HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-28, Page 1When your business announcement is placed in The Signal it is read by the beat people in West Huron ' == III sIXTI):fH YEAR-Na.3136 T1s___ i anon ial r 1 "oosposs." GODERICH, GODERICH MARKETS. TitUMI/AY, Matx•ll :H, Fall wheat, per bush, new.,.... 11) m to $ 0 N Syrinlg w teal, ,wt- bush. new ., J Lal W U a iLYu, ,wt- ,am.. ............ U u W U V RucktiVl,at. Is+t bush .......... 0 (.t W 0 is ()ata. Irr bush., new .......... 0 I to U 71 festa^, put bush ................. U TU W U 7i Beeley, per hush . .......... 0 4t la. 0 i, Scnwnings per tong. ....... . Flour, 64.nlly. is W to Y IN u J Sr ,mar cwt ... ,.. . Flour, latest!. pot 0%t .. ,Mt to •' A) W 0 lisi We' folk ... ........ ... .' 1$ W to IU tit ShorU,, per ton ..... ............ 1U W to Il0 Ui tiny. {wr ton . ............... .. lu "1 W It (it Wo per oenl.................. S OU to M (atflutter, per Ib .................... U YJ W 0 G ('Iammes, IX:r It U IS to a 1•1 )+i1M. nal,. feet d s ............ 0 Is to 0 IS Pouatas . ... ... ... II s0 W 0 ad ('&tile, onfln'y to hood, per cwL•. 3 W to 1tot ('sale explore, per cwt .. .... Hug,,, Il -a weight• per cwt ... 1 all to a 7.1 to A lei r 71 Rppri ng Iambs ..... .. Site,, p, foot cwt .....,.,...:.. .. 1 .➢) to S SII to b IMi ' a hu limit, per Ib .............. 0 is to 0 1N liacw', ,X,r lb ...... ......... ... U IS to 0 ei lArd. per Ib........... Tallow',. lb �. 1S to my M nM per ......,. ... Ifidcm, ,Cwt .., to a 311 to 7 stn tshw).. k �... �. *......... ,is,: , 3 (Ia 1 ail s .. Turkey. . Ila to It to 10 11 .% i)11• idB turlielmM1 page SI - _____ - Architect, Etc. mato _I NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS _ --_ - -- ,_r A. R(t)Y ADAYB Copy of change ooffice f running advertise• I NO TRACEUS Oe Raso menta must be left at this oce by Monday noon to ensure insertion[I" t ou eerr no doubt f)oiitemplAtlnR Wamile is Book of Montreal Block. in issue of same week. IInnrldin r this prang r In view of the -__- I .titvanchur prices of bricks mad Ismail :ientlatr' ----._.-- - -- --_ _ .- .-_- I- men are making, RARLY CUN - 1'o Sent ; IAL'TS. I I., -� -. -• - --- ­­Colwu It(t. i~ SALE, L.'D.S.e U.U.R. LV)R HENT. .\ COMF(►KTABI•F J. LFIVIS THOMAS, C.F;. ll alclpn'+Block I1'two-sturY hrirk dwelllnw with modern Mr.Tumbuld'soldAtwud.t Im,rnwenleut«, wdlhln s01 ytt(Is iron' the \rvhlWcl. Luadon, Unt. +�lu^re. 1•umemi Hdvmf allay ImL YI)1'Nt:Hkclonvm.dosigst,and attarntion 1stt ItUH1CHT104i Heil K -L ate and Ine.uranooclients will c�rntsere fesv.aably will, ��� Agent,,, The )aguxre. - airy M (hNarfn. 1♦e will welt mal gnu ___--- - u\OK HENS'. -A DWELLING ON fwtn.trucUun" fAre of charge. IIKH, EM, .RJ k TURNBULL. 1 Kr^>" secret. _ A dwi lltng Ifurealmhed or not,, .lake front; A. T. ReraKntw.v, M, Ir. modern cemsteniences. W. It. ,Tt•a"mtw., M. It F'oaAAIJIL-Tach new dwellings oil Auglooaa meYss, Haadltesl Sheet- 'Phone etl, tnrt ; one dwo i�ni{ un Plctun .tri : ab,o iror "is Irr. l:unmel}a�w ra^{denr. Nt. ikivid's .t Wert, buildlrrg tot' on FIgIof avenue, F:+wx mlrael, --- - Uppd•Il6 Victoria stnarl rhun•h, 'ph,alr Usl Coder .,rest ars! 1'tur .t weer. AOR SALE. H A �I D!'I O M R WANTK«.--A trw furnished house, or looms j. for. Tnrnbull'm resident. NelaNl •trent, neat the lake. W rent fur rhe auninacr -common. I I' double ce far wale chenp. J. H. \act Shaw'..tore, phsmrn Irl. latlf VOCKU t HORK111" \. HAIt'I i, Nt. 1'^trlckk slmelt. Oodrl ich. _ I One. g -t 7)K. A. H. MACKhIN, M. B. _ _ _ JJ PHYSICIAN ANI, SUROEUN _ Seal ,state' for We. Of2tiES F'U K tiA LE. -TWO HtsecW eUentMe to Eye, (tear. N,sA, std -- __. _ - .: _ - �� , hoary working bursa+. heavyfrenal, for Throat. Ohio* and rotoidenxt; old Hank -.1 \two- (j t)1'Rh ai FOIl SALE. --- YOUR ,M.I. t'obr black. All-+ one llgbt drlvhyt real. /ppe••ili, Poaooliti %a•.l -L, Uah•nch• J 11 choice of qra ADPIy W HEV, K NOTT, hone, dark tray. P. T. i) AX. grower, coX Telrphw+e Na pfl.--_---i__-.-_.___ 4ewgate.tri 'a ll rich. +a bt 1 HF Y U im U LUT FOR S 1 • A .E. - s II r1lVO 10LN1. 1 t RE -HItED Lesall H Thar rarf(Nat&I.M roe Mame,! on Hrnae -1 Shorthorn hull+ for ,ate; one dark rest ----_ Invt ( near Nlrtalaame ferunorly known m" silo ;,II,I me light nen : uv%Agnallt)'. Proagwr•lloc 'IAMERON k KILIA/RAN, IJAR- Ur. W J. -An proprnv, esni at prem alt uwued I ^std osecti hd by the undrrsiKned. I b^ve ve axe the amero should cwt, and m,m, theta. Atgdy HIS ICHNst.,t assistiiod4mr..nolarlwAr;,ti umre, much huprov(•d the- pnrperty .Ince i purr field roadProtest-- abr(khN luwn,hl\1 ut LladdNrn.). Hamilton SL, tlalrr door tram Saloon•, Iioderlrh,I . h^mrvf lt,-d it l- tall+) ,yolaididly equipped. UaterMh P. 11, p' n (left. M. -U. CAMERe)N, 1 C. J. L. Kit- 1 ex mel W M,havinmr town .lwmly ^n.l wi,h IAIRAN. l tar di" some of motwc la ti dobur so. The. M m , plammlid nplaort'stilt) fora {tarty who want. aI LoMBFR FOR BALI!. - IiF:MLOCK, PRGt'DF'OOT. HAYS k BLA I It, (;...1 hums that d. 1x 1voinient to •hlervh, a 1•Itl and nlwple lumtm:r far malt (total Mock, barristers. "letter-, mdaree. public I -, Marl-. basin.- w tine.. ,^►taches and i nr m" Ic cal O+w+h•r. Foot foot-, her etrrtbula r, 'nn ilk t ala M,arKlme (curl. rl,•. tetarr, r ..r .ICs .1.11om. R,."n est h,nld 1 woo ainmr house-. x, 1 apply Ilk ItUHRICT CI.I.lf lTl'. L,,derich. if re,Iuan•. next door 1'. A. Itimrn'- rfnesrry. Pro bet,c • msiduraldY sun; Ihall A lo(. M, tt'. ,star funds to lead at k west ►ntev of interest. I He,W LL _____ ---- -- W. 1'KOUI)FY>tYr. K. C. R. C. HAYS. U. Y , ' ___ ., _-- -- Public �Ot10e T- iLA)R, - LIOR SALLA:.- HOCRF AND iAYr ---------.--__ [` Oml 1t]gin ^, rm,.•, ar.l door west Of M. JOHNSTY)N, BARRISTER, Megan'. lenx•ety. Haiti In MIN,. All n.rlern / 1 H TO R O N T O G E N E K A i, ,sit Motor, halrry mblV. Oee'reimemion,r, 'o"renieucaw Termewawy. F'or nal trrt Lem I 1^l-, apply lu A. It I)AVISUN, TKt-vTM l" JAM" Al ex(of the els; Mont-yy to Joan. fl,ls•, (xxnrr Hwnoiltal ,N lila n4aW (d JAMY,)+ l'LAKK. late of the madSt. And eve'.Streata. (iu&rirb. (aa. - _. Is _- ` -_ _ Lown of Galcrieh, in the Oa,,dv of Heron. _ 0I -81': FOR SALE. -A NINF• ItenUmnm'.de.r.msrl.oRm,s•for „^Iethefolluw DICKINHON k OARROW. RAR r'mo::l (mesa ,pitapat, bavllgr a lama ing{ gn^•k•su"t.stwrw: RI!ITICKa. ^talo nreye• sotiahal oft., tuwtlon. uu says .f ass. Steno f,aadaalen ION.hwms western l wnwla Flour Mill, 1 0.. (hrlclielt. Mme 10 ,end At lowest lwl.r. K at'd `u)nmwr kitrIwn. p/ao.ol Awbl^. W111 110 suld par "*hie Onn. 1.IHPglNrfeFN. HAR1,R?IUAItHO\a', 1.1. r'a'w'^ablyy Far /arches pArtMul^n" apply to Ll+harts' A. li,oto t ('o., 1rrod.nnl .tw:k, • MItS. %%' AI. M,:CAI'UHAX. LN \Nilt.m+ nve., lar value$lips. ro Tonto. :satr 1101 shares, Goderich Urgwn t o.. 1,141. Is.r ,alae• Olin, ' lIIBIIraneer 1MOansa etc. L�ARM FOR HALE. -ON art CON. la.h•" anGoderich Knitting 1'u.. Mer violate /� aswkwl of C,Anoror township, wrmlwiniug flip yOI!NG k ROBERTSON, RRAL M4 44i ,'life front •h,rll. 1 mak fra'1 Ife "herr., /odeAch Elevator t Trt4nsde Po„ chisn•h, 3 milks from A,fbn all Paimit lei",. Ji value $1101.FO Ano and insurance ARrnt-. )teal es .. - mil,raves' C.P.R.-Wtiule, 1 toile^ frau Lon •s mlarem 1'comment Brick Co.. p? r %,&life �lrr1. 1W for "ate al- to let. Prupopi hmdlixt In Aas'INorough, A mile^ from Clinton. Thereat e 1 share Standard LrNan ('a.. liar value $live. an ran of the. town and rounly. Fire and as the- premises two lawn., urn YixNl will' la shuns. Goderich Skating Itiuk CO., par fe Insurance, !honey to lean ser. .u,ne .aabfe„ lende-rt•eal h. it... affect 311%0 In , aloe $lu each. g,Nd rs•,air: AJ �',',',e'A' tme IWl'r wltn a guest lo.h^m. repre+enling a onc"nlnlh isaere.t lu 1 UHN W. CRAI.01H. LIFE. FIRE: h 1111.1. A,fdw a111n1e-kltrhen, weodsM"1 and the- U("Ierech Lulllbrr(*is. mrd one-sixth later r/ tad accident inoarwnce. Ager't for loasi 'ITfring shed. If)drwullc tumina w+,tri At learn of in ore Udn Ibfiber Units of the Goderich assistant end toork tocol amt.. ln.urancc to all need kitl'hen. g1H.I +taint[ walrr, Ll aa•res: fall Lumber Co. It". rffertaf me best planie and at loariaa nal,+. "fore, 1111 mot re. In "mt.-le., stale of caltiv&- Pertain of lhme aholl which aro held a. ('411 al oflfet, corner West Stn+•t wed Squ.il,., tion. lap fruit lnY.• Ixrtinnhr� W hear. And roll•aWr^I socuritY will Ire sold s ittlevt to thin dr' or ^dens J. W. CHAIUi F:. Guelcrieh. f)lel. "mall frail SS1 ^rel•, of g,aa bash. collar. ,,nn . nt and approval .d the holder. Offers fele .hone A henalcek. Mamsw,ral. elm. maple. I',w,co ion may be need" to either of the aderdRmYt. mn betatron at once• Imus to sale thr title. U,a ad this Ixlh day of Macrae. A. b. Haiti cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- `'hw•r• F'orfurtloer inf.rnntilbn. A' I of rhe Tilt. TOR NTI) OF:y BRAL Tltl'STS CUH- �1 SC1tAN('F 1'U. -Yarm Atml Isnlrad ,'n•mim.seoraddriIUHN H.tl.I,li).tl".Girl- IY)ILATION': erirh. (N1t. Fxecutom of Ili,twlt of Jaules 1'Iwrk.dnrew"r.d. town proper! insured. Valise of plies, rtyy in �- mered up to �an. woo, over ll 111o.(r01. `fP ,-oi FARM FOR SALE. 1)ICKI\SUV AIf rBRectif and dlrocami B. McLt en, para ; T. Fraser, A ('N(>ICF: Solicitors for F:xocur(rn.. vice- •t•es, a JAm. Connally. U. Irak. Mr. ('hem fxrnn for vile. wdX4 rest udxerl f^m,inlr S14f -- local. ). Watt, Jan Krana. J. U. Ulieve, J. Hrnue 'air `a"I err. of w•tss. rkand, lu oral•, $"d en'le ' -'- wri., dlrvr'(orm ; T. k. Hay-. Saaforth, r•rminry sad. 1.i sk�ury tl,"rl timber. Soil a g,xd filial - tnawnror • lo7pndnn, nmawst dlreelor to Inas clay h"im. lioal frame houw•, frame tarn and ,." J. W. )eo. Holme-vlll.•, alt. for Wm,l -table+, gar, dfe,ing mascot. tut- it .std 71, •_t G �•-1.1. 7 Huron. Fb1icY MMerm can m"ry awmrwnlmrlm x1eN.'err.l,rN 1. Ualerk:h township, Appl - t.. t ,:'•f •%;W pa PKUI'IrF1x1T, HAI'd& BLAIRor to l'4A,. •' a need Sri Iheir cards rn,vfllrlerl at Mr. Co^4', J. WALLIS•('llot.on. Gitf "• '* Poore Got At Ye[rrn Hr,1^,' 1'elwi+e t loathing F,ALED TENDERS ADDRF:SHF,U ore Uodemich�- u\ARM FOR SALE. -PART OF LOT `t `' I s, lake Resettle West 1'alt"xne, cmndml- or tothe undersignd• and endorsed "Tender j���� :afoenees I itrg of Al nc•txa•, ,store m less. momitly ' ad for Completion of lOdeerich Hrexkwalcq" will �a++safes down. Thr -ml I. a Road slay lamp. There Is Ito retwived at ilei. office until Thurmd-v. April :. -- __- - - - -- A g," I firm- .wary -and s-0nn horse writh Imth, Hear. inclu.ev,!Iy. for the campfetion of IVALTER K. KELLY k ",!he a.. AnotMtt dwellingq letter the rb,d, the bcrakwater At ooderech. Heron cormly. 1'IICre 1.. b.ern, 71 x lel, with.Aml and mrabllntl, Onfwrio. Aex.otdlnR low plxu and slmsill(�tt ion (fUD1CH1('H, O\T. S1 x as, a iih ivannodlous hay -lei alae t also to he aeon at the omrr. of J. 11. Sing. lip., Rai WA;ahnestker, Jeweller need Optician. A .If ml on the south end. Ie x e1; four wells, dent Engineer t'wrnderat.inn Life Holkling• imsaer of Marriage Llreniell 1 w o nr tilt- bent Andreae mt t -m -h foals; : A Knott Toronto, OnL. tt. J. Leunb, Fip.• Iteeldenl. Ell - I I torn ,.rchanl (If About two aeras. KverY- gitrear. Igndon, (Mt., on aF.pllrwllon to the LLANK, iSHI:ER OF 1►1ARR1- losing k in An rxccllestt state of repair. F'or podrne:+ter wt nderich, amt alt the Ilx:,art. . AUK Ilaeomnm, (Ioderlch. OnL > eartietlne+, apply on Mrin or to Ht'UH THUR- Parent of Public Wm 1p". Ottawa. IA)W, part Int, la and It. Irak, Road %Vast. Tenders will nor I"• coomidered unloms and,- , Colborne, a to (IFY)RUK THt'RU)W. Keys aon the printed font-uppliwl. and simtnal with +trent, (isderich. Z! -Lf the nYual segnaturme of tenderers. aIIetiOIIeenntt An ow"o id cheque wt- A clearsered lank - Lj,�OH HALE. ii STORY HOUSE ryahle to the order u(rhe Hunbrxble the Miro ►THOMAS GUNURY, LiVF ST(X1K 1' nn Anglrmte street. 11 mtory house on '"1erof Public Work.. fear "veto Urnumand five wrlit general auctbrrwer, beat removed from N.perr street, II -Wry hoewe am Napler street, hundred dollars 1i7•.+p1• mu,t necesell each FIRM ton Atn+et to new Moron un Hoath Miam;t.. near Catholic church. li Lary house on Night lender. The chequr will bs fnrfoltrd If the where he will be found at all time" when nM A% near. I ^tory house ml- Kiwy, mt re,rl, I story l party tendering da inn rhe contract air f^II In ^rying aalo". Terns reamonwble and everY of. haeme on Nietteriw "!tett, I story brisk house Ilk oomploto the "ark rmr metra far, tine] will lM ore. uwral to nova you +atlsnaetlo. 'Phone .10. Saitfonl. A butt(^bs, brick vara It, ('olborric, re -turned do en -e of noon 11 crpl^t,r of lender. near• Hanudllrp a splendid Inv(x'tnrent for m The Palette t went dues not blvd nmol(W wt- (\ F;OKGh BECK ET , GXNERA L ^r^° with small cmptlwl. Ymnua for wale In any sept the bwemt or any tendon. lT auctlonacr, erM1 HAmillnn street, Uodorlch. rt I f Huron avmnty. YUCNU at It"FIF T By Dealer, I'.( , box IN& All .Ales will receive spli +1_. Gorlerlch Ont -_ -_I FRKI) Ut.LINAS, Sm•.mtwry. attention. 1 will hay )our mire stark u I \Olt RALE OR 'CO . RFNT.-A 1)ep^rUnrnt Of 1'ublie tt'orks, household rnitu for (Amh. and will "ell you IP lawn, March IM. 11W. stove^, fistnlWm, mal rears, spring•, ell-.. and -,lass ilrl-Acre with In aces! lit an(rdn, ,yewspapnala will not l.e fit for LM. all, rt- cheap. Call and iter what we ran do for ve n In ^�",t,slon .i, lot 1, wltb 17:5 .v:re. Ina goal limetnent if they brmrrt itMwithout authority this Boll OKORIJE HK('KF:TT, CurlZIL tate of ealtivatbn• well fe lved. well walnred. Y from the Department. Shop. (Foderlch. g(rNa orchanl largo bank lawn, re mt house. 1'of rm. b liven enc "hop And "tum h ,ranee _._ -- --- - - of farm, "'nu 11 It so i mcb,at alas church, as Jim from P P It so to t i n T I�Oti 40 Cirefii To accoRimrxfate, the FxrnterA we have opened Branches in the vllllages of DU'NGANNON, AUBURN,' VARNA and BAYI: TELU. We solicit the Patronage of the FARMKIst. fai IfrrrN3m Inn'nt'Vi7i SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT opened by deposit of 1l1.(r1 intere•mt at X,, cougNruml- ad quarterly. i )DY,11CH BRANCH A. U. UAMBLK, Manager. m e^ r A are a it ,free. ernes racy. W. A. HARRISON, Lucknow, lai•Aul "i was AN EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE-lmmrtrainWomtWawwno.h.lwo OTICF FOR CRFT)ITOHR. 1 mile^ from Auburn; roll A clay loot, about Iii arms ender cultivation and Al to to arras Umber. .4 well and two .pringa of weeper• a new hAme dwelling, w Klug) tarn, table and delvingg hml. Apply ro ul'NG Jt ROBF:IIT- SON (iex ich . ntiro I. ho'ei given to all lwp,,emrs havinx A^bns Wrnhrml Ihr estate iq .Inml" Mltchell. latrof the low•nshlp off libertine. In the,rounty of Huron. mariner, it m mad. tomend the ..rite duly vrrinod In Prnadfam, HAy. R Blair, to erich. on orl,cfont the If day of March. - - - - - Ica G, After which dnd date tile of him emnsto will proeeeA to, distribute the said emtarc anlOng pile l mismie, ratified thereto, btevinK reepas d to the olwlmm Of which notice shall then hnve Man rt ivied, and that, thl. model ^dndnta- tratrixell wnot be liable for the ,occasional. of the, ^"lite mal dlmfrehoted to any person Of whose claim file"hall not have ve boon saled• ,oderich tlm 17thtoY of March. rch ser I. , 1'RUUUF(Nri'. HAY41 t HLAIR, Sollcitore, for Separate Mltehell, - F.ARTFK TERM at the Hrillmh American BmAness Colle•gs• I Toronln the olde-e and best buslnes-mrhuci in Oinatim. Ilrgin" on April 2fted. Our cat^ I Inflow rxtLala our sstpinwork %r1W1).1eAat Ltell it. ' T. M. %'ATSo\, I'rinrllsA. Adndnlstrwtrix. - _- - --- - _. - - --Life (SPRING TERN BEGINS APRIL IRT. During January and Febr•Ilary. the Clinton Bualnes" College Final twenty -torn tilling ag many rape for SrenogrAphei Telegrstphen,, Bonkkeelrrr*, #trill College Tearhem, Itrl we had graduateepi to mend. Attendance is alwaym amallewt during'Aprite Mar and ,lune, con- anfuently each student gets mnre individual attenton. Thim im the boost term of the year for the mWalent. Lei of the encressa of our grwdrleat•m fly writing for a hand"on11• ratalogueof the BERT A(,Tf'AL BUYiNFSS W1,11(N)l, IN ONTAiNO. The "backward " or to stet " fowl istilhtnue with los, an each xlndrt n is i11wl.rued w fet h!" own dank Fly a "pin"taking, sympathetic, teacher. (Irwhtatrm gaimmilterd Mut ationm. nte•r any time•. CLINTON iBUSINESS COLLEGE (Affiliated with 1% inglraea Hexlxee ('olleltel OF:O. SP()ITTON, Principal. ONTARIO, CANADA: LOCAL TOPICS. R � tO , ,Xoua 10 S MARCH -_)S. 190 GOD=RICH COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AND STHANG OLD PUPIL'b REUNION - .>Jl#u.it 22nd and 23rd, 1807. 1 . $►•e% Pr ,M `Ile••} Let us see what we can do for you in Job Printing. The best - equipped office in Hu- ron County is at your service right here. VANATTER t ROBERTBUN, PususatsRs - ►, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Mar. 28 �- I rum tun Cun.el+ Crow r •� - The Holidays. p putt 1,'orret Co., Tfxw W liu(Nl Fridav In it public hulidav #tnef !toy+ Clothing McLaAu time ........ ... - fenders fur Uuderlch Hraakwater --- •Fred ' the 'lacca of 1)uriurs► will accuI'mi l' Gelhlw,.Ottawas . ....... p 1 Iwt umexl tune raw. F:.wtrr \IuUt1aV Ready for Fencing Wor.all'a Bardwan is it bi holiday. Thr p,atothe« will M�xw.I. .... ,... ( Ar for Sulo- J. H. Hawkins . I he ulle•u l :1 to n ow from a IU t,, I I x. nL Announcement -H. w'. Thom,oll I alltl) 10 &a a t. 4 P. f. l and utl Mn..duj' Silk Wm'Nt clearatkw W. A. Mchitu..... ft -till) lU n. Ill. 10 i p. IU. Help 1('anted - "rattail M:xchuncse Hotel . 1 knter(^iauuent -HA )Ust l'bure11 Ladies' Aid 1 The Rummage Sale. Itaio PleAt,e,Laid Spring coats, Wmm ArkaAon l Sun The ruplulage sate 111114 ill, Ule Tent- kamler Nuveltius F'rrnk M&eib1. ..... ... iterative Hull IstwL Werk wan highly Howes for rigid -r. T. loan................. i aucceswful, 114411 laoing cleika-veI lta Perfumes for Kai S. R. Hick.............. e hand over LU the title )itnl Ixuud. Thr M' Have You Looked- Ch.-. c. iate.......... . 4 1 .., k F:.,mler UlOve.-Halgnn, Hrum............ _ . ls Dxloght -I% of the Eiv it-•, mider who -e t` .4 +�,- + lervant. Wanted Mr., P. Jordan .... 1 ulrspiepm the wide wits held, vii to s 141',Jten Wanted--l'oure K Itoberl„on•. .. I think thte-r who) kindly Kaci l•. j .1w:Uoa nwle-lea Hai ... ..... . 1 striicles for til" rale and Also theme who ,� h", m� I`- patrunized the. sale "r, lArgely. i ' y e ! ` jug of x resolution asking the secr•e- The July Examinations. Aa .je Lary to I"�`nest Engin our McGregor of ' the C. P. K. rtmalf to Attend the next The Baal --table uvea I ,lel•; r Doopp rt• sue•eting of Life- commission to go into tion, Iwx hewn i•iaueYl br tltr Uepxrf- luent of 1?dncation. Thr exanrinm- the "latter of waterworks improve- tlanr will hp held pas follow+: TeAche•I: talent The payment of the annual rlect•ic light license fee was author - .1111N. 2t I,4. 5. 9 minate nit junior t«x(•1101*, ixed. A complaint from GeorgeAche- .luh" l Y, 1, v A and !1: j oft, l uoatri 2 mon with reference to water rate" was la n 15: ,Luh• 'l, tat t. 3, H, 0, In, I1, 12 rofa•rred to the engineer mind the chair•- ,md 1.;: senior tette till) bItaly an'I man tomid unit. Mstnx ec Hansford, of 1. IN Klx.hip 11. I2, 5, Bl n, .Italy :i, the wait work^, waste granted a tate of pop1, e le !►, lo, 11, , 4. 4, lu: cart rope cdml V) m month or 11:):) a year for water imt. nliy July . R 3, h K: art ape ex- service at the works. The collector lits July :F. 3 }, o The it June, w, %%-am arcked for x atalement of adispute anlaud:111. will Ire held on Juno dli, with Mr. Rautsfurd with reference to if anal 311. arrears in water rates. The matter of Inducted rs Rector, relpfuring of replmacing Ilghtninif ar- The Guelph HerAld air Ah(Irh '�)nd H. I. Strang, B. A. resters hl connection with the electric 114141 the foltowing it-fo•rencr to ra'f(ooi' Tht• di'toire having'ft"luently b0011 I of till- Whoul, itnd as the present mid- light rystem wits left with the elec. erG. C. 1. Hudent: "Thr Rel Limpet exproaplAoil, especially by f,,l-me' pupils (J:14-moose,of mi gnat Inxlly of these :air triciun with power W act. The Nor. .1. K. Nufrel. L. M.. furmierly of Roth• of t. Strang flow live ng ilk it dis. nut known Lou the ro tuuitte,i it ie ie. testers were burned exit last seaetul. may, Dratyl4.n and Mtwm•Ibiw'am vea- lance, that It Ieloloiun of ex-"tudrulm yyl+strtl that relasa tive, cquain(ances A prLition Fl" anresidents on South tarda j•, evening indurtYl out "tela' of 'If the ('411411 -rich Coldeginle• Inmt.ittite hr lom mFor clnxmltti,LIS of ex -students street fur waterworks extension was St. 'it lose church. I' inrA. with Holy should Ili! held, it few tit the r•mident out now living in Lown will stmemist by refer -al to the evugiperr to report at Trinity. Abuse. by the Rev. Rural ex -students have hil (plietly work- seri that. life couuuittre ha" the next sleeting as to the cost And the Dian osovidepi M. A., recti"• 11f St. ing through the pais[ wiutel• in prep. 1l•eswtlt moldremses 4.f Xuch ex -students. npn• 1111rer of takers thewould be. Ueearge's rhure•h, (bielph, who w;aY ^ration fell- touch ;til event. First it �),•. Hayden. W. It. Rulrrrtoun or Miss The secretary wits instructed to send Alar the preacher. 'There wits it .large ""n"Ldermble nuuther of the split pupils, I Dunlop will last glad to receive touch in• it Wlegraul to the Allds•Chalmers- cvmgregatiun pre,u•nt, which inthndesl ,at puinb n•nttex•d over tilt- c,,ntinent. fornnmtion. All cionlueunications by Bullock Co, demanding the hurnediate the• Rev. W. it. Mc111G"•h. PIw^hyyter- even• cuulumnirated With. and, Lhe n•- 1 mail mhuuld ler xddrws"rd to the mecre- shipment e( the balance, of the "up - inn mini&let•, stood tit,- Riev. A. 1). Hai snit heiug the ver)' 91•111pral exploo-oll toaxy, Mr. Willi,L11l Inane. plies ordered ilk connection with the I. Methl"ii"t minirter." of it wish that at reunion shunld take The teue.iun will embrace pupils of new dynoamo recently pur•chmai place, the platter was laid before :a Lhe school front its cournie11crment in The auditor"' telmirt for the mmnth of His Worship Police Magistrate Butler. Luger Klathering of file resident ex -sou- pill, includin students under Mr. Februmi was relad find filed. hung r r {t fu nam stre+ Ii mm.Y o •u - der s ,trial ' 1 1 L e n It en l iL was dr,:ided t,, go pahriud Hnldwue and Cllr Int, At r. Prrsto11 ram Business Notes. grfat"I me Me-. Jolliet Buller un him with the project; anti belief the ®vent, well x" theism- under Nr. Strung. appohit11ent to irite11 o the Imm f police during the cunningmmd suer, • the ate" Gfirlerich is evidently coining to be 11mKistr,ate of the lawn. in succession fixed Im•ing T'hur�s,lay 41nd Fl -i I Special LranmporUtti•,u nn•angements looked "pool by uutaiderm an a town to th• late C. A. Humlwl•. Mr. Hntler August 'Gen:1 Haid Zirrl. It w.am itu- min• IrinK wale with Ihr railwxvs,Lnd that is destined to grow considerably bass not yet received hila r•ouuuission lkrwbible Us suit all in the flxipyl ail' the (will Ike,announeeal when complei during the next few year*, Judgin h xud i:: cspn.ev urntl, awl un,dalt j R B Y t y in dat tt, but the time de:•ided talk),, i, re. A pe•,•tinat of theve interested in the number of inquirie" lining rude aH he" 110w• plrmilion. but it few duvs will fcxtded as the mew(. c„uveflivrlt fear the the project, im hrldat the court horse to olNenings here in vnrioum lin«^ of ala doubt Nato• Ilion duly inst,allevl in greatest numtwoli Mond;tv evening of na(•h week, And an busine",v. W. U. Uineluol•r. mind f n- offlce-. \Vhetn pU(ked if hits appoitl- At the ssoggemtion of "4.oteof tilt- non- f invitation is extended air all will) will (Ther gentleman from 8L Alarys heave nnont wteuld l)lemn lei" removal (roar resident ex-atudrutx, ,m rrntt:al Oegetn• to +attend and i4 aimt ilk Life work, lxY•n making inquiries as W property Thee Htationery hassinesX Mr. Miller iration elf lteral ex -student, hat; Imoen I In antirituation of the definite an• atoll ate. likely to come here very inti via ell that hr• was not partirsohuly furhlawl to carry torwxlxl Lhe work of nountenuent ,,f Ue bunion, the. l.x,_ Hhnttly land get into husdurem. tlmtp xnxiuus.to-eivain in hrreim4w if he hm(I prep,u'ation. OMe"t•" have h.•rn I jt -et hu, barn liken up with ent�nls- 'lay" Ago mi gentleman fn)m Owen A g(mwl spff(•r 141141 "aid he nlrl-iuly h,ul cho"eu ax follow": G. F. Blair, choir- l,tsne by ex -pupils mit various point^• Hound was here katiking for a tar wore otfrty, nam ; \V. If. Robl-t croon, vice -chair- notably' eat "'innipr•g nncl Vancouver. "tore, but we have not heard of his retain ; \\'he. Inane, Wcrcetary ; Miser A large- rtentingrnt al(u) im expected "ucceeding in snaking any armnge- Oxford Emulalinr Huron. Mav Dunlop, assistant secretary; Ur. from" Tutxrtnlo. field from many tuentm. A gentlenian ft'crm Stratford MAj(m It. F. D - Tapers. w'buw•rile•s the \V. 1'. Hayden, tramvi ; .I n". H. I gtuarter•X in 17Anada metal the Gnitett wxm also herr Ntnur days ago looking ••AliliwirMinute"" ie The London Tigr14, chaairiu#tn of t•a+ nNt".t•tAtiun Stutem the rmuouittere im receiving for a storewith the intention of olx•n- Frre 1 ri Ways: "Utf.wrt colossally in con..uittw'• IetLrra i"dicxtnK the wager dewire iIng oett in hairy ready-tar-wyy gar- rmpidly rspuning IAr rile front mos, atcup A cin uhu 1s Ilriug. prepared to be 4.f the old I.,vv and girl^ to clients, etc. Nal)uvo Alfonso, of iror•ter ,if rill, asW,cintinn" itr thin ""Sit to all the ex -students Lei :ad- gmethet• enc« notice will, [bell• old chei Stralli has rwY•uratd the premises oil county and mevrl-,rl new sa(rHcxialions dr+mw,4 can lw"cei,tAined, Ace}taaintinK males of bygone yemir•eato renew Hamilton ^tweet lately (4•cupied by J. xrr Im•ing fornisd this iffes mon. Hearten them,,t the intention Go h(tld tilt• rt-• I furm01. ,aXXaai,atiung in the old town Weathermld, and wilhetart humihees" ns county will helve lir I(m'k Ur it% Lturelx union and inviting thein tip I.• plxwrnt, snit too hspnur their old teaaeher wlantlt it fruiterer• next tuonth. Llovd k Hill, an flip plelo)ier rifle usmocixlion in As there are loetv teeu Lives th mosrand', nuenlory indimmuhnhly links with n•(rl- alNu RLratford ppeeYrple, have Irased the Cfmwla. The if•esideuta of theme, two and three thousmnd n,aine, ..n the 1.4.11lection" oh f the old Nex)l. pretu4.11 m ise" wr•tt street lately occu- countiem have appaently rexrule to a pied by W. E. F llitetl, said will go into realize the fart theft a ritizen'm first the fruit balminess thwarts the end o/ duty to his (xmuntry is to fit hilnw•If to held at the (treat Northern Hotel spa the back )mitxl", etc.• wpm left it, tilt, next month. The prefllimem 'toue6 defend it, find they Are certainly talk- Manch ath, Jaturm S. TrAintoor, A, mem- , bunds of the officer* of the IN4aar•n ar . nd round the cooer fI•oin the Haud�n ing f hr right lateral to so gnnlify theonr heir of a former well kuuva•n (i(xlerich the secretary was instructed to pal)- "trent barber xho) have item Yeculrel "elves," _ fAthil)•, team t•lected president air that sa q ur ,,tices e u for mervicn those• in de- by .1. Witrrrtmon fear his marble yards. Busy at the Rogers Factory. ta"so)ciation. Mt. Trainer i,, setmmuriAtpall faidt.. The se cre•tary wit" inmtrrcUYl A "'Imrwh,tt� peneiwtent relN1t•C t4. the With him brother. %Via,. E., fw denier ' to intake A "ucrhnct mu11u11ary of the effect. that 1'. T. Ilemn was going to MAII)i Stallfiw l (If tile. Rto,tc•r" in handw(Nrel Inn11m•r, flood they pare d..•' bylaw reslN•cting l-lwing outside i novo renin his plesiti mt(ne is con- MamiNctrrhim Cie. trlm"rLvIlip fu•tory Ing it very murvesselfid bumine•s". Apr. byla x rued wells x414 c notice i' l4. de Lr•mdirted by Mr. Ihn11. Inquiries are las AtonIffor y 1)rhind with its urlrl-r• 'li'Itiner )atm tN;(•upied the Nrmition of Pitt in Ihr (rt- Alm" coming in from outside Three• m ldititmud ^killed utec•htsiom I p laical lktlr. 1)l-. were as N, partirm t1Y+amwrr of the ,1XWm-i,lliun for ^Dole Il,•. Hunte• Wald Il,'. l'Ixrk wets xp. fol• reside11ce prolarrtiee, Young k have lot -pit added to Use -Luft thim year" past, 141141 has the reputation alt' I INtinted it conuudt.tee to hNrk into the liadrertili rexlwatate agents, being in week. A nloml"•r ]% torn att.I) v te; 1ii ing one of the• expert itrem"Itsnits Iyuaestion of milk inmpe•clion find r•e•powt, tonununication with parties, ,at Blyth cleaning tap Ibe );uxlm pn•ionrxUn'v I of the city. Thr Signal dm' pleased to future nleetinK of the blamed. The 'tad Ildertuu eivho wish to coute to the tri ion of a allow huilding to 1st• rongratulale him oil him batest honor. I at a re Marl recommended that the town Gfderich to rehide. Pitt lips ']'his iv to he ,a tura black- Ed. Graham his sold exit his ^1111th fared Mrtlt•r shop..vii it frontaii The C. P. R. Bridge. council pass n bylaw agreeing Ga pro- RrOcerV 1. vide,mti•toxi" for indigents. bu"n1l-sN t4. A. T. Bean, who iraa on Cxmbripa raised of ILMI fret, mi width \Vork hells tweet In progress the leaflet already taken p~ssion. of (i3 feet land a rise to the exvp" of 111 ii days alt the C. P. it. bridge- over I Library Matters. fats A bJ-tun travelling tr"ne will the G. 1. It. tracks at the harbor. All I .The regular monthly nleptng of the ANNOUNCEMENT8. tarn almost the e11(ire eoraii of this the gilli for the bridge ata: nn the l public library la4uxl tames held oil Most- - building ahe land thuilding will Ix• gi,alind and ("or of the girlel* feel. the Itr•day evening Ixst. 'Che librxrifui m IINI pet- cent. Parr Pmint.-- Htamped entirely of nteY•1, with ronclwln• haWM• ^pita a( -allies flip trmek. !X in place. It trpnrt for F'rhruxly Yhmvrd receipts taro every can. T1.) it younrul[. It Honor for -an Old Goderich rioy. iv exlN•rtcYl the girders will all Irr in of >6t.tl1 from made 4.f rettdery cnixlA will Paint mor•• hklk imltter and filet total-(• toy the pilot of ne•xl w -4-k surd and from tones moil mu iAsue ser 1,:3:37 lunger than Any other saint rote tr At the rannu,al niteptn alt the 1 Chic a Hnrdwo,xl Lumber Exa a that the rivrtting will let- routpleltXl INNrks and Inagxzin0m. Mr. Dull also .QCs I1Nvlwr rent purr--thmtt why. aft K by the middle 4.f next moral h. The sugge•-led the printing tet ,t stipple. H. 1 oRx91.1, aisle agent. work of plaring the -14411 ",crus" flip tlientxry (•atalogpr and the reelvering of There will Ile a junior entertain- -- -- - --- tnvk" inn littlm nlowr1. than that (rt _ Situations Vacant the Flexor ill fruut of the INm/k exchmoi ine•nt In tilt- Saalvntion Atnry Imarrmi plaiting the other slmulm on a(aallml or with I"n4.lrtann. These+ matters !vete ()if April life :itd at 8 p. ru. The en - �ANTED. SFCONU GOOK AND the cunt*cUrc" not IN•llig Ili tu )taa•f• refr,•re� to committee. Mrslstm. Total tertainmrnt will consist of drills h 1 hantl"•rmald hence. Apelyt.o Mus. Any olwtt•uctiunA oil the (1. 'I. It. xudStt•knK were ,,pltuinte•el deleatxtr" the children• also song^ and tecitit SWARTS. British F:xrhanRc Rote. Ir•nc•ks. Ther" are three apmiltm /Lite'' to the x1t� num, alerting pal Fatalist• Mon- tions. An enjoyable time is ex ltd, gather, l)nr of which w(ul placed son)'' ,Ixy sonar 'Cur+day ,at the (hllari4. Admiasiun III cte. � 1YA:'TF;D. --- work. (}IBL FOR tit», ago. Lilir41r;v "Wmoin ion mind th• secret"r) We are lend( userters in iAN. Cl lcu"r,vnrk. Apply to }IItB. F. I Huron J4.1thAN. Pnitwnnw .ttxY,l. Building Notes. !cool." inmtl•(� Led to forward the mem. county (or phonugraphm and grata,,• 1(1U / 1). F. Hmnllink ham nrrhnse,l from ►N•rmhip feet of $Y. A circular (tool the phones, dime iuml cylinder records ( f MEN NVANTEU. -- EXPEKI- I' Deputy Mi is 1/ Aims Dxck the lot. IN•tw•errl \Vin. I,t•e'm F 11 •tet of EduraUon rerhaAsi- fail the Intent al ailnr and newrrt FI. Watalar!.('rel erda . forI1r,Udl" filiation (1f � aii received GnlNiderl- 1 1 I'ntnr.IL c. walrc- t.:+t Per day. ForfNMh.•r and hit*. 1frNrrr'x inn Muut,•ni mt•e•e•t, music• etc., extant. CAII or write and `acolonlrr.apply to VOUNU t R)BRRTr(oN• and will erect ,Ln 4.ri an1ental holome all tion, and til arc -etAry was" ineetrtacteal et our list of I•ecotdm. Ever thin Boderich' it this Aefato(m.. Work will nonetnrneav, to write fur�i deHnrto11 of the• write' In 'n/limic mn^ica p K "novel" its fI rd by the• De ualtmrnt, 1 1.1f(tnu11rnts, etc. j)2OY \YANTF'U. -TO 1,K,.\KN"'llF. shortly on n two-mb).ry hspnw•..n Snaith I (}. W. 'liu)Y1NO� fi Sod. J)bvM•rtrade. Apply In JAM. FRIT%LF;Y mteet fol• Aires. Edwasi A Imitating ,Laid nlmte fat• i11fa•u114tion am t4. the R ^decinuxl" xyA win of clxmmiHcxtion, An rntertsinmrnt will Fite given in for tefll(e, 41raughting rem nn mad ^tote the lecture r cam of the public library An account for 7.11(1 frvrm Thr Hi nal �� ANT}:U AT ONCE, -- ON RAL- rvsrnlm will Ia• mtstrUYl very shortly for K nn 1'hutxwlxy. April )til• by the LwHes' ARv find exicreseep. pone Ktmd man in Ont • Fn inn \Vorkes. ]'he Rncloxnming tvnm rrfel•r•rtl t) a H11anrr coifltnttter Deli Ia*lit •with rbc, or e,apablo of handling ) R and m rlllrlllael' " r.'it'CIIiHfN fruit INrok Aid of the Rxptiel. church. A goixl �.00vr. to all vert Le itself Int nit am oar guarnn. have• pit retia mrd till. list arid the fon rada- � ...logical prograrn will he given and re- pllhllmhew were\Nchfol •d l0 til:.' 1NN1k tial .Ur•k and poultry srrrciflrt. No exlwr- tion which wam plot in for Fr ii Scott, fre"hulrnlm will Iw• mrcveu, committee. \limit firitlemo nsock. ry; we Iwy out Ywit work for gala. „n,y!„ H)avid'" lst.rcet, spud now hnvl- the Skhninl�m has kindl�• t4.nsrntrel to din week and exp •nv.,. P mufa (uringnent.une work of a two-mtnr)• bosoms, all,. contribute a vocal go o, unit will sing e W. w. JR\FINS MAnufacturirlg Co_Po,.St. Peter's SepaSchool. Lamlon.One. We unalrrsetanal 1. G. Reinhart peal- "Annie Laurie," ('and), fmolle wont ____ - __ pogels huildinit f hiA meit"on. A few Thee following clt.Y." "tanolinK ,stall other article., will Irr on nils. Ad- wen luavr IK -4-11 rdranin a nn the all the "e Ili fur Ft -y Situations Wanted R P wh nldesion, inc. _ prenfise•A where the G. r. It. inipnd and Marc : --seni.-Over IN) wt- -------- f fANAUiAN GUVERNMFNT kM- `'recon) Ilivir fn•iii "heels and if ''''ut. Itumse•II Fory Litery„ \�il- AUCTION SALES.lPUrI'MF:VT A gnng of town it rx •ctrd In ,arrive• little] IHryle•, \Tillen. Over I ,lrmtfo-Tho ui,h faigntd err cent:- -Mau• l) 1 Over 7:l -hit. Tswn RUlNoh+nd.greet for (edrrdrh for lila itlnn,At any line to gal xhrmd with Lhe 1 r )�• Sarrmo at' F:v"vtxu, llx"rh vah.• AuclkNr mirpne of sa•nrlmg etnloyment. In this )iclm w(,I.k r cent.-1,r11rm1,.' unirn• iV— sale of wall ratm•R lace cult^In,, diwhds, of,_ itY far altalyy-,Leto,and Ile,mlgtwnl. from Lhr l/Vc, IN►im•r cell C. Ilrlry, VerN "r rhe H^ni11Wn gree•' noctlmr !coca^, rprn. mr amd Kfnglmn dltw-. (t lsmufut. on Men'• Harbor Notes. IIla d. Inver KI poor ceOt,- Laura Alar- rncneingat 7::sr o'clock. lira,, HxCK,ii ease - or As duum•st is +(•r, ants. I foneer. An roc+ -licit cl ,c - Irlst r h h 111 1 7 C Icwsr nuko tin. Over 1 ri• R / 1 (alt -- p It im scan halm, been file sh.Int•r 1 L ReilNert Ik•Afl. wFf.%Fan.%l April ltd. .\aril^! mak of 1 p0I4F:RT.4 staCor elan Gm ea, to W. U. ,lulin IrLt"on has IN•eu "old to H. Hall- Ethel Palley, Napoloi (}rx�rdloo Ge•- Rad". ch^balm ,end Irmtsclmkl hirrdture, ployinent 1N, Ile nhdixn next Temnonl F:mm so ill K idd. Mary McArtli Evelyn hippo y f Sltalmalne Ste•('tarty At km N, rem,Ya plOynlent Agent. OrNrr ntxL Ta•lepbone };x� -Crrid. 1 n ( •hmexe. The tit near, f;tderi •h. Phone IKA Dowiv. (ever INI Inn 3. Coll"ane (at the brick-an16,Y"etmenc- 1 Tyle spring oulflLting of Lhr• Ile,•(• het• r" t. Ellis ing at I rietwit -Neral. 11111^1, (iI'NI)RY, iron rain IaatY which wintered herr, Uotlge, Hough Ih,,Vle. Thdtx elawa- auctioneer. 1�iOti(ae, the Newmount, the Turret ('WIN• Band Ovrr )III wt- earn!. Agnea iMylr, TnrNmnav, April Ill. Auction sale of fmrnr _ the Turret. Corr!, bits cotninenctood. l'harles Kld 1. Nellie• Ph len, Trrry sr(ck and dmpleu«•nt, t"'')t'erty of Jol n pawl �•- - - M tun, hit pl, aka rmngo, Ashdold. TNU\1.A� OTiCE.-ANY PERSON HAVING The soft spring ta'enthrr ham rianmrd Kidd. (her iU rrN r Ixnt--iomtrp Grit• uC. )R11 wuitbneer. 1 hmow or towns Io rent Is requemted to n slide at the all")t w•herp the (;rind Hn. Earl Kelly, Iota 1>.an, i er•th 'Har• S.art'uw%v, April path. (nrtlnn sole of farm +pally to N. 'ITI'Rirl', at the Mgncesetnng 'Trunk excavated stlongside the C. 11, gift. Not -it Hurt•v. Over. (N) Iwr rnt. ia+k and household furniture proppoi e, "orale ('1nA, IV,ra_. ,.Ln,et. It. tracks nrotr• the elevator raga taro) Tl)^ Ilurlry, (ieYli•ici fa Oe, Mr,. Imlvlln Russell, RCorlassAl n 1, Ashketd. Over 111 trent. Irene Mitt -tin, Jt n i mei o:�lwk rslwr�plroTHOlr'm'commencing 'Y me cingu 1. - -__.- A NNUA1. MRETIN(}, air !herr men Ata horV at ptrArnf. L"' i Slattery. Samoa. pup, -4 weer a t tioncer. , clenr•ing nil the clay tvhlrh hope rvane _ , ___. Annual mesliner of the "herehnldue• of lhO down poll the tracks. Zing the rx;tlsoin"liun", therefor BORN rsrlerieh Curi arol skmt.lnRR Amar cat ion will Tho„Fs who will Ise en n eYl in the their• naale•il dor nut api oomr. (!IraaY Ii. Ne held At I.M, ('our, Ib"ae; Uoderirh, m+ Mnle. K R CAMPHIii .11 Wr.t(leld, nee Taewlay, tinhin balminess apt of shim krrt cilia in order of merit Mary ,lardinr, firaNil Manic sail. W Mr ..a d Mew tt , v, cam Iwy, the lsfA vq-to torr,, em idock pDstn.. far IM; R Kell)•, Cecelia Webb, (' nil i)NIt4.n M•ll. n mal. I' •le,�rlmn of Alre1ur,• and trmsldeawrAal of nthtr , weulon, wt- hndel-rtand, will tit• 1. •Y , 11_V�;tnl Muiro.^ w'M. 1'AMPIIKLI" rkx:rot ' 1)r11cr, tubo i" Rt•lling ,t. arty ing : the Innes Ik•nn, leen« Farr, Josephine RMSTHai At the ranonmge, Rthel. Healy, R(rlm•1t. Feeley}. 1lernarl l.e•tme"Ol 1'nL ,m F'reday. Match )mit, W Rev. M F'. o,selerlr.h. March /ah, �. Nesmt•m. McKay And Mcl)omaid, of the Mwrguwrite• Faat1, Helen Kelly, \ an'1 �f m..trna). Maffee, ch fes Petrie: and in lie•r•h fishing thee y, Ft•ank MARRIED. n. I1111E GOUEKICH FLF:VA']'OR AND will Ise Peter McDonald, Capt. Me- Finn, Edward Jai Part If. in TItANSIT(iIIANY, I.IMI7T.Is. cede!• of merit Low h Kell Hazel GRAHAM-FI"HEft. fly the ice J. G. Vel .r{b� Knt•• John Nirholom tend .lohn flat aerialist P S 1.aiwn ink(• .h Mitt the ^ramal gIprl,. 7t t Mand, nn Mamh 1(N h, of the nwlZen(•e of the 1 helm11..lr)I«ph Ifurlry, Franri" Hfir- =11 ;1evalpe of the en.if Iulden, O/ the teidrnrh r ME17".,. Mr. and Mn., Peter o, Mr, Elevator I4r"I Tnn.lr o Omwwnl. i,hn1(^A, trill The MOard Of Health. gill, VeM 1 age• Marguerite lAoylr, Wllllwm JOhn Urwham, of M.•wl(oed. to Mos of, held at, the office of the town Iconomme, (hat A tnrel ing of the, bo i of hemlth May Foley, Gerald FArr, John \Vehh. Kale Fisher. of Iteemlller. rich (m wag held I"xt Friday 'ti ht ; `)eaten!, DIED. �V('dneedxy April 11Mh, ISN►7, I Y R A Mow for Better Water. %%'VIA'ft h, 4itrlrrlch, no, F"ri I Mncrh it 'S ,i r.la•k p. ale., fan the rlaosi(q1 of dlcrrlM- the Mayor. Dr. Hnntor, fir. Mackli11• 'ttnd. Nary Hannah wolrh, mtled,iyiyMoon pm the e„-aing r.grand the trwlrswel.la+nf &fly Dr, G,allnty, .I. Wil^nn street III-. A tnert.ing alt the water Ahd dight JONKM In U,alrrlrh a+ ol,h.VriallMarch XM•r fe,lsf,mmm thAt ❑ofy 1.• bnroght M,fore ft", ilnlme•m, m lohcal health ,,fling'. Thr• rnlntrfimmion Wei hrltl ,amt T'htarAt rot• Iemem. f4'nrn.. lrekvrd wIM ,rt Aterd. n.A•tenq. Jnn.s. aged :M erstom and s nNNtl him. Alla.rl. (Ni1r nd1 tt. 1,. HURTVN, MM,aerer. M14yol- woo xplxrint.e41 rhstirnman for rvrninflt pnrbmidy Lhe spat hniwniarrl Jadtrrfoil, pian)k J1ta, Ills 036 the yeiw. The wattel ut oJeaniU` up ItaY of bataivass dune being the t"a^a' I ltl ii IMr. b 4. Itl1, (io alli h, n rote m�: Mtar,4 lip is 4 r