The Signal, 1907-4-11, Page 2• ), I 1 ___17__ _. � __ ". j s TiiuUaDAY. ADM 11. 1907 . THE SIGNAL: GODFRICH. ONTARIO Ot i method a have In chic count ry 1 afraid ('Nn,•,I,, was t„ 1,e N wealthy united effort JO) secure better milway I Houw btu ever seen. It oocutred Ir --s �1 1, 9Q u[ rnrdng the tevrnur. Thr ll. Will Wes AOHESON & 7a1�„xt txtiK. huwrver, iN fuuudrvl ulN,i Nu cnunlrr. ,old slNljr ur, the Ji,.udvxn. aywmuaicrliuu throughout the whole causes of !b” charge ntrde by The �O - ;7•seei 1 44ftentin•Iv diKrrrnt lut.i.. \1'rll, w.• � t"Kr• "f wr'tll6. Ru[ l'xnNdi.ulr due county P N'rr.lrrictun UlrrrtPr that Yr, krnwer- UODICRICH, ONTARIO. would not accept the idea that that out nosily scared. meso had tarn ejected front a Montreal British public should force upon us —�� hotel with woollen of ill repute. If T y-�_^ PIIBLIBHED EVERY THURSDAY their own fiscal Ii4mm and, lhrrwfor•. It it curioram to 'obaer," lht• high The Fancily Laramie. Iddinied the charge, in the unruwovis -Extraordinary Carpet Values ser the 'only wayy ill which the British eitinintiou laced a Hr►; look at be halloo dr loerle blue ,hall, and tutu luatitut" d libel Actions. :'ANATTIBt t btUHliRTtlUN li wpire alto to ntatul#tenet u xm its P Pxvi the }l,lw. ,L• w•yt you Ciak he'. tryiw a do t His spec h was pathetic. He ad• Telephonet,&nN&U preernt foundat too is by allow ing t„ Fnuu"nmm's w•rvicrs as Minbulur 'of wu'pulnoadul,an'lakdeluwbormu,. unitta"d hi.. ••we#tknersenand to{blare," ApM Will be Our biggest month of the year lt1 earptlt �Tawma of-- : every nation nolo{Narivig it the ulra"ute Idailaavys by the Cons„rvaPivr psalm. A shover' Along c,tna. but argued : '•If 1 aur not x saint, I selling. WN have anticipated 011r rt7d,t rel llll'ement8 of If wrly thrt it lilt.,, and #tiro he free now IhAt hr it duwu acid oat. iC is here's yurtyrtruaaculAl l behln'dr.eute, mw at IPwst a decent sinner." That is y g i Ill Leo per annum to em nail„- I tt"aro it's Pa lit' do clo a sly .tone, trite• Mr'. Enllnerson wax ones of the 011e large pUl'CllaStlA and the range 13 flow Open for yOUC IU- ta menthes, SUo ; three mortJ,A. �,,• choice of the Hsr:c,l Policywhich it i, wonderful what a number of clever cute, Abler who tall w newt., Tax Sao Nu_ to ttlsaintainl. For env part, fur ata ' But he'll emus Main yet• If Int dust ut'"rt. twat -liked tit Lhe Minietars, and stories Spectioll. r"CutIrly toy taall will dnnfer a (aver by ac. frankly that if d hatf•rny own view, f altar have IcCt the Ismurinr I:nbin"t! mo luur be M.. ler alouc, of hi" kindly acts aro nunreneus. It "uaintiddg use( the fart At w early • este w 1 wrrr mo !ked what would ire the Ideal flat" IrYll said that MI'.' Enincerrun will Tapestry Carpets pOMaibl'' Those itererpl� wbiaw talent" run t6 LAC . way cv'ry buy on de clown bugiu Ip Iwrk hI the Cabinet It he is sue- N&aid •e newmofrlddr�l„dwhai%bothlM which iolk within the it build Empires No.u'wer he's teel,e Inw,t' ulr: torr r,uigr of over'«l)OD aids, tY,utxinla rtxnit ;,M) dif7rreut Pat - old and ,he "ew,ddroa..kould be gl.eu. which would t"Ial to build up tPir the tllrklltt� ii[ -titrltuary vete should Ce"ttil ill his actiour, There is no I K British 4rmpiVe u m an even strop res Holt slay aunt up on, down. nt truth in this repp,rt. Poor Ewnterson terns in all deeh•able rioters and effeob. Heavy tail" and crisp new when Vilmill a• % p q tit t e i p e tieing with the ralapec - wu' paddle owall push de yule, goxis, staittLblP for an roan or hall, regular valor It& and Ilk Ipuir than it is at prt•srut, it that of their i"x•lic iugepuiy' And "r ei- Iran haul do lea x11 a'Fwut�e in duwu end out. y l.e rue and other .Inion advent proems, Inc were psribie, it would be to haven, {1e "''°• io-i yatJ, April sIN•cirl salla, At........ per Ilue for Il net m„erua, sod W Till duy'ro fl un wu.',I•e rwu,. --- --- 5C lac Ilex neo ally rIl,luld refrain [mm rrrkivi t11 --- 5 each •uhrepvent Intent n„e ie- ma inch. by • u ewer nal ryrl"tlt of fere trades Ire- 8 An' w•, it', n11 r bt, fordo . FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. BfuSSe13 Carpets ' orprroil sale, twelve Iia,. to do inch, twins all the Prartx that Boli rrwe the Ilavv thrix venlr publisher! in the %% -d 4 aces,,, Ia.' uigbt Rasioew acrd. rite: line. and under, per Hriliull Empires. 'thin wuult. ire my new. [i"riJ"a the w� ��xy d` 1i"'u' Hi,h rtfrct" in H, N•xl. or'leutal and conventional patterns, fango. Q� ywr. ixwt, the Mebbu you deo hound, de young to,u bird. Get Together, Gentlertsta, Lir vab,e $1.15 and sl.d6, April special ..... vVc Adrerlunlroonls of le„;, Found. St rayed Sit. view, but it is not Possible at the only other P,rrwetl who ',fight Int in- • • • • • • • . utconr Yua,lt. Sit uatious Wanted, Hou.,„ for prerr't tittle. We (.1111141 slut carry R talc' holt of do shill budigu, ,n,. Curtains Rale or to Heol Farms for Sale or to Hent, trtweta"I In r11e11 uKusiune atm (jilt ut Trk' hour ao., •hde to du Marr ,Ida. Hensall Observer. Artiel,m for dole, et,•.. not exceeding right that iutu egret ill this country, not, The vat' joust tactionu of South Huron Nuttiughrm white Lave curtains direct fruits ueanuthottlielw, in all Iodine. S -k elacb lue.ertiw ; $1 for licit monts, auc could it (w carried ,lilt in Grent redch of the newspapers. At,'Won de lake Ido'. ro1O' Grits air pinyin into the hand, of over aces ter each suti apuout month. larger advertise- $riixrn, u'J, ther•rtur•, lbs 1101 --- Out of de cradle doy're rub,' -..,u' a'ay , (calces mint• fn p,oyesol it thio we weld du would lie to "how The aaLu see oC ,the Provincial C'ul,- Ou roov.r mad lake al,' «a : their ConAervativs brethren. Thee :I} yartlm long. regular $1.0o, for i rc ItAanouroomerU lnetdinaryreading ly7w leu g have our uutl who ern e+u•s'a' the riaj- t+eutr per hoe. Ni. nutkre less lbrn.,•k•. idle way, for Point the gra! mild let inet Minister, hive IAx•Ie ivie'reared, At Fod herd. to de I„utr, ddl'. hunt Ae)' de muade. si vaill: idatlg, regular •1.:36 anal $1.U1), rot. il.(X) Any spe'eiwl dwtlre, lbeolOec[ of whisk I- the tiniedevelup it later un.' Iw r,u„iloe L,uannr. • Ing if Illpy thirty Amide ti, differ- aj yxrlr long, regular g:!,OD avid x'1.3.6, for ><1.7,1 p wunlAr beaetit of any individual or wm•i- w•hieh nolN,dv will grumble very . rotwa xud (.Ally Around hint ; ,otdi er- •ttsn, hm b" d ac.ord d a„ rdr°rii.es,ert .nd - much ; bot the upwxnl movement An' duiwcur shut. I)w ." b:w,dy Jove wine friend Guon will ku,x•k- the tilt. LinOleums t r he —fond srcordi tot E -�-- - -- -.._ - - Uu (out of do hill Who.. Out of thrill. Rates for Q,.pldy ' oop imtkirrt ufverlirt IS HE AMISCHIEF-MAKER'/ should nut II" Nlluwel G, sprt+.ul W the I'll,-. Nock stand floral effect,, light find,,ladioni sharlrs. sera will be D.,ncin' ulonm a"'+ingin' de .most .'. :I nod 1 yticds wide, sp ecidl rile at, per Imitative yard 35cut d 45e given ,doati tr:atioa. 111e111)K'n•s indemnity. On" thup►iuld A. away to do am he Ito. APPA the Brakes. BAddreed all comwurlR & Rn. to dollars is nut, tit celartor, in proportion Nu wander 1 Never cilia Ink d.tl .norm. New York Ju,r-nal of a,tuonrlce. oil Cloth$ \".YXAITFR t RORkRTtlON, 'title p11Mic ii P. Ifs a rather, con- For ,dwnit i.,wulin'when The signs xr+ gathering that AL 43. :)1, acid 7'L1 iuchre wide, rxtrt brav Euglirh quality in Timm tlrexar., of ,h•. B'nna•etsail. His Ability is acne to the >1t,311U received by the wenlhrtro G...nrioh.pat. rot Ottawa; but Ihr who Are Ddy'11 ll,srode VAll.leeUc Pier•svan' Irani, America realizes that it has 'hePII IllAlly Iwtterne, aces "are y ,t yy ..25c eclat, and n renes ur �wu ago he acne people P'aY An' wore will de rn„der him dea t going tills brat ill many direction. 1 Imo )'+oil, yeses ,•ciao .............. estimated Its a uoue with "the cours a out yet reconcilert to the "grab” by 'rhe rush to get riA•h has ,roved m Embroideries and Laces UODSRII'H. THURSDAY. APRIL (. IPU;. R Shu11 sit by de ehoav w'.•n do overiu'.a~. soave anti a delusion ; riches �,tve not Uur import for spring we hav" just Utken front Lite customs herr of him con,victiutls. Hut the idea is which the M. 1'.'s ixr"reawxl then!- A a'apik to did fewer too: sehrr raf the larger xraount +usJ are O reecrr, you kdiow how der h,r you w. ior11ught happiness And h tvr often- thin week. The delay was unavoidable. The showing it tuagnifl- - -_ gxiniug ground that it is cul rxagget� t11 Pin been won At the expense of cent and conWria hundreds of beautiful new patterns slid effects ,ted sena Of self- i,,lp,tcance. rather not lu ,t wool W can"idcr a similar chow et erdvy',e srWin' yuu : rhxnteter acid reputation. Our tren- valises we Clain' Are 2:) ler cent. below ordinary ret-Lil priers ; val- MR. BRY^,E AND SIR WILFRID than courage•, that animates the luaus- nluve'sent, by the representatives at for Kak° of,lat love bring do lec,,r b,y home { puce sero Lode w,xlrrs liter." ziril hash holt led W ivaunaetwbk rudeaviers Iroaco, all -Durr lacer, plaura IrC"ti, blousing laces, Ger- LAURIiR. her fur lwalrrlle. Hie utterances mores Toronto. -- - _ lAn"u-bblit du yr ryrr [ 1, . ant .4iN dsro I+lillentande dimanter", end tolalay there ,luau vaWncisvinee. ,uid snore betoken x narrow view of %%ill belt, broom do,,, b„ k to ,.w, is an Inclination to apply the IwLker. , Canals bar been frct)rt"d with a Thr Uxll; n'y Doily Yenta, -Mr. U. Ladies Coats visit front the Huo. Jawrr $r ace, the his mission as a member of Partin- tvilliaw Ilcnry D,ummond. Privets Character in Public [.ifs. McG]Ilicud,l. new- Paper, han intude Toronto Star. A choice collection of ladies' land misses' "pang coats in black And nrevisi and rf theses is a win im' ill fallacy light newly-appruinte"1 British Ambassador � B itmNppsaarxoce. And although only n -- - twee,! rffrt•t", ill short and in mevrn• �� ��� Prevision that hr is hent upon givens few da THE OTTAWA In ,order tat• s'llou,utee r true stand- eighth fengthil, very neat Ihry )fee. and ringing in prier to w the fled xl Stat. -&n hfro n evevit which ys old it gives rarely evidence of fond font false one, it wilt nut Ire nese• has called forth front Sir Wilfrid trouble to those whom he personality x lusty growth. One who had several ate+ •ie� ►nry to institute loathsome- inq'id : Dress Fabrics L'turier the remark that it opens a dislikes, rarhdll"than u►iug hies abilities vcllm of trtiniog under Mr. McGilli- -__ _-_ tions inti, privwle IifR, The great Dre"r GoedrdeWut'uvit rontaivi" an asu,rtment t,l Ile drsarit"d new err in British diplOmw y rRrctin9 for the cannot nrrut of the public wet- cuddy; x. the writer hold, could not � talc i. to Pled for Pwrliamrnt ar rluwrt overflowing with deal cable mah`rial. ♦'uilas, rolinnuer, tares, it cannot Ile denied that he has SIR WILFRID LAURIEH LEAVES FOR a"" w xp{x,int xx Mini -tern, none tilt Iraoaoiam. lusttwm, cold du chillies, chiRu11 w (.gen, myxl0. cnrpes, l'anadx, as it b the first those a $ritleh [til to distinguish his hand in the �UDON earnest uteu, alto who ,are filled with etc., etc. ambassador fit Washington has vie. done x gtt•,fC dexo to creates such an make-up of the new paper, and we zeal for Ito welfare of Ihr impression. An Ottawa con•"c ,n• Much men filar not Iles inlmacu lite, Bufterick putternR; all new, in, and Delineators for all G«irrich anla.cri. itef (',radian soil to in/ono himself of ix have no doubt that CAlgarian are xl- drot, who evidently is not #t,,lalasR Mr. reach• learning to expe*t something His Departure the Occasion of A will their the al L" the �rublir tntrrest ;l. 0 a Your. (runt nor counter. �3ulwCtiptiout r"eeiveyi lues Delino t.n u C'wnadiavi opinion regarding interna• Irarfa'on t)f I stir lives, And tiovial again Sir Wilfrid Vetltured flattering'" mdneitrr", River this un- bright and breezy when Thr, News Popular Demonstration --Sir Rich- will Ire x aafrguAld agminnt the letup to hope that it might weavi fi chrLvige Haltering vires of him : comes" out Catch da)'. As is of courts• and Cartwright Is Acting Premier t.NUons that coasity-. The t [Tour idleness and Wit, /r A/'�H in the manner of dealingri with vavis- A t, whienl% t udoitber of 1'nrlix• to have expected, Alae Hewn tickets k in His Absence Hon. M. R. Em- mruPdation foraxrnPI sero t attawal vv v ESO" SON refold who fills the dote teyuire`I of cloud ill political Jrs^union, but it is merlon', Resi nation _ than interests by the British Govern him se the presentative of A fon R Lord Ayl- ,tnJ grow n -sip nirn ought W int able silent, which, he said, had not ndway rtitriency, finds iiia time fullynccupied independent in tone and Ia,wm the mer', Retirement. to orlapy thewmrlvem and restrain --- --------- -- - --- -_ - done its full duty to Canada "It we During the cession with the various knee Gr the gamin of neither of the thrfuwh•rs: even when console custurn. acrd water ks "fetes. The light- rate" in the Province, and last year the staulding c oneniittees of the House, great {parties. !f. i" hiudl) nPressary Ary „ernr,tions And restraints are mor ing pliant is nixking pr,flt's rw,wrnting' prnflts of tide waterworks deieartowt 1 take all the treaties frolics the treat - - - r I 1'o thrsa committees lad ell tmp,rtmnt meor. Tluew ought Onto to tee Ie". idle to over aa(M) r n,unUa nt the lowest nmounted to nearly $14,l)(110. of 1783 up to the treaty of. WIN" said 1w►ttrl•m row rrfrrred Iwfore they cows U' silly th.it The Signal and all of bur. ,Frew our o.,n dorrr.iwndont•' 1 gossip Ne to the Itvra of public nertl. the Premier, -we Canndiana do not up in the Hoose. - McGillicuddy'd old friends in.Goderich Ottawa, April lith. -Three incidents - - - ---- Ire! particularly cheerful river the *a'%Ir. &I'll-,assa ecermeen in a craw- and 1[tlmn county wish hull livid The of out"lA"U"19 iflal"ItxnCr wtat'keJ __ -_ _--.--__ -- -- --- ---- -- mister'roax,d ? Never. the p"a"t week ut Ihr rwl,it.il - the res- Municipal Ownershlp at Berlin. ; �`� ��mg way we have been treated by the News the !lest ut gopyr) fortunes. t oboes he ever mild him,judgment. to ignalion 11f the Il'ou. I1. It. ]- -little 13'•e1in. Ont.. April 1. ---Hair Britreh pleviipotentixries " the j,,dgniP.t and rxprrreme of the ---- acro. Minister of HodidwAy" mild Cauale, nt Ihr. Gtwn'dreidPrl Gr pwYrhaseytbe PHONE NO. We A. McKI M Sir Wilfrid, speaking at the Ipanyne( wrm rers in teaming legislation Upon The defeat n[ lUapor Uennr in the Jep:u Uue t)f chi Piwwien told her Berlin and \VAtrrlot Start Railway GODERICH. tendered to Mr. Bryce at Ottawa, whicA our induruiAl concerns are Chicago is reptesenttd as x nignnl de- Mrursterr fur England to attend the hNlay by n vol,. of /Mei t'o l lie a nia- lptsel;{ lever. C"lontal Clintrlv,,ce, +recd the retire- joriny 'of itN. Con"idrr,able itlt*rr"t Ova - went k to point out the changes that feat of the piablic ow nrtshiP, call"- ,,lent of Lord ` Aylwier. inspector• was iumnif49. owing to Ihr hard !he! hr ryrr apPemr in the railway Co(NI Taste takes first l)IaCC When IL Comes LU has taken place in recent years in the committee and assist ill drafting hill" P"ign. As a matter of filet the fight K,'nrr:al of the Canadian fortma. and Pwrsistrlat fight Put up by the attitude of Canadians respecting trade "non wh ich file tranmr"n•tatiun system in Chicago bars striking testirnuny The "faun Vat the deµuu,,e of Sir findct:uwry during the arhitrmtiun and res+lations with the United States. The of Caaada is founded? Never. to the strength rat the public owner- 1%'lurid Lwrie r was m u,Po,,ur„ble Our. al,m.egl,rnt lane" e"rii'g+ in Order to formerpubo c had far in almost with the D`"'" he x.miml the public accounts ,clip idea. The fleeted candidate "Alpw:itvle ti�Witha,&if Puckett roil" d. mild prrvru[ the town fruus '"re,leinit cton- M ILLI N ERY nients Use in examining Go int•, the Pts)' eager crowd. And tiv,1 of the "Tatrnl. The town will Republic had been almost fotgottea n1rnW made in the Guvrromeut ores- stood for alae ratiflcwtiun q[ a contract char Attrr'chePr rent the tiff letw•rru and Canada was now standing by the vice? Nrvrr, by which the street railway cola,- the singing nt the national ,ultbrur sl 11117fn21"I,p111 file Plitile oplant n and C,abodif Policy of the preference to Great Brit- is lie found shoulder to shoulder ponies are to operate tinder it from. cud othrr attriutic Aires. An Ottawas the .u•bitrittion• Amounting to alaait That 13 Wily 011r pr01111Ct10ns are taking sl1Ch a hem Aivi and the British Empire. There with other mruil#tirs carefully roamer' chlor That m1;v Ire revoked on sea lai6 lhisrune tv,)isCold ,t, tw'drthrt"I (.Any nmfw►nt ernes a1Nft uuaudrd in the place Ill the minds (►f Cr1L1Cal WOmeil w114 take the should {,e no more it rima cies to ing and i,,Ipi•Oving bills for the better d n to"hty. As mmm a. P 8 8 govrrnnirnt of this country of Oen? months' notice ; which bonds the enrol- uelld•,IK N'ax X Har trlhtll" tel roof imrtaU• tirl'xVisit ore for the cal" s dPlrn• trouble to look over our selections Washington on the part of the Cnna- never. Panic" in regard to fares And other tar•ity "f tilt Hist citizru of Caanada• tuirvn. ran Ile IIIAIIP Merlin will own And And see what our tiliss Morris call than Government, Sir Wilfrid de- Dien Iles ever introduce 1Pgislation tllatters, including regulation of the Will He No' Come Back Again? ,dpr$ate the "tart railvem m •strnl to- clared. .into the House having for its object ► I ) • 410 f01' them• e the hetter•rurnt of monieteody or saute- service by the city, ,Laid give -i the city Hut there wnmxtl 'tit- def wwines•, alma g._..o with the light end pewrr plant ` Mr. $cone s his lomat, a to deet of thing? Never. fifty-five per cent. of the net receipts lent to the good-byes through the mop - his position as a diplomat, avoided the Doem he ever discuss with b[inicoters of lhr• railway". Such terms could lir elvtition of the Frrnchd7xnndtw s. - Drrss Shapn, Flops, Mushr,m,ro:. Sail. expression of any opinion on political blow ,,done?- has been spent during the wrested from the companies only in They brlieve that the nirn they w,lr- tor:, Turbans and New Holods, nil in the matters, but indicated ,bat he Pm"t fl"crl year, when the estiwates ship will not return front his thielrip ATTRACTAVE are before the House ? Never. ill" face a)( strong feeling in Gator rat hiatto""'I vntagr. The h,tbitauts, newest shades and materials. Y\ r do nut clearly recognized the growing im- Has he anything to say against the Public ownership; and although num• wilt) elnstesed•in large numbers rlx)ut WALL PAPER forget the children either. We have new partanee of Canadian interests. He txrlicy of the. Government? Nothing. inally t defeat the Plectron wxN in bis deputing train, coxed in their referred in glowing trans to file de- Doers he ever attend a caucus? No. reality A triumph for the pablie own. urenorrlrs just how t!►e Ihrwirr strrea], If pun stop to I bink ala! geodes lArht„ng up alm,ml (meso every rzprtsm. veloprnent of this country in wealth \\'hat doe” he do? or "nCiled• ur apoke. 'or looked, l,rltev- tri"h to tuace uumrv. you will it's your i.tere, t to lock well. 1'nu can't in Hr hibernates in x comfortable pati- el*hip iulrucaten whose persixtent ing thitt that wrntxl photograph ,,light vi"it our Wall P. - r Deposit- and power. and declared that not vote rvxnu m the House u[ Comments, campaign furcal front the privxle Pie of interest hereafter, went. 1 oil wtdl Af once olserrvr A list vier up to duce. 7llere are none nlrh only Canadiana, but the nations of the supplied hien by it Liberal Govern- companies much f•tvorahle terns for [loth uC gilt Grauer tripes trityl the ones Pnprn' atw entirely different "r / � world, had A different conception a u/ '»asst, and there he which epos the city. ' health oC Su• Wilfrid very aevrreIr. from thmm rnnnn"n1y shown,19 Canada from that of thirty )(#tors ego, matters in respect to which ,sena- ---- __ and that bat xhrank with Imnue phyci- having that striking, stylish and In Great Britain the tion prey develop, nod forthwith R'illixin Henry DrnnnuuuJ. the Cal rrilri'llanc.ee froul the "third call" UP -1.0 -DATE EFFECT, great colonies He mics himself into the public gaze. hos irttru othereol, 'S BUSY STORE were no longer looked upon with the He initixtrr little or nrathivig, npP,mr. poet of the hmbihant, died oil Saturday On the other baud, there wits culler. IsPNirlPu ,eating no uwre than McKI M 'lea wggeeted by the name of colony, evilly taken no interPact iss the buminema At liol"' lt., when' A few Jay" IwGrre he thing inspiring ill the Iregitluing of onlinrry r Ir. As coistet states; and the two of the country, rawly it round in bill had leen stricken with pointlymi.". Dr. this voyage gcrlws the ern by the- OUT -0F -DATE STYLES, �Mossi tl�e�Metss�r�l�ea�ger�i �� 4 1� * seat, and frcc;asionaidy addrranees public Drummond had training intenwstc nt Preufier or all l;•unada when ,slip res- PRICES gre parties in Gremt Britain were meetings or clubs in various parts of fleeted that, upon father vessel• fr•uut united,in prizing the runnertion with CxnndA. Co{palt ; nut that he wits intent oil all over toe world• other rulers, of rnngr foes :,c Dnp, _ __ the Col eek aril in recognizing that rhim is An unbi,ameet statement of nneney-nitaking, hilt. se, hr said hint other lmtldm carie haslenivig to Lmdnn \:•t' ellake a "tecialty -- filet. Him readine"s to plunge into & self• the excitement of mini" at tn'11e''t at thrrapitid of tilt- Elle lite of ImPNnfe1 Prier", 11 heir set ovetronerut uuut PrP rose ,lrhate which i" directed Boom st Sir R I $,.ging Cresol 1&- esu tracted him.. He had heard I ,at aI the glenlratclty the uuicenea bar ,,p,, pleie. In ani to questions affect- Wilfrid I.mmier than the Liletal ' Yet known. ti1.Uupt rinRlr m11. JP r �pr�,p, ing t e whrale 'viipire, not a common party is obvin11m. Hie AntAgonlam snuillpux had broken out, item g Iliad TRRMa ATRI(TLY r'Aa1r, MARTINS *** dis Irglsda 've Ateth sty, but legislation and Personal diaike to Kir Wilfrid alre men At Uoh.Jt, and, although hiwmel( Wrlfrid's Collagar>s = __ /^ _-____ it • 1# tomo n by telt of list- different scarcely conee,ded• And yet the Prime unwell, he left him home at ,ionheal With lite Preruier worst Yin Ftetlel•- O�: O. PORT E v, Minister rarely pays any attention p, ick Borden, Minister of -Militia. anal R Alon� Bart, of t e Frtlpire rmrat w ie the to Ro to their rase(. Dr. Unnnmrned him unlPma the rircunslxnce" war$sot the Hun. 1. P. HIoIPUr, ,Minister of Telephone No. too. �1 h et plan n untherin he unity avid a verlwl drubbing. He fray Iles marl to ham o unique place Anunr; chow who Mstrioe and Fisbrrir"• During the w'•t \�'I[lY t'OUr "Good Habits," welfare of t e El"Pire. -Nit-. Bryre herr pian of little line in Prrli,unento have ninde Canadian literature. He NIN.ence of Ihr. ,liuisterixl dirty Sir 'f Court House Square. Goderich. Rirtuinl Curtwri ` '"'� form the one of buying also acknowI Nil' Wi id's wArn- and his firquent appearances in the had the diathactive gift r,f life preset r,f Rht will x• ate = ing by prrmisi that ever limelight probably lire a true index of le y' g Pr oder. mild the Nun. W. S. Fielding fillool^ from PIS. 4 ) possible his Prnernl make-np, glorifying in the siruple and humble will Ire leader of the Co,nwo11e. .y K I M+M/ effort will Ire ma to cancer 'n the things of life• and the lie 1,411,11`111 pie. Fielding will nIIm, Ire In o hntge n( the - - rpt loommol� v{ishes of the Can n people ben -- - turfs Of the French-CAnadhut habit- DS+Wirtmrnts of ,liiit.ia, find Marine 14,C 1'4nadhan intlydmts . being ale It FARM DRAINAGE. ant and voyageur which he hal" left tin mild Fi.hrries, Mr. Fisher heside" his Clinton Business Cellere I �t have ever 'shade that is fashion- trith. --- in his vet •me,vIll he Uenenred by rout . own 1)epauUnentof Aatiadturris A'1 S ulitlimtering Public \Vorkm. These tare � Amunlrl wuh ta;n"bnm r1.(�., able and every style that's new. U) ---- 1'he department ,lf physic" in the generation". Ili-. DCnurrnond himself the two grrmt nirn of the L]Ilerval w T CansJa'a part in the C "Mat con- tariu Agricultural College ngain wall An Ilimhuean, but he understfxml "ir'ty in the Hollow of Conrnlon\,, H �- InelcldoAl In.rn,rrinn. p [crevice to cokes place in TA don this di In altrntion to its plan of avork in and loved the French-('anudixu dmvinR nut of necramt Mr. LPruieuz• I uLle LJ - «rete for tea datalMtne. MARTIN'S 'A` ' month axe Jiscultmd in the Huuee of Bonne. tion with Ihr. rwpOrt:ant mattes, sang thrix sun.plr' Yvho is butt youth. They one scoter- z pppq Res, and enteral unto ing workers ,and the bulw'mrk of the < UeO. SPOTiON, i'rinrip^I. Commons before Mir \V,Ifrid'n depart- of an, rinaindoge. As "tested I,trt their life with such true xys,,PAthy �Prpwier. It had been expected that ore and was the "object tit ,# ,,"table year, arra gementm haves. leen ninde that his Pxrr,,ls hAve l (.011ie to Eng- MI•. Fielding would Accompany Sir speech by the irrime -Minister-. Ex- whereby th iservices of the depnrt- Itsh•"peaking Canadians the intPrpre- Wilfrid, but there aviLr for tear much -_.-_ plaining why Canada had not made sent sur Avxi blv to anyone wishing talion of the heart and mind of Iheir uti1lupntr,uet w,•i k o j drwlr for the CENTRAL (Mr•s�� any Proposal" for consider•[tion at the mdviee in regAr , drainage. The (Ie- compatriots of the Lower Province. uesmUy to "parr INoth net now. �� ---. f`.-� ff dmandeL*1 conference, Nir Wilfrid said that the partment has a niplete equipment Militia Row. rrAm,n was that his Governnievit saw factdminAge aurvey ork, and, when The comment of one of mir rn11nfy Circuufelancem connected with the ' no grr'nd fit• impmvnnt-nt, at least ceryl teal, will send A ember of its c"latellip,daries'pon the Aetr•ip rail- del"ert,,re elf Mir Fredeeick Bauder t3TRATF011D, a , Boys' have Ill•(rtlgllt (low,I aha wroth fres the OUT. C i in the immeliat f'tuae, in the feta• stag visit x mxn'x plan survey his way '" beau• as presented by n crura• IuilitiN cpm the Minister, Theme ,oast y yarn Alto n,, l t,v .r". rtnblt-hrM twenr Pinna f#trtwe•n 1'Arla(lx and the Mother hind, n d Rives him a ma showing p'ndent of than po+►Per ie,h#tt 'if im not ronnectel w1Ue t6rretirement of [.aril I .esti iMORh'rarit And hnnnrnhl° deme, -I,----- Country. A filter, who. it will be remr'i1,Cied, p-itro"K I A Ie•enmo line of the elevAtion of fill Part: guru el, to. A toad IdeA, licit the Advantages ,end ) Inrg .r and roses «ldely known , nrnmer mo"imai a•d rhes. F;arl of Dundonald a" °I"'t °ile,►e in the f'mrindP. Thrdeu,"r,d WE have an extrcl large stock this season of "We are mali.fle,l with nor lot ; get her wit hrrntton of Jrxinx, their IenP(It, world all g" Gr Ualerich•' (rocceed d tgeneral f redo utter• ' �.11 "l s r Pnn n. fm cumneefriAl trw+hen and olflte with the ,,leneuir. of legislative indr• Rtge1P, depth: Pte. N'o chrrgr it n \\ h»truer the foeritn or demerits of warTi" apPrr,intrd Avid ut A"+l.t r,annw PI� �,vejffN`ri+� th° ""prop_ w'e the C1101CCSt f)O !S' clothing WC 118V r prendence whirl we rnloy ; with IN•ing the scheme, we cannot think that this the. Canadian tosce". ., Ate enteron lel""'. Ht",l°1t„ g C CVC A plant of the fetish ,,Ipire : and we torches work Pxrrpt telae trrvplling e - gotrh,.•eek. cnudogia„�ree. shown. It haS alWa JS been a question Wlt}7 are ready to go,tp London to Perform Penses of one duan, consisting of rail- is the proper way ,of looking at it. A 'rhe story in that ,(rine time aRRo H«lerich nein, hI JrawiuR out a plan Iw,nl Ayhuer want entlwt I,st„ tFse ELLiOTT st McLACHLAN, mothers where they Could get clothing that I tack coat Gr ua, not by way et nrfok• way (Ate, wPAlsArfJ car of in"tru• t)fflce of the Minister of Milithu And lug "rR gestin.: ourselves. but rather for a county railway "ymtem, would informed (hitt Ito. had Irern retired Principal.. would stand the test most lively boys give to it. Ieexivin nil merits. Theme exPseiseee ate very light, R ggrstion mAdr to die the de r:mrnt haven x a not "nmaturall)• give. his own town cpm the n , limit of "ext flue. either by the British o the tither l►a it Miml pare- K' y. colonial Goverilment.s." enger rate do the railways of ones rent meme prominence in life design : g Furthermore, he was pledged to keep Our Fane k3 silendir regarding the matter until .Sir y Grey Worsteds are just Sir Wilfrid did not look with favor A toile. A man living a hundred still" !(efoforth InAn, a Hnenselm man. or A Frederick Borden wits u►fPly on hin from Guelph I man of Any other town• wmild do e g to Stand the Hard Wear spun the irle#t of the Cteati,ln of w ► h would have ria nulla of t,ti wmy� to England. After the wnnnrr NO1N the thin sante thing. The plan o ithtied by our of m soldier 11-ord A permanent 'l,dgx real Council; " much $2• for railway fare and 20 or SO plumes obeyed and U a 0000 TIME ,o e Correspondent, as we understand it, is w) the news did not leak (list until ISir ,tar the wn.l,.owm and besides look extra good. We have them in li lolls might disturb the }nappy re• cents for carnage, Frexderick land left'the cnpitll. F,j1,LI , j Ixliotln now existing. _ _-;____ _- � ruerely a augge"time : if nnyonP Pier tTl"l CVC style 8t ham a tetter plan let hits bring it. fur•. Liberals Are Hot. every y prices from $3.50 to $8.00. On the ynr"tion Of tttwlr Pxrllr}' Kir E�ITO[ItAL NOTES, wail. 1'he schkme-w'emreuut nowdis. K laUnn Wilfrid wade tine noteworthy derlarn. The uts'oet in lir prevails in We are exclusive agents �____ \catering tine pm meth ld of rarer P,arlianlenta, T ,old iniditatry circlesa -` tion that he wrxild likes M sae extalr Tile y• Lilm•ralr air lint nndrr the ,ollnr at* i TD$QN'j'Q• 01r7. for lishei m rv:trnn of tree Undo moron greatest Canadian Is wwyy art ing It mit-is one ft the 1'eneflt of ldse the pelttmrnt Ior•trel out t'o it Boars I f'iNADA. II1n/1 "N.um ( fofMr:rnYAl. AVIi loth Ct=' R theColoniwl o�mfPreritr, and herrnd. bole r(runly, and if rrnidrnt" „/ who fought tar UttPr,tl prio,cipha g Century all the different PxitLbvis of the Fm- StIoNTxAND �'aOol_ poor r"duascs An Wring follow -counuptMPn wlxb hum G rtich take n mules Active part in when t��• party' wall nowhere : hilt "loray•.fa'N.•m.hn. ITetr.ape•lor rralr+lug • s pare, Thies, hOwrocm, war not et Apert I't,�s that he in a most roods nab emblo. them to ,tet and hold nseellent Brand pofofoible, and for the prmsent his only t"'n voyage. - tort ring it thorn the pM+aple of ainpliable leo.ttienK. Ts,r pupil. w -h„ rn lAldc tmn, lt.d popular officer. of old lit, t, in mat seh'N,I fro lu the ,( Al,% mm Apo rsaT suggestion awn that emch Part of the PerhApa .1Pmme knows what be b other pert of the manly chest nhoeld is conlendel, dem not holt in thin I r".x rRAt.an voA nimoNlow sera. �„ of Clothing "� i:mPire m""t Ire Allowed to) deride n doing• Mit his erratic coafwa in the retrive exedit. for more thin, the aver- ca". The :)Mce (if ina v tlom vomnwna, now, r•,t,,,igNo las pe Gn general I on the trade policy which it thought Thaw ttinl ]tan not enhanced his rept(.- Age ahare nt pnagres"ivenesm and lath• is an "PPxdntinrnt, and not a rank W. J. ELLIOTT, Princlpsl, Kingand taction As nn attorney. lie spirit, `As & ►flatter rest filet. on Thin t. net regarded Am a political J. LLI Borsalino Hats least loiter to eta own neeeln. taken In here, fir coll,•me. It i. "imply a g'''rid Alovandor fir.. "it Waits ua in this rovntry to Ile - - K anofhiu bark nt. ohs enter"• •yuention hetwrrn Sir Frederick Hort. F"e mu.n ttwiloon tinged with "osetion morn than per- if thin kind of weather kPeps'ran p'ldent's lefteg•, we wP that he ripen• rnalld the ndllti". if All that in mill _ hxpa 1 woold like to have. i am sorry match longer, the only thing to lac tions Wingbam, ilrtism-la, Noaforth, his tree l he Minister will havp A warns, TlrLEQRAPHY W have to make That Admierion. it (.lone will Int t" have the millinery (ilinU-. Bayfield, half-linor with the Premler w•he. the !tea III draw not frost the British rale to ire $"xetPe. Hevicosll ant) latter in mrqu"inied with the fart". Isth„ lint "tat tea-Arda prltien. paying from C. PRI .DHAM ton i the same `w lapeww o enin s all over A ain. A number of amallpr laces as dnlw �,t•'s'"'" n• yrs Annum In now RPd y. ThPIr tariR P R s P p Hat. H. R. Emmerson's Resignation. It Act %,k*. Is very iRPrent franc oar tariff . our I -__ _-- to he served by the pn)jedel rnllw"y, \bc d>n i,..."„ ",�,"„t opeMlM In.v -",I,. Ambaaaatlor Bu Buyer, told the Can' isn't it &limit time that wet all in 1 If- I pus s"I 4 In ,root Telhefloom t oessotl tariff iq traced IargPy upon customs y ThP Irtaignation (molt aha Cabinet of �b � �''�'!`r•K� �'nxmRrn 1"n h.r.t .ah"ol The Right Place to bu dntie•s end excise duties. Thin it that wlian flab of Toronto that h" was nm cwnt the Hon. 1. R. Vnimpn•,on car one oI Mrrlculars. y Clothing and Furnishings y int together ,Lod routes x the most bPart-LitIncMentr the I w. w. Macaw, T J. JrneNeroml• g Pro.ulenr rrinolpa `__ — L xi, ,. �, ). )F 'r r P''?.i .: i,,a .' i`e i r"i..0 _r "�'-'L , LLL,A&AWI,l�.r• .>Ii �NiYlA�aiJi4 �rriumiiG 4. .. " " 'eTam,. aiaiidll(f