The Signal, 1907-4-11, Page 3see•
THE SIGNALS --a WDE111 'Et• ONTARIO TlfuusD.►Y, April 11, 1110T
to �July, Itio7, when a diapen"oo. woe of a (autfly of six, twu mter•vive. Mr.
Xems �� the Sistriet,muted W Lmlgr tI7 (aflorwaml-
o", 1leNrig who tvw a ntrnallorellen ei to AI1. Thr U. D. (i. ll. trot- 1nfA,lligeoce, was ar earnrrt won ken in Ne Hawhurg ev,at tilt; hunuted ((Ilett the Cranhr000k I'mmbyteti+ut church, 'PHONLPHONE
of til pouiu(( ideating. wheie for aluost luny -two year h - lb D M I LLAR C O• k
Y had been an Isunored rider,.
ider, e • Sued his
Rev. Ile. Manny, ttaslot of Knox Wn slid Wingham Bosinebd Colleges, Wingleam's Asnasamsat I loan is Pincerrly,felt by x large cin Ir
wi -
chch, Kincardine, {teas beau ill, but is skirling it bitltilAt• itdtituLion 44LThr araellsweDt of \\'inlhaw for clad of +u•yu+untaucrs•
-- - - -,--- _.. _ _ .._ _ _ _ _ ._-- _ - -- I t-• _ � '•- `•-_
Mticver Ilulrx uving. Wellkettun. year IUU7 shown tut+tof
Alias Stewart, of Mt•rrisbur lead C. M. Brown, of Clinton, frs(•tured cunt oal•tal with 8118ol,is111 for Ixmt yrmir, T(� r %,
lwellell aflt'v rpl one evso r w Miss his #true last week hr, falling frusta ion i ncrrase of t�fil,Nllt, The (copula- . SUCCESS IN DAIRYING. • o Household Economists
g ?7
Stevrna in the Clinton public school. ladder while eugnged n carpentering tion is 2.2", an iucreaNe u[ uvrr
work at the culuuwteh►l' hotel. latest year, when it wine :1.:07: I A Penna Ivanis Dairyman's Profitable Our Household Section has Achieved unw a than a local re ,u -
Mr. slid Mrm. Flwnk He inetl, of The Marnoch wstufllce in Eatst. \%'A- 1( y I
Blyth, have rvwyvtd to Uurnwall, I Gess to Part William. Method of Marketing Milk. htliou, and it IN out to Ire wondered uL whets we- offer sorb excellent
is hell
Mr. lietatelt hats secured a ■itua- wanosh Isar been nfxn rented with Mr. ,( progressive Pennsylvania dairy- yxluer. \tun of our laces conte direct !tool lilt I/NnllN in Flit fa -
tlo e. Kllye ON (Rwtn. "'I er. Clithand Henry I Itev. E. H. bitch. H. A., prercheol Y 4
luau the udail-carrying contract. his Luewell eermuns its pastorof the man recently told In the National shire, and every line rrptrsents the very tit -at value fur the price qtr'
Ooxsrge K(wlWu, head lit lbs Clio- \Vin haw B+I,tist(buorh on Yunday, ��`
I Ali-. and 111x+. John Carter. of Blyth, K { I Stockman and Farmer how he disposed auknd.
the filet lilt., and left labt week for
left last week cur their new house in of his milk at u good profit an follows:
Midland. where Mr. Carter in en a rd Flirt Wdhatt, where he Italia a-ceptrtl Tablecloths and Napkins,
K K Arrangements were made to places , SPRING
stair Shin Disessea its the harts eew-utukin budltero. x laMllhrll sex Iraokk"per with thn
r_ -,. gshRheum.TetOtr.nuc yisldopitbly K Grand Trunk 1'ocific. lir. Fitch hru, the merits of our milk before the peo- Towels and Towelling, HOUSE
1'bu 111N1-I•INl(e of Rupert Uuig, of
u IM 6.. of MO. Ove nmcea recovered considerably hvnn his throat pie to a nice descriptive circular. A
Hawick, and Miss Florence Sanderson.
Why ter wall eke wen ..d it being) trouble, bac will take s•vrrnl months' mailing Byrd for n request to have one Bleached and Unbleached Tablings, CLEANING
u� of \\ allace, occurred tit the toaster,
1.1 elo. tht■r N on) Dea't Fe a.,.oa.Lle) lust from public speaking.
only 5(k a Los 6 lar }2.50 Molrswortb, an Wadnerdry, the 27th than deliver a sample Itottle was put Sheetings and Pillow Cottons. WILL SOON BE THE
Ge me to day. At driapwe' tar hem 1.6 tilt. Smallpox in Bruce. Into each circular, and these circulars OHUEH OF THE PAY.
Utvoa/ta' Ce. til (:r.d1 l�rruaad. Hamlet-- I Itev. H. A. Cremation, pastor of the Fourteen emirs of xludipax nre r•N- were tut into every house In town. �, IlunarkerlN•r wilt) stuolieu erunutuv even aHtnd to
I ) \Vu have, 0very rtxluirite to roalLV
TOMW-. Pie%bylerimen church at Uronunrty, bass ported flow the taw•nship of let. Ed- tui,. ,ecu+) our range tel
A �,x Anx„ o ..'A'A. ,Ar•rw asst+- accepted mi call fount F'milmerekon tend round", it, file uoethel-11 A,tt'on u( 77re circulars covered the following the house-cleaning prows thorough
1N p t ii COTTON BLANKETS, IN WHITE OR GRAY, I� andnt the battle Ziuoeiw light a tAek as
p t.•s.,ow r N., //•..du e., will RPxrane his ministerial duties Bruce lx•ninatlla. An iuolwctor Lf the points: s K
//rr (.err,ta� Nam Alii sudor ao d-slor m QUALITY, ;r.00 PER PAIR. l� pobsiblr.
sr (HrA.d/.,er.ed{sry.e., there mhortI%. Provincial lmoud of ler,drb ha" been in First. -This milk la produced from a CHOICE
tole, o+•sf•.a.o.aWilli Le.d—ot Oil the 27th. tilt., Wave. Grilwdy,x thin nod nuljuiuingtown"hil,o for"owe tested herd absolutely free from tee- AS FOR CARPETS, CURTAINS and LINOLEUMS, MARMALADE
e furteter werchant of Zurich. died led- two works pont. The local autleori- berculosls. ORANGES
da•nly act his hour, in Ueckeiville, ties, lir declstrs, hplt•r not given the all the uxk in far A visit to tar tllu+t Urs wctirn, wilder we
Second. -A certificate from a local --
Mich. Hr war utxrriel tem 11ixs Albini I srplxrrt they should have dour to lir I will Ie plense•d to show In you our nrwr:ta•k of carpets. alit ecrrything telae in sctUou
Gratin, pf Henwll, who survives biro. I telrxsurwm of pree:uttiuu and precer. veterinarian., who tested the herd; also I Curtains, Oilcloths need Linolennis, which reptesent.wanyor
_-TRA" MARK RAcurtexo•. Mistress -'Jane, I Naw the milkman 0 tion, a statement from him In regard to the t the very lwmt qualities slid pAtterns tit extreu-ely utxderettc EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES
k[ua run This numeing. It the fetmw Clinton Raises Pedlars' License Fees. sanitary conditions of the barn, etc tI Iwives. I'Irion Carlielm front :iic. I»•r yet. ; Tapestry from 11111,• Neill fresh.
-- I will tike the Ieilk in." "'Twouldn't I Third. -An explanation ehowing Ute 4:s• leer ted. ; \Viltan used Bruxselr frvnu 7 x' Ix•r yd.
The no nor, initial. lie prrntieted never At the hist meeting tit the Clieton Importance of clean milk from healniy STURDY & CO.
town council a bvbtew %1'apl mused itis- See our swell lines of Curtains, three and a haU arch Iain silt inches
to kiss snylaxly but asst. Illustrated I ! crows to babies and Invalids. y R' ti
INMillg n few of g:oll for hawkers selling The Sauarc 'Phone qt
Bit". leo Llol, 675 len bwwkrtb belling froert Fourth— Instructions to consumer I wide, $I.So per payer, a marvel at the price, and many other tempting lines.
On Welnt-May, the :,'7th tilt.•Maw n %vagon, laud $151 for R ti.nosient how to take care of milk after !t was — -- -
t t Alice E. Young. dlauglatrruf J. H.Itt•eader. Already the constable has delivered to them and explaining the -
Young, it former well-known ex- l,n,veirted wvrral oulsidem from alis. danger of allowing milk to become con- ---` -' — - TO CONSUMPTIVES,
t Heave of Hrresels, was eoarried at the ring of their wear•"• tend the other tnminated. •
ruridence of her father, lee Moommilre I dmiy A tet agont %vas fined $5 and cost."• A letter Inclosing the circular was Millar s Scotch Store • Pile undee-signel hiving been r•
- York.. to Austin M. iwAder, of Ilan. I with x warning that it would lr� $int also sent to each one of the physicians aUmrd to health by biwple weans atter
non, Man. for the second offence. 'Phone ✓tea. suffel-ing fur several years with s scy-
A quiet wwldin was celebrated int I In the town.
i R Exchange of Flags. rias se C affection, anti that dread
Bluth on 1\'elne"thty, llntrh 27th, g g Results ai the Plan. � •
s�� a know" Ctie his
o au suffeous er Make
When SWCet3 " whnn Rev. K. Auderw,t nnitrd in � llerye Hribirr, of Exeter, trceiced n Although we fill not have a dingle known to bis fellow uufferrrs the
nnorrhtgr Hichnnl Pratt, of Hullrtt, connioteticxtion fi•(ont the Innyor of customer before we started, when we I means of curt: 1'o those who desire
lobe their sweetness-- And Mids Alice Patterson, of the sxmr I Exeter. Ragland, off,n ing W exehAnKe were ready to deliver we bad orders — - -- it, hr Hill cheerfully spud Itrt+e u(
township. ring" with the public behool of Expire. f 50 I I
and " substaRtialb,"
Mt•s. Yrtrr Da N. of Turkrr• Ontario. The letter w+Ir leaudted over
or 1 quarts dal y, and at lite end oasivit f
thirty days we had sale for all we find
their charm—there
olood, had par leased hum John s 0 I to lilt s:itke principal, lir. tionFletwell
wand, for 1aa,:olMl, the fifty scteea tel sed it frlikrly that a buhxcrtpflnn will
at that time, 200 quarts daily. 1ve
ler taken tI anion themehnlnrstor the
laud adjoining Err fruru. Mts. IAip- P K
baud received for our milk cent" per
a1 Wa s MOONEY'S
mond note law Cut acres of excellet {tulr:hrxr of x HAg to lir stent to Eng•
quart, delivered at the station. This
Lunn land. Ixud• Ezeter, AudtndiA, echtlol
milk was retailed at K cents a quart, 2
A quirt nwtriniouixl event texok I rwriyed x oimilar roque -4t.
ceafli higher than the average price for
{dlsce in the Episcopal church, Wroxe- Died at Clinton Hospital,
tef• on the 27th ult., when Rev. F. H. 1
Jis a town where ordinary milk sells
The death of Mrs. aker. ,ten
Farr tied the nuptial knot letwern Henryy
resident of Clinton, oceurted
dor 8 cents, 10 cents even easily be pro -
001X back
/ohm Finl et, of orris. , and Midis I
Mary lienurt, o[ Ourrie. I at Oar Clinton hospital un /louda)' of
Inst weee:k•. \(, s, Baker had succeno-
cared for milk of cilia quality. In oth-
er words, In order to market milk at a
the appetite.
(ten Yxtettdny. thr :11th lilt., Theanomin fully undergone lilt operation, and Iter
H. Feebler, Itforeseer well-known mind 1ao►ilitiun was considered xntisfactorv,
profit the farmer intent first arrange
for the protection of uellk cleaner and
highly respected citizen of Clinton, but during the night it relapse envier
better than the avernge and, second, to
Do YOU i
diet At his haute in Tarx, where ate 1111-11 neot being eteong enough to with-
lewd wnduck."1 an extensive ivoollan i "txual it mile lnasbwl peacefully AwAy.
carry on an adverttang campaign to
buxinebs. 'Elle intervent look lace �
p [A•rAtsei, who was sixty -line cownt of
educate people appreciate milk
know how
at Clinton. mige, orals finmer•ly MiNx Titz•t Nemhitt,
and to believe In 61a particular product.
r pr
The marriage of Mise L• Move Brod-! Of Gotlerich town`ehlp. Stat' leaves x
A proper advertising campaign like the
good they
crick and Will. A. Rennie, Moth of the nurr,w•ing hnsband to mourn her.
above can be carried out anywhere for
Hahylnn line, o or,-urred Int London on
Death of Hullett Resident.
a sum not to exceed $50.
the 2Hth tilt. Mr. and %fell. Rennie
. ,na
will residr on the groom'r faros Deter I On Stetor may, the :10th tilt., Mallard
From a Dairyman's Notabook.
Hlxkr. which he recently purchased I Brickeuden, of Hullrtt, di,•d at tilt-
'Try carding and bnshing these days
from John Thunopsm. Clinton hospital. Hr land loern in fail-
lln \\"elnemdxy, March 27th• an 411-1 ing health for some tiesien id during
and note whether the cove enjoy It.
trre"ting o•trnt took place At the. home; the week haul gone to Clinton to test-
of illy.. John Veltntploell, (lon•ir, when, dergo an oparrstlot. 'Phis wassoccexs-
Note whether the Frain is relished
better If a pinch of salt In added. Salt
fire- dnughter. MArgAret., wit" married fully lerfore nal, bnt-on Kountday ten. on Inferior bay will make It far more
to J"mrs A. llugnftin, of that town. I favorable comtrph(.alIonia set in And hr palatable.
Ifev..1. Burnett. of Molesworth, oNt(-i- I J)amarrd away in -.pito of All that eould 'Mix Is the time when "grub In back"
mated at t v ce remully. a dune fur hie. Lk-(eAsel. wbo haul begins to o
4 nal i pear. Bqucexe 'em out.
A iVii(.t w•tddin • wits "olemnirteol lit iowu A iwsl»•ght `rs . lveo e,f Hullrtt
s, If roughage Is FMting short or of
for lwrntv.•rght yrnrae, Irnre•" x w�ifr
o. aatgel it (op) of the preacriptwu
ub#1 which Ihey will Hold a silt" enVe
far Cossswpiloa, Aslbuw, Catarrk, liew
CbIHs slid All throat Held lung gsowles.
He holoee till sufferers will tryy his
gamely, As it is invxltlatate. I'holre
desiring the prescription, which will
cost tilt -it) nothing, and way prove a
blessing, will plrease addreem
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Breekl•ys, NA
t urn-Utrc Nod t nderUkinK Wamrwlue.
WCC fide Square.
'PHONNS: `Itnrp tam. UAerich
House, 178
Night cult.: At rrddence. mr. ('anebrin
Mood anal Nelson Mt rest.
& SON 1
the male of Mr. it Mr". P ranch , two ams end cast dote htrew tit roonto yr7 floor quality and Frnln In fed, feed
Bret• tieaforth, on SAtuCday. Nmirch his denlis•. Tho internrrnt un Tucs- more liberally of cornmeal than would — — - --- —
:111th, when their• daughter, Ch trlot.te day was largely''attrndell, otherwise be done.
Isobel. hecame the bride of Harry Hil. I It sometimes occurs a cow's feet are
tier, of Hamilton. Harv. F. If. istt•kin Interesting Seafterth Event. In poor condition. Where toes are ab- .. /
omrixted lit the cereeaony• IF 100 ARE . "ALWAYS TAKING COLD"
On Tuesday, the 2nd inst., x charm- normally long er the sole jagged the
On Thurslay, the Sieh lilt., at the ing welding wns celebl•ato I in the hoof Pboald be trimmed b some one :t shows that the thront is senxirh•e my, I t.: tich,al te•,e.
rectory, Exeter, lfixr Lily MRy. 1(etbtxlixt church, `ie forth, when y
daughter of W. T. Atcheson, of that ,Alive Ada Liaise. eldest daughter of who knows how. Reba. dlaLe u..m tern boa aocn2 ..u,t e ! `„)I • �
town• wean united In the Ilondx of mat• lir. and Mrs. James Beultie, Wits
horn button of every bull calf ,
rimonp to Hrrlwrt Restore. After the 0 united in marriage to Allan S. Bind, ought to be treated with a stick of BOiC s Preparat.'On Of
honeymoon, lir. and lfrol. Walter will I barrister, of Wiunipr eldest %e
rf caustic potash. Keep off the horns !1
rontimre to reside in Exeter. I Hev. Mr. and Mrs. lit oil, of At noxi from the bull. Friar's VOhi9h e,ai$a1'1'1
James Andenoo. will of Quintin who it few yeotr i ago were residents lir in selling milk, butter or cream re- It Seas ttritition and 1n9amu scion-strentthena the, 1
Andernom, of Morris township, recent- Senforth. Rev. Mr. Buggxn, grmind- member the nearer you Ret to the con- membraueof lh.aat ^.nd,lvngs-and not only curesconal.,
ly passed his final examination at the I Zither of the pride. assistod by Rev, sumer the more there Is in It for you.- but ai.o prate-ts you against catchiest another cold. 1 F
Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, lir. Bund, the gr()ot»'s father, per- American cultivator. a; scats a bout. lit dru6gistk sa THE BON -TON
nhtmiiuing honors In tater nubjects. I forined the cereuwny in the presence
He is at pe•esgnt teruporxrily iwsisting ; of x large ntetlther of friends and NATtq!11•. 7 tern r r.-TWICAL CO., UNITED LONDON, O.T 1
it veterinary at Tavistock. Ixrgtemiinttncen of the contracting .. Livery and flack
Ann licantforthe xrstotmirtives laetrtien. After a brief weeding trip
in x rountry school woe asked- ail'• mind Mau. Bond will proceed to I Dairy Talk of Today. ___._- _
in your position with regmitd 0 their hurtle in \Viuniprg.
In the whipping of children ?" SEP re- I Death of Dr. Campbell at Brooklyn. Tnts""Ietds le now rrcognlzed an an __ Stables
plied : "lay amook poll n is ire it chAir with the child held firmly arross tier' Dr. Jnhn All. Camplell, s former Infectiotln disease caused and spread
: - - - - EAST STREET
torp, ince dpwnweriR." - Argonaut. well-known -esdrnt of this county, by R microbe or barlllaR, and Ile. 6a1- _ _ —
On Monday, April lot, Alm. W. H. diel me Brooklyn, N. Y., on Torreiny, mon PrPwmts the varions methods of
HAgley, tin rAteeenrd pioneer settler lit April 2nd. The deceft"I wit" n tea- eradicating It from dairy herds. The FINEST SERVICE IN TOWN.
Hullrtt, pamarti "way st hrr brine to Live of Uslmorne, where he wits born important f"tureo m of al) methods are TH
the 3rd concemion, nt the nice of mixty-nine years ago. He commenced the complete separation of all affected E Greatest. of Tonics
eighty-threr yejeam. She le,tren threw the practice lit hi" profession at Yea- nesimnla from the healthy nnen. the EVERYTHING UI--TO-DATE.sns and two daughters to mourn tier forth In ISM -tied ailment ten years itgo B
t r
deepitsr. Ththorough disinfection of barna which
The interment took lace it went rooklnwhere ere he• had rill(.,-
P have been occupied h tuberculnns The IIIIebt tin-noms In
Clinton. two is fix rtervivel by his roowifand animals and the establishment of bet- stns -Ile. Charles, of Brooklyn, t0►Vll AI'C 9U1t1111C11 Ai,
"i sent you Prime steggestionn telling need William-, irhp is studying mrfli. ter sanitary conditions•
yon how to mnke your paper more in- eine mit Jefferson College, Pleiladrlphin. these, well-kilowll stables.
"creating. Have Vol rnrrird rntt my Dr. Cwunplwll %1 lila to rlrver, will -rend Coloring Butter and Cheese.
Idran r, Editor -•'Did you mrrt. the ,Ciotti, and was it great omhniier of rmtlona about the coloring of blit- A (P�n�ounced Si-KEFJV) ('nrl'lll;;('f1 lel' I ►'t`I.V , IY -
Office hay with the wastr Ivtnket as a•Bnbhie Born-" and his works, and ter rind cheeeP under the pare food law
Von clime upstaiirr ? Yrs ? Well- he hold quite s w•Irle reputmil ion a" an nm. frequent, so let un state once moreAT T (u ��
matoequireniont Bit d good
wnx rnrrying ont your Ideas P' -Wo* i Anthority on the works lir `(cotlxnd x that line of color In these products Is �� �� it•1 11018(39 furnished at TCaB•
mate's Home Companion. national lexical. Tier revonitn were permitted by law and that the presence
\V. It. iwotegh, the emternsvd grin-! brought to tet-dfurtie, and the• funpi ell of coloring matter is not required to be TROUBLES 0111IIlle 1'iltea of If 1 re.
rips, of the Clinton model school, ix' took Place from the residPtllr of Mno. stated ren the package, "ayn the eta- a
minwly roxoverinR omni mi Revere At-' Woodley on Thur•vdity nfl •ntnrn, iter tional Sta•kmrin and FRrmer. The law =--__—
,arehi drivers furnished
tnrk of grip and wain Able to romunne I trrment being made in 11 tlandbunk which m
cemetery. specifically permits the coloring ---_ _- --- Wll('ll 1'('1(!I11'C(l.
him profeweinnnl dotiee thin wo•Pk. or batter In twenty
-- - -- -er-
Thin will probably he Mr. Lwnlgh's but I y Years old and that
The Late Malcolm Lamont a( GreT. which permits coloring of ebeenr ten -'- - --- - I \II eA11r o
term sea prinripxl, the position he lean ► roueptl)' aLto•ndrd ten,
Ailly filled for the pant twenty On Goonrl.Friday, Malcolm Lamont, years old: They were not repealed by
an old And eateeraeol remident of Ethel. the new law and lire consegnently still n
yPArm in foreem. Walk -r & Augustin.
On Thurmday, March 29th, thorn
departed this life after c own weeks' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' SUCCESSFUL RECORID g
ellnemr of pneumonia. I)eceoaswl, who Weighing Milk•
pnmw•d riw•ay plt her house In Hay WAS In him eighty-seetond year, wit. in a discussion at tho late, Vermont Phone St. East street Live
t %vnahip, at the age of seventy -Mur K), ONEY ran buy advertising space, bat it cart't bay a " hJ
Morn in Ar ieshite, -lotlanel, and dnirr Meetinga da IL
yetw. lifts. Andrew A^hl for
lir I came to Complain in Jonr, iPZ2. Some dairyman asked k _ M quarter mir=ry • snceeeeful record o[ wonderful and
reared, who had herr I11 for, xnrne I tldontha letter he cattle to Gm -y tow•tl farmers fill not O�rtT•tlmflte the wank almost mar roar, l (•n a of the most ls.difficult and �-
time. wain highly I•Pslx•rt A by All wilt) of weighing milk. lie found It nothing in4icate caro x of throat, tun` and stomach troubles Beech is
know her. She lenvem too mrn-rn her ; "hip, where he took tip Nat waren of P chine's record. Thousands of rasem vena by leadi
hush land. refer yrplro age Air. iA- to do and scarcely any o+xperter. Pro- dooctomas ho pp
loom an aged huatxtnd, five daughter I incent married Mi"; Betsy Sinch►ir, feasor Hills Pzpialned the wv Ighing At pPlrrw end incurable have been aickJy and per -
and three sons. ainrP decewsel, and naotud to mi hush the nntvrrwlty orifi told ezperimenta manently aired by Pirvchine. It is an infallible remedy for
•'What'n the mAtt.Pr nerroxs the lot on the Nth r onee "ion, which keyhad proved that coughs, meds, Land al tbt, ping disia, consumption, indigestion,
Deo M wellttdnq three lour of appetite and all waiting diseaeta
way ?" soaked the tailor of n hyxtwndPr. I lndrfatigmiblr industry he transformed days a month find adding a cipber the
AR tilt RanbolRnre blocked up to the into what is now one Of the Ititt•xt actual month) moult could be obtain- "try man had • to"Tfhto rnuRh and stain worth liviror."_arra 1. inch.
door of his rival. '•A crmlomer fell , fit -film in the loneniehi o. right (-hit- y wan waxnrl to a Muloev tare, ardm. MarrirAmco%a, 11.8.
! . R ed In tlr, per cent of the calmer. Wil hr mil not lire,. lir fwd pry. Ht stent err naw aaplm it u aNil
in n fit. And they are taking him to I (IT•Pil Are IPft to mnurn bin demi,. rhino. It eurm him.•• --Mrs. /. sang• an.r ,,. sea tlyrhlne_"-N. aoabina,
the hoepitsl," waw the reply. 'ThM'm The son" are Allan, lit Brnmsels ; Milk Kept Hewn Weeks. er, Nrnrtrf0t� ,, g, onl
mtran a," maid the tailor. "i never ' Aver Ialnne hAi worth M►Rt- a+.rh u,.•ra rod m•llfr."-A. wad
R 1 Pter, 11 OClay : 111It co In, Ot MARR- A new Prnrrwa far krr(jng M— a chtaf my 111112, are "alt and Ills la den. (,,,n wail aL, Toronta
----- - --- knew a ruslntnrr W get it fit in that Won, and John, of Rthel : And the long time. In snnnunred ter (;ermmn
estahlixhment before I" daughters -Mroo. Holwrt McKelvey, of scientist,%. The milk in 2rwt treated Psyehine Never Fails Psychine has no Substitute
s The home of (taste t (:aarmare, Ethel ; Mor. .tan, Milluy, Of Hills- with poes•oxidem of hydmg,an, which kills
Canadian Northern Ontario K' hung, Ont., still Mimaes !laud and the g"Mm blit im arG a AT ALL DEALERS. sok and 11.00 A soTTIA
Hinrrnle. wm.m the scene lit n pretty Minnie, At home. Heigh Lamont., of P peculiar taste
wedding on NV(dreee(loov, the 27th tilt., to The milk. Then to o•n0h quart of milk DR. T.A. SLOCUM. Limited, 179 Kin
RAILWAY rhe Nth cnnremelnn n Grey, h n RSt. W.,Totonte
-- %Then him dxnvhter Maggie twenmP brother, And Mrndamem John fdtmont In added a few drops of the ferment oft -
SHORT L NE the hritir of Milvert Sellers. TratingPmt. nred Simon 01 -sant, of Brumseln, Ria ta1nM from beef liver, trent which the
On of Jnmieph Sellerm. of Mnrri%. The ximtPtw of the decronod. beef has been taylit ted. 71118 sub -
BETWEEN voting couple will reside on the old starve., It Is claimed, dsatmys the aa-
ilnnteetead on the 2nd rtncrsiliMl of The Late James McNair, Craabrook, pleasant tk&P. given toll the mllk by the For all disorders of Stomach and liver, Bileans are a
lforrim, a m the grnpm'R parent" his Another of the Ionpers Who have Peroxlde of hydengen- At ftmt thought
Toronto, rwitenv,"I to Bltievwin.sound, safe and sure remedy. "They strengthen the bodily
transformedwitern the rouinto
at d from l howl- thinado new plan dorm not term a ins functions in Nature's own way, being compounded
Awo Parry Sound A hal P?' event tank platter in Tnrker ing wllderne•aa into a dPPir•ahlP pinrr adopted on n large me•aM, tested the dls-
mmlth mi Wedrealadmiv. ltAt•ch 27th. of Abode. in the pers•n ot.lAmex tic• coverers admit that a tnera+su.w olid from Nature's own herbal extracts. Women the world
when Mi.m Mmrp TAyIton was nwited Ifmiir, an old mind r•mperted resident of over find them a boon. Finest household remedy.
WINTER SERVICE in the Ixondm of wedlock to Frederick Cranterrlok, pau4ta d M the ()treat Be- creat M the milk 4 alit R rrrrfs per gnarl, y
Pepper, a p PP g y an that it would not he pralcUral to use All dna tots and .fmve, :%lir. (I)ai, or %n.m Polmn (•o., 7'w-nneo, r; nr(<?..;"
PAII•RY SOUND Pn3SENOfR rna Mum�eoun fanner lit and on Sunday, March 'lith, AL the v>7 J
�........... . , that township. The neotwnm arcure- advanC.M AgP of eighty-throar yPArm, except wh!m fresh milk ocwM tnot tit
T -rents I t a%r s.:re n.m. I)• tied by o#ev. Mr. Kerr. Mr. PPteAMA. whn WAN A native of Argyle. obtained ryftAarly. it In Aidmesd that
P.M Round At -rive -.tie vend Mrs. Pepper win tAke upthPir shirn,Scotl"nd,w•eanthRn,dPmt anti of that milk an trvnted was anercosi"fnlly
xncnrstrvn remldenrot On what is known as aha or the late Neil McNnir. In 1862 for ever. k .
Pettey (inn lid lerive on m.m. ij PPt tOr tiaRel wMka.
Torrtetn..... .. � Arrive Lw p.m. Turner !stem. nppoaiteT»rner'arhurc r{vnl in Cminmidw with his pwrentR after - --
WASNA00 LOOM_ Clinton's Now Masonic Hall. A Hve week.' o•exn vnyARA in a mmiil- There, Now
ant"INM+ns Ing veanrl. Twn yens inter he carol• Very well. it ha►cIs, :olid are to he
►yaaeanrto .,,,....,. lerl%xfiata.m. Thr esIrudid new halt of the (lin- to Ore township and took a hand on tw:rd they will hr PntitlPd Lie mike ,t
r H r r p .
Tta•eem ....... ... .. ........Attlee la(Inaane. inn 11inennfc lodge as jn•t loewn the little conceadnn, where he, ton- chsrgP when they '•NII in" at. dinrerR.
Nowrnsutan o stmt. it IR mituntead uvrr the lino- tinord to t•raidr nntll x ears o, • •
T ................. G•arr.t.'lllprn. Iw � y aR n(tt sm grx,marnen And grf cep Rnh-
\t•a ten"....Arr(•r MID P.m. rrnign BAnk. And IN an IdPAi fraternal when he moved to Crsnhro ok. Fitt v- scriptintl dossiers. lot, ti1P1r1 hist try I ,
home, being richly furnimhrd, bril- live year'it ago he waw ntmirrim to Mina to tax hachealnn, and see• how oociet v
to i ,m, tickets. etc.. Tkket (alit Hnstl lighted Mol •imsttall hlrmtfsel. Mar MeT at t, rA let. Thotnio whn will Ret on wlthrntt t M•In. K an•ms
rex. prK ow 're'onto Mo. Mau Mrn. Rma �i 1 tg y ARR n.
.breast.. Mmarmry in Clinton dation (rack to) preallecemalml him three mtxitlem. out (,lty Tittles,
f r-