The Signal, 1907-4-4, Page 31 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH' ONr!,%RIO Xews f District moved W Ilrucefirld. Mrs. Wolle'r ptydwersaJ Iwo it, ltitlii, rich are I Pott Ehtflt. oil Munday, March:!Mb. I who %vasa rbt�r of Iluu- o 'l' had rluwt wotiuued W live in bad can Manx, can McEwen, of Clinton, odd a laugh wet season. T1rey found no bers"t from liming the potatoes or treatment RruceflrM. There daughters uuourn ter of the late John McEwen, (pile lot - - -- the loss ut a kind parent. the pioneers (of Stauley, had reaelv'd , Mr. and Mrv. J. Paryuns, of near Kip- Alta., whero they will tvside in the A 'inlet wedding was eelebt•atsd +►t the home of Mrv. Alhert Sunder,,;. the Pmnlurist's three wxtreyears and tell. For sortie tiule after their u Mft tart week for their new house future, in t> alchesram. jVitighant, esti Wedneat the %7th ,tn,u- riage Me-. and Mrs. McFarlane -irsided Ales. $. Criiglston, of Hlanshard, The Huwi(* A►�iattltural Soolety has beam tl�pwluttxi lioonee isrpecwr tilt., when Mrs. Kandeiam's, vistrr,, Mi. Maude Watcher, forusrly of nn the (arra 'low occupied Iq the I L IUraham fires.., but mold that farts and will bold a s ring rtxlliwt alum ort for Stouth Perth to succeed the late 'L3td. \vinghaun, because the bride of Abets- Moved W Oreonock, Bruce county, Tuesday. April Will. White. linin Johnston, of Hamilton. fie v. w'her'e they continued W reside until Ronald M. Sinclair, of Bnsaaals, has Dr•. Kirkby of lielgrave, who %vets W. W Howson oAteirted at the cere this death of Mr. McFarlane twit years taken a position in the \ValkerWn suffering hunt Mood-}Ouircnling. fa wouv, agu, when Any. McFarlane wovwl to xpt If able to attend W his pr(pfes- 1 bra" of the Bank of (laolnerce. atonal dntlem. , lhi 'fuerdny, tltr, Stith tilt., Mty. C. PtNt FIgin. Ilovens-d, who was It woloan of sterling i, sur- MI. and Miss. ltol►t. Uiark; of Mot- I (1n Monday, Manch 2kh, Mr. and l.fudenfeld, sr., depaitod this lila at the hour of ber sun (9larler in Exe• qualities, vivtm[ by eight ehlldre•n. The initi- I is. • left Ia►t week for Clarwholus, I Aire. Thom. Cottle, sr., of Clinton, cele- let.. The deceased• who ryas seventy lusut took I Lee at ULuuunis. beated the sixtieth aunivenyary of I their wedding. carr of age, leaver lhttist suns atnd Death of Mrs. Ddbrtdge, Exeter. daughter of Holoert l;arr, of Etb.-1. four d+lughterto to mourn her. The iu- Death of Paul Shafer, Seaforth.' • Al r. and firs. J.serplr Uiblsma, of l.awknow, trrnient tuck plus iu the H. C. tslrI ' There paltlrd pwncefnlh sexy tit Pel' Mane in Exett-r, ti:rtusday, March left Iasi week for liathwell, fee-)-, where Fier late husband lies uo Mau., where they will woke their buriwl Zinl, EIfzalwth Andrew, wife of tiicll- home in future. Au enlernted resident of Crediton ,ud Ih•Ibridlte. and dno&ev of I he °'" nam" 01L111era David McUutcheon, of McKillop, TO" e:are Narnal9w Rk-mab m, cellos"" d left Islet week for Saskatchewan, depu•tod this life on Wednesdrv, March Wth, in the parycm of Mrs. late Ovorge Andrew, (p( l.shorop, Dv - °eased, who, wits mixty-six yeeuy of hands sad fact. .Iroreasa. of break week hates, where he will spend the summer im- Henry Lntoport• mgrs, Henry age, had auffere•d frotq heart trouble ..lbw Am.unpan.d rid droq the r.oda. al proving his tarot. vears, whu dfexl tit her home esti the for over it yard•, uy 1. about three wiseks -nice)' wet" twiner with an .fleck crit heli`, err. Hubert liner, a former well-known 7th Ksmceerion yf Stephen from par^- of livieununria which ptoved fatal. They supply Bene-thees sed help the body d St. (if Hrusrelr, died veryy suddenlyon lyric, Nie. I.nui ita hurlaaud re pre- .She loaves. Im•sklen her hustntnd, four at eras aermal Peeks r at St. Jose h'n Hospital, (duel oh, on eirath pn..Wa hoc. p P I lied Friday, the kith ills deceased her seven weeks. A (^Dilly of eight children etre left to mourn her. nuns and two daughters. The suns lot. s-Aor. ! ed evilA Ali /;hood ?•orris and Aura Ointment, /;'czema, amid S. H. McKelvin, late of the Wioze- Last week Me. turd Ala. .lues asy Georgi awl herr, of Manitnlw, and Henry and Fred, tit Ualorne, and Us astir"! jorwrl raj JAies dileacel ars torr woollen tiillls, died last week at Walker, of the 'bud concession, this daughters Mismst Anna and 1�,sr fiV n.rrd. At d-1loves-orjronr his house in Chesley, after a few days' illness Stephen, left for IfAcowlw, Alta., where in future. Jennie, IAttLb mit benne. These are alms 7As ,Tlf' (-o. ol�misda, Liiwilsd, of pneumonia. they will reside. three trrsther•s-Oeorge, of California ; f1a^dllpe--7oromila. Miss M. A. Downey has resfgntd Prior to their departne a ]Argo nuru- let• ,inlet. u! Elioivillr, amid Thoma, ..f her pusftfun no t4voi her esu Whir stall of of neighbors and friends gathered Uorrir. The funeral W Kliwvilk _ firursele public achoul anti will go to st their home and presented them with two handsome chairs Laken cemelrry was conducted under the riwide in Chatham with her brother. as a of eatrPm xnd the eaglet that is felt at Mtepice., of the Older of Chosen Friend-, of which the deceased was Gets. S. Dever and tnunily, of Coil- Youard of biscafts-nod -Lance, left last week for their new their departure a faitLf(pI unrnils r. -and eaten biacuits- house in Shelburne, where Mr. Ihtver A 4tlirt matnmonuLf event Gatkknow ceased'" wife was It native of Stanley. bisc�rit, until has engaged fu the hordw ire business. 'a 1 place at St. Paul's rectory, Wingh^nu, on Monday, the ;.,sth left., when Rev.POTATO ROT. Perfection Cream Join TAvI(pr beta tented his lore nearChisolflursiL to Andrew Wright; T. fin HL►tle, H. A., H. U , uniteul litare vice presidents have mllere,•dm) to the everything that the ideal biscuits should be. of Hibbert, (,or A term of year•". Mr. rtwr•riage Idles Malwl Mande, daugh- lar (of John McDonald, of Whit,'_ Deeny of the Tubers In Steirs�The Taylor• intends tewoving to baskatche- church, and John A. McKay, formerly Preventive Measur•w. Tle air -tight, moisture - proof wall, of Kitiluss. The groom left for the The rotting of pestatesen.in storage Is Parker beet' then to you fresh. The 70 -acre Gann belonging W John West, where he is LeAching, and Mrs. often a serious loss. Facts concerning creep, invirms. n. Smith, nth rone"Alan, (trey town- It" barn McKay will follow In it few weeks. the prevention of such loss are likely [ Practically every Foes in Canada ship, plerchAmd by R. pest.. ear son for r1,1a) Me Smith ytxi 100 Wmp ham's New Cult. to be welcomed by the grower DOW, 'D. MILLAR CO. READY FOR SPRING WC Are jllep•il"I V,ilh hill (he Int•mL , Ivations fill- Spring, and on Saturdav we will show a owgnillcrnt range of ill ton latest uovellft•s for Spring Wear. A rralle•clion is here by tar the largemt wr have ever h,ul the pleamice of showing. Ladies' Mantles Ladies' Silk Capes and Jackets Ladies' Short and 3-4 length Mantles Ladies' Pony jackets Ladies' mash Suits and Skirts LADIES' •1' \V E it D COLLAR- LADIES' WEK11 COAT. LV88 iCO?'r:= r 40 inches long, collarlebs 38 inches tom;, stale with psifect, pbeatd Nock. The collar' fly front. The collar and coffr and cuffs ate te'ilibili l with vel• are handsauely lrimsintst wish vet avid braid A very stylish velvet and hi -Ad. Nlwrial St.7.1 Karnwut. - Special $7..,11 Ladies' Pony Jackets from $2.50. Ladies' Wash Suits from $2.75• TWEEDS aur• here in all line nEweot effects. heautiful Tweeds t limit. wnkeexcited ing!v smuart !spring suits at :ilit- yd. Others itt 75c, `I,IMI, $1.YS and, lil.:r(1, the lwtler uumlxn•a being in suit longtiil's only. Millar's Scotch Store. 'Phone 56. ha MOONEY S. Yount will get t ler while the actual damage is before his _ _ --�• acres, Representatives of a new religious - - -- tkrnr if you ask. la t & 1 lb. pigs. movement have appeared in \Vin eyes, as valuable for use In the coming The clthteDa of Cllnto l are protest- ppBet K reason tb Ing against the Grand Trunk Railway haau. They chum flet th. y have re- The Vermont and Maine stations Co.'s proptma) W move the outtion ceived the *'gift of tongues" and when we frond the pleaeut location down W I the Kitt uimnifet-ts itself they babble have ,reported the results of experi- the "Y". fncobrrently. merits undertaken to determine the The rnarriage of Mfee IAlttie Boss, of I To Assist Blyth industry. way in which the rot fungus is traw- Edmonlon, slaughter of John Roost, miffed and the best methods of check - formerly of Exeter, W Dr. Jas. Mr" I/ The bylaw submitted to the prop -Ing the trouble, C. D. Woods of the Iron, p } , etty-uwoety of Rlyth Inst week, grant- 1rk lace on lVednesda • \false station teaches the conclusion MamhWt•h. fag w W hen xOlin the W that 'the Infection of the potatoes wrist of the Hilll p mill, wlnniug ars Oil Sunday, Alarc•h fifth, the death carried by it vote of 150 forts Yagainat. with the fungus occurs chiefly if not of Alts. Will. Mitchell, Aged beventy. Work will Iw pushed ahead (pu the entirely In the field before digging. two yeara, ocrurted at her botue near iwprovententat an early date. The Infection is usually the result of Ethel, where 011ie had reslded for distoesed vines. The disease Is trans - litany yearn. Brussels Bylaw Carried. mitten In the maty of cases not di - F. A. Hall, formerly in the furniture frust week file hylaw relative, to the rectly through the vine, but Indirectly business in WinghaO, is leaving for site of the proposed Carnegie library through, the Solt. Potatoes may be in - 0 Q � Fore. Willimin. whine he will open a lot• Ilruamels wits carr•itsl by it majority fected directly In the field from spores LL�� �LL11+ CCJJ new furniture and net h% taking es. of eleven votes. This giver file coon- Introduced In the manure or from rot- tablishntent. (-I[ authority to remove the town hall e Henry Fillet•• M. P. P., of Crediton, tend erect the library on the site. tbus ten potatoes spread upon or left In the fn now rr•royering from Zile recent rm"oe•.s'itating the building of a new [still the prer'edinR year." It appeam, attack of Lt grippe. He expectot It, Iw fire h,LlI. morroTer, "that abnormal conditions „w„� ., 1 • Able to resutne his Parltaineutary Sudden Death at Seaforth. of moisture or temperature may cause 1 dulien in Toronto after Easter, abnormal SCUvity in the fangus, and At r. Hallern and family, will, for On Tuesday of last week a` very hence the rotting of the tutees." For sudden death txcurred at the home of till yrtare had been re-sidents of thin reason 'there is far lege (lability \1'in ham, lerl Last. week for their \Ven. Fortune, Seaf(prth, when his K dao filer, A[r ares, of lova from rotting In the cellar in the new houle near Mooresville toRl R rq paswrl away after p°s oa' only a day's illness. The dee m d case of late dug potatoes." - - whew they have purchased a farm• -.-osis pad • win" fn her twenty-fourth Drying An I itereating event took Lace at K 3eand Cold Storage. the home of Mr. Juhn'ton, place year, and up to within a dxv of her I« It. Jones and W. J. Mouse of the • • ft • church, on Friday. \larch 1:nd, when death %ran in apparent g,slei health. Vermont station have, however, our w • his daughter, Kate, was iwarried to Brussels Oil Co.'s Operations. tained contradictory results In• ezperl- Saumuel Hutchison the- village Mack- ments on the latter polot but they rec- If nuitii. Afr. Jacksa)n, I le, Laurer of the Brun• ommend late digging to redoes rot In s•Ir Oil Co.. who -are loris for oil JII`d1_I -y' ,,�- o -1 � i -=ftlt,�;•as=��,e_ � ', ,• f Y' -.r 0 7� '' all want ` •�;: St. Georgrt's a ' Baking Powder." "I never in my, life raw an article make r friends like St. George's." it seems as if every order I X !Iget calls fns this Baking -Powder." J " And, not wonder! -� St. George's Baking Powder ft nmd- of Creani of Tartar that iu gj.gn!r pure -it keeps its full strength till the cant is empty. It never disappoints -bat always makes the baking light and white." "Look at the result -everyone dilighted, and ordering tiii% genuine Ceram of Tartar Baking -Powder again and again." ata we null ym. ■cop, of mfr new Cook ennk t. A lythe newel t,e 1 of famous theft -wan pnctic.l sugmesifnn', will!ooaeasrrea, etc. tient FRBF,, if vm, write to T" N.Tenmw,. Davi a Caa N,CAL Cu...r CAmADA, Li,rit-d. N+entreal 1 The new high school at Winghanl near Munkuan, reports that natural stooge except on heavy wet Mails in a and Lincoln Birthdays. will lot- formally i,pened nn Friday, April 11th. It is exttrectr-1 that toe ear glee his been struck no a depth of Well or 7411) feet, the How being sufficient wet season. T1rey found no bers"t from liming the potatoes or treatment , twit of the OntAtio i'a unet Ministers to light the vill.tgr. The t umpuiy, with formaldehyde before storage. Dry 1 will tae prelie•nt and will deliver ad- deviation. however, will conrtinue. luring for oil, Ing the potatoes an much as possible the birthdacelebrations of ]'resident y Washington and Presldeut Lincoln, Jnrk- son. e. William ii. finrrtmnn, %nrhnry Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, \icKlnle 7. of which there mire ezcellPnt indica- before storage reduced rot materially side of each nail. As it train tip- monehes a crossing it touches Th- horne of John Hind, Elimville, titins, They have rPcured options on rohd storage at 40 degrees F. was par- it corn- �Oin,, on of levers that causes the wile wae the scene of a prett y welding oto WeeinPMla •, :M1111111 acres if hand fn file vicinity of the Ihey titularly PAclent in checking rot guards to fall below the nails. As Man -la :17th. when his er, ellie, ens married to ier wells more nowsinkiug• With potatoes et NO to 1N1 cents per 'Klein me the last car firs paaaPd the F,e", Fletcher, a inmlising ynuug farmer ill of I Death of Ethel Young Lady bushel, as they were In the Burlington levers lite releaser) and thr wire guards remume their upright position, I"sheens, On R'rolnPwlxy, March :filth, the market in 19M5. there was a wide mar forminga ft-nre,u•ness the track. Afr. John McEw•een, wm of Malcolm Mc- 'Waster's rail catlrP to Helen %V., ehlest Rin of profit from cold storage. These Holt has applied for a patent for it. Fwan. of the 3rd concession of Stan- daughter of Holoert l;arr, of Etb.-1. authorlti" may: Death of Paul Shafer, Seaforth.' ley, who Is attending Knox College. Ihiring the pass t yenale, had leen in "While it may not prove practicable ....AtMns.Oowm. Rawarfa, somigMGx1 W Canada in I",. A former woollAnown rrArdPnt of Stetyearsolater MM. Wolfs and her Stanley. in the anon of Janet Me. fnforrtJ Ilckefa eta,f1b 1IclN (lase,f» in hllmhand APLWMI in 'ttAnlP)', whPrr P.wPn. wlfA if 1. P IAI,P Neil iMC1+'mr• ret•. Kf lis I has been appointed to work in South- (titling health derfite all that medical for the smaller growers to do this, It , wad, in Northern Ontario. for the ^id ,and change o scene could do fur her. Deceased, who was in her certainly behooves every one to appre- w: summer months. K. W. Jewitt and {nmily, of (ern- nine- ternth year, n'ns ^ fxith[nl worker fn Presbyterian chui•c:h. of which she elate the importance of placing the crop in the coldost mttxate room avail - and well-known resident of Seaforlh• stance. stance, who sold their store and husi- nese, have removed to Warwick, Mrs. wits a memlm•r•, andwas dearly file. able and as promptly as possible after t Jrwitt'r puarentnl Iwnie, far A time. loved by all who knew ber•. The in- digging when much rot is anticipated." the object of a most IrruW attack by Mr. Jewitt may take a prospecting War thro.t It the W t ferment at Brnsaels ceutetery was largely attended. Presidential Party Full For Washington ^ nun who is now expiating Pin as R Jos. weld Ill" Ifo t7L Patent Cattle Guard. and Lincoln Birthdays. dent went to him InnugnraUon lit dlm- Kinloss t -i Gann in Kitllmss to his min Juhn, for for Wm. Holt, of Wiugh.un, has in- Thr few atiogemtion3 given below t t ' ia I filn,i11X`. The transfer d,es not take ventedcattle cattle guaud. It consists of are to Its used In connection with Al Ooing officiated at the ceremony. "it ss nota naval thing for n wan to Toronto Muskoka Ma and Mrs. Durdle will reside It hay his hirer) help more" than the inan place until next fall, when Mr. Wild- del, or., will move to hie farm on the thtrw sections of wire guard. one Iw e r tween thails, and one on the outPr the birthdacelebrations of ]'resident y Washington and Presldeut Lincoln, Jnrk- son. e. William ii. finrrtmnn, %nrhnry Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, \icKlnle 7. COBALTSPECIAL 5th concession of Cuirass, Coates, an old side of each nail. As it train tip- monehes a crossing it touches which occur rempwetirely on the 7-1dChristopher and 12th February. Have o n e got Ali intent- and re- lepec•teti resident of Uslorue, died in it corn- �Oin,, on of levers that causes the wile of pinned up around the rcx,nr photographs of A Solid Train of Vestibule Cars and i.nndon on Monday, March 111th. guards to fall below the nails. As the presidents, their homes (Alount Pullman Sleepers leave Toronto Pe a Decereelas , who win his eighty-first 'Klein me the last car firs paaaPd the Vernon, \fnuticell.,, etc.) and any other dally at 9.0o p m. Arriving at year. leave' it wife, two MODS and three da igbter•S to mourn his deiniM, levers lite releaser) and thr wire guards remume their upright position, Ilhtatratlonm of pPnplP, plan' or event' Cobalt g.45 a m., New Liskeard, iAtst wrtrk Albert Carter, a well- forminga ft-nre,u•ness the track. Afr. which may le closely associated with 9.15 a.m. Cobalt is the richest known resident of Orey township. Holt has applied for a patent for it. them. These should all Ito clearly y Silver Minis Cam in the R p left. for )nnisfail, Alta., where he- owns Death of Paul Shafer, Seaforth.' nambeed, while cards hearing corre- land. Mrs. Carter and sons will ....AtMns.Oowm. Rawarfa, somigMGx1 W Canada in I",. A former woollAnown rrArdPnt of Stetyearsolater MM. Wolfs and her Stanley. in the anon of Janet Me. fnforrtJ Ilckefa eta,f1b 1IclN (lase,f» in hllmhand APLWMI in 'ttAnlP)', whPrr P.wPn. wlfA if 1. P IAI,P Neil iMC1+'mr• ret•. Kf lis I spondlug numbers with pencils attach - world and well worth a visit. 'prod A few months in Brnesels hefnre Tire death occurred ern Wednesday o'd must be provided for each guest y Y l irocceding tolheh• new bottle in the of fast work of Poll Shafer. an old that he or else may guess these Dnme• ONE41Y SECOND GLASS `ti'rmt• and well-known resident of Seaforlh• lana plcturr'. Colonist Ticket iAast %week John Walker, of Iter:• Inn"' m rl%eel the silt rDt lligrint•r Mr. Shafer will be- remembered as till- awn who. Soule two vert" Agn, was d blur net of yard', with red, white blue of death in Winnip•g the object of a most IrruW attack by and pencils and decorated with the nn the With DIt.. of his youngest son, Janlee. 'rhe ^ nun who is now expiating Pin aketebes or panted pictures of flag'. the On Bale dally until April 30th, to in firitimh deceased, who was twenty-six years crinin in Kingston penitentiary where he hoe still to tea dehit sortie American engle, etc., may have written upon them the following list of paint' C n I u m h i a, California, of age, had been ill only a few days of inflnuunatirnt of the brain. twelve ural•'. The lurmediate result quPstlons, all of which refer directly • o is it a is ta, Qolor•adn, News has Mean received of the deathI to the dece,sed was the loss of net eye, but it was known that hi' health had to our presidents. Of course the host- Orggon at (little Current of Iter. J. A. Ale- eutli otherwise and he never thor- Plus ran extend the limit eta much an solveWashington, Dh%nald, who, for eight. yMM prior to I his de lirtrlre for Rt. Joseph Island, oughly recovered, may demlre: I. How realAPnts Payr we many p - - -`---- -- was I e pastor of Varna and Blake� 1leath M Aged Seaforth Resident. had? 1. Which slate has given the frer"OU andfull information call nn 1'rrnby trri an cnnRn"gntinns. De- On Friday, Marrh22nd, an old and most? 3. Which president was the n14 - F. F. LAWRENCE, ceased'" wife was It native of Stanley. esteemed resident of Seeforth, it, the ,at on taking MHKe? i. How many Town Agrnr. After hn illness of a few weeks, Miss prrm n of Mi -A. Mary Hargan, relict of vice presidents have mllere,•dm) to the Ofll.e hone n. ti' n. m. L. S n.m' Alma, daughter of Air. and Mrs. kd- thr late John Hargan, passed peau••• chief executive? :.. �Vhn ivnm "Old ward Cooper, of the 2nd concession of fully AWAY at the age tit righty -nine Hickory?" ,f. Whirls presidents have J. STRATTON, Howic•k, paaMd awns on Sunday, years. Derensed was Im.rn in F( -r. died In ofllee? 7. Which two died on IMpnt Tlrket. Agent. March 24th. IMrenmrd w•asit popular young hilly and her demiaP IA sincerely inan,agh, Ireland, mord with her hns- hand cants to (hnndn in IS 12,11 iA74 the 'line day, ,iust toffy venrpF niter J. Is. Mc[k,nwld. hlNrlrt Pw,r. Agent, trprctLPd by a Largs circle of ttiends, they eansP to Horm ev/nnt. meUlinR rlr)dng the Irtrdnrntlon tit inrleliend- euA- Tomon. un March lith, nn oho and rs urn in \icKiflop. Twenty-fi•o years Ago e1cP?. S. Who w•as "(ltd Hnnh and r, K to P n"sident of Crediton in the person of \1rs. Kuhn, wife of the Late John Kuhn, paA.aed away it Lha, xpTe of they novel fn Seafonh, where Mtm, Hargan limit mince resided. Fer over mevt•I tv ytstM mile wet' n faithful mew- ler nf' the Mei.lux4int church newly. p. Will, was "the Rtrennom One?" 10. Whitt e, out charneterized Ik•n.,nmln Harrileon's term? 11. flow e Canadian Northern Oetulo yearn, ih•rena. who nPyene iAed ill 1 idrel ii Hue h f f and was tiniver'ally beloved Ly all within tits pinny presidents have hurl elect,•] for n second terin? 1" \\'hfell .remldent 3CHILDREN WHO WERE • COVERED WITH SORES Wonderful Zam=Buk Triumph 1 Every mother known with what rapidity sores, ringworm, ulcera, spread from child to child, In Montreal recently most oP the public schools were visited by an epidemic of itch in this way. A child is afflicted with scalp sores, itch or ring- worm. In the oouree of play, one child puts on another's hat. In this way, or in a hundred and one mors which children make pesihle, the in. lection spreads and srmetimem a whole family in aBerted. Mr. J. C. Bat", of Burk's Falls Bay*:-" My three children were all broken out with sores on fare, hands and feet. Their condition was pitiable; and although I tried various ointments still salves the mores continued to spread. "One day I saw a report telling how leeneffcfal %sm Ruk was for skin diseases, ulcers, etc. I got a Reapply of the, Insists and applied it to the children's eorem. Almost immediately they got relief, and the sores began to heal. Although the skin disease had defied all the salves I had prelviounly tried, in one week %ant Book overeamo the trouble, and today the children have not a piruple or spit or mark of disease on their skin. For thin grand result i have lane Buk to thank." READ W"AT ZAM-BUK CURES FREE BOX 7Am•Ruk heal. all akin dhasenes-eczema, scaly sores, ulrer•. ringworm, poisoned wounds, barbers' rash, pustalem, fere This coupon. the hlemi.hew due to bland Polson, gnat also for rheun,am.m and name of thu paper oenralgim.. it, heal@ cuts and lartmtfons, step ble.ding. cure. and a 1 cent stamp pl heel eases annuls, reduces enlarrgged veins. IC euros burn. and sot to the 7Atn- scaldn. end 1t In ►a cooed lent "drat aid'• remedy. it is highly Bull Co.. Toronto, wetlseptir. All dru gletto and mtoren moll will obtain for you Oppwt RO oenG •box, ler (from 7LA M -Al' K CO..a tree trial iso:. TORONTO, for price. 6 box" for $2.50. lion't delay. �� 117, t AI'Av'a d�: aur• 1 IYe 1 p en ler titer tit tf 1 1 _- cntvv of her Aden toAStP. She wets Im yeah, had been infirm nese Milne time peached? 13. \1'to %ens "the - - - - - - - .---- - - ----- -- 1MAVe•m eight children to mourn h 1' r RAILWAY ^"t. deceaeP r Sngr- of Monticello?" 14. N%lilch presk - --- On Tuewlay, Alarch Alth, Alia" Better Than He promised, dent went to him InnugnraUon lit dlm- Annie H., danghter of Ates. (lenge SHORT LINE The 11inton liew FLrs, gtltae? 15. Who was president during / Rook, of Exet•r, was united in roar- chronicles it IETWEEN ringe to Francis is. Durdle. Rev. A. good deed In the following paragraph : the Mexican war? The answers to theme are: 1. Twenty - Al Ooing officiated at the ceremony. "it ss nota naval thing for n wan to Toronto Muskoka Ma and Mrs. Durdle will reside It hay his hirer) help more" than the inan m1z. 2. New York, six. 1. \\'Iulem ii. Dlarrlmon. 4. Fight. 5. Andrew 4 Hrummel., where Mr. Durdle is con- ^Ki'�• to work for, and when much 'we) wathloRdoeto happen It is lworth Parry Sound darting n rreannrry business. } of Jnrk- son. e. William ii. finrrtmnn, %nrhnry Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, \icKlnle 7. roentinn. Iwet spring spring_ JAmeA On Tuesday, the loth tilt., the death Nothronlb y John Adamm and Thmmam JeRrrmnn. o n e got Ali intent- A. WDN7"ER SERVICE of Wen. Rotation. formerly of McKillop Istat toy --a mer! Ind who agreed township, ncrurr•sd At 115mrntn (;en • ZachAry Taylor. 9 Theodore IlomIP PARRY SOUND PASSENGER tr, work w rear for $100 And him loatd. Nosirlrmocmp PMI HnwpitAl, where hP had tinder- Th poly aithfnlly int in hill time, vrlt. 10. The centennial celebration of the Innng»restlnn of tl(orgP AVoshing- Tora,to.. ................... t.cavePA) x.m. wane an opwrAtion. Mr. ltmaGonwa* and privetrl to IrP an e•xce t.ionall• I•arry tion,i�Arrive 3.10 p.m. mixtrtwo TPAM of Age And hal been reliable toll. 11. Nln#,. 11. Androw Johnson. .................... and rompetent worker. Ile SM-TRUOL'XD' in failing health fur the past yamir. left. a few daym ago for the West., 13. Thomas Jefferson. 14. ALrnhnm Perry found ........... ,. Lewo.RsiA.m. The interunent took ar•e at Hrnmsmis. To1wn G, Arrive i.l0 pf unirh to the t•agRt of Air. R.mth- Lincoln. 15..1ohn 'rSIPr. ... ......._.............. pun, 17rAiNA10 LOOAL on Fridotf, March =!nd, Magd len cnnlbt, hnt hie employer sh.iw•eel his Diehl \�ohe, apltttsr'iation of hint Icy hinl $&I Rmnil photngrnphm of any of ihn plAmalAPnU, trnme 1, ler IinzM of ixon am•Twmx.prD rnllct of the kora lecnlo giving %r aahowe ,,,,,,., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ILMve aYt a.m. dopnrttd This life At. her home In SOoro than her agreed upon. " heyne flood with red, white and blue rile Toronto ........................AMvn i0.6na.m. HntreflPld, at the ^Re of aipDht tTrO NeaTnsot!m Fermat Resident of Stanley. hnns would main nrreptable prizem. TnbIP Talk. Toronto ................. ....... 1,lay.3llp.m. yPaM. Ihr•Pxs►rf, who waw w native of %t'"h&4P...... ....AtMns.Oowm. Rawarfa, somigMGx1 W Canada in I",. A former woollAnown rrArdPnt of Stetyearsolater MM. Wolfs and her Stanley. in the anon of Janet Me. fnforrtJ Ilckefa eta,f1b 1IclN (lase,f» in hllmhand APLWMI in 'ttAnlP)', whPrr P.wPn. wlfA if 1. P IAI,P Neil iMC1+'mr• ret•. Kf lis I - -- Thr average man m nelm innst of him tfnue tm.twern mig'1' .N7a seta all AseetA orontottl.., the �� Will Wet ;;f4 n Obs • Iraq din d of ural •si at fret P •, bore! in ibans fete the hllnte and y Y l regrets fur the last, was "HINDS-STAVO" MAKS DILLON TWIG! AS STRONG Ahnrt,.liff, harA, .t -.I olnl at rv.ry 1-U-1 warn nn she U,IIIPo Ion'... rheas, , linur ales" Rive Pur trnre w arwwMr dares Pf rlaanelty -14- it Ln w,mi.Ma.l ler.wn.r .train. Thr) w like, and roolm ler••, huller. look. our f -nee owing nt serinm hawk into shape AnM reret melt o, hMry ldnw, ler Lh-nen.aH pree.uro rauaM by a Nriau bull ler olhor sninul.rod-a rnringM posh hi. w r1ohrnuah M freedom. ealaltene, Irlls wore ateont thin "twit. M atrnn('fenr.. The Owen Sonata VAre ranee co.. LNRfted. Owes tlerM, Ont. 11\ :, -� 44 rl�io,XlAffi��f�Xc,E STODDAR•T til: MCKINNON, Agents. THUgaDAY, AprU 4. 1907 3 SPRING HOUSE CLEANING WILL "IN HE THE ORDER OF THE DAV. \Ve have every requisite to duke the house-cleaning procesLL thorough and at the eawet thine as light a task as pos ihlr. CHOICE MARMALADE ORANGES and everything elbe in herlhon EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES pure and fresh. STURDY & CO. The Sousse 'Phone 91 TO CONSUMPTIVES, The underesignrd having bgen re stored W health by simple means• after mufTering for several yen" with a sev. er• lung affection, And that dread dipwaar C mmopths, ie anxious W stake known W his fellow sutfe-sers the Meana of cure. To thoow who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sun+ curt. for Casnaptfen, Aathsw, Catarrh, Bron- chitis and nil Ihnwt and lung Maladies. lie h(ppws all sufferers will try his Remedy, AA it is invaluablr. Those desiring the prescription, which will crle,t therd nothing, and may prove a hll-wing, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, trMklys, N.Y H. B. BECKETT EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR f urniture al%tt I'rldemiking w'arerounIP, �. W' t +ide fly us re, THONRS: Atom". Goderioh Houma, 1;a NLKht call.: At rcwidencr, cor. cainbrin . read aril Nelson Street_ J. BROPHEY & SON --1HBLEADWO-- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden urfrlly attane.a to at all Rivers. night K day THE BON -TON Lavery and Hack Stables EAST STREET '*INEST SERVICE IN TOWN. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE. The finest turnouts in town Are gl#Plied at these well-known stables. (!arriages for every re- yuireulent wild good horses furnished at teas- lnlRloln rates ref Lire. Careful di-irers furnished when required. :111 u►Ils ptuwptly attended W. Walker & Augustine. 'Phone St. East street Livery. IIUUNDItY BROS. Livery, Back � 'Bus Stables ii OOOD HOR898 CARRDAGNS PHA $TONS Era AT- itEASOkABLS --R A Well-appointed Hackle and reli- able drivers in charge- of! the 'Blows. which will meet all train s and steamboats Aid. CATLTA ATTRNDRD TI) PROMPTLY FROM HOTRf1+ AND PRIVATE HOUFAt9 GUNDRY BROS. R ,KIUTI7 STRECT PHONIC Fis-Tv