The Signal, 1907-4-4, Page 88 Tlll'R*UaY, April 4, 15107 A STRONG ENDORSEMEN To the torpor of TM Signal. HIR, 1 have read with uaucli eat Lite letter in your issue u week signed ••Progress." My connection with schemes of dr ment and the uprnlmll a of Ag ural districts ko particular, tog With wy eoxinerring expert wakes the transplttrtun questi the county of Huron -and it anywhere --one of peculiar and f sting Attraction to we. I ant only sorry that 'Pts hiders his identity under his n - plume. Tile wuuty of Huron it undoul a locality of groat INw,ibilities a toy opinion is yet only in its int but it sAdly lacks trans,or lac• it it iea. Will your readers (tear in min lwportant factum, long since lo over and over again, that into means of tramsportatiun AIwAyS i increased development, folluw Increased population and natural cremmod prrlterity W the di Affectevl P There Ars- too simony I who believe in waiting for the lotion hefonl then consider ince methods of traneat and unforttrn there ate too many of thew in \ ern Ontario. A farmer bola fix),, the roll of a railway through his farm question of flow much loss it urea him by vnmv of reverence, ire d acrd tints -at %east that is the goo rule --whilst the increased mean transit for his produce or healthy petition by way of a aotupetitor way and thus It reduction of In always, or nearly so, quite n dart' consideration; whilst Sts a ter of fact it is to that farmer by the wort important factor in his 1 Ing account, though for smote r or other he can never see it. Then, again, therm are alwa) certain class of company prow/ hovering about Always ready to A scheme, but who really du scheme more barrel than good. \V Simply beciclse their game is to al to the Government fora charter -- idea of actually putting the eche force is far and remote frau minds --and, hating secured charter, like the peddling Je hawk it round the money markt sell at of course a handsome to to themselves; loot the fnchenl hardly ever carried out. It is pi Alt to know that broth the Uomi and Provincial Housew are get alive to thisand will reftive W an Lion the construction of any sch that has the slightest evider.ce on face of it of like%y "peddling." Now, the scheme advanced "Progress" is undoubtedly an e: lent one And to the farming c rnunity is one that would he w beneficial. i, for one, however, wit suggest that sortie move be made undertake a portion of the eche only at first ; the rest would as sl' follow Sts day follows night, but those who venture in it i any, hew of the "peddling company p tooter,' as his association we death to the scheme. I should lie otoy too pli'Aaed to c fer with any gentlemen interested the matter and do what I could further what 1 consider the devel ment of A reruarkably fine piece country so gecygrsphically situnt that it in IIAM to heat. Yours truly, J. Lawis THOMAS, C. r. London, O CHURCH NOTES. Mn. Staff Captain Hay and Capra May Lang, of London, will condor the services in the Salvation Aro barracks on Sunday. April 7th. A meeting of the Epworth long district executive wan held At Victor street Methodist church yesterds when arrangements were made fret• t holding of the annual summer iclu in Onderich in the laat week of Jul The Winghanl dietriet will he invit to oin in conducting the school her The Holiday, school anniversary se vices At North street Metholdist chore on Sunday Inst were attended Will. much interest. Ftev, It, A. Orahan of Ht. Marys, was the preacher of t dai•, and in his addresses both to t children in the morning And to th elders at the evening service he apok with much acceptability. M 1 Oraham is a brother of the pastor r Victoria street Methodist church, An ranks with his brother ainorlg th brightest of the younger men in tit London conference. ttt the afternoo a special session ofthe Munday sell was held irr the stain anditurium u the church, where the members of th School gave an interesting Contralto With Address" by Alr. Graham an the superintendent, IV. c. Pridhnnr At the evening service till- rhos rendered some excellent Faster music On Monday evening the Sunday no-hto gave its anneal entertainment, whit 14 r•dportesl in another column. The Annual Easter vests meeting of St. Groor'ge's chnrrh wAm called fo Monday last, but ul.wt Of the huain waw left for An adjourned ine•etin which wail H ell for Monday, April 13th. Thr teamon of the Adjournment was that Faster falling early thin year end the financial year ending Mauch 31st the wardens lead not their flnan• cial report ready for submission. The following 1c{(endemen wen• selected for sidesinen ,or the ensuing year: AV. 1.. (;lint, F. Jordan, U. 1. Naftel, 1. Platt J. H. Tigert. W. A. McKim and Jam. Carrie. The improvement of the' heating of the church, which during the pAst winter hats not lorrn wholly satisfactory. wait dimcu"srol at profile length. Sump ,were 'ten favor of the installation of a,sipant boosting plant, while others thought the repnir or re- pllacing of the present hot sir f,irnarrat \vas all that wan rricluire•ol. Thr cost til the furwrr world top in the neigh. lorbood of il,lli) I, while the• tatter would probnllly he within l WO. Ac- ton in the matter, however, waw left over till the adjourned meeting. Canto Rev. J. L. Small Sustained. The Pnshyteryy of Hurcn filet kn Willis church Clinton. on Monday morning, April Int. iter. Dr. Stewart, of Clinton, was elected to the chair. The moderator pro tern. if St. An. drew'@, Blyth, reported that he. had carried out his instructions and that In consequence a call signed by 265 mem- hers And 7•i aulberionts in favor of Rev. J. L Small, H, A.. wAs now ready to lie sustained by the Presbytery. Menem. Iko1Prol, Cummings, Brigham and Canipheill, commissioners from the :-congregation, were heanl hl oil )port of the mall. In opposition to it wens hearl Mramroo. Fingland and Waite from Aulourn. and Siston. ,Rtxlprfck Ynnng. (i:Nslon V crug and Will. Mc- Ilw-arn Fran Nluith's Hill. The Price- Irytery sustained the call And put it, in- to the hands of Mr. Small, who siggn i- Heed him Aceptanre of it The Inrhtr- tion WAR flxet to take p1Aoe on the. lNth of April in Mt. Andrew's rhurph, tllytb at 1 o'clock p. m.. Iter. Mr. r,eckk by pro"Ide, Rev. Mr. Anderson too foram the minf"ter And Hev, Mr, K. Mcg. Smith to addivta the penPiro. Thr pulpit, of Auburn will he, trrLeriod varaOt on Sunday. April '21st, by R*v. for. lirtwsan and v. Mr. Small will oontltalN as moderator of sossion. T. stir f t void ict SO en on Idt we M(es lilt Ire, nil All tAlt. d i rot eat ur• rel ' I)- str P' 1 Inert all \ rt an Al no oils net N 1.01 tea ter rec0l In" ten ram a Its Moo tit by all All mei Dye th Jew t is 1 roll e i eat nio tin, err tb b, cel oro oel u Ic t1 Scher our tc Ar co- ons on- In to oaf ed nL in tel ,y ue yN hr' of Y. it] e. r - h it t, he he to f d e P n ox,I f a r I h r ems i : r i i w i r It * n if Ir c b A H sI XT vi dr e:h till In mP Ile Pili Lu Ill F•f de A \V i T SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO NEWS OF DISTRICT. RANDULPH MacDONALD, A. A. ALLAN, D. M. STEWART, P11. _ Pfooibent. Voce -President Genii Massger. CARLOW. ei. 6"WiUNIIaUaY, April 3rd. THE op. Jerf7•lition.- -The fall wheat has comor • AL- through the winter ire splendid r(ou d Sovereign Bank of Canada ler tion ...... tlpI1��in /lowin has utiy- .r, menced. inn cunniughaul war in the Rest in the field, starting Lulu Head Office, Toronto. Thursday Thuday _... Quite a nunlloer front ire- Otderich. Auburn and Nile took in I v the concert belt. on Monday evening. I pital S(lbscrllretl.................... .... ..... ..... ,000,000 Ili' ..Misr Tena John"t•In is button, (,tl ital Fnll ' Pllitl it J _ ...... ........ l... 3,(1104.011(1 de from the lwyndorl Normal School for I f 1i!Pgel'\'H i'IID(1 "'t10 the Kxster holidays.. ... Frank Mc- ........................_.... ..M........ l,•,_:Ia,0l Ily Donagbn• . jr., and ('has. Vaoe, arei I Ausets ovel, _,),0U0,(0 in homy now '1'urouto for holidays >. Jas. McBride, our well-kI lawn borge- GENERAL BANKING. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. brim der, sold a five-yol' •uld beavv- - draft home last week to Ali-, Uicksort' hInterest Credited Quarterly. of Winthrop, getting $30)fur it. y ell This is the longest price that has heel' ANDREW PORTER, M er, 4-41realizrsl for a borne in Carlow for *onto u'Y t,odernh Branch us tante... ...Chir( Engineer Peterson by cause through from (fuel )h but Satin- in- day by C. P. R. train lei( drove from ict here to Gexlerich. Thin might Ile con NEW R BER GOODS ! dr midered the first through trip of the _ tit- new line. a -- n% A supply of NR\\' NURUNR Otos our A ORiaT tlUC(:Kaam. -The Iteac xudi• pP . 1)• once, the beat program, and in every a hand Tart week At. #ht. I' err{IeY•t the [test entertainment for CE TRAL-DRUG STORE to many years in Carlow this is the including Hut \\ r &Ittlrr, F'onnhtin Syringe verdict u}on the Knoter concert in ltuhtter Cowbinal to, Hulh riyl•inah•x, Fail,. It Ktuith's Hill church un Monday I Bulb+, Nasal Uc,uchem. :AI• Syringes, Rulowl 1'l' L- I to evening Isar. The congregation ha, ing, Bally Et1hets, Nip ter, Ataanizers I.w li»i N, I rs plu''ehased a line new organ, and this Face lir%mlit roc. al effort was to help provide foods to moyt6 6xl'RI'1IUNAL \'.\ ,uSa —peg Tit KM. I "f pay for it. The organ had a thoroalgh 'h' test on Monday night and proved It- • S. E. HICK. - CENTRAL DRUG STORE, • l• self A powerful am well as wsweat- i Goderidr, - Ontario. i" toned instrument. to addition to the r- choir of the church the audiegce had "ALWAYS yxs xkev •r ua.N s. t- the ple"ure of hearing mnoo of the ate twat talent of Cnxlerlch, including t' Mias McVittie, Miss Edna Htraitou, - -- -- - n Miss Adelaide Nairn, James F. Thom- boll'" (roll, Ooderich on Friday Last, Dunlop, and hos d .te . at,.. w. V. o'lar%. of i Sort• J. E. Jordan dud Sidney Belcher. after spending the p.t>t three utontrs tow,,. a This splendid array was further rein• with tier uncle, Jackson Wightunan• duriwr 1111 fl. of NSI I,ui wcll, All. In town " furred by Miss Mcl,unald, of Auburn, Albert Cmup[oen left for the Wast dotting bt ,*cit. 4 1l, Porunud tills week ;n t whose Sweet voice wad heard in two this nwrning. He intends going to h;, otnciaf rapacity. to wrll•rendeted solus. The program Bittern lwtke, About forty inflees front Wy, tie Miibir soden bu.tua.d trip in Toronto P wits opened with till instrumental ,Fduaunton. His intentions at nrom eht duri,ur if a part week, )' nutulor by Mr. Jordan, who allowed air to take up a homeestelead. We wish Hr • Hcrt �iat _unci, will receive the ca Y Abilities c f lite new o TM Ca .1pnwlCl.1 Illh. F { 1•$nn to him ruccrM. lira C •. wll, of Hranttotd.•pem F:�ter with n r advantage. The choir 'of the church We, are pleased to are GUnlin her.ldter, Sir. 1. T. l/all.. gave twit appropriate choruses with \Vi ht man, of Ooxlerich, Able to Ile afire+ t,uiu Twoedis and \vAl Ts-Yslic were e excellent rRex Volcul Sdor by :Hiss around again after his recent inners. up,ronl ToruntootcrF:a.tvr. D Mc\'ittir, Mise Nairn. Ma 'rhornson He is spendday, siuha he. fat ter ing two or three weeks J. W. vatnatter wa- Ito stratforl over Sun. t and Mr. Belcher, and duets by visiting relative" in this lutality. lit' who 1.111. Miss Ah-Vittie still Alr. 1'hunrson and IL N. Merritt. It. A. of Pater,oru', vtoenl w s Ing going back to School teat h- tow da,- t -i town during tbt• week. the Mesar-. Tyndall were hearl with Ing after the holidays if he can secure Mho, Hell on 8herlhard And tilady, I.1 are mut h appret•iutturt. two recitations n school. home from llelleville for the vacation. 1 by Miew Stnailml in the hots tongue, Mo Hool. RRPURT.—The following is alauriee Aiely. of Toronto Is "pending the S of which she is t adept, a IArtie- !ester tens with to i iautu. Inem the re}oft of S. M. No. fi, Eu,t \L'xwn- whi plc+tsrtre y the inliaScottish t titleeill t, C, 11 Pau, of the send, o% Iwraa, Toronto. ' whll'll IN NIN'a\'A N11 tllllx/l'lNllt title in nirh, for lite month of Alarch: IsaseYl waN with Ilwlericit friend, titer kaaer, nn the r lar weekly examinations n Cat -low nudiencr. Thr pastor tit the '�1 IOaa mSNI lte.hnm,e, nth., I. tw,chlnr -..•howl church. Rev. J. I. small, nlor g.tve Class, 1V. -Tummy Rodger, Dell Me- nw.r ttlpky, %a. in won uun,rr tau seek, two recitations in splendid style. !.arty• (9r:il Mclwarty, Russell WfNXIA. Mi-, olive IWAIrt-0-1 I,fl Litt, waY• to Frank MetJlrty, Alva McDeiwoll. attend the CentrAt nuab,ed- Uulhw•, aih.tfotd. Ill Smell Wimp acted we chairman and III.—, ay Cook. Margie Farrow, Intro• Mk+Fthel WLoAg. ne roro„tu vatted at Ill this. capacity added not a Lerhowv, cit. /Mvsl••.,1—L, uunua tial' pat little a. the pleasure -rt the even' lie Ile Bucbnnan, Nelson IGobirin, AINv aw:k Two of the [test nunlhers on the pro- Tenney (Maggie Tenney and Jennie. M_-.rllona+a• \\atrm...tt;f,uto.d. h rldt- graut were given Ly x finale fit po"' Tunney absent for All examinations), ins Irl. reiauu., .err. J. F. Thuou ou, Will Sallows and il.-('01in Campbell. Lilly Hil,bitt. the Tyndalt brothers. Miss AfcHavoly, PArt 11.--Violrt Buchanan. RoyFar- all+ M.,ud N-hyanl And Ml,- HLNIy. Me. Mw, Willie HIM itt. Charlotte Tun err 1,44", utuun,taunuu, ter, ,e,ur'day for Ntw Misa'1'yndxll anti Air. Jordon were the Y• York. AiVololNutisls of the evening. A big Those who Attended every day are stn.. H. aloltuorrie ani aa.. Coadyy+ M� I ogra h, operated by Alex. e• x. Maggie FAIT itv, lwwlie Buchanan, tou:arefe, of Itru—t,.. air truest, of tit. for let's p Violet Buchanan. The following is naughtier. Mrs. John L aw.ou. dung. of Nils, durim)ing oYyntrilrntrd srv• Mi— :Ate H\rr of COC on wMne fair uwle A the diet of those who SuccvPdrel at the oral relrctiune daring the evening• toll, w ( union ye»tetdaf to is t hor si u.r, The church \vas filled to the doors- and reY P"t pmtnubon examinations ; Erroll, who t, leaving foYr tho \\ o.t. the pe,m eds Amounted w W.i- Alto. Ill. to IV. ounirks obtainable, 7:11) ; Ja,vb a,c lor war howl' over sunro dry fl,, gether it wits one of the moat e•ujctd {oass.:W) - May Cook. 512 (honors) ; Port iturvu. where he I,— bmt, v,wAson u, l ' LealiP Buchanan, i(fa ; Nelson Robi- burins« tantter. for senor w- ii,c. Able evenings, the people of Carlow , Hiss lyura t'. PhAlen ",.d U. J. Netole Al. have had for •otme title• and their sin, •til ; Jennie Titnm"y, i:1` ; Maggie tended the ,nou,if ka,,Ler h.ali of the t n:nxet cordial thanks .ate" tendered to thins Farrow, x311• Mast 1. CLARK, L'wb, iinofunl, un aluwi.y t. eni,.r. who took nut in the entertainment, Teacher'. \l'm. A. Aitken, of 11•rluin FNII-, atter an and e"peclally W the visitors front 'Al. etA'o tit about thtrty•lhr.r tear,. .pent a GODEHICH TOWNSHIP. few day. Imst week force it,q rdu w qu.lntatxe (irNlerich, for their-plendld services. and visabw his rourin, J ,a L The only thing that le tit at tinge• of re- TrKiIUAY, April 2nd. Chea. Fl Youna mnderwett An opetarton fur gret to the evening was the. thought W. H. Bell wad tip fruit Stratford Sppendieiti- At the Al"itnilm ho,,gttal coil that it w,im probably the last oemsion over Sunday. r ol"ay. NI. friends will he etramed Lo know of the kind m Sntith'r Hill church at lha the op:rntioe was .,, Yswful ;amid that the Miss Helton Drysdale, of S. S. No. 3, patlenL 11 prugrt lug too, usably Which Mr. Small would he present As is spending her vacation with friends The many trlend- ofMi.. I; MR,, who Pxato l', its file Ptrshylery earlier in wt Hensall: Was illat re-verink flail, her recent tlll,em. of I the day haul sustained tote call to him sewrfel fever, will testsp with r•rretaf her now loom Blyth. Mr. Small has been pow- Austin Chisholm, of Kent County is r�Ae rtwCYmnu BEIc i. of it �cys,`; elncar"'n'"t"ry for here, for Me is, and we are All Spending his vacation. At his boner, y� f 31d concerbinn "-n C. 1.. Crwellrr. It. A., principrl of Sarnia Sorry to time him. GollgtWr InMltule. wa+ in yawn for a few — Mrs. N. Treivarths. of HohmeNaville, day` noting the week, Mr. I rA,..weller 1. a AUBURN. spent Sunday At the home of Iter ,rrw.wnu of Codrrich h1�,aboral nand I. rn. thnsfa.tically in ap•ord with the 1,1,u. for the brother. S. R. Mac Jlath. ex-mtuden to reunfou in ,At rn.t next. WVIoNRml'AY. April 3fil• Miss Ella MaeAlath, of Toronto, is I W. I.. Lefroy. of Ta.N,Lo, was nr-e of the Elvin Munro. of Stratford, it *(lend• s pending her Kanter vacation at her vlriwr+I" Lown tha week. a1r. Lefroy IA a Ing his Easter hulidnys in the village. p' R former m indent of (iodrrh h, hi- father, the home on the i oyfield triol. late Anthon� I,efroy, hating practiwd I— Ell. NNCgPIP IN to leave Rhnrrly for MI"x [lot McBrien, of the Central hen: some tit rty ym,- Ago ; and he Ntill to the West., where he intends taking up tain- an Inurent in the pia, a of him horhumf. A homestrnd. lit inin'ess College. Stratford, spent an.. Stool R UAch•r -.t file Crim,.by, high i.Aet week Norman Sarna ate, ted Easter At her home, Bayfield road. oobool, -and Mi.-(3ta:e Strang, of the twcbing Mrs. U. Nicholl. of Atwood, :Md ataaMof the alitchell high school, spent Fi,ur work for the n���tUtM season with at their home herr and left the b•sin10! tag of James Raithby. Afro. Will. lA ve, of Newry, visited the week Lo attend rhe mer rine o: uw l:it.. John Ladd tins moved into the house. relatives in the township the toast tio.in nal A,tion in Tu oron. week. rtt-a. Block. ac »wpanled by him little in the village Ixte•ly occupied and Ire•\ Dr. AiCLexb. Lttr danghter J•An, r --turned on Monde front owned by M. Hanitzxuea pastor of F'a-udena, t •alifurnta• where he -rent the lank Blyth Preshyterian church, occupied to" lnontha Mr,,. ltlack and the remalroder l,g .)Nunes Armstrong. A former resident the f'ra'y An, „till at Ihawdcna end may t»n of this neighlorhomml, Spent last Fri- the pulpit of the Union church on fit,us Lo m,hIe therm. Mr. Hh.ek. Bowe ver. ' SUndw)-• will moo- here and rvrnduet hIo b,t.iue••.., ion day mooning in the village. me aL Itisieaagn The extremely high wind, ibas ."my here be-pent,w,ue n Fridny Ir.nkin n the late.t idea.- in mon'- clothiu Arthur Ferguson, of \Vinghwm, morning of last week, umsxfell [lie and furnuhins, for the bonen. tit bit g xpait Faster Haabhath he•nrath the Intros belonging to Wm. Hk -han and I in uoderach. parr""' parental roof in. the village. Goo. Kennedy Johnston. of t.11e B:ay- Iwst week Moses lllaultzauer left the field road. ----- - --- - villagr, And tovrd to{he 13th conem.The `Cea tion of Hnllett, to the tariff Of Itnerstowu Loyal Orange iwNlgr will hold A Royal Arch degree Inert - 1 Adam Scott, which The bas rent.eol. ing on Monday, the lSth, at S Oeorgr L. Sturdy, of Faxt \Viiera- ticlmk p. m., when mooveral Inctlua'11 y om i a ,mlh, hits deserted the bachelor's ranks, will hd Ile Advanced to the egive. Ifima leelith &ill hating kindly con. FARMS `iotl.u.--Ale:. Elliott Iola iented to sharp him joys And marrows. sold the Whitely faros, on concession lout Monday Messrs, Fingland And 1:/, to Flank Powell fur IRi,iKM). It Nagle Attended the Presbyteryres, amd adjoin* Mr. inert- contains eighty acI ng ato t l'limn to protest' on lmhnlf Powell's t q ppI p- — .. -M Klfunt Cafe d the Presbyterian cingregntion hate Edd the Acllanti farm• which he' gainst l,ht translation of Rev. J. L. took in c onn"ction with the *,tie of his ;1111411 to Blyth. own foo.rfii, If \VIIford Colclough, for The death (if Alis" Bertha ASluith, the aunt of $4,M), the online price atl econd daughter 0f A. Anquith. license which he took it. Mr. Holland moves a "Spector, which occurred on the 'Jkh at once to the Klfor'd tarn. will be 11 t., wx" an event which cecAsioned IN THR FAR W "T.- \V. A. Flliutt, l nnrh [egret In the colnntunity Sin of \Villidon Elliott, of near opened to lerthit wits only in her sixternih Porter'n Hill, who has filr Smte years I the public Pat-. he(lentil eath IN in due to oxrelrri• been in the real potato,bumineY•N in pied utrningili-. Tow parents and Clarkston, Washington, fait" now early flier rebittivr% have the svntpathy of located in the thriving city of H{Iol- I next Week I 11 in their Im•renvemenl• kmne, *Aute State, whets- he to head of Notw•ithoctanding the state of the thin Hem of Flliutt k (fleddem. Witt) ande, And other ollmtmd••m to lie over. carry on it real estate, insurance and noir At this time of the year, the lee• rental business. It In the real estate l Ire bast Friday evi-ning war; quite n branch of the business that they push, Meet I-ess, John R. Clark KNve his not. outlet and It enusen Alf. Elliott tall Ilrable addrts•s• R. And ro In item. travel around the 4taate conaidernbly. ton." 'rhe Attrndnnee wan not, no Three of his brothers have kN•ated in age "R on his previous visit. Air. the same city, SI that (it xlvrich town-, Mme rl, alme• an l glovi address on tlxh- ship and the Elliott family core petty lth evening in the Methotlint church, well represented their. WESTFIELD. PERSONAL MENTION. I i there Af0NnAT. April loot. Writer Harr wA, In Tornnlonvrr tiundny. Alis (Hark is miN.nding the- holidays t'Aoowell Rnmhall was tit, harm H.drn for her hotne in SL Helen*' ` Koster. 5-fANLEY ATHAS Miss Belva Cntnphrolt and Rayinond Misr Ins n, •Artie -til hA. retnrnexl fnnu al elnond are home for the holidav�. vl.lt In Toledo. Proprietors Joseph MOMnald. of (could araratm, Mich.. West colds Square G.slrt iris Miss Etta McDowell.: of Oooler(rh, is visiting hl- mother. Mra• Malhe"All, of s4 I cent Easter with her Mother Harvel. Miss Mary Mitchell, of t%lintun. --- - -- - - - — cent F:Astrr Sunday with friends 're TWO GOOD SPRING TONICS I Mr. and Mtsl. Taylor, of (Faelph, arc *sting friend. over the Kw+trrhnli-I ' SAMPSON'S RED BLOOD PILLS The Service" in the iMnnvhnok in -ch will 1-e withdrawn nest Sloth- th. an the chnrrh km undergoing re- � sir. A bkxxl builder, purifier and nerve f larknro Wightimmn, of O,lderirh, is, If Umic. tic a iiia, 1 InxrA fur iLfet ending A few dAVA with relAlivPn re. He intends going to ReginA in tut two) weeks. SASSAFRAS BLOOD 6t STOMACH BiTTERS k number front here heard the lee. re, "To And Fro in lwmdon," (le- ered by J. R. Clark in Auburn on Tones; up the entire myMRnl std Iday evening last, plriHr•n the F.lutxl. c`iltr a bottle. r. R. Clark, the eelebratexl lecturer, IvOrkcal an " At, rnf Address ok nn H. C. DUNLOP, nrenlst hlrwl Rrfnrm- at. I)>,mnyhrxlk and Pntapld on MNhlaat.h IML I [ ik/lar/ slack. Oaderkk lima Annie Wighthaarl rotnrned I r COURT HOUSK i O� • PHONE No. SQUARE. - s' Annual Linen Sale C,ominences Saturday, April 61h Saturday, April rho Rho our Annual Springy Sale of I,ineu btenins. Away hack lust full we placed orders di/'eet with the British Manufacturers for the goods that go oft sWe thin fl, I- the first time. We have planned for the ►,gest two or three weeks' linen Rellin;.l in our history. The goods are here to bring the business. Linters of sterling qualities, that have he- hind thein the reputation of one of the largest and best known linen manufacturing firms in Great Britain. Linens that come to us direct from that maker, and carry no profit but ours ---and we have cut that as fine ate we dare because we have an immense quantity to sell --between volt and him. Linens that yotl can depend inion absolutely to grive all the weal' that you would expect to get out of them and a little more as well. It will be particularly to your interest to titke Advantage of the sale this year, because since these goods were bought there have been several advances in linen prices. That means we cannot duplicate theSe values if we went into the market today, aIld tile next thus we buy we will have it) pay more, and of course ask you more as well. That is why it will pay you to anticipate a little now and buy linens for six months or even it year ahead. Doe roods are *,rood enough and prices low enough to ma><e it worth your while to du it. Towels for the Sale 'Dowel values such as have never been on our counters. Worth your while to lay ire a good supply, for we will not have as good fer many a day. Towels, 15c a pair Towellings Huckahack towels, fringed r•ud.. .,•,1 Lardrt•, I, x A inchrm, gur.l Sorne splendid towelling valugs weight, regular Ilk-ewh, for linen sale for the big listen sale. Mood hottest Iw'l 1, -all - - I;,c qualities that will give lots of wear. At 2 for 25c. At 8c Thret' or 1`0111' lint's all gir,utw41 at 17-inrh cna-h towelling, red loordet. thio I",pular price. Not one wf lite gooN1 heavy weight, mplendld dryer, Int but is crol-Ilih mole money. stick I"rgular like,-per•ixl for linen eale�r S-- Iou'rla 21 x ill inches, hark towrin yarl... .... .:r henunwl ur fringed with daulaak pat- I2'C Towelling 9C tern, and crepe towels with ori 14 -inch heavy crash towelling. colored INnvlrr, all good weight and Splendid lotslers, good finish, one lb.►t will dryers, extras ml foe linin sok, make good tea towels. Regular I j6e furqualities, special for linen sale per.... ...... ...... ............. yeast ............. ................... R Towels at 2oc Heavy Crash roc GfxN) fit1Al11t' hiPAc red huckalauk Extra heavy linen -rw•h towelling, tow els, heavy weight, loemmerl end,• auitAble for roller or dish ta,w#la. Un - 211 x in inrhew, regnbar 'L7w., special fur questionably the Ilett value we have. linen sale, eachCould nut pr"siNy ho",it toolAy and 1 k "ell it fon• this prior. Three it four I<xtrn flur hucknIcaek towel m, hunafredyards totwit. it per yard.... It)e Iwonurd Pnda, flail fringed, heavy Crepe Towelling Ioc weight. Ili x air in' -firs. each.......... ?.5, ear y a I. ozen prices ll' the half bleached table damask. Every one good enough to call a special. Prices trade possible, only by our direct buying in two store lots. Here are a few of them. At 25C At Zc :A -inch half bleached table damask Extra heavy half bleached table dam - nick, Aright, four or flur grail plot. Extra imported by ourselves direct from terns to select from, it cloth easily the makers, ” ioatternR. A 1 qual- worth 33c, for burn mile per yard..... 1: N1 ities. Special for linen Rale per yard... It At 3oc flMl-inch half blenched table damAmk, little heavier weight than the 25cent quality. Nill wear well; four or five go oll patterns to select (r•im, at per card........ ... .. ......... :Mk• At q5C Half blenchal tAble darnask, �a1•'a�n- teed every thread pure linen, wNeand half bleacho•d, will stand no end of hard wear•, refv apriAl for linen sale at per yard .. .... _ _ 4k Bleached Damasks Splendid assortment of fine -bleached table damasks, one half dozen or more different qualties, new designs and values agood deal better thanthe ordinary, special at per vard hoc, 75C, 90C, $1.00, $1 -IS $1.25 and $1.5o Makers' Seconds, Less Money Still With the perfect goods we get several hundred dollars' worth of seconds, Cloths, napkins, towelling and half bleauhajd damasks. To all intents and purposes in most cases, these will wear ami well as the pPrfrct goods. There is just some little flaw or imperfection in the weave that causua them to be thrown aside and Bold as seconds. That means at a liberal discount ihft"re,,►ular prices. Th\, lot this year is very. good, especially in the cloths and napkins. Towelling Ends 19c I Towelling Ends Over nue hundreri ends of cnIAb towel- aa0 yyauH Innen crash towelling, most ling, 'l} to li yon(ls in the pirrx. Just of LhPrn with cnlotssl lordera, the thing fog• rollersor can too, tent tip from t t0 L yxrls, .lust da good as lengths into entail towels, special for linen sale ilk• You cot It oar the weir. If they were Mill Remnants Table Damask Uot inill remnants we w lld have tel sell them At 11) And 12je. Por the linen Alxlut ohr hundrYt mill rt'nlnantR if stile voil Can buv them at per ymld half bleached table linen. We cannot • • •' - • • • • • • • • ...... .....7c, Mc prat Inc quote any priceA fir 3 theut, I,PcatiS• Towelling Ends for 25C there are so mo&ny. i engths rill) front 11 to A yards. The whole Mt goes til' dlnndrt'd, of short ends of clns11' "nle Ratur•day At prices that Mean as towelling, almnt a yank ors little mete roving to huyPra of wt. IPNmt } of wtiat ten Parh one, just the thing for dish i im the IY•NI vslur• towels, mpeCinl for linen sale At A ends., f:.n............... Cloths and Napkins Seconds 5 yard Ends 25c extra. end finquality, 1.0 Intl hlrscht•'I• Linen crash towelling,verb extra fisc quality. tl lil linen. ALn'a tveightAnd gnxlity. 3 valid ends only 5'~' Ni7va and gnalltiPs sol nurkwl At 1 to •., riNeciwl tit IN.r -end. ...... IPma than regular pricosl, 111Nf. I,er+. 11 M• ., •• -...... of e aright inywrfPrlion. If �,n, Stand Covers 25C want x rngk sloth with N oiOZPtI nmp- Plain white dtpNaPr kin. anrt want GI aavn a ntt.lr mnnPv covers or with in haying. get m1rtiP of tonere aPrnnd:, uliord stripe, IS x V, Inches. for linen ,ale rarh.... ......... NEW CARPETS Two who made gshipmentol of ill"". att•rnsNew all Crlew ts )ust in us%,tiea thi�lwr� ; 11-y Canto to ll' dutirt from the 0" ' S N•raf well, Sud Walston real ggg/, (n.ml gtlAlity crepe towelling. hraty F:xtr" terga hurkalmick tow•e61, :dl/ x Wright, rail f -oder, would make splen• 42 invites, splendid diving towel, for olid roller towels, special At per yard., linen sale CACTI ..................., .... L""x Plain Half Bleached Crash iSe Kama fine and large hurkahalek Half bleached linen crash toweflin tM\'PIN. very line quality,-Iwvial each.37 c i Sii inch" wide, one of the best IoW.F Zings yu0 can buy for dish towels or At 35c gionerld use, extra value at per yard• - (cosxt gwtlity huckalsack tr.wPjN, red Rough Crash 1oc lor•tlers. to ends, :Ax I:1 inches.„p,•n/ rough crashftb towelling. 9-1 weight, spec;al our linen rale per we w red over eosre makes splendid grand towels for ordin• pair............................. ..... 35c try use. Per card .... Half Bleached Damask N I 1 ear y a I. ozen prices ll' the half bleached table damask. Every one good enough to call a special. Prices trade possible, only by our direct buying in two store lots. Here are a few of them. At 25C At Zc :A -inch half bleached table damask Extra heavy half bleached table dam - nick, Aright, four or flur grail plot. Extra imported by ourselves direct from terns to select from, it cloth easily the makers, ” ioatternR. A 1 qual- worth 33c, for burn mile per yard..... 1: N1 ities. Special for linen Rale per yard... It At 3oc flMl-inch half blenched table damAmk, little heavier weight than the 25cent quality. Nill wear well; four or five go oll patterns to select (r•im, at per card........ ... .. ......... :Mk• At q5C Half blenchal tAble darnask, �a1•'a�n- teed every thread pure linen, wNeand half bleacho•d, will stand no end of hard wear•, refv apriAl for linen sale at per yard .. .... _ _ 4k Bleached Damasks Splendid assortment of fine -bleached table damasks, one half dozen or more different qualties, new designs and values agood deal better thanthe ordinary, special at per vard hoc, 75C, 90C, $1.00, $1 -IS $1.25 and $1.5o Makers' Seconds, Less Money Still With the perfect goods we get several hundred dollars' worth of seconds, Cloths, napkins, towelling and half bleauhajd damasks. To all intents and purposes in most cases, these will wear ami well as the pPrfrct goods. There is just some little flaw or imperfection in the weave that causua them to be thrown aside and Bold as seconds. That means at a liberal discount ihft"re,,►ular prices. Th\, lot this year is very. good, especially in the cloths and napkins. Towelling Ends 19c I Towelling Ends Over nue hundreri ends of cnIAb towel- aa0 yyauH Innen crash towelling, most ling, 'l} to li yon(ls in the pirrx. Just of LhPrn with cnlotssl lordera, the thing fog• rollersor can too, tent tip from t t0 L yxrls, .lust da good as lengths into entail towels, special for linen sale ilk• You cot It oar the weir. If they were Mill Remnants Table Damask Uot inill remnants we w lld have tel sell them At 11) And 12je. Por the linen Alxlut ohr hundrYt mill rt'nlnantR if stile voil Can buv them at per ymld half bleached table linen. We cannot • • •' - • • • • • • • • ...... .....7c, Mc prat Inc quote any priceA fir 3 theut, I,PcatiS• Towelling Ends for 25C there are so mo&ny. i engths rill) front 11 to A yards. The whole Mt goes til' dlnndrt'd, of short ends of clns11' "nle Ratur•day At prices that Mean as towelling, almnt a yank ors little mete roving to huyPra of wt. IPNmt } of wtiat ten Parh one, just the thing for dish i im the IY•NI vslur• towels, mpeCinl for linen sale At A ends., f:.n............... Cloths and Napkins Seconds 5 yard Ends 25c extra. end finquality, 1.0 Intl hlrscht•'I• Linen crash towelling,verb extra fisc quality. tl lil linen. ALn'a tveightAnd gnxlity. 3 valid ends only 5'~' Ni7va and gnalltiPs sol nurkwl At 1 to •., riNeciwl tit IN.r -end. ...... IPma than regular pricosl, 111Nf. I,er+. 11 M• ., •• -...... of e aright inywrfPrlion. If �,n, Stand Covers 25C want x rngk sloth with N oiOZPtI nmp- Plain white dtpNaPr kin. anrt want GI aavn a ntt.lr mnnPv covers or with in haying. get m1rtiP of tonere aPrnnd:, uliord stripe, IS x V, Inches. for linen ,ale rarh.... ......... NEW CARPETS Two who made gshipmentol of ill"". att•rnsNew all Crlew ts )ust in us%,tiea thi�lwr� ; 11-y Canto to ll' dutirt from the 0" ' S N•raf well, Sud Walston real ggg/,