The Signal, 1907-4-11, Page 7%.I,, '
THE SIGNAL: GOI)ER1CH' ONTARIO Titumwity, April 11, 1907 i
menced excavating for the founds-
'i **V1
i. ._ _.__... __
I -.
Henry i.r .11111 ut did' not ipave for
There in land bay on the
• •*
the District.
intendo.l, hiving unwire vonoiderALi, -if
shores of which is national port is in
the making. Intereat was first at -
t•racted to that spot when the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway offered a prize
conning sorr,mer.
Prince Rupert was the n% --.I=
and it is to thin Pacific
tVEDNESWIv. April fifth.
for a cavalier explorer, tcur-
% 0 Clothing
, Y
Duncan Cameron has been suffering
s P o
TUMI)AY, April 0th.
tends inland, encircling Kasen Island
. hn+ Always been a special
George Fulford had a wood love nil
u•t of the promotion ex&minstions I NUN'. --At bare every day c:r t Tbura• !lohool reopened today after the
dfoiTa`tYntte1. ell
itl^utt bl dierO W0 1{Y 14wter vacation.
notation by Digby Island. Between these
district. le -ft (l
district,ft for the Sault from
feature at the
Tburealry afternoon of last week.
The meashw is in our community
ori 8. M. No. 4, West Wawauoah, slha ilyg laa .s. (jVWllxullic
Names in order of merit: Sr. Ill to Jr. eu. Alu Leemu ylnLow mm a.brteek.blel. Thumma Tuuney, jr., is laid up with
The well -(directed efforts of John
long, a mile in width, with an aver-
__- p
And at present there it x very @ttl•lolis
eare swung our little folk.
IV. -- Nina Woods, Edna Words. , N. IL- You ow atwtlyw your wurktrruek A very revere Itt(ac nl Plein poison
better douo til the dcatid office•- users dome, 1
Ethyl McPherson, John Weill% John lwuer fw:iliti for doing the work, wore cool' 1 in Ilia hand
which broke out in Nurdnch Mac-
/ '
Ii\ - -
April weather out far bits not loeo
Allen. Jr. III. to Sr. III. -Stewart fortablefur the Patient. I Ill rot. AV. H. Camplkll sued Mosstrr
Angus Mc-Der")i.l hap sold him fare n
five feet. An a great continental port
it ponseemes a wide harbor, with room
pleasing to very Many and our schoo)1
Pinnell, Bertie Miller. Sr. If to Jr. ATOTICE. Toll': MWAL AGENCY Colin spent pert of the holiday week
Ill.-MarRRanet Miller, Clarence Mc'
remove. fur some north.. We Are
- I
rhikLrudidnutenjuy their holidays
hil)un sottfurTAeniguali.atuwt4,t-:witiILuckuowrrienda.
Donald, Maud McQuillan. Jr. I1, to Sr. talc lHV oo &aid titattonory woo wb ,w
Chit, Rwlmund Irft Jur the Vrr(
Director of Record Foundry Co.
aevan to eight people. You can flgttre
Everything for Men
Many friends are glad W see JoniP6
!fit ne IR11-be oaceivwl for ub.criptlou oat-
IL -Hazel Anderpwn, Fanny Ander- ,.erti.i„a alai job' work, and receipt+ wit[ be last week. Hr intend. going to the
H -r E. AxDititsoN,
Senator Jo.iah Wood, of New Bruns.
"Eaft is West beside our land -locked
MowDenald, of Grasul Mat•als, Mich.,
sten. x A R 1 e a W,.11 sur amount Ix.ld for the same. vicinity of Calgary, where his brothers
wick, wdd-known throughout Canada, it
field Range, which attains an eleva-
again. He is un a visit to his mother
---- For good clear clover wood and timothy go W Job toAnd Will have land.
connected wsthreveral manufacturiugcon.
ut of bred on the Regina
Pe bridges
que ridge. Between the hpightA and
here And W Ilia sorter in Goaler•ieh•
With Mr. Allen they drove all over
that progressive town, noting the
Aoderwn', hardware
Ed. Robinson is souuewhAt ilsdis- SHEF'PARDTON.
WBDNIteDAY, April ill. pored at present.
cern the largest of which is the Record
s' g
Foundry and Machine Co., of Moncton,
N.B.,anditfontreal,P.Q. Thi+important
land about. 70141 feet in width and
the klllll tllat IookS Well
the kind that wears Well
many impproveueonts. He also visited
and chums of his Io,y
MNLAROIND HIS PROPICHTY.-An• yon and Mom. Roach visited friends ' uYNDAY, Mar. {11th.
drew Johnston bas purchased Irn1O . R.00t
last. Mrs. Will. Vrinln,ao WAS visiting
intusirv, established in 1855 by the late
M-. C. B. Record, un a very small scale.
Hudson's Bay line running out from
the kind that Suits your boy
old ac
hostel da r here And its Leeburn and
Nt D. nap ell y
Alex. Glenn the fifty acres oil the 8th her mother, who, we ate worry to
J Walkout And T. G. ellen niade x
has grown to ba one of the largest, if in.
trict it, well-wotlelerl with an abundance
= the kind that suits your purse
1. ) al. Mr, McDonald is chief clerk to
conces@1oo opposite Ilio own place. hexa it very nick.
in burinow trip W Mitebell Tart week.
de •d rat the largest, stove manufactwing
slumps of good timber. Asked if mus-
Kaien Island the city is in the mak-
a lumheriD firm in Alichi dR'.
Bo 8 g
EZAt lluW-
This is one of the host Hit acres
>' The weather here the last few dots
the township. There bill. good barn. Mlas Minnie Durnin returned to has been ver disagreeable. no &c0ount
co icern jn the Dominion of Canada, and
sell from Halifax to Vancouver. Their
mestablished in primitive. offices,
We have ever thin for the Ke
front the crown of his head W the,
I:AxTxR F sr r exa
of the
it.g is Lbereport Of the Easter exAfuina•
u (word optal dwellingands good iundo Nuruoal Sehowl on Monday of wind, rain And seem.
id to
ou gMr.
' Calorific " and " Admiral " furnaces
The sensation was not unpleasant.
aider of bis fort (except lxwtsl-
tinns of S. S. No. 9, Colborne : V. Io
class --B. Williams, Nl r cent.:
orchard it; it it convenient to last.
are glad to heitt- that Miss Ethel
Johnston's'ether property, and is in. Mrs. Little And Mn. Medd @spent n Meads ►+►a returned 1Jter ever x years
every way A desirable piece of land few days last week wiLli friends in
•'end "Penn Euler" ranges are known
from the Atlauut: to the Pacific.
R floor where newspaper#,, mag t-
H. Sbuw, 72 I cent. Senior iV.-
Mr. Johnston is to lie nlwouce in Muskoka' visiting friends
later to the comfort of the members.
---- -•
H. Clutwo, 711 I)rt• Dent. ; E. Link-
and congratn- G ,derich. alsd relatives its Gernianie, Brace -
th( edgea of their scrapers so sharpplank
later, Irl per (went. ; At. Young, f19 per
dated upon securing it. Improvrmeulr Are in prrogn•as at. aIle laid I{uesseals, Axe hats, llrc•klx,
camp. on tau ane. s acre wall A
eml buildings. are being Preete,l,
rent.: F. Glssirr, dl per cent. ; L.
-- - - creamery in prrttarmtisen fur the erne- Parry i;famd, Aluurot Albert, New-
came from fhe muskeg all tall•
and small crossings. if the line gore
Harker, W Iwr cent. ; W. Glamer, 65
BELFAST. ing meson• marliet, and Toronto. Twte of her
but it
but it never seemed to sicken any one.'
Even now the wharf nffords hatisfac•
prr• toot. Senior 111.. Total wanks
Tye -M. Ran, 51,0 ; H. Chisholm, 417;
cousins Accor nioxt her, Afirm Malorl
Henson Case, Jack Rulo,rts And It. PA
NolrnAY, April Nth. Rutherford resutued their IatNn•r At Mead-, of Ros.eaw. anti Aflis PtNirlie
T P Pm Mission haA a settlement
of half-breeds c1uALered around it. It
the steameers in the flab busineses ply
r n t Iluure Square, t tlta<tl It,
G. -SWwsrt, 8711. flanlpr [[. -Total
Messrs. Ernest and Jos. Irwin leave
the (i. U. L on Monde Leat. Measles. o[ Mount Albert.
on Tuesday ha• the Wert. y
has a pleasant situation near the
a thorough system tel drainage anti
\\ J
matte 9S,i -- i. Williams, 417 ; Al,
:Show, 4111 k-1. 01&zier, 191 ; W. Cbis•
Dr. Gordan ,end family, of Ripley, Ge1i1• Collimam, wife land child, of _-____ _
river The population, Mr. Bell thinks.
holm, 178. Junior 11.--TotAl marks
spent Easter with friends here. Kintail• and Will UcWhioney And LEEBURN.
will be about 20n.
-- - _ -_-
')a -E- Stewart, 275 ; T. Glazier. 27'2 t
wife, of Colhorne, visited friends here
Alias E. Hmnutb, of Winghant, is DAvid And Mark Horton left here
on Suoday last.
A. l7Lewxrt, 2.iO • A. Harker. L.)I ; J.
Ryan, '210: Chisholm. 197. A;v♦
with the Miweti Rutherford for rfort- lust .reek for ['ullulgRamd, to oaks
Jlirges Rubinson, Dorniu anti AIc-Hrwmen un
Bryce as a Mountaineer,
Prior his departure
on m t>• d a
Du►rwP, Teacher.
To BUll.n A MAmmoTH B.LHs.-In
night. pu•+itiun. A• roe of lie
Loan returned to their wheels un uaxuunuth oro .lours threw.
Master Re Barrett• of Lucknuw• londay Inst after xpending the Easter I {
trpent SlindxK the home of Mrs. y Auchir Horton, with bin family,
to from England
to 'take u the t of Aritish .Am•
basswdor at Washington. Right Hon.
730 Times EachYear
At vuuatiun in the illxge.
James Bryce by
a few week• James Chia-
the Course raise
holm will retia. A nlanunuth teen near
A Ikon. t coved here fr 'n ('At•Irow last week to
J. McArthur, of ,
has sold Ltkt• a his rr,.idencr nn the fano
K'e welcome l'oxok and family, P
was appointed the
7 PPo
King a member of the Order of Merit.
the site of the herrn which was bornod
.Lar. ere, tiich,
his heats• and lot rb. to Jas. a real, whish he recently mer haaeol Burn Ilii
who have rump t„ reside its this „f West bYawxnneh. The real- y I
Mr. Bryce in one of the few who
while the fainn lyelonggrd to Mr.
Straughan. Thr fire took place dor-
vicinity, 1 father.
ized is in the neighborhood d of 6[1110.
TOE 1''AN>1MHw' INATrrU'rH.-There
have ever climbed to the to of
P Mount
Ararat; and it is w testimony to his
THE ..
'ing a threshing and affe-r the fire Mr,
Str•nughan rams• from Iwouisville, Ken-
A wee Io,t• came to stay with Mr. THURADAY, APRIL 11th. walla ad atCrodsttu,As, thr KsrmerY
and Mn. t\'ill Bowe tfnrnoerly Mary MtNSTRix. PHODCr"r1ON.--The Men- R'
institute. Wednesday
extraordinary vitality that, although
seized with the mountain sickness
M elotte Separator
Lucky, arta sold toes tart W Mr. Chis-
Crosby), of Genu,. YVe are glad M tueeting un
es"' Canoe Cluli s Minstrels will evruin -if Inst work. Our yuan
know both another babe doing g g
and enveloped in a mist so dense aA
holm, whit has tired It As A tmwturo.
farm The oust year however h • h
and err gives the performance -which made
well. farmers H. A. Ifurtun and John Lits-
such A hit in Goderich on WednesdAv
to cause him to stand and gaap for
breath he atruaalpd on amid the in.
1 0, As
been getting the timber reedy for the
bujiding of the new learn. There will
Ire a water pier lexdinKK from a spring
At sen incline to the•n to provide
Witter for the rU,,k. The foundation
will be of cement and the raofing Will
Is• oletallic in place of shingles. Sins.,
the raising of the big barn at Michael
'Tom's in Dunlop abof t four y,•nrs
ago there have been no big !warn rais-
ings on the I,lake Shore. We under-
staud the veteran builder of Iw►oyy of
Whorue's barns, William Mac -
Whinney, is on the spot Preparing
the timbers for the raising.
MONDAY, Apr. Nth.
If. R. Forster.and wife sp1went Easter•
tide with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. YPo.
Mrst- L. Tebbutt spent A few days of
last week under the parental roof
near Seaforth.
Wm. Stanley end A. J. Courtice
spent a few drys jn Toronto the ((,rul-
er part of last week.
Mies Myrtle Connell, who haus been
seriously ill with Ioneuinonia,: is in s
fair way to recovery.
B_v. Mr. Currie, of fuudesburi.
ppr••sched missionary permmne In the
. Ihodist church on SundAy.
Miss F. Swann, C. A. Tebbutt. E.
Bedard and H. Bedard, who spent
their vacation at their honoes here.
have returned to their schools.
Ilia chopping mill had A narrow
escwpe fmm fire on Saturday, a@ A
spark from the engine set the n,of tin
fire. This happened to tor. seen just in
time And was quickly put out with a
few ptilm of water.
The school truster.. have pur haled
A cabinet and a library and expect to
have thrift in their platers in •a few
days. When this is crorilplete the sec-
tion will lit in A position to dnaw a
large grant from the Government.
FARM CIIANGRA•---Gro. HollAnd in-
tends moving sem to the Elford faun.
which he reeently bo ighr....... Will
Tebbutt has purchased the fares from
Jos. Jervis on which hr lives for g$11111,
. Dan Gliddon has pur:hAred the
fnnn on the Huron road from Will.
Murch. 0
A large nio they took in the mueck
fair At Clinton last 'Thursday. it is
said by men who should know that
the hot•sex shown were the rgnAl of
any that they ever saw at any of the
large fall fairs such As At London.
Angus Alcheosl took second prize for
hie agricultural Mord InAre in a class
of eleven. Jos. Colclough mold his
gelding for 6280 at the fair.
1 ADA-AVHVRX AGK ('Y. Open Tues-
day-. Thursdays tend fiat@ -days. A general
Isanking hnielne,.. transacted. Mavlraff- thank ,
department accept. drpn„Its of al end ^p
wards. Inter set Rt 7 per rent• iter annnu,, pity
able every three months. Farmer+' de n^ns•
purrhas lat res"amable rotes. A. (;.GAMHLF:',
Acting Manager
WEDNEADAY, April 10th.
Mrs. Malloy, of Colborne, visited
her sinter, Mrs. Anderson, in the vil-
lage the letter part of last week. She
In' for her future home in the
Northwest on Monday.
.jam" Voting has raised Ilia nmoke-
Ptacks again and intends starting the
mill at once. Mr. Morris, of Colborne,
liras been engaged ax sawyer.
A petition for a license for the Cao -
low hotel hu logien circulated and the-
temsoprance people are circulating •
The ronggrations of And
Smith's Hill had w joint meeting
here last Thursday to arrange for the
filling of the vacancy in the pastorate
when Mr. Antall taken charge of
Blyth. The natt.e of Rev. J. A. HAho;
llt n. formerly of Landeshori, and tit
present stationed in FAeex, wax highly
spoken of. The feeling expressed by
the meeting was in favor of giving
Mr. Hamilton a call at once.
Willard. who haft hown w great mnffoorer
"Imps pasRpol atcrose the silent,
river an oine I the greet majority
last Thu ay, tho 4th Inst. ikatiez
oras mmrriwl forty-nine years Ago to
ber now hpreft husband on one of the
Thousand Inland. in the St. iAwronce,
where they were hoth horn. Ahout
,forty years Ago they came to this
. county, whut•o they have rPsideol ever
since. n..p derehmPd in xnrvived by
her lennhAnd, tht'ee sons And two
dwuahtera. The annx are RnvAl, of
Perry Srwind ; George, of hritinh
Colurobiw, and Charles, of IfAmilton,
and the daughters are Mrs. (hates
and Mos. Polloek, broth of WPM An.
The mmaints were interred is HMI's
cemetery, bluer line. Hollet.t. Mrs.
Wfllanl w" A inpoihnr of the Mpth
odist church.
%VicD:fzmDA-v. April l(kh.
Wedding hells Are ringipg lousily.
Quiltiiig and regbeesare the order
of the nfterinmris anion{; -.the elderly
su aido.
Edwin Olivet started for Port
Arthur un Tuesday last. He will be
much missed ley the young ladies of
this vicinity.
The iu&ny friends of Mrs. A. C.
Hawkins will he pleased W know mile
is sell the Way ti, recovery after tier
serious illness.
Thornton Mustard, our schw,l
Leacher. returned ten Monday after
eswtsding the Easter holidnys at his
butte in Clinton.
Mims Ueuetta Cuuningho ue, who ham
44 -re spending tier Easter vacation ALL
home• has returned to I.anesville,
where she is engaged as teacher.
Held same the plovakers. The chats
night, in the Agricultural Hall herr tense cold, with a big icicle complete -
wan. H. J. Alnrria, Ably dischnrge(l''
on Thursday, April 19th. Don't forget ly covering the lower halt rot his face.
the duties and n)ndr wwse inu•rrsting
the date, next Thursday. April cn")moots on his recent trip w for until "suddenly, to my astonishment," EASY TO TURN EASY TO CLEAN
18th. and get m.nly for the , hough Q,rw•u City. The tail Iatul ave soul, he says, the around began to tall
Of a lifetiane. M1w the fumed• end. affray to the north. A puff of wind
weningen out hi.. viulru aurin¢ the CLEAN SKIM- VERY DURABLE'
wen, hews the latest con rungs- evening. drone oft the mists nn one side. and
hear n first-clam@s orchestra. Solid -- -- ----- Phow"d the Araxes plain at an abyxs-
enp,yiltent front start w finish, an EAST WAWAYOSH. mal depth below. it was the top of MER
entertainment 2roti can't Afford tie - a Ararat!" .sea -
Illj.x. PracesonyL;eartd :ti.:. R -ad 11uNDAY,.April NtIt. Hoveever, after he had accomplish- Investigate, think and you will decide tole
the account hof last nigh 's sol-cessttd A postffd
rce hon auxin lit -ell onves
1wiled ed the 'return journey in safety, the g ) t i Y
Production InGoderichananother page itt 9.arnu:h with %Van. L,orr Aa to o.t- arehimandrite at an Armenian monas- I the Melotte.
Of this lemue, and make up your mind master And M -Ail l amt flenry Indil- tery on the plains refumed to believe
knot UI Inlxs it, and you won't regret it. caanier• his story of the elimb. The old priest SOLD AT I
Itolwr•t Chaunnry is Laid tit) tit a• t uresmiled and shook his head. "No .one
TUHsnAY, April 9th.
John Welters, our obliging posit -
master and storekeeper, has been re-
moving the frauee luanh facing the
maul lu the rwmr nt his, where
jt ut W Ire placed on It cement found..
A 11141 0)xTHA(T. -Contractor Pig-
MAYFIELU.1 tett has still Alomt ninrLv bones
wintering in the villr4r, 'They are,
Misr Ella Goldthorpe, of Goderirlooh, lking wo•11 and rd are in Noahape-fur
has commenced her dotiem as teacher wi)rk this suunner. Wo notice )Pmt
A the Front nsail school. Mr. Pigult leas Life cunlrowt for Wild -
The mumps have wt last mute to ing t he retaining wall of concrete oppo-
town, w numlor hAving Iwen IAitl up site the grain elevator of the dock and
cluring the Easter holidays. the understand that floe gravel for the
job will color front ' Mrs. Kuntz's
Miss Mott, who hqg conducted it
dremamakia estrablislfErent here dur• i navel pit in this work t. Several
R then have been At .rusk the last feW
lug the pont year, lima gone tv Kit- dasys snaking roads and otherwise
IArney. Man. preparing the pit for delivery, and as
The following have left town for the the contract is it large one it will re -
summer to wail on the GrPat Lakes: quire many leads of gravel to complete
Caption John Ferguson. William Fer- the jobb1,
gopon, If. Falconer. Foul. And Orville Two 8AWMILLA IN THIL VILLAGE. -
Weston left for Buffalo last week. Jooaeph Ooldthtpwe'n portable saw•-
VEaTRY MEBTIxo, - The annual mill, which has be(•n removed front
vestry meeting of Trinity church was A. Goldthorlw's hush, when) it has
held nn Monday r.vening. The fol- been in time All winter, is now being
lowing nfllcials were appointed for the placed in Ioosition in this village turd
yyear : Wardens, T. H. Brownlee, J. will tar ready for work in A few days.
W. Tipppe,-tt : maomging curumitter, A large number of very fine logo Asa
D. H. Mctiaughton, W. J. Elliott, now lying in the yard near the old
Dr. N. W. Wood@, W. J. Stinson ; twnueryp, which it ria retionated will
vestry clerk, F. A. Edwards. wield fen I '31),(9111 to 30'(110 feet of
Kimber, amsipting principally of oak,
`• DRIER. rim, wAplr, pine And other woods.
-rA Among the lot of logs ix a very super-
' TuiwimY, April 9th.for btinel► from the Atlrill estate for
Charles Boyd wow in Goderich on I the organ factory, which Will saw up
Sunday. in the neighborho,m] of 30,001 feet of
Neil McKenzie wax In London for a very fine oak lm ober for that welly
couple of days last week, known hardwood -finishing company.
Mism Madge McDonno I -• • • AIcE wan's stationery aawmill,
R Id spent her also in this village, will soon Fre in
Exeter vacation in Tbrontro. o[n,- ration again. There is quite A
Mlan dlabel Farrirs spent last week I mnow of Ingo amund this mill And
with Miss Annie McLennan. I when the two ")film Ars going they
Dave A1cAfurchy and Tom Bueglass will give a busy appearance to
drove to Lucknow on Monday. this thriving village.
Miss Anna McDonald, Kintail, wax
the Ruest of Mies Becce, McKenzie on KINTAIL.
Sun ay.
Dan And George McGregor. of Lfrek- Tr-EnnAY, Apr. 2nd.
now, spent Sunday in the neighbor- Mrs. Chore. Dalton wap in London
hood of their homes. last week.
Miss hexy MCI,eAn, who its Attend- Miss May Caird Is Rpe.nding the holi-
ing the Conservatory of Music In days in Uotierich.
Brantford, returned after spending, Joe Griffin And Will McGrory ate
her Sauter vacation At her honse. hones from Cobalt.
Will McGregor, lencher At 8t. ` Mie Carrie: Forel is with Mims
Helena, And Red McLennan, teacher Whitty for A few days.
at. Dashwood, returned to resume their I Miss Maggie. McLean spent a couple
(little@ After attending their vacation At of weeks with friends in Goderich.
their homes.J. J.M. O'Riellyy's incultAfor brougght
- ' -- forth w nice votrh it chickens l&at
_ Jerry Talton, of 0n11orne. visited
him (p areata, Air. mood Mrs. Jan. Dalton,
Sensible and Scientific Way to Cure this ,on ' uoaday.
Disagreeable Disease. Thr young folks of Kintail and vic.
Nearly everyone cutters nt nne tittle inity enjoyed it pleasant dance in the
or atnnther with c+ttarrh, hall on Monday night.
The natural War to cure Leis dis- Joseph Cowan limn disposed of him
agreeable disetue R by Applying heal, farm of 1fiOacrps in his brother. John,
Ing inedicest Ions direct to the diseased for the aura of 68,I)I O. Jos intends
spot, going %Vest.
io no other way can thin he done An ley the The Mimes HArei+. milliners. of Ri
naturally as axe of Hyonnei, p•
breAthed through the neat pocket in- j ley, will oswn a branch shnp in this vil-
better that comes with every outfit. lage. April 2rith and '20th trill lo, two
Put Revered drops of Ilyoulei granonpening days.
in the inhaler mid then for a few inin- -
utes, four of- five Limen a day, let the- NILE. _
air yon Ilreathe come through It. in •TUttamm Apr. of
that Way ail the stir that entoom the I Mian Alayme Girvin hits returned to
naxwl passages, the throat or the (yesliton rafter spending Easter at
lungm, is filled with Hymnei's hending hnnie. to R
medication, reaching the moat [emote
Air eeplln of the respiratory organs, Vl a ate pkAsed to report that Mrs.
destroying sell catmrrhAl germs and Alex. INinksold is much improved
soothing And heAling the irritated after her recent illne"am,
mucous i9pindays' lama (I Alf. Linfl,-kl in nnflPr the• doetor's
Afew Awls' useo(Hyomei will +hew cosrp at proePttt. We trent he, will he
how gsickly it relleves all catarrhal around again soot.
Conditions. And loft will not have to.
It long hefom yon find it has TnK LKAGI-N.' . The. Epworth LrAgne
effected it complete And lasting cure. triple next evening will Iw-
go strong ix Jam. Wilson's faith in --The I.pAg"a Unit , ' taken by Misp
the ptSwo,twor of Ityompi to cure ratarrholl Ruth Girvin .. ..Tie annual election
trenihlps that with every dollar outfit (if officers Look place in the Nile
he givmn A gunrantee to refund the League on 'Torpdmy evening and re-
nueney unless this remedy giver s iLls- sulted me follows:* Prpaident, Chas.
faction. He taakea ell the romeponsi- Girvin : limt•vire, Alias F. (;rely :
bility and yon cAnnot afford to suffer speond-vice, Mina M. Bailie : third•
longer with catarrh when An offer vice, Alfred LinflPld : fourth vire,
like this in fund,- to you. Mims M. Carry ; recording secretary.
Should rxtm bottles of if omen Fee Clarence Duntow ; erorTpepemding R•-
needed they can be obtwinetl for Iiftc, rptAryy, Mia. Roth kinin : tremaueer•
utaking thin one rot the most econcan- .1 AA. Moreland : organist, Miam Myrtle
feel am well Am the moat reliable leene. itan ; &sAfxtant orge,uist, Mins Itlota
dies for catalmh Ills" is known, flFrvla.
rill• having intlaunttiatiou i.
him eyes. for, exlwrts to to
xgtain ht it couple of weeks.
Will. loVatron. of Iklgr:ave.
awarded the contract for loan
new me.hool its HPlgrave, and has coni-
Prince Rupert Will Be a Meeting
menced excavating for the founds-
Place for America Asia.
Up the coast of British Columbia.
Henry i.r .11111 ut did' not ipave for
There in land bay on the
the Weat ou Turmolsy boost as he It let
a -locked
intendo.l, hiving unwire vonoiderALi, -if
shores of which is national port is in
;tie offer frau his Prot lies Alex., o[ the
the making. Intereat was first at -
t•racted to that spot when the Grand
ninth line. to engage with hills for the
Trunk Pacific Railway offered a prize
conning sorr,mer.
for a name for the weiriern teiminus.
Prince Rupert was the n% --.I=
and it is to thin Pacific
tVEDNESWIv. April fifth.
for a cavalier explorer, tcur-
Win. Rutherford is sat Kering in.
ions gate of the Canadian public iA
tenss•Iv from it sort! shoulder,
turned to -day.
Duncan Cameron has been suffering
Prince Rupert is about Ilalfwav be•
tween Vancouver and Skagway. Here
xrverely from a sure ear for Alone
time• but is
a Rteel-bright anti" of the mea ex-
tends inland, encircling Kasen Island
ylfRx M,acUArton, who has Iauln on
anti protected from the sweep of the
an extendod visit W friends in thio
notation by Digby Island. Between these
district. le -ft (l
district,ft for the Sault from
islands lies the main channel of the
rich yesterday.
harbor. This inlet is sixteen miles
The well -(directed efforts of John
long, a mile in width, with an aver-
X"ve")rld :essimtrl by members of the
age depth of one hundred and fifty
fierily were required toil tinench a fire i
feet. It half the rare advantage of
which broke out in Nurdnch Mac-
a straight entrance. The difference
dnnald's learn last week.
between high and low tide in twenty -
Angus Mc-Der")i.l hap sold him fare n
five feet. An a great continental port
it ponseemes a wide harbor, with room
Goxt)ourl Browes. Hr hit, pinrhasod
for an emproning fleet, an entrance of
the Girvin faran At Nile- lout will not r
emay oceans and dere water close up
remove. fur some north.. We Are
to the shores, with shelter on all
sorry to lose such ciVzens from our
aevan to eight people. You can flgttre
- -----
Stretch of Undulating Land.
The city of Prince Rupert is to be
built on the netrthern shore of Kaien
"Eaft is West beside our land -locked
island, well in from the entrance and
Character of the Country Beitwssn
near the head of the island. The Old -
Prince Albert and the Pas.
field Range, which attains an eleva-
tion of 4,300 feet., rung drown the cen-
Mrir. r. Thomas
tre of the island forming a pictures -
ut of bred on the Regina
Pe bridges
que ridge. Between the hpightA and
and Prince Albert branch, who is now
the harbor is a stretch of undnlnting
stationed in Saskatoon, returned re-
land about. 70141 feet in width and
Gently, says The t3aakatoon Phoenix
along this strip Prince Rupert will be
from a spell of work on the projected
Hudson's Bay line running out from
The neighboring mainlanei is call-
Erwood to the 11as Mumon.
ed the Tsimpsean Peninsula. The dis-
Mr. Bill told The Phoenix reporter
trict it, well-wotlelerl with an abundance
that the line nuns largely through a
of red and yellow cedar, spntee and
country of muakeg, alternated by
balsam. Already on the shore of
slumps of good timber. Asked if mus-
Kaien Island the city is in the mak-
keg made a good foundation for is
ing. Engineers and railway oflicinls
grade, he said It was all right. There
mestablished in primitive. offices,
is a certain sprin`y with it as the
while navviem, white. Japanreo anal in -
heavy trains rnove(1 over the surfmce.
dicot. are encamped among the treem.
The sensation was not unpleasant.
The lodging -house for the engineering
He had heard people Wk about it ere
staff breast!, ref a "Grub -room" on the
if the whole swamp couldbe seen roll-
R floor where newspaper#,, mag t-
ing like the waves of the sea with the
tines and "My Lady Nicotine" min -
vibration of the engine, hat hard never
later to the comfort of the members.
seen anything approaching that. it
was difficult stuff to work, but the
To Be An Abiding City.
graders had got used to it and kept
At right angles to the wafer -front a
th( edgea of their scrapers so sharpplank
walk twelve feet wide haft been
that they consist cut through any roots
laid and along this thoroughfare s^cs
and s000p it out lake cheese.
eml buildings. are being Preete,l,
There are no big bridgaa on the line
among them two stores, a hospital,
we far, bnt quite a number of culverts
the melt.-hMIM and realdenres for
and small crossings. if the line gore
railway officials. On n height fronting
fnrthAtc however, the biggent bridge in
the harbor a large hotel is being built,
Western Canada will be. required to
Even now the wharf nffords hatisfac•
crops the lordly Smakatehewan, which
tory accommodation far steamers.
at. Pam is a wide deep river on which
13rince Rupert is to he solidly ran•
the steameers in the flab busineses ply
atnicteed from the toundatinn for it
regularly to Prince Albert,
is ton be an abiding rite. Nide Ptrerts,
There is name good timber on the
a thorough system tel drainage anti
route ^f thin line, and 011e lumber I
extensive water sunnly are amore the
company built a mill last fall and
promise to tyke out an enormous
quantity of lumber. r
As to most people, the idea"of mum -
keg Rnggsttft unhealthy eEglditinng,
Mr. Bell was naked nboelt til• health
of the workmen engage alhng the,
line. HP Raid it, wag it remarksthle fart.,
and one vhirh had been eomment,ol
nil fte"ontly, that there had never
.ween a single cafe of typhoid in the
ors. y n .Y r.M" the $ w nM
.soles .err nor t.n s.,,..e.s.w.
Ap o..A M d -t-. r. 41al
Ji lYartIMaul s. TMr ease tae
latYMu,d bm
Consumption is leu deadly than it used to be.
Certain relief and usually complete recovery
will result from the following treatment:
Hope, Trost, fresh air, and -Scott's
ALL r)RUCOISTS: 60c. AND $1.00. I
La qtr. a sltl d
Signals of Distress
weak, strained or diseased.
Dont delay.
Bac';.^chc and headache-
swollen hands and feet -
sure of your horses or cattle. And Doom
constant desire to urinate-
They 1,:•ve strength to weak kys
Shooting pains through hips
_toe t the .screed tarts -neutral'
uric arid-aoothe the irritated bladder
-painful joints-P.heama-
-and cure every trace of kidney
tism-all of these are
trouble. Gin Pi11s are sold on a positive
gummotee to completely cure or money,
nature's calls for help. They
refunded. Soc. a box --6 for lly-ate•
mean kidney trouble. It
Sent on receipt of price if your dealer
does not handle them. coo
may be that the kidneys are
On cotltmeen fences the oeotinnoaa
wire stayti ase sure to bend and the locks
to lose their grip under continual pres-
sure of your horses or cattle. And Doom
they do, the top wire, soon followed by
those below, will ssit and destroy the
efficiency your fence.
Nothing like thea can happen to ter
Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The short,
allff hard steel wire in our hinge stays
earned bond when the ►.Carel wtree aro
weighted down, owing to their being so
short and jointed at each strand wire.
Pressure of a horrce on the tap wire Wags the "bin e." In the stays into action
and prevent.+ them from bending, and when pro seure to relfeva.xl the fenre springs back
Into Dlern again.
The lateral wires ■ro High-Carhme Hard Steel and roiled to pprovide too,
expansion and rontrac Hen by heat and rwld,
and are also rrimped at tae intereertlon
of the stays and strands W prevent the stay, from slipping sideways-tberefore no looks
are needed.
Huy the Dillon Hinge -Stay Fanoe.
ft's ••twice u strong." Twins u gooel an
InvestmrnL Catalegue fret.
Omen Sound Mrs Feng Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont.
Agents. ,
proytalotia arreany ,xnsmesets. roan+.-
.•grint n, r;marla. •vrwnr neve L It
any other British Columbian senna
aorto good good "sabres in ether years, but
d the priment, it is the spot whPre
nothing like the, one we will have this
one may tWngs growing." With-
Spring and mummer. We will pen,i.
in four years trains from Atlantic
through that Omaha agrney, 350 earn
portp will bP running into this Pacific
termin, whore all change cars" for
i within the nPxf six weeks or two
nrenthm..%rid Pooh car r"preeentm from
the orient. It will form a curious
aevan to eight people. You can flgttre
meeting -place for America and Asia
th&t out yourself and ace that, just
frown our present bookings• we will
"Eaft is West beside our land -locked
have more than 2An people going
! from this terrifrory foto Canada bo -
i Irre the first of May.
Jewels In Canada.
Rush From Western States This
The light ref knowledge of Canada in
Spring Greater Than Ever,
slowly brPakn`` in on Rome of our
"To the Canaolum Northwest!" is
Motherland ditorw. "Yearn ago ent
diamonds were exported to Canada
the cry of hundreds of families of Ne-
braska, Pana". and lows farmer -t.
an espy way of getting them into the
and the movement of em)granta from
TTnit--d 9fatem." gaym The Pall Mall
these Staters to Western Canada will
Gataitte. "Nnwadars the brilliants stay
this spring surpaae any similar move-
in Canaria; 11here ma a aufllcient mar-
nwnt an the history of the Went. In
ket for them. it is significant of the
fget, me, great has the movement to..
growing wealth of the colony. .A rants -
than has just, informed mp that in hie
Canada be(ecrrrne in the pant two
ypan that the State of Iowa has had
native- town of Toronto he obgervfad in
n" inerease, in ion population during
the window of the leading jeweler a
pearl nPeklmee marked [4,0M. He
thwt time, the credit for this exothdttiern
teing given to the power of Canada
aat"nis that. there ds -
to• draw more People away from lowt
n i
n.1 in n growing loony r n
for aro ex -
than come to that State from Eastern
pe An ornament, and, gtwemtinnPd -
' , and.
the merchant
the merchant ()h. Veit,' the littler
And the class of people. thus moving
I replied. 'dei.: Is Ron"'inely for %&I#, an,f
I think i mhall sell it." A short tamp
I o Canada a of the very best, those
who/ go into Canada aft all w'PI1 plop•
afterwards the n"Itlaep was honsrht
plied with cash, the average, ncrnrd•
by a Cansdian far his wife. Thp i)om-
inion, indrnd, is
ing to emigration agents, bring sells-
snaking vast pro -
Plied with no less than 118.111110) each. By
fnr the larger number of emigranh
A DilfereAce of Opinion.
horn Iowa and Nebraska are farm*"
hn have nol(I their farms in this
I ••Don't you think that her high ruff.;v
entmtry and who wish to get into a
sed collar sets her tarp no niewly+"
country of rheap lands. Many of these
like thr eellar, but I think haul
men mnom "hownPpwe
teadood" Grrnment
Jam otlssin W..
WAS wPft Of the Mimiotippi River.
-- ---
by Government laws, are It
asntesel froom faking mw4h#,r hompet#z
Aspall} growl complexion door -Wt:
come out n the w,amh.
fu the t7nitmed lStaMg ovrA1 it tlegirahle
"Pit." amid yrning Tnmhleah)ne. --le
land M this rharaeter PmrM be frwlnd•
1 eat dates Pnough will i turn into w
"Thoto ham novar rot boon gueh a
calendar ?"
rash ter C&nadinn 1 a to h as we are
"You will tarot Into Iw■1 thi. in -
.Laving this @spring." nays W. V. Ilion•
ntatH," said IPP Plel,-r TnmlJr.totor,
attt„ C4114diar► . Gn-wattlent 14nd
"fm i will &@Gist you." Ile honed ia,