HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-4-25, Page 811' 8 TitURIDAY, April 25, 1807 /, THE SIGNAL: GODERICH' ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF NUPTIALS I- -- Rua,. t r•etilton, S. H. Bean: Aldborough. - W. M. Hipp,rl. people ..y It to ,eo. J. quio phnloaM `u tboata, but H. H. Ballow. J. qulto man. McIntosh--McD*tmott. i eonUaue to use hi, arlietic genius in uraking the to lotuses of the .out's fleshly tabor Rare Induction at Blyth. Congriettolatiuus ate in older to Jas. • A, Alrinttrah, secretaeyuf the Gode• l)11ThurhdayafternuunlastlhePeem. name that mxdo him taWUu+ae a portrait artist bvf.Nry of Huron met in St. Andlea•'x rich l.uwlwr ('umpany, on his war• ILI'e"h, Rome people End "merv,naa in Mona+., looks. riot ge nil 1 oemtlay laht al Detroit. the lilvth, and inducted lire. J. Lincoln HIIIAll, to the running brooks wndsts A in everything," lad??' Uf hie choice being Nie" Hltlllua It. A., into th.li ereo in the gala beep. In Prietham the tallw» make at garments you End the mu.t Me ruwtf. alt'. and Ml.h. M"lutos;, Intstontl charge. A'vvey large Congo e. upto date buoiner and protwwlooal men and thu uliun -its present lel ,wltltrstl the Intl tui• lxelmltl hart oil x Wetildlrlg trip R 1 best dreaeerw, and the flood in h11 tailo(inx g►rmente the alaal tet rho beat and senersI tell- Alld leturn to 00derich next Monday. - ilaePestlag tYlptllua Y. The mooleritltp- y during the varaucy, Hev. N. M. I"kir. routed salbfratiou. Have you seen the lw^utitul thing- In turah Balt--Gravell. Id. A., of lAmdesloru, presided and ied Yetltel'tlNy morning rat 0:31) u'clurk in the it d taro torerwtt+• at t1'iluter rimithef select.* tvvrrtug to harouunise with the general color t , IMttl"g evutlonal exeretsem. St. 1 etu's cltiu•ch was tile,, scr a ld the Rev. 1). t'n -hart: of Ki a een. n { { I preached -- - _. scheme of your count and Iter It pat me hon,c rat the bsauUtul furniture on exhibition at mat t tags of Hdw AtvI lixrt to N tent xu urigi tea Jiscourmr uli the words Jusephi"eGravell,daughter air Charles rani, PaAlu, "I'hr bnsnr, The new town timith'stuinitureandam store and You have tomething both hond.ome and exclu,live lel the way of house hnuiehurse ('all sod Inrwtl. six. atututrs of Gr,lvrll, (1, T. It. section forpp[xtl. the Lord +uY Bei IIC"Th ht fn "a 'I, K K The gruuul's beanie is in Stratford find history. twchiugs and After TWO GOOD fir,'[ SPRING TONICS I sate, Huron Ltxlge. No. (L,, I.O.O.F., is holding a tuinquet At the. Bedfonl tel- results. the bride's fiLlully, though now I-voi- the rornimol Indiselit)u questions anti dents of Goderich, formerly lived in I pexppel', Rev. J. A. Auderrtul, B. A., of the Classic City nlstr. Tho bride (, - -- - --- SAMPSON'S morrow (Friday) wag ailerich, wort suitably aildre+.red tit'. ,ttlendet by AMiss Bart, RED BLOOD PILLS • evening. sister of the newly induettd pastel" find Iiev. F:. "'--- --- - Huron Lodge, No. 6:!!,, 1. O. U. F., gr(atmi. and the beat u,an wax Nr.,Ue• McL. Smith, of Ifenrall, the (•ungrega- land others. Beginning Sunday Junp •tot i will hold ita annual church parade next Suuday morning, going to til. Rptchie, of Stratford. Hev. Father tion. A reception to the new pastor IVRele iml,iaied. Afterthe service Wits held ill the church rat 3 o'eltwk. A blood build,.,, purifier iurtl nervi• George's church. 10 pit Y Baptist Church Dedication. the te"idena+ et the brido's u,nic. :;ic a lox, ,i boxes for is Llkl. Judge and Mrs. Davie announce the engagement of their eId"t daughter, pxn•rits. Huron road, where custonou•y it•stivi• Sunday, May Will, h,am 'well deci(]trl tits: were indulger! in till it we" hole 'Irl ns the day the Baptist w ll'Je will -ch will u SASSAFRAS BLOOD &STOMACH BITTERS Mxy Caroline, to Nnjur• F'. S. Bourns, of Seattle, Rash. for the dr{orture of the happy couple of, the delicxtiun tx+tilat cin The closing Mpu•s of Illp se were marked by Never•al spirited fit - The James Hose fxrtu of 11Mlacres uu felt- their bunrynpon itT t, Toronto tion with the opening tet their new and other points. The IIIxI'1'INRN house of worship. Services will be, fuses up the entire system uud th • lot concession of West N'awanush was sold at nurtiun on Thultlday Inst, party cunaistel ulainl• of the f:anlilipr held on this day morning. Afternion of rile contracting parties. Air. GrN• 'end evening. and Arillogeluenta are+ purifies tilt, Idt)(A. JOC a bottle. Henry Young, or Colborne, tats the purchaser, At j3,1►W. vell'a two ulnrrird :rites and x luarripd hying m#ade tel secure one of the lend• dmughter itiK ^ H. C,l DUNLOP Dot Iso attractive menu, Ladies or gentlemen will find this n and their fanulies, of Strati- preu•her. in the Haptist denomiii' Bedford Block, f u Miss Leckie, title besot nurse +it I lap Poughkeepsie turf• twins here for the event. Atieau in Canada. In view of the ha(•, that ALay 11th lioderlch IN. Y.) hospital, hal. wined the elaff of Alpxxndrw hos itLl. Thompson--Besl. is the iaerwary of f tier corner sluur of thin fah laying 'off On Tursilav of this wet•k t1t mar' building. �s - ins Leckie is a sister v ce T. Leckie; T.P matt service. of tier tool George's St, a Supp air will IM brewed en rixI of 11f Grace lienal, younger that day Ly the, ladies of the Church dxugghfit tet Nr. and Mr.. 11' )n. i and cmlgregatioll. On the evening of Beal, -- - _. _ -___ -� - - inch of the flrmllcif their tight hands, will Iw extends(} A Conlial welcome on walked tivu, the I served, A nrimhe r of dhwntl woos . A nu beer was quietly ore t) %%ILKxsa tiny d ' 1illie (iudrrich, trio the r of for moult• day a concert will Ire given cerwat illC"I htage to the r•,•ar end ll". wane future occasiun." of tier ,uulitoriuui. i the r'ed rose or England tri honorof - at atrlrwniurl :rt the re - by ter tier w talent dem•" of th • b •' } ' exhibiting tier 44dirr, nr one Ixdv nod one same, [Lit elites Isis • t d 1 the anoivrrsatyy,, xud the Bank of Commerce fla fltutted roudl • to the R proudly ( rte eh JIM Ills, 5t. Thonins, the Rev. Air. Pidgeml. pN"tot of Klcox 19esla terian th"t van Ise seculvd. The cuxlonr.,ry •n, ill ruun wifll a •ctxt(ors, nod the t vutrx lite[( )y }n K ox'n rvl- denciug 11O sign of pain ur incnnveni. grntlrnlNn, will Iw aulnliltel on sur I paid reservwi ment ticket. Admission - — — 'ZIC, bnsnr, The new town rhurrh, utficix- Y Y tin The Lride'w•ar i R• 9Inen uwn� b her (other rat tilt- alias improuimts itt•on s the d the dwliexliun sercirrs will Is hrlrl illi Ise Monday ivered ttnini rad- race, The enlertooinfit-ritm Reeve ex - cellcnt antisf,u ion,nul telt• Profrxw,r laic. and 35e. `tet' of Toronto. The. grtxml's prement to the bride was a Nunhurst u( pit• gels : street electric lights were lighted for the first time Last cur the a•easilm, which was prettily del-- ill•Isngg. b, drrhsre twill Ix• tdrlivrnsl by tniniatet's ter I he t41Wu. Visiting brethren quick healer for euts. I Maintenance or High School Pup;ls. (larder bracelets with •rwel ee•tlin 1 Ks• 'told to the lw�t nlan :t pair of stolid OF INTEREST TO FARMERS night, the Iwuips having heed placed aerated with smilax std dtadtxtils. land others. Beginning Sunday Junp •tot i ----- -- --- - rhe Legislature laws atte' tee! The session of the Pn)vincial Lrgin- AT THIS SEASON duting the day. The power w•itsdu r '.1ICUKI'lhy. Plied by the new (lyuitulo recent �y Ness of ht, shilling, w•ns ululLiao of honor and J. Fast Jordon, the Its,. Alvxwndrr '1'or'ie• will cou- dfiet e•anga•lirtic purchased by the town, of Gtxlerich, best turn. The welding services In the new elitir•h fur two weeks. The suns of sai,ikNi fur Goderich 'a:u•cb w•ns played by S" "text" ('fir- which protide" that this cost most Ire lmrrne by the municipalities whence the harbor x are in the su plpmentury. r estimates rought down in the House `tet' of Toronto. The. grtxml's prement to the bride was a Nunhurst u( pit• gels : _ ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. of Commons last week. This ix to the n.tlroo of honor :end tea Miss quick healer for euts. understood tAl be a vote fur the enter pletion of the outside bt'eakwater (larder bracelets with •rwel ee•tlin 1 Ks• 'told to the lw�t nlan :t pair of stolid The Session# Ended - Closing Hour* Marked job, The regular monthly meyting of the gold cuff -links.\ Over seventy-five by Sig Debates. Goderich branch of the Rouien's In. Kuestgwere pr•a.entxnd the gifts to Lhe bride The session of the Pn)vincial Lrgin- atitute will he held at the home of were very llrautiful. Mt•s. Thomplatm writs it valuel men1lMr of larore ranle tea it claw on Saturday, wile" the Lieu temallt-Governor Mrs. Howrie. Lighthouse street, .on Thursday, May 2nd. A Attend- Knox Church choir, St. 'rb,im as, told . of - flciatel at the prorogation cerpolan ' . Ofon good ante is requested for the election of officers. will dw greatly usisrcd b)• a haat of friends. After luncheon tile brief The closing Mpu•s of Illp se were marked by Never•al spirited fit - A new departure tet the Imperial lairty left on the S o'clock train soui I showers of grad wisher slid Pun tau tr►rks upon the Gover"uaeut by the smn!1 but 'aggressive Imrnd of Oplx,mi- cafe is the serving of lunches, fur for New Yuck ilia(] Phihoili 440A, pet r tionistei, The Governonelit's coarse in which H. T. Edwards, the proprietor, has arranged an to taking top their tesfdence lin Yod reg#arl to the ttratruent of new attractive menu, Ladies or gentlemen will find this n rich. 5' Baker -Stoddart, \ settler". respecting the three-fifths vote clause of the 1o(rd illation Law, convenient And pleasant place at which w procu,e alunch at any hour, AntonK x ulrrry p,uty ,.f aur •fit (y guemts the wwnis•r's of the chi solid In reference to the dismissal of Of - Hef'@FIs ,rad the introduction on oils George Perkins, x I,Oy or about Knox church held x pI•(rminent jut , mptoits'system were successively at. seventeen, wan sentenced to four this Marriage of one of their nuu,l tacked, :rid althbutpb the Gorernment months' imprisonment in the county by Judge Doyle Who for heve'rxl yeas•" has efficirutly fid its ar•ge majority rat hard to vote ;,All last Tuesday, rhe +ttlmirtwl in tier nmsicxl servit•er of the' Wn t�r(t Opposition resolutions the• charge was indecent awa lit church. The bride war AI isa Stnr9aret a ullien[\wAs not similarly one-sided. on a young girl named McMartin and E„ eldest daughter• )f Ur and AI r' lel d, under Mr Grahaat + p rap the settleulent of the vexed question as tel the mainteuanee of high FORMALDEHYDE For mow u+g elite tent, and w'hoal to prevent Nlrntt. behoul pupilm from outside wuoicipwlilirs by A clause COW CURE Both $Ctrl and !ilk•. sizer. -- which protide" that this cost most Ire lmrrne by the municipalities whence the - -- - PO"ER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL. sir a bottle. A very pupils cove. This will Iw tried for quick healer for euts. POULTRY FOODS Three or four good kinds. ' till- year, nod if it doe" not stork out PA I islartorily Iw lomy stli j,Iected to still further luneudmrnl. The (later- ------------- - _ COLONIAL STOCK FOOD A few bis• How- and ct lQ Palls sl tion ha+ causer n gn•A[ deal of trouble. Judges have given different interpre- — - reduced Priem to clear out. ----�--- --- - — tmtiont )f the present law•, and Muni- S. E. HICK, - - CENTRAL DRUG STORE, cipslities and trumtw leotards have 1 Goderich, Ontario. quarrelled about it. •eesN����s,� COURT HOUSE PHONE SQUARE. I O Q�S NO 3e OfRCC /MPORTERAI si pep/CM. "of soder, __ I COATS the pris(rner was enol up from Henenll Sa'dJxrf, kN,tL strut, gat whusc• reni- the lonifium during the mesmien for trial. l rdK Ihp hippy event Lark p1mce bit show marked "l revival of It inthe AND RAINCOATS A mon giving his name ae Albert teralx\,. The bride writs attended by and set I and made iLx•It felt in tier Leyman, and claiming to hail from tier mister. Minx Annie, And the grtow, tettxlufyul t It•9islatiun And in the /, p Chesley,wascommitted tojailhere last William Jethro Hiker, of town, w,w crtticism ei,at�' i•nietration. .5�i(OQ//� the best �I week on A sentence of sixty days int- nupportPd by Ron, stor of Rev. License Adminuda6on Attacked. '1 THAT ARE RIGHT posed by Magtmtrwte Andrews. ter JxmPAA. Audrrson. IuLetnr of Knox Nr. MNcKw},I,>>> alt "rev! mxdra , p IN STYLE Minton. He hod baso on a drunk fu church, lwrfurmt•oi the rPrem)ny. its I , ,I1 ec er�thing for the Clinton and had got a number of art- the happy ceaulrlP stood hpWre n bank vi9orrme nttack�ulxo t P sdruinimtrn- iclPe from the merchants, claiming to tion rat the liquor lire a et , rx- / of fiower•s un,irr in arch of IoxWo.rd, y (Qas,} //tiCj'iQ� at have been Bent for them by farmers in and J. Efult .luudmn, organist of" Knox }'rally in respect to t6 tiisn.it sal eaf l the neighborhood. Before the magi s• ehnrcb, pLterd tae welding m;urh, 1Onunlxetuner( AnIt ;an t(,m.I wp, HE RIGHT STYLES in natty jackets and rain coats are here trate he pleaded guilty to the char r The beide wore tier travelling suit and -mimedrted under the oin iel wl GO-. of vagrancy. K rrtorurnt and thP,tl,px,inirli-rat (•(m. Vhe today, A better stock than we have ever shown, and more of them carried errant sora, while her tlistrr uPrvstivrn to fill their LLCPs\'' 11,. /// It) than all t Court of Justice at its wore sole uutll tend hod c len test n( too. elite a big shipment of the latest styles came in this week ; 9 quoted resolutinnr nu,ved Cunv�rc- prink mors. After an rxcellrnt re gat } Y I Q goods HNII this week an order tvn" Ihp hriJe's health wos drunk, -tile I"titan when in uppxrsiti)n : by ooq"trf trade, on the wpplicathe of tier dr- which it team rcr• e,(1 (hut n t.o co - of most, only one or two garments alike. -Atkin anti the organist of the church qq fondant, Engine Co.he case of the missioners should he sprout ed h �Mpeiriai Goderic6 En ire Cr Mrnzie. Thin lakul " no raate and hap y Nd- ) e pp i tier county council.", and h an. I1 At .Sq g dfl•atlPn. T le interval until [run time i' Raincoats, �S OO case was fried here by Justice Britton other that the rmnmimAM Of n in - and judgment wu entered fur the pweNel all ton rapidly, ixnna )( Lhe epwetors sho111r1 I,e rern)vPr frau, far- Srn,trt little jxckplm of fancy tweed, dmthle I 14,inro,tts, m td.• from goo •, qualit lance plaintiffs. The defendant appealed ruenlw,s or Knox rhnfr giving appro- t, hrrwstpd, be,,.",• buck, n•,11 stylish ,Lr• y. ! pealed Ur Ilrinfe vocal nrlecti)nn, uud then the ty inlLurnrea. This rxdicy the Co R too J4rcrn rfghths length, full k, tier Divisional Court and the judg- party were driven to tier StLtion and sPrvalivwa had ah,anduned as moon raw \ I talents, roper i:al not rich ........ II dirk rulers, mplwldid anlueN at ,� meat Was sustained except &a W the p(,acr Al r. and Mrs. Baker a not mend- thpv entered ofHzp. The managementafe QQ position of the bailer Itnrnished by off with race and goal tcinhr�t. Aft•r of license, affair" in Torrnto, wit m- At •8.50 l the plaintiftsl `in the. defendant's vexlrot in the recent investi tion, was Yalfy rnatm, made from ;,,nnrtel tvrrpJm, l Raincoats, $6.5o yacht. r( rich, on Toronto [Ley turn to GtNI- g� o"wtly light shades, trimmed with mtrnppin, s et ich, wlawre they will ruake their }1Ofntel to as n 9lnrin9 1[letaner rat ISsetts p cream �I hxdite tweed raincnxtm, full Moore+ hack. wade A note from J. W. Fortune, main- hornp on Wellington Atreet. Anteng the way in which the Government Nod hutlonn, splendid valor ,. r from fancy tweedchosekr tweeds, u eloome Q �n ager of Hotel Goderich, intimxteA that ty is u,anv beautiful preAPntm was a hand• had not tnlfllled ire pre-P(ection sed in 811 ce refresh- pitch ............................. .... $8.50 1 and serviceable coat, each.... ....... �V•.11/ he had expected ro dw in GalPrich Iw x(nur reacker tonne tier nu•wlxrx of pr"tl1Yrs' pts. tore this to make arrangements fur Kneax church choir, Mentlwry on the Government side At $IO.00 RAIACOatS, �I2.00 the summer's hueinesm, but nhe t lam." dimplayed considerable excitement in been detained in Detroit by the criti- CHURCH NOTES. relllving to Mr. MacKsy'a attack. FIrSt-L &SS tl n C h e .- at I'tcced cont", double htenst(•,l, lun.r t,;o.k, ,7 Raincoats ora de from extriL quality ilairk cov- cNl illness of his aged father, upon _ particul"rly Dr. Pvne, the Minister of reaso able "prices. ""'I"" lung, very arylish ant} ert cloths, with almost invisible stripe, `velvet whom he has been attending. In the Ilis Lordship-­ Wllliiuns of Edncatiean. who tried to explain away ,uul dressy, sash.......... $9,50 $�0 volbtr, full "dirt, an the pooped seven -r•1 hths meantime, ng ever,camp he fm carrying on the diocew of Huron will administer hes interference with the Tmm�to Watch willow fOr IPngth, stylish an Srrvicenhle, an advertising campaign, egwciAlly in the rite or eenflrmwtion at St. Ge(,rgp's license coin misoinners in brhalr of an Black and White Coats, 13.00 each ................................ $12 w the Southern Stoles, and expects the church next Thurmtbty, evening, tole 'tpplicnnt nanutd Courtney, whoa- SptC/0JS Saturday. Cun[s mode from r•onrmP wP:arP roil« herd's Hotel Goderich to have a large pat- service Opening at 7::#1 n'chrek. record was "" }mad that the eonamim- pL,i,l. hoar k cel et celbar and cfiffx. mtrathepheppings of Silk Coats, �I'1.50 nonage, during the coming nt occ. slencrs weanld not grant him a license. \ eth with wrist bot tons. popular me At. La(1fPs rubheriztd silk raincoats, the newest At. the ry sal ie n,xn'N Auzilinrt (1� Ir 1h. LNwr hack, gel stylish On Friday last an accident occurred Nnnivelm Iry nerrice rat SL (i en -Re a The Three-fifths Clause. Qj"r!( a�a (iitOQi+'�s enc y y hi91lAdief'rubegarment. very light and at the C. P. H. work near the elevator, chat on-4finday filternit, In."t Hrt. Mr. ('rah:uu. the Opp siriain leader, ".. .. • • • •' • • • • $13.00 I dissolutelyrxinprx,f, each .......... $� % one of the hocketm used far raising tier hl. Turnbull gave a sketch of tiff. bis• moved to repeal the three-fifths cllouue ' 1`h one Ltlrl dirt from tln� excavation for the re- fury If, and the work ncaanplimhpd )f the local option wet. IMe hr4d shpt `�-- work gwan `!waling on note rat the lay, that nrxAntzatfou during the past a majority vote. should to(, Sufficient ter workmen, woo itLlinn. The pan• "'An twent ••ons unstained A fracture of the leg. which the ["Otto oft the' ov tv. •T1tl haing nut lit% ve N n. -Mr. Ilanntldefended n arry ltile lagwt m Tweed Skirts WAS Film) much bruised. 'lie wits er Christ constrairteth um.•' it stands at. present. Opp Conmrrvn- ---�- S ) •� A lot of Linen Samplers taken to the h illi. SOm) fifteen Cove --Nr. ({Allxgher, nr Frontenae- Itxlinne hod alar on lhP work test Another Sunday olio Ire allowed in $1-75 that morning end hen the ,acciti'ell Knox church Per tier return of the rot• °^ tell with the Op" Ition on thioto sell quickly occurred promptly alit work and at velppPx distributed fear a conlrihutdoe, question, its did also Mr. Studholine, New the end of the dwy, ofhere who had to the ('hi"P.P famine rand, Last the Lxtun• memlMr from Ilamilton. ins been employed before so left. Sunday the offering was wrathy of Do the Ladies Want to Vote T Life cou9rP9ntiean, bat to nrnne of t.h- j„hot Smith, the 9wllant ,aerobes for This 19 little pl'1Ce for 1LeaIPy NcLean, s)n CApi. Jahn woplr were nlwent, anti nth mot I We ran aCC039 quite a good-sized lot Of linen Mclean, now of Port Ru n,-fornterly Iinve Overlooked it, tht•v rota mike fair county, bl•lo9ht in t fir o ban FANCY A nod se tweed or of (►oxleanc took arc in y rote the rnfrnncluwom•nf fir Wmne^• samples accidentally the other day. They are the p a dramntfc 9ax1 tier omimmion neral SnndAy Hp wNlo not alt tall manguine an to the Feet present h the senior CIUI Skirt, but you can get sold Data of one 0f the best linen 6rro3 in Canada. clams of the Port Huron h h lichen The Ejea'orth leatgue of Victor a imml,di,ttp mrlveesee )f his propnmitiaih ; _ rrsentl: The piece rant Caridnn's atnvt Alpthtslimr rhfirrh will hold it hat he hasped 1n ore the clay land Mr. One f it If you Come herb , Clean honest OOd3 and perfect 4170 Iv, The School fur S, noted, nnniverviry next `itnolAv, April :?4th. Smith is no, vnongstpr, either) when iQr p Ct In every way, save and �1teslPq took the part eat Si Peter }lp,. W. I. Jolliffe, of i1`rmley rhfircl, women weaulrt have the right to vete GOODS ,Saturdtly. Better nOt de- _ that they are more or 1083 B011ed from handling. Trnzlp. The Peart Huron Tirnem Lyn ; ('lint"^• twill preach rat loth uertires, nn show had in two, of tier moxrt pm• lav thous or you'll miss N('tv we are going; to wind up our big rip Linen "ThOAP who took the proncippaal ar• 'rhe choir will furnish s MriAl Illllalr• Rt'PMmlt-1• Rrillsh cnloniee--New %ex- g p art rot showed that tbey had peen ell incl the young pl,uple w'il� umrt in the bond auul AumtrAli,n, lt. Salt! Saturday, selling these good llnells at drilled. The entire perform#ari p lxxiy of rho chn'rh ,It rhe morning At r. StudhealnaP, the, Labor member, regular wholesaleprlcesor less in ode case. IMAnP(j off Without n hatch and t wltue. Thrch,rrch 1t1111M m!M(•IAII)' nulpl"rrtrdthP ftleNmllre;,btlt T'ivmier (It :i11 dP.SCrlpt10113 ]tali Lilxcliri bleckelealhand fwncy I relativos and friends of the student do -orated fair the services. whitory claimed that the women did tweed mkirls. mck cI'Il NtillPm ,rod There is a splendid assortment of were more than pleaself.” (hl Sunda} next tier stet. ��'m, not went. the franehime-whpn they Ilse alllVed. did they would get if. The- bill was I sizes, not more than two or three er Towels Tray Cloths The Anmtwl meeting of the Huron rttlewell, of St. Thunuua, will preach s kind. Just the hast ones of x IwCrMeP ell 1, WRA held in the town hall } th nwrninA and evening fn Vnrlh dPClured'lort without the taking of a I r dozen or more lines we want, t, get Table Cloths Table COVefB on Friday evening. The financial re. rat et Metllrmdimr r•h"rrh. The offer- vote. tent of the way an quickly an prim- ppaort showed a R,xx1 neneenn Inst year, a 1119 will IM ill aid of ilia, "uper"till• Government May Publish Readers, sable- HPgtllal' ya,INl, 111150, and Napkins Lunch Cloths, Quilts, etc. tstlance of $40 lacingg on hand nftPr all "tier (find, Bev. (1. \, Ilazen i" this A ineamurp wan pAme4l tender whip}, IVe can supply you R'I t I, mono n." high ,In t;{ t1I1 Ju+t the accounts were nettled. It will be n•- week a Ismrfain in ntlpndnnrx at the the Government takes npnn itself the thing far knrrrk•nlNnri wear, fur I.aCll and every piece ii the bigggyt kind of a 1)aC- membered that this surplus wits ,me•tin -for the board of exauliner•m power In the bent In they will stand many Amount of hard gain. IL would be well t0 C01De a3 early D3 yUll donatd to the hospital, much tea the print And ell srh(ol renders mm�9e. Saturday, quote fair the xlomtnntMn of the Voting Fim a Government enterprise• rat• to Au- $� 75 credit of the chill. The following oM- turn who n• students for the Meth- thnrize ether pN•rmonm IN allies the preN /� s rhuice • • • • . • • • • • • • • , , ... Can, Cers'Were electasl for thecoming ,vpar : "diat Illini ry in the Isrnflon confer- Pnt ppohlinhl,rn to lrrint and sell such L /aLs, r �311fringlon i M. 1'.ry Temident, E. N. Lewis. fie,e.HP will prpnrh Pducatinn,tl readt•rs, The Government has not M. Y. honairAry cicwprmident, sermons, hl le Central church, St. made x deflnite announcement of its Mayor El pr•Sfdent, fir. Chas. H. Thomxn, on SI it next, poli(•y in this matter, but ban taken Caps, Ties, [ton smart gtir, heaq. , Will John- On Runrin. ,oy Leh, nolmniomnr} thin power that if dtwlpel If 11 I P The Linen Sale ends ill Pillow Cayes nt,n : mann9er, Thoa. Atearmw; rap• addtonews will f delivered do trip at mny tint« Ihp Department of Holes -ll In, Jack Twit. Any -senna wonhon9 ppwwrtshen of till' r •angry of Huron nn rat tfon motor twkr� ^ver the publication Fn�tCy Hosier on Saturday C h contribute to the nulosrriptinp lint b,llews : or the rentlerN #arid sot protect the pule y� II 35c a pair nu hand him mul,Aeoa ),foot G, the linvflrlJ. be lip,., ll. Hm.rtlPy. lir against any monopoly. tree[ [try-trewsurer, mill Johnston. Ii1j•th, by Rev. Joh Wrrv. - ' Fancy V Th . Installation of the electrical Rrummels. Icy }(ev, q', Ftr•r. A'Mluter Hypnotist Com;nR. Vests. �i Regular, gOC. worki Apparatus And lighting ('lintel, b Rev. Gane Brvwn, We have hada splendid Linen Sale. 'old system t the new elrvatn luta Iwen f►fxlprich. Iry Rev. 1�•.'r. Hill. }sof. Hcmmtrel,t. the hvpi,ofiaf, will lots Of them because the values Wer(' I111dO11btedlV 1 completed by the electrician, WAltpr Itulmesvillp, lay- Mitt. It It. (mane. appear nt the Victoria, Operm. Hollow �-� Harr. The equipment includes n Dungannon. by Rev. W. J. Mhprty, I nn tVelnesdny evening, May 1sL The good. It will end on Saturday. These are stdl Here Is a h1tlIC0 to Fire -ter. laYen. Arch. Iticharl.nn. I Chnthnnl Plainest mays of n perform' ►nod assortments Of C watchman th chock wnd A inh•pr The y Ance given in thNl town : Also tit(: nicest, 111:1' III Et I Ret good pillow cages all Nyetem thmughgttt. the building. The Hensfill, h}• }tev. Air. IiindP. work o" all eneansel in conduitN. and Gorrip, by Ifev. VI'. M. Lnrtgforl. ! "Henoatreet, till, hypneafist. gave The Huck and Bath Towels at 2 for 2SC rend the Pletwtrr in furnished thtnnghm,c SPnhorth, ht Hrr.'1', N. tinkle, toot nplendirl entprtainnirntn at tier y made for Iesli than With a Complete and thoroughly rap- Rinp{harn, by I(PV. Williettle l seer. Afidltorlfi n 1/tat Friday And Saturday SPRING SUITING The Huck TOu►eIS at 2 for 35c oil Can holy materfAl, ft �oei veninge -11 loondioccas ons. on fit• Huck, Rath and Damask "towels"at 25c lg Clearing 102 we b(t,lght t(o date electrical nyete,n. On Satur- Th ('anfi(1lo confrrenc,. of the F'v„n- tendnnrp un filth occasions. }r@m• day night last the electric lighting geiirNl AnNeari,Mun Hurt lame work At mt,rpt's den�,nmrrAtionm befnr'H this The Unbleached Table Damask at 25;. a goal (teal below real AplxLrwUle wfim tested and everythha9 Ci•Pdit4m. 7'heaplortiunniemtmof min- l Amerienti liranrh, Society file YOU have ever set yot11' Thewait "Are Io work tee t lightm ?n we"-isteri rhitricdean s in tier tvf. dimlrict Psychical Itempwt•r•h at Reston. mPveml� eyes 011, The Unbleached Table Damask nt 30c value. all #trialThPtia are Iles t, lights, T e ific n went mg pid r. New : '!'. H. wngner, Tailors ago, ")side him then the lewder . The Bleached Table Damask at 60c, 'C domuen oteWit arc lighten, The incan- ppremidin9 elder; New fburl•nrR, Not% ,,f the rr.fPmminn, a px,mition lie hma One hemdreal pairs of pillow• descent 1t9hta Are distributed nm .1. Yager ,end oral, to) Iw mu Berl; evident and $I, C -m. n,adP trial flnP, hlpwCh«[ pp I y mdnrC manntweven The ex Hngdlnh roftnn, he mstitchpd. full follows: Mean flap ground Ilene, oft North F;,tnlhepw. H. Die be avim� hihition Rnhlydsv evening torp B���� on the distributing Hrw,r, 7 on the taiek, H. Hurn : Strxtf(nd, S. M. natarxlly excelled nn so demnnmtrnfiun Reg. U xo better linen values are likely to conte our tc;ly 1 le g(1' tet in., 42 in.. tl In., land 4f1 scalp flour, 4 on the 9m.rnpr floor, N on Hoch ; 9pbringville. M. 1, O. Tilt : ' of the potency of the fore@ dap tea the Good value at .irM. Spprial for• t11e top flet and the rernninder In file FuIlwMen. H. M. Ortff: Milverton, F. � further develnpmerit of the work. tl)r Illall a Ila LO C( IIIC, MAtnrlw 7 35c THF' TAILOR. y y II size, 3•tir .. ,. . woo power is Arre and a Nailer morn. The Mptrr; Maitland. J. A. Hurn; 7.urleh, Two of the peafinK men, with plant per (aair arc lights ore oritaide the Mtilrling. A. U. (iinshler: hfiuhwo (ed, T. 1Keidt : thnlat throat9h three rpnartem of no, '