HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-21, Page 7• Tmi SIGNAL . . 0DERICH, ONTARIO TuVIODAY, March al, 1907 7 9 10*****4*49 Dear Mother + 4' vi a:d'WWar.rrwa .r1.y wit SPRING The News - of the District.+ 7AkA7oW. Do you knowab«aS soh.EASTER (.axe, the Luo, Tun..... 1907 ,�` ,*� , �, ,y vvh.t a dopa I« .0 4oary It u caecal ** �V°'*46*_+V , to be the only rebabla raoedy fw •II T - ------ — . aio.aa.ee of the lir P...ya M cluWnn. � It ,. abwlurd Furmk...od km ASHFIELD. I UUNUANNUN. LOCHALSH. Irter. G. Gower, W. McUuuedd,.l. Yue• y p Nat so I NEW HATS vto; J. Anderson, E. Mt-Quillan, .1. uke. Iluslwr.neeedtoclKa«yourfsoaq NEW GLOVES TI:)f,IIDA Y, lelAr. lith. I / A. NM:\VTON, 1)KNTI81'. Ll'l:K- MONDAY, Arne-. Ii41I1. I Furter, 1. Inglet, It. ThOnl Irton, .I. , '• ret'xlaed. The pica ,. 257. Per beak, 11 liopl, HEMIt.r.-'file following i„ yr NUN'.--Atho.ni,,,•.!'yday.8LI, 't'hrri- Wedding lulls ary ringing. mad all dcakn r medrewe aaH I Fgglertml. C. Deckee, Dr. Carr, I1. n4 I NEW TIES the rY+( ua asf oM. bro. W, : Moulin. site. Newrem,'topC utratomilterlif""0lw- John K. McKenzie is wlli'kin is SH jLOH NEW HANDKERCHIEFS forMnu1, letter t Isco, l{ctaw 1 •oven real hrlllrn work, K Jo11ew. _ U o 0 DJ IV.__ month of February: ti tier- tot-. Alumtnumpl.ayblaa%oyouiwo Lucknowthtrwtek. WM.S.AtIY'Kulrrllt,(:lPra. NEW SHIRTS 1 o --Ewart .Iwulr IV 6lti i Ida MVisa N. It --You in users. have your work umch 1). It. McKrflzir, wood, 4W. Junior IV, Wilfrid (fAr• , Illxtar dlxoo In the dental olllae- morn unw. Jr., vitiurl Ct•iends _ —_, ___ Iwttur farlhLaa% for doi„s the work, son: cols- toil the 12th ru]lte'sion on Sunday hili. Tarr rersady r6ould 6a r av try bo Y&" F Men and Boys. NEW COLLARS Jim 1. 415 : Hao Jxmltron, iU1 : \'iula furca,,. fw the eruent' !t. J. 'McKenzie soW n Ix:uu Id CARLOW. — - - Brkor.101. Menitorlll. 1lenaiSufellz- - NEW CUFFS or, 422; Viva Sbeiwood, :05; 5 ; May, N s is E. m at fP, IA t3tAI. IA/ tl.rl AGENCY , burst+r the other day for at haudrulut• '1'ui,,mu.%y. Mar. With. ----- - -- ----- ---- - -- Uwird, :i1o: Fwldle Dwyer, 1 : Laura oMce food" end Mtruouery n,„e r, »hury Hgure. Miss Julia Juhuhtor i, mpsnding a Brantford. Thedeces, I wxlixtnetK NEW HOSE Johnston, 1)rl Junior 111. -Charlie oldem will to, rooeivtxi for .utw:rip`ron,. Rd- I Thu orale fur tbu now t holy h hut's wrrk rihiliuK frinud, ill Glxlrrich• lot• of Lite Church of England. finleltaet•, :Mil; Allan Nrlrun, ,,{►�, 'veru.iuK Mid Jub work, ud'etx,IP •will lit: arrived ,and we uxp'•ct to � the' Farenenr are expecting to la•Able. (al _�_-__. -__ l�(\ its itil{ohsllde 11r dsao:rilit+ to you in this glove the exquisitely ae,'es forrwouut.I=forthe*auto. 1 "c"11titul new thin Senior I1. -Johnnie Scott, air; (*hill-- building opened shortly. get at their following leefori luau)• days gr we hove placed in aleck fur Chir . pring's HrSherwood. :0); Rachel Alton, 1MO; 1)CC'KWHM%AT FIAUR. TFILr AB• lar Insist- DUNLOP. wrxriuK. If lou will but cull at the l� xULI TELY pu,cartic at U. K AUUUs• \\'e are Ntttry to lily that Donald 1 ) to. Alton, f.- allieWilfred ird.DreW -fto: TINyia, I,unte"lwu , McIA>od Ir indislxlse•d fat mo,svnt, but 'Stir. Jcau Burke. orf Glalerich. fs vie• 7't'l4mU.tY, Mar. 1Le PALACE ski. ir,Junfor IL -Hallie l'e W Ski; we hope to ere hila aroun 1 again rrx,u. iting lire- uncle, Jubu \\'fitte'*H' lou the ynefut• 'ru C.waI Wtp its. - leek teuddievery t/sn,W. Theme who at: \\lis is spenMarcia ding Olhconc+aeatiou. I early two was tip ill Gexlrrfl•'L CLOTHINW Iruded ever da during the uontle l(. E. Willis is tpendin &tow da r A nurslmr oC one toys attrudrd the nearly two K Y Y R f1 Y y )•exr'n Ago loud r hC. In our village. C. U, U. F. •'.t house” In Ripley on Jas. Glcon, roto of Alex, (;lean, w:w pts ort+ Wilfrid Vanish K'TT and Juhnasle R Friday night and fall report x good visiting among leis total friends ill thin bil"'.rxl weeks e,un Bayfield lou the Irks STORE Scott. LI r v ifTT.o Ct svfxUKAkt, Mrs. H. Glenn was the quant of burs. chore orae the liters #ad rlmd, will ),.If will surdv see utility articles ill MPO'A Notions that are reals new Teacher. time. nrrtiiuduriugthe lxawtweuk, rine las Ithortl { g C. Kllilott nn'1'ue,,du). �f y leave his hums fat M &in side, Y 1t. A. G1-1ult h+aN rind his driver to him drpartue fur \';enctouver• 3. l'. !Yu't Kilbride, Mrotland, tip juin his in every wnhr of the word. 1'AKeay e P g is, titioll a. IxrL Misr I.O. Hy&u alt is seamashatson. Mire- Ihr, McDonald and hall purchased a A ouml,cr of Lill' brethren tot' Moro• he other Fmi ILL Trinity Centre, in the I 7lsutYlday evening ,a nuulhrr of the Nevins, Lite milli]lrr, this arAsln. allow one frolu Hector McLean. of in Star Lodge. Nil. A. F. told A. golden 4"t•. The better resided fat ry � Boys. un•Iulx:rt u[ !;ranch f�!, C. M. B. A., K •� R Everything for Men and Bo ' Nr. and Mrs. S, Innis, of Hawt•e)•, Aullrot•ley. M., ate+nderl the fuser l of the late C. Duilup for Alout, A year rouse nigh-cxllexl lou Brother T. Stiles. who her al'e tot prerr.Ol the gilogLx of Mrs. Salk. A. Huwlacr, of Gtalrt ich. this After- tarn) aiarw ago. I r rind hie farm In ArhHuld and intends We rwhist oleo a brat the. O K Mc L EAN BAR, de'aou. sidrit•k whistle ill Neil Uaw'Iw ultlm• moving wish his fwmily 4n Altlerte. F ll•" WI\TI:R MI'UNT.-1'he lecr,1,t hreuk and piwa+I" hills with x mertxchamu lieu. Bradford used wife visited tile hush, as he it uexrly ready to Imagist We expert In hear the whirtlrs of in flee weulhet her rndad the skating furwer'N another at Londerboru on a rations. tits (_'. P. R. cnnhuuctiou Uains nn flee xwarup tartar the s•htolhouw HArrmtS pipe and 1 Mtyles with a beautiful �' AK1' TAILOR Sunday tart. 'flurtly, its the bride over the Mait for thin reamoo. of, this Ahret of ice roolYlacu INIIIIiI p171)T1' 1NNIk. The till- 'fhc evert loud of our unaiu rtlect bridge !•'URNIMIiMa(ti ,lowing .tddr,rr, tam. road by John 7'lios. Sojilly Ii -turned hoine oil Fri- looks hnenewllat bxue rima the Iwplars ]land IN completed assts (lie was k is the sale of the soc4ion lead a good Lting: ddY last after m{s•uding the winter at leave boost cot down around the Fiat. Irving purbed forward rnpidly. time during the wi]lter. In the • CLOT'H1ERS T (hvthot T. mule. Port Arthur. layaon block. The lunple-rugal-ntxk•inle witon in Ir aint hockey o"atehem lietween Ben.'Court Houve Squmrt•, I n tDJ,M. u J "'' . w., r number of your aloud- Nld bedher. \V. Sproul left last week for Winni• Thai orchelrtrl uudrr the le►dershi / I now on. Soap Isar {,cru running f&i •I 1111 Ire land Sidtford players in Gude- "t Inn 1.1,1. K. A. tot 1 curd„. ,aro hen, the. ',� w�lrre he will work fat his U•rdr. of Highland Jae:•k is conking g/xoil well the.lnrt few Joys mud srt•,a•AI n u ich two of our torn, !Cay Link)nt"r fertile. to naurIh in waste way, bu,vevar this hectioll hate til 1 rel their trot 'aud Willie Glazier. hark a pet•!. We wi tlie, our atlum I hot you Nod your end„b10 �\ r with bins ImccrlN. plogrets and will Iw open fat• engage- ! { bel next rue• the 1x1 rill the section este *,ad cal wAl,re (rout hate daleidaxl to lured after' April lot and ,are mukhig syrup nfnl Nu ar. )' Y - - -- - - -- tak'tame afrclow troll, our s.l4rdt to take Jack Roberts it lmnuewhxt. iodic- g advarutyco u/l.he hrighl prorlaoaoe• %hien am {Nlr/wd at present. Ar x mmutt he has ------- We are rumbled lir repOct progress ill. IN• little to organjze N hex:kry club. - -- held ole m lhugKuolden tt eat tUmeeu of .terl q; ]list been able to return to Lbe (i. C. 1. in the Ir{mrxtiunx fur the. concert lu - - ---- --- -- •/ inb�rll Y. ubf11() and fortitude, rurltUC, NILE. hr leade i1e 1„'INtre- M11/11]a whrh..ulpmtany rttroll'i to awter. »e aro Harry \Vie tees moved into our wit- y, it said of LEEBURN. When Children Cough ^, Oeaa.ar( to •.ya,c your. 1„ a 1. hIbg` Nb Inge this week. He will occupy the 'ITEADAY, Mar. l9tb. the new organ forS inith's Hill church. steer Irideses •lonjoa- »u t again ea. P- !Hist Linda Sturdy, who lilts pelvo Further rinfurrualion will he, au- TUICAmty• .M r. loth. IIlrr..11,K our Kx/Ct Uses we rn rbuut to lo.,, bout” Ilrlungllg too Mr. Stewart.' Y Leo Cbi'bulln, of the 1Lfl curlceFmiasll atvt th-m L':at nil 1 reliable reme.!r that never fay a t„ care for a 011ie at krrt a member f our imrfeh MINI t'Isitng friends scour Nile, , tetlsrned mlunced by parte r. next wrrk. branch who %tw Alwa7s ftoreult.t in •sees A second soul ijyr11urut of wall paper this week to bet- home in (:oderich Mr. and Also. Duncan Met 'fire and of underich tow hip, vimited relatives WOW work and ever reaaly t.0 ahl.l a nelrhl,nr, suss jubt, JUTiVPd 14L the hook core. town„hip. helve this week. BOLE'S R R C PA R .I T 1 O N OF however inconvenient to hlm..eif. Now. too- Any 'w•a oLr in this, line follow Ile f,auaily, of AThoul allegation wits masse ill flue IarliuK may wit —it you wad Mux stile. Epworth League topic next Turn- Thr Signal last week, „reel tbro,I h Mome of our young people went its ,i4 U.num tl -supplied. flirts. Call tend err. pd g N II 1 e th —,t t.oln su these Ione cin., looping F P Y 11 day evening will he., "Founding anti our village Monday uoriliug of this too owe the hockey Match In Gwerich I Friar's Coll h Balsam i f ll wail help t. neuu,d sou for year, lu nuu,e J. \1'rleh, of fit. Augurtiur, has IA,t rlo •cent of 1►L•thtsdigt Missions,” week. k, lou luntr to thele- new honlu in 'Its Thurwlay night of tart work IIS - f the-hmcro user .hl aur your corny mend. Like a itrsition with Gloves. Bradfurti. - P Iween Benmiller and Saftford. m .t.hfkM nod trrucu�rrb' of u,r uudoubtd 1 liken Ly A. 11. Shrp{ortYl. the \Vert. lion voyage, Duncan. It stops slut hs -breaks lip cold, --and hea4 inflamm A- lo,eand admilauon ofy�our l,no,hrr..uf K1.nsII Our blacksmith. •H. Bradford is at Ave understand that .Cones Bolilir Alr. ,ted Altw. G1-n•ge lA;ui IeCI lou Ylir stele fat y1'u1. Chisholm's ass the +� of the C. o I A., KII.1f.brklrt out. p1Y+w:nt rngsgal in L chop in Barth' Isle- , ilth inst. was sur rh• xltended, tltr tiny in throat and bronchial tubes. ADsolutely fou -e and &Igsad oil laehalt of Nru,c1, tL, 1 {Norms hawing a rile till taw ::Illi Monday fur Tolunto, whore they will K P. J. Arra %. iia•., lieu. J. W. Robinson bar horn col'• utrt., and it rolling his m" -k- &till life- s {x• id Life week with friends. Mr, weather lacing fine. All the stock sold I hale for children. ^:ac a bottle. At rlru;•;i,ts or fr..:n M. to urns. Itce. +aa>. Head to the house the past week with lenoenlm. Mr. Mollie purtNlAes re- Bran IN A delegale from Corluw I.rxl a at good price. the tidal sills fur the A.hfiald. Match lith, I94. an Attack of sciatica. Hie- work ,an P g dray Mein r Mr. Stiles made a suitable, reply ,wd SundAw fast wax ken b ('flap. We— 1 urning to tap Wert this spring.., No. X0, A. U. U. \\'„ 4u the Grand K $1,71r .•kr. Tho-. Gundry. I NATIONAL DRUG s CNEIIICAI CO. Llrtb/ losenog, Oat 01 Y The NSI- church choir h4u recently tdodge Of that Order, which meets in thv popular auctioneer, wielded theI said that although he w'taA going frau will, ,ilei in then ruing and Hew. Toronto this week. Ili, Ifuel• and as usual Ineol ht. out to their uddlat the meWor , ,if his friends c. Rutherford in the evcniai litre wgiprAnizaf with Kra. .f. C. Itrid R P I ad the C. U. It. A. wou�it rrulain ever R' �tt Iaoll, firceral ,ulditionm have H. M. Young. preRidrnt of the \Vert Ill'icrs. i l'hithnhfi is well plrrx•.l - - - - — Irl roceneents are still ill I(Y (Y•Ns imY•n Lunde and we ar of the opinion Huron Farmers' luslitute, :old \Vis- with the uutcunlr of his axle. gl •n. rad he would lit .- caved. of I MC ) Recently tone of ort former semi- Yel*kss from Riiinmadsi[[ theft• brrtarh as long ,N lir lives. Fir at \ •hyxtd'r entwblishnteut. Sfnar+ Lhat with x litter practice ole• choir• liars lixilir, arctwtnl• ', leave for Torun- Askexl thein to reuieultsrr him sand his hwt writing a n,•w metallic coiling has will compare fnvorahty with :anything to Thurwlxy of thi,; week in older to dents, now a profeaslr in an ngricul- I Ixr•se tot in, and the tnterioi• of the in the county uuthistr the tnvii, used make :u ran r uornts fur the nnnu+ll rx- tol•Al cu lege. 'in she .States. sent flat- • When Rheumatism ;;rips you -when you can't walk without . The of their taYsyrrv. plot Ihoteat of Uanadian miloo xluund hie l �tchel-when every movement means agony - The following evening it great many core hAx ra eived x 4prb eat of Large villager loth in quantity loud culwiou lu Guelph held under the I of the friends and nrighlorr of Afti Imint. Thus. Elliott it the Iain�P-,_-; /pualit)'. auspic,•s of the hiNtitolt•, old holue.and It. 1t. !+allows, if Goolf•- I and Mrs. Stiles, nut Icing Able to tw- The ma le sugar seartm bar Next Sundav evening Raw. ,J. C. Williaw McPhlw entertained at rich• war\engaged Lu phoLoyraph I Tahe Gin Pills Pr give thein .,slots past few days VspecialLhe11l. Che Nihsm of John ,end xnueR : G uKdoler Pnofaeas[ to Iwrpl'ct .and hxRula a fanexcellent map -run. tv Reid willt•wu:h a jetu'Ju 1 IN• f �i •iegoodly nnsfTor,»I:thlNrvr1 111 ll ( Ixat [,inklater• A. . Cluturu #said 1). Law- nPrlooll oil fit#. sulo They Cure Rhevrnstitsm ,iffiwtiun be -/on, they left for tile- :er{tot." \\•e uta nut hton .L Dunlo ant{ the iiim11uuotli Allo v /t[ Ihr Gu•uw•IYt in the surrounding given to btoxmt- asci. He eztrndeal to one and toll w - 1 Weet, ,a/arwbted At their hotue for a rasutlty have .entitled, .tied will, nu i1 ,lett would just like to say tont right royal Mcuttish welcome, and tile- I Ili W. F. You ;tt JAYA were taken , Itinwonderful—tbe way Rin Pillstakeaway — Yr well rlen or whot out• fal•Illres have the pain -strengthen and Leat the kidneys- I banquet. t And during 1,he evening fon•. doubt• of til the• villagers with the lel gaol to preaching a to stick sur KINNI illleas rprltt at Ifl+ home will not 1 and cure Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago collet them ttith m well -Arles pule%. Prrxhut a the nwplr owe. pe'r'm n we- err williuK to Iuu k unr boon lac forgotten Iry' those who were dour in this liar. The following addsesh less mead to1»wlur gainat anyuur in the London pttArnt. \Villimlu's v i io I i n w u s Our former tooIw q, Jos. McG1Yaw• to stay cured. Don't forget EIIioU'smilliner� open• Gxifrre r, and Shnse who ,tow tint tot naught Intel colnolierion r:u•lyt in taw ,how the spoke Il Lately as heaving Try Rin Tills on our guarantee that they Charles Stewart : ing un Wolin lay and Thwwlay. Ails next 'undo evt•uin • w ill rtlism a evenfn And r Is. strathr t'N and slot)". to Kalthll, is work to]l ill,- cure or money back. soc. a hox-6 for:7.sa t IN•.r Mr. aIN1 Mn. +tile. Aml Funils. Nxreh rth ,alit '!lith. The falls" tof ) b g �• C. P. H., both mince I •u engaged as At drn tots or snail. M N r.nnsmher/A yell►(rie,Nf, most lorigkimin, treat. pihnx•hs weer kept up until lbs tare, �f3R• 7 at. I',•,..ken the liberrs of rAllinK ap ,o you thi. tilt vilinge and surrounding country A Hsu 11 'demi.-'V*.1'a general sunt holt,: to the non'uill', farnf for'e]lffan fur \it•s. 'Kuntz for this ..nein(( lu ld'a"o"I r..l«t to our heartfelt re are cordially invite! 10 roma and i - K � DOL[ DRUG Co. - WINNIKG, MAN. ,trrt Ihr, we are a11mK to 10-t• Neh ..,lairs mamputlev is C t. with Mr. ;tied \Ile. Sari. �Mcliride odd right broad of his year. MIN. Kuntz fl,la chooWn it clip" the ore spring styles, which R :able man, who in the pmrt\Itus nlwatq n,elnlrn of .uciely r-your.rlt+nal Mr-. stile•.. Mcllwaiu in the Bath of their infant hravy cattle to Ho 1wrt Nrl.r+ul (tot• rx- F•ileo guild mm in til 1)) ti`s thane hs I have mere o l ) — -- - - __ -- .1, ,nur,nulahk fwndh'. Y„a wall allow „- I„ - { Iw raters b • t- no �Pt'inN' Non. 7'horunm Allton 'clic li(LIP fellow lN.•t. taut fiutudnv. \\'e do not know +.Y I it am lipsl 11,rlt kindna nrd An�lda' ('ouor whether vaso buy lir nuf• lv„h only in his tint month and hold what, thew, wrigfled, loot. a mug{! guess Ila' oleins with in this section. He eIV,that arc Wu well ki n IU "Feel nm•nuon. \flow u. IU prev-nt o,m will, tilt- During the bast few days the snow tweet ilt only a• dity I fore his death, would lie about. 1,:/110 I.Is, each. 'Phe bar xlrealy•coninenced him duLiem and p„r.e n . feeble rcnllnder or I he 1lMxt»ill alms slits disappoi- areed %-cry rapidly, ale(] elm :t which ,N•e111•Ird 1,11 It Iw1Ny Ir[ 1:1Nt fol I('Y w'Nr I11 till• II PI{r 111N/1'11, itx1 nt ;, tl aN here Inst, week making pdr -hasrn ' pvnrlau,m td rout 11 N,od moos by ,our rretult tvhtr•Is ,re n xis in raidrgcr, week `row a•ut'I inti "'tion and crntm. A. Voung de•lit•rs•al miz hrAr1 if for him employer. Sir. McGraw and nulay Mend+ and %t 11hi—i In the r«m K (.,Ilii)' will live ill the• satiate. tan•K, , munily. tt Lhlna You „Lu .t hr 4elw,. (+ and (hs the whole we h&cr hal an excel- {trip. 'I. he funeral too place on fat cattle fur Sastre- to \\'. 'I MurnrY• which is suite stere las his work. K.xd furl nn,• Ihrt r khd Irotldelxw hM In lout winter ,least four U-minNter, Gest ``Verinf•sbaY to Dungannon Puleter)', Glxlrri^h, wlllrll IY•a117A agIm NI round Parrell's Brod .14re for thaw of>onrwrlL^in#t 1harrctrr t Hot him Her. c.Hutherford.An,istd Hev. Hgulr•. Thr Irutcharw asf Glxdrtdch A AhitlNt-KaHTAIY'fI/ttYT.--At. the your new h.Mre• and r pra.iulg the hoiae that KnNdrd by anuhin.rY, aa.4n -,arnr iter ill the future roll fully And it nun• experience the Nasals were never in J. 4'. grid, clmducting the ter vices. know where to get prime llee•f—hum recent, state At Butternut How, a jovial h .e IJI to returnor lu rcvbdt )oaroil hoes•. IN•tter condition than during the pant The pall-tievarer•m were Ernest ell- the fP rmel•r around slow. Irishi nau foul A neighboring town.' e.nd. Uo h it as ,n.nnCv7lnr. :llKnarl on hshalf of o'r. funny ENN friend,' se;uwtt. As the robins have already wrein, Harold Mrllwnin. torn Jo n- ship and his consort were pleasantly p,rie7uy Rni1T. Fhlarran, inm, i. b.k.d in a 4,'rtya. irowl.vrc returned we nifty look floe- tan esarlj alum and Lloyd McWhinney. --” -- surprised lit meriting tau holies WiMP Nniur7 .orreund;rs.. u'xiora craw tar• spring. -- ST. HELENS. L&krlog supper at the house. After I That mr.n. ,,• than met ihlnxnla•i M, y and, Nu A•r the wall of Hrin maid he would ' propl. think. Mr. Slile•m replied ..uitxbly And, its AT Boat?. Tba• Duug.tnnnn blanch AUBURN. MuNDAY, Mar. lith. QI trots natural,w•ith itgreatdrxl,Ifft•eliog. "r the W. JL A. het:! ,1n tat home un isA Mabel lirldgc,•e visitrrl fat Thus. drive them bloc•• n++ his hurt mud his 17Luroalnv evening L•t,t. The Nile /I1H P: STERLING HANK OF 4'AN- Pell ell's bast week. table arnistant wet% busy looking After It 7o.la ae tense ill.. Of t-avinalmost hie h down when he slake f< th.lr...le.■1 Of Navin Ida home and the tan, of xl(xilinry w•As invited and Prot•idlrl AUA ACHUKX A(: i:X<•1'. Us,cn Titer Rol Mchnire now s stn one if things in runnrrtinu with the wile. I Ykin1 R P day,. Thnnday. 01.1 rtwturd.).. a general Startin awn with the thtwr ladies i his childhood t/ neck him fortune in the Plvgrum fur the rcrning, ahiri' ,.all in helNinlNe tn.nwcl,d. +uaii,g, Bank Use• gas kind of drivetw, R Y Try It. the unknown regions .d the wilA conNusUdofsldrrN,readings, iYcitxtioun dt•s.ovuent a/rrs,s drs,olt. of a1 and ,it,- in his cuttr, and his gtmNt eters and , tlartettes. How. J. V. Itt•id, (if w'.t"IN bnelwt At:l suer Cent.. sryahle every Dlisl At n, of Kisaexrrliur, visiles at ru:akin at Rtr,uty le, all went well h . T Dh:AN Root. Alae• Duct Sunda If WeeL, but he %aid hr ho{Arl hr would t ,here :noel M. )'anourN' rte Nnla•, pc n•h. nNl J for x half -toile, whin the sheet sod- YOUR POPULAR GROCER. AGENT Ire back again fn Ihr nrau future• Ito Nile, occupial lh,• abair doling the .t re.,.INorhic rate,` A. u. tAMHL6 Acting \V• E. Got a lougbt ,1 fiuu burse I drnly larxinet+ IYtittive aid• IN/IU ' enjoy the I/rngwny of him forlucr pnlgram. After the p•orgraul, the Manager. friends. The evening wam slant in D ingn]luon ladieh providers lunch \VVI)NKADAY, Mar. 311th. this week from Mid. Huai hevy. turning the, cutter upside down sold pp{{Awca if tnrioasa sorts. and Ringing And a serial tiros generally wan spent. Lf 1 rt'ug ase ENTY.KTAINMNYT. It. ilxlks xN if cop 'ng would Loon 1, uoxking for driver x pria,au•r under-! by Rowe well-kuown Irish sioge•r.. The bunch of the \\ .:N. S. here in ill Another of John H. Clnrke's lecl,ire how. Thl• robins I crows are out. De7ath. 'file maidens, however. -howed 1 a Hourlshiug condition And is slating entertainments IN to ht given in the `duck and courage : one ,grablIed the Atr...l. T. Malkeld d Misty N. N -- --- LOTHIAN. notch to advance• the nlisaionar)• Trns4leranre Hall,'Auburn, tote Friday Salkeld teturnrd LO Gt rrich un Tues- einem and held the horsy, while that : -- - - -- ------ caul•. evening, March ;tile. tinder the mus• d;,)• , other hvu turned the coffee- right side ; As tASI xa*cer• 1 till you, Lite lumber .w'nnin of forty Darr. Aleut tl•n 7 rlcsu.ty. Mar. 111th. ice. of the lauhtic iihr;r•v. •••1'u and tl t, enalling tier Irimhuurl to get on will Hy now. ) Mim A. McLennan is the, urmt al( NI tt Hk IUBNTA Ito' AnIfvIKLi. rp ( \Vjll Hutliei foe -ll and' 1 ill Dur►lin his feet Yet'" ago he sell tl his fal•ru And r•. - K Ml. and All+a..lohn rasa• e, who lin I F'rn in Ltlndun" will W the mulrject tof again. He irsum I the drive I Mins Icing. of Wingharo, is visiting I -tA too Winuham, where he bought Mn. Haiti Campbell. the Address. lei addition at flrst- I&M ci'iteel friends near 1V Fig nl Over and the party got home till right I leer friend, Mise LaUrelKlrxa, this IIs,• Nntiun+d hotel. but he, Afterwanlr P pnrch,aAed Wife. Killmtr rk's 1`41-111 in M,u,day. Tapping trr-A anti w000d hews Prom Ashtleld, wem given a sendoff hl, uolNical progra4n will to r,:ndeted by without further ilihflap• week. sold itrand,novedto Walkerton, where Nr. And MiN..lohn A/cl'rYrst.c. who ill fx• Lhe ge•nenal ulYlrr of the Jay. their friruds ill Grwv township prior furls•known talent. Admission, 'Lie. Tilt',tsonY, March .ilrt. I David McAllister, spent few lease• 6c rrmided until the time of his death. Mrl. Mriw,An. Lucknow', is the guest to their removal herr. The coir"_ children, I:x:. There should Ix+ x have }leen s{it•ndingthr past few k■ N1; f-rlAf.n.- A quiet but pretty weed- ; ant Java with friends at aneen ow•n Dote mesi wan A lrnrther of Thos. Culls. ondent of The Win hand A/dvative large ulrurhut to• britt this talented fat \V, M, MrCrostie If, returned O din wowcelebraatel at Lhe home of Jos- hest week. I,iitim. if wilwan,m,h, Alartin ('um of her nnele, A. Mels nn, thiN week. { K iti rk• as R h4tvs : ' Quite w nunllacr 'if the h Iru,la eutertxfncs•, 1 Y se Wednesday'of Let week. Ppb hook, Point Fi rna. last earning. I 1 nli]le and Mrs. EdwA Hw es, or hems w o r i 1 ''j Y mill teq w v1 I [n 111 .flrlAf'm Mnlcihil Buchanan 1►ns nnchnaa,l wheu,11is daughter Maud Agaem khN' tubo liealle fled Ihr miNtln'Umr.'tolhtxlcui, h. and Mrs. I3ernatd Hoyle. of Talent) tot Neil CJlluPlx'II'N, IAlchaleh, IANC matt neighbors of Mr. and Mrr. John - - ---- lose a vntuable two-year-old Colt one Y TusSlay. Savage. gathearrl At theh• hotels. Inst WEST WAWANOSH, lits. HUlrlf N pru{wrty ant iastendA a nrsitrl to r1b•crndt-r Hurtou, of the I dAt last week, and he 6atr another our London. The commlrnity extend Friday evening to s{m•nd a few pleeas• moving in this week. \1e-. Horne in. ]At a Shore mad. The faille, was their s11, thy to the herasaved Mims Mary bilwuur h,o. rrhunal to r I rick Rat 111•creul. r y ane. hourm and bis. them farewell. MONR.tY, Match Isth. tends wowing into the village till•• the Last silly attb•rd in while ,tied grey widow rued :lauify and us the llruthe•e Detroit after A plex.tot visit,tuong K -for", lexvin{t bur. John Hya is rear! To%%.. u• Clw.to blrsrrTi.. .-- ple.t-nt, but ultendr going west in the and an nnmttended. Only the ins. { 1lfsMoct!u nv 1)x.vTlt. e\e fare and siRt+sw of the dreetase•d. 11 ftienllm here. w nently-worded .address and Mr. TOA. The Lowsship council met on March near fatties "Idisttf relrativem .&fill ]leer friends soles to hxvr to chnmicle ahs death i - _- _ - Jani•m Mclumnld received w'url of Pennate prevented lar. Seaysge with 41 nth. A. Anderson reported that hs A Iecttre, mold• Lite:whhi,•r' of Ihr weer fol nt. The newly-nnalTinl i'of (-m-1sclius Donovan, tubo dices nt I UENMILLER. �1te death of Isla .)if. \Vfllianl, in Nal• gold watchgn,tnl. Mr.. Savage with it couIll4 not boy rtarlltel•It• luusloer• for Public library. will Ile graven io the roopte h;tt the iwmt w•inhem elf left fur I the host'" of him father on Tueaelaav, Hue, Wash., last week. J quid -tined sidvtw cuke•Isstaket, and little pric, mentint 1 lot olagt nu•etiog. hall on Tls]lrmday evening, Afnrch :74th. ,1 happy, loss led life. The crrer lolly I March 1'31,11. At the age of thifty•Ltvo 1- '(Too tat,• for last %eek., AtisN Laura with x milver knife, fork 6Ouunini+rRtion 6nun Patrick \\'elAh. 1,y }t:y. Auxin L. HudgP, 4t. A., alt wits {aerfurultr h • Iter.JAN. 114am�lton, Yearn sold eleven monlhm. 1)eteaerd Mor, i lore \Vultern, who has salvo PORT ALBERT. 1 And PIANO". ''7'llo reciplentm were cote_ to fwcount uQninst townahi�' for haul- Hanover. The nuhject of the lactrre. B. A., paRtn nt .eefluru, • { WAN widely known and hiK1i1? I sea} sick, ,,, we are glad W hems, drtrl bairn b Rut rriae, and b1 r, ing'tone, WiLs filed. in motion of An. will loe "Mminie Prince, Claudio." A r'tPewel lay Jill who knew him. The nnuh IN Iter. WKII%-"n.t Y. bear. s11.h, 1 Y Y 1 dr"soft #and Thom o. The treme- l'hl/l ,toe Mlfll{Ialln is at P(rarllt t'f•1') M,avngr replied sets touchingly. iMo gINNd llrogr'HIII tYllt lac ) 1t'l•n. 1)/N't fllI//PI'lll 41Mk puce 1111 I'rllda\' l/l Mt. Hl'rlllall \I A.rlrt Il:as returned holes,- * low. \�r Mi eotm to hems of bin ry thanking unr and All' for their kind- 11rorm statement Nhowed A Ilxl,lnci in lihim it. ST. AUO TINE. Augustine• cemetery life([ wan followed I after Ntm•nalong moute so tvks In Detraw, firms, sus they would hok hack to their hand of $K70311). The account of Geo. Tt'1smuAY Nxrch H►lh, ' I'or x las Re' ''ortege of sen-f'iowlif moiling l'ririnl+. colvery' h feuds in (ire mR true friends. Then Anderson, tiLt4n, for grAvel. wan paid. CItAw'f•'t/RU Wtttsu. A very pleas I friends Jird Acquxintancers. The 1a11- i The btnneUrr aw tclvuiJi • lflei,. Y ingevent look place toll Wf;1ne,,dny Kafir. Al. Brophy it vin ing tl3tntlr r f'nmetnn Nebcin!. tubo nae been ti the c!)III yy sang hr4u lily, 'Blest IR• Bylaw No. t of ISlfki was repealed on I„Nt At the telltale if Mr. find MrA. \\'all. 111 Glxirrich thin week. I I Ames were Jnm, Kelly, Gcu. \\' lite, m[N,rldiug the IN&.t Lhrtt tnonthe At hi . veils low, an this uumUlb Run IN bans for tie that tritiltr."' motion of Andetwln Jetld ThnmPnuu, , Harr Warts, Gal. Mtnme-t. Geo. Me. [ d AA'ebh, when their court Pmt daughter, Y I old hasme here, left on Tuesday mors: in freckles. told hVIAM No. 2 of 11Nq was totl,,aell Hz• Nancy, Imr•tunP lf'e wife of i. leB. Fte•du me i:ui.li]l • wood. w John I Kolerts And Cornelius Foran. I►e- ing for se here. left t lit Ilett dahis bmora•�• Ad,tni MI•haffer, \Vingh;un, spent - - ing settle (if statute bJNor Jam folluwt : E, ceaseNl hAvrs LI Innutn his arms 11fh LOYAL. t'rnwtnrl, of Craik, Mnsk. 11 r. and AISNN C'irione Ixutr•n([euI L father And another, five bmtherY+ and F.nnne•1 Roll, wbU Irf7 here alont. Be%'Plt Sundnv and blondnt aL the bume of d'nde sl,(XN) axsraAllletl t, tau days ; Crawford. Crawford of IPtt ill Friday woroi]l years nK u. Mr. 4am1 MIN. 311.111c., Quaid. Tur.sri.tY, Mar% list h. bout $1.01111 to $'2,011) assrmsule•nt, three Y R .Sunday with friends it 1\'ingIt tit. s -vee misters, who have the Nyrupothy for the \Vest and they carry suit of Litecommunis 7lle ice oto the slicer ham broken up Num{oh :rid ntramles .tow /pane per- four :from rent 3, s11tit 14.1"Il speak MM. O'l- Sister. of Aehllrld, Yin their ixroays• four days; from $ ,,11111 ho 1 them the lint wi„hem tot their nun. talent. ' enol causes , uiL1 a IIANI, Imo ver) t`Ile•n► in urn midst, AL present. f1. Null a"seas- friends here. t inviting het Nistey, Mrr..lfaa. 1' I} un. ` Inent, fivedu)s; from $4.111111 to$,MXX) PATE SON9S little dnwaage ham F'eeNl done:% yeti Hiss Mmilh. of E:u+t ,,tel "t. G,NIr- A McIY v.s,- The concert given bele K°(serf Klrtledge, of Rlounezer, mt,•nt x.rrn of 1'rKMkK Hlss1UKNT.- 1)u AmrPs.ment, mix days ; from tFI1,INNa tar g' Mr. find Mrs. Carry have culue law'k rir11, stlrnt Sunday with Mr. and Alrm• $7.411111 nas•esmeit, s•vei days, and len Thnrnalnv eveninK, March 11111, `aslldny fat 1,hc hu]lIr of I:dttaud Chnnl- , \\ used.)', March l:fth, the funeral to tow• neighborhood to rrmidr•, having Munwrsald. „ ti wit x decided a11ccrss. The weather floor. Itot' F trick ('unuuins, o/ Walkerton, j�ll p ecev mdditiunAl $l.INN' oI• fl-1uainnJal 0011 iDTO rentewl Thomas itichanhori's faun fill- Willinn' McH. Green. f , lit, met thereof over $•](Nil emu day extra. wAm all that could N. desired nrl,, A John Craig, out. waw mill luno, hew f,sik. p u•e Io Ml. Augustine cemetery.FF4-4�c'- A Loral of ears. \Ve welcoufo- \ie-. . ient last week with his patents AL fall houmP rvr•trl tilt- lil•at. 1,111111,•1• ofMartell to 1'111. togs again foo• the Ntva- i eeejuiett wit- n for►ner resident of)' 1 ! he clrtk ens instructed to give del- K , \\awa►n/lle, h.cinCarey, las hs• im Ja good farnerr and life It/.rdsle i•'arm. laration of of ice to fen;eviewrrN ,and the leogthv ,laid vallyd rro run. mron.lie hal,etigitgvd Tom 1 lowuuK livers here fir a r - obliging neighlor'• \\'illiAm('hishnlass'nwall•tun M011day p undkeepera, on Iuotinu of Medal And Fra] Cho unry wan highly applauded - _ I 1 the rod lad �dlow lana host wAm very Ine-gPly nttendexl fiend Andrrxm. FI•nrevirwrrr, sound- in lir nunllaclm noel lac nal hope to -`-- _ CREWE. evee aching .)lit brought a good price. keepers and lmthinnatrr•s wt•rs• rap- beat- him algain. Thr Lucknow guar- - --- - - MONDAY, MAr. lath. HArry J. Alorrir lraaP. on Thuneainy Ptlioted for IfNri #Laid bylaw parh,d con. Wttr gave s'ver&I numbers. which ������ Miss Mildtwd McWhinney is Nick for Totnntn na a ds•legatr hum Maple,. Hnning the same. Council md{osarn.1ed were highly ,appreciated. Music was , With IA grippe, iiMf fwmbre. Go derich. to the A. O. 1'. to ni,et. May .17th As A court of revision fusTeirhe (1 by A. Ander•sm un the Held for general buminess. pip". M. (hrton oto lir ulrno hone Milan Alice Blake it Gode•ic11, N trut W. Grand 1x,1Kr. R K ` P �ppe Or influenza, whichever you like 1 1 Fg!rcwt•Ifs(afasta. -.lobo Mills. John slid Mesal%. \\'oris and Mt11art, on their Sunday with rwl,atives here-. - — - Stafford. Alex. Durnin, Jae. Portion, violins. Thr glee (,fill, gave A couple Mr”. Woods IN vimiting her dmughter, BELFAST. (;eto, Greer, Jr., \V. X. Gordon. of chorusex and drillis, John Miller A t0 call it, is one of the most weakenirifg Mra. It. McConnell, this week. Tuysn.ty. Mar. little. Pot,irikRt[rBltjam. - am• Fannon. (', rexddn a and Bert biller twcitetion, bliam Gallie Pierre, of 6oderich, is Jack MuCrotie Muret, Sunday with C, Brown, ino. Taylor. Jam. Konnw- And 11,11 together went to mAke up a diseases known. -liending a fete daym at bet- home here. Winghan friends. hill, Wm. Humphrey. \yam. Afe(jull. very anpryable evening m Pntertain- RPv. T. Hick-, lir Dungannon, called Mr. said Mrs. L Henryeft on Tues• title. menti Ftrv. it• W. Craw acted aq tSCOtf.f Erriul rlOn. which is Cod A Y PATHMAOITKR-4. C. (,Irwin, M. Kerr, chairman dorinK the fiMt Met solid on r lot the hostile of Jots. l'1t11A•rt ,m lisle- ,step las rr,ide near Crewe. R. J. Hutledge. .TAN. Thndw•ill, Geo. his rctlleuo•nt Alex. .if u ire, nhly Hllel Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di- Luxury fifty.We unrlrrYlnnd that will. l',ne•c 1x Mrm. C. Hevwuing, of Palmerston, D awoon. M. Mpmule. JAm. Niven„, A. the txwltion. 'Ilse tecripts wee clout - - visited her parents hare bast week. Kirke, ROlrl.. Heid, S. Johnston. is.. .1. $32. gested form, is the greatest strength -builder fl.r the allowing into the house of Thom. Rich- bar. and Mrt. .lack AlcC'noutie lett Muker, J. Washington. S. Scott. \Visa. -” - - --""j ardsou, for. fnr• their home in Ripley on Friday of Hyat• Witt. ('an, J. Filiwtt, ROLL. OODENIOH TOWNSHIP. known to medical science. hath. Cham Girvin, of Nile•, conducted ser- last week. Bell. M. Wilson. Holit. Plunkett, .ino. MONDAY, March 114th. t4 R, vice here iAmt. Nnnday in the Aheener Milia Annie Mherwlxxl, of 1,,Icknort, StaRor.1, 1). hIcKenzi.•. Wm. tinnl-digested p Crown", J. /Hell, (floe, \Vlxxia. A. Pentland, NnbL Wil. Andrrwa Gorst a vnluahl. mate It is so easel di ested that it sinks into r' _ "Royal U�Ortll Of our pmator, Rev. , . 1V. i10ldnsrn, ie ape]lding a fortnight with her y g ____ Wit tvrNhk. who wax not J&file to be out. xlrcnta herr. Hell, Win. ('wlnplit II, G. E. Mmith• the system, making new blood and new fat, 1'f 1 Jag. r, Rolrt. McAllfater. %Van Mimit Verdi Best, sof Menfor•t.h, lima hfltch-Hazel Mawr Vera Durnin. o/ Dan noon. AgA Master tteg. BArrru. wfln ha1N @Arm, Vern visiting .L the rcmldrnee ret Mr. and strengthening nerves and muscles. and Miter IiArIMr,1, Cullwlt, n Crewe. I Can, (1, Grrnver. M. Le lit •, with H. Alton isle IIs,• Inst Has vearq, � and Mrs. John Melkeld, ItmyHeld earls. apent A few days last week at the has got P to learn the tlarnew-waking. J.O.Seo. Chimney, Thos, Robes. home of their uncle. George Durnin and we wish him mucceAa. WlWil H. G. Al a er. M.reCh L I T,II[ LATH; otos, other O -IM inn• I . Toilet Soap A. \VSl,,rrn, G. AlexAnder, M. (!ham- I alms, March loth, another o[ the pion. u Use .SCO 1t t J E rf tot l.f iO n after Mr. and Mrm. H..1. Hlake And fmnl• We re cwt to learn of the very p fly ,are today allowing their furniture R ) pion, •i. Rutherford. A. nrophy. H. Alton i the of thin tnf Mrs. passel AwAy, inA AL Only foe • rain den death ml t•4NUlyday mnrning of IJ. Rutherfonl. A. Hwr}xr, Jno. Kath• � the tocsin Id Mrs. John 1>rPvrw, o/ influenza. 3 Mak,. for Ik. to Lucknow• where they intend W rP- MIN,, Isobel Watson. The fnnl rml Prford, 1). McDonald. ROW Woo ds, I the tetephnne rnhd. Tho decesimed side. AV Ars ,Mry to Ir/, Bich grand tisk place on Monday M Goren Hilt D. DOMOVAn, W. Words, W Gibborim, I *Jim ►xat-n in frland eighty years logo Invaluable for Cell ht and Colds. •. ».»w.....,.,...... ,rod alrlfabto Te ghhors. cemetery and was largely attended h 6 y Y A. Rintmil, F. Hrineq J. Howler• W. tend had lived in this country for sixty '•-•,�•�•m--- n1lrTnwing relAtiven and friends. Our A. Wilson. A. Coampho,11, J. !Miller, 1. YPAM. She i- mnrviwed by her hu,,. The way of the world in ft, run holo mincerent aylntl lthy IN extended too Mr. WpAtherhead. W. CAmpbeil. J. At. tourist. two Nuns David. on the home- ALL DRUGGISTS: 6pc. AND 91.00. a debt And then Attend years afterwardN land Men. `VAtaon and family in their chroon. R. Nsitor. (1, Taylor A. Intend, and John. of ClIntore sand fine I slowly creeping out of IL sal httwavettgsnc. Kmuxrsn, U. Callahan, 1io1A. yVab• daughter, Mi -,4. W, u. Taylor, as[ 4"O"000 "666 "0 • j 0 I i i �