HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-28, Page 5THE SIGNAL: 40DERIC14. (* NEW YORK NOTES , • I tier Hill, a muauur•e twrtd on eocoul- ulaodatious from Governor Hughes. the prospre tivo bride (wing itWs*d in a silver-grey travellit11 dress Dylata .... ........ 7ajk 7aK �x TelwlN Grain Markets. of Kidney Trouble It prryides x comprehensive plan of tiinunld with moleskin an velvet, Grose Thaw of grilse bnitality-b$pr while handling public fratichists and all and hieing veiled with it blue motor 10i sprlltz. bnrb:...so 71 to i.... SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE 8T, co annus that very" the public, veils lare,atutiona had !Mayo taken W tt'llwt, Enos. huY11 .... u m sisal, fall, bleb i'ATRICK'S DAY CELEbtRATION. By Ira provisions corporations cannot tied uvel-capitalized, extortion it plr!- avoid a fu»r, but sorb au uvrnt ctn. not he kept within the know ledge uj Y li ...... 0 It "to'". r.•d, burb . .... n 7♦ .... rear fought hard against the introduction of $hie dotningulg testimony )rut final- hibit d, and good service must Ile n strictly luuittd circle, and when the tough ........... 0 7r Barky, b,uh 055 •• • box. At druggistel, or by mail direct given to the public. The particularhappy pair lett the Registry oflbce test., lmmb ............. 0 4a .... The Black Smirch of the Thaw AV thing that 1leneflaa the average luau they found more friends than they Byte, tough .............. It $6 fair Touches Almost Everyone Its New York will be the power this] had expected to shower confetti up-; New York Dairy Market. Connected With It The Uncer. bill will give the new railway eouunis- cion over the street railway complion. y on tliplu ill lavish Gahiou. Ur. and Mrs. Merrall jumped into the motor- New ywk, Nrn•h �.--Better—YYrm. it* em'pla 41211. atrel•t prtes exrea uatm.,y. tainties of New York Weather ies. Overcrowding and inefficient l ear, mubped down Wlttatf Midland :a)S.tc to sit'. ufth•Wb price crest n••q, Efforts to Better the Government service rue to prevented. It is rroh• able that u�.mrd will Iso found tui Y hotel, whet•" the lel K I 1 of blends at lunclmunL unit I+ller lin tit' to Sir. Ofs,.•lul prig, cr"a airy, Ratio to extra, is 1., :ak•; gate thlry, com_ of the City. the d sgractful crush at the Hrouklyu the day they left fur it uultdr tour, Inuit to fluent, 21, to .9r; reutn'w ted, "a. arm, to ,•xtr., itk• to �•; wewteru tuetory. inanuffictntoeirs, and are in a position to show the Bridge and the overcrowding of cars which, It it undermttaat, will shirty) 0="a-0 r„ mets, Ilk- m LI%C; Westmont lost sane. In any event, it in difficult to 111 general. thein to the monthUf France."taticm l Wer!', vietrals, alt• to Yfr; trots. Ibiret:lal bOft'Ia•pWldtlnl.•e Of Tlyt Ig11aI.1 . • • — ItI.' Ci eveev Yfrui: rrwvHpts, 1364. Mule, lull Naw Yuax, MI !h 11). We were treated to x remarkable CURED HIS GR VEL. (,4+111. colored, sutull, sept, falx,, Ise; do., Flatgr were flying in the breeze at lopell of changeable weather vester•- flay. It half day, -- Willie. I4hlr; do., ("loud small, t)c'. , est, 14• , 14111c; slide, Rio city hall ml St. Patrick's Day. allowed a rained the the general belief is that White wit, I:1%" G+ 1/ur; -la„ The lent -God filers 'eta --are I half, and in the evening a Dodd's Kidney Pills a Slue Remedy for god to Rallied- "' to lalftc; winter n,,,de. only purple thus honored. Nu No) f•hunderxtoru, with vivid lightning. the A few hours This Terrible Disease. ul,nse beat. L,%v, large rept. fill) p 14%c; .lo., Isettlber best. !Belie to 145fc; all. one known the dare the lif. George g nue the day ofCole.ort colebiny 114sseld over city. the shitted suddenly t -Ir the /- Itooedene, Ont., MAroh 25th. (SI)13•- inli.—`iautllel J. Crow, the Inst s+,od to krone, 1_trc to 1814.; Ill errors, I1 v to 1'.1i sklma 3, to it%�r Furs bratety t ha•atlon of any tither sac" but the f, northwest., and t b e trutlx•raWre dropped fin• lleluw fr•eezio line of I known nlumiciann in this plot of Can- taster; revm a, ;ts,7xy; state, v f t 1 uryhnniu unit uenrbc fanerY. selected, Irish. But then, it ought w be ex. plained, the islet rut" New 1 ark, a i K point. New York, the truvpllerx say, has_ the afla. Ila» Iwen rued of gravel h)• white, :-"-c; do., choice. .+tic to ere: lerts" still Iglr.ed, extrt, A*.;'erot even though they don't rule Ireland. must varied climate ill the world. Ihxtd's Kidney Pills'. Speaking of hilt cine Mr. Crr+y rays to a=ern Ama, 18" ter. 18%r; western frsta, gra to lry/c; • • • C. It. -- ---- "i suffered with kidney diteave for CATTLE MARKETS. What would New York du without FROM STAGE TO MANSION. •years, which finally develeLyped into as I know, if I baked my o" cake and pastry, the Murphys, the DleCarrena, the Sul• --- gravel, when I was. totally utlllt lot anything. I tried Carle. �haut -Iteeay—Crlease F, N,_ livens• lent! the O'Briens? lloo"n't Sullivan I ' Tim 1 g veli for all the faith. ful Tanuuan followers in his district? Y many medic! e. latveatia` ![afftaga in England of a without result and was in much wit- Girl I dry when 1 decided GI try Dueler. Kid• for for cattle, lawn ter Hea., U $:Ann, March "7 -Ll v.rpool mud Lan, dna cr toles And•duesn't he •'blot!' the East Side Loan outing every summer• when lJIp Whom Bink Was Goderich. �� Iley MIN. UnFlish of recent date give! ' To ro)' -oro •iss arid delight, I int- Iegltni at', alwdy, At ]Ic to l: ikc per lb., tins," welaftt: refrlterator beef is v "'fed at 8%o: till tic per lb. Inter kegs Kr, numbe.rxl by hulldl n, ptronnuruce to accounts of the veil -I Illediately Gr recuvel•. F;ve to riage Of Allow Marjorie Deacon, lsrxed cured nle Montreal Live Stock. Audthe old ladled and the old hols jollieal ? True, his Income ofl completely." Imildon. it native of Gothor ich whom, I Th -me terrible operati.ells for gravl•l Slmel nal, March ^z.—Cable alleles from 1-Iva4p?,00don are may Ile and inviting, but wholespme as well. rol red » met lilnad4a rattle got from uncertain sources, but he lifter winning renown as a'•p,trtutlli OR, 1 »11011111 I1OW fee It thing of the past. w, -n- sin ager sod print, show as adv,. r "pends it Invishly told with all 0701t, princess," has become the bride of a I Ihaid's Kidney Pills IdWiLy» clue it. of 1Sv tier Bl., with rains at 11iac to ix. evert at ttrse prlcge exporters results, and he is one at New Irk's, wealthy luau ufactur'er•, She is the It's x kidney Ilirileaar, Y say that that they will RON,• $7 to is per bend. I•:a_ •great men." • • • daughter of Mrs. Deacon, formerly :Miss 4luaill, now in Englotod. and the - "There can be'no hapiline i lefull• porn from 1 oeYlrld he: week were ILip rattle. At the Stoutrcal Wank yards west Pat And 1 et Mel green. Kure, he r a kinuddaughter' of this hate James death." said the nag•. Itigilt S" and market, the reo,mpta of Iltc +tock for tt•, week ending Stan -b .'a, kind-hearted Ulan and x Imilliaut ora- hiulxill, ari bitlt/ t, of (loxlerieh. The r cried the frivolous voungl:ret•k. I'll were aS4a rad alio u7•, 77 rllelp also lawns, I441 h,m a tor. The words roll off hill ton It bride adopted the stage all x profession at Mxnchestrr A little over lou never into hmpp• till that rich old uncle ad tuinr iR doaI IOIY sire. .,red OR1"he gs.ror lot•r1...7•,- eull.ptou 10 -dry Doesn't he hold and r,* a in tire hu • Ins of his bnnel, and rule it Iwilevu• years agoand her rime since that $into has were IA01 rani.•. 7u1 she e7 ami !suets :xxl 11094 Aad 4011 alre>a. 'rale lently, and get the joint for the faith' ful:' True. he teen very rapid. The lAmKIN and Yorkshire M r:ury r THE MARKETS. [ bring !':aster mnrk,•t day the quality of the rata. dlieraat-m wan aerhrwuy above da. it a rare track Lout and It gambler, and it lobbyist in the titrate of March 7th thus refers to the I.ivgrpo.' Wheat Futures Close High► roeras. for Io.a1 and Outside hutrben h, .h— frau+ and the) had no trouble In .Senate, whom his enelllies any Ills bl• Y ronotlitir event : - "A or—Chicago Lower—Live Stock Mar- 6 atiegjing their want... erne offellns+, wen influenced for a mnnry conxtderutiou. luarringr was celebrated at the kers—Latest Quotations. office of the Registrar in Bradford eroraewhrt 1 arser limn raoml, tart then• was tme•1' •Goo ample .e,.,0®odeu.wla dor a❑ • • , yemtelday-, whirl) was of Inor•e than Monday Eve tleig. Mmn•ll r, j I.i,e gad the market wag in the Deni of tvwtdl_ [tea In .very r;. The gerflterlag d At the head of the Ht. Patrick'N Dray rlN of wheat futures closed today aveleige interent. 1'he eontr•acting I ,, 1 I,1 -;w to SNA lower than saturday, and AL'. Ja 11iy�` wag +cry larx. and so they saner_ ally rnskc loarmide was Charlie Iol irphy, the '•un- crowllell king" of Nen' 1 ark. Like• partit'm were Charle. H. Alerriel . 1 c, n. fanlrrN ill to S;d lower. the eldest still of the late Mr. p;dwill .1l 4 bl:•:t:n to day Sia wheat ; Ir ,,c a mem.• attractlr,• display M fitter at Nester time tarn gay other ,N•r1Ad many of the.. nest of New York's ruler» Y +ac'd t Kobin too Merrill, and it menitrr of :n.,. than Rnotrday: Slay carie !;r hither, Ury the car demand for .- act je wait treek and an active trade was done notwkh,nxnA Of the prleent day, he .t&rttd the tile, Ilan of Merrall k Mn, worsted . a',1 eats ua. hanged. I the beef that mumtrly, btgh petioles wT.� {xliticed pathway from the grugrhtip. TIIi»gent i lilts "pinn^I» and uutnufarturer•s, of Level, Winnipeg Optimm �lilln. Hawhrlh. Alias Mona Alar. wit7ail,z dmtvestri for ran,, pkl.tre beer.". 71u.n, �t'r oWwfro I+ttyrrs from pollen ml;snuticolal• call- ing. The ctuestion •• Wheredid he get and wheat futto closed to_day: ):'die Mill lel tte,u•on, wil,r played ill the I S ;,,,h 74ta,• boll. Stay 76c Md, July TAN a I "let. Qttei,e an[l •n. town pMadtut, wG, w of faery '- artrl l �aa•'d a few, Joliet. half it?" meaning his wrath -wax a oke Int aUr; Royal panlotnime of Hubfn- 1 Oat* lutores March 34%e told, %fay :rp5r •', Jh:v ai i hid. rs as 6Y,r to a,se Per Ib. but mere we. one Iced Of former years. This int laar,uite is , Nun l'ru+l orf aN Princess 1 rettyNiog. ,yr• of .t Ili Romney "fess On rhe mArtet Owlxd by A. maddled'ou the ntck of Father Krick• MiV.a IN-aie-Iar, whee.,,18 rmuleisMian Alarjulip Ireagdon, The Visible Supply. SI•r. W. Taft- of Besvectwt. roe wefts tris per Ib. wad hid and 7r.akN. rrlaxkrr like an I,Id-Man-tit-thclie,a• wader vet)' pretty Z.1T Sts r. Cti On. 1,n el batdl_ ern aporstel froelr and he rules a opulxtiuu nvc 1 half leve figure• on the t»purls of the IGipnl wll,t .. ...... 41.773.41a 17,�OuE a , tit ROA paGd e.• 07 a c D►r ab. lor fancy stark, bat large lea that of the Dominion of ( :Inn• It" the daughter of the »nvAge ioten• ,_IF7}sal r;,ru_,,s•/ I/kits ti„ _;,rsa 22,'Iaa 1YY1 the market tar the trdlaary no' Of eattle Imd►ed no des with an Iroi1 list. laic 1111 ('1'lIW»•'m island. The ci snit". 11a,rlax the week wheat In'.J."aed 41!e,10al .teasel' from a w.. -k ago• peck" ItMag firm,. alanres ntlending the marriage were he ltle Is, -,)rn I "•re; r,1 CO"!slu bas11•tis, 1t' mim at rb'ael" beemoe at 5r,e to ill r; • • • Whoever writer tits. true »teary of the 1 nit" nrlrrnlvrnliel. Mt•. Mrrl•Kll rove ap W the• dins ut the Ike gisUar's and coal. A.vn•n Newt :,:,Loom huaalels, Leading Wheat Markets. X"ml. At 5c to "Sir: fat1r. at 4%c to I). and Inver grades a t ?ran :Ie to 4 Sf c per 11,. 'filets• I ineof Murphy would umchevrr). phew• (or �olitit i knavery And seiner imag;n- oftive in hi, fhn motor ear. in ;too or- Or - dintr'y Nutfolli t,lnrist muit, anal ;O•- Mn} . July. Sold ',ew -ark was all imprvly deet i„ rho tk rtanA for rile rt aeeolllrt owing lo res h zh 1910 , radltig beer ah e•. This man diletxn't hang not" in t•uul{miniewl only' by Mi. .1. Wiliam, I , n4,N 45i 1 1 Joelrait ............ Ta, 'Ina' ,n7� gad tae tall that """' advNsv was relN,rtod allow. A steal K{tlirgah(1)w►IOW. Ile IUUllgesrxaily ill who WAs to art ax Im•»t mall. Miss t a 'ha' 1i •••••. 7rly 7!1% 7'11, er reeling d.v.latmd 111 the uu rkei for bow I,elnonlctis, find hs- Iearneal to pat I,.,ttvm sane rest' I u;eth' with her fit. Una* ....... 74+,,, —oak gull cr Muw- Psi an advance of lye err t -t- lira -4 with a fork. Think of hisviog thin wurtby At the head of A eleN't» roll pxniuu. Uiltm'1'ul wulA•r, in a cab, 1tln oalloII .. ..... 7710 7IS. ;;imr a* romplrM will, three• prf,l Ire'+ We,Aneeilay. 'Mm was not due to tins TARIO Ttivltnu.ty, March Jfi, 19111 r) Cure Yourself I r of Kidney Trouble Llybol 110 Exj?etlllhf0. at Pracjust ` Thaw of grilse bnitality-b$pr while do -- they travelled in Europe •sense year, 40— a few Just a few' I,oxeR UI ••Ser -Ju," and be Simply egat. SPRING afll- davit that Thaw had tried ill fore � Evelyn to defame Whit.e'm charneter. _- will well. take follow the directions, and you will be r fought hard against the introduction of $hie dotningulg testimony )rut final- 40— free of this terrible disease. Sae. a r� box. At druggistel, or by mail direct dO tell, Who Clalsor chem;cel co., 1-ilni- N'in,lwr, 1S IIERE ; with it comes the desire to those tut, Uri!. a eut off garnients which have done good service battling the ' winter stornis. When you see our showing of dainty ' Spring Footwear, you will want a pair of shoes to atter will he. nttAcked. and with pro- hriPoi you and make you feel more in harmony with priety, for Hummel, ten years ago ra to Ire the lewyer i•- the fresh Spring days. ,pute1l cleverest n ell aswlMalm6 ldrinr lrrlm IJrr►ponl I f.w:dis" On Canadian hacon, as •abler oa mt.renlay rr•perted rwh•e•r In the.!• Wark••toe tobut firlsitof lilted a,. adv.i,er M ■f in Footwear Is to At per Al.,which, however, A,d 1 , 111odels Rot have aNeh bear) og m bus ,n"mat for conspiracy toy Jerome himself. halon., na tiee r:tgrG a( t•rrwl "mate to that norm an. 'a>m'P,nativaly e,n,dl, There in another pr•oleabilit>. Jerome may feet surrewmful in having to aN 7%e reteo w111 the qt°" two in R'ewtlaew. •ILe ntretvevl rtrrm;tll In hoar war dn.• ARE DAINTY neat and by fair surpass anything; in + r /oeypa►ly 'A the stoall supply cdA lend th he kern .,nm4,etlthrw antoog local al dwMn the past. Wo have a Well-select(A stock froul. the best for na"Ilea, as the likit parking cuner•rns win' Rot OPamtlgt to ■vy extent. 'A fairy Auve trod. inanuffictntoeirs, and are in a position to show the a• was dales rod ales of aN,•,,tid boa' wrap• lembdr rt i7.M to $740 and so,, I ,you NEWEST and BEST in Footwear. Iwiderw asked $_IZO per cwt. lbs., weighed I oa the crate. sane. In any event, it in difficult to East Buffalo Cattle Market. speculate un the outeumr of the affair. !lean fluQaw, Starch 25.--Eerultas cattle, --. 171x1 head: dew teal Its, tai ale lower, priau.e . .., ia:. g. �,0 to >A) I bertdanW, "jo to &5.n- heifLsa, j:t.:al to 413 SHARnAN 4j case, with the exception of Harry ,►- to $4.50; bull. $&E to ��; al.w•kerr and fr+l lom tz•-.' to yt.40: ato t • there of the worst aide of life in ,t dP- a lrge city that is repugnant. WWI, M le $vo sows andapr•as the general belief is that White wit, `- goodr.a, este. Aadd $2 i- to j,1 lower; � c(man ten. Very dull, W to tom. flans-itOMptr. I.,r00 hod: h1Ay «- torr and Ilk- to Me lesbattery. a; ir.8) 4o IlKtZ; nixed. Ss.m to tkL70; raters and-------- Plgle. $01.70 to $&7z; tooth.. iu.90 to 1a: @(Ars, 44.2) to $5. �Itheep and hiatal- -Rattipta W.Wo bee,; .ep, steady; bamboo. Inver: lamb lit, l Y •'/ of No Alsllll or N .( 1 to $naso; yearllnga. $7 to i7 -y,: wefhers I ia.�7 to $tk7J: •wr`a, st.1J to iasai; abeep. �cd. $3 to �. Ty Acid there New York L{w Steck. New )'i+fk, Sfarrh ,—Balite-Re.•.I1i1a. I 0811; nortet I .saw, in in r46etal slow. sttela avoavally 10• lower; top •-rade." a tttfic evader: bulb all,] rr , that O Over sill of �f"< 1 eowa randy 0a Ucllt to +; and •$a.:tn; leMe. rtewg, f+..`at I x1114 i3--ro the baking powders sold is Carsda, _ fl p° and $4.50: ra...•.. du, $4.111 to 411.7:.; (owe. Stop y $4..0 1 •• +y,,�, ,on[ain alum said acid phosphates. p r• E314". te_nNe•nvw. I% atilo .told N� qtr rte•rm of Iwss. i `/�t• ., •• !t seems to me that folk ought to be /'rlv.s�-lttwolpts. Bt>t7: netlre unA Nunn:: mighty careful what baking powder they ux."— am,Nt nap's :.:x• w alit' )'lifter. t -,-al., $ci ;o i ilbe rolls, t:i; Lnruyanl Rhea ■ud as I know, if I baked my o" cake and pastry, y„tr- . ung.•. f2.:I1 t0 i,•tsl,. 'hit there it only one baking powder 1 would buy. 1♦ Nhtw.yr gad LmlYa-Ite,•NptA, 41;51. ml c -p ata-n7'y: lanlflla a $nee 1-a>7'; rill.p, $430 -('hat's to erL i7 ^9s. $7 tO 10: lust111ery 17.17 J .., >ui 7;,. 1 • St..George"s B"Powder � e Chicago Live Stock. i (•bice gO, Blanch _a.-t•attt.-Ile,..lpta ' ab,�ut :05.01110; it is a genuine Cream of Tartar Baking Powder—free of market, steady. bol s,low; 1m a11aml to prime .sects $4 to $7: $3.1':1 to ii; alum, acids, lime, ammonia and phosphates. heifers $B 1, twS.1.1; Nulla, $B.4•; w $fi—1 .ales, >t_.7' '" r.75; .t.wmrrs ! and fe+slww R's to $4.m. i ST. GFORGE'S is healthful—and makes Biscuits, llags-�•rflw'. about 4:;,ma,: 'n-•r►.t• Ilk• lower: Cake, Nies, etc., that are not only deliciously light chin."• heary »hlppees. $11.^211 to fsR. _•�• llrbr buirht•rx in 5 to irJ.; and inviting, but wholespme as well. ehole•e light,, i0.'_j to $ilik 1; tell"kIne. xi 73 Role -,'50 h to $x..r 1; p. $4i $6-15; budk M. mn•em. ".20 to oar Conk lNook tells New to prepare a numb" of novet disher_•asd to Sheep It'—frets, stmt ^,'t•tkln: nark •t present aid faventea in sew games. write for a free to" to the tt ArloliAl. na ra a CNZKSCAL CO. OF CAaADA, 1,(aftad. Mwtreal. 10 etsgdy, hat drill: �, $4 M 111..7: yearl- Iage. $:• to $7. n; laii, $0 to mien in honoti of is menint; , I, leading the noble Nixty•ninth and the Irish „ — — �- -- -- -- — — wollltlteers, and the different ..I "►►�r►eller►t�ttt►ttttlmrffmrt►m► 1sett!MITTMITttnitrt►tr►IffTmlfitiffnlfflffrt►mmmrrr�r�m►rtmmmrnrrtmmmm►tttttmtttt� mlx•ieties men of ulanholnl ,old trice. _`JJ. worth ! It in ter fanny an the sight „t a dr milipu Orangeman snnu+hing l til brad uta dram in his real fur how r,._ THE HIGHEST CORSET MERIT 1 !glop. e► ~ MANUFACTURED BY hr• -Thaw, trims iw nearing nn cull, THE CROMPTON CORSET CO.. LTD., mud the Gstintony nwy cloy any day. Clzol"PTON CORSETS The effectof K.vrlyn 'rhaw'n re m ch �- A LA GRACE 78 YORK ST., TORONTO. ONT. the nynll+athies o/ the {ory were much e that ;t was widely Im•i;eved Than would he acquitted. A new ensu The following; letters confirm all claims to superiority: Cline in tlle t k h ,__ wee , w en a top) of an afftllavlt liosele luefore Ahrah,tpl Itlllllmel was intrlmtuced into the cam.. The affidavit strikes at the vitid point Of Evelyn's teatiumnv, and accusem ` Thaw of grilse bnitality-b$pr while do -- they travelled in Europe •sense year, 40— ago . It in in efftet an exoupratmn ut White, it hoping sworn to in the afll- davit that Thaw had tried ill fore � Evelyn to defame Whit.e'm charneter. _- Delmas, the defendant's counsel, r fought hard against the introduction of $hie dotningulg testimony )rut final- 40— ly Rave in, and the atatenlent was r� real in court. It will now be the plan dO of the defeat" to ir•y to prove the document 'file worthless. original was burned --Evelyn Thaw denier that it ever existed. Aire Ifurumrl'r chile - atter will he. nttAcked. and with pro- priety, for Hummel, ten years ago ra to Ire the lewyer i•- ,pute1l cleverest n New York, inadiscrdited man tollav so— und has been Convicted of perj try nn;l dII` conspiracy toy Jerome himself. There in another pr•oleabilit>. Jerome may feet surrewmful in having to Commission in lunar). appointed to ex- r_ amine Thaw, and in Calle he in proven � of nnwlund inind the prisoner may Is- —_ sent to it prison for the criminal in- r_ sane. In any event, it in difficult to F -e speculate un the outeumr of the affair. a— The constant rerlx)rts of this reulark- able oriel air pptvdueing an intplemmiun dill— do— of disgust In.the minds of theuhlic. fur alout all the principals the. 4j case, with the exception of Harry ,►- Thaw's mother, there is len atmos- als— there of the worst aide of life in ,t dP- a lrge city that is repugnant. WWI, the general belief is that White wit, `- Note an rumorm, person, t e trot tax pelt It dp— smirch on the names of allnumt every- one connected with it. • • • i made the reinark in it previotIN letter that the climate of New YO wan becoming milder. By the tin.p the letter appeared in The Signal the tnwr► wan under it mnntle of snow : —_ and it continued to mnow, and to blow, until there, were enormous drifts and � mounds all over the city. The snow 0 has not been cleared away as quickly r em usual, thanks to the aecure position of Tammany and its grafting system. On the crowded VAmt hide the snow has lain ever since it fell twit ulonthe Air, and the fllth of this unsavory Vect ham remained and mixed in with it. until nmundm of black muck litter till, entire area etuet of the Bowery. • Better day$ am coming for New York. A hill in pending in AIImiiy that willggive the police commisnionet w Of New Yurk actual control of the police. An the symtein in organiyrd now, the p Olire. inspectors And dote, - lives are Apfxrinh•ri by the lo,udof Aldermen and cennyt be removed fly r_ the police commisionera. The present dles� head of the police department in Oen- ,► rrAl Hingham, an honorable and fear lent man. He in making ever), effort G/ ».cure the of Ilia hill. and it meemm ami hr will Ire nprretmnful. he has Hie panda are tied now, ,tm no control over him sulordinatem. Murphy' and Mr•Carten and their nien all- rsfighting fightingthis hill to the hist ditch, as theyy do every law for the pulllic {tend. It is stated without. r'rawrve that It tend of hundreds of thousands of dill dP- lm is to he timet) to defeat it, if pow dble. � ►a r 1 to Another �1111ii�rl till 1������������lu��ll11111111u1�IlJU1l�lUll♦I11111111111U11u11�I1I111t1I1u111t11�1111Ju111U1u1111u1U11111� � Ill K