HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-28, Page 3 fecvs Of 0
Jellies Farrell, of Kincardine, lids
joined the ranks of tilt-
heThe death of Juhn I.,uuont has re-
moved au old and highly rrslvectod
resident of Ethel.
'['hit# week the electorm of Brusmels
will record !heir vote relative to the
site of Ilse proposed Carneffie libr*ry.
Brnjalnin Colombo, one of the first
residents of Kincardine, died leo Hat•
urday, Idth Inst., In his nighty -third
Peter McDonald, sr., (it CrainhrKok,
has purchased the home of M. Rey
tuann, who fee going to 1'aluletrotun to
-Enaies. E,upleor... Prmplr.-are severely clued
-elle arca intense Sldervie at once rdre+ed-It
MADE x -A- pr6.0,11.11Ee.
()ad=& l -ate Ealy and remedy.
"I was III -611d ."A /rA ". Y,/n," aiw+/n,rf
rem wtwr see..., rr rA// Jv." A q Byrn,
"/ r,a e!/ ,M ,.Asea ,mel r rrd,r. / n... ward rf
The / r,.E A/us O,r/rrml-Mrd ,A,.,.d rare
.rh/ ew ,l ,Aaw NI lAe nrhr, ,. /,nu."rewd a to
/" r;:;IrA this roc)/m x, -•
box --6 fir 52.50. Used with Mira
enec sad Toebl .
T N mean. • nicker
Illo.d cure.
At dr„p-Ilwe. or from The Cheelia: Co. of
Ceaada, !anted. H.milton-Tutooto.
A Surprise in Bisesits
Every box ,it Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sotiu you open --yew will
find ■ new delight in thew' dain•y
When you avant to surprise ynurw!f,
give your appetite a treat with
Mooney's at
Perfection Cream Sodas
Canadian Northern Ontario
GOING March 28. 29, 30 and April'
1. 1907. Olxa) In relitn till April 2nd;
Infern,rt inn, ticket-. 'Ie. nap,!). Alrrno
lr T
rade 1'it)' Umer,,m. Kleist and Turlinte So-
IwlwPen all stations in Canada :
also to Detroit, Pont Hos-01.411,,-
pension Bridge, Buffalo and Ni -
Agaves F,allm, N. Y.
March 28th, 99th, 30th, 31st and
April 1st.
until Tuonality, April 2nd.
For ricket■ and fill] Informal Into call on
Town Asent.
Offi,e hlner"-
Depot Ticket Agent.
J. n. McD npld tarot ['saw AgliM,
TIIE SKINAL : G'0D1:111C11' 0N'1'A RiO'
Clinton'« charluing gyout,g ladiu%.
Lowe, the bte,rad or J e Wheatley,
lieeame the bride of Oeurge 1111A%w•t•
e R `
11ey, (of WoladalAwk, formerly of Cliff -
tins. The Ger'eslany waa, laorfen•tln•ll
by He% W. E. Kerr in lite prWtence lot
On'1'hut-4ed:► March 11th, Air. and
A few inn t-.1wtr Irieuds of file con-
Mrm. 1). Melntylre, (if Seafe)rth, cele-
"""'ting parties.
bra"the fiftieth anuiveruary of their
Mrs. John Retail in Sruce6eJ¢.
• Chas, (!#full slid fatuil . ch EaeWr,
On Wednesday so last week the cili.
Ivft Idst week fur Crystal Clty,aeno
of Hrucefield had t he t.leasur•e 404
where they will Make thrix hove in
hearing un inter•slflig addrehs given
the future.
in the f tv,flyterian l•hureh by Mrs.
David Disarms Land family, lef Ulf -I
Anna 1GLw. if Tul'Oulu, wile of the.
borne, left laht week forUtand 004)1310e. ,
hate Rev. John Hush. w'h.) Icture Was
Hawk., where they Intend nlakitig
deuenw w•:oa sue dearly Iwluvwl by hie
their future house.1L11•plr
in Ihvev he d, to whoul he %%-as
Last week Mr. and Allis. Henry
nuwn as "rhe Man With the Hook."
Mtam, of Hullett, wets lie eaved of
SDs. It"', IYavesshurth' for Maniti-Ita,
their bright little daughter Ahnoda,
where sill• will Iemide with her Son,
aged eight Mouths.
H. J. Ttmvette, of she.. Lucknuw
Death of Miss Wiley, Ashfield.
Furniture (in., leaves this'we-ek fur
The leillh of Miss Surah Jan:
LAK Ir►KLrt, N. Y., where he intend"
Wiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
runlgmg afruit fxrol•
Won. Wiley, lot 1(►, bake rat e. X01.
Mr%. (,,ham. F1)(Kly, of Illyth, cele-
fields Occurrd oil Match 1;x31. The
brated her eighty-fourth birthday re-
decvs-d was only nineteen yeltns of
Gently. On this happy occlusion sill•
age an,l wits of N must nuliable dib -
was presented by her children with ,►
Pusitt*u. Her health had Wen de-
handsonne Morris chair.
climng for it year and Nu attack of
The desth (ocetirle+ll on Hnnday, the
Pleurisy hastened her tenth. A large
171h inst.. lot Mrs. John McConnell.
nundwr elf friends followed the le -
one of Dublin's aged and rempevLed
Illahnl Ge the {dace of interment In
citizens. Dreeased leaves to luourn
Kincarlille cominelero.
her load her humiland, six suns filed nue
Damage by Lightning Near Clinton.
IThe storin on Saturday flight was
Wool. Pipe, of Morris• hots purchahed
accumlednitAw•ithseriuusdxluagein the
from Will. Keys fill- $1,t1111) the 1111)
fleighlNnhewKl ser of lintun, where two
scar firm I. formerly owned y Mr.
Pi '" father. Mr. Keys will ploh-
barns wee rtrlck by lightning and
ably retnru IceSaskittchewan. where he
dri,truytd by t(re. L. Wiltbe, who
is known the McTug-
owns laved.
Towne what its
gart. farm ILII the I,undou road, atxalt
On Friday, March 15th, Hobert R.
two mile,: front town, lust his fine new
Douglas. an esteenwd citizen of Hly'th.
bulk lsuln just cumanted hist fall,
died ver' suddenly of Brig lit'sdisea•.
Talmo twenty-nine heal! f cattle. nine'
lJoet-cApped ryas it blacksmith by trade
of which were fatted forexport And
and leaves a wife and one syn, Peter,
were to Ile shipped on M/lndety. A
tui Owns his defense.
Liege yualntity of hay. Isles, fiew•l,
The license of John Minn, LeArlbury,
tmplementu, etc., wrre also destroyed•
was the scene if a pleasant event last
the luta{ IIAia awing list", thousuld
week, %when his daughter, M68 Jennie,
dollars, with in%uraince fur (life thou -
was ulmried to T. E. Surrey, of Who.
mild five hundred. The learn belong-'
lhrop. Rev. H. Al. IrtngfurL1 oMci-
fug to J. Lauxuu, x market gardener,
at,d at the cen•tolmly.
,1111 lives loll tilt' 111111/11Iliad, AlKelt
Sir. And tit,,. Juhn! Mitchell. of ISx-
two miles west of Clinton, "ISO wito
titer• passed the golden anniversary of
"Ll'"'lightning by lightning find culupletely
t heir wedding day ore Monday, March
desUoylK by etre.
Ilth. Owing tel the Move" of Afro.
The Seaforth Shoe Factory.
Mitchell they did not evlehrate the
IKcasion with fetiltiwity.
'Flip creditors of the Willis Shoe
An inlorrstiug event k pl4ce at
mp of Ise
Company, of e--maneedforth, have ndi )t
"hl. (lf
Varna last week, wh n Rev. Mr.
cm a and d 1 that tfa' •s
the n tnv t l find l a x u
the cnilpa ndfi d that affairs
Davidson pronounced the,words whish
are ill much 1P.tter condition than was
made lictorge Fuller, Of till• Front
expected. Since the cotlylany started
r4ead, and bliss Jliuut aughter of
operations things have see improved
S:uuuel Reid. I sold %wit e.
that at the liner (he eassignttent was
Issite Hudson, of the Par line, Stan.
Inside it was running on a paying
It•y, has die{{1wee"e•d of his I" -acre• farm
Nu is. Thin loping the came till. cl•etlituts
ht Andrew bore of the Let ser line for
decided to forn themselves into joint
s5,.Af n. Mr. Hudson inte Ids going
stork cionquany. The Bink of Com- i
Went after Seeding and u y locate
tlleree will setmeraLe the plant until the '.
then- if the count!)' suits his i _
necessary stella, sue taken tip organize.
The home of Nfr. and Mrs. lodoch
lu addition W his due sliar•e in the',
Mcl.eatl, of the 7thcuscr. run of
cajiilal Mork of the company, W. H.
N% Ilse will fit- it SA ary am Inan-
Huron, wave the mcelle 'of a 1
event oil fill- 'alth Inst.. wit thi•it'
after. Provision will alPle Is- tinnle
daughter Catherine was mriiied to
w•helehy Ali-. Willis. the. former
Bert Vansickle. lif Kincardine. ''
OWO(T. May lexssllllr 0111• 114I8ineSIN in
On Monday, the• little inmt..'Mis"
AINatt fust• ye3rb. by lwyno•ut (Of the
SIAL -Ah A. Ma4ton. itglal -Ixty-twee yearT4,
Cls/1111-4 Of the Crelrtt/l'".
died Lu the house of Alex. Grafhger.
Postmaster Farrow, Drussehl.
1,011(1011 road. (Tinton. For mlmnll
thirty years the de•ceahel had lietrie a
Oil 1''1'1d;1Y, 111E K111 inst., ;Ile people
great m11ffe•1er frons t•hesnlatisui.
of HrOmhwls rpdoiced with l o"tinissle l
Atter a .1•rouet altack set typh ofd
Farrow o11 the OCCANilnl of hi+ Sevenly-
fourth birthday. %Ir. 1'ar11)%v i+ ono
fever Mas Fiank Hell, of Turulwr v.
,.f Dru,"el', uol+Ihleg, and an intern-4t-
leN,,-Ise (In Wldnewda)•, Mar 11
Illg tlkl•(e•11 14 Illy life 1, j;.\'1.11 1,% The
13[11. 11le de'Pasd WAS tilil't\•-1111-4 -
R,118K-Ili P/o,l. fit. _0 1x11'11 in '.
weArm of :age ;till) !(gawps x mle1•n,wlll
humband and so Young f uuily to 11110ut'n
Unt-ohodtlle. Eng.. in ItKI3 : faille 1.4,
Canada %with hi" parents in DW and
her. .
settlesei in Durhaur collnty. After
Another of the pioneers blow croresd
%vOrknLg leu a farm fur a year, he went
Ihe river it. the lot Men. Cham•
a mcMiipl for nine month" Lend fn IW?l
.1. Snaith, who 1 iel at feet- hi nor in
nn tA9lchinK 14('64)01 on it Salary 40f
Senforth 1111 Friday, file 15th inst.
♦dilermonth Most IIIA1N.a1-41.Which WAS
Deceased, whits in her eighlY-fourth
Iwgulated by imperiling in each family
year ^fill I. sno-viwesl toy. x fm Mtn y ref
one week !ser each scholar attending
allies and daughters.schle/d.
Later he Uwght its, Newton.
00 Wednesday, Match lath, a large
will* ter it salary of 01*1 a year. In
gathering of telmotives and friends
187"e wets Offered life puaiUon of in-
witnewsld fhe marriage 0r Miss Sarah,
spectin, hut. allured by Ilie siren voice
dAughter (of Titles. Fitirsercire, of
of prflticn, be leVILI ne n candidate' for
Clinton. W WIII. H. Confining- Thr
the libiwe of Conionous for Eaves. Hur-
yuting couple ppur•Ixme leaving shortly
it their new bonne in Manitolon.
on, %w t elected and continued to sit
,ill IBKT, when he retfrd to ilia farul.
welling wits eelehristel at
A gniet ea
TWO ye%itrs latex he entered upon his
Clinteen last week when Jas. Tucker
duties an postmaster of brusmels.
gni %flow liens Willia nem wee
unit/41 in the ["ends of tuatrimony.
The happy couple wpm pr•ebenttd by
their fellow-ewphuylvs of Lila Jackson
Mfgg. ('0. with it I andelteuw cotich and
Some Ona! Proofs of Its Heal-
On the Bill in -4t. a charming home'
wedding w•Ia"t'e•Ietnated A1, the homy
Parr) dap rein/:- fnnclesting i11 -
,.f Mrs. .1. Conley. Kfnitlss, when her
mt+ulcem to light of t le• %%ondt•ri111 hed-
IdemL daughter, Miss ida E., was
illi {sewer 0f Ln Ilok. the herbal
married to Frederick Johnston in the
IPA In. Mr. WIII.\SIwll•;1 lAulgenburK.
prew•nre of Ziff gllestp. The cereulony
iSask.), fanner. now•• : ••I saved now
Ll'as Iwrforutel div Rev. Ali-. Duncan•
gran by using %ane -link. I had a ter -
of Whit•ehureh.
rifle scalding accident and the arm
An interesting event ucetrred on
after the injury Lfh.k the wrong way.'
the 11th Inept, at the holue of Mr.
When I starts -41 t„ use %,leu -Bok iI
Mitchell. 'Thorne Hedge Farm; near
was all mwullen up lend dis•olorgl. and
VAI -n", when the Ketotlenfls
t feat•el it would have fit emneoff. if,
\Liss Margnerile Haulilton, w'aa rune-
it few days %aur -Hak killed the Ia.isou,
rind to tininnel Harnilton, of Shth.
r',Anced the Swelling, and finally
[line. Mich. Rev. Thorofare I)xvklson
hVidel I In' Arno cuts{{Lletely.
was the officiating clergvnian.
Eezeniea Cured -111r. J. E, Musick.
of Zahn Wilson %tl*PL HalsidteNl,
After a short hinesh,lohnClutnming,
may, : - "Every winter 1 Osed to
0f the 13th ronressinu. Hullett, Pm:•sed
have e•zen,i on the hack of my hand,,.
«way at the residence of hin mother.
1.10"1, wintl•l: 1 wow 0. etciadlp lead -s,
'I'he• Ile(•eglmel. who was a lwepnllr and
lard that I had to le title work for three
highly ps[eenled young man, lenves to
weeks. A hill- mufferfngacutely i
mourn hien. besdde-4 his widowed
tuns n6itied to tt•y t au.11uk and did
nmtlwr, six brothers living lin Hit-
we i could not Have believed any-
ski0teliew,tn. The I nenllier" of the
thin; rrnlld have healed sit quickly !
order Of the Suns of England, (if
it just Seemed to dry up and deur
which lie, 11 Rim is foil brill Inellllwl', At-
away the Seven. and Its La IV,oudsrfltily
tended the funeral in is burly•
short time rely hands were quite
The West Not for Him.
Pilot 011141-101r. Neil Uevon, o
Mr. Dunlop, of ilonstance, who re-
Webbwoewl (Ont.), saps' - M.I. right
itinved with him family to the West it
yeull 1 tried all kinds let things, for
few week" ago. lea" returned to him
piles, but gilt nothing to du file fitly
former home to remide. While Mr.
good until I mtruck %Am link ! That
Dunlop admits that the Went is all
yuhekly worked a cuulpletc core."
right for the younger generation. he
%an' Buk heals tell skin diseamem,
saym it i" not the place for those of
cats and bruise", erwina, scalp son's,
advancing years.
ulcerm, chapl)ed piaceS,mpringpilnplem,
A Good Property.
scrpfuloum ailments, poimontal wnlnds,
swollen glandes, b oilet. AS an enmhir
The Weir farm near Clinton has
cation it cures Ihetinnaison. Sefaticla,
leen maid tree H. H. Sn11th, the well-
etc. All druggist% moll At blic. it 11ox,
known cattle br,yer, for the, suits of
or front &am -Bok (lo., Tnrotlto, 0
$11.330). Mr. Sndth ham now Sill al -rem
I)nxpm far $2 00. Send Ic. Ntaanp fill.
of choice land nearly all h1 one block,
dainty trims[ box.
,tied intends spending mrl'end thousand
-__- -- t-
drellarw improving this valuable prop.
Amerien &Husbands.
An lmportant Financial Change.
"Pail lion rgel, the French novel -
s:1id Auagazineelitor, •'thinkvo he
.1. le. Tisll ll, the well-known o ivatp
oriole rest it, 04 American women. ]lilt,
hunker of Clintoil, is w•ithdrawitor
iilnn•get does undermtand American
front Ili inrsm in that town and will
men ppetty well. Once, at a dinner
take set) hi% remidence in Iluffmlo,
that II , hart Harling Davis gave he
where 1e has it large intetemt in a
himhonter. Bont•Ket, handed tAi nal "nen
wholesale dryfloods hominess. Tire-
a singniarly large And it id leneon.
MOlmonm (lank has taken aver Mr.
He opstid that we ale tux) lax and looser.
Tlmdalles huminevem at Clinton and will
ish toward title wivP4. He Aid we
conduct it an part of ite Own mysteln.
often treated a pretty yellow -haired
Death of Huron Township Resident.
typewriter girl hired yenter n )• with
n)ore gentlenemm stood c0urtemy lhnn we
()is the lith in%t.. ('hriatela Me-
Kave W wWe11 of twenty nor thirty
Lannan, wife of the late Won. Rob-
YeAt'11 atAndillg. lie inmtancel the
Prtwnn, of Huron t wnship, and
ease of it man who most reading the•
mothrrr of Richard 110he taon, ex.
evo-nfnK tLaper oat• night, A ciRmrin
reeve of the township, de ted this
him month And hire feet un the are it.
life ^t the age of pixty-eight YeArv.
acid his wife, -do you
Mrs. McLennan was Is. wo)nAgof high
love file?'
Chriptian rh"rmete• and mines dmrly
"'Ye%.' he anrewvrtnl without I/w1k-
heloved by her aryuAintaneep. The
Ing npp.
fnnet-Al (o Ripley cernetery wait large.
A% nosh am ever F
I nit I"nded.
'Sone,' m^id the man, as he struck
A Clinton Wedding.
a match and trlighted his cigar.
\Vhy: the woman purnullI len-
An intere%ting e%r•nl took place in
Ontario-trect. church, ChnlAlte, i,n
" 'Oh, 1 dnn'l know,' maid he.
Wedneadive), M^tch I;kli, when nue of
'Haldt, 1 auplwele,' "
Dainty Place Cards For Valentine Din.
nerd and Suppere.
Much of the daintiness; of a valen-
tine supper or dinner deleude ulcu the j
place cards. 'cheer call be nolilo at i
home at little expense.
Faii for fila place cards u heal')-
weight gilt or red paler. If the flowers
are red, better carry out the color
sP.leme and match the paper to the
color of the reasons.
Cut the heart shaped patter
n• lay It
over the Draper and mark It tightly.
I)o not cat until sure that the design Is
just right.
No. 1 shows two hearts cut from red
paper pierced with a long pin made to
represent on arrow by a paper design
cut to represent all arrowhead. The
name of the guest Is written across the
face of the upper heart.
No. 2 shows a photograph place caM.
This Is used when the dlnner is gl i n
s4 a.
In honor of a friend of the heelless.
Three hearts are cut to fold together.
On the Inner heart Is pastel] a small
photograph of the guest of honor;
ncroms the first heart In written the
name of the guest; across the la%t Is
the date or a love motto.
No. 8 combines the place card and
the Iwubten box. The pattern Is shown
1n the drawing. The dotted !loom show
where the edges are 10 hp foldwl to
F4,ACZ CARD A.`7U )suiaun aux.
form the box. The perforation are
made for ribbons. Narrow red rlbbnns
are run through and tied. The heart
forms the hover of the box. The box
Is cat from one heavy piece. It should
be of'paper heavy enough to hold the
little heart shaped motto candles or
Practical Pillow Covers.
In a living room where all thingm re•-
eelve constant use, and hard upe at
that, it Is often something of a problem
to know what to leave as eover•Ingm for
the couch cushions, beauty being de-
slred as well as durability.
Thp materials that have proved most
satisfactory from every point of view
are the art tickinga, cretonnes and
rhinty.m. Theme all stand repeated
laundering an well vivo hard wear. They
are pretty and pomeemed of great vn-
riety as to color and dealgn.
Stripes, floral dpslgnvo galore and
beautiful Peminn pattern% may Iw. had
In these cottons find linens, and when
used In conjunction with Pach other
thPy make of the living roam couch a
most cozy and living spot; luring the
unsuspecting on to many an idle hour.
Another thing to eonaifler In this
room is the number of plrtutes. Too
-many small pictures scattered about
draw the eye uncoractous#y and prove
vestry wearying.
To Go South.
Wear a serge or cheviot traveling
stilt with silk bloume.
Take along a handsome broadcloth
tailored cult.
Also two or three silk and craps,
gowns for dinner wear at the hotels.
These gowns will do fine ntternoon
wear to the Florida climate.
Have a separate cloth wrap for trnv-
eling and evening wear at the hotel.
in the mornings wear one of the
cloth skirts with ebirt waists.
If more variety Is neederl. take mev-
eral linen and whlie lingerie glywnn.
Besides the traveling hat, a dressy
afternoon hat and at leant one or two
white hats will be needed.
Peppermint Drops.
Place over the flee In a granitenattcP-
pan one large rupfnl of granulated sug-
ar and fonr tablempoortfuls of hint wa-
ter. When the mlxttxre t,mones tna boll
cook three minutes. Meanwhile have
ready fourtablespOonfnlmelf confection-
er's sugar mixed with a few dropat of
ppppermint`__Tprn this Into the boding
elnlp and stir gn)rkly. Take ftran the
flrP, set the tan in a urger one of cold
water and with a spoon drop the hot
liqnld In spots about the step of a
nickel on oiled paper or martlo. Po
not place the Intengtla an close togeth-
er that they will rein foto PatAL other
or tillervlll not be a good shape.
Things Worth While.
To la,k and ,cr 1 ha tinsatifnl
Thr. werfit h. del. W I he view :
Too Ilmlcn -col I„ hear the .ons.
\%'hfrh Nat are .dog,. for yon.
Tevta.tn Ihr .writ of nil yon .A,.
To "n.ell each fragrnnt fl-cr.
To know, to r-1 tl.Al fiat I. r,_I.
To lll'e within the hmlr.
To love, oar who dtamrrvem ypnr, torp.
To fare All with a ptnDm,
To match A NMI be, trying haM-
Th,• m an•. n hr. I I,IW. wort h 'a•hble.
Sonar 0. ICIIiAmrnn.
Manager -"Yunt principal Baty will
ho tre answer (In•o,tlnmm. Are ),I>u
tnowl Ilt ,lou Appplic,lUt "Sir, i
have had twelve rhileltln." Matk Wr-
••You my euglaged."
We are prepared Willi all the latest rrealions far Spring.
itself (lo Saturday we will allow at Iuxguilleent I-mige of all the
lalest'uovelliea fur Spring Wear. A collection is here by
far the largest we have ever had the pleamotte of showing.
Ladies' Mantles
Ladies' Silk Capes and Jackets
Ladies' Short and 3-4 length Mantles
Ladies' Pony jackets
Ladies' ash Suits and Skirts
1.A1►i ,'S' '1' W E F D COLLAR. LADIES' 7'\YEED COAT.
16 iuchem lung, Collarless
:34 inches long. !dads with effect, pleated Irick. The culla'
fly front. Tho, collar and cuffs and culT" an I• Iahoinel with vel -
are 11a1141moun•ly hrilonlel with vet, ,nal braid at very Stylisll
velvet and braid. Hlwcfal lits.73 g.u•inent. Special $7.34)
Ladies' Pony Jackets from $2.50.
Ladies' Wash Suits from $2.75•
TWEEDS :u t• he iII ill lite 1ewl laITI rl,• I
Nlll lfl1Tweed,/.
-... [[fail nnkr,'exree4lingly Ksaa t Spring bllilS fit :A/c yd.
Othel•m Al 7:x•, 71.00, $1.25 and f{I.3t1, the better uumllers being in
suit lengths only.
TNVIIabAY, March '-18, 1907 3
We have every tequisite to wake
Lite house-eltaning proceps thorough
and At the same time as light a task as
and everything also in season e
pure and fres!.
The Square - 'Phone ill
The undersigned having been re
slurtld to health by Simple ineans, aftobr
s ifTering for several years with x sey-
e ve lung Affection, and that dread
disease Cassam/liN, is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the
mean" Of cure. 7'o those Who desire
it, he will cheerfully send (free of 0
_.---- -_- -_ _ -- ---- ---- - ---- - - -- charge) it copy of the prescription
!however nivan your life ix meet it I Ile -"If you don" Marry ml- I'll go used, which they will find a stole cure
^Nd lire it: do sent hlNm it and cull it t and bang wPxelf ill tum front garden." 40r Csssrmltlea, Adk s, Calurb. Bres-
hatd nanms. It I% not ho had as you She Oh. Ilun't (10 Lhat ! Father iib Ilnd nil I Inial ,Ind lunst Maladies.
al-•. doesn't like anybody hanging almlut. 11 holes all hufferel-A will tr,EV his
fie Iedy, as it is invaluable. 111111E
- --- dp,,f hig the prescription, which will
' t h' d
Gray's Syrup
Red Spruce Gum
For Coughs and Colds.
Get Your Lawn Mower Sharpened
Sharpened So Lawn Mowers Last Season, and
he expects to double
that number this year.
To avoid the rush lie
will begin now. Any- d
one notifying him by
postcard or otherwise
call have his mower
called for, and it will .
be delivered in time for
use. His charges are
moderate, and all work
entrusted to him will be
done In a thorough
OLIVER H. I)ENNINfiiON, - William=st , Goderich
Ia, i luauna, 4mmaua ll MllEe
(nn rnmrnnn R-ncam the oo&tinnewsn
wire stAy%arr -are toliend and thelorka
to lope their grip undor rnntimlal prem.
sureof your hone" or rattle. Auld eenty
they de•,the top warm, moon followed by
thl0mti below, will mag and destroy the
efficiency of your fence.
Nothing liko Ifear can happen to rens,
Dillon Ifinge ml^y Fenrn• Thre'ayYr/a
MHff hard xtrel wire In nor hinge stwy,l
rwnnot hond when the lateral wire" are
sompapponsoi weighted down• awing to their being are
short and ) nlnte d al, each at Band wire.
Pr~iim of a hone nn the Inv wiro bring" the "hinggrr+" In the motion intra action
and ps,erantm thorn from t.en,tinw. and when prem.ure Im relleved the fence "primp back
Into pl^m agwln.
The Islam' warm pro High C'arbin Hard St"el and enflP,l to ppmvlde far
pxpantion and cetr
nactinn by homeand mid, and are plan rritnro vl At the tntprp"rtlnn
of t hn mt^yo and eit.nmte to prevent tho ataym from mllppiner mldeways-therefore no bake
are neAvieti.
Noy film nlllon Fling-9tay tresses. It's "twim am strong." Twice an stood in
Inrliatment. ('atellogns faro.
The Owen Scull Ntlrs Fence Co., limited, Owen !sound, OM.
1.ir 'IriQ.KXIXGf r
film rm 1140, wig, an "nay prove a
blummil , will ple"he ndtiress
Rev. EDWARD A D A. WILSON, drlMtln, N.Y
l urnit err and l ndc.lakl g w'xrorooa,+.
\1•o"t .ate sero,
THON ES: tiluro ell. Goderldl
Hoeure, I.m
V IKhI toll.:.0 rc"idreicr, e.r. mbria
no -d No
and t-om At I.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden nrlutly etteua.d to at all
hour, raaht al- ds,
Livery and flack
I'he fillest turnout, in
town are Supi)lied at
these Well-known Stables.
Carriages for every re-
(iuireuleltt le n d g o o d
horses furnished at reas-
ollable. rntea of Ili re.
Careful drivers furnished
when retiui:ed.
All calla promptly attended to.
walkc; & Augustine.
(, 'Ph•,•le 5t. Ea -.t street Livery.
Livery, Hack
A N Co
'Bus Stables
000D HIIItSF's
----RTC.. AT- --
--it A : E S-
Well -appoint ell
Hacks still reli-
able drivers in
charge of the
Bases, which will
illeet all train a
and at ea all ho not
111(0MI1rI.Y FINmM HOTFf y
AND PItIVATl' It()1Jh:vy
I)o not cat until sure that the design Is
just right.
No. 1 shows two hearts cut from red
paper pierced with a long pin made to
represent on arrow by a paper design
cut to represent all arrowhead. The
name of the guest Is written across the
face of the upper heart.
No. 2 allows a photograph place caM.
This Is used when the dlnner is gl i n
s4 a.
In honor of a friend of the heelless.
Three hearts are cut to fold together.
On the Inner heart Is pastel] a small
photograph of the guest of honor;
ncroms the first heart In written the
name of the guest; across the la%t Is
the date or a love motto.
No. 8 combines the place card and
the Iwubten box. The pattern Is shown
1n the drawing. The dotted !loom show
where the edges are 10 hp foldwl to
F4,ACZ CARD A.`7U )suiaun aux.
form the box. The perforation are
made for ribbons. Narrow red rlbbnns
are run through and tied. The heart
forms the hover of the box. The box
Is cat from one heavy piece. It should
be of'paper heavy enough to hold the
little heart shaped motto candles or
Practical Pillow Covers.
In a living room where all thingm re•-
eelve constant use, and hard upe at
that, it Is often something of a problem
to know what to leave as eover•Ingm for
the couch cushions, beauty being de-
slred as well as durability.
Thp materials that have proved most
satisfactory from every point of view
are the art tickinga, cretonnes and
rhinty.m. Theme all stand repeated
laundering an well vivo hard wear. They
are pretty and pomeemed of great vn-
riety as to color and dealgn.
Stripes, floral dpslgnvo galore and
beautiful Peminn pattern% may Iw. had
In these cottons find linens, and when
used In conjunction with Pach other
thPy make of the living roam couch a
most cozy and living spot; luring the
unsuspecting on to many an idle hour.
Another thing to eonaifler In this
room is the number of plrtutes. Too
-many small pictures scattered about
draw the eye uncoractous#y and prove
vestry wearying.
To Go South.
Wear a serge or cheviot traveling
stilt with silk bloume.
Take along a handsome broadcloth
tailored cult.
Also two or three silk and craps,
gowns for dinner wear at the hotels.
These gowns will do fine ntternoon
wear to the Florida climate.
Have a separate cloth wrap for trnv-
eling and evening wear at the hotel.
in the mornings wear one of the
cloth skirts with ebirt waists.
If more variety Is neederl. take mev-
eral linen and whlie lingerie glywnn.
Besides the traveling hat, a dressy
afternoon hat and at leant one or two
white hats will be needed.
Peppermint Drops.
Place over the flee In a granitenattcP-
pan one large rupfnl of granulated sug-
ar and fonr tablempoortfuls of hint wa-
ter. When the mlxttxre t,mones tna boll
cook three minutes. Meanwhile have
ready fourtablespOonfnlmelf confection-
er's sugar mixed with a few dropat of
ppppermint`__Tprn this Into the boding
elnlp and stir gn)rkly. Take ftran the
flrP, set the tan in a urger one of cold
water and with a spoon drop the hot
liqnld In spots about the step of a
nickel on oiled paper or martlo. Po
not place the Intengtla an close togeth-
er that they will rein foto PatAL other
or tillervlll not be a good shape.
Things Worth While.
To la,k and ,cr 1 ha tinsatifnl
Thr. werfit h. del. W I he view :
Too Ilmlcn -col I„ hear the .ons.
\%'hfrh Nat are .dog,. for yon.
Tevta.tn Ihr .writ of nil yon .A,.
To "n.ell each fragrnnt fl-cr.
To know, to r-1 tl.Al fiat I. r,_I.
To lll'e within the hmlr.
To love, oar who dtamrrvem ypnr, torp.
To fare All with a ptnDm,
To match A NMI be, trying haM-
Th,• m an•. n hr. I I,IW. wort h 'a•hble.
Sonar 0. ICIIiAmrnn.
Manager -"Yunt principal Baty will
ho tre answer (In•o,tlnmm. Are ),I>u
tnowl Ilt ,lou Appplic,lUt "Sir, i
have had twelve rhileltln." Matk Wr-
••You my euglaged."
We are prepared Willi all the latest rrealions far Spring.
itself (lo Saturday we will allow at Iuxguilleent I-mige of all the
lalest'uovelliea fur Spring Wear. A collection is here by
far the largest we have ever had the pleamotte of showing.
Ladies' Mantles
Ladies' Silk Capes and Jackets
Ladies' Short and 3-4 length Mantles
Ladies' Pony jackets
Ladies' ash Suits and Skirts
1.A1►i ,'S' '1' W E F D COLLAR. LADIES' 7'\YEED COAT.
16 iuchem lung, Collarless
:34 inches long. !dads with effect, pleated Irick. The culla'
fly front. Tho, collar and cuffs and culT" an I• Iahoinel with vel -
are 11a1141moun•ly hrilonlel with vet, ,nal braid at very Stylisll
velvet and braid. Hlwcfal lits.73 g.u•inent. Special $7.34)
Ladies' Pony Jackets from $2.50.
Ladies' Wash Suits from $2.75•
TWEEDS :u t• he iII ill lite 1ewl laITI rl,• I
Nlll lfl1Tweed,/.
-... [[fail nnkr,'exree4lingly Ksaa t Spring bllilS fit :A/c yd.
Othel•m Al 7:x•, 71.00, $1.25 and f{I.3t1, the better uumllers being in
suit lengths only.
TNVIIabAY, March '-18, 1907 3
We have every tequisite to wake
Lite house-eltaning proceps thorough
and At the same time as light a task as
and everything also in season e
pure and fres!.
The Square - 'Phone ill
The undersigned having been re
slurtld to health by Simple ineans, aftobr
s ifTering for several years with x sey-
e ve lung Affection, and that dread
disease Cassam/liN, is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the
mean" Of cure. 7'o those Who desire
it, he will cheerfully send (free of 0
_.---- -_- -_ _ -- ---- ---- - ---- - - -- charge) it copy of the prescription
!however nivan your life ix meet it I Ile -"If you don" Marry ml- I'll go used, which they will find a stole cure
^Nd lire it: do sent hlNm it and cull it t and bang wPxelf ill tum front garden." 40r Csssrmltlea, Adk s, Calurb. Bres-
hatd nanms. It I% not ho had as you She Oh. Ilun't (10 Lhat ! Father iib Ilnd nil I Inial ,Ind lunst Maladies.
al-•. doesn't like anybody hanging almlut. 11 holes all hufferel-A will tr,EV his
fie Iedy, as it is invaluable. 111111E
- --- dp,,f hig the prescription, which will
' t h' d
Gray's Syrup
Red Spruce Gum
For Coughs and Colds.
Get Your Lawn Mower Sharpened
Sharpened So Lawn Mowers Last Season, and
he expects to double
that number this year.
To avoid the rush lie
will begin now. Any- d
one notifying him by
postcard or otherwise
call have his mower
called for, and it will .
be delivered in time for
use. His charges are
moderate, and all work
entrusted to him will be
done In a thorough
OLIVER H. I)ENNINfiiON, - William=st , Goderich
Ia, i luauna, 4mmaua ll MllEe
(nn rnmrnnn R-ncam the oo&tinnewsn
wire stAy%arr -are toliend and thelorka
to lope their grip undor rnntimlal prem.
sureof your hone" or rattle. Auld eenty
they de•,the top warm, moon followed by
thl0mti below, will mag and destroy the
efficiency of your fence.
Nothing liko Ifear can happen to rens,
Dillon Ifinge ml^y Fenrn• Thre'ayYr/a
MHff hard xtrel wire In nor hinge stwy,l
rwnnot hond when the lateral wire" are
sompapponsoi weighted down• awing to their being are
short and ) nlnte d al, each at Band wire.
Pr~iim of a hone nn the Inv wiro bring" the "hinggrr+" In the motion intra action
and ps,erantm thorn from t.en,tinw. and when prem.ure Im relleved the fence "primp back
Into pl^m agwln.
The Islam' warm pro High C'arbin Hard St"el and enflP,l to ppmvlde far
pxpantion and cetr
nactinn by homeand mid, and are plan rritnro vl At the tntprp"rtlnn
of t hn mt^yo and eit.nmte to prevent tho ataym from mllppiner mldeways-therefore no bake
are neAvieti.
Noy film nlllon Fling-9tay tresses. It's "twim am strong." Twice an stood in
Inrliatment. ('atellogns faro.
The Owen Scull Ntlrs Fence Co., limited, Owen !sound, OM.
1.ir 'IriQ.KXIXGf r
film rm 1140, wig, an "nay prove a
blummil , will ple"he ndtiress
Rev. EDWARD A D A. WILSON, drlMtln, N.Y
l urnit err and l ndc.lakl g w'xrorooa,+.
\1•o"t .ate sero,
THON ES: tiluro ell. Goderldl
Hoeure, I.m
V IKhI toll.:.0 rc"idreicr, e.r. mbria
no -d No
and t-om At I.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden nrlutly etteua.d to at all
hour, raaht al- ds,
Livery and flack
I'he fillest turnout, in
town are Supi)lied at
these Well-known Stables.
Carriages for every re-
(iuireuleltt le n d g o o d
horses furnished at reas-
ollable. rntea of Ili re.
Careful drivers furnished
when retiui:ed.
All calla promptly attended to.
walkc; & Augustine.
(, 'Ph•,•le 5t. Ea -.t street Livery.
Livery, Hack
A N Co
'Bus Stables
000D HIIItSF's
----RTC.. AT- --
--it A : E S-
Well -appoint ell
Hacks still reli-
able drivers in
charge of the
Bases, which will
illeet all train a
and at ea all ho not
111(0MI1rI.Y FINmM HOTFf y
AND PItIVATl' It()1Jh:vy