet in two hat or three inches of rnoigt send and cover I ei IJerasd the three caaaed with a piece of white muslin which a kind ala the red cad lbw itds has been riled into squares about ten y inehes nernss. Have the. seed corn laid rin'n tnhlo or Rhelf where it will -- - - - .M8?+1' AIA ,R, 1C711111- WErt^Rt.R+••a k`. GOOD RAIN Or wa/Ts coax. riot be disturbed. From the first ear take kernels from near the butt, mid- dle and tip of car, then turn the ear over and take three more kernels from the other side. Place these six kernels in the first check or square (No. 1); take six kernels from the second ear and .place in the second square (Nn. 2), etc., until' you have sampled all of the can. Cover the gram earefmlly with another piece, of cloth about the same size av the box and also with a second piece of cloth enough laiger tt extend up on the Aides to the top of the box. Put in one or twn inches more of moist sand and keep the, Mex in the ordinary living room temprrsture of the house. Add more water if the Rand bPonmen too dry. The corn should germinate in from throw to five davot. Those Parrs whicse kernPiR do not all germinate in flue days should be discarded. LONDON'S SAILOR RESERVE. Pl'lnee of Waters Inspects Roval Naval Volunteers At Lambeth. Over 7M strong, and in spick and .pan condition, the 10 companies forming the London diviRion of the Royal Naval Volunteer IlAstene ns- sernbled the other day at their drill. hall in Commercial road, Lambeth, fee impePttion by the Prince of Wales. A arotrd of (Wople awaited the ar- rival of the ?tinm Said haarts abrin s King i. W sold for Spot rC'ash (tr lvt7� Ids will ?Iv �yoperson AM he treater) alike, on price and same ernes for every person. r, In event of a Llrl,*c l'In•rllas and a per- ain w:ultin9 tine on fart of the, ccount, it al he arranged by'note. Goods ordered by telephone, the a olint trill he sent with the goods and deliverer will :ollect for same and },rive receipt. lielow are a tett' of the numerous advan- IJsres til the customer by the adoption of the ;tsh System ail tk'x, r .''.iJ.er'ur `�a i5r�t• oiled Win was j;.aS now $3.to. t}� � Fencing Ideal American - 5 per cent.'off former prices 5 per cent. off former prices. and Table Cutlery, to per cent. off former paces. •-�,t t at ��:� Iardware, 5 per cent, off former prices. :opper Tea Kettle -light, was $2.00, now =1.75 -heavy, was is 40, now =a. IS. Boilers, wets $4.50, now S4.0o. 10K Machines, $8,00, now $7 50 its.. Oil everything in the store the prices vile he reduced. Now, who gets the advan- agc ? Why, voll do by getting your goods •heaper, ant ace do by getting the cash. i3y ;citing the cash we can buv cheaper and save sur discounts. Do not ask for credit, as it s unpleasant for its to have to refuse you. 1 }0" CHAS. C. LEE* 'Phone 22 House 'Phone 112 A 0 1 7