The Signal, 1907-4-4, Page 5PEN AND SCISSORS.
It Isu't mining mals, to use.
It's raining dafadlkl ;
In every dimpled drop 1 "ne
Wild flower. I{f the hall.
And cloud. of My engulf the day
And overwhelm the tow u,
It a.u't raining rain, to uso,
It's reading raises down.
It fent rining aman. lu fur.
6t, ado of cluter blooan.
Where any buoodaeering Into
May find r bed and runt".
A health unto the happy.
A fig for tram who fret.,
It isn't rwanhtg rain, to me,
It'. raining vloleta
This it the tihue when lhemnall boy,
l,ciug asked why we celebrate Easter,
answely, i fO oat eggs." This Custom,
of eating ought of coloring them, of
playing gained with theta, it very
ancient, being a Magian or Per-
sian custom, eggs being symbolic
of creation. The e6rly Chi i flans
adupted the customs even to the Dolor•
ingof eggs, their favorite color being
rel, signifying the blood of redemp-
In England funny odd custonis of
uldeu, times survived until it very re-
cent date, though they varied in dif-
ferent part« of the Country. In Lain.
embire. Cheshire and titaffoldabire the
w r,
o "hit n stn umnroa. On
rudtow f i
Moudav the tarn lilted the women.
Two men clasped hands, or held each
attire's w'rista, the wouaan wits seatAid
in tau "chair" thus formed and "lifted"
as high its the men could raise their
,Iran ?. on Tuesday it wits the wo-
wru's turn and the matt haul to sufo-
mil to lie lifted : even visitors to the
towns or villages must be lifted or pay
A very sutlslantial ?uin to peeape the
honor. In Durham county it wee the
removing of shoes that hecans it spec -
ial feature.. On Itlonda t urn re -
moved the shoes fmm the feet of the
women, On Tueel the latter had
their turn.
In almost every part of ISnglal►d ball
`laying was largely indulged in mt
h:.anter tie, the clrrgye%-P allaying
rail in the chumbes. The rig-
nfficance of lh ale a1d usngom it in hard
. dfecover.
Nut"-Adayo, in Christian An in Jew -
tell communitirw, I,Hat Iamb is x
favorite dish at Kantor Liwe, though a
great many pmu ple Arldom think of
the reason for it. In Knglaud annoy '
wits Largely aimed. Tansy cakes were
made, ptt'nenttsl to friends, given to
the poor, or to those calling front dawar
to dour. This may tip arnnected with
the use of Certain herbs at the Jewish
Wzncr catty the custom of %•tmr-
ing new clothes Itt Faster we cannot
hay ;�(,robahlr_ it )arose fawn the fact
that 3lutker Nature having dt•t•k,•11
bersrlf ,out brightly in prrwen the old
Aothes -if winter4-,okeat tetMhabliv
in romparistin, and therefore ne•%v
orwt, were procured. (',-mainly, at
thin sensors, ftrshnrns and hrightnesn
.arm the right thing. not only in Ap.
p:uel, hill in Mind and heart as well.
I nteresung Potato at Law Raised by W
Proudfoot. K. C.
Tbe appeal Prow the desolation of ILh
batial Magistrate Humber diswidnl
the case agwrist In Bile, a hotel
keeper At HenwAll, for Nlliog liyyuo
to a drunken analu, came up on Man
day , last week. W. Proudfoot, K. C.
wppeariufor for the deloudayt. Mr
toudGlot argued that thele wit« ri.
jurisdiction in the court, owing to th
provisions of it section of the Act, re
guirinR the anrgi«trate to he nun
ntonsed in eauwt all ;alt ap(wal, at, wet
as that defendant, not having btw•1
complied With. Mr. Hwuber had nu
hien wo
u'Inused, though still living x
the tints the «utumons wits issuer
The Crown Attorney quoted anolhel
sea:tiuu of the act to show that rt,
that war ueoestlary to establish juris
diction was the, service of notice of
Appeal on the defeudant within the
Little limit, and he argued that tht
service of it sutnnlonr on the rung
istrai a was inerelyy diq•ctory to the
court, and cuuld lw• dispensed with,
the otuisston to sulurnown the wag•
fatrate not in guy way afTectinq the
urisdiction of the court. His Honor
Judge Doyle held that, though prob
ably there wait, jurisdiction in the
court, the case Wait qot nerdy for trial
owing to the omission of the service
on the magiotrate, and the cable was
accordingly A(Ijouuanad till the next
day. On Tuesday Mr. ProudfrA,t
revel another '
Iwhlt, atgutimg that
there's was no appeal from the de-
cision of x police i agistinle. Mr.
Seater argued that fu this ease Mr.
Humber wall not hittiratr as A IAoliep
usgistritte, its hid jurisdiction At" such
extended only to cattle arising within
the town, but in his capacity as &
oe of the
1 the. county.
whiche had toy y virt,Ie of his position
of olicr Magistrate of Lhe town. A
e rnagialrate sitting as a justice
cethe count)- Ilaq the same pw,wer«
as a bench fpr two Justicon. and an
appeal lief front the decision of two
ju.tices. His Honor reherved judg.
bent on thew two paints rained by
Mr. Proudfoot, but has since given
his decision, holding that Mr. Unm-
ber's decision could Ile wrlpd
from, nit he was ;acting es just ee of
the peace fn this case and not es pool ire
wagistrate, but that the service Of a
summons on the ukiwistrate wait ne•es.
dary fn older to pnw.•eei with the carr.
The appeal wits accordingly dimuismel.
In the pant there have lawn nunlrts
of appeal. front the decisions of It
i olive. nlragistrate and the pui�t that
Ihere is no appeal from his doici.ions
was never rallied horn before.
Alertness of Finanoi Department Checks
I mprepa Payment.
Ottawa, M Lech 31. -At a time when
Lite Opposition pies is ch,trgittg lax
methods in Lite handliu¢ of the put).
lie IlHnaeym and graft in couneCtiun
with departmental affairs, it in inter.
suiting to review the latest cane
Imnight loefore the, public uccmmnts
Mer the lads" with the hal.-
stunning Mb
Lomthlg tap In hwllmnenl. and .1•nling down
In flat. 1
Hew they flutter, flutter. flutter.
At the corner of thn sl.roet!
,1nd the ones, who wear *em utter
Word. M soft M melted beItnr
11'0 the friond. they rhwe,e to noel,
A. they flash, flawh. flewh.
In; wort of .hint' ha.h.
Till you'd t.hlnk a flock of blue and green and
Irish and purple low.,
We" the hat., Pawn. hat?.
Hata• hwte, hal.
The fearful and the cheerful string of hal • !
"'There k one thing slant a IoCOIuO_
tive that hasn't changed in the. last
f orty•floe''ears," mnpwl an engineer
on the url I "at platforn, Maya a
KanAm (7ity poop er. He wAm linking
Ott an ellgg ale that, wan draw In . ,,Wile
;*(inches through the train wiled. The
twit wan clanging loldh•. •'1've rail-
roaded a grant many yrarw•" he 1l,In•
tinned, "and 1 can't remember whom
the old engine irs11 didn't on ind juat As
it drleAa to day. It's always )tell rung
lay a cord. roc. The coming Of corns -
Poland aylindern and the improve-
ment in boilers, pbrtnng and axhanats
have revolutionized railraulinR Mut
the old bell nwinggn Itarkward and for-
jjstat an it did when 1 flrspt
climU Into a ca6."
cbmmiLte was enggaaginl in probingg
this affair, and it was aftrrwardo
taken into the House &nd inurh time
w 4m wanted in it dimenssion that could
accomplish no useful purpose.
What Mrs. Rulnley Says of Dodd's
Kidney Pills -A Great Family Medicine.
Silver Nater, Manitoulin IRlnnd,
April tat. - 18pecial). -- Mrs. That.
Rmuley, well known and highly Cal
spect od in this Wt of the Island, testi-
Ren to the good work Dodd'" Kidney
Pills are doing herr.
"f doctored for years And did not
Reim tAl get, Any better, Is sit n Nap.
Ruudey. "It seemed to Ise my kidney"
that wait tho trouble, so I thought i
world try Dald's Kidney Pilln, They
helped tap very much.
I-Mv hot
ion, o
r is hver without Littoral
and whonever i don't feel right 1 take
A few. My humband also takers them
once in a while. i find then it
splendid medicine to have handy."
i odd'sKidney Pillo^re the geeat-
eat family medicine of the rent airy.
"All, Mr. (ones, my brother tellR
me Yyana have here wpe• ulAting on the
� stock oxrhenRtfe. Went' yrnu x hull or
the 11, "NoHher, my deer I*Ay; 1
WIN an lies I's
R!:D'RoSE I,-
" IS GOOD •`fie
. TTEA" :�
The more particular you are, 11
The better you 1will like it
The fine quality of Red Rose is most appreciated by those / /
who are the most particular. I � f
Notice the clear, amber color in the cup and the delightful
fragrance when poured from the teapot. /
Will you try a package today 1 Ask your grocer to send you ones , .
How to Avoid Distress and indigestion i W Liberal Way in iakh lei-o-na Stomach
��' Tablets are Sold by Jas. Wilson.
Let as tell you Ito%• Yalu can enjoy
a g+swl dinner•, too that the heartiest If ^ friend Mlanul l Irll von that Ile
aneml will w•t wall your �would laity lr di•Gt 'M bill i
f hr did
and unplenaant and diiugree•
not cult"you, would not it ifupresp
able afwr effects. luau with the, skill of illitt physician l
We will show you how to regain the It fs rv;all)• in this wady that, Jar. Wil-
appletite of your childhood and the ra- 1 eon s.•Ilr Mi -o -nn idoulach tablelr,
juyanent of faunal, wt, that it will tahtrKuarantte•ing Ila refund the•l"oney if
as well Its when another Cooked the I Jai -o -nit (!tet. not Curr.
dinner. I If you hnve any Of the usual syrnp-
There is no hard work npernpxry lo'tluas of iudigestilan &aid wr^k syit'na ch
do this; no need of a rigid end Iuc Mull• such h x,+
den •in dirt 'w
) g 1r t h t , flu t:xll fur Hart)' Ilgbu•ice hm+d It nhrhn Mgr /mm rho net.p
&fill dwagnw•ablr welicflwM. hiluply I fy n esto ff t h� �> at� I"'re 'till' n— gt
take x Mf•u•na rtoww h taldet la•fory !lain In the back of Achntt of the body
of ( I
n t , M?i &rid it will sit e
going strengthen d the haul hrq.ppintl+• m throw
the sunnach that hefose Inng it heact,v I'aln ht tcvnt of aloe S/ourh op,o while
neral will give von nit, ficatiou #Laid the head Ise ping
1. Tmdalcy W crake Tickling baA of the
cntnfort, %Ithotit the least fear of die- Bold p,has.
tr•i'sa mind suffering. Ilutning {airs an the 0urination of crust.
The strongest proof we (du infer of thrust Io aha nr►w
Hawking t"rlearthe lln•ne 1) the threat
our faith in this ativive is the fact threat In abs morning
that JAM. wilatoll gives au alsalute, I'alnlnthe chr.t tn,sof-1eenorth
tuna uahfied uarantre• (ti 1 I iri A rough Mtt,.m. of coughing
I R I p Y g 8litrh an hid,- I bwgh .hn.t and hark
two 50C Isuces of Ali -o nit), that your aur
uh(nitry will Its refunded milers Mi -o -no, Losing of fte,h Couslt worse night.
rune. Auar&fitre like thin lyes VoorlahlMapnnrite nutminm.
K K I,,'itM At little. Int"., in vial force
you Confidence in Mi-o-na. Him tdk" RaGingofftothytuurn.A feeling of tights..
the whale Hoak, and tile remedy will lxpoelomting of yet nern-,tb, upprrpirt
not coat you x litany unless it enInwmattrr ;J the rhi l
ter. INTculty In breathing Prey .ra.l 'awodng
Mf n -nit fh not it mere digestive, giv. Ho,klne..of voi^e
ing Only te•lullOCAry relief, butxspecific - If van hnve any of theme avmptunn
fair all diseases or the stomach, one Mi -o ria Mtnmhach tablaols,
strengthening the dige.tive organs They coast hire Fisk•. A two% : nothing if
and talking a perwaneut cute. ' they do ant 1.111,•, Jas. Wilton fit the
--- -- -- Incxd distributor. .
Preserving lake Fisheries. - . ----- --
Turont, Gbbe. Sure Wh Net i
Thr pt•alblem of restoring auu pre-
perving flat- whilrfl.h of till- IakeM is
Is•aet guilt) Illany dlftirollics, hal it is
it jitter Of sulfi(u•nt inllworlalcim tat
warrant the twat rlforts of the Pnl-
,•fncfAlnuthoritirs. The Province h#L9
restricted the numll,er of li(x•nmea, pro-
hibitsl under certain regubatimOr the
use of sine Aud pound netA,, e'stab-
lishel x chrwt srwae,n. Andsupple-
mented tht•«e pmtecl ions, by gathering
eggs and del"wilisig fry from the hat.
cherirM. The manta of thew efforts
has Intern great Iv affects( lay the
policy, and fn male ca,Aen the• Alroc•ore
of Iwnlicy, of the variou. Ktr•es; horder•
ing un the iulernationMl water*. It im
extremely difficult to rnfarve lawn ill
the Canadian %stet" while the re•
atriettd flsheimeu MAC their American
rivals getting the h•nefit of the abstin-
ence enforced on this side of the lakes
and riven. On many mcasions there
has Imen of danger that in dentlair of A
fair Agreement the Ontu•io #authorities
would follow the American example
and allow everyone to flhh by the
mast destructive tuethods while any
fish remained to Ise Caught. But for-
bewrance hAa brought monies "ward
with a promise of more, And while the
American authorities impose little or
no restraint on Selling (operations,
they lead in restckiug with fry from.
the hattherles.
The Ontario catch of %whitefish de-
creased from 7,5113,(KIlIonunds in i"
W 81M,ft) pounds in IXM , a loss of 4,
61.11.873 puunds. Thr Idea of our fish.
trmen is for as relaxation of the I-egu-
Intions as to methodso and seasons, and
rur restocking front the hatcheripM on
a greatly increased scale. They Ink
that the , quantity (if fry deposited
every year Ile increased inany fold,
and urge that the fry deposited is only
au Infinitesimal part ol'the fry re-
uuovel by the actual fishing operA-
titans recorded in the Iler1lorLs. They
dfare that, the whitefbill Ane still in
the lakes• and that if lite old wethodM
were allowed the old records would Ile
matte. There does •teem to he an econ-
panic waste in compelling fishermen to
adopt lake -wasting fuethodn in coul-
unercial fishing, and it world not tie
excusable if depletion could lie averted
in stay other way. While there in
room for Argument in regAnl to
Methods, it cannot fie questioned that
in the argument flat- snore extensive
resta,kinif the fishermen are taking a
round position. If the lakes are still,
in spite (of changes, a great productive
area, the,y should lie cultivated and
made to yield the best possible hit,-.
vent. And if the supply can Ile main-
tained loy artificiAl propagation, the
refitting of the harvest should be,
within the limits of safety relieved of
restrictions as to men And unethoda.
Healing Medication that Is Breathed,
Giving Quick Relief.
It "ernlw Just an ridiculous to put
mrd fclife into the ntomarh to cure a
cold in the head or lungs An it dors to
gn out in the rain if we want t,he•ep
rite fact that annoyk people right in
Ooderich cough, haw^1141 annfHe for
days and weeks After they treat a
cold with the luual stomach dfaing,
Ahows how v^lua lege are the ordinary
cough and cold cure".
The right WAY to sue it Cold in the
head or x cough and irritation in the
thromit and lungs In by laenthing
Ilyonlei'M Illedh•ated air. Plot it few
(11 -lis of Hyontei in the neat, pMoket
litboiler that comeon with every outfit
and breathe thiM henling air for it few
tirn ep find f ninelilate relief will lie
noted. The inedicaation goes right to
the spot where Lite dise,we germs #Lre
IOCftWd And rende,a them harmless in
the future.
At the "tenor Iinle the osonthing and
bottling effecle of llyomei onth h•ri-
txtd nurcn
,Is mCmin. C plovr lark
relief, and the cough orcold is broken
The twat evidenret of thin �gre'at value
Of Hyomei in curing cougfiA, rotas
And all hmnchiml h•nnbleon in the fact
th#Lt Jas. Wiloonn given an ^ianiote
guar&ntM Willi every nntflt. he w•Ils,
than if it darn not five satisfartion
the money wits he rwtonded.
A romphato )i omei OuLflt, e0al t-
ing of A bottle of HFOrnpi, the inh^lor
and a medicine dropper, rade hilt. $1.
while extra 1,ottleM of Ilyontoi, if
Deeded, can It" obtained for ,Italy R).r.
I If I Ias
"A brnlh aa' n L6oy" front Dublin, it
soilor,In hoard it tramp steauler, one
day found himself At a ChineM • lost.
He was not long kshncw Iwflare he wits
ortimitfuded by it grasp of Qplestimis,
whit hrgson ja}drrinK to hind in broken
Rngliph. Bailout It true will of Frin,
solid evidently thinking this "another
injusliets," hr No ized it China plate, let
fly. sndalit :L ('64131111111 fn the tare.
Pat ens ha,llivilt before lh • Hf id.h
consul. And limited furan exltl.anstinn
of III. rnndia.4.
**Nhurv. your honor. when they
gave trap baokrn Engli«h 1 jest gave
thpnn broken China in retail was
Patldy'M smart retort.
8100 Dollars Reward, 8100
The render, of thio paper will Is. pleased to
learn that the, e. 1. at least one itroad(d it Wilton
that ,r•Ienry haw hoes able. to rmai in all lb
wage+, and that i. ealorria. Hall'. (btarrh
true i. the only pn.ilive care now known to
the Inwliral fenternfty. 1'.taarrlt, beings con.
ntitutionnl di.ea.e, require, a ron.tltutional
trewtmenl. Hall'. ('alwrh (-urn I. taken In
ternall-, seting directly it final the blood and
mmwu..urf^c- of the w)-.eena, thereby de-
,dAoyinbr flap- foundation of the dl.e..e, and
givilw the patient Arength by building rip the
conA.itn Lion and ,-W malum in doin,�( it.
wot I. The proprietors uavr .uch faith lit It.
curvet ive power. that they offer One Hundred
!tiglian ,fur any I A e that it fail. to euro. Mend
fur Ilwt of tr.titnnni.l..
Addremst F. J. ('HKNEY a CU., Toledo, O.
Mold b • all druggi.t.. 7: a
Take flwll'. Family 191'o for constipation.
41es68 Wheat Futures Ckttpli ,Mlghee
-The Live Stock Markets --Don
Latest Quotations.
Monday tritest 1.
IA"rpnol and other fo z
wrro toned to -day.
At (Aare n. Mal -beef t rt,
R D Deed e
than YalurAay, Nay torn !4c Leer;. std
May taut Is, bwrr,
Winnipeg options.
Following wen the ringing gooq tbwr
ytstrrday n WineiIr,g filter" Whewt
April 75%, hadMs, 7-r- hid, jet.,-771t,e—\
tad. onus—April S,%, 'bid, )lay Tc bid,
July 38%r hid.
The Visible SupP1Y•
Afrit I.W. April 2.'06..
Wb@M ............ 47.:16.000 40,41M,(100
corn ............. n,lr; 7010 ll,
oda .............. p;'106,011,111 21 '67.011(1
Leading Wheat Markets.
May. July. Rept.
New York ............M% M Mak
Delimit .. .. . 79% N,1/4 R,
Toledo 79% Myr al
Mt. IA)nls .......... Vis% 7T%
Mlnweapnllo ........... 14% 7914, TON
Untoth ................ ZXO% 611. W)
Toronto Grain Markets.
whnt, oprin:, b•nh.... $0 -1 to 41....
%•haat, Craw. hna;s .... c no
wbeat, fall, tough....... 0 7:1 o 74
%' h. sit and. IMrne . .... 0 74 ....
Praia, is . 0 74 ....
It-I.Y. boo.......... .. n Ila ....
Gofer hrnwh ............. 9 43 ....
Aye. brsh. ............. 0611 ....
New York Dairy Market.
New Tork, April 1, totter-1tteady: m-
retpts, .VWr1, street prices : Extra .ream
try. 3u;ye• to 31'. Offi,101 ptif„a " rea an
cry, a,wnsru to ,.if . -!e to :tri•: held. ,-m
mon M rafts, 31c to :Mfr': Matr dairy, (,An-
nMn to Aeret, 21r to gar; renowoted enm-
mon to extra. 16, to iZw: welotern factory,
rr,mmetn to Ann, lair it, Slfol western Iml-
taueo creamery, extran. Sac to 27c; erots,
=I- to ^M
eetle lrtn; rerelpt. N: piste, full
m, .,Mored and w-hiiSIr, small, Meat,
flee, I3e• Ortlines. 14,- to 14%r; geed
In prime, 1.'le to, 131,yr: winter mad,•, nvo.
rwso hep! 12%e; lug,•. sept., faney. 1St;
e let., best, 14e to 144,,. Word to prime,
L^1K, to Ulnar, Inferior, Wise In ITM';
skimp. 3r In llasic.
F;ggs- Irregular; reek4lvrs. 71.120; stair
1'ennxylronln end nearly, ferry rMeo-tad.
will ase
19%s. 10 74; ehol" fat%„ to 1's :
raised, extra, I tlile to 1tte; fleets in extra
Aral%, 17, to tae ; western Rrists, layer in
170; .1111,1101 prices. 16%c to Ile; seconds,
16C to 16%0.
Oa►low al seAr— cattlegad !raga
strewn at f ltlewss gad llawwlo,
l,nmin., April 1. Iir,rMnl and Int I—,
eabiem are ateedy ♦♦t 11, In 12, per It,
dressed weight; refrlprrwtnr hoof la llaolret
at d: to 9%r ler 11).
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
Toronto Junction. April 1 He
i oeiptin of live ottwck at the union 4fnrk
Yards were .'M cnrinads- mm(onaed nl
79M cattle. 3 hoots, 4 .hap, 21 etilvell
and 3 hnrRpn
Prier. rwnvM from 24 On to x,.1'1. th.
Mak ot,otne .1 ex 12,, to ".Is, Ionian —14
of 413.7 I,. 94 T,
11deed lots of h%L,h,m add at 54.a-. to
s,.IJ; loadw of good at 84 IIIb t„ $4 75: me
Ilam 54.35 t" $4 .:U; ,.,mmuu at $4 01
$4.:so; cows. S3to $4A0; canner.. $1 :u
to r -fir per Cwt.
■t1e•Y d
.Rims rwngd fmm 41N1 to 413n each, but
t erre were few un halo.
-awl Cat vee.
TM member ort.•rr,l .4,,aril la rite, •rid
prier were farm at &I.., to $7 per runt.
alaoNt Md liawbd.
Priers wan• on,banged, 1:atpeort tunas
;7are worth from ties In Sk u; dart r, j4 In
_1 yraril., Iambs. pt, to 417.75 per cwt.:
spring lambs are worth from $6 to $10
11. 11. Kennedy reports I. -es for hogs at
n at,
for lights •
M for eNeets and 41d.
Montreal Live Stock.
Mmlral April L- (lipeelal.t 4`ablea to
eL from
and l.od
den ,aa
y 'llsnr9oel
than cattle werre stmrL.T and antra :lit
advanro In priers at Nuc to ,yr Per Ill. tan
fiampared with a wnte;t ■go. mita at
13, to 13j(se; exports fern !a. n, �. n.,
last week, were 'X'•1117 tittle an tlwua Prot -
land :.47 And for the mats of March, from
Mt. John N.B., they were 6137, front fart_
land 5104. AA the Montreal stork yard4.
wet end coal the rwripta of 11,0 Of r'►
for the arerk ending March 30, wero :t,'2!
,whir, a0 Amro and Lesotho, 211111 ling„
said 31Y"t calves, and for the month ,t
Mantis they went 11(M0 ratllr, 151.: she.•p [an".. 8730 hnaa atA tM7 -allow. Tat'
oAe,ttngs this marnlnR arm local Ienw,ru I-
tleAa "m earl mtllr, 7r►1 horn std •'
ealrog. Thr track• In all Imre aone•elly At
the first onarket after ISn.ler Is oul"1, a,
meet of tM• nulrber, have sufflrl.Tt hit
,over to eoupldy their 1M10—oat. t. rur :,n
extra week, ban :N. ,vld.•n11r .vat tat
rhe Maar than year In -pity •i the setivo
louyfne last week, as is fair nnmtwr nt I"ry-
eeran weon th-- nsrk-e. thin morning ;and
as they all wanted a few- rattle, :I tnoileret,-
an.,r l ,it Msnuesss too, done. A fentgn-
d the trwdb wait the Impt^eed demand for
slanders gad. altltn tlllr ,.ff rIng. w;pre n,.•
large to select from. Yet them was som •
stark esttabi.• for the purl—.- A.I.I. th,-1
tank several IAds At prl p rineing fr.0
r'.10 to s:,.n per ewt. This wan p".1.441y
date I. the room earnrrallnx ,-able ad,I'••
fmm LlrerlM►A on MstunLv, wad, 11 1 n , 1
an advatre In IV— for I's""a"" •a' -I••
owing to .uppllea Aging eetl- no„ 1 -•rate and
Mev also totaled that the j_ -I ,•Irr w. -r•-
Maier. Thr tone of the kcal arm rket win
steady and pr'k'ee all,— on Importn"I ,'has -P
front n week ago. oAnty IM,nea w,•^o
ooareo,1n het then- wt ro honeon oe flat"
ary,LrkM; Rood rattle egad At :r to :t,ie; f,ll!,
At 4aa,r to 411arr, and lower grad.w. at :k• to
41•,, per Ib. A much stronger f,eling Iw.•_
twlhd In ttr bog situation and priers w,r-
oil another advance, (owing to tate +,anew Il it
acamlty M nuppnoor anel the- keen dpire,nd
from leeal deauuw for the anmr Alit] with_
out rwrrilptn increase to the never fnture !ho
prospects are they ws1 rdl still higher.
Thaw wee nnthlne in rtIO, nd,i,ets from
Thwart—A and London en mallordnr eat th•-
Caradowrn hnerin sltuat'oa to warrant .-nr
furtill stn'nrth In tdr local fun-i,et f•,r
i.ogw, M prices erre oneftrngrd fr,.m ,he
rook proonrlesin. and ,,,mpemd with Ihr
want date list year. they are from t, ,a
S- intense when torlostrotewl hogs her,- at ,h
serno IIm , were rentng at 97.:sa to s; nl
pe.r Cwt., welgbe.l riff the 4ear1.. ri.•
faM,. however, stogy to here no Impme
alm here at rw.wsn t, the the demons) f n.m
katal dMleea Is in -areas of the snpp y
eventualforward and sales of stinted Intl
were mode at 117.:M1 to 87. RD per runt.,
wwghod off the ears.
East Buffalo Cattle Market
ReOet m(rRab April I_-QLLeua
3000 head; active and for to 20, high";
prime suds Wan to will); elpping s',
I,, 41!1,00; b te4f ', =4.110 to 11.5 -15: helilrrw.
413.60 to 416.25: cowia $3 to WOO; Wis.
41;1.25 to H.BS: stor•kerw and feeders 41a.5u
to $4,50: balls, 413.3, to $4.65: stork:. nod
feeders. 41;t80 to 414.00; stork heifers 41275
to $3.225; free ever• and springers itady,
rm to 411152.
Holts- Rnretpol 12.fW had; sell and
16e to 20r higher; heavy. 417 to 417.10; mixed
,and porker'*. $7 it, $7.d6; pigs. 417.06 to
.10- con 10 .3D .50
iKf t6 to 41a f+
ghe stags
to 416: .
Beep and lAtamba-R-rAptm. =.OM head:
gneap aet"r and srMdy; 1am41 slow ;.rid
:10r low►r; lwnha. 41:, to 4111.411: yearltogs.
87.110 to 417.76: ,session.. 416.25 to 06.75;
Wk4A.75 to $6.23; sheep, mtgd, $3 to
' Doul T --Yem, my son." f1N'laat
kind of mod do Lhez use ufi,.t in Ixn-
'pingY" well, when I went to
rrlrthu0l. illy y, L6ey used birch."
P iiR`A6__PE0P LE
A Marvellous and Trfuntphaet
of Vktory Over Disease.
No medicine has Aver eHeot r
a number of wondnrhhl and al (wt mar
vellolra cares an Pnvchine. It has had one
continuous roeord of victories over 41s6sa•
es of the throat, cheat, lungsand wtomich.
whero 41prta,r. have pronoun(ed chess
incurable from consumption and other
wasting dlseapen 1'pvchane steps in anti
reerueu numIwo left I,eople evpn from the
very verge M the grave. Comehil (Wria, I
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chilly, Night&weats,
IA Grippa, Pneumonia, and nthor like
troubles, 911 of which Are forerunners of
Consumption,flield ()sickly to the cure•
tiro powers of Peychlne. I
Mn. Cambell, onto of the many cured,
makes the following statement:
ICannot MIMln from telllnff all who moor
Of my rrmarkabin rrrrwery with 1'eyrhlnr. In
April, 1001. I ritual a Mvvy 4o{d which wttleA
ran w henga amt a redaall IM m consumption.
1 rrna�A sot steer, wan 0nA)ert to night manreai��
MY hags worn sit dieea.M, my A -'or mnsldrrcol
me 1Arudhln. low. Mr. Whaffr Port l0gln
Proahyt,nlan ichor h. rv,nmmrnded Dr. Alnenwo
t"Te'lino tome, when I wit. Imnor In Ontario.
After t sinal I'grhlne for a short Isms I at. and
slopp, wall, the night Owners and ,ma►th Maned.
4=01 ago 1 pad taking Nyrhtne, an 1 sawferflp "orM in health and ,,do, 1 neve
tMrbettor to mp Ise 11y11inv hes beena "it -
mend to me. area. Monster swag' tt,,
Conoco am , N. .T.
PSYOHINF never dio pPpTs"'+lnts.
PSYCHINE ha no pubAtitutr.
There is nn other medicine "Jost at,
Mos4.11 A
At r dealers liar. and $1.96 per belly
If wag erns to
K T.1. 11001!, lasso!, iia blMeg tri W. laws
Dr. Runt's Kidney Mae are A sure
and permsttelrt curs far Rheumatlaer �
8r1t 'a Dlsea.e, Val" In the lack and
aR arms of Kidney Trouble. 2!t, per I
boa, at all dealers.
Ttil'hsu Ar, April 4, 1807 d
IS I I EI0 } ; with it COu188 the desire to cast ofl those
gardneute *¢ieh have done good service battling the
Winter stortillA. When you see our showing of dainty
Spring Footwear, you will want a pair of shoes to
1.brighten you and make you feel more {n harmony with
the frebli Spring days. •
Models in Footwear
ARE DAINTY, neat, and by far surpass anything in
the 1►avt, We I?ave a well -selected stock from the beet
nianufacturers, and are in a position to show you the
NFAVi•:ST and BEST in Footwear.
- 1111111111111111141
All He Was Fit For. "Ah, sure, your honor," was the re.
In an Irish Court recently tan old IIIy. "I'nt au mild ma now, stet
man was caller into the witness lox, me ,be it's ell Vot fit fol- "
unit,1wanK ini
m aria Jnet w little`
he judgea had low read
retort' Tt-
blind, he %ent tax) far in inure than Bito-
011ie sense. Inslenel of going up the -------
.taihs that le,l to the Iwox, he m,IunLrd Watch Ado About Nothing.
1 lav 1 ala , 1 r
h I 11 1 It" , S a•
I t h. 31 h
41 t Thi• rine, lay bvo. ymi'll comprehend.
ju41ge, gill-huoiorelly : f. like my bre- it hath no end.
"I« it it judge You want lu iwt, ,may
Ah, yea, spa rata. with smlle we winnlog
KOli1 utas :''
And like mine, tins,, with no heginninRR.lfe- -- - - f.�
-1, - s
r0 seen Ell VYCRIh
Our 1907 Catalogue will tell
you how to get, Absolutely FIN,
a beautiful Carving Set of
Celluloid Handles and
Sterling Sliver Meughr
,• enclueed in a handsome
plush and silk lined
case. The outside be-
ing covered with leatherette.
Our handsome Catalogue and
Guide Book is richly illustrated and • ;
is -free to everyone who asks for it
and contains details of other special offers,
etc., also gives full details of new and standard
varieties of Seeds. Plants and Bulbs.
Write to -day. ..
i LC)NnOIV, Cwnwdw.
e Parmoll's
you cost got it frssk at
your floor every day.
1. kneade4 by e,.r1 , -
try fres this kighwa
pude Maaat.b.
sour and di. porwt
9 yeast
Madre by the tartest malasre
In Oaneda.
P Is T DI1.:A N
through and made note of what you wit require
this Spring to assist you ill houso cl Hing and
kf'eping your house, garden, etc., in r pair. .
We wish to draw your attenti6n to a few of
(nl►' numerous articles that heli) you to flu Spring
Sherwin-Williams' Paints,,Varnishes, etc.
A few lines of Hollywl Paints at reduced priers,
White Lead and Oils.
Spades acid Shovels.
Rakes and Hoes.
11, Hammers and Saws.
\ / Ideal Fencing.
American Fencing.
Clevelan oiled Spring Steel Wire.
Poul ryetting.
A�Iabastine and Jellystone Wall Finish.
N Is Portland Cement.
E his
vestrou .\Plu
g at mbinj; and Heating
promlit ly attend@d to and all work guarahl(1ell.
'PHONES I Store 22
1 House 112
connuittee of the House.
It appears that as an incident to the
buildiraft of the Grand Trunk Pacific
A S.sAa, 31..4r, '„nit.
Railway certain Mande Ate guaran.
ll .hwhyr.'my dowry, sandman manias ~i.
teed by the Dominion (ilovermnrnt,
athor'o gone to disturber. fur at'. Murtdwy after
and the prucerdn of thele horl stand
Ham. A.1lrk of randy. and them. your woolly
to the credit of the Minister of Finance
puftli pint a; ...oU,e, , sack while tat her brow
to fin fetid out fort• ru,Istruction pur-
in the ro portion of 73
pawn {t pI per rA•tl t.
of the work done. The Amotmt t) It"•
All, , week he. father toiled to buy the t%thr
putid fmm tiuur to time lay the (tov-
>uo-: .when w -e let him do whatever he may
ernment, which f rmse ticotolly occupies
the position of trutwtee for the b ond-
-o g•1Mhand your block hou.e and softly
holders, in Arrived at by a my6terna of
..inor .hip•,
Mitt MAL gone to drmnLrd wathaamllr• upon
certificaate slid audit. given and made
blah as.
by officials connected with the Hnil-
l at 'leis gone to byelow, •m1 little Girl. and
tttilllons of dollars hate h'en
Shen= rake Their voire- or dwuib himp+tid
out of this fund by the Finance
with s now.
Department in accordance with the
I,x by -and -by. when father wake., nnalbr, he
will ho
terms of the tru«t, but heretofore
In w better humor toward hi.lortng family,
without an sal eo g -
y g Lion of wmo
doingg. Hrcerhtly it wt" reptesented
t4l the Government that the proper
There in like beinK
proportion of npproxinstely $140jallo
nothing able to
payable and A wtatement and
turn your adversities to gond amount:
voucher for the amount were sent in.
The recent depinrahle railway Acci•
Uptrn examination of the Items, the
dent near Ouelph in now wervingg to
Halfway Department auditor found
ndvertive the new hook on which Ilev.
certain suave included which he did
Mr. Knowlest in at present eng owed,
not think came within the definition
and which is announced fair pnhlica-
of mristruction ex werl ,and he de -
tion next fall. The look in ti lie
clined to certify such stuns, amounting
called "The well of Time," and no
to e1fi ,lsA).
doubt it will acquire wipe ial interest
it Munthe remeanh-red lh:tt lite
from t #L the manuscripts or
be tart that t
r( h
moor held % the Government 's
a it 1
part of it, pasnand through the warlock.
practically the property of the Grand
Canada, nu doubt, will lie grateful for
Trunk Pacific, and the bills prearnt. d
its share of the advertising. The
to the Oovernment for payment oral
United Status papers "tate that the
of the moneys held in trust were
accident occurred "in C'annds."
properly payable by the company', the
only question being whether they
were properly chargeable to the pter-
ticulo r amount mentioned in the
The Rev. Dr. Johnston, of Montreal
At a recent 1•. M. C. A. convention,
However this may be. the accounts
took (occasion to call attention to the
were not certified by the Auditor, all.
P1et1e t Isv &ttitude of young men in
though the consulting engineer of the
rel&tio to sports. There can be no
(ioyernment held the vlrav that they
denying that the Doctor was well
were properly due and payable. The
within th range of propriety when
matter wasp thereupon referred to the
he said. "I ear that that young men of
Finance Minister, who decided that
todAy are ly forgetting the higher
the auditor wits right, And he declined
thingw In lite end place their etxortw
to pay the wmnnnt. And the amount
before evesryth gelie." One pnxof of
idea, he pled, the
witft taut paid. The tompu►upp did n,It
Ruch #Ln was gtlsAt
e ernesn exhihi by Crotvlla of men
pt?tela Lite nuatter, hilt withdrew the
xccounG that had arson erronenurly
and boys to gala minion tohockey
sent In, nand substituted amended ones.
rnatchea which in It" npirii(rn were
very only we exhibitions of
The OplA,nition, finding that an ac -
had been
brutality. Then also euro etgn of
count prevented t0 the Oov.
urmment And not paid, promptly sus•
the truth of his a rtinna was
peetAld somothifl wag wrong, instead
the chase attee'tion dev ted ,to the
of tecognixing taint the Finance De.
RportinF sections of the wspapers.
partnlent, ever Alert to detect any fnl-
"That,' he continued, "is nrely Abu
proper do -nand upon it, had actAtd it a
indiction that we Are prone false
very businesslike and most cnmanerl
ideals, and It in very inuch he re-
ythle Intoner. it must not be for-
gretted that the literary porti s of
gotten that even had the money heen
nor papers do not receive the me
paid it would only have leen A CA" of
attention as the ?port o."
charging to the wrong account money
that, was juittly payable Ivy the Grand
Trunk Pacifir.
For several days the public accounts
Mer the lads" with the hal.-
stunning Mb
Lomthlg tap In hwllmnenl. and .1•nling down
In flat. 1
Hew they flutter, flutter. flutter.
At the corner of thn sl.roet!
,1nd the ones, who wear *em utter
Word. M soft M melted beItnr
11'0 the friond. they rhwe,e to noel,
A. they flash, flawh. flewh.
In; wort of .hint' ha.h.
Till you'd t.hlnk a flock of blue and green and
Irish and purple low.,
We" the hat., Pawn. hat?.
Hata• hwte, hal.
The fearful and the cheerful string of hal • !
"'There k one thing slant a IoCOIuO_
tive that hasn't changed in the. last
f orty•floe''ears," mnpwl an engineer
on the url I "at platforn, Maya a
KanAm (7ity poop er. He wAm linking
Ott an ellgg ale that, wan draw In . ,,Wile
;*(inches through the train wiled. The
twit wan clanging loldh•. •'1've rail-
roaded a grant many yrarw•" he 1l,In•
tinned, "and 1 can't remember whom
the old engine irs11 didn't on ind juat As
it drleAa to day. It's always )tell rung
lay a cord. roc. The coming Of corns -
Poland aylindern and the improve-
ment in boilers, pbrtnng and axhanats
have revolutionized railraulinR Mut
the old bell nwinggn Itarkward and for-
jjstat an it did when 1 flrspt
climU Into a ca6."
cbmmiLte was enggaaginl in probingg
this affair, and it was aftrrwardo
taken into the House &nd inurh time
w 4m wanted in it dimenssion that could
accomplish no useful purpose.
What Mrs. Rulnley Says of Dodd's
Kidney Pills -A Great Family Medicine.
Silver Nater, Manitoulin IRlnnd,
April tat. - 18pecial). -- Mrs. That.
Rmuley, well known and highly Cal
spect od in this Wt of the Island, testi-
Ren to the good work Dodd'" Kidney
Pills are doing herr.
"f doctored for years And did not
Reim tAl get, Any better, Is sit n Nap.
Ruudey. "It seemed to Ise my kidney"
that wait tho trouble, so I thought i
world try Dald's Kidney Pilln, They
helped tap very much.
I-Mv hot
ion, o
r is hver without Littoral
and whonever i don't feel right 1 take
A few. My humband also takers them
once in a while. i find then it
splendid medicine to have handy."
i odd'sKidney Pillo^re the geeat-
eat family medicine of the rent airy.
"All, Mr. (ones, my brother tellR
me Yyana have here wpe• ulAting on the
� stock oxrhenRtfe. Went' yrnu x hull or
the 11, "NoHher, my deer I*Ay; 1
WIN an lies I's
R!:D'RoSE I,-
" IS GOOD •`fie
. TTEA" :�
The more particular you are, 11
The better you 1will like it
The fine quality of Red Rose is most appreciated by those / /
who are the most particular. I � f
Notice the clear, amber color in the cup and the delightful
fragrance when poured from the teapot. /
Will you try a package today 1 Ask your grocer to send you ones , .
How to Avoid Distress and indigestion i W Liberal Way in iakh lei-o-na Stomach
��' Tablets are Sold by Jas. Wilson.
Let as tell you Ito%• Yalu can enjoy
a g+swl dinner•, too that the heartiest If ^ friend Mlanul l Irll von that Ile
aneml will w•t wall your �would laity lr di•Gt 'M bill i
f hr did
and unplenaant and diiugree•
not cult"you, would not it ifupresp
able afwr effects. luau with the, skill of illitt physician l
We will show you how to regain the It fs rv;all)• in this wady that, Jar. Wil-
appletite of your childhood and the ra- 1 eon s.•Ilr Mi -o -nn idoulach tablelr,
juyanent of faunal, wt, that it will tahtrKuarantte•ing Ila refund the•l"oney if
as well Its when another Cooked the I Jai -o -nit (!tet. not Curr.
dinner. I If you hnve any Of the usual syrnp-
There is no hard work npernpxry lo'tluas of iudigestilan &aid wr^k syit'na ch
do this; no need of a rigid end Iuc Mull• such h x,+
den •in dirt 'w
) g 1r t h t , flu t:xll fur Hart)' Ilgbu•ice hm+d It nhrhn Mgr /mm rho net.p
&fill dwagnw•ablr welicflwM. hiluply I fy n esto ff t h� �> at� I"'re 'till' n— gt
take x Mf•u•na rtoww h taldet la•fory !lain In the back of Achntt of the body
of ( I
n t , M?i &rid it will sit e
going strengthen d the haul hrq.ppintl+• m throw
the sunnach that hefose Inng it heact,v I'aln ht tcvnt of aloe S/ourh op,o while
neral will give von nit, ficatiou #Laid the head Ise ping
1. Tmdalcy W crake Tickling baA of the
cntnfort, %Ithotit the least fear of die- Bold p,has.
tr•i'sa mind suffering. Ilutning {airs an the 0urination of crust.
The strongest proof we (du infer of thrust Io aha nr►w
Hawking t"rlearthe lln•ne 1) the threat
our faith in this ativive is the fact threat In abs morning
that JAM. wilatoll gives au alsalute, I'alnlnthe chr.t tn,sof-1eenorth
tuna uahfied uarantre• (ti 1 I iri A rough Mtt,.m. of coughing
I R I p Y g 8litrh an hid,- I bwgh .hn.t and hark
two 50C Isuces of Ali -o nit), that your aur
uh(nitry will Its refunded milers Mi -o -no, Losing of fte,h Couslt worse night.
rune. Auar&fitre like thin lyes VoorlahlMapnnrite nutminm.
K K I,,'itM At little. Int"., in vial force
you Confidence in Mi-o-na. Him tdk" RaGingofftothytuurn.A feeling of tights..
the whale Hoak, and tile remedy will lxpoelomting of yet nern-,tb, upprrpirt
not coat you x litany unless it enInwmattrr ;J the rhi l
ter. INTculty In breathing Prey .ra.l 'awodng
Mf n -nit fh not it mere digestive, giv. Ho,klne..of voi^e
ing Only te•lullOCAry relief, butxspecific - If van hnve any of theme avmptunn
fair all diseases or the stomach, one Mi -o ria Mtnmhach tablaols,
strengthening the dige.tive organs They coast hire Fisk•. A two% : nothing if
and talking a perwaneut cute. ' they do ant 1.111,•, Jas. Wilton fit the
--- -- -- Incxd distributor. .
Preserving lake Fisheries. - . ----- --
Turont, Gbbe. Sure Wh Net i
Thr pt•alblem of restoring auu pre-
perving flat- whilrfl.h of till- IakeM is
Is•aet guilt) Illany dlftirollics, hal it is
it jitter Of sulfi(u•nt inllworlalcim tat
warrant the twat rlforts of the Pnl-
,•fncfAlnuthoritirs. The Province h#L9
restricted the numll,er of li(x•nmea, pro-
hibitsl under certain regubatimOr the
use of sine Aud pound netA,, e'stab-
lishel x chrwt srwae,n. Andsupple-
mented tht•«e pmtecl ions, by gathering
eggs and del"wilisig fry from the hat.
cherirM. The manta of thew efforts
has Intern great Iv affects( lay the
policy, and fn male ca,Aen the• Alroc•ore
of Iwnlicy, of the variou. Ktr•es; horder•
ing un the iulernationMl water*. It im
extremely difficult to rnfarve lawn ill
the Canadian %stet" while the re•
atriettd flsheimeu MAC their American
rivals getting the h•nefit of the abstin-
ence enforced on this side of the lakes
and riven. On many mcasions there
has Imen of danger that in dentlair of A
fair Agreement the Ontu•io #authorities
would follow the American example
and allow everyone to flhh by the
mast destructive tuethods while any
fish remained to Ise Caught. But for-
bewrance hAa brought monies "ward
with a promise of more, And while the
American authorities impose little or
no restraint on Selling (operations,
they lead in restckiug with fry from.
the hattherles.
The Ontario catch of %whitefish de-
creased from 7,5113,(KIlIonunds in i"
W 81M,ft) pounds in IXM , a loss of 4,
61.11.873 puunds. Thr Idea of our fish.
trmen is for as relaxation of the I-egu-
Intions as to methodso and seasons, and
rur restocking front the hatcheripM on
a greatly increased scale. They Ink
that the , quantity (if fry deposited
every year Ile increased inany fold,
and urge that the fry deposited is only
au Infinitesimal part ol'the fry re-
uuovel by the actual fishing operA-
titans recorded in the Iler1lorLs. They
dfare that, the whitefbill Ane still in
the lakes• and that if lite old wethodM
were allowed the old records would Ile
matte. There does •teem to he an econ-
panic waste in compelling fishermen to
adopt lake -wasting fuethodn in coul-
unercial fishing, and it world not tie
excusable if depletion could lie averted
in stay other way. While there in
room for Argument in regAnl to
Methods, it cannot fie questioned that
in the argument flat- snore extensive
resta,kinif the fishermen are taking a
round position. If the lakes are still,
in spite (of changes, a great productive
area, the,y should lie cultivated and
made to yield the best possible hit,-.
vent. And if the supply can Ile main-
tained loy artificiAl propagation, the
refitting of the harvest should be,
within the limits of safety relieved of
restrictions as to men And unethoda.
Healing Medication that Is Breathed,
Giving Quick Relief.
It "ernlw Just an ridiculous to put
mrd fclife into the ntomarh to cure a
cold in the head or lungs An it dors to
gn out in the rain if we want t,he•ep
rite fact that annoyk people right in
Ooderich cough, haw^1141 annfHe for
days and weeks After they treat a
cold with the luual stomach dfaing,
Ahows how v^lua lege are the ordinary
cough and cold cure".
The right WAY to sue it Cold in the
head or x cough and irritation in the
thromit and lungs In by laenthing
Ilyonlei'M Illedh•ated air. Plot it few
(11 -lis of Hyontei in the neat, pMoket
litboiler that comeon with every outfit
and breathe thiM henling air for it few
tirn ep find f ninelilate relief will lie
noted. The inedicaation goes right to
the spot where Lite dise,we germs #Lre
IOCftWd And rende,a them harmless in
the future.
At the "tenor Iinle the osonthing and
bottling effecle of llyomei onth h•ri-
txtd nurcn
,Is mCmin. C plovr lark
relief, and the cough orcold is broken
The twat evidenret of thin �gre'at value
Of Hyomei in curing cougfiA, rotas
And all hmnchiml h•nnbleon in the fact
th#Lt Jas. Wiloonn given an ^ianiote
guar&ntM Willi every nntflt. he w•Ils,
than if it darn not five satisfartion
the money wits he rwtonded.
A romphato )i omei OuLflt, e0al t-
ing of A bottle of HFOrnpi, the inh^lor
and a medicine dropper, rade hilt. $1.
while extra 1,ottleM of Ilyontoi, if
Deeded, can It" obtained for ,Italy R).r.
I If I Ias
"A brnlh aa' n L6oy" front Dublin, it
soilor,In hoard it tramp steauler, one
day found himself At a ChineM • lost.
He was not long kshncw Iwflare he wits
ortimitfuded by it grasp of Qplestimis,
whit hrgson ja}drrinK to hind in broken
Rngliph. Bailout It true will of Frin,
solid evidently thinking this "another
injusliets," hr No ized it China plate, let
fly. sndalit :L ('64131111111 fn the tare.
Pat ens ha,llivilt before lh • Hf id.h
consul. And limited furan exltl.anstinn
of III. rnndia.4.
**Nhurv. your honor. when they
gave trap baokrn Engli«h 1 jest gave
thpnn broken China in retail was
Patldy'M smart retort.
8100 Dollars Reward, 8100
The render, of thio paper will Is. pleased to
learn that the, e. 1. at least one itroad(d it Wilton
that ,r•Ienry haw hoes able. to rmai in all lb
wage+, and that i. ealorria. Hall'. (btarrh
true i. the only pn.ilive care now known to
the Inwliral fenternfty. 1'.taarrlt, beings con.
ntitutionnl di.ea.e, require, a ron.tltutional
trewtmenl. Hall'. ('alwrh (-urn I. taken In
ternall-, seting directly it final the blood and
mmwu..urf^c- of the w)-.eena, thereby de-
,dAoyinbr flap- foundation of the dl.e..e, and
givilw the patient Arength by building rip the
conA.itn Lion and ,-W malum in doin,�( it.
wot I. The proprietors uavr .uch faith lit It.
curvet ive power. that they offer One Hundred
!tiglian ,fur any I A e that it fail. to euro. Mend
fur Ilwt of tr.titnnni.l..
Addremst F. J. ('HKNEY a CU., Toledo, O.
Mold b • all druggi.t.. 7: a
Take flwll'. Family 191'o for constipation.
41es68 Wheat Futures Ckttpli ,Mlghee
-The Live Stock Markets --Don
Latest Quotations.
Monday tritest 1.
IA"rpnol and other fo z
wrro toned to -day.
At (Aare n. Mal -beef t rt,
R D Deed e
than YalurAay, Nay torn !4c Leer;. std
May taut Is, bwrr,
Winnipeg options.
Following wen the ringing gooq tbwr
ytstrrday n WineiIr,g filter" Whewt
April 75%, hadMs, 7-r- hid, jet.,-771t,e—\
tad. onus—April S,%, 'bid, )lay Tc bid,
July 38%r hid.
The Visible SupP1Y•
Afrit I.W. April 2.'06..
Wb@M ............ 47.:16.000 40,41M,(100
corn ............. n,lr; 7010 ll,
oda .............. p;'106,011,111 21 '67.011(1
Leading Wheat Markets.
May. July. Rept.
New York ............M% M Mak
Delimit .. .. . 79% N,1/4 R,
Toledo 79% Myr al
Mt. IA)nls .......... Vis% 7T%
Mlnweapnllo ........... 14% 7914, TON
Untoth ................ ZXO% 611. W)
Toronto Grain Markets.
whnt, oprin:, b•nh.... $0 -1 to 41....
%•haat, Craw. hna;s .... c no
wbeat, fall, tough....... 0 7:1 o 74
%' h. sit and. IMrne . .... 0 74 ....
Praia, is . 0 74 ....
It-I.Y. boo.......... .. n Ila ....
Gofer hrnwh ............. 9 43 ....
Aye. brsh. ............. 0611 ....
New York Dairy Market.
New Tork, April 1, totter-1tteady: m-
retpts, .VWr1, street prices : Extra .ream
try. 3u;ye• to 31'. Offi,101 ptif„a " rea an
cry, a,wnsru to ,.if . -!e to :tri•: held. ,-m
mon M rafts, 31c to :Mfr': Matr dairy, (,An-
nMn to Aeret, 21r to gar; renowoted enm-
mon to extra. 16, to iZw: welotern factory,
rr,mmetn to Ann, lair it, Slfol western Iml-
taueo creamery, extran. Sac to 27c; erots,
=I- to ^M
eetle lrtn; rerelpt. N: piste, full
m, .,Mored and w-hiiSIr, small, Meat,
flee, I3e• Ortlines. 14,- to 14%r; geed
In prime, 1.'le to, 131,yr: winter mad,•, nvo.
rwso hep! 12%e; lug,•. sept., faney. 1St;
e let., best, 14e to 144,,. Word to prime,
L^1K, to Ulnar, Inferior, Wise In ITM';
skimp. 3r In llasic.
F;ggs- Irregular; reek4lvrs. 71.120; stair
1'ennxylronln end nearly, ferry rMeo-tad.
will ase
19%s. 10 74; ehol" fat%„ to 1's :
raised, extra, I tlile to 1tte; fleets in extra
Aral%, 17, to tae ; western Rrists, layer in
170; .1111,1101 prices. 16%c to Ile; seconds,
16C to 16%0.
Oa►low al seAr— cattlegad !raga
strewn at f ltlewss gad llawwlo,
l,nmin., April 1. Iir,rMnl and Int I—,
eabiem are ateedy ♦♦t 11, In 12, per It,
dressed weight; refrlprrwtnr hoof la llaolret
at d: to 9%r ler 11).
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
Toronto Junction. April 1 He
i oeiptin of live ottwck at the union 4fnrk
Yards were .'M cnrinads- mm(onaed nl
79M cattle. 3 hoots, 4 .hap, 21 etilvell
and 3 hnrRpn
Prier. rwnvM from 24 On to x,.1'1. th.
Mak ot,otne .1 ex 12,, to ".Is, Ionian —14
of 413.7 I,. 94 T,
11deed lots of h%L,h,m add at 54.a-. to
s,.IJ; loadw of good at 84 IIIb t„ $4 75: me
Ilam 54.35 t" $4 .:U; ,.,mmuu at $4 01
$4.:so; cows. S3to $4A0; canner.. $1 :u
to r -fir per Cwt.
■t1e•Y d
.Rims rwngd fmm 41N1 to 413n each, but
t erre were few un halo.
-awl Cat vee.
TM member ort.•rr,l .4,,aril la rite, •rid
prier were farm at &I.., to $7 per runt.
alaoNt Md liawbd.
Priers wan• on,banged, 1:atpeort tunas
;7are worth from ties In Sk u; dart r, j4 In
_1 yraril., Iambs. pt, to 417.75 per cwt.:
spring lambs are worth from $6 to $10
11. 11. Kennedy reports I. -es for hogs at
n at,
for lights •
M for eNeets and 41d.
Montreal Live Stock.
Mmlral April L- (lipeelal.t 4`ablea to
eL from
and l.od
den ,aa
y 'llsnr9oel
than cattle werre stmrL.T and antra :lit
advanro In priers at Nuc to ,yr Per Ill. tan
fiampared with a wnte;t ■go. mita at
13, to 13j(se; exports fern !a. n, �. n.,
last week, were 'X'•1117 tittle an tlwua Prot -
land :.47 And for the mats of March, from
Mt. John N.B., they were 6137, front fart_
land 5104. AA the Montreal stork yard4.
wet end coal the rwripta of 11,0 Of r'►
for the arerk ending March 30, wero :t,'2!
,whir, a0 Amro and Lesotho, 211111 ling„
said 31Y"t calves, and for the month ,t
Mantis they went 11(M0 ratllr, 151.: she.•p [an".. 8730 hnaa atA tM7 -allow. Tat'
oAe,ttngs this marnlnR arm local Ienw,ru I-
tleAa "m earl mtllr, 7r►1 horn std •'
ealrog. Thr track• In all Imre aone•elly At
the first onarket after ISn.ler Is oul"1, a,
meet of tM• nulrber, have sufflrl.Tt hit
,over to eoupldy their 1M10—oat. t. rur :,n
extra week, ban :N. ,vld.•n11r .vat tat
rhe Maar than year In -pity •i the setivo
louyfne last week, as is fair nnmtwr nt I"ry-
eeran weon th-- nsrk-e. thin morning ;and
as they all wanted a few- rattle, :I tnoileret,-
an.,r l ,it Msnuesss too, done. A fentgn-
d the trwdb wait the Impt^eed demand for
slanders gad. altltn tlllr ,.ff rIng. w;pre n,.•
large to select from. Yet them was som •
stark esttabi.• for the purl—.- A.I.I. th,-1
tank several IAds At prl p rineing fr.0
r'.10 to s:,.n per ewt. This wan p".1.441y
date I. the room earnrrallnx ,-able ad,I'••
fmm LlrerlM►A on MstunLv, wad, 11 1 n , 1
an advatre In IV— for I's""a"" •a' -I••
owing to .uppllea Aging eetl- no„ 1 -•rate and
Mev also totaled that the j_ -I ,•Irr w. -r•-
Maier. Thr tone of the kcal arm rket win
steady and pr'k'ee all,— on Importn"I ,'has -P
front n week ago. oAnty IM,nea w,•^o
ooareo,1n het then- wt ro honeon oe flat"
ary,LrkM; Rood rattle egad At :r to :t,ie; f,ll!,
At 4aa,r to 411arr, and lower grad.w. at :k• to
41•,, per Ib. A much stronger f,eling Iw.•_
twlhd In ttr bog situation and priers w,r-
oil another advance, (owing to tate +,anew Il it
acamlty M nuppnoor anel the- keen dpire,nd
from leeal deauuw for the anmr Alit] with_
out rwrrilptn increase to the never fnture !ho
prospects are they ws1 rdl still higher.
Thaw wee nnthlne in rtIO, nd,i,ets from
Thwart—A and London en mallordnr eat th•-
Caradowrn hnerin sltuat'oa to warrant .-nr
furtill stn'nrth In tdr local fun-i,et f•,r
i.ogw, M prices erre oneftrngrd fr,.m ,he
rook proonrlesin. and ,,,mpemd with Ihr
want date list year. they are from t, ,a
S- intense when torlostrotewl hogs her,- at ,h
serno IIm , were rentng at 97.:sa to s; nl
pe.r Cwt., welgbe.l riff the 4ear1.. ri.•
faM,. however, stogy to here no Impme
alm here at rw.wsn t, the the demons) f n.m
katal dMleea Is in -areas of the snpp y
eventualforward and sales of stinted Intl
were mode at 117.:M1 to 87. RD per runt.,
wwghod off the ears.
East Buffalo Cattle Market
ReOet m(rRab April I_-QLLeua
3000 head; active and for to 20, high";
prime suds Wan to will); elpping s',
I,, 41!1,00; b te4f ', =4.110 to 11.5 -15: helilrrw.
413.60 to 416.25: cowia $3 to WOO; Wis.
41;1.25 to H.BS: stor•kerw and feeders 41a.5u
to $4,50: balls, 413.3, to $4.65: stork:. nod
feeders. 41;t80 to 414.00; stork heifers 41275
to $3.225; free ever• and springers itady,
rm to 411152.
Holts- Rnretpol 12.fW had; sell and
16e to 20r higher; heavy. 417 to 417.10; mixed
,and porker'*. $7 it, $7.d6; pigs. 417.06 to
.10- con 10 .3D .50
iKf t6 to 41a f+
ghe stags
to 416: .
Beep and lAtamba-R-rAptm. =.OM head:
gneap aet"r and srMdy; 1am41 slow ;.rid
:10r low►r; lwnha. 41:, to 4111.411: yearltogs.
87.110 to 417.76: ,session.. 416.25 to 06.75;
Wk4A.75 to $6.23; sheep, mtgd, $3 to
' Doul T --Yem, my son." f1N'laat
kind of mod do Lhez use ufi,.t in Ixn-
'pingY" well, when I went to
rrlrthu0l. illy y, L6ey used birch."
P iiR`A6__PE0P LE
A Marvellous and Trfuntphaet
of Vktory Over Disease.
No medicine has Aver eHeot r
a number of wondnrhhl and al (wt mar
vellolra cares an Pnvchine. It has had one
continuous roeord of victories over 41s6sa•
es of the throat, cheat, lungsand wtomich.
whero 41prta,r. have pronoun(ed chess
incurable from consumption and other
wasting dlseapen 1'pvchane steps in anti
reerueu numIwo left I,eople evpn from the
very verge M the grave. Comehil (Wria, I
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chilly, Night&weats,
IA Grippa, Pneumonia, and nthor like
troubles, 911 of which Are forerunners of
Consumption,flield ()sickly to the cure•
tiro powers of Peychlne. I
Mn. Cambell, onto of the many cured,
makes the following statement:
ICannot MIMln from telllnff all who moor
Of my rrmarkabin rrrrwery with 1'eyrhlnr. In
April, 1001. I ritual a Mvvy 4o{d which wttleA
ran w henga amt a redaall IM m consumption.
1 rrna�A sot steer, wan 0nA)ert to night manreai��
MY hags worn sit dieea.M, my A -'or mnsldrrcol
me 1Arudhln. low. Mr. Whaffr Port l0gln
Proahyt,nlan ichor h. rv,nmmrnded Dr. Alnenwo
t"Te'lino tome, when I wit. Imnor In Ontario.
After t sinal I'grhlne for a short Isms I at. and
slopp, wall, the night Owners and ,ma►th Maned.
4=01 ago 1 pad taking Nyrhtne, an 1 sawferflp "orM in health and ,,do, 1 neve
tMrbettor to mp Ise 11y11inv hes beena "it -
mend to me. area. Monster swag' tt,,
Conoco am , N. .T.
PSYOHINF never dio pPpTs"'+lnts.
PSYCHINE ha no pubAtitutr.
There is nn other medicine "Jost at,
Mos4.11 A
At r dealers liar. and $1.96 per belly
If wag erns to
K T.1. 11001!, lasso!, iia blMeg tri W. laws
Dr. Runt's Kidney Mae are A sure
and permsttelrt curs far Rheumatlaer �
8r1t 'a Dlsea.e, Val" In the lack and
aR arms of Kidney Trouble. 2!t, per I
boa, at all dealers.
Ttil'hsu Ar, April 4, 1807 d
IS I I EI0 } ; with it COu188 the desire to cast ofl those
gardneute *¢ieh have done good service battling the
Winter stortillA. When you see our showing of dainty
Spring Footwear, you will want a pair of shoes to
1.brighten you and make you feel more {n harmony with
the frebli Spring days. •
Models in Footwear
ARE DAINTY, neat, and by far surpass anything in
the 1►avt, We I?ave a well -selected stock from the beet
nianufacturers, and are in a position to show you the
NFAVi•:ST and BEST in Footwear.
- 1111111111111111141
All He Was Fit For. "Ah, sure, your honor," was the re.
In an Irish Court recently tan old IIIy. "I'nt au mild ma now, stet
man was caller into the witness lox, me ,be it's ell Vot fit fol- "
unit,1wanK ini
m aria Jnet w little`
he judgea had low read
retort' Tt-
blind, he %ent tax) far in inure than Bito-
011ie sense. Inslenel of going up the -------
.taihs that le,l to the Iwox, he m,IunLrd Watch Ado About Nothing.
1 lav 1 ala , 1 r
h I 11 1 It" , S a•
I t h. 31 h
41 t Thi• rine, lay bvo. ymi'll comprehend.
ju41ge, gill-huoiorelly : f. like my bre- it hath no end.
"I« it it judge You want lu iwt, ,may
Ah, yea, spa rata. with smlle we winnlog
KOli1 utas :''
And like mine, tins,, with no heginninRR.lfe- -- - - f.�
-1, - s
r0 seen Ell VYCRIh
Our 1907 Catalogue will tell
you how to get, Absolutely FIN,
a beautiful Carving Set of
Celluloid Handles and
Sterling Sliver Meughr
,• enclueed in a handsome
plush and silk lined
case. The outside be-
ing covered with leatherette.
Our handsome Catalogue and
Guide Book is richly illustrated and • ;
is -free to everyone who asks for it
and contains details of other special offers,
etc., also gives full details of new and standard
varieties of Seeds. Plants and Bulbs.
Write to -day. ..
i LC)NnOIV, Cwnwdw.
e Parmoll's
you cost got it frssk at
your floor every day.
1. kneade4 by e,.r1 , -
try fres this kighwa
pude Maaat.b.
sour and di. porwt
9 yeast
Madre by the tartest malasre
In Oaneda.
P Is T DI1.:A N
through and made note of what you wit require
this Spring to assist you ill houso cl Hing and
kf'eping your house, garden, etc., in r pair. .
We wish to draw your attenti6n to a few of
(nl►' numerous articles that heli) you to flu Spring
Sherwin-Williams' Paints,,Varnishes, etc.
A few lines of Hollywl Paints at reduced priers,
White Lead and Oils.
Spades acid Shovels.
Rakes and Hoes.
11, Hammers and Saws.
\ / Ideal Fencing.
American Fencing.
Clevelan oiled Spring Steel Wire.
Poul ryetting.
A�Iabastine and Jellystone Wall Finish.
N Is Portland Cement.
E his
vestrou .\Plu
g at mbinj; and Heating
promlit ly attend@d to and all work guarahl(1ell.
'PHONES I Store 22
1 House 112