The Signal, 1907-4-25, Page 7The
MONDAY, April 'tlud.
Nr. land Mrs. Tofu Irwin, of Paisley,
are visiting friends here.
Jas. Walker, of Gorrie, is with us
again after spending the winter
ohonths with his son G. W.
We are glad to know that Will Me.
CIN18tie, who has been on the sick list,
is latter &aid able to I e out again.
Miss Lizzie Rutherford has taken
it School near Carlow for two months,
in the Abwnce of Mira Durbin, who is
at Hamilton Normal.
Our sympathy goer out to relatives
and friends of Mrs. R. Irwin, who diesel
in Ripley on Friday. The funeral 4)11
Sunday to Green dill cen alery was.
largely attended. _---
MONDAY, April L'lnd.
Harney Benninger, of Dungannon,
spent Sunday with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalton, of Grxlerich,
were gueste of J. Orililn on Sunday
Miss Alaaggie O'Neil. of Ooderich,
made it +hurt visit with Ringsbridge
friends last week.
Nru. L McCarthy. what ham (leen in
Alexandra HospiLal, (:omlerich, fur the
Inpt few weeks, returned hone on
. turdaty, much improved in health.
A nmufxt- front Kingsbridgge at.
t.•nded the funeral of the late iNWILId
Ile ,yd: of Otdrrich, whose rem ainm
were interred in Kintail ceer etery on
Friday aflerntou.
TvIKADA-v, Apr. 'Sind.
\Int. W. -Johnstone, Imcknow, was
the guest of AfnNY Mclean last week.
A(esars. Murchism and Morriwni
made It husines4 trip to Gocler•ich ,In
"at unike y.
Miss Jennie Gilmore left SAtnnby
fur Chatham to take a cotrre of trairn-
ing in St. Jomteph Hospital.
Airs, A. Ritchie wits in Ripley l:wt
Week waiting of her mimter-in-how.
\I n. Irwin, whom death took place
on Friday.
SII•. McAda n onounwed his huu4ehuill
g",sds to Kintttil use Monday. He and
•I', F. Hendet-+,.n get up lel hear Lake
lrxt week tA) work in Or, Iululm•r and
INuk businetss. .
TcltshAv. April ::W.
sandy Grant spent as wt"•k in
Strotthvran lately.
\lis► M"Wire, ,If Huron. is visit.
ing in our nrfdst this week..
Iwmee. McLennan, Dan and George
Nr(:regor. of Lucknow, spent Sunday
at their homes herr.
Hiss Ten,% Mclennan, of G,alcrirh,
wa, the guest of her meant, Mi,. Ke-n-
neth McLennan. on Sunday last.
Miss Annie McKenzie, of 1. othian.
and Mims Hell McKenzie spent a day
with the Mismem McIntyre this week.
YtliLC An excitement was raumrd in
the church last Sunday evening by
gas lights suing out during the
. truon, and allowing Lhe glue to
tsc,px. _
MONDAY. Aprilrind.
John Pha(-kleton. of Thetsalon, is
visiting relatives here fora couple of
Miss Alice McWhinno•)y. of Cedar
Valley, is the guest a AI r. and Afs.
David McWhinney. of thia burg.
Mims Jennie Barclay, of`('tdar Val-
Iry, isspending m y
few days with her
uncle and meant, Mr. and Nr4. Thos.
Wild preesr are very plentiful here
this spring; some lit the b'yet have
Im-en atter them with gun« •but them
far wl; have not heard elf any bring
Mr. and Mrs. David Thurlow were
rmlhtd Away one day Ixrt week
thugh the illness of fir. Thurluw'%
brother. George Thurluw, of Gosle-
rich, who we understand is very low
Sit present.
School Inspector J. Elgin Tom gave
its it call (amt week and since then we
are having changes made. in coroner.
t.ion with the school, a si nall rroun, it
libraryI and 'A tile' drain acr•os4 the
scheme( yard.
I ., +
News of .the District. 4
culverts would be ix•ttet• than the well receivell. The choruses +almu tie- dAYFIELU.
Iresent system of putting gravel to serve special mention. The otos is to MONDAY. Aln•if ttmd,
,,;p Lhe rloeuls iu repair. Idt)f]i tkW I* congratulated un its up.tu-dale George (Jhevney, of Seatorth, and
sprake,ti addreamem were instructive presentation. I Dr. Atkii , of lA+fruit, were in
and the diS•ussion on them was good. I .------- _ ; town oh busirw-sa 4)11 Monday.
several violin se•la+ctions and v soJig , LOYAL. Chester 'IVppelt and Gordon Caul -
or two ewldel G, the enJuymen- of tine- ( ! rro1, of Uidelich, were• in ito%ivr ,d,
evening. Harry Aforris webs chair- tVamsxsm"Y, April 24th. el'"llt„ The Torun• r ha+ Ivan in
loan. ! A. W. Weian wild a team of lmrses y'
- --- i the pa►t week for a good figure. Hahrilton during She• winter.
C:OLBORNE. Wm. Taylor arrivedhome Friday I John lliggart, jr,. mild %life hart
M04DAY, April :Laid.eaflrr spx•nding file %%-ill
tofu• utonths in sgpent Lhelit H{rlat tewrrie it) llnwnll s1e:oratter
Cc,c�l'u. Mlstt'rlxu.-Uolburnn coon- Muskoka. ,uulhrr•iu-btw'S while' Mr. HiggArt wits
cil held its regular urerting in the A numbt•r of our residents aro sof-' .It
lie Cobalt.
townbhip hall on the IOtlyiniet. All tering from ruumps said mraslem. Wel The fi„he•ruorn have cuuuneni'ed
the nrrurl,ers Sum present. Alinutes wish thein n theill sportily recovery' leech fisbing. A few (;will hauls have
of last meeting were read and adopted. Milan Olive Mel'he•e was lei Goderich (leen caught. The tug-1A'atson. ,-f
'rhe L.Ilowing .accounts ware paid, attending the wedding of het• friend, port Halon, Calls two or three timer
viz.: Jenkins Brom., drawing tile and. Hi,+ Nt.1ddart, oil Wednesday of this to week for the fish.
�netting in culvert, {1'154); Alexander we( -k.
lae•drl. making approach to bridge. 1 Aorhood Y F�uLlxlt ata 1 �'L. Than kng-
Ijt,Y,i3 ; Henry loxton, repairing col- I hairs, leen rbt� yrtilttpaNt rweek 1plough- Trinity churchlikell” social tlinil l wPr that as itlgrain(doli f suer'
vert, $1.54), A letter from L. E. Dancey, fug lived sowing and report that it is cerin. The torr• ort of thK evening
learrister, claimingdahoagex to Daniel I F
one of the most hackward tepringa we was A nt in apnea, eta•., includin tt
l;arury's (Arun on account of water Ise K K
being I w1 up un Same. was tread. have had , hevaever, l ok years. The hoar Contest. 'line tattles %%erre with
Moved tey u! 1: recuaided by Mc- fall wheat, hnwrver, looks remarkably clwued ural won were (,paled tviUn
]swim, that tit R11VVe ,and Councillor well after the severe (roots the past choirs vinn(]s which 4aliafird Ike
Dustowlookinto the inatterandre tet twonron111+• hvsical. After lunchron a choice
set next leneeting. Curried. Alovtvl t,y A large nurnlwr of fiends attended M:rigli,h prugrum was furnished Joy
Kernighan, reutnded by McManus, the funeral of the late Mrs. J,maph the choir. :Hiss Foote, of \',tens, re -
that the Reeve and Councillors Morris on Tuesday East. Mrs. Morris cited two Hue w•Iections, while Mr.
Dustow and McKwan Ile a committee was one of Colborne's most elderly Beatty, of \':orlon, rendered at solo) in
to consult with Mr. Pronditxot in pre- and esteemed uresidenls untill the past goad Style. Rev. Mr. Hiude occupied
paring tilt, evidence fu Ivers v. the few years, when she moved G, (itxle• the chair. - _
Lownship. ,rhe council %viii ,elect rich and made, her )rooted! with her•
Kgaiu on May 25(h, at l0oiclock a. lir., daughter. .tors. (it•u. Stewart. HOLMESVILLE.
As It court of revision of abs•mahrent - - -- - . ----- MomDelY. Apr. '2.-'nd.
roll and for other businese. Ir. W. WESTFIELD. The sick' of our village map recover.
Mt Doe%sum, Clerk. tug very ,,lowly.
---- ------ Mo%mkv, April '-'And' Mr.. .1 .fail -.lit 1'm -t - n [fill.r .n
DUNLOP. Mr. Young, ter Kansas, visit,.e•d his durtoil the spt•vice ie'. the Ale•Uoclisl
cousin, Archie Robison, Inst wreck. church heat Sutalay c,cmug.
Tu13sn.-Y. April lied. Mro. John Tainhh• and Mrs. Wok.
\Vo111 w•Aa recrtvel least week that Biles, of Hulled., visite( friends fete Nrxt SA 11141h Hev \Ir. Brown, of
('has. Mason. forurerly of Hruce•fle•Id• bast week. I.11)(Ittiela0110, will pre,t h in the ,Ucth-
land one of Hur»n'm well-known hots•- ,%list church at -)tit u1n•nir" and
Mr. and \Irs. Edward No Dowell• of evening raices. "LL
had died set Sawkeittx)n. Mr. K s�' .
(ialerich, are, vlaitrrl . their son liar- Alxsm was here bwt August visiting b Olttrl .tuv.-The deaUr of pbtlip
%ry vet pteM•nl.
relativemandfHenda. .Iaunsw Hall, ,m•cumd.:,t I{olna•svilh•
The Ia•tf ring conr,nenced vera- 1n Monday; fill. 1:411 it.M.. al tilt- m r,
Miste Sellir Oke, formerly of tltfx ti'
place and youngest daughter of eller tions nu 'l'bttrwlm' Leal.. It will last ,.f slaty yearn of f Hslla ndI.•et
thirty-two woks This M•asou instead
I J -11. f lilts( at Ext -ter +tn,l Hrussrls and Lance
uuhrr trw nMuan ohh . now o
Goderich, was a ntnied in that on wit
ter just twenty weeks as it has dune in
the (wiry, 4ea+ons.
on Wndnesday of last wreck to K. Mc-
her home fn Ashfield.
leod. Hamilton street. We extend
' UT. HEt.ENS.
. 7.'HN LATE Mn�. MORR114. - Tho
'I'r"i).%vo, April Zitd.
death of Mrs. Joseph Morris. oneof
Mr. l'Iwrkaod H. McGuire wok w
the ptlnneer ,residents lit thin locality.
trip to tioxlrrfch ver Tut"day.
is deeply tnournetl hp our colemunity.
days with his brother hero this week.
Thr deceased wa4 it kindly, court(-„I,s
Alis+ MrKen%it, of Holy'rnnd, is vis-
wnmran, a genial humto,ste and it good
iting her friend, Mise Mizell.
wife laud hu.ther. To your curter-
J. T. S,dkeld. ,,f G,odevirh, mode• a
Ixmdent site- war it mincere friend, and
short visit in oil,own nn \(nudity.
Indred ,all who knew her found her
W armrr iYwtt er canting ,in on
kind and true.
Monday made the l nmerri hearts
In spite of the cold weather two
gild. ,
broods elf chicks were hatchet out oil
Improvements :ire gyring oh in our
Monday of last week, one ronsisting
„Id I(Avn. .I4+. Ilyda is boxy prclwr-
ot a lwkrr'sdnxen it tlie otht•rIif len.
ing too build it n.•w table and tit•
The coop fs plsrel in .t sunny sps-L me'
atone of the Milb•t• re' tc Is Iwing
1 hill+ide where the wind can' I t•uf11e
extended ((.ward the list L
the another hen's feathery in the day
Manning And Harold will visit friends
time, and at night the of trp is covered.--
' --`
,4)o that John Frtsaw. can't take :t Is-ep
inside. Sea fu' the chicks ore dothg
very niceh.
The creaur aepAratAR' is now A part
of the eluipleeh6 of nearly every fmrur
in the township :ural the old•rmshioned
Milk rkinhhing is well-nigh is thing elf
the `east, heat the rising generation will
Imo aisle, to tell alm,ut how grandmother
hail to do the skiniloing. NowaelAys
the young calve4 tnism their decoction
of .-moor milk and instead are- fed on
the now hrllk after it lima been run
through the separator, and the
women '% dairy work in washing she
many dairy diaheq is noon to Iwr out of
r(ralr. --- ------ -
NOS'.—Athomeevirydayrscein Thur,-
... New remedy for extracting ttelhl,iomno-
fur an, bourn- than gni ('n)wn and brldele work
etc. Alwnun, lei to I non. brraka tori.
\. It*_You ran alwayn ha%r voter work much
better done in the drn(Al office morn time,
bctterfarilitie furduingthc wurk, more corm
Portable for the tnfiegt.
1\ in U,gatmi for Tho Signal i -at the 1'ts.t-
ullhx Botta end Stationery Store, when•
order- will la• rwxir,d Jor oto rlpllon-, ad
vertisinv and ,into work. And roNceiplm will lot-
rima as walnut. twit for the same.
, ett.ou'. rawly arlsel poona., oil, var.
ntahe-. and while laved at Ann itso.N's Ilaao-
Wttu-oitaiu.ay. April '.,tile.
Miss Nevins visited friends at Nile
of Sunday last.
Clem. Pennington i+ spending a few
days fn our village.
H. H. Sands wits ]ionic front Inuck-
now on Sunday I. -tat.
Miss W. White has gone on it visit to
her home fn Ashfield.
J. 31. Roberts in axle it husinems trip
TritmDAy, April :''irl.
to (itderich on Tuesday.
Will Chimhnlnn, vet IA".Ir,rnr, Him -lit a
(cost days (amt week with friendm here.
Alestorio. Davidson and Broderick, of
Goderich, spent Sunday in our village•.
The Miemen Walker nail McRae, of
H. Cooper, of Norwich, mpenl, a few
Laurier, spent Monday in our village:
days with his brother hero this week.
We are morry to report that Alree.
Tommy Anderson, of Clinton, cis-
lolln O'Reilly in not improving in
ileal f io•nds here nod at Nile on Sun -
day last.
Milan Harris, milliner, of HiIdry, has
Opened a shop here send is dsplaying
D. Mc\evin hits &allied a couple of
some dainty heulwear'
new buggies to him livery. The best
is noneRoe) good forDonald.
Mrs. R. A. Carrick hm again re-
turned to Lucknnw atter spending
MiNx ,,,McQueen, who ham been visit -
some we!ekm wile friends here.
ing At the rectory for ,a few weeks, re -
turned home oh Monday fast.
The many- friends of .1. K. Stelel-
laner, whose marriage was recorded
- Mee. Gera. Bradford and her daugh-
in last week's issue of The Signal, ex-
rep- Mies Blair, visited friendm it,
iani on Saturday and Sunday
tend congratulations.
ASHFlULD MOURNS firm.-' Thele
R, E. Manning, wife and child trade
was a very large enucnur•se at Kintail
& trip to Clinton on Mouday. Mrm*
cemeteryFriday last, when people
Manning And Harold will visit friends
gathered from all directions W pay
there lot- ashort tine.
the lost tribute of respect to cene of
T. H. Durnin and Temple Clark'
Ashtleld'm beat -loved ams, the hate
Donald idoyd, whow death took place
inade m trip to Auburn on Monday,
in Goxierich on Wednesday of hast
Idle (I riener attending a mt•Aing of the
lirenxe commissioners.
week. Rev. A. Altller conducted tine
burial service, and the pallbearers
OUITCARY. -- On Thursday. April
were Hector McLeap and J. N. Me.
11th, Mrs. John Wamsley died At her
Kenzie, of Amhfield, JAm. 1. Orant,
haute in Axhfleld. She was only
Will. IAne, Lt. Col. Young and D,
thirty-five years of agp and leaves A
McMurchy, of Ooderich.
sorrowing husband and three ehil-
:Ire”, the youngest only it fpw weeks
veld. Mrs. Watuteleyy was thedanghter
Of Mr. and Mrs. Milner, now residing
Trismn.%v. April 'Lirl,
tat Whibeechurch. The heart%( took
Genrge Jardine and family have
place in Dungannon cehtt•fery.
come fmtrn Goderich to reside on the
Gorr A Bill O,ir.--On Tuesday after.
Strachan farm, where (arisen Fhix•
noon lasts party of young sperrLxme•n
holm will have a new barn raised in
from mfr village went on it fishing ex -
the near future. Mr. Jardine will he
cursion to Dufre creek in mosarch d)f
Mr. Chishohn's farrq foreman for the
suckers. We are informed that great
coating seamom,
success Atti•ndel them, and they werp
.John Linklater, one of the elders of
surr"Inful in making the ht-aviemt"
the Pirishyterian church here, was
catch of the season. it reopuirel the
present nt the induction of the Rev.
unit%"i effnrtm of C. Pennington and
.I, L. Small Am pastor of the Blyth
W. Little to make the battle Further
church. Mr. Small rpmignq the Car.
particuIAM am to this catch may his ob-
low and Auburn charges to undertake
tained by applying At C. Rlliott'pstore.
the dutles At Blyth in nuccoommicen to
CoN -F.11T. - The Audience that dim•
Rev. Dr. McLean.
tene+d to the concert given, he the
NeneseWng Can. - duh, 4)T (lalefich,
nigghtly ineeting of the Farnle•ret' In
on Thurselsy evening last. was well
xtitutol was very well attended. F:.
plemeteed with the limluction. rip
I^ Soon, of Dnnlnp Ir an addr►sm
ran songs given by different meem-
nn "Buda" and "The lies of Farin Mm-
mere of the cornpany were well rp-
chinery." John Hunter sprlke on the
rel -ed, ax also wprto the wdnte. Tho
Nubject of trtMl-making lip t•hnught,
orchestra rendered excellent mumlc
I it,, In the ditches on eaeh aide of the
for the nreaxfon and "proeially was theote
road to let the water run off at the
cornet mole) given by C. Pennington
AI►.\-AI HI KN AGENCY . 1 .rat Tur-.
alar.. Than+Liy. seed K,%nreiay-. t;ear,wl
bulking huAnc.. It uiw,r."1. Swvt
- ,.look
dclwrtn,rut els, drpu-n. of el nal up
war,(-. Ibh•rrst a1 J loo -r -,vi 1. iwr anion'.. iNty
ablr,-•rry Ihrcc tea,.nh-. Farm,n wrr ,..A,.
pnr,•lutrd at ".. marl. rats•,.. A. O.t:A 1 II.F:.
Artlxg Monad r
Tursmty, April 'Sin
Shearer Wilw,u, writ, h -.+ leen vied •
ing At Ilia father's this winter, Ivft fu
Lennon last week. .
John Fe•r•guwm and W dlinm Harr
.ire working on the railway mvu• Wwl•
inn this w'erk. They are- assisting in
flnibhing Mune .e n ll bridges,
Rev. 'I),•. Mc1A-:ul, - of Gederieh,
preached in tile- Presbyterian chow -h
ILtst Sahhalh mud de•Laled lire chuerh
vacant, 'hu legal rnxle and form."
Railway business is at it standstill
here Int present.o When the spring
oleos up fully nn doubt the romel will
le lallamtt41 ant! (rut into running
order at An V31-1.1 date.
Nrr. Mori- a nd,her sister, :Hiss Heller
Wilson, were going out for it drive to
Blyth litst Monday. The horse took
hmtt•rs into its own hands, upset til.-
fuggy- and nradt• a ge-l-110 spill. Onh'
nur of th.• party, Roy Harr. WAS title t :
it in it wonder ibmIt the Accident wear,
not more perfume.
Mo>mAY. April ?-'lid.
. Thomas Tisdale, of North Dakotoo,
paid A flying visit. to his par'entm on
Saturday IAmt. He left again on Mol -
day morning for New York.
Mrs. (iso. Naylor, sr., who ham In"i
in twat all week with pnennlnnia is, at
present dieing nicely and Phe expects
to toe around again in a fete days.
inspector Total paid him official visit
to S. S. Not. i �ast Tuepday. He
brought lwfnre the; notice of the two
trusttY•m who were also present flue
need of it school literary, need of some
repwir•m fn terrier that the heating of
the school may ire improved.
A tkR tm. E v R R I N O BN.tUYRh.
--A very enjoyable "taffy -pull" w•am
riven tat Re,Imtrt Heirrism's, of the lith
line, un Wednewlay night of last
week. Inmt.em.l of hawing It. in the
hush, this year it wits held fn the
hon4e. am the- night wits rather cold
and the air chilly. 1%'hilP the ladies
were Pre
p)Arfng the taffy• an inn
proulptu drlrmto, was given by tie
gentlemen on the subject; Resolved,
that the tally was lwttter in the house
that night than in the hush." With
the delicious "retell of the sweet liquid,
which wap being rapidly reduce I to
the right thickness, all ,around them,
it wA4 little wonder that snap of the
m mloprp drstinguimhed themselven by
the evidpnce of their or•Atoriealability.
After the judges' de isinn, which was
given in favor of the hnume, all were
4erved with it good supply of the
nnmple taffy. Tire remainder or the
evening wait pleasantly spent
ire gaes
and vocal and inettrunsentAl music.
uxlet .eiy, Apr. 'Lite(.
ORITI•ARY. - Mfr.. I;,ler Cole, a
former rerident of this township, died
on the 11th Inst. at Iaurr•Ile, SAnilac
count,k, Michigan, the houof her
son Ae 'erley. Mrs. Copp was lmorn
eighty-one yearn ,ago ire Ireland and
(-little to this co mtry wfth )let- hum -
hand sixty yen Ago. taking up the
farm nn the It) n concession Of this
township on iv ich her nun Peter
now resides. inter Mr. and Mr's.
Cvele• removed to Clinton. where they
reside] for wreral yeah hefnn• rnov-
ing to Michigan. Mr, Cole died Ahoht
eight yen"
nxg n. Five sons And one
daughter Prvive, peter Cole of this
township tieing the only Pon now
resident In Ontario. Mrs. Colli wits
An Ardent and faithful member of the-.
Methodist church.
Short sermons make popular preach-
Most deta+r•tivem knit their hrnws
while trying to unravel a mystery.
went to Chicagm foben which pL•to•e Ir.
retilihel th,N1 a 11•.1•11114 ug,, taking L^
him oil -ode here with Mr. award .it,s
llulbtelhord. Hr 1- survive( h)• hi,
wife- to.Wvrof \los. AlulhoNand- .old
uhr lough( •r. The rem tiles were ie',
terr•d ill ('1611"11 c••nlrtei v. A:u .n t
those prem -of at Ihefoncrei 1•, r,• %Ii
Waller ('ole•, of Se:tforlh, +mal Mi" 1,
Han,+, of F:xrler.
WtiMr:.',, IY.TITt"rE. The. 1•,-gtll•tr
lumit.hly oovo ing nk t he %viii n. -h'+ lr-
-titutr via, held lasr'1'hursday afltr-
n,on. The offtepl-it fill- Ihe' coming
%.wr %. re Alerted ,t- follow, : 1-1ter1
dent. Nis. %%. Jenkins : Is: toi.•t•-presi-
tient, Mr+. 3i.' w. Ti•ew.trtba; L'11k1
vice-president. Mr.. L. 'I'clrbutt ::drd
viae -president. Mrs. F. M,u•Dunalel ;
mertettry. Mims 1•:.Ronrliev; dfreelors,
Nism K. Courtice. Mm G. Tebinitt.
After the election of officers I paper
wits given by )Ilan. N. W. Tn-warthm,
oda "How I'mienis by Ilo•ir Home.
training (',uu Help Public Sch,ol
Gfawfng New Plants For Setting In
the Field.
A New Jersey grower who finds it
profitable to pot his strawberry plants
explains in Rural New Yorker the
method used as follows:
I have found that about the only
objection to using potted plants is the
price obey will coat to buy or the ex-
pense of potting them ourselves. Here
i, an obstacle easily remedied. To be-
gin with, every marttst gardener or,
in fact,'any one who is thinking of
engaging in the growing of strawber-
ries should have at least 6.000 two
inch pots. These can be had at a
trilling cost and will last for years.
When the knack of potting the plants
is once acquired it will be readily
understood that-Ahe only difference in
the expense of the potted system and
the usual way of setting them is the
r+iiierwaoe in time it will (aka in dig-
ging and trimming the pbtnte as oom-
11, 11111111111111111111111111111111111
pared to potting them. When a lot of
planta are wanted for the now bell,
all that it is necessary to do is to fill
these small pots with soil the same
As where the planta are growing.
Plunge or plant them just to the sur-
face level, plhee rooted nnnnerA in
the pots an other plants are potted,
leaving the runner attached to the
Md plant• and the unrooted runner
May be placed on the soil in the little
pot, laying a small atone or clod on
it to keep it in place. The young run-
ners so treated will make nice plants
u. two or three. weeks. When the little
pots are well filled with roots, they
are taken up all(] placed close teN•
gether in a frame, where they can tie
watered freely. Atter remaining in
the frame for a few days they are in
grand condition to be planted where
they ate to free it. It should Ire re-
membered, however, that if the planim
are left in the pntte Lon long they will
become pot bound. They are then
not no good as if set about the t.imP
the pet ill well filled with the young
roots. This condition of the planta
will not affect t.hrm in fin frame Pot
gnickly as if left attached to the veld
plant in the bid.
'When the pinnfs are in thn proper
rrendition fnr planting, this ground
ahnuld he bArrnwAA satweral tirnAA amu.
mals perlesguy Level -let adng a Ievel-
ing board, for no sail ell ewer loo firm
for the roots of the Arawberryto pe'me-
hrrato if mickt and coal blow the sur-
faoe. The punts may be sat either by
line or the row% as be marked out
the dworwi. width. Atter the ptarrtri
hags been tharoughtywaemed they
are knocked out of the palms, tn<rri'm
to oho field And iaeed
Chir raw
AN-* this, d slainne they are to he
planted- A skillful woetrmar art art
the. plate an fast as thew can be
IwaupJrt to hien and wiffi Iime ar no
tom. The prat$ wits smoe� case
Tbo- ApiezdRaal 1liresa.
An engmxer tram Y:* County
-tem to knower if titles is ®c6 a thing
as the agz>eatmxl home_ Fie con-
tends that theme ism such aass-
There has been coomriitirabie con-
fusion mustang many Timmons and lam -
ers Alan aver this There
Is n) such efitsond'aicatmon an the live
stock records, and no acct data of
a 4-ionect c:latm that am be desrraibed
and raised like, for ilosilsaen, the
Clydesdale or the Ebarlmy.
Many Lair boards base a class f"r
entries known ns the agricuftaml
horse. As a general rndp, the des.eni'
tion of the animal accompanies ill,,
entry form in the prier lists of the
fair. It is generally imdrmtood that
Canadian draught horses in oFe on
our Canadian farms for general farm -
work are the nurse to be' drawn
upoli .
A very w"arm discusainn took place
on this question at the Agricultural
college last s m zrwr at a gathering '
of farmer-. It was readily seen there
that there was rnn:aierable divergence
of opinion among fe%dine horse judges
ns to what corestilated it general pier -
Prone nnimal. A" great many pnnple
draw it distmetion between general
purpose and agrionitural. At anv
rate, there is no otBciaal agricultural
horse. In the minds of farriers gen-
erally it eonsiets of A horse gond for
all farm work, nca ton heavy. active•
a>Ad strong. 70m horse world weigh
between 1.200 sad 1,450 pounds.
As for the brneating of such honey:.
anv farmer would havp to use his own
judgment. A drought to "ling -with
a cross of blood in them would likely
be the nearest to the object desired.
Fattsered on Snails.
"Moet people would be horrified to
hear that the finest, mutton in the
world comes from sheep fattened on
snails," says alarge breeder of Sonth-
down sheep. "NcveTtheleset, it in a
fact. In season when snails are plen-
tiful the mutton from our sheep has a
delicious flavor, l which it never me -
quires from the most scientific form
of feeding. On the continent a diet
of snails Is a regular cure. for crorl-
sumptivels, and is said to fatten and
nourish the body in a wonderful way.
"There fp a pnpitlar superstition."
he adds, 'that the unique and deli-
cate flavor of Southdown , mutton is
due largely to the quantity of wild
thyme which they crop with the'grass
in their pastures. But, personally, I
give, the. snailes the greater part of
the credit for the soft, plump flesh
and the sweetness of flavor in our
celebrated sheep. So much is this
the case Linat the saying, 'Gated Pnmil
year, gnat mheep yr ver.' has b eome al-
most a proverb among shepherds and
Methods of Cultiva:ion.e
9pthals'nf chltivation ver.• ,herom-
ing better undersola(. Not long n,,,--
enrn-grower+ plimed their corn t%%• o
or three t4onem and Inial it by. Alli
they plemed ,it t",r, h+ing two hi;
shovels to the gong and pending th'In
down to til-- foram. Now, the ettstnrn
vet thr best enrn-growers ilkto gi•:e
e, rorty it i',^,ht ellltivntfnn with the
harrow first.: chert if the soil ham is"
come rongract"1 by henvy rotas
often happetoq. it is given line dee;(
cultivatinn resemblinc the Orowin,
that used to N-, given. Thin drere evil.
tivmtion arrlmit.4 air to the roil, v.hien
iA necessary. and dries not disturb ill,
enrn roma Is."wa P tllpy hnve nal yet
deycloped I'^lw-Prn the rows:
Litter realtivatinns Are- w nrmi,
r:hnllow•, til"-o,•)"d and third with n
riding cult.ivntter, which WIA %%( ,f
and to o,wnA tit,, snrface only to, n
depth of one to three ineheA. Aftor
the corn is too high to strmddle, Front"implement that will e-l4ivate th•-
spnce between two mw•m is noted: Ali
that is %(wires( is to krep the xttrine,
fnppy down tci-ao-depth of one to thr,
inches. roltivnlimn is (often rnntinin•,I
until the corn is practirally moitureel.
There fern mond rea4ntlm fnr this(
-prartise. f ompact. axil loses moisture
rapidly freennse the enpillary fiction
i, r hrnkcit and moisture v;)w • i�
e --
A New Orleans woman was thin.
Because she did not extract sufficient
. nourishment from her food.
She took Scott's Emcir1sion.
She gained a pound a day in weight.
ALL DRUGGIST.: ger. AND $1.00
TlluwiitY, April 25, loll; T
_ _
That's right I
.. ..
It's time for a change ,
— o ,;�
I• '01L, "
The old suit has ' VA alta ;
worn'well given „�0-`\'�\��11
ti0Ut1 Service — colll- l' . .,
listable in every
WILY, but it lifts _
grown jlshablry-look-
inw; and, possibly, a little thread -bare. C'ouldn't
help it, for it has hall hard usage all these months.
ANew Suit can be MAD1K TO 1'OU'ltt MEASURE
front ('LOTH TO YOUR LIKING, or it
is possible that we can SUIT 01-
r\ i i:, 4, 1 I' 3 o(1 from Out' 1(F,Ai)y-To-N%,EAI, sroCK,
11 A17FHS
.%it'1' TAILORS
1'„nrt Ilouse StItutre•. (inL)t:H It'll,)NT.
�— - -
mnonmuomp ar.wnmr-n) tzm-stmw3trim—tr41
Used 730 EachTim s Year
THE to
Melotte Separator
;,.��MER .
Investigate, think, and you will decide to buy
the Melotte.
RhI eu iatism Cared trouble. Stop the uric
front poisoning the blessed a A
Po you know •wby you are there will be no Rheumatism.
suffering with Rheumatism?
Ilccau:x your kidneys are sick. GIN PILLS
They are Mo wca'c to filter uric
acid from the Nood. This acid rue. R - Thor i,, because they with
k nlnrye. They replete dienstA with rlrnr-
is poisoning your .system, A11d I,_ htu (thy liaa,r—atrrngthen the ereess —
nr1itrnli.t uric ariA—aeA insure the hood
inflaming every nerve in ywir 1. nq putrand rich.
body. Those excruciating pains G1'4r11,t,'4on nur po.itive raanatew
in hands SI1n111'�e_TF, baClt ]tpe ^� 11"t they moat you ver m.•aey refunded.
5 AN for p,. %n. At all deatenbr from
and feet -ate the result of kidney BOLE DRUG CO., WINNIraO, MAN. sol
to the snrtaec -tat supply evapnranomovement vet a' tolod" or maRer at
A laver of (asap soil on fop pat•- the velocity of fight The nebula
this mals • f moisture and pores from which the elm had contracted
it fnr the ow of the crop. It the pool contained these p4wiiclea, a small
iv loosened to it depth of six inches, quantity of which, such as radium
it dries out to that depth tend the would produce a tremendma energy,
mots are broken by this deep cultiva- and heat.
tion. Tile nearer a crnp approanccs
maturity, the more water is used by I Gen. Nid.lsarr Prefwated.
the plant and it, only supply of w11- it is announced Imam LAwl n that
ter in in the soil. ahnI1,4 cultivation a Lient•nant-General Sir Rilliam Gus—
up to this time prevents va
loss of water ; tam Nicholson will succeed Gen -
from the surface• of the soil. I oral Sir Neville Gerald Lyttelton as
Thr same gtmeral principles Apply I ('fief of the General Stan and first
to all cultivated crops. Cotton au 1 , military member elf the Army Council.
pretatn-growers are doing less plow. General Nicholson, who entered tha
ing and more cultivating and are get- royal Engineers in 186., has played
Ling better returns. The purpnAe of 1 hip part in nearly all the warn in
cultivation is 1%1 save wat,r for time aheeh Itritnin has leen f•ngaged dur-
use of the crop that is growing. I ing the last forty years. He merved in
the Afghan war, and in the rmrh to
Where Sun Gets Its Heat. Candahar in 1679 won his MAjor'e
Sir Robert Bull, professor of astmn• I brevet. He was present at Taft(-Kebir
omy at _**bridge Observatory, Erig- in 1882, anal was AssiataaL AdjutnnM
land, delivered-aun address at the ('ver-' General during the Burmese a di-
negir's Institufe. Pittsburg. reeently I tion. In South Africa he, %shed as
nn "The solution of a great scientifir• nnihLary secretary to Lord Roberts,
difficulty," in which he expleinod the and as director of traarxport at head-
innintennners of the heat of the Plan quarters. During the Ra>mrr,lapanrne
during a peri%( of many millions of war he was chief lintish military at-
yeArn. He said the age of the pun tache with the Japarteee army. Since
Appears to be much greater than would 1906 he ban been Qoarm
r -en
be computable with the Pup{oosftforl e� of the. forceps and third military:
that. its heat was derived only .from member of the Army Ooundl.
contraction. He said that in the pro. `-' --
aesn of the contraction of the Run it Lakes Swcautie women And bumv
from lrnfrdity to its present bulk the beim Lo pr
administer at reoofs,
sun would yield its present amount of
heat by contraction for only 9,520,(001
year" �ATEI7SON'S
But pm[. July h&ol'PAown it would'
require I,000,f)10,000 yltares for the C O U 0`1
$ D!R Ol'S
earth's water to turn from fresh to
;alt. Therefore, he concluded, that vee. ..u" .-It,ny
thorr must be sonic Pmdee vet one te- —_ ort..., s4,,�rw. e1.-ta,.rert 1AlMrin t.lte pun mnrh greater than that oela f."aAM►ytl.Ipew,..s Arame' ea. ra, almost
arising from cnMractinn. This o o. rM lose rtllew eoe. ,
source. he said, wan . found' -in the l T a B T WILL C II R t
On common fencer the owtinumee
% wire stare aro pure to bend and t ha lurks
tolose their trip under continual tires
sure of Your homes or cattle. And once
they do, the top wire, soon followed by
th,wn below, will rang an, destroy than
rfRriency of your tenors.
Nothing Ilkp that. can happen to err
Dillon Hinge-fatay Fenre. The short,
1, Nez
port hard steel wire In air hingadaym
cannot, bend when thin Lateral wltw ars
P J weightntl down, owing to their being an
short and 1 M nled at patch strand wire.
Pr wnrs of a hf11M on the top wits hrings than ••M - in the saa,s tnta artion
Ian, prevents 1 hewn from bending, and when pressure im relieved the fence sprttlp back
In to planer wgwIn
The Iwleml wlrrs Rra High Carbon Hard !+t"I need eoilad to ppmNAs fnr
espwndon wnA rnntrArt.lnn toy heat wnA rn1A, wad are alsn rrlmpM at the Inlerwert inn
of t hat mtAym and mcrands to prevent the atAya from ideppinr stdewaym_theretore no Irra e
ore vee. .
Piny the nillren Rlnre-Stay Renee. flim •'twl,-a as strona." Twice u Rent an
Invotookueat. cateelogete frpp.
That Owen Round Wire Fence Co., Llmllfet, Owen Bound, old.
l,! Q�'X�X�J �jTAr