HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-28, Page 2a
2 TnUlathDAY, 111,urth '141, III10
`! ,
i T
that the Pharartrl' P lite fund had `Inellt IIPC,tlnr dallg,•n,IIM, the e(xnlnnll THE 0 A
been malnlxinfml Lf avec.. A
i '
rrrle:3. maid, moot of Litt. co"nt]uuil y pr+u lically . -_
i1 Ltd 1 i
be was rnnt(dtut that lite excellrut put nn vied sea it." hu that cuwmllu A Rt•Pat Jwd o[ the tiwe u[ the Lel
txlntRR H. U\TAKIo.
record of the last year cuuld be con. I more w int over logic, idatnn, is occupied with the cut
tinned for the futnrr. In fact, the __ WILL SIR WILFRID BE PRESENT AT 'eider&tion of olatterm of detail, which
tvhiltl iw
THE COLONIAL CONFERENCE? ),taut and nu,met neNe«arrl
trrultr (t) - the first rix n'outIts of the, Our trade IrlNto"m 11*1 hr 1'uiltel to he ties t Kith with carr dtllibei
• , VANA7TKIt IIt ltuBh:RTbo.V
Pro -bent fiscal year (ull)- juMtfiwl thinI Rtats' uolet im• four►dettl 111N,u a pools I telion, are nut I)( interest to thegenern
Telephone fall 1n. iJ,
{ 1 intelligent vitae of ale melt lla(II III tlNea li(-.
1)11 F1111'. Rllllltl (if lhtl 11,llhl. ll,a•(U
expectation. as they ahowrd a murplua; Parliament Making Slow Progress to- f the
Pi - -
-'ihr. :Terwae of lllk,h r.pr,on `
ole r tit the are th,lras ,via
of t)vrr 1Ki75 txx1, I I's a,lvauctd by the paireer that decLuvr wards the Conclusion o/ Business
,It., ,mr►•n out O(v •.
u. an, ►Mr-
! that ll'lY• tradetradewith 1e l,'llltrd title Up give to N•t of their time tie luatterm (I
\I r. F:nuuulr eau hotlyd tot N"alYl is) w' Mr. Lem,eum'i Labor Bill Has this kind, Perfecting hill* which
W%eUp: alta; throe month". Z3r.
dub., rlberr.rho Mu to reeblce Tar. A,oaAe
wilt] lit destroy C111ida'd imdlutries, Become law Senate Uebate On before tit of of"ecting to clallov
f'Itunr alf jiN•'e+mall um•fulnrAs Cur lhel
regularly by luul Nml (,water a favor by at--
y u►Intlns tea Of lobe Taal el M early a d•fe as
pose le,
Gt)vrrnuaent nai1N'+ty and rzpr•wyetl Phis is nuwlt t)bviuum nonmernat-: In- Relations Between Capital and Which Pt•rw hxr"I�rre ruwigh hill it
dostries have mpro ng rip 111 till• weal• Labor. which x Jisrel•rling What exp•rienc/a
the hope that lieftwe lung it
whose a chance ('f addretr L. do"tfr•d, ImAh elle
old and rhb new adarrew,luwld 1'e liven.
wnnld le rye ass post.lbility of future nawchlef
--� -
extrndwl tee the Itity of Toronto, pie ern anti -(stat hrrn petitions ('f the and directing 1 heir efforts Ur lite
' AdrwrtiNr's q►a„.;
1ll`Herm 111 Spite of (Ire .YNlltl
filoAted also, that hill policy wooll1 IF'suest mar awn ent.l
,e»rrt,,,puaAlla•cllull (if IIIIr1Y•ate which are not dl
i11r111dr tle W9pah-in0 Ina•uch filler with New Yuri lord 1'enuaylvauix Ottawa- Man•11 belly "111" lltod 'Wrote the House
IR• til "sed cher rtmm,.r wivonewrl'"set., hot
earl uc for Inwnton ,old it per Ion" for
t( 25. - Sir Wilfrid
and the other Stales In which loauu- lA ll ier is ,ta•riou+l c.00en' imlo the IANC week the joint htAwk c-nolianie
(t) NCt xw (eetdtll•s. Nr w • tltl Practice ) 1 R
♦• 1
each a'ltwequenl tn"enlon. Idsaaured by •
'Wlpl N -Rt e,tNrle'elineatoan moll.
Met VNr 1111 flat' lllrc Uea,al/11, allti Illrlll
c anrrnalioll u( Ilia All ran el
of olM•r Puea+asGd lallwsy q-rlrulr. (ucUndeg N'nm fllrl dt•velupxel. l:hd• K "eUtno t1 go bere" of the O wition dimtohaytat Muck
t(1 (111' (�1.11111iN1 l'llllfel elll'1•. '1'l1iV 1" P
9ud11e"w ('•Rtw Of Mt Isla• and under. tis per
\.'err w -its hit consent, Jt•/•l&r•r(I the sago did not lite%- a protective tariff: ,,,1 AreenoN of the slow n•u •tees of the xlrrl"rns ill Hl�'Nlll'I119 cel lll'Itltllm ,1"(
ebntm of 1Arsn, Fouled, dl rayed, AilMillimeter,
would the Inte•r•(dunial p&mr agamse PhillulelphiA and Pittsburg w•""iuu. When the I'nroli.-r All'aog,al ruKge'►tiun" tendiur lou ilea prove till
oatiau yo Rant. FaifomR N'w ale; r to lariat.
bate la to Rent, Faints (ser or In a iaa
wnla,A for Rate. eft•-,
" f K'lllrll Ia a IHVI111an 11( 1�-
fl'um liuvrruweut cuulrol into private when it., inJumt•iep wet,• r"lalliethtep, lou gal In the erunfelY•uce thlar was 4 presrni
hands. Ti1'0��aIv reasons why Canada ,slid A I'VOINahility that When lhed:ale of lir law governing joint stx•k couileanier
I1fI flat soon e1rh,
llnuq in• ",wit inrarthm ; $I for newt alalth, yt�
the. l'nitd Slxlra KIII not rater a d"I'"ture• clone lororo9"lion would Ile Speaker St. John III.
for ewhwubwtquentmb.ah. l�rrwad\'brll.o-
wrnts fn preportion.
1 Annmlw+eafenlr to oldlnary remains type ten
Thi" is the most a+ati•IN••tury and I al Jl"nti, or +atnn'sr ill "'9111. As a
fns U•Adr relations lit lite nrmrut . The illor,w of lir Spanker ill
eneouragiog wtate"lent that limb been I water of fact I su lmllient 4111•" not the Noone.
neAllytl r Iise. ase notice beam than Yi,•,
iNe•lwl of the M whfrk lite
:11 r. Kt. John. on Mun-
llllll•, gal thele' is Ilal ANY'Nrloll lea IIP m'elu In Ile IU llrh Ur�I rr1' +1 rhNN- now
luadr will lemp'l•t to Litt Guvrt•nner„t t4an I III•e, day of this 'eek compelled the
alelild in the dineoa,aiull of III,•
plcuuim rY barest of any hldfreduRl or wwwN•f
Wait% sa
notion, to b t 1.4idered al, wtv.rtiruluent and
to beohlerrod me,x,rdlawl}
pro- appointment of a 11•IIIp,rYar)' lN•CU.
hails&)• w) -steal fall- mamf• yt•alw ; tl(st 11. iw ntilf hoped ll,&1 as„•thing Indy
IN+ id. IN• ih-ti til IY(' 1a 111 Ilf till• (.hail.. :fel'. Ihltf, "-f Weld
Duly in regard rte elle impru\'e( fin — -- to the• �imax,
hate” for display Rn(1 twnttwr•t e•1vat1.1•
uwntw will be given on applie•tiou.
gamed work was chuean fur the day, anti if
vial stAtilm of (Ile 1Y1Nat lout as showing The Prime Milli"tt-r (Itself till. right ter lhu Uea"iwl in (order lou allow Mr. lot. John cominucm ill it is under-
tjie F'itbt Milli"tet• In to IAO•
Addrer,w all oommunleaiuooa to
proved Nf old that Thuuhts Ctewfuret of Went
the (iucernmenl's iotvuliun• with thing in arfusing lou act mita lite in- don: I11,n.Pt it ahold verl"inly ie a 'rot„"lo.
vat\ArTh:R A Rf)hF:ItTSUN,
refer•eneit lou will la• slope ti
future. It may not IN- nnrndoes thrown out by Mr. Fowler #am gi'e•at dirxplNiintu,rnl to lilt- people of Speaker feat• the
long before lir Intereolunixl p I balance of Lite station.
7'1/r 81ONA1,
plrse•nt p l':uhula, 'teat liritlin and Ihr Sur
lou the mivatr character n[ ulenalN ret C
' ,I,_Nrieb.(let.
R,tihvay will le made the nucleus (if Its[ Parliament. If any nletober of the Pitt-•, The little of Nit- Wilfrid's de- The Good Roads Act.
OULICRlt'H. THUlLYpAY, MARCH 81 tl+ll;,
N ntuchgreater lranapN'laliun eyetetu I Hume• believes that any other ul-w- him pLshNge []Ali lawn to
!'Leto r was flxrll for April 5th Nnd W'. I.enuox hotel a bill lou nntrnd the
xrl d'r the iulFlruvrlur1 of Mend L e
under public control. ;Ind W thin N
_ —._
end is unfit. to sit in the Iltol it is hiq W ben the ruufelrvu r war cadl+d for • extndin Ila
g pruviaiuns to towns
evrry, effort, should IN- employed lou Il)rivilrge and duty lou bring the mat- Ap til the Dolklioion Government and village-. At present the cuveru.
prevent {tot being tied tip tie any Other 1 ter openly llefore Parliament a ill the
fur 1Nmtpltienlcht fur another talent grunt gives a,y,irtilllce only to
! t
-- -
Hoo. James Bryce, the British'
Mouth, la„a'ltle+ 1',arlhtule•nt Might be the ilulllt)venaent of rmdm in town-
railway or made ►ullwrrvirnt W any runnt'y : but the cunnh'y expxv�te in m•w.ion, bot tilt- B'it{ h Guvearuurnt ahilma. lou lite suKlfeNtinn of Hon. Ill•.
Debar ct)rpaxa inter "t r. ]the
AWbassador at Washington, is about
hat ally 1{raun,r the bill was withdrawn. the
rxan- other thio;,% of its First Minister thin J•t lit]rti o(s the Ina.�-'.l
mine' to Toronto which the present that 111• shall Ilan att•otion to Vulgar rh,ulge would uul N e .Pill*' Mioiatr' stating that the Government
to visit Ottawa. and he is credited
Minister appAre"tiv has in view tittle-tattle. If every cad n[ the col"llos- Of cooler Citwill he hall this oritter under couaideration
with the intention of endeavoring to
picat•nted rtes if theoirr ean- and lite idea might le found e•nlloxfied
would (Nath strengthen the rand and Fowler Net could divert ateotion
effect It rettlenient Of the several quer.
nut get away, but his vrewurr along in the consolidation of the act which
Rive to the people of Ontario x portion froul Ili, own mis,loilig. by nlalimg with the other Premiers of the melf- was duty ill
concerning Caned+a and the
United .States in regwrl el which
governing colonies ib exceedingly de -
wiralle. Endorses the Coomee Act
agreement is desired. It is proh&ble
Denunciations of The Conowe Act
Undesirable immigrants. A
that the importance of DII. Brycr's
were a put of lite wtq•k-ill-lrrJe of
•l'he Inumi9latun Dr1l:utole•nt i the then Opp'►ition when the Buss
visit iseaaggenitetl,rNpetinllyin%iew
O f the fact•that the Canadian Min-
EASTER. p+Irnlling,ul motive campaign for the ovr'nulrnt was in plate: put the
drlNn tNtion alt undrauxhlr :Ilienm In tic ;tbustel Act has n tri%tel endue•
inters are Preoccupied with other mat.
various parts ..f the cnouu')- there xr•e fix 'on lots no Irma an authority than
iustallovs of the anth"t.'"Ps exe•,cdsing the"I'1•oyinci+d
ters At present and will not lie able to
„ailway and municipal
their right to receive ""IV those w'ho .leaald. In it repay), L
F the Christmastide is the most to
give much time to a delihetat ;discus-
ptementrd the
poyous season ate set lit IN- vood citizetia. Hew are Honw• seat week the INeard (which• by
fullrin"l•tnevisill tile
sion with Mr. Hrycr (if the quet,tinnN
capil oil. Alnxn who the want war NPpxlinted by the pres-
of the year. surely Easter Is preeminently ••dip( final-" N,)rth
at lame'
The most important
at sea)• is in Oilaw,a east Gov rnnient) distinctly "taus
the season of comfort. The springing grass, miltaost blind And unable It, work. that the mel user of the Act it
of these is that
of the tariff, and Mr. Bryce in reported
Another man has tilt- htrungest uhjec- wam prop, I 1(s rrpl,ra) ahoold Ile
the swelling buds, the returning birds all tell us tions ft) work of fail)- Lind, anti hit” all vend ill d, INilh
to to armee( with :L prlplriton Fn"
at- for tle pr,atrc.
hrrn in jail herr. A week ago x tilitu of tlrav"t cunsl+auit-s mita opting
that during the winter season they were not woman wilt) was iva"ne arrived here
United Stxtt's Secretary Hoot that
C:mada adopt the -United
public filllitien n in the interrats of
dead. but only for a use removed from our file”' Kn9land final a suAn afflicted the mt]nieiplhue" hrnse•I%e"
Stats til'-
ill against Great Britain and nil
one of Ohl, w'o,ht lortom of toller-
sight, awaiting the return of spring to reappear culusis made Ottawa liA horse. In 1.11 Hare Ramo[ at F
other coil ntriesand then estxbliNb for
trade between the (n;(e(
In fresh beauty and strength. The life of this enol erste the !°"Ili9"`tit)" txpart- Thr 11tn1"ter of A irootnrr hA. „
went tlxitr(1 tier drpwilxliun bills. new plan for thto avoids rt• ..f f nwhlr
g(xf,m An,i
CanadN Mr. Root is "ware that such
spring is a continuation of the life of last sprang AOO ,,-scan".- °vt•' t"I'r v"x'"1 'l"r"tion 'f 1"'rar-r,u'-
Ing lit Mira. I'll" present t
A Proposition will not tN entertained I
The Opposition believe that they to urlhillil Patch riaters. but, s eve, "
a continuauon, not Simplya renewal. qS0 lu&ve rxlenxd another hca"dal. Thr
toy Canada, hilt ha has asked to lie I
advised how far
INwly kn/hvm elle race" y.P un ort file
in the spiritual realm, the resurrection of the tinter land already fern before the aaow "if there wruas to he our ,ions
. 11
the Dominion is pre- I
payed to go in this direct
public accounts ct)nouittee, but the drrilr to enrorre the p time,
Divine One has taught us that life Is one and i,ro ceaelings there had not phren rt)n- Nal" Hun. Jia
N -ow
The original proposition certainly ;'s
tion a
Monteith Prry to
ducted t, the matiwhaction of the the art n Providing a&t
indivisible ; that the life beyond is but a con- Opposition, who tlerefiore ,]"i”
a PrePosatous one. t'xntula woWd
reap immense adv nth from
G' action fur infrae•tion .Pf the clan
have the view of the Il.Pusr• ]vial ding lone• -racing can be taken
tinuanon of that on earth, and that death Is It appeared that ill Septenfler
Ri"+ the
tearing down of the tariff walls Ire-
or ag:&lost Ile offending m)cietls only by
October- i1Mti. the � Grated Tiunl
not a cessation of life, but one an incident there tlas(Iliterr of ole teen
tween this country and the United
Staten, butnt)self-reaprecti"gCaroadian
ill the year (it of tow (lnrci_
Pacific Rat 13 Il' gii-LI
In it. Those who have passed from our see- tioyevnnent,wowfur gu:uYanttors for -
would agree that the Dominion should
. -
the IPundhr41dels, an areo(Int of
Ing are yet gloriously alive . They have passed 1 I?M' ,:Mi. That ttccoolot wall duly Four Hearts Beat as Two.
toe bound to frame its tariff policy it)
certilled ,Ie correct, by the parties A I,•nh+rkmlle comet ac,-i+inn ill n
from the ante -room where we still linger, into chatged with ,&&editing it, Ilnt
wards other countries to snit the
I,nited States. F;pPev inlly
alter hi,r"nly row has laren h:nl41tsl down ,lot
the presence -chamber of the King, where. it had passed Il'lr„'g" the Itailway Pct -,10a. ItAI), wit-rr(th:tea-. Nollilvi,
8 De1wrtoo•ot
world thio
lie out Of the q"ention its regards ()fir
to Ihr Finance Dtymri- x tutor. %I. atrlui►t•,i ..f N ch:u gr Id
" breather's of an ampler day,'' they enjoy a went it was bound that there ivas sin hxvitaq l eve, wive•% on the gl•n111141 that
trade relations with Great Britain.
Free trade sentiment in
'tell' of 161tL fxxl w'hicll wa" out a hr h,l. two Il,.ArI.. F•nln- phr.dciana
life the glory and beauty Of which We can legitimate charge ,&flat xrcurdingly fr%fifl-el that MI ifI haul two
this country
is looking more lou the lowering still
I tlost "'noontwas disaallow•td.and tilt- collit" Ott Imes deo;ided that
but faintly imagine. (]As the plain little brown Thele is All iut•cr"ting little story
turthPr of the barriers against British
seed must pass into death and obscurity be- Lehr"'l it which im worth repeating. - - --- — - .-
trade than to the cultivation Ilett,
Y The man who disallowed the $1(1•2),lax,
fore burst
relations with the States, even though
a can into the beautiful flower, so Shan eel b) tie an T. P. wNa 111,.
Shannon, ncwuntxnt Of the ltailw'fiya
there be the consideration of the lots-
must our mortality pass through death before it Department. The Government rn- Easter Cards
ening of the - L'nile(1 Stxtep tariff
against Canadian
gineer, CollillKplw,xm! Schreiber, aver- .w
can assume the radiant glory of Immortality. ruled Mr. ShAnnun.
greets; ,Imp fere
traders will nut look with any degree
however. lint]
QDealh, then, Is not the end of life, but the tvnreling
tellowfvithewbolerinilmnflalrljll,dlLi,ser- Easter Novelties
of favor upn a prop)rition to tic thin
that al-etfnmie•ntiation to the
gateway to the greater life ; and thus to sad and Minister of Railwayb with-;el-tinentem
country's hands so that it cannot dell
as it will with the Mother
signed by the president, vice-president FUR EASTER
grieving hearts the message of Easter onngs and engineer t)[ the G. T. P. that that
and with forrign countries.
comfort. The Life -giver has soil' haul lawn expended in conatruc-
$ passed through tlxl, _-_.
At the saute time, ,a measure air r•ci.
procity between (:xnadx
death, and is alive forevermore, and because S Preppy Easter Postel (lands,
topped in Finance Departlneat
and the
United States would le• of Milch adviall.
;at- each ill (t fork•
He lives we and those we love shall live also. The $104Utxl ultilnaatally was not
tAge to Canada that the Ottawa Gov-
laid, Iwing Ptlpp,) in the Finance fland-colurrd FA&mar Unna •.
ernment should• if the opportunity Ile
lent, and the lltttenient was Loc each ser :1 fall. Ll;..
returned to Ihr (.'rand Tronk Unil-
preninted, lie ready to deal ups m pan)-. and according to the evidence I'Aa..ter KKK", 5c, lik; send Mr. each.
rc••Oonble Iwaie with the United of the Advantage -of flow freight rales nasty insinuations mgmin"t othein ordered to Ie destroyed. It sees
States Government. 1 erhapm no
tilt- present patrons of the lrlxel J which hr was afraid or uuahle to en that after this Nr. Shaannon ways re. Easter Darks, ! ;k each,
pn•- p- Inoved front Ot.lxta-a to M"nct.Pn.
Lion of the Doloinion Kunld benefit e•"(oy. The Government railway i port by evidence, Parliament would The uhjert of Ile opp"'"itiun ill Another "hipnaent of Itapluu•1
more largely fruits freer intrrcuurral under m R l Tuck k Snn,i eclebraled Kn lhh
p p r Iran+IKeusrnt has ,a le•at' IN A dace uh/at mean Kould want rte ]+ringing the matter up w•as t, find Plrstll CIuds; hundred% to seelrrt"
futwelorfore. it, anti Jlr. F,uonerPonIstay away from. 1'Arli/&rment
With the Republic than thin out,whAt theme Ill", m• aniounting
western should fnlm.
Portion Of Ontario. )(upon county, is tilt- right mean in'the right place. l pro erti to mn exan/ination tsf the in• to tIIH12. x111, were which had Isee•n
for instance. in alno)st totally cut off
lY•fnsed. The debate In the Cottonton&
__ - - - . - anrance rrouunis"ion's reprrt whether "'I's n vicionN user. but the (iocrrn• --- - - - -
from trade with the nriKllNoring State
across the like.
EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Fowler likes it ter nut. and with. "lent refused in divulge what they
- -- Tout reference t),hi% weer, deClNr"lg that the Geo. Porter
and onlil Int{.. since
trade with the ('Anx(lian Vi'ent has "hen
explmitm of Moll. all pe-opde had
the new Pchntd-Nag policy ix due,, to du with was the billet which had
is. 04PI.1, won't it 14• nice In 11Pe the -- -. [*-'If paid. Telephone No. too.
rommenced to develop, ()fir inagnifi. .Thr. Montreal Star, Itlti,ough mea Con Labor 1ldl Adopted.
cent lake flag" all at half-mast when Ili-. Pyne in,Th aro Court
might aallo(wt an well have House Square. Goderach.
live I/rlrnxl, at dons f ty1tl
retlr. in),') the Department of FAllicw= I'vaI MI'. iA•Illlf•11 x'as labor hill I" ,,low the Ie•f•11 tit/' I)Pm•1't n( Sahara for all the tht+OppNosition
Lade advmnta mea it lion
K gxcr on. With
at Ottawa. in Inrf, It. law of the haled. It etl•ellm destim l t, I
! ptrlvoke some Intter frelio
------ says it in
•a nice questi/," whether R On the
any -----
considerable yr
rat le f l ni u a
3 le The l,v ht N n which err o I tt . t hoc i
f f Nr)tl"r n y K h t received K redo t t rn'1 '„ 1 i\ Ivo
lou r. I tN i n there. the
f I h 1 Is
R '111 1)ppNaNit 11 (It
cummercr between lite Nvo cealntrifs method
ifl ,lot awa, Io)'NI Ilawnt H"r\'f•y Hall, Iepllr'pl•Ilt-
of flaking lulhem burn land "There fur, gentlemen there," it Maya. iog,yhe railN•xy enlPloyeeR, 11.
portllon the eastern shore of lAke Rilo*
Hut -on
find 11.
heat. %%'hal, a change thele twill "%%hal rAll theloselvem Oppwsitiuni"es, UrapNrr. Of elle ihnuinion Traders lend Spring Term Opens
would IN. aha busy ser thus.• i%' ill Ihr estimation 'if that "sh-heap They go thr'ugl, many of ihr, lAl"mer CooKKits", had A hexad de•INtte
AM" the lake Nnd tare in this part of in the• bark -yard ! L leve' it. Mr. IIw11 dulrlNrl it "Ito Art Tuesday, April 2nd.
IIIIItllns, They Mit I0 the' left file
Ontario na,o would annals to Ile out oft fnvm The
the naCural channels of conunrtrl,.
11( fill' fill' a"Ppresion Or strikes, and the
Spa nkt-r, and thl,y deliver +uldressem in "etrengulation of LJ "or Orgill,.
manily t)( egg. throngs Ihr
\1'l lit
In epic, however. of the reported
alternation with the Jlieli"lr,inhsLN. It wa" n milt), he "aid, handle{ (seat b)acE�NTRAL
et- IIaN lee) to Molal- spa-colation ,Is [Ile Minister of iAtINlr,ad a conciliation.
rhe) more
gfNel intention" ofMr. fir) it does In the
alnentiml,nta to (;titer-that
pmaibility of producing n new provi"ions
!tech nmsil �
n1 -set mr,asurl,s, and r:Iietl, prxr" de- tion he h t
vttrirly of hen that wvinld he proof ]etas nn a ro • Rrt n rail- �I
not appear to he like])- that in lite K inir into mupply.' •They
way di"putt. met. 11 I in less thin mix •TMTFOr10, ONT.
very IICRr fYtllre Catlada µn11 the agR lllst !old and fra"t— a mart 1'f I get Ile oll occasil111 ,t great show of nNonthm. 1111•. Dr"p•t• wan just
breed. H as e•111-
i'nitf l States will Ise able to agree op 1 red• aN it were. Kitt in¢ over i"( ml," of the IePmer mag- I phal, -Ally in fAvor of the bill. TM. "a h,",I. ahirh I. rhe IRrrac".r "nd conal
prnyn• Ise „rnlln•n•f.l and
nit de. But wilt -it Iplectimis
on any inflaortalll rnel"Ilre of freer Ontario
of Irxl .borlhmod
IeAdn Canada in ngrirultiril int 'ortanClr come up the Oppmit{ran I .t•h,Kai hl wt- t,.rn un Nu low rniov, Ihr rv•pn
t-1 Relations Between Labor and Capital. tttinn of dnlnlr the Mol •. In 11
�r at111
•1n ..
f,111N tl II /POs•, Arad, contilloem till"' Senator MCMIIne`n's halsor bill llaet F'd,Irnfin1111, cm, IR. IoIIs ,t-1...111Rtt•n ,
i11d11N(rl'l plll'mlltlm, amt now•
,,,Iwdlti "11 fllllst not lie forgot- R In arrn,.na ,(- r nl no•n•i-eI tbmr1wr and
ptbllllpaM to Lor, alma the rnfo"t itn Nor• been icer w nix nloneh•i hoist. It om1r. ana-tam.. wrfla, men, rnr fire tilt.,
AN ENCOURAGING 1 ten that the pN,iton or an O , mition tuna designed t' ken tent of I1 I 1 and son will
8TATEMENT. iN P anises& sea, -' full
According to the Canada.
crt inronnallonron
minen►l-Pn"Inring Prr%inrr in memlpi i" not to Ise sneezed "t in the ngit►to,s fnnu the Ilnitfvi `ItNtea, n•ndn¢rnr ,choral.
Thin is the prediction of Pro. them• piping tivars of lie.u•r. Ile It' discntising the allocation
view get" Senator ELLIOTT A McLACHLAN,
prsmilwtly, feasor Coleman. of Toronto i'niver• all indennity of :1 o(ajI and sin easy filiation said Ihr sooner the inions
IANC week ply the MII11Ptf•I' of FtwllwN-
in him annual repwrt of ell• op rations alt\'.
tittle. The Fetal' IN x nice mart of were r1an11N•Ilfel to inrOrpxorat ,loll Fe- 1'1It101,RI,,
""Pel' tel lw! emoting stones at F. N. conte re-liannNIlle I.l(• IN•t Pt' it would +
of the Intercolonial Railway, the A
writer in Thr Globse mighm for 1'e'ais and Ill-* ("plow-Inemberh in this he fill, themselvem:uul fur the country.
Government rfailway jinx Imsmed " the "fight of "" jolly, Ptuut, cnntntll � Selentor.raHroy Ihooght that an %- -- -
- rnr, who would pranote prare tie-
rrinis in its history amp now mttndle on Ufloaliafl.' We have ranvam"I near -- r -i- tween capital and L•l1Nor would he the Spring Term Opens April 2nd. I
a Poorly Christ Is Risen.
11101-0 aNtnfat•tlll•y anti "III.- arlinitiotitrar •a of Ills Horan county
yFreatMt herlrfActor Canada r(rlld
mtAntial Iinsin. For the last fiscal year plr•sm and onless tiro. Sanders of Ell- 11, Rd-frlfrl m0111'lll'r+, N'h0 1•m'll day air Ilavv. He toads- ,1 Nlxtrlllent (pit if,.. �n rrtellrnl I nor to rnl•r Ihr
the inareolonial showed ,a net nurplua Pte'
wrmllnp Fer•nie strike, in which he- wall in -
will4 in.
do we ate mfraid oil wend Thr,reaRh e-hon•hranl rlth•, of rypre ten•mti•Il,
m and and maid ,herr had en
of over 111 O ), which compared with (if The (Ho1N' will hail, to look Pl,w- of )'e N'• at'iken organized 11) Bfitinh Colombia I
the deficit of $1,701I.(IOII in the pieviufl" where. I.•a l'r for t'.toy ihr low Rravr. you aro Iclod. which seemed to le fur the Ieneflt (1f .
Year is an excellent showing. Mr.
Knamertion reinforced him I em"rk"
Inc' the mining interests on tilt. ('sited
"the Provincial 'rlr Aa. AINI ❑h Your e)'e.IO17sed'. eIPrOAI bi1W 1 State" ship of the line. Hi" experl,."er
on ecola
tion point IIYuret,
repeating the
as It the 1`Q�)(�De �) may
has x cheerful reply to rritcisni 11 t, nn Utnr for NIfempMIe'.md1.., .: in lit itish C PlosobiN anti Ontario wmn T.
he TwI11r F:n.rM 1111..., lh+lf the Ural aKitnfnr was tt
loAdp o 'If the increaspel ex e-nditn'e of (he not
lino which he had preyionPly hlntie to 1a , 1 , Let rile "Pit, ; Kreset f RIIRd.I + heat A.•honl ser Iln.lnr.+Rod mhorl
1.,II•NI IIIIIM tnlllllf'"(i 11•M 1 d
— —.
Rain Coats and Spring Coats
We are allowing a very large stock and a splendid choice in ladies'
I Coat's. New rlyles, tailor tomll", roomy fit find finely y5 to $15
1 finished cravenettes, tweeds, coverts, ranging......
Shirt Waists
Shirt WAists at unci aN1 dainty &till ro title, 1'a11r1"g totally erPl'ves.
,iooNofdeiiaht,&tsuchvalve. Dnointvwni.tvofalloverelilln-lidery
laud with videncie•"nem insertions and tuckings, size► a; el �5
I-- It, at front .............. ... .A la
Gloves for Easter
]Allies lung black, tan or white kid gloves, a epecbll purchase rear
ell"ly hitting. 1' buttes, per pair $::.7i',, Ili buttons, per
pair ................................................... $2.75
Wash Dress Fabrics
Dream organdies and luuslinr, print" in all the- newmt, floral art
efrevts, lovely renal bin at ions of colorings, ,, :11x1 yard's (lo wale at 9c
special per yard ................. t ........ ................ 97
Carpet Special Sale
kill yards, yard Mille, re%ertille hela%y union Carp•1" in volorr,
green, brown, 1141 mod gr-0At variety patterns. regular itic find 35c
JCA;. value At pxe• ys1Yl ........................... ...........
LMI yald. Englimh Tapestry 1'aepm•t, S7 inrhem wide, heavy pili
- an41 in new ti -signs And colorings, suitable for any n"II o ,
hall, regular price Ilk• still 75r, at per yard ..................... 55e
Wilton and Velvet Rugs
Wilton and Velvet Itoga, cues Y x :i, :1 x x;, of x 4. :I x 1. lalcwl
Sngtish phatterrt",mall No. 1 yIIanty, ranging $18-50
v t1
Nottingham Lace Curtains
f:' pail. ,I r -iAl white only, N) inches wide :1k yards long, floral
. .,-r„II end `%%1 w p1tLerna, regular $:!.':n per pti,', .Pn "INe•ial
mall• At ..................................... . $1.50
this wait ample reason for hills to IC" a lazy man who Iets his wife. d•,
nlsrry two women. all the worrying for the faulily.
�--��es�-a-_I� owe
They are [)east- silk, well and at\'liahly made,
but 'wlf want lou t iear Ill.. Ir"ot ]him way:
1{ Milk 'Aima...:.•.,...,,...,-.. .- .. welPll'1.1x', WClearlil.�',
In Silk aisle...... .... were 2.t,i,tof•lear 1.,J
7 Silk W rte .... ...
••••••••••••••...... .....welt 3.:A', Garleat 'L Stn e
e)• are correct• good vxloe at tour leg.
u tr place. 'belt we want these, alill.
S al Caulhric and Muslin Waists, itself
long . ev v"', every one new, starting at:Ilk•.
(our open11 , is a success notwithstanding Miss
hnaptou's heir;; unfor mately called away. We are
very fortunate in security
who has harp chsr„e of some o the hest city millinery
parlors. tiho 7tits the ability, t experience and the
will to please you. The stuck ever was so good
befol-e ills timma season at -
t000lialleeloolooloola \1•
Imm — tlf.lel._i
For Easter
Most people like to "be (tressed" ill) for FAs
The question is where are you going to buy your outfit.
A tall at this store will soon convince one of the
sulm•riority of our goods and the very modest price we
ask for them.
�,he 2Oth Century
a grand sets the pace
<4 `IEA �/� f or all others : in fact, the fine
custom tailors follow them.
There is a style and A"I"J'al get up to tile -So garments
which distinguish thein from all others.
Call and see (,lou' [en's wits ill grey sluff gun metal
fancy worsteds. Theyare heauties,pr)ces f1'', g1,;, $IK.
In ,"rev fancy Avorsteds. 'These are the befit we
have ever Ahnwn and are meeting with a ready sale.
Call early and ,"ot a ,,Ood choice. Prices $o to $tt.
the effect that tit(• Intrtrolonial waw
rl\ tile. 11v had the rnoney. Noll
N'e a set ill" iN ill" nationals
ymlr.ollh. thrill lotheram-otslaalnr,.•
I And answer the awert ehhne of F:,•trr
sell lint 11 Coal, to
41l,nl with than elle (MIt"NIP Inhor
Inn raining. la•.lrnmem l for (pelt Rend plate.
I. lar ,rmittrr than Litt +lh,ply. thlr n.af
•Tills IA where \t' o thine. We
the cheapest height-cAPtirr in IhP
world. If lite Interrnlunlal, hl,
excome. It
like an of .r. I"rs a poli- •
orgNnirx-r. %%'hill- lie de i1,Mnte,l lNlelr
believed in the
I,raim "tlrl'It�ln 'a,' a n. Entor now roll
r t r R""1 ,-,,upon In
Ihr .nnnnrr or toll. xo
aro CXC}1131Ve a CntA
for thefle� f(stl g
I y CelChrate(i 11Rt3. We }iaVe them
heel charger) the "tandard ratem of
t'e'rn who more y(vu rs ng.P rut gripe ,L 11f
who a o rift
('hrl.1 wt- t-0 .tell within Illi Rt;l e'e'. IOM'
. p l Meeing
KI'1',lt Psi pN mollrlt- IIIYa mllrrr n( Ille•1't%.
n,l,i.umnrer vRr"
I tlnn. I
men all
the leadntg RhapeA and shades, ) -
prices t,�r',j.50.
either linea its attrition. on the opera-
flgnfe NL Ottawa. II
Ar 111hoofthe oneraly aedlead:
Itemf I,•snits w,•re to IN• ohtained by
ferioging ,"Npllal And INIntl• tnKl't'll* I
('ser.`onwe (
, y4_..)O and
In lararf•
liana t)f the flacal year, world
The of wt)nlan "uffragP
If frmm That moaMPr111R reg ole had ma It.en.
for tit,• setfle.uu•nt of thPir diffevencep,
and A lar. ndr, vt r.
Out• fliA la
, ^ }� y WIndOW y011 will See f01'
hmarP Fern E2,SIxl,lxxl inateaAl of Irma
dIN•N not ee(reHl t.PIwArgnnhle(n p1lrely �
thrn, could `hide the alloan/' t""TM
yon .hod r
Surplus on the interc000nlal.
the finest lh,iplay Of goof} hats ever shown In
__ __ _
---IrNY ---- ..-
than $Ito),(").
toxicAl grounds. MrR. Huai hey �
11 ('111'-1
The Minister of ltailrenem annooneem
The improved statement for the hast.
WArd is OPPoNed to the extension
wren dald. there wnld.l lin noel to
a morphs of MIAMI un IhP Inren'all-
Year w.m the r1lTn hinfd reattlt of an
inctrastt In trvPn see find a d(clrttsee In
the 1'arlittmenfxry hanchintl to wn-
Ihlt Rn has cion sena caanoi"heti dewrA her
"i "'
,inint anti a deficit of f{Jtile t t hP I
l rinr•P I?(laxnl Lland Itnilwny. I
h rnr nrml .ftp tnwYlyda t"sufonm ,wylrlR fmm
nn to ».nn ,"r wnnnno In rellovoir mnrrine.
n":." lnoe m np"rnhx
►wt- t
WALTE ( • "RC. p i
men-- simply they arta women.
Strangely ennngh, 1 hl,tr ham peen a
ra"1 ln. a lnonnh.
11 Too -1 tidy in The, ( •"set mewl TM#,ermphy
i i.�
rxpwngew. ih.Pile elle Iftwnenevl ex-
She halleves that 'lin America, ant
r6Pn. ymU' d,rh., if fenly till lbs n"ir_%,:
1 e"I'"a"• n( �
J (I" "ral ,1- Fr..1. Tomnln. 'rho &nest whoa
■■ ( 1
petNlltllt'P, Mr. 1tinny erlN)n claimed
"in na the womm�'o 1(1lffrwge Intit'r
At ►].al er art, se ymlr Rllrin hnlMnv.
t.PlniNl, thnl ln�hra i' g'r t'r•.
6, ('nnsda ltlitr Dao wrlarnla n.
W. H. SHAW. 1
Tl>c r>< Place to buy iNPn's Clothing and Furnishings.
N try RIMY &roll h.
venter l'N" inuten.ed. J. M.
Prr„I dent
.G '