HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-21, Page 5curl, alld are of a creamy white or yel. color, but thele is nu guarantee, as lowish color, the ears being fine, erect sl•etl1M to Ile amuse!, (hid the 1i��row it and hairy. The neck Is moderately which marked the IRast, (lei -A. will continue at the statue rate during till - next and buceoeding decades. Thr confidence -of our compatriots W't0ir pride In the proistresr of the st in sulurtimeo +usrleulpanied by au appropriation to themselves of the credit for the-000try'n selvan/wwent, and a Gtiltere W alcknow•lelge the hand of it geoorous Providence granting it succession of bountiful harvoels lir the remarkably successful ilolicy of the immigration delstrtuient of the Fwd- �__ - "r -v_ oral Government'. i '< It is ponsible that where undue 4:111) head; t-hoite rteudy; otbero lilt- I.`v_. prune stern, $S.00 to Sri; Phil,` Ing, s:, ih buh•hera', $4 :a) to s5. NI; belfry., to $5."i; row.. VI to Uten; hull+ tu6:1.25 to $4,75; stt.•ker. and tkderr. $4.:AY stuck brifere, $-.73 to ;;1.2 •; fir.h town ■ed rl.rlt•R •red. Insley. stvatly: others dull and lower, $:b a, $L{. Yea tie.-Rp1•elplr, I:da, send; ,,-the no's sb•ady, $4.25 to $x.73. b.gr-Netefpu, 13.0110 hAtd: uctice nu Ilxht; slow Ira bl•avy; heavy, $7.10; IMeed and yorkerm $7.10 to $i.la; pig., 67.15 1 $7.80; roughs, SO..W las $11.40; stag., *4.7 -- to $:1.25. .i p and Urul,a Iterelptr, 1:t,uno head; active and blither; bombe $.S. to $8,50; your_ llnx., $11. T.i to $7.3e; w'ltberd, $et las lsi,ta,; owes, $4.75 to itis. New York Live Stock. n tiwiam exile it is partly the lrsuh apes pisco n crystallized violet and New Turk, Mareb IN,-hwvra--lImetpu saosrnoets ante. of Illwatulw less had by land•hotan• Pr4 and others interested in painting THE SIGNAL:lGODERICH' Or - I The Buoyant West. How to Prepare Terrapin.The I Icing trate. with buff a letter "\\"' On fat balls steady; 100109nl, do., Nk- off; now: desdy to are; server.. 94.13 to rd.3:,; bu.ir, folluwitilatter, which a) )exceed g 11 It war lir. Frunk Ilatobleton, the t•rl''a nosed tmw H aT to p ice th hely iw., luadw at the biter price th POINTS ABOUT in Toronto f4xLw'day Night last week, tie '. (Baltimore banker, who dewoustrated hulk a-Illu at lo to x1.1.15 r cwt. Expor at {•• s4.:el'. from Ihr n of a thotierich hu lit d'(1 ) 13enson the virtues of the Baltimorean terra- bull. .old $3.T3 to $4.23. THE SHORTHORNS buret, at present ill Wtuli- Nil'. � plu. For the benefit of those who way patsaera- Pr11tw wr gills, +I to $S; few fed , ahs.. $4; dre..e I ca he. peg. (deet was fur suede tlwr on the staff of The Turontu Drily New"owmen. wish to try !t, kern It lit:I plrkpn iota saki at H.Tt to ILS In lead. of u,rdium to xnd at 11640 to $4 a3 .lead}; (•fly dre:srtl ,rule at Nr 1., 1:t to, and wino Juin useful work, and w., K "Boll the terrapin until the skin on I nisei. $LK, to $4.23: /raw+, $3.5 to las sealers. 11.5" to $:! per cel. A writer In the American Cultivator Lrust that he it nut rtllanentl lu,t ilei Y the claws Is sutHcleutly soft to rub OR M'eederw and seselten. given the fullowing description of u) OUtal•iu jutlt•tialirul : at the slightest touch. 'fake froLLl the A few abort -keep feeders, 1A00 In sale Shorthorn cattle: las the spirit of Woetern Canada shell and remove every partlele of on- It'■ rash, sold At $4.M) to $475, and %Pon The breeM! Is dbUugulehed by Its Ih're la exemplified ab barge a do ive of u )ttuirni, otic xnd unitllu td, an I P trolls and lungs. lilac* the what In a t"''`1'1 11y l.lulm4W k 11411194/1 for distiuer, ternini purpowta, chase ,rattle hied Iwo, symmetrical proportions and by Its Y ever elated (lie abode :tied hoped of '1'u ehafitls dish If possible. Add butter, i pepjlgl' and salt, the quantity of each 1 bruugbt oil the warket for export purpose•. sHlek cows, great bulk on a comparatively small ally PeoPle. A Turoptuuixu it ib in depending un the quantity of flesh. Als'tit a desen row4, inilten and spring [mine, the offal being very light and t -mating, and anivainqq even, tA) leer Lite uncluuded, boundlear confidence ' Lat It shower nntll,tlw essence and I era. .old at from sII5 to $75 each, as wit be A-1, by saxes tltluted below. the Itmbe small and fine. The head of stiller. u( cite.* westrrnrl•n in the butter reach the consistency of light Veal Calves. Is expreinth e, being rather broad serosa future of their country. No one ,ravy. thou serve hot. If desired, a i tIt" ranged at from $3.30 to $7 ped the (ore9iead, tapering grficr(nlly be- doubts that there is a gtr,+tt future !n little good sherry clay be added before cwt. skerp and fasalaa. lose the eyes to an open nostril and bl.lnrt for the WerL. It could not be istherivise with a which entlug, but Dot while cooking. Use no dressings I Export .he,•p arc Worth from $4,7-• to $' busks fine flesh colored muzzle. The eyes are cwnitry poo pessrr spell large tracts of exeellsat spices, or other lugredlentre I that can detract from the flavor." per ewe ; nt R"..:u to $4; lambs art wurtb $:,.SU to $7.tei per cwt, bright, prominent and of a particularly "bl+u•k earth" tar the productiuu tit I ets2e IL P, Kennerl,r puicld. sweet expresalun, the wleole grnio and the purrult Of other torus. °f agricullu"'e. Tile. growth and Pruitt- Washington Birthday Cakes. i 9 r gnetes $6A; per eat. fol s''lM1'ts and SAO) for light. slid tats. teeny. countenance being remarkably gentle. The ht)tpa (whence l•owea the Iof the country during Lhe past Itake tiny cake mixture 1n cups and ere yuote M.tr,. Go b ,•ars, at country Isdn1.,, w hl, h wr.us ut least $U.00 at 1'V - naulr, ft.,,. years has ineen phenuwrrlxl, xnd Kllell cool dip loco buff colorelJ, violet i runty. are usually short, springing well from the tide of immigration undoubtedly and white Icing. On the buff colored East Buffalo Cattle Market. the bead. with a graceful downward will continue to flow fur years to c"uftwlrrutiun, uud ferin that the nA- F:asi Ituffale,Murch 19. -rat tie-- Itrcp4rls curl, alld are of a creamy white or yel. color, but thele is nu guarantee, as lowish color, the ears being fine, erect sl•etl1M to Ile amuse!, (hid the 1i��row it and hairy. The neck Is moderately which marked the IRast, (lei -A. will continue at the statue rate during till - next and buceoeding decades. Thr confidence -of our compatriots W't0ir pride In the proistresr of the st in sulurtimeo +usrleulpanied by au appropriation to themselves of the credit for the-000try'n selvan/wwent, and a Gtiltere W alcknow•lelge the hand of it geoorous Providence granting it succession of bountiful harvoels lir the remarkably successful ilolicy of the immigration delstrtuient of the Fwd- �__ - "r -v_ oral Government'. i '< It is ponsible that where undue 4:111) head; t-hoite rteudy; otbero lilt- I.`v_. prune stern, $S.00 to Sri; Phil,` Ing, s:, ih buh•hera', $4 :a) to s5. NI; belfry., to $5."i; row.. VI to Uten; hull+ tu6:1.25 to $4,75; stt.•ker. and tkderr. $4.:AY stuck brifere, $-.73 to ;;1.2 •; fir.h town ■ed rl.rlt•R •red. Insley. stvatly: others dull and lower, $:b a, $L{. Yea tie.-Rp1•elplr, I:da, send; ,,-the no's sb•ady, $4.25 to $x.73. b.gr-Netefpu, 13.0110 hAtd: uctice nu Ilxht; slow Ira bl•avy; heavy, $7.10; IMeed and yorkerm $7.10 to $i.la; pig., 67.15 1 $7.80; roughs, SO..W las $11.40; stag., *4.7 -- to $:1.25. .i p and Urul,a Iterelptr, 1:t,uno head; active and blither; bombe $.S. to $8,50; your_ llnx., $11. T.i to $7.3e; w'ltberd, $et las lsi,ta,; owes, $4.75 to itis. New York Live Stock. eheeing the Mores. The owuer should supervise the ahor- Ing of his bortees, and In addition to the use of shoes of proper weight and fee m'the following points should be at- tended to: lite frog Is to be left un- touched by knife or other Instrument; only that portion of the sole which in dead and loose In to be removed; the ban are to be left alone; the heels are not to he "opened" by a couple of deep ;note•bes; the outer surface of the walla to not to ile rasped, with the exception of a slight depression under each nail potnt to allow of proper clinching; the shoe Is to Ile fitted to the foot and not the foot to the oboe; the shoe Is not to be applied to the (sole when redhot unless n light touch Is nemasary to stow, w here the born most be rasped away to furnish n proper seat for the ahoy. the, rasp In always to he used in prnferrticr to the knife or butter e; Morn should lie reset or replaced once a month. nulla should lie of the best quality. not too large send not driven too high or too close to the sensitive structures vilthln the horny box of the foot; the feet are to be kept as truly level as Possible, and while keeping the tors comparatively short, the heels are not to be unnaturally lowered. -A. S. Alexander, Dane County, Wis. Horns Again. Reenntly a cattle salesman In the stockyards Mowed no a load of steers apd said: "I bad to take 2:, cents per hundredweight leas than that loot] of eYtt.le In worth simply because they have horns. I have MM every buyer on the market, and all of them bid be- low- their value on account of the horns. You can't pot it too strong when yon mite ferden to dehorn their cattle or toed hornless ones." Thr load mention- ed welghed over 20,000 Pounds. on it seems that It cost this particular fend- er oyes $50 for his failure to have, tho burns taken off. The dlscriminntion may not 1e on great an thler In all careen, but It will be on a bad market, find to 2337 case It lit sufficient to Pay very well for dehnrning- National Stork- aran and Farmer. • Clever Splenelld Fad Fee Sheep. Have yet nrrod a nice Mt of elov1'r lin a place by Ibelf In the horn, wbpen Won can got at It Wet winter ter too toiletteI It not, ran yon Dart rent a W" of swore- growth yet? SPIOR d steed. teaching better. How a Th;s 7 We offer tine Hundred littler. for sent' rw.,r of calArrh Ih.l rennet ho culwd by llwll'n l'alArrh Purr. Y. J. ('barley a t',w. Tnhwlo, el. we the ne dwndrrned have. known F'.J.Chenry for the hunt Afteen ream and holler r. him) {Nor fectly honorable In all hn.lnrwt 1rw o.acfinn. And finane.leells able to carry out any oldlaw Us". made M his erns, W A Mosel. XIMM eM k MAN, Ir. WhOM.ale ihreggl•ts,Toledo, U. Rall' i Calartwh ('tile Is taken Internally. ue•f Few "peas the blood end mncerl, nrfeems of fled r.tc.l. Towtimnnkal. sent free. I'rlce J Iw per t letua ylterM hr r druar[I�4 Take Hell's Fetal Is for "orwlli Ibu. Thrlr in no diapnling the fact that many people pet nerw'e or Mea enjoy- ment nut of their grievances. p"r)gtrr vie" Ideas. Oar will lit tar Instal v. tlu)re disrua.inn over Higher l'ril cinm ill Winnipeg in nal• nrtnth thin o will in six utontha in Toronto. The Wert, h vliever, Is very uncriti cal ,a. yet, and be intelle/ .11nd .t.o dalrl a% wren In pulpit, per wt, nod Lrgisbdure in c( le- le,lhly Inwrr than its Ontario in spilo of its alleged '-slow rl1•.a." The over-confldev%4 of the Went. while it in nolict•able, As, not i laroodlig onleris it eraow- it. t„ mike undue e - intends frino the tensional Unvernnlent ,.e to make Nestle. serious ulim-steps in the in atlngeenent of inn own stfairs. Yet it may iw 11•11r, even if it Fleeter very unch,arilahle U) ruly it, that a year lir two of adversity freight Are tilt- 1VeNt if It•)Id grail try slradyutg It And helping it to strengthen its Mural foundalionx before till- strain of the• insure in upon it. Il. lt. GVENT.. Winnipeg. !larch 7. soling. surf a t worships his onto.' - • I know it.- In it he lives and ) moves and hu his Wog:' A Fair Exchange: A mother la always It mnther, Imt there Is scarcely it man wenring Ilc- mortal trollwhli0wouldn't exchnuce I baby durinIt teething time for u well Ij brad fox terrier, THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower -Live Stock Markets -The Latest Quotations. Monday Evening, !larch 18. Liverpool wheat aud torn futures cloo"I f -lay unchangrd to IW lower than Mar arday, At +'hirnan. May wheat clo.e,l lie lower than Saturday, May corn %c. higher, snot ]lay ,ost■ %c higher. _ — Winnipeg Options. Wlnui g when futures eloped to -lay : ONE LUCi�Y TRIAL *%Ireh 74C bill. stay lachid. July 71111%eI*s futures -Nares 34%c bid, bay ;Pi7br, --- July "'ic Md. With Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Rich- The Visible bSupply. • and Quirk a New Man. Moir. ]v,•n-M ar. 1!1.•10 Fortnnr Hailror, Nfld.. ltrch 18th. %'beet .. ....... 47..l.tapl 47;-7-as.1 1•nru j 13.110,1001 15;-w1oar1 -44peclal.)-ADsong IIle oc—e" 111 1. tie one.., ..•... to410:M,0311.0`10e73.:M,0311.0`10neighborhimed who nre living pruofK filtering nth, week when: Iw•re:.ed 1,1ii that Dalt]'* Kidney Pilin will cute• (sat bushels, earn {nrrruswl 7U01Aal bushels, kidney' dineaa/• or any ntag•• IN Mr. aud cats,decrea.ed 1:.4.1000 hurel-Is. Richard Quirk, Who given the follow- Loading Wheat Markets. Ing experience : May. July. Sept. After ten or twelve ,years 11f tin(-- NeIpple"It 711 79% FA)% w fork ............. AA 111 »4 »441 Lora treatment 1 11,111 FDA& lip my •rob%to tr9h 7111/. 791/smind that lily Inmbago and kidney St.1a)uln.......... 73 75% .... diateovio wait incurable. Then 1 N,ifnueapolls ........... 7711(, 7N% -» thou,�rtht 1 would try once more with Uulutb ................ 781A 71)% 78% Diall'. Kidney Falb/ and ti) lily Brent Toronto Gran7arketes. suea'lse I had nettAken more than 4rdehal� n In)x when1 found relief ; eight ( Wheat, spring, bush...1 to It h.)xea notele Idle it view tetters." I Wheat, scooter, bush..... a Wheat. tan bh....... 07 When, rod' us bush....... o T4 A Now Idea. Ileum bmh' 0 78 Corspt rovers intede of dt9Qed Nwlas nre nntnng the flew Ideas In dninty and erwen r. They Fire nende full, edged with ra- Ipnclennes Ince. Thr row of dots across the top in etnbrolderittl las silk to cor- re•slwnid Atith the color of ribbons chosen to rim through the trending. Ettfre•niely dninty nntleynkleltse and chemises are Also worked out In the spotted awlss with rowel of dots cot- ere%1 with colored silks or the mercer'- Ized cottons. Fitting Candles. Thi, unlnitlnted still continue M ilthe rinimly above down the end of n wax candle which in ton Inrlle for its can- dlestick, but It ahotlel server bas pared to make It of the right I?llckeless, says' (tomer ('hat. A (letter method, says 71V Beta, In that of holding it In hot water for a few momenta, when the and be• comes softened and will lit firmly into' the eapolestlek its a0on as the wax hardline again. To Kap Cake Freah. Cut a slice of now llreeld nhout an inch thick find pinee in the tin with the rake. This will help t0 keep the cake frash for Pomp time-. Tho bread m1Ut tun rontswed when state. An ap- pill platted in thin rake tin will onower the memo Pill Fill the bed and ahold I" be ilmo d who& wltbared. Barley. bush. .......... 0 .3 Oats, boob . ............ 0 43 .... str4wheat, blies. ...... 0 us It) -e, bush . ............. 0 63 New York Dairy Market. Nrw Y"rk, Mnrrh ln-nuter-RteoA<; rrre{pta, :InRtV, steel-' pre pA ; r1fr% (.ream ,•ryr, 2D%r to Ads•, (Mir -Ill prima : Crram- Pey, 1- limon to Filers, 21e to :'fe; beld, •rnmmon to extra, :L^ to :tor; estate dairy, crtmn it to finest, :.W to 299. renovated, rnmmon to es M, life to 2:K•; wester" file. i tory, common in. ants, • lade to 211Ar; western Imitation creamery, arAs, 211e to 24r.- rreefpts, on'; suite, ,all relearn. colored, small, ot•h, heat, Ne to 141/,e; der., white, 13%, to lttAc; An„ :aril to portrait Me tn.131tiyr, winter madp, ayersxe heat..i4Kr; 1101. larar. aept.,frenr•y, lA1ke; do.. net.. Iwmt,' 1x111 to I %r; it-..' good to Wine 1211r tet 1314e; inferior II1Frr to 12%e, skims, c to lit r, stain' Asn Bream, &mail. Neth.. , tansy. W; do.. white, 14r, gags-- s"t"ar; reelp1s, fa,Fi10; atisto rpnnsylvasela rend near y, faery, .plpcteA� white, 2le to ?b•• grad to cbnt", life to 71k•; brown and mixed, pxtrn, 14%, 3o ins: anis to extras, 17e to lac; western erns, ITASe; OQlcial price, first&, ITIAO; elernnda, CATTLE MARKETS. (-solea )aq-C6elrw rstfle atwwdr, Others UM I,ewee of nelalo. I nnA"n. MArrh 14 -IAvrrpes,t And Ile• Mn emblem err. I401er lit lie to 124e per 1h. Arensl•d "alit; eetrtgpntor beet 10 ,snoted lit Il%c to 9e ppr Ili. Toronto Junction Live Stock. Toronb JrinMinn, March Is Re •ripe of live stork lit this itnion 14f wk Yards were 8$ carinadis, rompcwd of 1677 saris,, 15 sheep. JO calves and I baa1N. THE LATE MR. C. B. RECORD, rOITDSM Or Ties aeCOIW MUMMT. Reproduced above, is a portrait of the late Mr. C. B. Record, the founder and original head of the Record Foundry a Machine Co., of Moncton. N.B., and Montreal, P.Q. s previous to Mr. Record going into the manufacture of stoves, those used in Canada were almost wholly of American manufacture. The character of the work turned out by lilt- Record Foundry 4k idachine Co., at once gave their stoves a standing, and as a result a very large business soon grew up, largely,owing to Mr. Record's untiring industry and per- severance against many obstacles. Although Mr. Record retired from active business as far back as 1879, the solid basis on which he had established the in. dustry, has resulted in its growth from a sturdy pioneer into one of the largest stove manufacturing plants on the northern half of the American cMdinent. With two large plants, one in Moncton and one in Montreal, the Record Foundry A Machine Co. are known from Halifax to Vancouver. and theitip,'1Calorific " and "Admiral" furnaces and 11 Penn Esther " ranges recognized as the standard of Canadian excellence. ITARIO TIICItkUA1', March 21, IJ07 Pty 1 A man who enjoys ` bis social glass should take Bu -Ju. SPRING n I lie Detests Da -Ju it lie wants - - ---.. tnenjoyltealth and bis favorite IS HIRE ; with It Colles the desire to east Off those drink for years to come. All Alcoholic drinks Irritate the Kiel- 1+ � rilrl eats wlliell leave 11O11Ce good bervice battling the neys. A man, who drinks Fr- printer Rtferinv. When you see otic showing of dainty gularly, is alnlopl-sure to have Swing 1,00twear, you will watlt a pair of shoes to cloudy urine, brick dust depopit4 in lite urine, headaches and pains h ri,1„t.111 ell you atilt make you feel more in harmony with In the back. In time, if neglect- t110 firsh spriue (lays". ed, serious trouble Will result. Models in Footwear SEE ARE DAINTY, neat, Aiid by far surpass anything' in I the (last. . We have a well -selected stock from the best ffl-M it r, ROM Ila 111AA0nrers, and are in a position to show ,you the is the finest remedy in the world N F"W EST and BFST 111 Footwear. for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Neutralizes the effect of alcohol � � • on the Kidnuv+. Su -Ju is not a cure for drinLing; but Bit -JY SHARIIAN does protect the steady drinker against Kidney Trouble. Su -Ju curry Rhenmatisot, to,,. 50c. a large box. At druggists, - - -- - or by )nail ` 7, ruderal onion, some with ffltininte'lite Prewilytey will Ire held at Luck- orgrallic officers in view, and a few now on (lit- third TiteodetvIli IMA . THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO„ ted LIMITED-ve-fled opposed to union of Tither The PlesbyteriNI W. F. JI. 1'I. will WINDSOR. ONT. tills•). The Deet, regular filleting of ollet +al the same plate trill date. hold ibhalh•.h,•uliq.litnh•sluw•anla till- , lid of .\b,v in Kiternrdioe. Lark- "Thereen'YsebLnf' aab- ffow tool Ihvs.l•In, It) 1N•tail :hrssed by �� Me•Mtltanefses4" d It v. .lel'. Itnt).•I 1.un. the ,rrll,•r.11 sec. a raw'+. ewe's W 4 -e olid .! e" e ••I orl-t• of 1 111 Atbe..-wirstew sem r li .4-11- I-. -I n eon- p�,t->, woman who lived is a lee." • election with the I't'em plttr•Ii&Ml of A Dials - by lilt- Luckuotr cuugrrgalinn• r. the Itht•t•/!rbvio -y explemi•11 appreviat4(n Fit ❑eetly, tlntlgly and e/��� \• uflirat-tl lioNlplLllrll• rurtllNl supaccuratel)', too. - 'Z� {wort to abrl lonnnrr of flffanciDwfill• "'-.' '�.,•i„ 3N11\ 'fIIII Leave no openings for .Null-. '!'lir Luc,.now IN•o{d.• wrier til- �l s„ highly. rolluuended fat• Ihrit'suc- rLELFA� the water to sneak in ak rt -,K 111 paying elf all 11111t-b;edlle.r e( R w _ i the sides. ✓lLi,IMY.I within ten y••:,I'. Itev. A. B� d Millet- ;trill she Ashfield r n,,tV•XtIion (deb a Bair iw'ite likv%ki,r congroolaJisi by lbs � I'reslovit•ev a •ou th,;ir havingI;pill it s %�� and keep your new church, cu%tiny S7.+rits, which to- .-�% ���" _ feeb dr •Iny .toods flee fro", del,(. '140,y blank,swell fits. IN/111 1k1.1urFlnd people. Nr. \\l-4>plrvtitril .tI'vitlinn trolls fill' Hluev;de cinlgrew lio i fat• live. r olinsion to I•nit'l it n, -%v church otl Ihr .ill -ill the ple.rtt buibling. 'The ,-elltit-it wa, viAnlel. and the poslol .11141 Irrupt•• )v..n. cunnu••nded for Iht-il teli.m. Ofr ;I,•,'mlot, 111 tier tlevrvw+ a nl the Pine Kiver '-wigregIIit'll its 1116111- r :Fl•r. it ws rwvaunl.•n,lyd LIEN lilt plic:lltun 1 ui:ulr ru Iht- lo'clovola- v,tl cnlUu Itfet• flit a grant. A renolo p tion with .l•.wrl 'I ligiv cmillwllniog the t111l-4-tiflh. vol.•Iryaiteln• lit ill •r.unrcti/'III with lural opli••n. \\'heli •_ ". j rhe Presht•tery'K mAl"u•v basins.. hail.lwr•n diteposeil or. an interesting audilhuuinatingdi•cusi,in took ploy' m ch•,rcb onion. N•• tr.y eki•ry Deem her. rxpress It b)nlw If tin Ibis i odor,maple af - lot Kuhi-st'. Null although nn furolnl ate Wall tak 0Mr]l it. wait ev'id.rnt• that • ,hoot one-lud? of the Ides ytem • rvur•%, Ihr orgalir inliou oVilne ihrec n•it- nl l lllir 1•Intrr'hr. ; that tilt .1 0l he other half W. -re in klv.01. of a RUbbers.J NOT A SINGLE APPLICANT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE 14USXOIKA A FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES BECAUSE OF HiS OR HER POVERTY IN THiS NUMBER Articles on the Open Air Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Lungs Attractively illustrated. I(/j TORONTO.CAN. NOV.. 1906 ^'y 1 Oc. copy $1.00 year FORWARD STEP IN THE INTERESTS OF Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives The National Sanitarium Association of Canada has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber- culosis, and the inculcation of Hyeenic Methods of Living for the people generally. The first number was issued to November, 1906. Facsimile Cover Page (reduced in size) flew Monthly Magazine of The Nation"I Sanitar- ium Association. Full size of page sox 7, No Father, No Mother, No Home— Worse Than a Prisoner •GARIFIRLn BRAC F\'. SPRUIN, ONT.: Enclosed pleats Red doctor's certificate and examination rapers. Hope you will secure me A Plare in vnnr Sanator+nm. You will notice that my circumrtant r•, . a hard one ; no farhpr, no mother• no home -worm than a prisoner. Nobody wants me on account of my disease. Hoping yon will have the charity And consider my position, and give me a position at once in your Sanatorium, I ever pray. All profits front this magazine - from subscriptions and advertising -will go to the maintenance of patients at the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Any one contributing one dollar a year. or more, to the funds of the Hospital will become a subscriber to CANADIAN OUT -DOOR I.IFa for one year. An Orphan, without Home or Mt$ans Da. A. E. HANNA, PFiaTa: i have a patietnt here,a young fellow in whom i am greatly interested. He has tuberculosis. He is a poor young fellow, an eirphan, out of home, without arry means. If we sent him eP would ycu take him in and do the best you can for him? i know how difficult it is to accommodate all wife require treatment, but this is a special case. It Is alvialys *nese"' l�g to have A 1411361' few friends who kin dl eonalbliter. For the e*nve "Fiff el thoetl who have not time to write. the feflowinne U -1. .s... •...,--. . SUBSCRIPTION B NLA K. near.Sir, ......................... IFW.... -1 have th-asurer in eterin.nn,C the .tum of ....... • ' ' ' • • • • • • • ($ • . • • • ... ), as a rOntn't5utfore to the rnaintenanre nj the )VU,SA'Oh'A FREE. IIOSPlTAL FOR CONSUyPTJ;E.S. flame ........................................... Address................................... . OONTRI2UTIONa MAT as aaNT To NON, SIR W. R. a1FRF.DITn Ill., fhlel.lustice, Vlep-rrosident Rat. tan. Aneetatlsn, - Taranto. or w. J, GAdE, taChairman Executive Committee, Toronto. a/ DO IT NOW911 is a business mem ttre of this strenuous age that applies with tremel tdous force when it i% a good act you should do. "A child's kiss set on Ih IF sighing lips shall make thee glad. "A sick man.belped by 1 ane shalt make thee strong. "Thou shalt be. served I tlywAf in every sense of service wl rio11 tlMa renderest." - A"vone .en wren us ReannwtedRed In the Torente'•Oloba"and "News 11a& DO iT N( wlNecrlhing ane atlas or more becomes a snbseMeer to LM Canadian Outdoor Life __ for Oita rear. "t WAS SPECIALLY' PLEASED WITR THE ATTENTION PAiD TO CONDUCT THE i"STiTUTIO FULLY AND ECONOMICALLY. Dr. R. W. Br»ee-Smith, Government inspector Hospltals and Ch M r )VIII 0 CARE- agitles. A b n tiwiam exile it is partly the lrsuh apes pisco n crystallized violet and New Turk, Mareb IN,-hwvra--lImetpu saosrnoets ante. of Illwatulw less had by land•hotan• Pr4 and others interested in painting two filled leat•es. un the violet colored 47:0: teslas and *hetes, hely rttwt., ateady; others slow till I nuc to i5e lower; t131d1 (muscular las the malty and set chic future (if the \\'rat ih tie IrwY Icing trate. with buff a letter "\\"' On fat balls steady; 100109nl, do., Nk- off; now: desdy to are; server.. 94.13 to rd.3:,; bu.ir, straight and well Int the Idloulelers, colors ius oosihle. At an rate, oo p Y Y the white place u spray of candled i:t.W to j4.3:,; cruel do., s4:k;.; caw a, al.iu which. wbetM'lrwril In front, are Wilde.bra l' Illrtl 1',dt•IllatlD how WNIII the g cherries end citron atl•ms and foliage. {•• s4.:el'. showing ❑IlrknPs% through The hear 0 elty' U( \\ InllltN•{ Will IhlVa K 1 )Ula• 1 The hofs and bine are the trolonlal col- 1 slTr•-ttrrrlpu, :vt77; market erw;ldy to pt sure; tesl% fruits $A t • std las,; the breast conilu;; well forward and tion let hit[( it million, alld even n 1't'' tk- On. wr gills, +I to $S; few fed , ahs.. $4; dre..e I ca he. file fore I1'gN standing short and wide ing of till- tiller when it; Will Is- Lite -"- -- .lead}; (•fly dre:srtl ,rule at Nr 1., 1:t to, apart. The bark amour: the higher largesse city hl Lite Donlitldon, Tllia I. 4$60,000 hor'Ottawa Hospital, u psi Iho; lrnlr� dr-e'l, N. Is r:r, Mhe•q,'anti lauubs bred animals Is remarkably broad anti based, til rlenl,tr, hn the computed I I tell% tit tllillione goon III ieople the Ottewa, March 10. --The will of the 'evidow of the late Alexander Luma- 11-etpl..• Iibl- nhuost a"uilual: Ia111(o% aeUt.• aud :',• tit -u rr: nue dwk bred Rat, the ribs lulrrel-like, Pprun* well Wtts,pen, itrovioves, aud the huntllr%I, f den, lumberman of Ottaw I bequeaths •nvrl .ptv!p, ♦,'1 n. e., ..,. ''nags $a.:.); luwb., s:,'w, las $s.:.t, out of If, and with little space l,etwcl•r♦ of nlillmoua of bunhas u[ rain to iw• , K $.50,(1011 In the Protestant Hospital, xAt.:n. them and the Will lanes, which are la,wlov*41 +.nffuallY- 1 $15,000 each to her meets and some Ilrrga--It.%e1pb, 1/1,x.7; market Iuw.•r at $7.:3 to $7.4u; soft and well covered. The hind quarters are loo and The chief intluelece in li geLling lhi.I glowing optimisin is the Alu1WL till'l 115M.000 to two daughters, $W,()W sae already beet( Chicago Live Stock, r R we:1 Riled 14 the tall l,cing set alt are un to 1 prusperify which is K11eddin- Iia utl the the rte• give,I to John Lumsdan, a son, b Y deed. ('blc•Ago, March Iw,_rarue--n••c.•I pr K. aliout ::7.1,11"; w4rko t .1•vidy; l.htn to bre: them; the thighs ffuet low dlepu, loon- thesenpfa ever h ,•lit tints. lan)kinK into the fares of I ate.•rs, $1::i to row. pile,; he+s, of $2.�ci w buns. ru $4.tsr >!$4- r' $11.2 Ing the full and deep twist the Rank Life irn dr less the slivets tit tilt- well 1 I Gibson to Load Sisley y Tum. • eah•' n 1, $2.31* to $i. .; storkrn and fce�crs, should bed rep, so us to pe tally rev- tern nlru•upulig you du not nuts ui Ottawa. Marsh 19. -Lieut.-COI. t}I,, t $- :a) to er the udder, which shouldt not be too theft frah+ren Lhr logo% of atrnin #trill Hon. J. M. Gib -on will command the Ifega II"`'elplt. distal 411111011; market 'l large, hill Plated well1 rward, the Wllrry tam) frequently seen 111 till- HAst. Risley team from Canada th1A year. I"wer; cle.do, hea)y, wAtippbog. Pilot 1•' :11;.724,; light I,UfrM•rY', F{ iU N• pLi:r; 41g11I, tests being well formtdf square ret \ uu bee till lir of content and huln•fol. litres (apt. J. Ruff Stuart of the ilnke nl ndxrA. $6.741 to chairs, ughi, an d of meMflum slur: t e hind Ir h aud at general exprrnmiun which Connaught+ of Vane•onver will be ad - " an )•1; Irrking, F. 2: to $N -eR 4_: pig.. should he very short and stand wldo 1, Ilett file indiyidtW is\yell -alis- juttent. fl. tee to $a.w; bulk of sales, sa.e7 ), to p; and quite strulglit to the ground. The Ilewith his forte lie, ' Thr cwlfidrnce tit the WeNtrr"Far 10 Nowell Is Lone Survivor. .7o. Sh,•op and I.nih% It-elpts, relFlmt 2:.1nn: m.r►w ►bent: .hr.•p, sl las sa.:.,; general appenrauce abrelilld show even seen in i th •r ways. He by tit) nlaans ( Kingston will very heartily enter your �s $3 to $7; hubs, $6.30 to tel. outlines. The whole Body 11 covered with IoLLR hole, frequently uudert•stimttes the relative ilppaq duce of Ill \\'est in lhr, Canad,un (oto the etlggrekd Oolrfiration of the soft I bring a fine undertr)ert, lend this bait c"uftwlrrutiun, uud ferin that the nA- lubdloe of the Canadian Preset App- in 11108, fdaitlarld Presbytery; Is of the most pleraeI g variety of rol- lionid Ilegi.IALnre lend Guvernn1woI elation the organization hav Ing t11trp in & pLember, 18x9. Til-• 1'l-,•+bytery •.f Ni till u,d ni •t in or, from a soft errs;y White toga. full l+innlet en Lau Dnlch attention n tt. the Wast. Hi -4 intefrst in the The City Council will likely invite \\ in h:on on .N,ly1•b ilh. 14 Perri... AeeP red. nrenaiOt lly the adlmal Is gtr•wt affair, of the• F.ntiterel PmvillreFl nUt)' the association. It is felt that the most desirable time lilt in the It \' • ('raw, A. Miller and A. 1!. \\ i.h:nt" Illini4et•s, and Parr 1'rr:n.•1 red 41nd white. the white bring'{ound ,)e Kau •wI by the news items irs- Ihr resat would summer, when lefifiant tri s D P and trill fillets finthrrfnrd, rld••r�, wrle+/p- principally on the o ad, udder the Rbf belly and a few spits on the hili quer- dail which unoall ale iu the y p Y form of very brief despatche m and Other enjoyments could ,lo'.bad. The Minted Voololiitainn.•tn. LAI the Ken••ro+l th.rn11)Iw. The ten end legs. 'often to small print. The East. fa rout- 1 regular meeting of the association could be held in Torg}tto in Febru-; slnlsions 11f North Kin- I11asetrill ill,- It�pl.•y oiled live Wit. charge, On touching the beef points the *kle "for' r barxetxrizrd as slow" and in .once gust trier, in Lhr \Viet it is to hr ar and the annual Flatin and le. R hnvr,lb,• Illitil.•gr "f nnnti"Aatiog earb is found to tar ft and mellow, as It lying on n in fejsrvil. there i. n lack of that .year- bration could occur Ili August or Sep - tember. The Kintipton , rotului-.i ne•l. It w;ts dw tied Ili --- — sofrcnahlon. . aulma�s thin In conditlla a kind of Inner skin Batley with other part+lir for I►oulill• ion which is neve.wtry if we Are t'. newspapermen will do all in their power to make i■ felt, which is the "quality" or "hap- hove a trifly p.lti iutic, ntilLional spirit the event memorable. it is suggested dling" Indicative of those great fatten- The West has A certain Deletions, it( that the association rear a tablet in Ing propensities for which the breed that cuckeurrnets that rharactlerixr. the City Hall to commemorate the occanion. In lonkinR Iver the lint, it Is an famous. Fire youth who koowr tis, much to learn front hi yjL w.!1I l;nthnsi unit would seem that Bir Mackenzie Bow�- The mit act of the Illustration, from distill and conlldencr cue untie• inflaep. ell of The Belleville Intelligeneer is r•m t Rreeder's Gazette, Chicago, is titan- sial litl,tlitive with it than the- canlllo. the only living person who .was at (tabor Conqueror, champion BhOrtheirm tletilwtratton titled less speculative the organisation of the afisoeiation. ball at the recent Buenos Ayres live ulrthf+ of older ota (tee. There is it –j stock show. decitW "uhnestl to adopt new and J Auto Idolatry. S eheeing the Mores. The owuer should supervise the ahor- Ing of his bortees, and In addition to the use of shoes of proper weight and fee m'the following points should be at- tended to: lite frog Is to be left un- touched by knife or other Instrument; only that portion of the sole which in dead and loose In to be removed; the ban are to be left alone; the heels are not to he "opened" by a couple of deep ;note•bes; the outer surface of the walla to not to ile rasped, with the exception of a slight depression under each nail potnt to allow of proper clinching; the shoe Is to Ile fitted to the foot and not the foot to the oboe; the shoe Is not to be applied to the (sole when redhot unless n light touch Is nemasary to stow, w here the born most be rasped away to furnish n proper seat for the ahoy. the, rasp In always to he used in prnferrticr to the knife or butter e; Morn should lie reset or replaced once a month. nulla should lie of the best quality. not too large send not driven too high or too close to the sensitive structures vilthln the horny box of the foot; the feet are to be kept as truly level as Possible, and while keeping the tors comparatively short, the heels are not to be unnaturally lowered. -A. S. Alexander, Dane County, Wis. Horns Again. Reenntly a cattle salesman In the stockyards Mowed no a load of steers apd said: "I bad to take 2:, cents per hundredweight leas than that loot] of eYtt.le In worth simply because they have horns. I have MM every buyer on the market, and all of them bid be- low- their value on account of the horns. You can't pot it too strong when yon mite ferden to dehorn their cattle or toed hornless ones." Thr load mention- ed welghed over 20,000 Pounds. on it seems that It cost this particular fend- er oyes $50 for his failure to have, tho burns taken off. The dlscriminntion may not 1e on great an thler In all careen, but It will be on a bad market, find to 2337 case It lit sufficient to Pay very well for dehnrning- National Stork- aran and Farmer. • Clever Splenelld Fad Fee Sheep. Have yet nrrod a nice Mt of elov1'r lin a place by Ibelf In the horn, wbpen Won can got at It Wet winter ter too toiletteI It not, ran yon Dart rent a W" of swore- growth yet? SPIOR d steed. teaching better. How a Th;s 7 We offer tine Hundred littler. for sent' rw.,r of calArrh Ih.l rennet ho culwd by llwll'n l'alArrh Purr. Y. J. ('barley a t',w. Tnhwlo, el. we the ne dwndrrned have. known F'.J.Chenry for the hunt Afteen ream and holler r. him) {Nor fectly honorable In all hn.lnrwt 1rw o.acfinn. And finane.leells able to carry out any oldlaw Us". made M his erns, W A Mosel. XIMM eM k MAN, Ir. WhOM.ale ihreggl•ts,Toledo, U. Rall' i Calartwh ('tile Is taken Internally. ue•f Few "peas the blood end mncerl, nrfeems of fled r.tc.l. Towtimnnkal. sent free. I'rlce J Iw per t letua ylterM hr r druar[I�4 Take Hell's Fetal Is for "orwlli Ibu. Thrlr in no diapnling the fact that many people pet nerw'e or Mea enjoy- ment nut of their grievances. p"r)gtrr vie" Ideas. Oar will lit tar Instal v. tlu)re disrua.inn over Higher l'ril cinm ill Winnipeg in nal• nrtnth thin o will in six utontha in Toronto. The Wert, h vliever, Is very uncriti cal ,a. yet, and be intelle/ .11nd .t.o dalrl a% wren In pulpit, per wt, nod Lrgisbdure in c( le- le,lhly Inwrr than its Ontario in spilo of its alleged '-slow rl1•.a." The over-confldev%4 of the Went. while it in nolict•able, As, not i laroodlig onleris it eraow- it. t„ mike undue e - intends frino the tensional Unvernnlent ,.e to make Nestle. serious ulim-steps in the in atlngeenent of inn own stfairs. Yet it may iw 11•11r, even if it Fleeter very unch,arilahle U) ruly it, that a year lir two of adversity freight Are tilt- 1VeNt if It•)Id grail try slradyutg It And helping it to strengthen its Mural foundalionx before till- strain of the• insure in upon it. Il. lt. GVENT.. Winnipeg. !larch 7. soling. surf a t worships his onto.' - • I know it.- In it he lives and ) moves and hu his Wog:' A Fair Exchange: A mother la always It mnther, Imt there Is scarcely it man wenring Ilc- mortal trollwhli0wouldn't exchnuce I baby durinIt teething time for u well Ij brad fox terrier, THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower -Live Stock Markets -The Latest Quotations. Monday Evening, !larch 18. Liverpool wheat aud torn futures cloo"I f -lay unchangrd to IW lower than Mar arday, At +'hirnan. May wheat clo.e,l lie lower than Saturday, May corn %c. higher, snot ]lay ,ost■ %c higher. _ — Winnipeg Options. Wlnui g when futures eloped to -lay : ONE LUCi�Y TRIAL *%Ireh 74C bill. stay lachid. July 71111%eI*s futures -Nares 34%c bid, bay ;Pi7br, --- July "'ic Md. With Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Rich- The Visible bSupply. • and Quirk a New Man. Moir. ]v,•n-M ar. 1!1.•10 Fortnnr Hailror, Nfld.. ltrch 18th. %'beet .. ....... 47..l.tapl 47;-7-as.1 1•nru j 13.110,1001 15;-w1oar1 -44peclal.)-ADsong IIle oc—e" 111 1. tie one.., ..•... to410:M,0311.0`10e73.:M,0311.0`10neighborhimed who nre living pruofK filtering nth, week when: Iw•re:.ed 1,1ii that Dalt]'* Kidney Pilin will cute• (sat bushels, earn {nrrruswl 7U01Aal bushels, kidney' dineaa/• or any ntag•• IN Mr. aud cats,decrea.ed 1:.4.1000 hurel-Is. Richard Quirk, Who given the follow- Loading Wheat Markets. Ing experience : May. July. Sept. After ten or twelve ,years 11f tin(-- NeIpple"It 711 79% FA)% w fork ............. AA 111 »4 »441 Lora treatment 1 11,111 FDA& lip my •rob%to tr9h 7111/. 791/smind that lily Inmbago and kidney St.1a)uln.......... 73 75% .... diateovio wait incurable. Then 1 N,ifnueapolls ........... 7711(, 7N% -» thou,�rtht 1 would try once more with Uulutb ................ 781A 71)% 78% Diall'. Kidney Falb/ and ti) lily Brent Toronto Gran7arketes. suea'lse I had nettAken more than 4rdehal� n In)x when1 found relief ; eight ( Wheat, spring, bush...1 to It h.)xea notele Idle it view tetters." I Wheat, scooter, bush..... a Wheat. tan bh....... 07 When, rod' us bush....... o T4 A Now Idea. Ileum bmh' 0 78 Corspt rovers intede of dt9Qed Nwlas nre nntnng the flew Ideas In dninty and erwen r. They Fire nende full, edged with ra- Ipnclennes Ince. Thr row of dots across the top in etnbrolderittl las silk to cor- re•slwnid Atith the color of ribbons chosen to rim through the trending. Ettfre•niely dninty nntleynkleltse and chemises are Also worked out In the spotted awlss with rowel of dots cot- ere%1 with colored silks or the mercer'- Ized cottons. Fitting Candles. Thi, unlnitlnted still continue M ilthe rinimly above down the end of n wax candle which in ton Inrlle for its can- dlestick, but It ahotlel server bas pared to make It of the right I?llckeless, says' (tomer ('hat. A (letter method, says 71V Beta, In that of holding it In hot water for a few momenta, when the and be• comes softened and will lit firmly into' the eapolestlek its a0on as the wax hardline again. To Kap Cake Freah. Cut a slice of now llreeld nhout an inch thick find pinee in the tin with the rake. This will help t0 keep the cake frash for Pomp time-. Tho bread m1Ut tun rontswed when state. An ap- pill platted in thin rake tin will onower the memo Pill Fill the bed and ahold I" be ilmo d who& wltbared. Barley. bush. .......... 0 .3 Oats, boob . ............ 0 43 .... str4wheat, blies. ...... 0 us It) -e, bush . ............. 0 63 New York Dairy Market. Nrw Y"rk, Mnrrh ln-nuter-RteoA<; rrre{pta, :InRtV, steel-' pre pA ; r1fr% (.ream ,•ryr, 2D%r to Ads•, (Mir -Ill prima : Crram- Pey, 1- limon to Filers, 21e to :'fe; beld, •rnmmon to extra, :L^ to :tor; estate dairy, crtmn it to finest, :.W to 299. renovated, rnmmon to es M, life to 2:K•; wester" file. i tory, common in. ants, • lade to 211Ar; western Imitation creamery, arAs, 211e to 24r.- rreefpts, on'; suite, ,all relearn. colored, small, ot•h, heat, Ne to 141/,e; der., white, 13%, to lttAc; An„ :aril to portrait Me tn.131tiyr, winter madp, ayersxe heat..i4Kr; 1101. larar. aept.,frenr•y, lA1ke; do.. net.. Iwmt,' 1x111 to I %r; it-..' good to Wine 1211r tet 1314e; inferior II1Frr to 12%e, skims, c to lit r, stain' Asn Bream, &mail. Neth.. , tansy. W; do.. white, 14r, gags-- s"t"ar; reelp1s, fa,Fi10; atisto rpnnsylvasela rend near y, faery, .plpcteA� white, 2le to ?b•• grad to cbnt", life to 71k•; brown and mixed, pxtrn, 14%, 3o ins: anis to extras, 17e to lac; western erns, ITASe; OQlcial price, first&, ITIAO; elernnda, CATTLE MARKETS. (-solea )aq-C6elrw rstfle atwwdr, Others UM I,ewee of nelalo. I nnA"n. MArrh 14 -IAvrrpes,t And Ile• Mn emblem err. I401er lit lie to 124e per 1h. Arensl•d "alit; eetrtgpntor beet 10 ,snoted lit Il%c to 9e ppr Ili. Toronto Junction Live Stock. Toronb JrinMinn, March Is Re •ripe of live stork lit this itnion 14f wk Yards were 8$ carinadis, rompcwd of 1677 saris,, 15 sheep. JO calves and I baa1N. THE LATE MR. C. B. RECORD, rOITDSM Or Ties aeCOIW MUMMT. Reproduced above, is a portrait of the late Mr. C. B. Record, the founder and original head of the Record Foundry a Machine Co., of Moncton. N.B., and Montreal, P.Q. s previous to Mr. Record going into the manufacture of stoves, those used in Canada were almost wholly of American manufacture. The character of the work turned out by lilt- Record Foundry 4k idachine Co., at once gave their stoves a standing, and as a result a very large business soon grew up, largely,owing to Mr. Record's untiring industry and per- severance against many obstacles. Although Mr. Record retired from active business as far back as 1879, the solid basis on which he had established the in. dustry, has resulted in its growth from a sturdy pioneer into one of the largest stove manufacturing plants on the northern half of the American cMdinent. With two large plants, one in Moncton and one in Montreal, the Record Foundry A Machine Co. are known from Halifax to Vancouver. and theitip,'1Calorific " and "Admiral" furnaces and 11 Penn Esther " ranges recognized as the standard of Canadian excellence. ITARIO TIICItkUA1', March 21, IJ07 Pty 1 A man who enjoys ` bis social glass should take Bu -Ju. SPRING n I lie Detests Da -Ju it lie wants - - ---.. tnenjoyltealth and bis favorite IS HIRE ; with It Colles the desire to east Off those drink for years to come. All Alcoholic drinks Irritate the Kiel- 1+ � rilrl eats wlliell leave 11O11Ce good bervice battling the neys. A man, who drinks Fr- printer Rtferinv. When you see otic showing of dainty gularly, is alnlopl-sure to have Swing 1,00twear, you will watlt a pair of shoes to cloudy urine, brick dust depopit4 in lite urine, headaches and pains h ri,1„t.111 ell you atilt make you feel more in harmony with In the back. In time, if neglect- t110 firsh spriue (lays". ed, serious trouble Will result. Models in Footwear SEE ARE DAINTY, neat, Aiid by far surpass anything' in I the (last. . We have a well -selected stock from the best ffl-M it r, ROM Ila 111AA0nrers, and are in a position to show ,you the is the finest remedy in the world N F"W EST and BFST 111 Footwear. for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Neutralizes the effect of alcohol � � • on the Kidnuv+. Su -Ju is not a cure for drinLing; but Bit -JY SHARIIAN does protect the steady drinker against Kidney Trouble. Su -Ju curry Rhenmatisot, to,,. 50c. a large box. At druggists, - - -- - or by )nail ` 7, ruderal onion, some with ffltininte'lite Prewilytey will Ire held at Luck- orgrallic officers in view, and a few now on (lit- third TiteodetvIli IMA . THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO„ ted LIMITED-ve-fled opposed to union of Tither The PlesbyteriNI W. F. JI. 1'I. will WINDSOR. ONT. tills•). The Deet, regular filleting of ollet +al the same plate trill date. hold ibhalh•.h,•uliq.litnh•sluw•anla till- , lid of .\b,v in Kiternrdioe. Lark- "Thereen'YsebLnf' aab- ffow tool Ihvs.l•In, It) 1N•tail :hrssed by �� Me•Mtltanefses4" d It v. .lel'. Itnt).•I 1.un. the ,rrll,•r.11 sec. a raw'+. ewe's W 4 -e olid .! e" e ••I orl-t• of 1 111 Atbe..-wirstew sem r li .4-11- I-. -I n eon- p�,t->, woman who lived is a lee." • election with the I't'em plttr•Ii&Ml of A Dials - by lilt- Luckuotr cuugrrgalinn• r. the Itht•t•/!rbvio -y explemi•11 appreviat4(n Fit ❑eetly, tlntlgly and e/��� \• uflirat-tl lioNlplLllrll• rurtllNl supaccuratel)', too. - 'Z� {wort to abrl lonnnrr of flffanciDwfill• "'-.' '�.,•i„ 3N11\ 'fIIII Leave no openings for .Null-. '!'lir Luc,.now IN•o{d.• wrier til- �l s„ highly. rolluuended fat• Ihrit'suc- rLELFA� the water to sneak in ak rt -,K 111 paying elf all 11111t-b;edlle.r e( R w _ i the sides. ✓lLi,IMY.I within ten y••:,I'. Itev. A. B� d Millet- ;trill she Ashfield r n,,tV•XtIion (deb a Bair iw'ite likv%ki,r congroolaJisi by lbs � I'reslovit•ev a •ou th,;ir havingI;pill it s %�� and keep your new church, cu%tiny S7.+rits, which to- .-�% ���" _ feeb dr •Iny .toods flee fro", del,(. '140,y blank,swell fits. IN/111 1k1.1urFlnd people. Nr. \\l-4>plrvtitril .tI'vitlinn trolls fill' Hluev;de cinlgrew lio i fat• live. r olinsion to I•nit'l it n, -%v church otl Ihr .ill -ill the ple.rtt buibling. 'The ,-elltit-it wa, viAnlel. and the poslol .11141 Irrupt•• )v..n. cunnu••nded for Iht-il teli.m. Ofr ;I,•,'mlot, 111 tier tlevrvw+ a nl the Pine Kiver '-wigregIIit'll its 1116111- r :Fl•r. it ws rwvaunl.•n,lyd LIEN lilt plic:lltun 1 ui:ulr ru Iht- lo'clovola- v,tl cnlUu Itfet• flit a grant. A renolo p tion with .l•.wrl 'I ligiv cmillwllniog the t111l-4-tiflh. vol.•Iryaiteln• lit ill •r.unrcti/'III with lural opli••n. \\'heli •_ ". j rhe Presht•tery'K mAl"u•v basins.. hail.lwr•n diteposeil or. an interesting audilhuuinatingdi•cusi,in took ploy' m ch•,rcb onion. N•• tr.y eki•ry Deem her. rxpress It b)nlw If tin Ibis i odor,maple af - lot Kuhi-st'. Null although nn furolnl ate Wall tak 0Mr]l it. wait ev'id.rnt• that • ,hoot one-lud? of the Ides ytem • rvur•%, Ihr orgalir inliou oVilne ihrec n•it- nl l lllir 1•Intrr'hr. ; that tilt .1 0l he other half W. -re in klv.01. of a RUbbers.J NOT A SINGLE APPLICANT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE 14USXOIKA A FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES BECAUSE OF HiS OR HER POVERTY IN THiS NUMBER Articles on the Open Air Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Lungs Attractively illustrated. I(/j TORONTO.CAN. NOV.. 1906 ^'y 1 Oc. copy $1.00 year FORWARD STEP IN THE INTERESTS OF Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives The National Sanitarium Association of Canada has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber- culosis, and the inculcation of Hyeenic Methods of Living for the people generally. The first number was issued to November, 1906. Facsimile Cover Page (reduced in size) flew Monthly Magazine of The Nation"I Sanitar- ium Association. Full size of page sox 7, No Father, No Mother, No Home— Worse Than a Prisoner •GARIFIRLn BRAC F\'. SPRUIN, ONT.: Enclosed pleats Red doctor's certificate and examination rapers. Hope you will secure me A Plare in vnnr Sanator+nm. You will notice that my circumrtant r•, . a hard one ; no farhpr, no mother• no home -worm than a prisoner. Nobody wants me on account of my disease. Hoping yon will have the charity And consider my position, and give me a position at once in your Sanatorium, I ever pray. All profits front this magazine - from subscriptions and advertising -will go to the maintenance of patients at the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Any one contributing one dollar a year. or more, to the funds of the Hospital will become a subscriber to CANADIAN OUT -DOOR I.IFa for one year. An Orphan, without Home or Mt$ans Da. A. E. HANNA, PFiaTa: i have a patietnt here,a young fellow in whom i am greatly interested. He has tuberculosis. He is a poor young fellow, an eirphan, out of home, without arry means. If we sent him eP would ycu take him in and do the best you can for him? i know how difficult it is to accommodate all wife require treatment, but this is a special case. It Is alvialys *nese"' l�g to have A 1411361' few friends who kin dl eonalbliter. For the e*nve "Fiff el thoetl who have not time to write. the feflowinne U -1. .s... •...,--. . SUBSCRIPTION B NLA K. near.Sir, ......................... IFW.... -1 have th-asurer in eterin.nn,C the .tum of ....... • ' ' ' • • • • • • • ($ • . • • • ... ), as a rOntn't5utfore to the rnaintenanre nj the )VU,SA'Oh'A FREE. IIOSPlTAL FOR CONSUyPTJ;E.S. flame ........................................... Address................................... . OONTRI2UTIONa MAT as aaNT To NON, SIR W. R. a1FRF.DITn Ill., fhlel.lustice, Vlep-rrosident Rat. tan. Aneetatlsn, - Taranto. or w. J, GAdE, taChairman Executive Committee, Toronto. a/ DO IT NOW911 is a business mem ttre of this strenuous age that applies with tremel tdous force when it i% a good act you should do. "A child's kiss set on Ih IF sighing lips shall make thee glad. "A sick man.belped by 1 ane shalt make thee strong. "Thou shalt be. served I tlywAf in every sense of service wl rio11 tlMa renderest." - A"vone .en wren us ReannwtedRed In the Torente'•Oloba"and "News 11a& DO iT N( wlNecrlhing ane atlas or more becomes a snbseMeer to LM Canadian Outdoor Life __ for Oita rear. "t WAS SPECIALLY' PLEASED WITR THE ATTENTION PAiD TO CONDUCT THE i"STiTUTIO FULLY AND ECONOMICALLY. Dr. R. W. Br»ee-Smith, Government inspector Hospltals and Ch M r )VIII 0 CARE- agitles. A b