HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-5-2, Page 2Y, a --. _.:, ., , eatlrr, . " trek:... .' 4 akib �„ *t �t /. ey . ,i,; i mvn..�.s„e��.,,e.... cU:lei ft. m , $'.I+>1�: ...:., new ..,.'!vR+,. E•RA_N .u,"1uk••. .rrg.aa r.!i"a�4 lea to .V ..N iY,.. .� Y e �” , r:. ��,�fl 1 5 ,1 r,'"',. Y:6 �6 Vii.r J<�;. «. a. ., ... i,iki#t�'..fr".le^ $i !i��ik:j."':x:i ' v i, . .. .coT". (,:. ."t .lar iii .* �•'us "x�r3':Il eivl.�, - i, �,w May So 1907 ,Is,r.. 8 t I �-, ar � s rt,('' i i"*�. �_�I ."I THE SIGNAL:. GODERICHe ONTARIO I arrve the wild fltowerm, as the plater in which they salary undieturhild are Yielding is undoubtedly correct. ons I to abuse the bounties while cundurl aib96 91Wis• the customs duties is a fiagrant tells The South is not guinit 11) he again led Into the error by which It war on. direction of energy. If the custom OODIERICH. ONTAHIO. togrilf were altogether Abolished, as PUBLIBSBD ILVIRIRT THURHDAY bounties gives ler the production tel ■r ,Y,►NAT;'iflt t iValiTidN all Articles now lertad h hoping t IM+ )' 1 TelsoAome Call Na ds t i dutieli. it would result in advantage G ;Terse M �albserlptlaa `t� the country. .. For use thing, we can nbberve nos F•�oo per amsara In aevano,- MSl:�ep tae te01 tbtea YnitaSlR easjly understated live working tel th- erten w tell M noeive Tsa atoaaa fttla+ty•b7 !aril IHII oanfer •favor by as )•• bounty. It Is much more difllcult. Ilire etlrinLlal W of the fool to Y earls • daM eY deed it is almost iump llasible, to follow wllee a obatlpe of ddror 1. ds.lred, twlb the the custotus tariff In Its complex toper old sad eke sew ada^w.honld be Uvea. at ions. The people will couepla{l A&-t�wt nesse: lustily of direct payments from th, IAGW sed etber Signal" ndTeetrlemelata4 lis per 1 w for ant Inowtlon and /o per line fire public treasury in the shape of Iwua �(pab eabsonl=1 (�y�a risssand by s ties, while they will endure the fa. snd�ae■,tl c"'�an{etot.I. it i mond"m'd r, bs per heavier burden of eustomedutire will M.,wtIsewwa oIf lot io,rad, StlareA, tuft hardly a protest. It the people of ('an aadowes asnt• eituatlo". Wanted. Hour. for ads, and especially the laruuerb, up RaM or to Rent, storms for Hale or toftenl Articles,tee cele, etc., not ueeedlryt aIIhi Iletee sac eadl i $1 for ant 3toe ,nn wh0111 the burden of rUY(tenw lath neertloe : month. ler each eubepuent moath, largo► adverUse- tion largely falls, could sat• clearll ��seeento toptaportton. how they are taxed right and left 1)]/iAaNWeW�Mble oedlnary retailing typo ter ler than YY•. the rrolective tN P Clff, it would not Iw 4jeetof wNMA V theleft ZX4��� 1"dlvidual or aroel•�ZX�7n of avid ing for six wonLhs. IListhe edvartlseme"t and very complexity of its ulieratione. tbs Rate„ for display sod' omtrwt advwUate- indirectness of its workings, tbat ii taeab er111rb Uvea on rpplisnume. the chief security Of the enstotui Addrer am eommonbuesw to tariff. When A mon plays for a suit o'. VANAITER t ROBERTSON, clothes, or tot- it set of tools. ter fill- I 11tH Rosaries.we /Iseleb ftoh.lMt. btuve, Jr for any line of a thougsn( a Reserve Dividend Policy other things, he does nyt realize that GODKRICH. THURSDAY. MAY Y, Iln;. a considerable percentage of the pay • ___- talent ih a aeantriblltiott either to till THE NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS. custoulhreveilletertothe "prote.tion' tion -Ontario Charged with Bad Of the uua ufactu rer of t he article whist - he hits paro•hataed. 7 he amounts penin **If we want, re, country of our Own here we have got to wake it, and if oke directIv to the manufactureie in tht are going to make it bothiog is Inn slut1 sr Of loutetiaw ore w more traclioe necessary than that our reading limit 'of the amounts paid indirectly to ter shall Ile 'made in Canada."' eel thn,ugh the.workings of tht This is a sample of the trashy argu- cu�tuprns tariff. '4 N.'hen ment which was served up in the driot a customs duty is placed up - place to induce the Canadian Pont. oil s certain article, it inuuelintely office Department to abandon the old mule's t1� priest of that article, anti the postal arrangements with the L'uitad increasa nice is s factor in the. cost States and is now being used •tet a Inure of everything in which the article is attempt to justify the new regula- used. Cubtotgb duties upon iron .end Lions. What a comment un the tkusel.stvl increase I* cost of everything in ity of Canadian patriotism! It (.atn. which iron or "I is it". The pay adian national life is so tender m talent dol a tounty txw nest have such growth that it ran lie wrecked by a An effect ; and it the e.0 xnd steel in - low postal rate on foreign newspapers, dslet y is to Ise enc rageal b1r the it certainly is in need of a tonic ; lust Iw•uuflr Of the whole c uutry the en - the remedy required it not to tam %rep• cuuragement should Ile at the plied through the medium of journals .!. expense Of, the general treas ry rather "niAde in Canada." Something more than al the expense Of the individual substantial is needed its a foundation cotestione N of the atticles it,qilebtiriu. for a living patriotism. Surely Can- Take the a rticle of steel rails.' Un- adiass more not children, that they der-ruslotns protection the. cos�tet need to he protected by An Anxiouslj• .every mile of railway is largely ip- paternal Uovernment against the con. caressed by the tint)• ; this increasrt •. sumption of Yankee reading matter ; crest of construction enterm into the and if they are children in mental de• capital outlay upon which interest velopment how are they ever to grow must he. imid, and thus a pernwraent rep on the pap furnished, for instance, burden is laid upon the patrons of the by some of the Toronto publications? rllwaty. Ili the bhnpw of higher freight We refuse to Relieve that CanAdiane and passel nates than would be "re so weak-kneed, so sap -headed, No necessary under other conditions. invertebrate, that they cannot read The bounty system is not open to such United States papers and magazines an objection. without danger, And any self-respect- Those who. like Dr. Chisholm. the ing Canadian should resent being Conservative member for East Hutson, treated as a child whore reading mat- Oppose the h slnties anal yet favor x ter mud be chosen for hlnl by a few general protective system occupy it fussy gentlemen who imaginh that wholly mtenable position, and their they were iarm to ensure the mainten. attitude has very outlets tpe appear. wnee of patriotic virtue among their once often attempt to hoWw;nk the fellow -countrymen. I people. If they were sincere in their it United States publishing firms Pnsfesaed latagonirm to special (avorb can turn out better and more at. to manufeLcturere, and their avowed tractive publications at a lower desire to reduce the burden of taxa - price than the Canadian houses, tion, they would fit -at attack the sys. the people of this country have it teal of customs taxation, which takes right to take advantage of the cit• infinitely more out of the pockets of cumstance ; and, indeed, they the taxpayers than does the bounty would not be doing the best for them- systelut. selves and for their country if they --------------- did not use the most readily EDITORIAL NOTES. '` available means for the increase of -- - thefr culture and understanding. We Good-bye, April ! . You were at cowl do not want to roe Is nation of provin- Oue• rials, and to attempt to shut ourselves Both Parliatments baring closed, we off from the broadening influences of ,,,ay now expect warmer weather. mental intercourse with our neigb- The hot air was all in use wt Toronto tors is to invite the meannemses of in. avid Ottawa. sulartsm and narrow-minded neon. hl r. fresh and fury over Whitney'sey and We have been glad to welcome and to Ills PWhin #lffah ry have of The Signal Oeste in the ime Iwen quite uncalled for. The Ontario from time to time Signa sage butp. Premier in a victim of the habit of it raturethe went of a Canadian literature; but ; we believe it would be a serious min- prenwturerxplw,ion. take to attempt to force this de. _ Tial Windsor Record charxctrrizes velorpment by the limitation of the action of the Postofflce Depart - the free choice of the reading public meat in the matter Of the new Postal in the selection of their reading meet- arrangements affecting newspapers ter. We haveslready some very goal 111Ailed to United MtatrA Addresses publications in CAnAda, including ,u, s piece of —departmental rival Saturday Night, from which we make inity." That {r about the right term. the quotation At the commencement _-- - - -_- of this article! And by and by we *hall Thr Postuxster-Ueneral ham ►naele have more and (letter; but in the the announcement that rural pot - meantime the country is not going to ,nasters are t, Is- granted incr ruwd ruin because everybody does not read remuneration #tied the new acsle will the Canadian publications and he- lie ready fn at few weeka. This will be cause some people like to bAve paperA a IrlPamure tit ,vdisfaction t, a class of and magazines from across the line. officials who have long 1wen under - The new postal regulations are a limit]. vexation. and it the Postmaster-Oen•,1. end is well d he will not con. T. .itend, the enlnemt Hr{tteh to lend himself CO the scheme Of journalist #laid mpaUr of pence, Call - "Protecting" "protecting" CAundian publishers. tions Canadines mgainst falling out Those who are responsible for stirring with "their laethren ariosr the rep all this trouble might find scop• loner." There• is l)o objection to the fesr the employment of their energies "deice, provided 1l. Mtead xrlminie- fn a more legitimate direction. For ters a similar warning to the people Instance, the writer a few days ego of the United States. came across a honk issued from A rural Thu inudon Advertiser scores »te- school library in this county which other point againat the new postal throughout spoke of the United States Is as "our country" and mentioned the rate on new. n n 1 P Ipiti t the United Itevolnthman War in terms which, it MtxLer. Ile'"' pepx•rla are. t"'R without the aid of the title ptgp, indi• mnNfly by expatrialel Canadians, and cated clearly that the look was poll)- the Almtowt prohibitive postal rate* Ilahed in the United Mtatpve, The Ile- note intpowd will reran the wraken. pattment of Education might take dreg tot the terq which hind thew CanA- palne to see that the books placed in diam: to their reprise. bend. the hands of the children through A London (malar makes the stAte- the medium of school Ii1,t*riea are not Ment that among the "mpirntiona indi- offensive to Canadian patriotism and ca tell in the will of ('evil Rhode*. the are not liable to mislead the boys And South Africa millionaire, wee the Risk who read them. ultimate recovery of the United Stater _ -. - -- - by Great Br{tain, British occupation BOUNTIES ANDCUSTOMS DUTIES. of the whole of Afrirs and Mouth Ame•icw, and of the Pwaboard of China _ '%d Japan. n large older, truly. _ In Introducing the motion Incarrywr• mating tial!, new iron sad steel bounties Uputenant-Governor Clark mode a in the Hoarse of Commons Inst week, timely monotrk in a speech at few days Mr. Philding, spoke of the numerous ago in Toronto. Referring to the peaUtioln against the hmmtW which Iweanf.y of The native wihl Rowers, he bad bees piesew tpd M the Houston dur• depalwatel the custom which many ling the mention. artd argued that the prnsme have of phoarking them rep by barrooms sora preferable Us protection the netts and thereby destroying the I by memm of customs duties. MI`- planta te fashould In takes to pm. ,Is,r.. 8 t I �-, ar � s rt,('' i i"*�. �_�I ."I THE SIGNAL:. GODERICHe ONTARIO I arrve the wild fltowerm, as the plater in which they salary undieturhild are will,not Ile deluded about the real at. tituda of the Southern Deouocnpey. I Mr. Whitucy's explONion in the Z L i grow r anti leuleruus. becoming leeer nu The South is not guinit 11) he again led Into the error by which It war on. of the -Militia Del11artroent in reference __ —, ' Tile Clinton News-Rerord Lontrasts the action of the West Huron license trapped At St. Louis. lity.in is wJ roadv the (AnNoeratie nutuinee in lOUK The • ulb knows it now, and the test ' ., t w , O � ` �,.r :coneouiasionen in granting an addi. of the country way as well realize it. go further than either Hoke write i reneger was charged with b,ut faith in his tional license in Colborne township in 'Smit![ or Yr. Grrvrr and insist that $19000 corrsiloodenta• which held taken place with tbaL of the fieeuth Huron eonianive, Mr. Bryan's. polities which have bs could more effectively tectencile the t(Oers to British Institutions than this true Ontario IMp#lrtu lent Of Lands, Minas and Fore.tr, showing that the 1 sioners, who cut OR five licenser this costal the policies of the peefflie. and living example tit the freedom and Year. iu addition to fie which la Y Ili- Time and unshaken stand in their lsehalf have teeade him the fo reeinust menu:x„toy 'i:f t ,.:`` ` b lawau a Of the etre) ing of local option American, rsreg.udle,w tef party lines, e,.�. t Emissive Agents for • ` , bviaws. The Newo-itecord to s CUT)- And wt' welcome the demonstration of Would please your Witt, . avi'vativr pwpwr•; sus that its criticiatu of the Went Huron lKlearl is the wore it with cunTidructo hs the result. The Hough is looking forward Witt) grow. Wouldn't It? It would please bignificuul' ing confidence, not to the no,uihation of Mr. Bryan, which is ahemlyAro- aa- you too, to be able to give It— . Driving all the discussion over the attired, last t/ his uverw•helsuing tion in WIN over Rocsevelt ter any% but perhaps you Can't. public w howl legislation of lash year the INsd else----- Riven to the Province in exchange for the Petaww»wa lands. That suggr#- teae:hee have had very little to soy, . -higher and vote the tile nllie•,e five Iwt the Went Middlesex teachers at THE OTTAWA LEITER 'fit you can make an IW their annual convention last week in- dulged in rime vigorous citicirw of - vesbnent Which Will give your the new act. One speaker denounceal PARLIAMENT PROROGUED ON SAT. wife -4a Case of your death-- Live equipment proa-iriesns ad a farce. and a lively discussion cover the quer• UROAY. a Reserve Dividend Policy I ion of county model schtxslr ended in ,,, ,,1 „ _ •• - Which is absolutely Siie and the passing of a resolution in favor of Some of the Last Events of the Sas. retaining the model I.Ch,wlr. tion -Ontario Charged with Bad as good as ,gold. It Will A •Imndou cable brings the news, I Faith in Petawawa Affair -Mr. guarantee her 'swort at a which Caundians will readily credit, Fielding Talks of Canada's De- welopment Under Liberal 'Rule, time When she III most that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is euarkedI in British Official circle@ ar the strung- I -- freed It a eat and most infiuenthtl man tat the Ottawa, April Sl, - rbc third aeabinn Colonial voinfe•cnce. Some ,tef thereat Britishers, the sauec despatch states, the t lath Paelianacut Of (`aF"wa This Is a new plan. Is would like to Nee Sir Wilfrid •'a little war furnutll • prmOKucl tele Kiitindav by His F:xcriienev the (iovernor-Icon-lone Which every man n less CAnadian stud ,t little snore Ian. e•al. His Exceilrncy'r speech ueen- perial ; ” F,ut this is evidently the ex- ti.mltl hrirNv solute of the chief legisla- Canada SIIOIIId knout about. pression ill the nervone type of list- tire acts tit the sr,esitete, tero•likliug tilt revision ,if the tariff, the reariauge Write to us and we will send perished to whom iwperialisut means inset of the Previueial rulmidirs, the necesstu ily ccutralizatiou, and who legisluiote tta ellcxn age tile awtxbl{sh- you full information re - cannot comprehend the fact that the '""ll Of eul'1 sttW ago•, the act to prevent strongest fasted u( empire in the Brit- strikes and lxkout, ,Ind the reduced postal rates leetwoc•u Canada land the larding it. ; , irh realists is the freedom and the Mother country. : " practical independence of a-olch of the Hatniltam Radial Railway Bill. ,Zc'! ' ' ''' I' component parts of the Empire. Sir Wilfrid's l'anadimenist i is not of the One of the chief in -idents tet the Irt- ter du)b tet the 11401VD01V narrow•, provincial kind : it is the rx. aeasunu was 'he discos- sion over the Hamilton Radial Elw:. preasion of this count • ' If tric Hailwav Co.'s bill This bill w t` . — — —'— ` We AOHESON_ & SON Carpets ---A Fair Offer ' All Carpets made, Used and matched free, if bought here at SOe a yard or over, within the next three weeks. In addition to this advantage we offer two thous. and yards of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets on which the saving is from IOC to 2oc a yard. Our orders were placed months ago and no advance on last season's prices. Braeeela of very high grade. at 9oc, Ijt.00, =t.te, and into ; a : Velvets at =t.ao and $s.35 ; Williams at =t.SS and $1 -Se; I Tapestries at pc, Jose, doc and ySe ; Uaims at seee jsc, Ia and Soc ; Week at disc, 7V sad 95c r Itis' "4flNshn,: Linoleums Curtain Savings Nairn's extra heavy, eeasonetd Ali pain of Nottingham ('ill Unoleunlr iu two, three and tour Gains, worth $1.511 , per V.151 wards wide. A good variety of t• pair, specialIrrns Ito light, wediwte and ark Ibpairs Tapestry PutCur. colons, special at per apuAre tains, fn rations colorings. GIssl yard �A(n��w and �C►(n���, value at from $b to S& e� �n ..... 35C. `& hill. Special per pair......... $4.50 Ladies' Coats � v �'' White Shirt Waists Excellent values in the new Just unpsacked. A splendid lot tet styles of caste, front last American white embroidered lawn shirt makeyee, Pretty tweeds and waists. Finepatterns, good slater• coverts in new stripe effects, ill new At l soII, �� $7 •50, �r]' �� taupue and pony tyles, a t L $5, $7. $8. $10 a piece. White Wear and Dress Goods White Embroideries Mtrong is our stock of shepherd Ilse of the largest and hest c les, hrrringttune c h e v i o t r, blocked departments in our store vii , season cord Alit chanes, this wear. Over one thousand pow aa. eu,, idered and plain piever new direct from Switzerland, crepes 1 cannot fail of saris- and only Just taken by us from the faction hatteyer you drmand. customs hen'. Butteric Patterns for May all in stock and subscrib- I.ers' Delineators now in. Sheets for May \ on our counters. r y s ar -ru 1pel ct ab xnd its determination to wotl out its etrm, h' OpTateelal un live ground tb,►t it wits an Attempt by the Coulpany to Q own ea oblens in its own tray. ' es•xppel the jurisdtcti.,n of the. Pruvin- I ' Was AO tint Uolvernment of Ontario xnd to in- -- vale tile- tetuuici Val Ii Is- ( 1 I — ESON d SON I ug u s O t tat alt) nfsurance Company, FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. of TOtvuntu- Although the bill hnd I the mechrnirr, laboaere, fi and the tariff on All goods had been iv- FROM - - the suplsrrt of sown od the loading London 1Canadae other productive workers, hilt » diced epual to the reduction on the Thar Strong Point. Lilwrxl+ from UntxriO, it [ver w xnuly t erualler proportion has gone the British preference. But the policy of attacked by The Tor•oatuti (ilulw, roil W. H. ROBINSON. General Agent. clans interest heneflusd ley ext mat the Literal Government has been to, N►eckville Recorder. the last speech on the measure was protection. Thus we have averted hasten slowly, although on the inan•h The Ashes Are *ttwtly maintaining tine Ily Ar•h. Camptwll, tet Crnue __- ---- - -- the funnrrly usual rvat•urringcondition of {mprOTeouent, And to have due re - their record of dyeing great Ire -pet- York. ;site .)(I he bpxonster•a Of the bill, Icg'.. One Of the russet siuxta.rul of wArehOuses filled with goods and gard fear the political And ecunonill► ducrrs- '" tel which he paid his I,ects to %• the ,,pons Was tire u e loyalty civ, sed a.t, x no cusfiners to buy them. The rota- necessities of each pawdr ing phase of • How Dan M'Gillicuddy Booms His Town ! big Toronto daily. Mr. Campbell is ulxy,on "a debris, antipathies, ant( thjs titers of load times has barn eecwped velopment. Sweeping changes a" as one -If the Irwelrr. Of the Ontario as Iwell the wen too of protection ias front If Roods other countries latest injuriousu its nsta►hle tinkering. The s'alasry New.. Liberal contingent in the Howse. And 1911 na!itills. They player on x foolish in tinder the British preference It is Britbh preference it at step• and a Oral The I►aonliniou of Caniad#t in the the heated warfare Iwtween hint xnd lantipidlIV toward the Uniied States, economically Iwneficial to the Dtmlin- And safestrp, taswan the British ides 11�(tetttest fltets r in Great Britain : the tie Toronto Liberal Orgies, it, ,.,.voted And leptesrnttd -every effort toward ion• tlwugh there a other conmidera in whKh r -ery industry And ever% i'rvn•incr of AltserG► it the fasttst- rte this unrxsme was ger#ltly a"1{frin relief as an attempt to loseal x Illegal- tions which render it deeirrtlde to enterpri„r survives by its ability to growing Province in the DOminicon of tis the Tory natomberr. 'rhe 11 :did ing tin the reprehensible Yankees, strictly enfoecr the now. it wopld give adegotate valor for everything it, Cantada; xnd Calgnry is the great nut rearb x vote. Mut expilr41 ill 'the Eutrrnrlard Iwhind thin foehug and have been etx1o11les. ly beneficial if obtains. cuunitrrcinl renter of Alberta. clow,ing hours of the Newilon• talong thrnwl by the fall#lmioon logic Nova Scoba's Brainy People. Canada's Growing Torte. and thwnies that buil twen nlade to Montreal Herrid. A criticiaw by Mr. Breeden of the p•reurate the piblic minam �#d, the pr Without'nowinclout a g much ut Dr. incteling expenditure was tueL bye tested interests could not Iw die• Falconer, tilt new head of Toronto vigosrsus s(AvrIs (torn Mr. Fielding, Isxlgs"1' ami the whole llonuinion suf. University, itis safe to Assume that wh„ stili. the Oppoo.itinu aspen Their freed .uagnatiOu in c•onarelui:oce. In Ontirio tel#lkes'po mistake in going to APPeuvtet �raotesy of the succea, .if the Ilritis6 prefrrrnrr the Lilwrrlr dr Novx Scotia► for A man to fill Inc. IXwi• Lire Liberet pltrty in aiding the forsµ• yisetl a line of attack thxt`I,Ibleeel the tion. When it ("kips tie rultivared I't•rs and derrlopiurnt tet the country. prote,•tion interests of the Lake laxins. Nova Mcot1s holds abut The The gretwth (of the Dominion renderrol ntuength which ,':title with the IOyeilty Inert all-round reccord Of Any Of the Larger rxfeanditwea necergeiry, bol it cry, and the weak paint ill their dte- Engli#lh bpeaking Prow*(nces. nlgol pr•ovidel larger revenues rte marl truer wait sucrsr(ully tsl„tilel. Thr fire exprnditalre,. Trn yreen, Ago tire desalt lees tern a HAL IwluThe iu the Why, lmdeet� ,..., revennr waNfKa1,:AMl,atl, xnd lasl�'rxr, duty un British gowls. The Amari Stretford nowm{• in spite of a tef""I'l o ill tax,tteten, it taus heave been forced it, rduce their The Toronto attitude t »ads tam• reached the enOt•wuus sow of $tel,uNi.• Primo• to) mart the rrlirf afforded by Ilse. Ili IMM the- trade (if the country the pvvfrrenrc. Thr Protest inter - dial railways gong ring that c is that e,to it) l',Ocada have ]sown tooteril Gs do -eery poassrngcr must pity tt Ito its ars $Li11,1NN►.1>Iat: last year it wxr rive enols. rhe Insult hxr Iwtn u treanur•y. How woold it do ger the nearly ti ill@U,exNl, fu the last four wider dilfiui�,n ,of rnudOrtN. Ala eat Provincial townm and cities W place a Seam the avernKe increase of the pal. proptrtionatr veh«rat .d the• wrahh p/ro- toll on Toronto travellers entering tic debt was nub tfAlNl,tss► a spar, ronP I tiurel in the liuminion has gone to their liewoughs ? What a eyIs I you ptillml with $f1,:rMt,1N]II for every pets would then hear trout '•Hug Tnwu." that the Don-wrvntif t•s wen in B neer I - - --- -- - -- - __ uL seriously. ally ahOuld anyttldy want to go to Toronto when bat ca p • The Petawawa Affair. go anywhere else ? Mr. Whitucy's explONion in the Sir Wilfrid and the Transvaal. i.rglslatnre tit Toronto over the action London Adverti.er. of the -Militia Del11artroent in reference Sir Wilfrid I.Awrier is a Intsv tuan to the Petxw,tw,a training cxnlp .itr and and a notoriously poor sailor, so that lel to a discussion in which the on- rezest that ba will accept lienees{ write i reneger was charged with b,ut faith in his Bothlie invitation to visit the Treacle. lie discounted. dealings with the Militia Depar•tnepnt. Mr. Fielding read the vaal ouay safely But such a pilgrimage would Appeal Lo the corrsiloodenta• which held taken place inlAginntion lot the romp ie. Noone hetween lisp Militia flepnrtlhent and could more effectively tectencile the t(Oers to British Institutions than this true Ontario IMp#lrtu lent Of Lands, Minas and Fore.tr, showing that the French-Canadian Ptensier, who is a Government ret Ontario {n ItNM Offend living example tit the freedom and to lease the lands t1 the Militia De - equality which all race# tray hope to partuient for ninety -mine )•eAr% At ,t enjoy under the British Hag. nOmimtl rent. Tha Jfiliti#t IseI, e,.�. t Emissive Agents for • ` talent Med been Offered A fere site If sr a The Right Way to Do it. -I.;; s411111 At Kazalsazua, in the Province Listowel Boineler. Of Quelwc, but it wasdecided to, sc- The play of nten,bere and ministers cept the, OntArio Offer. After the Federal(iovrrmnent heel nOade is boosted just after and never liefote an election. Ltusgine a government all gr- Ar - ra11genents the Ontario Government going G1 the people on the eve of tin -We Learned ttntnd and suggeratad that ppaart e of the catup ground at Ni tn, wM.11 aR+' • electuen and heaping do tees( think we ore p d enough for our it we" pro xxtPtl to alatndon, shunld IIn services. If you return tax tie power Riven to the Province in exchange for the Petaww»wa lands. That suggr#- we will raise the aAlttrie• of teainivet-is two or tbsPe thousand d4,ll#t1•la a year ttten was notentertthied by the Militia -higher and vote the tile nllie•,e five Department. whereupon the Ontario hundred or it thousand doll atm Add! tioneipay .. Yet if there is xre e •sti- Government rallied it cry alout the tiulb r licenses. The Minister of fication feel- the increase At all the only Militi» enteral into negotiations rte _ __ — ppr�per place land lime- to justify it is gxlding the licensees, halt flouted that Iwfore the ptople on the eve Of A gen- the, compensation demanded was ex- r oral election. orbitant. One company wanting slsl,• Clinton Rashness College (NOT. "if," concluded Mr. Firldinpptt, A Fragrant Personality. •?.:' '*the Ontario Government that,t, n:, IAI holt rI with WInahare ".m••I Ottawn Citizen. they hall s grievance. the Fri eared m: Ten p•rame attended the funeral Of Government were,willing to leave the I w P tuNlhIdual lneetrsetlon. Nril Brodie, the Old Montreal mover, 'luestion to he determlinwl by the I rid ayrite for fr.--cuuaiatn ,r. whoQ livwl ;n filth And left a f ortune courts." L 080. SPOTTON. Principal. of `150,1.INi. Even those who attended The British Preference. the funeral re.funad to let their nament be known. The old elan is supposed Toronto Globe. ------- ____-_. IA) IIAwP IPft OnP relative, Is niece in The brief delNtte In the COmrncona Scotland. With him the accutentla- on the British preference showed that CENTRAL tion of money twerne( to have been a both Mr. ArmetiongR, the Coneeva,ive craze, becati-e he gut no lseneflt what- member for F:xrt iAmhlon, And 111 r. ever from it and lived in #t condition Bour eta were ldini under a wit- of revolting simlor. When he went conception regarding this feature Ot e into x bank or brolarr'n oMre to do the Lilwral policy. [loth these men STRATiORD. ONT. business they had to Opx•a the doors to discussed the klrefeence am if it were zea+mtnbll.Md twenty ymIsr morn Israel by ail- the place. Such characters were a concession mjnriteum. cwt! or bur- it. rhorouah work and honorable dealin r with to r rum in old-time fiction, hte areae o ch Its u 1 tare d let ('At.,ads, granted to Brit- teatron. has 1NNnmr .n,o of the rarer found in teal life in these days. alit in the ho of getting somethin litrsosl and mw widely known cml,mmr. y y (WI K K R can 1•olleol- in rhm pmvivel TMdenenml When Alberta Leads. coulpa nmatory in return. Mr. Arm- noon ns too remllnemisel tanacher. And etleeto strong thou ht the IMrnhlion had AZistantsrgr.Netlyeroeod.the .r We b:dmonton flalletin• Intel) drei•Ia•i1ol• haul deceived herself, to .t Insensate, to po.Ition.• - students are untering each went. vaoAlaril" hem. The Allserta Government's tele -land head failed res art the cxpwtaetl pNoor policy now speaker tot- itself rauuIw l+:ItiOn for her sacrifice, while ELLIOTT a NeLACHLAN, (conn Calgary to Banff. A few days Mr. lfeillIIAMML thought Britain's five ogle the first atonvernarion over a trade policy left Or alwayve open t1 the Pritectpal.. p�sekkar 6TPfltlll' tnt-lownad n x o telephone line danger of large influx Other goods In (lareada planned "long the wirl•ie tinder flip lower tariff. The Btitimh - from the home city of the Minister of preference %vss iint adopted as a con. - --_ - --- Public Works TO the town in the cession lei Great firitain for which mat ON/ mountains. The grenational pan• park rompralion would Ile arcuteal eN ta!I NOW of (lanadp could not hear the voic•i of letter dale, lot an is, nleaslte,aelfishly C#lIgary until the, new Provincial Oov• ,ulvnntxgwws Gs ourselv". Th p pR. Is a OOOD TIME to enter the wNtknewa Prairuent of Altw•rta camp to the rpm- fen+ 1; does not printarlly lwnel t Bri• ��O,rr cup. The completion Of flip first link (rill, but Canada, llltrl IN•nefits as In the chain of advernment telpphonee conntptmutly (all to Britain twing in- - in chive Pma•itire is an event O( no cide•ntil. Thr preference i%itAlp chief snull iuspnt•twnce. In this undrrtak- RPAture sit the I.Ileer•aol tariff policy, Ing Albwert& is Missing The trail and and it makes A horizontal relurtion, T6$OM. on. doing it pioneer work. Other Prov- cutting down the raise one-third. , ,N.tnA'A 141611 1111,411! ('es10114/."('1.11. ANn ineem have ti woorooad the n nesa ton and The relief which it has Afforded baa aanaTllANTI gcnre ool. Our greediest- a muipidereal it, heat the Min�atrr of Pah Ilepn largely invetrumenfal In poerrult• AlirAr..rrerednl. Their.so Inasnl tic 1Worka here was the flrvet to Act and ting that long and continued sea Ir( .nAh . t m to t and hoM m:,so,enni �Mallldas. .M Ile who who IradeMe hall 1•arry' In completion a government- prosperity the Don iolon IIs since Mr rMnol am In Ike Witter fur,• Ave, MINT owned telephone. enjoyed. "ll TNAINan row RePINrwa ensu, No Thai Seed for Bryan The l,parefl: strtont And aupaw pal 11es. 1M• VacationI wounew.6 M now. I alosele w.t : flmarira of the extrenW, protection of iM• W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal, Atlanta Con.titntlen the old regime logical every Available ('or. Y We trust that our conteF.mporial means of perpetuating their, only{-' Ole° a'"t Alexrlwler Hca �t� 'ra�'°'`["'!", .4e,,t,. I".. • . -I - W PHONENO. Wi A. MCKIM\GODERICH. so. UST BUSINESS` J J 1. No turns from the straight -path of business, wb' h is to supply goods you alit at the lowest possible cos to you. We are doing it.yy.e1, ,x.,;c. .,�.raao. ar,a..:ses 1 dozen solid aNak rurttin poles While Quilts. allprices, $1 o•Istuplete. gated value at 25e special .................. ally. tor......... iAM Curthins, full �LC �n Dress UaxxLs-just to keep up range. Lic the pair Gs $6.50 WaI— we ORer six pieces of Dominion Mpol Cotton, ju-rt t k and cokared dress good,, ,ea goesd ae any you peal .value up to S0c a yard. :x• for. at Ic ser 3 for... . 10c to leas at per yard ..... 25c Clothing at dry goods rices with our special cuts on those psi means two ,: profits in your pocket on up•t�-date goods . 1 McKIM'S BUSY STORE ��� ����8 Ma Days are Dere The Gladdest Season of the year. za I , Nature is no spend- thrift, but she dons a new suit every season. _•,• ­ What about your *'" ' .,y rfi. . ,,,,. New Suit P' 41 li F,15 (::tt( at_ , i ,Y, 1 i - " p I is the kind you would ap- i;i 1 t r . preciate. Perfect style, f J perfect fit, careful tailoring; a 4 a large stock to choose' { I from. You may have t': ' I i A them made to order if you • x � 1 M wish. Hundreds of tam- �i , 6s of �� i ,.'! pies to choose from" i �� j 1.itY gtI"D pM okiw rel. e,.�. t Emissive Agents for • ` ' ^ 6 �*> King and Borsalino Hats . > : e .• b:nel4nh Italian ,1��' Walter C. PddhamI _L,fK�,� ", ` The right place to limay Men's denting sad Pert[ Ings. -J