HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-4-25, Page 4I
Tut,UXIOAY, April 25, Mi
Councillor Goldthorpe Thinks Presen
System Is Wrong and Committe
Will ,^,consider the Whole Questior
—Bell Telephone Co. to Get Fran
c h I s • -- Billiard License Fe,
Uoubled — Prices f or Cemeter
Lots Increased —,Complaints o
Blocking of Commercial Dock.
The Inid•lnnuthly meeting of th,
town council was held on Friday even
Ing last, Councillor Mannings twill``
the onh• mewher absent. The clect
not Ming on hand Assessor CanlplN•I
took his place and recorded the little
u tea.
Writing from Holton, Maass., K
Campbell urged the uw•easity of re
Pairs on the William street "wet,
Councillor Reid said that it haul been
impossible to do the work on account
of the water. tat another attempt
would tar wade this week.
Sewer Construction.
Ratepayers, andIrope•rty-owners let
Bruce street aske� for it sewer front
Victorin street to Cambria road, ,anal
this larought on A discussion, as to the
f proper method of meeting the cost of
, sewer construction. Councillor (.old-
thorpP thought the present Pa'stclen
waw all wrong and advocated. that
every man who utpl the sewers should
lie charged it fee therefor. People on
the outskirts of the town who had
no chance of getting sewer connection
agere teeing taxed fur construction of
blowers in the central parts of the
Councillor Reid did not favor llwn-
cillor Goldthorpr's idea At all. He
thought the dost of sewer construe•
tion should IIs borne by the town ,it
Large, and saw diffit-nities in changing
from this svntru,. The council could
not INack and make Iwople pay
now for past sewer constructio.
This was filet for the contentinon [hitt
if the pre lit system wow nut till'
right one the tuwn'shuuld nut Is.
bound to continue it forall time.
Another suggestionwit, that the
sewers be construct -4l on the frontage
tax system.
It was decided that the whole mat-
ter to larked into by A conjulittee,
composed of Reeve Mci,ran and ('our•
cillorf Goldthorpor, Heid land Beckett.
The baseball chat) As -ked for the use
Of the diaunond at the Agriculto"I
Park for the coling seawpn And also
ser urpled that the council give suave
hep fn the wAy of keeping the
grounds in condition during the sea -
It H. Fdwalds, president of the
1BsetrAll club, was heard in suPlarrt of
the petition. A motion in -am passed
granting the use of the diamond, and
the matter of Assisting in the ivaprove-
ment of the grounds waw referred to
. the public works committer.
Mr. Stahlelier's Request.
A communication front F. L. I I
Stahlekrr called the attention of the (
council to the iIlse which Mrs.
Staahleker sustained sn I'lecenrlier last
1)y being run into and knocked down
tar A dug and Pled driven by a Isy ole (
the sidewalk on the Square. leer t
ankle wits broken aunt] she wits stiff e
quite disabled .is w result of theto
accident. Mr. Stehleker asked I
that -owe eau penes tion Ill• granted f
fur the+ pxpenke, ,amounting to Sm, t
incurred for medical service and liars- to
trig, the accident having occurred on I
the public street. The matter was re.
ferred Lo the special committee. f
Another letter from Ernest Heaton I
in reference to the town's Advertise. 1'
trent in the Comia,ercial Hand flo okj s
Of Canada was sent Lo the flnanee; S
- comnaisj e. it
Price of Cemetery Lots. $
The parks And cemetery committee
recommended the acceptance of the n
tender of Edward Jlsrahall, of rr
Hayfield, for tie supply of Jill
shade trees at to rents each, de- ri
livered; that $•pl lie spent un mak• (t
ing and K tog I, roa(l ,truutd u
Mrs I blAitlared cemetery, And that
Caretaker Aldous roue have
tl name d
done; that the cemetery bylaw Ix• (,
amended by incre,aaing the charge for C
digging K , v- fmrn $Y Lo $'S.511 for C
adults And from $1 Lo $1.50 for chip. C
dret. find that the price of pots be in- T
creased from $5 leo $7.55 for ratepar• $
ern and $10 for non-rntepaye•rw ; that
Mr. \Matt IN' eltgaiged its cm-etaolerr of
the Square and parks at ,t salary of t
$35 per month. IN
The report was AdopGel el[Cept till• al'
relating to the in-renli lit the le
price of cemetery pot•, in tY•gard hp
{rhich notice of notion was. given to w
aunrnd the bylaw an fndicaterl. Court. Ix
cillor Hackett, rhairautt, of the conn- nl
nittee, explained that the reason this tl
step wan taring taken wits that the vi
committee thonght, the niblic litilities (J,
should AA far as pinsib�r Ice nn a self-
suhutining INapis. Last, year there worst ch
A deficit of al -out $'CA) on the cemetery lir
Acrnnnt. surd this bout been going on a
for some• yenrd. They did not Ayala fir
make• any money out of the re•nletf•ry, til
but they calculated that with the in- of
creased priers the no•cotuol would come 11
out pretty nearly even. III
Special Committee's Report.
'rhe special committee )nada the fol- „r
lowing recommendations: That the
tender of F. H. Martin for polieemen'-
summer suits, at S:r2 each, INr ne.
4pfed : that a five ve,ars' franchise be
grsntel the lie•II 'Telephone Co., on
the conditions ns Iwr their offer•. M
nlintrly, an Annual cash payment of
$150arid one ft"- telephone for tilt.
,own hAll, including extension to
clerk's nfiice ; and Also that the call). mi
Hent of the council meant be obtained rue
t in t,egard to the erection of all pole,.; ; "
that the tnx'rollector nntify Jatnes a
Smith, of Clinton. of all arrears of re,
taxes, water and electric light
rates, innurao-es paid Ity. the vorp„rn• top
tion, And All other expenditures upon St
Ute summer hotel which should lie rat
Paid by the alwner. ,anti ,u,king fill At
post of Postal.: that hytuw' No, K ni
l n. lie amendool by making the ph
license fee ir)r hilliani ro oma $Lel for Itit
the flrat table Anti $dl fur each weldi. in
tionnl table. e1.1
The change in the billiard license Ila
fee nleans that it Is practically
doubleil. int
The report wuN adopted. me
Public Works. Fit
The p11hlie work, rr',lemi(te• reront• mo
mended that the clerk notify Nr. rnr
Hemet tilt• ,•satetpkpr elf thr doniping H
ground ne•mi the Inks•• that hr must ila
perforin the duties Allotlaxl hills when Ile
wpprlinted ler his AAlwry will lie with- Hu
held: that the i{arm roast Ise trio
gravelled fetters Jlapie street to the tipl
rail , rronning; that tenderer III- (n
"Mor the mnateuction of cement NI,
waller tel Ise pot down this yyear : snot fair
that the committee Ise Aoj,e1tzrd Lo
upon lip Regent mtreet to Pine stref•t. eat
Tie 1OnImi[te•e silo husked for author- not
fly to arrange for ,t further .1,p,tdy of lies
gravel for ,•rrwliamstinn work. a re- If"
posit was adopted. the
In this connection inspector Swndkl
I reported upon a ravel pit formerly
owned by Reeve McLean twhirh the
latter baa deeded to otic of hir rti,nsl.
I he 1 h •
yslque Type System
i and gave A very favorable report of it
""� ��_•_� i
as a source of gravel supply. It Von-
Gains thive iscres and the town can get
it rtt• • The public edeas mitt-
wall authorized
mittrr was authorized to deal with
t the matter.
� ,
r Councillor Macklin spoke let the
slips wt Harbor Park -tb heing in ,•Pry
txui ►tape. Councillor Reid thought !
they he
y In Ole Scmi-ready Store you will see die Semi -red dy
• should taken Away altogether.
, its with the C, P. H. running at the
font of the hill they would lead chil-I
Phyaititte Ty"pe Chart. On it leu will hod our exact hgurc
3' y
� siren into danger. Anyway, Me. Reid
said, hal[ the time people could not
and every'mcasurcmcni. 35 di tinct shapes and forms of
Kral thxntlite that way un Account of l
esus blocking the way. It war, de-
men are shown—and the measurements shown
tided the public works committee
hhould attend to all the steps leading
"� r . 1. 4 15. different sizes of each variation from
the bank at the vtufous pointy.
Commercial Dock Blocked.
original Seven Distinct Types of Man.
Councillor Goldthorpe mentioned
the complaints of twunsU•I•N and of hero
that the comineivial dim -k wits blot•ked
with ears tit, that they could -not get
9 Take the Stout Man, he of Type
Lo the llo+uts. And it Mol lull watt passed
referring the whole inatter to the pub-
G, with shoulders and ht•dy of larger
lin works committee fur investig-►tion.
This action was taken nhri a disclts-I
proportions, and we divid • this t
sion in whirls it wits soggestfal their
the railway should iN, notified to leave
in lietwe,n
' yep'•
as we do t}te slim nian, into her distinct
opening the -car„ at eitch J
btteet ertpw"ing the tracks, to whirbl
Councillor Reid replied that there were I
tial streets tumling in,rubs, the tracks.
Thr only one thele had leen was
I •
now rfusrd uto and bluck+ulwl with a
' Stout and Normal.
big pije of crwl,
H. J. A. MCEWAll was beard with
I Stout and High Shouldered.
reference to the opening up of Aalltrt
sleet front Nelsrgl to Angtesedt.
and Sloping Shouldered
Thele w•iIg now cAmAtder•nble trams In
- _ __ ,__
=r - -
1 2 -Bargain -
�S 21
Saturday and Monday,
April 27th and 29th
will be two great Bargain Days at this store. We intend to make these
two great sale days. Nearly everything in the store will be at Bargain
Prices and these prices will be low, as we want to turn all goods possible
into cash on these two days. No goods charged at Bargain Prices.
If you want goods be sure and get here on one of these days, for you
can get Big Bargains. Remember the days
—_ _ —�-
Pe J. H. COLBORNE The Square,
1 r'
that pini of the town. and it was ,errs• Stout and Stooping or Ilou,I,E i
necr•ssxry that the' brewer should lie Shouldered. 156,000 FOR SPRAYING TREES. opened. •Phis was left with the pull-
tic wheeler egtile con and afteradjourned.
dump .Stout and Over -erect. Minister of Agriculture Planning
further talk the council adjourupd. 1
Campaign With Power Machines- Parnell's Bread
WATER AND LIGHT. The Minister of Agriculture for On- bine, ire hr m.ohmer,, nit .or.rr
tario has. for the past two years. had hir 1. u•.« h ,t.-.--,=
.n man e.,,wn
T, r. r, under owueiduatioU plane for farther „ b.ka! in pert«-ur
Business Trapalseted by Commwiotiers a asaietmg the fruit growers of the .,,,a,n b.k.j in n"�
At Monday Night's Meeting. • Province. Spraying lien now become,
p( seini-ready Tailolln Thrtmr .e than orwat
• in oducing a superior gracirwt frail. in: m,
1'lsl- water cool light nom uafhsiollrl. the most
ipp Portant operation of the p, op:, th•.k.
held a i ne1111"" un is til: night. year, and while widely practised in h r. al' Ion mare 1h.a
A Waterworks
ssix the American � certain sections. has not yet. been
\1',uerworkg Asses i,ltion. inviting Y fair k,. r;r..lr k,.d
given the attention that it requires in
filed11NThis a in the Association. was I the apple sections. The advent of the Try It.
filed. This n. a large American insti- w power sprayer i, of such recent date I P . or DhiA N
tution 31141 the twenty-seventh annual that the advantages itglvoa, especial_
f a• ting will lie held at Torimto this w YOUR POPULAR OROCER, AGENT
��, Iv in the spraying of apple orchards,
year* June lith to tend. is not yet appreciated. '
A Irdtrr from d . N, IA•ij- l M. iv Better Spraying Needed.
aftking fur water and vlectrir light (or fi�
his two sunuurr cottages let the ,vest For many years the Department of
end of BriGuuri,► red, was tY•[rred Agriculture has been advocating more
to the c" Merl• Lo i I r and better. spraying. Demonstrations IrN1lrAllc. All.l Inst rnr producer may
K gist 1'm1111n1tPft of ! in the use of hand and power outStsel he ,directed where in ate may improve ( when
l•r)Nt. rte, gortCrrt scorn Aiopin. .hualdrr Norfn.t nlrh .hos!der A•
Ifl IY•wp,:ntw til a nYY111est (1',1111 J. (I, i rip, ra)Joa4tM and the prepArat•on and application In the production and Care of milk, )71'�'�".—
Reinitart fur rhe rxtruiou of the enter, of the most eflretive mixtures, have the Department of Agriculture has j ;n
leoein to y yar l! road ;t distance ref; Mir L EA B OS Go
been given throughout the Province emp:top, a staff of instructors to visit , 1 �I 1_,_ tion
ulwlut fifty yanlP w tis property at , BROS, Gilder the with satisfactory results. It is now M)tlr, the factories and flip farms up- I
the fart of PAluoerhion street, it waft I felt that such information lisp been on' which the milk is preNlueYsi. The " t�,,,�
deride! In part ip. 1t 1 -in -h srrvire with ' sufficiently diffused and another step fnptrurtnr is qct A detective. tint e _ e
connections Ir(t oppNrNite nett tut. _ - _- _ forward is proposed. eo-worker and Pdurlator. All tests for.11
The pprtition of Iesidenrs on ISliz,a- _ _ The Provincial Fruit Growers' As- adulteration will i,e made at the for-
heth s(rret for as Nate'r main wall 1'. I sociation hap within the past three fur and action for
ARE YOU BURNING AS [1 E years r ofeted it or innizin i la y' prosecution left
ferrel As the engineer, 10 report. ^ [ rge with some of r' ial of the factory con -
An upgrlic+Hion fern (:surge Stewart / number of fruit growing asaoriationp. cerned, j n
in -1 others fur x water Initial on Be -lice. •r I One of the aims of these nasocus&ions 1
"beet wag Irfe•riel to the engineer to hap been UIP ro.,Perativp spraying of A New r8brt Hanger.
spirt: xA eerie also npplir,atioles frond orchards of their members, and it fp A skirt daps not always keep ill
'. A. \d r and ntherg for wateron SOME EXPERIENCES OF GUDERICH PEOPL now proposed to aamist these and kind- all, when an ordinary hanger le Goderich
ilAyfirld rruIll and J. Edwards land red organimtions in Puch spraying used, and so coot ingenious woman hes
Utiler" for light Ian Ilxi•field road WITH THE NEW FUEL. work.
•.A letter front J. Gamut AfxcGregor, Legislature to Make Grant. evolved the following simple arrange- MAKE AY'B" LINE FOR
F:., Was filed. It stated trig nee port ; Rlth this aim in view, the Minister went for accommodating a considers -
in the water intake extension ••would ••\luiste•le with e•illser salt water ler thinks for w•hent• uuty y.•t penes of I ° Agriculture has asked the LPgialA- bie number of skirts in the smallest The
r if so- ilientati plan and l.stinoate• I Isunsr , to (lira rant of possible space.
m n aeediuie11tAtion INasin at or urate I stair scarce in w•hirlt uxnlic acid ban FF t txctirwl ossa a11[Cgpslrng that [ id.000 in be alt%. •
N•rlua , the 1Y ci mA(le nlbli- dl l's 'net, It rhe the apslstanre lit truiL grow- First pct screwed In a few inches
he pull ling .tstion as nn allrrnuticr, I Ilren dissolved 'it mixture cunuuining i fI ml' I ens the purchapr and niN ration ^( from the back of the closet on each
cot whic� prevision should Iw made nn 'one p,wrt of reset and three ,trig ashes, O'it -'"Iain I I Ihr iut'e•ntol'- (urnlnla. I
hr iuutk- piper line, should the colt'*; P I • A. Nnirn iigrd 1 hr rash 1uix1111Y• I �w'e spraying outfit.-. Many assn• aide a small boas book each as In m i a
and ,n letter fuel than croal in lob• sucerfts(ulh and think. Nish ,t galeal spat" p ,tread} own And are ntlrrAtr used In China closets. 01
sagin t rg efailu In ne." , lhiw , tainrd." This iN till- hilelple recipe Immly or Nee uh blArt with and MAoe I ing su - machmPm and these will re. The nest step wits to get n piece o[
Nesiu n ban future lime. I which has ,.et quite n large numla i lir -ati•:in the Ilse of the ne{w-fart A s:n•iu rYIVP til same Aid as those organs Ing P
1`pwm an npplirxtiorn from rru•,,ltar citizens experimenting on fill• would IN-efe•ted )a during The ronditinnP undpR strong but ,leader rntd long enough
tioyrrh of the water And eight de• IAG•sL ftrh-lets fur paving money. Thr to. W. Thuletsm surr•redrYl in get- which f.h grants Are availahlp have to extend acral the closet from hook
ulrrowt)( fur incrrAar' of pay ler rlg "*'lot• wits published in a dio,p at -h t' ting fi very but fire la the addition oP ,En mud as simple AP to hook•
newarnf totes of labor, the folloAviIl y stimulas with On this cord I� strung a down or Cafe
R I the daily pseud leapt TlinnalA)• fruit the euaturxtttil ,ache, ru n g,NNI rural Hrr, the hnpP t L a decided Ptimulus will
chedule was AKteed upon : Henry i ,Uux/nA, 1'a., the home of the (lift. lint lar say" -yon havA ter lour x .., i he Riven to the proper spraying of more fargp safety pine by running the
Lowe, $14.01 per week : second elec- . coveter 'f the srn•t. It is cfailnel fire u[ldeI6rWj-th and urwl a1NA1t t vi -e nrrhards.dur g thin said coming son- cord through the opxNag in flee clasp
I11 r, we per week : .Urex. MrNeviu, , for the Aah•burriing `sewn that it Avail the draft ne•rswry bra Boal the, eons. Fnllo g lire the regulations of the pin. it
satisfy your little •r. Ih'n .N.",
IL per week : 11. \Vataeu[l, $1'L'Si pope. I effect w redurtioil lit a Palet half in feel J. L- Grant leads several trial", lout eovering the p yment of the grants: She folds her skirts exactly in half, will find :alt that yof naay desm .
eek hills, *fiat nAUarAlly the exonowic in- did nal want ng to duty n -u h AleAlt To Pure ala sprayers. steles the Oolld hWK and w-11 rooked, lit mtdto
A Irl err from It. A. Tutnton. \�`in• , ,,tinct is nrouw•d to give for NPhrm- x his expo -r 11 r. lienor i+ inter- A Point lit a pin through bbl ;Its
Resor n( f50 ill lie made (n any waistband at beep [root and halfway prices
tit it ll risking flit• lends to tender on trial at IPaht Plated in the prupaeel OtNlr1-ich GAP five or more farme whri unite to forest between thesis two LUNCHES
act itrai pips, wan filed. v. a\. ll. Crisham seems to have Coolp;, . ,and hr• made nor dim-ovel. a (Writ Polerta: ,ben she se1-vel at xu 1'
IY•rinrst from the (;eie•Iph A (irate• Y grnwern, a. sociation (or 'the fastens the safety Pins, and her ak1rU y ifile, (1"'111 Its,
rah ILlilway Co. for x rate for water 1 tour• worcessful than mAny 'if we the rr-olt a)( his first trial which Pureha" and opera ion of A power hang in their natural folds, with little till t' 1111.1110.
,r their e•nginrn w w Ixid on the those• wee have A,ked An to the Ie -lilt nosey lie of Ilse In the conspul•v in ,-ant- aprnying (outfit d"rin the ,,,won of @train and away from the wall. ICF CREAM SODA
of their res \
t t". .Ir. (ishan
1 wI Ite•N oil 1.1 11• P
1 t 11l •
{ ,lin
I, 1 that t Ir K u is that r
t Ill le
t These Asanr'
s n
that he• part , Ixni -b well not
e t hAlf a opts al I,e
I f t - 'N ,
i h I lir „ w'
1 l nlr r with r1Y w t
a t I nick' e 1 heal h u1 .
The toll -owing necu',n1A were lir- rag nceinside RAN, ill or
to qualify lir ,hip grant. Th, plop allele smfy he Hing three
nlixtur prt•prrf el nrnnYlrng ah lhr n•• ,led i" ibis tonne Con he nude salon• though incorp oration o ro-o the cont. and sldrut may ifs hong three ICE CREAM
o.. 1. IA• Iueid: f erfetiun ('An rips•, without the oxAlir• rtrid. on hi+i-oleapxiriwptfs uto•h to the ardvantmge assneintiona should Ie nil ihed i(tthe to take home, pint,quite tler
n., $1.'Li ; h�rPt'ir Service Sur , K deep wad not get crushed lir wrinkled gallon. 1 I i9 fu1-unc- file leu Friday morning. No lel a Pertain well-known iur•lwaring fltll benefits of to-oplrat n are de-
n., $ i.tsl; .Ixnlr- Morrilsm it. ft fuel hoed been part on the fire roe Iwrn- anional. /ln �tund,n' nlnrnioK he Pirerl. I SPECIAL CANDIES
IL.U. 1117 -fin 1,111V : Canadian (irnerAl Elect'ie; ty-icor hours previoi s to this :end Mr. threw soolle of ihr• P,Itllrtt,,d ,unlit -g nn The water In whirl cnbba e' or this week at till -
$Li.tl ; yhail ,aid Empi1--, ytl.ao; R K Co-operative fruit frrowin aasocia- [ 1
Signal, $I l.ax; 1). 1', Whitel -, . Adds t ways nu further furl tag a but it -lief
fire Itrfol" tin to -hrt1-ch tions owning and operating two lir ons hare been boiled should 'be *I -
1.K, : Canadian Ex lre•Ns Co., $� y 'added to the fire x(trr the nth ulixhrre I cud opa•nerI the danitern, Init when hr more power sprayers will be ligible lowed 10 become cool before It L pour•
Ifor fusty -right hours, ler lillSunti:►y.rrUmned hr hnd 111 light lip with !n draw a grant fret each eel down the sink. This Olympia Cafe
(t Aymg Ilr•1•le l/rl (TINE NII llpplhe'Nllnnll � I........ ill wheat he Alt 1111 .,..,P Ct tall. I w,N)d. Ile Ig 1 Illtr WIIIIIl Lo ,allow chin• precaution
or Witter ,Ind lights 1,A I 1P• nwdP at' 7 he ash mixune, Irpl. "nes, burueYl as
the hchentr is oa lingl q o a ow operated. will avoid an unpleasant odor In the _
he m crrht v's nftlre and that tilt- toll" I lienutofulh• wild kppt the loupe so I colons, he wogs, it won't let Litemull The number of path APsrtriwLin re- kitchen.
preparsl fr•oul -.101 a r licaalionp, . reiving Assistance during the p t —
{ 1 door t tllst is had to open . e will-,
,burn. 11im opinion of the pchrntr n1Ay year shall ItoL excavated IOD.
Id that Ibis IN• shite d. Lo rhe col• drN,r tn,hrlp chprk the flap. The miz•' Ile ea1"frved up wN ful(„wa : "I think Rememher that the
eros And nl.al ntit'-rtiwYl• tor+ formed x sort lel c•okp, Islet did it'g A ram alp P fizzle. ft. no Outfits Must Be Used. gravy w111 not
iVu1. AndGtb alR-r. Ib PxcnvIlt- fur ,-not ram into clinketw, And live Irsiduunl' all. it's 8 flrl-saner ell l'1 htKrmllfCe b• so apt to be lumpy if the pan la re-
-* Brantford
nG•1- servi-s lit the w+atire brie- al' At haat 96 aCMp of fruit tMeP m
K be moved from the ate while the thicken-
et yeAr was Arceptel. It N•ras i war: very "wall. g.Nd fur the• NLoye and fusee-. ml'"." ler season
ea during tl1e,. Ing is Wag stirlied in.
dere) Ifiat thechwn a asked for in if' W. Thouteon tried til- plan, (stir'gentleman we interrogated on prose e••�n with wash erotflt.
K both in till. f',rmace. lit big horse finJ the "INPA said. "No, I have not IN•rn A reasonable p,ortien of touch sprar- I -_ _ Asphalt Rubber
1l'. Kensington FurniGtn• /'o,'s NPs- I in the sLove ire his mt'IYe, strrrssh111� . burning rely ashes, but i 'aur tsigg trig must be done an the far" lir
cr Ilia 2 -inch aurin lie allowed, 11 I'm fP [lift flip ,orient advocate of til- 1 been to fill in around the ht)llw." nn,, Vrrhards of suet of the pArtievs form,
nnpai "' to pity all til- eopt• 4011 heap hind Nall hartel not a ftn',rre 'f adothe•r rntlruuul putsNing ,it ,hl. idols Ing the assoriaticn. •
Melee n weir- eirdf•r,. In Ise par• I fn -1 supply. Fur one thing, hr Novs, velitill,e(I tier opinion that that Such saaociAurxls be.fnre rr•epivin BACK.Roofntreed to fone fovow ; (- t for the• sour the Odor hie gas which ig forolef method of losing thrill would w,tr11, gram shall satisfy g
el' hotel, one for til- elft list choir h any.portion of 1.hP
P would rorrxl- on, 'n furnace, And the the heiuser an 11111.11 its If tI1P Nail Pg were an inspector of the i erart.mrnt" of
lid leu pninll mel rem for rPherar• it hems would not, ,gqN•,ar• at, econoloi- ' Ppt nil fife. Agriculture that the above milditions
Prireit were directed to la• got froru .coal As it i. represented to lie when one' ChnirmArs Jfficnea- of lhr water And have been eomphel with, and shall 1i'flil t lir' tnSlklef in t Iu'll
I. isrer -noir ('coal Co. on w fern -AMI tar,/m presented with, a bill fall. it ore light couuuissi,en baser the ill trick to make such reports air+ shall satisfy the ACHE11111 5.
thrYe1u,artAn lump coal, L o. b, , fuin"ve. Mr. Thonoson Pays it is n pall ant his'fnrnaPP while Pxperin,r•nt-Minister of Agrintlturw,
Pre in g',nl, to Iw pmenorelprtd ns rr- Prie Ifinr iln11msssibility to burn ,,she- Ing, ter prob,t(dy he will nut rer•oat- Assonialionp dpr+irons of
lit la•for• tenter shipment. It was once the rarlPan is all blamed ant ,and trend the adoption of ambers as w fuel ing in this grant mnxi pwrtiin the
,gleed that it \Vat. Lee wishes to lit wpply to the Absolutely Fireproof
P he thinks the sifting cif til- at.hes for the lawn (Nasse basins. Engineer T)eparlenent not later than five first
armors car of coal fur tcrotinK,u ,ecoid lose all the cun,latstilrlr pal. Kelly hap An inf-relulous ankle when (try of May.
lee ,soneIN•nccepled• elf courow it is the Knees that ,ere yon talk of I►Nh-hur•ning. ,and seems `\io Tar No Paper
formed by nnturnting the• ashes %sit" dispm-d In -Inas the view inethod Prot ive T
SOUTH HURON LICENSES. I flat- a'lution first rakes lire a dditiontil along with April Fi1Yst oke,-, Fteg > if lou have Backache you have
1 An inissr rstaon of A mnverlietlt iw,g Kidney Disease, If voil neglect IJ,rices right on your ('(u,l
fret, burl .Ili-. Thonlrun s;lys there. is !lavPrAl n( stole wr spike. to had fro
n' doubt that. it you have a good IN4I nnf had time d) mak- ex oerivarnts �' credited u, Prater pawner, ,s Rackache it will dr•vel^ into ,
let' live coal laud tht•nw on ha few amt one rerNloarnan intimated he had deecrilxd nn follows: When not in ase something worse-Rrights Di{- rn' in the roll. 111! kiiids
eetin[ of Commissioners at HmsW alsovelflrls of the maturated ashes and too 11111"11 rYhop•ct for his furnace to ease or Diatxtes. ghees, is nn
on Fridays. r,frPn the dt•nftP yon- N•rntld rt a hive- � give it much s dome, use rubbing and dortoring your I on hand $t
Ifeneall, Aoril 21. 'rite livens, rnr ter fire for the time• than Innes mitt ; foNe•ph Kidd fol, reminiscences of back. Cure the kidne+y{. There
ssionere of South Huron met, in HPn- ,alone, bast i( this were done, Nev. At ' salf .Well drys, wheat it Was Lha Ciotti a only one kidney medicine but
II yePt.eoay. The•y,d-elated to -let noon. it could not Iwe tep.•nted again , mon prtcti,•e to Ilse brine to make the { it cures Backache every time•
R five IiceoP s. which, with file Hve Ill flight With the expectation thidf till. fine 10111-11 brighter, lint d.Ma not think It
I we R. Pinder'S
Ke-Ie1 by local option, will Hoak- ,t flre would then stay ill all night. Yon enough alf "tile A,eheg part of it" Gr trey
riseloriie ,Ifim urn in the riding. won id th-n need Nr 111'e up with f"'Al. the plan, whit- others ere laws) fig for Dodd'S
ThP IkwflPrs GI hw ant nR by lural J,auteem VAres wait Anothet• rxpl-i- x conf•smio11 from someone that. the 11180 PLUMBING,
Linn au•- two in Hennall, Id•o in renter, but found Ihxt-linker were whole talk- IAa they consider. it)Wam
anler, find rnr• fn I"NINwile. The fornlel to it great o,xtpnt and after the got 1111:1-4 .,t home joke. TINSM [THIN(}, Etc.,
urinietsione-also iWowd licenses to Pxpprintest hr had to ,-loan out the In til- nae:tntino' the pr,fiamion l Kidneylaert b1oNPr'. of (lorlctL: 11. Coo- Hrelxlx lwfote he could light another huminf find% a frYlsh pnbjpert for llrulnptly attended t0.
Witham, or Khivit iin Stephen town. Hrr, Jlr. %',ate$ culnpfirrw the action willirisnls in the n•h hasp wad the rsoTscTty■ Tutvoe.
Phi tilt NIPG'op titan, of Exeter: of the heat to the• ash mlxturee to the e•ar•toonist. Also, ham a new soarce of the frame Above the trough is hexok ,
11 til-ro w'ill IN• cont'of• onl•"hop li-r„N, formation of n pent of Iaa•,i. Ntfll lin inagtirnti(oti• up, but when pupil is t� be poured pills 'Phone 133.
V. a rid ,$ instead%'(oa la two is fse in - into Lite trough it it, nnho oked and
V. And only coop tnvenl license in -- -- fastened with the chain. The plan
Tfle•ld, insteaul of Iwo, lice•nmr will lie aRerti•rl. They will de• I the walls wets Pn thin that my hue• is Paid to be very effertivp.
9`bee rad: w-reKranhsl liet•nreP ride at til the whop lir-owe at Sea- hand oral I hsdlalleu'nIhPdPo1fend •--• —_•
ftp {'per : LtlipPu'a, Royal. ('om- (,sett At th-h next mee•tinK• duolh Alphwllet set LhAt we Pont(] gnptt• —o
rri:al and Hick Ifouw, !,k-afurth. Coast foiisolionerw I)onglaN. Conning, tel without the neiNhhor as hotting in theH Production QM•N. '
zpafrirk, of the (;rip House. Delbridge ,and Insia•-tor Torrance anythingalx,ue it.” I Produrtinn of high-class ( Co, J. HARPER ,
eforrh, was gl'Atltral only n til 1'I,- at the meriting, and w att•r,ng, I cheese, it is essential that U,e milk
nthP' licengr. �i,insion, ('al m- ten,per,tnr'r depu{ardor re•prse•nting' be clean. sweet. and free from for• s
rriwland l'rnhnl. h:xPlrr; Hill ,u„p the fiouth Halon Ant'•9di-noel $100 Dollars Reward, 0100 eign flavor upon reaching the fat• • � p Ark Brand Pant •
rdfrorn. of ('rrrlitno . %irurorr, ,f IA -Ague.• The lemur. of till. MIN 1' will b„ plem.r,A to for,'. Roth the gllallty of the pro 0lu a •
whwo oil ; C. Fritz. of (;rand fiend : - kern that three 1. M ffa-t rnr dfwwdfa m1 r Burt. well suRer when the raw me. 771P roam:Ly htrerg ,Of these paints have
Pnnrr, of Shi kat : Drittich, n( filen with rherrfal dip rsitions Are that .clrr,re has INY,a able to con 1n au n. feral its lnierinr. (nlaeli lhp patrons 1list r,nnple•ted w $ i1,t11111 olAnt n ,
Pe' .!Arras, ^nit that i+ atanh. Haile Colloorh ,„p,p1y milk lit quality ( t Toronto
ant ('n1-mpl ; , \IP,RAIt. of Cen- ulrne inrlhtel to Iwrruw ,nslney lh,ut a lire is the em h' pe Mer eller now known in [^ d ualit they lonction. whfl'h In itself as guarantee as
Iia: the blxnn lloa,e. n( Bruce. trnulile. Ihr m«dicAlfraternira. r'wtm, ” bringw eon cannot in juxtiria hold t.ho maker re- tothee t
Imuo,uonal n•ra.r•. n•.Iua,w. a ,.,n.iirrnionalI mponsihle for the quality n g I wlitiesottheArkHrnndofpnint.
d : Red Tavern. of Turkerwnlilh : A gfxNl hit of tale- g.tem to tv,uto. 1) n'Mment. HNII'. I wbulh foto 1. felt«n in made therefrom. The health of
Joh ,f Iloilo, of L',ri-h: Mrs, fore nlwrciAKP that would help n IuL terrane, wr•tmg dirwilr nint Ill,- ll,aal lid HEATING
holAon, of 1flAkr, No action ung Afte•rw:u'd. --Park. I' nit
of rhe ym/Ph,, til«rebs Ae I P^ws, the water supply. the quality EAVESTROUGHiNG
i PP Imvinit lite ffmn.iatirm of the di.,amr. and of the food. this envidition under whieh
Ph In the Sf. J1/Pe ph w licatiull• slpb,a Ihr Igttlrnt .treneth kr haildhtR lip the ELECTRIC WIRING The Metngpdit„n, of Exeter. writs The wiwk %via left yon' h,1ve• wrought ,an.rtunlmt and a+.Mftng rwfwle In An1ne It- I milk is drawn from the mw, the carp REPAIRING RI ALL KINDS nR iw•,wnae• the pNrpulwtlou dears in M•IN,hna•gs will nide with talo, bol. w'nrk. Thr plot. rn, mto wN.11 faith in it.j',sell in Pr•ping that. it is rant Pzpppoad • at LeNG Rises.
entitle the villa to flip (o',rllt that whish has •leper done in get -flit'- rtxwUv- pftwt`I'.Ihat Ihrr ofhr nm• "'ont1eml to dirt nr first lit an •
lie 1 IN,IIn- hir wry -war "no It W6 to .•an•. "r•',rt y kind, prolper
now. Itay field also horPn our gPtlulnPNa will IH'P afft"I. yowl Per dpnd. (,x Iia nt,_ innnlnl.. hAndling, Pel• , All rpgnfre unrouing , 1017 per cent. Durab.tity, ---`
nor ow•inK to the p,ptilafion, hall. "Thr first house we liver in," aAf(] 1, Addrr., F,.1.,"Ilvxv.y R I'll., Talent,,, el I wstehfnlnioss lend rwre C. J. HARPER
MnM hy all dn,larRlmt.. ;S,•. in order that the
IN,xnl hits not deeiderl which Mrf. Robfnaon, ••was a city flat cud Tnkr Hwll'• Fnnlily 1•Illm for eoo.IIla, in,,, Maker may re- •�
naive inatrwrLinC reiru larlr and ner- _.`•—
� t .