HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1907-3-14, Page 81
A ,
43 'rllcuolaAa, illnre•b I(, 1907
- — - — — _ _ ----. ._- _
LOCAL TOPICb IN BRIEF. I the rnlrire fur this tixceedinulN inter- I CHAFF. RAN
estippg nud prvutie:d ruuyN•litwill
Next Ktuulxy s Kt. Patrick's Ilay• l elost. un Match 2, 1II.
, 1. it a fact thgit flih Worship I:,,.1 +.0
President. Vice Prtolidaat. Geri I Dlatlagar:
John H. Chou le htturer this evening 'I --- -
ttnuch tot his dignity in running fur the
in Knox church, i THE (TRIM REAPER.
u►ayurally that hr pptotst glow to to
i get it luu•k at the rxpx•nsr of the ural
Tiro Menesetung Canoe Club it •gig•• _
ingxnathouuluthe club r,wrllr tit.; Rex
;,Puller,:' 1:
Sovereign Bank of Canada
\\'.1rl lou+ su Gu ndvxucwl al Ihr I Thr oleath of H6rls•u t Janes H.+x. 4)t'
Elkhorn, \Lan., wat-in-Law tit Thom.
4 rolatoly Ilii \\'orrhit, alts afoot
around Iltew lama, whru Ulan \IeGilli-
BnpNixt churl) that the Messr" \Ver- I' Weatherald. of Uoderieh', tcwk place
,ell ar•r placing the int-txl ceiling tills (at
cuddy used to go for then Mayto,.
Head Office, Toronto.
Mal dun hlucpital nu KunajNv, hail).
week. i
lintler. Alid old John nr(rr thought
ruary 'd1th. The de, -eased had an ,it.
Miss Cox will reopx-n her dressmaking j lark of ty Fahold Greece +uul
tot huiliog 1 hr oditut• l)ef„rt- the eoau•
1 -'il 1'.11- cnnten,pu
Capital Subscribed $.-1,Ul1U,000
ing eouuts at the told stand. \Neat tarn dvat- ,ell, with httal tr,ul,t.
i . -
.... _..... ...... ._
l'tlpitttl Fully hail :1,;if1K UUU
stawt, on next, and is pre I'I'lie doeeaar wax is successful farutti•
plot to t-eceive urfers. and heal lived in Elkhorn distfivt point•.,
Thi• \laver says Iola nt lull' ipo
right. in hi" line. Juhl: N'il+at .soille
Reserve Fund _ _.. . . 1 ,'!35,000
The regular sleeting of the l:rmle•ricla
1 IWI. Ile Naar forty-two veal's uf,ige
people h#lial In-ftole he av:ar elected.
Apsets over t .. A0
lodge of the Canadian Order of Ilouut•
I +end tl•aars, bradides his wiCl. three•
- -
.... .._ . _,),000,
Circles will I"• held in thr.Trinptraince
H,t11 atn Fl -u ay t-veuippg, Jl1ft•h;l:rt11.
young stopps, aged fourteen, tw•elae and
I beove,l yearn reaped;aela.
Pretty haul uu lhe Kut. roan it?I",
cutululred to R lieu. Of rOu,•M• every'•
Se:afia'th 1•:xloeitc,r : '1'heoidl(grtrul.
1 Golden.
i"sly knuwh The Signal's rtN,rlrr.
Intarest Credited Quarterly.
lural grouat•ls till G/alerich street, Ken•
forth, have laen purchaxeol by trul I.
1'horJralh INe,11YY'll' Ina '1'ialawandfo,
!'nk ado•dludo
thus - And McEwen, u( (itxlerirh, fur
N'. 1•., oto WedurMldy, Fobruary.:17til
I \Its. Charles Galea, &111ghtt, tot'
rho Maynr.anei r"":
It 'aiu dwl'1 mold your ax,,, uW ben.
I Iet1,'ull
B Goderich Branch.
1,1 r. :old \Its. \\'u,. I, Irunuld, tit.--
pot ,uu.lyour..huu.
- _
The weathut' for several days %%.I, 11'at-itk'mattt•t-t, li,Nleri, h. flog h.1111c
It's to Im• hulm•al Itis \Vtilsllip will
M4 m m . i
decide•tlly springlike anti tar warm sun
AW ,tl
Nva in FrnN;t-l. tout s%%',%%',a., oto rol
not pursue lite Andle touch foribei.
has t ken the snow ftotn the sordes
• xud put runners out of conimistrion.
visit ill To inwandn at Ino tfail„ til' her
I death. he hal lN•vit not i ied t h;.teen
tar it would IN- nlupost i13 pohhiia e r,'•
he •
The Dyeing Season !
Today it is nitrae wintaw -spring has
years and leaves a fauiiIv nt' t Ivo toys
lith.•.. lar I tditovid, to ha e
un ,
, 1
not yet quite arrived, •
and three Mid I-. Shen 6:Iln:lrrhttre
Clucl•:t flick a•luck-a.
Harvey Beattie has been committed
n committed
Mr. Mrs. Gaden l+.itl r1- uled n Kt.
IIIl)I)N- \v'7-ANUU1-I'i•:.
We do not refer to the Winter just papoh;ng away, I
by polio. Magistrate Huluher tut• trial
Thomas and Hamilton before moving
' but lap the fact that from now on through 11ur•h
by the county •judge till x charge of
theft. 1'hr accuwaliatn is that ha• ah-
tau Fenwick. Til. aviwsi,a weir
17'1 -ought to G000rirh and ,,,•1 a interred
To April is the season ashen nitast home 1/1'KIKIi is
done. We haat• :always ;n stork full lines ,if all
attracted 11111 from the- cash r1- inter in
h, Maitland` ce11let•rc, 1(e,, Jas,. A.
Anderson volulwlnt Irl, funrial
colors in
the Il:uruuw pf the King Edward
rwrrirrs. Thr dee,,,,.'d u:rs ill her
I16.ax Srt, I Pas leamd til read in
The lited ttot(irxl41tfrh aril a;c;n;l.
iavitetl to
thirta•-fifth ve ar. She is huevivetl by
four laoihees :Ind 1111'64• Sisters, Dalt.
Pltor laht ,A -k'. issue the Irttev front
y',a,i•c.R'e-loo l whuhign" Itiln.self,
air attend tar atp,ening lis-
play of spying and suuuurr millipp°1-y
pl.tet, )halouhu :feel .%ugu, and JlisseS
"A Fr;e•ud tot Ute Childreu," and think
it It uuP.f valgoide sugggest;can land at, -I'
ILL AtIibr Ikwtogh's hhowrrouu to, Silt-
utds Match "'inl ti acial •allenti
Anna. \Ilai•v Iliad Katy.
LaChance I
wool liv tar till- pocrjous consideration atf
nut will toe pl4.nsed to show Ihr '..Ituple ('aid•. '
>- I Ibe I, ,-.1l +olthurl(1e.. Asa readem
is directed too the ,lisplay of Hur\It-s. Sarah L:iChunt'c,"Grrlm•rlylintIle Old Land until two years :(g,-,' S, E. HICK CENTRAL DRUG STORE' ,
tailored bats. -- _--— - _---__-_—__—
Sarah McBride. atter sullet•i,g two, 1 fully'r')durseIlls rrluiu'ks its tit Ihr (:ttUl?I111 If, I)Vl,. .••
The following dumatitons fr, tilt- hos- year. 171-.1111 heart ta'uublr trod dropsy, cultianliun of mn>•iv in the p111.1i'• 1 Ar ep,all Tummy Wits xlNml to cliulh I hp.rla, I.•po nor never forgets! said a
pital have Iol gratefully receivedl de[ulrted fill. life un Soudan• eveoi„g w•hlois of 1Iritit in, where singing ;s .e •m —m m—w_-A Into hill chair lit the dinner table. his ' It-cimet., alter giving a graphic d.•
during tilt- week : Miss lsitlm•Ila John- alt the bnare of her lister, \ills. Leslie {aril til' tar ordinary currfrnlunl. an.t mother said- "Ali- ytinr hands cle.air,aisipha lint lit, of terrible aca t• hal
Ann, $111: Mrs. Carrick, gitiveries, $2, .. ('lll'lell, Brock hl uct.l. The flltlerill 111 utility sctii,tols Intama• In the e•letllrn- drxr f” • 1137 llrxr (flea' ace,' answ•W'P4l I wltne•sporvl. "I'd like t„ kit.,%% ,atiel'r
Dr. Holules! a load of wrNtd : Mr. trek phare fon, her late rv,oidence on uu'y ga-mie is uulght by the regular yr= - ____ _ Tunouy. -If you drin't I"•hevt• it look tlu•y ,it Its 'e•uI." remarked ,o, old Lula
Hick, a steel engraving ; Miss Ife•Ih Turwlay morning lit t+ IiehN k to Ihr staff ..t traifirn. 1 think that any If ' at the Wvel." I in tlSr audirnre, who is xlaa)'» mislay
a b:al't-ho,atd wed gulling pin : H+u'.1Id Kingsbridge ctiurc h, whirr alga u1",po dit7urt to prunu.fr the cultivation nt • • a Uh, my h'irnd" ! ll). re a1-,• porn,/• I int; In•r glasses. Till -nit..
Teyl togrletutingtint was ick, the
try Rev. Father \L'- ,hr gra,lItcr anti must d;ainr ell Grand Millinery Opening
.111 cern• crypt into 1'he Signal's
l'ormirk, Ihr rrutxinr Im•ing interrr,p would Im• a r•nr4lit to our town. ,Is acral - __ --- - __- -
tie mart of the Illeeting of the public ill the tiullily plot in the Itoulan asrouferriug a lasting lAella e. upon ----- .__-_-_-- _--
hcluwl loomed last week. It wu suterl Catholic reulerter%. 'I'll(- pullla•iki-em thl• r isinK geno•i.toion. Ahuosf every
that no action was takepp regatdinw w•efe y„s. Ualtun, F. 11e -Parlay, tole,; lot ill))• sire In F ligland had, its
Principal Tigert's application for an Michael Dean. .John U»Ilun and Mat- Irhon.l in' orchestral stairty. and 1 Saturday, March 23rd
Increased of waistry. Thr fact Il) that thew and Jerry O'C'onnor. 'rhe ale• , think yotot•ctol•lY-Nw)ntio•nt'sxuggestic,n, I EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL an inerearte of 81(10, making the salary evasoKt wits ill tier forty-sixth year, 1 if artt•t[ "Ion, would err is stow, toward, Anti fullo%%fog days. I 1
$1,0110 per annular, ,vas tmanimnurly and is survive it by ion only daughter. tilt- formation of such .eclectic” her,•, •
gran May, and Hve hrothrr'r and twosister..I which world tend to txcupy the spare I Wl'iH HYPOPHOSPHITES •
Mils L.a('Ilance wishe" to thank tilt- time- of out• young lw ople, keeping aloe sheaving of Easter and Suunu41t \lilliul-ry this I 11 ` .—j-
Dr. Harvey. the eye specialist. can inanv friends fur their kindriesA thele from wrote yuestirou»ble puttuit- season Will toeexcr Ititonfolly fine fondnf Hrat quality. — the 1N 1 t"Ilw at I hi,
explore minutely the whole interior of 1 •
tilt- human dive and detert the- .light- `luring her uwthrr's illness and also in :urd developing their mental and M•arou of Ihr yrxl. •
dint defect ; so if in doubt alout. yA,u,. comforting her in ber.great hear. physical plower" accnnfingly. ,i'h:ulk Puce, luug•xtanding.-Cold.,und tone, np Cl,o• system, thereby pit•-
si ht it would la• toll to kill's trf', Wilolalt. ikig you in iNrtici[uatiun, I y al sir, venting x furtherhttarl. Large IforUlt-s 500.
K y rum's obediently.L MRS. H. PARK K K
sharer u[ .!wing him. Cully ialit'iy Much syllgaathy ha, been aloui:ed 1. W. Horsl,.aanrlt. A
fere tot Humlx•r'a Ito rturdi. by tilt- sad #total suddl-a+ death air little G,"Irr;cIl, NatY•h 111,,1, 111117.
, March Iltth to'.'nd. Iloutro, 10 to 1L', %,run» Wii,cal, daughl,•e tof \i1-. and
3wivlirbyxppointuent. slit., All,•r1 lis \se'.11 , of Sftford.ge,it L.- MARINE NEWS. chief engineer.S. Bripollinr BLACK CHERRY COUGH BALSAM
Oliver P. St. John of Toronto, nor Shoe ya"ia,, unit• Ctiurte,•n years o[+Ige, a PER50NAL..MENTION.
K girl u,t. IN• Ionia to "' Sardonic-CJaphain. A. 1-,. calliplwil:
of the stakff tot the iter Inspection clever- vatut' j o K 1,17 --ties-, of Tonrntu, ;.n Kuc,t nrthe tc 1 Steamer Tuttle Sold. chief eogineer. H. Myler. li t'ut• 25 el IN,tttr.
and lnsunwce Co. of l:uuula, aa'xs in show Ihr pnnu;se of n lot ighl cold tow• dcnrcutJ,I,IKrHolt. Windsor, Match 0.- Captain H. \\, Mnjrstir l'nptxin. A. M. Wright : I le' ii.u.uil ,I t _ c p
town this week valuing tilt- plant ,of fill life. Sar Pas a tllelli erof Klltox ( 'm"..lou. W. yhn,,tt" len today fair »vi,it Baker was the puirhttsrr atf the little eburf enunrrrr. Jaunts I'nvur. I
the H,tonts Mfg. Co. under ire has'th po,botoir, if,tlahrxi[y Sud shown ,T;thfrf.•rid. Ili Tuamotu. "teapptee If. 117. Tuttle lit ['failed States topple - -Captait, R. J: Mcfuly1'e: H. C. DUNLOP
tions turn the Coven council He has the pw,M•x,iou of unetiuuu•ni cticRl Mi. Alm, culdtf;orw ha. laen viatingat , r
reported to the council and the matter prrwers, havim; on several oc'.14rhl,lt li,klt 1f-1•,Pbt two ideal uuirmhal's sale yesterday at nowt, pay- chief engineer, W. Whiplas.
will color up at the regular meeting of sung ill poldtr anti living holed upon tart Ivor eatnturn,•d sur week from it two ing th'_',:iun for the twat. ('still. Baker GPtuuulic ('apurin. \\'. (:. l ars :, ^ Ill.ui , u:i, til," is Iltu ,.,,t -t. 1:, 1,i.,:n il.
KlY•k: ,'reit with relative- at 5nuthamptorl. will put the Tuttle in dryduek and ie. chief enginet•r, .),poll Aston.
Ihr council tomorrow night as tont- who promised to dratilep into Mf.. kisie,lilLep retnrn,vt Ia.t week after calk it, and will alar double the uuu,. C'ily of Midland Captain. F. M,dem
All the members n[ tat- Collegiate x IlI";Ihant mnhrist. She aaaas taken ill .,. ultra, x riwnth vl.rt.nK triton . in Hcn.all r- --
Institute tx,itni, with the exception of uq Thurauay lust of cert-bro-spinal aatd toicildir [jet- tot' deck IN'ame. He will will the chief enginet•r, F. i ur[;rap.
Judge Holt, were ppvesent at the legit- int-ninpitlm land ill spite of all that loin. H. W. Thumsun ;.nal fainly len tai• stenu,et• tit, opens it in generat trade. C'fty tot }1 ,ndsnr- l :(plain, \1'11c -
lar. meeting [mt Thulr.day. It IV t - aided ical skill could Ito site sur-cuu,hxal to nherrNsx, torn two wtvk. , a.it with relxttat•.. St. I..awn . and Chicago Navigation Lea : chief ongine•rr. M. Johnston.tThe Latest Modes
the disearu• un Sunday. 'file funeral ,.t TO,ainbultr• '' Co. City of Toronto -- C'xptatin, i>aul
tided to pill n wroud-hind Itt•nn Ih•poule : chief engineer, ./. HLu k. 'N
Gook )lace veste All ' aftrru,N,n l0 1,11.. Tenn )1C lauoan ha. rotonoed 'from
ington typewriter, offered by G. M. I I > Tmvnto, wie e.ne win .tnal,";ng at etc too. Thr St. Lxw'teucr k Chicago Stenon T,uloumxc Captain. S. hill :chief '
Elliott for $40, and the following :ac- Maitland r•roleten. Ret'. ,l As. A. ,cr„tory of Nu•ir. Navigation Co., Liuliled, has Wade I
Anderson condurtin the'wt•vieeN rind Mr and Mrs. Noble Smith, who bA,.,INet, tar follnw•ing appwi,tellPnts fur next engineer. J. (i. Fisher. L D' E HEA ®WEA R
ectri were pr:asrt•1.: John Vule Iter. K 17:,,.1 ("'soul” IJule. left yesterday on.Weir a1- Britannit - Captain, - --- : chief
electric t. $1.g, $cudi. ilwvu. Parr, the• [Rost"•:toe,. la•mu J ill ThoO1 turn to wurniped. seaman : engineer. J. Myler.
71k., light. $1.10; Jas. Rilaon, earn,;_ wan, Bumx,llpptherford, \\'iI1 Txylur. Steamer \\. !), lllltrewm--J:tule•a for SPRING used SUMIVCER will b1- on view at
Mics Robert.. of SUntfatl,t. wa. Ino off prior of
vales 111:7.70, Walter Mitchell, J. E pot .Itonixn xud Ihr M, -ti•• t uw.rm, tiueb,•c .trYOt, tar n taw FWilet, master; E. G. O'1►rll, duet h aaeaicl t oupbt, like t(t take their, i
\Vin 11e1:aaut. rhe enennl sync day.u,e Pl.twrek. ell inreP'• MISS DONOGH'S SHOWROOMS
A little I"ok containing a M•rie-m tot g 1 K , fruit, ,t aloon.
views in and mond Kahkaton, Sask., pithy of the I"•( ple of the town »lid Judge Ilon aa- a1 rstmZfaird tariff St. Mar). Steamer I,Ym{uoi"-\\. 11. \Vright, Art• yon .torr, that little toy n1-
cu•in,ly -in the sad event whs,hnw„ hest week huldmK Uw,.ia l'ou't for Jude Iuxxter; R'n,. HArwlrrml, chief en- girl
reached the editu,x table thin \\'take Roans•., .,ho, wan Ili ) K 1)t vital) -,i going tat M'IIINII tN tiat .V mall fa+ to,
Redford turn k on
by the arty Inrge ntttndnuc,• nt thdi gmeer.
It was sent by J. 1). Jhndiadl: fomerh \\'ill Joha- luu,lwrr rurn•hnnl of Wm111 mixy h•>1ppo :full complains ,If hradaclle,
Of town. who we understand in now fnner,l. The nlrnrl"•rs of Ihr cl+t"po in SteamerAlgonyuits John Willinu,e, SATURDAY MARCH 23.
an: quo, 1. v1.IW:r hit roctoria trtown, Mr• hiliuuSurNa. ole„ i. not mnlTeriD
engaged in INon,ing Sxskatcheta'an aura church Sunday school of tchic h an: Mn. J. H. wun.il. vlvrm7t potrr,ct. nta"fer ; Charles Itubt•Msun, chief ell- t, iron, t
Vernix wit, n nt"Intwo wen• resent in HenryJuhn.lun left fur rhe t1'e.t till, natural. gineer. eyu•mtrain ? Make sun• by consult- ,
real estate. The little look ptrx'Ixi,ux J' inol_wer „a,,.tt len ) ill 1►r. ifa r e• tar ear . N•rialiat, ,t The ladies of Godench and vle+nrt a1- coidialt Invited I .v d ;ns t t tit s
Saskatoon a1- the rxilNity centric #old ,1 family to hid the two
farewell t.. Ulric Ira d. Ill 1,1x. sod Nn• Stexulri HiradRlr•-I . .1: Shaw, K y I J Y i Ix
enulrxde. The drpurtt,l one was the 1-n„". Juno.tun. Iinron renal ttu 1Pk-t nrmtUl• mxNtrr : Wallace Itt)Iertnrnl, chief 1-n. Hutola•,
un's jrwt•h v sUne, Inn. opxniy display.
the coming commercial metropolis apt will Gab -.xi, formerly aif 1,wowcl. len m, day, T,esdny, Weiduesdav, I'hunxlxy
Western Canala, Road as -the most ,tally' Il,/llgtitr,' /,f Mr. 4#1141 Mrs.wilson will Gibson
for the wc.t after .6itiriK l)1. refs 9In"l'• Or Friday tot next week. italtr, ni ho Fine Tailored Hats 13edtord Block,
I, %cull e1- brut live survives het. The tress Ir, and Mm: J. A. l'owter, for Af.,w The tyro my has as slew• ste.ullef a specialty. N L DONOGH Gerd Bl.
progtrraive city in Ihr world." put and othei:relative, art. jAined 'I•') •• nndrr cunntenrtion that will IN• the I^ to 3, lir by appointment. N. L. r
The buys are glad- a a1- Happy m their urtou it. vl by all who anew cap Mn. tt'eslaiby, who anal tsar" vinitini her Ixrgest in ('anaal,a. Her 4'nP:u•ity will --- _ - -- ^--^ _—.
Ha)lignn" out again after x c4)nHtrc- Ihr gnat Ieernveulrut Which the • "''tiler, >Ir-, m. rex. Pat. I'mlrick. stevet, for Ix 111,11.) tons, Rud Ix•r -_-_ _--
Intent of several days in the cual4"h. y t w" neon, it-, ha. returned to htr nun a al Mit,-11414,f feYnu •
haat susutiniil• ep•atadia, twelve ter fourteen ulilem lorr Kapur.
uI-the ductus. rson;py s one (if t l Mi-. Ikntt"rn Out. relurnad fmm :I vi,it "f She is to Ire it hulk Leight ent•rirr,
alias 0. Lionel P,arsuns--aaxmone• of tae Pr .-%o l wee,., with relati,es pot Not.hadle. ,trial will Ile placed on the (irtat leak"
characters in costuute at the carnival Flom Thr .New Westmiustee tH.l+.l l Tenn. tri. It.,. w.'t home,hl- nulrte In11f .rat,'. route. rppnnfnK, chs ).. from Futt
4)n Thursday night, and he Irma the News we take the f.1lluaving retort of at Ir<tcult and Tmoauo. ppar• 1 - Lelt
-__ _ -- --__- __-
thedrathufa5,ruutn'sfdefat cap this t'tarenrrapralu o. whohnslgenon glue sulk \Villiam to Bnttalu. Thr• l'appa'lI'"' COURT HOUSE PHONENta
yyr1 - - ..s- _ -,1
miNtorUme, dotting one of his px•rfnrn'- II,t ams i ::risnlla., i. now +oale to w'file ant, tial buiklin l'o., 4)f ill id sane alt
ulcea ton the ice, Lu fill, with nntothr,. town : He tin. typal .lafrel'floor frean n runAown , undi- doing tilt- Rork. and it Is expected e s l 317 iroan on top of Sin). The Iwmnit N». » FChnticr i n ttv dirt ut,hia tcsfdt•nce, tion, bat ie now raixaungstn•"K"''that Ulo 1:wurhing will Im xlmntt mad• SQUARE. _ - , r f 25dislocation of the shoulder and it • K th va•enuc, February •:0 aged Hear)- Murtle.of 1-o)al, left inlay fnr Tor- _______ _- _ ._ _ _"""Seventy-el 'a onto, to atter l lbe annmd nas•toK of the hlmnue,•. LC lMPO--- GODa>/v _J
fracture of the collarbone. Kitt yield \t r. 1 ell ry wmm kit fill L,mt \\
-- Ixrrn tot t\'inH61d I'oliewe. Suffolk, c-'• A, n. I', to e He f -,t dVICU.Ie Northern Navigation Co.
turn 1,Lyr1at Leaf h.mlKc, lildorh•h,
CHURCH NOTES. England, May Irl. Irl!), 1e. I!k/I. in Mr. ,trial Jfr, Will Green. of fact of. lost(. 9'hr Nottheru N:av;g+Ilion ('at. has t
couq"any with his rtiumin. the IAW toe,ul•r,ItinKthclatternnmrher.Mr•.ikdf"et. x,rl"rinted uRlce" xs follow, fnrlhe
Rev. W. H. GrahAm, of ViCtfiri:a 1ell+at0r Hol -ed, of ih-Ile-Ville, Ililt.. they Mr. (;m•n returned boil,., on 7'ne,day. 'Ma rtoming seoson :
crone to Canada. 11, 1w)2., he await 1,1rr.(lrw-u will remain in town (tor of ,.duple of Ilnronic Captain. It. 1). Fuot4. :
sermt church, preached e•dt Metho. w'"".Our
dist, aur , Alin tum street Mrlho• married it Ann, the• dalghlrr of TWO March ls■
R Nbn.. T. Wil.en. of Hewe Iu0r,t. N. Ir., left Specia
.IoM r
dist, r h Heuvc :
h t chorea r 4) ti k Ind 1- m -dolt
U nd last r x 1 1 hlt-r of tar h nn
p .. dry. F K K b failure Inst week aft. -t- - "•manse n temple
lire. B. 1'Irwent occupied M1•. Gr»• Col. liidl, #flet a'hluu IA•Ileville w:,m 1-f tomb. al.funK mend••, in u"+urge. 1,1 r. r
nnl11ed. lit It17.• ht• lnnved tap (i.mle. wfhn, .IX-ul a aeek In GamleHeh, the Kur.l of
haul's pulpit here• hi+trial,,(... Mr.Itrml Mr. John L. Aitken.
rich, Ont., where he resided until ]Bell Grant two y
Iter. W. Betty of Se•nfoth. will Boyd nerd ML++Ma Ikq"d. wan roma
1y Ili -to Ile raml• fn New Westuill,ter. Imamc front Tur.ontn Ia-1 week on " on '. l ,1-f
give a leo, e. in the school, arerml a [le haul Print- --hilth en, two (of w-hnul their halhcl'. spHmr. tunes., Ira• a rl:t#rnrll to
M1, (itY,l'ge'" (•IIIIFrh. laude's the the, it). Mr. Boyd Im•a,g naw aiq Ino way to
auspices of tele A. i . P. A.. oil Turm- a!'' 'lo'il'1• 'I'1't` apll,rr" at'' C. h• r.."a,,I> )n Loy lbyd, o, Iharult, I. an lRain OUR two big special features for March are the Sample Whitewear
dna evening next, rrannnencleg 'at A f,!etty'• toe Ifni .It'r•r : i'. w, t'i'n'• and Lace and Embroider sales. 'Stocks and values for both are
iclock. 'There will h". a sliver col. fare
of Ittonhl:and i F. H. 1'rr•lly, ni '1'l), 1 ei,enaY of Tolronln ,em.c.lo, k i, y
Pt-titkion : At'thnr P,etta•. of L:ikelst- below revi+ (I bv. r"rnanler• cm,opr,iaK np. good enough to bring us the biggest business in these departments we
let•tiun at the dao. -111 ntr invtlt tl. w• utnrr,"cs front that v arioe, enllelre,amt fair g
Minim nut., ape r.,ntdnn, i" traini, Jlnlchp,"• Skernn ;and laser d,4)git- uhir.. %Y.. mane that Ge",l.ev !: Halt M have any record of. The finer embroidery specials are well worth see -
"I tet:,, 311Y..f.. W..11allurv. Valw'.tn'r•r ; a.. ,on n, J,o1K•• Huh.,, the nrpre-cnh>lire
theme,tlm•tYa riLNorth rUry-t Method- fir,.+ 1l,'ll 11,h111"I,,:, o.f till, a;cv, fnu,Trimtvonthccrnlndife.. Coats •ing even if you do not want a yard. Come and see them. We ll
dist Sundnv scIl.sd in pn•pxnatatil for and arim. stella, ..i \',Im'atli.er'. itis aa'ral, sacs, 1-•d t:1- .e a:earg.• ar.heN,tl out be glad to show tt.em whether you wish to' buy or not.
nn entertainment to la• given fill widow, ot4..I ,e%,Ilr a -six, still ,111 t'Iyl•r, again Ahern . Tcre nttark W the Kraft. He Y
I:a t•r Inndaly" ltl ht. .\lass nut K was k,`,'1 III the isle fool. ,Maul n toroth ,m
K % hUu. He wxr,cnu•u11"•r of lhr•('hureh Irk.trnlrrtinaneu"snt fnra nian n(.w•h r'e-fk•.. in laiti,• 1,111116,•1, have
cokilen highly recommended, and n of ElIgiaud, food i, politic•., x Consl•r• M'u,ltl,• s- 1,117 Aehe.nn. I10%,ev, r M• I. at just. nrrivrtl. The very
IIV hilt"' e11)Atxinnlepp, is booked fol' UgmI1,K to bn.ingt wit, Mi .rcq.tml,nl 1.%.rI,;Wr NTYLp;.+,direct The Whitewear.
vmtv''' rnerK,. alsl lnnkinit up furan-, tour r
by U,osr wan xtr acgnniuu d with her - _ front the makers. All
aa•atl'k, Thos. Moffatt, and hl) racer. Mi_ \,•Ili, AIles.
n. H..ri.. hdl on •n,crla)' nfl,.At mul fool. Ih•w.r, \ very '-heap '.
1'tie annual servile fool, sxilo► , ,gild E%}ne P^ ' P, roll h Ofe lana. nri rrledn, trn'•n,y,h,• r houac with Mr. Burets rant mat fmm rhe invnirr of Ihr s:uuples the 'ntr mrllin hitt 1-u gigs %oto Iola of , hnicr. p:vory •xrmrnt
tl-hrunl n will I" hr ld at Knnat t huraul Kee.... ' .I#-. ..\..Ill), k. N'. n1-, MrITy to
totalled uenrlyt the even lhnusand doth,-,. Tax a r+ton le rful each in unit kid nlwut rnlc•t,inl les.
Alva Ettison. taw "elprfsisal tvizan{ '• IrSe.toeh i•i.Y•I"all sortui.l. find u.•y ,all lmr . ywulfity takes n lot of scltin , and althmi h we than Ihr rice it wits made to retail n(. 'I't 1-'f
next Sunday ea't•ninK. Tilt, st-rvir.r• of I was horn in the fitfb town nt Malan. hi•snl,mn,nK then wend•: N 4. ,"1,. K K P 1 1 aM
song will Im• led by n w;dc thole under wmr Many t1- oar rowm`auuI,• in wi.lim" „ • 50 TO $, 2.50 I hnlit• hal A nig anilines there f, vnriely enough
tar direct ion of ill, organi't rind the Ohio. of (apad,nn parentFi. At thin u..•m „ l-he.,nnnt .1 q' in W1- r new h a1-„•.
- order of th-• ino,n:d se•tyire will 1%.: l time Plectrieity waa known. but known E'. e'. llrault k In",a-Kto.tnwn rear, t:l... Ian. I Gowns Corset Covers House Dresses
Organ oRertrnc. Ktiste ; hymn ?. rather aid s thing to fear than ap a tavinK remelt Mr. Wallis' new holl.e ate.
rhino to use. At the of 1$ ynnn `1e'e''a 'lY,r. Mr. Hr.oR. ll auxin 1-r,„,' i Skirts Dressing Sacques Children's Underwear
tlynlll ilii; Latin ; h, x1111 011, : ""gold, t g sent'""'Ili. Llnyd•Thur„ a-ma 'All,,(,". 1,11-1..
•'(•+tnralna,” \\'.1I,,4.nhodlur.: tivnut Edison became a railroad aPNphCiJ. 'rwonto,[fail%%mthird,An, lhep:hnlraf'nrnituro Chllldren S Dresses
and began in hip spare fhomentot to a'e. hid.. and ,1-,.e. here A. one, of the
' :,111 ; urpjian, Maf•, h \'i,•unn," Iltotrhl-ltr• ma"'W""reht "if flit• ""'.1feh aa'beel"Itis, 4',•.. \Ver ulna luwe R Ili App , 1-h' til' '
experiment in chemistry. Aainin that K I I
The first a,nive•i,:u v of Ihr d"(111 -a• Q Ltd. The waist hl.. I vr. tin. r. o, yet r Brandt 1.
I'..n h suet n ' pe. i 'oil low enough In , aka it a genuine hargain.
en hill ce right of selling newapaperp n •ole. hen rim al"nhr. now ill M1. I.- mu f. 'i
Ilan 'oft"" new Noe'lll stir -lit ,114-01-1- Silapo his lane, and LY+m;nR intei pnppep_ time, •unN• nrn4)rlrrnmro will .berth tai made. \
dist I -11111 -1 -to will Im• el-lrbr't•,I on Sun• lien of some old tyle. he began edit: J. ofe ley wiI. 1..", of Jona Wil.nrt, tbf Purple
d:av lural. Ile, Vio% lis 1lnwmnll, ,of IaKllr town -hal.. was 1.Ieully, reeltrrr•.I rest. u 1-p 1 e Laces and Embroideries. "
AVinghaar, pill Hale ,fid elan cent !ng and publishing a Jasper of Sia n
r7e we. tray of lira . fnr Irtoron ennui), Mich.,
I The Grand True.Herald, the Brat: ahk•h ,-Mee he look. held hr„ the )wit rotor
Iornh sarr, will ifit,# Ihr pulpit At newppaper to he printed nn n train. )••..•.. At takT,evw stern hi. n'.I.H"' was
wth rewire,. rhe•re will Ile s "•vial ,1"111,10 that .d til.eh,poe.l "1 N•em. iind the,. • We do rapt exaggerate when we say that than- i uxlitieN, q•ing in tato-s(ol" Irl•: nud dfief-1,
1 A rtationmafter hprame Interpolated in S" 1
music, x1- Collnw" : Morning- nnlhen,, Ken•x0veml runnlnor for t le am, \t.. nn• Mania" nt )•aid" are on nut• counters tables pot It•olu the• utak •. make. this pNN,siN,'.
the boy, and taught him telegraphy. n+tae-,d t" a„qe the :.,h„n men, "r„ rnn",•r Ties pricem away Imlow those lu,uAily' paid for hili iLu' I Von can bit) -
\Vol Sing plain -wing, 1If Uu' It wool Edirtl initiation inks 1 nedArnt r! n,,, emu nnrtdt) .h., ha I.N•anrl
hxlher.” Evening--,tnlhena. "lireat ner:or the Mrrdrl. SIr. VIA 11-11 b a inq-in or
and Marvellous." Evesnth •My lir- mypteriea of Piprtnrity. He expxri- Mc,.J L. Ahkela. Hurt", in"d Laces at C
land and My lxn.l" tHurkl. .At I." mentedpwith the machine anti with - Iry STRINGS, 3 Laces and Embroideries at 7l-
aha wonderful fluid, and pnnn Fine• A plea g FOUR-IN-HAND`; Laces and Embroideries at 5c Laces and Embroideries at roc
Blown : xn -ings, reams Let I's.lo[,," p icrxs of thinking ruIlhrr h•om
S ectal offer .a1-• masked to x o d to, MedM ;n prndue;ng an automatic re- whe.11 h:t-, Iaen inaruttA. Corset -Cover Embroideries at 25c, 35c and 50C.
I K. 11) ppatPr by w•hich'mespag(la eavuld le and F'IIFFS.
the cues of the lrpnits made net rssary penf from nne w;re to another with- You naafi tlrive• a inan tit. it l'.eoeg,e
by the storm of a few weeks ago, the nut the intenpntinn' of the nperafore Ifh1•xrc, huE yaps i'ann4)t intake- hien
expenditure e. (onpe the rely humtting plant, flip next ;nvpntion. pprtprte.l whila think. at 25c rind 50 . Hand -Made Torchon Laces:
and otherexpenM•r. he wap an operAtnr At Ito -ton, wap if lard great difl{culty to seta ix the
To Improve Our Earth Roadol. Sia pyptem of duplex feleprraphy' That rexoulr of vataraets Joshing. 111-..1iar•
qundruplpx and• pettfaplex Fiyottenrp vey, till• eve spevialist, east tell yon: A tittle mhipun•nt of genuine hand•uulde tor• with im w)•hrl (10A •ond via will )Ihld pal t, i i
In 4)1114.1 to "tart a trlovenwnt to life- follower[ later. Tn IP71 hP inventod if fill(, ra"e your• rrlihtiJ. ('nn"nllation chat') laces and ina•rtionm lap in alrh. They x1.41 new nnol val,nxl granite
parrs Ihr rendition of earth loots in the printing tPlograpph. nr the hrnkoor'a free• from 11at•ch I"th to 'L)nd, at airy nice goNmla,unl opo,tI1J {lane to get.' Thln lot I
tfnutriea. "rhe Faruler'. Adv,m'ale." i') tieker." and Pptablifthed a wnrkahnp Ifnttlla•t•'m.f.iweRt'y stirl'a•. CALL EARLY .
, ,•n-toperation with the P')Idic Woo -kit I at Newark fnr the mannfolmilra rot t
Department ,if tho- flradal (i,vr•,.n-'these instnimentt,. Hit, invemfiye fa- —" --- __ The Finer Embroideries.
,rent• is apQ-•rinK $1,01 in prizem fen• the eultJea now gni full plat•. anti he turn
I"mt n•sonx filen, a a•a,on'm firm• tof Ihr ed nut nue mc•entien atter annthoir ill ` ` r , t and get ,t Rnewl choice.
fnrxpent,ire inTlere,Ir r•alleal tat- quack pid the
Hit, tial of phnll 1 .1` I I'aI 1 ievor such a hat of dainty eMhroiderles oil Our Counters as tlln5(1 horn to -da mplit•hrK drag. 1'henlnri twit M•la of inrindet, Ihr mpgaphnne, .the phrn,n I I
prizrs, cone fur the La"tern ,,fill one- graph, the carbon telephone ,rano ACTIVE AGENT Fvery yard imllOrted direct f'rum the makers in tit. Gall, tiwitrerland, where tale
(n1- the t. prize
part h the Province, miller, the ;nrandfiriet light, Ihr world's beat embroideries are made. Prices are reasonable I)ecanPo of this /jirect
isc flirt prize i. exalt cowl fs $Ili. tk;ne varicorimber if ion hlrgit me- Ito w•II Ilii lu, i binning. Imertionm and lace9, many atterlls from the narrowest to the mideAt.
S ere. prize it- i and third prim. o 1, I hrmit se. a way mr cif impHim invon- RE6.BUCK pplhrtxi is no tee• to rn4ir, nand Ihr eon- (A atapl railwq mnMrp hit, inten- MiNiNG STOCKAll over en►broidrries, corset cover emhmitlerieA, matched AetA. EmLroideriefa Rvlt-
ditiunsxtw vet•y -;m sir. The jurlKingg tinny total over Ore hntrdred. not
be done try A. W. CA pp, ,hell, (Jd1J sit thea► Ill a gnarloor roofer fn fele able for any purpose, a collection such as you al'C Bot likely to fillll. in any store
rla,Pads C'nuinrlAmlorler. Fullet' partici (lraphy. ;n Gf,del1ch and %winity.
dropping THF; 4 -All -OR. i anywhere near here.
ulane ms)r 11-(• htwinexl by a Aold,rpx ffirmediatrl I • •
r Ma1•rl to "The N"M•tnerm Advocidwo." Nothing ;s trnubleaume that Ne do - y'
Landon. Onf. We Pnight ,add ,that willingh'' BOA H:t, '1UNUNTO. I
0 -