HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-4-25, Page 1When your business announcement is placed in The Signal it is read by the best people in West Huron . �1"'spooko. - ..Sel�..-,c t9�if�i.1�. 1.. . TRIAL TRIP a The Signal for the - -.( balance of 1907 to t a t new subscriberszbjc-e. . i(, , for o cents. I I .1 12 %_-_, .. , I I= - — 1I �--- _— ---- — --- t;IXTIBTKYBAR-Na lltO GOI)ERICH, Fined $10 Each. u1't , ., , b , to ruilwx�•s, thele is nu exewption an tit a t the 11 (:nit and Ayr. He witnlarrlet at _ __ _ VANATTkat t RoBFRToONN. j,cuusnKam ON'T'ARIO, CANADA: APRIL 25, 1907 — Financial GODERICH MARKETS. LOCAL TOPICSIf"'die tet 1 that the mechanics lien act Al in fxrulin He "came to O(Nlerich luno Richnutnd NEW RE ITVDA SEMENTS-April 46th ___ _— --- TuuRaoAr A ril teeth. court a rets(! with LiteUivisiunml K Court. Appeal diawis8tdl with caste. family of four : Mrs. David C+tsr{dx Y y tit nt•r; Mrs. B. C. Mumliugs, of town hxvi leen Aulendldtaince Kinn v. -AI• 1 no W 11 Wa o ad to exlAmd +alit pruvioun 1t) re- Ailing,here had iived f i i I UNQUESTIONABLE -rhere is no ynestiun,at till about your n(xrdinK n savings account, as thew in only one more way of accumulating wealth, %nil that is by saving it. A few persons inherit wealth, while others gain independence by a atroke of luck, but the v,udt majority of people srcureAcumla•teheybyslx+nd- iug less than they retake and moving the surplus. We pay F01711 let' cent. iuterebt on deposits. and Money call be withdrawn tit any time. THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY Golerich Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. Fell wheat, fxrr bunts, new...... $0 w ! n W Spring wheat, per bush, new..., d W to n till . Fined $10 Each. u1't , ., , b , to ruilwx�•s, thele is nu exewption an tit a t the 11 (:nit and Ayr. He witnlarrlet at rap Home Show. Toronto -F, F. Lwronoe, O. T. is to o t•+ Ityo, err Lush ...... _........ '011"o I'hts Kennedy blrrt.herx Wwrl' Ipef111H to Federa railways, at till event„, If Nile in 111(12 to Mims Te'esn Stewart, R. Ticket Agent....... _. . . ............ 3 Bu%,N'.L urrburh .. . , U t3 to u ti (ka., tier bomb., new 0 s\ to U Ills uI1or Hutt on Monday tin whUlly Wltfl{Ir the ProVlnre• The and Ipetlltil•e hi,, wldo\V he leaves a Alw'eyr filo lice( ar 1:rcrsahlMf-H+rrr T. ........:. Peon. I,Ca bomb ................. u 7e w o 77 77 Barley, per burl ................ U 45 tc o t.; c fit co the ebur a in connection with which Kuinar court a rets(! with LiteUivisiunml K Court. Appeal diawis8tdl with caste. family of four : Mrs. David C+tsr{dx Y y tit nt•r; Mrs. B. C. Mumliugs, of town Fdwaedr. ........... ..... .....Pub s Teuden for. Uredglorf-Departwent of 1'ab• t+r+Yruingw Ver ton ............. 18 IU to IN 00 Floor tier cwt Y50to t .91 tilts rel heating w:ar had uL I Y K tilt- police court it shin( tiole q(;u. E. L.`Dickwetlu, lifaierich, for plaintiff, alien Margaret said 1'hunlxa, at hwue. ❑c Works. UC(awa......................... 1 ,faudlly,...... Flour, ,stent. per cwt ....... 3 su to s 41 (laving made rel,at•ation for the darn• F. D. At•luuur, K. l'., for defendant ' . �fl'. HIII'1'UN'v was a rico Dlze[i R Two Bargain ".g,(;phore......._.'t � Baur, per ton ..,................ 19 (a) to 1900 Short., toll Ill f11 to IN) (11. ago dour "t the Kin Edward IIOWI, K K railway company. A. M. Stewart fur authntjty on grain and for fila past yea, Pa Y ........... ......... 7 Idadle+ v,•r ..... ,. . r lou w w 11 up tinyW. they were tined only 11U each. defendants , . A. Piggot k Colli- the cuotractors, len years had [awn an annual visitor to the Dun "nuon fair in the ManUea and Jaeketa-U. Millar C:._ 3 Asphalt Itubber Bootie W. IR, rd ...................... 1 N'u,xl, jwr cord ................. 3 rat w 8 YI . Hul4r, IL First Brain Arrival tin P Y. principal capacity K i Y (it while fur the R-Pinder...,., t A Well known Fact- per ................ 11 Yt la o tie l'haxsw, IL 13 o !S At noon on Saturday least Mrs. Mur• Going to China. judge, past five years -Flank H. Misrule...... 3 per ... ............ U to F.ggx, trwrh, per dos •............ 9 It to A N The etrxulrr Midland Qaren is It. It. Carr•Harris and John HutGln, he had net ell in the value capacity at Y the Urent Northwestern Exhibition in Raadem-Anderwon'm Hardware, U naettaesq 1 A Fair Offer ill carpe4A- Wm. yonA.1- .. . e sic to o as ('attle. ordln'y to rood, perowt ! 00 w t W loaded with grain for the (ioderich elevator and is lying at Fort Williunk ,if the Guel ph k Gotlerich engineering I K K OdRlerich. Among those who attended Acbeem t suit -.... . - . ....... ......... 3 ('attle, export, faros(.......... t 3iI w 5 (a Ho,f., Ilcu weight, parrowt.... / 10 o s vi awaiting the openingof navigation til stafT. have received appointments (,if the engineering staff of the Vilontorl• K• K the funer 1 nil Monday were Thoma► of Princeto Ont., I.... A Ntyti.h Hat - W. A. McKim ................ 3 NurIWIW 8 ring Ialah• ..... ...... S in F eclo, per cwt" 3 311 w 1 su the Sault liver. ,The tirnttish Hert is for Hang Kuw Railway and sail frutit Ehnem, aotl F. R. h:hnos, of Paris. iwth half-hnrthers t a UstaMo ltrilwa - .............. Haui, per lb ........ 1....... 1118 to OIs alwh lu,abd trilh grain, Tile Hi Mdl. I'hr mtexnirt" Turret Chief +tit Victoria, B. C.. un the F:ngness of u[ the•dectwatsd• D,'C,agai([w of Ayr w Y. Y ... .. ... .�N...... Y .. ..... ..................... ! Furniture for Bale 1 Bwon, per Ib -. ............... 0 13 to U W lard, per IL 15 w IS 'I'tu•Ivt Clalm., which wintered here, India till the lath of next mouth. Mr. , sou -ill : Miss Stewart. of St. .... .................... ..... Notice to Debtors -Morrow ( Johnstoa......' 1 . _. ... _...... Tallow, per IL . ....... a W to n u; Hider, 1y+uerows ... ............ tl 30 w I S+ w dl Ira%,. this week, (pound north.('oats CAN'- lint cis will Iw• ,amsitltxnt engine +IIIA aft'. ihltt(IIININt)111atl4gdRRl lxwlton. 3141-Yu. Mew. 1). Powler, 111x, A. J. Dm-nin itnd Alex. Durniu, West and uvereoa[ r H odgeru an"....... s Pasture to tea Niles•jrttkitr...,... 73 W I (11 ('hM,krna In To Study in Germany. There is some 0,11111 miles of road to Ise of Wawanoa h: the three nieces E. C. Attdll.................. 1 e�t Jw. WUros.......... ....... .:.::.......::. to 1t) Turkey" . .......... .......I la w ;t Geoffrey Halt, M. A., eannK up on built. We understand the two yuulu K ephoformer and t hP lar! named w nephew ; Chas. 1 So 19eerlleea Apple Cutt/ugh -0eo W. Thoaron 1 Applwante coon., u)utdktr market. on page al Satudey from T'orpntu to visit hi. pat•• Olen go) td the Celerltial Empire• on a tbne ve+ars' eontr•Act Nnd prolmhlythev Stewart, Nile, a brother-in-law, and 1 rterrant Wanted- Mn. H. Price..... .. 1 —------- -_ - -_ _ - en -s. Judge and alt's. Holt. and left on Y s tel. . J. Rutledge, of Went Waw•anosh, Aunouncemont--C. C. Lee. K. P. Paulin...... 8 - -- -- - ------ -' ----- Architect Etc. Monday for New York, whence he won't stray w see the road. fills h u nephed•. The services were con- Announcement -Prof. Hems I I -_-- — r mailed est c Notilllatulg at the nate the Guelph k ducted b • tree( .. g Zuilc - ell f G t tk l R (' N H ��"� XA . BOY ADAMS -� -- _ _ . Tswcass Or Puxo Studio to Bank of Montreal Week. LAntlstry (1. E. SALE. L.D.S.. D.D.B. 1 18rlman's Block Mr. Tuaebull's old ,.tai j1"Ical F_l'KFR..1A%T Al TUR'KBULL NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of. running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week-- i eW Estate for bale. j/WK SALE. -THP BRICK COT- 11�' ewe(• eartof the knitting factory oa F•w•t .it"." Thedwrtling b conveniently IoCAtod and ,. in good repo Ir. There as also a frame .tabic on the lel. Apply ro H. KE V. on 1 hu preml.em. JIM �IOR SALT.-DOI'HLF HOUSE ON y A, or rr1114 1) u x r A rounie at the University of lierlin. mII (1 Golerich road ham been huilt, it's x .7 e\. >, awn. pastor of North street Methodist church, of _ _ On his return in September Mr. Holt safe gl„•atl they Won't. .Mr. Carr- is. which the 11(ct•asedl wAm A Illl•mIN l•, Alld will Ile Illore than doubled 1t) Mise will +tmtlufile hill duties:(, lectimer in Ff,uai• uud- M(r. IlutGm will lira, H. Clement, All old friend if( when they rue completed. German in Trinity l nivdgtity, 'Cur• uu,,'h iii d in horial eiredts bete tens! 'Mi.. Hurrvrwli, And Tile pAU-liexrerr were X. Two wings Are losing built to the unto. A lmnilioii to Which he was re- their 111,U•y friends will wish then/ a 011e"t. Mr. Downing, W. H. Robertson, J. H. Col- rou0i from the rear u[ the recent P cently aplmikkQ. Mr. Holt is a ple:u,unt ..joutdl in the (%ar,. Harri, visit to hOrne, first), Acheson, Jarob Htokel And factory. one 111 by b(1 feet, the other IMI by 811 'I graduate of Trinity find thiY lecogoi- M at present all At MI'Iltrr.(1 but will rrUn a to h("lericll .1„till Nhnw. 1'he fan+ily b"ve the feet. hese singe will he coil - nectrd the tion of his ubilitirtl by his xlu,,a ulxter C.wa'.t. Mr. ,vugpathy Of the. townrlAr(lplo in gun- at south rn11, the conoec- in grAtitying to bis -many Goderieh Isefure leaving lost, the e,Al in their tinge of trial. tion being 72 by W feet. This will friends. Judge Holt Apcomp,utied his Bol(((o It-avem next week fill. Fdown- Iles An Old Resident Colborne. give the youth end of the factorym. won as far am .Niagara Falls on Monday. 1''111 Lit yibit (lir fail,,',. ill, wily to of frontage of 152 feet. The new build. The New Or Merchant, the Coast. At noon on Saturday least Mrs. Mur• ings are to lit- of altlid brick, with con ygoods U. k G. R. Nearing Completion. I'i 1, 't 't of the late Joseph Mortis, erste foundations, and two etoritml The Stratford w»kir the fol- t The (iurlph lcrcl:ry of Ltmt 4ator- slipjntd fm•,aeefully away to tilt- better high. The present buildings are ii eferen aHeraldi lowing reference to (i(mlrrich'tl new day The of C. 1 It, [AW - She had btsen seriously ill for by 30 feet, three stories, and 1l} by- drygoods girnhant, who ronpem frill, maid: party . I r In culla, nitinths, and her death was not Nl tart, two sturies, and fila whole I'KFI. ,. . . _ r St. (icor s (reaoeut..tor and a half. Al• _ -- -- - - -- n riot x, Int u m rnrrn n teen• will mAke a ver compact building. en r the l.l»saic (%Ity : air. J. Sir til, (or x R I iinpxlxe ttrl. !Ihr had reached the age Y Pa g so sly Us MRS. LY house uu Aug{e,rxa sheet, nfilrtber tit years a well-known ern- (endoi Olmn-ne, Hilltop 7ntendt'lot Sol”- of mevoiltY-twit yeard, the greater r. well arranged for li h A. T. Faaxloxhr_ M. U. Apply w MHS. LYNN, i_ Drsessmaki” van, Uiviaiunal SuPPl iutt•ndent Mlua'. K Wlight, and for con- al, S. '}'c wsxcu. M. K - --- — ---- _ --_ ---- 1loye•P with Mlr. J. A. D iggyn and r tiro of her life having Iperu spent in veuience in handling material in itrc mss, Hamtltoo Nir(rt. Phono ort. OUSE AND LOT FOR HALF.-- -' -- �"t•r• with Mr. A. Nclhrnald up till Ploy', Divisional Kiigineer Fairbain. Colborne township, wh)eZe fur near) way through the factor from the I)RFSSMAKING. PLAIN AND Y Y for. F.mmerron'. n•sidroco, St. Ilavid'- -I met. I,ot 3ermrnis number in the town �1f 1 the linty Mr. McDun,(Id ►old ant to (thief Engineer Peterson ;ung Cul, half A denture she lived nil the Ininher (le to the shipping room. on o Il. Victoria .lrime•t chun'h, hone NR t lerich, on which Its erected a one and a hdif fan, \(ncllunald, who 'Pelrl•ttd made a pp ppelm V a y srwinR. New. s ),a Smith wd-+he,• Memoirs. Sttiutrnt k Lick, ham leaned 3 univet•sul Uogl Nr•( and eatioew of the he lower floor will Ile the machine to annnune that she has had fifteen yeah.' lino• of ins owtion tit the •flm•I i k I �' fir. Turnbilll's r«lderr�e, Xelson .tree( story Jwrlliryf ,ontwmh,i .S ppomi fu good rx wrirn(,• in the above line., and will bo handmume rreniiwes in li,wlerich in x i I Collin unity.. Mrs. Morrim, whose r(wltls, the packing' And the shippi0 Nezt thew'" mwrc, phone 1.1. repair. Tilt•• Drofwrlp ht-. up{wr ato to the I l kr re,idence of the late Hun. M. C. Cameron, marl pbawd to have a+hare of the Patronage of the newt -claret location :old leaves Str•at- G(mleli ro;td, returned I.tnt evening irtxidrn name waw Mar Carmichael, n)utue, and, the otfleon ; on the second was for many years usted as w �rt recasts',. laAlea of Goderich. Kindly call or addroa. Y l�R. A. H. MACKLIN, M. H. MFW. AIX -F IIMITH, in Care of Jame. fold t Klu • tip Often up a fine new mtnrk 11'1"811„ thl-OlIgh tilt' city Ith,,rt WAR hewn in A KILLO ce. ..poly to forthe . raintaGtUNB 3 u'clnrk. The mini train went right rK)'letlhirr, Scotland. Hlwr• the aahiuet and finishing rooms : pHYention ANDye. Vase. KILLUHA\, s�licltor, for lheToralwGenera w'eatJre+Ad, Bynoe atlrm;t. Im of fxn�•y rygrwdw and wtinien'a wear 1but canis to this country with her anti the whole factory is so Tanned Sseelal see and w kro. Fir. N*u.e aid Tea -t ('orporauon. 3111 -It _ in thmt le,wn. J1 r. ite?"I'm man Inns gh ill Blyth, which iw only ahnut y p Threat. (Mle+and nwMence, old Bank of 71fon - - _ __ ._ _ . _ -- - -- - - - r -- +) fifle•n In fr(nn Ualerich. The mils parents fu infancy. The family lived that when it is completed Manager real opposition Peatolgce, Nast .L, Goderwh. FOR HALF:. -THE HANDSOME: _ Notice. Fltratli friends who know of him for ,t while a;. Hamilton• where the Itumhall believeA there will not Ile a Telephone No, IM. j' and, armmodlouahonme owned au+ an•u- - -- -- ` ,abilities :end quAli(Icatinnm h,►Yr Pvti al -4 -all in position up to thi,. paint, find father Aitrl• And later at Galt, And furniture shop in Canada more con- ---- ----- p d by the undrmien.rl ,,owned on Albert 1�rOTICF.--OWING TO CHANGE. confidence that he will snereed fn his the IsAi.Lsting has Im•en partllfil• r,1:"' 11rs. Monis nr,ed to roc»II the fact veniently arranged. A plication has --- additional p L.OM wit convenient tot lk of h ql ,stations end l in til r and wm, in taking 1 situ Ha doted. Oil altil,tiuY lot boon trindts tot he Grand Trunk Rail. _ Rabin w taw ndnuse•: walk of CM rasa. All rag Y K M' to new wrlitnre.' I lh+tt it was At thin latter 1lAcr mho +'M apart have and O,re11i11K N new met ..t 1, a by gang ,1! L•t►dnwrs w•ih rO'nnlPnl'r o" first hecaloo arl}u.aintedl witil the (Ate way for A siding to run in at the south Ibv meAe verynw ienrem AAA w dr+t-,htw. ) i• f mfrs have J. 1. WO -1.1-mottled At cute by Crawford v. Tilden, the work. which it is propomed to rnrh Rrv. Keds•rt 1. rr, D. 1)., then a. young` nide to facilitate shipping by call, tAaISTIM tl KILLURA N, BAR- decor 1t) panda nova( The ruroaure Judi to cea+h ur not e. J. fl. W1II[N F.1.1_ :911( i RI13TR)te mo0dteor.,,rldarfeAs,etc- Ulgtr, to be di.pa.M tit byy yvrrirate sale. including ----._-.-___ _- --- Judgment hem been dPli%•1•red in the through with all pvNmlbre -peed. The mtudrut teem xn•anh• /x•ru, Upon NL, third doer hot Square,Godertch, parlor.dinlogl'oom. Itte pe anti ell other turns Appeal til Cnor't tit Toronto ill the eAM• ,,, Ii;,ns All Alun . the line ,in. cum- I 1 ying the in addition W the buildings men- ture, carpet.., autial,w. HNDYy Thought range, - l � R pulpit at (;Alt, and afterwards the tinned the engine and dynamo house )t. O. o'AMBItUN, K. ('. J. L KII,• dor >SaIA of Crawford v. Tilden, on thea r sal by pirld and Mr. Olsorne yesterbly AA- K Y lB(�1teN. etc., el'.. Appd,fw I(F;G. BLACK. -_ _ - : .. _ J I I rr. ve red uamtur of Knox church, at the west end of the factor is be• I _ _ pininIifffern(hron] erofA Div ininn»I led that it wits hoped ill lm- Aille to r",Vero �'ift factory t UI'F;KS EUK SALE. YOU R HALF. -FINE TWO -SEATED Court rPvrrmiri ud moot of flute. J., (o ,rt) the is to Bfvth by file Ilrrt n( y Peat's ago she came iug enlarged by a 23 by 28 addition : pKovDFooT, HAYS A BLAIIt. I l rumase, almost: new, rnbber tiled. Hark K j K d with lice mother to Colborne town- And next the engine. house will ile the bmrrWant,-dkitem motari« public pt) •- rholae d live. Apply w REV. K NUTT, a ,lame•, when Ardred. Apply to ItEV. J(Is ,in An Act ion tip ti A int-Ainnic'm lien June ur during chat month. He Also :on in the NarMlsue Court, eiii ("lice, rr-t.lde I %rwvAte .treat. lett Ship, find -Atter the death of her dt'v kiln. :ti by ix: feet. V FLLIuTT, uodbHch. Nin against the defendants, thr'Uurlph k m,u1ts the slatrrnrnt Yhnl the G. k G. mother a few menthe later she con- It is ho to have the additions I(gtlwrs tit,bspre.A. t a'.. ofia. IM p I3F DitiIOSF'D OF B- PRI- i.olerich Railway Com pony. Plain• when rum letevl will he ant• of this emu tawlend at Icwwot est« ,rf (nU•nsL� {..j UL'91i AND LOT FOR SALE.- T . 3' I t+ Iinue•d to live with her aunt, Mrs. flnieht(1 by the Ise of August. Uode- w', rKP uvUFVUT, K. G H. C. HAYS. G. F , ` That ata1WHNLle rr.fdeax on Ienux SATE: -11.• Ly May LMh. ell the hoawhnlA tiff RAs neer o(» nunilm•r of men em- 0n(:+.f. ff not. the Nnr+t pfecr of road fn U.lulop• wife of Dr. Dunlop, of fame rich will then have a factory that MAUL � 1rect (time Vh•wrins. formerly known m, the fumiCrm. dlninRnx,m, draseinRrnrxn, hatnx,m. ployo-d n [inn ennslrortion of the rail- file Dominion. in Huron's axl'ly hlrl, �n 1861► she will stand Among the front rank of Ile. N• lean prota-rty. anti at pre-ent uwued khohen furrdr,m•, etc. kverythinR mn.l gh, w•+t)' by Oe(rnd401s Tilden A Co., sub - U. Op. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, Ao,l occupied by Thr m,dcrmbrsral. 1 hare• eery frost avuvr urchar,lw ran men thn furniture Carlow Hotel Gets A License. wits mtarried to the late Joseph Morris furniture factories in Canada, mach impro•et thi- property ince 1 pur. 1 1' r•Ontractorm. The (incl h R Gdrtlerfrh Mliciter, notary� public. oonoulatbner. chwmed aetada N today t'pwndidly equi big real Ibo hour, next NNaltr' hotel. Fret Ha11wA Company wvro Inern' xnetled The Wldst Hume licrnnt Cutluuim• 'and Choy took up their rteaideoee on The rsamon for the present extension eta to tiean. Oftlor, oorus' Aauultou equipped. arrest• y I mioaerf met tit Auburn oil Monday to the well known farm at Dutlnp, of the factory AS w+atl explained when 1 u�c pat to be lewrlgt towp ,portly a1AA wl.h anA SLA row's t)tr,peb. Ualwrlch, Onl. o,d al sone of mi. before doine me. Thi, r. a try n Unminiun „tn(iNe, I E:d a•,n�d 1'11.. where with her,uni»ble and ell p ------ I ,plrn id upportuntty fora party w'ho want. a HORISES FOR SALE. rh. NI. (which declarer I life railway. conceder -the applications fol• licenker gentle dim- the pruprxlition was before the town -- - Y UICKINNON A GARROR', BAH- s,,,i,t home that I. coarssnient w ,humhe,. -- though wholly within INP Prvrvinr, fill- Thr rtaning license year. ('oil• piwition Mfrs. Morris held sw+ty over at New ear's, in that the demand for itl3l'I[ItS, attorneYoo, eolkcltor^. ct.•..I mrhex,b. bAwine.. w„tlm,, IsostoMee wd ' he•,esnnd yam, fit for `light farm work. mi,lerithle• intennal centred taripund the one of the mast hfpepitable hotuee fn KeheinQton g(a)ds has one far tie. t:,,derich. !lone to lend at loweat mi T. .triton. )ttivi to build two snore honra., a=, In (tv,, Urtlnl-io, to In• » w'al'k fur the genrrel y R 77 a, I the district. Mr. Morris diel in 18F1i, vend rue facilities for• supplying 1_ UI('KIKSetN. ('A ARhFY(:AHK(1N', 1,40. I bNvr eonwlderahly more then w Tut. Ni.w', 7 ivories and intim• Rood for Mem work, BJIr AdVnnhege of l'xlladn. Thr I)iviraiunal 9tN•Abm whetherthe Cummlmmlonrl,s it• _ would runt » liVenre to Jonathan ;Old his widow remained on the fxrnl Huw'BI.L or,t.. Court held that file rafdwAyy los ins x K tmtil three year% ago. when she cane here tlndslit market frotntt the rAtla tic since..•. And nares, t"I ". Federal raijwA exclunivelt ander Miller, of the ('+ulna hotel, which ham K Lnsurance. Tomsk ALE.- 11OUSY FOR SALE. - A NiNl;- �'holro.wnd marts., 17-I togt7.t y' not had ,a lirrnw• fur lnxny rxiw. A (n live with het only (Infighter• Nee. to the Pacific, and especially !1 L(hoer.andmarc 17-I to the Ie+gilbplivr omlrulofthe Doinin• Y pec Ilp the roomed, /name Awrlliog. hmcitrg w Rohl 8 drivrrm, 8111 tof11k;. tpply t(. sltnn dr nllnlfon tit tem w•Ixuce George St'w•art, of town. Her vur• market in Western Canada is devel- mitrutiar,on Keay* mtroet. Pitons fnandador, fon, it was tint cunulm•lent fd the fe•g• K I I vivfn YOUNG t ROBERTSON. REAL and .ummer kitchen. good .table. Will hr sold M. A. PIG1117T A' CO.. Goderkh, Ont' imintnlre of Ontario to cants any IAw worker.,. premrntel x prlitiun "gainml K ,Sone Ar• Edwin J. Morris• of aping rapidly, and with commendable IGotate and Insurance Agent.. (teal es nwmonaM For (nailer Ixlnfculal. apply to U\1RFK FOI{ �tA1,F:.--NFML(N:K, +t'hirh wnllhl dPl',rg»te frmil the mtA• the i.mue Of ►heeztrx licenm(•, 11111 MI•. AIINtIn• MAn.; Jomcs N., of Buffalo, enterprime the Messrs. Rmnball are (Are torappleor to let. Propertlem handled In MH.Y, t%'�t. Mc(%Al'uHA.N. I:m Stilton ave., I Mlillrr'm » r hcntiun Abu w"N. b+u•ked N• S •• fu d Herbert, of Colborne. She preparing to capture And kee a fair y part of the town and county. Fire and. Toronto. Catf / elm acrd maple lumber for male from .lock, til- and riuhts And prrppsi enjoyed 1 p lerawrs +l�mo ,a b,.oUtrl', DIInCan Car•• mh+U•r of the IDeteasi0 business. rte in.urance, money to loan etc. or cars be rut to order. For further IwarUcalan ,end bald) h)• lilts hddPral rnr wn•Ation lip by ,t 1prtit inn. Thr licrnmr war g Apply laRUBKRT FL1,107'r, Otderlch, tf ,Anted. This i nake8 twit livenmed 'ItichAel, living et Birmingham• Mich. At H+atulink's apple -- rAHMI FOR SALT. -UN art l'UN• mid.•r ire cnnmlilt)tiOn csrnttd-hv the K' PP evaporator the iuHN W. CRAIOiE, LIFE, FIRE ,*-I.n of colbornr townmhip, containing ------ a -- _ DuminiuD of Cannda. Plaintiffcon• places in Cullmn•pe lnwnship, instead he interment took place in Colborne excavation in being mAde for a large r/ and aocident in.arance. A4ent for lead(uofi 1121 wrist. I mile from school, f mile fronts TO Agent I roe ». hrrrteif,1re. 'Che following eelne'tery tin Tuesday atterntsnt. packing and storage warehouse. it in 1,_ el asd stack at ptao a 7naanmro tach einem f 3 elle. (ten Auburn F•omt OMct,, Y; -- _ __ __--- -- --__- Knv. Ji,;,. A. Andrttun• for of Knox to Ile 110 by i0 feet, three stories high. warm nReot.d on beat plena and at lowest rates miles from ('.P.it. aUtion; t milem from lion- T r Ifceridw•m were imsued : Ulfulult--�'. Xv. rhurr•h, tet tvhfrh Tile exisrd w+ae x and wfll Fie bull( of ceufeOt. This will I all nt office, tomer tt'ewt street and 8gawre, dr-Ishrough, r milia front Clinton. Thele Rte I)ASTITHE TO LH i.- FOR CATTLE I IISSOL[.TION (IF 1 A 1{ T N F; K• Brnfvn, of tit(• Not•rnnntife J. Weir, r midrcae J. W. CHAIGIK, uodench, UnL Ott the premdatar two bam., one loopts, with 1 and horse., on F C. ATTHILL'H farm, AHIP. Tak. nMive •hat the parlomr.hip insist faithfid find rnnmimtent Inemtler, mxteriall incrr;ee Mr. HAmlink'a fA- uf rho Cnnune•tria1: K. firNhself. of Y rete ,honoN atone ratable. underneath. the other 3exM In Goderich, lint heren>foreexd-their bet-cro Thom- Mrtro\t the (;sham lioumr ; A. Robinson).o (•ondu�trd the merrices, and the 11411- cilities for -hot his Apple hominess. K(m'd rersir: n ,tied .tone house with a goal --. - -. .fill ('(ma'n'e ,le,hn•lon, under ted• 8rn, nanm• of I K �icKiLLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN. nunmee.andd. game k1G•hen, wadmhewl and m, O RENT. - FUKNISHKD OAF• Morrrwa Jnhn,r,ve A1.^olveil -April 14, filo 1(xttrnhory ; Go,). StA•w,art, of the Ipenterm were U. Strxidnrt, W. K. Progr•sm fm IrPing made in the large Arlvin h y K 1 nnAa-Halt mt no;. 111 nrcu•air nwl•�e to um• IN,r urns mural Kolprrtr'(.m, (I. W, Thootsun, Jacob xdditfonm to the Dirt engine works. S U R A N U B CO. --Farm and LolanY1 K " ,d. H •dnilllr tondo Recce at hArn ors hoilme, near (Ake. iMra•.em- �VAver•Iry.., Bh•t h .1. J. 1fcU411flIthey y g town proper( Inmured. Value of pmprny- ill. ,I,M kitchen. grwl s rring wester. 1 . ncrns fill .Ton R1ern Any time. Furniture In flmt rl,w (a• 1, 04 nut later rlr>r May n_t next. tinynteM M1rm. :1t, Colborne -J . Mfiller, Stoker, James Buchanan and \Vat. which have Already been torted in .ured up w�ao, Mover 88,1111010( Oflherm wheat, l/U sera• In flat rlamm elate of cultism- condition, Ap y toTHF 91ONAh. tf ""`y l"' ""'aU'' al the -hop. N"n w•i.h In thank yl I� Warnock. these colunm.r, and the W g and dluecsorw:-J. K clean, gnat: T. Framer, tion. 1191 holt tr(rra. beginnlng to Ihrmr, and sits wt•nrral pehlie fur their ,wtrou,eae hl the W. (ilxxirr. Dungannon -Mit". .% - Fleet Riggs vice sew ; Jaw. c nolly. O. Pale, Mr. Pham. "utalU nilt, Ytj arre. of Ram1 bush. Cedar. lOH RENT. -A DWELLiN(; Qp1 wamt acid mollrit n rnnttmu.nce of (Ile -mine for lou h, J. M( nt+)in. Port Albert - A Southern Weddin Co. fart preparing for the erection of ney, S Walt, Jmm. F•anm. J. (i3OHeve, J. Itenne- hemlork, bammwisid. elm, maple. Pr'mmee.loll L Ken w ,street. NNT.r. Moans, who will coat lege the bustnesm, �,. , , I g' tI1Pl1• fACtlr can he given at mer, perm. to ,,dt the ur- )MORRUIC 1- JVIIXNTUN. N ,, (son. Alex. Ynnng, of Kintul, The New Urleanm Tien u Y we4Nn Ahedor" : T. F Hny,, tMahMh,,,'rrrclwry- p A Awel ing ifurnishod or non, near lake front; y nc of tilt- (:d"ieril•h fm rush( ,and the year r • In ,.torn, nears"( dlrArtor to lona rhw"er, For further in/nrmalton n sly tm the WAR It'ell f11PCt In,1ntllr to alt him With Inst. Ctlntn.ntl A n rlalrorxte eDt modern ronsrnienc,•A. K 1 K R Mono, Ilolmes•Ille, aRrnt for iii premL.e" or address. JOHN HA )AY, God- F'oa SAI.A.-Two new dwelling,, on Anglemea -_ _ — . --_ -- place Irl repair. The coI1nnisvirlmerso 11117 wild Toe niarkedl by a notable ex - Is Polley-folmd" l"' Nle fY"•nw+rnenrm cHe•h. Ont• treet : one dwell(,, on ricion mtreet : also account of the, weddin in t hAt city ori tension in its industrial interests. tJpefr rwnla rArrp.t {{ wt Mr. ('ne.p.'. 1qf sltnatiOns oaEanL ntprt :ng ail: Inuir,ryna Lti decldp upon R t eYl building lot. on F.lgln avenue, F:wax "lreeL _ _ 1 the previuun da)• of Henry Roderick aocdsefoA chselr Hyo.' PAla,a 1 lothin9� �IARMi FOR HALF.. -A CHOICE cedar -,met and 1.1ne,.treet. +OOi) GENF,KA1, S R R V A Nil' theUo Bich and Wingh4m licenlris. Mai prod, of Firtton Houfjr, lentieiana• ANNOUNCEMENTS. tarns for sale, wdapled for mixed fartnung w'ASTXD.- A few (un,IshaM hun,,r,, or roam. Honored Their Class -leader. tee Miss Mollie Blanchard. of New _--_— - IurM.h,rc,wmere,cleared,TilAcresRaw(orch- nnArthelake,torentforthesummermemmhn, Twant(d.- Apply toMIt.Y.�AN. Wl1,fM1N. -- -_ add, 1.5 wcrem good limber. (snit a good black t1i • YOUNG & ItOlil uN, North Ata•ret. • On Tuenda avenin tilt- mernla•rs of Orleaum. The gr oin ie A Heron Isp 1• ma� - Y K ry n Idtttlr, tot our Buffalo Bu laypnfllefl Ambles. loan s. d dr frame house, turns barn and �— 00 `-- '- ----' A. B. Uxvisnn'is claws in Victpri+►stteet im'tn at flendllck City. Hoar iron N Sure kill. -_ _— _ _-__ ratable*. Rand driving shed. loom 33 and :a. ._ - _._ ------ D GENERAL S F H V A N T xnd fr tt nephew of Dr. ca Nicholson, Killer at oft per bottle. -- --.-:. "a,".ton L O,derich townAhlp. Ape?( to Public NolUce VIP - Apply at ones-. Mita. R. Methodist church gmtheted tit the: P H. W. THOMwuN'm Drug Store. �IIlALTE E. RICH.KELLY. PHot'UFOOT. HAYa t HLAIH ur to (F AS. s____ PR}CK. remidence of George Oreen to do honor Wewt street. HP attended lioderlch r 1 uUBHI('H, OST. J. wALLta, ('Muton. 4tiU — Collegiate inrtit'tte some vent" ago. Dillon and I eerlesa woven fencing, to their leader, tt•hn im leaving with , R coil And barb wire, gates, fence thole, Watchmaker. JewelgeUc(►pt.Iciaa. THF, TORONTO GF; a. exec . �1�%ANTFU.-DI:S11N1:-ROOM "ll", him family initfew dtivm fat• Allmcrta, A portion of The licayune's Account atluwrwt iaruer ei Marriage Lfceners. (tl,►RAI FOR SAhE.-PART OF LOT 1 TKl'9TS (")RW)HATIUN, ma ezea•ninr and rlu.mberuaid at -once. Ati ly to of the rvrbt, tvhfrh im ilhtNtrnt(•ti hp prfePa. AvnFww)ti'y HARD- . Ll,Iwke }tango N'tmt Colborne, oonmimt utlhoostateut JAMF•J ('(,AHK, Tatp of the MRN.SWAR , Hriti•h Exchange Hotel. The \t As mprnt in mprrCh and w'.11tF,. IhUi nnnun, �T g Y town of G(derl,h, in the Mont of Huron. -. _ - pfet"e"" of the bride And roue, is :1e g W. LANE, L ['FR OF MARRI- In of The -it mon for it aa, a .tl herded sung "nt1 an ,uldresm wxa presented l0 13 AGF liernrem, llalerlch.Ont. down. The mrd is aRood clay lirnl. Therel. f[onllanwi, fifirnd vothmeA, offer tots wa�e the follow. OY WANTED AT O.NCE,.--TO Mr. Datrimon, aveoto ,Anted by the gift follows : The ,.manage n ent of Victoria Opera a it hwmc .tory-add-k-half houme with 13 mtork" Wo.l rp": learn Imlkh d I R "Mism Mollie Blanchard, the m%veel Haunt Is arr»ngin for the appear- - �bnaharns %ya"Torn l'anAAn Flour Mills(n.. IR• App13 to f:. V. HARHI- of » }nt•• 'Pat"' m111pw•t•i Llan to The - R --- - kite tin alsownolher dwelling sear the road. 3 p "Pal hen, of Porter J. Whlt)in -�-- -_-_ -- Them is w Tern, :N x IU, with sheAand *bbling. pats raluo 81(n, ails. ltwkrr. 9+-tf Ch,•i8tinn Gwlydi"n, n M1r4hlwlimt and lovely • i)ixiu (iir•1,' whose talent i bnl3tlOn 4r1nQ '11 x !Illi wlph conini dlou. hay -loft above; delmu HI "ham+ A. 1)uoth & oo., ftiroferre l stock, ala A mfr Pr has er often been a t re- F'»net•" "Mutt the list of June. Mr. w aheM on the south end. Ili x 8t); four wolb par value 9101. i +OOU 9E:�VEIZS �1'A1jTF:D. -- hymn Mtuk rind a fountain Ili The R i P HOMAS (iUNDKY,� IVF ST(X:K two at the barn and one at each haunts ; a Rami Vn mhnfea Ualcrlch Organ (o.. LD1., per 1f µ'e wont at once two apprenllI_ and W. I.liolent of file Iivilln a, which wise 'dated by the people of this ril.y, nail White, who is w favorite ninon (iode- vnlue(t,,n• , especially •b the C.onfederatPVeterti„a, rich therare•geerm, is „,lid W %ave a and general rnetloneer. •.OIIIMa on Knuth tpenring oreharvl of about two arum,. Fiery' 18ahwlr„ Oorlerlch Knitting Co., par value *reseal gam! newerm in nu' drrmsil,nklnK Ac- 4t) (Allott•is, is lite feeling of »very 11e' 3 Y h Street, wkore he will be fou at ell time% thin# is In an excellent state of repair. For paltareat. Steady work to ra,wlble pnrtfrs, 1 in w•home exotic her 1`1111 myni cath Wan better company than ever thix when not ^.ry1nR •algia. Tarnnm nahle and Mrttrnlwn apply nn farm or to Hl'UH'fHUH- 81tn' APpI nee o11rr, If11I N7 F:Vit HitUK. INI'gf! nuts he•1• of triendm +end as u"Irlt- l Y season. rye effort used to rive You, wtlmfa_tic,, ,OW, part Irtm t3 and 1{, lake Rond tt'emt, Ir rhnremOodeHrh F:Icrwtor t Trxnalt Co.. nncem who have learned In Appreciate, altvn)'n rh»rwinglt' ncanitrale•(1 on The coining apple few canning an " Colborne. or roOKORUF THl'RIAw'. Keay. valve etto. `,yANTI?IL--A YOUNG MAN OF the• genuine worth of Mfr. I avi+nn And every occasion, trhether annual re- propose to n ; no moods no core, Having 'Phone 3(I. _ .. ghees+ comept (trick on., par cnlec Seen. Y K creel. (lalerch• dlr I "hare Stwndlyd Lean 1'0., par vrhie e1m. Koal addre,m. .+•vepteen ro twenty him eetininble tinnily : union nr any gxthe•ring with which the• pu•eh+1wP(1 a Sredlea8 apple tree At a (1FORGh HFCKI 9 ', OK. FKAL lU mherom Ooderleh Skatin Itink ('o., ,war yesrA of aura to learn the growers bilAlnew. old s,1l(1i(•rn wet 'inleremtetl, wan COAL of I 1 lv�l K SALE. -- i STORY HOUSE g Apply with rerernn(e. l'. A. NA[RN. p To Mr. A. Il Uat•i.snn : ill 161 have ten or twri•e mnctlonesr, 1xM Hamilton at.reet, eH,h. vahle lvl each. IIY.AII Hon, Al sill" tlnrC we feel that it I. Iuxrri(d yesterday ev--hit) to A hand. ruttin P. O, box 1g/. All m,a1Cm will receive ,int' Nw nn AnRlr.c,a greet, If awn• hoe's on p+nharem repmoventingR a ono -ninth Interest, In ---- n1,a1 muPabte to" um to explrmm to Yeu and your home and stalwart will n� the North, for ttvrfihh iCliiell sell for FiOc ewch, attention. 1 will buy S3our entire wt oil pier.Im•t.limarryhoumeon Napier treet, tiltsUodcrlchInnnlm•rl'o. seed mhrmixth int•,. ` ANTIsD.-BF;CIINI�COOK ANU rsrbnanleGunllyrnrrslAm•viand alar our dn- K R y AM of excellent household " for camh. and will sell oil near (Acholic rhnrch, li stary house on Klein emt In tertwln tinitwr linitis of the Ooderlch `� Mr. Hrnfy Kolel•ick Al+lclwd"1, tit rn•a• finality. n(igu. W. THONI1oM. g asonuo. 1 mtor Chumbiti,th d al once. Apply to MRS. core aerer At your renals from our creili 1 stoves, fa anti of hat we r, tic e o hoatr et Keays trick, 1 ft Ili Lumber l'o. SSyARTa. Brlll"h kxe•hnngr, Natal. Aa a rltixcu van hase always been n rnYfit. to eat » pronUnent loumint'ms nota of cheap, Call GK .ee, what we ran Ao for Mutt ha't•'e,m-Vletorta atrbri 1 story brick bongo e. Certain of lhetr ill to sold . Arn hold em the rommwnh. And Marne ' Ihlm Ilrr. GKOHGF' BK('KK'Cf. Curioelt Snitfold, w bargain, belck taM In (:olbornr. collateral herurity will ire mold "ub..I. to the Y Your finder. Ina Hxt,1n H,1ngP. Thr wedding took AUCTION SALES. ]BOY WANTED. -TO h1%AKN THE "hatactrMstfd•mpirlt:w awurkerinourchufr'h place ill Rayne Memorial church nn Shop. Oodorlch Car llenmlller, w mplendld InvC.rment for w cosecs(. wrd� Approval of the hnlAer. (Iger. 1L! un baso et-: r+hnwn yonr+rlf n loyal chrl.•t 3 ' ao with mnlwll capital. F'wrnta for male in an (nay tie malts to either of the ilndrr+IgrrM. _ bArber trade.. ,%pelf to JAY. FRIT%LFY 1xn, an irrr show eanxmd wrvant of rnr Nt. Ch:at'l'm avenne and Oeneral TA N' M,rY,,.%v, ApMI i1Rh,- Auction wale of house. --------- -- - - - I of dmf hapOnrty' 1'U ('NU k N.l)BFil1T ikaleA Chia 13th day of March, A. U. 11917• NI-tcr almil a Rori bmther: while ht her m(reet lit I o clorl, ph hold fllrlphlre, And effected T H F. 1'be late M1'illfam Nurrtwra. whose STERLING BANK OF CANADA Haab Orrtcs - ToR(pxm A1'TnORI29D CArITAI. . eljoin olin TNCORPORAT1fD BY SPIC('fAf. ACr OF IN)MINiON PARLIAMENT TO HrCBi V K UKPIMSITS To accommodate the FArnerr we have opened Branches in Lite villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FAR9tRR. RAt t NOTIM DIR('AURTED, HAViNGH BANK ACCOUNT' opened by deposit of /1.111 interest at 8% compound- ed quarterly. t• Ill i LHICH BRANCH A. O. OAMBLC, Maturer. c c t THF TORONTO UBNFRAL TRI'nl'S (•Olt. �, , Irl P ptemen, . of wt the eedrldeuoe M _ _ kNTFU AT USCF. -- UN SA h• rounrllm Yen have helped hear tier bnrArn and one of I hr IArR rat xmnerlllAhOa LFINt hNVP D. Alexander, mrrrnd hnum� hwok of rBiolloe of 1'ORATION, ARY And expeon.". uno good roan lu solve her pn,blenet In a temper of mind 1 Rra•rry•, rmnmome'('tg al 1 O'ebk lower•, Semt L10 RALF OR 'r0 KFN1'.-A F•zacutoraofF+twrentJwrnem('lark.dert%"• . Car.1,lo•alltywnhrlR,or rnpaLle rt hnndllnR wnrth�of onnlwllot. Pt•t•r filled t list macrrd etlhflre. The Iep.trn•. FverylinnRRom,, U. %S•, pFUKL7rT. Mi Ir1CKiN:iON A UAHHVW, hnrw,a, n, aA vertfine and lilt rosiness our It am t\'hl r yen b1Y down the dut.IC.. of IrnAnr of extreme pnp111At•11;' of tFlr \vinmumC 'ut'11°na'r' Ilrwt lama 31xcacro fame In Wc,,t w'wwwntsld. ronce".1 .1, lot n, with 173 germ in III Solicitors tots Kxeciliern., t) Y t Yo aur too Momo.fv A ell JImA, ClearinR,ral 609M illtr strarinaw, k ex her. ted,, edt t, he it new nCld. 1�1f Y young July ill MX•Ull cin:lra, Ami the R rnNlon Rabstate of rt) nation, well fenced, well watered, Wit we IAP out your work fur yon. A.snlrcl thnl. rho kindly writ In c1`hleh pp1 );cit of hra"rhoid turnitureand fnndah rums, at the Rgrrxxr,ff rrcha larg�e tank barn, Redml houaC. --- x renes,+. P.sltlonpermanent. have M•rf,rrtrf Uw.0 dmle. and Mn•rr It- IArge find deserved nlf -olonxtr regat•Il St. Iwwrtnre. FveryThing "pilot be,Alapesad F'trrrIII . hlN%.k*liis shop and darn at corner n� - �IKINS Manuf,fct u ring (b., onerous, hordton- will not moon he forgrrten by rrttertuin"d in her behalf by the leaf. (If. Ml�- }tock ham 1(•arad the of farm. 'nt tomehool mud church, um• deUtm Of fhir cit \very' blade• IIIA aitch[ D(+,DartY wMl lm 33 (Colo. t pen. Tcrow : All s,un. rf M wnA ,Ales tem l'lwtlon wt Auburn. Tern. In mink i"m your sf,,ilm wen• n blowing tr under, ewmb : over that aw.ennt, three suc iewy. W. A.HiSON, Luck ow. %V3m - Ihsr"n.w Nom Soo ,Nlltd upon anal while vo,,, in the great gat of ing that completely' rre,l it will Ihr Riven n, approved foist note,, -- (•�(� (,•nun• of thl- office hem been short It hAm ita,n laxed the rapacity of the church. G (leek(, m iclioneer. !tall fill. AN FX -me '1% FAKMf FOK @n ors for Dredging. "The matd•inge was the romantic Trgm"AV.Atvillith. A,telins, wtleorturn( BALK-3oD Ac n Wemt tVnwnnC"h,lwo 8 1'"- sac Vilely and clear religious iLlwalb mr( (IPI of ,t ChAllel, I11eelin Iwl w1•r11 taue.NnAefl[rt", proper( of Mism Swift, who lm Teasers Tender f to rho under, ncd anA T race A " htoA fol Chrl.t , 1 Uhrrham,alwa I Q Ivll Y miler frtroa Hilburn : w cls hrr.i, slain( ISI.' )" �pR K tg up hoomekceping. T. UrxnRy. wuctlmi endorsed, "Tender for PrrARlnil,' will M re- { M•en a mpnr la our t'hrl,t�xn eodaavor Ani rt-- M1ism HI"11r'1„Ur1 NISI Mr. AIAcLP(dl At. ser, Air., ander enik.lvatlo a lAl to NI tsetses M I WANTED 1'J�/ K SArranAr, MwY If h. Ants C tlniber. A well and two + Hn of water, r ter. n 1h to Ruff irrl �d Ire ,,the yo Mayy g twlth (ins]. rf Thu ,•ma(niln{ neAYl ofrogpnur(a't 13,11,111 Itnlge plot shit'• t wt) year•m n n, R* 18117. for t1,C dreM In re ufred Al the lallowln �� 11 n mAle rf w ran new titanic dwelllnll w barn, rGbH aid placet In Thr Province of Ontario during the --'--'- - V r, a,.k yet to nroepl tho,e taken” of our DSeuno %Isvi tl ttulclio.: wan tinder wiry, ked of heavy draft. Rennrel ulrprw•o and drlr- tiololdriv`ahrl. Appljm 'V vU It HUHF}lT- pprCm,tit Year: Belle )(h•eq e'hanwl Ktalrto, Fx rieneed axemen •mounted fill- Crlehnnndfriend-bit, mud nn, the ro Unuc an([ the fratnrr• wAa to Irl• a Ihmunrw r qq 1gt a(IN oderlch (aOAerich, KlnewMlne, 1•ort F.1Rin, fort. Hua' > to n•nJl,d Yost of INC Intwrr!mt of the N•IAarl(vM e 1 tlg honuv.l •i"I(I� solid fonr�tsto lisp hArAensa• - _. -_ well, Point. F:Award, ('ort. Manley. Randeau, Grant to Points B. ('. tV,lgea 1:3.:11 per ,d trionda Yost Iasi Mahlnrl 1n O,derich, and i('rm+tn. uttd Mira IFbMrhnrd wxa ffAw, In Raxxl repAlr, at UunAry Hes., stable , River Thamem, Wiarton, Blind River. Syden- day. For further particulars apply we shall ever pray that the (loll who crrnt ext s•rltt•n tee and inyiled lu take part, Icdcrlch, T. Grsvijr aneofiohoer. . ham River. Ikacelron, Hronke, ltra(+Chridge, to And.114min. w 1 tMn may grddr and lit~ Aa (111• event had nn nilrlirtic Nide, it %% Rphrr.mnfs, May. mil. F:xex•rnfAwi,• An ar ewfoeA, Owe" okrnnA, Thornhur TOron10 y Mair new hums and het-eholA fornitnrc and rffrrN, rt RIA wtxwt E,111r, t RI MIMIkK TF,\tj ��(( y. )•oil findyolr welt• In %t•pthau"henn, %t'InRlleld Hw,oln. NIRRer rnri j 1,hron h all having Iwr•n piatimel fur gala" char• T YOt NG ROBER'T'SON g roar flay. until Your ,touroti Park. b InAlroct,ons of the exacnton, aal the and Au u*t err,tble.TCIeRM�h Idwnda, mnlon Rarlhor end ltnrk Anne, ItaF11r porpoise. mile promptly accepted )• Rrmtwtc of the late F:Ibwl,eth (', ARrIII. Terenm: ore at nn fleen(lhwnne . I'errefwnR,rlshene.M1Aland, Hw"dL (iODF:IZICIi \'our- In lila !mauls of ('Mimtlxn tcllowrhiP, xnd tt•nis oneof the ht ighte•+t rent" of All rums ei 8pt and nndey, ra.h ; aver thwt ml tion, ton, l'rIm/11rR.M _ I Lt1P (N•r,+aAion, ofl•: �fNrIRN"1 111Mir her redlt will Ipsp M[e, forihr fm:hnlf ofthe claw, amonnl.slx rnnnlhr' r elven nt wzmr, fr fit•aldxAn lCombined prrinrntion and tarn of IcnQer --- 1s-- - --- --- W. H. ORAII.tH iPwstnrl. hrnd.hir,gapprp%'al.iolnt notes T.uOrl,lty. olde.t and b&t. can be nlrlwlned at the Uolmlrtntent. of ynblic Situations Wanted J. W. "normo nR, ncy11ninhinee had tit Onr•p Nnccfiudmdanruamecr. T. M. ,,,ATSON, i'Hnd µ'aka, I)Uwww. TrnAen moat. InAnM INC - U. A. (1R1:l:m. tel Inve'n jwHeltt't'. Mina IibMrhatd ---- - 11°wwlneyR[ of the blear to And from the wawka, --- - war t indifierpnl to the wooing o Only g o 1 ,r --.-- . .- .- ---: - l:axlr•rlrh, OnL, A{,ti133, lYr,, gesrrnheempployelwhichamreRlm- ('IANADiAN GOVERNMFNT FM- �i. K f BORN. __ _ -. ____ __ in 1'wnaAnat the Ilmenf nllnRof tender., i kJ PLV1'MKNT Age— 'rho undcrdrn,l Death of William Burrows Ibe mlahle and handlotnP Sroteh- Nr INrSS'KLI•. .At Wr,tgrM ar, .Tenn trartorm rnumt too ready to boon work with- Iirty dry. wfter the hove twin notl8ed Ct 'ham M•ru aprol and epolspl m Oaxin till fur the Y of "(raring ennld Nmrm in till+ vlcl❑ <�Apv 1'be late M1'illfam Nurrtwra. whose American, although it wan only aorete• 3 (inns atter that fully April IMh, In Mr. solid Mr,, Nin, Mtl)oaYA' all, N son. lmrpoa, Iplane of their tender. I t.1 fur ,,Awl��-wrrlo owl nnmlwmntm iron for n will nM henon.idend only tondo 1 nited KinV,1m de.ich•w --loon tarn- de,rth neeurr'Pd laaL Flida lunl'nin ) K• she contPAised it, and into few monfhm there wan the MARRIED. i on cthe tram me lied and migned wish rhe ern.donre+th.er\ant,, wan among Tile Im'wt�known tenidentn IIAKLit rhbnruftywldin L•Iln, an R d u happy STODUAHT .0 lbs rr•Idrnra of the bride's aal tare of tenbrren. I Any de„IHng .oris half, will please nuako rheq ne on w charred Tank, appll.•nt idti, rating r•qn rrnarit., to W. R. able n rrAeroi the Honourwblr rnr of tilts dlAlt lr•t, owOt to hi, Inn can• K R nmtion with tile grain-I,rit'irtg blrsl urban of two luring heart%, Brent., East •tent. an Weene, iwY. A hell �th, by Ibv. J.", A. Andnnm, ell. A., �wltllwm Jc,lhn gpr1aa .to I OhhatTS(1\, ('anwllno (env rnment F:m M�nlster of 'uDlf� Works, for one thm,wtlM ploym,mt Agent. (Mild• next �elnn`lA .Kx neer, wD11 the fonrrnl on M1,1ndaynff+•r' _ HOW ObDERfCH GROWS. r1Amt man of John end M1. Ilittmket, err MNrRwret F:Ilen, eld,w.1 dos dollen q1 Anne, mu t. arcomrstny frwrh tender A. chwn The nernrity Aerximlt In ronn•,rtn.,.Nth thAdrrdg- Rt•, tw,,rare. OnAcrlch. 'Phone Irp. morn wast vpry I rgely attended. The -- - -11'10er or Ilwvld S. "I'd Mr,, Sta dart, An,t(GwtUH('h. in rotor _--. ._ g pmrfrnrleal. The ohegne will b, n,- fumed 1 icw*e rt n weretptmatse of insider. X.,�.� $mak The I>{srrrmem gt(nem trot bled It.df tow �tr7_ I dw•e,►nwf had itj wen ht rdnl health fur roan 1 ff K Y non( ln, dud for sono• weeks Id fon• hits (b•alh bin -cline Kensia�ton EYrOftuft CO.'Y Ntw BYdd- Ill- Il1p-- Other Industries Etcte n DIED. ItRO1%'9, In Oo,t .A ,A Friday ' y noeyrr c•ptlhelowe"toranf• oder, 1t __ elf sopa very rapid, Mr. Hortr/Wmwasibornmeventy- IoR, April llosh, wy rima. Ilnrewe, owed ;1 order FNM1[ GER Nf ILriFRiFY. -- WE F'RKU.OItLelblu JhaceN�fnll ,relit yen" aft At HnckinRhamshirp Work hamis•en mtar(ewl At the Ken. Furniture• reform and 3sa(rn1h,s. Mol"(18' "'Ond"etch, Ilne of fry,it and ttnxmenb'" neerotwry. rs m,, heal,• it r hnglnnd, nal w+w prong t t.n min ton 4Sh.'A R lrre•mlupe ufxhn the nn NAtnMwApril 1„r h, 1f ArY*(•mrtnlrhAel, rell(d Stile haleeng end (fess. ; wlrt r, hanging tr"kMw, hot-houne and Mwlding hismit I Mpa Henent M 1'nh1lc ta. thin entmtry when a rloild. He hA,l (wen A Pxten%lve addition" tet the far•tnr%•, and the foundation+ of w Joseph MoT asked 7Yytuetw and 3monrA+. A ("(www, April 17th. IArr?. {{s�lam. Now Is this time to nal Cr tree•" ar have N.w"papar" Inserting him advertlmrrnent hwhket- mulled. Any rngnlHe+nr anlery rwrC r•+ftirnt• of Odxlrrlrll vine•p 11+'I*t suing for the new build. %VAMSI,KV. ittgm Are well 11nder way, 1'he -In A"li Reid, on Thnnda M r, pal Offs. AmeNa llner, wire witlxinr anrhortty rem the Ihapartment. will ff�ul�lyywnrnd.A to. Addrem JOHN eTBWART not be paid for IL ' asTATb; BO%ollt%r Gs I. Into flop grain Illlmillema litre al. that't.lonm Lime Previous to thi h ( wddl, an• Pv,•n bigger than Ram origin 11 R ,if John %Pam, h Y. affed A. Years, 3 n'onthit and :odwy.. HA 1 v 1 H I • a o wma engwgtd a y tuntenlphistod. and the farAory .. 'h 0 mcm%01e, on A,t ll 15 1•hillp