The Signal, 1907-4-25, Page 3TIIF SIGNAI, : GODP;RICH. ONTARIO TIw14ibAY, April 25, 1907 3
Bob I' nAlrr .( _Y/rely
News d the Mistrict,...
JAM." Dtinfnet , wife of i nit"r-
taker Munford, Clinton, diet( very
Io,anythini(worse. Exptcrienceshown
thin to ter the one
y ) anronver, w n Ia
deeply intPre.t�d in rooter indnm-
ra ttsoc a on.
dly III
aftady Ihw otos OitatmsM.
D a a1(�!�<i
(Nun r"is"est nnr uo u:,nu•, rwahe. pill cau.r,
Yw twee" b wren ,aw .urn Kat. ali.l ataletu ti,e
Exeter will have a 24th (it May cele- to) lmudmi, where lie mot, it six -
Aim to waaotfeae...
IV". J. uyre, ,r) /).•aw•..r s:rtrr, r,
iwation. tree -year-old girl mowed Ada Harris,
Murphy. nor of the crier, aayn :--
tern..: /r ,. If )rwMui
rS,•.n: •'/e,sAr)r«u....nnl
Wm. Euligh, )roprietor of the WAI-w'hunt he uourietl %even or eight
uluuth•x o. Mrs. lWheckwarnedllie
l,r....r/ r...e...
Wit awes tied Clad Tunic help to a more
Inn hotel, bar d sped u[ thepmprrty K
to Mr. Thanih, of Milverton, girl Iwfor" the, but lielbeck
attended R etrncert. In the town hall
the night la•fore, but while dreaming
t�on,Odl cure. At .6.w. or 1,�,n 7 ;,e
J. J. Homuth, for over thirt "aro pwl•ruarled her that evrt•yl hiug was all
y y
According to a preliminary report ,)r
the United Stales bureau o[ animal In
CLemd.' Co. of C.e.d.. Lasted, 11.aaltoa —
Totvao. 1•.ut o• •e"'"s
a resident of Winghaul, is leaving W. H. Kerr Nearly Gone.
dustry, there aro over 1,000 milking,.
I on SaturIAy morning she drtplled
with his family to reside in Toronto.
machines now In dally use !n the Unit -
011 n Monday of last week Cot& W. H. Kerr, editor of rhe Hruss lls
ed Hates. The author, C. B. Lane.
Sanders. wife of Goorg(t Robertson, Post and Lilwral candidate for the
has by
cnncrrprrJ. now thinning them
OlIt. no that they may have a chanes
to dev"lop to their fullest. Tile, inlets
ltlth cunceisliuu ut Grey, died in her I Legislxturo ill I +sat liunm, Uaci a clove
tells us that efforts a been made
laws. a•vaw ,+a ��. u.a.,
twent y -four•( If year. .(•XII » few (lay's ego). lir had Instill
acorea of inventAra for more than Intl(
Four Yeah for Bigamy.
,IsmPm B"11)e(•k, chare"d Lrfnre
th tooloth-iche d went ill
On WtldneKla''' of last week W. H' suffering a dentist trot have the toiltthsextracted,
Baker, of the 9th concession of they laking a dose of cocaine to ease the
township, and Miss Surir Rowland, of The drug l hill heart anti
a cen ur make a chine that
would t t IIl<t()cows Satisfactorily find
In -
injury. From 187 to 1906, In-
without o
Henfryu, were united fu marriage. .1u.
its Ili
fur a while he waw ill n very critical
vtee versa.
Jude" Machette At. London with
Dr. Will Sloan and Robert Sloan, of condition. However, he is now all
better adapted for tho raising of oys-
'. •.
Blyth, are leaving on a trip to Un- right again, as hie wary friends
where they
f v
g,ww, will represent a throughout the couuty will 1)e glad
One Of the getod, old-fashioned things t1IAt 1ac: }`f
Company in prospecting fill- minerals.W know.
14— I 1 Mr Ili
Janies D. Murdoch, n ref twenty I Nuotials in Hay.
three yearnx eon of P. a. blttnlnch
never been improved upont
A grotty wedding w38 celebntted at
Of Walpole, Saek., formerly of Lower
the boll)" I)( Mr. and M1'r. SttlppIs
Winghatu, died on April 7th At Van- Troyer, %Vednrs-
cuuver, B. (;' Hay township, o11
t� „
When Sweets
day, April loth, when their third
Mrs. Loris Clark, of the 2nd con- daughter, Effie Jane, was united in
cewion of Tuckerbiuith, died Tuesday ruaa•eisge to Alpert Will fa)urth sou of
lose their
of baht week kt the nice of twinty-six Ilse pato Holiest Bell. London road.
yyears. The deceased was Miss Nichule Tb" ceremony was performed by Rev.
and (( substantials,"
before her uuarriage. S. L. Toll and w•as followed by I (leas -
The 50-aere Gum late Jtnrph festivities. At Mrs. U,
of the ant and will
Kniaht, Vkh concession of Grey town- reside ou.the beautiful farm which the
their charm—there are
ship. Is been sold to William Small- groonn pfarchatted route years ago un
clan• who owns the adjoining fifty the London react in Tuckeismith rout)
always MOONEY'S
acres. Thr price was UrM. of Heosall.
One hundred eggs front one hundred Smallpox is Hay and Stephen.
hens in a mingle day in the record re•
ported to have loan made by the Huck A malignant rorty of smallpox is
of Holbert Sanders. Yr) concession of "pide"lic in Strpheu 6owuship near
Stephen, on Tursday, Lth inst. Danhwolnl and in the southern poi-
Coax hack
K. A. Wilson•Inti ut the Rank of tion of *Hay township. A 1'rlvineial
health Inspec fnr from Toronto visited
A FOOT rotvxa wan=es.
the appetite
Comnurrce, lirllrvillr. and run of Mr. the locality Inst week olid its a drill
and Mrs. Alex. Wilson. Senfurth, has
left the -Vi, f th is k ' h h uiauy houses have been quarautined.
elusive, 117 patents were taken out In
ref saw• ,
We have every requisite to tuake
the house-cleaning Pixti errs thorough
And at the batue time its light a task as
aml everything else in reason
pure and flesh.
The Sauare 'phone pt
The undersigned having been re
stored to ftexlth by simple steam, After
r u e nn wet t e lifts count alone for milking ma- suftering Tile several years with a wv-
Oue uoau, Iletloan Neeb, has rite• country g ere lung affection, lend that dread
view of joining lir Ierl o (lent wil'tie crawled to the disrww. 'Thr disease chines or separate parts of them. disease CeaanMl•a, is anxious to make
I force, wits not diagnosed its smuallpox when Most of these have failed In some re• known to his fellow sufferers the
]70 �r�)'�1 w.•vcc jn,l c a turn I r lh.• company neans of cure. To those who demire
It er. death of r. occurred
W. S. ttNVed- s e.otd A I ,• keen,; it uun•.,be Ills wife's folks. it, he will chee.fully bend (free of
� Appeared calls as sa result it has specs, and not anal :recently has any T 1{ E SWINEHERD
cher, ut Wrox"ter, ucc at t e Wed- rprexd overs Inrgr. eI•ctiun. Stringent one of them gone Into extended use.j charge) a copv of the pr•ew:ri
know how nems»y of tart week, at the nqr of use,arures have now teen taken eo The prospect of their general intro• - ----- -- prion
yearn. The deVeltsed leAvtw check it And it is hoped to couflne it usrtl, which they will fled +a suer vole
hr•idra her husband, two suns and n dueler led to the experiments de -
good the to the neighbor hlxnl in which it fo • Csew�plsa, Astkssa, Catarrh. Beer.
g y dao hter. scribed In this report. Two different }logs will not thrice In damp, dirty. fl!
Appr,ued. Dr. lull, the Provincial dlitb and all throat and luny( Maladies.
ale! Mrs. Jeturs ('aMeron died at her health iwolotwtor, has ordered all types of machines are shown fn the drafty quarters, and the man who He hopes All sufferers will ti -v his
row j h•,ure At Tre.water on Tuesdav of pant churches nod schools in that section illustrations, one worked by toot flow- attempts to raine them for market un- Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those
week, in her forty-eighth year. She to Is• Closed until Life disease hum been er, the other by un electric or other der these conditions Is simply working KY deeiring the prescription, which will
\vara A foruoer Real of Iiricetlrl,l stxolp)rd out. motor. The report shown that the against himself. Ile not only loses cost them nothing, and may prove it
and t.bu ruulainn were taken there for machines have the advantage In more the'greater portion of his feed, but hes, will phase address
'nU•ruornt, GUARANTEED than one respect over bund milking. time and labor as well. ReteJJYIARD LWII,SON, ir'NklA NA
n the Nth imt. Miss Zorit O. Vnde, Bays Mr. Lake: Condiments at All Times
da herr rat Mi. and Mrs. Out r STOMACH REMEDY. Condiments roust Ire provided for
rue g. "Naturjlly one of the first queatlonA
Wade, Of \Vingham, wens marri At asked when a dalryman Is considering
the home of her brrlher-in-law, )h- T the hogs at nil times. Tbese are lint
ret Collier, ;it Medicine Hat, to it james Wilson Will Refund Money if the Installation of mllklol; machines is, eostly. They rnnsist of worst ashes. H. B. BECKETT
t/r 1H Chevalier, of Maple Creek, Sask. Mi-o-na Fails to Cure. How much time will he saved by their soft coal brokeu into small bits, mor -
M Alias•Rtaeh"1 Arvillx Maxwell.daugb You may ask why it is that Jfi-to-nit use? A glance at the general averages tar, rot!rn wood or anything of that EMBALMER
for thirty clays shows that the aver 91.
ter of Mrs. J). Maxwell, foruoerly of at olach tablets are sold by Jxulrs .harut-ter. biog,l eat these readily, unit
Lucknow, (]tell kit the home tof her Wilnm under x unrnntrr to refund tone required for one mnu to milk four AND
RAILWAY R they are meat aide in keeping tbety It
uncle, J. M. Cox. At Ripley, ton the t e money onlrNa they core, when no tows with the me(bfue was 15.0( roto• sr
and con
stquenllp In growl
15th Inst. The decrased stain linty Hf- rat rr treAtment for stomach tr)tttllrs utes in the mornlny( and 13.57 minutes LF iFUNERAL DIRECTOR
U• 11 vessel 'Of Age and was x very, torp- is sold in this manner. In the evening, or a total of 1'0.69 miss- rapidly will fattening linteklc, he y„
animals must have some salt, Elle Bine Furniture and Cnderaakbtkwarorosms
ulxr nun lard l'ht +ulswt•r is aim dr and /Indusice. utes for the da •. Lu case of the four as other ItcP stuck nu the form. 8au►ee
young s• I HUN. C. W. ROBINSOM We,t•ide
SH0R T LINE Thr, marriage of Jas. B. Sttwtton,(1fArrnlrllieinrsforNtuulAchtmuhlrs rows milked by hunt( It will Ue'noted
BETWEEN of Rlslsetlm, to Misr Eftlr MA Fox ruerehy digest the foal, while Mi-O-na Di m Vor E:.ential Director of Record Foundry Co. 1'H0�718: ytorem- Goder h
> that 1t took an average u[ 2188 miss-. PP 9 y House. Ila
celebrated on lir Ir}a' h'iu%t. xt Ihr steng ens Ihr whole dierelilr, eye- utero to milk them to the morning and Dipping hugs Is very rs.ent .1 0 the lion, C. A . Robinson, until recently Y19htcaps: At re•Idenee,aror. Citrhbrl«
Toronto Muskoka IeNI(fence of NV 111. RIIYI, fiery toN'n_ LrI11 M) hAt ")if brreomes able to Speaker of the New Brunswick Legis- road and Nelson Street.
Toronto, save for p the fn,atl that is eaten. 18.71 minutes In the evening, or a total health of the animals. It k cps them s'r' g
a,vn ship. Ihr bride's omele. rc. H. 5f• If von do, not use your Iarnl or le of 40.59 minutes for the day. There free of mites and at dtsc sero, uln::rs Iswa.rninxaamember of Premielature. and who. a few r
DI:Cy Sound cc
Lxng•Ford, of ihummels, w:u1 the i-Mci- e -
sling clergyman. Mr. +old Mrs. Stmt- for a uoi tb, Ihr nun Ira In couir utas thus a dally saving of 3.5 minutee them more thrifty find usequeutly Cabinet, is, outside of his political
ton Are going to Calgary. Habbv and •rak And yon have lit re- per cow, or 14 minutes on tour cows, more profitable. IMppl g about( tT eats, aswciated avith,mome of the largest — - --
SPRI 0 SERVICE A pioneer of the Goshen line, Stan- sort to nrtifl i;tl help. It is .the same through the use of the maehlneH. H done twice each year. is not a diR1- manufacturing concerns in his Province.
way with s, situuneh utoscles. It
is effect Math to was [ th, [ ley,
paused away ton SxlurdAp. J:1th shoals be noted. however, that the cult operation after ttlb dipping plant Anx,ne the principal interests with �
May J 4 9a7• just., in the person of Miro. Sarah they Arte not .well, tory Itrrnnsr so time sated by the employment of ma• Is established. ' which Hon. Mr. Robinson is connected is `I�R�PI l SON
Xn waocv„ wink that it is etesmary to continue the Record Foundry and Machine Co., of u Vr/lf'i� j J
bowson, relict of the bate Henry- Dow• chines was not the result of greate. Swine otos.
Tore .._... am. t>t,; m. son. Deceased did not loo burviv,. °"1nµ1 n digrmtic with the foal you Moncton, N.B., and Montreal P.Q.,
L µm. to -S\ pm. her huslstnd, whose death long
eat. eperlt In milking, but In Use operator's You can't get t lost reaultm by ! )
manufacturers of the celebrated to Penn
MOL not stn Lew Wsena MIS. DUNenn w On the 1) his d, when vuu use
fVq Mound. .. _. a+Ma si.. 1it,li P.M.p,m. seventy-eight
eight years of age. atroflg that %•toil can M;-o•nri, your mtofivh %,a,n grown Mr
give up the use of
Toronto .11:10a.m. ..- a3ip.nt. Word 'has Itren received of the, medicine:
Wlrexcept, ,lttanday. death of Cham Mann, of Saakaloon, a Mi-cwna costs ;elk; ti`.Ixix And does
Information, ticket., etcl,city TwIto 0011,. former resident i)f Tuckeratnith, wit more teal goad Ihan a (itfzen boxes of
ror. Kuua[anI Tomato tfta . III aln '.ria. Toronto. moved to the West About two years ordinary digestive tablets, The proof
ug&II --aunt,'• ago. , DeceasedWAX It well-knn vn of thin in Nhnwn in the fact that a
-------- -- ---- horseman And was ,t brother of guarantee, nlmilwo and tulqualifled,
Thomas Motion of liullett and a is given by Jas Wilson with ever
.. y
hr other-imlaw of ,John Gardner, of box of Mi•o-na.
Vorter's Hill.
Tit: people of Exeter were saddened ttypy He Was Promoted.
by the death rat Mrs. John Muir, a
Ladv who, was held in very high r/- Katntday Kve IIg Po+t.
tePrn. Mr%, Muir was ill only a week, A bomine+0 firm enc hod in if.
C s -
of n u roles h• de th o• a i ) toy x \ h
br 119 lmmalurP anim A. g,ther - ranges and " Admiral " and - -I KE LEADING- _
A gond sow Ip perfect health will-('elorific" furnaces. in this company,
lose flesh while auck•Iing her pigs. floe, Mr. Robinson is a large stockholder Funeral Directors
$vel) the beyft brei( hogs will put and a director.
their felt In the trough If they can. and Embalmers
Burn some cobs to a charcoal and .. F
give the hogs some now and Men. It ore•n rarrauy .euo•+e to at au
helps to keep them henithy. i _ herr, uielal or ear
Avoid drafts in the hog house. A
hog Is susceptible to colds anQ rheu-
a9 well as people.
Loout for holes In the bottom of
thelings fire great on the gnaw iqiness. Fina yois - know there rTHE BON TON
mol tae n bol" and a broken leg.
p r til) inst.
A ec ler ng c - p yI ung man w c eoereS ar A meati MILRBL gooll long without II pedigree Is bet �„�"�� a�>/�t i/
Frday, 12th Tref. Firsidt•A her bus- grasp u[xffxirs Boon led a mxnnge ter than a fair our. with It. f aEa
blind two none -W. K . Muir, of Ex. to prouuote him Over ,t thfll and ability to milk two,cows at once. In- i lt. boar it Ihr ith . the heal
iter, and Bert Muir, of Regina -sur- trusted employer. The old eel felt deed, one conn eRn look after five mit- to f1
vivo. Mrs. Muir was forty-eight years deeply hurt that the you man chines milking tarn cows at once, thus should lie rhaurzed often. The goo-] Royal Crown
old. • Ronald In• promoted over Ili, Ind brood sows should be retained as long
Mrs. William Tont, of Hurn town- complained to the manager. greatly Increasing lifts saving of time.
shi who died on Sunday, 14th inst.. Feeling that this •liras R cine t It rhe pulsator can be adjusted so that els their oat futuesm continues. Witch -Hazel
p' the action w111 be fast or slow. Fifty Itr(al the sows no they will farrow
tat the age of sixty-eight years. Ivan a could not he nrRurrl, the mauae in t,-rou is of, s:l live. The dgm may be 'feller �f�p
well-known and highly -esteemed resi- asked the ofd clerk what was th to sixty pulmatlous per minute is the l y'. 1 y
dent of the district. She was born in volus.• of all the noise In trout of their to usually recommended. The more divided at pleasure then, and fewer
tilt- township of Stephen. t near Exeter, buildina. Id the pubtations the faster the ma- ilowm will be suckling plgw than If the freer• sial ay se)
And wits married 111 Guller'Ich in Litt The clerk went out. anti returner, c e will milk up to a certain limit. 1119% come Fit different times. Besides. At the C ateau Frnntenac-st
veer ]NO). Afterwards making her Ivith the answer that it waw I lot of The writer saw one cow giving a good It Is "ImOmt as'Pliny 'to look after five Place Vie Hotel, Montreal -at
home with her hushand in Huron wagons going by. flow tanked absolutely clean with a sows IIs One- Banff-Rr -al Alrxandra, Winnipeg
two%hi . Besides bet- huslmod, six Tht• Manager then asked what they
�' p machine In 2 minutes, the number of Convenience In feeding and watering
.r n. IMT one dxu9htertnn•\•ive her. were loaded with. and again the clerk ys -on th r Pullmans and ocean liners
went out and returned, reporting that pulsatiomt being 150 per minute. It is stork Is n thing to be sought for by all. -gee sand passengers are provided
Clinton's Assesstttent. they were loaded with wheat. believed, howevi\r, that much rapid Especially Is this true•of swine, where with 'Royal Crown" Witch -Hazel.
'1' a assessment of Clinton for the The manager then mens, him tr ,t%. milking for spy length of time has fi there Its mfr much feeding and watering
'er how many waguum there were had influence n n the cow. to he done. it Is quite a chant to keep ru ntenicatel sollp,and a toilet —P.
year 11107 oboes n total of ><7irB,i)dB, nn loo "Pot in one for the peer t f ore
incre . of Over SIZGW in comparison and he returned with the answer that "The yield of ill( is perhaps the the wntering troughs tree from pro In la. ante. 3 freers carr. roc t c.
three were mixteete.
with•I at yexr'n assessment. The pop- meet important tt�l to the dnlry- leer zing weather. Insist on having "Royal Crown"
Finally hr was erne r nee where lire Y g y give the brood mows
ula6ion is practically the malar ns LtsG were from, and hr returned axy-Toff man. An method o Ditlkln that has �I•:cPry floe ds Witch-itazel Toilet Soap.
Fear. a tendency to decree the flow to any exercise In the open air. Scatter a II
cardiae Assessment. they were (fano n city twenty miles to
the north. appreciable extent can wally be
con- IIP shelled corn on the 9rownd to
The saw mment figures for the Lown The noanager then nmked life young sideretl practicable. ` h . point was vyurage them to move around.
of Kincarthine fill- 19117 show n total clerk to Ise sent for, null a,aid to him : mtudled for a period of the v days In Fresh c Tenn water should be tveo
asme.munent of SM2,Lfti, ,t gain of "Will you ser wont is the nrrnnine of til:+ experiment with the ml Ing ma• to the hogs every day to drink• ohne a
l6]O,SFtO mer Iwet year. The iwpuln- that rumbling noise in trout'" chine. The total cfeld of rnflk r four roan] allowance oV1,ndbnoltite
Linn temainm Imont Atatiopu), Ioril,e Thr young nlnn went out. Ind le• cows during thirty dnym \v -nm 1.!IgKi . them dally.glvCe CANADIAN B s
1 ff81, against flirt in 191M1. tnrued. saying: -Sistleen wagon" pound; from hand mllkinc and l.fxtli,_.
beaded with µ•hent. Twenty more )oundm from Innchlne milking, not fit Honest Ik.
Sad Fatality at Winghatu. will pans tomorrow. They belong !o I Y IRRIGATED s •
A vI ry unfoilugalr Accident oc- `Smith d Co.. of A—, and ,uw On eluding atrlppnngm, n difference of Irl.: There is to be \creel
their any to Cincinnati. Ivo"re wheat Pounds, or 3._4 per cent, In favor of where rrliabllity truth in
cnrrerl xt tor, home of Y. N. TnnslPy, in brut un One du111t lend a s t the machine. m "faro" NN wof blst(td-
If of Wiughant. no �VeslnPaday of Inmt K R 1carter '> ALBERTA
week. A frapxllxlr over the cistern at humht•I." "it In Of interest t0 role, how the ed eta k. }1, k ow -s all About Ills
1 had been left open and little Carl The young noun wens di+misaed, and milking machine affects n herd of cows stock, their ate n9 points and their SUNNY
T,tnsley flue vextsl of soar walked int the inannger, turning to the old clerk, the first time It Is Owl The wrifer weak Mees hi I I 1
. I m sn em a inn n(
the opening. He wits promptly taken said : "My friend, you see now why was _
tx R• I 1 Y present In n bast of about forty ""nec the h . l or Injure It and can — --- - from the water, but could not Ile re- the vounge . mare was promoted over cows on one. ocrnalinn the first time. the Before deciding where to locate
- anrritaMll
you.'.- V\'• P.
, help n coal mer lir be him rmtn, for Ills
machlnen were put in OPPratlon. Rome crostomer. are entirely At film mercy. in the West, let us tell you about
CALIF 0 R N I A of the anlmnla worn a little rratlr•em At these Isola. The fast wheat fields
A Good Appointment. lie can >c a man or jockey. A breed. ITUNllRY BROS.
SURE SAFEGUARD. first owing to the sight of the machines er Filo Id he no honest and uptight that -the richest grazing land -are in
- Hoyd C. HodRinm, M. A., eldest Ann find the clicking of the pulmatorm, but
of Rev. J. W. and MI•e. 'Hodginn, of _ n Fit neer nitght write him for nn Ifni- this Province.
EXCURSIONS Use Dodd's Kid Pill's and Back- soon they became quiet find reconciled m , telling him the weak Livery, Hack
('hxlhxnl, formerly Of Renf)rth, has Kidney point In his Write us for (all information
to their action. One feature which la
received the appointment Paul's of a"l for ache -Will Never Grow into Bright's n hmnling nod rest aamnr"(i tint about crops, climate and special
English master o At. Yaul'n School for Disease, perhaps n little FiurTrIFiInR fs that heft• what he re,. rived would remedy the tie-
Bovs at Coneord, New Hampshire. »t erm took to the ntnchinen am readily as feets. A breeder should feel that ;n. railroad rates, etc. -_
Lowest rete et Ihr »n initial salary of El,itllt per nnnuno. River(Jagnon,Que.,Apr.2"/rad--IRprc- the older cowFi. Tho mmjoylty rat t Local representative wanted in A N D
ser. s ecr.l t lir Mr. Hodgins; in tw•ruf three(• ears of Tittle Kidney trouble in becoming the tercKst lit the su(`ecetrs o[ biro favorite r'
each count ��� Stables
y q R y Y f cnwm appeared to like the mnchl es burst thnf wnuld lint Ifllow him to ever y•
hmrinrr. t_envr•- mice and is xn exceptionally clever .roorge o the age sand Hright'. and mtcatll quietly."
ten at Ln. Anxrlea. diseame ban terrors fill. Iliany, butg Telfer Osgood
1 • young man. sell An Ifnlmnl to n customer unlena he
penph• here are learning to enre their hnnrmtly belleved It would he a benefit
Sudden Death at Clinton. hacklache with Dodd's Kidney fill. Raising Oysters. I to him. --t'. M. Winslow, Ayrshire FAM I FIC RETURN FARES y hairs Sellia A eats 11
L 11 and never give it n chance to y;tv)w in- R H Br ee t (V u h 11--A. A I tl l Ad
of ti
JAM." Dtinfnet , wife of i nit"r-
taker Munford, Clinton, diet( very
Io,anythini(worse. Exptcrienceshown
thin to ter the one
y ) anronver, w n Ia
deeply intPre.t�d in rooter indnm-
ra ttsoc a on.
nuddrnl un Satairda morning Inat,
Y Y g
Fiore sat llari
ngaint Bright's disetas•. Nn.
try nn the Mwill
th•vore ynnr•.pnre true tO life . on-
2r)th ins". Rhe had had hrsart trouble,
Irnt(y,an apparently in gn(xt health and
Murphy. nor of the crier, aayn :--
oysters whish will h" propagated are
sop ate
of R very rhnire character.
sideration tf oar own batdts, for u
attended R etrncert. In the town hall
the night la•fore, but while dreaming
"1 muHerrd for thee months with w
air in my hack. 1 used OIl" box Of
The sheltered waters in which th"y
lir" found nRnrd mplendid npport.uni-
chnuge, and you will have lean to sa Y
almout tilt. anllm of your sleight
I on SaturIAy morning she drtplled
hNld'm Kidney 1111#6 and I have never
had the pain miner•, 1 nether
firm for prlrpmgntann, and the company
i. in
-- — ----- -- -
dend. Mr. DpnfOrl and n family of
four children have the sympathy of
the community.
ikxld'a Kidney Stills to other }"opts
eoniplaining sit 1 (lid and the all of
y. R
cnncrrprrJ. now thinning them
OlIt. no that they may have a chanes
to dev"lop to their fullest. Tile, inlets
,in Det roll and an
MI, Ml«tea litu, e h
was, ailing and -
irnn,r(Ity ante. nor.
and returtdn1[ by
Four Yeah for Bigamy.
,IsmPm B"11)e(•k, chare"d Lrfnre
_____` -
The man whit never makrA it neren-
are so perfect in ennfi9uration fnr the
purptlaoa intended that it wrnlld be
difficult to arrange an artificial bay
• e -'"/. •
Friars Cough Balsam 4
vtee versa.
Jude" Machette At. London with
nary for him friendFi to stand bye hint
better adapted for tho raising of oys-
'. •.
rntr•ryyine I sevens wit" while hill law-
can be mwfured that be will alwa n
have them,
One Of the getod, old-fashioned things t1IAt 1ac: }`f
14— I 1 Mr Ili
tel wife, Sarah Belh"ck, Of Ezeter, elan
plenty of
never been improved upont
mi el+'nl nvae. we.n ran ver , Noting M Exception. I\�
trill \( tnnil•eg atilt living, wan s"ntenced to dour "What is An anecdote, Jnhnnv :" R P infallible for coughs, cools, bronilhial end lung r
tiara in the Provincial penitentiary. Asked the teacher. "A shorts fanny it psyn t,. tell the troth ., i osbles. i
669 April 27 to May 2 iaelusive rilerk is a man of About ,fi(ty-flve tale," answered the little fellow. "T always it Ipprxsed the felir,wa that f ATA, CALLS ATTRNDRT) TO
Rehralse ■sill .Isty 11 years of age. He married bin first •That's right," sold the teacher. didn't tell the im1h were pail the moat it i; tile 'Argent ar,.l hest Y:,e remedy foot Cnngh,I R
wife nitouL thirty-four y"bra wgn, Now, Johnny, yrntmaywriteaa"n- fu legal caw." and colds. Prepatred,rreoiniendedsnd guaranter,l AND PRIVATE HOURRR
TMtal,+ and v th" largest wholesale dnoj( honer in tile world.
At, DaAhwood. and lived with her At tence on the blackboard conuLining I ^'
vett tame Ittioo.ream Ezeter and in f.hat district until the word." Johnny hesitated �t ycmr druggist does mrd handle it, IM n. know.
Jo. t Rlnn. •nM 1 A Or R.. •m. Y - U N DRY BROS.
,a•Will l'. a. ilNt aa, n1`A (.r. a.,1Me11M ai011t th rl`I` years ago, when he nenf.. And then wrote shun "A rAb Folie 1•t ih1•..'A KnRt. t,ll 1y h•,'ll wt•. NATIOMAI D11U0 6 CHs. M. t0., lltallre r
(„ to tOkIMN,Oer. a)t'TH Mitt};Fa' PRO\K F1iT
• lett bin family. Then he went hit has tour 1"gm add one aneetlote." Marne our shortcomings.L I
s ___ --an