HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-2, Page 47 TRt'RAnAY, May 2, 1907 THE SIGNA-G • GODE-Wou ONT A UNIQUE BUILDIM UODERICH'S CONCRETE E L ENO TOR INTERESTS GRAIN TRADE Represents the Very Latest Advent In the Development of the Fi I Al. proof Elevator Some of Its i vantages as They Appear to I Chicago Trade Journal. _ I ARID (was relnfurceti. by hollow raat-in)n fhSHIONISSUCCESSFUL ilea driven between the told pier+ and REALMI Afurred down to wdid ruck. The newst•u•toe tveighr alkillt right tine"FURNACE. A 11"livier than the Old house unit rut- ficient iron pules were driven to care for the extra weight. ' 1'he concrete Modish Fads and Fancies Notice- Pteri of the old fuondation were not . A GOOD FURNACE EFFECTIVELY Injured by the tuteusr heitt at Ilea able In Late Models. ADVERTISED FINDS A READY es l•urting Of the old Wo(eden elevator. d The Plant was designed built -- SALE. runder lrorltrar6 by Jtodsto lend i KIMONO SLEEVES AND WRAPS. d- hxuser. of A1innealwliv, w•hrl controls a the pittenls jbn the Ilew wluary bio I fAcClary's "Sunshine" Furnace nmase f cunrtrclhln. Japanese Type In Line and D•wrat.oe, from Halifax to VancouWr, l w • n ODDS and ENDS After -our big two days' sale there are several lots of short ends that we intent) to clear out regardless of cost. In fact, any reasonable:price will take then), as we are going to clear them out at some, price, be it ever so small. Hosiery The largest stock this store Ibas ever shown in bullas', wieaea', IN,??•I and children's hosiery. He sure and ark for tde line we are selling at 1St•toll two pairs fur 25c. Another lot at 10c straight, belies' hizes. Dress Goods Ends During the sale we itinde goodsendsteuging in length God enuoguh Lf ake a mruall child's dredgew enough to make a lady's waist oriskil•t twilit, of there very choice patterns and colorings. This season's gouda. Cashmere 14 gists 12 only, I• r e a ul . enough plain mater- ial and enough ell,Imoidery in tach piece w stake, sage prates. These ate rxu)plet at lets than Vilole- Spring CO&S One dozen only ladle.' Sprinpl Uuata, light color, three-quarter length, at $00(1 a �D t h.t, ceptioual value. D. & A. Corsets are the beet value in tJnnsdx for the pric.•, asked. Site to $1.50, drab and white. Ark for tbetu. White Waist Lawn Jost enough in piece of the law,). and enough embroidery for trimming, to make one waist. White Lawn Waists Direct from the makers. 1'hc choicest designs for this spring and sumruer wear. Priced from BIk to $2.25. Neatly trimwrd with enobtnider) inwrtion, both narrow and wide. The '�86 Jo Hs COLBORNEGoderichquare,. en.0" hPsween tae raft and Duchess -indeed, only a few weeks ago - It is expected that the Duchess will begin her new work at soon as she returns from the South of France, where Rhe is staying with her mother WAN not (luantity all kinds of grain will keep to [heir the wife, in the event tot her iourvirinK LEGAL ANSWERS. ool or Cotton Voile Trimmed With Taffeta -Rouyn 8,Itts Adorned - _ The American l N.lewttor and lir+toil Trade, a journal published xt Cbiragu• - - - With Tartan Plaids. With this issue of The Signal th ill., and devoted to the elevator unit Points pf Law Huronites are Asking About "F�rly Victorian" L the M-('lary Manufactieting ('o., of Lot green interests, has the foli ow•illg \ phrase flee fashluaable modiste ,61011, Gllt., L•omint'11.•e• their advertie article on the concrete elevator At this port, the articlr, being illustrated with Nall and Emplre.l A. T. V., Ulintun. - Qn.-Has the used to describe" the melange that makes up present ing for this year, aging A series t attractively illurtatttd advertiit several views of the building: town council ps)wer to rent parts of Modes . That phrase as well as another ')lent". Gus of the series deals wit. The illustration herewith represents the town hall for business purpused'l eta the situation, but does not gore the ash -loan featauv of the furnace the new 5t1U,0(10-bushel concrete eleva. Dole# the llnnicipal Art confer eile'll credit to the Japanese motifs, which +tell frau its perumxl the udvxnlxgr, u oar recently erected at GoIlerich. Cu• powers oto the council l See our fine line of all mall-pkail in a ftitluu-,, itnd this um tearpo, for the Goderirh Elevator & AOr,--aluniclliat cuu')cils leave cues- -BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS to particular, can readily I, soder Transit Company, Ltd. The house Plete juribelistiun and control over the ' ('apt. Stanley fired, wounding the beast in a breast, Oat <he brute I ental, Another ad. deictib to lit, was oj1w4ad during last November and Municipal buildingr+uldctherpl•olwrty was ani the unique, inaamuch I:uge double feel-dwutr, explaiuinS was it Ied with wheat for winter stor- lwlOnpfing to the -,at-ratiom }.Tial Japanese chins in at treat- mens which is 8o excellent 1 he rase with which the , Sunshine' age before the closing of uavigatiuu. council can lease or sell the rxlue with. xlr 14stt. up>,na Ixst year's us- rdoubtrurquestion yon° all further doubt or question tit!-r,v,t1u •tit, dal The NUatute I.Alur Act reliability of concrete for the filruxce call his fell. A Ihivd explain This building, which is constructed out making the authority or sanction Nov.., carry pet -Ant whose ••pmpert)•" entire ns entire construction of an elevator is xdmrseed upon the •urmrwmrnt toll of building: Lite sitereath And security- of the fire of wucrele from the top o[tltr (uundu- of the electors. Pet, scales, t{�e) all wool felts :toff{ the (;C1Cbrated pot. while the fom•th covers that vert Lion piling to the top of the cupola G. H.L., %Yru:rter.-Qn.--.lhuahn')d killed it. Capt. 8tan1 was carried , borne and had b take t his baa. important fart that the Nunsbinr leu''^":t^y walls, represents the very latest and end wife have not lived together for x curious experi- ence for one who was ubli``ed to con• kind of furl"uaowstufiy• The Nit' 1;u•,v Cu. one of the most important advancer ruade in the rapid development of the number of years. Gate the husband dell the f ulairu tube the 1,,rKetl alanufacUnetd-under the Htitpih Hug, Hrepro ofgrain elrauWr. The per. demand property without the w•ite b reins her dower P If she signs the year C+1Ar roti are girdles to permit rtilwny trackage not Adme•ssed fair Any "per rt and machines Nein laced the y' arid.tr •t vete great extcot this late- 1toru.e Khnvtll i"dew sistent of recent years fill' ab- deed burring her dower, what part lot Thompson Wire Co. Springs. ��bso- to tjlrir `erroistent aced rxrefully solute security against fire and dam. the purchase immey ought she to �8 pupated advertising age to grain while in storage has had flee !fleet of bringing into promin- rro rive? And.-Whr1e a wife i" linin a rt B S Y Special Train' callipaign". While the AlcClary people are large ence all classes of fireproof material. and to bliug them extensively into fru a her buwtand, undersuch rice tn- stances its disentitle het to alimony, / n.r17 toe" duly newspaper tomer they d o not think that an advcrlsivacaul- use in the, cunitruction of grain slava- the court nota power to wake tin unlet —r pieign could he made successful ill Can. tors. Steel, tile, brick and euncretr allowing her hushaud to sell the err prop. i•Pon in practically the same manner a; the Icing Gita y pub t tions lit! higlrel+uuw have all had the teat of xnd ex- trey front h Kern where gather• bins set high up on p.rsts And the lung cupola Above, in which were located weekly publications. tot' which tile)- have over two hundred ettwnlr parlance ; all have met with much wife ole! elite is out dirrntilltd to alimony iventi a , on their list. Rue xnd stooge failure. Ex Hence, however, bar detmmdave that dun- the judge has rproaver to slake an order fixRod the vs. of the wife's dower, i — -- cn,tn has coma. to have many, sup- porters and advocates as the prefer- that and dirvt•LiuK that the same chill re- all toxin x lien ` on -Navigation the lower Hoot, and railway trtcks I$oPell here, thank theservicrt COMMONER AND. KING Able material for grain elevator con- or charge up•.ei the prop- erty, toe that part of the pm Vhasr !i / • a'or. Nelda. itruction, fur three reasons: First, woury shall be securedur (paapt into IG of old rubbish, trimmin orchards, g burning brush, rebuilding old fencra, it is is safe unit reliable retainer and court, to tit -applied for the twne•fit of of cuttingg x capacity for handling grain. The old- In a to op ere water, thirt • wil,ee ) run the rough, woven pongees very n ODDS and ENDS After -our big two days' sale there are several lots of short ends that we intent) to clear out regardless of cost. In fact, any reasonable:price will take then), as we are going to clear them out at some, price, be it ever so small. Hosiery The largest stock this store Ibas ever shown in bullas', wieaea', IN,??•I and children's hosiery. He sure and ark for tde line we are selling at 1St•toll two pairs fur 25c. Another lot at 10c straight, belies' hizes. Dress Goods Ends During the sale we itinde goodsendsteuging in length God enuoguh Lf ake a mruall child's dredgew enough to make a lady's waist oriskil•t twilit, of there very choice patterns and colorings. This season's gouda. Cashmere 14 gists 12 only, I• r e a ul . enough plain mater- ial and enough ell,Imoidery in tach piece w stake, sage prates. These ate rxu)plet at lets than Vilole- Spring CO&S One dozen only ladle.' Sprinpl Uuata, light color, three-quarter length, at $00(1 a �D t h.t, ceptioual value. D. & A. Corsets are the beet value in tJnnsdx for the pric.•, asked. Site to $1.50, drab and white. Ark for tbetu. White Waist Lawn Jost enough in piece of the law,). and enough embroidery for trimming, to make one waist. White Lawn Waists Direct from the makers. 1'hc choicest designs for this spring and sumruer wear. Priced from BIk to $2.25. Neatly trimwrd with enobtnider) inwrtion, both narrow and wide. The '�86 Jo Hs COLBORNEGoderichquare,. en.0" hPsween tae raft and Duchess -indeed, only a few weeks ago - It is expected that the Duchess will begin her new work at soon as she returns from the South of France, where Rhe is staying with her mother WAN not (luantity all kinds of grain will keep to [heir the wife, in the event tot her iourvirinK Y' DESCRIPTION OF JOYS OF BEING and her two sons. rat should have- little ghosts probably ILrade.orag and are often got; stcrd by her husband, in lieu of her dower in storage the land. concrete bine; sstu severest possible strain ; yet so great was the strength that not the slight. never occurred to any, wailer uulil Who Parker Hurler cuutributed his HIS MAJESTY'S GIST. Captain and a Big Bear. rely full'))- short story "fhe Uh .u. e b n oHen the greatest and nicest stubborn M, P„ Corrie.---Qn.- Art, niblic ae res nue and retains its a'. � \ rapt. Stanley. the British Naval Attache at St. Petersburg, while out �?llality, not quantity, should always be the aim strength a exemp tfruill tux;t•. If strength when subjected to intense wh t tai what part is exempt from taz:atu'^? beat; and, third, it it the cheapest, 1 ' 1 Duchess of Marlbormrgh had John Burns Tells of His Vis to Windsor bear shooting had a narrow escape from being killed. in buying house furnishings. ' This store never was _.) IY) lsthr Utz levied un the present most durable xnd wast applicable tire. 'rag's ,ythary, or on the party ear's sal- proof material we have. The value ary ? cal Can A female teacher, Airlra of (xn,eurw ill tore with -Pigs Castle -First Labors to Dine and Sleep At Royal Ressi. He was in a forest near the village of Iiorokina, between gt. p.�ti�� D Ina better p1DSitlotl to Serve you than at the present time. Our +stocks 'larger if its• of concrete for fireproof elevutur tan- iesdeel fur x11 tot salary, or part, err donee -Early Morning Walks In and Moscow, with a member of the em he are muchthan usual. rtruction has long been fully itpp"r' chniged with twudays'•stttutvbJul•," elated by elevator architects xnd a OL°°V°i''�'� ttoaaa the Grounds -The King • Genial ritish and a member the Ann- f to n F,mbamsy, See our fine line of salary Iw•iug $oils) per year, and being builders. but owing w an 1111WA • ,wmetreted for $I I Rod inewase? anziet eoncernin its security y g ) Aue.--The are w evident In the fashions of the Host. hour. The seamless sleeve of the kieno when m I sod my ems toga bear d from behind a tf°° Genua feet away. -BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS Zxuuual incuux derived when subjected to ea erre strain, its frons perso'):al riu•ningg pa asse•swttrtr, use bar then xlwo"t rntleely confined but there pm xn e-xrnt no rWea, and nJne wraps out of every ten sat ggest the kingdom of Nippon. The recent visit of John Barna to R'pnd-or castle at the invitation of 1{ina Edward ('apt. Stanley fired, wounding the beast in a breast, Oat <he brute I They are right up-to-date and at moderate }, P .lion to tier ex- W foundation work +rod w circular I trot toe" 1 uu might not at, be Embroideries also have caught tl;e was ani the unique, inaamuch Dori. tinned his sh, knocking the captain p rices. for i teenage links, The, Getterich elevat-11w tlr Thr oar, however, be- assessed for than tsars levied Japanese chins in at treat- mens which is 8o excellent p of the Local Govern- Board mens Huard is probably the only labor down. His r fier Out of hes hands, Geed the bear be first one leg OUR MATTRESS DEPARTMENT xlr 14stt. up>,na Ixst year's us- rdoubtrurquestion yon° all further doubt or question tit!-r,v,t1u •tit, dal The NUatute I.Alur Act reliability of concrete for the celen i g. P thin for re reaenLative who hits been honored In this field the clever Orientals are with an invitation to dine and sleep and then the other. mete of clawing him, however, the bear I n tae{{ .�h)ikco{ Keith the thea Nov.., carry pet -Ant whose ••pmpert)•" entire ns entire construction of an elevator is xdmrseed upon the •urmrwmrnt toll of building: artists hard to equal. Wbetber the wrap worn at the royal residence by the reigning sovereign of the n de ripoly, and later t other hunters Pet, scales, t{�e) all wool felts :toff{ the (;C1Cbrated a t,wrlhhip fur not more that Sate This elrvstor bar sever,l new and shall he liable fur two days' stxtete novel features. For instance, with one's new costume ti evolved from a let or takes the form country, says bun- don don Tit•Hita. It must have been a killed it. Capt. 8tan1 was carried , borne and had b take t his baa. Ostermoor. its bins latm,r. It assessed for more than U)IJ are all eapwre ;the cupola walls are but not t',1me that' S.i0sl, of a fichu or pole- rine or some other truly Victorian curious experi- ence for one who was ubli``ed to con• • Farm Werk This IN SPRINGS then the concrete ; a large portion of Ihr bine persalt shall Ike liable tit three dura' Are set upon concrete columna and slxtutP IAlur. iII aha �' It Is apt to differ lu material from the rest of the costume In mence the struggle for a Ihelehood at ten years of age to be Rahlted by men- tnL a Wee April is here. Everything is be done we ha%e the Hercules, also the Lloyd year C+1Ar roti are girdles to permit rtilwny trackage not Adme•ssed fair Any "per rt and machines Nein laced the y' tex- �• though matching it in color. the guest of the lung and to be relieved of even his hand bag by now. The farmer who has aged well will find his work go Thompson Wire Co. Springs. ��bso- on y g P therefore it wo�rkl sewn that you are Oi lower floor ; the vtoragr and working not liable to Often the trimmings or flee gown built a royal footman with a clocklike harmony. The other lutely guaranteed to give satisfaction it statute labor tax. You divisions are all coin nnod in one should A PprAl to thee of revision• of silk, wool or cotton voile will be made of ttttfeta silk, B S Y Special Train' who has just been drawn along by events• will find himself many tot the Lest � r tit,• newer models. AMY VARNCY. or money refunded. cuwpact ruins of reinforced concrete. It is well known to elevator nrchi- edlIr d Eo $11 uamp"ayour tought la be red')ced to $lig And a Ialto In this cite the piece is apt to be Any one, however, who ile invited to dine 11iL11 Their Majesties is waited all tangled up with work now. The seeding must ler done just sm Boon —r of (PAIL Ont., Roo lied IhP marine Ir p �P outfit, the steel lofting Irgm and much tecta and builders that the old -type YI aemesenlent ought to Ire cancelled alto- toe c wooden elevator, with its straight line cancelled apothird a chic little wrap of the same silk. Anel more often than not It Is decorated i•Pon in practically the same manner a; the Icing as a seed -bed can be made. The early Needing in Nerd ,unonK limp past mite ham aided reeoire work the nights of the city hAd tO v,A• from the outside. She it the ilOuglam See our Window ;hales and Room Mouldings gather• bins set high up on p.rsts And the lung cupola Above, in which were located with embroideries which consist of a and Queen would be themselves. if a balsa patty from Lon- all but peas is the one that pays in big yields. The manure i. !Lill to , _ - ------ Lake Superior Porta Open. the scales, garners, elevator heads and e )utiog, with cleaning machinery Port Arthur, April 18, good deal of fancy braiding, combined with a few telling stitches. don are asked to spend the night at Windsor castle, a s1'el• pecial train is prt,. get out of manK yards, but this heavy-- item tot labor t Quid have been spread novelty ; excellent work, isn't Colin F. Camp - it 9•. bell, hon err. of the, Church Arm t,nuue- ittwldenec H. BeBeckett on -Navigation the lower Hoot, and railway trtcks I$oPell here, thank theservicrt FoOlards are heralded u harfo ogre g sided• and roval servants attend in over the winter months. Cleaning up with x twinkle in him P p, tett en wlwayP Wcmn grpwt in )' you • a'or. Nelda. -to of passing under the blouse, was a thing the ice -breaker Whalen, whiches of great compactness And innnenw ter,lay completed the task more regained their place in the'.sne set" of drwso materials and promise to older to wait upon the guests. In the case of Mr. Burns a special carriage of old rubbish, trimmin orchards, g burning brush, rebuilding old fencra, nppned )fame- ling ? " laked the Px-got,• drawin rnork RAlpm of work for um. And garden And g fele m' UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER and I:u.,tr .,. c: of cuttingg x capacity for handling grain. The old- In a to op ere water, thirt • wil,ee ) run the rough, woven pongees very was reserved for him, and a closed tarn ate, drawn a pour of horses petting wood rip for trimmer and draining, am thin Inmert Of the Disks All calls receive prompt attention. f'Ambria ltd. time elevator wage the development out, thus AHordin ulruna of rntrarlce K e19ae u materials for Bummer tailor in charge of a postilion, met him os are all clamoring to be done. Of years of experience and had many for mieven vessels which have been made!. at Windsor. This week do conveniences which have auflered more or less since the fireproof eleva- standing out three for several daya. They will reach the• port this evening, Hither silk Is excellent for hard wear, and both are to be had In While of course the ordinary rules of royal etiquette are one thing well. Steady persistency will emrenme the _ - - _--- tor, tor, rather, since the circular stor- Age tank, bait come into use, The Fort William, April •1.U. -Navigation tr oPen at last. And the announcement the env- enette finish, which makes them lin- observed, there Is always an absence of rigid formal- ity delay vet, and it is not too late to have all things done decently in or• ---- -- NPithrr se•r,ls nor dollar- will scow Nnnt until pliulted. wistakr their verbal resources l reason for thin in the fact that it is very difficult prartical problem r will he Am welcome news to ship pene to generally over the Dominion peMous to rain or dost, The rough silks are faahlonabl trim- y when commoners dine with the King' His Ma est acts Lhe art of l y p der. In the meantime get the team on light fur their resources of virtue He darkens his own way who makes MAny A man combine the circular bin with the re. as it is to local people. At fi o'clock tonight the mad with tartan Plaids in taffeta, Oil- rale genial host to perfection and with hi -1 usual tact never fails to pat his the fields am soon all porBible and Lhe acts am If he had the i R t °[ rho trouhleA of Others. I bestof sense until he falls In love quirelnents of aconveniently arranged working house. Therefore, it ham Ile- Midland Prince cattle into the mouth of the r•iv"r, fl)NOW el by six or loulsine. The foulards have gar- nitures of linen nod guests quite At ease. erepare seedbed well, --�•�-, come the custotu to IAte the storage (x: fnnka by themselves and W solid othem They were at the edge of the ice. field N let it" catty hour yratrldAy cloth in fancy tailored bends and shaped emplece- dents. Tot Throws Off Reserve. Daring the atter dinner smoke he separate tower or working house for machinery. Thum, in order to ie• tnolaiing, but,114-11• Ia•oggres" was very slow until they gut iusitle T'hundcr CA much lace Is used as ■ rile for silk tailor modes, though or- throws off all reserve just as an ordin- ary individual. Their Majesties usual - Al cure A IArge handling or working capacity it is necessary to build a where they raise ailing w•fth very little difH- ellity• In conformity with the n-uul caslonally one Awes revers and cuffs of Irish lace or lingerie seta of linen with ly retire from file company allont 10 tiny or 11 o'clock, although that does not Parnell's Bread large and expensive working R Ito K pl+int rn• tirely independent of the storage ct'mlum Unptxin FrathentonfeauKl, was prew•nted with it silk hat by lace. No material Is too light or thin to be r can that the guests moist do like wpee. They mmy Please themselves in mitatleons a.ery we wb he. trod tanks. That the storage And working the 804r1 Of Trade, Aniotlg the Hrrr are pressed Into service for the fancy tai- e:acU Y Lha mmme way see if they were wt w,11 ba.e tom, other. bouse may be combined, and that the the Martin Mullen ,and llatthewr, lured suit. These are more often of rt home. ?hat their movements are of Dodd's Kidney Pills e.. • Dates p.harrl. old-time wooden elevator, with all its loth of which sire laded with coal, nowise restricted by may form aro legion. The box iN imitated, wed. what tta.er out conveniPnQPd, mat)- ler repraluced in and the (ileurlbih handed with mer- et at is shown by the imct that Mr. M1. the outside coating is pnoi,arir its oconcrete is fully g. The adv nt fife ch building. The advantage, f cha')dteit The cont by a riggl will •kr warmly welcomed iailrotd, Bette Burns the morning following hie visit to Windsor castle was up at R looking and shape of the Pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's Kidney Okr uo,e ill Labsllad m s•srrloaf. this of this fact will he fully appreciated hocrdbythe w'hrn• the coal d,m•k has never b.•fore and WAR round the grounds Pills is imitated. Imitations are by all experienced Plevator meet. The (lalerich elevxlor is square. IN't", — %tripped of coal as it is at the present time. All the elevators ;Iry ¢' i between 7 send R Their MmjentieP seldom breakfast dangerous. The orig;nal is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pills Tuve a reputation. It Is Ma tont• wNo• N !A� Inferior Klnd. to bins Are 14:I1 feet w ran, and vary in height from 65 to feet deep filled with wheat. null the freight sheds Arr filled with east -bound incl. with their arewell reetin m h tp ry ggome the re- tors Rive their farewell p Imita• have none a they wouldn't imitate. P . T. DF3A N 'The walls are All reinforced through• chan,li"e. principally time vious evening if the, guelit is leaving So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's YOUR POPULAR GROCER. AGENT out by square steel hats. Theme Net.. the following morning. Usually, how- Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. Thera are located at uniform distanced from top to bottom of the wall" and are fully CURRENT LITERATURE. �= ever, both the King and Qngen say i, f.onoiby to any one Ann has been stay- Original. ing only one DODD'S. Dodd's is tits Dodd's is the covered by patents prate^ting at the castle just before the fuIabout- name to be caro- -_-- en the tire arrangement. In filling 110-p-- WOMAN'R 11OMtt Cuxr guest Guest leaves. the o4Pvat0c the hill walls land lower roti MAY. -Thr pxossiudity that x defunct _ girder structure were subjected to the rat should have- little ghosts probably r A DUCHESS' MISSION. severest possible strain ; yet so great was the strength that not the slight. never occurred to any, wailer uulil Who Parker Hurler cuutributed his New Society Recruit For the eat flew or defect Of any sort 14 -vel. rely full'))- short story "fhe Uh .u. Church oped throughout the entire concrete uratic Gbi sts orThot'itr" to the Ilny ! Arm y stnictetre.' Not, an Atom of wood is Wouuut's Honle Companion. 'I'll.. 1 ' 1 Duchess of Marlbormrgh had used In any Fart of the building or "fury callletinly will March down the , /The decided to add the influence of her machinery ; the pinnt is AI>aolutely fireproof. Airlra of (xn,eurw ill tore with -Pigs I social position and great wealth to the / , This eleratgr is egnipPed is Pigs" by the same rulthur. %t BuUet's � forces of the Church Army in the with one story hxx plant)- of gaxl cool- ; splendid work it drops in London. stationary marine IOKOf from IZOW to 15,000 bushels' capacity per hoar. Pnity• In the tanto nenllber toe" Ihr %'o „elan'" Haute (lompknion are three Am marking the close to her recent r domestic lroubl" the Duchess in A new feature- of Lite marine -wpu other excreaingly ca l,•a,• "hurt mtutiea /� - / tPnds to make active social work one talent is that the ship ehovPlm erpp- e driven direct with twit -"Thr Wiall of the World." by Herbert U. Ward • Thr of her chief objects in lite. For a long pnir•m of vertical typP engines instead of by the nmual old friction 'Theme . Madness tot Wat. klns." by Henry N. Hydro And ••Their Inhoeent /( gear. Pregireem Are I DiverdirruA,'' by Jena) %Veto. / I reversible Anrt ate fltUYi with ituto• , Atrr. Among the el,eciml articles ore Matic- stoppitiK device Find operated "The YngPte"d lot %%! it in the Idumt 'A' by trip lines running to the hold of Fift,v Yet&,.%,-- h)- 1'harlutte l`rckine Y the vessel. Besides the large ship Gihnan ; :.Shopping in London," by shovels there are tour sets of auto. Uarolyn Wells- --TheHouB le uilders Matic clean -tip shovels.1'luulinR The inside equlppmint of the elevA• the Holt -e," by Charles Edward Iliupvc, anti '•Europe On Two for consists of three lofting legal ; "ullnrs It DRY," 1.y E"they Brunk. three sets of 1,4Mbiasherh Fairbankm Grace ALti•g,u,•t (b laid describes thearoter watarzn attar -r. i slides; three sets ofgal•ner-; twol". inch upper i- rororeveyorm and four :011- IAtpmt fads ill gowns and frorkm; Evelyn Parsons vOflo than of linevier stuffs, and moos• inch lower belt nve3Ora. Ten elec.. tric MOtore are 11. for driving the contributes new ideas for mlimme.r needlework, and Fannie Merritt Farrue•r•drmelihem "Pline de late maker the trimmings for �\ a them" As well as for broadcloth and different section- of machinery, and emergency dishes in her monthly conking lefesun. silk roettlen" •� in the ower plant iv located ,t :rA)- p _— Bands of mrmsdeline 9,rsiom with • horse -power generatol fur operating the motOrm. All of the efillipll)ent In Physiology. � narrow Aootache or the mquaro moste fl lot IAM nefm similarly 11rAIdM or em - of the highest quality and latest de- Rign. The electric marhins:ry wAm A pupil in it school ttexr Chatham broldered fn darned work done In benry a- furnimhed by the Alliin-(7hwlmi!r--Hill- moivaty, New York City, thus drflro rd the word •'spine':► worsted, chenille nr milk ore mePn ' In lock Company of Mnntrexl ; the belt. ing by the (intra Per•r•hn k Hirtebet m )ine ilia long, limiter tune; ynnr hr.:u� met" ren One many tot the Lest � r tit,• newer models. AMY VARNCY. Mmnufacturing CompanyOf Toronto. end, ^rid yytou set on Uro other." 1,11). pincott's Magazine. - The Goldie k hic('ullrrh COMPAny —r of (PAIL Ont., Roo lied IhP marine Ir p �P outfit, the steel lofting Irgm and much ----`- tAtr of arhlO,ToIek1O, 1 baro. Co/mty. 1phpriptnr floe dry N wealthy %%'Pmtetlt nutnu• eQCaamt nv YatrJOaOne R. fNrtlrer vimitell Bnm:kton of the heavier Ph oftingg and MA- chine•ry. The trippers. IOade rd FrmnkJ.I Ironsy malt- onththatheia,enk)r partner of nm, 11rm it( F. i. C'aeney mr Nerd ,unonK limp past mite ham aided reeoire work the nights of the city hAd tO v,A• from the outside. She it the ilOuglam m And conveyor were furniehal hr rn., hn,lne-, In the city of Toledo covaty wytSesinen d shim, factory. The is now to be - PenOnally ennrlruY. fhe ¢omP A practical philwnthropimt. r "About the Dodge Matnf the I)oxlge NAnubu tnrinq('Ornpnny of 1"r's'chandereryaaarrrfemarrh (Yki NI \Ii,t -m IN,I t Atlit Rh the workm. three weeks ago preA, Car, ' vimitor thro° K lite T"ktn Toronto, while the Mewl her n fur M' the bin hOh@41 that cannot Meorod ler tM u.o of l(AII'K arch Cum. viaitrd the DuoheAA at Beaulieu, uP a shop. Jar. i)Oltgbam maid, "Our Nitro" a:Plairaed Mr. IAtpmt f scalp" an garner" were furnishewl by the John Inglis FRANK J aRItvBY. J t+wbrn tO Irtoto lege slid suhacrlbed In novelty ; excellent work, isn't Colin F. Camp - it 9•. bell, hon err. of the, Church Arm Crimpran� Of Toronto. Thp National Port. 11 Cement Company, my nej Uds ALR d"> of Iboeniher. A. i). m "It'd tell right," Raid Rhe vimifoir, Wonal work the other day. "�he flnrhpAR hem ton Of bur- rtMub A. W. uLh:AIaUN with x twinkle in him P p, tett en wlwayP Wcmn grpwt in )' you ham, OnL, supplied the cement, of which over f1,01M) barrels wLge tined. Nnisry pniane• can't Nmll'a f Atxrrh ('nae to taken Imernally. sod tarn tercet char work mince her marriage. hold a candle to the goxmle we Ont In the %Vest." any timate her greirm hAm setA TfiP now house was erected oto the of nW foundation lof A waxrdPn 111 04, ly cn thn htonwt And mnrv.u, aurfMe„ Ihe.ydemi, ierid tar ir.tlmonlwls free. h'..J. ( P:\h:y nppned )fame- ling ? " laked the Px-got,• drawin rnork RAlpm of work for um. And garden And g Plevwtor destroyed by fire. The old foundaUOn s a"I.• Toleda. o, crone .oIA h Ail Arntilrtl,i se. TAke flout', YAn,llvl!4lia tot with derma di ntty, Pwt�eem have been held .,No, maid the other, ^mite la at Rlpnhpim. fife Carlile ham vuitpd RIm• RIPnhPim ovrnattpation. powder." am thin Inmert Of the Disks apnea fhe nnitannv, domaaUc diAset. "-D-Eps KIDNEY PILLS Brantford Asphalt Rubber Roofing 'Iea(i the market in their bill". Absolutely Fireproof No Tar No Paper Prices right on your roof or in the roll. All kinds on hand at We R. Pinder's Also PLUMBING, TIiOMITHING, Etc., promptly attended to. 'Phoat ISS. { r SOLD SUBJECT TO CHEMICAL ANALYSIS This means that you (-all take any can of Martin - Senour's ioo Per Cent. Pure Paint off our shelves and have i� analyzed by any reliable chemist in Cannfln. if you do not find it 116s0111tely pure anti exactly as we claim we will Ilay all charges and make you a pre- -Rent of $100-00 for your trouble. J. He Worsell & Son 11:,Wware and Paints G001J,!1 N AND BAYFIELD 1. so