HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-2, Page 3THE SIGNAL : G01WRIC11. uNT,\Ijt() A SALLOW SKIN dews CHICKS. dleeal week bland. teamal dhi:eic , ewp•rwl dyoa,u■. No ono a«,i h..< d,e< .o L,qf e. �f the Sistriet.INCUBATOR 8tseuw of the Method Assured -Care •s<A its eaeolle(a blood sod nei,e trmtuly an — - -- and Patience Needed. • Au attempt at burglary it reported cession of Morris. Hs was a "no of Several people, botb in the suburbs hrnu Cliutun. integr t>. a Co inert/ative and a I'vets- and in the country, are experimenting The Wiugbain races will be held this bylm i�n. The funeral took' phew: nit Friday Union this year with the incubator plan of, raADI aAas �. �.•••. year June and lith. ' lu the celuetery at raisin chickens. The work is decided- I T.Wse rc a b< bd. ILry .,, q,l flee Mood meat Tenders Blvth, the dervicer teeing conducG+d by a aro sting irked fur the Rev. Da. Jlcl<eau, of Uudericb. ly inteeresting in its initial stages, the curiosity of the thing ensuring gond with tied corptacle, best tomes cle-,t■s tie ekue-pnnfy the \,hole.yaws. tiotlo eteetiu[l of a new liable bet Uoru,urtce building in Winghaur. Death of Mrs. Irwin, of Ripley. and careful regulations durj,ng the They buil) ng .in sad muscle, asst iemake. $2 W. "tell werdt kris• SOc. •-ho:-6 babe,. 31.50. J. H. Chisholm lits disposed of Lia (teal tootnto and insurance business 111 Krthrr, N IiaAhe►h Ritrhir, wits (� first batches. But the hardest work follows atter. The taking care of the A%,,d !dead Tra,< rxu N,.0 Uurwegr •rrsta ler«de•,J /.< Ibod •+d ,4es f,sae.'n TA' )'then. \Vin ham to Abner Cousins. K Hola•rt Irwin, diad At her home in Hiplry tie Friday, April loth. The young chicks is everything, and if precautionary measures for that rare p rY At TA, co oVca,.ub, Frank Patterson, of Wingbatu, for dec•eused was fail it thirty-w•vrn yearn and feeding of there are taken, with GwWd.rnw,:wa-rv,asq [navy rears bailiff of the Division (oust. I ago at Mount Forest and when here" a willingness to use any amount of etnaii� bah tendered his resignation. year's of ,yy{{e Illoved with her parents patience, no doubt profit will ensue. �' '� ��'�� ��''�• Jaur's Purcell, of McKillop, and t ) AlehtleI , where. she+ resideid until Care should be -taken to select the ' or 500 Vibes Margaret Cloonan, of Seaforth. I were worried in Heafurth un the Lard the time of her marriage, waving twelve- years ago to Hipley, where+ she eggs, testing thele thoroughly, so As ensure fertile ones. Run the in-, ' ollt, had since rtwided. Besides her #rule- eu'batter according to diroctions, and Or " - Threw deaths took lace at the !Auld slip leaves nue daughter to uunlru her death. The [uueral WNn I at !hes appointed time the chicks will pp 5 VW VVI) r m I house of refuge, Clinton, on Sunday, I April 21st, the lar est number ill ally do the largest ever witnessed in Ripley. +appear. �R A ae -vice was held in the Methodist main thing to do alter the hatch i, to keep them in warm and well - -they are all our. truce the wase was o y opened. Stuart Jlxcphelwnl, eldest son of church, And aftrrw•,uds the funeral' pr(le•rshiun took its war to Luckuuw'tion ventilated compartments. The 4>m■ + alike. the late D. F'. Naephersou, and Mins Elsie Luwzer, crulrtrry, where the interment with of teed is not a difficult one, for anyone who observes nature and ad - y F,ach biscuit two lupuhu• Clintuu inns, were filters lel in Now fork re•- betide. Mts. 1tiUrhir was greatly loved ill the couuuunity, And ill her death heves elnpely to her laws will escore. as light as if ceutly. the Methodist cli4ch lose. 11 faithful once little difficulty on this sore. ' SS made by kiry Will Lutt, Winghaw, met with is member and zealous woiker. i hands, serious Accident recently. He was as- to carry the lux of a head drill Clinton's Death Roll.hitting sit s Baked to a at it farmer's -imrn and fell through ,t An old And highly-est.ectned t•eeident golden russet ti -hip door. of Clinton died u" Sunday, April 21st, brown. Itoloert Louis Smith diel on Sundav in the pers,oe of Mrs, W)binhuo, relict 1 So fresh, at Winghrrn in his twenty-fourth bet the late William Rubinson, who i crisp, and year. tie is survived by aveife and sixty roars ng,t value to this country and 1'urlCshur, by his tempting, that one child. He wars member• of Court ilurou, A. ll. F. ftrno ne.cowleauied wife. Some flttee11 years ago NI r. jet opening the In St. Mary's church. IAndon, on ear Itobinson died and ttwo•s later the box it teasin g lfuud.ty warning of last week. Hiss I eldestdaughter was killed ;to the rP- r the appetite. Hester Ann Itichai ds,n, bet Hcns&II, salt of +i rwrawxj ill cidrut, which Leh f� wan married to William Joseph Mrs. Robinson with one sun and tine And you flowers, of Calgary daughter ml tile farm 441141 Another sell 6 n d a new Hiss Chun Dalry, daugLtcr 131Ir. living in tile Webtern slates. She itriug, 1 A 1. b and Mrr Pieter Dole v of Senfor•th was n Intent exeulplAry wu[Ilau, C g t to every nwwher bet lbs McEhoailst church prrA • - - — was 11lnrritd At Penticton, R. 1'., 1111 one you cat. ticrlly All her lift, and the (uueral took Wednesday, April 3rd, to Murdoch ♦30TH esxrIIRT Taturoov. --- len get perfection Nichulwln, R c•c/btraetor. Place 1, my \ athb•y chores... • .. \tiny I you t John Charlton, Walter lion► her friends s) wpathizr dce•plp wiUr Janus Over -feeding will probably be s loraff rel' in ISM. haA neon imeraud, aper Y Be yy y, Sh,i11, Clintuu, ill lhr lobs tit Lis wits, ger danger than under -feeding. We do .serving sixteen years as a convict at Earl Hardy and Al. Moure, of Exeter. which occurred un \londAy evening of not believe in soft -feeding- It may diw ° Ca Town. oonei left last week for Lite Northwest. Mr. Ixat week. Mr. Rnd Alrs. Sharp had for a change once in a while, but the CANADIAN PACIFIC y S Chariton will fur floe pre -sent lw en• tarn ruarl•ied only ,t year, end though dry method carrion more common- As Usual. gaged in the real estate business. the decense•d had lit -en a• rrleldent of sense with it. Absolute cleanliness is Oh, doctor, could I only die!" IRRIGATED •' • • erfechon A quiet wedding look P}t,edace at Clinton only siore her uu• uriAge she essential. Disea,:r lurks in dirty pens The suffering patient cried. Winghaul mt Tuendny, 4 ren Ilio. had wade nauy friends. The reown• and once it starts among the flock The doctor said, 'I'll dq myy best," �e� i Li•11x, eldrsl d+urghter of Mr. and Mrs. iWerr taken to Ah ioNlou for interment, the labor of weeks fades away in a And soon the patient tired. Sit I. Young, was united he umorriAKP Utes. Shari -'le lealenth still residing few momenta. tee (tetirge Bard. Itev. 1), Perrier there, We had occasion to visit a neat Prarnier's Salaries. ALBERTA Was g0 urflri:ttrd. farmhouse recently in which the in- The best paid Colonial Premier L Thus. Irtidlaw, Blyth, has received Prominent Ezeter Resident Dead. cubator had been sur-ceasfuliv intro- the newest-- en. Botha, who is to the had intelligence of thrdenth of his A lift` full 11e uscfulnrx and cess Ky duced. Over On per eer♦t. of tLe eggs .draw £4,1100 a year from the Trans- Before deciding where to locate brother, John S. Laidlaw. at Van- endwl un \1'rtb,rsdny, Atoll 1 ; r l., hatcht(1 and the eblcks were being vast Government. (couver, 11. C., from the effects of A whcu J„1,11 Jluir. ,,,ler r,f t:xcter'; no,.,t cared for in the best of condition. The The following 13 a list of the other in the West, let us tell you about CANADIAN • S • stroke of patalyats, at the age of 11roolinr11t filthiness men papocil, to his brooder was plbced in a V'-s}lafsd Premiere' salaries given in the House these Ionic. The last wheat Solis aeyenly-rig lel years, last reward Rt, the age bei sixty-nine coop on the sunny side of the plum of Commons recently by Mf. L. V. -the richest grazing land -are iu P• Mrs. 1). D. Hoar, a fouler well- years. 'I'll*- chnsc• of death 'wits *pmcu- orchard. A window on the south and Harcourt, who was answering quea- this Province. known resident of Senforth. who for ulonia, conlrao-tel while wiuistcring it door on the north were neatly in, tions for the Colonial Office: JA ”' A n nilwr of years h,ul lopeu living in b, the wAnts of hi., la•IuvrJ wife, who Ported, and here the chicks were se- .� Write us for full information ST0 N Toronto, diel at the residence (if her died Friday, April 12th, fill... the cure from chill. This house will form Australlis . - £2,1001 about crops, climate and special I daughter-. "Mrs. F. G. Adawsow, sante ailment. Poling the illness of a valuable place for each hatch at its Natal ... -- 1,346 railroad rates, etc. II Aearurn, 111., uu Friday,Illith tilt. Mrs. Moir, the huslean o was R con- beginning. An the chicks grow they Queensland 1,300 EXPOSITION cart be mover! to similar but amall,,r Victoria ............... 1,400 Local representative wanted in A pretty shutes wedding was sol- eta"t. ping i r wt the Ih•dto doing' crops, which can be laced at various N. S. Wales ............ 1,570 each county. ruu,iz,•d in Berlin on the 171h tilt., at everything in his powl.r to prolong' P p lira•. After h••I drnth \Ir. \lair ens Parts of the yard. Canada .. ...... 1.200 Telfer R Osgood NO CUPEN Sl. Mec'ell Boileau obi Catholic church. ..... the rcrPuaa,y nuitiog in ulnh•iuron\. t'":uiwllyd to lake to his 1s•d and ex- The danger from skunks, weasels West Australia -. 1200 C/g Miss Itow C. Zinger, eldest daughter pressed A Is':I.'I that, his rod tv:w n„t and hawkA tilgtinueas all the season, South Australia ........ 1,(W �y SEASON, 6oDA AND ;o -DAY o[ Ur. and Mrs. \t'u,"linger, Willie far distant. Drvc:t.rd was pu"11itient and s steady altentien nightly nt th<, New Zealand .......... 1.G0f1 coops i the only sutet for success'. Tasmania .............. 950 �iilgn Stlliat Ajtat3 TICKETS TO formerly of Exeter, end Chas. Cress. in And stout h x.•rer, Lucius licerlqq y then I'or upwards to( Iet•Pnty-five Other tfiingA will creep up that will I Dr. Jameson, the Prime Minister far The Jackson Manufaclul-in Co.'s discourage the worker, but he 1711 -fest 24�, OORIBTINE 1BWLIDING sao yr.Rtt,. Ile ens Isn11 ill 1'rre•tnn, -Kitk-(`Apr Colony, receives no eatery. Bir --- c g� Clinton '11Mtnt IYYIIa•Illd tie ondny, UeFUf.K Aa Tl7RN •ti(Ibrig tsl.ire, Svutl.uld, :old flirts be Prepared int some discount on his H. Campbell -Bannerman, aA Premier, f After• Ih•ing closed down for a few P L MONTREAL days (telling htcek-txkiug and the he -lento i t he f rad,• of a wrists, xn•{ I expectations. The market far goat. � receives no salary; but ns First Lord for bollit• t ne w•trkeil in R 141-ge w(sd• fat chicks is always gond. With tb- , of the Treasury is paid £5,00(1 a year. as making of forther enlargements to ON SALE DAILY UNT Ire m01. i,• wax uulrrird u, Jlar• growth ot; the oitieA and increase in _ NOV. ;o AT SPECIAL floe factory. The Company Ix en ter• gArct %%'all e, of Kilmatitock, Ayr- ramadw's papulation. this feature of - ing ulan its seventh year In Clinton. g Profitable ttndemtak- LOW RATES. shirr, Neotl rd. rieverAl children farming will be a T E Max. James ratter, Blyth, had n were lura to drsa leis union. Atter irg. P e n Esther Irasitnt surprise the other day, in working at hi trade for hums titer Wide Choice of Routes -Rad and learning front a British newspaper SIT. Uuir and t' Illy cattle to Canada, BACON HOGS. Steamboat. e•tt her uncle, Rev. G. Buick, was first stopping At nuluu. Mts. 1lluir _ I h 'll alive Rnd well, to Ireland. Hp died errand Me Muir then cause to Eastorn Ontario Has Bi Chances of R A N G E nu lar.,.•.u,sr non w orrlainerl a minister of the Irish Fxeterr And fat• set a time worked fit g bus. sen. esti Arlen, vaaenrh. Pm ,ylxrixu chases two yearn prier the wuullen fAetoay. While in 13xeU•r Making Mon Money. is an ideal baker, file construe- , .ate C. a. du.raa, u-P.A . t P.M. Tomato. W t aocession of Queen Victoria And he w:ur married the mond time to in not in his ninety-ninth ear and Conas enble interest e being shown I hon of the even bei" such that Y' Naizxhegl Nuhlr. AI r. 1141 Mrs. \lair in the special bacon meetings now he- g CHINA ihwtl . l u. Stesmen. still at. dA church re*gulArly then went to Paisley, here they tee- ing conducted in Eastern Ontano. every heat unit has to pass com- nnet on the Pa.-irh• -3 Mrs, J eh A. Youill, R for"rer tee mained for souls tioie, after which The farmers, for the most art, aro Leprose--' ar,t r1^-. - P Ictcly around it with all its AND end s •'Internndihte” indent of �� ngh+un, Bird at \Vi"nipeg they returned to I:xrte[ d Mr. Muir tory busy, but their appreciation of I p JAPAN hooka.A(rommalatlon rrcently ill ler twenty -fou rth year vurchahed the woollen fit I from Jur. the value of attending such meetings I wcirrth retained before the to,alt erery Puree. A.,k after" taemew at extended illness. A Vanleas. fhe 11rill wax bet rated by leads them to turn out len fair) large Ao4nt* lieculiarly sad c •untatitnce is the tact hie for some yP.u•q, until hr r -It that numbers. y g • I make and waste can escape up that she ens a lot'de less than it year he- had earned R well -.demi; test The average attendance to the i the chimney. The heat travels Ago, and her If n I who is in the andthe mill weirs vlu(Cd. Dur g his County of Glengarry, in which count Illril service, was o t on the rr)Rd at resideueemin Exeter, the decease with y I. � from the lire box across the top meetings have just been cumpletn+l, the time qt her de h, and did not held in the highest rea;atct by c try was thirty. All in attendance were per- r f the oven, down the back and As know of the and occur ence until his line. lie served as a meinlrer o ►Ir suns keenly interested in the bacon ihen forward again under. ,,,,aa return to Winnipegg. &awl was council for s couple of } ear,. Het s industry, and from the variety and s R^ the youngest daughter of the Late an Ardent admirer of sports and tr tAnte l necth, until it strikes a baffle ll 1Villiam Marshall, of Wi hem, And An artier interest in cur ling and law J questions asked of lilt. llwu• was n sister of Iter•. 1'. W. 3 rshull, of bowling, fn tact wait Nuked upon as can AndeT.-on, who is giving address- plate, cround which it circles es at theee meetings, it is clear that Prince Alpert, Sunk. the tattier, of throe goose in Lrzeter. I he dairymen of the Pw:+t are wakirl� � and goes to the chimney, The In winter he could uaunlh• Ile found On Monday afternoon hon there a ssed the necessity for raising s larger temperature of the oven in the At the curling rink, taking Rn active RAILWAY xw&q quietly at her honµ, in Sea Orth, n her bet hugs of the desired bacon - hand in the games, and in thesumnrcr country, where we have Pen i:sther is always 71homtet . Al roug of herei . the t) In this count ( _ 1 y gust - r lhrnnpeun. Although in liar eight! til he spprrint1tmlxn of ilia oils untosets on ave 31,0(M) miles cows, the fsnnrra c•vcn--those 1s no SHORT L / N E ?'ear, deceased haul, Until alx,ut t the Iuw•ling green. kill sell only 21,000 hogs. )were works &go, been enjoying wonderful dairyi re should produce at least tw•t h sslbr rt of a f r BETW;EN grlial henith, but one evening while At DON'T DIE AT 455r hogs f every row he kee(Is. This of cold -air spoiling n —I - Lea hhe was suddenly stricken with would as WON hogs for Glengarry,- ToronToronto Muskoka paralysis. Mir it time it seemed as if —� instead 21,000. From this sorrcv ticking' to, the effects would rates off, but it was C the Indigestion Which Is so Liable they won receive annually over Call on our local ANn soon apparent that the shock had to Lead to Apoplexy. 1115M1.009, 0 $300,000 more than nt Parry Sound been III more severe then was at P0P 7• rgcnt or write us present. In is county only 700 acres I. Host thought, and site gradually sank I eop who •offer with headache, of marigolds r turnips are grown an- urcel for catalor•ue "a until death cattle. The reutnins will giddin palpitation, loin taste in the nuall If she rmers would break u SPR/ O SERVICE y- p RECORD ��L11��?Y E MACHINE CO. Ile taken W Simcce for imterneut, mouth, d wnmese, distress after ext- some of their most worn-out hay !n effect May 5 to June :qts, ryo7. ing, and an of the other distressing fields and row few arses of ro(ttA Hulka Assessment Figures. g racTolnrs AT MONCTON. N.B. � MONTREAL. P O- Noar not ,it, results of igestion, are in serious for their hogs a d rattle, no doubt Toroth ...........l:Ib 1:3i p.m. The following figures Are (rota the nae danger. Thee digestive organs can• their additional i come would much ' ' rALrs sw cls A. ii0+:T0lt.N B. i40NTREALPO. TORONTO. 014 1'aervrAoimA •s:onp, _,..,In::ap.nt, sensor's roll for the. township of [lot .cure for the total prupariy more than cumpenate for the, "�' �(/f�Nip'G•ML,N.• CALIiARY,ALTA. a VANCOUYER.B.C. for the year ifM07 : Value of land, Ani hence the coats of the doaal labor and outlay W.ReAr1 .m "n ruent.A in tilt. bra e y W R P i N D E R t•n,r Mound .....0VT1a.m.. ...I -:at m. SI,i•`tf,itx); value of buildings, µilk- get little 114MI•ish- —T_ r p 90(1: total value of real property, meet, become britt •, And finally yield The J■ s Are armor. - e i S:Iling Agent. Goderic h '1 umnto.., . _... .IY:pi p.m. .. _ _H:1: [Lill. P business Assessment, Sof,- to the Herce blood pi snore xud ane in Out in f nlifeirnia t re are Pomp liallrescept sm'd bell) ; taxable income, SRX) ; telegraph, then said to i)Av! It mho•k," be par• Information, ticket-. ole., tit,Y ket Ofce, rjlhl ; G•lephnne, n1,fItM1 ; Mtitl aseeitn• Ah-etd, nr die f Awl apo lexy. lands known nA tole ion which hnv' ter. King and Toronto dl-.. Mains Torun W, intent, SI,fII1,i,R:iO. The population of ym All dieeaat•h of 'grntiun and been" subject to overflow but whish and all Ax,•nt till toWllAblp is 2,aiM1. nutrition they prescriptiI r:►Ilet I i- veryleave been farmed for years tinder •�—•—• _• one. If proven of at vnlue, very -unfavorable CI MIImgtanceA lot' East Huron Licenses. Americans. These Ameriranx hired It in relied ityan today as a certainty The livens! rvmonisslonets of East to relieve the wurat UYnlble of indi• the tit hometimeA to assist them. t Th-xe tole lands Are new being tee ---__ a Hunte have granted hotel licenser &! R That and uill, & complete c ler. y. they { S j S�Dfi�' Ark rand Paint a follows for the ruttlillg IirPnxr year . 1'hnt Mi•o-rot will cure. til! beret claimed b dykin an, ale! eery rdv- vatuable, and the are for tense, but Ilelmorr, J. Kirb Fonlwich, Henry forma of stomach trouble, cxoc . gx- .an■ a uN the Amerielen farmers rannot e(nntx•tr The 11noulfarturcla r,f thew atinla hive oto: Uor•ie, (I. Hawse, Ge,;. cepted, and give (vnick relief in in I. I Show ook : NVroxeler, A. A. Est y, W. C. tntiun is prover) •y the gu ranter with the brown torn who oRrr mostU.t eumplele,l a Kdt.txltfld+mt Al'fornnto Hors -e K rent then the white m^n can ,R C is three months extension, its Jits. Wilhon gives with every 50 -cent f y• I,n,etinu, which i, irwlf R ;u,uYtntce n, The while men will neiw tiers to work }} til opulittfon dura not yte:r•urit of two sox to refund the munyy unless Mi -n. to t he qu44litic of I hr Ark Wand of 1101111. lir' ex ; J,nnestown, T. McN ern nn clues. A gnnrxutPe like this must for the Japs or leek elaew litre for em- TORONTO PLUMBING TORONTO Ployment. In it any mond flint flit (wine till beer) : Bluevale, J. C. John- inspire confidence. white men of Californiat Any are not court- `�• HEATING Ston ; Igrave, T. Hill : Hruseela, (#leo. - --- - -- ing immigration from Japan? TheMUS'iff EAVESTROUGHING May Ist to 4th Brown, • Qllerin, H. James: Walton, lit; (after the, refusal)- -"IiAd 1 lien aims thing might happen anywhere ELECTRIC WIRING Wrm, h igh; Dublin, I.. Wolfe; rich perhaps ynnr answer would lutve in the United States. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS . CI•AnllCtiuk J. I,ong ; Fthel, J. A, bren quite different." She -"Per- Tickets ' at Lowest Prices. on sale at Goderich Kllmnp; A lesworth, Mrs. It flee• h H }f 1 SiNGLE•FARE for round trip, plus 5oc for admission coupon, good gang May est, and at FARE and ONE-THIRD for round trip, plus Sac for for admission coupon, good going May 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All tickets valid returning until May 6th. \ LOW RATES to Norfolk, Va., daily until Novem- ber 3oth on account of the James- town E)i p o a i t i o n. Choice of routes. For tAckeb, arts information saki on F. K. "tNC[, Town Ascent. IMlrohm,n,"-dN 1t[.Nap.nr J. STRAI ON, t>rtent'Vel et ARenl. J. 1).:efctivan,ld. hi triol Pass. Agent, Toronto. haver. A Nat' of Nova Scotia. Mrs. JAmes B wn, mother of Mrs. T. A. (ireig, Clinton, died at Kinrar- dine on Thoreday, April 16th, as the result of it sadden illness from mem- brane meaningid". ruse was barn in Nova Sentia and enol\tn.' n section in 18411. Her maiden iait Har- riet Stewart and sher. Brown were united iR mafifty-two VearA a o. For a grny years IM r. and Mrs. Brownthe 5th concession of Kinraarwnahip,where t.hry carried oI enwhere their large farns iced, Iwo for• the last eighea. hey had resided inKim-ajoyt R well-earned feast. Another Morris Pioneer Gone. At the tiyx old Pgc of foulsrnr! and one years, another of the pion- vrrA of the township of Mor- ris, in the pertion of John Taylor, VgitgP(I ,way slago nt. A fortnight a. loan in Scotland, his. came to Ontario with his parentA when seven years of age. For some time they settler} in the tnwnehip of Darlington, liurham county, and in IfMf7 the anbjert of this sketch took tip land on the 7th eon- aps.-- bet ixlvetly a no Convict Zulu Cheef Liberated. 'inn I. •r , •sl t)or.,l, i v ' crime." e. She --"Oh, yes, it in -and the The Basuto chief Mofhethi IA-fPie I C. 'I' H'4RhI iZ punishment in hard talar.' Illus k lelnan of the IRte Iduring a who •�®�®® _• Crated Bits. t killed m alder brother during a guar- - KILLED S? A LOSSTILR blood pnisnnand suppuratinn, and enmmroreis In hr:,!. Incidentally it takes out ooreoesw 'S(ireness in not nwcs A Chicago chef has jttat died from I!nCA nisnninqq nary to NAU:rr s healing Pr(h»xsea. See free Anntple, offer fallowing upon a nip from a lobster. %am Bot al pvonl in adjoining rolurhn. All suites and druggists sell at immrdiatrly After that, trivial strident would Its" aavnl fifty cents a box. Nothing like h. that man's life ! 7Arn link is just as fatal to {s,ieon end ----- dimmmo, germs, as these are fatal to ue, and a little more THE MAGISTRATL Id RIGHT on; berau", while we sometimes get germs into nnr systemand still lir', when these germ" m get%A-Tfuk they ni e up the ghost without a struggle. One of F: ,land a ending analysts has proved thin. Write M un or his report. MAanwbile, when you sustain a cut, a Hurn, it bntise, a nersteh, or any injury, just apply 7,am-little. Two proomses right away-eloossom the more, thus preventing A !tlatrintrat- Prrry, of Ooldliields, B.C., believrie in rank. ing a g,"I thing 1[nnwn, and wo do not Meme him either: Writinf of %Am-ltnk, he says: "After a very fair trial i have proved 7Am link Aminently .al infartory. in my viii(• it (nr•:,1 it skin raAh of five yeArA' standing which nn doctor had been able to do any g -A for. I woubl cer• i talnll' entnniago Pill' err un In 1 +•p %ab, lluk to hos !1011--" ile fx gniLc ri:hC. F:vr•ry homer nee,dA it. Is it in your home? If not, why not? All stores snd drug giata Bell at 59) r'ota a I -,c. A OLNVINK OirrXit Teat Zan\ -nut: of Our Exrts•ns• Wet appreciate til" posed ion t.Aken by the man or wnman who A avii to its : " If your pr'paratinn in what yen claim• tort sh•••�i.l have no oloj ^tion to letting nit try it heforn egtending niolcy on it Tne -very petanit taking thieview we say, " WA iti(r" 'Send us one rent stamp (to pay rrtnrn ;taatage) and name, and date of this paper, sad we will mail you a free trial box of Za1n$uk. 0 I, <(RUB IT IN TtlutlsuAv, May t, 1'4307 3 �f• t• r' - .hr = - of 1 i �wpi,f--�xallPa HOUSE. CLEANING IS NOW ON. ammo t WE HAVE EVERY REQUISITE to betake the house-clesuniteg process thorough And at, the name time as light n task as possible. EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES pure and fresh. STURDY & CO. The Square 'PYOae 91 TO CONSUMPTIVES.. The- unde[signed having been It. slot -ed to health by siurples means, aftat• sufree init for svve[•al yearn with at bev- el," lung Affection, sod that dread diso•Ase Ceasawpties, is Anxious to betake known to his fellow sufferers the "leans 11f core. '1'o those who dr,irr it, let- will chert -fully mud (free of chargr) A crlpv of. till. prescription uhcd, which thvv. witf'.Plld a sore tion- fur Coasa[apti•a, Astk ' ' Caurd i. Brea• CMIJS And #III thi•ru,t HIR Iullg malNks. Ile holism all-huffcrers will tryy ilia Reoady, its it is invaluable. Thots de.iting the preheription, which will v0o,t thew nothing, and may prove u Ill,­ing, will pleases address Rev. EDWARD A.I'ILSON, Brooklyn, NA He Be BECKETT EMBALMER AND 'FJNERAL DIRECTOR F ur ni:nut :u,d ll"It'rlak i nx- n,ranuw, live^t «fele Square, 'PHONES: Stare tot h ,derlch Ilouwe, 179 N ntht c:dh•:.'It n,.id •ale. cor. Cambria -' n,.\(t And Nel.Ntu :Street, � UlIN11RY BROS. Livery, Mack allo i.'Bus Stables 11 GOOD HORSES CA it itiAGX8 PHA ETON8 --RTC., A T— REASONABLE —11 A': E 8— 'W Well-appoint.rd Barka and tell - Able drivers Ili charge of the Bums, which will me"t all train a and at.e&mboats ALL CALia ATTFINi1RD TO i'ROMM,Y PROM H(yl'Ri,S AND PRIVATE HOUSBA GUNDRY BROS. 40UTII Wl It I, 16:T I•pnN1,: 1,116TY IJ