The Signal, 1907-4-11, Page 88 TucgsnAls, April 11, 1901
Meek ce to BeRepea Night Perfarat_ judge. THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA
ante to e Repeated Tonight. All "Id nod f*-rpot+cled terideut of
Goderich pwarwl away on Standa)• last RANDULPH MacDONALD, President. A. A. ALLAN, Vite-Presideat
Thr pnotuction by the Menesietving in the panus of Alm Hridget Judge, D, M. STEWAKT. Gen'I Manager.
Minesttrts in Victoria Oprta Himfine Anglr"ra Street. The drerme"eel WA"
torn in Ireland• but life date cif her Capital:and$urplus, over fjs,e►oer,00t Assets over $s5.000.000
last evening sits highly euccrtirtill, birth it uncertain; she was su o tsed
I IN Deposits of $I oil and upwards received Interest paid 4 hones a year.
both in the quality of the proge'aw to lie in the neighlnerlur of tit' righty -
given and in the attendance. Sc, five, yeaera of Age. liber wits twice ANDREW PORTER, Manager. Goderich Branch
great an interest Was taken in the nfNrriesl, her Hold hoslinod ,wing John
1'auq a All of West \VAwaenoa1
l AItt
("rthcou►ufg proluculsn that when hislf4th title married the let*. Patrick — --
the Jinx plan opened uta Monday at Judge: She had been x resident.op - -_-
,fixrn the reserved brats for the first Goderich since. 1871. Site leaver fine ��ra������
'light's ptrtormance wen• pearl • fill daog hteiv: Mrs. Edw. Meuoruted Miw
l)athrrin Vaughn", of H,> hertrr, NEW RUBBER GOODS 1
picked up of leer than Bruen mise t the-
N. 1'., ,unr the Miestes Maigm mt and
Lung before the curtain r)w the Bridget Vaughan, of town. Thr re• A supply of Nliar 111•"lluf( (lea)lw Baine
hill war packed to the door. AN at mains wen+ intertwl in the ('Ntholic to heated least week :,r rhe
prrlude the orhherlra tenderly, twce
excellent contrilotious.
Then (wg,uo cruteWry ht Jolt 171e tterday after CENTRAL DRUG STORE
Service nt st.Yetr -b church.
the oprrpio� chorus. •'\\'av IhrNu including Hut Water Huttlr", Fountain Syringe»,
V(tnder int a Cornfield.— which tvus Buxton. Rubber Clone lei tint tons. Hull) yrinrr((re., h:xn,t
using with the curtain down. &river g N lie nage Buxton, furolrrly psi) rietui tisil%m. X"Al li,Nichs,, Flit- Syringes. I officer
distunt effect to the 11111"Ir, which a" "f rifer l'.nlblorne hotel, died at C. tOo 11 K• Hnhy Soothery, Nipples, Alumixcifli, Ice flags.
the end A ,prmtched grew in volume (tn rim►daP At rhe age of forty-four 1•ace paroshrs, etc.
until the I ving of thecurutin Irverelec yearn. Mr. Huxtou was a pative or s"tth F:x, aLl••t•tts.ti. I.\Ll'kN--flux Talked.
the full complement of moluistm anti, Goderich township, hilt father. All
chorus In a most appropriate eataaKgr En lisheumn, brio the S. E. HICK. CENTRAL RUG STORE,
setting,suggestive of the cottunflelds. K K proprietor of Q
gK what WAN knownalt Buxton's bivwery ' Goderich,Ontarw.
The end loco erre dressed fit rwsiRr "n ill raised. Mr. Buxton.0 wits at.wars Tool rwsr file wor.-
frock suite of rlluw, green apd red Neon
meon there nod will# tnxr•ried to Mier �s!•tlt�-����(1ti����
ehadep. The �mnt circle of aollsisle Fimller of Collorte, sister of J. Fisher,
displayed evening (Iress+, while the 'If tuN•n. For mmur, tittle hr lived in
chorus were also AttrActivrly attired. Petroleta field cltme lsack to0oderich �— _ - -_ --__ _- -----
Nix pickaniunies (occupied the ends of to go into the hotel business. Since Oooservative. The familyt) whnw torn, and the you+lino pPropwtd aII
the chorus rows, with one on either syrupprrtley, will Is extended, mriNista Ise alternative preference for the Hr
leaving Goderich ,t Ire yearn situ he of the willow, one daughter, M
Mis. for
seWnnd onday in lircenober, will
bide of the interlocutor.hod lw.•n proprietor of rife Warmly
Hawley rimith contitru the pro• honer, Clinton. until quite recently 11in'lie C'rrvk, of Chie•A{{o, and one nontinnlions ou elle MondAy preced
gram with "1)srn't Argiff I a ceN,u tvhrn hr eNrld out to tie o. Stewart. eau' �fr.:VIIlinlu A. Nwitlr, of Worrell- lug either draft.
solo, and made la decided iL This ingu,n, D. C. All were lit"eut when
Mt Henry and GettllgP, It)e rhe INxty WNe bl'UIIRhI IIPI,, fur intra life end casene. The funereal, which
mrnt, arriving on the l:2u train on ONTARIO SCHOOLS ACT.
two extreme end Olen, and frosts, this Torridity. Rev. C. H. Gunner. rector pwill Iw un"er lodge auspices, will take _ -
to the drop of the curtain the inex- of tit. Paul's church, conte r. a of- tiacto from the late residence. at a) Resolutions of Trustees of U. S. No. t],
haustiMr supply of jokes and antics fleate mt the rave aril the lleirdan "Itvet on riundmy afternoon
g pall• W GlernwaNl crulelrry.•• Ashfield and West Wawanetslt.
by the cod ern kept the Audience ice hearers since wet,, from Cliulou.
rioters of laughter. The coon "rings At a mertinp /,f if,.. wheal JoNemf of
were all sung with great effect. Johnston. Ems' trillion school No. 17, Amhflel11 find
James 7% neon and Arthur Sather- The Into Alex. Johnston, whose Thr roddret death ,d J. H. EIlolA. West W,twamerh,the followingreaiolu•
land sangtheir res one of Hohneaville+'r best-known fro i• tion" were ad
respective srnigs lot death occurred IAet Sunday morning opted
dents, which occurivil fir. C'rosahill on (1) We ask for the re.
well that the audience drufandrd rn- at rixltfmd, eat the age of meventy• peal of that
cnrea Leona AI iP Monday evening of last week,, e)ccm- portion of the new art that turn els
g' Rate n tenor colo, three Sean nod right nuenthw w•as a leu {
slonrd lunch surprise and •Irrp iva(ret trusters to )a
"Everyone is in Slumber Land," In a ontive of the county of Down. Ire- July a winiuunu twtfiry t"
olost acceptable manner. W i I 1 land, heing born there in IKM. He amopR his trirudm tbiongh the lepae lel tri.
Hames, asmisted fly the o uartletle, revs. came to Goderich wheat hr was thir- county. Mr. Elfinil head been staving (:h We fire op{xwe d to that portion
tiered the truer solo, "Pretty Mary," tern years of Sgt., fond in 1001 he Inter- with his daughter, the wits Of lie' ! of life new art that gives inriioesrems
in good style. The after K. Birks, of Seaforth, lot had gone t" power to rxnerl crrrificxrrm of MteehPrst
R y pans in• riesl �:iw Annie 1VOrtbp and nnrvrd Po
(,nrNNhlll to Npend Furter
eluded specialties by Frank Thoumm, to Kitrhsp, where he held since n•vided lobuil i o A trach fur Jr.,i than the
H. L McAdam land Afthur Slither- until comic,( to Saltfurd four Yeats cousin, Albert Knight. Hr was ufiuinfum wilxty. \Ver INlirvr in fair
res niinglit in the. best of health and Ia not in coercion.
Inud, who sang in characteristic cpm- ,ego. Hr IPnrre a widow and right play.
a,u rx{wctell lock to Sesforth un 131 \Ver Nur , Nosrtl to that )
tomes, and an original coon sketch rbildivn : Milner Bestir ,end idn:a, at i'1 { p rtion
Iry "lien et and
Wel 11 1. PxI- home; 11t". Shyrlrt, "f R)VPrslxlr; TursluV. After pmrttliug of ruppwr of the. met shift ceolwlh final schools
rg ift. he hey salt on Alto '$fly in to Iw tovideA with wales, weasurv",
rods and H. U. Stutdyk whnw local h:u,lue•t•Nrm, of I,tN'N ; Nr•". ll. P
hits were immensely enjoyed land who Horgan, Nnskeflc•hew-tri, Juh) John- Rc"ol hrulth, hilt Shortly letter cum• tm nfr iburation sets.- geometrical
demonstrated their ability; " two of suer, of ('minnfet, \huh. ; Willimul ouenced to choke, sand for half an hour now idea, library and the,cenlent Of
the funniest count ever seen hen•. Johnston, of New Ontario, and Fred. "I"rite with hire friends, where he het the sthtol giv)nndn It%- half•an-mciv.
The educxtxd mule was also the cause Johnston. of rixSlxlrhewten. The de- e"nsciuurinebs And soon After paned N) We nm• opps:esl tie theft lorrtion
of much merrimeut, oear,"I w,ta A nienatwr of the Hnplist away. t h;nuld comwoomunity
welch tr- of qu,di char n" of ten, the trai,,ing
The "Anvil Chorus" front ,I[ Trov. rhorch fend tilt- fr,ner.d. which ,took lived
in the many
i which ontit,e
and yn,►liflcatioum of tpuchrts. Cndrr
Gore" closed the production. The dace to Locknow cemetery „p lived (fir rti many year►. Fir yVm" unr I the new ri a Poor element cannot give
effective electrical displays in thin \'rdnrsobn, leaving SNltfonl sit Warn, of the pillars sit the Hulmethville Ueth- hi" child ,fir education,Ator nrnt cann to give
and other acts As well fits the rising of "As r,mductrel by the pastor of the °dist church, fi man of eterliug int•R- a)ole a tenrher ; ,t d iperirtilotte"n In
the moon in "George" and '•Henry.'s" Baptist clutch. Rev, H. W. Wright, city and irreproachable life. in poli. I created 'elf (mvo, of rite rich against
"Irxy Mcon.. nunR were very cleverly tic, he w•NN n Liberal. Hi► two sena, l file pori ,Jtbouph nunn' „( our
arranged by Walter Harr. The Betlfett. Fred C. and Will H., are oil themtaffof brisehtest Poling 'lieu arta women
orchestra under the direction of ('fair- ('"Prior H. B. Heckert was called the Macdonald C011egsrfit Ste. Aune de. sonar fallen. the ranks of Ilse {Asir.
epee Pennington gave excellent leer• to tilt• old house near Welland last Be llevile, Quel,ee•, near MouLrvul, land 1Vt- ,uv opi oaed to (filing atv„y with
vice at Mr. Yenpipgtop repdered a week Joy lire ilhreps of his mother•. Another tint ghtrr live" with leer- Sister wodrl s.;:, re ; they fire the inner
cornet roto, a fantxsie in Tram what wam taken with Nn attack of :at Seaforth. Mrs. Elford died ,bout man's r.•irnil. i
1'ron Tutu p )nruuonia (tn Tursebay of tart avert. Hcr Pears ago. The deA rA,td tartlet Lil � :e fits opposed to that portinn
Tramp. p," which wan received �Irs. Beckett tcAs An 41111 lady it lit] fall- an insurance of V2,000 in the A. 0. U. fit the art that raison inspec:for'p east•
with molar appreciation' "on or Iitne had been in deliuilp hrulth W. and 1111,0111 in the C. U. F. Tile• re- firV find removes the 1 ower of hi -
whole permit who
I,,fleo tY grout still lips- illnelem terminated (stall joint main- were brought to Hulmesville,
rrrdit upon three who took part in it y K missal front the county council. We.
and la wird "f commendation mart Iw ti t,,nlNy. \ars. He•r•k'rtt vvis horn in whereseivice was held on Thursday also claiva that inmpNciols lery clothPd
given to A. Roy Adams, under whose [he luwmship of Pelhnm righty -.-earn In the Mrthodist church, the inter- with bo touch nothorily Nod that 1
able direction the choeuars were re.- siva"' "t she time of her dents lacking resent being made in 1Ltitlefnd romN trusters of rural schools ,fie "horn of
hearsed. The performance will lie re. "tel) (O°'' dNya Of tile
fourscore Spats, terry. Nr. M;Ifunl weds in his slate- almost all ,utthority. t'n(frr the act
p•►ted tonight find Another full house "•lix1 nor years ago she was married eighth year•. UumtrPs have, no power to Ju any -1
fee lieeesi•ed. 11) Peter Beckett need filar had been A ---- -- - -- thing rxoept won the inspector permits 1
remident of the township in which she ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. then). R'e believe in Ie gimlNlion for
ASHFIELD HEARD FROM. watts I,Prn sill her life. Her husband the ov,A •smand not for. the chaser•..
predeceased her in 10111, She wits A Haiti. .1. 'W. St. John. Spoettker u( it$) We are In favor ted Riving the
To ti,e h.lito• of a he Nim,wl, daughter- of the late [Lev. t.eon• the L gi"Isitivr Assembly, dirt eat the tt•ustt-rm of the Province a fair tvprr-
Sttl,—The letter its The Signeel !corn lord Franey, unr of the old circuit Toronto genrral hospitlal on Sunday. wnttti"n on the Advisory (,anlcil of
"Progr,,eii' interested tilt- very much. rid`1"` of the Mrthol{"t church• ,end After lit, illnew tollowingsin meratiun Education.
inters "led urs Ilee•Aun it i" a told mile is survived by our brother. Dr. for APlwndifcitis. Mr. St. John w,As a (7) We art. op{ossvl to tie. frop line'
scheme and a big area,. After reading nulo•rt 11,110Y. of Caist•rville. Ont. well-known mPtnher of the Borrow lie• of text books. We believe in throe
i', carefully 1 have come to the con lel• `the leavra a family of six children: fore hire elevation to that Spxakrr's mending rbildren lel s:hr,Pl proyidinR
cion that Fria plore for the• foildinJ of Winfield. "n the old honiemtemd : W. chair, twing the representative of their own text Nooks. If the Govern•
an elect) it railway is A good one and H.. of \\'ninfleA t. Out. ; Samuel. ors. West fork. His sice"sor ILA Rta•aker went wish" t" ansiat s•hols let it Iw
the prssihilitie" ofgood to the p)rople• J 1i,. White And Mrs. \\'. L Brown. is Thunut" Ctnwfur•d, ufrudwr for in the Nay of providin¢ crap% And
n[ the county fit Hi from cern•• "f Toronto, find If. B. Beckett, of West Toronto, who wits elet-test to other puts sof the eciuip'lIent. In A
Ing out this scheme are without limit. town. Thu funentl took place on that
R Pewition sit a M•IPf sitting of We. Ilergr nnndwr of rehol mPrtion" IMS
"Progress" seems to think that the Tteewlmv to Dnwdv rrntetery. House on Monday. M;nlogierm upon the than hetlf the families have children
Provincial Oovernment would give to Trewin• late Speaker were delivered lou the to send to w•hol. Hy paoridinR free
the elertic railway what it ptroppxxsmeest A meltNage, came unrx{trctenh nn l'ta mire, the IPMIPr of the Oppxosition text looks n small percent ige• of rhe
W give to the county to help of,,flit rillndxy evening to Y. F;. Hick• of and other mP,rrlNrn. ratrptayrr, tee benefitedss.iml-
good roads 1'rrhaps it will. treat 1 arwu, anti Walter. F. Hick. of the Proroifation Next Week. iug to provide the wluipment all the
h wr myy douhln tell not it. 1 agree Huron road, announcing the death- ratepovers Are benefited.
with • Ytogrem" in him estimate of tuat dNv at her home in Chatham of It i" hopes) that prorogati"n relay It. M. Derv, rietr termer}.
what an electric railway will do for tlheir Lot sun•iving eimtrr, Mr,,. take place Parly next week, although —_
this county. One thing is that ie thrVP are A number of contentious
Thomas (', Tivwin. t.Ater pirticulare CURRENT LITERATURE
would hind oar county together and stated that False hall foren in her uemnt molriectn still to tea• delntred. A bill
would forever do away with thatidem of fair stare of health ,ell rixturdn y, head nenending the Hill, And Raine ptotec• Arc Or.n COUNTRY Pirmi t' 1,Tte)-..--
forming a new roonty by taking leen (tilt around the city twice thsit tion act was dims•uamed mt length on A copy of Colombo. "an illfirirmted
mwx>' errnu of our northeastern Myna- Fiidav, )rut so generml w•su the intes,
dnv, field risen its well am usual Sunday cont taken in it by the On-odwrs short weekly journal fen sill IIIrPl,,nted ill
shifts. I Also Nprter with ••Progresd' mornin 1,111, About ►n hoist. Inter the 1)"minion," published {re. London,
Lhnt a gond eailw•ay systrrn for this II(p the discussion was not roenplPtr(1, and,
droppe l over unconscious, d ing two England, Islas r*-:tf•heel our desk. ('fin-
r.Ounty would ie A molution elf the along with ncernl uthrr ifn ortint techs I
horning question• how are we to hold bourn IAtri. Her brother 1 alter F. gives A cons trehrnsive tire, of
IIIPJINItre", it remain" fir Iw lit wd bel-
a•rnt by Jlondmy afternoon halo to CAuadi:an +Iff.+irs,uul should Iw m rulu-
and if possible add to our population 'r it
prorogation takes pho•r.
P attend the funeral, which took pinrP e(hlr guide lel the people of the Old
I cote fl a twhlepublishet fly The Sig. ,,,, Tueslmv. Mm Trewin wan the Ministers' Salaries Increased. Country in innttern relating to the
n it that �ehfleld latest tart Spear l:iriof her eldest daughter of the late. Walter 9'hr "alNl•Irs of the (,,thinet 1lioist re Dominion. Canadianm slmn might
neuro then. Our municipality in the flick. of the Hsirlsn rvsad, She was are (wing incn•,atop by x hill inter,- Hud it of considerable inierent am a
11rmt on the list and if �•mi h,Pk down %,Pill sit Kingston, Ont., flfty•se•Ven ofIwed last week. Eiu:h Minister fid- reflection of life in this country.
the lint voo will mer that then. ,fie y Pfirl age. removing with her pnrentr ministering it portfolio in W Iviceive .elf
other•fe Almost can had in the loss of r" Goderlch when a very little girl. increase of iil•(11V, making the sLdnry The Joint Icfures is trend his liner.
population. If thin decrease ion core. She osis ulfiniPrf un Appril Koh thrty- $6,m)a rar, hr addition to the a•,• buil he is generally willing. in crook
tiniest veArly. in twenty years Anti. fool• yeat•s n e, fu Mr, Trewin Nod mional ndrnlnity of $LIMP. The
fleld am a tfwn"hi will have ceased to K 1 his ell,Pw,
P after n cohort residence here they re. Premier• in to a"' ive n further• aldi•
exi+t ; that is, art faros I"I"11"tioll ion moved WoveBlyth. After saver:ti, years tiolial sunt of 1811111) per Sent. The -
concerned ; for at the present rate ir, that place, they moved xlout Liberal le,itler, Mr. Grar
thn, tilln((eltv"I The
Ashfield will he depopulated. Now it twent•Hve Years ago to Blenheim, in of the incirmses, lot merited t/1,it hr
is app►a11inR to think of a good
ied goodown- Krait County, and a uwpher elf yenree was not in fNvur of the go anti (if i,
ship, with good land nod R"oxl ago to Chatham, the county town. malafy to the Ipxdcr of the Optosition. a
farmers, #laid the people mineplydwind- The decens•d lost her second eldest Olymp ling . aha and for nu other ity era, 1 dxughtrr, x young woman about four• The Canada Company,
claim, than the INrk of riilwn}' tour timer• itionths ago. which with that of Thr operations
m11nintti"n. Pmrferemot writes u( RWen( tarp ( eret sub.
"olgr of the fat•mers driving eighteen her little
rather. her mother, A to, #a d thew J)mlr)' i 1 i.clo t n linOntthe were e, use
voiles t, Goderich. land 1 may flit] that and little nephew in Toronto, and now Of t of ,i d%sc r -of ob in the House, soul-
y , her own death utAkes mix dr«ohs in the of the nu•mbwrs nbjt-rting to the anu-
p►anyI u( Lhem have trdu it. Think of fonil.< in the short sp►cn of 1 -aa than pmmb rh+lm to the mineral rights on Cafe
gettanp at 1 o'clock Nn(f going ' own you She leaves besides her in
l( uhn(in sold by threat. Mr. Hislop amid
Godench and pfetting (sack sit Mo" :o ,ormwing hlalNcnd. three mrn►+ and that rite county haul mutterer) ao much
oclock fit niRet. Im it any wonder two d.utghterm nearly all grown top- At the handle of thL•e compnov am had
that we get nick of kite Jill, and that fir
many of our your follem find some „f and them ggrandchildren, Hi, -k,
her the county of Hump. They had
g three brothers .!'rink M. Hi, k, of ohtaineNl their band" ander such condi•
the think ones ala) Rn to the. Wont P Tor"oto• and S. F. And W. F. Hick, if tionm that they did not on} enterer than will be
1\'e think we awnnot he much worse (;,rd,.t•ich. Mtn. '1'rewiu wnm nrterly all In 11k1 ca"h p•rsecr e• sins, tlwe pays,, tm
uta. (n the West, they have aunt• her life ,► connistent mein er of the extended over it period of oixty ytell opened to
in Ashchance rl Rutting a e t4h av, where we. Methodist church. He hall mYid the colupany;S chelrtrr the public
in a unless
think we "hal) never get Smith and c(tuid "A•v that they were obliged
one•, unless the mchrtne ofitlinesl bP Saturday
"Progress" e•an becarried sent. The death on Thntstlay ni ht htht to sell the lander on the .lame condi-
K tions fin W mineral rights as they had morning
Now, how will it lo•neflt fie ? In the of \Vellirtt�Rttut► rimith. NL his home in rereivrrl them, unrncuodwtwi by any
first place, by getting our grain find Hntutfw'd, reooves (Palo. of the rsrfie"I re,ee"ation As, to ufinerAl rightp.
hogs, etc., nhippvl ,it say Port Albert, railwmy ppiot,rerri of We•ntern Ontario Hon. Mr. Foy ritatell that he world �s
Kintail or Dungannon. 1 think w•P And A"amu "amu their one of the Intent lea• glad to tvcrive any infursontion
should get joint as glom priceft at then p�'' polar. Mr. Smith waves well known h -sting trpop the question in writing, Meet
pnfill" am At (hodeiich. Lock now Nnd In Go derich, having loon "re the Beef- rte that the depirtutpnt could Act 11p -
Ripley. Wenhoold nave the• ho,n in Ldo-firNlrrich unr Iter s•vcnal years. onil.
Wright on Our huge and (eat (,little by He hwl been conorctAl with the
the In drive to whatever market SVP Grent Wealern itself Ground Trunk Unit. Date of Municipal Elections. lite
now fro
tea. IVP should Iw Able to WA A for "lout fifty yearn and was The Government been dw•.idr,l 11pon n
grow "run 1 fruit of all kinetic laud have the oldest rfiilwav condinct)r west elf referendum nn 1'. H. I'n•mtmb
ft shipposl the clty titarkrtA, And lie Toronuo. List Priday'n Brantford (Bt•aint) pill{,Pmal that municipNl efrc-
able to get wheat by the carload u, Fxp�ositu hold the following reference firma Iw held on the first AJond,,y "f there
keep our mil Ruing. We ebuufd Alar) t, Me. Snfth'm de nth • '-The drath or. December. The. rlectinns Are now•
h- x lie to get fr coil by the cerloAd, c ort" l least night, ,iftrr lar Illness "f held on the flr•mt MoodAy in ,mount V,
alnlnnt anywhe• •P along thr road, solid "else*- (hills three months, est Wrlling• but it in conceded theft the halliday
now since alter til ser is All goer thin ton Smith, n highly nNp)waesol rirhrr, mention te+rferPte
m r) much with the STANLEY tQ
fuel lonsiltets wi bring x vv large of rantfonh, mend for sonny yett-xn electionte n
and the incidetal Alllpaign-
revenue to thotlP de tarhe•rHandle it, well-known vood sector nn the (intrad Ing. The r•rferendunt will la• to the• Ihopriet rn
By leaving railway connectional we. Trunk RAihvay. Allot ten wee•kmagre municipal rouncilm nod alter t" the blur• West side Syn,ua' (falerich
should hnve meany retail industries) the drr•enad nusiminesd it atroke from
starting sip. WP sh till get rapid which he never ivcoverod, and den- — — -- - ---- --- __
treinedt for our hatter ant h t 1. -
PggA as t e I.- e r r fart tit rare Nnd attention
nearby townes and cities: d, twaiden, (p!N!�aNPtI p•NCPpnlly owny last night.
a railway will make imnine foritmelf. 11" IAte Mr. rimith wmm Imern ire Brant
I think the brne9ts w more rnunty in 1N12. :told enssixtv.flve
numerous than 1 have mentlo ltd, but Yellin lend Seven months old. .For A
the great argument In favor of an time he remid,d in the conoty, mulms•-
Plee tric l ilw?%Y I" the great conveni- qurntly removing to the city, where
snore It would reit its a tlle•ann of coni. he had Place liveel fr),. fmiygqears.
muniextion. When you give ,,m thief For forty yeArsf. toff, Join weds condnctor
convenience you will Intake our people on the (frand Tronk Rallway, latterly
e(wita-sited find they will atay At home renninI( for totally yrare, Iwtween
with tire. I hope otherm will takes up Gr"Irric•h and liuff"lo. 1)n the-no►d hp
thin subject arced Neer if we, can do metme- wart desorve•dly it t ort popIdAr rail
thing to help monielvae. An for Ante Way4111,10. In Io clRe rin•les Mr.
AIM. 1 think it. ram Joe depo,ndeld silicon Smith likewimp WAN well-known, be.
tie do anything wif.1sinfromercm iownelN irtf( identified with the Matermm Anti
belpingLiar cause. \ orktpen (Pt thin city. In religion
ASHFIELD. he wmem a Metholibt mud in politics la
of all descriptions have
just arrived,
Wv cull sllpl)k Null with
the best ill
�i Bats, (Barrington)
Caps, Ties,
Fancy Hosiery,
Fancy Vests.
Also the nicest line of
\nu have ever set your
eyes Olt. i
Reg. Black
Discontent i.e. the want o
limnre; it is the iufirinity of will.
this seauslsi hold the lend in quality
and %N•auty Of design.
We have the tidiest, nattiest, most wearable
line of shoes to be found.
"1 footwear here. Ease, elegance, land perfection
"f Ht are strong pointy in our favor. All the neiv
Icxlhery and the latest style" in everything.
Downing & MaieVicar
North side of Square, GODERIC11.
A blood builder, putifiee mud nerve
LOnic. trot a lox. 5 boxes for 1111.0U.
Tones sip the entire bysten, and
pastilles the blood. 51k a Crottle.
Hr C. DUNLOP, or.aiat
Bedford aleck, (Week&.
Saturday, the second week of the big Linen Sale begins. We have
had a week of splendid selling. It couldn't be otherwise, for the values,
truly, are exceptional. Stocks still are practically unbroken, for we were
ready with a big, generous assortment that we could not possibly hope to
sell in a few days' time.
If you have any linen buying to do within the next year, it will pay
you, and pay you well, to do it before this sale comes to an end. The
Linens we are selling % ere ordered eight or nine months ago, right from
one of the best makers in Britain. Buying jn two -store lots enables us
to take the quantities we have to buy from him. If we ordered today, the
same qualities would have to sell at one-quarter or one-third more than
the prices we 4sk while this Sale is on. This is no exaggerated state-
ment. You only need to watch the daily papers to knc w that linen prices
have been advancing for the past six months, until the• are higher today
than for a generation past. Present prices cannot possibly be duplicated
for a year or two to come. There is not the slightest doubt about that.
The Towels at 15c a pair The Half -bleached Damask
The Towels at 25c a pair at 25c
The Towels at 35c a pair The Half -bleached Damask
The Towels at 25c each at 30C
The Towels at 3T,c each The Half -bleached Damask
The Towelling at 8c a yard at 37l,,:
The 12't Towelling at 9c The Half. -bleached Damask
The Half -bleached Crash at at 45c
9c The Bleached Damask at
The W•i d e Half -bleached 60c. 75c, 90c, $1,00,
Crash at 15c $1.15, and $1.25
are all selling at prices that make th(fm undoubted
bargains. We never had as good a lot of 1,inens to
sell for such prices. Qualities in every case can be,
del)ended tipou absolutely.
The Seconds and the Ends
The Seconds and the Ends are even better br,rgaius than the perfect goods, if
yon don't mind a little Haw here and there in the•, weaving. There is not enough
to interfere with the wearing dualities, and you- ('an save a good deal of money
buying; any of these.
Ends of Crash at 3 for 25c Mill Remnants of Table
Ends of Crash at 19c Damasks
5 -yard Ends at 25c Makers' Seconds in Cloths
Mill Remnants of all kinds Makers' Seconds in Napkins
of Towelling
All priced at one..third les s than usual prices
3 Bath Towel Specials
3 special bargains in Bath Towels for the
second week of the Linen Sale.
.,list in this week direct from the irnli(M." sir
Manchester. We could not buy from t'Jalt Maker
if we were not able to handle two_storo lots. IrVe
get the low price because we can handle t tie gii%Itity.
Bath Towels, 2 for 25C
Heavj crash Hath Towels.
natural color with reel retripos,
oil We
plain white, Rood Wright and
min. A lantgotin we-, cannot dupla•
rate, aprNal each, 12ic.
Bath\Towels, 25c
ratr•a IaI*P And hravy Bath
Towelm. 24 inches by 4.i inchAn.
1,attin l color with owl stripes or
Wet" White, regnfar :26r towelm.
For Linen rialp we have is e]��
+,gmtity to poll mt....... - . `
\V hen we harp to Ret more they
will cost morn money.
Bath Towels, 5oc
A lindW quantlt only, of
towtora heavy, pure linon Hath
TONVOts, natfiral color, extra lnr•gp
omism and heavy Wright. A tnwel
~fly worth Mor. to 75r, for
line" sale, special at each . e�
of all descriptions have
just arrived,
Wv cull sllpl)k Null with
the best ill
�i Bats, (Barrington)
Caps, Ties,
Fancy Hosiery,
Fancy Vests.
Also the nicest line of
\nu have ever set your
eyes Olt. i
Reg. Black
Discontent i.e. the want o
limnre; it is the iufirinity of will.
this seauslsi hold the lend in quality
and %N•auty Of design.
We have the tidiest, nattiest, most wearable
line of shoes to be found.
"1 footwear here. Ease, elegance, land perfection
"f Ht are strong pointy in our favor. All the neiv
Icxlhery and the latest style" in everything.
Downing & MaieVicar
North side of Square, GODERIC11.
A blood builder, putifiee mud nerve
LOnic. trot a lox. 5 boxes for 1111.0U.
Tones sip the entire bysten, and
pastilles the blood. 51k a Crottle.
Hr C. DUNLOP, or.aiat
Bedford aleck, (Week&.
Saturday, the second week of the big Linen Sale begins. We have
had a week of splendid selling. It couldn't be otherwise, for the values,
truly, are exceptional. Stocks still are practically unbroken, for we were
ready with a big, generous assortment that we could not possibly hope to
sell in a few days' time.
If you have any linen buying to do within the next year, it will pay
you, and pay you well, to do it before this sale comes to an end. The
Linens we are selling % ere ordered eight or nine months ago, right from
one of the best makers in Britain. Buying jn two -store lots enables us
to take the quantities we have to buy from him. If we ordered today, the
same qualities would have to sell at one-quarter or one-third more than
the prices we 4sk while this Sale is on. This is no exaggerated state-
ment. You only need to watch the daily papers to knc w that linen prices
have been advancing for the past six months, until the• are higher today
than for a generation past. Present prices cannot possibly be duplicated
for a year or two to come. There is not the slightest doubt about that.
The Towels at 15c a pair The Half -bleached Damask
The Towels at 25c a pair at 25c
The Towels at 35c a pair The Half -bleached Damask
The Towels at 25c each at 30C
The Towels at 3T,c each The Half -bleached Damask
The Towelling at 8c a yard at 37l,,:
The 12't Towelling at 9c The Half. -bleached Damask
The Half -bleached Crash at at 45c
9c The Bleached Damask at
The W•i d e Half -bleached 60c. 75c, 90c, $1,00,
Crash at 15c $1.15, and $1.25
are all selling at prices that make th(fm undoubted
bargains. We never had as good a lot of 1,inens to
sell for such prices. Qualities in every case can be,
del)ended tipou absolutely.
The Seconds and the Ends
The Seconds and the Ends are even better br,rgaius than the perfect goods, if
yon don't mind a little Haw here and there in the•, weaving. There is not enough
to interfere with the wearing dualities, and you- ('an save a good deal of money
buying; any of these.
Ends of Crash at 3 for 25c Mill Remnants of Table
Ends of Crash at 19c Damasks
5 -yard Ends at 25c Makers' Seconds in Cloths
Mill Remnants of all kinds Makers' Seconds in Napkins
of Towelling
All priced at one..third les s than usual prices
3 Bath Towel Specials
3 special bargains in Bath Towels for the
second week of the Linen Sale.
.,list in this week direct from the irnli(M." sir
Manchester. We could not buy from t'Jalt Maker
if we were not able to handle two_storo lots. IrVe
get the low price because we can handle t tie gii%Itity.
Bath Towels, 2 for 25C
Heavj crash Hath Towels.
natural color with reel retripos,
oil We
plain white, Rood Wright and
min. A lantgotin we-, cannot dupla•
rate, aprNal each, 12ic.
Bath\Towels, 25c
ratr•a IaI*P And hravy Bath
Towelm. 24 inches by 4.i inchAn.
1,attin l color with owl stripes or
Wet" White, regnfar :26r towelm.
For Linen rialp we have is e]��
+,gmtity to poll mt....... - . `
\V hen we harp to Ret more they
will cost morn money.
Bath Towels, 5oc
A lindW quantlt only, of
towtora heavy, pure linon Hath
TONVOts, natfiral color, extra lnr•gp
omism and heavy Wright. A tnwel
~fly worth Mor. to 75r, for
line" sale, special at each . e�