HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-4-25, Page 66 TuLagbAl, April 25, I"
Tie Honest Physk:lan is
to lure and Uses the pipet
Available Rerrledkes,
The proposed legislation tLro
the Dominica Parliament for the r
ulstion of the manufacture and w
Of patent or proprietor! medicines
Of the utmost Importance, and it
reoeiving a great deal of attenti
not only by the proprietary medicate
manufacturer,, halt also by the leaden
doctors and druggists M very man
facturer of reliable and high cla
remedies weloomes the bill as a ate
to the right direction. The diarta -
hose brought out the fact that the bmi
Physicians in Canada and on the ro
tinent approve of and prescribe is
chins in cases of the most dif8enl
character. In a recent instance o
very serious throat and long tronhl
the patient had been using PnchlDe
Two leading f-nited States opeorialls
were consulted, in addition to t ,
eminent Canadian physicians. Lipo
learning what the patient. seem using
• sample of i'aychine was taken said
anal►tple with the result that t
advised its continuance
They prescribed no other nedirine MI
Psychlne, with the result that the p
tient hu fully recovered ,and I, a
splendid walking and Wking advr
tisement for the wonderful curative
power of a remedy that wit "stood
rap" before the keeteet profPa.ional
criticism and analysis As a Mlthierr
up of the &Tatem and motnrvr of a,fi
wanted conditions, Pwvehine has no
equal, and the Meet and most earnest
physicians rateognine this feet.
"At the asset 25 mr lungs were in a terri►le
Mate. I had la rnrl. the'"ar before. it entitled
ml my lungs and I lrpt iwemdfly growing weew,
tall I got dmva mat Ins 1 sews in rw1 for ata tmnebw
I ba4 a ronou tation d doctors, aeat tbs saW
e0utd d. m,tbLa alae fa,as T'bea l�ekarW is
IW hyehlne 7 took tae atrdlmn,—saws Ase
s year. It mainly dM wwkaen hrr ,Ret Isle
now w atreme11 M I wan he1Me.�sy
Alas. B. B(we.
rwpeu, flat
Paychina, prlenounced iii-keen,>•tb
greatest of tonics, building ,ip the sae.
tem, increasing the appetite, lewnfp-
Ing the blood, aids difestion, and so"
directly upon the throat and i�I,
giving Roos and rigor to the Pn�iat,
mystem. At all druggists. hoc and R
or Dr. T. A. Sturman, I.ittltW. j"
Kong Street West, Toronto.
for Spot Gash
gladueas at sight Of tier, uufling a twos I' "How touch shall we give hiul P"
come from the floor of the neat diary I inquired the turn. --
oDice• "Wa-wl I give. cows just a pouted. C
She was sorry, dreadfully a bel bot I, Your father is a quarter as big w • G O DE R i C H'S
Black Lewy was not to be la,uglrt, A „ y I cow -give him w gtlrrter of a pound.
She bed IIePu lou�ht, IndPe,1, upon a i
` r,p,k m/1(`\J i
special order from the ,,fly s1,Ible uud I " v litull L ' I THE MARKETS. ■C'
By Morlha would be rout there a, m(oLL as ever mot — REATEST
McCallecb•lyilliama got a little
wale to to d blur c of Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Fkettu►•s A INT STORE
itrd•etR. r'es, abs lord g.,t r flop (ren)• I. Dark interiors aro uuw'holewlmN for Closed Leaver—Live Stock
Copyright, Igoe, bl l:utuer Cpradus misalove. No, \Iles Itoswell could not i duo or beast. Numerous windows Latent Quotations.
have the mare. by doubling, trebling, I Should be cut In bars previously darL',
quadrupling It—not for anything at nil. particularly to the eaurth and east and Loudq Eyealog, AprU M. We 111m, evert-diin" required fol- the Painter :
�- " Llvorp(eol w ilea: utures dosed to -da!
Ir "*a sighs, 'I wish.' .t I She (Baby, was curry to &"Ill ,jig. . a few In the west side. Use ,1 by 13 uncbal-ted to sod :ower than Saturday, and
A mon should say, •1 will.'" obllgtug, but ■:1e t•ould do uothlaa elw•, half aesh, hinged at the Is (ton, and con• ft.trreRe %d higher.
u I She teat! Iveu her w -Ord and taus( Cee I o(Iruing Inward, IIB ehow'u In the ac- I At CDl.ago llpy when rites, y4e tewrr Oils, Turpentine, White Lead, Dry Colors,
\orris read trout an old 1 t P (Fan Saturday: May corn osc lower an -1
is ,•ommonplace book-, addlug, 1 It; luUl promis(rt ole dealer the best coulpanying illustration. The trlangu- slay cats %e ower., Shellac, Varnish and Varnish Stains.
on, with a little laugh: •;Lord, how tbir home to M found fill(]. having fonlld lar space between the sash and aides I Winnipeg Options
, trneration discounts that glue plere of one w•Itbout a match, was bound to let I should be closed. The sasb should be I yol:oeylag were the cloolua quotsuo.le
a Bulw•er'ssentimentality, ROJUeII now. him have It. regulated by pins oaf that It can be • 11—dify ou Winnipeg futures Wheat_-Aprl, OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT.
u. adays have got p;ist slgbhlg anpthing. sting Roswell held been silken soft at °1'(n t0 whatever extent desired. i st► held. aynlc7D d bi gullybr pale lbl�
as Instead they any things, and, behold. the outset. F'fudlug herself thug tc;th- The top of the window• should rte near iTe bid,
the cellin o •
P the thing are done." stood for the make of whist wwvnrvl to R t the stable. Be sure to I The Visible Supply. Marten-Senour
I "rChlch means, If anything, that her n flue spun s •nlple, she Ahowal a keep the windows clean.
1 ApN122,'O7. Aprt123,00
you'ro dead rote," Marvin retortod, temper as high an her hoer and Ounnc-• one w'aY to remote the ford air is to µpeat ...... .... al,nslpoo .a,;)4a�pu
" pulling hard at his pipe. "I don't woo- e,l arraea the atoll trout, saying to I construct round gnlynnized treat or i Corn , ltl,:W7.001 7.074.two Ioo per cent. Pure
v der at 1t." be went oil. •-Tau wrre mo Mn• Nbrrin In Preteadwl Aside! •Isn't wooden shafts. The latter should ►le ' Oats e,1149",I)o M.W. W P
immortally certain Bnhv Currui woDld it lucky? 1 didn't really wont the made of tightlyHtting matchPdtyoards. ! Delug the week wbe ,:vaned 81:,OOa i-
1nakP ducks and ,Ira'-•.•, of her ♦eature, "'are—only to wee whnt A 1von,;,,, The Interior o{euiug IIf the shorts lttwb,ly, corn decrees ono bu sack, and
e Data Im'.ofA 474, D•fabys. IS THE BEST PAINT MADE.
when. In, she's surrecderl in sway to horse jockey Ice like. R11�n not bad should be atout a f -fol froth the flonr, Leading Wheat Markets,
t. astonish ecerybodv." looking either. YOU might take her to with a gap near the celllug to be open. May. Jwily. Kept TEED ABSOLUTELY PURE.
o "Wrong, ae ueulnl," Norris comment• be shite resectable—nuleas you knew, ed and @but, as required. The exterior Sur yak ...• •.• re y; its% 14s
o w1. Sfanln shook his head, with n better." opening should be several flet above Detrolt .. . ar 81 Mr4
lazy laugh, saying. "t;eorge, but I'm IlAbp IleArd Prery word. Ax \(les i:os• the highest point of the barn roof. The Toledo .... tint, s2*,, a4 COLOR CARD.
glad Duddy Curran left nothing but 5 11 Reactant she sllnulJ. Slit. gtepl,ed shaft should contain a damper to regal- St. 1Duluth la ......• '• • 7at 7g% 80%
k" debts and a livery stable to his dock ba •k fi I Ince the outgo. It Is difficult without alt, y 42W ata
Pal -c. gohel lrhllP. at ti rwl, her LleeaeaPoor .... �* r21e �% SOME ARK BRAND P41NT
of children. There wan nothing for Ila Is hanging Ilegllesxly at her aide@. I having a Particular stable fit mind M Toronto (ireln Mark•q.
t Itaby to do except keep on with the Nor s likewise 111ard: Ile flushed (lark•• I give specific directions concerning hr Gralr►--
busloess"— ly n I made If cation or the n0 Ile 1 \
.19 to stand by ills I m r nut the size of \beat. spring, Dash ...SO T2 to i• •. -
"Tbme wgg- RhP might have mar- swcetl art. Rot Ills another was cn11- shafts. In general It may lea• said that N"e't• 90-xw, bal'h ..., o in ode to clear at 25c per quart.
One InrRe flue will Wheat. fan bush ...... o Ta 014
sled me." Norris interropt.d "She Ing hl IlkewlsP ills duty as n tour- pt0cc more effective Wbeat, red' bush .. O 74
l -sew I'd look out for her stepmother trolls h, I. With a hook hnlf nii:;n•, I than geveral small ones. Thin arrange- I'►sa, Dueh'..........-.. 0 75 _.• NN e, have everl'tllillr 111
and the kids"- - half a menti buwever, must tae Barley. bodh ..• ,•..... 066 p gy
Do g.tir, he fnllowtrl the two governed ()ata boom ., „ 044
"No Am1ht," -Marvin broke ID, "bat retreating figures toward their car- comes hat by the form of the ,fable. five. Dt� '• pyo -��• HARDWARE
that isn't Behy's way Flen't you r� nage Ilal 'Ay to It he Stopped , - I Allowing some 400 cubic feet of air ......._.. •
member how rat School she wouldn't I ball turned about, to EPC \(ary!ll I It co for each animal, a Sue 2 by 2 CATTLE MARKETS.
be told in Plow ax have her Sumo done Standing wit Baby's hand lu big, hor ---
fox ber? Rourtat Independence lit bear I face raised to Ills and her eyes weL Ii Cables Easier•_ -Cattle Steady, Hop
ruling pasellen--fie morb no, Indeed, I Instantly he fling back to them, but h :, Lower at Buffalo. Worse! g
feared to have her fin .to this iced- f Baby waived hon ,any. \t -Ileo h, had :I 1,(.NIION, April M'.—f/verpod and f.on_ • He
dy CRIME! never thought of dna ttlnR i gyne Apd tits Car fie w'89 OIIt Of f1PA r- II don cables are steady at ll%c to 12%c per
ID. dt at 81 *eight; rcMgrra tr-r beef y
a11ybeoQl~s wend until he had to I I Ing, She sold to \ •train with r little 'i gl:eted at site to 0c
thought Baby was off tile same piece. I hard breath: 'I`a,r 'ranclL'e: I ought
Ro ase L, bat she'A got something dos I not to blame him. ileahas mAphe
in her. Her spot I
me If I wanted a wife who had grown
be located in the center of the stable.
Toronto Junction Live Steck
cash conscience, she caught my refill, in sp t cash.,,
calls it. I heard her explaining to old I Then, most
Sheep and Lambs.
Receipts of live stock at the Union
lanarecu tably, she bid
Major Axton that the way to avoid ber fare In her hands a sobbed hard
ear buy saddle stock"—
11 P. Kennedy r•taera,,,I that .amt !Ir("f'a
wivf•s, 11llrthel'1 and even your K Kivl
Stock Yards were 83 car loads, com-
Posed of 1873 cattle, 11 hags, 10 sheep
— - -----
debts was to have no debts at all a minute, but looked up fter it. gmll•
let bank
in their iloulf..' Many of three writer
Poland. "AAd, all things considered, it
and 43 calves.
and the do all the bookkeep I Int a brare yet piteous w Ila �larcln
Is a good thing. She has her market
the following were taken rat rfaudo o,
mad[r made, as It were. Those city
Ing." took ber head ag�ln and pressed It
Norris drummed hard on the table.
,�'-' -
folks take everything of ('ase she came
Rxl>,+rt W ren renem Re. om $4.90 tm ts.55;
the k -lung at $5 to i5.,Z; bo11e, S&T3
ever go Ilttle, allying In a ha whisper:
"1'm a fool to klep nn caring"' he ••Honey, cry all
'tad w•4a D.ingu gnl:r which did m
rear cwt.
yon want to MLwKlI
burst out. "She puts me aside IIkP a
"You seem to hold a brief for ber,"
iAnn-Huk I rappplies it, it11d it really
r t Butehyfa
now and the New rear. We a going
last vine's bonnet; won't beer to mar- to get murrfed then and live sappy
rylug me uuUl the d,lets are paid and ever after."
Benny ta,y through srheel and ready to Baby's answer was a bltlmh an s1-
)VIAkE tiles a Happy Wmttat, step Into her shoes. 'flat Weans four I {Pore, ilii[ tilt wwlding came off d ly,
Don't be compelled to stop work and gulf. peace at least. MeartntlmP theme the a month ahead of the Norris -Roes U
feragonteswith Rleumatlsm. Makethis devil to pay with my people. 'they're aRtir
a winter (tee of pain. Start now to take not purse proud, beat who can blame -_ ,
them it t heat want to welcome as PEEPS INTO WOMEN'tS LETTERS
' ■ daughter
a • headstrong young woman
who has made herself the talk of it,---
county, not even though she did It wP11
the best Intentlnos in the world? \fY If our rradet•s could xpend one Return-
ing !cooking through Life letters ter-
y.,a DAriRT DA"s.
feet, inside measure, • Mould change the
air saffifctently, often for a stable con-
tafning twenty cows it.,
r are 4.44) t ants of I.enou, ea' � at h e i n a 1'
(:,.111 to P. 35; Inadm of goad, i4 T5 to is:
n,d:um. s4.Nl to Mean: roeteaan K to a.:L1;
crews. 1,450 to $450: eanpers, 10
1 23 to i'_.B)
per can.
Milch Cows.
Four much rows of good quality sold at
ia0 eseb.
. enerer the
allows It, the shaft should
me If I wanted a wife who had grown
Vol Calves.
Price% for v,•al ewyes
be located in the center of the stable.
lheul With irresistible force the he,
were unchanged
et $3 to ie.AO feet, cwt.
In long, narrow stnbles It 141,01,11,
Sheep and Lambs.
pl0oalte the greatest uuwlm r of nor ln•
I it-. 'It JURY be advisable to place
only a few ,he`!) wntr „Awed wbi,•h
al'I at V. to i6 I.HO cavi.
a ft at each end of the manure g11t•
ear buy saddle stock"—
11 P. Kennedy r•taera,,,I that .amt !Ir("f'a
mother was at me yesterday, 0sli1119 reiveil front all over CauAdit by the• ter,
fhr billowing in n-
111 At IeRA .Ix month%'re.ldenee upon And
owluvefion of thr land In earl, yowr for Ihirw•
IYI If the feather oar mother. If tho fsth(yr Nd, r..*od a of the homegra,er re.ldr, li m a farm
In tM vicinoyof fhr Irmo ,nterM far til„ rP•
qulremenGe sem to mmldonee may he mnti.aud I
fey ouch tsasoti nsiding with the father w I
n,Mh, r, i
(AI If the aeuler hea. hl- tm•rmnnrnt re,ddonre
upon fanning land nwmd `"n. him It, the cMrr
It.y M hM hoo—tcwd, fhr Mqulrrment., sem re
reald,m+e mwy N' mntl.aM by naddenru up or
the aatd 1s ml.
W{ mnnthe'notire In%riling.hm,Iri forgiven
M Cemtnls.tnner of llm,'Aion Ise at
(Ntawe of Intention to .pply for renrul,
10% 16111
Depnt.y of fhr 3linlmnrr of thPtfetw, . I
N.B. L'nant�rorir^i 1"IbIMAtlen of fhb,'ALL
vwNsswen4'v(sI nd Dr poild for.
Aad board of BAhy Curran'm venter,;
tear tiler, she had Inst her hrort to a
tln4 nadells. mar. Baby hod juxt [fought
aa1 I gent Out to exerrisr She anPant to
hasrP the cressum at almost any price,
so Norris, perforce, went along to aPs
the bargslining. He did not go gilt•
bib Idly. Though he had Dever let him-
eN ' AcAlmawledge It, h. wag not Moore -
Bib le to what ho -mild gain if he could
brt 49 ilmotelf to marry Miss Roswell.
If he meant over to do that. It wells
sed 11 not to art life now fancy beside
the Old. Re Wrltheed at the thought,
boll '1119 against hop. for some mlroru-
leu s chrule'e to take Baby away. Swat
In* art In maalateatllr. be felt a 408041
we'll Ilan., hen(]nchts Indigeeoon life(]
mto Asch Iramble. Theme things,
physiviuns.a)-, kill, there People than
many Of the Aeriousflitwo nes.
For rur01tive power in call stclilla •h
tremble, nothing e1sP is As safe vet
P(fp(•tive, nothin,t alar can Im• mo thor-
fee - rplied Ilion to roller" All tram.
hh•m ii in(ligestifin. nm Mi -o -nn. It is
finlike any rrulwly heretofore known ;
it i• nit It there digeoltive hlhlrt : it
Alrengthenn find rextores to nxtlll'AI
Artion the gtonlach nnet I.1wrlA and
i mnkem 4 complete rare In Pvrn the
wIIr,e corn, if ►1011101111 troRelrles.
Dir, .Ism. Wil -con arils Mho -ata in :off.
rent 1 -it— Ilnfler a gnntrinipe I,n 1P -
fond the menet unles. it dams mil ihat
i. , L•limed for it. .
It ay be possible In some case,,
�. itis w down are sunfrlenk to get alo
I with, I the air shaft. Olfeervatl
and ex rience 1110111' \till enable o
I, to rnRUla .these thlflgs.--P. H. Smit
w Hatch Ea riment Station.
e Pro In Fancy Cheese.
IThe Come bert cheese can hp p
,, doted at 'a p flt, :IA at the pre F,
: prices the p, ct of IM pouads
R milk (fifty (lua I kA about tiftP
, po fuds, which sh laid sell at from
N to $7.:f), according Ur. Ch .,Ira Tho
f of the experimetit Ration rat Storr
Conn. The college is experimeutin
with this variety of c•hecme and is p
ducing an article, an good no til
Imported, which can be made at
Profit- The cream and the NPufehat,
cheese can also be' prmlnrfrl profitable
and the Production of these and otA
soft ehpese@ might be worth the atte
tion of dairymen.
Getting Good Cows.
Don't try to put two different Idea
under one bide. if you wilt) a dulr
cow, breed and care should persinteu
ly and unintermitteutly euggent mil
production. It is Impossible to eecur
a goof! cow by going out Into the work
and crying, "('o, frogs"' gays a write
In American Cultivator. There are but
tw•o ways Open -Doe that of buying an
the other that of toreeding. Buying I
risky even for an experienced mon.
woman who loves cows Is often a bet
ter judge.
In breeding cows@ the farmer work
In partnership with nature, and nature
having a great deal of time, Is never I
a burry. SO the man dies l,erore til
work In fully completeal. IlatinL got
a I;aml crow, the owner should Strive to
keep her In that condition. Shp is not
n machine, like n Ramollne engine, and
she needs a good dent more care. Site
dotes well In the spring and numuler be-
cause star. 1128 plenty of food and wa-
ter. To da well in We fall and winter
mile must be kept comfortable and also
have plPnty Of food and water.
Where Tuberculosis Breads.
Tubercui0nin fines not find Ito vie.
tims among the scrub town that
browse the roa1,eldes in gummier and
find shelter behind strawmacks In win-
ter, nor among those. who ronin in
wide, well w•atpretl pastures red are
housed In blares through whose cracks
the snowli find winds of winter gift.
it In among the herdn whore winter
qunrtere are basement dungeons, where
little air rand less sunlight find en-
trnnre. find those thnt are warmly
housed and higIlfy fell on rations ralrit-
Inted to force the secretion of mak
to the utmost limit that the mevrro
lessen occur. it Iv particularly a tile.
ense of pamperrl animals. The high-
IY bmd 11nlmal Is not essentinlly more
Susceptible; the fault IS will, th^ man
who should be "ahead of the cow" In-
stread of "hehlnd her." There are ex-
tremps of the inhuman stables of the
IRnornnt And the unnshlrnl conditions
lintnlnp,l by the • iwelentifle hrreder."
The latter class will ise the first to
realize [heir mintak-e nn(1 rectify It
The former will ferret n deal of educe•
Inn nubs demon,etrntlon In the Ione of
multatfou.- Farming,
Out of His Line.
A Inas living in the counter far
fraun any physici,ul was taken aid
denlr ill. His family, in great Alarm,
not knotting what W Ilea, sent for ne
neighbor, who had a reputation for
(factoring crown.
'9',In't VIII{ give father something to
help hits ?" asked'one of the monea.
••WA -Al, i don't know nothin' clout
doctorin' {nTIP."
I'You know miry than we Ile, for
Vol, can drm•tor (sown. Now tyhit I (]o
you -give thein when they are nick Y'
"o wL f eller, give Fpsona Rallis.
Yfwl (night try it on hint."
as Inst were". A).'I for selects end $6.25
for Pitfalls and tat.
1f Montreal Live Stock.
"gI fI()N"MF:A(. April 22_43twc•h1)—t'aDdwt
OR from IJrPrpooi and Lmdon on r'anaidaa
Be ,sttlr weer weaker SW prime, xhow A de.
h cline of iiie to Ie per IL rooa,erevl whit ■
w',�k so". and sales were trade at x114(• to
12_r p^ a Ib. Owing to th, Deer approe,b
•f 1 Re epic Ing of taeriewnen. rbcs hea
teen a [fill. taor. Ilre In lo,sl •=pert If rw
r0 stork circles, aml Rome ,,,xdns. ,. t,,,,,,
fat done In orean fr•e4arht epee.. Ted• I,saefpool
*Pal'- from Porrlund for May has Doren let
of at .Z. 11,1 to Ant.rkwrr for 'ak, eew4f loaf
en At the Montreal vtort Twrd.. w.et Fled
ad Market the rerr•4 pts or 11, snrk flow the
week cn0/"g April 2D w1r. 4fy17 ,•ser).. :tt
m Pho,•P and l.'amtsl, _^Ifo Dolan, Aird 1611 ,wl vrv,
An,1 til, offerings for loeaa ennism ors is
Aar were It") cattle eeT bogs Aral na j
F: reelree. A fratom ,ef 'tbe trod, to.lt' wwm
fp- til,• -[mower lindertorn. tin alto ,narked for
e ,sttl,. 71118 we, due to the fact teat
Irgber filanflvw bare bed to be PAM by deel-
a ers for rattle thrrnmt fhr ,00ettry, owing
q to th, fact that ,be ,r.mtw•t)tlon trot-ev"n
r Immes for tame "eaaswmgjon and abuse I
1mr rxp(wt arr~t, has len, ke,4,w of Iate
Pr f cat ,fnPl"I't"". merle" 'mee little or no de
n- pert r8 Ids ,(loud s. hlrh 1.e
wan'- •xtPot wets dna on the ak ,itdas
fron, Ilrerpool on 1lelairday, noting A de-
, lime )re psi •.a for both ,e..,,,u Read Vaata-
,flan nit le of we' to Re per Ib., u cow -
. Reefed .Illi IMme rvestaa.t a we,k sen (yaring
y, to this coupkN wick Ilisther prtros d,mamded
hrr,•, xporterw b,wr.t on dt.ppenfen to
t. "Pers Ie. Amwber !baton• or th. us" .t
L wax rile detnared lvvvn ,e•''swwl IesdNoc hot_
t, ,shier. sof I.) rt •r, seta, I-Intht URI r toot
rarlomdR .t oww :,nd Imilm, la AAAttoe
d 'here "a n harelip eln•od,I of local int.
y lo0ell, tmt trader aurin,; the ,early Part of
It lb" tr,oraN,g seam r•aeber slow, a Heyer, did
mf feet Il.pm.,.l to pay thr Aho►,• aches••
t] nmM; ball, a. gayeties w,�s• aonfe,wuat
a xawsn.r than t w,ok ago, weaerx were arta
In their t -1—A% hod later to the day trade
A I_nme Imre active and a efeRensre was
me de. Plod r Diets aued at -.I4c to,,y%,:
100d of r.• to i14c: fair xa "', in 4Xr, and
lower gradex at :tyle to 4%lv per p,
a Ttiere was no flartfirr Danao In the ,o„
Maim of the market roar hog*, prieex tat- i
• (Ixr firing stendr rat iM dMlm• ureal last
A w..h—fday. >Wppl Nes w r. .arta,,, Man
they have haven dnrinc the past tlbrs•,• w.eky
mat yfoodays, nidi thltt no do," trrnr),d im
chick til,• mce,ft dewrnserd test,im•y of
.tree, Thr deenml frown :,cavi A.a lets
was nobly t;rral, Mit Wafers were out In
the markt for AClppiae., an thoy loutuffbt
freely In the, west last weds; hoarewer, e
steady tad. was Moo wnf. ml.' of ,.tete(.
Fat Ion rat ST to i7.2,S per Ion Ihv„ we4gbe,t
Off care, Thee wax no Inkprnwrnent to
ship edvlr,r,on Saturday (ml o•arssdhn
Im en; In fart than,• frrn lJverrJoni Arid
Rrlstol -PT, scalier than A week ago. Sap -
Plies of ,Rinse were RnuslPr, and! tried, to
this Ione waxnot v, inroo, Iwrt th, Armand
wax mood for .II mR,ringA, nad gal,. of good
to (fi,rre atm -k wrrr made At on to $In.
and lower grades at $2 to $6 rach. The
Arsrrity of sharp d Rad namerj.;w•g a,
Pa twins rule arm_ 14bePp
Aat Slit to 6r. And Inmtw at .;4..
tmit,rr1eh aPring )strobe 'Wiltng At
j4a t, Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAFT 11rFFAL0, April 22. --( ltU,—Ite.
re.pts, 43PI head; A,d,. and I tte to tae
blglmr: t.rtme steers. iK,.75 to iis.2S; .ilio.
ping. f.i..i to i3.7'5; haftrh,r;, i:f Al;
4.'r, to s
he frrs, i4 :!i to $5.30; rows, ice.: 0 to ScT3;
Ili I1,, i.1.:AI tit &'S; st,.,trrs Yr sl fr,d,,
$J.:m) to 84.75;Moak Melflue, Vt to i.1.7S:
tar#b rnwa rah I sprsnwrw, strody to is
higher; i210 to 1137,
VvDI@--1110"fprs. 'germ h.a-I: active and
'stfndy; is to 17.25.
Ilewa--RPr Im". 17`001 lf",l; Sei— And
Sr to ter lower; heap, tan.:, to "lin; ntir-
hl And ymaers. se.twt to in. fg5,: -ph" rpt It, t„
$49n; roughs, ifr.90 to $A; attgrs. 114.73 t"
85 or).
mDeep and tAnoble--Rerel" -antion hrR,l:
artdve *net steady: I'ma. .low, and le-
t,serr: Inanh• 3:e:.0 to i7:10, yesrling,,
C.TS to i7: 1r14tarrs. $4.27, Io '11,.50: rw,s.
-73 to $6, nllxed. Ila to $4,
New York Live Staeek.
NFW SORK,Aprll 2"- flneves--Rr,slprs.
42201: ate rw, glow to for low,.er: lwtlls- a -m,
t.d(Ignr nml common rows st-ad,; ahrre,
F to In, lower; .teem. 4d,w, to $6.57%;
helix t3. So to $4"
4 7S; rows i?Ito to 11.50
('airga—Rer.lptot, MMI; .Pods, at.•ady:
VMI,, i.S fe $7.7%: she b,anetxl ii No; ,•ul:a,
114: hat I,I lits IH: dwwateld r•>iwm, •teIdly;
cat, elle", .r1 vrfla Ar to 12e r•w It,.; extra
x; IY•nlw
l ry drreasd, ar •e Ifir
Rb.ep And Iwmha--Rrw�lpta, fr.'"; Al,sp.
mi— n,4Wnal; fPeMwq, ..Amies: lamtaa 25c
to Alk. `ower Few elia,p d •neap, it.fill to
tr.25; IIpPrA )amts, i7 2:, to i7.111/: on-
mbm do. W to SA.,IA; mt." alwbM lasts•,
Wan to 1175,.10 re by.
i7.isn` 1ptx, 14,11m; macre, low" al
Clubbing List
For 1907
The Signal . •
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald .
The - Signal, Weekly Herald and Torontc
Weekly Globe .
The SI.irnal, N•cckk 11cnild inti Toronto
Daily Globe .
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star .
Even' subscriber to The Family Herald
and Weekly Star Will receive the pre-
mium picture, "A,Tug of War."
The Signal, Weeklv Herald and Weekly Sun
(Toronto) .
The Weekly Sun is a paper that should be
rea&br•'every farmer.
The Signal, Weekly Herald arid 1~armer's
We recommend our readers to subscribe to
The Farmer'sAdvocate and Home Mag-
azine, the best agricultural journal in
America. The above offer includes
a copy of The Advocate's Christmas
Number for rgo6. .
The Signal, Weekly Iierakl and Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire
Subscribers to The Weekly Mail and Em-
pire will receive the premium picture
offered by that paper.
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily World . .
The Signal, Weekly I Ierald and Toronto Daily
Star . ,
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily News .
l'hc Si>,rnal, NVeekly Herald and London Daily
Advertiser .
Tile Signal, Weekly Herald and London
Weekly Advertiser .
The Signal, NVLkkb Herald and London Daily
Free Press, Morning edition . ,
Evening edition . .
The Sigli;11, Weekly I f erald and London
. Weekly Free Press
The. Signal, Weekly Herald and Presbyterian
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster
'rhe Signal, Weekiv Herald, Presbyterian
and Westminster . .
The Signal, Weekly Herald ant) Falylhitr
World (Toronto) g
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
Davy Witness .
The Signal, Wvekk, 11crald and Montreal
Weekly Witness . _ .
The' SI911al, Weekly Herald antl World Wide
The, Si};nal, Weekly Herald anti Toronto
Saturday Night .
Send all stib%crirtions to
I 00
4 50
2 30
I 70
3 25
2 30
2 35
2 35
I 6o
3 50
2 90
2 25
2 25
3 25
I 30
3 50
2 65
me If I wanted a wife who had grown
7.An1•fillk L u„ it would bring F.on,e t
"<tu-Ja" heals the Kidneys ; cures In sharp at barfaining with half the horse
Y pa
lheul With irresistible force the he,
and limbs, sae, a hoz. Monet
Healers and teamsters In the country-
ing virtues of this {,-(•eat hoalaehula
h k if
hack d "M-Ja" tails. At Druggists
side. It seems Baby Is setting up to
641111. Old tvutnen, young wonvn
by mail.
ear buy saddle stock"—
wivf•s, 11llrthel'1 and even your K Kivl
"I don't know anybody with a bet-
Tile Clafib Chemical Co. Ltd., select, Out. per•
1'nvt' woluething to sty alwlua, ho
Z. im-Hak did this or that offlc
— - -----
right. She knows Hones better
than the most of us." Marvin tater-
in their iloulf..' Many of three writer
Poland. "AAd, all things considered, it
give Ifern,ieaion t) make extracts fro,,
their grateful tewliulony. From the.
Is a good thing. She has her market
the following were taken rat rfaudo o,
mad[r made, as It were. Those city
"1 was trucallled fur sone Werk
,�'-' -
folks take everything of ('ase she came
with matt rhentu iu hands and Aron
find them and pay h,r a handsome
'tad w•4a D.ingu gnl:r which did m
little go -d. On receiving a supply o
"You seem to hold a brief for ber,"
iAnn-Huk I rappplies it, it11d it really
Norris said moulkiy, a glruce of aus-
tfNrmtrd ti act IIke magic! The Rell
'ng ;arid burning erased. And in a few
Pielon In his eyrm: "(t might be well
the 'alitl
for yqu to jail hands with her. Tou
health)-.'* IP W es
healthy." bio Writes :Visa F. A. Hut.
might make more at hone dealing than
chaltl, of North Keppel.
you ever did at the law."
"Thr" boxes cat rl,,tiul-Hak clerwl file
"� Skey—Ir I had Baby's chance,
of eczeula,, front which 1 find autfered
But cetainlp I shan't scheme to take
R long limp." tiff Buys Dors. Gladden,
cion 5,.1 1`
It from tier," Marvin sold stradll p'
tarso, flashing a IItUP, be eddPfl: "I
'If Df.'riville, Qua
' %,un-Huk currd a caw of h1tx,tl
• •
Spring Suit
would be only too glad to loin hands
with tar In anything nad for life. But
le/ison in nn)• faluily, and i wish to
thank vIIu fur the great hissing it has
she ileo lit me know
i11Y,yad," IA the of a 1Njtrr f1YIIII
that's out of the
Mrs.r1'ebb, of Dovercourt.
OuPsttnn. When she net you free, Abe
So one could go on quoting extract
IPft herx4f4sonnd, Ilttle as you deserve
afterextract. allowing how 'Lain Bilk
E SY flit( I
cureschronirsfn•ex, ulrPrn, alasce,e,e.,
The last word was filing over his
haul Irg, itch, And blamer] {lOison : takes
shoukller. He had rixen and wan strtd-
the soletleas out of cats And follow,
fug towaird fbP door Norris looked
,►111 g''('tvx new, healthy skin over in -
after hlnl, bdf arlgrlly, halt nhamPdly,
then glanrerl about the handsomelya t}
lured rn• diseased places. All stones
at,(, flruggistr sell at fifty cents a Im/x,
'/.Afu•Huk 'r,frfentn,
hinted omrP with n scowling Snpe.r.
or the Co., will
mail fur price.
Ells If*mdf8ther had teePa governor.
"0 *1#
his father was a Fwaitor, bin mother
A Wonderfully Stupid
w" ty In .Ulingham. Naturally
xhq ko(iE,d high for her only non, muck
Pie coroner of n certaill Iowa) in
htRlrr then a burikrnpt'm daughter, who
('eAtral Pennsylvania was finer enfled
had taken upon her shoulders an on-
upon to hold nn iugne"t over tile Re-
- - -
womaalty tom,den. atilt she had not met
mninn III` a Hongiu ion iAtewer.
,herself openity ap,inst her son'm rholm
RLe lkad eves ■pprnr,d, though mildly,
The only witness wit. a Ia0 of the
xaine not ifinality, who spoke no Frig -
him fotfmtloRe of colultanry. Row, then,
Should he sr.xpect that @be wan
•1�'hwrr do you live. ImOy?" tofu fhr
t 1
5t 1„•„ r,„i r, ,,, ( m,,,l 5,er.l- ) ( - ,„ , n,”' )
Tll l: Ii F: -I ' „ I,,,, k /
nfag to upset that intention? The
itquestion Of the coroner.
The looy shook Ills befall.
"1 ,11, ,
hinge of the Ulan won Miss Althea Bog-
•'iso yon speak Knl;lish :F' next came
'cell- a heeuty, toss It nn•
iron thlr
could base owPrllmektrl her none. 7'n-
lls 100
Aat4in the Im»• .honk hi. hen(].
fnrtunatAV It stood neat so boldly orer•
.. !h) role speak An• -ran ?"
tonkfng 1t was fmpoemlhte, even In the
hall iuurlhre uPgn[ivr frfim the lad.
•Rnlgence rY her many dollars. it was
"Do you elwak French?" wi%A the
the n4fle' an moth an anything else that
next i tit,, Nor{patot y. For the third
tiu�P lot head.
had 11111,110- C3ranvlllP Norrlm ferl .e,
ow rplahvi his
rn"cb At 011w with her. She had come
No it -ply frons the witness.
alAll f�eatl welRh,rl m, rho moa kat -colts.
f„r a long visit. and Allinghnm was
Then, after a pulse, the curtlurr
whom you get z,ntri Its, for A ton.
matin[ mnrb of her, pct somehow she
Asked : '
hod nM: Mein brought fare to fare
"Do ant spenk flali,ul ?"
The fad
with R ,by, who had nowadays Ilttle
remained silt rat.
left rat C. e'. i.F,E'1e ffe,rd,vam Store
th" far fA 104m money for ruffling it In
"it ain't. tut flow," o1werve(l thw cot'.
ewstvide SOURre, PronlUlV attended to.
the tow m ggY,fie,f. Nnrrlm himself saw
finer, turning lit (hose In the I'm)ltl,
_,— -- ------ -._
her he-* in little wontrheA. She went 'tum•
f uestioi ed Ihis Ilel'e witness ill
Ond (• Ime Flo unrerfninly ■nd ■t such
rut(] can't Ret nu
answer. The court he adjoul-ne(1."--
s r
ndd it ones he could not waylay her and
Ilarper'm Weekly.
'RIIA were nut of the question. The lit-
ale re ew homo wave no rrowd,d it was
impo swible to Ray anything there
Canadian Northwest
olit hearing it mach all Pan. Norrls
-- -
Mat there wsR tnnrfe which ought
Why insouraneq Companies Discriminate
Homestead Regulations.
to I se said, but mnmehow hotel not yet
hrr aget himself to the
Against the Gentle Sets.
pftch of gay.
Int it
if one is to believe. thN nlf•tliral ex-
JaW�• exon numbered mwttrn, of Dominion
1 its` 9lrnrfed Ont of the, window, h1a .aminers.1he
rensoD n woman Isyg
,.ro(epptlns m RrM A. not play la• hone'•
ey'!+ ag they tell »pfm his
nlotYfor tile privilegeOflifeinnurancp
st.•wdnd hi Rny I„r,r,n who 1s thw Ruin Hi•ad of A
too a Re
fRrnlly, ear any mole mar is yrsr, of ng,•, to flu,
extent of oo"l arter mortlon
m' f31iPr, driving her pnDp clf11lsP, with
A Shea mutt 9 heckle Inst. He
is I tem %fie is uRelch motes comitiouly n
virthu it indigestion, unit stoti.Ch
or Is-. of pat Renis, mor,
rnahPd out
to . IrrPet them and Almost dragged flip m
trrntblrn and the fatal Ailments that
Fbtr mu%t ter mrAe )a,t.o Ally rat the krrRl
ItnA m�r. for the AimMe4 In which the Iotnd I.
,Ida \'r
i► ry nlwttiy thereafter he, w.at
9ptiltg hrnn them• rnusPm.
if im not the anile nluickm of di•eAwe
•away with them--,npo, as errand be
1,1141, influence the imm�rarece ex: in. i
T1w homlestradr r'+ mgnl?M to Iwrfortn the
,vrndttinn, nnnert"d therrewlth under one of
fArf DM io the least rellah. 1lflgs Althea
inet's nlnne, halt constant feeling,, III`
• (I
fhr billowing in n-
111 At IeRA .Ix month%'re.ldenee upon And
owluvefion of thr land In earl, yowr for Ihirw•
IYI If the feather oar mother. If tho fsth(yr Nd, r..*od a of the homegra,er re.ldr, li m a farm
In tM vicinoyof fhr Irmo ,nterM far til„ rP•
qulremenGe sem to mmldonee may he mnti.aud I
fey ouch tsasoti nsiding with the father w I
n,Mh, r, i
(AI If the aeuler hea. hl- tm•rmnnrnt re,ddonre
upon fanning land nwmd `"n. him It, the cMrr
It.y M hM hoo—tcwd, fhr Mqulrrment., sem re
reald,m+e mwy N' mntl.aM by naddenru up or
the aatd 1s ml.
W{ mnnthe'notire In%riling.hm,Iri forgiven
M Cemtnls.tnner of llm,'Aion Ise at
(Ntawe of Intention to .pply for renrul,
10% 16111
Depnt.y of fhr 3linlmnrr of thPtfetw, . I
N.B. L'nant�rorir^i 1"IbIMAtlen of fhb,'ALL
vwNsswen4'v(sI nd Dr poild for.
Aad board of BAhy Curran'm venter,;
tear tiler, she had Inst her hrort to a
tln4 nadells. mar. Baby hod juxt [fought
aa1 I gent Out to exerrisr She anPant to
hasrP the cressum at almost any price,
so Norris, perforce, went along to aPs
the bargslining. He did not go gilt•
bib Idly. Though he had Dever let him-
eN ' AcAlmawledge It, h. wag not Moore -
Bib le to what ho -mild gain if he could
brt 49 ilmotelf to marry Miss Roswell.
If he meant over to do that. It wells
sed 11 not to art life now fancy beside
the Old. Re Wrltheed at the thought,
boll '1119 against hop. for some mlroru-
leu s chrule'e to take Baby away. Swat
In* art In maalateatllr. be felt a 408041
we'll Ilan., hen(]nchts Indigeeoon life(]
mto Asch Iramble. Theme things,
physiviuns.a)-, kill, there People than
many Of the Aeriousflitwo nes.
For rur01tive power in call stclilla •h
tremble, nothing e1sP is As safe vet
P(fp(•tive, nothin,t alar can Im• mo thor-
fee - rplied Ilion to roller" All tram.
hh•m ii in(ligestifin. nm Mi -o -nn. It is
finlike any rrulwly heretofore known ;
it i• nit It there digeoltive hlhlrt : it
Alrengthenn find rextores to nxtlll'AI
Artion the gtonlach nnet I.1wrlA and
i mnkem 4 complete rare In Pvrn the
wIIr,e corn, if ►1011101111 troRelrles.
Dir, .Ism. Wil -con arils Mho -ata in :off.
rent 1 -it— Ilnfler a gnntrinipe I,n 1P -
fond the menet unles. it dams mil ihat
i. , L•limed for it. .
It ay be possible In some case,,
�. itis w down are sunfrlenk to get alo
I with, I the air shaft. Olfeervatl
and ex rience 1110111' \till enable o
I, to rnRUla .these thlflgs.--P. H. Smit
w Hatch Ea riment Station.
e Pro In Fancy Cheese.
IThe Come bert cheese can hp p
,, doted at 'a p flt, :IA at the pre F,
: prices the p, ct of IM pouads
R milk (fifty (lua I kA about tiftP
, po fuds, which sh laid sell at from
N to $7.:f), according Ur. Ch .,Ira Tho
f of the experimetit Ration rat Storr
Conn. The college is experimeutin
with this variety of c•hecme and is p
ducing an article, an good no til
Imported, which can be made at
Profit- The cream and the NPufehat,
cheese can also be' prmlnrfrl profitable
and the Production of these and otA
soft ehpese@ might be worth the atte
tion of dairymen.
Getting Good Cows.
Don't try to put two different Idea
under one bide. if you wilt) a dulr
cow, breed and care should persinteu
ly and unintermitteutly euggent mil
production. It is Impossible to eecur
a goof! cow by going out Into the work
and crying, "('o, frogs"' gays a write
In American Cultivator. There are but
tw•o ways Open -Doe that of buying an
the other that of toreeding. Buying I
risky even for an experienced mon.
woman who loves cows Is often a bet
ter judge.
In breeding cows@ the farmer work
In partnership with nature, and nature
having a great deal of time, Is never I
a burry. SO the man dies l,erore til
work In fully completeal. IlatinL got
a I;aml crow, the owner should Strive to
keep her In that condition. Shp is not
n machine, like n Ramollne engine, and
she needs a good dent more care. Site
dotes well In the spring and numuler be-
cause star. 1128 plenty of food and wa-
ter. To da well in We fall and winter
mile must be kept comfortable and also
have plPnty Of food and water.
Where Tuberculosis Breads.
Tubercui0nin fines not find Ito vie.
tims among the scrub town that
browse the roa1,eldes in gummier and
find shelter behind strawmacks In win-
ter, nor among those. who ronin in
wide, well w•atpretl pastures red are
housed In blares through whose cracks
the snowli find winds of winter gift.
it In among the herdn whore winter
qunrtere are basement dungeons, where
little air rand less sunlight find en-
trnnre. find those thnt are warmly
housed and higIlfy fell on rations ralrit-
Inted to force the secretion of mak
to the utmost limit that the mevrro
lessen occur. it Iv particularly a tile.
ense of pamperrl animals. The high-
IY bmd 11nlmal Is not essentinlly more
Susceptible; the fault IS will, th^ man
who should be "ahead of the cow" In-
stread of "hehlnd her." There are ex-
tremps of the inhuman stables of the
IRnornnt And the unnshlrnl conditions
lintnlnp,l by the • iwelentifle hrreder."
The latter class will ise the first to
realize [heir mintak-e nn(1 rectify It
The former will ferret n deal of educe•
Inn nubs demon,etrntlon In the Ione of
multatfou.- Farming,
Out of His Line.
A Inas living in the counter far
fraun any physici,ul was taken aid
denlr ill. His family, in great Alarm,
not knotting what W Ilea, sent for ne
neighbor, who had a reputation for
(factoring crown.
'9',In't VIII{ give father something to
help hits ?" asked'one of the monea.
••WA -Al, i don't know nothin' clout
doctorin' {nTIP."
I'You know miry than we Ile, for
Vol, can drm•tor (sown. Now tyhit I (]o
you -give thein when they are nick Y'
"o wL f eller, give Fpsona Rallis.
Yfwl (night try it on hint."
as Inst were". A).'I for selects end $6.25
for Pitfalls and tat.
1f Montreal Live Stock.
"gI fI()N"MF:A(. April 22_43twc•h1)—t'aDdwt
OR from IJrPrpooi and Lmdon on r'anaidaa
Be ,sttlr weer weaker SW prime, xhow A de.
h cline of iiie to Ie per IL rooa,erevl whit ■
w',�k so". and sales were trade at x114(• to
12_r p^ a Ib. Owing to th, Deer approe,b
•f 1 Re epic Ing of taeriewnen. rbcs hea
teen a [fill. taor. Ilre In lo,sl •=pert If rw
r0 stork circles, aml Rome ,,,xdns. ,. t,,,,,,
fat done In orean fr•e4arht epee.. Ted• I,saefpool
*Pal'- from Porrlund for May has Doren let
of at .Z. 11,1 to Ant.rkwrr for 'ak, eew4f loaf
en At the Montreal vtort Twrd.. w.et Fled
ad Market the rerr•4 pts or 11, snrk flow the
week cn0/"g April 2D w1r. 4fy17 ,•ser).. :tt
m Pho,•P and l.'amtsl, _^Ifo Dolan, Aird 1611 ,wl vrv,
An,1 til, offerings for loeaa ennism ors is
Aar were It") cattle eeT bogs Aral na j
F: reelree. A fratom ,ef 'tbe trod, to.lt' wwm
fp- til,• -[mower lindertorn. tin alto ,narked for
e ,sttl,. 71118 we, due to the fact teat
Irgber filanflvw bare bed to be PAM by deel-
a ers for rattle thrrnmt fhr ,00ettry, owing
q to th, fact that ,be ,r.mtw•t)tlon trot-ev"n
r Immes for tame "eaaswmgjon and abuse I
1mr rxp(wt arr~t, has len, ke,4,w of Iate
Pr f cat ,fnPl"I't"". merle" 'mee little or no de
n- pert r8 Ids ,(loud s. hlrh 1.e
wan'- •xtPot wets dna on the ak ,itdas
fron, Ilrerpool on 1lelairday, noting A de-
, lime )re psi •.a for both ,e..,,,u Read Vaata-
,flan nit le of we' to Re per Ib., u cow -
. Reefed .Illi IMme rvestaa.t a we,k sen (yaring
y, to this coupkN wick Ilisther prtros d,mamded
hrr,•, xporterw b,wr.t on dt.ppenfen to
t. "Pers Ie. Amwber !baton• or th. us" .t
L wax rile detnared lvvvn ,e•''swwl IesdNoc hot_
t, ,shier. sof I.) rt •r, seta, I-Intht URI r toot
rarlomdR .t oww :,nd Imilm, la AAAttoe
d 'here "a n harelip eln•od,I of local int.
y lo0ell, tmt trader aurin,; the ,early Part of
It lb" tr,oraN,g seam r•aeber slow, a Heyer, did
mf feet Il.pm.,.l to pay thr Aho►,• aches••
t] nmM; ball, a. gayeties w,�s• aonfe,wuat
a xawsn.r than t w,ok ago, weaerx were arta
In their t -1—A% hod later to the day trade
A I_nme Imre active and a efeRensre was
me de. Plod r Diets aued at -.I4c to,,y%,:
100d of r.• to i14c: fair xa "', in 4Xr, and
lower gradex at :tyle to 4%lv per p,
a Ttiere was no flartfirr Danao In the ,o„
Maim of the market roar hog*, prieex tat- i
• (Ixr firing stendr rat iM dMlm• ureal last
A w..h—fday. >Wppl Nes w r. .arta,,, Man
they have haven dnrinc the past tlbrs•,• w.eky
mat yfoodays, nidi thltt no do," trrnr),d im
chick til,• mce,ft dewrnserd test,im•y of
.tree, Thr deenml frown :,cavi A.a lets
was nobly t;rral, Mit Wafers were out In
the markt for AClppiae., an thoy loutuffbt
freely In the, west last weds; hoarewer, e
steady tad. was Moo wnf. ml.' of ,.tete(.
Fat Ion rat ST to i7.2,S per Ion Ihv„ we4gbe,t
Off care, Thee wax no Inkprnwrnent to
ship edvlr,r,on Saturday (ml o•arssdhn
Im en; In fart than,• frrn lJverrJoni Arid
Rrlstol -PT, scalier than A week ago. Sap -
Plies of ,Rinse were RnuslPr, and! tried, to
this Ione waxnot v, inroo, Iwrt th, Armand
wax mood for .II mR,ringA, nad gal,. of good
to (fi,rre atm -k wrrr made At on to $In.
and lower grades at $2 to $6 rach. The
Arsrrity of sharp d Rad namerj.;w•g a,
Pa twins rule arm_ 14bePp
Aat Slit to 6r. And Inmtw at .;4..
tmit,rr1eh aPring )strobe 'Wiltng At
j4a t, Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAFT 11rFFAL0, April 22. --( ltU,—Ite.
re.pts, 43PI head; A,d,. and I tte to tae
blglmr: t.rtme steers. iK,.75 to iis.2S; .ilio.
ping. f.i..i to i3.7'5; haftrh,r;, i:f Al;
4.'r, to s
he frrs, i4 :!i to $5.30; rows, ice.: 0 to ScT3;
Ili I1,, i.1.:AI tit &'S; st,.,trrs Yr sl fr,d,,
$J.:m) to 84.75;Moak Melflue, Vt to i.1.7S:
tar#b rnwa rah I sprsnwrw, strody to is
higher; i210 to 1137,
VvDI@--1110"fprs. 'germ h.a-I: active and
'stfndy; is to 17.25.
Ilewa--RPr Im". 17`001 lf",l; Sei— And
Sr to ter lower; heap, tan.:, to "lin; ntir-
hl And ymaers. se.twt to in. fg5,: -ph" rpt It, t„
$49n; roughs, ifr.90 to $A; attgrs. 114.73 t"
85 or).
mDeep and tAnoble--Rerel" -antion hrR,l:
artdve *net steady: I'ma. .low, and le-
t,serr: Inanh• 3:e:.0 to i7:10, yesrling,,
C.TS to i7: 1r14tarrs. $4.27, Io '11,.50: rw,s.
-73 to $6, nllxed. Ila to $4,
New York Live Staeek.
NFW SORK,Aprll 2"- flneves--Rr,slprs.
42201: ate rw, glow to for low,.er: lwtlls- a -m,
t.d(Ignr nml common rows st-ad,; ahrre,
F to In, lower; .teem. 4d,w, to $6.57%;
helix t3. So to $4"
4 7S; rows i?Ito to 11.50
('airga—Rer.lptot, MMI; .Pods, at.•ady:
VMI,, i.S fe $7.7%: she b,anetxl ii No; ,•ul:a,
114: hat I,I lits IH: dwwateld r•>iwm, •teIdly;
cat, elle", .r1 vrfla Ar to 12e r•w It,.; extra
x; IY•nlw
l ry drreasd, ar •e Ifir
Rb.ep And Iwmha--Rrw�lpta, fr.'"; Al,sp.
mi— n,4Wnal; fPeMwq, ..Amies: lamtaa 25c
to Alk. `ower Few elia,p d •neap, it.fill to
tr.25; IIpPrA )amts, i7 2:, to i7.111/: on-
mbm do. W to SA.,IA; mt." alwbM lasts•,
Wan to 1175,.10 re by.
i7.isn` 1ptx, 14,11m; macre, low" al
Clubbing List
For 1907
The Signal . •
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald .
The - Signal, Weekly Herald and Torontc
Weekly Globe .
The SI.irnal, N•cckk 11cnild inti Toronto
Daily Globe .
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star .
Even' subscriber to The Family Herald
and Weekly Star Will receive the pre-
mium picture, "A,Tug of War."
The Signal, Weeklv Herald and Weekly Sun
(Toronto) .
The Weekly Sun is a paper that should be
rea&br•'every farmer.
The Signal, Weekly Herald arid 1~armer's
We recommend our readers to subscribe to
The Farmer'sAdvocate and Home Mag-
azine, the best agricultural journal in
America. The above offer includes
a copy of The Advocate's Christmas
Number for rgo6. .
The Signal, Weekly Iierakl and Toronto
Weekly Mail and Empire
Subscribers to The Weekly Mail and Em-
pire will receive the premium picture
offered by that paper.
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily World . .
The Signal, Weekly I Ierald and Toronto Daily
Star . ,
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto
Daily News .
l'hc Si>,rnal, NVeekly Herald and London Daily
Advertiser .
Tile Signal, Weekly Herald and London
Weekly Advertiser .
The Signal, NVLkkb Herald and London Daily
Free Press, Morning edition . ,
Evening edition . .
The Sigli;11, Weekly I f erald and London
. Weekly Free Press
The. Signal, Weekly Herald and Presbyterian
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster
'rhe Signal, Weekiv Herald, Presbyterian
and Westminster . .
The Signal, Weekly Herald ant) Falylhitr
World (Toronto) g
The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal
Davy Witness .
The Signal, Wvekk, 11crald and Montreal
Weekly Witness . _ .
The' SI911al, Weekly Herald antl World Wide
The, Si};nal, Weekly Herald anti Toronto
Saturday Night .
Send all stib%crirtions to
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