HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-21, Page 1I When your business
Iannouncement is
placed in The Signal
it is read by the best
II people in West Huron
�� J
Let us see what we
can do for you in Job
Printing. Tile best -
equipped ofi'ice in Hu-
ron County is at your
service right here.
-- -
GODERICH MARKETS. killed b the fall ref it loose brick. , A I7::'J) x. Ill. and now spin thtou h NEW AOVERTI8EMENTB-Mar. 21st.
1lYnaaoial I LOCAL TOPICS. few Inn thrd agsp fou itlnon•nw IIIIa11 "I flolll Nh'atfUl'd ill 1 (mddril .to come 60
htcrmOAr Mrreh sl• f 1 ' •k 1 f . I w at' hluwu G 1 •' •h ' --
Fall wheat, per bomb, flow......
411 0 to i 0
He _._---•--
tlpvr��, when,, ler bush, now....
d ee to
m Debate at G. Q 1, Literary.
ftYe, ptor bush .
HUekwhaka t, per battle. .••.••..
0 45 to
"Resolved, that the negro!a ezimt+tiv
seats, p,r bush., new ..........
011 W
Irl Ame'ieaa MW of a higll,t et+t11da1
t'aw. ler buil . . . ...
linrlry, per bulb ..............
. U 7x to
n LS U:
m i7
0 4:
duriuw slavery 1 hale nuw." im to b r Lil
lee wmaing. per tole . .. ..,.....
Is t10 to
Is Ill
r Wet let N deiNtle •it ale tlleetnlg Il
Fluor, faintly, per cwt ...,......
J 3e to
the G. U. 1. Litel'afy Society toluorrot
Fleur. latent, pot cwt ....... .
Ionia per ton ..............
1 su to
1 .p W
J 111
16 Ito
PVrltlllt. Torr altlnuutive iN to b
by J. Jordan
yhurte, per lou .111
to to
tib fu
taken Fart and the net(
tiny. y, can ..
w w w
b al
11 to
x n,
Live by Will T•tylur told Chard. Kuhnt
per <wrd ...... .........
Huffer, I.e Ike .. .. .
0 L to
suns '
,'how-, per 11) ............
Mies'•. dol
0 IS to
u 1.1
The 8terlin Bank. •
fresh, ler ....... ....
PulAt.ar .... ... .
lo Is to
o yi to
a 1.:
fi s
A branch Of till• Slorliug Hank, u
I'*it le, tied i n'y to good, per ewt.
('&tile, aofpoll, per cwt.....
3110 to
I UI to
/ lel
.h 1n
t;r11'laia IUs Isrell U WI1041 at Mont.11
Hage, live weight, ler slot....
a HI to
6 at'
with \\'. U. Marl. aa» nuxnAgrr,
Spr1,1g I.eanb- .................
/ 311 to
1.. W. Catoirt%su anal IL H. tiraly. u
S p, I.•rrwt ...............
Ham, per Ib .
... ......... ..
.l 311 to
11 Ix to
I •vi
m IN
lilt' furcal Ste•liu hank .staff. hay
Iku•an, per Ib
o IS to
o !I
Igen tr atniferr•rh the forlite• tat Mout
I -A. per Ib .................
teal afoul the latter to the Suulhra
r nuw, per Ib
H,de s. `o r slot ... . .... . . .
o n1 to
a UI to
n lel
I :I,
branch. J. A. aSutbe•land, who fist.
1 110
been with the I.oderich nch Of lh
"�ue ens ....
Turkeys :.•..
hl to
11 lu
Blink of onoru •ree, ha, joined Lif
txiner," and Lifts is in reality it (getter
NuIH, W ttlNit• with Ibackin o
1 imbewelw f) • •I • w'th 11 11. k
, til l ) I le 111 11
- ---- - --- --- - --' Cards of Thanks - H,imilton.
music I NOTICE TA ADVERTISERS -__ --- - Steamer Connections, for 1907.
--_ /1ARDOFTHANKS. I UESIRFTO \Vie. IAe, steamlml3L agent, Nthlr.
11 ]hulk the "Hive. nn,l tuemlrersof barge Lh,U the a row eluellt.N of the VALHOUS
A. IIUI' ADAMN . , Copy of change of running advertise. Liverpool. ",o,. of Enirl.ad lienetl eka'1etY, fur line. of ar,uu� 1N that IIIN tuuc6 (;lNl
TRAI:IIga nv IN.twu menta must be left at this ofice by their aarktteu,'e need sympathy durbef my It: Y
Monday noon to ensure insertion bereavement : also ltd• member. tit the Su. e•ich daring th+e corning mea.un Nle
Studio in Bl nk of Mwitrvnl HI,. -k. I in issue Of same week. prume Esmulive fur their prompt to aynreut of lint definitely conildeted. Thr AI
the fnuerrl brneel WiLrod golllN Central Line will N Nin have
- ---- --- - - - - I iSi4-tied) Mltl. J. Nref11.E. K
L�entutr� y - - -,t'0-1LAnt; -- -- -- - - the King F (twitrol mt thin runte, ,old
�- !'Or Sale fumy hart- another (seat, but Alo far
1 F« HALK, L.D.S., D.i).S. (�\Olt RENT,- A COMFORTABLE illry' h+ttr not eucrredrd in ite Sing
• 1' lwo-alory lwk-k dwelling with modqrn -~ - _ rho atcoud vemarL The Whitt- Stxt•
McIA•an's Nhe•k ingtnwrnhent-, within 31u erred„ from Oee fjl\1'll I.Ot'N(i I- l' It F; -if it F: 1) laoplt• will again run the Ifurun front
dR.'1'nrob,dl'sold.land.l ",loan•. I'wwseslm giren May Iso. YOI Nl3 ,j .Shorthorn halls for loll•; our dark red Cho-velarNl to the Srnr, r,tlllllg Nt (i1Nlr-
- _-_-__- -.--- k ItUHPACT:N)Y. Beal !:.lata egad Iniorarwe old rale light urn ; gooxl puallty. 1'nrp,etive rich.
�e&C&l Agents. The Square, p,,n'hasen altoulel Tall and ani thou. A`,ply
earth, pren.tmw, to ISAAC SALKFIA). Ilay- Inspeet;on Required.
-.r - -- -- - L\OK 1{KN1'. -A IfWF:L1.INU ON aekt owl, Urldwu r IuwnshfP. or wldn,s,
1�KS. FMMl3RN(_eN A TCI{NKUIei K„a�. street. Ooderi h P.11. .ti filo• attention lilt+ been drawn to the
1 Awe111ng efurnittleell or null, near Lake front; '- lange• tar lteleslriauln IU lite lalhines.
A: T.F:mNRttwrs,M.11, nludrr,,ion+rnietmv-. I'MRkKF'OKSALF:. H!';�fLIx;K, IN,rtinn of Lhr Lnwu (enol for linlxr•
N. S. Tt'Nvecu- M. It FonSAu:.-Two new dwellings car Aleglesm L clot oldmatA, lumber for axle from-na:k, cu lin . u( honor of life "huiWin s
torr,., Hamilton tllnml. 'Phony Iia ln-t : one dwelling fou I'lelun .tree(.: Alw or errs Ire cut to order. For furl llor Wrliculars 1 K• gs.
ter. F:mrrerwon's nrileww. St. Ilavid'..1rort, building lots me Elaiu avenur, F:w.rx strw,L app1y10IliPHNICT F.Ll,lu'1"I'. Gfalerich. If �Phere iue Naid Flo Ise pfaces where
(eppo„ite victawir .meet chiln•h. 'phalo Ill l'wlar.,rcet &fill little -t"-L _ _ I.Nrs4- l ricka are liable At any time Lo
Ior. I uroddle . ra,ldrnr&, Ne4al street, w ANTvn., A flew fut'lll-lied boosted or Warn. I --_- PnbiiC NOt1Ce ---- - Im• hlow•n dimwit to ihr• ;;round, and if
Next Shaw'. Store. 'Imheeon 121, near Clic bake, to rent for the, unmsef'.ruwln. _ _ _ 1 hey shoulyd alight fou l he heads of
____ oaf VOWNG a: It()1tKRTSUN. -- -
1 �It. A. H. MACKLIN. M. H. -- -- - I /�1 11 F: '1 O RO.4 T(1 (; F N E H A i. INt'r"rre`by till• restllLn avould likely Int•
J PBYSK'IAN ANi( SURGEON _. jut jrktate, for fie. j TILUSTS C)HPORATNIN,- a+ hxnrntIn ` rinUs. 'rhe council luight innlruet,
SlIc"Hil .dtentiwh Io Fye• F.&r• Nose &fid -- _ --._7 ,ultheestwlcuf JAMM CLARK. late of the role 'If the Luwn oiNrials to look Int()
Tineas. (W-,,. r.IAenrr•. old Rank of Mrat OI'%F ANE) iA)T F'OK %AI.F.- Indies ,if Uwlrrlrh. 111 Ihr ',-ou,,O• of Huron, thin dr.xltel' lm(d make a therough in-
resl. Ippso"nr 1'o•soMr.•, 1\'a+•t ,L, 13w1rrsth. H nUem:u., Aex,iamrd, oMers fur sole oho fulluw s N•rton spf Uu• Lem )N lel Ibe, loalldln N
'fele Ihisns No. lotf. ThAI mrdort&bl.• rwidrncc oil fN'ucer ggr. 1 1
f "• sl.":k-sial sham : R
I rtrt (near Vlctoris! fonlohrlY known a, the . .hard, \1'atArri 1'.rn:rdn ylour �fflls (n., Nt"inlml - rte Squaw and eimewhele :
- -- III. M, -I • a prtrperfy. sod Lost rodent owned par v.Juc Ilple thin amid cost Iran than the funeral
i/K� and a•euplwl by the urderrsigned. I h;rrr vary yl .hare- A. Rioth k Co., ptefcrrt,l .link,
_- _ -ai _-- -- pinch fmprovaed the+ properly ince 1 par p.rvaluesolve exleWllrm•n Uf nlly()ile N'hu IIIIg11L Im•
ehs.ed it sled It is today splendidly muiplad. Use bares Ualcri h Organ i o.. Lld . tar
1�tlIKltON KILIeURA.. HAI{. fellweltotieImd%Ing town shortly need wish r:4ue{1101. -- --- - _
RllyIKRA,.*Witore,uolArl.r, ole• Ofsee, Let dispto r of same before doing me. Tiled I. a laeharen Godelirh Knitting 1'u.. t.at vain.•
Hoon Bl. Lith diafr frwo:4luare Uudetrich, plealld oMarrlunlly fora Mny whn want, a Split ArohittlCt, E,0. -
(lnl. sl, U. CAMERON. K. C. J, 1. KIIr g•rod leen•e, tidal 1. "unveneenl to rb archery pr .hnn•s Uaalerich Kle+ator k TrAn.lt cu.. -- " ---
drhuol-. business. "a"tla.. pa.lofatm erW
lAe1tAN. raMO tum.
- mlulwr- Ifwan to bnlld two wort houmese, cad 1 I ,;,hare. Cement Brick 1'n., ter l'nlnc she.
pROUDFOOTt HAYS k BLAIR. bar ' nlmidv.vnbly n.om the. a lot. M, w'. 1 share. SMndanl tern ( lar velne e1N,.
barrl,ien. "ollcitrN*. nu4rlrs public pre , He W VL4 - - _- _ _ __, I pe .lune. Gwl.•N. 1, Skating Itink U.... lar `O 1� I C l
•omfn the M&rYtlue ('odea�t eta 4)om, I. side lOR SAL$.-HOUSY Aa veins- ion ears.
square. twat door('. A. nalra's gtoaery. Prl 'VD uhi'I prmharWstepre...enlh.g,none-nfnlb interest In 1'nn ,ire ,,o An11bt evetentplatB,g
an DRi,, serous, filet dour weal e( .....lain., chi. sprint! In view' of Ih.•
tato fund, to fowl st kwwt rale* of Interesh the I;rderiril Lunrlwr l'o. and air sixth intoe
,mean'. gtoe•ery. Hfillt io 1'J111L All madrrn adv"ming prise of brick" „rd lumbi
w'.1 He)LI)F(X)T. K. l'. IL C. HAYS. U. F , - argnleaeer•. T sl in 4enalin Iins1wr limet. of the U04rrecb
it,.illl. lease For full p&rUes. I,urnn,rr l'o, wit'• neon :for ivakiug EARLY (•O\
Iat, apply to A. H. PAV Itlt)V. l CTSTS.
Pertain of Ill~ shares which Ara• held
M. U. JOHNSTON,'HAKHIN9'Frt,1 !-- -- tol/ddteral .n unity w,ll I-• rr1A ..bees( t0 the Rt' I'on.ult
IH'SFri FOI{ SALE. -- YOUR +•unseat And .p1moyal d its: I...lder, I'll " ,
soWitor. mal. yyit)hlic, cxewmi".era,ar, eAoicrof thve. Apply toKKV. H. \11T1', uey lin uuade to cit her of Inc utalrnignIs - •1. IeE\\'iS TH(IMAS, C.F:.
etc. Moneyy to lawn. Grace, caner HuaHten • resile sower. 3141, INIIed the. 13th ,lay of Manch, A. Il. iv �.
and tlt. Andrew.duee4. Uodericb, OnL _ THK TORONTO (IFNKItAl. TRI'K 1711,- .IrclittcL I.olfdun, Un,.
K)1{ SALU.-SsJC I'r/RATIreN, 111- charFkc . design. al.� location t„
i('KINSON k OARROW, BAK• �i TH HALF' L(Yr Fx«ulw-.)f E.lAle ofJums('Lork.Awre.ard. lien(. +rill ager arc (Ave n.wr with
Iris ei1M1e&..IA1 W \t•
D RISTEFW, aolendse, .oUdlors, IS e%e ntlyleek. Ywrni hll'Kl olicit kUARRoul for In ehtion. tido will wait al You
aonaM. IYI u•awe, 1. aotevenienll>• 1oc:daxl .nA
L. IM KI Ma land et IARIL rats• Sollciton fur Exacalors. �tur instruct tuns (her of chrrge.
L. lel('KI VtWN. CHAKLMJi t3.1RRU w', LLB, very .ultr file for gee, g or fanning purpar,ew. JI-lt
Th.re Id a goaldwelling on the ,sten .n., el.0 --
flora, b&m.atld a neverlwiNng well, over N THE HIGH COURT OF JVS-
which I" a ectad a fir"t<las. windmill. Entire I • 1 -lc '
insurance. Loftin, eta, - Alntch. tender ra i'.ir Ertel her irifonlead on s
T- apply to MARTIN U'Wt'(iH1.IX, Lueknow, IN 'fHF: AIATTF:It OF 1'.iICTOF LOr.: IN
YOUNIi k ROBERTSON. REAL _ _ 31 H I ON( F;"ioxoH slip;iN/3 relit; lyHnLf:
k daaw and In-urrium Agent,. Heal c. pU81'. F'OK NAIeK. -- A MINI, NORTH EASTERLY Tw'F,NT'Y ACRES,
taaforsalcor to Ica. Propnrtle- handled 1n eon E. feline dovdlln -%Nil I,OT ONK HUNDRtED .%Nil ONF,
any part of Ibe town A.d w,uo•ty. Fire cad g. having a anrd IY )TH IN THF. MAIThANI) cVN('FA-
ife insurance, money to loan etc. +luutlal. at' Keays Slee•[. Stale foundallon Nr,av nY Tlr i• Tnll"\rulu lee unm.v
rrn.oll„rely F'or futl.�er Dart lculsls •aDul)' o RICH, IN THF. t'Ol'Nl'Y uF HI'In )N
lUH\ \\'. ('KAI(:I F, LI FF:, F'iRF ' HS. 1\']1. M.i'A l'UHAN, 17x lYn(nn „re.. ANI, PRfJI•IN('F: UF' ONTARIO.
end accident unigrance. Act for lcadeupf Toro„po• -
metual end eAork compwnlea. 1lndbrwnce, In all �u NMiee is herebydriven th„t John Wheals of
line" eRee•ted on brat plans and at loweeet rap•-• L�Ai{�( FO i{ SA LF. -ON ant (-ON. lite town of (knierich, lei the county, of Hunm•
Fall at office, corner west Sl owl rml r4a user. j` rarlN•u(rr : F.tlrxtecoh (Alamm�, of t.he: saner
osinand M Colboner township, rontaining
or mddtww, J. w•. CItA/UIP., Ustderich, Ont. pl„ir, s`iu-trr: Meant•) 1'. Uilwon, of the
Irli wr•rw-. 1 ralle front ser•harl. I tittle fruits' town of V11IAp
fele ,tane'll - churelt. i mak frontier Auburn lead Olfia•, 2I pent-, In lilt' lerovence of
tlalesm (total C.P.It. slxlwu, /+ mfl- flotu Lon- S„"kntrhe wan, re of Am, roti f hahes ro i;eb-
MCKlLLOP M AL FIRE IN- demboronghiNndle" fawn ('(listen. There ate "rt'°' it fhc cillagcof non-hei.In the nsult I
of Nrlt6h 1 blmnnix nlntber ha+ • 1 ewdr
----- --.---------------..-- --
Lost or Found
L,IST.- A SABLE, . Mi'F'F, ilos-
Still.)* left in one of the .lore-, Finder
%will lie rewnrd,sl u11 Ir•wviug slot- at THF:
s1UN.AL uFFlt'E. It
Situations. Vacant
lurbertnNle. AprlytoJAS. FItIT%LFY
1!�lANTF D. -AT ONCE A WO. ,
t o do washing twie a week. Apply lu
l 1 , nil
r n ted lel r Irl %I -
R A N 1' K l' - arm . A isoln 1 lh nl.e. t ,bunt+. one ) 1 w'
l IC t). ! 1 Y stir Ith
ApplerAl ion In the High fo11�t of .In+the fur -- - 1
IowA prope•K msiared. VaJne of prepert •Io- +lune stable uud"rnenlh. fife railer :lizoii in Ontntio for& i-enlficesteoftitle to the ahoy
„ural up to Jan. IUO, over S&Over!arr. 40 red, lfuod roller; n und.toll(. hon -e, with a goat m';itioned pngd•rt -, under 'Tilt- quieting
and Aira•ton:---J. K Mi•lwean, ``In•-. ; T. Fr -r, t nen..,. lend A frame kitrhrn, woodshed lend -I'll ilea Ari... loud '' have prndw-I rvideure
,'lee- rid.: Ja.. Connolly, U. Wale. Mr. Che•-- driving -h,sl. H)dmuyyFp• forriagwaler at barn whereby Iher "pr{ ar w fee the owner- ti.egxtf
trey, 5. w'arL. Jse4 Evans. J. U. (I. I,., r. J. IMnnr� end kis, hon. gall +ppHRIIB ..let. I.i acne, fall in fee a- tenant, l.- ceannums (rya• frau) all In�
wefts, ditectoiw ; T. F:. HAY,, Wlwforth,-rrretary. te h.wL. IDI Atrr- In Itmt tL.-. -4.tr. of cultiva-
treasnrer • in. ton, ne„n".t director to leas. riot. In, fruit tre,t telon,,in to bear, end rnmblwnee., exr'.ga A ulmi g„gc male by Ihr
11°'' said SAnnI, T. tib. -m la nue Tim)mn. 1'.
J. w. Yeo. Holme -villa, Agent. for wart wuall (,,Ills t_'. etre, df gwa bush, ax1Ar• Har,Ly cal his undiviAnl share itl the sped (
Huron. Polity• -hold," ran ay A;. vrie•nt. henlloeld. ba -.wood. elm, isotopic. Possession pn•uusrm, dont 3rd Man'h, leap/, to swore earl t
end get thele ea, -da nnmlpA n' wt \tr. ('.ata', ten he Ilie.•..let once. left,,+ to .lilt the plot. lmd;lntrrart .a, therein m.-nrlomd : whnncfore p
l 11&fon a at McLean Barr.' P&Iw•c l Iothlug rhsasrr. Fur further infnt'nlntenn, ayp ly on the ani• ra her plerwn hnring or ptreleudluic to hacr
•+ r vee a •we 1
tore (jedrrich' prrmi-i + r 1 Ir J )HN II,\LLII V. Gid• Any illk lar, or Inten•.rin, the .rid land for any
--- --__ _ crieh, (Int. Irrt then rf i- required ties or be•fmr \%tint+
--- -- day, lire. twonly-seventh day ofMarch. now•
j1�ARa1 F'UK SALE. - A CHull'K
- uses 1.
,damage Looe next cmm�ing, fto air w .I,te at fit of bid m their
__ - __ _-__- - .. --_- _._ farm (or ale, sdaped for -epxat fdrn,MR claims. o- Hand by nMdditif, let foe)- rh.ernben lel
Y. or pAdlnre. e1 eeTlr cIGroA, to e%•res goal on•h• U.g,rdr Hmll, u, flit- city of Toronto, old w
WALTRK F.. KELIeY, Ant, l.i Arles, snort timber. Ynil a good black seise n copy un MC. -I... PMIIdfool. I(uy iv
UODKRI( H, ONT. clw lawn. (lord tremc boil.., frwme barn and HlAir et f heir tiMcc in Lbe town .tf G.deriel lea
Wata•hmaker. Jeweller and Optician. ' stables, good driving .hid. lobs M mord 3a, anlicftnn for the said Jnhl Ufl,snu, ]Q , )a.,
tastier of Marriage Licrn-em. vornenolnn 1. Ualerich tow-nddp, ADWy to wism1, se tinel'r, Git . n used Charle" H. Oib-
I'ItislAWIN)T, HA1*8 k HLAIK or to (' AS. tin, nod In default ever)• .1101 chAhu will be
J, w•.11.1.IS, (Tinton. ULf Imond And the title. of life wood John (it.eun,
Q% LANE, i88UHR OF MARRI- -._ . - F:lil."Ied r (,useless Swnnrel T: On..on And I
�I . AOILllexnaee,0oderlch.OnL �,�1{\I FOR %ALF. --PAR OF LOT t'heirlas H. Uil,wn will lavoum ,,I-lutc need
-- 1.:, Iwke }lenge west. I olhonre, consist. Irdeframilrle of law And in a-qully. -utile t t only
lug of Mi mere., note ler It... utedly madod Ifo Elle reser't'All(rrl- mention d lei ill.- Vith sec
ALucuoneermt do%u. T1s• soil 1. A malt clay lw"la. Tbvre I. f Ino] of the ,old Ael ,old i h•• -lit uwruplgo on 1
a Bead (root- story and -h half hoose with the uban. of the -tit Awnlo s -i •T. lit lrrin. t
rfTHOMAH GUN DRY, LIVE %TUCK kifn^e•n, loll I�mot bre Awrlllnlf loans the rood, Ilalcd Uns'Vad day of Fcbruml'1 nal,. I
end generel uectlonoer. hila romoveel (mill 7 h I it a n. M x h2. with •bed arid -tabling, J F,O. N. 111)hM. 1 .,t I e,
'Inn Street tin new nTro. am South SIIrmL 21 x Ht, wit h mnun idloue, hAle-loft almen e ; also Referee of Tit Ir,,
where he will lie friunst let all times when nut f, "h ed nn 1ha• n and Ones Is v ori : user well- � -� _ - -
t %n let ilio Man lend ono al rich house ; m gala{ 1 - -
r•rying owls. Termse ressnnable &"1 ei'ery ef- paxring iir•c1an1 of mhoot two merit'. Krery- NOt1�0e t0 CiiedltOI'd
ort nasi to vl ve you matisfaetlon Phone.fn, thing i. In .n "xrell.nt .fair of repair. F'or _ __-__-_ _ --_
Irrticulters Apply on florae ter In HLUH THI it- -
GFORGF BFCKET7'. OFNERAL ►.hitt', tart lot. 13 and II, l.Ak. wont. t(y!'lCF FOR CREDITOR-%.
VI auctioneer, null Hamilton -fecOL 00darlrll, Colbfrne. at' to GKOICUE THI W. Keay.
1 :O. box IKL All malar will re,01VO-PPr,iml estrect, U+xderich. Yt-if Nulim i. hereby Rive. Io All jeer.0n- luOin
AL1.enllam. i will huY ya.r m,l❑+•. stark 0f it
SUR SALT. - 1. STORY HOUSF dddlmf thef0ded rift- rotate of Junc- Mitrhell.
hatw,hold Real. for cash, xnd +rill w•11 your t rl Lie of rho lnw'nshlp of 1'nllorne. [n rifle rnnnly
.toveea, furniture, newtl.nsm,es, mprinw-. efc., I .11 Anglemrm, .tnwt, 1'. story 11011." on of Hmm�, Inmriner, deewu"ed, Insnnd the .title
cheap. ('mll anal wine what we cats do for you In Nagler minrt. I4 story house el Napier stnmt. Au1j, verified bo Prondfan. Have, k. Illair,
LhM Ione•. UKOId:F; HF:('KF:TT, 1'+nia Ily' lean' ('.thnlle rhurrh, li •teiv house on Vljojn Ualcrlch. on rN h.fmu lh0 tlmh dry o/ Mmnb,
81tep. Ooderich. avenue, 1 .In,y house on Ka,)•s str-el. I .tory 1!111,, After which dare tile.Anlinl-o"llix of his
house on Virtorin street. 1 story brick house in rstnty %Ell pee %,I to di.tribut.i the mail e.tnte
-- Balt earl.. Carrgain. brick t'anl In Collrrne• oolong Ihr p•rsrnn- entitlerl 11. ". Ind%
near Ik•omiller. a splendid Investment tm• a rcganl to Ihr clainw of whlr•h antero .hall than
man wth mull ranitell. Fernmm for mato in an7 hmvc Meer'receival. mild (lint. tI.e- said dddudnl
T !t F; art of Hmm� oounty. YOt NU k R(18FRT- Rnh'ix will nol 1.. Itebtc for the I-mwd. of the
Se IN &rich Lint
trtatr s,r Aid rfbnted to nay leer ani of who-ei 1
claims notice shall viol hove Iteeen nrclved.
1 10K HALF OR TO RFN"r.---A 11t1ed at uoderic h lifts ntle Soy ler Mnn'h.
►STERLING BANK I "let-cfA�iln-mrrefAnnhlwr-twmw'amrh. ,ate.
t rnnreimlotS.Int C, With 1,.1 arms in a goal PROC'h1"Ifle, HAYS k I11..U1t,
�r CANAUA -imr of rulltVert well fonr,d. well watered, sollcflrrn far Sarah Mitchell. ,
spend omharrl, Iatgte Bank tarn, marl hon... the Adndnimtnn rix. t
I'Nsvert black"mit h,hopl vend.tato at carrier
H►.AD Gyy1ct'. - TomuxTo of farm. .'onvenWill. to ma•had and ,humli, .'4 -.__- __- ._-.. ---._.___..
.M . hem y. 1'. iL .tat io n .1 Auburn. Termed - (
��' ►N'rEIi. GOOD G F N F I{ A I.
•-rrvwnl. Apply to MILS. MAI KINNON,
Tnafdilgar.l net. - •
RY and expressos. one ,gaid limn In
cwel ler•alll with rte. or capable of handling
car -t•", to a�Vertln: &led Introduce our gnnrau-
oad ,t lock And poultry molecules. Nu exWr-
onec let Y we lay out your work for you.
si:n w' ill exlNire- Position IN-rluaoN•,,t.
\Crile \�i . JF:NK1. , Manufael wring I'o.,
Laden. �l
Situations Wanted
\/ VIAfVNf F;NT' Agrury,-The under-igned
has IrVaIl Appnntaxl ,agent fur U.Nlerieh" fur this
nrrlNi.e of .ovaringg ent Dluyment itl this a leln.
ty fur newt' -arrived Inmnigrmnis Irout the
I Vital MnAunl du"id,,e lamdlroses on fern..
for se -domestic .e r % n n t s.
.Anf• desiring mush het1) will plrwse slake
a 1ldic„non. stuung .++prin•ntents, to t1'. It'
)RE1tTSON. Conimli.n Govornnee t Eon
dnynlonf Agent.. entice next Teleplemre Ex�
•hinge, T'he so uan•, Ilalert:b. '1'nome FICL
- Notice.
Annual meeting of til• shLreholden, of tie
UneleichCurlingand skatlgR As.wrll��pllon will
be held wt the Court Hon.-. Oudet'Ic iVe \Ion.
Amy'. the Mh April. Ron-, M m.iclack p.m.. for the
election of ellrectur. mel`d consideration of other
general business. Ive"A. CAM111H, A. 8verut-
(lalcrkh, March: rah. torr.
__-- --. - ------------ --
1'Irass• take neticn thou the ann11nl general
meet Ina of the shive,holden of the finderrN•h
F;levwtor And TrAn if 1 omlany, I.hnitad, will
a' held Al the 011hli of Ihr town IrrAsun•r, Gwl.
eieh, on
Wfdnewlay. April BRh, IfMr,
at L-cl 1
x k p, n,., for the. Nerl�f0u of diner tit"
for the ensuing y.mr.hd On Iron -action of any
mhrrbamtne,sshat army la: brought liefesiv the
(Slgnnh w'. 1.. HORTON. Mn-,ei .
;role 1', .1lntrh its;. il:l :full.
o Irl( lint tit let Ilia t ria
down at the corner fol North st
and life Seltiar•, and. the.aure thin
r might happen elmt•whe e.
., Hospital Notes. .
f Thr . Daughter of the Fnnpi
v Acki nwledge with thltnJon the folln
e ing vontribution,+ tl the hospital
a• Mow. Wapt.l MCUiarolid, table line
and towels ; A Friend, butter and jelly
MR -0. Alorrisuc. cre.iu told fougar i Gri
N•. Thomson k Neu. it sewing nuteh
f file: A Friend, a lutir of „hecto.
Unless tilt- rutuu'l.ge sale boviug hell
, under the aumpiMed of the Duughtc
i of the Ennpire in the'rempt-viince H31
today is u,)rn tonight, it will be- civil
c tinuel to diorrow i Friday).
a Spring, Is Almost Here.
Sigum of spring are multiplying.
e Thr, crows have been mormind fur soul
r tittle, and flit- several clays past til
f weleume ruitespf Robin R"breawt h
f twee heard. Robin onomelina•m ruche
the seassion, hu he slicks lie his poor
and mtoner or later his announct-untut
n of spring is veritlel. 'rile river has
not vet broken up here, but as big juin
mit. the Hlurk Hole is teporlwl. F'rees-
ty nights ,tied sunny days make green!
n.aple syrup weather, but travelleie
deport, the rade, pnekty rough. A
rain would clear the ru:aalm and umber
in reail spring w•eailher.
The "Olympia" Open April lel.
1'liv new restaurant which will (Nt-
cupy the ptenniws latr+ly vivate•d by
Kidd k Cor. and the Sterling Hank
will IN- known rt' the '•Olympiri' And
will be olKn ali'mi, April Ist. The
restaurant will IN• run n connection
with the !yell -known ('Sparta Iles-
lxulltot," Stralfurl. atld the pt•u-
prnl•lut-s. Messrs. Stule•y & AtlnaN,
promise everything th-st-•la-s in every
respact. Mealm will IN• served oil the
European plan. The prtipriclorm will
,,iter fur all sorts of gatherings,
I"Arti0-N May Ile entertained fit the
It•,et.alintlnt. fee errant served in all
lilt- iognllar styles. A randy kitchen
for the utanufaettite of all wutmuf
coufecliunm will Ire ols•rated ill sun•
nectiun with the fe-tun:urt.
llenmiller Trims Saltford, '
feast Thn,•s(lay evening tile. Necond
hockey watch between tt,aulN fronn
Brwnille• linchiding Dunlop and Lee••
burnt and-Saltford trek plarron Wren
sheet rick, the farmers t.n•ning the
tabors on lite Snitf,gdites u, the Lone
ref Ill to H ;cad winning the round by 1'2
to 11. A large cr,w l w•itnesmrd the
g:Une, which win: it very wtrenuons
oil•, and some nenn•y had )Well
w argerld on tilt- result. The teams
w«re about life wutle A, in the first,
game, John Chisholm and W. Walter
living :added to. the Salttoed and lien-
luille• feature, n•apowetively. Fred
Cmigie acted ax tefeee.
Hemnille• find Saltfonl are billed t)
play the third game Of the nteriess to-
night. Saltford iN ons goal im'hind fat
present and will try hard to overcome
rtes oploonents. It bhuuld In• x het
Concluding Meeting.
"The Progress tit Life TetlgN•rance
Mevennent" w•as the subject of the ad-
dress of Rev. G. N. Hazen at the gospel
tenloet-ancer meeting 1 -,,Sunday. The
m{Beaker pointed split that alxntt half of
the North Atlfe•ican continent im
under 11robihitury law at tilt- present
time. rte cundennnd"the three•Hfthm
clause in lilt- pt•rsrnt license law
and exprehmed the opinion that public
w:ntiufent would vet caurlpel ita re-
peal. The sleeting next Sunday at
1:1.) ' t r r .
to h 1'rwp•ran r Hxll will hr
the Last, all the pemt•nt acrie•m, atilt will
iN• moldfeedsel by l;, Al. Hezzo : subject,
••Gnilty or Not Guilty.— The nnlsical
progrin will include the following:
Quiu'tette. ^Down in Life Lcetemrd
Sralwnl," Mewar-. Park and Hut•goi un
and Mimeses lliu and firydges o Alvin.
er0 the Rewune." Ali." Keturah
Brown. The Mackstene Orchestra
will furnish the music. Fverlm,lly
wi Icoule.
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
Although the wgt•k on tie I% P. It.
title auvruud G,olerich is prxogn-shing
nlowll•. in other )dacem it is going
sheat rapidly, and the rail-blying gang
have gut ,1N fait• AN Sh.n'p's creek,
where a foul• -"pan bridge is to IN•
erected at once. 'Phis will take unly ,t
couple of daym, as"the girders will be
rivef. d together beforehand "t) that
they will only have to M• )hued in
lomition. Next w•e•ek s11un1d ere the
cooah•uction•gmug very close to G(de-
rich, and within two for three w•rrkN
things wild he humildog unomd here,
Muriel Advertiser : The teceent
mild w•eathe•r has given nn itnpletus Ire
the crenstruction work of the• Guelph
K 0,tderieh Railway. A slouhlelivad.
rr with sixtt-e n carm or rail., and tiem
went went on Tbnl•wday, also a tele-
)(rlph gang with f hese cars of nmter-
inl. At prestent flit• telegraph extends
only In Milvert sn, but the line will
nuw probably IN• continued right
through to Glolerich.
Patt;son Mclvor,
A very pre•Ily blit quirt wedding
Lrork pla,cr Ell I hr home of Atign,n Mc-
lvor, Wlet• shrvl, at nlron Un WetlneN-
dav, Mauch :Mlh, when Ilia eldest
d,anghter, Mary, becalue Ihr hridt• of
LTVIONIZRu CAPITAI, $1,n11loro sn.y. W A. HARRISON, Lnrknow. ai3n1 Harty PNlllwlll, of Nallt %t'. MIU'le.
_--- _ F:AS'I'1:It T1?{{\f_� Thr )ride, who was Fiven away by
�1OT1(*Ie- - 17' 1 S REQUESTF'l) hot• father, ward dt•rsNPtl in en•aun visile,
1. 'OH1110RATKi) HY SI'KCIA1,AUr IA N F:XCELLFNT FA RM FOIL lel the Hritlmh-Anloritaan H11sine-, collr e, that allArroOnt- o%ing lu the iue John
and loll
a nttetdeal by Aliam Hath R'i
yla)MiNil►N {'AR1,lAMFNT 5,11.F1 uburn;rmin w'crt lYnta. shh,lw10 Toronla,th0olderLandlr.l busw,rsttcharl \'ulcllrpalAwl one, In Ihr unde"Ipldd, eel ie
tnflr. (roto Auburn; .o(tarlAr team, alrnLlb in l'amula(( lwgins on Ape it ihrel. Q11r cAtA, will cenlinne Lhe hu -bras al the old -Mod gilts, whn Wine 114110- gn•y r•IelNe tlr
TOftUX'iCIVIt11KIswITS men•. ogler ultivat.ion ddnei 71 to YI acrom ladle rxplAins our walarler work, Wria Kingston.-tr(.t. w'1I.1.lAM 1'l'LF � I'hi`III`. he wt'(Nrlll mala n1lpllmlrtlMl FI)'
finllm•r. A well and two spring- of Weller, w
nd horn, stable slid (nett. RtH Inhn Wi /ins, of town, and ItPv.
Ilrw' fl,.Ille A WPIII R t �_- _ glf
To mmfNlate the F'arunrtw pl S. T. M. w'ATKIIN, 1'rinrgaal. - -
dr+yinR Md. APDYIo Ol'Nli k KIIBKJ,T. - Jutllred IlalnilU)11 N'r•(o►•uusl the cl•,n+-
ripe auction •Ala nituly. Tke Wedding ilfareh wow
the bap nett Hrnncht-m in lift` we -- diode - -. -�_ played ht• Mien Rena Sntherlxnd. The
VAR •and
We solicit the Patronage of I.11,
v iS NK A()! -
oiePned by drlonit of 61.IV1
l"(Pr•Prd. mt:l;, rnnlpxlolt'll-
Pei gaaru•tly.
A. O. UAMALK Manager.
boring January and FPbrnsery, chi+ (Tinton Ruminehs Collrgr find
IWenty-Hve tittles as ninny calls for Stenographer., Telegiaphetm,
I14"'1=1mefm, xnd College 70aeherw, am we find graduates to mend.
Attrndmnce ill aalw•nyst mmnll/+mt Burin]�( A )rid, Mai• and Joint-, corn-
"i,luently each student Rolm tome individual miLfention. Thin Im tine
b ext, tern of the year for the "tudent.
Ica"' of th0 succl•mN of our graduirLe•" Iry writing flim a handaume
o u e of e
ratNl t til
The "ltrackmattt" ler ''route ' feel at�ltonne with ns. aA leach allNlt-nt
i" iustroctesd at Ilia own desk Fry a jJoainfotaking, sympathetic ,•ache.
L (ii'adnales guarantet-tl "ilnationm, Rnter any time+.
(AfilnMed with Whiselfam nrwlnaa. Collegerl
UKO. SPOTTON, Princilwl
AI'l"ItION BALE gnoent'm ptrwent tie the hridr wns a
for' fold" watch ,end chain And to the
FARM STINK AND iM.I'LF;AIF;NTA, � nidPmmaid N world bracelet. '1'hn
Mr. Jdime. Ilmllle will sill hy liable,. Anetio-1 newly-inarriel enuot- bdtn o thn after•
it. ht 1A, aoneeadal 2, as'r•.t I-Aw.m.nh, about noon train for their home at Sault lite,
m111:s from Nlle pssMfBcn. lee, :1larir, Mich., thti ht-idr'm nin awm\•
MUNIIAY, A1Af(CHV.1!t',', K g'
he following.tork nod Imldam.nlm glrtvn bebtg of bf-cmulvrnethtn cloth
Y haavy Arlon. fillip ri.ing I year .1.1: 2 with hat tit match. Thr bride wmea
im%ydr.fl gnldinq.. ii -int Iy.atr n d : I hm.vy ' fotvt n11n11N•t• of y0-drm ,t valued 11fe i -
Iran gelding, rl-Ing 2 yrwn oto ; 1 drieter, boil• of the pdr)IIe "rh(Nvi teaching mint?,
ledng1yrs"old:I wavyaraftmeddle,to (rah'leadmile10-avrmIiiid0-Tishwith til, Inst
iminRts m yawn old ; n -tier", riming Y years oto
i hmlfe ri.ing 2 YVAI'- IIIA ; 1 a»w. supposed to lAimben of Iniany friends.
NI ill enN., rt' w m
If : t ) III r'61f
1 fmrnrw row, 3
slt'os, 2 bmal sows lel 149. ion young hens. 9 Changes In O. T. R. Service.
nrkry hens, a quantity of hay en barn, a
irtraut ty a( Dolua•.. I cream laiparator. 1 ' A reef t In circulation gives the- G.
lw.ner 1(arrl. hinder. I Massey-Rarmn nrnwrt, T. It. credit for the intention fo tuakr
ten farm Me(brmf"k "B"', I feet mill, I sonnt changes and improveulenta ht
inglr fnlrow Procter Ilia%, I a.aler, ,inter, the troller Al•rvice on thin tin#,. Nothing
laR`y. wwgar. let".
A Irnplrutent• rernrly new. 1'ressuAVOr no ORkiAI iN nlrtainahle. tort, the chanwis
rse,ve. dim owner fin, rtwe•ert hl- tern. Mill to) tae In prowilect art- mA follows
'runes : All arm- of sp, s' oiler, eaeh : A train to IPave here mt 11 o'clork n. m,
o'er Ihwt wneonnt P months'rrdll. will Ire
[Iv.n nn feirmishing „Iq,rn„'A joint nota. A send Rn through u) Owen Sound, rank-
Mrnimt al, rate of p•r „ler. per anrnm ing c mnection set Stratford with a
allowed for rashlp an crit/ ddmount,' ttwln m whin Tnrontsp at' mlr)nt. Ia
3'roprkter. Autcuouow. 4duck. The train leaving Turubtu at
tm ei u- mstuad, ms there is another•
rest train front Stratford t, London with
"ter AIcIA•&11 Bror .........
g only it few ullnntee' difference in titur,
F•asu•r Hultday Kates --F', F. Lawresw... a
This train would roach (inederich al
( alit of l'llanks Mr+. !. NOW@ ............... 1
blast for II: o.mrial would bringup the
K-u•te-ltatua t'.P.H......... ............ a
Toronto piaorb t'wu hunts parlier'thail
Models. iue for };toter -L'. Y. O. R.......... 3
0 Lhey flow arri4e. 'the to eodnt train
The Recant youndry......, •
trout:Stralfind arriving here at Io:1:i
(lympho Ite.tesurant-8lasley & Atis"..., t -
: W Ire diseontinueol ; and the S ei cluck
Ready for Spring -D. Millar co .............. 3
n p. do. train leaving (iWerich to go
Sold foul Reducing Stock Bale -Joke Dos•
; right through tu,Torontu. The pteh-
alasu.l ........... ............ a
enc servirti to Hulfalo would not be
Purebred Huln• for 8&10-lasac�Switeld 1
• disturlev 11. An of tial announceulent
The store With an Ideal -J. H. coltrorss..., 1
will IM-1111,lbly Ire inside mliortly, if the
House and lot flat -isle-A. It Ihwison ...... t
1 lelma•t of the contemplated changes is
L&dir,' ('Qat., w'. Aehewn k ,too........
well founded.
K-tcrMillinery W. A. McKltu ... .•.. -
A Well-known Cioderieh Girl Wadded.
•irk Ilrand faint ('..1, Harper .............. t
Our Goderich readers will learn
Anitounceufeat -T. 1Mngle .... .
Linen Initial Handkerchiefs- H , I
odgen- Bro,a x
with ice I,. et Of the g ter of of Miss
Irlorenre F;. Hall, danghlrr of H. \V.
F]hmter cabs and Norelller-Geo. Porter..
Mill, which funk plal•e at Frank, AI-
Wanted -Jam, Fruxley........ 1
Kiet4)rical Contractor w'na. fleoulogWa t
le•la, un Wednesday. Life 13th inat.,
the (fortunate gtounl baring Henry Per-
Annual Meeting-Goderich Curling and 8kat
Ing Amtma:iauon .... ... ..... I
civil 1'It-arihue, a vo in business man
of Ihr WeNtern t0;vn. h, bride
Reader --lir. Harvey . I
rlaleof Stock
one of Goderieh's best-known and
old Implemeutu-Jae. Helps,
tie......... •' . _.. ........ . I
most clever• young ladies. She was un
Dwelling, for Iteut Young t Rohert.00 ... . 1
the teaching staff of the Central school
House and lot for sale X W Howell . 1
he's fat• a nvilibe+r of yral•N and ]tilt
It"'I'm North Street Methodist Ijunday
about two vrars ago for Frank. It was
School .. ............ . ....... 1
expected that her almfence front town
Auburn Branch Sterling Bauk of Canada. 7
would be but A temporary once but
Fate hard deq'idPd otherwise. Her
tlf:Gly frieulLt herr, altl()Og tvttoul aide
,mold join with the hunch and return-
wave a ptlime favorite, wish her every
es•ery year fora few days, to renew
old acquaintance" and til lOok
happiness in her welded life. Grol"
rich is tltpN cunh•ilroting oar. mote dr(
the gqrounds where we ell plot$ rn
her taJa fLe oung woolen Let the iu-
ehildlen, gild the old haunted LhAt are
deur to us all." Pre,I%L a g(mld
ulatly Ocide•ich buys
old and virls over
John R. Clarke's Lecture.
Ihr continent syrtnpfatldu with MN
A very Nrnall audience greeted .John
Monriwnl's prolomual. mind stone da it.
is lU Ile hoped
It. 1.'Ixrke, the lecture entertainer, at
tlnu projrl:k wil� Ica
Knox church bast Thurmiav evening.
!•'&ken hold of and cat•ritd througth.
llutlfiirting allr+u:tionm and rift- gen•
Twould he a great occasion for
e•al indifference ref Gtol,rich people to
lecturers I nav nrereunt fur the spares•
,attendattll!e. �Mt•. Clarke. indeed,
ognizrs the popular tendency to mtrer
cleltr (if 1••ctinere, and always wishes
Not �o Extensive as They Were a Year
iu la• antluaOlced am A ••lecture enter-
txiner," and Lifts is in reality it (getter
descripliuu spf him mloe ial abilities. In
Detroit• Mich., Mauch IU. -Irl cum•
achurch, however, he iN(•ren.trainelto
Ie,arisnn with the manic periled last
IN• semlewhat Iesm of wt entertainer
7car, there it leads ice relNorted in nil
and inure Of x leerhtret• than muite, his
the lakes. The icefleldm over ' the
dihlmwilion. His mobject un Thureedtty
western porticen Of Luke Superior
night wale "To and F'ro in L ndgh,s
have inuved out into the lake. Ther+
and hr made it inti•t-twting and often
'are extensive fields Over the eastern
aunasing. fie Inas a wonderful civil)•
Va I -Lion. with mon• Olsen seater in
11131141 lel looguage. a great stock Of
`Vhilefleh Hay. 1'h.• ice iu St. MArym
an -4 -dotes, a fail•] dencriptive facility.
Rivet• is solid and twenty-one inches
and A brinrfning fountain Of fun and
thick. At the straiten the ice has de-
hufnlur. Of the many aspect, in
a'�wd fou) two k) four inches it,
which LOndnn relay 1w prsented -the
thickness, and the mnuw corering has
con iolere•i.d. the political, the arch•
melted. The iceHrld-s in Lake Hut»n
itectural, and Other -he rhuale foe
fire not sir extensive. The St. Clair
ijlu�trate the •'human" side• and
Rivet• is repotted open to Lake st.
Chair•. The ice
e vividly nnany tylres of
in Lake NL Clair• is
the ch;uacters t) lee seen in the
luoving Out al()wl•. in Lake Erie the
uletoloolim, spoke interefitingh• tit the
iceflrlds are inovingolf thesuuth shore,
halinta of stone of the great departed,
xnd are nut aN extensive as relm,rted
anti demrrRoved wetur of the• street
Islet wsek-
scenes of the world's 1 i I t - •i
ll g 1 les L tV.
Altogether it was a very enjoyabile
addrems. Befurt• the rouutencement,
re( the lecture a duet was given in
pleasing "tyle h)- two of (car most
popular vocaalimt", \lies McVittie and
Jaincs F. Thomson.
Menesetung Canoe Club's At Home.
During the winter the. Menesetung
Can(Ne Club has here one of the mart
active erlchd organizations Of the
town. sand tilt, club toomm on Nest
street have-•Imen the centre of much
intelest to the yoreng men who form
the Clulis utemlirr•ship. The t•emlm.
are handwoofrly furnished fund sue.
epuipped with illi thipws necessary to
the comfort and enjoyment of -tote
nsembers, from a piano lu a pfantt•y.
ll• \' '
f ten m I
I the or•t'ri
dent Ur.
L. M. Mal►e•, the• neeretarr, and an
efficient exectiLive-not fu mention
the active and exceedingly enntperfent
house cownnittee-have kept things
running very httusothl. and pleas.
antly• send the melnleet's are alFsu en-
lhusbuitic over the, result of the
winter's organization that it. will
Twlb,abl' Ica vontin11ed lirr•uuanently;
. atorally the ('tub is a mtlr)ughokl of
bachelurdom, but on a few occraaions
the Indies have b+rn permitted fo in. I
vadle the princely precincts, and tench
rel occasion wilt, on last Thur•aday
evening, when ,tee ••fat house" was
given. A htl•ge onlnloier of the holies,
will] some gentlemen friendm. ter
"ponded to the iovit,atinn, and ,ht-
resole" p1eAl•ntAld a very brilliant and a
lively aw(m•ct throughout. the even• i
ing. Tho, ofHlerm tied nleulm+r al- i
tendtxl amsiduoush' to the ereulfng•t ref
theft• guWNtm, and •ern• annihlt'fl til Ihr.
lr•rving of re-fn•Nhnnentle toy burr, J. 1.
Turnbull, bias Eva Ache+mon and 1
Miss Doles(/n. The viniturs wet•,•
granted the freedom of the (;Iib for
tilt- evening and atter sen inslm+etipil of
the controls Lhe uuanionium expFrmAlon
a•,is rent- ref surprise and plealmut`e that r
so well-11plm,intel au Institution 1
should hV aVaila ole• In the, youug fuel), ,
During the evening Lht- Duty or. l
ehl•sh•,a rendevd an excellent pro-
gram, which contributed a great deal
to the tiniot•ment of the occasion.
You will Im• lrl.$(1htcel with the swing and mot
oleyour-pri ug ,lettering If you �•rt gnu- soil
:and light oven+at Made :at 1'rI1halll the
t .lint'•.
I'Istnlefrnlning,udnnce mt. Wilmer Smith'.
Is the ui of.uiting .a moulding to til,, pl lure
,nod ul:ok ing II n s w'rfw•t ly, -o Am to bring mit
all the bwwl l• of I le picture.
There, fn More. in port rail •mmkirrf thorn rnerwl
rx ing a ammltive• dater dorelopinR it Arwl
In Ing wints tram II. The artist•, Ln h In'
ncgnit� 0n1r byy leen" of nxIlerionce. TW I.
whit maks, C It, Sxllow•m do .ua•o.sful As w
to I. Mir- weaker•.
\Fork on tie Elgin nvetlil.• news' nm
now in progress,
Skating un Wedneselay Nfterntxin
and Pveing (h•rw a barge crowd.
Thi' foliating is etloalt Over fur thin
You mhould not mien nerving the
"Milia; ► "
u � f t ill wt the North Mnel
MetheNlimt Sunday "choenl concert,
Easter Monday.
The trglrlar relenting of the \V. C. 'I'.
1'. (sill 1N• held in till' 'rentr1iat"`
IIAII bl0nday Afternoon, Slot In 'Lith,
it:11). nn. kll intetemtil;X progra ll nn
wOullulm franthir+ will IN• gitl'n.
1.verylmxly welcome,
7 h Annual; n•g,aniantintl nnef•ting of
Lilt, Guiderich 1NaNVIVAll ('1116 will IN• held
Ihortly. The place ref luerth,g And
the date will lo• announcrNl Interr. An
invitation will Ise went, tit Infsinrw 1114-11
rand mrer•hanls to att+nd.
K. blorri"on, Of the Detrol, fire tie-
prlrtment, writer, The Signal pnopon-
Ing a Uemhirich Old ffnys' reunion.
Ne mentioned the. reunion which ig to
Lake, place at KincairdinP thin "drntmrr
and RAYS : "if 410x1. 014 Grederdch bad
a club ut khale stork huw gladly 1
Martin Senour IW per rent. pare
ppaaint tow used in (leconatin Jordan's
hnrbel shop in the Bedford hunk.
Worsellr fur sole agents for this
FARMrn"' ilroonce•K. -T. Pringle,
succe m)f to W. J. Morrow, will Ieay
the lit beat cash pprice for butter, eggs
find all fnt•tu pt•(oduce. A choice new
stick of gro Briers on hand.
Thr Ladies Aid of the BailList
chi rch will hold an entertaainnient
and mfale on Thuro to . April 4, io the
basement of the public library. Frill
particular•" next week. Item tuber
the date.
l fou caul get the Iwai optical service
in Can
aura and mlx'ctaclem ret' e'r
glaresers at the cluedrat city ,),•ices fly
conmulting Dr, llar•vey, the eye
mpecialisL, fire :ort Humber's jewelry
store until Fi p. m. Friday, Marcia
h'nd .
~We are head uarters in Hu
county fur phonographe and gramo-
phones, dime and rylinder,ru•cords of
ll the uuml parpular solid newest
rmonie, etc., extant. Call or writ, and
get out• lint of records. Everything
n music, fnusical instrument", etc.
G. W. THoMxrev k Nov.
Et.w-ritlf-AL CONTRACTOR. -- WW.
HenniVigtun, electricatl contractor, of
�it•ntfotd, who in her+ inmtalling the
eleectlic lighteI for the new• '•OI)'uagla"
:at'er intends to take up his residence
u U«lerich and will cheerfully fur -
fish Pmrimntes for Plectric wiring( or
r,ny work in the electrical line.
swrk 01 trhni nd and untrimmed hal"
n the ilety "hap+N and styles for the
ce/uling nea"ou is now on view at my
nhow•r,Nrm, Hanlilfuon stt'eet. A call
trout the Ladies of birth town and
countt•y will, we trust, lie to drug•
nntu 1. intervent", for never hefule
'live w•e had x finer showing of the ex.
pnimit.e in millinery nutione, MISK
!.1MRRON,-,. --- - -. --
Finuty, March'L'nd. .%urtloll .-ale of (Arm
Lu•.k and ingden)entm, prrperry of Sam11ol
wullwaile HayyMild rewt, Oalemrh Inwnshif,;
nxalliessoutnofUulerich. Titm.ul's,f)
Movto.ty, Men•h G.:th. Aurlion sale of ferried
l.mck send impl.•n.ent.. p rty rat Juno.
W iue, mt let I.:, ,new em elon 2, w'o-t 11'aweno.h.
.Ian, two enlists from Nlie pddarflirn, ronr-
neneing lel 1 Oclock .hAtp Ttl(N•, t;C,N
BUY. murlintweee
To*:Atlav, Marchegh. Aerctiolmnleof fame
fork nivel liteplemonf+ vuperty of w'no. Hill,
,I bt a nor.. 2, w'ost��Awanaxh nomnlencing
t I u'ckp,, -harpy, THOS, Gt'NDR1-, nue.
w?.UNrAna9 April 3M. Auction mel. of
'reels. chattel. .net hour,hold farnitum.
�ropw p of Malrolvel ,,%fv('barty, .t lot x, cenrr.
1-111 0ilinsrne, fat the brick hared I. mnement -
ig al I Welre•k sharp. THI W. GUNDIt Y,
aro tonerr.
Tnt•n"nxv..April till. ANclio, sale of fnrm
laack amt in flPment.. propwiy of John Ilwl
uta IM 11, Inks tango, Ashfield. •THOM-Ao-a
I V N 1 alt 1', Aaef IraN•rr.
LF;AItIH1'E HALL. On M,amh l:ah, mf Ihr
r fttlho i m�la�iallwn•Aneeri wnrrer aandd (ektr
co., Fesall. Apia.. M• the lir,. Mr. Ordered is,
FTorenre FAIIII. fifth ,Inylrliver of Mr nrNi
tone. H. W. mil, Ualcrlch, inn l„ to tj.ury
1•enavrl, eldest aloe of Mr. AINI Mn. Henri
clearihnc, Toronto.
r EV A
F,F. r.. ro
lu r w
oA richt n
o M m
t !•
Manch pmh, AIr., Johu 1i'avrw, extent im
iAVS.-blOalerich, of; MAach lith, Kevin,
laalerl Inflant dugtllt_r of Mr. lad Mrs.
it. ('. i4Aya. mgrd I i day-.
11"NRKIt. Io Ualerieh. OnAtiuntm morn'
ing. Manch lint., t hail,. .italin Humber,
maid m, vemrs mood ,i unlut lest.
IItASKIt, AI FMyf�ld, en Sundry• M&rch
I7th, Milo Mary ►?amt,• aReA a1 yamrm,
As11'RKL1. At Hwftfeld, na Meemb., Martk
1n1h, Peter thnlplerell.
tORFIItT` bre'. Suddenly, on Alarrh ''''th,
Imntgla" ('Minton. man M Mr. rad Mrd.
f 3amrsw A. Itabettass. Uvdcrh b.' aged alghk